#computer art is a fascinating field
luxlightly · 1 year
Anyone who tries to say that procedurally generated art is "not real art" can fight me and A Micheal Noll to the death
and I've met that guy, he'd be down for it.
The ethics (or lack thereof) of computer generated images that are made of stolen art has no baring on whether art created via algorithm is art. Not only is it pointless to try to define what is and isn't art (spoilers: you can't), but it ignores the fact that the very foundation of digital art is algorithmic. I am not and will never be "anti AI art" because that's such a ridiculously broad category it's impossible to say any art made on or with any assistance from a computer is not, in some part, algorithmic, because computer images are all just plotted numbers and algorithms. And trying to get into how much human input is necessary to call something "art" can't be done without excluding swaths of historically significant works. The issue is the theft, people. Not the concept of procedurally generated images. Now everyone look at Gaussian-Quadratic (1963) by A Micheal Noll, commonly credited as one of if not the first piece of officially recognized digital art and maybe you'll calm down.
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pearlprincess02 · 1 month
academia sign as 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞 𝔞𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔰
academia (829)
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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aries / 1st house academia: aries in academia approaches learning with enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit. they thrive in competitive environments, enjoying subjects that allow them to take the lead, such as sports science, entrepreneurship, or anything requiring bold, innovative thinking. their learning style is hands-on and action-oriented, preferring to dive into projects rather than sit through lectures. quick to grasp new concepts, aries students excel in fast-paced, dynamic settings where they can showcase their initiative and drive. they are natural leaders in group work, often inspiring others with their energy and passion.
chaotic academia vibes: red bull, coffee, late-night study sessions, messy desk, sticky notes everywhere, highlighters galore, backpack overflowing, headphones tangled, running late, cramming, competitive studying, impulsive learning, last-minute cramming, energetic study sessions, motivational posters, pomodoro technique, study groups, mind maps, flash cards, music playlists
major & minor in college: history, english, psychology, theater, business, creative writing, philosophy, computer science, art history, sociology
𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔨 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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taurus / 2nd house academia: taurus in academia is methodical and steady, approaching learning with patience and determination. they excel in subjects that involve tangible results or a connection to nature, such as agriculture, culinary arts, or finance. taurus students prefer a structured learning environment, where they can take their time to absorb information deeply and thoroughly. they have a strong memory and excel in retaining facts, often mastering subjects through repetition and consistent effort. their learning style is practical and grounded, focusing on real-world applications and long-term value.
dark academia vibes: leather-bound notebooks, vintage fountain pen, cozy sweater, warm coffee, comfortable armchair, candles, classical music, antique bookshelves, quiet library, natural light, slow & steady approach, consistent studying, structured routine, mindful studying, note-taking, reading extensively, researching deeply, essay writing, critical thinking, patience & perseverance,
major & minor in college: literature, history, art history, philosophy, classical studies, music, latin, greek, anthropology, environmental studies,
scorpio / 8th house academia: scorpio in academia is intensely focused and driven, diving deep into subjects that fascinate them, especially those involving psychology, criminology, or anything that uncovers hidden truths. they are natural researchers, drawn to mysteries and complexities, excelling in environments that require investigative skills and critical thinking. scorpio students prefer to study in private, where they can immerse themselves fully without distractions. they have a talent for uncovering details that others might overlook, and their determination to master a subject is unmatched. passionate and resilient, scorpio learners often emerge as experts in their chosen fields.
dark academia vibes: black coffee, leather jacket, intricate jewelry, vintage records, haunted library, gothic architecture, mysterious aura, intense gaze, quiet solitude, deep thoughts, intense focus, deep research, analytical thinking, critical analysis, debating, persuasive writing, problem-solving, independent study, night owl, passionate learning,
major & minor in college: psychology, philosophy, criminal justice, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, mythology, astronomy, creative writing,
𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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gemini / 3rd house academia: gemini in academia is curious and versatile, thriving in environments where they can explore a wide range of subjects. they are natural communicators, excelling in fields like journalism, linguistics, or social sciences, where their quick wit and love for information can shine. gemini students prefer a dynamic, interactive learning environment, enjoying discussions, debates, and collaborative projects. their learning style is fast-paced and adaptable, allowing them to pick up new concepts with ease and shift focus between topics effortlessly. always eager to learn something new, gemini keeps their mind sharp by continuously seeking knowledge in various fields.
theatre academia vibes: script book, makeup bag, costumes, props, rehearsal space, stage lights, backstage passes, playbills, acting classes, impromptu performances, versatility, adaptability, improvisation, memorization, public speaking, character analysis, script analysis, ensemble work, storytelling, critical thinking
major & minor in college: theater, english, creative writing, communication studies, film studies, music, dance, history, psychology, sociology,
𝔠𝔬𝔷𝔶 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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cancer / 4th house academia: cancer in academia is intuitive and emotionally connected to their studies, often drawn to subjects that resonate with their personal experiences, such as history, literature, or psychology. they excel in environments that feel nurturing and supportive, preferring to learn in a space where they feel safe and comfortable. cancer students have a strong memory, especially for details that evoke an emotional response, and they often approach learning with empathy and care. their learning style is reflective and deep, focusing on understanding the emotional and human aspects of any subject. sensitive to the needs of others, cancer can also be a compassionate and supportive peer in group settings.
cozy academia vibes: knitting needles, teacup, soft blanket, candles, cozy armchair, bookshelf filled with sentimental books, family photos, journal, soft music, homemade snacks, emotional intelligence, empathy, nurturing oneself, creating a comfortable study space, mindful studying, journaling, connecting with others, supporting others, patience & perseverance, emotional regulation
major & minor in college: english, history, psychology, sociology, social work, counseling, child development, family studies, art history, creative writing
𝔯𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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leo / 5th house academia: leo in academia is confident and expressive, thriving in subjects where they can showcase their creativity and leadership, such as performing arts, literature, or leadership studies. they enjoy being at the center of discussions and excel in environments where their ideas and talents are recognized. leo students are passionate learners who bring enthusiasm to their studies, often inspiring others with their energy and charisma. their learning style is dynamic and interactive, preferring presentations and group projects where they can shine. with a natural flair for storytelling and self-expression, leo often excels in areas that allow them to be both creative and influential.
royal academia vibes: crown-shaped stationery, velvet robes, gold jewelry, vintage fountain pen, grand library, ornate furniture, elegant calligraphy, classical music, high-quality textbooks, personalized study supplies, confidence, leadership, public speaking, motivation, goal setting, networking, presentation skills, time management, creativity, passion
major & minor in college: history, political science, business, theater, art history, music, philosophy, classical studies, public relations, creative writing
𝔟𝔬𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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virgo / 6th house academia: virgo in academia is analytical and detail-oriented, excelling in subjects that require precision and critical thinking, such as mathematics, science, or technical writing. they have a strong work ethic and prefer structured learning environments where they can methodically work through complex problems. virgo students are diligent researchers, often going above and beyond to ensure they fully understand a topic, and they have a knack for organizing information logically. their learning style is meticulous and focused, thriving on clear instructions and practical applications. with a keen eye for detail, virgo often excels in areas that demand accuracy and thoroughness.
botanical academia vibes: herbarium, plant journal, botanical prints, terrarium, gardening tools, natural light, plant-based stationery, herbal tea, nature-inspired décor, organized study space, organization, planning, time management, detail-oriented approach, note-taking, researching, problem-solving, critical thinking, patience, perseverance
major & minor in college: biology, environmental science, botany, horticulture, chemistry, agriculture, nutrition, health sciences, art history, creative writing
𝔯𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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libra / 7th house academia: libra in academia is balanced and diplomatic, drawn to subjects that involve relationships, aesthetics, and justice, such as law, art, or social sciences. they excel in collaborative learning environments, enjoying discussions and group projects where they can exchange ideas and mediate differing opinions. libra students have a natural talent for seeing multiple perspectives, which makes them excellent at analyzing complex issues and finding harmonious solutions. their learning style is interactive and social, thriving in settings that allow for cooperation and mutual respect. with a strong sense of fairness and a love for beauty, libra often excels in areas that combine intellectual rigor with creativity.
romantic academia vibes: love letters, poetry collection, vintage jewelry, soft/pastel colors, romantic novels, flower arrangements, classical music, art galleries, beautiful stationery, cozy cafes, collaboration, harmony, diplomacy, balance, aesthetic appreciation, empathy, persuasion, critical thinking, creativity, open-mindedness
major & minor in college: english, history, art history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, communication studies, music, creative writing, design
𝔞𝔡𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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sagittarius / 9th house academia: sagittarius in academia is adventurous and curious, drawn to subjects that expand their horizons, such as philosophy, travel, or global studies. they thrive in environments that offer freedom and exploration, preferring to learn through experience, travel, and broad, open-ended discussions. sagittarius students have a natural enthusiasm for big ideas and are often inspired by the pursuit of knowledge that challenges conventional thinking. their learning style is spontaneous and wide-ranging, excelling in areas where they can explore different cultures, beliefs, and philosophies. with an innate love for wisdom and truth, sagittarius often excels in fields that encourage lifelong learning and intellectual growth.
adventurous academia vibes: travel journal, global map, adventure novels, passport, backpack, camping gear, telescope, world atlas, foreign language textbooks, wanderlust-themed stationery, curiosity, open-mindedness, exploration, adaptability, risk-taking, global perspective, intercultural communication, problem-solving, independent study, passion for learning
major & minor in college: history, geography, anthropology, philosophy, foreign languages, international studies, environmental science, economics, creative writing, journalism
𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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capricorn / 10th house academia: capricorn in academia is disciplined and strategic, favoring subjects that offer practical applications and long-term value, such as business, engineering, or finance. they excel in structured, goal-oriented environments where they can set clear objectives and work methodically towards achieving them. capricorn students have a strong work ethic and are adept at managing their time efficiently, often thriving on detailed planning and rigorous analysis. their learning style is focused and persistent, with a preference for mastering foundational concepts before advancing. with a keen sense of responsibility and determination, capricorn often excels in areas that require patience and sustained effort.
winter academia vibes: thick coat, scarf, warm coffee, cozy sweater, planner, bookshelf filled with textbooks, quiet study space, pen & paper, minimalist décor, structured routine, discipline, time management, goal setting, planning, persistence, problem-solving, critical thinking, researching, note-taking, long-term planning
major & minor in college: business, economics, law, political science, accounting, engineering, computer science, mathematics, history, philosophy
𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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aquarius / 11th house academia: aquarius in academia is innovative and independent, gravitating towards subjects that involve technology, future trends, or social change, such as engineering, environmental science, or sociology. they thrive in learning environments that encourage original thinking and unconventional approaches, often preferring to explore new ideas and challenge established norms. aquarius students are skilled at grasping complex, abstract concepts and enjoy engaging in collaborative projects that push boundaries and promote collective progress. their learning style is progressive and exploratory, with a strong inclination towards experimenting with novel methods and solutions. with a keen interest in improving the world, aquarius often excels in fields that foster creativity and forward-thinking.
futuristic academia vibes: smartwatch, laptop, tech gadgets, futuristic eyewear, minimalist design, neon lights, sci-fi novels, futuristic architecture, virtual reality headset, sustainable products, innovation, problem-solving, critical thinking, future-oriented thinking, collaboration, interdisciplinary learning, ethical considerations, lifelong learning, adaptability, social consciousness
major & minor in college: computer science, engineering, physics, astronomy, artificial intelligence, environmental science, sociology, political science, psychology, philosophy
𝔬𝔠𝔢𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔦𝔞
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pisces / 12th house academia: pisces in academia is imaginative and intuitive, drawn to subjects that explore the arts, spirituality, or the human psyche, such as creative writing, music, or psychology. they excel in environments that allow for introspection and creative expression, often thriving in less structured settings that encourage personal interpretation and emotional depth. pisces students have a unique ability to grasp abstract concepts and connect disparate ideas, making them skilled at synthesizing information in innovative ways. their learning style is fluid and adaptable, with a preference for exploring topics through personal experiences and intuitive insights. with a deep sense of empathy and creativity, pisces often excels in fields that involve understanding and expressing the complexities of the human experience.
ocean academia vibes: seashells, aquarium, ocean-themed stationery, beach towel, nautical decor, marine biology books, beach reads, ocean-inspired jewelry, dreamcatcher, calming music, intuition, empathy, creativity, imagination, meditation, mindfulness, visualization, dream journaling, connection with nature, emotional intelligence
major & minor in college: marine biology, oceanography, environmental science, psychology, art history, creative writing, music, philosophy, sociology, religious studies,
all observations belong to @pearlprincess02
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What would be the Toys' first Google searches? I could imagine Angel would have a field trip looking through their computer's search history.
And semi-related, which of them would be most likely to accidentally download a computer virus?
Angel lets the group use their computer after bringing everyone back from the hospital, but not before warning them to be careful, as Angel during that time still technically has a job and needs to keep certain files intact. They leave their dead-end job the next day after their boss calls them, finally freeing themself, so now the toys are all okay to use the computer. Bunzo discovers this thing called "The Sims 1" installed and falls in love, it's like virtual dolls! Poppy and Mommy Long Legs are also fascinated by it.
DogDay has a 70% chance of downloading a computer virus by accident during the first 15 minutes of computer time he has in his life. First search: "What is happening in the world?", and spends 3 hours reading everything, "Smiling Critters", "CatNap recall".
CatNap: "Playtime lawsuit", "playtime prototype experiment, "music".
Mommy Long Legs: "Mommy Long Legs", "long legs toys", "the sims house".
Poppy: "Elliot Ludwig", "Playtime lawsuit", "what happened in the last 30 years?"
Huggy: "iusfawjfjsiojfiojafsio" (he doesn't know how to read or write) "cool flash games" (Angel lets him have the time of his life)
Kissy: "Playtime orphanage", "stuffed animals"
Bunzo: "CALENDAH", "KOOL GAMEZ" (corrected to "cool games", he then plays flash games for 3 hours straight)
PJ: "OPIUMNHIUY" (Angel writes "Pingu" for him)
Delight: "What is happening in the world", "how to take care of a face prosthetic", "biology", "national geography"
Smiling Critters crew, after being rescued:
Craftycorn: "places for artists" (discovers Deviant Art), "person waving" (needs a reference to draw), "blue dress" (reference to draw), "mySpace"
Bubba: "Playtime Co. lawsuit", "Playtime Co. rescue", "Smiling Critters", "How does a computer work?"
Hoppy: "how to live without legs", "prosthetic legs", "cool people with prosthetic legs"
Kickin: "how to ignore leg itching", "smiling critters", "where am i"
Bobby: "are the orphans of playtime co okay", "bobby bearhug", "photo of the entire world", "list of countries", "france" (gets lost in history websites)
Picky: "how to stop feeling sad", "how to stop being hungry", "vegetarian recipes to cook for family", "what is a farmers market", "how does a grocery store look like", "how does a market look like", "world outside", "forest", "green", "planet earth" (stares at a picture of the entire Earth for some time)
Boxy: "sdewuiiouwer734884787rioispdfusjklawdkeifudjklsakçk" (Hoppy writes "games" and they get lost in flash game websites)
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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The Flower of Life
There really is some deep rooted symbolism behind this captivating image. Some say it’s representative of the union of the sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine, the connectedness of all living things, and others see it as the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Let’s explore the depths of the topic.
Origins & Symbolism The origins of the Flower of Life trace back to the dawn of civilisation, where it is believed to have emerged as a symbol of cosmic order and divine harmony. Its precise origins are shrouded in mystery, with some attributing its creation to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, where it was found in the temple of Osiris and said to contain a ‘secret code’ (underpinning the basic building blocks of the universe), and also the Sumerians, and the Greeks.
At its core, the Flower of Life is composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, forming a mesmerising geometric pattern reminiscent of a flower in full bloom. Within this pattern lies a myriad of geometric shapes, including triangles, hexagons, and pentagons, each imbued with its own symbolic significance.
The Flower of Life is often associated with sacred geometry, a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of geometric forms and their spiritual, philosophical, and symbolic meanings. It is believed to represent the interconnectedness of all living beings, the fundamental unity of existence, and the underlying order of the universe.
Spiritual Significance In spiritual traditions around the world, the Flower of Life holds profound significance as a symbol of creation and interconnectedness. It is often regarded as a visual representation of the divine blueprint of the cosmos, with each circle representing a stage in the process of creation.
Within the Flower of Life, one can find various sacred symbols, including the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, all 7 Chakra systems, and the Metatron's Cube, each carrying its own symbolic meaning and spiritual power. These symbols are believed to hold the keys to unlocking higher states of consciousness, facilitating spiritual growth, and connecting with the universal source of energy and wisdom.
Healing & Transformation Beyond its spiritual significance, the Flower of Life is also associated with healing and transformation. It is believed that meditating upon the pattern of the Flower of Life can help to harmonise the mind, body, and spirit, promoting health, balance, and inner peace.
In recent years, the Flower of Life has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with many people incorporating its imagery into their spiritual practices, artwork, and jewellery. Its intricate beauty and profound symbolism continue to inspire awe and fascination, serving as a potent reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the infinite possibilities that lie within the universe.
Modern Interpretations In the modern era, scientists, mathematicians, and artists have continued to explore the mysteries of the Flower of Life, uncovering new insights into its geometric properties and mathematical significance. Through computer simulations and mathematical algorithms, researchers have gained a deeper understanding of the complex patterns and symmetries inherent in the Flower of Life, shedding light on its underlying principles of order and harmony.
Furthermore, the Flower of Life has found its way into various fields beyond spirituality and art, including architecture, design, and technology. Its geometric principles have been applied in the construction of sacred buildings, the development of advanced engineering techniques, and the design of innovative products and structures.
The Flower of Life: Mysteries of Sacred Geometry:
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agent-calivide · 6 months
Time for more John Juniper analysis because I am so normal about this man.
Edit: this was posted on April Fools, below the cut is an analysis of Commander Solaris, not JJ
Commander Solaris fascinates me as a character and I wish she was treated as more than just "fabricator's girlfriend" in the fandom sometimes. I love the ship, let's go sciency lesbians, but Solaris is just. Such chaotic neutral with a fascinating dynamic with Zoraxis and even Zor themselves and I love it.
Firstly, we see that above everything else, she prioritizes a love of science and discovery over all, I'd venture to say that Solaris is actually the most dedicated to specifically her field. While the others have the desire for art or revenge or loyalty to Zoraxis as motivators to their passions, Solaris is just all lasers all the time. That's not to say she won't work on other things, it's implied that she invented the Death Engine all on her own which means she has to know how to create or at least implement the gravity controls and life support systems, but at the end of the day it was all in the name of having a giant fuck off space laser.
She also hates it when things expedite the process in regards to her science. On the Death Engine, before the agent is revealed, you can hear her say "Automatic computer?! Who wouldn't want to do their own computing??" I think Prism and Solaris would actually bump heads about this a lot if they were ever set up to work together, despite the fact that they're both scientists, Solaris really has an almost old-fashioned approach when it comes to her scientific advancements. She shows a disdain for computers doing the heavy lifting and doesn't trust them in regards to cybersecurity, which is shown when the agent opens the crate that holds the station's manual override of the armature outside the shuttle. "Ugh, I knew people wouldn't take z-mail security seriously..."
It's clearly stated on her file that she is not with Zoraxis due to a loyalty to them or some power grab, she is simply with them because they are a means to an end. So long as Zoraxis provides what she needs, she will give them her inventions and help make pieces for death traps in the name of furthering her studies and working without restrictions. Her file says she believes in the "life altering" properties of lasers- though I do wonder if that means changing life while one is living or if it's just able to alter a life to... not alive-
We also see that unlike the others, she doesn't respect Zor as anything more than her employer. When Zor calls her, she's surprised and irritated.
"Doctor Zor... what a- uh... unexpected surprise..."
While she's initially confused, as the conversation goes on she gets angrier.
"That's hardly my problem, is it?.... I'll take care of it I suppose. Understood. I said I understand!"
While she respects that Zor is her employer and she does have to do what they say, she doesn't respect them as an authority to fear. She's short with them, straight up snapping at the doctor by the end of the phone call, which shows that she does not fear Zor in the same way others would. Many people would not lash out at someone known for their ability to get people killed, especially when its shown Zor doesn't give a damn if you're a low level miner or a high ranking doctor.
Solaris just straight up doesn't give a fuck until Zor says something, which could range from "it's your job" to "I'll cut your funding" to "I have a button down here that will kill you with poisoned gas" knowing them. Either way Solaris needed a slight push to try and actually kill the agent.
She's also just all around got this funny, spunky side to her that I wish we saw more of. She has a disdain for orange juice because it's all they can drink on the space station, she approves of the agent doing risky but efficient science with the meat can, when you grab the screw drill thing she is so excited because she initially thinks it's a blaster that she's been trying to get the design approved for, only to be so disappointed when it's not. She’s got a dry as hell sense of humor that relies mostly on sarcasm and will make fun of you if you start to accidentally kill yourself.
Then when we cut to IEYTD 2, while there’s not any dialogue directly from Solaris, we do hear Fabricator’s side of a call between them.
In it, we hear that Solaris is not mad at the agent for nearly killing her, she’s mad that they ruined her work. It also seems Zor’s likely not letting her pursue her passion, as Fabricator mockingly calls out how something isn’t fair, and then pushes Solaris into looking into new projects. That Death Engine was likely a five year labor of love that Phoenix destroyed in ten minutes, and Solaris is pissed. Rightfully so, frankly.
We also see that Solaris and Fabricator disagree to some extent on the purpose of their inventions, Fabricator having a note that calls out how “inelegant” Solaris is. This shows that while Solaris and Fabricator are both heavy hitters for Zor, they have very different motivations for why they make the things they do, Fabricator makes her death traps as a form of art that has to be presentable, Solaris makes them as a means to an end for her laser projects, which are likely crude and functional more than artistically inclined.
This does go to show that while Solaris and Fabricator are willing to confide in one another, they also don’t agree on likely many things. Be it the purpose, the portrayal, or the motivation to their work, they have fundamentally different stances on what they do and why they do it.
I don’t believe Solaris left Zoraxis in some big declaration or out of a sudden spur of empathy, I think Zoraxis just can’t provide what she wants anymore. She did not leave Zoraxis because she hates Zor or feels remorse for killing, Zoraxis just had to go underground so she couldn’t do things like make giant orbital space lasers. It’s very clear her position in Zoraxis is conditional on the terms that she can unabashedly pursue her laser research, and with Zoraxis having to go underground, Zor likely cut her resources.
She wiped her hands just clean enough to ditch someone who wasn’t providing any benefits for her before retiring and trying to drop off the face of the earth and dream on what could have been in the country side.
And if you read this far and are still wondering what the hell this has to do with John Juniper, happy April Fool's :)
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usafphantom2 · 22 days
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Randy’s Warbird Profiles: Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5 “White A”
August 30, 2024 Zac Yates Warbirds News 0
[Photo by Randy Malmstrom]
Aircorps Art Dec 2019
By Randy Malmstrom
Since his childhood, Randy Malmstrom has had a passion for aviation history and historic military aircraft in particular. He has a particular penchant for documenting specific airframes with a highly detailed series of walk-around images and an in-depth exploration of their history, which have proved to be popular with many of those who have seen them, and we thought our readers would be equally fascinated too. This installment of Randy’s Warbird Profiles takes a look at the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum‘s Focke-Wulf Fw 190A-5, currently the only airworthy example of the legendary Luftwaffe fighter.
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[Photo by Randy Malmstrom]
This particular aircraft was built in Bremen in April 1943. It is an example of the Jagdbomber (“Jabos” for short) or fighter bomber modification. It was based at Siversky (southwest of Leningrad) and so has come down through history as the “Leningrad 190.” It is the aircraft of Feldwebel Paul Rätz, Jagdgeschwader 54, Staffel 4 and a veteran of 117 combat missions. I have heard variously that it was painted in forest camouflage using paints scrounged from local residents by Luftwaffe field mechanics, or it was pained in RLM colors being tested at the time. The yellow stripe indicates Russian Front and a letter marking generally refers to ground attack rather than a number for air attack.
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[Photo by Randy Malmstrom]
While on a “free hunt” for trains with his wingman in the “Corridor of Death” near Voybokalo, east of Leningrad, on July 19, 1943 Rätz encountered heavy anti-aircraft fire. He reported having been hit by flak and made a nearly perfect belly landing. He was reported missing in action, but in fact survived the crash and was taken prisoner in the Soviet Union and was later repatriated to Germany in 1949. The aircraft was found in 1989 where he left it near Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) with his helmet and radio gear on the pilot’s seat.
It is believed that slave laborers sabotaged this aircraft as there was no bullet damage, and a rag was found in one of the oil lines. It was rebuilt with as much original skin as possible (I am told as much as 80-90%) and powered by a BMW 801 D-2 air-cooled engine (note the 12-bladed fan behind the propeller) — I have heard that an unused engine still in its crate was found for this project — which was rebuilt at Vintage V-12s in Tehachapi, CA. What was amazing about this aircraft was the Kommandogerät (control device), an electro-mechanical computer that sets the fuel mixture, propeller pitch, boost, and magneto timing all at once. It is my understanding that the famous KommandoGerät in and of itself was half the cost of the BMW 801 “Power Egg” engine (there seems to be question as to any use of that moniker in German-language regions), and that there were disputes between manufacturers Fw and BMW over all the early engine problems (who was to blame); a Luftwaffe officer helped the two companies come to some agreement.
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[Photo via Randy Malmstrom]
It was acquired by Vulcan Warbirds Inc. for display and flight at Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum (FHCAM) on Paine Field in Everett, WA. The BMW sticker has been removed for safe keeping but you can see the disk where it belongs. The canopy is largely original and I’ve heard reports that the plastic was recovered from the Bodensee (Lake Constance) or possibly Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Final restoration was at GossHawk Unlimited in Arizona and Steve Hinton flew it for the first time on December 1, 2010. It is the only flying example of this version with a BMW 801 engine as of this writing, with Steve Hinton and Kevin Eldridge the only two pilots checked out in the aircraft since it was restored.
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[Photo by Randy Malmstrom]
This Jabos modification was armed with two Rheinmetall MG 17 7.92 mm machine guns in the cowling (disparagingly referred to by German pilots as “Türklopfer” or “doorknockers” for their lack of penetrating power) – two of the MG/FF 20 mm cannons in the wings were removed to carry up to 1,320 lbs. of ordnance. It has red mechanical landing gear indicator rods or bayonets which you can see protruding on top of the wings and where it attaches to the landing gear strut.
Note that in this vintage of Fw-190 there is a spring-loaded pulley on the canopy to keep the antenna wire taught regardless of the the canopy’s position; this was skipped on later 190’s such as the D-13 Dora (I have photos of that aircraft without the pulley). Flaps are metal whereas the Dora uses wood. Also, since the canopy rails are not parallel the canopy has a hinge on the top to make it flexible. There is a cable from the right landing gear strut to the tailwheel that retracts the tailwheel when the main gear goes up; there is an access panel on the left side of the tail fin to adjust the cable mechanism (see photos and diagrams). The right wheel rim of the aircraft is painted red indicating synthetic fuel (as far as I have determined).
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[Photo by Randy Malmstrom]
The “Achtung” warning on the armor behind the pilot’s seat reminds ground crews that there is an explosive canopy release – this is due to the difficulty of opening it manually when the aircraft is at speed.
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[Photo by Randy Malmstrom]
About the author
Randy Malmstrom grew up in a family steeped in aviation culture. His father, Bob, was still a cadet in training with the USAAF at the end of WWII, but did serve in Germany during the U.S. occupation in the immediate post-war period, where he had the opportunity to fly in a wide variety of types which flew in WWII. After returning to the States, Bob became a multi-engine aircraft sales manager and as such flew a wide variety of aircraft; Randy frequently accompanied him on these flights. Furthermore, Randy’s cousin, Einar Axel Malmstrom flew P-47 Thunderbolts with the 356th FG from RAF Martlesham Heath. He was commanding this unit at the time he was shot down over France on April 24th, 1944, spending the rest of the war as a prisoner of war. Following his repatriation at war’s end, Einar continued his military service, attaining the rank of Colonel. He was serving as Deputy Wing Commander of the 407th Strategic Fighter Wing at Great Falls AFB, MT at the time of his death in a T-33 training accident on August 21, 1954. The base was renamed in his honor in October 1955 and continues to serve in the present USAF as home to the 341st Missile Wing. Randy’s innate interest in history in general, and aviation history in particular, plus his educational background and passion for WWII warbirds, led him down his current path of capturing detailed aircraft walk-around photos and in-depth airframe histories, recording a precise description of a particular aircraft in all aspects.
Author ProfileRelated Posts
Zac Yates
Zac, born and raised in New Zealand, grew up immersed in aviation, with his father working as a helicopter crewman and living at Wanganui Airport. His passion for aviation started in childhood, building scale model kits and following the global warbird scene. He later trained as a journalist but found mainstream media unfulfilling, leading him to pursue a career as an aircraft maintenance engineer.
Now residing in Blenheim, near the historic Omaka Aerodrome, Zac studies at RNZAF Base Woodbourne and aspires to become a private and warbird pilot. Known as "Handbag" in aviation circles, he shares his love for aviation through photography and writing, connecting with enthusiasts worldwide.
@VintageWarbirdNews via x
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jupitersrising · 1 year
JWCC Majors
What I think the Jwcc characters majors would be in celebration for me being accepted into college!
Okay starting off easy,
He would go into paleontology with a minor in public speaking.
Paleontology is obvious and I can imagine if dinosaurs had been roaming around for so long at this point expensive colleges would have more live dinosaur-study based classes. So if those were to exist he'd definitely take them and constantly correct the professor.
Public speaking because he was already very vocal about the treatment of dinosaurs but he wanted other people to take him seriously when he spoke.
Out of all the characters in the epilogue we actually see her working as like a spy. So I think she'd definitely be riding that high from being famous when she was younger to get into a lot of high profile parties and such...thats besides the point.
She be a computer science major with a minor in political studies.
I can also see her eventually becoming a lawyer and Darius and Brooklynn becoming like the ultimate power couple when it comes to defending dinosaurs for abuse/ illegal trade.
She would go to college on a track scholarship 100%. But she can't major in track. Originally she thought she'd major in sports management because its what most athletes do.
BUT Sammy convinces her to pursue her passion with art and she becomes an enigma at her college for hanging out with the art kids and the sports kids. Majoring in art classes but spending all her free time on the field.
No one can figure out how she made so many friends. Nor how they all came together.
I can't see Sammy wanting to go to college at first. She'd worried about her family's finances and being away from the farm again. But one video chat from her friends convinces her that she has to start living her life too.
She starts her freshman year intending to major in agriculture as it would make perfect sense to continue the family business.
In the spring semester (her schedule changed) she accidentally sits in on a biology lecture and absolutely falls in love with it.
It reminds her a lot of the papers she used to send to Manta Corp when she was a spy. The combination of so much background knowledge shocks a lot of people. They ask where she grew up and she shrugs and tells them about the farm in Texas.
Shocking literally everyone without realizing it.
She graduates with a bioengineering phd
He was the last one to graduate, finding it hard to get back to a regular life after the island.
First, he goes abroad for a while, nearly cutting off contact from them all before being tracked down by May and dragged back to the lab.
He interns for her at her new dinosaur research facility and he realizes all the skills he learned from the island don't have to go to waste as he looks at the plants around.
He becomes fascinated by them, since they had to be brought back similarly to dinosaurs in order to feed them. May helps him pay for college on the mainland.
He majors in paleobotany and whatever other certifications he needs to become a dinosaur trainer
He knew that he would have to major in business since he was a kid. He was always supposed to take over his Dad's company. So it wasn't a surprise when he went into. He loathed it.
Through a combination of encouragement for his friends and (new) family he tries to discover things about himself in college. About his interests.
Unlike the others he never wants to work with dinosaurs again (can someone say trauma) so that's immediately off the table.
But being the rich guy he is, Kenji funds himself through college and takes a bunch of classes that peak his interest
He's really shitty at art but he always sends the finished products to Sammy as a gift (she has a self of deformed mugs and when anyone asks she shows them off like a proud mom over their kid's finger painting) he tries public speaking but he gets bored, its too much like business. He likes acting, but he knows it was never something he could pursue in his free time and drops it. He was about to give up when he enrolled in a psychology class.
(Maybe to figure out why his dad did what he did or why all his friends were messed up after the island.) For whatever reason he finds himself entranced by it.
He double majors in business and psychology
This was entirely self indulgent but it was fun!
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not-terezi-pyrope · 4 months
How did you get into AI (and maybe compsci more generally)? I'm curious in part to know more about your background, but also because I'm interested in getting into it as well
Huh, big question.
Well, I got into compsci via programming and pretty young. I mean, I was always interested in computers as that's the field my dad works in and his excitement for games and hardware transferred. I was particularly into source engine games from his influence, which lead to me being super obsessed with Garry's Mod when I was 10, and when I was 11-12 ish I discovered the "wiremod" logic mod for that, and was instantly entranced building robots and mini-computers in game. Initially that was by hooking up discrete logic gates, but then I discovered that there was an entire full-featured programming language built into the mod as well, and teaching myself that while playing the game after school was how I learned to program.
I wanted to take that to some non-gmod contexts as well, and so I learned a bit of Java via "Greenfoot", which was/is(?) a library and web community for building little 2D Java games, popular with kids and teens. I actually won an iPod in a Greenfoot coding contest when I was 13. I carried that interest in programming through school, where I did computer science at GCSE and AS levels, then after a brief foray at studying film for less than 6 months, picked up programming as a proper hobby again when I was 19, and went to do a Computer Science degree because I was transparently so much better at programming than I was any of my arts stuff, lol. It's uniquely compelling and fits right in my brain the way nothing else does.
The AI interest mostly comes from fiction, again from pretty young. Portal (another source engine game) was one of my favourite games as a teenager, and I spent a while in Garry's Mod building my own automatons and autonomous robots, and creating wiremod bots that could talk in chat, respond to commands, do some basic statistical language analysis, pretty much figuring it out just off the top of my head.
That interest in artificial intelligence lead to me following the field pretty loosely for a while, and I discovered transhumanist thought in my late teens, and was interested in simulating cognition more specifically as it related to subjects like mind uploads, but I didn't get super into AI as a discipline until I discovered the first online GPT-2 demo in 2018 and read the associated papers. I was like, "oh, fuck. This is like nothing we've ever had before, this is going to change the world, I am fascinated by this and I should try to get in on this now". That lead to me focusing on AI for my undergraduate thesis and then later for my master's degree. I would be working in AI now, if I hadn't entirely failed to find any good roles, and also, if I am honest, if the online conversation around and backlash to LLMs and so forth hadn't soured a lot of my initial enthusiasm, which makes it hard to stay fully up to date with the field. My current job is more general IT work with some programming sprinkled in.
Because the sad thing is I was absolutely right, three years before anyone outside of computer science noticed, in predicting that attention transformers were going to completely upend the tech field and how we interact with computers. What I got wrong in my naivety was thinking that people would respond to that in a good way. Instead it's mostly been distrust and revulsion, which in some respects is understandable, and in others is really sad, especially given the potential that was and is still there. But I worry that this idea that AI is the domain of conniving capitalist techbros is fast becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy as everyone who genuinely cares about social issues (I count myself among them) is driven by an almost overwhelming tide to divest themselves from anything that has the whiff of a neural net about it.
I am at least partially resisting for now.
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bright-and-burning · 9 months
okay yeah i didn't know that there's the different ai stuff and that this is generative ai BUT GOD AM I HAPPY to see that you know the difference between ai and ml like !!! this is not ai !!! it's such a trend now and it's so wrong and so frustrating beyond the, in this case, misogynistic aspects of it. like this is not ai !! but that sounds catchy and URGH so frustrating. okay that's all i love ur additional tags thank u xoxo
yeah!! i did my undergrad degree focused on this kind of stuff (and dropped out of doing a phd in it at the last minute) so it's Literally my roman empire. like. i took so many courses in this and THEN it blew up right at the end of my degree and the misinformation........ chatgpt getting massive my senior year of college made me soooo mad i legit started to resent my field. like this particular use is particularly egregious (why hire a woman in an area severely lacking in women when we can rampantly misuse important computational and REAL LIFE resources to create a fake woman to "talk" abt SUSTAINABILITY!!!) but in general i am like constantly infuriated by AI bullshit from a lot of different sides bc Everyone overestimates/glorifies it/turns it into something it isn't, essentially. (rant abt AI from an AI perspective under the cut that idk might be informative or interesting LOL. i tried not to get technical but i did get mad)
generative ai drives me BONKERS bc it's literally not artificial intelligence. chatgpt is NOT AI it's fucking glorified predictive chat and all the dumbass tech bros on linkedin and twitter who hail it as like world changing infuriate me lol. like chatgpt literally works by calculating the word with the highest probability to come next in the sentence/in response to that prompt based on the data it trained on. is that super impressive ignoring the real world stuff going on? yeah!! it is! it's doing really well and it's fascinating in an academic sense. but then you put it in the real world context, where dumbass tech bros and business leaders worship it as god and where SEO morons use it to turn the internet to sludge and it's like oh god WHY.
and the ai art bullshit oh my god. ok i took a machine vision class right. and like literally one of my projects was to write code that could take in a photo and output it in the "style" of another photo. like as the cs version of a creative exercise, basically (they give u a Lot of projects that are basically write ur own version of an algorithm that's already been written more efficiently by someone else, bc that's how you can kind of pick it apart and really understand it, it's like reverse engineering) to show us how that works. (photos from that project are below; i took the cactus photo and then i "combined" it with a monet. i am STAUNCHLY anti-ai "art" btw this was Lich rally an assignment lol). but do you know what i learned (and what my whole class learned)? it's not fucking magic. it's LINEAR ALGEBRA. it's linear algebra on a truly batshit crazy level, combined with some crazy optical physics equations, but it's literally math. technically speaking, if you had infinite time, and were really insanely good at math (and really really perfect abt not making mistakes), you could do it by hand lol.
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ai art from prompts? that's just turning words into numbers (not hard!! i did a project that did that in my second year of undergrad in literally 6hrs!!!) and THEN doing some crazy math and turning numbers into PIXELS! the computer does not know what is going on. it is a FANCY CALCULATOR. WHEN U THINK ABT IT LIKE THAT ASSIGNING HUMAN TRAITS TO MATH IS INSANE.
like tech bros who are like bro chatgpt is aliveeee bc they talk to it is like. if i made my high school graphing calculator draw a smiley face and then was like omg it has emotions......
anyways. like do you know how many projects ive worked on that use AI/ML for GOOD??? like. same kind of techniques that ppl use to create generative ai "art" algorithms? used to do things like detect cancer in scans before human doctors can do it with any confidence. isn't that so fucking cool???? i interviewed w a professor who used machine vision (so literally the field that is now seen as being abt ai art) to figure out what nutritional/vitamin deficiencies ppl in remote villages in madagascar are likely to have based on SATELLITE IMAGERY. so that the overworked underfunded public health ministry could more easily meet their needs without necessarily having to do expensive testing on everyone! i mean, shit, i've worked on really cool sports analytics projects using machine vision. that's not exactly saving lives lol but like. just goes to show how many positive applications there are!
in terms of chatgpt vibes like. i've worked on natural language processing! it has so much more potential than spitting out misinformation!! silly projects for classes, like classifying what political party a politician belonged to based on their tweets, but also more serious stuff in the research i did, like analyzing international public opinion by demographic and country on various conflicts based on individuals' social media posts! analyzing covid vaccine opinions based on demographics, and how to encourage vaccination rates based on that!!
idk it's just. infuriating. that ceos and dumbass business majors (sorry to business majors but i have met a Very Specific Type who like to butt into my field and i am Not A Fan) have completely twisted these really and truly interesting projects and applications. to continually make more money and to cut out/replace more and more people. and the way funding has mirrored this kind of interest, in part bc it makes money (the remote villages nutrition thing is never gonna make money. working on chatgpt on the other hand...) and in part bc of like. basically fear-mongering? you get so much more attention for research in these really dramatized fields (and people lie ALL THE TIMMEEEEEEE to get more interest) and it's all CAP. it's BULLSHIT. and it's just to create buzz for big tech companies' bottom lines. they don't care that it's fear based, or whatever. like people being terrified abt the impact of generative ai bc of bullshit headlines and disinformation HELPS THEM make MORE MONEY. and it's so FUCKING STUPID!!!! it makes me SICK!!!!!!
anyways. it's all math, at the end of the day. and i found a job where i get to use it to help people but i still am like deeply grossed out by what comes out of my field and gets popular bc . i got into this bc i loooove data i love information i love finding things out. and i love using those things to help people... and there are ppl using the things i love to hurt people......... it makes me so sad. and mad.
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shruti3802 · 2 months
Exploring Generative AI: Unleashing Creativity through Algorithms
Generative AI, a fascinating branch of artificial intelligence, has been making waves across various fields from art and music to literature and design. At its core, generative AI enables computers to autonomously produce content that mimics human creativity, leveraging complex algorithms and vast datasets.
One of the most compelling applications of generative AI is in the realm of art. Using techniques such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) or Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), AI systems can generate original artworks that blur the line between human and machine creativity. Artists and researchers alike are exploring how these algorithms can inspire new forms of expression or augment traditional creative processes.
In the realm of music, generative AI algorithms can compose melodies, harmonies, and even entire pieces that resonate with listeners. By analyzing existing compositions and patterns, AI can generate music that adapts to different styles or moods, providing musicians with novel ideas and inspirations.
Literature and storytelling have also been transformed by generative AI. Natural Language Processing (NLP) models can generate coherent and engaging narratives, write poetry, or even draft news articles. While these outputs may still lack the depth of human emotional understanding, they showcase AI's potential to assist writers, editors, and journalists in content creation and ideation.
Beyond the arts, generative AI has practical applications in fields like healthcare, where it can simulate biological processes or generate synthetic data for research purposes. In manufacturing and design, AI-driven generative design can optimize product designs based on specified parameters, leading to more efficient and innovative solutions.
However, the rise of generative AI also raises ethical considerations, such as intellectual property rights, bias in generated content, and the societal impact on creative industries. As these technologies continue to evolve, it's crucial to navigate these challenges responsibly and ensure that AI augments human creativity rather than replacing it.
In conclusion, generative AI represents a groundbreaking frontier in technology, unleashing new possibilities across creative disciplines and beyond. As researchers push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, the future promises exciting developments that could redefine how we create, innovate, and interact with technology in the years to come.
If you want to become a Generative AI Expert in India join the Digital Marketing class from Abhay Ranjan
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measuringbliss · 1 year
Spider-Man Read-Through 028: Wedding and Whodunit (ASM 153-156)
This batch has it all: great art, Peter Parker being bisexual, a murder mystery, me making a fool of myself, a wedding...
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A wedding?!
#153 starts with a gorgeous first page that contrasts starkly with Romita's undefined buildings. It's lively, it's fascinating, simply gorgeous. I'm not eager for this era to end, believe me.
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Spidey notices that the light on top of the taxi car blinks in Morse code ("SOS"), which is absolutely brilliant. He saves the smart driver and proceeds to destroy his car even more, hahaha.
Later, Peter goes to the university (which is great to see, because for a while we didn't see much of that!) and...
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...Harry SUBTLY tries to come out (that hand grab! That hand grab!!!!) and Ross Andru draws beautiful eyes, just like in #141. I love you, man. He's definitely more comfortable with the cast now. And naturally, the coloring is gorgeous as well.
MJ is also funny and can't help but love Peter. And Harry's here for the drama hahaha. In fact, Flash has to push him away to give space to the lovebirds. MJ complains that she doesn't think Peter's worth fighting for anymore, then Peter gets angry at her and she IMMEDIATELY retracts and asks him to stay and says she wasn't really serious. I feel like MJ's backstory is seeping through here as I don't think it's the first time she quickly changes when facing an angry man. She's so facinating, and this scene is both sad and endearing.
Ned is also back, and with his pink vest! Love that for him. He needs Peter's help to interpret computer stuff for an article, so they go to interview Bradley Bolton in an empty stadium. I was a bit confused, thinking, "computers, in 1975? That's kind of niche, isn't it?" but turns out the first personal computer came out in September 1975 and this issue came out a month later!
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MJ's also there but she's watching from afar and this is sad. Oh, MJ. I hope something great happens to you soon because you need it.
A letter from the clubhouse quickly interrupts the meeting...
Turns out Bolton is being blackmailed by an evil guy who doesn't want a list of global criminals to become available, so the latter kidnapped Bolton's daughter.
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Our heroes goes to find Bolton at a homecoming party, and Peter's much more interesting in becoming a homewrecker than honoring is actual girlfriend.
He quickly goes back to MJ to dance on Kung-Fu Fighting (MJ insists it's their song, as well). MJ says that "dancing close like this" makes her feel like they're the only two people in the world, but unfortunately for her, Peter has undiagnosed ADHD and he's also a vigilante, so he notices Bolton's about to leave to meet the blackmailer.
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Oh Lord.
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I actually burst out laughing, and also, Peter thinks "Mr. Osborn, I could kiss you" and I'm ecstatic. Harry didn't need to look so creepy in that second panel though.
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In a reenactment of his last football match, Bolton rushes on the field to save his daughter and is mortally wounded, but he succeeds in protecting her...
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What a strong conclusion. What a strong issue!
Instead of the readers' letters, the squad tries to make sense of the Jackal reveal:
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I thought it was absolutely worth showing.
#154 is drawn by Sal Buscema, who'll feature more prominently in Spectacular Spider-Man, I believe. It continues "a few hours" after the last issue, with a quite frustrated Peter. It's not every day he fails to save somebody!
...Well, ever since The Night Gwen Stacy Died, it kind of is, but you know, it's the thought that counts.
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The Sandman escapes, which, sure, but more importantly, that mysterious dude from #152 is back!
...Wait. Is that. Is he seeing ghosts. Because I heard something about how Hammerhead was a ghost now or something after Aunt May's nuclear island exploded. Is it Doc Ock. Has Doc Ock lost his arms and is being persecuted by Hammerhead's ghost?! Because I feel like we're misled by the drunk guy being afraid of somebody. The reader's supposed to think it's Spidey, but hm.
The Sandman is instructed by a mysterious being to get some mechanism in a research facility. I wonder who it is... Here's a visual clue: the person smokes with that long thing that rich people used.
The henchmen (costumed the same as those who kidnapped Bolton's daughter) smoke too. I can feel the Code's influence waver!
At the facility, Spidey finds the Sandman, who traps him in a cryogenic converter supposedly destined to freeze sick people until they can be cured. HMM. My brain is still coming up with no strong theory, but also it's 5 am. The one who ends up frozen is the Sandman though... and the next issue is called "Whodunit"! How exciting!
Overall, this issue was alright. At least the Sandman battle was creative!
The last whodunit was #127-128, but I already knew about it (even if I'd forgotten pretty much everything). So let's try to figure that one, if my brain lets me!
#155 opens with the death of Armstrong Smith, an associate of Bolton.
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I'm already suspecting the blond guy.
Smith was killed by a small caliber, but the weapon hasn't been found. I think it's the weapon in the panel above, so that places the blame on that random police officer. Notice the door had to be opened like that, so it's a locked room.
...OR IS IT? The blond guy may have lied about it being locked, and the bullet might have gone through Smith!
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First off, I don't know what to make of that "THRACK". What's breaking? A bullet? But also. Lol. Computer science, everyone!
The computer puts out 3 names: Jason Sledge, Leroy Tallon, and Conrad Fox. Why do I feel like there's an annagram in there?
Spidey's interrupted by some police guards including my suspect from earlier with the small caliber. He escapes and goes to find Sledge, a janitor at Joe's Bar. He says a settled down. Tallon at a warehouse immediately goes "Shit! He knows!" when Spidey asks him for an alibi, which doesn't bode well for him... although I'm not sold on that track yet. (It's a police officer, fake or real, I'm telling you!!!)
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I wonder if he was an inspiration for the Talon from The New Animated Series.
Unsurprisingly, Tallon just stole jewels, he didn't kill Smith. I'm actually full-on suspecting Sledge now, since his alibi is "I was in my room alone" (= no alibi) and it's easy to fake being weak.
Still, Spidey goes to his last suspect and the narrator helpfully informs us that Spidey's watched enough Columbo to get by as a detective. Jesus! Columbo started in 68, I thought it was later, what the heck!
Apparently, Fox was buried just recently. Hm!
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Well, do you?
Look, the issue placed a lot of emphasis on the three suspects, so if we restrain it to them, it could be Fox (but Spidey says somebody "lied to him" and his search for Fox is REALLY brief) or Sledge. I'm voting for Sledge.
HOWEVER. If it's a trick, and the previous whodunit was tricky, it could very well be somebody who appeared earlier... but given how none of these characters was emphasized, I'm thinking this issue wants to be fair, so let's go for Sledge.
So Spidey returns to the computer and OH MY GOD.
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But how did the computer kill its creator, you ask?
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It keeps getting sillier. You know, I did consider that the computer might have lied, but thought "hey, Spidey thinks A PERSON lied to him, so that can't be it" but I was bamboozled.
And what happens when a computer from the 70s keeps shooting lasers everywhere?
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Wein and Wolfman, how did it feel, writing that final panel? I'm sure you thought you were funny!
...Well, that would be right. That issue was fun. As R25 mentions in the comments, "a killer-computer is too crazy option for one sober logic". You betcha.
#156 starts just after that, with Spidey ready to finally sleep a bit before Ned and Betty's wedding this afternoon...
But he's assaulted with a broom!
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It's his landlady! Hell yeah, I was hoping to see more of her.
Somewhere else, the drunk guy we've seen previously is still haunted by something (a ghost! a ghost!) and this time, it's definitely not Spidey as he just came home. He needs help, and he knows just the person...
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Meanwhile, the whole cast gets ready for the wedding and I'm delighted. It feels like watching Gossip Girl's final episode hahaha! Jameson made me chuckle, and naturally May and Anna leave together (they're lesbians your honor), and I'm very happy to see Randy again. Oh, hi Liz, I always forget about you, sorry!
(which I just did like a week ago)
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Peter having issues with his bowtie is very relatable. Use a clip, everyone!!!!!
The wedding ceremony proceeds smoothly, aside from a famished Peter, until the Mirage and his lackeys storm in! They steal from every wedding occuring in the building, and when it comes time for the Leeds to pay the price...
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Looking a bit Ditko-esque, Peter, are you alright?
There's a fun panel where Spidey runs on the ceiling and the speech bubble from the Mirage is flipped upside down, that's funny.
So the Mirage can project doubles of himself or something. The fight is alright but very verbose, however I do appreciate that Spidey realizes that if can't see the Mirage's actual position, he can simply... drop the overly large, priceless chandelier on his face. That works too.
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Yes, I showed this mostly because Peter's hot in the first panel, and the rest is is very pretty too. Watchagonnado?
At least, Ned and Betty will have quite an anecdote to tell new friends at party! And May is next in line for marriage! It's gay marriage's not legal yet, but do informal ceremonies count?
Anna certainly hopes so.
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...Octavius is looking kind of hot in this getup--
Well, Anna is certainly going to be sad.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
I genuinely think all creatives should hang out with ppl in some kind of scientific field. Science is so beautiful and fascinating, ppl who love math and like coding or whatever have a way of talking about it that just makes me see the soul poured into it. People who bring science into their art always make gorgeous work, I would do it but honestly I’m too impatient for science! Still, art with mathematical or biological properties is so stunninggggg ouvhdgh
Also u can help them with art and they help you with practical stuff.
This post was brought to u by my computer scientist girlfriend offering to help me make a portfolio website and being adorable when talking about coding shit I don’t understand.
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well-of-silence · 9 months
📌 This is my pinned post. There are many like it, but this one is mine!
Feel free to follow me (it's literally free and no one can stop you)
Any pronouns.
You can expect unhinged stuff, things that aren't quite right or downright strange. A lot of meme/funny text reposts. Some nerdy stuff too if I feel like it, I'm into computers and technology.
🐈‍⬛ Lover of cats, especially the black ones :3
I converse with The Mutuals™ so there's gonna be some untagged, potentially uncursed stuff going around.
I have a fascination with death/the macabre, depression, cats, personality disorders and how brains work. I'm asexual (sex indifferent) and over 21 (though the exact funny number is a secret 🖤).
Pronouns? What are those? Idk man, figure it out. Use what makes sense to you, I'm not gonna complain.
💌 Send me asks, DMS are open, I'm not sensitive/easily triggered so don't worry about upsetting me and I'm happy to help out/answer questions whenever possible. 💌
Kinda bad work in progress tagging system:
#well speaks - kinda just my opinions on things etc
#woinc cursed - Cursed/strange reposts.
#woinc creature rb - animals (probably cats, let's be honest)
#woinc art rb - Things people make with their super creative brains that makes my head wrinklies feel good
#woinc ask - My ask answer posts
#woinc random - I dunno, just things that are kinda out of left field for my blog.
#reblog game - uquiz, emoji games, etc
#picrew crew - picrew chains
#moots - conversing with le mutuals
#dandy tag 🌼 - for one of my lovely mutuals. Lemme know if you want one :)
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canmom · 2 years
@armo-fitgirl wrote, in reply to that post
AI is not just a product of capitalism! For those of us in the field, it's a noble scientific pursuit. AI is art, to us. If money didn't exist, nerds would still be building AI things - just because that's what we love
See, I get the view that leads you to say this. Building an 'AI', however the fuck you define 'intelligence', is a fascinating technical challenge that humans have been pursuing for... longer than there have been computers even, I get the romance. The alchemist's homunculus, the music machine, the chess-playing 'Mechanical' Turk: who knows how long humans have dreamed of a machine that acts like a human?
Before all this shit kicked off, I watched the developments in AI - the rise of GANs, style transfer, etc., the first 'Deep Dream', with curiosity and even amazement. When the first Midjourney pictures started landing, I thought they were kind of cool - they weren't trying to mimic human artists, but creating a new kind of fractal-like texture that was quite compelling in its own right. And I do understand that building a computer system that can on demand create something that looks like an original illustration created by an experienced human artist is a crazy, science-fiction achievement.
But like, I can't agree with this statement, about AI and capitalism. No matter how the individual engineers working on the project view it, the reasons for their work and the conditions in which they're working are completely inextricable from capitalist incentives, capitalist relations, capitalist technology. The only reason you're able to pursue your 'art' here is because the company behind it thinks it will make them overwhelming amounts of money and has invested a ton of capital to make that happen.
Who tags the images that go into the training database, what are they paid, where do they come from? Who constructs the data centre, and keeps it running? Who generates the electricity? Who manufactures the chips and circuit boards and computers and buildings, under what conditions? Who mines the rare earth minerals necessary for the production of high-end electronics, where, under what conditions? How is the material transported to the factory, how is a server transported to the data centre and installed?
And on the other hand, who pays the generous salaries of the AI engineers, that let them pursue full time the art of AI building? Who has the capital to build and run a data centre? Why is it to their advantage to allow use of the technology for miniscule, likely unprofitable prices now?
What do they stand to gain?
AI is not just the result of developments in the noble scientific pursuit of computer science or the clever arts of the frontline engineers. It is a product of the entire global capitalist machine.
(And, yes, the same is true of the unprecedented ability to learn about and create digital art we've enjoyed for the last couple of decades, the wide availability of art materials in the last century, the artistic subcultures and eventually mass media that have always shaped what art is produced.)
Could we imagine an 'AI' image generator developed outside of capitalism? Maybe, as much as we can imagine anything 'outside of capitalism'. Does that have much of anything to do with the technology that's being developed now, under the actually existing social system, for ends that only make sense within that system?
(Now, an extreme analogy: "Building Predator drones is not just a product of military-industrial complex. For those of us in the field...")
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ddaleishere45 · 1 year
Exploring S.T.E.M
By Dale V. Aldea (Grade 11-Perfection)
As a senior high school student, you've probably heard the term "STEM" being talked around countless times. Maybe you have heard that this strand is for students who wants to be a Doctor, an Engineer, even a Software Genius! But what exactly is STEM? Is it just more than just a senior high school strand? In this blog, we'll dive into the fascinating world of the STEM strand.
S.T.E.M and its origins
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STEM is one of many strands you can take up in Senior High School. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The S.T.E.M acronym was first introduced in 2001 by a a group of scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (Hallinen, 2023). The organization previously used the acronym SMET when referring to the career fields in those disciplines or a curriculum that integrated knowledge and skills from those fields but was later changed to STEM and since then, STEM-focused curriculum has been extended to many countries like the United States, Australia, China, France, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and was later introduced here in the Philippines by the K-12 program.
Decoding the Acronym
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S.T.E.M - SCIENCE Science is all about understanding the natural world, from the smallest particles to the vastness of the space. It involves asking questions, making hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data to discover the basic principles that govern the universe. If you aim to take science related courses or medicine in college, well you're in luck because this strand offers primary education for the said courses.
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Technology is everything from smartphones and laptops to life-saving medical devices and cutting-edge space exploration equipment. It's the practical application of scientific knowledge to create tools, systems, and solutions that make our lives more efficient, convenient, and safe. If you're interested in software development, computer engineering, or even app designs in college, this strand is for you.
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Engineering is the art of using scientific and technical knowledge and using it to design and make solutions. From bridges and skyscrapers to renewable energy systems and electric cars, engineers turn ideas into real, functional realities. The field of engineering is big, with specialties like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and aerospace engineering, to name just a few. Well in this strand you can learn the basics of those courses to prepare yourselves in college.
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Mathematics serves as the language of STEM. It is the foundation upon which all the other subjects are based. Our high school math classes help us develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning qualities that are highly sought after in any profession. Whether you are planning on taking a career directly related to mathematics or use it as a tool to excel in another S.T.E.M field, its importance cannot be overstated.
Is STEM important?
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The S.T.E.M strand in senior high school very important for students like me. The strand prepares students who are planning on taking on courses that are related to science, technology things, engineering, architecture and many more. The strand also focuses on enhancing the students problem-solving skills, critical thinking and creativity. This is a big help, giving us students a big boost in knowledge in the fields of science and math for college.
So keep this in mind, STEM isn't just a some random acronym made for Senior High School, it is a gateway of understanding the world around us. The strand equips students with knowledge and curiosity for the fields in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, creating a path for a bright future. STEM is more than just a strand, it is a journey of discovery and learning to limitless possibilities.
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uthra-krish · 1 year
Quantum Computing and Data Science: Shaping the Future of Analysis
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and data-driven decision-making, I find two cutting-edge fields that stand out as potential game-changers: Quantum Computing and Data Science. Each on its own has already transformed industries and research, but when combined, they hold the power to reshape the very fabric of analysis as we know it.
In this blog post, I invite you to join me on an exploration of the convergence of Quantum Computing and Data Science, and together, we'll unravel how this synergy is poised to revolutionize the future of analysis. Buckle up; we're about to embark on a thrilling journey through the quantum realm and the data-driven universe.
Understanding Quantum Computing and Data Science
Before we dive into their convergence, let's first lay the groundwork by understanding each of these fields individually.
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A Journey Into the Emerging Field of Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a field born from the principles of quantum mechanics. At its core lies the qubit, a fundamental unit that can exist in multiple states simultaneously, thanks to the phenomenon known as superposition. This property enables quantum computers to process vast amounts of information in parallel, making them exceptionally well-suited for certain types of calculations.
Data Science: The Art of Extracting Insights
On the other hand, Data Science is all about extracting knowledge and insights from data. It encompasses a wide range of techniques, including data collection, cleaning, analysis, and interpretation. Machine learning and statistical methods are often used to uncover meaningful patterns and predictions.
The Intersection: Where Quantum Meets Data
The fascinating intersection of quantum computing and data science occurs when quantum algorithms are applied to data analysis tasks. This synergy allows us to tackle problems that were once deemed insurmountable due to their complexity or computational demands.
The Promise of Quantum Computing in Data Analysis
Limitations of Classical Computing
Classical computers, with their binary bits, have their limitations when it comes to handling complex data analysis. Many real-world problems require extensive computational power and time, making them unfeasible for classical machines.
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Quantum Computing's Revolution
Quantum computing has the potential to rewrite the rules of data analysis. It promises to solve problems previously considered intractable by classical computers. Optimization tasks, cryptography, drug discovery, and simulating quantum systems are just a few examples where quantum computing could have a monumental impact.
Quantum Algorithms in Action
To illustrate the potential of quantum computing in data analysis, consider Grover's search algorithm. While classical search algorithms have a complexity of O(n), Grover's algorithm achieves a quadratic speedup, reducing the time to find a solution significantly. Shor's factoring algorithm, another quantum marvel, threatens to break current encryption methods, raising questions about the future of cybersecurity.
Challenges and Real-World Applications
Current Challenges in Quantum Computing
While quantum computing shows great promise, it faces numerous challenges. Quantum bits (qubits) are extremely fragile and susceptible to environmental factors. Error correction and scalability are ongoing research areas, and practical, large-scale quantum computers are not yet a reality.
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Real-World Applications Today
Despite these challenges, quantum computing is already making an impact in various fields. It's being used for simulating quantum systems, optimizing supply chains, and enhancing cybersecurity. Companies and research institutions worldwide are racing to harness its potential.
Ongoing Research and Developments
The field of quantum computing is advancing rapidly. Researchers are continuously working on developing more stable and powerful quantum hardware, paving the way for a future where quantum computing becomes an integral part of our analytical toolbox.
The Ethical and Security Considerations
Ethical Implications
The power of quantum computing comes with ethical responsibilities. The potential to break encryption methods and disrupt secure communications raises important ethical questions. Responsible research and development are crucial to ensure that quantum technology is used for the benefit of humanity.
Security Concerns
Quantum computing also brings about security concerns. Current encryption methods, which rely on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, may become obsolete with the advent of powerful quantum computers. This necessitates the development of quantum-safe cryptography to protect sensitive data.
Responsible Use of Quantum Technology
The responsible use of quantum technology is of paramount importance. A global dialogue on ethical guidelines, standards, and regulations is essential to navigate the ethical and security challenges posed by quantum computing.
My Personal Perspective
Personal Interest and Experiences
Now, let's shift the focus to a more personal dimension. I've always been deeply intrigued by both quantum computing and data science. Their potential to reshape the way we analyze data and solve complex problems has been a driving force behind my passion for these fields.
Reflections on the Future
From my perspective, the fusion of quantum computing and data science holds the promise of unlocking previously unattainable insights. It's not just about making predictions; it's about truly understanding the underlying causality of complex systems, something that could change the way we make decisions in a myriad of fields.
Influential Projects and Insights
Throughout my journey, I've encountered inspiring projects and breakthroughs that have fueled my optimism for the future of analysis. The intersection of these fields has led to astonishing discoveries, and I believe we're only scratching the surface.
Future Possibilities and Closing Thoughts
What Lies Ahead
As we wrap up this exploration, it's crucial to contemplate what lies ahead. Quantum computing and data science are on a collision course with destiny, and the possibilities are endless. Achieving quantum supremacy, broader adoption across industries, and the birth of entirely new applications are all within reach.
In summary, the convergence of Quantum Computing and Data Science is an exciting frontier that has the potential to reshape the way we analyze data and solve problems. It brings both immense promise and significant challenges. The key lies in responsible exploration, ethical considerations, and a collective effort to harness these technologies for the betterment of society.
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