#che’nya: *giggles*
TO ME~!!!
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*cracks knuckles*
(because AR needed to make this work somehow)
I am officially being labeled a Leapling on this blog!
I was born on February 29th, 2008!
“But Che’nya! That would mean you’ve only been through 16 years! You’re younger than Riddle! 🙀”
I’m a Cheshire. Time is a good friend of mine~! =^w^=
I made a bet with him that I could beat him at chess. If he won, I would lose a year. If I won, I would gain a year.
Naturally, I won. :3
Aaaaaaand then I nabbed another year while he wasn’t looking because when else was I ever going to get that chance?! Plus… for the lolz. 😹
Time was so mad… but also grudgingly impressed I managed to do it, so he just let me have it as long as I purromised to never do it again. Which… why would I need to? I was already 2 years older! My friend Trey’s age! I was happy with that. 😸
So… I may have been born in 2008, but I am 18 years old! Or rather… physically I am 18.
Because birthday wise? Today I am turning 4 years old!
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pandoa · 1 year
since childhood!!
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you meet as childhood friends
~feat. twst housewardens~ ~twisted wonderland x gender neutral reader~
warnings: reader is not yuu/prefect and is different for each imagine to fit the setting of the boys (ex: reader is fae in malleus', merfolk in azul's, etc.)
if you want more childhood-like fics, i wrote one with ace and jack linked here!
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♡the child you meet at a playground and never see again♡
Riddle Rosehearts couldn’t even remember how or when you had joined him, Trey, and Che’nya in their daily time playing outside the nearby neighborhood. He just knew that once he had stepped outside that day—sneaking out of his home during his study time—you, a strange, new child, had been mindlessly throwing a ball to Trey, giggling in the process. Any outsider passing by could have sworn you‘d already known the young trio for years. Odd, but the boy found himself not objecting to your time spent with him and his friends. You were somehow very comfortable to speak with, and Riddle couldn’t help but find your playfulness intriguing.
“Ha! I win again!” you jumped up and cheered with Trey and Che’nya sitting in a small circle as all three of you held up your hands in exhilaration. 
“Congratulations,” Trey said, returning a proud smile. Resting on a grass-filled hill, the three of you helped yourselves to pass the time with a simple game that lasted longer than expected, if you all were to be honest. Riddle—insisting to only observe for the round—caught sight of the way your competitiveness mixed with Trey’s insightfulness and Che’nya’s natural wit. It was interesting. The way you easily conversed with everyone despite only meeting hours ago, he means.
“Hey, red-head!” you then called out to the young boy watching from afar, “Do you wanna play now? I can teach you the basics; It’s really just a hand game.”
Riddle contemplated for a second until walking closer to join the group, “... I suppose I’ll join.”
“Great!” you beamed, “The game’s called Concentration. Basically, we pick a category and all four of us have to go around taking turns saying a word that matches that specific category. Like if it was, for example, colors, then we all could say things like blue, orange, red—you get the gist of it.”
A nod then came from the red-headed child who was now seated next to you.
“The catch, though,” you continued, “is that you cannot at all hesitate when it’s your turn. So no pausing before speaking. This game’s supposed to be quick and fast. Got it?”
“I’m sure I do—?”
“Good! Let’s start.” With a swift clap of your palms, the game had begun as Riddle was practically pushed into the game with your excitement. Truthfully, he had not the faintest clue as to what he had been doing, but he supposed there was no harm in simply trying, yes? 
“Hmmm, the category for this round, then, would be…” you squinted your eyes, appearing to be deep in thought, “Desserts! Go!”
“Vanilla cake,” Trey began.
“Truffles~” sang Che’nya.
“Strawberry tarts,” Riddle quickly replied.
“All this dessert talk made me remember that my parents wanted me to turn off the oven before ever going out! They’re really gonna kill me this time, I just know it!” you panicked as you suddenly explained your predicament, scrambling from the ground to get back up on your feet, “I gotta go, guys! Bye!”
“And don’t think any of you won just yet! It’s a draw until I say so!” you hollered out to the three boys as you left each of them bewildered and confused. Now only being able to see the back of your running form, Riddle found that, just as you had first met them that day, you had similarly disappeared with a clap of your hands like a ghost of a light at midnight.
Riddle wondered if he’d ever see you again. Sevens, he didn’t even get to catch your name.
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♡the friend you sneak out with♡
“Why are you so slow? Get moving! I’ve seen sloths move faster than you, dumbo.”
The young Leona Kingscholar, having heard the ceaseless comments coming from your also young form, gave you a classic deadpan only he could display so perfectly within the empty gardens of the Kingscholar palace. No soul had been there as the only living creatures that remained were the critters chirping their music into the night and breeze of the gardens speaking back with delicacy. That, and everyone else within the grandiose palace had been rooms away, probably swaying to whatever music the Kingscholars had orchestrated for the ball that would take place that day. 
“Yeah, well why don’t you quiet down a bit, hm? You’re hurting my eardrums,” the boy replied, rubbing his left ear in annoyance. For the amount of times you both had snuck off with each other, Leona had thought you would have caught on to the main rule of sneaking out: remaining as quiet as possible until it was safe to speak. 
You’ve gotta be kidding me, the chocolate-haired boy thought.
Playfully poking at his side, you began an attempt to tease him even just for a little bit, “Aw, does the little kitty not like it when he hears my oh-so-wonderful voice?”
“Yeah. It’s obnoxious.”
“Shhhh!” Leona, albeit quite swiftly, suddenly placed a firm hand against your mouth, causing you both to halt in place behind an unassuming stone wall, “I think the guards are coming…”
Your heart began to race with anticipation. If the palace guards had managed to catch you two escaping a chance to socialize at a royal event, you would never hear the end of it from your families. “... Do you hear them?” a worried whisper mumbled from your nervous figure.
“Mhm, could you keep watch over here?” the boy said as he bent down on his knees, concealing himself whilst facing the other direction, “I’ll go look on the other side.”
Trusting your dear—and sometimes reliable—friend, you peeked your head out from the wall, keeping watch just as Leona said to do. The gardens had been practically deserted; a stillness in the way the gentle wind blew past the branches had almost convinced you that there was, indeed, no one there. 
Was he just… seeing things? you questioned. But your beastman friend would never, right? His senses were probably a thousand times more intuitive than yours. He’d never make such an obvious mistake.
“Uhm, Leona? I don’t think I see any—” you started as your small hand reached out to tap the boy, but not without noticing the way he had been draped against the wall, seemingly knocked-out unconscious as a barely even noticeable drop of drool spilled from his snoring mouth.
“Leona, you lazy wimp!!”
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♡the friend you see at one specific place♡
“Are you done yet?”
“No, (Y/n), I am not,” a young octopus-like boy stated as he simultaneously juggled numerous books and papers on all ten of his limbs, particularly focused on the words written on each page. He sat on his own within a shadow-crested octopus pot and looked as if he had not come out of the pot in ages, you observed. Concerning, but nothing new, you thought. “And I won’t be done until far later,” he said, scrunching his face together, “What do you want?”
You mindlessly began poking at a piece of coral, paying no mind to the boy’s slight sass to his tone. “Nothing~ I just thought I could find you here. Turns out I was right.” You watched as Azul helped himself to another book from his rather tall pile, closing another to add to his collection. “Studying again, I see,” a knowing look then escaped your form as your eyes lit with a teasing shine, “Plotting something against me, Azul?”
“I wouldn’t rule out the possibility,” he replied halfheartedly, “Especially if you keep coming here to disturb me.”
You exclaimed, feigning offense, “Never! I’m simply keeping you company.” The boy then peered up to you as you swam closer to him, reminiscing the earlier days of your friendship. “I still remember the first time I saw you here, crying on your own. The growth you’ve had since that day really is admirable—“
“Enough,” Azul shot you an annoyed glare, “It was already unfortunate for you to first meet me as tears welled from my eyes; there’s no need to sugarcoat the memory.”
Jumping at Azul’s assumptions, you worriedly began to amend any insecurities that struck the young boy beside you. “I’m not sugarcoating anything! And crying in front of me that day was nothing to be ashamed of. If I hadn’t heard your voice coming from the pot, I would’ve never come back here each day, let alone know of your existence in the first place.” You let your palm reach forward to hold his—quite soft—face, allowing your innocent touch to spread to him. “You have grown. But it’s okay to cry too, okay?”
“Alright,” Azul mumbled, face still remaining in your small hands. “Anyway,” he continued as he pulled away from your arms, “do you plan on returning home soon? Your family may worry.”
“No, it’s fine,” you shrugged as a soft ocean current moved past the locks of your hair, “I’ll stay here.”
“You don’t have to—“
“I want to.”
Azul had gazed back at you, almost stunned. “If that is what you wish, then be my guest,” he complied.
You then gave him a gentle smile, “Of course.”
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♡the friend you find when you are lost♡
“(Y/n)~! Wait for me!” Kalim said, hollering out to your speeding figure under the golden glow of the Scalding Sands as shadows of the plentiful buildings stretched out with the lowering evening sun. What time it exactly was, you did not know. All you had known was that there was still an ample amount of time for you and your new friend, Kalim, to explore the world around you—seeing as the young boy was just as excited as you.
“The town waits for no one, Kalim! It was made for adventure!” you shouted back behind you, almost leaving the white-haired boy for the dust if he had not caught up sooner. “If there’s one thing you should know about this place, it’s that! Or…” a thoughtful pause then cut between your rambles as you stopped in your tracks, “That’s what my grandparents always tell me, at least. Who knows.”
Kalim—who was now standing beside you—then gave you a grin that could send rays of sunshine to shame with its brightness, “Jamil always tells me to never venture to the town, though; maybe he just doesn’t know the kinds of fun that await here!”
“Eh, I know I’ve never met the kid,” warily, your hand began to reach for your other in concern for your newfound companion, “but this Jamil dude doesn’t sound too… fun.”
“Of course he is, he’s my friend!”
“I know he is, but look at us!” you said as you threw your arms up in the air, exclaiming, “We just met today after I saw you wandering off into Sevens knows where, but we still have fun! Jamil, on the other hand, sounds like he stops you from any kind of fun. What kinda friend does that?”
Kalim, still seeming to be unfazed by your concerns as he let out a laugh, shot you his millionth smile of that day, “He means well!”
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you muttered. “Anyway, enough of that! There’s this really cool area in the alleyways I know that’s perfect for—”
“Kalim!” an unknown voice was then heard not too far from the both of you, “Where have you been?!”
“Jamil! There you are!” the young boy to your left called out to the voice as the mysterious figure treaded closer and closer—but not without you tensing up with caution. “This is my new friend—” Kalim started, cheerily pointing towards you.
“I deeply apologize, but there’s just no more time to waste,” the unknown figure, who you now saw had long locks of dark hair, paid no mind to you as he fretted over your giggling friend, “You’re lucky our families haven’t realized you were gone just yet or I’d never hear the end of it. Come, now. We have to get back quickly.”
“Oh, okay!” Kalim swiftly replied as he waved back enthusiastically to you, “I’ll see you again, (Y/n)!”
Yelling your final goodbyes, you saw as the forms of the two children around your age hastily walked back to wherever their home resided, silhouettes following after with the sky setting in front of them. 
Although despite the day concluding on its own, you never could understand why Kalim’s friend, Jamil, was so protective over him. Sure, you thought, the young boy could be a tad oblivious at times—that you could admit—but going so far as to act as a caretaker for the boy as opposed to being a friend? It’s not like Kalim was the son of a very impactful family that needed protection. He’s just a normal kid for Seven’s sake!
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♡childhood rivals♡
Vil Schoenheit had had enough.
Why out of all the students who attended this dance studio, he had to be partnered with you? The young boy had always thought this, what with you two being dance partners despite the clear friction between the both of you since he could remember. The only reason Vil had ever found himself tolerating it was because of the sole fact of your dance instructor’s judgment. You were talented, he reluctantly admitted. And rehearsing with you out of all people would only benefit his own skills in the arts if he ever wished to get anywhere with his strive for perfection.
The pursuit of beauty knows no bounds, Vil thought as he adjusted the strap stabilizing his dance shoes. 
“Vil!” a familiar—but scour inducing—voice then intruded on the boy’s preparation as he turned his face to look at your a-little-too-cheery-for-his-taste form. “It’s so nice to see that you’ve made it to today’s lesson! I remember you were absent last week because of an important commercial shooting, yes? We all missed your…” you halted yourself, unnecessarily emphasizing your words as if to discredit the compliments coming from your mouth, “treasured talent.”
Vil scoffed at your empty sweetness. “I’m sure you did, (Y/n).” The young actor tilted his chin up as if to search for his own thoughts while doing his best to cover the glare he dearly wished to give you at that moment, “Although, you’ll be out next week too, correct? I hear you’ve been casted in a children’s show as a special guest.” The blond-haired child then turned back to the straps of his shoes, mumbling to himself, “... That I also had auditioned for.” 
Feigning ignorance to his bitterness, you continued carrying on the conversation with your precious dance partner—relishing the way he stared at you with envy at your obtained role in the process. “Ah, yes. Well, as you know, showbiz is showbiz, Schoenheit. Not all of us will get what we want,” you gave him a smile he could only read as a way to anger him even more. “Perhaps we’ll both be casted next time. That would be wonderful, would it not?”
A single clap from your instructor was enough for the entire studio to grow quiet, signaling the start of class as students began rushing to their places, “Alright, class, it’s time to begin! Places!”
You gave your partner a final grin as the room was filled with music to go with your warm up, “Don’t trip today, Schoenheit.”
“As if I ever would, (L/n).”
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♡online friends who’ve never met♡
With technology constantly surrounding him, it was only natural for Idia to have met you in the online world. Where else would a shut-in like himself find some sort of social interaction he'd actually be willing to be a part of?
Gloomurai: korie! u wanna hop on midnite l8ter? live event drops tday
korie66: ayooooo korie66: im down. lez do it >:)
Gloomurai: nice Gloomurai: korie and gloomurai back at it again
Although, he supposed he didn't really know you. Sure, he knew the artificially curated version you would introduce yourself as within the chat logs on public servers. But he had never known the "IRL" version of you, let alone your real name. Still—Idia thought as he sat in front of his blue and black gaming set-up, monitor displaying another game he'd binge that night—it was still nice having a buddy to play numerous games with. A kid like him who had the same interests. A kid who also found freedom within the internet.
Gloomurai: wht? y?
korie66: FREE STUFF
Both of your days were spent trading the best items, sharing tips for a new game level, or even just chatting for the fun of it. Each night Idia had even found himself eagerly shuffling to his room, shutting the door behind him, and turning on his PC just to make it in time for your scheduled co-ops.
Eventually, you and Idia had found yourselves much more open with one another as well; a certain kind of trust that could only form with the number of years you had played together. What was the point in finding real-life friends, the young Idia thought as he snagged a bag of chips to eat while playing with you, if he had you to spend time with instead? One friend was all he needed, and you filled that roll perfectly!
Gloomurai: YEAH Gloomurai: FR THE BEST DUO
This was all he needed. Your friendship was all he needed.
Idia—now a third year student and housewarden at Night Raven College—sighed as he closed the latest game he'd been playing, cracking his back as he stretched like cat waking up from a deep sleep. Determining it was far too early for bedtime, however, the young man had decided it was a good hour to clear out his PC's memory. It was about time. It had been a while.
Scrolling and deleting through file and files, memories, and unused downloads, Idia had found nothing of importance to him and trashed everything in his path. That is, until he spotted a familiar chat log that read UNSTOPPABLE DUO hidden deep within his message history.
The Ignihyde housewarden gazed at the chat name he knew all too well. A certain feeling then began to rise within his chest as his hand subconsciously guided his mouse towards the familiar icon of your profile picture, still the same as it was years ago.
This is a really bad idea, Idia voiced in his mind. Yet, despite being against his own actions, Idia watched as his own hand clicked your name—only to spot a sea of red text blaring through the screen as he peered at the pixels of his computer:
korie66: Last Active 10 years ago. . .
Idia slumped over in his chair at the text, dejected, "I don't know why I even tried."
Shutting off his monitor, the blue-haired boy then stood from his chair and begrudgingly marched back to his bed, concluding his late night. He hadn't known what he was even expecting, at that point. He'd long knew of your inactivity; it's not like he didn't know what he'd see.
It really was just a shame you never had a chance to meet each other, Idia thought. He supposed, though, that some people were never meant to truly remain friends, to remain together.
And you were no exception to that.
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♡the friend you meet by accident♡
“Hm?” Malleus, who had been peacefully reading a book during his break from his studies, suddenly peered up from his spot in the palace gardens at the alarming shouts coming from the sky. It had been a relatively clear afternoon; one with few clouds in the atmosphere and very few birds soaring above, which only left the young fae even more curious at the panicking screams he could catch from his place beside the flower beds. Gently placing his now discarded book down to the grass, Malleus then made his way closer to the figure as a blur of (h/c) fell from the sky and into a nearby bush.
“Ugh, I knew trying that spell would be a total fail,” the figure, who Malleus could now make out as a fae child around his age, dwelled as they rubbed a couple bruises on their arms, healing themselves. “I guess this is what happens when I don’t listen to Mother, but—"
“Ahem,” Malleus cleared his throat, finally gaining the child’s attention.
“AAAHHH—” you screamed again, only this time with shock at the sight of another living being around you. “Gosh, don’t scare me like that! What if my magic went all kapooey on you?! What would happen then?” you scolded the rather tall boy as you stood up from your previously injured state—skin now pristine due to your magic.
“Hm…” the dark-haired boy before you contemplated your words, “Then I suppose going ‘kapooey’ wouldn’t be very good for me, correct?”
“Exactly! I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You turned your body away from the boy as you inspected your dirt-stained clothes, wincing at the rips caused from your fall into the bush. “I don’t even want to imagine what Mother would do to me if she found out I’d harmed another fae—another child at that, too! Although,” your eyes then followed up the fae’s face and pointed its attention straight towards the two black horns resting atop his head, “you do look a bit different than me… Where are we right now?” No other fae from where you were from had any such horns like his; you were sure of it! You must’ve landed in another land other than your own, if that were the case.
But where, exactly? You thought.
“Briar Valley,” the horned-boy swiftly replied, “The palace, to be exact.”
“Briar Valley?! I must have traveled further than I thought, then!” a frazzled exclaim escaped your mouth as you struggled with your hands to prepare whatever spell had gotten you there in the first place. “I have to go right away! So sorry for intruding, uh…” a hesitant pause ensued as you held out a hand to the child, signaling an introduction from him.
“Malleus. My name is Malleus,” he softly gave you a smile.
You returned his smile with a grin of your own, shaking his hand, “Right. Thank you, Malleus. I’m (Y/n).”
“It was no issue.”
And with your final goodbyes to the fae you’d just met, Malleus then stood and followed your form as you disappeared to Sevens know where. The only remnants left of your presence were the gold, sparkling specs of magic that remained after you casted your spell, filling the palace garden with dust that resembled stars scattered throughout the greenery. Malleus, at the sight of your magic, had then begun to wonder just where you had come from and why you had landed there that day as quickly as you left. 
The chances of seeing you again were slim. Still, however…
“(Y/n),” Malleus had whispered to himself.
“A lovely name for a fae such as themselves, yes?”
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cloudcountry · 8 months
can you possibly do che’nya with a s/o who’s just as or even more catlike than he is :3
SUMMARY: you are chenya are a purrrrfect pair!
WARNINGS: none!!
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If you're dating Chenya, you've absolutely picked up on some of his more catlike traits already.
Like, for example, meowing at random intervals or going up behind your friends and “making biscuits” on their backs when you know they're stressed.
To say Chenya isn’t smug about your new habits would be a bold-faced lie.
But there are some things that even your relationship with Chenya can't explain. Like, for example, how you despise being touched but will rub up against people who you trust.
Or how you've taken to headbutting Chenya to get his attention when you want a kiss.
It's gotten to the point that Chenya will take balls of yarn and wiggle the stray string in front of your face. He tries his best to hide his giggles as you swipe at it so your trance isn't broken.
How could you possibly get even more adorable? He quickly found out how on a rainy day!
Since you hate the rain so much, Chenya has come up with ways for you to avoid it. Like, for example, a floating umbrella! Isn’t that so much fun?
(Juuuuust kidding! That's an invisible Chenya holding an umbrella over your head, making sure the two of you don't get wet.)
The both of you take great joy in parkouring all over Heartslabyul and giving Riddle a heart attack. Chenya uses those opportunities to remind him that you two have yet to actually break anything.
It’s a bit alarming to everyone when they catch the two of you play wrestling, but Riddle ushers them away with a frantic chant of “they’re playing THEY’RE PLAYING.”
So yeah, you’re Riddle’s constant headache but he does care about you two. And you two love each other <3
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merakiui · 11 months
If you can I need you to explain that list and your reasonings for their placements 😭
It’s honestly so silly, but I do have reasons for why everyone was placed where they were.
Trey -> you can’t tell me he wouldn’t want to try it at least once, just to see how many can be stacked. He even provides you with the donuts and they’re guaranteed to be delicious because they’re from the Clovers’ bakery!
Cater -> I like to think Cater’s willing to try anything fun, trendy, or interesting at least once just to gauge what he thinks, and the idea of stacking pretty donuts on his dick makes for such a good opportunity to snap photos (only for your and his eyes of course).
Ace -> he just wants to be able to fit more donuts so that he can brag about it to his friends. If anything, it’s Ace who comes to you asking if you’ll stack donuts on it lol.
Deuce -> he loves you so much, so he will gladly allow you to stack donuts on it. He thinks you’re so cute when you’re so focused on his dick, and it’s a little flustering to be under your intense attention. Deuce isn’t complaining, though. <3
Ruggie -> as long as he can still eat the donuts afterwards, he doesn’t mind. Donuts are his absolute favorite! And he sort of wants to know how many will fit………. orz
Jade -> he’s a freak, a curious one at that.
Floyd -> he’s a freak, a curious one at that x2.
Kalim -> it sounds fun and he’s genuinely curious. This is probably a question that has crossed Kalim’s mind before, and now he absolutely must know! He’s sure you won’t mind helping him. :)
Rook -> it’s Rook. But also he’s a freak, a curious one at that x3.
Lilia -> it’s Lilia. He is absolutely wanting you to stack pink frosted donuts on his dick! If this is how young people have their fun in bed, count him in. He wants to try it.
Silver -> he’s too nice, so if you ask him he has to think about it for a minute because he doesn’t quite get the meaning at first. But then you explain it and Silver’s nodding as if it’s the most sensible question ever. He doesn’t mind it because you seemed really curious about the answer and he doesn’t want to be stuck with all-consuming curiosity all day.
Neige -> he just wants you to be happy, and if that comes at the cost of stacking donuts on it he will pay it without hesitation!
Che’nya -> also another one who has considered this question before, so he’d like to find out the answer with you. If you see a floating box of donuts in your room and hear a far-off giggle, just know you’re about to find out. Che’nya has too much fun with this.
Leona -> he thinks it’s stupid, so he doesn’t let you stack donuts on it. :( in his mind, you could do so many other (and better) things with your time than asking silly questions. Although he does tease you, smirking and asking, “If you want to stack donuts on it, it’s only fair I should get to see how many toys you can fit in there.” You’re either so embarrassed or intrigued at that prospect that now you’re considering a new question.
Jack -> he doesn’t understand why you’d ever want to do something like that. Also, why ruin perfectly good donuts trying to stack them on his dick? It’s not that he’s bragging about being big; he’s genuinely concerned for the donuts. >_< why ruin them when you can eat them as a tasty treat?
Vil -> absolutely not. Maybe in your wildest dreams, but Vil will never allow you to stack donuts on it. First, they’re donuts and he’s not one for unhealthy foods and snacks. Second, won’t it make such a mess? Third, if you wanted to know how big he is just measure it using actually units of measurement and not donuts.
Sebek -> he’s secretly flustered that you’d ask such a question, and he yells at you to “quell your insufferable human curiosity!!!!!!!” You take that as a no. T-T
Rollo -> now why would you ask him this? He stares at you for a long minute, processing the words that just came out of your mouth. His answer is simple and devoid of reason: “I’d rather you not.” There’s no swaying Rollo once he’s made up his mind.
Riddle -> Riddle’s the type who dwells on stuff, so if you leave him with that question it’s a guarantee he’s going to be putting some thought into it after he’s initially said no. And wooooo what a question it is. On one hand, it’s embarrassing and foolish. On the other, it’s you asking and donuts! An opportunity (and excuse) to have sweets with you (and also learn how many will fit on his dick). You don’t really have to do much persuading. It’s actually Riddle who either talks himself into it or out of it.
Azul -> he’ll do anything (within certain parameters) if you sign a contract. But who would be silly enough to sign a contract like that? Oh, you’re already signing. Wow. Huh. Okay. Maybe it’s his lucky day, or your curiosity is that bad. Whatever the case is, he’s more than happy to help you out with this and in return… we’ll see. :)
Jamil -> he thinks it’s foolish to waste food like that, but then, without intending to, he lets the question haunt him for a few days. How do you even think of questions like this? Just what goes on in that head of yours? Maybe he shouldn’t know, but now he’s somewhat curious and he wants you to at least explain it to him. Your explanation is either so good or so bad that he’s compelled to try it, if only because you actually managed to make him laugh outright.
Epel -> at first he doesn’t get the appeal, but then he realizes if he can fit lots of donuts on it he’ll certainly be considered big and manly, right? He’s so excited that he talks himself into it because now he’s too curious.
Idia -> no way! That’s weird and gross. Why should he sacrifice his snacks just so you can use them for something like that? >:( oh, but then I guess Idia isn’t going to see you cosplay his favorite characters or get to dress you in skimpy hentai-esque outfits… :( oh well. In the end, he caves and lets you stack donuts.
Malleus -> you’ll just need to explain it a little more thoroughly so he can understand you’re coming from a place of curiosity. He’d feel cruel to not indulge his favorite Child of Man, so he might as well allow it. And you seem so excited and eager; how can resist? You’re too cute. Malleus offhandedly mentions that he “hopes a dozen will be enough” and it has your eyebrows raising so fast. Just how big is he??????
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arent-i-the-fairest · 2 years
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it’s hard to catch some time with your s/o when you two go to different schools. desperate to see each other, you secretly meet up late at night.
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“i know you don’t like that i’m doing this, but keep this a secret and you’ll have premium tuna cans for days,” you promised to grim as you tied a scarf around your neck. it was a particularly cold night. not that it was a big deal for you— you’d go through any weather to see your boyfriend.
“you better keep that promise..” grim was practically drooling all over himself as he thought about the stacks of tuna he would be getting. “premium tuna.. i’ll be dreamin’ about it..” he muttered as he curled up on top of his blanket.
right before you left, you quickly gave grim a couple scratches behind the ears as he dozed off.
“goodnight, grim. i’ll be back by midnight.”
with that, you were out the dorm and headed into the woods.
neige leblanche
“this is all so scandalous..” neige whispered as he nestled closer to you. “it’s not at all what a prince should be doing, yet it feels so—”
“—fun.” you interjected, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“hehe, very fun! but what i was meaning to say was that it feels so right. not to mention romantic,” he blushes. “strangely, it feels very fairy tale-like to me. perhaps it’s because i’m watching the stars with the love of my life.”
as neige looked up at the stars, it might’ve just been his imagination, but he couldn’t help but feel they were shining a bit brighter than usual.
“neige, i think i see a constellation!”
“ooh! where, where?”
truthfully, neige was a bit apprehensive about agreeing to a late night meet up— he’s never done such a thing before! and what would happen if you two got caught?
needless to say he was quite anxious that first time you two met up in the forest. but as the date went on, his mind became completely changed. it just felt so… intimate, having time alone together, talking under the night sky. it’s something he’s eager about now. he pays no mind to fact that this is something frowned upon by his classmates, he’ll do anything to see you.
checking the time on your phone, your eyes widened seeing that it was already a bit past midnight. “time for us to head back!”
neige’s disappointment was poorly veiled.
“already? it felt more like 2 minutes than 2 hours. maybe we could stay for just a couple minutes more?” he suggests right before yawning. neige is much more of an early bird than a night owl— he can’t remember the last time he was up this late.
“i wanna stay longer too, but we better not. looks like you’re already pretty tired. i don’t wanna have you nodding off in class because of me.” you laughed softly, helping him stand up.
“you’re right..” he admits with a pout. he rubs his tired eyes, watching you turn away.
“well, i’ll see you soon!” you waved before preparing to head back up the hill. before you even walked 5 steps, neige called after you.
“wait—!” neige briefly clammed up. he didn’t mean to call after you, it’s like his mouth just moved on it’s own! but he might as well just ask what he wanted to. “this.. wouldn’t happen to be our last time meeting up here like this, would it? we’ll do this again, right?”
you giggled, flattered by his enthusiasm. “of course we will.”
“that little prank you pulled earlier was not funny.” you whined, softly flicking at his ears.
now that you think of it, it was probably to be expected that he would give you a little spook. it’s late at night, you’re in the woods, everything is completely silent— it was too easy!
“sorry, sorry!” he purred, brushing his tail against your cheek. “oh, earlier, i saw something interesting looking waaay over there!” che’nya pointed far, far away, somewhere near the shore. “i want to check it out!”
“i dunno about that, che’nya…” you muttered. “isn’t it kinda risky? we might get caught if anyone from our schools happens to be out right now. i heard some of my classmates say they’d be out shopping right around now.”
“risk is all part of the fun, my dear.”
che’nya agreed to do these little secret dates without a second thought. he doesn’t care too much about any consequences he could get. and he told you he’s ready to claw at anyone who gives you too much shit for it. (he’s just kidding! …i think)
he likes dragging you around to places rather than just hanging out in a single location, as he hates sitting in one place for too long. whether the place is a pretty sight, there’s something he wants to check out there, or he wants to go just because, you’ll be dragged along. you two are partners in crime. minus the crime.
“i can’t believe the ‘interesting looking thing’ you saw just ended up being a little charm.” you sighed, looking at the small, dusty, star shaped charm sitting in your palm.
“don’t be so down about it. if you tie a long piece of string into the little loop, then tie the ends of the long string together, boom— you’ve got a necklace to remember this night!”
“that’s.. actually a pretty cute idea. i’ll do it when i get back to my dorm.” you smiled, tucking the charm in your pocket.
“hey, let’s find another one of those thingies so you can make a necklace for me too!” che’nya starts looking around the area, and you sigh. you sit down on a tree stump, exhausted from the long walk.
“will we be able to find another one conveniently laying around..? and these things are so small, we’ll be having to search for hours.”
“doesn’t bother me! we can take as long as we need!”
“.. hey, you know we’re heading back to our schools by midnight, right? right?!”
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pinkskytwst · 1 year
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A Queen's Rose
Riddle/Reader (Not Yuu)
Childhood Friends!AU
I was totally inspired by @miss-hyoko with this post about childhood friends and the Housewardens. I have others already in mind for at least Azul and Malleus but I want to try and write the Yandere!First Years Part III first.
This one is all fluff though so I hope you like it! Let me know what you think. (It's unbeta'd though so please be kind lol)
Riddle had known you since you were both children.
You were, in fact, the only friend he had consistently been able to be near with the permission of his mother since he was seven years old.
Your parents were nobles as well, after all, and your aptitude for magic was already showing signs of being very advanced for your age. It was the perfect set up for her to prepare a betrothal or simple family alliance. If it had been up to her, of course, it would have been a betrothal from the start, but your parents were more attentive to your wishes and refused to push the subject more than allowing you two to get to know each other and see how your friendship would grow.
The first time you had met Riddle you were both dressed in the same sort of frilly, miniature adult, nobility dress that most of your station paraded their children around in, and Riddle’s mother had set up a ‘tea party’ for you to enjoy.
With her there, of course.
It was awkward and tense and not very enjoyable but you never made fun of him even when his mother explained there were no sweets because they were unhealthy for you. You even gave him a small smile and wave before you left so he felt like, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Maybe he could actually make a friend.
He fell in love with you the next time you visited, when you slipped him a strawberry tart hidden in the basket of books you had brought to share with a bright but mischievous smile.
“Tea parties should always have strawberry tartes.” You had whispered with a giggle.
It was the best thing he had ever tasted and your laugh was the most beautiful sound in the world to his ears.
That day he knew he was going to marry you, if you would have him.
He didn’t know what married people did besides live together and spend all their time together but he didn’t care if it meant being able to hear you laugh every day.
If his mother knew of his intent and determination she might have actually been proud for once, but he kept it held secret in his heart. Protected that little dream even as you both grew and his responsibilities and expectations mounted on his shoulders.
You were like a warm summer day to his life, a brilliant rose blooming in an otherwise barren garden.
Smiling at him as if seeing him made your day, speaking to him so openly when you were alone and going on about the exciting and fantastical books that you read or what interesting trip you had gone on with your parents.
You were a window into the world he never got to experience and you shared it freely as best you could. Bringing him pictures and books with their swashbuckling covers hidden behind those of scientific journals. You even covered for him when you could so that he could slip out and meet with Trey and Che’nya.
And every chance you had, you brought him strawberry tartes.
When Riddle was accepted into Night Raven College – the most illustrious and sought after school in all of Twisted Wonderland – he was disappointed to be separated from you. He knew you would, no doubt, be accepted the next year when you came of age, though, so he promised to write you every day and tried not to blush when you threw your arms around him in a tight embrace.
Being accepted into Heartslabyul was in no way a surprise, having planned on being sorted into their Queen’s dorm from the start, and he quickly set about placing himself as the top student and defeating the current Dorm Housewarden to gain his position.
He wanted to be able to greet you properly, after all, and make you proud. Create a dorm that you could excel in and dorm members that would – if not reach your level – at least not disgrace you in any way.
He wanted to prove to you that he could take care of Heartslabyul better than anyone – and in return hopefully prove he could take care of you the same way.
Unfortunately, despite your affect on Riddle, much of his mother still stubbornly clung on and it wasn’t long before he was being whispered about as a ‘tyrant’ despite Trey and Cater’s – the previous Housewarden that he had defeated – attempts to smooth things over. It was perhaps, not as bad as it could be, he didn’t always jump to his Unique Magic to handle trouble makers, but he also didn’t go easy on any of them.
It was fine, though, they would see why it would all be worth it eventually.
He didn’t realize that more whispers were shared among Heartslabyul that centered around the daily letters that Riddle would send and receive.
He always sent one first thing in the morning and he always received one around teatime in the afternoon. No one really understood why he was using physical letters like a grandma  – though Trey knew it was because Riddle’s mother had access to his phone and laptop – but whatever was in them must have been important because those were the best times to ask the Housewarden for anything.
He would always be a bit distracted after sending the letter for about an hour, almost wistful, but then the rest of the afternoon when he received the reply he would be a bit more lenient. A bit more soft spoken with the edges of his tone smoothed over so he sounded less like a dictator and more like a strict older brother.
Everyone wanted to know just who Riddle was writing to and of course the guess was a girlfriend or boyfriend, but no one put much weight to that when they doubted anyone could put up with him.
Who would want to date the tyrant queen?
The next year when they arrived on the morning of the welcome ceremony, Riddle was the worst they had ever seen him.
He stormed around, ordering everyone into a whirlwind of cleaning and preparations for the new students. Painting the roses, bathing and brushing the hedgehogs, doing the same for the flamingos and ensuring every corner of the dorm was polished to a shine until the marble floors gleamed like mirrors.
It was clear that someone important was going to be showing up, especially when Riddle gave them a speech about what he expected from them regarding conduct during the ceremony and personally checked each of them to ensure their uniforms were perfect and their appearance well groomed.
Trey just followed close behind with a bemused, fond smile while Cater was near vibrating with excitement and whispering to his taller friend about Magicam videos and candid reactions.
The ceremony went as it had the years before and it was rather easy to see just who Riddle was focusing on when he recognized them instantly despite the robe hood hiding most of their features, and how the person smiled in his direction and gave a little wave. Riddle even smiled back at them, though it was careful and poised, and he gave a small nod in return as they waited for the person to be sorted.
To say that Riddle was disappointed that you were placed in Diasomnia rather than Heartslabyul was an understatement.
He didn’t throw a fit or behead anyone but his expression fell before he quickly plastered on a smile as the figure turned to beam at him. They couldn’t speak while more students were being sorted, Riddle did glance to his side where Lilia Vanrouge was taking stock of the new students being sent to his dorm.
“I hope,” he said softly, expression serious as he met gazes with the other’s wine-red eyes that instantly focused on him. “That Diasomnia treats their human members just as they treat their fae? I would hate to hear that your dorm doesn’t recognize when a worthy soul has joined their house.”
Amusement sparkled in the third year’s eyes and he flashed a too sharp grin.
“Why, Housewarden Rosehearts, surely you don’t think we would not care for all of our students no matter their heritage. There has never been a soul sorted into our noble house that hasn't been worthy. Perhaps you would care to visit sometime to see the truth of my words?”
There was definitely a teasing note in the other’s voice and Riddle had the feeling that the fae was able to see right through him, but he pushed the embarrassment aside, gaze traveling over the heads of the new students seated with their houses.
His rose was whispering excitedly to another Diasomnia student and quickly gave an eager wave to Riddle again when they noticed his gaze, barely hidden by the crowd so as not to draw attention.
It was impossible for Lilia to miss the softening of his expression and the teasing smirk on the fae's face made Riddle clear his throat quickly and look away.
“That sounds agreeable. And of course, Heartslabyul is open to visiting students from all houses as well.” He said before tacking on a quick “So long as they follow our rules.”
“Of course, Housewarden Rosehearts. I’ll be sure to pass the invitation along to our students.” He said bemused, clearly laughing at the situation and it took everything Riddle had not to huff and throw a fit.
But ensuring that you were at least allowed to visit as often as possible was more important.
Besides, he decided eventually, if you weren’t to be in Heartslabyul then he supposed Diasomnia was the best alternative. It was the house of Nobility, after all, and a queen needed a king to stand at their side.
He would just have to ensure that he proved he was the best suited as Queen in all of Night Raven College and that some interloper didn’t steal your attentions away before he could show you just how much he loved you and the life he hoped to provide for you.
The uproar that came from the odd, magicless student and the rampaging weasel monster nearly led Riddle to murder.
How dare they ruin his rose’s first night at NRC! This was not what he wanted their impression of his school to be!
He took care of the monster quickly – with the help of Ashengrotto, unfortunately, - to ensure that no one – especially his rose – came to harm.
It was a relief when he turned, though, and suddenly found his arms full of the one he loved.
He instantly returned the embrace, worried for an instant that they were hurt or frightened, but when they pulled back, hood fallen away to show their beautiful face, they were beaming excitedly, brilliant eyes flashing and the smile he missed so much warming his chest.
“That was wonderful, Riddle! You were so amazing!” you praised, not at all embarrassed or uncertain about saying such things in public.
You never were uncertain.
You always spoke what was in your heart and he both loved and envied you for that courage.
He cleared his throat a little, pulling back just a bit as he knew the other Housewardens could see them and he didn’t want you to grab any of their interests. He didn’t trust them and he certainly didn’t want to risk having to fight them for you.
Not that he would lose! But still, he knew how charming Vil was and Leona’s whole dorm just caused problems. He certainly didn’t want the likes of them hanging around you when they certainly weren’t good enough for your attention.
“It’s good to see you, my rose.” He said, holding your hands instead of continuing the embrace.
He would make up for it later in private where he wouldn’t have to worry about so many eyes on you.
You gave another of your beautiful laughs and squeezed his hands.
“It’s good to see you too.” They said playfully. “Even if it was just yesterday it felt like I’d never get here!”
Riddle hoped that the warmth he felt wasn’t traveling to his face.
“I’m sorry that your first night here has been ruined.” He said, expression falling into a frown as he glared towards where the Headmage was leading off the magicless student and the contained monster.
“Ruined? It was exciting!” you beamed, causing him to blink before a fond smile pulled on his lips as you began praising him again for his skills and bravery and ability to take charge until Vanrouge’s voice cut in from the large double doors, calling for all of the Diasomnia students.
“Oh, I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you soon, promise!” you said before giving him another quick embrace and then spinning on your heals to hurry off after your new, fellow dorm members.
Riddle watched you go and did his best to not make it so obvious that he wanted nothing more than to follow you.
Instead he turned to his own students that were milling around Trey and Cater and started them on the way back to Heartslabyul.
He pointedly ignored the calculating looks from Azul or the amused one that Lilia was shooting him while apparently chatting with you until they were out of sight.
Well, things didn’t turn out exactly like he wanted but it could have been worse, he supposed. You could have been placed somewhere like Octavinelle where he’d constantly fret about you being around Floyd or if Azul would trick you into some strange contract. Savanaclaw even more, not even imagining your bright and open personality being able to stand against the chaos of that house.
He sighed to himself when he was finally able to retire to his room, the rooms he had wanted to show you and offer as a study location along with the evening tea he had set aside to prepare. He had even made sure that your room would be right beside his, ignoring Trey’s knowing look, and hoped maybe he would be able to spend more time with you in private.
Hold your hand longer. Hug you without having to pull back because of what others might think.
Maybe even…kiss you on the cheek if you gave him permission.
The thought caused his cheeks to flare and he quickly shook it away as he changed into his pajamas.
He was just folding the dirty robes to set aside for cleaning later when he heard a strange scratch at the balcony doors.
Frowning confused and wondering if that red headed first year was already causing problems – he could spot a troublemaker a mile away – he went to open them.
He stared.
A bat was flapping and hovering before him…with a letter gripped in its tiny claws.
A letter on thick cream parchment with a vividly crimson wax seal with the imprint of a rose.
“Thank you.” He managed, unsure if the bat would understand him but not willing to risk being rude after it was obviously coming to deliver something for him.
He reached out and accepted the letter, watching as the small creature squeaked before fluttering off again into the night.
Well…he supposed he had seen stranger things happen at NRC, so with a shrug he stepped back into his room and closed the doors.
A smile bloomed on his face, however, when he saw his name written on the front in a familiar hand and he wasted no time in carefully breaking the seal off and opening it. Already you had written him a decently long letter telling him all about your new dorm and how you had settled in and how nice your dorm mates were. He could almost hear your voice as he read your words and the last of his disappointment eased away.
You might not have been placed in Heartslabyul but you were still there with him at NRC now and he could see you every day.
Could walk you to class and carry your books for you. Could eat lunch with you and teach you how to play croquette with the flamingos and cuddle the hedgehogs together when no one else was around. He could see you smile and hear your laugh any time he wanted without the expectant gaze of his mother weighing him down.
He could just be with you, and suddenly school seemed all the more bright with the thought, despite the moon hanging over head.
You were here, finally, and he couldn’t wait to spend every moment he could at your side.
It only took a week for the entirety of Heartslabyul to brand you as their ‘king’ – though they didn’t call you that to your face – and you were eagerly welcomed with open arms anytime you could join them.
You were warm and friendly, kind to everyone and didn’t hesitate to help someone if they needed it. You had become much like Kalim, an anomaly at NRC – even if you weren’t quite so energetic. Even more so because of your obvious closeness to their Housewarden.
That was the real reason they loved having you around.
Whenever you were in the vicinity, Riddle’s near entire focus would be on you instead of them. He still upheld the rules, still insisted on only the best from his students, but there were few times now that he truly lost his temper.
On the rare occasion you weren’t there already to lay a hand on his arm and give him a gentle smile that broke him out of his building rage, Cater only had to send you a quick text and soon you were bursting into Heartslabyul with a basket of pastries and books.
You would have part of your uniform out of place and completely interrupt whatever screaming lecture your friend had started into with pleas to help you with homework that you were stuck on that you insisted that only Riddle could assist you with.
The ranting would be cut off instantly, his angry flush still remaining but all real heat and sharpness melting away as he would fuss and right your uniform. He would chide you in a manner that was so gentle and removed from mere moments before that someone might suspect he was a different person all together, before sweeping you off to his rooms with a promise to help you with whatever you were struggling with.
The ‘beheadings’ were cut down to a mere fifth of what they had once been per week and the overall atmosphere of the dorm eased until even the more trouble-magnet students couldn’t complain too much over the elaborate rules.
Rules that Riddle would obviously bend as much as possible for your sake.
He would use every chance to help adjust your uniform because he wanted you to look nice and he liked being able to take care of you, but he never punished you for it. He allowed you to play with the hedgehogs and flamingos without requiring you to help keep their habitats clean – though you tended to help with that anyway – and if you happened to fall asleep during a study session and ended up staying until after curfew…well you weren’t part of their dorm so it wasn’t his place to set a punishment for you.
It would be unsafe and ungentlemanly to make you walk all the way back to Diasomnia in the dark, after all, so clearly the more responsible thing would be to let you spend the night while he slept on the sofa.
Completely ignoring the fact that he had handed out punishments to students from other dorms before without hesitation.
The most obvious rule bending, however, that the other students were able to witness first hand was during unbirthday parties and dorm tea.
There was always a special seat beside Riddle’s at the head of the table – claiming it was only following the proper etiquette and hospitality that they were required to show to guests - despite no others ever being offered the same – and while the first piece of cake was always meant for the Housewarden, Riddle would unfailingly accept it and then hold it out towards you.
After all, it was his slice of cake and it was his right to do with it what he wanted, so if he decided to give the first bite to you – his king – then it was breaking no rules.
Your mere presence would keep the parties festive and Riddle so distracted that even if he caught a minor infraction happening the most he did was send a warning glare for the person to stop.
Ace was your biggest fan, actually, when you had interrupted Riddle’s outrage at his apology marron pie with the sudden declaration that you loved marron pie – and wouldn’t Riddle accept it so they could share it later? If they didn’t eat it at the unbirthday party, then it wasn’t really breaking the rules, right?  Besides, wasn’t it the thought behind the action that mattered more? Intentions should always be taken into account when handling such situations. Ace had probably chosen marron because you had mentioned you really liked it. That was nice of him, wasn’t it? To think of you?
Ace had his collar removed and Riddle had a relieved Trey hurry off with the pastry for them to enjoy later in private.
Needless to say, despite your Diasomnia uniform, you had been accepted by Heartslabyul as one of their own.
Not only were your own dorm members – who Riddle was disgruntled to realize were more fond of you than he liked – protective over you, but if someone tried to mess with you or be rude to you in any way, any and all Heartslabyul boys in range would be there in an instant to protect or back you up.
You were their Housewarden’s King after all.
Even if Riddle hadn't made the order to keep an eye on you, they would have done it. If only to ensure you were able to be around as much as possible.
While rumors of strange incidents and fights started showing up around campus, you were safe in Riddle’s room. Sitting close as he helped you study or falling asleep on his shoulder as you both read the adventure books you had brought to share with him.
And then, when Riddle finally worked up the courage to ask, you shared your first kiss with him.
Gentle and full of the love he had felt for you since you were both children, and soft as the petals of a rose.
Riddle’s Rose.
Hope you guys liked it! I'm a sucker for fluffy cuteness lol and this was particularly tooth rotting. <3
@miss-hyoko hope this is what you imagined and that you like it!
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Happy April fools, or Boop day. I shall now give all the twisted wonderland boys a Boop *boops all of them*
I am mainly here to ask how you would headcanon them reacting to a Boop (from either their lover or prefect) because this scenario has been stuck in my head looping for hours and I need to be fed.
(I’m sorry to everyone else who’s waiting for a HC list, but I just had to reply to this one asap lol)
Anon! Happy Boop day to you too, even though it’s already over. I already miss it… Also, thank you everyone for the boops once again <3
Let’s go through the list and boop all the boys! Although as always, it’s easier for me to write this thing with ships in mind, so apologies to Yuu.
Riddle – if Trey does it, he’d be confused and flustered, but then look at him with a pout, asking why would he do that and saying that he isn’t a kid… And he’d look so adorable that Trey would suffer :”3 But if Ace does that, Riddle’d get annoyed and yell at him. And if Floyd does it, he’d get even more annoyed, red and aggressive, maybe he’ll even try to bite Floyd’s finger (spoiler alret: this one is going to be a reoccurring theme in this post). Floyd is going to be so happy – he just found Goldfishie’s funny button! I can also easily picture Che’nya appearing out of nowhere Bugs Bunny style and booping Riddle all day long until he loses it…
Ace – either a “ehh what was that for?!” or a bored and judgmental stare. He is the type to go “really, a boop? What are you, 6?” and then hypocritically boop the person. The moment he learns that it’s Boop day, his first thought would be Deuce lol
Deuce –  he’ll get confused and react a bit slowly, but then immediately get mad at Ace for laughing at him and try to boop him back. These two would probably chase each other, completely ignoring their surroundings and accidentally booping random people.
Trey – with any random person it would be a “do I have to boop you back now?” with an awkward smile, but if it’s Riddle who does it, he’ll get so stunned that Riddle is going to think that he did something wrong and get worried. It’s okay, Riddle. You did everything right, Trey just wasn’t ready for that.
Cater – “Oh nooo, Kei-kun got booped!” with almost everyone but if it’s Idia who does it (for whatever reason), he’d probably be too shoocked to react and just stare at him for 10 seconds. In general, I think Cater (as well as Kalim and Lilia) would enjoy Boop day the most. It’s fun + a good excuse to start a conversation with someone.
Leona – he’d warn Ruggie not to get too ballsy with him if he doesn’t want to lose his arm or something like that, but Ruggie and he both know that Leona won’t do any of that. Still, he’d get very annoyed and hide his face when he falls asleep until the day is over lol
Ruggie – he’d get worried that Leona might’ve hit his head or something, why would he boop him all of a sudden? Of course he knows that Leona has his kinda playful moments, but he probably wouldn’t resist the opportunity to tease him a little bit. Then he’ll hear an annoyed “forget it” and giggle to himself, because he doesn’t get to see embarrassed Leona every day.
Jack – he’s a big doggo, so he might be a biter in theory (it’s a reflex, nothing personal), but he is such a good boy that he’ll probably just get surprised and then frown. If it’s Vil who booped him, Jack is probably going to hear “what, aren’t you going to boop me back?”, just to see if Jack gets flustered hearing that. And if it’s Deuce who booped him, it’s going to get very awkward to both of them afterwards. But just as Deuce leaves, Jack would catch him and boop him…with his nose.
Azul – he’d get a bit startled, because he didn’t expect it, but then – it depends. If it’s Jamil who did it (for some reason…), Azul would get smug and a bit annoyed at the same time, trying to somehow embarrass Jamil for doing that. And suggest a payback, i.e. a boop for Jamil, which he definitely won’t get. And if it’s Idia, Azul is probably going to get more naggy and openly annoyed, because the fact that Idia is giggling at him makes him embarrassed. At first he would say that he doesn’t want to do something so childish, but if Idia keeps provoking him, he’ll absolutely try to boop him back.
Floyd – a biter. A total biter. When he is in a bad mood, he’ll bite out of annoyance, and when he is in a good mood, he’ll bite playfully. Either way, it’s scary! Epel is probably going to be traumatised by that, as well as poor Idia who didn’t want to boop Floyd in the first place. Riddle would yell at Floyd that biting is against the rules though lol Floyd doesn’t like to get booped in general, he prefers to do the booping.
Jade – pretty much the same as Floyd. Fortunately for Jade, he isn’t as popular as Floyd so there isn’t a huge line to boop him, but if Idia somehow ends up booping him, Jade will smile and hit him with “are you sure you want to do this?” before he does, making him reconsidering his choices. But it’s too late now, because Jade would get closer to Idia with his face, as if inviting a boop… or daring him to do it? I don’t know if Idia has it in him to actually boop Jade…
Kalim – he would laugh as if this is the funniest shit in the world. Especially if it’s Jamil who does it: it’s so unusual for Jamil to do something like this; Kalim is glad Jamil is having fun (he isn’t)!! He would make such a big deal out of it that Jamil is going to regret everything…
Jamil – if it’s Kalim who does it, he would react with a sigh, as if asking if Kalim is satisfied now. But he doesn’t mind it all that much – this isn’t the worst thing in the world, butt-smacking was way worse. But Jamil would get quite a lot of Scarabia people wanting to boop him after Kalim’s example so that would be very problematic. And if Azul wants to boop him as well, this is even worse! Jamil would hide from all of them, he isn’t getting booped by them!
Vil – only a couple of people are allowed to boop him, the rest wouldn’t really dare. He doesn’t really like having others’ fingers on his skin, even if it’s just the very tip of his nose. But if it’s Ortho, it’s okay, because his fingers don’t have any natural oils on it… and he is his special boy who can do no wrong lol He’d probably just smile at him for that. Rook would also be okay, but he has to take off his gloves and wash his hands first, so it’d have to wait until they’re alone. But then the boop would somehow turn into something sensual with Vil biting his finger very playfully?? And then there if Floyd who doesn’t ask for permission and just boops Vil, making him gasp because THE NERVE--
Rook – he is another one who prefers to boop and not to get booped, so he’d spend the day hunting or watching others hunt, enjoying the whole thing. But if someone boops him, he would act surprised and maybe even make a funny sound, but this is pretty much fake – he expected the boop, it’s very difficult to catch him off-guard. I feel like the only one to do it would be Vil who would lean for a kiss and them book Rook when he lets his guard down. Then Rook will get surprised for real.
Epel – this is the one who would definitely make a funny sound. A very cute one, actually. He didn’t mean to, and it was embarrassing, but he sounded so cute that it would make Floyd want to boop him again and again. And the best thing is, Epel can’t even boop him back, because Floyd is too tall. Rook would also boop Epel once, and it would be so stealthy and suddenly that it would take a moment for Epel to figure out what just happened.
Idia – thinking about all of his potential boyfriends, I feel like a boop from any of them would feel like a threat to this poor boy lol But anticipation is much scarier than the boop itself, so after getting booped he’d just sigh and grumble about this whole thing being childish. Which is funny considering that he himself would probably gladly boop Azul, but see, it’s different: Azul is such a stick-in-the-mud that it’s funny to boop him. If Ortho boops Idia though, he’d instantly get playful enough to boop him back. And if it’s Lilia who does it, Idia might actually get flustered.
Ortho – he’s going to make a computer “boop” sound. And then he would giggle and ask to boop him again, and then make a different sound. If it’s Vil who boops him, he’ll scoff and call him silly for that…  and boop him again. And if it’s Idia, he’d probably feel so much tenderness and love for him all of a sudden, which would surprise Ortho – this isn’t the reaction he was expecting at all!
Lilia – oh it’s Boop city for grandpa. He is the mayor of it. He boops everyone he can, and if someone boops him? He’s either sneezes in surprise (was it intentional?? Is that his sneeze button??) or tries to bite the finger with a smug face. He’s probably going to have a booping game with Malleus when they hunt each other, as if it’s beansfest all over again lol
Silver – well, for starters, he would wake up. I don’t think he’d do anything after that… but as he squints and looks at his own nose that just got booped, he’d look so cute that both Lilia and Sebek wouldn’t resist a second boop.
Sebek – wow, another biter lol And not a playful one like some of the previous boys. I feel like if Idia or Silver boop him, he might get so mad that he actually would try to bite them. But not on their first try, I think they would have to boop him a couple of times before he loses it. If Malleus boops Sebek though, he’d whimper in surprise, his brain would overload with information and he would faint… while standing still and still staring at Malleus. The lights are on but nobody’s home…
Malleus –  if Sebek does it, he’d get so surprised that he wouldn’t even get mad. Seeing how nervous Sebek is about this whole thing (was this a bet? Did Lilia force him to do it?), he’ll just start teasing him and enjoying himself tremendously… But if Lilia boops him, he’ll probably get pouty and might even complain about Lilia treating him like a kid. But then, as Lilia tries to look into his face to see if he is really mad at him, he’ll boop him right back with a smug smile on his face. Now it’s 1:1.
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awkwardsaweeb · 1 year
Salacious Inclinations
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Pairing: Che’nya/reader
Tags: Fem!reader, Fingering, oral(Fem receiving), blood, biting, praise, degradation, Exhibitionalism
Word Count: 2,204
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Your late evenings in the library are typically spent in solitary, tucked away in some quiet, cubical-like corner to seal yourself away in. You preferred it this way, blanketed in the overwhelming smell of the untouched tomes and the distant sounds of turning pages and scraping graphite. Your little nook was incredibly comforting, soaking in the warm amber light of the dingy flickering bulbs above, a sharp contrast to the dreary gray sky. The soft patters of rain against glass provided a special kind of sensory satisfaction that brought you so close to the precipice of peace that you could feel yourself drift ever closer to the edge of sleep.
The surface of your table has been utterly consumed by books, stacks of material you’d haphazardly grabbed at the mere mention of triens paper assignment, desperate for any sentence that could boost your score.
Amidst the peace you found teetering between stages of REM, you'd been brought back to the present by the cloudy sounds of giggling. They were distant at the moment, straining to really hear it. It was soft and airy, with almost a disembodied tone to it, like music playing from a waterlogged speaker. As it made its way closer to your area, a wave of mischief seemed to trail behind it, bouncing in and out of reality with every disturbance.
You tensed as it grew ever closer, seemingly just around the corner. This world was filled with all sorts of things that simply made no sense at all; this rule not only followed the logic but the people as well. As the soft giggles were just on the other side of the bookcase to your left, you braced yourself for yet another mess to clean up, possibly the only consistency of your time here. Anxiously eying the edge of the bookcase, your eyes strained in concentration, the joyful noise stopping abruptly at the moment that what should have been a body made its way into your space.
That's odd.
Your nerves are still on high; the instinct to remain suspicious is now permanently ingrained in your psyche from your time here—eyes scanning desperately at your surroundings, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of anything.
Your heart nearly leaps out from the cage of your chest, a cold sweat immediately coating your skin, and a large hand with deft, delicate fingers clasped tightly over your mouth. A suppressed shriek rips its way from your throat, the air rippling the skin as a few bubbles of air break past the seal. A soft “Boo” having been whispered into your ear, soon followed by the sporadic untuned melody of giggles.
You’re overcome with immediate irritation, having just now figured out precisely who the walking nuisance is.
You mentally chastise yourself for not realizing sooner, having grown accustomed to the sound of the beast man that liked to chase your heels.
Reaching up, you mean to grasp at his wrist to yank it away, only for the pressure and the man to disappear in your grasp. Great. Sucking in a sudden breath at the surprising feeling of fingertips lightly grazing up the side of your thigh, lightly playing with the hem of your skirt. He idly rolled it between the pads of his fingers as if testing the fabric.
“Did you miss me?” he speaks behind you, his voice once more becoming level with your left ear, “Because I have certainly missed you.” His following sentence is mumbled, so close that you could feel his hot breath puff against your throat and his nose ever so slightly brush against your hair. His hand slowly begins to move again, sliding below the fabric as he encroaches onto the heated space between your thighs. Your breath hitched and staggered as his knuckles grazed against the covered lips of your core, “Especially after the last time.” Your mind quickly flashes back to about a month ago; the tea time you'd had with Riddle had ended, and as you made your way back through the high hedges of roses. You’d been abruptly yanked from the trail behind an out-of-place tree as Che’nya had descended upon you. He’d taken you then, panties stretched out against your rocking ankles and your hands scraping desperately against the cutting bark as you’d tried desperately to keep your knees from buckling. Che’nya roughly thrusting into you from behind without a consequential thought in his head.
Your face heats, Unable to force it down in the wake of the slowly growing pressure. Even though you still can't see him, his touch is incredibly present as he slowly works against the soft cotton fabric.
“My my,” he giggles, “Already so sticky for me. Have you been eager for my return? Hmm?”.
Even though he asked you a question, you can feel your ability to respond quickly leaving you as your mouth begins to fill with sand and your tongue starts to feel like it’s swollen enough to fill your mouth completely. It’s not as if he is really expecting an answer anyway.
His fingers slowly hook around the crotch of the material and pull it aside, his fingers slowly working against the swelling flesh before using his middle finger to part your folds, gliding through your slick. You catch a moan in your throat, still vaguely aware of the people within your relative proximity. His fingers trail around your labia, sliding up to twirl around the bud at the top of your clit. The intense pulse that follows makes your knees jerk, nearly smacking the bottom of the table as you struggle to contain yourself.
“Why bother muffling your moans, I’ve barely touched you, and you’re already so aroused.” His middle finger slides back down, circling the ring of muscles at your entrance before breaking the seal and gliding right in. Arching your back against the hardwood of your chair and your arms shooting out in front of you to find purchase against the hard edge of the table, A whiney call of his name slides from your lips. Schooling yourself by pinning your bottom lip between your teeth, you try in vain to keep the noises down. “ Go ahead, let them know what a whore you are.” he moves to your other ear. “Getting off on being fucked in public, on being my good girl.”. You can almost see his Cheshire grin split his face in two as the sharp points of his canines graze along the skin of your throat.
Enough pressure to indent the skin but just short of splitting it open.
“Please,” you ask, it's soft and barely there, but he hears it.
“Please, what kitten? I’m afraid I don't know what you are asking for.” He can be such a dick.
His response is followed by another finger joining the first, his pace picking up substantially as a wet slosh follows in its wake.Your knees begin to tremble, and paranoia of the noise enticing the curiosity of others has been pushed to the back of your mind in lew of chasing something else.
“Please,” you start, swallowing down a moan before continuing, “ Make me come.”
“Well, aren't you a needy little thing today” Poking his tongue from between his lips, he drags it up the shell of your ear; His breath is scorching as it further works to fog your mind. “But since you’ve asked so nicely..” He trails off.
Suddenly he’s gone, his fingers quickly disappearing from your depths, and the warmth of his lurking form vanishing. It takes you a moment to collect what little remains of your mind to realize the situation as a pent-up sob leaves you. “Wait, what-” and immediately, a pang of pleasure shoots straight through you, rattling your spine and forcing your hands to slap over your mouth to avoid attracting a fellow student.
Che’nya has appeared below the table, head resting between your open thighs with the smuggest grin you have yet to see grace his features.He’d licked a solid strip up the length of your core, saliva hot and tongue thick as the drag of the muscle hit all of the nerves along the surface. He stops as he waits for you to make eye contact with him again, biding his time by nibbling lightly at the skin of your thigh. You refuse, however, getting woefully frustrated with this ongoing game that only he seems to be in on. A sharp pain hit you soon after, the suddenness making your leg lock in response, eyes shooting down to make contact with the best man. He pulls his teeth from the meat of your thigh, a couple of droplets of blood following the polished enamel as the rivulets dribble down the skin.
A couple of droplets fall free onto the old scuffed wooden boards below before he lets his tongue loose once more. Bringing it along the fresh wound, he tries to soothe the pain in faux worry followed by a light chastising of “Pay attention.” You’re irritated and frustrated but more than willing to put your upset on the back burner for now. You’ll get him back eventually. Stiffly nodding your head, you offer a modest “fine” in response as you keep his gaze.
His teeth are back out in the open as he smiles, a tinged film now covering them in a sheer glow of gore. He quickly gets back on task, his fingers reappearing to make the shape of a “V” as they slide against your outer lips, opening you wide for his viewing pleasure. His right hand finds purchase against the top of your left thigh, sliding against the blood and leaving a tacky smear in his grasp. His grip is tight as he reassures your open position, coming in close to give himself a deep inhale of your arousal.
Bringing his mouth back against your clit, slow up and down licks of his tongue, turning the flesh around with his tongue. He’s gentle but firm, his tongue making quick work of the slick that gathered between your thighs, an audible swallow following the swirl against your entrance. He pushes the hot muscles past the opening as he sinks further into your depths. His tongue isn't particularly long, but it’s wide and thick, folding slightly as he works against the spongy walls inside of you. He works hard to expand and retract his tongue as it wriggles around the gooey heat of your cunt, bringing the fingers that held the flesh open up to begin twirling against your bud. It’s gotten much harder to breathe, your chest is hot, and your face and legs begin to tingle as your stomach tightens. Your hands move from the table's edge to tangle into the lavender locks atop his head, twirling the strands between your fingers as they slide far enough down to the roots to tether yourself to him. A jovial chuckle leaves his lips as it provides a tinge of vibration to the sensitive skin in his mouth.
Closing his lips around the heated swollen flesh, he begins to suck, the wet seal coupled with the grind of his tongue fucking into the squishy textured heat of your canal, quickly yanking you over to the edge, the threat of falling over mere moments away. The quiet trail of swears and pleas spill from your lips like a kettle boiling over onto the stove. Very similarly, your end is followed by a shout and uncontrollable spill of your juices amid your orgasm. Your thighs convulse around his head as he scoops up the flemy release, swallowing the globs down eagerly.
When he pulls away, the flush of his face matches yours, a rich color filling the apples of his cheeks and the darkened depths of your eyes.
“That's my good girl, " he praises, slowly easing you back down from your high as he lightly drags his hands along your body, waist, hips, and thighs. Delivering one more soft kiss to your bud, he pulls away, but not before promising to see you later on in the evening to finish what he’s started. He’s been shooed away, slowly fading into the realm of invisibility by the quick incoming steps of someone who had heard your cry. He winks at you once more before he’s completely gone, vanishing just in time as the worried body of your friend Deuce comes around the corner.
“Are you alright?” he asks in a bit of a panic as his skin flickers back and forth over your area of rest before noticing the wound on your leg. Eyes following the direction of his eyes, you quickly slap your hand over the mark. “You're bleeding!” He cries, about to step forward to help you.
Throwing your hand out in front of yourself, you stop him. “NO!” you cry, an awkward chuckle following, your face somehow feeling even hotter. “ I’m alright! I think I just pricked myself on a nail or something”. You hope he buys your excuse, Still dawning a look of doubt.
More than anything, you hope he hadn't noticed the defined shape of teeth, wishing above all else that the veil of blood had covered it.
“Yeah, sure,” he starts. “A nail..”
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consumeroflemoans · 4 months
Just A Catnap
Silver fell asleep on the school grounds, as per usual. Hours pass and he blearily woke up, his eyes meeting the detached head of a purple and pink cat beastman above. He closed his eyes once more, hoping for the dream to change only for his eyes to snap open. He’s awake and the head lingers.
“Purrfect day for a catnap, is it not?” Came a teasing voice, the beastman’s lips stretching open in a slightly too wide grin.
Silver sits up in a flash and the beastman vanished, the head completely disappearing. He swings his head around, eyes wide as he tried to spot any sign of where he could have gone.
A playful giggle comes from beside his ear and the man pops into existence once more, crouching just behind Silver. “No need to be so jumpy. You’re not mad just yet.” His eyes sparkled with a playful twinkle that reminded him of his father’s mischief. “But I’m sure you’ll be wondering about this meow-ment for a while longer.”
He vanished once more and this time Silver was sure he wouldn’t appear again. A quick glance at his phone and his eyes widened. Lilia had expected his return half an hour ago. Shooting to his feet, he sprinted off, unaware of the cheshire grin and golden eyes lingering in the shade of the tree.
*Kicks down the door* This pairing came to me on a complete whim but I think they could be so damn fascinating
Che’nya needs to be introduced to more people in this school. I think he could have really interesting relationships with both Silver and Floyd
Also this was entirely spurred by the thought that Che’nya would call Silver falling asleep catnaps
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midnightmah07 · 7 months
the trio bc why not? plus, i know it’s not fully defined fauna x chenya but I wanted to add something about it
It was a rare thing to fights between Leona and Isabelle happened… Well, at least they wouldn’t happen in public like that, of course. After all they have a reputation to behold, but, it shouldn’t be an big problem the were only two people, Fauna and Adeline, who watched the bickering between the arranged fiancés, who mostly acts like divorced old couple, fighted over the… Uhm… What were they even fighting about?
“Shouldn’t we break this fight down? Oh… How I hate seeing them fight.” Fauna gave a sad frown, in Adeline’s side, who looked up tilting her head.
“Break the fight? What- Of course not! This is all a way for them to cover up their feelings. You’ll see.”
The fight only grows hotter and hotter, but Adeline refuses to help or let Fauna do anything, any movement of trying to approach them, Adeline would stop her, insisting they were having a sexual tension moment.
“This is why… This is why you are a selfish prince!” Isabelle steps forward, with red cheeks in anger like a red rose
“Don’t be such a princess! I didn’t wanted this marriage just like you.” Leona would never treat a woman like this, regardless, he had no intentions with that herbivore. He leans aggressively closer to Isabelle’s face who didn’t even bothered with that as she kept arguing with him.
“Adeline, please-“
“-Watch it Fauna.”
Fauna heads turns to see the closeness in both Isabelle and Leona’s face, as if ready to kiss. And she couldn’t help to noticed the gazes of Leona’s eyes from Isabelle’s eyes to her lips, that slowly parted, as they grew in silence. Fauna’s eyes winded understanding that Adeline could read them like a open book, and so she turns to Adeline, leaning down to ask her friend with a curious look.
“Will they kiss?”
But the question immediately broke the atmosphere as both royalty stepped back away from each other. Adeline sighs in deception with Leona leaving without a word, and Isabelle freezed in time, awhile her face was hotter than a summer day.
“Sorry.” Fauna closes her mouth apologizing, as she broke the climax.
“Don’t worry, they’ll eventually do it when we aren’t looking either way.” Adeline pats her taller’s friend back.
Isabelle eyes winded as she furrows her eyebrows. “WE ARE NOT GOING TO KISS!!”
“Maybe not after that, but you did leaned too close to him.” Fauna giggles.
Adeline chuckles as well, covering her mouth, with a sly smile. “I did told you they have sexual tension around them.” With a mischievous jokingly look, Adeline was capable of leaving her friend speechless.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten you and Malleus.” Isabelle points to her friend, who immediately goes speechless.
Adeline stays quiet before pointing to Fauna. “Fauna has a crush on Che’nya.” Adeline runs away.
Isabelle eyes winded looking slowly up to Fauna who nervously chuckles, shrugging at the situation.
This is so fun, it's a normal occurrence for Isa and the others everytime NRC and RSA have to stay in the same place😔💔
And Isa will 100% use the Malleus and Chenya card ALL THE TIME it's her only weapon against these two
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writingseaslugs · 1 year
Che'nya: Manicures with Him
Things I don’t recommend in life: Che’nya doing your nails. Unless you like the appearance of children coloring books after the child has had access to all the color crayons in the restaurant. That’s Che’nya.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post.
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Che’nya: Manicures
Che’nya’s nails are normally filed down due to him literally growing claws due to being a beastman. While he enjoys his claws, they do grow fast and sharp, so he likes to keep them filed down to avoid accidentally scratching himself. He does keep them in little points though, so they’re still kind of sharp…just dulled down a bit. He also enjoys having them painted, and just does them himself. He is very whimsical with it, sometimes painting every nail some different color with a random design that makes no sense, occasionally missing an entire nail in the process.
If you offer to do his nails, he’s as happy as can be. Yes, play with his hands and give him your undivided attention. He’ll warn you about how sharp they are and might file them down before you get to him. He laughs a lot and is tickling, so when painting his nails, there’s a lot of squirming and giggling from the nail polish brush. He also likes to tease you a lot. You’ll be in the middle of painting the nail, going in for more polish, and when you turn back his hand has disappeared. He thinks this is hilarious with your momentary look of shock since you certainly still feel his hand in your own.
He is so hyped to get to play with your hands. Sadly, expect something random to be painted. You could technically call your nails matching in the sense that…they make no sense. Random colors, designs, and again…one of your nails might not even be polished. He’ll think it looks pretty and will say he’s all done. You might even have some nail polish trailing up your arm by the end of it. Still, his proud smile is enough to make you just melt and not worry about it. He knows full well what he did, but he also knows how to not get in trouble with you.
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Are you a fan of Diasomnia like me? I bet you are if you read my content (we love the boys in this household). Want to support a visual novel that will feature Diasomnia dorm, has multiple routes and endings, as well as some spicy visual scenes? Check out @twstfournights and if you want info, check out their announcement post!
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(Honestly I want to know what happens if I give him something while on the cat nip-)
*comes in with a soft blanket and lays it on Chenya*.
"You hanging in there hun?"
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RELEASE!!!!!!! MEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEee!!!
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*pops head out*
Who are you?
Megs??? Do I know a Megs??? Sounds familiar… but not quite right…….. almost familiar. Like more railimaf than familiarrrrrrr…….
*sees the blanket again*
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*pounces on it and proceeds to play with it rather roughly, clawing and biting and shredding the fabric*
*freezes, staring down at blanket*
*sniffs at it*
*looks up at you, pouting suddenly, ears and tail drooping*
You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieddddddddddddddd!!!!!!
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windblume-wishes · 1 year
Alistor O’Wonder (Twisted from Alice) - A Second Year student at Royal Sword Academy
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Since Twisted Wonderland released, I hoped to see a TWST version of Alice but alas we have not yet received one- ah, but I suppose that gives us artists a chance to imagine how he would look! I can imagine him being rather handsome~! *giggles*
Distribution without permission is prohibited 🚫
About Alistor O’Wonder:
Alistor is 17 years old and from the Queendom of Roses, his parents raised him to be adventurous and always eager to discover something new. He has always been a very curious boy, even sneaking out to the yard in the dead of night just to watch fireflies and see what makes them glow. Alistor is not afraid to get all scraped up, it is part of being curious!
One time as a child he accidentally fell into one of Che’nya’s trap holes he claimed was for “catching trolls” and since then he has developed a mild fear of holes- avoiding them at all cost. His mum did not make his fear any better, going as far as to say that some holes would send you to a far off land- he did not sleep well that night…
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
Smash or Pass
Summary: Just our beloved first years playing smash or pass
First Years
Ace Would be the one that suggest to play the game in the first place. Because just why the fuck not? It’s all for some laughs some shits and some giggles. And because he is tired of hearing Sebeks constant rambling of his young master as you all just hang out. So why not do something that’ll be more interesting.
How he found a random generator with all of them on it is because of Cater.
During the first round he got Trein and without hesitation said “ Pass” and quickly passes the phone to Deuce.
Deuce would be laughing his ass off with the rest of the group. He would join in just because it sounds fun. And back in his delinquent years he would often play this game with his fellow delinquents.
He got gotten Ace and also immediately blurted out “ Pass “ while passing the phone to Epel.
Epel would join in because of how fun it sounds. And he has also along with Sebek and Ortho never played. And so on once it was explained to the both of them (while jack covered the child’s sound sensors) he was immediately in. Not knowing what the fuck he was getting into.
He got Vil and just groaned out a “ Pass! I think this things out ta get me!” While passing the phone to Jack.
Jack was very hard to convince into playing but after the chaotic duo bugging him about it he reluctantly joined.
He had gotten Silver and just said “ I do not know this person…Pass?” He shrugged passing to phone to the green haired fae.
Sebek was at first curious to know what this smash or pass game was. And regretted his curiosity the second Ace explained it to him. Going onto how perverted humans were as he unknowingly took the phone.
He had gotten Che’nya. “ Pass I would never have inter…”smash” a person I don’t even know. Plus this mortal could never compare to-“
” Sebek I think you just pass the phone now.”
Ortho said interrupting the fae as he only tsked giving the phone to the humanoid robot. He had heard of this game a few times from muttering in the hallway. But was still eger to play. But the first years being reasonable to not taint his child like innocence said he could do hug or pass
He had gotten Riddle and said “ I think I’ll hug him…he looks like he sometimes needs a hug. The boy shrugged. Then gave the phone to ____
____ literally just tagged along into the chaotic game not really caring that much on who they got.
they had gotten Trey and with out hesitating said “ Smash…Don’t look at me like that he’s hot!” ____ stated at the judgemental looks.
”Human have you no shame you pervert!”
And so on an argument broke out on who everyone would smash and why.
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I had used an actual random generator on here and I swear that was the best decision ever. But ye hope your all doing ok and that your day gets better than it already is or if it isnt.
Sincerely- Cup1dT3a ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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kittyklok · 8 months
The feline beastman floated around Toki’s room, playfully evading his attempts to let the rhythm guitarist touch him. He had successfully snuck past the Klokateers using his Unique Magic and eaten some of the pies in the kitchen so he thought why not give the world’s most famous musicians a visit? And who better than the cat lover Toki Wartooth?
Did he have any purpose visiting here? Was he a fan of Dethklok? Who knows? But it sure is fun seeing one of them up close. As Toki manage to touch his tail, Che’nya cheekily brushed his fluffy tail against Toki’s face, smothering him with his fur.
“You like that?” The cheshire cat-like person giggled, lifting his tail away from Toki’s face, now brushing it against the latter’s arm like the cheerful cat that he is, “Is seeing a cat person a mew experience to you?” He purposefully put in that cat pun, “I don’t know any magic that can turn you into a cat. Or do I?”
The soft fur brushing up against his face would cause quiet giggles to spill out, gently running his fingers along the end of the fuzzy tail. “Uh-huh! I does likes it! Ams all fuzzys like my kitty!”
Just the mere mention of magic to turn himself into a cat, he’d let out a gasp before excitedly flapping his hands and grinning like a child. He’d briefly been a cat before thanks to afew stupid magic fans..But this felt way cooler! “Oh! Oh! Does you reallies know?! Pleaaase! That’d be the brutalest…I know you’d make me a cools kitty too!”
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magiclcss · 2 years
( ♡ closed starter for @twstedsmile​ ♡ )
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    “Neh...?” amber hues slowly open and her head turns to the side just a bit. “Ah, hello Che’nya~” The blonde allows a giggle to slip part from her lips. “Is there something you need?”
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