#chanting team's gonna be fine to myself
jonasiegenthaler · 7 months
I’m so sad I miss nicojack
me too, anon, here's a lil gift for sustenance, let's hope they heal up nice and good real soon <3
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karma-creations · 7 months
My favorite bits/lines from every Secret Life session after watching all POVs
Session 1
tango trying to ask multiple questions at a time to get scar talking for a little while and scar outright telling him to shut up so he can infodump
joel’s response to lizzie, his ACTUAL WIFE, saying "I love you": "oh thank you"
joel: "hey bdubs your house is upside down" bdubs: "YES I KNOW IT'S UPSIDE DOWN- i'm sorry. i'm sorry"
bdubs not-so-subtly begging mumbo not to build a house inspired by his and mumbo straight up going going "uh huh" before suggesting a house inspired by bdubs's
cleo catching etho with the bed shrine
mumbo: "it could be like the alps, but bad. like, much worse."
martyn: "we can do a bit of, uh, tankin' and spankin'" gem: "……bit of what?"
skizz: "all of us are pretty old, maybe our island's called heart problems"
tango: "well, i'll be honest, skizz… everybody's teamed up, so… you're all that's left, we're gonna have to shack up" skizz: "well! it’s like a giant hug!"
Session 2
everyone going "OOOOHHhhhhhhhhhh…….." after skizz's creeper got put in a boat
mumbo: "I'm happy to be in whatever group you guys- oh hey bdubs"
bdubs: "I DON'T NEED NO MOM, I'M A GROWN MAN!" cleo: "really? how do you explain the everything?"
cleo (to bdubs): "you're just a horse girl at heart, aren’t you?"
skizz going "BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP" at the same time as tango chanting "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT"
scar: "was this your idea, pearl?" pearl: "no" scar: "this is amazing, only you would have come up with something like this"
martyn: "that's right, I'm a yellow life, and I've come to KILL you" bigb: "….wow, dude"
grian: "I've had the weirdest interactions whenever I see you" bigb: "y'know, I hope they get weirder"
everyone singing happy birthday off-key and out of sync
mumbo: "is there anything that I can help with? I come with no resources and very little talent"
bdubs: "I know how to crit punch, so it's gonna hurt you more than it hurts me!" gem: "..I also know how to crit punch" bdubs: "oh"
scar: "can I give you a ride, bdubs, wherever you're going?" bdubs: "freaking no, not on that thing! you kidding me?" scar: "aw. well I was just offering!" bdubs: "…all right, fine."
Session 3
*joel and lizzie arguing* grian: "aren't you guys married"
grian saying "I don't like what this has become" then immediately joining in the chanting when it’s joel's turn to fail
grian: "I love you, etho" etho: "……thank you?"
mumbo: "right, show me the gear knob on that camel" grian: "I’d rather not"
cleo: "yes, tango, the thing that I know about you is you don't know how minecraft works"
cleo's constant ethubs jokes
etho waterboarding everyone
scar: "losers will be beaten with my beatin' stick"
joel: "you are a FAILURE!!" martyn: "wow that was whole chest" joel: "sorry I’ve had a really rough episode"
bigb accidentally picking up torchy and tango being DEVASTATED
cleo: "why are we coming out this way?" bigb: "so no one can hear!" cleo: "well impulse is right there" impulse: "who?"
torchy out for blood the entire time
Session 4
cleo accidentally hitting etho with her sword and etho's immediate response: "I'LL DO THE DISHES I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT"
cleo: "hey grian" grian: "🎶hellooo theeeere🎶" cleo: "hello, are you singing?" grian: "🎶absolutely not, I would never sing🎶"
mumbo: "what's your favorite welsh town" grian: "……….🎶let me googleee🎶"
grian: "I don't know what to do with myself now, cleo, what do we do?" cleo: "I don't know, I think we should burn things down"
grian: "ignore the stairs, they wouldn’t burn"
scar: "you guys are still here? I went and stole a bunch of stuff and you guys are still yapping over here"
jimmy: "I'll go in BigB's hole" scott: "you're gonna do WHAT????" cleo: "I always knew there was something about you two"
scar singing back at grian with no hesitation
grian and scar spotting martyn hiding behind the tree
jimmy: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" scott: "hi, I’m just making the path connect-" jimmy: "STOP CRYIN' AND TELL US WHAT YOU'RE DOIN'" scott: "I'm making the path connect like lizzie did"
joel: "anyway, just came over here to ruin your day"
bdubs: "okay, you count us in" bigb: "okay. seven"
mumbo: "what do I win?" bdubs: "uhh- you win.. eight baked potatoes!" mumbo: "YEEEEESSS!!!!!"
bdubs: "you can't hit me! I can say and do whatever I want! okay, going to the house real quick though, to lock myself in"
people gaslighting jimmy and martyn (mostly jimmy) into thinking there’s a zombie/skeleton horse spawner somewhere
bdubs: "hey, hey! I consider you a friend! apparently it’s not reciprocated." gem: "it’s not. what do you want?"
jimmy: "martyn I think he can see you-" *beat* martyn: "WELL HE DIDN’T UNTIL YOU SAID THAT YOU IDIOT"
martyn: "oh yeah, wait! why are you wearin’ that?" scar: *incoherent cop sounds* (/ref)
jimmy: "he'll come back like nothing's happened now" mumbo: "hey guys 😀"
skizz: "here's the thing, I'm not too bossy, I- Boppers, go home for a second, I gotta talk to these guys"
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bibiwrld · 9 months
The Sweet Babysitter🧁🎀| Miguel O’Hara
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previous: –eight.
Gabby’s soccer game was so fun. I was out of my seat the whole time, chanting her name along with Lorelai and Miguel. Her team won 3–0, which were all scored by her. I was so proud of her.
Miguel and Lorelai, flirted most of the game, well just Lorelai flirted. Miguel seemed rather annoyed, trying to keep his focus on the game.
Why did they even get divorced? They seem quite fine to me, but then again, what do I know?
But afterwards we all walked through the parking lot, Gabby hugging me and telling me she was so happy that I came.
Before I got into my car, Miguel came up to me.
“Hey.” He breathed out.
My eyes found his. “Hey.”
“You had any plans after this?” He asked, rubbing his knuckles.
“Yes, I was headed home to take a long nap.” I replied. “Pretty exhausted.”
The little light in his eyes seemed to go out., looking off into the distance. “Oh.”
My brows furrowed in concern. “Was there something you needed me to do?”
His eyes found mine once again. “We were gonna go for ice cream and maybe you could come over and stay for a while, but I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your sleep.”
I smiled brightly, admiring his cute he was.
“Miiigggguuueeeelllll!” Lorelai’s voice sang.
Miguel exhaled in annoyance.
I laughed. “You should get to your ex wife.”
The expression on his face was one that I’ve never seen before, it was expressionless, but spoke so many volumes. “Please, don’t call her that. It’s Lorelai.”
Did I overstep? Is he offended?
“Oh I..sorry.” I grew embarrassed.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just hate being reminded is all.” He cleared things up. “Just Lorelai is fine.”
I opened my car door, nodding in response. “I understand, I’m sorry.” I sat in the driver’s seat, gazing up at him.
He leaned into the space between my car door, his arms resting on top, looking at me intensely. “Text me when you wake up?”
“Of course.” I flashed a smile.
Before succumbing to this exhaustion, I began taking out my braids. I texted Mommy to come over and help me if she could, then I fell asleep. The sounds of her knocking woke me up, she came in like a knight in shining armor to help me with my hair. I helped as much as I could, but the weariness in my body took over and put me to sleep once again.
I woke up on the floor, with a blanket over me and Mommy was gone. She cleaned up all the hair and everything. I shot her a thank you text, and went into the bathroom to see all the braids were out, and my hair was pulled into a large puff.
Going into the kitchen, rubbing my stomach from hunger, I scanned my fridge and realized that I needed to go grocery shopping.
I sighed, going into my room to grab my Hello Kitty tote bag with all my necessities. I typed on my phone while walking out the door.
Woke up a little while ago😊
Well..I was in and out of sleep, but I’m finally up. Mom came over to help me take my braids out. About to go grocery shopping <3
How was the ice cream?
In a matter of seconds, my phone vibrated in my hands while walking down the stairs of my apartment building. I bit my lip with a smile, knowing it was Miguel.
Grocery shopping this late? Please be careful.
Ice cream was great, I got rocky road, Gabby got strawberry shortcake. Lorelai was talking as always, I really wish you could’ve came😕
What style were you planning to do next?
Finally in my car, giggling to myself at his texts, I typed back a few replies.
Yes ofc. We’ll get ice cream together soon.
I haven’t decided on a style yet.
I started my car and reversed out the parking lot and drove to my destination.
Strolling down the aisle slowly, I grabbed white bread, then scanned my phone for the grocery list.
I looked up from my phone to see a guy with brown shoulder length locs. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Smiling shyly with furrowed brows, I answered. “Uh, hi?”
He smiled. “You might not remember me, I’m Croy from high school.”
I still didn’t know who he was. “Sorry, I don’t seem to remember.”
He let out an embarrassed laugh. “Damn, uh..” He scratched the back of his head. “I’m Trent’s best friend, was always with him, but you were too into Trent to really notice me.”
Then it clicked. He was the guy with the short, curly hair who would always hang out with Trent, my old crush.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” I apologized, laughing at my horrible memory. “It’s nice to see you, how have you been?”
He smiled brightly at me. “It’s very… very nice to see you, I’ve been good, just graduated.” He got closer to my shopping cart. “How about you?”
“Oh congratulations.” I beamed. “I graduated a few months ago, I’m a secretary/assistant, but I do baby sitting on the side.”
“Oh that’s cool. You should come to Trent’s birthday party next weekend.”
I slightly tilted my head. “I don’t know, Trent probably doesn’t remember me—”
He put his hand on my shopping cart, swiveling it playfully. “You still like him.”
My eyes widened in disbelief. “Oh no no, trust me I don’t.”
“So come.” He frowned, then dug into his pocket. “I’m the one inviting you, lots of people will be there, Trent doesn’t even know half of them, it’s fine.” He handed me his phone. “We should catch up, it’s okay for me to have your number?”
I took it, quickly typing my number in. “Yes, it’s totally fine.”
After that interaction, we said our goodbyes and I continued my grocery shopping that I was almost done with. I picked up the strawberries, thinking of the delicious shortcake I could make for Miguel and Gabby.
My phone began blaring in my bag.
Miguel’s name made me smile and answer quickly.
“Hey Miguel.” I greeted sweetly with a smile on my face.
“Hi Kenedi, you didn’t text back and I got a bit worried, it’s so stupid.” He grumbled over the phone.
Worried about me? This man kept getting cuter and cuter.
I pushed my shopping cart to self check out with one hand very slowly. ���No it’s not. I’m sorry, I bumped into someone from high school, but I’m going to leave the grocery store in a minute.”
I scanned my items and bagged them.
He sighed, almost as if he was at ease. “Okay that’s nice. You didn’t forget our date tomorrow, right?”
I paused my actions, smiling shyly like a kid. “O-of course not, I’m very excited.”
“Me too.” He admitted.
“Can you stay on the phone until I get home?”
“Of course.”
Next part: –ten.
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casinotrio1965 · 4 days
Disney Descendants : I Think That I Found Myself a Cheerleader
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Story by me and @hannahhook7744
It was friday and cheer tryouts were happening as Lampwick  nervously waited for his turn  to try out.
“You'll be fine.” Tiger Lily assured him, patting his shoulder “You’ll be a natural.” “Gosh I Hope so, babe otherwise I don’t know what i’m gonna do as a second elective ..”
“Thank you, next” The cheer captain called out to the next person trying out. “Well guess it’s my turn ..kiss for luck ?” Lampwick asked.
The raven haired girl sighed and kissed his cheek, rolling her eyes good-naturedly. “There. Now go on.”
“Thanks “ Lampwick got up and headed to the front where the cheer captain and some other cheerleaders were waiting . “What’s Your name?” The cheer captain asked . “Name’s Lampwick and I will be doing a cheer that I wrote—”
“Go Lampwick!” Pinocchio cheered for him in the background.
Lampwick Took A deep Breath and Chanted, “Hey, you Fighting Knight fans,
 Stand up and clap your hands! 
Go Knights Go, Go Knights Go! 
Hey, you Fighting Knight fans now let's see you wave your hand!
Go Knights Go, Go Knights Go! 
Go Knights Go, Go Knights Go!” Lampwick ended his cheer finishing off with the splits.
Alice clapped and whistled from the stands next to Pinocchio. “Thank you,” The cheer captain said. “We will let you know  the results this Friday. NEXT!”
Lampwick then goes over to the stands where his friends were. “Man that was bad!”
One of his friends, Reese (who was a tourney player), snorted. “Bad? Are you deaf? That shit was great, man.” “Ya really think so?” Lampwick asked.
“I don't think, I know.” The older boy insisted, fiddling with the whistle on his necklace.
“I have to agree—” Tiger Lily cut in. “It was a much better rhyme than the school song we already have. You're definitely getting a spot on the team!” “I hope so, babycakes. We’ll see This Friday I guess.” Lampwick replied, blushing from all the praise.
Next Friday Lampwick and the girls who tried out all rushed to the bulletin board as soon as the cheer captain posted The results. Lampwick scanned until he saw his name  . “HOLY HERA I ACTUALLY MADE IT?!” Lampwick cried out in disbelief.
“Told you you would.” Reese said, bumping his shoulder as he passed on his way to Friday morning practice. “YES! I’M CHEERLEADER ! In your face Zeta and anyone else who doubted me!”
A (nerf) arrow flew passed his head. 
“Whatever loser, you still can’t get an A in class.” Zeta, demigod daughter of Zeus, replied, rolling her eyes. “Romeo, don’t listen to her. She's just jealous,”Tiger Lily assured her boyfriend before giving him a big kiss on the lips.
“Ew. Get a room.” Bella (Lampwick's little sister) winced, making a face as she passed.
“Sure. We will after cheer practice,” Lampwick Replied rolling eyes.
“I can’t wait for you to cheer at my next game.” Tiger Lily said  excitedly, giving him a side hug. 
“And I can't wait for him to move out” Bella mumbled before scampering off to her archery class. “You made Tourney?”  Lampwick asked, hopefully. “Well… not exactly..” 
“Uh oh. Why don't I like the sound of that?” “It’s more like Alexander made Tourney…” Tiger Lily replied coyly. “Wait–WHAT?!”
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Sighs ok Snow I’ll tell you my one and only Y/n big brother experience. TW xenophobia
*Quick info about my school upperclassman will be put into a study hall with freshman if they have poor attendance or bad grades. Second lunch is when you have the first half of class go to lunch and then comeback to have the second half of class.*
Ironically this didn’t happen with my brother, but with his friends. He was the shy quiet type but he had a lot of friends that thought he was chill. I was a freshman in Highschool at the time and I was in study hall. My brother was a senior and so we’re his friends. For context I’m first generation in the US and the teacher was going through the attendance list which can be a little embarrassing since I have a very ethnic last name that is difficult to pronounce. The man was trying his best and I politely told him that he can say it however it’s fine and I didn’t care. But sitting right behind me was this white piece of trash in my grade who was highkey xenophobic saying stuff like “Shut the fuck up. Nobody likes you go back to your country bitch” etc. He was also saying it quietly so only I would hear him. Look I’m not some soft little baby I was raised by parents who taught me to take no shit and to not worry about getting in trouble for defending myself. So I very loudly started to tell him off. Even the teacher was like “yeah man what’s you’re problem” but nothing beats the reaction of my brother’s friends in the back of the class. The class breaks for second lunch before we got up one of my brother’s friends asks me “Hey are you (my brother’s name) little sister? Dude I know that kid he’s crazy!” As we get up to go to lunch he grabs his buddy and they push the problematic guy at the front of the class. And then he goes “Ladies and gentlemen we have a special announcement to make we have a professional beta male over here just a simple beta nothing to worry about” as they kept nudging him around when the other chimes in “Can’t even talk to girls with respect.” I was struggling not to laugh and I thought it was over and went to eat lunch. Let me tell you when I came out of the cafeteria to go back to class in the big hallway/common space I was not expecting to see what they did. Those same senior guys had gotten a few more members from their football team and literally had picked up the kid that was giving me problems raised him bouncing him up and down while chanting “BITCH BITCH BITCH”. What was interesting to me is that despite how strict it was there nobody did anything about it and sort of just let it happen. Not gonna lie as a freshman who felt like everyone hated me this was reassuring. Though I doubt this was purely to defend me I also think they wanted an opportunity to rough up a freshman. My brother laughed his ass off hearing what happened and the kid never bothered me again so it was a win win. (I can picture Haikyuu boys doing something similar lol). But yeah that’s my most interesting Highschool story hope you enjoyed😂
Awww. Yeah this definitely sounds like something Haikyuu boys would do, and the first thing they'd do is body slam that brat to tye ground. Teacher or not, they're not getting in trouble unless that teacher wants to be ambushed after school and get the shit beat out of him.
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
Lines taken from episodes s01e01 - s01e19 of the web series Carmilla. Feel free to change as needed. Part two is here.
❛ Nothing, not even the homecoming goat sacrifice, disturbs the pursuit of knowledge. ❜
❛ I passed the test! 62%. Which is pretty cool. It’s like a gentlewoman’s C. ❜
❛ This is our college adventure, come on! ❜
❛ And how is the Jäger-bombinatrix doing this morning? ❜
❛ And really, why does anybody do anything? ❜
❛ I found it next to a pile of ick that started growing mushrooms the next day. ❜
❛ Don’t judge. My dad thought I’d use an iPhone to send high-resolution selfies to potential stalkers. ❜
❛ If an incident is in progress, please dial 4815 or activate the nearest blue tentacle phone. ❜
❛ To report an escaped entity or poltergeist activity, please press - ❜
❛ Fine. I’ve got three weeks of a journalism class and I’ve seen all of Veronica Mars. I’ll find her myself. ❜
❛ I don’t know, things just got so foggy after the alchemy guys released, you know, the fog. ❜
❛ I’m your new roommate, sweetheart. ❜
❛ Oh, this is not happening. You are not my new roommate! ❜
❛ Boom! Revenge is mine. ❜
❛ See? Blood.In the milk container. ❜
❛ This is like, a death threat, or a health code violation. ❜
❛ Well, there’s no denying it’s a little…odd. ❜
❛ How many people you know take Type O with their Chocoa Crunch? ❜
❛ Are you really gonna try and pretend this isn’t a total freak show? ❜
❛ Oh, see, surviving. Yes, I like that plan. ❜
❛ A lot of problems can be solved through good communication. ❜
❛ A lot of problems can also be solved by taking hair and blood samples to figure out exactly what kind of freaky it is you’re dealing with. ❜
❛ You filled a milk container with blood as a prank? ❜
❛ It was food coloring, and…and corn syrup. ❜
❛ That bunched-up little face you make when you’re angry is hilarious, buttercup. ❜
❛ I kept on having the same dream before. ❜
❛ And the darkness is in my eyes and in my throat and I can’t breathe, and … ❜
❛ I-I’m sorry, I can’t be here anymore. ❜
❛ I really hope that it passes over you and I hope it doesn’t touch your face. ❜
❛ Are you really so damaged that you’re incapable of caring about anything? ❜
❛ You’re a child. And you understand nothing. Not about life. Not about this place. ❜
❛ You know what? The sooner you stop playing Lois Lane, the better off you’ll be. ❜
❛ No, I’m not just gonna give up. ❜
❛ So, maybe that’s just how it is, but that does not mean that I have to accept it. I deserve better. [ name ] deserves better. Hell, even you deserve better. ❜
❛ It’s a town hall meeting! Remember your training, we’ve got five minutes! Run, run! ❜
❛ Sometimes a girl’s gotta manufacture her own excitement, you know? ❜
❛ We should be reinstating our night marches. ❜
❛ And then the Zetas piped in with this chant that pretty much sounded like “pizza or death”. ❜
❛ I think we’d make a pretty great team. ❜
❛ Yeah, a team. You and me, absolutely. ❜
❛ Hey, is that fish in your hair? ❜
❛ It is very, very nice of you large, large gentlemen to offer to keep me safe, but as you can see, I’m in my room. Snug as a bug in a rug. So, you’re good to go. ❜
❛ If I decide to go wandering down some dark alleyways late at night, you guys’ll be my first call. ❜
❛ Get the hell out of here before I feed you each other’s spleens. ❜
❛ Dude, she bit me! That is so not cool. ❜
❛ Guess that’s it for the truce, then. ❜
❛ We have been working nonstop and, not that we’re geniuses or anything, but I think we’re really close to a breakthrough. ❜
❛ I think my brain has melted. ❜
❛ Chocolate is comforting in the face of epic failure. ❜
❛ And what kind of thrilling adventure do we find ourselves on now? ❜
❛ This is so childish. You’d think we were still six. ❜
❛ Schadenfreude isn’t very attractive. ❜
❛ But I so had it coming, didn’t I? ❜
❛ God, this age doesn’t understand obligation. It’s like an undersea anchor; impossible to escape. ❜
❛ They’re the ones using dander collected at parties to seed an immense interconnected fungus throughout campus. ❜
❛ Apparently, it’s a communications experiment. Or, maybe a really complicated risotto recipe? I don’t know. ❜
❛ Sorry, I just forgot that I have to be anywhere but here. ❜
❛ Oh, no. You are entirely too sweet ❜
❛ But you’ve got to admit it looks pretty hinky. ❜
❛ Confronting her has historically been about as effective as using bug spray on Voldemort. ❜
❛ Oh, wow. That’s…why are you wearing warpaint? ❜
❛ Come on! Why are the hotties in this room always trying to hurt me?! ❜
❛ That is unfair, okay, cause I’m here out of the, like, bro-ness of my heart, alright? ❜
❛ So, has it even occurred to you that while you’re duking it out, nobody is actually out there protecting anybody at all?! ❜
❛ Ah, it’s mostly just paintballs and anchovies. I’ll talk them down. ❜
❛ It just seemed so real…like…that weird moment of clarity during magic hour or the moment right before a car crash. ❜
❛ I was in my room and there was something in my bed. Something under my bed. This dark, prowling thing without a face. ❜
❛ I tried to pull the blankets over my face to hide, but the darkness started seeping through them like blood, more and more, until I was drowning in it. ❜
❛ Well, dreams are supposed to be strange. Last night I dreamt I was trapped under a bed. ❜
❛ But, just a dream. No reason for all of this…twitchiness. ❜
❛ There is no twitching. There is an absence of twitching. ❜
❛ You know, if it’s really making you so miserable, I could get you something to help you sleep. ❜
❛ That’s uncharacteristically considerate of you. ❜
❛ Yeah, well, I just don’t want you losing it and torching all my stuff. ❜
❛ The results are starting to look profoundly WTF. ❜
❛ I know Silas has some quirks, but I’m pretty sure spontaneous combustion, super strength, and an all-protein diet weren’t options on my roommate form. ❜
❛ Your Snape/Ron fic’s still on the screen, spaz. ❜
❛ It’s a charm or whatever. To help with the bad dreams. ❜
❛ So, in the spirit of all this newfound closeness, maybe you could tell me where you go all night? ❜
❛ Mmm, well, I have to keep some of my secrets. Otherwise, I’ll lose my air of mystery, won’t I? ❜
❛ Oh, you know, I miss my dad, I have papers due. I’m about to be my roommate’s next victim. ❜
❛ Come on. Let’s get you changed into something with a little less whiff. ❜
❛ Everything in your fridge is made of glucose and palm oil. I’m surprised you don’t have scurvy. ❜
❛ As soon as we got there, everyone was leaving the building, and yes, as the sun went down, we started to hear something…skittering. ❜
❛ Before you realized the staircase wasn’t in the same place anymore? ❜
❛ Before we realized we might have gotten a little turned around. And that most of the computer monitors we could see were warning us to “Run. Run now”. And the skittering was getting closer. ❜
❛ We created a flamethrower using a lighter and some mace. ❜
❛ I get a text that says “Come quick. Stuck in Library. Bring fire extinguisher” ❜
❛ Okay, yes! It was stupid, and we’re lucky that you didn’t have to save our souls. ❜
❛ Well, yeah, but we know she’s a vampire. I mean, we’ve known that since the blood in the milk container, right? ❜
❛ You all knew I was living with a vampire and nobody said anything? ❜
❛ She’s not a vampire. There’s no such thing as vampires. She’s a…light-averse octogenarian with extreme hemoglobin deficiency and really good skin. ❜
❛ My roommate is an honest-to-Lestat vampire. How do we stop a vampire? ❜
❛ No! No! We can’t immolate everyone that [ name ] thinks is a supernatural creature. ❜
❛ Well, I have an idea but you are not gonna like it. ❜
❛ Okay, explain to me again how offering yourself as bait to your blood-sucking roommate is not the worst plan ever devised by womankind. ❜
❛ Well, the fact that a terrible plan is our only plan is not really a selling point. ❜
❛ You guys know that I can hear you, right? Maybe instead of peanut gallery-ing you can help me figure out how we trap a vampire? ❜
❛ How do we feel about bear spray? ❜
❛ What would Mina Harker do? …Get bitten. Mina Harker would totally try and act all alluring to the bloodsucking fiend and totally get bitten. Let’s not do that. ❜
❛ Looking at the stars. It’s comforting, to think how small we are in comparison. All the lives we’ve led, the people we’ve been, nothing to that light. ❜
❛ “Black as the pit and terrible as the night was Bagheera”? I always loved that. It’s beautiful. ❜
❛ Behold: Vampire bait! ❜
❛ Don’t you look like a virgin sacrifice? ❜
❛ Parties should be a shimmering moment of possibility, not a collection of brutes around a piece of flaming driftwood. ❜
❛ Feels like more than that. Like something seen underwater from a great distance. ❜
❛ God, I’m a nostalgic idiot tonight. ❜
❛ Maybe I don’t feel like sharing you right now. ❜
❛ God, what am I doing? Naive, provincial girl. Entirely too tightly wound. Such a cliché. I oughta know better. ❜
❛ I oughta know better. And yet…there’s something about you. ❜
❛ Also, I got my head smashed into a table, if anyone cares. ❜
❛ There is not allowed to be some new horrible thing! ❜
❛ You know, at times like these a dude needs to be with his bros. ❜
❛ Well, don’t look at me. I didn’t want to kidnap anyone to begin with! ❜
❛ Definitely not untying angry vampire. ❜
❛ You can’t just keep a hostage in your dorm room! ❜
❛ I”m sure there’s all sorts of things we could figure out through some minimally-invasive probing. ❜
❛ It’ll seem dire once they start your tribunal. ❜
❛ So the sooner you ‘fess us and tell us what’s going on, the better this is gonna go for you because we have got…a spatula, and a stapler, and we are not afraid to use them. ❜
❛ You cannot seriously think we’re dumb enough to believe you’re innocent just because you say so. ❜
❛ Look, if I were really a vampire, would I just stay here, tied up, proclaiming my innocence as some sort of trick? ❜
❛ Yeah. That’s completely exactly what a vampire would do. ❜
❛ Do I strike you as the type of person who plays well with others? ❜
❛ Uh, we’re rehearsing a skit. Uh, yeah, the torture scene from Arsenic and Old Lace. Mmm-hmm, yeah, there’s a torture scene. ❜
❛ I hear they have a great collection of straight-jackets and tranquilizers. ❜
❛ I swear, if one more of your broken-hearted study buddies comes knocking at the door, I’m gonna start spritzing them like cats. ❜
❛ No, no, no! Please don’t die, please don’t die, you stupid vampire! Here, look, I’ve got blood. ❜
❛ The experience of being held captive by a clutch of imbeciles for something I didn’t even have the pleasure of doing is humiliating enough without having you wipe me up like a dribbling child. ❜
❛ Wait, you thought that was me trying to eat you? ❜
❛ Oh…Oh! So, when you were hitting on me, you were really hitting on me? ❜
❛ Could you just stake me now? Cause I think that would be less mortifying than this conversation. ❜
❛ If you want us to trust you, you have gotta tell us your side of the story. ❜
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
The Bitch is Back
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader (OTP)
Words: ~2.8k
Summary: You run into Ransom’s cunt of an ex again and it goes about as well as expected.
Warnings: explicit language, Ransom looking like a whole snack, fluff, that blonde bitch, Linda being a cunt, extremely abusive language and allusions to past emotional abuse, more angst than I had intended, my undying love for these two idiots, too many feelings
A/N: I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her, I hate her! Sorry everyone, the angst took over this one and what I had intended to be another fun romp a la Girl Fight turned into a pit of emotion that I couldn’t dig myself out of. I’m gonna go cry.
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“Baby, you know we can just go home, right?” Ransom gave you a tired but indulgent smile when he looked at you, tucking his fingers under your chin and tilting your head back so he could look into your eyes while you swallowed thickly.
“No, I’m not gonna give your mother the satisfaction of seeing me duck out of this thing.” You got that stubborn set to your jaw that told him to quit trying to take care of you, because proving to his bitch mother you could actually make it through one of these stupid events without causing some kind of scene was more important than your comfort right now.
You felt bile rise in your throat and swallowed it again. This was fucking ridiculous, you weren’t even on a boat, just the dock. But you still felt like you were going to vomit at any second, watching the motion of the boats rocking on the water making your gut lurch. It almost made you wonder if Linda knew about your stomach’s aversion to being on water when she had insisted on the two of you attending their fucking sailing club’s final regatta. 
“Here we go, one scopolamine patch.” You could’ve kissed Anne when she handed it to you, grateful that Ben’s boat was moored in this marina so you didn’t have to spend the rest of this stupid thing constantly swallowing your own vomit. “Why didn’t you bring your own?”
“She said she’d be fine if she didn’t actually go on the boats.” Ransom ignored the glare you shot him when he talked to Anne over your head, rubbing your arm softly when he pulled you closer to him.
“Did I tell you how much I hate that you two get along?” You frowned when Ransom pressed his lips to your hair, slapping the patch on your neck and sighing when you felt your stomach start to settle.
Anne just laughed at you, shaking her head as she sipped on her cocktail and leaned against Ben. The fact that this guy actually treated you like you deserved did a lot to endear him to her, even if he was an asshole sometimes.
You had been worried at first about introducing Anne to Ransom’s idiot friends, no matter how much they had grown on you. But your friend could hold her own, her no nonsense attitude endearing her to the girls as she chewed out Logan for some dumbass comment while Dylan and Chaz just chuckled that now there were two of you.
This was one of the few things that you actually felt out of your element with, since you could not give a single fuck about sailing with your stupid seasickness. But you could tell Ran was enjoying himself, and every fucking time he got near the water he looked so fucking windswept and dreamy so it was well worth the nausea. That was all gone now though, the scopolamine making you feel just the tiniest bit drowsy and pleasantly warm while Ran pulled you tight against his chest as he whistled for his team’s boat between nuzzling himself into your hair with pleased little hums. Even Linda giving you some vicious side eye couldn’t break you out of your good mood, the warmth of Ransom wrapped around you like a balm for your typical nervous energy. Then you heard Jess mutter an “oh shit” and the sound of a bratty, whiny voice broke right through your pleasant haze and made your spine stiffen.
“Rannie?” That fucking blonde bitch would show up to something like this, just to ruin your day. “I thought that was you. Oh, still with your tramp, I see.”
“Sloane.” His grip around you grew almost painfully tight, growling into your neck as he did his best to take deep breaths. “Don’t you have some puppies to skin, or something?”
You grabbed his hand and wound your fingers through his as you felt him tense up, pressing your lips to the inside of his wrist in an attempt to help him calm down. It had been your sincere hope that after you beat the shit out of this cunt you would never have to see her again, but when had you ever been that lucky?
“Aww, Rannie, thought you couldn’t talk without this bitch’s permission.” She looked mildly uncomfortable when you shifted your gaze to her, your eyes narrowing in a warning that she chose to ignore. “Been missing you a whole lot, baby, when’re you gonna stop slumming around?”
“What the fuck do you want, Sloane?” You were chanting over and over in your head that you were not going to fight this cunt, catching Anne starting to square up from the corner of your eye and giving her a small shake of the head to get her to stand down.
“I’m not talking to you, slut.” She must’ve been drunk, you had definitely taught her her lesson last time. “Just because you can give this bastard a good, sloppy fuck doesn’t mean you get to keep him. You don’t know what he really needs, and he’s too fucking stupid to tell you. God, you’re only sticking with him because he’s such a good fuck, right? That’s like, his only redeeming quality, except for the money. And you and your low class pussy don’t even know what to do with such a fine piece of eye candy.”
“Ok, you need to leave, Sloane.” Ransom may have been full of the anxiety he always felt around his ex, but the way your whole body was wound tight like a spring let him know you were ready to get violent. So he pressed a brief, soothing kiss to your hair and moved to guide this drunk bitch away from another beating.
“Don’t you fucking touch me, god, you really are a fucking moron.” Sloane jerked away from him when he tried to guide her away from your group, turning and sneering derisively at him. “Fuck’s sake, Linda was right, she really should have aborted you so we wouldn’t have to deal with your stupid bull shit.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” You reached your arm out to grip Ransom’s shoulder on instinct when he recoiled like he had been slapped, pulling him towards you protectively as you stared disbelieving at the people around you. “What the fuck did she just say?”
Sloane was just grinning at you wickedly as she sipped on her drink, like she had never and would never do anything wrong in her life. You almost forgot your promise you’d made to not get yourself kicked out of this event, but then Ran was clutching at your waist and making a choked sound and you turned back to him with concern.
There was no one to hold back Anne though, and she hadn’t made any promises about being on her best behavior. So she handed Ben her purse and punched that bitch right in the jaw.
You just gave a grateful look to your best friend before she bitch slapped that twat, security already starting to rush towards the fight as you guided Ransom towards the parking lot while he tried to regulate his breathing.
“Baby? Hey, Ran, look at me.” You’d never seen him look so completely lost, his eyes glistening with pent up emotion when you finally got him to look at you and you felt your heart break. “Oh honey, can you make it to the car?” He just nodded at you as another strangled sob escaped his throat and every fiber of your being ached to give him some form of comfort. “Ok, gimme the keys.”
He handed them to you and you wound your arm around him to guide him towards the beemer, letting him lean heavily on your shoulder and murmuring soft, soothing noises to him as you tried to think of something you could do for him. You knew that bitch was an abusive piece of work but Ran had been so hesitant to talk about it and you didn’t want to push him about it before he was ready, but if the way he reacted to her barb was any indication of how she treated him you might end up killing that bitch.
Ransom’s breathing seemed even more ragged by the time you reached the beemer, barely giving you a chance to shove the front seat down so the two of you could climb into the back and you could instruct him to stretch out over your lap. Your own throat was starting to get tight when he let out a wretched sob, the fingers of one hand running through his hair while the other smoothed over his chest as you watched his face closely.
“Baby, I need you to breathe for me, ok?” You were trying your best to keep your voice low and even, taking a deep breath and waiting for him to mirror your actions until he was pressing his face to your stomach with a piteous whine once his breathing had regulated slightly. “That’s it, you’re doing so good, Ran, just keep breathing.” 
He sighed deeply when you continued murmuring soft words of praise to him, his fingers curling over yours on his chest as he looked up at you and felt the softness of your gaze spread like warmth through his body. 
“I’m sorry.” He moaned when you pulled gently on his hair, his voice raspy with the tears he’d managed to swallow.
“No, baby.” You curled over him and brushed your lips over his forehead, trying not to cry when he wrapped his arms around your neck and let out another shaky breath. “You don’t apologize, ever, you hear me?”
“I thought I was over this shit.” He buried his face in your neck and breathed deep, your warm scent washing over him and finally making him relax. “I don’t want to put this on you.”
“Listen to me, Ransom.” You pulled back a little so you could gaze into his eyes, resting your forehead against his and maneuvering until you were laying next to him across the backseat. “I don’t know if you really think I’m just with you for the sex or what, but when I say I love you, I fucking mean it. I love all of you, so much, and that means that you can put all of it on me, ok? I’m not going anywhere.”
“Fuck, I love you, too.” He whined when you pressed your lips to his gently, drinking you in and pulling you to him as tight as possible when you let him deepen the kiss. “Need you so much.”
“I know, Ransom, I’m here.” You moved your lips up to his cheeks when he finally let his tears start to fall, kissing each one that stained his cheeks as you splayed your body over his while he held you. “My sweet boy, it’s ok. Let go for me, baby.”
He buried his face in your shoulder and did as you asked. It wasn’t loud or dramatic, but you could feel the warm wetness of his tears against the bare flesh of your neck while his chest heaved against yours. You cooed soft words of encouragement into his hair as he wept, letting a few of your own tears fall as you felt the tension slowly seep from his body.
Neither of you were sure how long you laid there tangled with each other, but eventually Ransom felt the last of the pain drain out of him until he was sinking against the seat with exhaustion. Having you there with him was like a balm for his soul, the way your eyes moved to search his once you felt him let out a deep sigh making his lips quirk in a small smile. His eyes were brilliantly blue from the tears he had shed, but you could see a glimmer of something hopeful there, and that made you relax. You sighed when he framed your face with his hands and pulled your lips back to his, the kiss chaste but full of emotion that he was too exhausted to vocalize at the moment.
“You ready to go home?” You pressed your hand over his heart when you leaned back a little, glad to feel that it had slowed down to a normal rhythm as he nodded for you. “Ok, you just stay back here and rest, alright? When we get home I’m gonna draw us a nice bath and we’ll just spend the rest of the day vegging.”
“That sounds good.” He watched you climb back into the front seat with a deep breath, squeezing your hand when you let it linger on his chest before letting you pull it away with reluctance.
You peeked at him through the rear view mirror before pulling out, relieved when you watched his eyes drift closed as he sagged into the seat and let his exhaustion take over. It almost hurt you how much you loved that man, and if you ever saw that cunt who hurt him again, there was a good chance you were going to jail for him.
Ransom was still dozing by the time you pulled up to the house, but he roused quickly when he felt you shake him awake. He let you help him out of the car and smiled warmly at you when you brought your hand up to cup his jaw, humming contentedly when you let him bury his face in your hair as you guided him into the house.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek once you were inside and instructed him to go to the en suite while you got some wine, watching him closely as he headed up the stairs before moving to grab a good bottle from the rack. There was a buzzing from your purse and you pulled out your phone, texting Anne that everything was ok and no, you didn’t need her to smash that bitch’s windows in. She was detailing all the ways she was going to fuck that cunt up and making you chuckle when suddenly the last caller ID you expected flashed across your screen.
“Can I help you with something, Linda?” You poured the Syrah into a decanter and moved to grab a couple of glasses, curious why exactly she was calling you.
“Y/N…” she sounded massively uncomfortable but you could not bring yourself to give a single fuck. “I just… I heard what Sloane said and I wanted to make sure Ransom was alright. He wasn’t answering my calls though.”
“Good for him.” You chewed on your lip as you considered what you wanted to say to her. “Was she lying?”
“Did you tell your own child you should have aborted him? Or was that abusive cunt you kept forcing down your son’s throat being a lying bitch?” 
“I never… I didn’t tell him.” She still sounded like she thought she was in the right, and you might have spit in her face if she was in front of you.
“Oh, but you said it, didn’t you?” You sneered and downed the glass of wine you’d poured when you saw her number pop up. She didn’t deny it, and you quickly moved to pour yourself another glass. “You’re a fucking piece of work, Linda.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.” You could  practically hear her spine straightening over the phone and you rolled your eyes at her. “You don’t know what it was like trying to raise him. Stubborn and spoiled and…”
“Goodbye, Linda. Don’t fucking call either of us again.” You hung up before she could continue, tossing your phone across the counter and draining your glass before grabbing the decanter and glasses before heading upstairs.
“Hey, baby.” He was already soaking when you walked into the steam filled en suite, his head leaning back against the edge of the drop in tub and giving you a lazy grin. “You have trouble picking a wine?”
“No.” You set the decanter and glasses on the tray at the tub’s edge and pinned your hair off your neck before getting undressed and sliding into the water with him. “I had to talk to your mother.” 
“Oh, you had to?” He pulled you against his chest and sighed when you tucked your face into his neck.
“Yeah, I wanted to make sure she didn’t disturb us for the rest of the weekend.” You took a deep breath when he started trailing his fingers over your spine, the warmth of the water seeping through your body and helping you relax as you sank into him. “You wanna talk about what happened?”
“Later.” His arms wound tightly around you, nuzzling into your hair and breathing in the scent of you that always made him feel like he was home. “Just wanna hold you for now.”
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
hi ! enhypen smut prompt request ! can i have the reader whos a female say #4 with jake or sunghoon whos a hard dom ?? if u can , can u add how the reader and the partner are enemies who got lots of sexual tension so they kinda trease e/o a lot with words and actions ? u dont have to use that plot but thank u♡
A/N: This is one of my favorite works now lol i hope u like it :) <3
Warnings: unprotected sex, rly brief oral (f recieving), degredation
Word Count: 2.9 k
“But it’s a Tuesday,” you tell Jay while zipping up your backpack.
“So?” he says. “Don’t be lame.”
“I’m not lame, just responsible.” you sing your bag over your shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s lame.” he walks with you to the lunch tables. Jungwon and Heeseung are already there chatting it up.
“You guys are coming right?” Jay asks them and they nod. “See? You gotta come.”
“It’ll be fun noona,” Jungwon says. “And you have to come because Heeseung hyung and Jay hyung are probably gonna leave me for girls.” he rests his head on your shoulder for a moment.
“Why don’t you get yourself some girls too.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“I’m too shy.” he says quietly and you giggle.
“Alright fine, I’ll go.” you finally say and they all celebrate. “Jake’s not gonna be there right?”
“Uhm,” Heeseung looks over to Jake’s lunch table nervously. “I don’t think so.”
“You don’t think so?” you cock an eyebrow.
“He won’t be there,” Jay says. “It’ll be fine.”
You feel someone bump into your shoulder as you walk to history.
“What the hell?” you say and turn around to see who the culprit is. Of course it’s Jake. He shrugs with a half smile. That fucking ass.
After a few more classes you head home and start preparing for the bonfire party. It’s at a beach so you decide to wear your favorite bikini under your shirt and shorts. Your phone begins to buzz and it's a facetime call from Jungwon.
“Hola~” you greet him.
“Hi~” he says. “Can you take me there? My parents are at work.”
“Sure.” you say while putting all of your essentials into a purse.
“Also,” he hesitates. “I think Jake hyung is gonna be there.”
“What? How do you know?”
“I heard him talking about it during p.e.” he says quietly and you groan.
“Fuck, I don’t wanna go anymore.” you say.
“No you have to go, I will die without you.” Jungwon pleads. “It’ll be fun, we'll just stay away from him.”
“It’s gonna be hard to stay away from that giant ego taking up the whole place.” you roll your eyes.
“He’s not that bad noona, he’s actually pretty nice.” Jungwon shrugs.
“Don’t betray me like that,” you scold him. “You’re on my team alright?”
“Okay okay.” he surrenders, giggling.
You pick Jungwon up and give him the aux for the 30 minute drive to the beach.
You guys groove to SZA together.
Jungwon rolls down the window while you're on the highway and sticks his head out like a dog. He kind of is like a dog (in a good way). He’d be a shiba inu.
“Whoooo!!” he screams as the wind whips through his hair, you smile.
When you get there you park your car and get the beach towels from the backseat.
“Did you put sunscreen on?” you as Jungwon and he shakes his head. “Why do you never listen to me?”
You get a bottle of sunscreen out of your purse and rub a dollop on his face. He scrunches his nose.
“It feels like you're rubbing cake batter on me.” he complains.
“You’ll thank me when you’re fifty and you aren’t a wrinkly wreck.” you tell him while spreading it over his cheeks.
“Can we be done now?” he whines and you sigh.
You two approach the crowd of people suntanning, drinking, playing volleyball, and playing in the ocean.
You drop your stuff next to Heeseung’s and Jay’s before looking around for them. They’re playing volleyball with who on the opposing team? Jake Sim.
Jungwon must’ve noticed you shooting lasers through your eyes because he grabs your arm. “Come on, let’s go swim.” he tugs his t-shirt over his head and jogs over to the water.
You follow suit, only feeling a little self conscious about stripping with Jake Sim only so far away. But it’s only because you don’t want to be vulnerable in front of your worst enemy, right?
Jungwon’s already relaxing among the waves when you get to the shore. “Why’d you go so deep?” you call out to him.
“It’s not that deep,” he says back.
You swim around with him for a bit before forcing him to look for pretty shells with you.
He gasps. “Baby crab!” he rushes to pick it up. “Look.” he holds it up to you.
You try to pet it without freaking it out. “What if it bites you?”
“It won’t, we’re friends.”
The sun is nearly gone by the time you’re done shell searching and swimming so you head over to the bonfire. You wrap a towel around yourself and snuggle up to Jay. He scrunches his nose.
“It’s cold,” you defend yourself.
Heeseung hands you a white claw and you crack it open.
“What are we doing now?” you ask but you can’t hear Heeseung’s answer over the sight of Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Niki sitting right across from you. You notice how the bonfire highlights the muscles in Jake’s chest and arms. The warm orange light washing over him makes it look like he’s glowing. Is this what Apollo would’ve looked like? “Huh?” you ask Hee.
“We’re probably just gonna play dumb highschool games.” he says.
You inhale and take a big swig of your seltzer.
“Truth or dare time~” Bree sing songs. “Sunoo truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Sunoo answers.
“Do you have a crush on anyone and if so, who?” she asks and he rolls his eyes.
“I have a crush on myself.” he says confidently.
“Fair enough, you go now.” she says to him.
“Heeseung hyung, truth or dare?” Sunoo asks.
“Dare,” he replies and Sunoo giggles.
“Give your phone to Jay and let him text anyone anything he wants.”
Heeseung groans and throws his head back. “Oh God.”
Jay cackles an evil laugh. “Gimme.”
Heeseung reluctantly hands Jay his phone. “You’re gonna text Sophie aren’t you.”
Sophie Morales, Heeseung ex. They broke up only a month ago after half a year of dating. This was about to be brutal.
“You know me so well.” Jay smiles.
“Please don’t say anything too horrible.” Heeseung pleads.
“Sophie,” Jay narrates his text message. “I miss you and your huge tits. Also I’m sorry for not telling you while we were dating but your feet are really fucking ugly.”
Heeseung buries his head into his hands, laughing. “Fucking Christ.”
“And your breath stinks,” Jay continues. “At least your boobs are nice.”
This is what I get for befriending males. You think to yourself.
“Alright that’s enough.” Heeseung snatches his phone away while everyone giggles. “My turn since I was the victim. y/n, truth or dare?” “Truth,”
“What’s your biggest regret?”
“Becoming friends with Jay, because he’s insane.”
Jay guffaws. “I’ve been nothing but good to you.”
You roll your eyes.
The game goes on for a bit until it lands on Jungwon.
“Noona, truth or dare?”
You’d usually go for truth, but you didn’t want people to think you were boring. “Dare.”
“I dare you and Jake hyung to talk to each other in private for at least five minutes.” he says, crossing his arms.
Your eyes widen and you look over at Jake, he looks like he wants to drown himself.
“What? Why?” you ask urgently.
“Because I’m tired of you guys hating each other for no reason. Now go.” Jungwon shoos you away.
“Yeah go talk.” Niki says to Jake.
Both of you don’t budge. Jay tugs at your arm. “Come on, Jake and y/n becoming friends!”
The whole group starts chanting. “JAKE AND Y/N BECOMING FRIENDS!”
You had to admit that their enthusiasm was kind of endearing, so you swallow your pride and walk over to the lifeguard tower. You hear him not far behind you.
You climb up the stairs and let your feet hang over the ledge of the patio.
He sits down next to you.
You let a few moments of silence pass before speaking up. “I don’t want to be here as much as you do, so let’s just wait for the five minutes to pass and then go.”
“Damn,” he says. “Do you really hate me that much?”
You roll your eyes. “What do you think?”
“What did I ever do to you?” he scoffs.
“I don’t need to justify my feelings.” you cross your arms.
“Why are you so dense?” he grumbles.
You whip your body over to him. “I’m the dense one?”
“Yeah,” he says proudly. You want to slap the smug look off of his pretty face. Normal face. Slightly, almost, barely good looking face.
“Such a prick,” you mumble, turning away.
“What’d you call me?” he scrunches his eyebrows.
You look him right in the eyes. You never noticed how dark and piercing they were. “A fucking prick. Cause you are one.”
His black hair is still damp and poking into his eyes. His lips are parted and they look so soft that you almost want to kiss him. But he beats you to it.
I should push him away. Push him away you dumbass. You kept telling yourself but you couldn’t do it. His lips felt too good against yours.
Your arms snake around his waist as he lays you onto your back.
You wish you had a hundred hands so you could touch all of him. Two weren’t enough. He feels like silk and he tastes like red velvet.
He pushes your jaw up so he can get to your neck. You exhale as his tongue dances on your skin. He grinds his hips into yours and you let out a small moan. Why are you letting him affect you like this? Idiot.
“I thought you hated me?” he smirks while kissing your chest.
“I do.” you breathe out.
“You sure?” he asks, his fingers traveling down your stomach and into your bikini bottoms.
“Mhm.” you say.
He kisses your collarbone. “People you hate don’t make you wet like this.”
That just makes you throb even more.
“Fuck off,” you say and he backs up.
“Really?” he says. “Because I will.”
You roll your eyes and pull him in by the back of the neck.
“Touch me,” you say and he happily obliges. You knew were in public but it was dark and honestly, you didn’t care.
“Such a slut,” he says while running a finger up and down your slit. “If you wanted me this badly you should’ve said so sooner.”
“I don’t want you asshole.” you breathe out as he circles your clit.
“You just asked me to touch you princess,” he kisses your neck. “I think that’s good evidence.”
You rub your fingers through the back of his hair and tug it back, exposing his neck. He lets out a small moan. You kiss his neck, sucking and nibbling every now and then. When you pull away there’s at least three red blotches that go from his throat to his chest.
“People are gonna see those you know?” he says.
“Whatever.” you roll your eyes.
“Are you marking me or something? Telling everyone that I’m yours?” he boasts.
It’s confusing how your anger is feeding into your lust for him.
“Shut up and fuck me.” you say and he cocks a brow.
“Maybe if you ask nicely,” he kisses your cheek sweetly. You want to wipe it off and slap him in the face.
“Who do you think you are?” you scoff at him.
“Come on dont play with me,” he pushes one finger into you and you moan. “I can tell that you want it.”
It was true. You were practically gushing.
“More,” you say, wanting another finger.
“Where are your manners?” he smirks.
You swallow your pride. “Please?”
“Good girl,” he says and it sends tingles down your spine.
He pulls your bikini bottoms to the side and rubs his thumb up your slit. “Such a pretty cunt.”
Your thighs are already trembling.
“I really thought you’d still be hating me right now.” he says lowly. “Do I make you that weak?”
You snap to your senses for a moment. “Fuck you.”
“I am.” he snickers and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t give me attitude princess.” he warns you with a dangerous smile.
“Or what?” you test him.
“Do you really wanna find out?”
“What do you think you’re intimidating or something?” you ask and he scoffs.
He sits up and grabs your arm. “Get up.”
“Get up.” he says sternly and you do.
He grabs your hand, leading you somewhere.
“Where are we going?” you ask, agitated. If you really didn’t want to go you wouldn’t, but you secretly wanted to continue what was going on.
“My car.”
“What? Why?”
“You’ll see.”
“Hey! Where are you going?” Jungwon calls out. “Don’t leave me!” “I’ll be just a second!” you reply with an unsure smile.
“Backseat.” Jake says as you approach his Mercedes.
So bossy, you think.
You sit in the back seat and before you know it he’s pulling you into his lap.
“Let’s continue shall we?” he says and you don’t waste any time getting your lips on his.
He pushes your hips down onto his and you whimper. You were already so wet and this was just making it worse.
“Please, I can’t wait any longer.” you say, not being able to hold it in.
“For what?” he nips at your neck.
“I need to feel you inside of me.” you plead. 
“That’s better.” he tugs his shorts down and pulls your swimsuit to the side.
You grab the base of him before slowly sinking down. “Fuck yes.” you moan in relief.
He fills you up perfectly and his tip brushes your g-spot every time you bounce.
“So fucking tight.” he growls, holding onto your hips tight.
Your legs begin to tremble from the pleasure so he grabs you by the waist and lays you on your back.
He snaps his hips into yours and you whine.
He smirks. “Look at you all spread out for me,” he kisses your neck. “Taking this cock deep inside you.”
Your fingers trail down to rub at your clit. “Please don’t stop.”
He flips you over into doggy and tugs your hair, bringing your ear up to his mouth.
“Tell me how bad you want it.”
“Really bad,” you whimper.
He smacks your ass and you let out a small squeal.
“Touch with yourself while I fuck you.” he lets you go and you rest on the door. Your fingers move to play with your pussy.
His hands are tight on your waist as he pounds into you.
You feel your knees start to give out and your cunt start to pulse around him.
He chuckles. “Are you close sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you exhale. “Please make me cum, please I need it so bad.”
“Why should I think you deserve it?”
“Please, I can’t hold it any longer.” you say and he stops his movements completely.
He gets close to your ear. “You get to cum when I say so okay?”
You accept defeat. “Okay.”
You start to get more and more flustered as he continues to fuck you just right.
“Fuck Jake I can’t,” you whimper and hold onto the car door for dear life.
He pulls out suddenly and you complain before feeling his tongue on you. Your body tenses up from the pleasure.
“You taste so fucking good,” he says and you arch your back, pushing your pussy into his mouth. He moans against you.
After only a couple circles on your clit with his tongue, you’re ready to come undone. You grab onto his hand.
“Wait wait I’m close,”
And before you can utter another word he slams his cock into you and brings his hand around you to rub your clit.
“Cum on this cock sweetheart, I know you can do it.” he encourages you.
He smiles as your moans get louder and more high pitched.
Your legs start to shake and he grabs you tight. He comes up to your ear. “Be a good girl for me won’t you.”
Your eyes roll back as bliss runs through your entire body. He was probably the best lay you’ve ever had.
Your body goes slack as he cums inside of you.
“Fuck,” he growls and slowly pulls out. He picks you up and holds you in his arms as you try to ride out the trembling.
“How am I supposed to clean up?” you ask.
“Maybe you can swim again?” he jokes and you punch him in the arm. “Do you still hate me?”
“One hundred percent.” you say confidently.
“Are you kidding?” he scoffs. “My kids are in you right now.”
You fake gag and he laughs.
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hotpinkrathian · 3 years
20 Years Ago Pt 1
Kya stood back with a grin. She did it. Despite her mother's doubts she had successfully pulled off the perfect highschool reunion. People were chatting, dancing and congratulating her.
"Well Kya, you did it." Her bother said, standing beside her with a glass of punch.
"Don't drink that," she said, "it's spiked."
"How do you even know that?" He asked  looking into the cup.
"Waterbenders intuition." She lied. Truthfully, she had been the one to spike it.
"Look," Tenzin said, gesturing to the door."
"Hmmm?" She turned her head, her brows furrowing.  Lin Beifong.
"What is she doing here?" Kya asked, she knew for a fact she didn't invite her.
"I asked her to come," Tenzin explained, "she doesn't get out a lot and well, I thought it'd be nice for you two to see each other." Kya rolled her eyes. She had no business with Lin, and the idea her brother thought otherwise was stupid.
"I have nothing to say to her." Kya stated, taking his cup and downing it.
"It seems like you do." Tenzin replied, letting his sister walk away.
Kya huffed, sitting down at her table, two cups of punch in her hands, both of which were for her. It seemed everyone here was having a good time, except her. She couldn't help it, Lin's prescence set her off.
"How am I supposed to enjoy myself when she's lurking around?" She spoke to herself, taking a drink from the left cup.
"Still talking to yourself, I see." Lin said, sitting next to her.
"Still condescending, I see." Kya mocked, finishing one of her drinks. Lin reached a hand over, grabbing the other one.
"Thats mine." Kya said. Lin raised an eyebrow, keeping eye contact with the older woman.
"Then take it." Kya looked at her quizzically, Lin had a sadistic grin on her face, like she was enjoying Kya's anger.
"No." Kya replied, "you have it. On me." Lin smirked, placing her lips to the cup and downing the whole thing  her face unraveling in a look of disgust.
"Thats so sweet." The metalbender groaned.
"Some people like sweet things." Kya retorted. Lin sighed, glancing to the stage.
"You know, we're kind of old to be doing this." Lin said.
"I think I know how long to hold a grudge." Kya replied, refusing to look her in the eyes.
"Raava, Kya do you even remember what you hate me for?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."
"Then enlighten me."
"It was my senior year, you promised to come with me to prom, we had it planned and everything.  Then someone started dating my brother and ditched me to give a blow job behind the bleachers. I had no other friends Lin, everyone hated me for... well, you know, and you just... you left me alone. To be ridiculed by my entire grade. I had to leave out the back door because by the end of the night I was covered in punch and didn't want to be seen by the cameras."
"Okay, wow. First of all, it wasn't a blow job." Lin started, "second of all, I didn't mean to leave you. I just didn't know how long it would take."
"Oh my God, Lin, do you not hear yourself?" Kya asked, "you left me alone on my night to fuck my brother. Dick move, by the way."
"I wasnt fucking your brother!"
"Right so he let everyone believe that you and him fucked for the rest of the year?"
"Really? You think I'm that stupid?"
"Kya, ask Tenzin. We didn't do anything that night, I didn't have the guts too. I never intended for he and I to do anything but he got ahead of himself and told all his friends so I told him not to worry about it." Kya looked away in disbelief.
"If that was true, why didn't you tell me?"
"I tried, you were so upset and 'banned me from the island. I asked that idiot arrowhead to talk to you but I guess he never did." Kya stared at her, unsure of what to make of this. Lin had lied before, but she seemed so sincere... stop. Remember how you felt.
"I'm not listening to this. I have a speech to give." Lin slammed a fist on the table and let Kya go. The watsrbender made her way to the stage, motioning for the crows to gather.
"I just want to say how happy I am everyone could make it today." She began, "it's been a long time since we've seen each other and I have to say I'm absolutely thrilled with the people you have all become."
"I'd like to say something!" Kya looked down at the speaker, he had a hat on, a jersey for some pro bending team and awfully greasy shorts. Roy Cavanaugh. The idiot who had splattered her with punch on prom night.
"Well I'm not really-"
"Roy! Roy! Roy!" The crowd chanted.
"Fine," Kya caved, "come here." He climbed onto the stage, taking the mic from her and holding it a little to close to his mouth.
"Can I just say," he started, "had I known you were gonna look like that when you were older I would've been nicer to you." Kya pursed her lips.
"Thats enough-"
"With that being said, are you still a dyke? Because I'd like to show you my-" Kya took the mic from him, staring at him angrily. Laughter mixed with awkward silence. She stared into the crowd, their familiar beady eyes focusing on her. Passing their judgment and she realized then and there she didn't want this reunion to see people, she wanted closure.
"Roy," she said, "you're an idiot. You always will be. Maru," she directed to his wife, "he cheated on you. Multiple times with Christine. Blonde hair, two girls down. Yeah that one." Roy looked at her, his eyes begging her to stop.
"Also," she said, "we all know it was you who shit on the floor during gym class. Everyone did. Just some of us were decent enough human beings to spare you that guilt. Now get out of my party." He jumped off the stage, his friends no longer sticking beside him, his wife ignoring his call.
"Oh to answer your question," Kya called before he left, "I am still a dyke. And that's not going to change for any of you." She smiled, satisfied with herself. She caught a glimpse of Lin who had a look on her face that resembled a smile. She dropped the mic, marching down the stage steps with gusto when she fell backward and collided with the steps.
"Kya. Kya. Kya, wake up." Kya's eyes batted open, pushing past the pulsing sensation in her head.
"Where am I?"
"The school gym."
"You slipped. Hit your head pretty bad." Lin said, pushing her down when she tried to sit up.
"Wheres Tenzin?"
"Jinora got sick, he went home. He sat here with you though, for an hour."
"How long was I out?"
"Three hours."
"Three hours?!" Kya tried to sit up, but her head refused her.
"Stop moving so much, just lay on this." Lin took off her coat, bundling it up and placing it under her head.
"Where is everyone" Kya asked.
"They went home. After your speech and... trip, I guess they decided they didn't deserve to be here." Kya snorted, taking the water Lin offered her and holding the freezing ice to her head.
"That works too," Lin said, moving beside her.
"Why did you stay?" Kya asked, moving her eyes to Lin.
"I am a police officer, it wouldn't look good if I left an injured person here."
"Oh." Kya said, trying not to sound disappointed.
"But also... I wasn't done talking earlier."
"You? Lin Beifong had more to say. I'll be damned." Lin laughed slightly before taking a deep inhale.
"I'm sorry, for everything." She said, "what I did to you that night, it wasnt fair." Kya smiled  reaching her free hand to Lin's and holding her leg.
"Can I be completely honest with you?" Kya inquired.
"Of course."
"I think I over reacted, just a bit."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, now shush. I... I had feelings for you, back then." Kya admitted. She felt herself blush, and immediately regretted everything she had said.
"Kya, I know you won't forget that night and the trauma it caused you, but you shouldn't know I never meant to hurt you. I didn't go because I was scared. I made these other plans because I didn't want people to see me with you and-"
"You were embarrassed of me?"
"What? No, God no... Kya I didn't want people to see me with you and talk because I knew that if we danced, or shared a drink, I'd have to confront the part of myself that liked you, too. And if that was true then what other rumors were?" Kya looked at Lin in disbelief. All this time, all this hatred she had kept for Lin when the true enemy was fear. She pushed herself up, leaning against the wall and putting the ice next to her.
"Lin," she spoke softly," I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to feel that way. If I pressured you or-" before she could finish, Lin's lips met hers. She was taken aback by how soft Lin's lips her. The Beifong kissed with so much emphasis and emotion Kya had to pull away for a moment.
"Lin..." she whispered, "you have no idea how many times I thought of this moment."
"I think I do," Lin replied, "I thought of it everyday for the last 20 years." Kya grinned, pressing her forhead against Lin's before wincing in pain.
"You're in pain." Lin said, pulling away.
"No I'm fine just a little headache." She winced again and Lin moved to her knees, standing up and offering her hand.
"Come on." Lin said.
"This unnecessary really Lin-"
"You can't stand, can you?" Kya shook her head.  Lin side, bending down and reaching one hand under her shoulders and the other under her hips. She pushed, taking Kya in her arms with a grunt.  Kya blushed when Lin met her gaze, doing her best to keep her head up.
"Are you going to carry me all the way back to the island?" Kya asked.
"Maybe. I was going to put you in the back seat of my satomobile."
"That works." Kya replied. Lin carried the Waterbender out of the highschool gym, Kya stifled a chuckle at the disaster her party had turned into. At least she'd missed most of it.
Kya had fallen asleep on the drive over to the docks, waking up briefly to get on the ferry before passing out again on the railing. Lin must've carried her all the way to the temple because when she finally came too, she was on the couch in her childhood home.
"Well, she might not remember that part." Kya blinked her eyes open, seeing her mother and Lin sharing tea over the coffee table.
"Good morning." Katara said, getting up and putting a hand to her daughters head.
"What time is it?"
"In the morning?" Kya exclaimed. As if on cue Lin opened the blinds, revealing the sun as it peaked over the horizon.
"Lin caught me up, dear," Katara said, "you had a minor concussion, nothing I couldn't fix. But please take it easy okay?"
"Yeah, thanks, Mom." Kya pushed herself up, accepting the cup of tea Lin handed her.
"So, how big of a fool did I make of myself?" Kya asked, rubbing her eyes.
"Eh, I've seen worse. If they didn't remember you before, they do now." Kya sighed, taking a sip of the tea.
"Well it is what it is." She whispered. They sat in silence for a moment before Lin stood up.
"Where are you going?" Kya asked, motioning to follow her.
"Relax," Lin said, pushing her back onto the sofa, "I'm just going to bathroom."
"Was the whole night not enough time to catch up?" Lin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well no, I was passed out for most of it." Lin chuckled slightly and Kya blushed again.
"Then I'll be right back."
"Okay." Kya watched her go with a longing look in her eye. She looked back to her mother who shook her head with a dumb grin.
"Oh stop." Kya scolded.
"I didn't say anything."
"You didn't have to."
"She stayed awake the whole night you know." Katara said.
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Whatever you say, dear." Kya pursed her lips, looking back in the direction Lin had disappeared to.
Well shit.
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volleychumps · 4 years
hi i loved your helping karasuno during a game hc’s and i was wondering if you could do one for nekoma ?
Due to popular demand, here it is! I wrote with the ones I was the most comfortable with, so I hope you guys enjoy!!
Calming Down Nekoma in a Match
- “God, all these Nohebi players are pricks.” “Kuroo, they might hear-” “Kenma, look at my face. Do I look like I care?” 
- runs a hand through his already sweaty hair frustratedly as he gulps down water, eyes taking on a menacing edge as the team all simutaneously take a step away from the pissed-off captain
- “Nekomata-sensei…” “Don’t worry. We have luck on our side.” “What do you-?” “Get (Y/N) down here. Now.” 
- gets riled up immensely so much to the point where he begins making mistakes, allowing the toxic words from the other team to get to him until he gets subbed out
- legit the whole team is shook because the captain was no longer playing, messing up the flow that they’re usually able to keep intact 
- leans against the wall with a pissed-off expression as he dares the players of the other team to look his way, blinking when a pair of arms is suddenly on either side of his body
- Yaku has to stop the team from laughing at how funny it looked: your adorable figure was trapping Kuroo against the wall with both arms as he stared down at you. unblinking 
- stiff posture relaxes immediately, pissed-off expression forming into one of amusement and confusion 
- “Came to visit?” the side of his lips quirk up, feeling the tension slip his chest as you look up at him sternly, refusing to let him leave his spot on the wall before your arms suddenly wrap around his torso 
- “What are you so mad for? You’re playing so well.” You pout, looking up at him as your front body presses up against his in a hug. “And you’re the one who told me to come because you were gonna win. Were you wrong in saying that?” 
- looks at you for a second before his hand gently strokes your cheek, feeling his breathing even out before taking a deep breath, determination brimming his eyes as you grin. You had done it. 
- “Nope. I wasn’t wrong at all when saying that.” leans down towards you, feral eyes playful as his lips form a smirk, eyes twinkling in amusement as he pulls you in.
- flips off the staring Nohebi team as he plants his lips on yours for a good fifteen seconds, looking energized as he jogs back on to the court away from your flushed figure 
-bro wtf we get it you have a gf 
- “Kuroo, there are children-” “Lev and Shibuyama can get over it. Let’s win this.” 
- Nekomata sensei lets you sit next to him throughout the rest of the game, and when Nekoma manages to win their third set, Kuroo jogs over to you before quite literally sweeping you off your feet, picking you up bridal style as he peppers kisses all over your cheeks
- “Kuroo, please let me go-!”
- “Never.” His forehead rests against yours.
-“You’re too good to let go, I can’t help myself.” 
-You never thought you’d see the day where Kenma would lose his cool
- It was a match against Fukurodani, and you could tell Kenma was becoming more and more irate as Bokuto’s speed was too much to allow him to think
- Kenma’s sets begin to lack strength, signalling he was lessening the amount of pressure he was using in his arms to set the ball up as he got more and more lost within his mind 
- The Nekoma team blinks when Kenma’s set doesn’t even rise above the net
- Luckily, Fukunaga comes in to set in his place when Kenma gets benched, eyes downcast on the floor as the team legit freaks out
- Yamamoto stop freaking out baby pls
- like what are they supposed to do without the brain of the team? all connection would suddenly become lost without Kenma
-Kuroo is legit looking at Kenma with a we-say-a-fucking-chant-for-you-before-the-game-are-you-kidding-me look before whipping out his phone in the middle of time out
-poor love feels pressured as he sits on the bench, trying to make himself calm as the irritation bubbles in his stomach 
- “Hey uh, Y/N, you’re watching this, right?” “ I can see Kenma looks a tad frustrated.” “You’re his girlfriend! Do something!” “What?” 
- You snap your phone shut before leaving the stands to enter the gym floor, ignoring the stares you were getting from the audience to see that Nekoma had called a time-out, the other team sitting at set point 
- “Kenma, Bokuto has a stupid amount of strength and you know that-” “Kuroo. I don’t care. Don’t lecture me.” 
- silently, you shoo the surrounding members of the team away from Kenma as you take the unoccupied seat next to him, remaining quiet for a few seconds before you hear him sigh lightly 
- “You shouldn’t be down here.” “Yet here I am!” 
- doesn’t react when you take his hand, tracing your finger over the lines on his hands as your thumb runs back and forth soothingly on his skin
- “It’s just a game.” You say finally, nudging him in the side with your shoulder before resting your head on his. “Think about it this way. The faster you win this, the faster you can finally beat me at Smash Bros.” 
- “You’ve won once.” “Doesn’t matter! You still lost!” 
- scoffs a little at your fuming face before feeling the air circulation in his lungs allow him to breathe a little easier, glancing down at your bright grin before he sighs, as if this were the most troublesome thing 
-shut up kenma you know you love them
-“Fine then. Rematch. After this.” 
- “After this. Now will you hurry up and win already?” 
- As he stands, you press your lips to his knuckle quickly, not enough to make him flustered, but enough for him to smile the smallest of smiles at you -
-until it disappears as soon as Kuroo comes to drag him back into the game
- “You’re a miracle worker.” “I do what I can.” “Will you two stop high-fiving each other? I’m still here.” “Kenma, don’t be jealous.” 
- rolls his eyes as he makes his way back into the game, feeling complete serenity flow back trough his mind as the Nekoma team finally takes back the points they had missed
-so when they win, he’s already walking back to your sitting figure on the bench before plopping down in his previous seat, rummaging through his duffel before emerging with a switch
- “You don’t want to celebrate with your screaming team?” You question as he pops off a controller. He blinks before standing up, offering you his hand. 
- “You’re right. Let’s get out of here. Before Kuroo drags us.” 
- You laugh, grasping his hand as he leads you out of the gym. Without turning back to look at you, his grip tightens ever so slightly. 
- “Hey (Y/N)?” “Hm?”
- “Thank you.” 
- “Don’t mind, Yakkun!” “Lev, you’re the last person I want to be telling me not to mind.” 
-Yaku you made the baby sad stop being a hoe 
- Irate baby frustratedly wipes the sweat trailing down the bridge of his nose when another ball slams down into the floor before his hand can reach in between it
- grinds his teeth together as the whistle seems to blow in his ears, his nails biting into his clenched fist as Kai flinches from trying to help him off the floor 
- “I’m so off my game today.” “Yaku, you’re doing great-” “Kai, don’t touch me. I mean it.” 
- creates an air that’s almost suffocating as he becomes more and more irritable, effecting his overall performance
- flinches when he gets switched out with Shibuyama, who was trembling as they switched numbers, Yaku pulling it a little more harshly than necessary
- “Hello love!”
- darkened eyes soften at your grinning figure standing by the bench before darkening again, taking a seat without paying much mind to you
- doesn’t even look at you as he pops the cap to his water bottle “So you saw me play. Like that. What are you even doing down here?”
- Unfazed, you stand in front of your libero boyfriend with your hands on your hips, noting the clench of his fists and tightened jaw before reaching your hand out
- seems to relax at your touch when you stroke his cheek gently, smiling softly down at him as his arms slowly snake around your waist, pulling you closer as his breaths begin to steady 
- “I’m sorry.” “There’s nothing to be sorry for. You’re playing great, love. I’m always proud of how you play, you’re the one who stands out the most on the court! Do you know how proud that makes me?”
- his eyes lose their darkened glare as he stares up at you, his grip on his water bottle loosening as he takes a deep breath, standing as he looks down at you
- “What would I do without you?” “Cry, probably.”
- quirks an eyebrow at your cheeky response before pressing his lips against your forehead, smiling down at you without a trace of his previous anger
- “Let’s go on a date after this.” “But the team dinner...?” “Nope. Just you and me.”
- kisses you on the tip of your nose before ensuring you get to the stands okay, waving at you when he’s put back in the game
- you smile widely when he fist pumps the air, reaching the top of his game as the atmosphere diminishes completely
- “Lev...I’m s...sor...cOUGH” “it’s okay, Yakkun! We won, and you did so well for someone who’s short!”
- Lev you little shit he’s trying
- is about to kick Lev in the shin until you leap into his arms, overjoyed as his hands wrap around your waist to steady you
- “You played so well, love!”
- “It’s all thanks to you, dork.”
- “Kuroo are you crying?” “I...Yakkun just never looks this nice!”
-“Lev, you could’ve gotten that-“ “I know! My receives still suck, I’m sorry.”
- the whole team blanches at Lev’s irate and borderline depressed self, knowing how low their attack power went if he isn’t at the top of his game
- “Kenma-San, please set to me less.” Literally gets so sad omg baby no
- Kenma being Kenma, shrugs and nods as the whistle blows, signaling the start of the next rally as Lev slowly becomes more and more downhearted
- when his next spike gets into the net, his spike usually being the one thing he has confidence in, he makes eye contact with his coach before he’s promptly benched
- “That one girl Lev never shuts up about...is she here?” “Uh, probably, sensei-“ “Go find her.”
- Within the next few minutes, you’re jogging into the gym after receiving a text from Inuoka, eyes brimmed with concern as you see your boy hunched over on the bench
- “what’s with him?” “I don’t know, his receives were off and I think that eventually effected his spikes...”
- ignoring the questioning stares of the people who noticed you, you give Lev a hug from behind, causing him to jump before relaxing into your touch
- “...(Y/N).”
- “Heyo, cutie.” You flirt, resting your chin on the top of his head as you hug him from his sitting position. “Come here often?”
- chuckles at your cute actions before his shoulders slump over again “Sorry you have to see me suck this bad...I bragged and everything.”
- “sorry, who are you?”
-blinks, thinking you’re still trying to flirt with him before spinning around on the bench to face you with a questioning stare
- “The Lev I know is the ace of the Nekoma team...right now I don’t really know who you are? Are you an imposter?”
- laughs, long arms finding your waist as he pulls you closer to him “Nope. I’m the real thing.”
- “Then go be the ace.” You say, hands cupping his cheeks. “They’re relying on you. And I’m here to support you. Always.”
- looks at you in awe for a moment before furrowing his brows and nodding, feeling soothed as you run your hands through his bright hair
- he pinches your waist, his cat-like grin passing over his face when you yelp, causing you to land in his lap as you blush
-digs his face into your neck as if he was recharging himself as you embarrassedly try to push him off before he sighs deeply and sets you down next to him
-when he stands and glances back, his eyes glint as he smiles at you lovingly
- “Don’t stop watching me.”
- so as you watch from the stands as Lev slams down the winning point, he blows you a kiss with a wink from the winning line-up as you roll your eyes
- “That was kind of cute, I guess.” You cross your arms when he comes to get you from the stands, pulling you into a tight hug as he smiles into your hair.
- “Good. You were watching.”
- “I never stopped.” 
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Her Majesty's Men 7 | Mason Mount
Word Count: 1,415
Warnings: declan being an ass, more stripping, more mason/reader sexual tension xx
- - -
Her Majesty’s Men take off after that.
Victoria makes one Instagram post about her night spent at the club, and suddenly, everyone is showing up. Women come from all over England just to see them perform. Suddenly, money is coming from all directions. Stonesy is able to hire a PR team and an agency that starts talking about the tour.
It all gets so big so fast.
Money Mase and Dangerous Deccers start making house calls to bring in extra press. It’s exhausting but the money can sometimes be even better than a weeknight at the club, and now they need the money because Stonesy thought they should only do Thursday-through-Sunday shows.
They knock on the door of the mansion in front of them, the music blaring even behind the closed door. The two of them are dressed up like the City of London Police, looking intimidating when a woman answers. “Hello, Officers. Can I help you?”
“D’You live here, Ma’am?”
“Well, uh, no, but I-”
“That’s fine,” Mason says, pushing past her and stepping inside. “We’ve been getting complaints of noise and underage drinking here. Is everyone over age?”
The room is full of women well over-eighteen and they all nod. “Well, we’re gonna have to see some ID all the same,” Mason continues, pointing in the direction of the room filled with women. “Can you accompany me in here, please. When’s your birthday, Ma’am?”
“Uh, M-May,” she stutters, so flustered by this intrusion she forgets her own birthday.
“You are definitely not eighteen. I’m gonna need you to place your hands on the wall; spread your legs. Everybody sit down - we’re gonna be here a while. Now, do you have anything sharp on you that I could stick myself with?”
“N-no, Sir.”
“Good. Because I do.” That was the cue for Mason to rip off the tear-away pants, leaving him in briefs with the toolbelt still around his waist. Declan turned up the music as the women started to cheer. He spotted Victoria in the crowd, giving her a wink and a nod before he turned back to her friend and finished up the lapdance.
The two men worked the room, money flying everywhere as they thrust their hips and flexed their muscles. Victoria was the last woman left, spreading her legs eagerly as Declan sauntered over to her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he started the lapdance, rutting against his barely-covered cock-
“What the HELL is going on?!” Came David Beckham’s voice.
The music shut off, everyone suddenly freezing where they stood. Time stopped.
“David, I-”
“No! I don’t wanna hear it!” David was furious, the centre of his rage focused solely on Victoria and Declan. “You told me it was one time, Victoria! You told me I’d never have to see this… this boy again, yet here he is in MY HOUSE!” David stormed towards Declan, shoving him. “Get the fuck off my wife!”
“Whoa whoa whoa, what’s going on?” Mason cut in, throwing himself between Declan and the football legend. “We just got a call to come to this house party, and-”
“What you ‘got’ was a call from my wife to get her little boy-toy over here so she can have an excuse to fuck him in our bed. I want him out of my house!” David roared, advancing on Mason now.
“O-Okay,” Mason said, holding his hands up in surrender. “We’re leaving right now. Dec? C’mon.”
“No.” Declan’s face was hard, defiant as he stepped towards David. “Victoria told me you were okay with this. I don’t know what she told you, but that’s what she told me.” Declan got in David’s face. “I’ll leave, but you haven’t seen the last of me.”
Declan let Mason drag him out by the arm, the adrenaline racing through both of them.
“What the hell was that, Dec?!” Mason shouted as the two of them drove back to Declan’s place. “Victoria Beckham?! Really?! How long has this been going on?!”
“Since the fundraiser. She seduced me.”
“And you let it happen? Fuck, Dec, I thought you knew better than that!”
“I thought I did, too, mate, but she… god, she really knows her way around a man’s cock. Stonesy was right: this investment was a great idea.”
“No, Dec! No, it wasn’t! God, don’t you see what Stonesy has turned you into?”
“Yes, I have, Mase! He’s made me a goddamn star! I thought I’d never get to hear crowds of people chanting and screaming my name again, but here we are! They. Love. Me. Me, Mase! I didn’t think that was gonna be possible again after I lost football, but John’s done it.”
“John?! Since when do we call him anything but Stonesy?! Fuck, Dec. You might know who you are now, but I sure as hell don’t.”
The rest of the drive was spent in tense silence, both men fuming at the other. Mason pulled into the drive, cutting the engine. He banged on the door of your place, breathing a sigh of relief when you answered. “I’ve got your brother.”
“What happened?” Concern instantly makes its way onto your face. You want to reach out and comfort Mason, but you don’t. The two of you have barely interacted since your almost-kiss, but something about his demeanor tells you that he needs you.
“I don’t know the full story, but we’ve just come from the Beckhams’ and-”
“Wait. As in ‘David and Victoria Beckham’ the Beckhams’?”
“Uh, yeah. And, apparently, your brother has been shagging Victoria for the last few I-don’t-know-how-many months.”
“He’s what?!”
“Yeah.” Mason gave you a wide-eyed look. “Things got a bit heated tonight. I tried to talk to him on the drive, but he’s so far gone on Stonesy’s little fucked-up plan to take us out of London that I don’t-”
“Wow. It’s really gonna be like that, eh?” Declan glared at Mason and then turned his attention to you. “Money Mase has you so wrapped around his finger, doesn’t he? Is this all part of your plan to turn everyone against me? God, mate, my own sister?! You think me screwing Vic is bad but you’re shagging my sister?! That’s low, even for you.”
“Mason’s not shagging me, Dec! And really? Victoria Beckham?! Look at yourself! I thought this was going to be a bridge from football onto your next thing. I wasn’t expecting this.”
“Expecting what? Me to be a star?! Well, wake the fuck up, bitch! I’m a star! Dangerous Deccers is a goddamn star! The women scream for me, they cheer for me! And Victoria Beckham is shagging me over her goddamn husband! So, who’s the real winner here, ‘cause it certainly doesn’t seem like it’s either of you two.” Declan growled, pushing past you and into the house.
“Wow!” You whispered, sharing a look with Mason.
“Yeah…” Mason trailed off, letting out a sigh as he scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m sorry he called you a bitch.”
“It’s not your fault, but thanks. I doubt he’ll apologize in the morning, anyway. When he gets like this, he-” you paused, shaking your head. “Well, anyway. Thanks.” Without thinking, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Thanks for bringing him here and just for… everything, really.”
“My pleasure,” he replied, running a soothing hand up your back. “I was just looking out for Dec. I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”
“I know you didn’t. It’s okay, Mase. Really.” You looked up at him, taking his face in your hands. Your eyes searched his face before you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Good night.”
“Can we go out sometime? A proper date. I wanna take you out.”
“Mason,” you sighed, releasing him as you stepped back. “You know we can’t. I’m me and you’re-”
“A stripper? You can say it, ya know. It’s not a bad thing. I told you once before, it’s how I pay the bills; it’s not who I am.”
“I know. But you’re also Dec’s best friend.”
“Forget about all that. If I was just some random guy you met and you didn’t know who I was and I wasn’t your brother’s best friend, would you go out with me?”
You bit down on your bottom lip. “Yes. I would.”
Mason smiled wide and your stomach dipped. “Give me a month, and just promise me that when I show up here again, you’ll say yes to a date?”
<< >>
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Friendly Game | Draco x Reader
Prompt requested by anon: You and Draco were both stars on the Slytherin quidditch team, but after getting too aggressive in a game, you find yourself taking a nasty blow, causing Draco to get a little too overprotective.
Warnings: Reader getting injured, fluff
Word Count: 2.1k (short and sweet)
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Standing in the tunnel to the field, you can hear the crowd cheering and chanting, your adrenaline pumping as you fiddle with your broom in your hands. You just wanted to get out there and start the match against Gryffindor. This match was something you’ve been looking forward to for weeks. “Awfully fidgety today, aren’t we, darling?” your boyfriend says, standing next to you. You roll your eyes at Draco before he gives your hand a squeeze, placing a kiss to your knuckles through the glove. “No need to be anxious. You’ll be brilliant.”
Smiling sweetly at Draco, you lean over, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before you hear Lee Jordan call out your team’s name, the Slytherin section going absolutely mad. The tunnel opens and all of you run out, yelling, before hoping on your brooms and taking to the skies. Playing quidditch was the one time you felt like you were truly free at this school. You could zip around, flying as fast as you wanted, not to mention, you could “accidentally” knock into a few Gryffindors and get away with it. 
Today’s game was big or at least it was big to Draco which made it big to you. Everyone knew about Draco’s vendetta against Harry Potter which meant that you had a vendetta against him. Draco knew that the competition between him and Potter was always on, but heightened on the field.
As you looked over to Draco, he glared at Potter who glared back just as intensely as him. You smiled at the sight, your heart racing, waiting for Madam Hooch to start the game. Shortly after that, the game starts with a roar, everyone zipping along the field, you focused on getting into an open spot on the field to making a successful pass to another Chaser on your team.
The match was not an easy one. Gryffindor players were very skilled and played a fair game. But that didn’t mean that Slytherin had to. Over the years, you learned a few tips and tricks from Crabbe and Goyle about a few moves you could pull during the match that wouldn’t be considered a foul. 
During the game, you watched as Ginny Weasley started approaching the Slytherin end of the field, approaching the rings. You glance over to Zabini, who nods, having the same idea as you. The two of you start to zip over to the Weasley girl, narrowing in on her from either side. Ginny looks at the both of you, anxiety settling in, trying to escape from what she knows is inevitable. You laugh menacingly before you and Blaise physically knock into her from either side, forcing the Quaffle out of her grasp, body blowing her . As it falls to the ground, Ginny groans, almost being knocked off of her broom. 
Ron Weasley yells from his keeper position, “What the bloody hell was that all about?” You just give him a look and shrug before noticing Harry who just watched the scene that unfolded before his eyes. Ron looks at Harry who looks at Ginny, who struggles to regain her balance on her broom. Harry then abandons trying to capture the golden snitch and zooms to Ginny, making sure that she’s alright.
You don’t waste any time, fleeing the scene cause the longer you stay, the more guilty you look. You continue along with Zabini, checking other Chasers, twirling to avoid Bludgers. The game was not dying down in intensity, instead only rising with each passing moment. Players were getting more and more aggressive, treading a fine line between basic fouls and trick moves. Bludgers were zooming, past people, hitting others, attempting to knock others off their brooms, players skillfully dodging them. Things were going so quick, you couldn’t keep up, slightly overwhelmed. 
As you fly in formation behind Zabini and next to Crabbe, you keep your head low, hands firmly gripping your broom. Merlin, Malfoy, can’t you capture the snitch already so we can end the bloody game? you think to yourself. Too enthralled with your thoughts, you don’t even notice the Bludger that is hurling towards you at maximum speed that an opposing player had hit towards you. 
“(Y/L/N)! Watch out!” you hear a voice yell. You turn toward the Bludger, it hitting you right in the ribs, knocking you off your boom as the wind gets knocked out of you. Everyone stops where there are on the field as they watch you take the nasty blow, dropping off of your broom at least 4 meters from the ground. The crowd gasps as you hit the ground, crying out in pain. You curl up into a ball, grabbing your ribs in pain. If the Bludger didn’t break a rib, the fall definitely did. 
Madam Hooch blows her whistle, bringing the game to a halt. Meanwhile, Draco and Harry stopped where they were, chasing the snitch, hearing the whistle. “What’s going on?” Harry looked below him, seeing a green robed quidditch player on the field, laying on the ground with Hooch and other hovering over the player. “It’s one of yours,” Potter sneers.
Draco gives him a look before squinting to see who exactly it was who got themselves injured, disturbing the game. His eyes quickly recognize your figure and his heart drops, fear setting in. “No, no, no,” Draco says before zooming down to the field instantly, flying at the speed of light. Within in seconds, Draco is off his broom and on his knees next to you. “Darling, are you alright?” he holds one of your hands, the other brushing your hair as he inspects your face, scanning for any blood or bruises that stick out to him. He then notices your face contort in pain as you clutch onto your left side, you shaking from the pain rippling in your rib cage. His worry grows as he sees you writhe in pain. His worry then turns into sheer anger when he knows this was a Gryffindor doing. Draco rises from the ground and demands, “Which one of you blokes did it?”
Other Gryffindors turn away, leaving Jimmy Peakes standing there, gulping in fear about what the Slytherin was going to do to him since he was the one who delivered the blow to his girlfriend. “I didn’t mean it, Malfoy, I swear, I’m sorry. We were having a friendly game,” Peakes tries to reason with the blonde haired boy who has steam coming from his ears.
Malfoy stomps over to Peakes, grabbing him by the collar. “Friendly game?! I don’t think so. And it’s too late for excuses, you bloody twat. She’s hurt still, isn’t she? You think an apology is gonna mend a broken rib?” he spits in the Gryffindor’s face. “Since you broke her rib, that means I get to break you.”
Before Draco can even raise his fist, Madam Hooch stops him. “Oi! The last thing we need are more unnecessary injuries on the field,” she demands as Draco lets Peakes’ collar go, giving him a great shove before Draco returns to your side on the ground. “(Y/N), we’re gonna get you to Madam Pomfrey right away,” Madam Hooch tells you as you nod your head, in far too much pain to speak anything other than groan in pain or suck in a sharp breath which only causes more pain to erupt from your ribs.
You look next to you as Draco offers you a sorry smile, brushing you hair as Madam Pomfrey tells the teams playing that the match will have to continue at another time. The crowd boos in disappointment. The pain in your side is so overwhelming that you see your vision becoming spotty. “Dray,” you manage you speak as he nods, attentively listening to you, ready to get you anything you needed. Before you can talk to your boyfriend, your eyes feel heavy and the sounds around you begin to die down. You can feel yourself actively losing consciousness from the pain, slowly letting your eyes fall shut.
This only makes Draco go into a full panic. He looks around at his teammates watching you lay there. “Well, don’t just stand there, you stupid blokes! Get her a medic!” he yells before turning his attention back towards you, giving you hand a little squeeze. “You’ll be alright, darling. I promise.”
Slowly peeling your eyes open, you rub them to focus them, taking in the change of environment. You’re in a bed in the hospital wing, white sheets covering you and your entire chest is wrapped in beige colored gauze. You turn to your right and see Draco sitting on a stool next to your bed, making you lightly smile. Of course, he was next to you the entire time, making sure you were safe and sound. You attempt to sit up straight which only disturbs the pain again, waves shooting up your left side. You wince as Draco jumps to his feet, helping you sit up gently making sure that you don’t shift anything out of place. “Easy there, tiger,” he speaks, a teasing smile dancing across his lips. “There we go.” You peel the covers off your top half as Draco drapes a Slytherin jumper over your shoulders, making sure that you were staying warm. “Madam Pomfrey took good care of you. But she said that you’ll be out of playing for the next two to three weeks,” Draco informs you, making you groan. “You need time to proper the heal.”
“Brilliant,” you groan. “We would have won today if it weren’t for bloody Peakes,” you complain, pulling the Slytherin sweater around you tighter. A small smirk plays on Draco’s lips as he looks at you. “Oh, no. What did you do to the bloke?” you ask him to ‘fess up.
Draco raises his arms in defense. “Nothing,” he tells you as you give him a look knowing that Draco didn’t let the kid walk free after what happened. “Maybe a bloody nose. Maybe it broke in the process of me punching him...” he trails off as you slap his shoulder lightly. “What? That was generous of me. If I had it my way, he would be sat in the bed next to you.”
You shake your head. “You can’t get into fights over me, love. It’s sweet, but I can defend myself. Besides, if Madam Hooch finds out about your alteration with Peakes, you could face suspension from the team,” you tell him, reaching out to stroke his cheek with your hand as he leans into it, kissing the palm gently as if to not hurt your fragile state. 
He sighs, “No, I won’t get suspended. But I did get a month of detention.” Your gentle smile drops into a knowing look and you let out an exasperated sigh. “It was well worth it though.”
No matter what you told him, Draco was always protective over you. He knew well enough you could protect yourself and fight your own battles, but he liked avenging you. He like the power trip he would get when he would put someone in their place after messing with you. You showed more mercy than Draco did, of course, but after Draco had his way with the person, they never seemed to bother you again. It was an odd way of expressing his love, but it was sweet to you nonetheless. Although the situation at hand was crummy, at least you knew Draco had your back and would be the first person to jump to your defense. 
Scooting over in the hospital bed, you pat the space next to you as Draco smiles like a child on Christmas morning. He climbs in next to you, careful not to touch your sides in fear that you would shriek in pain. You laid your head on his chest, draping your arm over his torso. He rested his head on top of yours, carefully wrapping his free arm around you, drawing small circles on your back. You took a steady breath in, inhaling his perfume, the scent immediately washing over you, calming you. Draco pressed gentle kisses to your head, allowing himself to relax into the bed, knowing you were safe at his side. He would stay here as long as you wanted him to, not bothering to go back to his dormitory where his friends waited for him. He would stay right here by your side in case you needed absolutely anything. 
“You know that I would do absolutely anything for you,” he says as a statement rather than a question. “I would run to the ends of the world if you asked me to.”
Lightly laughing, you look up at him. “I know you would,” you assure him. “And I would do the same for you.” He smiled down at you, kissing the tip of your nose. You cuddled back into his chest, knowing that in this moment this was the safest you have ever felt.
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zackcollins · 3 years
one number away || cavan biggio
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Author's Note: Hi! I'm supposed to be writing a longer fic for a hockey player. But like. I wrote this instead as a way of giving myself something else to focus on so I didn't burn myself out on the other thing by focusing too hard on it. Ya know? Variety is good sometimes. Anyways! GIF credit to anotherhockeypage!
Warnings: There is a mention of a break-in/intruder with a gun. So, if you need to avoid that, that's okay. I have other fics for you to read. There's also mention of the reader whacking said intruder with a baseball bat if you need to avoid that too. And blood if that's something the squicks you. That should be it. Let me know if I missed something though. I'll add whatever I missed!!
Word Count: 2.0k+
Title: One Number Away by Luke Combs
Additional: The reader is gender-neutral! There isn't any appearance description (except mentioning that the intruder is the same stature and height as them. But I left it vague like that so anyone could imagine the intruder being the same build as them lol), but there is the use of the pronouns "they/them" to describe them. I hope that's alright! And I hope you all enjoy this! Let me know what you think because constructive criticism is always welcomed!
Tagging: @whimsical-daydreams
You were at home on a rather quiet night. The night almost seemed too quiet as you sat in front of your television and sipped idly on some coffee. You were watching a baseball game; the Washington Nationals were playing the Tampa Bay Rays. Though, you couldn’t focus on it because you felt anxious about something. Something felt like it was wrong but you couldn’t put your finger on what that was and it was bothering you too much to give your full attention to what was happening on your television screen.
Your cellphone ringing made you startle a little because of how on edge you were. When you saw that the caller ID belonged to your best friend, Cavan Biggio, you relaxed a little. It would be nice to hear his voice because talking to him always calmed your nerves. On top of that, you hadn’t talked for a few days. He had been away with his baseball team, the Toronto Blue Jays, on a west coast road trip; you couldn’t get the time difference to match up with your schedules.
"Cavan, hi!" You said cheerfully as soon as you answered the phone. "It's been a few days. How are yuh--"
"Someone broke in and they have a gun," Cavan replied, his voice quiet. You could tell that he had been crying because of how strained his voice sounded. "Please help. I'm terrified."
You felt muscles tense all over your body. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if Cavan was shot and injured… or worse. If you were being honest with yourself, you had slowly fallen in love with Cavan from the time you became friends after meeting by chance after a game you attended in Buffalo a few years ago. And for him to call you while he was in this life-threatening situation… yeah. You didn't have time to process that. Cavan's life was in danger. You could handle it when he was safe.
"I'll be right over, hang tight. And don't try and be a hero," you responded before hanging up the phone.
You rushed around, grabbing a jacket, your shoes, and a baseball bat out of the closet since you didn't own a gun. You didn't know how well a baseball bat would hold up against an intruder with a gun but it was better than having only your bare hands.
The ten-minute drive to Cavan’s house was a blur. The next thing you remembered was seeing the windchimes above Cavan's front door swinging back and forth in the wind through the open doorway. You took a deep breath, grabbed the bat, and stepped out of your car.
You walked into the house as cautiously and as quietly as you could. You didn't want to alert the intruder that you were there, lest anything happen to you and have Cavan be put in even more danger. As you made your way around the house, you checked carefully in every room. You were trying to see if anyone was hiding out behind or under anything. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary but you were only through the first floor of the house.
When you made it upstairs, you saw that the door to Cavan's bedroom was open. You also saw a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. You tiptoed across the floor, not wanting to alert whoever it was to your presence.
When you got to the door, you saw that the shadow belonged to someone of about your stature and height. They were pointing a gun at Cavan. Cavan was cowering on the bed with his hands up in a defensive posture. He was also chanting "please don't hurt me" while tears streamed down his cheeks.
Without warning, you swung the bat and hit the person with the gun in the side of the head. They crumpled to the floor with a pained groan as they dropped the gun and clutched their head.
They tilted their head a little to look up at you and then flitted their eyes in Cavan's direction.
"Fuck…." The person on the floor groaned as they removed their hand from their head and looked at the blood. "I can see why he married you now."
You twirled the bat in your hands. Glancing over at Cavan, you saw him shake his head vigorously and give you a pleading expression. You nodded back, giving Cavan a compassionate smile.
You took the bat and pointed it out into the hallway. "If you leave right now," you looked menacingly at the person. They were now sitting up so you took the bat and put it under their chin to make them focus on you, "we won't call the police. It's also not our problem how you explain the head wound. You broke into our house and pointed a gun at my husband. I protected him. You can come up with whatever excuse you want, coward."
“Alright, alright,” the person sighed as they got to their feet. They grabbed their gun and tucked it into their waistband before putting their shirt over the top of it. “I’ll get out of your hair.” They dabbed their head with their hand one last time, wiping the blood on their pants. "Sorry for the inconvenience."
With one last glance at you and Cavan, the intruder walked out of the room. You heard them walk down the stairs. A moment later, you heard the front door close with a resounding thud.
You rushed over to where Cavan was on the bed, draping an arm around him. You cradled his head against your chest, allowing him to cry into your shoulder. Against your better judgment, you peppered the top of Cavan’s head with soft kisses. You also mumbled soft words of encouragement and reassurance in an attempt to quash Cavan’s nerves.
It took a few minutes but Cavan eventually stopped crying. He lifted his head. You looked down at him and brushed a stray piece of hair out of his eyes. Cavan smiled, though it looked nervous and hesitant. He grabbed your wrist and directed it down to his lips. He looked up at you with hopeful eyes; you nodded as you took your other hand and brushed a different piece of hair out of his face. Cavan smiled again before he placed a gentle kiss on the inside of your wrist. He ran his thumb along the outside, right over the bone. You took your other hand and cupped Cavan’s face, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
You sat on the bed next to Cavan and turned to face him. You grabbed his face and guided it towards you. Cavan swallowed as his eyes went wide and his cheeks slightly reddened. You smoothed your thumb along his cheekbone, humming in satisfaction as you did. Cavan blushed deeper, bringing his hand up and running it along your wrist.
“Stop me if you don’t want his, alright?” You said.
“Alri--” Cavan started to speak but you stopped him halfway by connecting your lips. Instead, he muffled the rest of the word into your mouth before he started moving his lips fluidly against yours.
As you kissed, you felt Cavan place his hand on your thighs. He ran them across the fabric there before he moved his hands up to your hips. He curved his hands along your hipbones, humming softly when he felt you wiggle against his hands. In retaliation, you brought your hands up and circled your thumbs around his chest. Cavan moaned, twitching on the bed.
"Uh… (Y/N)?" You jumped at the voice of one of Cavan’s teammates, Bo Bichette.
"Yes, Bo?" You asked, standing up off the bed and smoothing out your clothes.
"How'd you get here so fast? Cavan’s neighbour just called me when she saw some sketchy dude walk out the front door."
“I called them first,” Cavan piped up from behind you. You turned to look at him and noticed that his face was cotton candy pink and his hair was strewn all over the place. You swallowed thickly, knowing full well you had done that by kissing him.
Bo scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Leave it to you to realize that you’re in love with someone when an intruder breaks into your house with a gun.”
“Fuck off,” Cavan replied, though there was no heat behind his words. “As if you wouldn’t have called Vladdy first if the same thing happened to you.”
You huffed a bemused breath when you saw the death glare Bo gave Cavan in response. Bo looked at you sideways, though he also had no heat behind his intent. You chuckled bemusedly as you sat next to Cavan on the bed again and put your head on his shoulder. Cavan slung his arm around you, putting his hand on your upper arm and put his other hand on your knee. Bo’s face shifted from the glare of death to fondness as he looked at the pair of you.
“You both appear to be alright,” Bo said. “So I’ll go home now. Unless you want me to stay for a while?”
“No, it’s alright,” you replied, glancing up at Cavan. Cavan looked down at you and nodded before he pressed a kiss to your temple. “We’re fine here. I’m gonna spend the night to make sure he’s okay. We’ll call if we need anything, though.”
“Alright. Keep him safe. He’s known to panic and overthink almost everything.”
“I know, Bo. But thank you for reminding me.”
Bo gave a thumbs up and a soft smile before he walked out of the room. You heard him walk down the stairs, mill around in the foyer for a moment (presumably grabbing his jacket and shoes), and then open and close the front door. After waiting a moment to make sure Bo wasn't coming back, you lifted your head off of Cavan's shoulder and turned to look at him.
Cavan took that opportunity to lean in, pressing his lips softly to yours. You showed no sign of resistance so Cavan kept going. You did, however, melt into the kiss, cupping Cavan's cheek. You loved this feeling of kissing Cavan; you wished you never had to stop. You were enveloped in Cavan's cologne. It was a scent you didn't know the name of but it smelled vaguely of the ocean. It was something that had always been very soothing to you because the beach had been a happy place for you growing up; seeing the waves crashing the shore was very relaxing for you.
When you pulled back, Cavan wrapped you in a hug. He buried his head in the crook of your neck. You stayed like that for a moment, Cavan, sniffling softly into the crease of your shoulder and neck. When they pulled back, Cavan looked you in the eyes. His eyes were slightly wet and his cheeks had small tear tracks on them.
"I thought you'd never do that." Cavan smiled, his teeth slightly showing. It made him look so damn adorable to you.
You smiled back, a small blush creeping across your face. "I was just waiting for the right moment." You replied as you wiped away the tear stains on Cavan's cheeks.
Cavan smiled again, rubbing his thumb over your wrist. You blushed harder. Getting your feelings reciprocated was the best feeling in the world. I made you feel like a teenager that was just understanding what love was again. You also felt so alive, like you had finally discovered who you were and what you wanted. It was liberating.
"Hey, Cavan?" You grabbed Cavan's attention by tilting his face to look at you. Cavan looked expectantly at you, raising an eyebrow in anticipation. "How about I just never leave after I spend the night tonight? Somebody needs to protect the house while you're away. And we're dating now, so..."
Cavan smiled, wrapping you in a giant hug. He was smiling as he pulled back.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None Yet
Word Count: 1,560 Words
Summary: Brunswick Farms isn't as safe as it seemed at first.
Warnings: Food Mention, Screaming Mention, Alcohol Mention, Drunk Mention Fighting Mention, Death mention, Nightmare Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Shadows Are Made Of Light: Chapter 2
The house was quiet as everyone was there. Mercury had Oscar asleep against him, Yang, Blake, and Weiss sat in front of the fire and Ruby and Qrow were talking in the other room while Maria was reading still.
"It's like a diary. From the head of this household, Bartleby. Apparently, he and several other families founded this little settlement to try and live on their own. It sounds like it worked, at least for a spell." Maria explained.
"Grimm?" Mercury asked.
"Just one of many hardships. Slowed down their farming, made everything harder. It's a shame, really. He seemed like quite the ambitious fellow, always thinking of new schemes to overcome the odds." Maria smiled.
"Guys, Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early tomorrow." Ruby told them. Mercury motioned to Oscar currently asleep on him.
"Some of us already are on that." Mercury told her.
"Thank goodness." Yang muttered as everyone disregarded his statement and the three girls by the fire got up to walk elsewhere, Mercury didn't quite know where, probably to get blankets or something. Maria was muttering, getting up and moving to the chair next to a lamp, which she stubbornly turned on to continue reading.
Mercury wasn't sure when he fell asleep, only that he woke up holding Oscar, who was curled up to him like a little kid. It made him feel far too protective over this little farm boy, especially when he looked even younger while he was asleep.
"Good morning, silver boy." Maria greeted him, smirking as she shook Oscar a bit. "Time to wake up, little boy." Maria told Oscar.
"Auntie, ten more minutes." Oscar mumbled.
"I'm not your aunt and it's time to wake up, farm boy." Maria told him.
"Oz, gimme ten minutes." Oscar whined and Mercury laughed at the thought of Ozpin trying valiantly to wake a stubbornly tired farmhand to no avail.
"Hm?" Oscar looked up at him with sleepy eyes still. "Oh, sorry." Oscar let him go and let him up.
"You're fine." Mercury ruffled through the kid's hair. "Actually, I don't think we've really truly met yet." Mercury realized.
"I'm Oscar Pine, Ozpin's newest reincarnation." The kid told him.
"Mercury Black." He smiled at the kid as the girls seemed to filter awake after Ruby woke up and scolded her hungover uncle about their oversleeping.
Everyone seemed tired, Mercury quickly caught on that he and Ruby seemed to be the only ones retaining the majority of their energy. It was weird being in a position where he and Ruby were agreeing as they pushed the team to move forward.
"If we're all so tired, maybe we should make breakfast?" Blake suggested.
"You wanna make it?" Oscar asked.
"Not really." Blake answered.
"I'll make it." Mercury told them, fed up and marching into the house and into the pantry, grabbing a few cans and making an easy breakfast from the cans of spam and pre-cut veggies he found, bringing the pot, bowls, and silverware outside to practically force everyone's energies up.
"I'm not as good a cook as Neo but if you don't eat and stop bickering like three year olds for like five minutes, I will go insane and just start waking to Argus by myself and I will take Oscar and Maria with me." He snapped, handing a bowl to Oscar before moving on until everyone was eating and quiet.
"This is actually good." Yang remarked.
"Just spam and vegetables I found." He told her, eating his own breakfast.
"Make this again in Argus." Yang told him.
"Sure." He agreed, taking in the silence between the argument and happily enjoying that silence, where he could practically hear the soft snow hitting the ground lightly. He also enjoyed the fact that they apparently liked his cooking enough to consider keeping him around their group for it.
"You guys got the bike ready?" Ruby asked, sounding tired.
Mercury sighed as he gathered the finished bowls and took them back to clean in the house while they got ready to leave, he didn't want to hear this fight. he didn't want Ruby to succumb like the others but she was starting to sound exhausted too.
But, inevitably, he found himself back outside with Oscar and Maria, watching the fight over whether they were really going to go to Atlas or not unfold. The lamp, that lamp he knew absolutely nothing about. Ruby was dangling it over he well and he felt a surge of fear in his throat.
She screamed and dropped the lamp inside at something, which prompted Mercury to scream 'NO' at the action, coming to the well and looking over the edge of it and giving a groan when all he saw was darkness.
"No, no, no! I didn't mean to!" Ruby cried out, holding her head.
"Ruby, it's okay." Weiss tried.
"No! No, there's something down there, I saw its eyes, it was looking at me!" Ruby told them. Mercury looked for anything that could be eyes but came up with nothing.
"It's okay, you said you're tired. It's probably nothing. Now, let's go." Yang told her sister.
"What's wrong with you!? We can't just leave! We have to go down there! We have to get the lamp back! What was I thinking?" Ruby insisted.
"All we have to do is fix this trailer." Qrow drunkenly slurred. "Hey farm boy, check the shed for a spare." Qrow insisted. Mercury growled but ignored him.
"I'm not leaving without the lamp!" Ruby insisted.
"I'll go down with you." Mercury offered.
"We'll go down together." Weiss agreed.
"Fine, get the stupid lamp. Oscar, fix the stupid tire." Qrow began walking toward the house, past everyone.
"Where are you going?" Maria asked.
"Where do you think?" Qrow asked.
"Stupid." Maria remarked as Qrow went off to get even more drunk before she sat down to begin to read again.
Water was around him when he got down, Mercury very much didn't like. Water messed with his legs but he wasn't letting Ruby go down alone with her bunch of pessimistic friends. Ruby was leading the way with her flashlight, Mercury following her and ready to fight when Blake pointed out the glowing of the lamp a few feet away.
Ruby ran to get it only to come back screaming, with the lamp thankfully, and followed by the most frightening Grimm he'd ever seen before they let out a piercing shriek and Mercury felt his ears and eyes burn at it. His legs felt too heavy to move suddenly and he had no way of fighting.
"Run! Now!" Maria called, leading them, Mercury following his best, hearding the girls away and keeping them together, flinching when the inevitable next group of Grimm let out that shriek while Ruby and him began leading the team out and to hopeful safety but only ended up in the basement of the house again.
Maria was trying to get them to the exit, or at least usher Mercury and Ruby to it to free everyone of this nightmare, but he could barely get up onto his hands and knees. Blake was passing out, he heard Ruby trying to talk to her. He felt the room light up and he felt their influence dampen as Ruby got Blake away from them and Yang and Weiss went to break open the doors.
But the next shriek incapacitated even Ruby, but he was still standing, stubbornly standing. He wasn't scared of these things, even if they were nightmare fuel. He finally had people to lose again and he refused to lose them all in a day.
"Don't think about them." Maria told him, dragging his focus away from those exhausting monsters. "Think about the people who love you. Focus on the thought of them and the way they make you feel." She encouraged. Emerald. Neo. Maria. Yang. Oscar. Chrome.
"Life is beautiful. It is precious. And it must be protected." Maria recited like an ominous chant. He felt his eyes burn as he opened them, the room becoming alight with the brightest white light he'd ever seen.
Suddenly the Grimm were controlled, were dead. And Yang could bust out the door and they all went rushing from the basement, Ruby dragging Qrow along kicking and screaming as Yang ran to get the bike started and Weiss set the basement on fire.
Ruby and Weiss were dragging Qrow while Mercury hurriedly got Oscar onto the cart, protecting him from those horrible things. He didn't need to see them, this kid didn't need any nightmares of them.
They were a good yard away when Maria explained what they were, the Apathy. A Grimm that drained your energy to go on, explained how they came to be there. It made him shiver, but this time it wasn't from the cold.
Then the apologies began rolling in. Mercury didn't pay attention to that, he didn't care for them apologizing to each other because he wasn't involved so he chose to ignore it in favor of trying to figure out what happened in that basement still.
"Miss Calavera? How do you know so much about the Grimm? And in the tunnels, you knew exactly what to say. How?" Ruby asked her.
"Well, wasn't it obvious from the start, girl?" Maria laughed. "I had silver eyes."
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ontowanderlust · 3 years
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Amend., v. 
"A bet's a bet, dearest bestie of mine," Minor singsonged as he wagged his finger at her, tutting at her pathetic excuse to back out. "Don't tell me you're going to chicken out of this."
Why is she friends with this guy again? If she had known this cruel side of his, she would've never took pity on him during Chemistry class. Now, she's regretting sharing her famous noodle recipe with him.
She shot daggers at him, hoping she'd get lucky and manage to kill him by staring. "When I said let's motivate each other to get passing grades, it doesn't mean that you'll cheat your way through the top."
Minor shrugged, waving his pride and joy- the only exam he managed to get a perfect score to. "All is fair in difficult subjects and terrible teachers, my friend." he beamed as she rolled her eyes at him good-naturedly. "Now, are you ready to hear what I have in mind?"
Her small smile dropped as she watched his face morph into a more sinister looking one.
Is it too late to unfriend this dork?
"Well this brings back so many memories," Minor commented as they were ushered by Mr. Keller into the gymnasium where all the students of all year levels gathered, cheering their hearts out for their favorite team.
"Tell me about it," she murmured as she looked around, onslaught of memories came rushing back to her. "Remember the time where you almost hit me with a basketball?"
Minor looked at her, scandalized. "That was one time, boss!" he defended himself. "Out of all the things you can remember, that's the one thing you focused on?" he asked her in disbelief to which she laughed at.
"How can I forget, you're the one who always gets us in trouble." she chuckled, punching his arm slightly.
Just as he was about to retort, Mr. Keller directed them to the nearest empty space which happened to be near the announcer's box making Minor perk up, turning back to his boss, eyes twinkling in mischief.
"Boss, do you remember the bet we had?"
"You want me to what?" she hissed out, her eyes bulging out of their sockets as Minor rummaged his backpack for a roll of paper. "Minor, you said nothing too humiliating for a bet!" she said as Minor grinned at her.
"Oh please," he waved at her, dismissing her protests. "You didn't hesitate when you told me I should wear a skirt last week. Did you even hear me complain? No." he said, unrolling the poster for her.
"How could you complain when we both know you secretly loved it?"
"Besides!" He continued, ignoring her comment. "I already made you a banner and a cheer! All you just need to do is show up to the tournament, cheer for dreamy senior Gavin. With you being there, I have a great feeling about the match."
One look at the banner had all the color drained from her face.
She blinked at his cheshire grin, turning away as her eyes search the gymnasium. "Where's Gavin?" she asked instead in hopes to change the subject.
"Mr. Keller asked him to substitute for a student who had just injured himself earlier this morning." Minor informed all too nonchalant, scooting over to her with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "You know what this means boss?"
"H-hang on, why are you so-"
"You get to redeem yourself! You get to play cheerleader again and you can't back out of this!" Minor singsonged, pulling a rolled paper out of nowhere, her eyes widening at the sight of the familiar poster. "Get your banner waving skills ready, boss! The match's about to start!"
She can't do it.
Not when the whole school is gathered in the gymnasium. Not when Minor gave her a speech of encouragement (that ended up giving her all the reasons to back out from this bet). And definitely not when she had this huge crush on "dreamy senior Gavin".
Nope. She can't do it.
This is once in a lifetime opportunity! Your chance in making yourself known!
Screw Minor. He sucked at giving encouragement. Frustratingly, she blew on the stray strand in front of her eyes, slumping beneath the bench as she drowned down the noise as the basketball match intensified.
Gathering a small piece of courage, she peeked over the slits of the bench just in time to see Gavin looking over the crowd, distressed and distracted.
Was he looking for someone? She thought as butterflies swarmed her gut with a stray thought crossing her mind, unknowingly clutching the poster in her hand tightly. Is he... looking for me?
But that couldn't be. He didn't know who she was, and he couldn't be bothered knowing a pesky freshman like her. He's got tons of admirers, right?
So a girl like her can't be too important for him. He'd be fine without her.
Turning her heel, she flashed a smile- albeit a fake, cheery one- silently giving her own cheer for him.
Score for us, senior.
This is humiliating, she thought as she unrolled the banner, the huge letters glaring as the sunlight hit the red glitters.  
The words: Shoot it like you mean it Senior Gavin! is enough to attract everyone's attention- even those who were sitting across the court.
"Alright, that's the spirit boss!" Minor whispered encouragingly, flashing her a thumbs up and a wink. "Now for the cheer!"
There's no way she'll use the cheer Minor wrote for her. Not when her dignity's at stake.
"Remind me to cut your salary after this, Minor." she hissed, ignoring Minor's protests as she watched Gavin look around the crowd just like what he did a few years back, as if he's searching for something.
When his eyes landed on her and the ridiculously large banner that Minor had kept for her all these years, he couldn't help but furrow his eyebrows at the banner she's waving but everyone could tell that his mood has been uplifted by something-or someone. She took this opportunity to let out a shuddering breath before chanting the cheer she had for him all those years back.
Having attended both tournaments, Minor bit back the grin that’s been threatening to come out ever since his boss started cheering. Whereas Gavin’s team lost horribly last time, he knew this time is gonna be different.
“Boss, why the hell didn’t you use the cheer I wrote for you?”
“Your cheer sucked.”
“I beg to differ. That cheer is a masterpiece!”
“What are you two talking about? What cheer?”
“You don’t wanna know-” “Gooooooo Gavin! Go Gavin! My smexy officer! I changed the last part since you’re a police officer now so it’s only appropriate-ow!”
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Calling that anon who requested a high school fluff! Calling that anon who requested a high school fluff! If anyone’s curious why I’m calling out to that specific anon, it’s because I wasn’t really satisfied with the high school prompt one since I wrote that when I was freaking sleep deprived- curse you past self. 
So to compensate, I wrote a whooping 1k plus prompt. I really wanted to adapt the writing style I used for once upon a time fandom where past meets present but it’s a bit complicated to use in dictionary prompt since I strictly told myself not to use too much of page breaks. So I figured this is the best I can come up with. 
I don’t know why but whenever I write fluff, the idea always slips away from me- unlike angst where I write it in one day for a few hours, fluff takes me days. Gosh. Anon, I do hope you like this one. Writing what could’ve beens- especially High School! Gavin and MC are always a joy. 
Send me some prompts! (Yes, I still do this thing so don’t worry about me closing this game. I plan on writing for this prompt game and fandom for a long time)
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
No Secrets, Part 1
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader (???)
Warnings: None in this section
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“West quadrant all clear,” Natasha’s voice came across the coms.  
“There’s still a few runners on the loose out here.” Stark reported. “Wilson, there’s a pair headed your way.”
“On it.”
“Y/N, Report.” Cap swept the east side of the warehouse. “I’ve got nothing else here.”
“Standby.” You whispered. A technician and an armed soldier were loading equipment into crates. “Two hostiles on the load dock over here.”
“I’ll be there in twenty seconds.” Bucky’s voice chimed in.
You mentally rolled your eyes. Why did he always have to rush in an take over whenever you had a situation? Sliding around pallets of equipment cases, you managed to get almost behind the two. Shooting the equipment could be bad, considering this was an experimental research and testing facility. None of you knew what this stuff actually did yet.  
The armed soldier turned toward the technician. You took the opportunity, shooting him down. The technician drew a strange looking weapon, firing with unexpected speed. A piece of equipment behind you blew apart. You landed on your side shooting back, dropping the tech.  
Just as Bucky turned the corner, the broken device behind you exploded. He watched you collapse and rushed to your side. “Y/N is down!”
“What!” Steve responded at the same time Stark barked “Report!”
“An explosion” He knelt beside you looking for damage but didn’t see anything. You began to stir. “No obvious wounds. She’s coming around.”
“It’s a good thing she’s got a hard head.” Tony’s voice came through the com.  
You were on the ground, Bucky suddenly above you looking worried. As soon as you focused on him, the blue eyes went cold, pissed. “What the hell were you thinking? I told you I was coming?”
“I’m fine.” You argued sitting up, though wondering if you’d just passed out. “I got both of them.”
‘Fine my ass. You went down like a bag of rocks. Scared the shit out of me.’  
“Didn’t know you cared, Barnes.” You scoffed, getting to your feet.
“What?” He grabbed your arm, glaring at you. ‘Damn it. Why do you have to be so difficult? I just want to pack you up and get you out of here. Somewhere safe.’
“I’m not trying to, okay? What is wrong with you?” You glared back.
“Trying to what?” Bucky faced you full on, eyes hard, hand tightening on your arm.
“Not trying to be difficult. Why are...”
Bucky ripped the com unit out of his ear and reached up to take the one out of yours despite your protest. “Y/N, Look at me.” You pushed every bit of annoyance you had into your stare. ‘I think that device did something to you.’
Just before you began to argue the realization that Bucky’s lips had not moved sunk in. “What the hell?”
“That thing. Whatever it gave off.” Bucky’s eye went wide. “You can hear what I’m thinking.”
“Oh, shit.”  
‘Yeah, oh shit.’ You distinctly heard his voice in your head. ‘I’m so fucked.’
“Why?’ Your eyebrow quirked up as Bucky handed you back you com.  
He replaced his own in his ear. “Banner. We have a situation. I’m bringing Y/N back to the jet.”
“What’s going on?” Steve’s voice cut in before Bruce could respond.
“The device that blew did, I don’t know, something to her mind.”
“I’m right here.” You barked. “Stop talking around me.”
“What’s wrong? She sounds like her normal charming self.” Stark chimed in.
“She, ah,” Bucky looked sideways at you. “She’s hearing my thoughts.”
There was a long moment of silence on the coms. Then everyone spoke at once.
“Get her to the jet!”
“How the hell?”
“Are you serious?”
“Children!” Tony shouted. “Barnes, get her to the jet. Banner, it might not be a bad idea to sedate her until we can run a full battery of tests at the lab. I’m heading in to get a look at that device.”
“Come on, Doll.” Bucky grabbed you by the arm and practically dragged you through the facility. ‘Let’s knock you out before you hear something you shouldn’t.’
Bucky gave you a pleading look and you found yourself relenting. Fine. When you reached the jet, Bruce had earbuds in, listening to opera. He led you to one of the recycling seats and performed a quick perfunctory exam and then set up an IV. “I’m going to give you a sedative. We’ll wake you up in the lab. Okay?”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “Whatever.”
‘Sorry.’ Bucky looked at you with mournful eyes.  
“I hate this.” You grumbled, already feeling the effects.
“You know that Nat and Tony, hell any of us, are not comfortable with the idea of someone without control reading our minds.” Bucky actually took your hand in his. ‘It’ll be okay. I’ll stay right here.’
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The noise woke you before the light. They were familiar voices. Steve, Bucky, Bruce, and Tony were arguing. Some loud, some not. It was strange. You fought to open your eyes. They felt heavy, sticky. The drugs. That’s right.
“Hey.” You croaked, swallowed, and tried again. “Hey, guys. Take it outside.”
“Y/N.” Steve leaned over you. “How you feeling?”
‘No shit, they’ve kept you under for six days.’ Bucky was taking your other hand, a scowl on his face. You gave him a look, but he shook his head slightly.  
“What’s going on?” You asked.
“It appears you were hit with a massive surge from the whatever that device was. It flooded you with an energy with a signature similar to what we saw from the Mind Stone. We can’t really test anything beyond computer simulations because the explosion completely burned out the device.” Bruce explained. “What we can say, is the abnormal readings in your brain have been steadily decreasing by 1.7% a day.”
“A day.” You repeated. “What day is it, exactly?"
‘Damn. Damn. Damn.’ Bruce looked at you, head tipped low. “The fifteenth.”
‘Should’ve kept her under.’ Tony looked on nervously. ‘Fuck. Did she hear that? Shit. What now? She looks pissed.’
‘So sorry. Never should have let it go so long.’ Steve watched your face, holding your hand.
‘I’ll beat the hell out of them for this. Not right keeping you under when there’s nothing wrong with you.’ Bucky squeezed your other hand.
“So, I’m what? A security risk. You don’t want me picking up on stray thoughts that I shouldn’t.”  
‘Oh, thank fucking god!’ Tony gave you a sad smile that was completely contradictory to celebratory tune in his mind. “Something like that.”
“We figure since you were only picking up on Barnes while you were at the warehouse, and the nearest person was about two hundred meters away, we could just...” Bruce began explaining.
“Sequester me by myself somewhere until this wears off.” You pulled your hands away from the boys, crossing your arms. “For what? Two, three months? Alone. Great.”  
‘Over my dead body, you don’t get to lock her up ‘cause your uncomfortable, asshole.’ Bucky’s stray thought nearly made you smile.
“I’ve got an amazing place all lined up. Just twenty minutes from the compound and it’s been all tricked out with the best stuff.” Tony spoke a million words a minute. “Movies, streaming, video conferencing, gaming, a full library. Amazing kitchen. AI. The scenery is cool. Stuff can be delivery. Shop all you want, I got you covered. Just consider it a paid vacation.”
‘It’s too long.’ Steve was staring out the window. ‘Don’t want you gone that long.’
“I’ll come weekly and run a check.” Bruce added. ‘This sucks.’
“So, ah, here’s all the info.” Stark handed you a tablet. “Pack up and stay in touch. Um, sorry kid.” He left with Bruce on his heels.  
“Great.” You swung your feet out of bed. “Well, you boys going to run away too?”
‘Don’t wanna, Doll.’ Bucky stepped up, rubbing your shoulder. “I don’t care what these assholes think. We’ll figure something out. I’m going to go fuel up your car, okay?”
You nodded and he left. Bucky had always been a friend, but what he didn’t say made you adore him even more. Ever since joining the team, he and Steve were your first and closest friends. A gentle chant of ‘in and out’ made you realize Steve was working very hard to keep his mind blank by focusing on his breathing.  
“Steve.” You got up, a bit wobbly.
‘Damn it.’ His arm came around your side to support you immediately. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have let this go on for so long. Are you okay?” Steve’s eye’s filled with concern. ‘You don’t look okay. God, I screwed up.’
“I’ll be okay.” You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “It’s just a lot and I’m still a little, I don’t know, disoriented.”
He squeezed you. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing. You didn’t do anything wrong.” You spoke into his chest.
“I should have fought harder to wake you up sooner. I don’t like this idea of sending you away.” Steve gave you a squeeze. ‘I don’t want you to go anywhere. We can stay just like this.’
Something tightened in your chest. A nervous flutter danced across your belly. Just to test the feeling, you turned into Steve’s embrace fully, tipping your head up and burying your nose in his neck. You murmured. “It sucks but, I’ll be okay.”  
‘Oh god,’ Steve gave you a tighter squeeze. ‘She feels so good. So damn good. Not about you, Rogers. Get it together.’ He held you back from him. “Are you going to be okay getting ready? Do you help?”  
You stared into his eyes for a long moment, wondering why you never realized there was an attraction there before. He was focusing on making sure you would be okay. It was so sweet. Still, random thoughts burst through. ‘It may be months.’ ‘Kiss her.’ ‘So beautiful.’ ‘Don’t be an idiot.’
“I’ll be okay, Steve.” You touched his cheek. “How about I call you as soon as I get there?”
“You can call any time.”
“I will.” He smiled, a bit shy. “I suppose it’s evident I how much I want to.”
You just smiled back. “Let’s talk about when I don’t have an unfair advantage.”
He hugged you close once more. “I’m going to miss you.”
“Yeah,” You sighed. “I’ll miss you, too.”
He left to let you get dressed. As you pulled on the pants for the scrubs, you had to fight back a giggle as you heard. ‘Smooth, Rogers. Sniff her hair like that. Idiot. Gonna miss her smell. I hate this. Should have kissed her. Idiot.’ 
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