#cooking is a 10/10
vrmxlho · 1 year
"so you must be the new sous-chef..."
"yes, that's me." the kitchen was much smaller than you anticipated. there was no staff either. you knew they were on a break but you just couldn't imagine any more than 10 people using the place. you had expected the great chef sae itoshi to have a vast kitchen with thousands of assistants and cooks so he wouldn't have to lift a finger. after all the restaurant he was running was no small place. 'so, he's picky with his staff' you thought. 'that feels oddly satisfying'. the fact that he was so young and handsome made it even more satisfying. someone your age accepting was an ego boost.
but he didn't even spare a moment to look at you. turning harshly, he threw an apron in your general direction and snapped his fingers twice, indicating he wanted you to follow him.
"you'll be working with me on the final presentation of all dishes before they are served." he looked back at you this time. not really at you but to more so to show you his sour, displeased face. "i take it you've worked as sous-chef with many other chefs before."
"yes, chef. if you don't mind." again, he turned his displeased face over his shoulder and gave you a sickly, forced smile.
"sorry, chef."
"so you're incapable of running your own kitchen."
"i just want more experience as–"
"that wasn't a question or an invitation to talk."
there was this burning coil in your stomach as you both came to a halt in front of the main island. it stood right in middle of the kitchen but far from the fridge and the service doors. there were already three plates on it, each hosting components of the the great chef's speciality.
"i'd like to test your skills for a week. if i am unsatisfied, you'll have to find some other place. does that sound fair?"
"yes, chef." it didn't sound fair at all. your contract strictly stated that you would have this role for at least a year before anyone could even think of firing you. but what could you say? you couldn't anger him before you'd even started.
so, you slowly approached the three dishes and inspected them carefully. the first had a perfectly cooked sockeye salmon, with iridescent scales you could almost see yourself on, and a buttery pink flesh that smelled of lemongrass and green apple vinegar.
the next plate had flowers. many flowers. sprigs of lavender, spotted pansies and violas, bright and bitter marigolds, and heaps of small, gentle violets. you could still smell the life in them, as if they had just been picked.
the last plate had a single comice pear and a large orange. it was almost insulting to see the mass producing fruit company sticker still on both the fruits. yet inside, you knew this was a test of creativity. not of how well you could spot expensive ingredients.
"no sauce, chef?"
to this he looked at you gravely as if he was going to slaughter and serve you as the next 'it' dish. "i can only sauce dishes after i've examined them and i have made sure they're ready to go."
"what about white wine?"
"we serve that at the table."
"but where can i find some?"
"are you planning on drinking on the job or is there some other pressing reason?"
"i want to make something."
again, he looked at you, infuriated. this time he slammed his hand on a nearby island and spat, "you can do that when you get your own kitchen. if you get your own kitchen."
"it'll only take a moment." you said directing yourself towards the fridge door that loomed behind his imposing figure. you didn't really understand yourself. all you knew was that your body wanted, no needed, to move in that direction. but before you could reach the handle to open it he pulling you back by the waist until your back hit him.
his mouth was right above your ear. and he whispered in a menacing tone that felt as if it was sucking the life out of you. "i swear i will lock you in that fridge if you dare waste a single extra second. you could have been done by now."
"how am i supposed to prove my abilities if all i'm allowed to do is plate a dish with no taste or sauce?"
you didn't know why you were still whispering. what you also didn't know was why you were still being held to his chest by your waist. 'is this something i can tell HR?' somehow you chose not to. perhaps because you wanted to stay like that. his smell was intoxicating and you had to fight the urge to take a deep breath it.
"what abilities exactly? you come into my kitchen, tell me you want to make a sauce when you've clearly been instructed to plate. you have full liberty there, yet you are not satisfied." there was something very cold and cutting about his warm breathe on your ear and you felt a chill mix into your burning stomach. he slowly pulled his hand away from you and turned you around. your back was now flush against the cool metal fridge door as he towered over you menacingly. "what can i do for you? oh great sous-chef!" he mocked.
the coil in your stomach finally snapped and couldn't tell if you wanted to beat the life out of him or cry. you took a deep breathe and walked back to the island. you pulled a knife from a rack beside you as you quartered into the pear vertically and plated it with the salmon. you gently put the flowers around the fish in the centre to fill up the entire plate, leaving space only for sauce.
you were left with the massive orange, which you peeled and ate. a snack to be enjoyed. while staring sae dead in the eye. he probably wanted you to plate it with the salmon. elementally, they went wonderfully together. but all you wanted right then and there was him pissed, and on the table ready to be gutted alive. you were going to kill this man before your contract was up. that was a vow.
"this will have to do." he seemed to have given up at this petty war you had started. you didn't want him to back down, but what were you to do? you couldn't keep provoking him, that would get you no recommendation letters for future jobs. "we'll continue with this tomorrow."
and continue you did. it was as if that night's rest had spawned an even greater hate for you within him. all day you were running around the kitchen getting dishes ready for him to inspect and taste.
"this could use some sauce."
"you said not to use any or else it would overpower the taste of the quail. chef."
"did i? are you sure? why would i say something so ridiculous and untrue? quail is already much richer than any other poultry. i doubt a simple sauce would overpower this." again, he gave you that sickly, dead smile that made you squirm.
'then i suppose the other sae must have told me to leave the sauce out.' you thought. but you couldn't bring yourself to say it.
you too made the most repulsive face you could, before quietly saying, "my apologies, chef."
it didn't end on a simple sauce though. you were never the lucky type. and so, the harassment continued with everything you did.
"this sorbet is too icy. i could cut myself on the ice crystals."
so you changed it. you melted the base, added sugar and lanique and refroze it before serving, yet, it was still not enough.
"too much alcohol, this isn't supposed to be a digestif."
and you remade it completely. it was perfect, even he would agreed. yet he said nothing to compliment your work.
"i hope you don't need to make things three times before they're edible..."
would anyone really mind if you threw a knife at him then and there? you surely wouldn't. besides, with all the knives around an "accident" is bound to happen right? 'stay calm. just cope for another 12 months and you're good.' it was hard to convince yourself you were fine but you just had to.
"now blindfold yourself for the next task."
"why exactly?" you asked uncertainly. there was no way you were going to obstruct one of your senses in his presence.
"do as you're told."
"where am i supposed to find a blindfold? i'll just close my eyes. or turn around–"
he took a step closer to you. his face was mere inches from yours and you feared he could feel the heat rising to your face radiate off your skin.
he looked even better up close. you could see the pigments in his iris, the dialated pupils as if he was enjoying himself, his gracious eyelashes that curled perfectly the almost there freckles, his rosy nose, and his lips. his lips. his lips? how would you describe his lips? well, his lips looked kissable. that was really it. and you wanted to kiss them. you would've too if you didn't know any better.
you felt his hand slip close to the pocket near your stomach where he pulled out a silk blindfold. you could feel that same burning coil in your stomach and you suddenly felt nauseous. your heart was palpitating erraticaly as you wished to step away from him. but you couldn't. you were frozen.
"you're able to put a blindfold on right." he sighed as if just being in your presence was sickening.
"yes, chef."
it's a strange feeling, being robbed of your sight. 'i guess it's to heighten my sense of taste.' how foolish of you. he wasn't even thinking at that moment. he found himself wondering how soft those lips could feel. perhaps they would melt in his mouth just as your indian fig sorbet had done. what would your lips taste like? if he was going to kiss you he might as well feed you some mint.
"tell me what you taste."
you feel a cool metal spoon approach your mouth and you open it just a bit before you tasted the contents.
"what, honey?"
"lavander. it's salty. and greengage prune. half-ripe."
"good. now try this."
this time the spoon faltered a little and a bit of whatever was in it was smeared on the corner of your lips. before you could quickly wipe it, you felt his fingers gently swipe over the area. the burning, nauseating coil in the pit of your stomach was cutting. it felt like a searing pan constantly hitting you or a knife pulling your skin off. your heart rate was increasinging steadily and you were reminisced to a time were you were free of such a fragile heart, a time before sae.
"confit peppers. and a seaweed sauce? or is it just very salty–"
"can i kiss you? please."
"why are you so polite suddenly?"
you didn't speak. you just parted your mouth slightly, eagerly, restlessly. the next thing you feel is a pair of lips on yours, soft and tender. he kissed you slowly and languidly, as if he were filled with a deep longing that he’d never experienced before.
when the kiss does come to an end, and you're left standing there, breathless and wanting more. the air is thicker, heavier even. the moment lingers as you hear the thundering of your hearts, and your panting breaths.
"mint? chef?"
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for @earthtooz, ik you don't even like him but you're the only reason i finished this
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nokmietarchive · 6 months
I also compiled the ROTTMNT: Wedding Crashers clips. I tried to prioritize better quality so it's a little all over the place. This is just for media archival purposes. If anyone has any cleaner or additional clips let me know and I'll be happy to throw them in!
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sandflakedraws · 7 days
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self control lost. its posting flickory hours
bonus delta :
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grian and zedaph both independently coming up with the idea of vertical mining every day... they are not beating the Secretly Two Of The Same Person allegations
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Modern day YouTube au where Xie Lian is infamous on the internet for his catastrophic cooking channel.
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blended-ice · 5 months
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Katsudon Piroshki!
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heynhay · 9 months
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mid week klance because my queen @klanced is on the struggle so I made lawyer au
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dearinglovebot · 4 months
sorry I just watched a camrip of argylle and they walked into so much queercoding with rachel/elly. why did she self-insert as a man? why did she imagine an au where she and her boyfriend are implicit gay lovers? if we’re supposed to take her interactions with lagrange as what happened, is she also supposed to be read as bisexual? why did saba el-badr say “or me” when asking if she missed anything from her old life?????? if they make a second then they’d better commit to the trans masc bisexual angle
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incognitopolls · 2 months
Whether you're the one cleaning it or someone else in your home.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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robinsleeping · 4 months
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This man will steal your kids, he already has like 10 tho. BUT he’ll still take yours.
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artiststarme · 5 months
There is literally nothing that Eddie hated more than snowstorms. The snow always matted his hair, he got cold way too easily, and his ungraceful ass always slipped on ice. He absolutely despised the Midwestern winter and how much snow Hawkins got during the colder months. It was ridiculous having to wake up to ten inches of snow outside his window that he had to shovel off his and his neighbor's driveways and scrape off the cracked windshield of the van. What he wouldn’t give to be able to hibernate for four months to escape the entirety of the cold. 
But Steve loved winter. He loved the mystical view of the soft snowflakes falling from the sky, playing hockey on the thick ice of the local pond, and curling up beside the frosty window with a hot chocolate in hand. He even liked the snowstorms that everyone else found dreadful, the thick snow that made the Beemer slip and fishtail. 
When Steve and Eddie spent their first winter as a couple together, they had to make a lot of compromises. Steve had to turn his gloriously cool house into a steaming sauna for Eddie to spend the night there, still wrapped in multiple layers and a duvet while Steve sweated to death in basketball shorts and crew socks. Eddie had to mosey on over to the pond to “skate” with Steve, i.e. slip and flounder on the ice while Steve skated and watched him pout like a grumpy cat. And the kids had to watch the disgusting view of Eddie snuggling way too close to Steve underneath his winter coat to leech warmth from him. Compromise! 
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drakaripykiros130ac · 4 months
I just have to say this: Aegon the Usurper flying off like an idiot in battle while Rhaenyra does not, doesn’t make this guy a hero, nor does it make Rhaenyra a coward.
We need to set the record straight: Women don’t have to be warriors in order to be worth something.
This is just another proof of classic misogynistic thinking of TG stans. But they also prove to be highly subjective since they give “poor sweet innocent” Helaena a pass for doing absolutely nothing and being less than relevant even as a dragonrider. And as the ringleader of the Greens, I don’t think Alicent sat on a horse and rode off to battle in order to further her own ambitions. She started the whole mess and then hid behind her sons. Even after Rhaenyra took King’s Landing, the only thing Alicent could say was something like “Just wait till my son Aemond returns bla bla bla.”
Rhaenyra is a girl’s girl. Those who read the book understand that. The canon version of her never wanted to be a son (unlike the stupidity induced in that show). She was very feminine: always choosing to wear the best dresses with the finest silks, many pieces of jewelry, and she is highly interested in men. She was always proud to be a woman. She embraced it. She never tried to act like the opposing gender as a way to make others look at her as worthy of the throne.
I repeat: Rhaenyra was a girl’s girl and she was proud of it.
She was not a warrior. She never trained with a sword in her life, unlike her idiotic half-brothers. She was not even the type (unlike Princess Rhaenys). Rhaenyra spent her time doing girly things and riding Syrax.
Shortly before the war started, Rhaenyra suffered a miscarriage which greatly affected her health. She needed months to recover. This is the reason why she didn’t ride Syrax in battle, as confirmed in the book. It was not because she didn’t want to or because she refused to fight her battles herself (as I hear many TG stans claim in spite).
And even if flying hadn’t been detrimental to her health, why would she fly into battle? You think that is a smart idea? It’s brave, but it’s also stupid, and the usurper himself proved that.
Aegon the Usurper rode his dragon into battle to show that he’s a man’s man, and what did that get him? Injuries which prevented him from being able to move well enough in order to sit on the throne he stole. The only battle he actually won was against a baby dragon, Moondancer. A baby dragon who inflicted deadly wounds on Sunfyre and caused his death.
So tell me again how ‘intelligent’ the usurper was to fly off into battle himself and what exactly he has accomplished with that. What exactly is so “heroic” about that? The fact that he shows off his masculinity on a big bad dragon?
And of course do forgive a poor woman for not flying her dragon into battle like a crazy person after a miscarriage and several psychological blows in one go like her father’s death, her daughter’s death, her son’s death and the usurpation through which a faction of snakes stole the throne that belonged to her.
Do forgive her for lacking any combat experience because you know…she was raised a girl and has a girlish personality!
And do forgive her for not being an idiot and getting herself disabled, like her half-brother did.
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Over one year on from Dobbs, please remember the victims of abortion bans in America. These are just the ones that made it to the news:
Marlena Stell
Amanda Zurawski
Mylissa Farmer
The 10-year-old from Ohio
The 16-year-old from Florida
The 15-year-old from Florida
Nancy Davis
Elizabeth Weller
Anya Cook
Kelly Shannon
Jessica Bernardo
Kierstan Hogan
Taylor Edwards
Kylie Beaton
Gabriella Gonzalez
Samantha Casiano
Lauren Van Vleet
Austin Dennard
Lauren Miller
Jaci Statton
Kristina Cruickshank
Tara George
Kailee DeSpain
Deborah Dorbert
Mayron Hollis
Kristen Anya
Heather Maberry
Melissa Novak
Kayla Smith
Lauren Christensen
Beth Long
Anabely Lopes
Christina Zielke
Kaitlyn Joshua
Lauren Hall
Carmen Broesder
Jill Hartle
Brittany Vidrine
Jane Doe from Massachusetts, who had an ectopic pregnancy rupture because a pregnancy crisis center told her it was viable
The Jane Doe had an ectopic pregnancy rupture after an anti-abortion pregnancy center told her she had a normal pregnancy
Emily Doe, whose fetus had lungs that wouldn’t develop and had no kidneys. The pregnancy had the potential to endanger her health…but it wasn’t endangering it yet. So she had to flee Missouri for an abortion.
Victoria Doe from Louisiana, who had to go to Oregon
Ashley Brandt
Anna Zargarian
Reverend and Doctor Love Holt
Michelle Mitchenor
Brooke High
Ashley from Mississippi, who was raped and forced to give birth to her rapist's baby. She's 13.
Nicole Blackmon
Allie Phillips
Jennifer Adkins
When we do win back our right to bodily autonomy, forced birthers will forget these people. Some have absolutely no idea who these people are. But when you tell them you hope what they force on others gets forced on them, they gasp and say you're evil. Because they recognize that what they force on others is wrong, and they think they deserve better than their victims.
If you think the "abortion debate" is merely a difference of opinion, you haven't been paying attention.
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nadjantipaxos · 1 year
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Jennifer Jareau
Criminal Minds | 10.21 | Mr. Scratch
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moonshynecybin · 5 days
I opened Alex’s twitter and his bio says he loves pineapple pizza and I was like Alex..Alex no, maybe Marc wasn’t the reason Alex isn’t allowed in Yamaha maybe Vale saw that and the Italian in him got severely offended and was like no keep this man away, but he’s in a Italian team so I wonder if he’s ever made them have pineapple pizza and how disgusted they would be.
lucky for you i saw this. opened instagram. and gresini was literally having him make a pineapple pizza. cwazy. ummm he IS making that a goofy little contrarian personality trait which i DO enjoy. i think he likes when people do silly fake mad arguments at him… the kind you do with your friends…. that’s the vibe i get
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 years
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[First Part] - [second]
Baby (who still has no name) is warming up to Geralt, who also starts to connect some dots. (Like, I think he suspects that he's Jaskiers son, adopted or otherwise, but he won't even humor the idea that he could be the dad.) That being said - the kid is an angry teenager sometimes. Jaskier tried all he could as a single parent and they have a very loving relationship, but I also think they do argue quite a bit, and there is some tension.
And the more he gets to learn how Geralt truly is the weirder is gets, cause. He's a good guy? And either Jaskier is petty and was too dramatic and kept him from meeting his dad for nothing, or Geralt isn't a good guy AT ALL and has hurt Jaskier really bad, and he doesn't think Geralt has it in him, but some people (and especially alphas) get really weird and archaic around omegas? And he had to witness again and again, with how little respect his unbonded, single father of a bastard child was treated - is Geralt like that too? But Jaskier still only ever talked somewhat kindly about him. And from all he saw... he trusts Geralt. He's a quiet, but witty and honorable man. But is it fair to doubt the parent that was there for him, that raised him, that sacrificed so much for him? The poor kid is so conflicted.
#please tell me your headcanons and prompts about this 'verse it's just vibes so far and like 10% plot#geraskier#geralt of rivia#the witcher#ciri#omegaverse#geraskier lovechild#jaskier#i don't know where this came from#but I imagined the kid as quite sickly (which is ironic) - Geralt does not really remember that he was sick as a child all the time too#also I do think Jaskier can play the lute but it's no fun for his fingers and he switched to other stuff over the years#I'm quite sure that Jaskier kept a low profile after the Rience incident because he was TERRIFIED by the thought what could have happened#also I really wanted to look at this with a kind of more realistic lense when it comes to parentage#and Jaskier did all the things right where it counts#He's loving he's emotional open he communicates - but would Jaskier always be a reliable parent? a structured one? an easily available one?#I don't think so#professor Jaskier can work for hours on end and forget to get you on time from your play date so you have to awkwardly wait and#he forgets to cook and to wash and it's always messy and once he writes he writes and gets annoyed when interrupted#but he also tells bedtime stories and stays at your bedside when you're ill and plays with you when you moved AGAIN and have no friends yet#he's easily pulled into arguments but also knows how to apologise#but he lies again and again#and he tells heroic and brave and honourable stories about your dad but still has a chest with your unsend letters and looks so so sad#when you put another one in his hands#and he never tells you to stop but doesn't send them and you know your Papa would be too kind to ask you to stop#ALSO#I think the kid is old enough to understand some of the inherent consent issues that are rampant in omegaverse#and while I imagined that 'verse here a bit tuned down#I think that the kid has seen and heard some shit! and what if Jaskier in only talking kindly of Geralt to soften the blow for him and-#kid is 100% ready to break Geralts nose if it turned out that he forced himself on his pa#(which he did not ofc but nobody communicates here)
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