#celebrate yule
indiegirlcrystals · 11 months
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backroad-life · 9 months
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Cottage Holiday Lights
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d-llahanspade · 9 months
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Merry Crisis, Wenclair truthers.
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
Sirius was in the middle of taping a dung bomb underneath a desk in Flitwick's empty classroom when Peter spoke.
"You going home for the holidays?"
Sirius easily slid out from under the desk, folding his arms on the top as he glanced over to Peter, "Nah. I'll probably go to James' instead. See how long it takes them to come drag me back themselves instead of sending that wretched Kreature."
Peter nodded, "I might come join you, Mum's place is always packed during winter."
Sirius grinned, "Brilliant", he climbed over the table and jumped off it, "We can spend Yule together."
Peter smiled back, "Yeah. The Potter's made you your own guest room right?"
"Oh, I forgot you haven't seen it! It's much cooler than my room at Grimmauld Place."
"Oh, no naked women?"
Sirius laughed, "Absolutely not. Maybe I want my mother to have a fit, but definitely not Mia. But Monty got me these proper band posters and there's this huge Queen one over my bed, and last summer when I flooed to the Potter's, me and James stole this traffic cone so that's in there. Oh, and Mia met me in Camden as well and she got me all these muggle clothes and Marlene built me a cupboard to put it all in."
"It sounds nice, can't wait to see it."
Sirius grabbed Peter's hand to drag him to the next classroom, "Merlin, neither can I. And you can borrow any of it, of course. I actually got a guitar for when you come over."
"You got a guitar? What kind?"
Sirius shrugged, "Fender Strat, I think. You'll play it right? I love hearing you play."
Peter beamed, "Course, I will."
Sirius tousled Peter's hair before glancing at his bag of dung bombs, "Only got a few left", he sighed.
Peter held his hand out, "Pass them here, I was thinking if we put them on the doors instead and leave them open then the smell would reach to a further distance."
Sirius instantly perked up, grabbing Peter's face and quickly giving him a kiss before turning to the windows, "Make sure all the windows are shut as well!"
Peter, cheeks still bright red, walked over to shut the remaining open windows.
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tygerland · 10 months
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Eva Green 2014, by Julia Fullerton-Batte.
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luminarai · 10 months
Between 2017-2022 the Gävle goat has only burned down once, at one point reaching an unprecedented four year survival streak (prior to this, it had only managed a maximum of two years in a row), and well. I’m not saying that the world needs more ritualistic sacrifices of large flammable icons to appease and balance the unknown forces of good and evil in the world, I’m just saying that it wouldn’t hurt to try, you know?
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minty-mumbles · 9 months
What an excellent day to remember that trans women are people and trans men are people and nonbinary people are people, and all of them deserve bodily autonomy, human rights, and love
Peace and love on planet earth 🥰
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desceros · 9 months
Mini prompt idea: Turtle of your choice and holiday traditions/traditions in general.
Raph wonders if you know.
You've been standing under that fucking mistletoe for, like, ten minutes. Luckily, nothing has come of it—though that may be because of how intensely he glares at anyone who comes within an inch of touching you. But then you turn and look at him, smiling and giving him a tiny little wave with that cute tilt of your head, like you're inviting him to come closer even though he has no business being at this stupid party.
Yeah. Just like that, he thinks, seeing you raise your hand and curl your pointer finger, beckoning him close. Stupid, stupid, stupid, he obeys. Coming close until you're tiny in front of him, neck craned back, face open and bright as you laugh and tug on one of his straps, pulling him closer still.
...God. He might actually die.
"You've been staring at me," you accuse fondly, and he tries to swallow past the butterflies in his stomach.
"Not you," he protests, his voice quiet and sullen to his own hearing. Ugh. He is such a loser—
Blinking in surprise, you look over your shoulder. "Oh. Then who?"
Irritated, overstimulated from too many people, smelling your perfume, he rubs a hand over his face roughly. "You—You don't see it?"
"...See what?"
"Look up, dumb dumb."
Obediently, you tilt your head back, and—"...Oh."
"Yeah. Oh." He looks away, wondering if the window just over there opens and if it's big enough for his shell so he can get the fuck out of here to where he can breathe a bit better.
A moot question, as he feels your hand reach out, resting softly on his plastron, one finger snagging on the same strap you'd pulled earlier, bringing him in closer, closer, closer, close enough that he can see the way your eyes sparkle in the string lights.
"Well? What are you waiting for, then?" you ask, lips curling into an expectant, inviting smile, and—
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enchantedwitchling · 9 months
Embracing the Magic of Yule: A Witch's Guide to Celebrating the Winter Solstice
As the winter solstice approaches, the veil between worlds thins, inviting us into the enchanting realm of Yule. This sacred time, celebrated by witches and pagans, heralds the rebirth of the sun, the return of light, and the promise of new beginnings. Let's explore the essence of Yule, how witches honor this festival, rituals, spells, and the myriad wonders associated with this magical season.
What is Yule?
Yule marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, a celestial event celebrating the sun's return and the triumph of light over darkness. It symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and the turning of the wheel of the year.
How Do Witches Celebrate Yule?
Witches honor Yule with joyous celebrations, rituals, and traditions steeped in ancient lore. They decorate their altars and homes with evergreen boughs, holly, mistletoe, and candles to welcome the returning light.
Rituals and Spells for Yule
🕯️ Yule Log Ceremony: Carving intentions into a Yule log and burning it symbolizes releasing the old and inviting the new.
🌲 Nature Walks: Connect with nature and the dormant Earth. Collect fallen evergreen branches for decorations.
🔮 Divination Rituals: Perform divination to gain insight into the upcoming year's energies and opportunities.
🕯️ Candle Magic: Light candles in colors symbolizing intentions—gold for prosperity, red for courage, and green for growth.
Yule and Sacred Symbols
✨ The Wheel of the Year: Symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, the wheel turns to the winter solstice, marking the beginning of the solar year.
🌞 The Sun: An emblem of hope and vitality, the return of the sun is celebrated with gratitude and reverence.
Other Yuletide Traditions
🎶 Feasting and Merriment: Share meals with loved ones, celebrating abundance and kinship.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange gifts as tokens of love and appreciation, reflecting the spirit of generosity.
Yule is a time of introspection, gratitude, and setting intentions for the coming year. Whether you're performing rituals, casting spells, or simply embracing the magic of the season, Yule offers an opportunity to connect deeply with the natural rhythms of life. As we honor the returning light, let us kindle the flame of hope within our hearts, celebrating the resilience of the human spirit and the everlasting cycle of life.
May your Yule be blessed with warmth, joy, and the abundance of the season.
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rocksanddeadflowers · 9 months
It's the winter solstice today so I am again thinking about Lyfrassir celebrating Yule on the Aurora to try and keep Yggdrasilian traditions alive. Hanging up spmistletoe (space mistletoe) or spcedar (space cedar) etc to bring in greenery, or cooking a large traditional feast, maybe they request Marius and other willing mechs to preform Yule carols.
I think specifically Marius would have many feelings about Lyfrassir celebrating Yule, not just bc of the violinspector thing but bc the lore I picked up, Marius is Space German, so he presumably had a variation of Yule in his past. (Also the fanon(?) idea of Marius having written The Wassailant album in his universe, like the Kofi Young album, is chef's kiss btw.)
Just.... Lyf emotionally rambling on about the celebrations they grew up with while Marius teaches them to make Thomas Wheel breads bc he may block out much from his past but he somehow remembered this and it means so much to Lyf that he may as well.
I want the others trying to help the holiday spirit. I want Tim to tell Marius that this is just like Christmas and he should definitely kiss Lyf under the mistletoe bc it's tradition and he rants about Santa Clause bc what do you mean you guys didn't have that? I want Brian to bake gingerbread cookies shaped like octokittens. Raphaella flying around hanging up decor and occasionally scooping up Jonny and forcing him to help (he acts way more upset over it than he actually is). I want the Toy Soldier being compared to nutcrackers but it actually ends up playing Mari Lwyd which, while being mainly Welsh it's close enough and its absolutely lovingly terrifying. Ashes insists on a Yule Log that's an entire tree (Lyf explains that's just an exaggeration or myth but also won't kill their fun). Nastya and Aurora shift the day-night lighting cycles to feel as close to a Midgard winter as possible. Ivy is honestly the only one trying to find genuine traditional celebrations (both out of caring for Lyf and bc she needs this to be accurate period) to help Lyf with.
They pick a night to feast and drink, a few trading presents while they get drunk off of wassail or muled wine and singing different winter holidays carols from each cultural background that had them. Lyf is ever grateful for their newfound family. They're fucked up and frankly quite concerning, but it means the world to find that deep down, in their own way, they all truly care.
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backroad-life · 9 months
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Happy New Years Y’all!!
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nondivisable · 10 months
I love it when the school year finally ends so I get to start showering regularly and taking care of my hair and practicing witchcraft daily again
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hexora · 10 months
Winter Associations
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Snowflakes: Symbol of uniqueness and individuality, each snowflake is considered magical.
Icicles: Used for spellwork related to clarity and insight.
Winter Solstice: A powerful time for rituals celebrating the return of the sun's energy.
Evergreen Trees: Symbolize life, protection, and continuity during the cold months.
Yule Log: Burned during Yule celebrations for prosperity and protection.
Holly: Represents protection and brings good fortune during winter.
Mistletoe: Used for love spells and protection against negative energy.
Frost: Associated with transformation and purification.
Frozen Lakes: Symbolize stillness and reflection.
Northern Lights: Magical displays in the winter sky, believed to hold spiritual energy.
Wolves: Guardians of winter realms, associated with intuition and instincts.
Candles: Lit for warmth and enlightenment during the dark months.
Hot Cocoa: Used in kitchen witchcraft for comfort and grounding.
Spiced Cider: Associated with abundance and the warmth of hearth and home.
Winter Faeries: Spirits that thrive in the winter, known for mischief and playfulness.
Fur and Wool: Materials associated with warmth and protection.
Citrine Crystals: Linked to the sun's energy, bringing positivity during the dark season.
Winter Animals: Bears, hibernating creatures, and migrating birds symbolize survival and adaptation.
Warming Herbs: Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves for spells related to warmth and protection.
Frosty Windows: Scrying through frost patterns for divination.
Winter Moon: Perform rituals under the light of the cold, bright moon.
Snowy Owl: A symbol of wisdom and magical insight.
Snowball Fight: Playful energy and bonding with nature spirits.
Winter Gardens: Indoor plants associated with winter magic, like poinsettias.
Silver Bells: Used in spells for communication and summoning spirits.
Sleigh Bells: Carries a sense of joy and celebration.
Ice Skating: A ritualistic dance for balance and grace.
Winter Goddesses: Invoke deities like Skadi or Persephone for their winter aspects.
Fir Needle Essential Oil: Used in aromatherapy for grounding and focus.
Frozen Waterfalls: Symbolize the temporary pause in the flow of life.
Snow Hares: Represent transformation and adaptability.
Crystal Snowflakes: Used in rituals for clarity and purification.
Winter Altar Decorations: Incorporate seasonal items like pine cones, acorns, and silver ornaments.
Winter Winds: Believed to carry messages from the spirit world.
Ice Magick: Creating and using ice symbols in spellwork for stability and stillness.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 10 months
In light of the angsty comic headcanon I just posted and in light of the season, here's a more wholesome comic headcanon
Ambrosius fucking LOVES Christmas (literally canon)
No but fr this bitch goes to Utah Mom levels of holiday cheer, as early as it is even remotely reasonable to consider decorating. Ballister comes home to his boyfriend, who is disabled with a spinal injury, balancing on a ladder putting lights on their roof in like. Late October. He tried many times to get him to stop but eventually just gave up and built him a safer ladder. Ambrosius is ANNOYING about it but Ballister doesn't want to rain on his parade so he kind of just lets him do what he wants even if their house is covered in tinsel and pine needles for three months.
They also both fill each other's stocking which is a tradition of theirs since Ballister gave Ambrosius his first proper Christmas when they were little ❤️ Ambrosius is like a little kid like he will shake that thing upside down to look at all his stuff at once while practically vibrating with excitement even though it's just like. Candy in there. He makes them watch cheesy Hallmark Christmas romcoms and he makes fun of them with Ballister but he also just really enjoys simple, wholesome Christmas love stories that follow a predictable formula.
This is all a lot for Ballister to deal with but it's worth it because Ambrosius is ten thousand times more affectionate (in more than just the innocent ways) and cute, and he likes seeing him so happy. It reminds him of when they were younger.
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poll-nation · 4 months
Please, do NOT bash anyone’s religion or beliefs in the comments, reblogs, or tags. You WILL be blocked if you do so.
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