#combs hair* Ahem
1980ssunflower · 2 years
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wubbybubbly · 8 months
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this sprite make me go awooooooooga
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dovesdreaming · 11 days
The softening edge
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Summary: Readers love language is touch and Theo usually loves it until someone (ahem Draco who else) makes fun of Theo for it. He ends up pushing you away until he realised how much of an idiot he’s been.
Warnings: none
Theodore Nott was used to being alone. He preferred it that way. It was simpler, quieter and free from the complications of messy emotions. But you, you had waltzed into his life with your bright smile and warm touches, wrapping him in a blanket of affection he didn’t know how to handle. At first, he had been wary, guarded, and unsure of what you wanted from him. But your persistence wore down his defenses, slowly, like the ocean smoothing out rough stones on the shore. And before he knew it, he found himself looking forward to the sound of your laughter, the light touches on his arm, and the way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you smiled at him.
Today was no different. You met him in the common room, practically bouncing with energy, and immediately reached out to fix the collar of his shirt. He caught a whiff of your familiar perfume as you stood close, and something in his chest warmed, something he hadn’t felt in years. "You're always so put together, Theo” you teased, smoothing out an imaginary wrinkle. “But even perfection needs a little touch-up”. He rolled his eyes, but the corner of his lips tugged upward despite himself. “And that’s what you’re here for, I suppose?” “Obviously.” You grinned up at him, pleased with your handiwork. You reached up, gently combing your fingers through his hair to push it in the right direction that he liked and his breath hitched. It was so natural to you for you to touch him like this, but for him, it was foreign. Bewildering and addicting all at once.
Draco Malfoy watched from across the common room, a smirk playing on his lips. "Nott, you're getting soft” he sneered, his face filled with amusement. The other boys chuckled, and Theodore felt a prickle of irritation. He met Draco’s gaze, his expression hardening, but the damage was done. The words burrowed under his skin like thorns. Was he really becoming soft? Was he losing the edge that kept him safe, that kept people at a distance? He didn’t respond to Draco’s comment, but it echoed in his mind long after you’d said goodbye and headed off to your next class. The rest of the day, he was on edge, thinking about what Draco had said and how the others had laughed.
Later that evening, you found him again, this time in the library. You came up behind him, resting your chin on his shoulder as you read over his notes. “You work too hard, you know that?” you murmured, your voice soft in his ear. “You need to relax sometimes”. His entire body stiffened at your touch, Draco's words gnawing at him like a relentless parasite. He clenched his jaw, trying to suppress the irritation that was bubbling up inside him. You didn’t notice, still speaking in that gentle, affectionate tone that usually calmed him. But now, it felt suffocating.
“Stop” he snapped, his voice harsher than he intended. He shrugged you off, causing you to stumble back a step. You blinked, hurt flashing across your face. “Theo..” He stood up abruptly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor. “I said stop. You’re always hovering, always- just, give me some space”. Your eyes widened, the warmth in them rapidly cooling into confusion and pain. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise..” “Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn’t be so clingy” he bit out, his words sharp enough to wound. He regretted them the moment they left his mouth, but it was too late.
You took a step back, as if physically recoiling from his words. The light in your eyes dimmed, replaced by something hollow. “I’ll..I’ll leave you alone, then”. Your voice was barely a whisper as you turned and walked away. Theodore stood there, rooted to the spot, watching you go. The library felt colder, emptier without you in it. He wanted to call out, to take back everything he’d just said, but his pride held his tongue. Instead, he sat back down, glaring at the parchment in front of him that suddenly seemed meaningless.
The next few days were unbearable. You avoided him, no longer seeking him out between classes or sitting beside him in the common room. Your absence was like a black hole, pulling at him, making everything seem dull and lifeless. He caught glimpses of you, always at a distance, your once bright demeanor now subdued. He missed your voice, your touch, the way you made everything feel less bleak. He missed you more than he thought possible. It was during one particularly lonely evening in the common room that he realized what a fool he had been. You had only ever been kind to him, offering warmth and light in a life that had been cold and dark for so long. And he had thrown it all away because he was too afraid of what it meant to care for someone. Draco's words echoed in his mind again, but this time, they brought clarity instead of confusion. He wasn’t getting soft. He was learning to let someone in, and that was the hardest, bravest thing he had ever done.
He had to make it right. The next day, he found you sitting by the lake, staring out at the water. He approached slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. When you noticed him, you didn’t smile; you didn’t even look surprised. You just watched him with those sad, tired eyes that made him feel like the worst kind of villain. He sat down beside you, close but not touching. The silence stretched between you, heavy and uncomfortable. “I’m sorry” he finally said, his voice cracking slightly. “I didn’t mean what I said. I… I was an idiot”.
You didn’t respond at first, and he felt panic rising in his chest. What if he had ruined everything beyond repair? But then you spoke, your voice quiet and distant. “Why did you say it, Theo? What changed?”. He swallowed hard, trying to find the right words. “You heard what Draco said. That you were making me weak You looked at him, really looked at him, and he felt exposed under your gaze. “Do you really believe that?” Your eyebrows creased upwards, eyes laced with a mix of emotions.
“No” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “But it scared me. I’ve spent my whole life trying to be strong, to be… untouchable. Letting someone in- it felt like losing control”. “And now?” you asked, your eyes searching his. “Now I realize that being with you.. it doesn’t make me weak. It makes me feel alive” He took a deep breath, his heart pounding. “I’m so sorry I hurt you. I don’t want to push you away. I want… I want you. I need you”. His shoulders were tensed upwards trying to gage your reaction, his eyes revealing how desperate he seemed for your forgiveness.
You watched him for a long moment, the tension between you thick and suffocating. Then, slowly, you reached out and took his hand. “You really hurt me, Theo” you said, your voice soft but firm. “But.. I believe you’re sorry. Just don’t do it again, okay? If you need space, talk to me. Don’t shut me out”. “I won’t” he promised immediately agreeing to your terms while squeezing your hand. “I’ll do better. I swear”. You nodded, a small smile finally breaking through the sadness on your face. “Good. Because I like you, Theodore Nott, and I’m not going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me that easily”.
He felt a wave of relief wash over him, and for the first time in days, he allowed himself to smile. You allowed yourself to finally resort back your own nature of touch and leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around you, holding you close. Maybe Draco was right. Maybe he was getting soft. But if this was what it felt like to be soft, then Theodore Nott was more than willing to lose that battle.
Thank you for reading! Please send requests for him <3
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rene-darling · 2 years
BOY- you just my sneaky link
...how are they after being fucked dumb by their sneaky link? Hinted that they have more feelings for you than just being sneaky links
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He doesn't call you often but when he does he really needs you
He needs you to fuck him until he's a crying sobbing mess until he forgets all about being the general mahamatra
Because he's too fucked dumb to think he sleeps over at your house he enjoys the feeling of sleeping in the same bed as someone else it's comforting to him it makes him forget about all the awful stares he gets from people the look of horror. He likes- no loves how you don't look at him with fear
Even tho he sleeps over at your house he's always and I mean always gone before you wake up he leaves at the ass crack of sunlight
He secretly wants to stay for longer or at least until you wake up and maybe... have breakfast with you? But he's just unsure of himself or what he would do so if you want him to stay you'll have to fuck him until the ass crack of sunlight ahem you'll have to ask him before he drifts to sleep
He always sleeps over at your house like always
When he wakes up from out of nowhere he pulls out a hairbrush and starts combing his hair then he treats himself to a nice long bath in your bathroom
After his long bath, he decides to raid your kitchen and makes breakfast for the both of you no matter how fucked dumb he might be the night before he's always chill about it in the morning
If there's nothing in your fridge then he orders food from outside and uses your money to pay for it he swears up and down he'll repay you but he never does
He always leaves bits and pieces of his clothes around your house before he leaves to the point where whenever he comes again he dosen't need to borrow your clothes cuz he basically has a closet full of his own
Keyword doesn't need to it doesn't mean that he will oh no he always leaves your house wearing one of your clothes t-shirts hoodies etc he'll always wear something of yours he likes the smell of you covering his body whole
Xiao does not contact you until he is actually at his limit his karmic dept feels too much he wishes to forget it even if only for a few hours
He wants to be fucked out of his brain to be fucked dumb until he's numb until his brain feels mushy and he passes out from overstimulation and exhaustion
If he wasn't fucked dumb until the sun raised then he would leave at the earliest sight of daylight but since he's fucked past that he doesn't leave as soon as the suns up
Tho sadly he always leaves as soon as he gets up much to your dismay
You urge him to leave whenever he feels like it but xiao is too nervous when his vision is not clouded by lust
Over time he only gets comfortable enough to take a nice shower in your bathroom but that's about it after he's done he puts on clothes and books it
He feels not worthy, not deserving of being closer with you other than mindless fucking he sometimes finds his mind wandering to..what if you and him were closer what if you and him were together...would you hold him in your arms after a session would you kiss him more passionately..no. he stops himself from thinking any further as he is not deserving of your love and care
But sometimes... he finds himself indulging in his wants as he holds your hand close to him while and after he drifts to sleep
He doesn't call you frequently but unlike some of the other boys it isn't all that rare for him to call you
When treating people because they won't listen to him and keep eating random mushrooms gets too tough he seeks you out as a relaxation method though he seems very noticeably tired to everyone around him
Collei sometimes points it out and asks him why has he been limping all day?? Why are his ears so red...? Tighnari always passes it on as him feeling under the weather
After you finish one of your steamy sessions he always stays over and when you wake up you're greeted with the sight of him sitting butt-ass naked on your vanity and grooming his tail do not question him he will and has throw a brush at you
After he demands you make him breakfast as he's too tired while he forces you to make him food as he spends his time grooming his hair and tail as it gets really frizzy after sex
When he arrives at your house he always brings a bag full of things like- he's gonna move in or something ?
Also someone who frequently takes your clothes tho when confronted fully denies it and claims it's not his problem that you're reckless and lost your hoodies
Listen he can't help it he wants to savor the smell of you..
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soulrph · 1 year
chaotic unhinged lines from 2022-2023 (prompt edition).
basically in 2021 i made a list of prompts inspired by lines in tiktok videos and instagram reels that made me laugh so hard i cried! and now i have returned with another list! these may provide an alarmingly clear image of what my sense of humor is (aka broken) but i figure a little levity is always a good thing! more prompts are forthcoming, but in the mean time: bon appetit!
knowledge has always chased you, but you've always been faster.
no... no, that was mango apathy juice. from the farmer's market.
of all these people, you are the one i understand the least. i want to get to know you better, but like, not that much better.
i-i will CHEW YOUR MEAT!! WHAT are you doing?!
ooooh god, no, you wouldn't be long getting frostbit!
you are evil. like a hobbit.
i have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.
AHEM!! fill my cup.
may god ignore you like you ignored my greetings.
i will avenge you mister van gogh.
call off work bestie, we need you to solve a murder. here's fifteen dollars.
you're not in love. you may think you are, you dumb fuck, but you're not.
go ahead and put the ranch away.
sadly, "hopefully" doth butter no parsnips.
forget school, i want to be an italian sandwich.
you shouldn't skip work, you are a lawyer and he is a hamster.
you can stop roleplaying now. you're free.
her coupon game was so fucking raw.
i'm sorry guys... he's making a salad.
you could get a straight guy here if you learned to make a good pasta. i'll teach you how to make a risotto that'll get you married and out of my basement.
hey, do you want me to get together a plate of roast beef and hide it in our room so we can have night meats?
it's not the most ethical thing in the world, but in a pinch you can hand off a cursed object to basically any baby.
no, children, you're wrong. once upon a time, there was a piece of wood.
and i'm not saying she deserved it, but i am saying that god's timing is always riiiiight.
hydrate or die-drate, ya DICK!
why did the monkey fall out of the tree? because it was DEAD.
new york city is a fictional place written up by someone with a sinister mind and a knack for comedy.
this is grindr my guy.
wait, i didn't finish teaching you the difference between human and wolf anatomy.
it's time to tell your grandmother that she was wrong. do not be afraid.
vanilla vodka... you fucking child.
without ash to rise from, a phoenix would just be a bird getting up.
you are fucking alive. do what you want.
why are you cradling me like a baby, friend? this isn't how guys of my generation hang out.
i hope a hedgehog shits in your cereal, you difficult person.
you know, i am not as mean as i would like to be. and i think people should appreciate that more.
see, i am not a kangaroo.
well, i'd like to help, but... you see... not as much as i'd like not to.
rest in peace you fucking onion fairy.
when god sings with all his creations, will a turtle not be part of the choir?
i fight for a seat in heaven, every. single. day.
map maker? can you find me somewhere on the map where this big man thinks he's the king?
you bald-headed demon...
so... there are 24 million pigs in australia... and 24 million people... so if you ever feel lonely, there's like, a pig out there that's sort of your cosmic twin.
remember, alcohol is god's apology for making us self-aware.
i'm straight!! stop CONFUSING me!!!!!
you guys want something to eat? because... i know we'll die if we don't eat.
he is a BIBLICALLY gorgeous man. i wanna feed him grapes. i wanna fan him with the frond of a date palm from the forests of Lebanon. i wanna find the alabaster vial of perfume oil that one woman broke for jesus and comb it through his hair. like... he's stressing me OUT.
i'm not sad! i'm freaking HUNGRY!
maybe, if we wait a little bit longer, a fuck will fall into my hand, and i can give it to you.
it's not my fault you thought you lived in this IKEA.
let's leave my mother out of this.
jason may kill people but he's not bad enough to kick a dog.
i run for LUMP!
oh no, i'm all out of caring, baby!
you don't think it mcbe that way... but it mcdo.
what is this enticing bowl of white?
serious question, do his nipples sparkle?
what in the reese's peanut butter fuck is going on here?
if your parents don't buy it, stop loving them!
i just hope you know just how much you've decreased productivity today.
that was poetry at its FINEST.
and if you let that motherfucker shenan ONCE, you best believe they're gonna shenanIGAN!
may god bless the dinosaur that died to make the fossil fuel that was treated to become petrol in the car that took her mom to the hospital to give birth to her.
that's modern milk for ya. what a time to be alive.
you have attachment issues. please fix it.
remember when people had secrets? we should bring that back.
the moon landing was an elaborate marriage proposal.
i don't like the cobra chicken.
i didn't know eggs were this expensive? it's time to lay my own, i fear.
so you're saying the reason i don't have a girlfriend is because i'm not a big enough threat yet.
god gave him a top lip, that's why he's so powerful.
it's a common mistake, but frankenstein was actually the author.
i finally got a pocket-sized diary!!! also i don't get the concept of life.
if a beautiful woman disagrees with me, i will immediately change my view. i've no principles.
how did you all end up married to such boiled potatoes?
if so much as one tear drops from their eye... i will slap you back into your mum.
you are ringing a phone that does not like to be rung.
look how Dr. doofenschmirtz had a fucked up childhood but didn't project his trauma onto his teenage daughter. he projected it onto a platypus.
it is mathematically impossible for you to get a wedgie.
i'm breaking up with you. i love you, it's just... i don't think you could protect me from a mummy.
if you can't do fractions....... you will fucking die.
that's right; in the year 1791, all of our bottoms were killed in a Big Bottom Massacre.
people always assume i'm mean. like CAN you BELIEVE THAT CRAP?! like WHAT would make you think i'm MEAN?! I'M THE NICEST PERSON ON THE PLANET!
the chocolate milk is strikingly overpriced and at the same time very easy to steal; another of god's little tests.
someone's gotta tell the waiter that i ordered mashed 'taters and it sure as shit ain't gonna be me.
if i had a week i couldn't list all the reasons that wouldn't work.
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catladyoftheyr · 3 months
Harvey x Fem reader (18+!!)
Summary: you and Harvey engage in passionate *ahem* intimacy on your wedding night.
Warnings: alcohol (champagne), SMUT, cunnilingus, teasing, unprotected PiV intercourse
A/n: none of you can stop me from naming my fics after music I like sorry 😙 (only bought this dress for you take it off)
Word count: 2k apparently??
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You and Harvey had just arrived home from the Saloon after a night of celebrating. After all, it was your wedding night. The two of you were still in your formal clothes, albeit his bow tie was askew and your veil had been sliding down slowly. You stood on the porch flushed and giggling like teenagers at the prom. You opened the door but before you could step inside Harvey swept you into his arms.
“What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t carry my bride across the threshold?” You nuzzled into his neck in response as he carried you through the entryway. Harvey set you down gently, adjusting your veil and pressing his lips against your forehead. You made an attempt to straighten his bow tie to no avail.
“Champagne?” You asked, retrieving the bottle from the fridge.
“I’d be delighted” Harvey took the bottle from you and gave the bottle a firm twist while aiming toward the sink. There was a loud POP! And you jumped as the cork flew toward you. “Sorry!!”
You laughed as you produced two flutes from the cupboard and Harvey poured the wine. You sipped in momentary, but blissful and comfortable silence. It had been a long day and you were pleased to be alone with your husband. “Put on a record, would you please, darling?” You inquired.
“Of course. Any requests?”
You shook your head and finished your champagne. Harvey set the needle down on the vinyl and you heard a familiar tune begin to play. It was the same album you’d listened to the first time you hung out in his apartment above the clinic. You’d brought him a jar of homemade pickles as an excuse to run into him. Harvey approached and extended his hand to you. “May I have one more dance tonight?”
You clasped hands as you came to your feet. His hand slid to the small of your back and yours on his shoulder. You moved slowly and deliberately as a pair, taking in all of each other. You swayed lightly back and forth in each other’s hold. Harvey brought your hands to his mouth and kissed softly. “I love you.”
“I love you”. You’d exchanged the words innumerable times before, but they felt different tonight. The start of the rest of your lives together. The doctor and the farmer, a pairing you’d never imagined, but now could never dream of anything different. You thought of Evelyn and George, who’d been married over 50 years. How they still remembered their first date in this very town.
“I’m so glad I met you. You.. mean the world to me.” His brown eyes were filled with sincerity. “I can’t imagine a life without you. I know I’m not very exciting, but I’d follow you to the ends of the earth if it meant getting to hold your hand. I love the life we’re starting to build together.”
“Oh, Harvey.” You felt tears well in your eyes. You’d been rendered speechless by his words. Completely overcome by his honesty and devotion. In lieu of speech you pressed your lips together. His mustache brushed against your upper lip as he kissed back.
You dropped the formalities of the slow dance and wrapped your arms around each other as your kiss deepened. You broke the kiss briefly, your lipstick smudged on his face and mustache. “I want you. All of you.”
Harvey understood and kissed you again, passionately. You grabbed his hair and pulled him as close as you could. Your mouth opened and let your tongue enter his. You kissed until you needed to come up for air, stumbling toward the bed. You felt around your hair frenetically, trying to find the comb holding it in place. “Help me get this damn thing off” you demanded. Harvey obliged and set it somewhere. You pulled at his bow tie and tossed it across the room when it came free. You pulled his face to yours again as you sat on the edge of the bed.
Harvey began undoing the buttons on his shirt as quickly as he could. Not fast enough for you however. You tried to take over and popped off several buttons trying to pull it off of him. The shirt landed on the floor and you ran your hands down his chest, trailing the strip of hair that disappeared under the waistband of his slacks. “My turn” he whispered as he slid one of the straps of your dress down your shoulder. He laid you back and kissed you again before brushing his lips against your earlobe. His lips moved to your neck, pausing to suck against your throat.
“People will see” you gasped between soft moans.
“Let them see - That you’re mine” his voice dripped with lust and he returned to marking your neck. Harvey had never said anything like that before and the sudden claiming stirred something between your thighs. He continued to kiss and suck his way down your collarbones, leaving a trail of dark marks behind. His hands found their way to your breasts and massaged them beneath the silk fabric of your wedding dress. “Sit up for a sec.” You brought yourself up onto your hands and Harvey unzipped your gown, helping you slide it down your body.
The gown in a pool on the floor next to his shirt left you in only a bra and panties. Harvey’s eyes slowly grazed over the sight before him, the hardness in pants straining. “You’re so beautiful, love.” Your lips met again as his bare chest pressed against your newly exposed skin. Your hands found footing on his back and you tried to pull him even closer. You opened your legs to let his bulge rub against your mound. The doctor sucked and kissed on your neck some more as he rubbed against your sex. Your clit throbbed, desperate for attention.
“Harvey, please, I need more” you gasped breathlessly. You reached behind your back to unclip your bra and threw it out of the way. Your breasts spilled out and your nipples sat hard and at attention. Harvey stopped in his tracks and his gaze was fixed on your chest.
“Fuck. You’re so gorgeous. I love your breasts. You’re so perfect.” He leant down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, eliciting a soft gasp from you as he swirled his tongue around it. His other hand trailed downward, cupping your pussy. You ground up into his hand trying to increase the pressure, to gain even an ounce of friction. Harvey alternated which nipple he played with and then finally dipped his hands beneath the hem of your underwear. “You’re already so wet, darling.” His fingers glided between your folds with ease, gently circling your clit but never making the direct contact you longed for.
You squirmed beneath him and panted. You’d had enough and grabbed his arm, guiding his hand so that the heel of his palm was flat against your clit. Harvey took the hint and grinded his hand against you, teasing your entrance with his fingertips. You were practically humping his hand chasing the pleasure that was beginning to build. “Harvey please fuck me. I need you inside of me.”
“Not yet my love, I promise I’ll make it worth it. Be a good girl for me.”
You looked up at him with pleading eyes as he removed his hand. Before you could object he tugged on your panties and pulled them down your legs. You were fully exposed now, your pussy glistening with your own wetness. The doctor had a devilish grin on his face before laying on his stomach between your legs. Without warning he pulled you down toward him and began to suck on your clit. You cried out as his lips pursed around the nub. He swirled his tongue around it and his grip on your hips was unrelenting. Mustache hairs added to the friction as you ground against his mouth. You could feel your orgasm building rapidly as he gave fervent attention to your sex. You felt two fingers enter you, curling up and hitting the sweet spot inside you.
Harvey had begun rutting against the bed as he tasted you. His cock was still straining against his pants and he was desperate for a release but he powered through. Tonight was about you he thought to himself. It was about giving his beautiful bride as much pleasure as humanly possible. Your legs were clamped around his head, and you were shifting against him trying to reach your peak. “Ahh-ahh! I’m gonna cum! I’m so close, Harvey- please don’t stop!”
Harvey quickened the pace of his fingers and sucked more firmly on your clit. He felt you tense up clench around his fingers as your orgasm crashed through you. Your legs were a vice grip around him as he continued to to lick and suck and fuck through your orgasm, not stopping until you let your legs fall to the bed. He pulled away and went to wipe his mustache, but stopped and pulled you up into another kiss.
You tasted yourself on Harvey’s lips as you pressed against him. You were still riding the high of your orgasm but weren’t satiated yet. You ached for the fullness that came from Harvey’s cock inside of you. “Lay down” you whispered into his ear, pressing your husband's shoulders down toward the bed. It was your turn to take control. Harvey laid flat on the bed, looking up at you with a mixture of love and unadulterated lust. You wanted so badly to tease him the way he did you, to drag it out and hear him beg and whimper. But you couldn’t take it anymore. Your hands undid his belt quickly, immediately undoing his pants as soon as you were able. You could see the outline of his cock through his boxers, a wet spot had formed where his tip sat.
“You’re so needy for me, baby” you cooed as you pulled down his pants and underwear in one smooth motion. His cock sprang to attention, his head glistening with leaking precum. It took every ounce of self control you had to not immediately sink yourself down onto him. Instead you opted to wrap both hands around his length, pumping quickly as he cried out. He was slightly above average in length, but considerably girthy. Your hands could wrap around him, but only barely. You spit in one of your palms and resumed stroking him, using his precum as added lubricant. Harvey had started bucking his hips, fucking into your hands.
“P-please. I need you so bad” He pleaded, eyes rolling back. You couldn’t deny either of you any longer, and used his waist for leverage as you lowered yourself onto his cock. You sank slowly, savoring the familiar stretch before you hit the base. You both moaned from the feeling of being so close. You leaned forward as you began to bounce slowly; Your breasts fell forward and hung in front of Harvey’s face. “You’re a goddess” he sighed as you moved up and down his shaft. Harvey’s hands gripped your ass while you rode him, nails digging into the soft flesh. You picked up the pace after becoming accustomed to his size and rolled your hips to hit the mark inside of you.
“Fuck you feel so good, Harv. I love you so much” you panted as you bounced. Your second orgasm was approaching and judging by the look on your husband’s face he was close too. “I’m so close, baby.” You gripped the headboard as Harvey started thrusting into you from below. His cock hit exactly the right spot, your pleasure overwhelming you. Harvey moaned deeply, holding your hips tightly as he thrusted up one last time. His cock twitched inside of you and you felt the sudden warmth of his orgasm coating your insides, your own pleasure bubble finally bursting in sync.
You dismounted gently and laid your head on his chest. “That was amazing” he murmured into your ear, wrapping his arms around you and pulling the sheets up. “I’m so lucky I married you.” You sighed contentedly and nuzzled closer. You basked in the afterglow of each other, looking forward to the next day of forever together.
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jangmi-latte · 6 months
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TELELET 📞📳📞TELELET📞📳📞CAN I HALP U?👀🧐😈TELELET📞📳📞TELELET📞📳📞 BORK🐶🐶BORK🐶🐶BORK🐶🐶AYAYAY🎶🎶 AYM🤭🤪 YOR LITOL😝😍😍BATIRPLAY🦋🦋AYAYAY🎶🎶🎶AYM😅😅🤩YOR LITOL😘😘😍BATERPLAY🦋🦋AYAYAY🎶🎶AYM🤩😅🤩YOR LITOL😍🤩😍 BATIRPLAY🦋 call me old fashioned, but i was born to serve vil. i do the laundry, cook dinner, clean dishes. i live to serve & carry out every demand of his on the slightest whim, its what i was put on this earth to do. if he cheats on me then its my fault! he caught me slipping. *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the mouth uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~ Wheeeee! Oinka oinka! Haaaaaaheeee! A- whooooga A-whoooooga! Aaaaaargh! Hneeeeeeeee! Fnrgh! Grunt grunt! Hinggggg! Whazzo! Boink jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely.
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help-i-lost-my-sock · 6 months
Period Comfort HC with Ace
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Word count: 622
Ace’s devil fruit comes in handy during the time of month. His whole body can heat up, and he will spend as much time as possible spooning you or hugging you from behind like a big, chiseled heating pad, planting soft kisses on your head, neck, and shoulders.
One of Ace’s main love languages is touch, and what better way to show you he cares than to give you a massage, trying to ease the pains? His strong hands and hot palms work wonders for the knots in your back and shoulders. 
He’ll harass Thatch to make you whatever food or dessert you crave. 
There have been times when he’s tried his hand at preparing something for you himself, either to give it a personal touch, or because Thatch already had his hands full, and Ace wanted you to get your much desired snack asap. The results were… uhm, well, it’s the thought that counts.
That having been said, he has occasionally watched or even helped Thatch prepare the things, so slowly but surely, his skills in the kitchen are improving.
You won’t be doing any heavy lifting on his watch. You’re having it rough enough as it is. Letting you exert yourself, and make your pains worse when you got him around to help would be an insult to his manhood. 
Ace tries his best to cater to your needs and wishes, though he can be rather clumsy at times. While the mishaps might briefly make you a bit sad or angry, you quickly recover as you realize that he is really trying his best and, again, it’s the thought that matters. In hindsight, most incidents were quite funny actually. 
Whatever happened, he will try to make it up to you. Did he drop the ice cream? He’ll get you a new one. Did it fall on your shirt? He’ll be more than happy to ahem help you get changed. 
Ace has been told (suggested, really) that sex can shorten the duration of a period, so maybe he could give you a helping hand in the bedroom, and make the pains end a little sooner rather than later. However, he sees how much you’re struggling, and doesn’t mean to come off as pushy or insensitive, so he won’t bring it up with you. However, he wouldn’t hesitate to get down and dirty with you if you ask him to “just help get it over with!” He’d be especially careful and gentle with you during these sessions, unless specifically requested otherwise. 
You can lay your head in his lap and he will play with your hair until you fall asleep (or until he does, whichever comes first). If you’re having a particularly bad day, he’d just try to help you relax - slowly combing his fingers through your hair, parting is, massaging your scalp… 
If you’re not doing too bad though, his usual cheekiness might just come out, and he might use the ends of your hair to tickle your nose, cheeks, neck, and ears. He’d stop if you got cranky, of course, but if you decide to play along, this will turn into a full out tickle war. You’d both be laughing until you’re struggling to breathe, or until, unfortunately, the reality of your situation smacks you in the gut again, and you have to stop. You’d lay back down, with your head in his lap, and a big smile on your face, as he now eases you to sleep for good.
As soon as you’ve drifted off, Ace will dip his hat over his eyes and go for a nap too. He’ll always have a hand resting on you as a way to make sure you’re alright, even when he’s asleep. 
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galebrainrot2024 · 8 months
NSFW You&Gale
Howdy y'all it has been a minute since I wrote fanfiction, however to contribute to the BG3 brain rot, enjoy this NSFW 18+ one shot.
Takes place at the Stormshore Tabernacle, post conversation with Mystra on her alter. Ahem. AFAB reader 'you.'
NSFW 18+: oral sex, restraint, mutual pining
As you paced, Shadowheart and Karlach stood awkwardly, trying to offer words of reassurance. “He’s going to do the right thing,” Karlach said, resting a hand on your shoulder. “You have nothing to worry about, mate.” Your brow was furrowed and despite your companions best efforts, you were unable to shake the pangs of jealousy that threatened to consume you. 
Gale was in the Astral plane, meeting with Mystra, his former lover… the goddess of magic about the crown of Karsus. You had encouraged Gale to hear her out, to simply take the time to meet with her, even though you would have rather told him to tell her politely to fuck off. Your face was hot and you felt the tension snaking through every fiber of your being, knowing you were on the verge of lashing out. “Thanks, Karlach,” you said, your voice tense, “I think maybe it would be best if you and Shadowheart met us at camp… I think I need to be alone.” 
Karlach shrugged, giving your shoulder a playful punch. “Goddess or not, Mystra has nothing on you.” Karlach gave you a cheeky grin and Shadowheart gave you a quick squeeze on the shoulder before they left. 
You weren’t sure how long you were there, pacing. It was long enough that the priest told you he was planning to lock up and which door they could exit from upon Gale’s return. As you stood in the storm shore tabernacle, the only sound echoing off the cold, lifeless statues was the sound of your erratic breath and nervous heart beat. 
You were pulling idly at a stray string of fabric on your armor when suddenly, Gale materialized, his brown eyes bright and cheeks flushed. You bit your tongue, withholding your jealousy. “I can’t believe I saw her…” Gale said, almost breathlessly, “After all this time…” the pang of envy grew within you and you gritted your teeth, staying silent so Gale could share openly. 
You averted your gaze from Gale so when you felt his strong, capable fingers lift your chin you felt a shudder course through your body. “She didn’t exactly bring me there for small talk…” he murmured, brushing your cheek with the back of his fingers. Tav’s lips parted and she sighed, melting beneath his touch, the envy and jealousy melting away as Gale looked at you with irrevocable adoration. It made you feel weak, your stomach flipping. 
“What did she want?” Your voice was icier than intended and Gale’s lips curled into a mischievous, lopsided smirk. 
“The orb… the entire time it has been Karssus’s malignant creation...gods… how could I not see..” Gale’s voice trailed off and he pressed his forehead to yours. “I will return the crown to Mystra,” he says softly, his hot breath mingling with yours, “I promise, I will not let you down…” Gale gazed deep into your eyes and you felt your breath catch in your throat. 
As Gale’s hands combed through your hair, you leaned into his touch, bringing your lips to his to brush against them. “You will always be enough for me,” you murmured, pressing your body closer to Gale. You heard him intake breath sharply, and he gripped your face in one of his hands gently, capturing your lips with his. 
The kiss was tender and slow, a soft moan escaping your lips and you felt Gale’s smirk against your lips. “Hm…” he whispered, kissing across your jaw and down the delicate skin of your neck. “It seems it’s quite empty in here… a bit more private than our lodgings…” he murmured, one of his hands snaking around the small of your back and he pulled you closer against his body. You felt the desire radiating from him, his arousal as you felt his manhood begin to stiffen. It made you smirk, and rose an eyebrow. 
“It is…” you whispered, nearly breathing the words when Gale lifts you, wrapping your legs around his waist and he laid you against the alter, Mystra’s cold statue gazing down at. You gasped, laughing quietly yet can feel the desire surge through you like a tsunami. You felt superiority swell within as you envisioned the ire of Mystra as her former chosen, her former lover, rested you against the sacred shrine his intentions clear. “How would Mystra feel about this…” you teased, your eyes glinting mischievously. 
Gale’s playful smirk made your heart flutter and he chuckled softly, “Oh, she would be furious,” he whispered against your neck as his hands methodically began undoing the facets of your armor and slid it to the side, exposing your bare stomach and chest. You sighed, your fingers entwining at the back of Gale’s neck, pulling him against you. Gale’s lips brush against your skin and it feels as if a wildfire is spreading through your body, aching and begging for Gale. You bit down on your lip to control your visceral need to moan as your imagination went wild. You arched your body as if to indicate need, your body trembling with anticipation. “Be patient…” Gale pulled back to gaze at you, his eyes hungry as he brushed his hands over your body. You felt your breath hitch, your fingers tugged at his hair subconsciously. He chuckled wickedly then took your hands and put them above your head. “Hands to yourself,” he said, in an almost commanding tone. You bit your lip, eyes glinting as you nodded. 
Then Gale began deftly, leaning forward to lightly brush his lips down your neck and across your collar bone, his hands lightly grazing against your hips. You shuddered and you felt his grin against your skin. Goosebumps spread across you when Gale’s lips and tongue snake lower down your chest, down your torso so that his face is just above your lower half.
When he looks up at you, he holds you gaze and painfully slowly, hooks his fingers into your underwear and pulls them lower and off of your body. They drip with your arousal. Your hands subconsciously tried to grip his hair and Gale conjured a mage hand, restraining you. You moaned, pressing your legs together and squirming slightly, the arousal spreading and your mouth watering. “Trust me,” he whispered again, his tongue tracing your inner thigh, and he bit down gently. You twitch violently when he does this. His husky laugh only makes you more wet, more eager for what’s to come. You licked your lips expectantly and they part as you let out a soft sigh. 
Gale locked eyes with you once more before his hands deftly pushed your legs apart, his lips brushing against the apex of your pelvic bone. You are unable to breathe, your eyes fluttered back into your skull even though Gale hardly began. The warmth of his mouth on your bare skin made you writhe with pleasure, and the idea of omnipotent Mystra who has most evidently been keeping tabs on Gale, seeing your naked body splayed across the alter for her… as Gale’s tongue worked you to the heights of pleasure made your arousal all the more intense. A shaky breath fell from your lips, “Won’t she… won’t Mystra…” you had trouble composing your thoughts, your voice low and raspy. 
“Let her watch,” Gale said in a firm, husky tone laced with his intent. Slowly, his tongue traced along your inner thigh and he groaned, pushing your legs farther apart and allowed his hands to hold your inner thighs apart to give him purchase. Methodically, he flicked his tongue out between the folds of you, tasting you, and you moaned, the guttural noise echoing through the tabernacle. Gale moaned against you and the vibration mingled with the warmth of his mouth and tongue made you squirm. “Stay still..” He commanded, his tongue massaging you, flicking into you as he sucked gently, twirling his tongue around your clit, lapping hungrily as if she were his last meal. Your entire body shook, your hands fighting the mage hand and Gale’s concentration waned as he indulged on you, his primal moans as he tasted you mixed with your cries of pleasure. With your hands free, you entwined them in his hair, pushing his face between your thighs greedily and he obliged, groaning and slid two of his fingers into you as his tongue worked the outer folds. You threw your head back in pleasure, the electricity coursing through your body threatening to drown you. As Gale feasted, his warm tongue sliding against your wetness, he groaned and murmured, “I love how you taste…” and it made you squirm and moan louder, and you pulled at his hair almost roughly. Your entire body tensed, your breath shallow and quick as you got closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. 
Gale abruptly pulled his head back, his eyes glinting. You whimpered, trying to push his head back between your legs and his hands wrapped around your wrists. “Be patient,” he insisted, his lips brushing against your inner thigh, “I want the God’s to hear you…” he slipped his tongue between you again, his fingers pushing deeper, harder into you and you shook violently, your fingers gripping his hair desperately as your body rolled against his tongue. 
“Gale...” You cried, writhing as your moans and whimpers filled the room, your entire body trembling with waves of pleasure, your mind completely muddled and sure you would pass out. Unable to breathe, Gale thrusted so firmly, hitting your internal pleasure centers in such a way as his warm tongue massaged your folds that you cried out, your entire body trembling as you climaxed, your essence releasing into Gale’s mouth and you felt him moan as you released, as if he was desperate to taste more. He kept his fingers in you, slowing his pace as your body quaked, tasting your finale. You were still unable to think clearly as he stood over you, leaning forward to kiss you, to let you taste yourself. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, wrapping a hand around your neck lightly and he pulled back, gazing deeply into your eyes. 
“You are the only one I want to taste,” he murmured, a little sheepishly now, “no God could ever compare.” You were still breathing heavily, your cheeks flushed and he ran his hands through your thick hair. The way Gale looked at you, as if you were perfection, as if he would spend every waking moment doing whatever he could to please you, it took your breath away. You pulled him into a kiss again, wanting more, needing him, and he obliged. 
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As you entered the building you were summoned to, a hospital-like facility was visible. If your muse was not originally in Hell, this is the moment they would have been transported there. Its walls and floors were draped in rich red colorations, and the King of Hell, himself stood in your view, pacing about.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." he muttered, an anxious hand combing through his messy blond hair. As soon as he spotted you, he forced out a laugh. "A-Ah! Hi, hi, hello! Ahem. Lucifer here. I assume you've... heard... of what's been happening here in Hell?"
His eyes were pleading, almost as though he were incredibly desperate. And with the situation that had just arrived to Hell, who wouldn't be? Although it was really quite new, and you found you didn't really know at all...
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! ))
@bartender-husk @would-you-like-a-scooby-snack @i-spy-with-my-lethal-eye @pizza-for-my-friends @ultimate-rider and anyone else! Please be OVER 16 to interact here, mature themes and heavy topics will be here!
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potatoqueenpal · 4 months
Okay okay.. I'm sorry for all the angst.
How about as an apology. I give you fluff scenarios?
Deal? Deal.
Baaabe's and Asher's 2nd date was at a roller park where Asher proudly bragged about being the skate expert (he pulled Baabe down with him 12 times. But got a kiss on the nose as a reward every time he did a trick without their help)
David make Blanket forts with Angel when their too scared too sleep after a horror movie.
Milo and Sweetheart cuddle on the couch while watching movies and gently comb through the others' hair if they fall asleep first.
Sam gets cheek kisses from Darlin almost daily and has been the victim of lipstick kiss attack 3 times.
Porter will Suprise treasure with little gestures (Making breakfast, Cleaning around the house.) And always melts when Treasure a thank you hug or kiss.
Gavin and Caelum do art and crafts for freelancer, and they have at least 3 pen holders from Caelum that are used frequently. And 1 pair of handcuffs from Gavin that are also used frequently (😏)
Damien and Huxley often challenge each other to lil games with kisses as a reward for winning. (And losing)
Dear and Lasko go on aquarium dates and Lasko will give Dear cute trivia about their favorite marine life and Dear will kiss him to remind him to breathe.
That's all for now! Love yoooou!
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teratosubmission · 4 months
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Your father, the King, had been pushing for you to join more diplomatic meetings. You needed the experience, of course, and what better way to get some than to accompany your Royal General to various meetings and discussions?
You dressed your best, of course. A light, silky skirt that barely covered the top of your thighs. Formal upper clothing without sleeves and a bottom cut that exposed your left hip and midriff. Your long flowing blond hair was freshly combed, adorned with a tiny rose sculpted from ruby. You were ready to receive this important dignitary and help lead the talks that would secure further peace between your kingdoms. Though as you had little taste for the initial boring pleasantries that go around every single staff member and noble at the very beginning, you were encouraged to wait a bit before entering the room. As your presence is announced by the door guard, you eye the General and make your way towards him, who was conversing with who you assume was the foreign dignitary… holy shit, he’s attractive? You can hear the general introduce you to him, the Formal Diplomat of the Western Kingdom, but his fanciful words sorta get lost on you as your eyes eat up his features.
God, his rippling muscles, his beautiful coat of fur, he was just… handsome. The neighboring kingdom could have scarcely found someone more attractive. You close in and gently touch his biceps and chest, gazing up at him in awe and lust. Oh god, he towered over you even more in person. Holy fuck. “Are all the wolves in the West as handsome as you?” you coo, biting your lip. You bring your knee up his thigh to subtly gauge his size by feel… oh, god, hes packing. He smirks at your comment, and he flexes for you, letting you feel just how ripped he was under all that fur. Oh my… You wanted him to devour you.
"Ahem, my lord, I know you wish to extend formalities in full,” your general interrupted, “but we have some serious business we need to discuss.” In the corner of your eye, you could spy the general adopting a stone face you’ve become all-too-familiar with when he gets irritated. Maybe he should get laid sometime, too. You’ve offered him some pussy in the past, you knew girls who would love a chance to bed a powerful warrior like himself. But he always droned something about duty and professionalism. What a bore.
“Oh, I don’t mind at all,” the diplomat replied, enthusiasm dripping in his deep voice. You start murmuring an apology but he cuts you off by tipping your chin up, gazing deep into your eyes with a roaring hunger. You salivate at his gaze, silently begging for his undivided attention. Please please please fuck me.
“I’m sure we could discuss this policy while paying my respects to His Highness.” His powerful hands grip your hips, swinging you around to face the war room table, and sets you firmly against it. You squeal in excitement, thighs trembling, as you spread your legs apart for him. God, you loved diplomacy. “Eager, are you?” he chuckles, pulling up your skirt to cup your cheeks and play with them, as the head of his cock slowly pushes against your quivering hole. You glance back at him with, happy groans escaping your lips as you beg for more. “Mmm… please…”
“Yes, please enjoy our hospitality.” His curt unfun words slice through the air, but its getting dulled by the electrifying current of pleasure sweeping through your clouded mind. “Now, you carry a proposal from the West?”
The diplomat doesn’t even skip a beat in his speech as he rhythmatically pounds into your bussy, his words getting huffy and labored as he struggles to keep his volume above your pathetic moaning with each plap. Your slender hands struggle to hold onto the table, your flowing locks knocking over some wood pieces representing some distant army. It was all distant, really. You couldn’t really hear the conversation anymore, you couldn’t focus on any part of the map on the table, you couldn’t even put two thoughts together about this whole affair. All you could do is let him slam into your hole and moan like a good boy. Let your drool pool out onto the map, let him raise you high enough your feet don’t reach the ground anymore and you’re solely leaning forward and pound you harder. Let your little cock throb and cum between your belly and the table, then just leak again and again as the waves of pleasure overwhelm you. Let him push as deep inside you as he wants and fill you up with his own cum, before pushing you further forward and letting you lay there, legs dangling off the edge with cum dripping out. You were in Euphoria.
“...And what does the prince think of this action?”
Wait… what? How long were you laying there basking in the afterglow? When did the werewolf quit fucking you? How long were they talking? There’s no way they finished their talks and were ready for royal approval. Was he really that good? Fuuuck…. You’d agree to anything just to feel him fuck your brains out again. Maybe you’ll invite him to your chambers immediately after this.
"Uh… yeah…” came your words, slurred and disjointed, as you struggled to lean your head up to gaze at the circled group of men in the room. “Sounds… good…. Someone gimme a… pen…”
One of your knights picked you up with ease, and set your toes down on the floor so you could prop yourself with your hands. You couldn’t bear to sit, anyway, not after what undignified things that foreign dignitary did to your ass… mmm, fuck… where is he? Somewhere behind you? Niice… You poke out your ass absent-mindedly and wiggle it at him teasingly.
“Your highness? The signature.” The curt words of your general snap you out of it, and realize the document had been sitting in front of you for some time. Everyone was watching you expectantly. The general in particular had that impatient look of mild disdain whenever he asked you for your permission. You got the feeling he didn’t like you much.
“Oh… sorry…” With a few strokes of your pen handed to you, the document is signed with the sloppy handwriting of a boy who still was suffering from a good dicking. Not your best handiwork, but it’s a document, not a work of art. You barely finish the last stroke before document and pen are snatched away, and the general shoots a hurried final greeting to the dignitary before exiting the room with his staff.
You can feel the weight of the dignitary press against your back, his hands reach forward on top of yours, and his muzzle presses against your ear. “You made an excellent decision this day,” he whispers, and his tongue suddenly drags up your earlobe to the pointy end. “I was hoping perhaps we could discuss more… private matters in your chambers? For the good of our kingdoms, of course.”
As you were being bridal carried by him all the back back to your bed, you kept thinking about just how much you were making your father proud. Just wait till he hears how important you were to governing favorable terms with the Western Kingdom. Or how well you're cultivating new relationships with them.
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wriothesleybear · 1 year
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*jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair* Ahem, you look very lovely.
just wanted to share for my fellow wriothesley simps👀 thank you Azeru for the food !🙏🏻🤤🥹
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years
Don’t Touch Anything
thinking abt Katsuki’s bae getting their nails done
you’ve had a long week and so you’ve decided to go treat yourself and go get your nails done. Katsuki thinks this is a good little get away and reprieve for you from your college classes. - he’s already thinking in the happy wife, happy life mindset.
being a new sidekick in the pro hero business he already makes a pretty decent salary, definitely way more than your little tutoring job through the uni.
so Bakugous decided to pay for your nails himself. he just wired it directly into your account. No asking, or anything. He. Just. Does. It. 👏 it’ll make you happy and it makes him feel good for doing that for you. ———
But Katsuki didn’t realize how hard it would be for you to do everything now. As soon as you get home it’s like your hands suddenly don’t work. I mean, yeah, he has to open up a jar of jelly for you. THATS NORMAL
but as the day goes on you’re struggling to do everything. you’re using him or Siri to type out messages to all your friends. and he’s just wondering HOW OFTEN DO YOU EARPHONES AND PONYTAIL TALK??!
Got him leaning into your shoulder, hair tickling your collarbone before his dandelion looking head pops up, staring at Jirou’s message in the group chat with wide eyes. “oi babe. Can I go to this concert with you?” “mhmm if you wanna. Text Jirou.” his tongues sticking out as he types out his own message to your friends dynamite fast.
—— that afternoon he notes that your studying is punctuated by lots of curses and the sound of a pen clattering to the floor every few minutes.
Katsuki keeps his fists in his pockets as he routinely walks past your room to glance at your fine ass leaning to grab your pen. But the way you’re careening off to the side about to topple to the floor, has his hero instincts itching and his hands twitching. Idiot, always making his damn heart race. —— Katsuki also can’t help but snicker as you walk around the house tapping your nails on everything. “ahem babe I’m on a meeting right now”
seriously you’re not even trying to resist the asmr
———— But there’s also PERKS
katsuki is enamored with your bright smile as you look down at your nails. AND your wild hand gestures have also only gotten more dramatic!! Katsuki Bakugou in love with a little lady doing jazz hands. . . . his family and friends would have Never thought it
He is also lovin’ the way you keep posing with your hands on your insta. you got him beaming down at your account on patrol and at work. The coffee cup photos, the touching the barrettes, the golden hour pics with the hand splayed on the exposed collarbones. (Which he takes for you.) The photos you drag him into: grabbing his chin to press a chin onto the apple of his cheek, linking pinkies, making those ridiculous heart hands 🫶 that you and every other girl on the planet is obsessed with.
Got him shocked at the new way you walk past him, tapping across the tables and countertops. and before you breeze past him you comb your fingers through his hair.
HE NEEDS MORE and when Katsuki gets what he wants he’ll inclines his head and let out a hum that vibrates through the air particles between y’all. makes him moan and groan. and all the tension in his muscles melt away as he sinks into you. The tip of his nose nuzzling the inside of your breast as a warm sigh fans over your skin.
. . . so yeah he’s definitely going to let you get your nails done again
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mytheoristavenue · 5 months
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - II
Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Long, multi-parted, fluff, mutal pining, fake dating trope, mild language, fem!reader, not proofread
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After classes ended for the day, you retired to your dorm, jumped into a quick shower, and sat at your desk to apply your makeup. Glancing in the mirror, you meticulously looked over yourself, fussing over the littlest detail. After a bit, you sigh, giving up on chasing perfection and stood, walking over to your closet to find something to wear.
A floor up and across the hall from you, Shoji did the same, toweling off his wet, silver hair before running a comb through it to straighten any rogue strands. Fligging through his closet, he struggled to find something suitable for meeting his 'girlfriend's', parents. Due to his quirk and stature, most of his wardrobe was sleeveless, though he did have an idea.
Sitting on a train station bench, you once again found yourself nervous, fidgeting, and looking for Shoji. Shuffling the train tickets in your hands, you began to worry he might have backed out, making you worry. Pulling out to call him, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder- or more accurately, three.
"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late." A smooth voice called from behind you prompting you to turn around, a blush creeping across your face upon laying eyes on him. "Hope I didn't worry you." Shoji wore a navy blue turtleneck, sleeveless of course, with grey slacks, loafers, and a grey sports coat draped around his shoulders, which hid most of his arms.
"Shoji..." you gasped lightly. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear sleeves!" you commented, before realizing how rude it must have sounded. "I-I mean, I like how you normally dress but...y-you look handsome with sleeves..." you stammered, glancing away and rubbing the back of your neck.
"Sleeves aren't exactly practical for me, nor are they comfortable," he says, offering you a hand to help you up. "But, dress to impress, as they say." You take his hand, letting him pull you up and you both begin walking towards the appropriate train. "By the way, you look lovely, if I may say. I can't place what you've done differently, but whatevcer it is looks nice."
"Thanks, Shoji..." you smiled, blushing a bit as you both boarded.
Finding your seats, you slid in first, him allowing you to have the window seat. After you both settled in and the train began to move, you spoke again. "It's nearly an hour-long ride, do you think we should, I don't know- practice?"
"What exactly were you wanting to practice, (Y/L/N)?" Shoji asked, cocking a suspicious brow.
"N-Nothing like that!" You fuss, punching his arm lightly, blushing. "Don't be a perv!"
"Hey," he puts his hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything specific. If you think I meant something perverted, you made it up yourself which makes you the perv."
"I meant like get our story straight!" you whined, slumping your shoulders dramatically. "Like how we met, how long we've been together- that sort of thing!"
Shoji thought for a moment, humming. "How about, we say we met at school because we did, and we've been together for about six months. That's a short enough time to justify me not meeting them sooner, but a long enough time for it to make sense that I'm meeting them now."
"Yeah, that makes sense!" you chirp, nodding. "I didn't even think of that, you're so smart, Shoji!"
"I know." he joked with a smirk before continuing. "By the way, you should probably call me Mezo,"
You blush lightly at the idea of using his first name, indicating a closer relationship. "How come?"
"It'd be weird if we still called each other by our formal names six months into a relationship." he rationalized. "Are you alright with me calling you (Y/N)?"
You nodded with a sweet smile. "Yeah, I don't mind at all, Shoj-" You caught yourself and corrected with a clearing of your throat. "Ahem, Mezo."
The way the corners of his eyes creased told you that he was smiling without having to see his lips. "That's better. By the way, do you think we should get the awkward stuff out of the way while we have the chance?"
"What do you mean?" you asked, cocking your head to the side while glancing up at him.
"Like PDA and stuff," he replied, glancing up at the ceiling of the train away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck, almost nervously. "Won't it look suspicious if we don't touch each other at all all night?"
"I figured we'd cross that bridge when we got to it." you say, shrugging, not understanding why he was so concerned.
"But it won't look as natural if it's the first time, right?" Now that he mentioned it, he had a point. It'd be odd for a couple of six months to still not hug or hold hands.
"I guess that makes sense. What do you think we should do?" you ask, humming as you thought.
"Well," he said. "Practice makes perfect?" He offered you his main right hand, staring down at you expectantly. You slipped your hand into his, red-faced, noting how warm his palm was and how his hand dwarfed yours. "There," he smiled. "We can just hold hands for a few minutes to get used to it. That okay?"
You were astonished at how gentle he was being with this all. He didn't even want to do it when you first asked, now he was sharply dressed, and doing whatever he could to make the ruse look as real as possible. Here he was, on the train to your hometown, holding your hand like it were a baby bird- fragile, but in need of warmth and structure.
After a few minutes, the pair of you had naturally begun to relax against each other, arms pressing together and weight being distributed more evenly. It was inevitable that your head would fall on his shoulder, and even more so that you would shoot back up, apologizing profusely.
"Oh, Shoji, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get too comfortable!" You fussed, cheeks aglow.
He simply chucked at you, serene as always. "I promise, it's alright. The more comfortable we get with one another, the better we'll sell this thing. Besides, we're barely doing anything, you act like you've never done this before." Your silence spoke volumes and he quickly came to the conclusion on his own. "Oh, my God, you've never done this before."
You hissed, shushing him as if any of the few other riders would comprehend the context of the conversation enough to understand the secret. "Okay, okay, fine! I've never held hands with anyone before, or cuddled, or kissed, or anything else! I'm eighteen and I've yet to have any firsts, okay? Is that what you want to hear?"
Sensing he'd struck a nerve, Shoji decided to back off. "My bad, just figured someone like you would have some kind of romantic experience is all."
"What do you mean 'someone like me'?" you asked in an accusitory tone.
"I didn't mean anything by it!" he swore, raising his hands up again. "Just...well you're a very pretty girl, I would have assumed you'd have guys lined up miles waiting to hold your hand."
You didn't think you could ever get over how he complimented you- so matter of fact, but so suave at the same time. It made it hard for you to discern what was real and not.
"Well, I don't, okay?" you confessed. "I've never had a reciprocated crush, so I never got the chance to do anything like this. That's why my Grandma wants to see him in a relationship before she passes."
"I see," he replied simply, giving you space to continue.
"And now I'm realizing most of my firsts..." you paused, heart sinking will be entirely fake. Maybe this was a bad idea..."
One of Shoji's other hands took over the duty of holding your hand while the other set of arms wrapped around you in a protective wing. "Hey, don't think of it like that." He said comfortingly. "Technically, if it's pretend, it shouldn't count, right?" He rationalized, trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he wasn't good enough to be any of your firsts. "You can still save those moments for someone special."
You thought about what he said for a moment before speaking again. "I guess that's true, but will it still feel the same?"
"I don't think I can tell you that, (Y/N)." Shoji chuckled nervously. "I think that's for you to discover on your own." He readjusted his posture, feeling you relax against his side, prompting him to do the same. "But if you ever want someone to practice with, I'm your guy..." He thought allowed, barely audibly.
Your face burned at his words, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. This 'practice' was nice, and it wasn't like you were doing anything wrong, just some light cuddling on the train. Your mind began to wonder what other things he might be able to practice with you. "Shoji...?"
He hummed in response, one of the ends of his arms morphing into an ear that rested on your shoulder to hear you better. "Do you think we should practice...more things? Y-You know, just to make the act more convincing?" you asked anxiously, eyes glued to your lap as you awaited his response.
"What did you have in mind?" he muttered, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks under his mask.
"W-Well.." you stammered, struggling to find footing on what you wanted to say. "We hug all the time, and we've already held hands and cuddled so I guess that leaves..."
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, cutting straight to the point.
You shrunk at his blunt nature, one hand in his and the other gripping the fabric over your knee to ground you. "W-Well uhm," you stuttered, unsure of what you were even trying to articulate at this point. All you knew was that you wanted it, but it felt wrong in a way. "I-I've never..."
"Doesn't have to be a real kiss, doesn't count, remember?" He said, cooly, thumb brushing over your shoulder. "But only if you want to." You simply nodded timidly, glancing up at him to find him already staring back, usually mysterious eyes now full of comfort. Leaning in close, the pair of you began to bridge the gap, each tilting your heads in the respective direction. Your eyes fluttered shut first, giving Shoji a lovely view of you expectantly waiting for a kiss. Following suit, he let his eyes close, inching ever closer until he could feel the ghostly presence of your lips brushing against his clothed ones.
Suddenly, as he was about to firmly press his lips to yours, the train came to a stop, prompting the both of you to separate like oil and water. Your head shot up, searching for some sign of emergency, but instead, you were greeted with the familiar sight of the train station in your hometown. "W-Wha-?" you questioned, confused. "We can't already be here, it hasn't been that long."
Pulling his phone from his left pocket, Shoji clicked it on, grateful to have a distraction from the heat in his face. "6:05," he said, gathering his composure. "Been almost an hour since we left."
"Oh..." you accepted, gathering your things, ignoring how your cheeks burned. "I-I guess we must have just lost track of time..."
"Guess so..."
Part I
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I wanna hear abt the hair styles of the tf2 characters... and you seem like the expert! I’m drawing them for my friend and like to understand things when I draw ‘em !!
oh man, where do i even start. at the beginning i guess!
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scout. what a mess. what did they do to you, boy? what he did to deserve an asymmetrical fringe i don't want to know. his sides are faded out at the very ends but the back is a simple round cut. he also has some volume at the front top, gelled maybe? overall a 0/10
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soldier has a nice taper. not much to say, looks like a 2-1, with the line fairly high. on top he could have as much as 3/8" of hair. the back is "square" albiet with some shallow lines from the ears. high and tight.
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not much can be known about pyro's hair, but it's likely that not much of it can fit under that mask. that little fold in the back could indicate a length?
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demoman has a range of hairstyles available via cosmetics. his most distinctive hair is always his large muttonchops and mustache. the back is square.
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heavy, he's light on the hair, with his stubble darker than what's left on top. i believe the phrase is "bald as a polished floor". the back is, god help him, v-shaped. that is very, very, VERY rare to ask for that in real life.
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engie i would complain about the angle from the back of your ears to the nape being too steep, but with those teeny tiny lil ears you just won't hear me. not much to say about this one, other than that. it's a crew cut. he probably does it himself with a wahl or some horrible radioactive hair-magnet. the back is so square it puts spongebob to shame.
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medic is a funny case. what would have been an old-man hairstyle in the time period of the game, a skin fade, is now the rage among teen boys. whoda thunk. anyways, his fringe is tall and wide, with quite some volume on top to comb forward and hide that receding hairline! the back is round. i will be getting this exact cut when halloween rolls around.
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sniper's haircut is... god, where do i even START? seriously. what on earth. the poor man was BRUTALIZED by a barber. okay. okay. very slight window's peak. napeline slightly longer than those sideburns (the only cool part are the sideburns). the front is... gelled? maybe? pomade. maybe. the back is something that defies physics entirely and belies a horrifically misshapen skull and reminds me of a story i heard about girls in 2000s west asia putting multiple bumpits inside of their hijabs at the same time until they looked like a creature. ahem. moving on.
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spy's hair is- agh!
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