#celebratory post
barneyfan99579 · 8 months
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th3-0bjectivist · 2 days
1500 FOLLOWERS CELEBRATION post w/ page mascot Springin' Chip!
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Heya folks! Springin’ Chip here with a very special celebratory post! This last week, th3-0bjectivist hit 1500 followers! To be fair, about a quarter of his followers are more than likely AI pornbots, but let’s not get hung up on unnecessary details! Being a canine, there’s very little that I can personally offer our audience on Tumblr… save for some drool, dog snot, and poop. So, we’re going to celebrate the only way I know how!
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Pictured with me in this photoset is my big sister, Ruby, and for this commemorative post you get to watch me beat her up! I assault my big sister all the time these days, sometimes for no reason, numerous times a day! I think she likes it! If weight class and overall size were a factor, Ruby could just brush my little Spaniel ass aside like a dust bunny. But she plays well with me, and just lets me kinda passively dominate her most days. Works for me! On with the festivities!!!
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And now for some page lore! About a decade ago, th3-0bjectivist was comically barely known as v3ritasartiste on Tumblr. It was a page centered around conspiracy theories… and art, and music. And whooooooo boy, did it suck ass through a bamboo straw! The layout was atrocious, the conspiracy-addled dipshit in charge of the page had no idea what he was doing because he was high out of his mind on government-strength sativa and indica strains 24/7, and nothing he posted made a lick of sense! After gaining a whopping 78 followers over two years, butt-hurt and utterly disregarded, v3ritasartiste shut down his page out of pure frustration.
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Yeah, take that Ruby! Years later, during the stay-at-home fallout from ***THE UNSPECIFIED VIRUS FROM UNKNOWN ORIGINS***, v3ritasartiste became th3-0bjectivist with three main goals in mind: 1. Jettison the conspiracy bullshit entirely 2. Create a page that actually makes contextual sense 3. Promote art, both own and others. And, by gum, it worked! Well… sorta. There was still a learning curve and he pissed off a few people to start things off (those blocks were well-earned in retrospect) because he was too brash and cocky, but some social refinement and further diversification of materials led us to where we are today. 1500 and counting!
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Do ya see how Ruby just lets me rule her!? She could swallow me in a single gulp, damn I love her so much! Getting back to the point of this post, th3-0 wants you to know he greatly appreciates your follows, your likes, reposts, and most importantly your presence here on Tumblr! You may not realize it, but we’re all on a journey together while we’re on this platform. th3-0 has been able to share some of his joys, sorrows and art with you over the years… and those moments aren’t just precious, they are the universal moments that bring us all together as a species. Well… not me personally per se. Just to be clear, I’m a dog! Th3-0, who is a human, just wanted me to express those things to you… yeah, that’s the ticket.
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Unlike last year, we’re at full mast with new art. We’ve got plenty of new paintings coming which just need to be more fully realized. We’ve practically cornered the market on original painting-animations on Tumblr, and musical entries and snarky commentary will continue to flow like wine until we’ve determined they are no longer working for us (which will be NEVER). Warts and all, th3-0bjectivist LOVES Tumblr. And just a reminder, if you’re ever interested in purchasing some canvas work, which would really help us, just head on over to our page on DeviantArt and browse the selections in the Featured section. Our wall decorations can make your home or business weirder and more wondrous at the same time! Tumblr restricts gifs to a pathetic 10MB download, which severely confines the visual quality of the gifs. But on DeviantArt, all our artistic gifs are available in high definition and they’re free to download!
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Time for a nap with my big sis…. while th3-0bjectivist deletes 386,712,364,871,236,857,623,547,612,376,451,457,282,367,487,264 pornbot messages from his Tumblr inbox! Thanks Tumblr, we love you all!
Until next time fellow literate dogs, ¬ Springin’ Chip for th3-0bjectivist
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The 0bjectivist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2sONH8IwzL_2sZie0ZNSnw/
I’m also on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/uvKfJpNkzkIL/
FULL ART GALLERY on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/th3_0bjectivist_gallery/ <---- screw that garbage website, we deleted our profile this year!
FULL ART GALLERY on DeviantArt at: https://www.deviantart.com/th3-0bjectivist/gallery
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0nelittlebirdtoldme · 9 months
With the darling @grimgrinningghost456 joining ao3 last night, I somehow achieved another milestone this year: 100 user subs to my profile
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Honestly, this feels just wild to me. If i think back to me first posting DS 2021, i gained about 7 user subs in that half year. 25 in 2022. And now 100 in 2023. It feels surreal to know that one hundred people like my work enough to subscribe to me, no matter what I post. I thank each and every one of you, it means so much to me 🖤
In order to celebrate, feel free to drop me some prompts or asks in my inbox - I should get back to pumping out content in October as usual! I love you all!
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kickstheclown · 7 months
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holy shittttttt you guys are amazing
I love you all for realsies
this is a crazy milestone for me
Thank you all so much
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heliotrope155 · 8 days
You guys I thought a post was so embarrassing and then one of my favourite people on this site reblogged it. I'm almost afraid to make anything ever again out of fear of outing myself as a moron.
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owlsdrawinglair · 9 months
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egharcourt · 5 months
Yoooooooooooo EG Harcourt mention
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I'm very sure I forgot to post it here but Cain's Testimony and Dies Irae has been published in Issue Two of new words {press}! Exciting stuff >:)
The cherry on top is that I'm also gonna be a guest reader for the upcoming Young Poets issue, so do submit your stuff.
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goldenboots1 · 4 months
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My little brother passed his carpenter exam 🫶🏻😭 proud big sister 🫶🏻
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gooselyshenanigans · 4 months
One-year anniversary of me coming out to my parents
It’s been a year! Time really flies huh. I’ve progressed and changed so much in that one year it’s crazy. Same thing goes for my parents. I came out to my parents via letter, and it was SO daunting. But here I am. There have been ups and downs in that time, but I’m more resilient than ever.
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urmomialove999 · 7 months
Hello fellow bitches and balloons 😃.
This is the first time I'm posting on tumblr so you better give me a warm fuckin' welcome, or else (I'm joking).
In celebration of this momentous occasion (it isn't one really), I want your most controversial takes, any and all, and no bs and no toning it down. :)))
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incorrect-koh-posts · 2 years
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🎊 There's 300 of us now! 🎉
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faerycross · 4 months
*sirius and remus are debating intensely*
sirius: there's no way james would ever get a belly button piercing. he's a sports guy ffs
remus: wanna bet on it?
sirius: sure
*a few days later*
james: yo moony you were right, i do look amazing with a belly button piercing
sirius, to remus: no. fucking. way. how did you do it?
remus: i told him regulus would love it
sirius: where is he anyway?
regulus: *screaming into a pillow at the top of his lungs*
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imsosocold · 1 year
Why are so many people following me this makes me very uncomfortable and tired and confused
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anpilled · 1 month
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cheers :3
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cali · 7 months
its a show about a lovable goofball, peter, who is the centerpoint of his family life + brian. there is a lot of non sequitor jokes, which really opens up a lot of possibilities and i heard the baby is a faggot like us
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