#constant work in progress for all relationships of all types
🎶I want to saaaayyyy…hello🎶 (How I haven’t used that one yet is incredible).
The day I run out of various hello lyrics and jokes will truly be a sad day in Tumblr history. Anyways, hello! It’s me. 💛. OMG I absolutely loved what you wrote for my last request. Tyler is just something else this tour man. Idk what he is eating, but he is just no filter and I live for it. Honestly, that oneshot might be one of my favorites from you (and that’s saying something because all your works are bangers).
So, you said you were willing to write Spooky Jim so I am going to torture you with my ideas because I feel like Josh’s Blurryface persona isn’t explored enough and I just think he looks good in red eyeshadow 🤷🏼‍♀️. I was wondering if you could maybe do an angsty oneshot where the reader is exposed briefly to Spooky Jim, but Josh quickly takes back control. However, Josh is horrified by that side of him showing so he sort of shuts the reader out. Eventually, the reader manages to convince him that she isn’t going anywhere.
I’ll be honest, I’m very excited to see how you do Spooky Jim, even if it is only briefly. ☺️
Spooky Jim - Spooky!Josh x Reader
Relationship: Spooky Jim/Josh × Reader
Warnings: Swearing, choking, violence, crying - lots of angst
Word Count: 791 - thought this would be perfect for a short blurb type piece so whipped this up in he back of my class lol
A/N: Hope this is okay! Sorry it took so long!
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The banging had been ongoing for hours, each hit and crash seeping through the walls that I thought were thicker than this. My head was throbbing and my brain felt like it was swelling within my skull. Josh and I had moved in together a few months ago and we’d been planning to build a soundproof studio so he could work on his music without it ringing throughout the house. But with tour coming up, he had to practice–there was no changing that. I always tried my hardest to be patient with the drumming and I definitely didn’t mind it behind Tyler’s voice and accompanied by a backing track but by itself it just felt like noise–constant noise that never ever stopped. I wasn’t against his music or him practicing–that wasn’t the case at all–but when it’s 10:30 pm and I’m trying to get a paper done, that’s a different story. I could feel every crash vibrate through the floor and into my body as I tried to focus and finish my research before the deadline. Closing my laptop and climbing out of our bed, I marched down to the basement as each step fell in time with the beats. The closer I got to the banging, the more I realized there was a backing track playing, a weak and gentle hum hidden beneath the drums. I leant against the staircase, waiting for him to finish the track which I’d recognised as ‘Heavydirtysoul.’ Something was off though, each hit of the kit seemed to get louder and harder as the song progressed, causing my ears to hurt. The banging continued, Tyler’s voice just peaking through the drums. Bang! Crash! Bang! Each hit caused a painful pinch in each of my ears until a loud snap rang through the room. Both red painted drumsticks in his hands snapped plainly in half, small splinters of wood flying across the kit. I gently placed my palm on Josh’s back, the gray shirt he was wearing slightly damp with sweat. He flinched violently, turning around and grabbing my wrist tightly. His fingers burned into my skin, the tips likely to cause a line of bruises. 
“What?” he spat, eyes completely bloodshot. 
“I was… uh… drums… headache?” I asked, completely in shock at the pain in my wrist. Josh stared at me blankly as if he was turning over thoughts in his head. 
“You want me to stop?” he smirked, standing up and throwing what was left of his drum sticks to the floor. I nodded slowly, desperately trying to figure out what was wrong. Very slowly he started to walk us up against the wall, my head slamming, causing a sharp wince to escape my mouth. “Do you think I have the time to care about your silly little headache Y/N? Do you think I’m not busy and need to practice Y/N?” he shouted. I could feel my heart thumping desperately in my chest, head rushing through possible ways to get out of his grip. He brought his other hand up to my throat, running his fingers across the rings of my trachea causing my eyes to widen in fear. He’d never tried to hurt me in the past. Josh was one of those people who would never hurt a fly, even when he was stressed out. My breath was shaky as tears poured from my eyes and I tried to pick my next words carefully. 
“Josh?” Almost immediately his expression changed from an intense stare into pure fear. 
“You need to leave,” he said, taking four large steps away from me. Something had changed when he heard his name, something important. 
“What?” I questioned, my voice raw. I could see two things out of the mirror in the back corner of the room. One: My neck had a large red mark in the shape of Josh’s right hand. Two: Josh’s hands were both shaking behind his back. 
“I said get the fuck out Y/N! Leave! Get out!” he screamed. With a heaving breath I ran up the stairs and out the front door, not a single thought in my head. There was nothing to think about, either I stayed down there with him and he could hurt me again or I could leave and be safe–and I wasn’t going to pick the first option. I ran and ran and ran until I found myself on the side of a busy road halfway to Tyler’s house. Car after car passed me as I stumbled in the direction of where I could remember his house being–that was the only place I could go. It was completely dark outside and the only lights were the occasional car and street lamp that I passed. As I reached into my back pocket for my phone I felt nothing–it was empty. Shit. Tyler’s house wasn’t too far from where I was and in a split second decision I decided to sprint there. I wasn’t going to be stuck out on the side of the road alone at 11:00pm. I ran and ran and ran until I found myself on Tyler’s front porch. The lights were on which I’d found odd given Jenna was on a trip with the girls and Tyler usually had the lights off when he was home alone. The night air was crisp, the cold air swallowing me whole as it circulated through my lungs. I stepped up to the door raising my fist to knock before the door opened, Tyler standing on the other side completely dressed and fully in black. 
“Hey,” he smiled, holding the door open for me. He clearly noticed the look of shock on my face as he reached for my hand and helped me inside. Every soft light in the house was turned on, the ambience calming and welcoming. 
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t be here. I’ll go.” He tightened his grip on my hand slightly telling me to stay where I was. 
“He said you’d probably end up here,” he sighed, leading us to the upstairs studio with the large windows–I loved that room. 
“Wait, you talked to him?” I paused in the door frame, Tyler walking into the studio and turning on the neon lights. He nodded, sitting down right in front of the wall of windows. 
“Of course I did. He called me the second you left the house,” he explained. I slowly made my way across the room till I was sitting next to him, my knees pressed flat against my chest. 
“So he told you what he did?” I sighed, looking out across the property. 
“He told me what happened, yes. But it wasn’t him, I’m telling you that wasn’t him,” he looked down at me. 
“I’m pretty sure the man with his hand around my throat was Josh, Tyler,” I snapped. In a complete state of shock I surrendered, Tyler pulling me in as I wept messily into his shirt. My chest was heavy as tears fell and I took quick breaths. 
“Y/N… it’s more complicated than that,” he rubbed my back.
“He… he… Josh…I–” I sobbed, each word muffled into his chest.
“You need to rest. We’ll talk about this in the morning,” he declared, moving to get up but I shifted my weight so I stayed on the floor. 
“Tyler, I can’t–we–please,” I sighed and he nodded, sitting back down.
“Do you want me to tell you what really happened or do you want to wait for Josh?” He checked his phone as if anyone would be trying to reach him at this hour. 
“I’m not going near him again so just tell me,” I huffed, wiping the tears from my face. He nodded before starting.
“You know Blurryface and how I have control over him most of the time?” I stared blankly at him trying to figure out where he was going with this. “Josh has a blurryface too except he’s called Spooky Jim. From what it sounds like, you met him tonight.” This couldn’t be true. If this was true then he would’ve told me, we’ve been together for a year, he would’ve told me. 
“No,” I scoffed, “that’s not fair… he–he wouldn’t–no.”
“I told him to tell you sooner but clearly he didn’t,” he sighed. If it was true then I couldn’t blame Josh for any of it. I loved him more than anything and I was going to stay with him–be there for him–because he needed me. 
“You’re sure?” I ran a hand through my hair, my palms sticky with sweat. “Yep,” he nodded. I needed to call him. I needed to see him. Anything to tell him we were okay. Tyler noticed me looking around the room and pulled out his phone. “He’s not gonna want to talk to you for a while Y/N. I’m sure Jenna’s told you about the first time Blurryface came out that I ghosted her for three weeks. He’s going to need time,” he started. 
“At least let me send him a text. My phone is back at the house,” I begged. He nodded, passing me the phone. 
“Keep it short. I can stop by the house tomorrow to pick up anything you need,” he spoke, getting up and leaving the room. I pressed Josh’s contact photo, one that Tyler had taken from their most recent tour. The most recent messages about an upcoming photoshoot. I started to type up my message. 
‘Hey. It’s Y/N’ (deleted)
‘I’m at Tyler’s’ (deleted)
‘I miss you’ (deleted)
‘Josh?’ (deleted)
‘I’m safe. I love you and I’m always here for you. Call me when you’re okay. I love you - Y/N’ (sent)
Requests open!
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jaynovz · 10 months
So I reblogged a post earlier about how your friends don't secretly hate you or think you are annoying and the way you know that is they're still hanging around after you go on an absolute deranged rant in the group chat and that nobody has the time or energy to put into a con trying to fool me into thinking they actually like me or whatever
And that I know my friends are busy and if they didn't actually like me they would spend more time watching TV than listening to me ramble etc and all of those are very good points!
However something that I think is also important to internalize is that--
Yes your friends and loved ones do you think you're annoying sometimes. It's not the end of the world! Because everybody's fucking annoying sometimes and *you* think they're annoying sometimes too. Even people who really really enjoy your company and like you are not going to like you 100% of the time. That is perfectly fine and normal.
The problem arises when people snip and snap at each other because they're annoyed and don't apologize or acknowledge it, right. There are many times that I am annoyed with my loved ones and so what I do is if it's not some actual big problem that needs to be unpicked I just take a deep breath and go take a walk or disengage and do something else.
You have all made a pact with each other that we like each other enough to move past any of the annoying moments. Again as long as it doesn't become toxic and it's not an actual issue.
Like sometimes I get in a mood and I talk and don't make sense or I'm grumpy or I honestly just talk too much or I talk in circles
I imagine at certain points that can be annoying
Anyway just a revelation that I had that it's fine if you're annoying, it's fine if you're a burden, we're all burdens on each other, that's called being alive and having relationships. Deciding to stick with a relationship and to keep working on it is the commitment we all make and choose to continue carrying that burden. Hopefully it is reciprocal but it will go in phases and cycles it's not going to always be 50/50.
All of that to say, you're allowed to annoy your friends and they're allowed to not always be 100% happy with you and vice versa. It doesn't mean they don't care about you, it means that human beings rub each other the wrong way sometimes and then we all as, hopefully, mature adults deal with it and grow and continue on.
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ceilidho · 1 month
soap developing an unhealthy attachment to his therapist post his brush with death after being shot at point blank range. he was reluctant to see a therapist at first because he didn't like what it said about him that he was being more or less strong armed into seeing a shrink (like no one trusts him anymore; they don't think his head's on straight since being shot), but as time goes on, he grows to cherish the relationship he's cultivated with his therapist because,
she understands him. she listens to him. where everyone else seems to want him to just hurry up and get better (the nightmares, the mid-sentence brain fog, the erratic mood swings, the silent brooding when he can't find the words, aphasia on the tip of his tongue, the constant, constant headaches and auditory hallucinations that he can't seem to kick), she doesn't put any pressure on him to heal right away. she works with him and his medical team; gives him the space to process what happened to him, and has a seemingly bottomless wealth of patience for him.
he can talk for hours in her presence. it's a shame their time together is limited to an hour and a half every week. the dulcet sound of her voice is such a comfort to him. it's a shame she politely but firmly rejects his advances when he finally asks her out, tells him that it wouldn't even be appropriate for them to be friends outside of his sessions. that it would in some way hinder his healing journey. which pisses him off because Soap has progressed in leaps and bounds since those early days when he used to stumble over his words sitting on the couch across from her, head in his hands when the language felt beyond his grasp, a fine tremor still running through his hands that he's since managed to contain,
his head is throbbing again. a sharp pain above his eye that pulsates like a drum in his head and -
he thinks about her constantly. in and out of sessions. she's a frequent topic of conversation when the brass finally lets him back out in the field, Makarov finally dealt with (resting six feet deep in an unmarked grave). he ignores the looks oscillating between concern and worry that Price gives him. ignores the way Ghost barks at him to quit bothering the bird in the tight skirt and fuck someone that won't get him discharged. ignores the way Gaz pulls him to the side to ask if maybe he needs to see another therapist, y'know, mate...get some distance.
they act like this is something new. an abberation and not his very nature. like he hasn't always been the type to lock onto a scent like a hunting dog. a sniper by training. he sits and he watches and he waits; waits for the right moment that he alone knows.
it comes to him on an inauspicious day, when he's leaving the training facilities and spots his sweet thing rummaging around in the boot of her car, her ass beckoning him forward like a siren's call. now, now, now, the little itch in his head says, the voice that knows when the time is right. it's a sense acquired through conscious and unconscious observation, letting it all filter into his frontal cortex until he knows without knowing that the parking lot is empty apart from the two of them and the men at the base gates half a mile away.
it would take nothing for him to come up behind her and push her into the boot. nothing to wrestle the purse from her hands and slam the trunk shut. nothing to drive off base with a flick of his fingers to the guards that hardly ever bother to question him before he leaves (though they know what car he actually drives), made complacent by familiarity.
and he knows that it's wrong, knows that there's a line that he shouldn't cross, that choices have consequences, but,
his mouth salivates when her hips twitch, the urge to take settling over him. surely they'd forgive him one indiscretion.
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fawnpires · 2 months
thinking about himbo!simon and his bimbo girlfriend being so disgustingly in love with each other.
you two were the definition of a match made in heaven— a sweet girl, pouty glossed lips and this constant urge to be spoiled with her huge mass of a counterpart. sure, simon’s had his fair share of occasional motel hook-ups and such, but you were just… something so different to him. said hook-up turned into the love of his life. and it makes sense, for sure.
not only were you two the most air-headed couple out there, but also the downright nastiest. he just could not resist your tempting fashion taste, everything ever-so-neatly pink and cropped. cropped tracksuits, pink little thongs, mini-skirts that were just too short for your own good... it’s years worth of perfect jack-off material. i mean... he's ultimately stupid, of course, but is probably the perviest guy you've ever been with.
your reactions to his teasing touches were an addiction to him. made you all the more sensitive and pliable, gives into that already-huge ego he had. near bursting when you fed into it. those whiny mewls and the way you ended up with a messy cunt and ruined panties at the end of the day were just to die for. starts to find himself more hooked onto that now you've succumbed to him and his way of things. the guy's seeping into your brain, influencing you, shaping you into being as equally worse as he was. what an asshole.
at first, it was tame— nothing out of the ordinary, a normal, healthy relationship. causal sex and daily worship to keep each other on a holy level of thought. of course, there was the occasional suggestive touch in public, getting overly touchy to each other some extent, albeit more outgoing within the privacy of your shared apartment. you would never act on any type of hungering impulse he brought out on you, because you were a shy girl all in the start. affectionate as a lost puppy up against him, as pretty and ditzy in-appearance. some spoiled princess who’s had her mind all switched up.
but relationships change, people change, and simon’s just about change you these past few months.
the belief never really crossed your mind… until you’re obliviously playing into the part, falling for his perverse tactics. there’s no shame when you’re on your tip-toes, arms in a lock around his neck, leaned up to sloppily make out with him, spit and all, outside of the gym after he’s spend a majority of his day there— sweat adorning his biceps, a tight-fitting cropped compression that showed off all his well-worked progress. how could you not give in? then you’d pull away, giggling in a lovesick trance while he’s running his hands up from the curve of your ass under that skimpy skirt to the mid-point of your back.
and it doesn’t stop there— especially when you’re out together, or with friends. there’s always a moment to surrender; shamelessly clashing lips, bending and pounding you over the sink in some club’s restroom, having his hand shoved down your panties like it was natural instinct. safe to say you’ve disturbed a good portion of the general public and your friend group, but it was way beyond you and simon’s combined brain capacity to really process that.
“you’re a little stupid, si,” you mused aloud one day, back arched against him while his meaty bicep held you in a gentle headlock and his hips slowly moving against yours, “not stupid… but like, hm, slow. y’know what i’m trying to say?”
simon temporarily pauses in his thrusts, blinking down at you silently before continuing. you tilt your head to the side in wonder and take a breath before sighing from the simulation— there was time and place for musing and sex. nobody said the two couldn’t coexist.
“never really thought ‘bout that,” he manages to respond through some low grunts, looking at you so intensely like he couldn’t quite get his head correct right now, primal state of mind, “can’t really think right now when—“
a soft groan subconsciously pulls from his lips, hips driving into your puffy cunt more firmly, leaving an imprint of you into the mattress, and your legs shake in position. now you can barely even think about the question, all you know it felt fucking good. your makeup’s dripping and fusing with sweat, eyes decorated in a sickeningly, somehow swanky, mix of glitter and mascara.
“i’ve got my dick up this pretty pussy. princess, is that what you’re really concerned about right now?” simon finishes, the hand to his headlock arm holding a tender grip on your face.
you admired his ability to even put words together right now, especially when he’s got his cock so deeply perched in your pretty pussy that’s gripping on him like a damn suction. feels like he’s on a whole other planet, and you’re over here in a little wasteland of drifting thoughts cooped up at the back of your brain.
(there’s no way he is that good at fucking you to the point where he’s got you pondering dumb shit out loud.)
“it’s an honest observation,” you giggle, chewing on the plump bottom of your lip. his thrusts are really starting to set in now, making your lower tummy feel all fuzzy, reveling in an achy warmth. makes your cunt all the more soaked, resulting in his abdomen saturated with transparent slick. you’re convinced your insides are shaped have been like him at this point.
“well, if we’re making honest observations,” he strokes his thumb over your lower lip, leaning down your curved posture and pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth, “you’re a natural, baby. my girl’s got the prettiest tits, prettiest face… and the cutest damn pussy i’ve ever had the luck of having a chance at.”
heat blooms across your face, visualized over wet cheeks and suddenly your whole body’s burning from the inside out, breaths caught at the back of your throat when you stare back at him and whine out pitifully, “you’re such a filthy perv, simon.”
“ain’t that right,” he tilts his head backwards with closed eyes, lips formed in a lewd, sharp grin. his words sound like a mock reassurance, and untangles his arm from your neck to shift positions— back against the headboard, propping you up to sit on his abdomen, pussy so drenched in your slick and his own that it paints his taut abdomen with it. “now c’mon, on top, angel, know you can do it.”
simon holds the base of his cock with one hand, the other rubbing molded circles into the flesh of your doughy thighs. he’s helpful, thank god, and does the most by slapping the length of himself against your sticky folds. abrupt, messy, but sends an intoxicating shock right up your spine, causing your back to arch like a cat and dig your acrylics into the hardened skin of his pecs. your form was beautiful in perspective, as always.
you finish off what he’s started by raising your hips, sinking down onto his fat cock and stretching around him impossibly to accommodate his entire length, gaining back that sensation of being so full, so feverish because of what he does to you. using your cunt as his own personal stress reliever.
“oh, that’s real good,” he lets out a particularly heavy breath, sucks in the air through clenched teeth and tenses his muscles, the head of his cock already managing to kiss at your cervix. he’s so big and it wasn’t even an exaggeration. not at all. has you feeling this euphoric high of pleasure-pain. “c’mon, baby, put in that good work. i’ll even help ya.”
he keeps his word and grabs either sides of your hips, assisting you as he bounces you efficiently on his cock like a doll, jabbing the tip repeatedly at your cervix. paled eyes, ones that have that deer in the headlights sort of look, fixate their gaze on you— admiring you as if you were beauty reincarnate itself, or better yet, a pornstar. the prettiest pornstar he’s ever laid eyes on, at least.
“see? there we go, baby, a real natural at this,” he praises and your eyes roll so far you think that they would get stuck at the back of your head. you’re fucking yourself onto him like your life depends on it— and it probably does, having this feeling that you’re going to die without him and that stupidly fat cock of his rawing your pussy. it’s almost comical.
the sounds pulled from your throat are pitchy, soft and infused with unadulterated arousal. there’s nothing else to think about right now, not when simon’s all up in your guts and all that you can really do is moan out for him, breathe out his name like a prayer from your tongue. brain’s gone to mush and you can only yearn for him, having this need for him to kiss and embrace you whole so he does that, arms caged around your torso wholly and his lips clashed with yours in a kiss like he’s devouring you whole.
you’re so braindead that you don’t even notice he’s doubled on the stimulation— hitting that spot deep inside of you along with his fingers rubbing at your clit. it’s not long before it begins settling in, and that’s when you’re beyond save.
from there, you start to give out, revolving your hips in an intricate fashion, fucking yourself down onto him lazily, laying on the large expanse of his chest and nosing against his jawline gently. he doesn’t seem to mind this and even accommodates in the long run, cupping the back of your head and littering your face with messy smooches— contrasted to the fervent manner he works on your clit.
and you know you’re not a touch-starved girl, ‘cause you’ve been constantly pampered by him from day one! god, he’s given you so much that it really does make you feel like you’re genuinely deprived of it. ruined you for every other man.
“you’re too good to me, sweetheart.” simon coos, and for some ultimate reason, that just does it for you.
by the end, it’s nothing but an mind-numbing, scalding finish— the brand of skin-on-skin, and that knot in your lower stomach spreading into a warmth throughout your limbs, leaving an aftermath of tingles beneath your skin and a dripping, thick load painting your inner thighs the prettiest shade of white.
it takes a minute, but you watch through a post-orgasm fog when he lifts his head, peering down at you through half-lids. he was so… rugged, stubble growing in the right places, short, scruffy strands of dirtied blonde sticking to his forehead with sweat. one of the more major things that had deep-rooted your love for him. most things about him screamed masculinity, it’s written all over his face, his form. quite palpable, you think.
he grins slightly, boyish and on a high, and holds you against his chest, fingers brushing the disheveled hair that fell in front of your face. thinks you’re peak beautiful like this— messily beautiful with your makeup-smeared cheeks, hint of a dopey smile at your lips to match his.
“baby, you’ve got that look in your eye again,” simon comments, and you finally find the strength to sit up next to him.
you blink at him stupidly, that underlying sensation of quivering fresh at your skin, brain foggy, dumbified to great lengths. eyes widened and lips in a full pout because you haven’t got a clue what that means, so you just opt to take it as a tease.
“you’re sayin’ i look dumb?” that must’ve been it, of course there other possibilities, but you couldn’t quite come to that conclusion.
“what? baby, no,” he has this equally as stupid look on his face, scratching the side of his face with a grunt, “i meant… you look pretty. real pretty. got that after sex glow to you.”
“oh.” now you just feel ten times stupider, flashing him an awkward expression that’s something along the lines of a smile and a pout. you were just a dumb, sweet thing. that’s all. head dipped into somewhere else ninety-nine percent of the time. “whatever— you’re just butterin’ me up.”
“awe, now, don’t be like that,” he scoots closer to you, the fragrance of his natural, masculine musk and his pungent spiced cologne strong against your nose. fondles your bare tits lovingly, pawing at them like a helpless mutt. the sight makes you want to roll your eyes and whine, but you just can’t bring yourself to. he’s acting sweet and doting, nothing to complain about there. “we both know you can’t go a damn day without me all over you.”
a modest hmph came from behind puffed cheeks and ample pout because you knew he was right. in the end, simon always knew how to get you worked up— make your thighs press together, have your body burn up inside. the only one who knew how to get you that vulnerable.
“you’re so dirty.” of course he was, there’s no doubting that, but he’s undeniably smooth with it. goddamn practitioner in this line of skill. “hun, it’s like all you’ve got up there is just… fucking. thinking with your dick.”
he furrows his brows at that. “hey, now you know that ain’t true,” simon presses scattered kisses along your hairline. “partially is, but besides the point, actually two things— sex… and this sweet princess i’ve got right here. it’s all a man like me could ever think of.”
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atinystraynstay · 8 months
Late Night Cravings - Lee Jihoon
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Synopsis: It's a Friday night, and your hard-working boyfriend has locked himself in this recording studio once again. Jihoon felt guilty for the nights separated from you, whereas you would do anything to watch his fantasies become a reality.
Pairing: Lee Jihoon x fem. reader
Genre: Angst - Jihoon feeling guilty, fluff, established relationship, soft smut - MINORS DNI
Contains: dirty talk, fingering (f. receiving), dom!Jihoon, unprotected sex (wrap it up, my friends!!), squirting, creampie
Word Count: 3.5k
Jihoon let out a frustrated groan. His fingers drove through his hair, frustrated beyond belief at the song-writing process. It wasn't like him to get stuck like this, but here he was - unable to form even words.
He glanced towards the clock and grimaced at the sight of it being close to 2am. He was hoping to have been out of here around 9pm, so he could have made it to your apartment by 10pm. Jihoon was under pressure from the company to get a new demo to them by Sunday. Yet, here he was on a Friday night, barely making progress. He should be with you instead.
When you guys together, you knew that the relationship would require a lot of work. You weren't dating any guy, after all. Music was Woozi's passion in life. You wanted to encourage him to pursue every project that screamed for his attention and the ones he got the most excited about. Even if it meant that he had to cancel plans or you went days without seeing each other, you would do it for you.
That's the part that made Woozi feel the most guilty. You made all these sacrifices for him, sacrificing your own needs to allow him to pursue his goals made him feel lousy. Aren't relationships supposed to be about equality? How can you give that to him when his career doesn't allow him to make such sacrifices? There was very little wiggle room for him when there were constant deadlines and meetings.
Maybe the reason why Jihoon put so much pressure on himself was because this was his first, genuine relationship. He's had flings with people here and there, but they weren't meaningful to him. You, on the other hand, meant everything and so much more. He wanted to make things right with you.
There was a gentle knock on the door. Who could that be?
"Come in," Jihoon called out. He made sure to hit save on his computer on what progress he has made. Even if it was minimal, he would be devastated if it all vanished suddenly. It might be someone from the company who wanted to talk logistics, which can be a length conversations anyways.
The door slowly pushed open. He leaned over his chair to see who it was.
"Surprise?" You called out.
His eyes grew wide at the sight of you. You had your hair pulled back into a high ponytail and were wearing sweats. Yet to him, you looked like you were ready to walk the runway. He picked up on the scent of take-out coming into the room. He glanced down to see your hands holding a white plastic bag. Though he glanced at the clock to see it was 2:07am. You should be asleep.
"Is now a bad time?" You frowned.
He quickly shook his head before spinning his chair around, so he could easily push himself up. He was just absolutely speechless that you knew that he needed a distraction. Realistically, he needed you.
"It's never a bad time, darling." His heart swelled just seeing you in front of him. How did he get so lucky?
You relaxed as you watched Jihoon cross the room to get to you. Jihoon never was the type of person to let height stand in the way of things, but he always found it adorable how you still had to look up at him.
Once he stood in front of you, he cupped your face. You couldn't help but giggle as he tried looking down at you with a stern look. Yet, to you, he was the least intimidating person. His eyebrows were slightly scrunched together as he gazed down at you. His thumbs running over the soft skin of your cheek made you weak in the knees.
'I just thought you'd be asleep right now, sweet girl. You know I don't like it when you're up too late or you're waiting for me." "I know, but I just couldn't get comfortable without you in bed. And then I figured you haven't eaten so I thought maybe food might help you while coming to see you would help me."
Jihoon's heart broke at your statement. He wanted desperately to be the man you deserve, the one that is punctual and not forgetful. There were too many times he could count when he felt like he had let you down. Tonight is an example of that.
"I truly don't deserve you," he sighed." His forehead found yours. You watched as his eyes fluttered shut, as he was just taking a moment to feel you so close to him after what felt like centuries apart. "How can I ever make it up to you, angel? How can I repay you for being so damn understanding?"
Your hands moved up to gently rest on his. Your fingertips were caressing against his strong hands which caused his eyes to open. The sight alone caused his heart to melt. You were looking up at him like he was made out of the stars. And to you, he was.
"I just want to be around you, Jihoon. That's all I need."
Suddenly, a thought popped into his head. He removed his hands from your face, so one hand could hold onto your hip. With his free hand, he took the takeout and put it in the mini-fridge. The mini fridge was closer to the front of the studio, right by the couch. He never liked bringing food over towards his equipment, in the case something spilled. He wasn't a fan of messes.
This time is an exception.
With ease, Jihoon lifted you up in his arms. Jihoon could never produce something as beautiful as the sound of your laughter.
His hands were resting underneath you which allowed you to wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. You let out a gasp in surprise before breaking out into a fit of laughter.His arms flexed underneath you, wanting to ensure you that he'd never drop you which caused you to stop the laughter and blush.
He couldn't help but smirk at your now shy reaction. "Oh darling, what's wrong? Something on your mind?" Jihoon walked the two of you over to the leather chair in front of his mixing board. You bit your lip gently, shaking your head. You were honestly just speechless by his strength.
"Tell me, darlin'. What are you missing the most?" He asked as he sat down on the chair. It was the perfect position that already allowed you to straddle him. You got yourself situated, not missing the throaty groan that escaped him.
But he wasn't about to allow you to have the upper hand.
"Have you missed the way my arms feel around you?" As he spoke, his hands started caressing your back. The feeling of the warmth of his hand sent shivers throughout your body in the best way possible.
Slowly, his hands began moving from your back towards your sides. He let his hands run up and down, his fingertips just grazing along your side. It sent goosebumps throughout your body even just feeling his touch through your clothing. He knew all the little ways to make your brain go fuzzy.
His eyes were trained on you, waiting for a response. He couldn't help but smirk as he watched you nod your head gently, your eyes bouncing from his to his wondering hands.
"Or have you missed the way that my fingers split your pussy open? How your tight walls will squeeze around them when you're on the brink of an orgasm? Or do you want to leave my cock to the stretching of your pussy, hmm?"
Your jaw dropped at his words, at the quick 180 he took. He kept one hand on your hip, ensuring you wouldn't go squirming away from him. His other hand moved down your thigh, resting high up. You could feel yourself getting wet with anticipation.
"Because I know I've missed the way you scream for me. I've missed the way your back arches and eyes roll whenever you squirt for me."
Jihoon couldn't ignore the little whimper that left your lips. It caused him to snicker as the hand on your thigh moved up to play with the drawstring of your sweatpants. It was tied in a pretty little bow. Jihoon always loved how fiercely independent you are. It was admittedly one of the millions of reasons why Jihoon fell for you.
Reason a million and one was how easily he could make you crumble, how wrapped around his finger you were. It was a mutual love.
"I've been neglecting you a bit too long, haven't I?" he pouted slightly. "Let me make it up to you, angel."
Without further hesitation after receiving a nod from your head, Jihoon undid the bow before dipping past the waistband of the sweatpants. He shivered with excitement at the feeling of your warm ski underneath his fingertips.
Much to his surprise, he didn't feel a second layer underneath. He looked up at you with an eyebrow raised. Immediately, you knew what he was wondering about.
"Like I said, I missed you in bed."
That was enough for Jihoon to take action. With your legs already straddling his waist, he knew you were in the perfect position for his wandering fingers. His index and pointer fingers gently ran up and down your slit. He bit his lip at the feeling of how wet you already were for him.
He couldn't keep his precious baby waiting any longer. His two fingers slipped into your warm, wet pussy. His eyes fluttered shut so you couldn't see the rolling of his eyes at the feeling of how tight, how inviting you were from his. Your own head rolled back slightly, hips pushing towards his as you craved for more.
"I should really punish you for being so impatient right now when I'm giving you what you want," he murmured. His hand moved up to hold your chin, making your head tilt back to look into his eyes. "But I like too much knowing you need me as badly as I need you right now."
And he did need you. You could feel his boner growing harder against your thigh, twitching almost to be freed. You wanted so desperately to touch him, to provide him some relief as well, but you weren't sure you were allowed.
Not when it seemed that Jihoon was adamant about providing you pleasure first. His fingers began to thrust in and out of your pussy. Your juices were coating his fingers as they were pushed all the way.
Jihoon took a moment to admire you in this state. Your chest was starting to rise and fall, just as soft whimpers and moans were leaving your lips. The feeling of your warm pussy clenching onto his fingers just enhanced how beautiful you are. All for him.
His fingers began to curl towards your g-spot which made you gasp. His tongue was poking out of his mouth slightly, a sign of determination you've grown so accustomed to. He also didn't let your clit go unoccupied as his thumb was rubbing fast circles into the bundle of nerves. Jihoon has always been talented with his fingers.
"Is that what you've been missing?" Jihoon asked teasingly.
You shook your head quickly as you made sure to look into his eyes. His fingers were grazing against you g-spot, sure. And you were on the brink of facing your first orgasm, but it's not what you wanted.
Not when it felt like you were being suffocated by the layers you were wearing, or how they were beginning to stick slightly to your skin from the sweat. You wanted to experience a closeness to him you've been craving for one too many nights.
He slowed down your fingers, curious as to what was going on in your mind. His head also tilted, an eyebrow raised as you studied you for a moment. "No? Oh, baby. Use your big girl words."
"I need your cock in me. I want to cum with you in me and to feel you cum in me. I need you to fuck me so hard that I can't move afterwards. Please," you begged him.
Now, who was he to deny you? Especially when you asked so sweetly.
Jihoon's fingers stilled in you as he gazed up into your eyes. You were whimpering, hips subconsciously grinding against his fingers. God, how did he get so lucky? He could see the lust swirling in your eyes.
"Take off your sweatpants baby then mine. I'll give you what you really need."
The moment his fingers slipped out of your sweatpants, you immediately were tugging off your sweatpants. He chuckled at your eagerness. He took the opportunity to slip his fingers into his mouth. He groaned at the taste of your pussy on his fingers. He's missed the taste of you.
Feeling eyes on him, he looked to see you staring at him. Your mouth was slightly open as you watched him suck on his fingers, suck you off his fingers. He was so beautiful.
"Sweet like sugar," he murmured. He moved his fingers out, a soft 'pop'' sound echoing in the room. Due to your heightened awareness, it sounded like a booming stereo. You were just so hyper fixated on him, and could anyone blame you? He was the love of your life.
With your sweatpants now pooled on the ground, you did as Jihoon asked. He lifted his hips up slightly so you could pull off his own grey sweatpants, allowing them to join yours on the floor. Much to your surprise, Jihoon also went without boxer briefs. His cock, once freed, slapped up against his stomach and stood at attention for you.
"You know, I've missed you just as much, angel." His hands reached out to you, pulling you back into his lap. You straddled him once again. This time, you felt his cock brushing against you which sent a shiver of excitement down your spine. Finally, you had him right where you wanted him most.
Leaning forward, you began pressing tiny kisses along the side of his face. His cheeks heated up at the intimate gesture in such a heated moment. You always wanted to remind Jihoon just how loved he is, all of him.
His thumbs caressed your hipbones as he guided you to hover over his cock. "Give me the go-ahead, y/n, baby. I'm ready whenever you are."
Your hands moved to gently rest on his shoulders. Slowly, you ceased your kisses against his skin to be able to pull back and look down at the place where you two would connect. His pre-cum was coating the tip of his cock, which was throbbing and bright red. Jihoon has always been thicker than other guys you've been with. It made your mouth salivate, want to put him in your mouth and suck him dry. But you couldn't deprive yourself of the feeling of his cock in your pussy.
"Please, baby. Don't want any longer. Let go."
That's all he needed to hear. His hands now gripped your fingers, creating small indents in your flesh. He let you sink down onto his cock, sending the two of you groaning at the sensation of being filled with each other.
Before your hips could get to work on riding him, Jihoon took action first. He began thrusting his hips upwards almost instantaneously. He wanted to make sure that you could feel all of him, every inch. You moaned as he stretched you out in ways your own hands or any sex toy could. It was as if he was made for you.
"Is this what you've missed?" he huffed slightly as one particular thrust filled you completely. It made you choke on air at the feeling of him all the way up nearly by your cervix. Holy fuck.
You nodded your head as your forehead soon rested on his. Your eyelashes rested against your cheeks, lips hovering above his. He noticed how flushed your skin has become as you became overtaken by the pleasure and euphoria.
Jihoon grunted lowly as his hips fell into a fast, steady tempo. Just what you liked. His mind and body felt fuzzy yet electrified as the feeling of your pussy, of your body so close to his.
Your juices were starting to coat his bare thighs. The sound of skin smacking against skin, and how wet you were bounced off the walls. It was the most beautiful symphony.
Jihoon could feel his cock pulsate, the familiar burning in his stomach. He didn't want to end what he felt like was just getting started. But you were right there with him, the feeling almost becoming too much for you. Your stomach was tightening, threatening to spill.
"J-Jihoon," you whimpered out. You felt like it was too soon. You wanted to stay inn this moment as long as possible. It felt like if you released too soon, you would be ruining this beautiful moment.
You weren't even aware of the tears that were glossing your eyes. Jihoon looked directly into your hearts. Cooing lightly at the sight of your eyes, he shook his head. "Don't worry, angel. I'm right here with you. You can let go," he promised you. This time, he was the one pressing kisses into your skin.
Jihoon made sure his hips picked up momentum. He was going deeper and harder. The tip of his cock grazing against your g-spot which sent you spiraling. That's all you need to let go.
One of your hands gripped onto his shoulder. The other rested on the back of his head. Jihoon always loved the feeling of your fingers in his hair. It brought him so much comfort and pleasure.
On one particular thrust, you lost it. You cried out in ecstasy as your vision went white, almost as if you had been catapulted into the stars. Your back arched gently, as Jihoon ensured his arms were wrapped around you to support you.
Jihoon's eyes widened as he felt you squirt. Hard. All over himself, you, and the leather seat beneath the two of you. Holy fuck. That was the hottest thing he's ever witnessed.
Your body began to tremble, burying your face into his shoulder. Your fingernails were running along his scalp as if you were trying to bring yourself down to reality while simultaneously comforting him. For what? He wasn't sure. However, his heart was swelling with love at the sentiment. You always placed him before yourself.
Soft whimpers were leaving your lips as Jihoon was still thrusting. He cooed into your ear, kissing the shell of it gently. "I know, angel. I know. Be patient with me. I'm almost there."
All you could do was nod your head. You tried lifting your hips to help bring Jihoon closer to the edge, but he had it under control. The feeling of your trembling body against his, as well as the memory and evidence of your orgasm clouding his mind, helped bring him to the edge. He let out a loud groan as he thrusted one last time before spilling his cum into you.
Another whimper left your lips. You always loved the feeling of feeling so full of Lee Jihoon, both during and after sex. His white seed painted your walls, but some already spilling and dropping onto the leather seat.
This was the one type of mess Jihoon could tolerate.
Jihoon's fingers were typing away at the speed of light. Words that became lyrics that turned into verses flooded his mind. He was trying his hardest to get it all scribbled down, so he could at least give something to the company on Sunday.
"Finally," he spoke under his breath. His voice was deeper, exhaustion evident. He had finally put something together.
And better yet, he could spend tomorrow solely focused on you. He smiled seeing the words on his work computer, ready to be shared and for feedback.
He glanced up at the clock once again. 5:12am. After ensuring the work had been saved to his computer, he was satisfied. Now he could return to his priorities.
Spinning in the chair, he was greeted by the sight of you. You were wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt Jihoon leaves around. I mean, the man is known to spend days locked away from the rest of the world, so keeping a spare change of clothes was essential to his survival. And much to your happiness, you were able to be wrapped up in clothes that smelled just like him.
The sight of you curled up on the couch, hunkering underneath a blanket made him feel so soft. He felt protective over you, knowing he was the only person who could provide you all the finer things in life but also humbled that you chose him. You just were delicate, the whole universe in his eyes.
"Come on, pretty baby. Let's go home."
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osarina · 19 days
honestly the most tragic relationship in civzai/pmreader universe is yosano & reader and i will stand on that hill forever.
like originally i was thinking maybe they only rarely interacted while on tokoyami island, but the more that i thought about it, the more i realized that they probably did interact frequently. mori would've wanted his "immortal regiment" as soon as possible and to have it perfected, he needed reader's ability to be able to "heal" the soldiers' minds. so mori would've likely had yosano try to help her figure out how to work her ability. they would have been friendly enough with each other, the only two young girls in the warzone, both dragged into this war in some manner or another, yosano probably saw her as a younger sister tbh being 3 years older, wanted to help her as best as she could.
and then mori does mori things. when yosano's help doesn't give him the progress he needs, he starts using other tactics to try to get her to develop her ability in the way he needs. starts comparing her to yosano, starts holding her place at his side over her head, threatens to send her back if she can't be useful. all things that a kid in her situation would be terrified of.
and like you guys have to understand pmreader does NOT have a reliable narration of those years. like we'll see it in the canonverse & the civzai verse (which is actually what stemmed this post), but her memories of those years are very warped courtesy of trauma & mori's manipulation. it all happens directly after she watches her entire village slaughtered in the crossfires of the great war so she's already very unstable, and mori gets in her head VERY quickly.
so she thinks back to these years and can only remember the threats of being dropped back off in the ruins of her village & the way mori held yosano as a type of idealized figure that she'd never be able to catch up to no matter how hard she tried. "be more useful like yosano and you can keep your place here" and stuff like that. she doesn't have like ANY memory of the months yosano spent trying to help her figure out her ability, doesn't remember how she would sit with her for hours and tell her that she's making good progress even when mori would give that disappointed frown, doesn't remember anything because its all been warped and twisted by moris' constant threats and comparison. so naturally she becomes resentful and hateful about it.
meanwhile, poor yosano only remembers the 7/8 year old girl she tried & failed to help, couldn't do anything when mori separated them and turned reader against yosano. yosano got off of the warfront and out from under mori's thumb, but reader didn't, and yosano has had so much guilt over it for years, living in the what ifs and wondering what ever happened to her.
and obviously mori's manipulations of reader never stopped after that—probably gets worse, even, because he would lament losing yosano while keeping reader, would've preferred the opposite. so when reader and yosano meet again years later, reader immediately rejects and spurns her, and yosano is just soooo distraught over it like the one person that could rlly truly fully understand her rejecting her in such a manner HURTS. hurts even more when she sees how reader has turned out so similar to mori bc she still remembers her as the kid she was and failed to protect.
i suppose while we're on the topic - i always get a lot of questions about reader and mori's relationship. dazai kind of mentions it in 'i laugh like me again,' but reader has like undying loyalty toward him that he definitely doesn't deserve. as shitty of one as he is, he's the only father figure she remembers, she still feels like she owes him her life for rescuing her from the warzone and has a VERY intense complex of trying to make him proud of her. i wouldn't say that mori doesn't care about her, he does in his own way, but whatever feelings he does have for her are overshadowed by his ambitions.
anyway tldr: yosano and reader are tragic, and mori is a cunt. i feel like im missing stuff concerning reader's and mori's relationship but that wasn't the point of this post anyway maybe ill make it its own post
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
Hello! Just a quick comment, I adore your work. It's really great! On that note, may I request a senku ishigami x fem! reader, where they are married in the future modern world (after they rebuilt civilization), and everyone (the media) questions both senku and her about their relationship status as a married couple, since even though they are married, they still look like they're just besties and don't really act like they are married. And some other people (mostly acquainted businesswomen) swoon over senku and start asking the reader if they did that and some other mature and vulgar questions that makes the reader uncomfortable, so she snaps at them, returns home, and she tells senku about it and he comforts her. If it's too detailed, IGNORE!! take care!!
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hi anon! thank you for your kind words and for your request! i've had an idea to write something with married Senku for a while now so thank you yet again for indulging me. i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself!
warnings: implied nsfw language but nothing descriptive + some slight manga spoilers
wc: 1.8k
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Nobody ever expected Senku Ishigami of all people to get married.
What was even more surprising was that he married you- not because you were disliked, but because you were quite the opposite; a genuine person with a kind heart, a curious mind and a passion for learning. With common goals and mindsets, it was easy to befriend Senku, and soon enough, a close friendship between you, Senku, Taiju and Yuzuriha was formed. You had been with the Kingdom of Science from the very beginning, being one of the first people to break free from the stone and proving to be incredibly resourceful. Throughout the Kingdom of Science’s missions, victories and roadblocks, the feelings you and Senku had for each other started to develop into something more than close friendship. 
Your friends could scarcely believe it when the two of you revealed you were dating. There was no loud announcement or big public displays of affection that gave it away, but rather a comment that slipped from you referring to Senku as your boyfriend. They all turned to Senku, looking for confirmation, who simply stared dumbly at them and said, “yeah. Didn’t you know?”. The two of you weren’t the type to make your relationship obvious, but once it was out, your friends were shocked at how they didn’t catch onto the flirting banter, loving gazes and acts of service sooner. 
Time went on, missions continued, and the two of you only grew closer, but never excessive when it came to physical affection. And just as you both never announced your change in relationship status the first time, you didn't announce your change in relationship status when the two of you got engaged, and later, married. One day, when civilization was finally on the road to revival, rings suddenly appeared on your fingers, and it took a surprising amount of time for anyone to notice due to all the busyness. Needless to say, when your friends found out about this progression in your relationship, they were more than happy and more than surprised, more so for Senku than for you. 
When the news eventually leaked to the media, the press went wild. Interviews were constantly attempted to be organized and there was even the occasional ambush out in public. It was irritating not only to you and Senku, but to your family and friends who were also interrogated on the matter. All of you had mostly done a good job to avoid the press, but today, they had caught you particularly off guard on your way to the lab. As soon as you stepped out of your car, a wave of reporters with microphones and notebooks flocked toward you. Flashing lights and overlapping voices overwhelmed your senses instantly. You were getting sick of the constant intrusiveness, so you figured if answering a couple of questions would get the press off your back, then what was the harm?
You smiled and nodded politely at the crowd, deciding to spare a couple of minutes before meeting with Senku and the rest of your science team. “Y/N! Is it true that you and Senku Ishigami are engaged?” You held up your right hand to show off a silver ring with a small, glittering jewel on your finger. Though Senku wasn’t big on tradition, especially considering humanity’s reset, he couldn't deny the warmth that bloomed in his chest when he stared at his own wedding band. “Married, actually. For a month now.” 
“Was a wedding ceremony held?!” another reporter cried out. Senku was weary about it, but your friends and family insisted on a wedding. It was nothing grand, but vows were exchanged, you tossed a flower bouquet into the crowd (and a disappointed Luna caught it with conflicting feelings) and you were surrounded by your loved ones. It wasn't yours or Senku’s style, but you undeniably had a good time. You remembered Senku complaining about Taiju insisting on tradition when the two of you retired to bed that night, and then contradicting himself when he suggested a double wedding between him and Yuzuriha and Senku and yourself, which made you laugh at Senku’s disgust over the idea. “A small one, just with our closest friends and family. Senku was especially skeptical…but we had a good time.”
“Have you two had any intimate time together before or after you got married?” 
You couldn’t tell who had asked this question, but you subconsciously drew your eyebrows together and squinted your eyes, the smile on your face dropping for a brief moment. “Senku and I, along with the rest of our team, have been very busy…the wedding was a nice break from work but we spend plenty of time together in the lab.” You laughed awkwardly, and before anyone else could comment or ask a question, you felt a pair of hands suddenly rest on your shoulders.
“Sorry everyone! Y/N has somewhere to be!” A familiar woman’s voice spoke up from beside you, and you were relieved to see two business women you and your team worked closely with interrupting the impromptu Q&A session. Both you and Senku were well acquainted with the women, and you knew them to be very friendly people.
As the two steered you away from the crowd and into the building, you sighed as the noise from outside grew muffled behind heavy walls and turned to thank your saviors. “Really didn’t expect reporters to be so nosey about a scientist’s private life.”
“You’re working on big things! Any sliver of humanity you two show, they’ll report on.” One of the women chuckled, and you smiled exasperatedly.
“But it does make me wonder…have you and Senku had any? You know? Alone time?” You glanced uncomfortably at the other woman, instinctively inching away from her. “We’ve been busy…as I said to the press.”
“Yeah, but you know! You’re a married couple now! You’ve got to have some action by now, right? What’s he like?” 
You stopped walking alongside the women and shot them a dirty look as they stared at you confused. “Why is it any of your business what my husband and I decide to do in our free time?” The women eyed each other and then looked you up and down. “You don’t need to get so worked up, Y/N! I mean it’s Senku! You of all people should understand why we’d be curious!” 
“It’s none of your concern. Thank you for excusing me from the crowd back there, I now need to be heading upstairs.” And with that, you walked past the business women and toward the lab.  
All day Senku could tell you were in a foul mood, but he could also tell that you weren’t up for sharing what was bugging you. Considering the two of you were at work, he decided it would be inappropriate to ask in front of your team and would wait until everyone clocked out for the night. The two of you were always the last ones to leave the lab anyway. Still, it didn’t stop him from glancing over at you from time to time and observing your behavior throughout the day. 
After a long day of work, you exchanged goodbyes and goodnights with your fellow scientists as they slowly left for the day one by one, until only you and your husband remained working away. There was no more busy chatter and bustling activity at this hour- just pen against paper, the gentle whirring and clicking of machines and an overall sense of ease as you winded down for the day. 
As you were about to suggest consulting with another scientist for your project to Senku, he suddenly spoke up, asking you, “is everything alright?”
You were caught off guard by the question and you looked up from a paper to Senku, who was leaning over a short counter, writing up notes. “You seemed to be irritated by something this morning. Don’t want whatever it is to affect your work.” He lightheartedly teased as he turned to look at you, but his grin slowly faded as he took notice of your tense face.
“Just some weird questions asked about us this morning.” 
Senku eyed you as you turned away from him, hunching over your own set of papers. “Those two business women?” 
You turned toward him again in surprise, seeing Senku with his eyes shut as if he were thinking hard, now leaning against the counter with a hand on his chin, the other supporting his elbow. “Can’t remember their names for the life of me.” He says as if he doesn’t work with them. You rolled your eyes while he opened his and looked down. “They’ve been acting real chummy with me recently.”
You stared surprisingly at him upon this revelation. These exact women have also been badgering Senku?
“Yeah, they’re a real pain. I obviously told them to bug off, but they seem to be pretty persistent. Must’ve gone to you when they realized they hit a dead end with me.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms with a frown, but then he turned to you. “We could get rid of them.”
“What?! You want to fire them?!”
“Calm down, I just mean we can get them to leave us alone. Relocate them or something.”
You stared at Senku as though he had grown a second head, and you thought hard until you were startled by his cackle and wicked grin. “I mean it’s not like they’ve been doing their jobs all that well! They’ve been too busy gossiping like school girls to realize how unprofessional they’re behaving; we’d have a valid reason for letting them go!” But he stopped and turned toward you when you suddenly placed a hand on his shoulder. “We don’t…need to get rid of them. You can threaten them or whatever but…all that isn’t necessary.”
Senku turned away from you and chuckled, his voice softening once again, but still holding on to a little bit of firmness. “They made you uncomfortable, Y/N. That’s more than enough reason to do something about them.”
It was occasional instances like these when the passage of time really hit you, when the growth you two have undergone really shines. The teenager you met all those years ago wouldn’t have turned away an ally because they were bothersome to one or two people. Before civilization was running, there was always a potential threat, some great obstacle that required monumental amounts of work and help to overcome. But no matter what, you and Senku had the most absolute faith and trust in one another. There was no challenge you two couldn’t overcome, and that proved true even today, with society back up. Senku is still the same old him- the logical guy who covers up his sentiment by finding a logical reason to justify it. 
“And…there’s no way to fully get the press off our backs...but we could always amp up security, you know?” Senku gave you a sly smile. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you stepped forward to hug him, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek that you hoped conveyed the gratitude you felt for his words.
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figs-and-cigs · 1 year
Saw a post recently that said if you're not a good communicator you shouldn't be in a poly relationship. My first thought was, "right communication is an absolute MUST!" But thinking about it some more, I think there needs to be more nuance to the idea. What makes good communication? And who's to say who should and shouldn't do polyamory?
I'm an easily overwhelmed, agoraphobic, introvert - and at times communication IS hard. I often seek alone time with very little interaction with the outside world.
I had a girlfriend who HATED texting and wanted lots of in person face to face time. That relationship slowly unravelled and disappeared - without communication. I'm a texter and couldn't fit my schedule or find the spoons to spend more time with her - and she never texted.
I had to explain to a new person I'm dating that I'm not good at asking a lot of questions - which can look like a lack of interest and a failure in gathering information for a good match. The reality is I figure others will tell me what they want me to know over time as they get comfortable, and if it's important it'll come up. Meanwhile, I'm an open book. I communicate with lengthy paragraphs and stories to paint a picture of my world. Which often gets others to share similarly - through text, and more importantly get to know me on a deep level. In person I'm spastic mess, I get emotional about everything and excitement or frustration can jumble words into an incoherent rant.
When I'm upset, I cry... And trying to help someone see my point of view doesn't work well between frustrated sobs I can't control. With my husband we make an effort to take a pause with intense discussions and let me write/text it out. And while he can be a stoic type during emotional discussions - giving him time to process is important. But my anxious attachment will precieve it as if I'm doing all the communication and he's got nothing!
I also unintentionally go into circles and rants as I process which can be overwhelming to the other party. I've been in relationships where we'd talk and talk and talk and talk until we'd exhaust each other and that talking might turn into yelling or unhealthy silent treatments. Neither of us could understand each other or find common ground.
To prevent this with my husband we set timers. 5/5/10. We each get 5 minutes to share our thoughts, and then we'll have 10 minutes to collaborate on a solution - or to bond or support each other.
I have a FWB who I rarely hear from. Maybe every few months when he's in town and able to set a date to meet. He's not the talkative type unless we're alone in a room together - and I realized I'm ok with this. I don't need constant contact to enjoy my time with him.
I think a huge part of healthy relationships is meeting people where they're at and accepting each other exactly as we are. The good, the bad, the messy, and perfectly whole. And it's beautiful and wonderful! But it's also complicated and hard. Not every relationship is going to last. But the experiences together are valuable nonetheless.
When our communication styles and skills are different, what do we do!? Ironically, we communicate about it, and even a "bad communicator" can find work arounds. I think it comes down to boundaries and trying to understand each other. And if it doesn't work out between both of you - it doesn't mean we can't find someone else who it can't work with.
And while we can find total acceptance of each other one would hope each of us is working on personal progress and improvements in areas that we struggle.
Just like there's no one right perfect way to be poly, I don't think there's only one right perfect way to communicate. We each need to find what works best for us and our individual relationships. And it's going to vary and be different almost every single time.
The end.
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fullsunstrawberry · 10 months
Who in nct dream members do you think you'll have:
• Healthy, consistent, and serious relationship
• Slow (progress kind of) relationship because one is so shy
• On and off relationship because of constant LQ
• Friends with benefits (kind of) relationship because one cant commit
• Rationship where y'all don't have much time with each other because of work
• Relationship where one is always childish
• Strictly business (arranged) relationship
(hope you understand what I mean. my mind is in shambles rn)
Jaemin (Healthy, consistent, and serious relationship): I just feel like he is the most mature when it comes to relationships. He's the type to not let you fall asleep upset AND DEFINITELY NOT IN SEPARATE BED!! It doesn't matter how big the argument is, prepare to stay up and solve it so y'all can move on. He's in this for marriage baby
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Renjun (Slow relationship because one is so shy): He's the type to fall in love with a friend. He was shy when you guys first met and then he got used to your company. But then he starts to fall for all your tiny little traits that he finds adorable. Then he gets shy AGAIN! Leaving you all confused as to why...
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Jisung (On and off relationship because of constant LQ): Definitely his first relationship and you guys started off as friends. It would take him a little bit to adapt to the new relationship. Which is a struggle for you. Every little argument that occurs he asks if you are breaking up with him...sometimes you just had enough and say yes before leaving. But every single time he apologizes. You forgive him because he usually learns from his mistakes and won't do it again. looked up what LQ meant cause I had no clue what it is and still don't
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Haechan (FWB relationship because one can't commit): I feel like he would be in a friends with benefit situation because he's really busy but wants to get some stress relief if you know what I mean. Tells himself he can't commit because he's too busy and it will just be another distraction. Says all of this but will definitely fall first. Gets all jealous when you bring up going on a date with someone or hooking up with someone else. He would 100% become very clingy out of nowhere and make you question your feelings
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Mark (Works too much): i feel like this one was a given…this boy is always doing something. But he wouldn't want a FWB relationship because he likes having a connection with someone. He would apologize constantly even though you told him it was okay. Basically moved all his stuff to your apartment so when he gets home he can see you even just for a little bit. Definitely expect a lot of love songs written about you.
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Chenle (Relationship where one is always childish): but in a good way, he feels comfortable around you. Most of the time you guys have a playful relationship; playing video games, board games, forces you to play basketball, and watch the games. But he also has a serious side to him. If you are having a bad day he will try to make you laugh but when you don't even crack a smile, he knows it's serious and will spoil you with what every you need.
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Jeno (Strictly business arranged relationship): I feel like either him or Jaemin would be asked to be in an arranged relationship for the public eye but Jaemin would be against it. Jeno wouldn't really care. But he didn't know just how much time you two had to spend together because this boy is gonna fall...and he's gonna fall HARD. Gets delulu and basically acts like you are in a relationship all the time even when you're not in public. Prepare to be confused!!!
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Hoped this helped your mind a little bit...Had me thinking too
love these who in nct dream questions
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alpydk · 4 months
Romantic smut prompt: before Karlach’s engine cools down, she and Shadowheart use the tadpole connection for mutual masturbation ❤️
Sharing is Caring
Thanks for this prompt, it was fun, difficult, but fun. I'm learning a lot about me and smut which I sort of expected but yeah, always learning. Hope you like this. Of course a Happy Pride to everyone, which I've failed to say, I'm sure.
Word Count - 1506 - CW - Smut - F/F
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Singed lips had not been the result Shadowheart had been looking for the first time she'd kissed Karlach. She’d expected hot, maybe a little steamy as they’d crept under the cool waterfall together, eager hands upon one another in light quick touches, but the lengthier kiss had been met with a healing spell she hadn’t anticipated. “Well, I guess that’s out of the question then,” she spoke, a slight resignation in her tone.
The two friends had spent the weeks journeying together, pilfering wine from the camp supplies when they could, drinking and sharing in ways the cleric had never thought possible. With very few memories and a natural distrust for anyone, it had been a shock to find someone like Karlach who bulldozed through all obstacles, whether physical or metaphorical. Their pasts had mattered little to each other, their futures even less. The tiefling had been a heated dragon’s breath of fresh air to Shadowheart, a new lesson on how to focus on the present and seizing the moments that mattered. Fresh memories had been created between the two, ones she would not be so quick to surrender on her return to Shar’s grasp.
It had been a night sat alone on the rocky clifftop where they’d first shared their feelings with each other, schoolgirl type blushes expressed which had caused Shadowheart to scoff, brightened firelight licking up from Karlach’s shoulders in response to the reaction. One upgrade to the barbarian’s infernal engine had been enough for a quick steal of a kiss with the unknown help of a stray ice bolt from Gale. With that, they’d both been secretly working on ideas of how they could further progress the relationship to something more than just shared alcohol and what ifs.
They couldn’t rely on Gale being involved every time, even with the flirtatious comments he sometimes spouted, and advice from the other members of their party had provided useless. Astarion had offered playful remarks about watching, though Shadowheart got the feeling he wasn’t even interested in that, his act one she was familiar with herself. Wyll had talked about the pleasantries of talking to build a relationship, one idea which Karlach had grown bored with quickly remembering her times alone in the tents of Avernus. And Withers… Well, what did a dried skeletal corpse know of sex? The two potential lovers would simply have to work this one out alone.
One darkened evening, as the clouds drifted in front of sparkling skies, the pain retreated a short distance from the camp, bottles of wine in hands, the idea being to use the nearby waterfall to act a constant coolant for Karlach’s heated flesh. At first it had seemed to have worked as the elf’s delicate hands drifted upon her companion’s skin, the battle earned scars risen against the pads of her fingers. The water steamed around their naked bodies, a hot spring of their own creation merging with the internal warmth of shared liquor.  
Travelling hands led to soft kisses laid upon one another, their idea working well as the air grew thick around them both. Shadowheart leaned in for the kiss eagerly, the tiefling’s firm hands holding around her hips to give her the height she needed in the depths of the pool. For a moment it had been perfect, the warmth of their lips upon another, the twisting of tongues searching, and then came the quick prickling and the need to pull back.
Unspoken frustration was expressed between both; a silent trudge back to the shore and the wine now drunk to bury unexpressed sensations. Karlach shifted uncomfortably on the quickly drying earth beneath her, the leather of her armour not the welcome touch to her heated skin. “You know, Fringe… This might be an odd one, but what if we use the worm?”
Shadowheart took a swig from the bottle in her hand, her lips pursed to the cool glass opening and her eyes focussed on the neckline that she wished she could suckle on instead. She thought over the concept. They had used the tadpole in the past for sharing visions and messages when needed, its presence not a complete negative aside from the well-known fact that it was destined to transform them into soulless monsters. She lowered the bottle considering the idea; it could work. “Well, I’m willing if you are.”
The tiefling gave a playful grin; her sharpened teeth gleaming, ready for what was to come. She let her mind wander; the tadpole reacting to the connection between the two. She could see the elf in her mind’s eye, the way the pale skin seemed to glow against the astral background they floated in. Karlach gave the world a background, sunlight over forest clearings, fluffy clouds floating aimlessly above them. Both stood naked in this envisaged dream, Karlach’s flames now muted to nothingness, her reddened flesh a stark contrast to Shadowheart’s.
The cleric saw the wildflowers, purples and whites that spattered the surrounding green wilderness, the tiefling’s need for the life of the world around, the touch of prickling grass under their soles, the distant sound of falling water but a silence hanging in the area, an anticipation shared between them. She approached slowly, trying not to break the illusion in front of her, her own love of night orchids appearing under the shaded edges of the tree line.  
The two met, soft hands drifting upon one another’s arms, testing how far this idea could go. As Shadowheart felt the warm grip on her, she let out a soft sigh; the tadpole working in providing not just visual but also physical aid in what they both wanted. She knew not how her body lay on the shores near the waterfall, only that in this moment she could be free to express herself. She felt her mind tug with Karlach’s, the shared longing for each other passing over through the conjured world. It had been so long since being with another person; self-imposed isolation placed up, as per Shar’s commands, but she cared little. She wanted to kiss, to feel, to love, and she wanted it with Karlach.
The smile was all Shadowheart needed to know her thoughts had been received, similar coming back to her own tadpole, whispers of how life was too short to regret not sharing love. And that’s what this was between them, a love that both feared to waste. She leaned in, feeling the wine tinted lips of her companion upon hers, her hands drifting over the ridges and scars of the tiefling’s body. She heard the hungry moan of desire in her ear and control was lost to her. There was only the yearning of long denied hands on flesh, frantic kisses placed over long observed bodies. Shadowheart forgot the tadpole, Shar, her mission; there was only her and Karlach, desperate fingers tracing the point of no return.
Firm fingers danced upon her own delicate flesh, the grass beneath them both folding under the rolling of their bodies pressed against one another. She let out her own whimper at the touch, so much different from the nights she had spent alone. Her hips arched into the sensation, her mind unravelling, the tadpole continuing to support them in the fantasy. Karlach gave a subtle bite to her shoulder, the pinch fuelling the cleric on further, pleasure and pain a combination, one she was used to. Fingertips continued their motions, light rubbings building in speed as the pressure each of them felt grew. With physical aspects being felt, the emotions and sensations built in intensity; each climb to climax, passing the barrier between their minds.
The illusion flickered between them as the precipice neared, the tree’s vanishing before reappearing, eyes clenched shut and breathless gasps heard. The warmth of the tiefling’s fingers seem to increase, but Shadowheart knew there was little time before she reached her peak, her body trembling and hips quivering in her lover’s grasp. She felt as the strong thighs clenched around her hand, the waves of release being felt by her companion and with it she let go of her bindings entirely.
The water lapped upon her boot; the stars shining above her and a salted breeze from the coast whistled through the trees that surrounded them. She opened her eyes, turning her head to see the satisfied smile of Karlach; the tiefling’s deep dark hair released and lying wild around the pointed red ears. As the heat of the flames returned, granting a welcome comfort from the chilly night’s embrace, the two lay gazing at one another, basking in the bliss that had fallen between them.
The next morning was met with stolen glances and whispers of when they would next meet, of desires of what would happen once Karlach’s infernal engine was upgraded fully. There was only one downside that they had both discovered with their involvement of the tadpole, and that was their travelling companions, kept awake by the thoughts that were shared without restraint.
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turquoizxe · 1 year
𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐢𝐳𝐱𝐞'𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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*𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙦𝙪𝙤𝙞𝙯𝙭𝙚 | ― 𝙪𝙣𝙞 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩 | 19 | 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮/𝙨𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙨 | 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙨𝙛 | 𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙚𝙧 |
― 𝙄 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙤𝙘 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨
― 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩, 𝙞𝙨𝙢𝙨, 𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙, 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙚 |
― 𝙄 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙪𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙤 [17+] 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚, 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩, 𝙙𝙣𝙞 |
― 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙧.
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Fandoms I Write For
Spider-Man: Spiderverse Trilogy
They Cloned Tyrone
Call of Duty
Blue Eye Samurai
Jujutsu Kaisen
Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter
Chainsaw Man
The Boys
*this list will be updated indefinitely
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𝙆𝙚𝙮 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
[Brackets will be used to categorize the symbols based on the fandom and type of work]
Tilde (~) = Mature Audiences (17+)
Asterisk (*) = Adult Audiences (18+)
Percent (%) = In Progress
Period (.) = Finished
Semi-colon (;) = Series
Colon (:) = Drabble
Question Mark (?) = To Be Released
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𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣: 𝘼𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙥𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚
[~*;%] Hobie Brown: Just For You ― Self-Insert Series [Masterlist Included]
Synopsis ― You’re a college student who has been patrolling your city for the last year. The surge in responsibilities have your grades and mental state suffering, and tuition is expensive, your parents are paying for the rest of what the scholarships don’t cover. Life just seems to be in a constant loop of a mess, why not add a friend into that? Hobie Brown had performed on campus for a festival, and you’d see him more often than not afterwards after getting to actually meet him. He has such a different vibe to him, you’re almost sure that he’s not from here. Bad news, he’s not. 
Disclaimer ― ATSV SPOILERS, 3 parts for mature audiences (17+), 2 *additional parts for adults (18+)
Content ― Fem!reader, slow burn, eventual smut, angst, fluff, introduction to existing atsv characters, use of foul language, suggestive themes, violence, generally sensitive topics(relationships, mental health, near-death experience, etc.)
[*:] Hobie Brown: Versatility
content ― Drabble: Hobie Brown x Black!Fem!Reader, sweet, and straight to the point, black hair appreciation with a lot of fuckin’, pain kink if you squint
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𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙏𝙮𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚
[*;%] Fontaine: 4 Page Letter ― Self-Insert
Installation (1/2): 'Bashful'
Installation (1.5/2): 'The Shit We Do'
[?] Installation (2/2): 'Bold'
➝ You'd known Fontaine for years— attracted to him even, but you two lived completely different lives, and as much as you wanted to be his, you didn't like his lifestyle. You two had a history together, but he didn't want it to end that way― determined to change your mind.
Content ― Black!Introverted!Fem!Reader, lengthy ass intro, use of aave, use of the n-word, plot with porn fr(minors dni), this is just pure filth that’s all you gotta know lmao
Disclaimer ― violence, arguing, sexuality, mentions of drugs, and other adult themes.
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It's not much, but enjoy reading! lol <3
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louisupdates · 4 months
[Translated from Spanish]
Red-hot musical maturity: Louis Tomlinson in Chile
By Savka Martinic | 25 MAY 2024
Louis Tomlinson, former member of the iconic band One Direction, dazzled Chilean fans with his concert as part of the 'Faith in the Future' tour, offering a show full of emotion, energy and a new, more rock-oriented approach in which has been working in the last few years of his musical career. The audience interaction, immersive graphics and exceptional musicians came together to create a magical night and from the moment Louis took the stage with ‘The Greatest’, it was clear that this was going to be a special evening.
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Photo by Agustín León
The encounter was a flight through his greatest hits but also an example of the musical maturity he has achieved through this approach that at times nods to iconic bands like 'The Killers' and clear influences of indie rock. This musical progression is also reflected in the level of visual design of the concert, the screens that adorned the stage were not only a complement, but were an extension of the soul of each song where the color red predominated as evidence of the passion and rock vibe that he and his great team sought to capture. This color choice not only intensified the viewing experience, but also resonated with the energy and dynamism of Louis' performances. The light and visual effects were a true spectacle in themselves, elevating the sensory experience of the concert.
Along with this, and recalling the beginnings of his career as a boyband member, Tomlinson's constant interaction with the audience was the beating heart of the concert. Between songs, he shared messages of gratitude and part of the personal and artistic journey he has had in the last 3 years. At various moments during the concert, he stopped to look and interact with his audience, expressing his gratitude for being there and making evident his intention to generate genuine connection despite the magnitude of the stadium that made each person feel part of something special, something bigger than themselves. This type of authentic interaction is what Chilean fans needed to feel and what has also cemented Louis’ relationship with his audience over the years.
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Along these lines, fans of the Brit expressed their gratitude with fan actions in songs like 'Kill My Mind' where the flashes of the cell phones in the chorus ignited a meeting that was beginning and that inaugurated the energy that remained high throughout the day. Each interaction elevated those present, creating a unique synergy between the stage and the crowd that did not go unnoticed by the singer, who was visibly excited and grateful.
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Along with all the immersive experience that was lived in the stadium, the setlist of the concert was a perfect mix of songs from his solo career and some gems from One Direction. The singer performed 13 songs from the album that gives its name to the tour, 'Faith in the Future', 3 songs from his previous project 'Walls' and 4 covers including memorable hits from the boy band. Songs like 'Night Changes' and 'Where Do Broken Hearts Go' brought a touch of nostalgia and tears among loyal fans, while new songs like 'Bigger Than Me' and 'Out of My System' showed his evolution as artist. The closing with 'Where Do Broken Hearts Go' was the finishing touch to a night that will remain engraved in the memory of all those present.
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Now, one of the most notable elements of all for those who have witnessed the different facets of the singer, was the change in Tomlinson's musical approach towards a more rock style, more mature and with much more aesthetic-musical coherence. Louis was accompanied by a group of talented musicians who brought each song to life with their skill and passion. The concert had rockstar vibes portrayed especially during songs like 'Kill My Mind' and 'Walls', where the guitar solos and powerful drums provided a raw and authentic energy that made the entire venue vibrate. In this way, his artistic maturity was also reflected in his musical influences in recent years, where covers of Post Malone's 'Chemical' and Arctic Monkeys' '505' were highlights, showing the versatility of Louis and his band to interpret and make these songs your own.
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All in all, Louis Tomlinson's concert in Chile was not only a musical event, it was a transformative experience where red, the talented band that accompanied him, his charisma and the genuine connection with his audience were the protagonists. With 'Faith in the Future', Tomlinson not only demonstrated his prowess as a musician, but also opened a new chapter in his career, defying expectations and captivating hearts with his passion and commitment to authenticity.
Photos [x] [x]
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
Thoughts on Cana/Juvia? Platonically or romantically. The scene from battle of fairy tail is stuck in my mind
Hopefully we'll be getting to Battle of fairy tail on our rewatching next week. But for now:
Pre-timeskip their age gap would make the romance impossible for me. But post timeskip both are adults so it would be possible.
To start: it is funny to get this ask because when I was redesigning Cana my brain went "lesbian" and even in canon Cana has Sapphic energy to me so I really only imagine her with women. I was also contemplating asking about Juvia ships outside of canon so this is right in my wheel house.
One more note is that I see Cana's type to be confident, powerful women. People like Risley Law and Arania Webb from Mermaid heel or Erza even. Though she'd never make a move on Erza out of being more intimidated than attracted.
Long post in coming
I think pretimeskip they have minimal interactions due to Cana finding Juvia's obsessive nature and passion a bit tiring. The way I see Cana is that she isn't someone to seek out friendships, more just kind of accept them when they show up. I can see her gaining a soft spot for Juvia following the battle of fairy tail which would result in her taking a bit of an interest in Juvia's progress as a mage figuring herself out. But beyond that she'd kind of keep her distance due to being a loner and Juvia largely focusing on trying to fit into team shadowgear.
Post timeskip Juvia has figured herself out and is the one making constant first moves in friendships. I see her getting gifts for all the returning members to Kickstart a bond with them and putting a bunch of thought into it when she does. I mentioned before the idea of Juvia and Droy growing crops/plants for the guild during the timeskip and Droy taking up cooking responsibilities, in that time I can see the duo working together to make their own wines and beers which would've been Juvia's gift for Cana.
Along with a statement that "I was unsure of your preferences outside of drinks, I hope in the future I may learn more about what you enjoy" that kind of makes Cana smile. It would also be one of the few times Cana seeks out to speak to someone when she asks Juvia about the wine and gets more details. I could see them having a more subtle friendship that just kind of happens where you see them sitting together more often.
Juvia post timeskip is much more relaxed, she still has those moments of adoration and excitement, specifically when showing support for her fellow guild members or being complimented by her teammates, but she's an adult and it's clear she's grown. I think if any romance would form between them it would be a lot more subtle than some fairy tail romances. We'd get moments of Cana surprisingly giving juvia things she needed or wanted either for her shop or because Cana saw them and thought of Juvia, actions that normally seem out of place for Cana to do. Cana showing up more and more often in clothes juvia made for her that maybe are a bit more colorful than Cana normally wears but still miraculously something she's okay with. We'd see a slight shift in their conversations as Cana begins to smile and flirt, with Juvia giggling maybe flustering a bit in response but still trying to keep up.
I think they'd be a relationship the guild members would notice, but not be sure of the status of. Are they dating? Are they courting? What's happening? So when they do get together no one is really sure.
Thank you for the ask, it's a ship I hadn't considered, I hope this is a good enough answer!
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forevamark · 2 years
preview! time lapse (l.mk)
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remember when i said ‘would be posted tomorrow.’..? 
... and that was months ago? well i lied. LOL life has been rough lately. but here’s the preview of what i’ve been working on very very slowly.
genuinely, trying to post by next week i swear this time yall hehe
Pairing: mark lee x fem!reader
Tags: pre idol debut to idol au, christmas and new years time line, slice of life moments, college student reader, substantial plot leading to smut, very dialogue heavy, angsty moments, slow burn, relationship struggle, lovers to exes to lovers
Intended for 18+ readers, minors do not interact.
Preview Word Count : 2k+
Projected Word Count: 10k+
Summary: Mark has always had the dream of becoming a big music star, meanwhile your aspirations lied with academics and coexisting with Mark. Mark struggles with telling reader that he will be leaving for Korea to pursue his music career very soon, in fear of losing what they have.
warnings are under the tab.
Warnings: cursing/swearing, teasing, oral male receiving, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), breeding kink, possessive domination, spanking, slight choking, praise
not really edited- so sorry.
“What do you think about this?” Mark asked as he sat above you strumming on his guitar. You were sat on the floor between his legs focused on your eight page paper.
“In a sec,” you reply while wrapping up the sentence you were on.
“Take a break…” Mark whined trying to pry the laptop from your speedy fingers.
“Mark, it’s due in two days. I will listen in a sec.”
“Mhmm.” He sulked, leaning back into the sofa continuing his chord progression.
Days like this were stressful- due to the plethora of assignments that piled on- but soothing in a way. Your schedules never aligned this often, but Mark was so entirely enamored with you he’d do anything to spend his free time just being with you. 
“I can’t believe it’s been three hours and I only have my thesis done,” you sighed while resting your head on his knee.
“You got this,” he replies while running a hand soothingly through your hair while the other wrote something down on the notepad next to him, “I believe in you.”
“Do you need anything to help you focus? Am I being too loud?” he asks while going to the kitchen and lighting your favorite candle, “I can make you a snack?”
“Do you mind getting me some fruit? I feel like I need some brain food.” You asked while cracking your knuckles and continuing to type away.
Mark nods and walks back over, handing you a cut persimmon with the skin peeled off. He always knew what you needed before even saying it out loud.
Humming in appreciation you immediately start chewing on the sliced fruit.
Eyeing him from the corner you see him looking out of your apartment window. It was raining hard outside, Mark’s favorite. 
“Anything else you need to work on?” you ask. He shrugs his shoulders. 
“Not much else, I want your opinion on what I have then I’ll see what I can add from there. Don’t worry though,” he turns to look at you with a small smile, “I can wait.”
Mark has always been supportive of your dreams and aspirations. It was a shock when he told you he wouldn’t be joining you at university, but rather pursuing music instead. Although an adjustment, you supported him and he rooted for you. It seemed to be working out, he passed the first two rounds of auditions for a big music company and it looked like things were finally looking up for him. 
Some days you wouldn’t see him at all, and some days he picked you up from class and would stay glued to your side. He claims that he ‘soaked up inspiration from you’ hence the constant quality time and skinship. He knew you were working hard, pursuing a higher education was so important to you and your family, and he wanted to be present every step of the way. 
Unbeknownst to you, Mark also had a dark cloud overlooking him just like the city in front of him. He hasn’t yet told you that he passed the third and final round of auditions for his company and would be slated to move to Korea before the end of the year to begin his training. He couldn’t bear to break the news to you, not yet. Not when you were so close to finishing one of your hardest semesters yet.
“I think I can pull you away from that screen now y/n,” he says while tugging you away from the black and white screen.
“Hey! I’m not finished yet! I thought you said you could wait” you pouted trying to get loose.
“You’ve been working non stop, you aren’t being as productive anymore.” He chuckles while slotting you to the seat across from him.
“Hi.” he smiles at you.
“Hi.” you respond back.
There’s a moment of silence shared between you two. The only sound being the soft pitter patter from outside hitting the patio. Mark stares at you lovingly, you can tell something is wrong but you can’t find the words to ask him just yet, too entranced by the current hold he has on you.
“So, the song, yeah?” you finally whisper aloud. 
“Hold on,” he replies, licking his lips and searching every inch of your face, memorizing this very moment to inspire him for what he’s about to play.
“What’s the hold up? Don’t get stage fright in front of me now Lee,” you lightly say while giggling.
“I, I just want to make you proud, okay?” he finally says with sad eyes.
“You always will, Mark.”
Guilt washed over Mark. Things were great, perfect even. But he just had to aspire for more. He should be satisfied with what he has now, he’s close to home, a stable music career here in Canada, and most importantly, you. But just like you, he had the moon but he wanted every damn star in the galaxy. He didn’t want change, but nothing could satiate the hunger for something more. He was leaving, because he knew that this life, now, isn’t enough.
“Okay.” he takes a moment to gather himself, taking in some deep breaks and shaking his nerves out through his hands.
“Let’s hear it!” you shuffle sitting up straight in your chair.
Mark lets out one final breath before starting a low strum on his guitar. Flashes of memories over the course of your relationship flashes before his eyes. Your first snow day in Canada when you couldn’t get the ice off of your windshield, to the countless nights of watching reruns of Glee in your small shared apartment. 
He hits the chorus for the first time, opening his eyes to look around the room, unable to look at you just yet. Pictures of you two littered the walls, filled with your smiling and laughing faces. 
Mark mumbles small noises of nonsense to fill in the parts he doesn’t know what to put in between, sometimes trying out some lyrics at the top of his head. He shakes his head and chuckles when words don’t rhyme or quite fit, in return you share a smile enjoying him delving into his craft.
It’s something about the way that Mark is able to lose himself completely, in his own little world and for brief moments you’re able to enter his mind, envisioning every note in a flow of synesthesia. He’s able to create color and landscape through sound, and what’s crazier is that he doesn’t even realize the extent of his art.
“And… I guess that’s it. What’d you think?” He asks as he lets out a final strum. The warmness of his music is still palpable in the room, despite the cold and dark weather that demands to be let inside. 
You take another moment staring at the man in front of you. Mark bit his fingers in anticipation. His large white tee hung loosely on his shoulders, his ripped jeans bounced waiting for your feedback.
Everything is perfect.
Nothing can take this moment away from you two. 
No words could exactly encapsulate how you felt so you decide to throw your arm around him. 
Mark lets out a sigh of relief as he sets his guitar to the side, “so I guess you liked it?” then reciprocated by pulling you into his lap.
“I loved it, Mark. I can’t wait to hear it all together, I really liked that chord progression, I can definitely hear it on the radio one day,” you mutter into his shirt.
The pitter patter of rain outside was accompanied by the soft whimpers from the man whose chin sat upon your head.
“I’m always going to be here for you y/n,” he jaggedly says.
You two sat in each other's embrace for what seemed like eternity. 
“Let me show you something,” he says, breaking the silence and adjusting your position to where your back was flush against him.
Mark sat the guitar in your hands, “Let’s start from the top, yeah?”
That night Mark taught you the song on his guitar, sometimes you filled in lyrics that felt right.
“They know we got the chemistry…” Mark sings.
“Love how your body feels on me, when you get back let me get that…” you finish with a small laugh.
“Yo!” he jumps up, lifting your laughing frame into the air, “That’s a bar!”
“Are you jealous that I may be a better rapper than you?” you giggle back.
“You’re coming for my career, babygirl!”
Six more hours.
Six more hours until this paper is due, and you’re almost done with this last page. 
Six more hours until the hell that was this semester is finally done.
Six more hours until you can crawl into bed with Mark and take a long deserved nap.
“Almost there baby,” Mark says while massaging your shoulders.
“I got this,” you say while typing furiously.
“Hell yeah you do.”
Your train of thought was interrupted by Mark’s ringtone going off from behind you.
“I’ll be right back, when I come back you better have this paragraph done!”
Sending him a stiff salute you continued to trudge on as he stepped into your bedroom and closed the door.
“Mark! What’s going on my man! Happy holidays!” his new manager cheered into the phone.
“It’s going well, just spending some time with family and friends while I can,” he replies while laying down on your bed and grabbing a stuffed My Melody to hold against him.
“Well, I’m glad you have been enjoying your last moments of freedom while you can. Speaking of which, I do have an early Christmas present for you!”
“Awesome! What is it?” 
“Well, the company wants you to start as soon as possible. I played them your audition and they think you can finish your training in less than a year!”
“That’s amazing!” Mark shoots up and runs his hands through his hair, “when do I fly out? Next year I hope?”
“Mark, I did say Christmas present didn’t I? You’ll leave the day after the 25th. I bought you some more time to spend with your family, but you’ll be spending the new year here, in Korea!”
Mark felt his heart drop. That was in two weeks. 
Two weeks to eat all the food he can.
Two weeks to brush up on dancing.
Two weeks to say goodbye to his family.
Two weeks to erase all traces from his friend groups’ antics.
Two weeks till he has to leave you.
“Uh… two weeks… wow that’s really soon.” 
“Absolutely! Now rest up Mark, this year is going to be the craziest experience of your life!”
His manager kept going on about the potential future he had coming for him. But Mark couldn’t seem to focus on all the new found information. Slowly feeling the aroma of you envelope him fully, being surrounded by you everywhere, it was suffocating. 
How is he going to tell you?
“I finished it!” he heard your jumps of triumph in the distance, echoing all the way to the pits of his empty stomach, “I’m finally done with this God awful semester! One more year till graduation!”
You burst through the door interrupting Mark’s pensive state, wrapping yourself into him.
“You okay babe?” you realize pulling away slowly, eyeing his sweating frame, “you look a bit sick, want me to make you some ramen?”
“Oh no I’m fine, just fine really,” he shallowly laughs pulling himself away from you and moving to turn on the fan, “just got a little warm is all.”
“Who called?” you asked before flopping on the bed and sighing, “was it your manager? Did you get the job?”
“Uh yeah…” he shuffled, not meeting your eyes, “It was my manager, he had some good news…”
“Oh my God, did you pass?” you pounced on him awaiting the news.
“Uh… yeah, I did.” he lied.
“Markie!” you showered him in kisses and tight squeezes, your love for him unfaltering, “When do you leave?”
“Not for another year,” he smiled, not looking at you.
“Hopefully you’ll still be here for my graduation…” you sighed, “but nonetheless I’m glad I get to keep you to myself for a bit longer.
anddd that’s it for now! see yall in a week! any and all comments appreciated, and as always, tag list is open! 
xoxo, eva <3
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ohnococo · 7 months
What about..the type of S/O the jjk guys would be attracted to/ fall for/work well with? For gojo & sukuna. I always think they would need someone with strength and feistyness ..but my barin doesn't go further than that. Headcanons?
Sorry that's such an incoherent request/babble
Dw this made perfect sense! My response became kind of a ramble on its own, but this was fun to think about as I do actually think there are some similarities in some of the things these two would like in a partner…
And a quick disclaimer that these are just my HCs! I’m big on selfships and with the thousands of universes we can create with these characters, there is always one where you can be their perfect person. These are just my thoughts on how I HC them!
Under a cut for length/rambling!
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The Type of Person Gojo & Sukuna Would Be Attracted To
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Gojo likes someone who is patient, and kind.
✧ He doesn’t always think of how he’ll come across, so his partner needs to understand that he’s not trying to be insensitive with certain comments.
✧ He likes someone who will call him out on his shit at the same time. If he’s said the wrong thing, tell him. Point blank. Someone who is passive or or communicates by pouting will likely lead to sour feelings because he just isn’t one to pry feelings out if you aren’t ready to share them, he’ll ask once and leave you to it. Let your thoughts be known and he’ll address it. It’s not that he’s ever trying to hurt you, and he is willing to at least try to correct his behaviour if it’s brought up to him. Whether that progress is quick enough is up to you.
✧ It seems like a dichotomy, but he’s clingy and at the same time wants a partner that isn’t clingy to the same degree as he is. It’s important to him that they don’t mind that physical touch, but he also likes a partner that has their own inner (and outer) life separate from him.
✧ Have your own hobbies, your own interests, your own friends. It makes your relationship feel richer for him knowing that you can have your own time but also come back as one whenever you feel like it.
✧ At the same time if you’re going to do something you have to actively tell him it’s just you and your friends, or an errand you’re running on your own because he WILL assume he’s invited.
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Before I get into Sukuna I want to note some similarities I HC between them.
✧ Both of these men are used to starry-eyed stares, obsessive or fan-ish behaviours. Or in Sukuna’s case, outright devotion. What that treatment, and those acts, would mean to any other man doesn’t extend to these two. Cake doesn’t taste quite so sweet when it’s all you’ve been served.
✧ It’s why realism appeals to them. A partner with flaws, a partner who can love them wholly without viewing them only as some barely touchable deity, a partner who treats them as an equal in some capacity.
✧ A relationship is a back and forth, the assumption that it will be one-sided isn’t appealing. It’s boring for them. In Sukuna’s case especially, that kind of fawning cheapens his accomplishments, which were not won just by existing.
✧ In Gojo’s case, the messiness and discord of normal human relationships feel truly special to him in comparison to placing him on a pedestal he never had a choice in taking his place upon.
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✧ The type of partner Sukuna likes is just as likely to get themselves killed by him as they are to pique his interest, so when he opens himself up to something with you, know that you are special.
✧ He wants someone who can stand on their own two feet. Someone self-assured and independent. A constant need for reassurance is off putting to him. He will reinforce his love in his own ways, and will do it often, but he doesn’t like to feel he has to do something out of obligation.
✧ With all that in mind, once he’s smitten he’s essentially a giant cat who wants to be draped across you whenever he feels like it - so physical touch is important to him too.
✧ Likewise a quiet sense of companionship works well for him. Doing separate things in the same room, quietly observing each other at your respective hobbies. That quality time is another way he shows his love.
✧ He’s fairly flexible and happy with a quiet partner or a talkative partner. Comfortable silences suit him just as much as watching you excitedly chat about things.
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bossmamacita · 5 months
Hiii long post ahead~~ this is some random history and fun facts about my boss Luz! I keep drawing her so it was time for the info dump. Suggestions and feedback always appreciated! Parts of this are based on my Colombian family lore so LMAO
Luz Armando Vega-Luna
In the shadows of Colombia's lush landscapes, Luz was born into a world that refused to see her for who she truly was.
Luz's existence as Cesar felt like a prison, shackled by the chains of her religion and culture. From the moment she drew her first breath, she knew that she was different, a fact she couldn’t communicate that filled her with a seething, simmering rage that threatened to consume her and those around her.
In the tumultuous environment of her childhood home, Luz found herself locked in constant conflict with her mother, Maria, whose strict adherence to Catholicism strained their relationship. Luz's relationship with her sister Elena was marred by their mother's manipulations, pitting them against each other. However, amidst the chaos, Luz discovered solace in her bond with her father, Armando, who shared her love for cars, the outdoors, and music. Through these shared passions, Luz found temporary respite from the turmoil, finding moments of peace in the midst of the storm.
Despite her father's attempts to provide comfort and guidance, Luz could not escape the tragedy that loomed on the horizon.
One summer night, Luz awoke to a fire. As their home became a blazing inferno, Elena shielded Luz from the worst of the flames, but not without bearing scars of her own. Amidst the chaos of fleeing, tragedy struck with brutal finality as their father, Armando, fell victim to violence, his life extinguished in the kitchen of their burning home.
It was clear to Maria that Armando had involvement in illicit affairs and had drawn the wrath of dangerous forces, sealing his fate with a bullet to the skull. As Maria fled with her children in tow, the flames of violence and betrayal illuminated the darkness that had engulfed their lives. Luz found odd comfort in it.
In the aftermath of the tragedy, Luz, Maria, and Elena couch-surfed, aiming to cross the US border. Despite the hardships, Luz's relationship with Elena improved, finding comfort as Maria's influence waned. Luz found solace in the nurturing relationship with her older sibling where she could explore aspects of sisterhood that aligned with her true self with her sister’s support. Luz’s rage grew like a tumor, poisoning all that surrounded it as Elena began to have medical problems due to the fire. This sped up the households’ progress in crossing the border. Luz worked odd jobs to help out. Luz’s rage for the world only seemed to grow stronger as they got to the border.
After successfully crossing the border, Maria's online boyfriend who lived in Stillwater offered them refuge in his studio apartment, the pair of siblings unaware of the neglect and abuse that awaited them. It happened slowly but the two adults in the house were the worst of the worst. Trapped in a cycle of abuse, Luz found herself thrust into a nightmare of violence and trauma. She focused her skills on surviving and becoming stronger.
As Luz grappled with the tumult of puberty and the torment of their living situation, she flunked out of public school. She had a few friends but wouldn’t call any of them close. Her education was not amazing but she was exposed to many different types of people that helped her explore her identity. Despite Elena's attempts to intervene and guide her onto a different path, Luz found herself inexorably drawn into the dark underworld that surrounded them.
As Elena's health deteriorated, their abusers remained indifferent to her suffering, leaving Luz to bear the burden of their shared trauma and worry alone. When Maria finally took Elena to the hospital, Luz was left behind, consumed by a sense of abandonment and resentment towards her sister for getting to escape due to her illness.
Fueled by her rage and a desperate desire to escape, Luz plunged headlong into a life of crime and violence, navigating the treacherous streets of Stillwater in search of a way out. She made some friends, lovers, enemies. With each illicit act, she clawed her way towards independence, determined to carve out a new life free from the shackles of her past. Her personality shifted from pure rage to something more controlled and witty, using her rage as a well-placed weapon in place of an explosion of undiluted rage.
But even as she forged ahead, Luz remained tethered to her sister, sending her money and paying for the hospital stay. Her true vulnerability was Elena. Afraid of cursing or condemning Elena to death, Luz kept her distance and called her regularly in place of visiting.
In the grimy streets of Stilwater, Luz found a temporary reprieve from the suffocating weight of her past. Growing out her hair brought a measure of relief from her dysphoria, yet she continued to present as Cesar until she felt she amassed the resources and confidence to transition fully. Amidst the chaos, she explored new hobbies and worked to heal the wounds within herself, determined to forge a path towards authenticity and self-acceptance. Then she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and stumbled into joining the Saints.
I need to play the game more LOL. Luz loves being in the Saints. I do canon that Luz names herself Luz after seeing Luz Avalos and is like “this damn woman dont even know her shoes…. nice name tho I’m taking that lol” its not like anyone calls Luz by her name anyway as the Boss character but it’s still funny. Relationship wise I think she gets along with Johnny the most due to chaos factor. I am not super sure how she would be with Troy or Dex or the others yet I will add to this later! Definitely likes Lin and Aisha tho.
- Elena has burn scars from protecting Luz from the fire. She later develops medical problems due to her wounds and lungs from this event. Specifically, I think of scar contractures that cause her to need physical therapy due to constricted movement, COPD, and PTSD.
- Armando was a priest or some form of clergy member and not actually married to Maria. He faced criticism in the community for having children out of wedlock, not being married to Maria, and they were planning on moving near the time he was assasinated. He tried his best with Elena and Luz to not have them be shunned in the community. He was in the process of trying to get married, gaining money for it through illicit means, as Maria had given up, assuming his faith would be chosen over her so she dated around.
- Luz Age Timeline: 10-12 years old, the death of her father and escaping. 13-15 years old, the family couch surfs in Colombia and they make it over the US border. 16-18 years old, they move in with Maria’s boyfriend in Stillwater and Elena is admitted to the hospital. 19-20 years old, Luz leaves to get her own apartment and is a criminal. 21 years old is when she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and SR1 begins.
- Luz’s first acts of being a criminal are in car hijacking and fucking things up mechanically due to her childhood knowledge.
- Luz beats the shit out of her mother and the boyfriend as she collects her stuff when she moves out lol.
- Luz gets a tattoo to remember her father after she moves out from her mother’s boyfriend’s apartment as a respect to him and her new beginning. Maybe a candle or flame? This is also the start of Luz’s transition. She looks androgynous for the most part but does not fully transition until near the end of SR1 where she feels big and safe enough to pop on over and get the procedures and whatnot done to feel at peace. (Giant boobs) (Super bimbofication hell yes)
- Personality wise, Luz starts as a conduct disorder child that outwardly expresses pure unfiltered rage on anyone. She is pretty extroverted. As she ages she refines her rage into something digestible and uses it in more of a cocky way that is controlled. It’s still pretty easy to piss her off tho.
- headcannon Johnny does not give a fuck that Luz transitions because she’s still the same wild murder machine. “Ok new hair and name. Let’s go murdering” yass ally
- Adding on this: “Hey Johnny this is what post bottom surgery looks like” “Damn you got that thing designer? Cool” LMAOOO just buddies being buddies
- I do not think Luz is emotionally capable of romance apart from hookups in SR1 and before so she definitely sees everyone as homies. I do think her and Johnny are the closest in a bro way. I think her first romantic feelings moment is toward Carlos in SR2. Definitely want there to be a dynamic with Luz being kinda afraid to act on her feelings (i curse everything i touch) so she just doesn’t act and its mutual tension and well… Red Asphalt.
- Also foils of Johnny/Aisha-Boss/Carlos is fun so yeah their friendship strengthens by the end of it but I think they both get angry and push back at both traumatic events so there’s some angst there
- I want Luz and Johnny to get together eventually but I think its pretty down the line out as Aisha was the love of Johnny’s life and Luz respects it and has unresolved emotional issues following acting on her heart
- I like the nickname Luli for her
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