#help Congo help Palestine
pilloclock · 11 months
PRO PALESTINIANS 🇵🇸 we must also bring awareness to Congo ! They are going through a silent genocide
LINK TO DONATE ⬇️ to fund doctors who will directly help women who are being r@ped daily and help them heal physically so they can have dignity and as normal a life as humanly possible
What is happening is barbaric and disgusting and I’m ashamed that I have only just learnt about this so recently. I’m sure like me none of you knew about this either (in the West) but now we know we have to talk about it. Keep talking about Palestine but talk about Congo too and Sudan
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karlmarxmaybe · 2 months
Resources for helping Gaza, Sudan and Congo
Donate to:
Operation Olive Branch's (https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch) spreadsheet of verified fundraisers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vtMLLOzuc6GpkFySyVtKQOY2j-Vvg0UsChMCFst_WLA/edit?usp=drivesdk of people suffering the genocides of Gaza, Congo and Sudan.
@Nabulsi and @El-Shab-Hussein's list of verified fundraisers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yYkNp5U3ANwILl2MknJi9G7ArY4uVTEEQ1CVfzR8Ioo/edit?usp=drivesdk for Gaza and @El-Shab-Hussein's list of verified fundraisers from his direct contacts in Gaza and Sudan: https://www.tumblr.com/el-shab-hussein/748756401076207616/hey-guys-i-have-a-priority-fundraiser-rotation?source=share
Focus Congo, an ONG accepting donations to provide aid to the Congolese: https://www.focuscongo.com/en/spende/
Friends of the Congo, another ONG that accepts donations to help Congo: https://friendsofthecongo.org/
Khartoum aid Kitchen: an initiative to feed people in the Sudanese state of Khartoum, affected by famine: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fight-hunger-in-sudan-the-khartoum-kitchen-appeal
Gazafunds.com: a website that presents you with rotating verified fundraisers for Gazan people and prioritizes those most in need: gazafunds.com
Esimsforgaza: initiative to donate e-sims to provide the essential Internet acess to families in Gaza, so that they can receive donations, search information useful for survival and contact their relatives: https://gazaesims.com/ Instructions in english for donating an esim: https://gazaesims.com/ and instructions in Spanish, translated by me: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DHHsHSAFJQrr3GPtZ5iG_5xUSGkIjVwpkpQy57XR3x8/edit?usp=drivesdk
Crips for esims: initiative to buy esims for Esimsforgaza. If you don't have the financial stability to maintain an esim, it is recommended you donate here; the initiative will use that money to maintain esims steadily: https://chuffed.org/project/crips-for-esims-for-gaza
Genocide is destroying millions of lives. Help the victims, be on the right side of history.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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About 48% of the world's cobalt reserves are in Congo, but 70% of the world's mined cobalt comes from there.
Cobalt is toxic to touch and breathe - and there are hundreds of thousands of poor Congolese people touching and breathing it day in and day out.
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gladysconnoisseurpost · 2 months
Stand with Palestine, Kindly Read Share and Donate
Hello, I am Purity Abdalla 32year old woman living in Gaza tents, I have two children, and I hope you know the current situation very well in Gaza. I have lived with type 2 diabetes since my early childhood age, but I have been managing the condition.
My condition worsened when I couldn't access insulin because of the protracted conflict in my war-torn homeland. I desperately need insulin (Humalog) injection and seek for medical attention which I have not had access to for the last one month, although I am a pregnant woman with type 2 diabetes, and I require a delicate insulin balance.
I feel like I am fighting for my life every single day. I am afraid if I don't receive insulin injection and medical attention i might go to coma and I don't know the state i will leave my young kids. A times I feel like there is no one in the entire world who can help me, but again I feel there are generous people who can come through for me.Anyway I have faced the cruel part of the world and hope well-wishers can come through for me.
I have opted for a fundraising appeal to help purchase insulin, go for medical checkup to ensure safety of my unborn child and for my life wellbeing Any amount will be much appreciated, and it may save my life from going to coma.
TARGET $ 127/$ 1380
BALANCE $ 1253
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kaya-p · 5 months
Please (im not pleasing you, you should do). share this. It gave me chills then (from the same age as this girl in the uk when it aired) , and it’s still does the same now. Free Palestine, Yemen, Congo and Sudan 🇵🇸 🇾🇪 🇨🇩 🇸🇩.
Just because it isn't happening here doesn't mean it isn't happening.
source from tiktok, save the children uk
daily click for palestine
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Plz watch this all the way through. We are on RED ALERT. we need to focus all our energy into making sure our house reps know we don’t want KOSA. I have links in the pinned post on my page with all the links you need
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orionsces · 8 months
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸 🍉 Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Tigray, Syria, Haiti, Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, Tibet. I've made a list for some donation and free resources for those who need them. Donation Pages and other resources you can help support (Donation Page for Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and other refugee camps) (The Palestine Children's Relief Fund) (Donations go towards Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) (Purchasing eSims allows people within Gaza to connect to the outside to communicate with their families and also to show what’s happening within Gaza) (A donation site which provides urgently needed humanitarian aid in moments of crisis and conflict in 70 different countries.) (A donation page for Sudan Relief) (A donation page to send water, food and aid to those who are living in Yemen.) Other ways you're able to help for free, contact your local senators, boycott, inform yourself and others! Anything you are able to do is able to help. Inform yourself about Sudan, South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Uyghurs, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Morocco Inform yourself about Haiti, Hawai'i, Puerto Rico, Tigray, Tibet, Uighurs, West Papau: (A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine.) (A free daily button you can click to help the people of Palestine and other areas of crisis.) (A comprehensive list of brands to boycott and reasons why.) (Another list of brands to boycott.) (Contact your local US senator.) (Contact your local Canadian parliament) (Contact your local UK parliament)
You can use this call script if you call your local US government.
Call Script: My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Representative's Name}. I am calling to ask that the Representative add their name to the Ceasefire Now resolution led by Representatives Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, regarding the unfolding crisis in Gaza. It is absolutely urgent that the Representative demand a ceasefire, and that they call on Israel to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The only way forward is addressing the root causes of violence: Israeli military occupation and apartheid, and ending U.S. complicity in this oppression.
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evilcado · 7 months
Some tips on how to spot scammers‼️
These scams can be under the pretext for *getting medication*/*getting a group of people to a safer location* or whatever new variations that may pop up in the future!
Not all of these are telltale signs that the person is a scammer but just some things I have seen in common
1a. Their accounts are barely a week old and has liked nothing much but posts of people answering positively to their scams sent to your inbox
1b. Only liking/reblogging posts related to the scam they're trying to sell
2. Linking a *go fund me* but it actually leads you to their paypal account under a different name
3. Lack of precise information/vagueness. Their last few lines are always along the lines of; please donate/help where possible because all they care about is money!
4. You've interacted; reblogged/liked/commented with whatever content recently so they send you their stolen paragraph from an actual person who's in need of help. eg. Charity, free Gaza
5a. Inconsistent pronouns being used eg. Sometimes using 'i' and then switching to "them" or vice versa
5b. In addition to inconsistent pronouns, there could also be randomly placed quotation or exclamation marks - meaning they copied it from someone
6. You could also try reverse google searching the images/paragraph they use by simply putting quotation mark followed by the paragraph eg. "paragraph"
7. Copying the paragraph and pasting it on Tumblr search. You'll instantly find proof by looking at others posts
8. Always check against a vetted source to know if their account is reliable
Always report scammers posts and accounts too!
As always, don't be so trusting/gullible of everything you see online! Always check its legitimacy before liking/reblogging or asking others to help them out!
Not everyone is a scammer, but it's important donations go to people who actually need it!!
Reblogs are appreciated to help spread awareness 🙏🏼 With that said, Free Palestine, Congo, Haiti, Hawai’i, Sudan
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embraceyourdestiny · 7 months
People are waiting for things to be history while it’s happening so they can say “oh why couldn’t we do anything to stop it?”
You can do something to stop it.
Murder is happening right now. People are being killed right now. Starved out. Infected with disease from manufactured conditions. Their homes and community being torn apart because of sickening and disgusting wishes from the people in power above us assuring it happens.
Stand up. Do something.
Don’t wait and say we should’ve done something to help when we could’ve. You’re complacent if you aren’t helping now.
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dickotadrevis · 8 days
I feel fucking horrible. I hope all the people who's DMs with me that Tumblr closed are doing ok. Listen. This is my silly account. This is where I do stupid shit; but I have to make an exception right now. It's been almost a week and staff still hasn't gotten back to me about my main account being shadowbanned and I can see people reblogging my art and memes here so I'm clearly visible. https://rentry.co/victorsfundraiserlist_directory <- This is my list of fundraisers who contacted me and those I was able to compile for DRC and Sudan. Please share them. Many of them are extremely far from their goals and they're all trying to survive fucking genocide.
I'll spotlight a few campaigns here, but they are by no means the only ones you should pay attention to. Please at least look at all of them.
My friend Hazem, who I was just congratulating a few days ago, had to raise his fundraiser goal so he can transfer the funds he raised for his family in Ghazza.
his campaign is vetted here (281)
Amir is a disabled child who is in direct danger of dying since he's unable to continue his vital treatments and special diet. He needs to evacuate Ghazza IMMEDIATELY but has only raised €2,379.
vetted here
This campaign is an evacuation fund for 5 WHOLE FAMILIES suffering under the Sudan genocide. They are all displaced and had their belongings stolen. They're exposed to the elements every day and have been in this situation for OVER A YEAR. They've only reached 1/3 of their goal.
vetted here
Elaf and her family lost their home and their belongings after it was raided by the RSF and have been displaced multiple times. They have no access to basic resources and Elaf's mother is in danger of her medical conditions worsening. They still have 1/3rd of their goal left to raise in order to evacuate.
vetted here
The Congolese humanitarian organization Goma Upendo is working to help support the displaced and impoverished people throughout the region. They have only raised $20,787 CAD out of their $50,000 goal right now.
Another incredible humanitarian organization in the Congo is Focus Congo, who are working to provide medical care and shelter to those suffering under the genocide. They also have a campaign to fund their work here. They're not even halfway to their goal.
Everyone, please share these and the rest of the campaigns in that directory. All of them deserve your attention and all you can do to help. Don't let them go unheard.
(by the way, I know the about section on the site says "DM me at @/victormcdicktor" but I'm sharing this earlier than expected so that account is still shadowbanned. If you need to contact me before I get unbanned DM me here, ty)
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queer-geordie-nerd · 7 months
A list of organisations working to aid communities around the world suffering humanitarian emergencies.
MSF provide urgent medical and surgical care in conflict and crisis zones, providing treatment to anyone who needs it, regardless of political affiliation or what side of a conflict they’re on.
The World Food Programme provides urgent food packages to communities that are most at risk of food insecurity, in places like Sudan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, the Congo, Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and many more.
The International Rescue Committee provides vital aid to people living in conflict zones, such as Ukraine, Gaza, and Sudan.
Action Aid supports women and girls around the world who are most at risk of deprivation and poverty, sexual violence and FGM. They also provide menstrual products in areas where it is almost impossible to find the most basic levels of hygiene and sanitation, such as conflict zones.
Beyond Conflict is a mental health charity working with survivors of war, with a focus on children, and are currently funding projects to help both Israelis affected by the Hamas pogrom in October and Palestinians affected by the ongoing war.
Refugees International works with refugees and displaced people around the world.
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gooogoogaagaaa · 7 months
Stream for donations to Palestine and Congo!!
The artists of the first 23 songs are donating their profits to Palestine and Congo for aid. Please stream as much as you can!
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bitchy-peachy · 1 month
Daily Clicks To Help Daily (among some trusted charities)
I was originally doing this for just my mutuals that I know desperately want to help but don't have the finances for it but since I will schedule reblogs for this daily, I will not shut off reblogs.
Now here I am ruining my bad rep again as an evil witch cos regardless of anything I say I want to help people in need regardless of nay sayers telling me not to. (Personality flaw of mine)
If you want to help Palestine financially this is definitely the place to go. Every click generates money through ad revenue and you can click multiple causes per day on schedule (which explains me scheduling this post)
I click on every single one of the links to generate money for them. They've gotten thousands of $$$$ to help multiple families in need.
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Here are all the categories you can click for. It costs you nothing. Just a couple of seconds of your time and that's it. As I said before, you can click ALL of them once daily.
Now on to some charities since I donate around $25 to $50 monthly to these charities (amounting to $200 per month. I prefer donating to charities rather than gofundme asks, especially unvetted ones. I don't like picking or choosing who to help or not because they're scattered in multiple gfm or can even be scamming. So I stick to charities ONLY to crowd help many people at once rather than individual smaller groups)
Not all these charities are for Palestine but I will link them.
!!! HELP UKRAINE (and page also links to other charity efforts for countries in need)!!!
Special note at the end under cut cos post is too long already. For non-mutuals that may have come across this. You don't need to read it but posting it just in case cos this is the only personally made post I'll make addressing this. Warnings for profanity.
I know I get repetitive but you don't have to have endless cash to help people. Just the daily clicks help people out especially when all those clicks come together in masse.
As I said before this was mostly for mutuals who want to help but feel they can't. Wanted them to see that even just a couple of their seconds can help.
Now I'm going back to my regularly scheduled programming of being mean, fandom content and occasional political content that gets people 🤬.
I don't like just spewing online as a form of "help" so I do quietly do charity work even though some racist people claiming to be on a certain side told me to shove my money (I now realized those are just vile right wingers that want people to suffer. Its disgusting what hate does. Don't let trolls take away your humanity. Be smart and not easy to anger like me)
Also don't want any racist assholes that want us ALL to burn touching this post. You make me physically ill no matter how much you lie about caring about any of this. All you do is sow division and make people not want anything to do with these causes and I almost fell down that rabbit hole and
I'm still kicking myself over letting these low lifeforce creatures, cos y'all can't be human, get to me. Sincerely eff off.
I hope others on the fence about helping due to feeling picked out come forward and start helping too as well. (Since I know there's good people out there)
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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misskuromichan · 8 months
Hi! You thought I was finished? Nope, not at all. Here's your reminder that we've reached day 106 of the genocide in Palestine. We should NOT be reaching 100+ days of a LITERAL MASSACRE. Therefore, I'm not going to let y'all live this down, because NOBODY should be okay with what's going on. Once again: Men, women, and children are being brutally tortured, mocked, and massacred by IOF soldiers. Gaza has gone without Internet for a week, and god forbid more are being killed without anyone's knowledge. How can anyone sit here and not be disgusted by the fact that tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed for existing, yet these colonizing monsters aren't being punished for being inhumane including the US and UK, who are definitely contributors to this?? The occupation NEEDS to stop. No person on this earth deserves to be wiped out so senselessly.
Another thing: If, for some godforsaken reason, the world has the audacity to make this evil genocide go on for 365 days, I will be SO GODDAMN PISSED. I am once again asking for you all to STOP ABANDONING YOUR HUMANITY AND RAISE YOUR VOICES. SCREAM IF YOU HAVE TO. WE NEED TO BE WASPS IN THE EARS OF OUR REPS. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO LIVE IN COMPLICIT COUNTRIES. I'm sick of seeing people's lives be cut short, all because some can't be bothered to care. I'm standing with Palestine and doing the best I can to help. You should be too, it's your obligation and your right as a human to care about them. No more dead children. No more dead civilians. No more mocking the innocent. No more famine. No more displacement. No more erasure of culture. Free Palestine, Free Palestine, Free Palestine 🇵🇸
P.S.: Pay attention to other genocides as well, like in Sudan and the Congo. Keep your eyes on all the countries that are forced to survive a genocide, because they need their freedom too. Everybody needs and deserves to be freed from oppression. Keep talking about everything! To everyone who's going through these genocides, I love and care about you. I'm proud of you for perservering, and I want y'all to get your land back. Stay safe, be careful, and always know that there are people fighting for you all and your freedom. You shouldn't have to prove that you're worthy of living a life free of occupation and cruelty: you were already worthy the second you were conceived. You are not just numbers and statistics. Your lives, cultures, families, and experiences are just as essential as anyone else's, and deserve to be kept alive and remembered.
Nobody's free until EVERYONE is free.
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The official senate vote is set to take place July 30th and then the senate goes on august break. If we can fight this bill and make sure it doesn't pass again, we'll have around a month before we have to fight it again!
This link below has a call and email masterpost with contact info for a few senators and 2 scripts (1 for democrat and 1 for republican) that works for calls, emails, and even fax! (yeah you can still fax your congress ppl. do with that info what you will) call and email and fax every day you can!
also, for my peeps that are still Minors, you can do all this too! you don't have to be an adult to contact your reps & senators! They don't even ask for your age! you especially need to be helping since this bill is trying to use you as a scapegoat and directly targets you. Don't let them unleash textbook fascism upon the internet in your name!
Spread the word! at the time I'm making this post (July 28th, 2024) we got a little under a day and a half to make as much noise as we can! SPREAD THIS LIKE WILDFIRE PPL
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