#curse you asthma
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nancy-drewdles · 1 year
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i definitely have a type
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born to frolic and do parkour and go on years-long quests across the world, forced to use an inhaler
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scoutswritingcorner · 7 months
Omf how about a fix where asthmas antlers fall off and reader collects it and puts it on the cat version of him for shits and giggles
An Angry Deer and New Horns
Cursed Cat Alastor 
FT. Alastor x GN!Reader
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TW: Alastor being angry, Antlers shedding.
Alastor growled and groaned as you helped get the velvet off of his old horns, jacket thrown on his armchair and his shirt unbuttoned as sweat had stuck to his skin. Placing the tools down on your lap, you grabbed the rag from the small bowl of cold water that was seated next to Alastor on the ground. Ringing the extra water out of the rag before carefully wiping his head and neck. Before small tip taps made its presence known causing Alastor to growl, “..how did the cat get in here?” He whispered out leaning his head back into you. You hummed feeling as the cat climbed up on the chair staring at you before Alastor letting out an audible laugh from a laugh track. One that seemed like it had come from his cane, Alastor snarled, going to stand up shakily, a loud static echoing around the room.
You carefully grabbed his hands guiding him to sit back down, “Relax Al, he just wants to get under your skin.” You whispered, allowing him to get comfortable once more before you leaned down and kissed his head. He let out a grunt, as you grabbed the tools once more. “Just pay attention to me, Dear.” He closed his eyes, holding onto your leg once more. The laughter became louder before stopping as a soft hiss was heard, a small paw tapping your shoulder. You glanced towards the cat who tapped your shoulder more letting a louder hiss, “Hold on..let me help Alastor with his horns” Finishing with his velvet you carefully grabbed the rag to wash away the blood that had dripped down his face. Alastor grunted out as he snapped his fingers, taking his shirt off completely as he leaned into your hands. “Just relax okay? It’s over.” You whispered out before focusing on the cat who had now made its way to lay half its body on your shoulder.
Your hand reached up to carefully pet its head as a static like purr had escaped its throat. As your other hand had scratched between his horns carefully, as his breathing had slowly evened out, his head lulling to the side as he slowly fell asleep against you. You sit back on the chair letting out a yawn but stay awake to keep an eye over Alastor to make sure nothing happens especially when he is in a vulnerable state. You turn your attention back to the cursed cat in your lap who was once again laying down loaf style.
As your hand scratched at Alastor’s head your fingers knocked up against one of his antlers, causing him to jump in his sleep and huffed before the antler had fallen off onto your lap which had landed on the poor cat. A soft hiss escaped the cat before it focused on the door staring off into space, you snickered and picked up the fallen antler before slowly putting it against the cat’s head, “Double the antlers~” you whispered out, causing the cat to look up at you. Giving you a look of ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ and a mixture of amusement.
You looked away for one moment and in that one movement you felt the antlers get ripped out of your hand, the little pitter patter of tiny paws running towards the closed and locked door. You cursed and hissed knowing if you moved to get up Alastor would wake up in a grumpy mood. Alastor’s shadow moved towards the door quickly stopping the cat in its tracks of trying to escape, moving it back towards the chair you were sitting on. You reached down and scooped the cat up, making it drop the antlers in return and holding it up into the air. “You’re in air jail now.” you whispered, causing it to growl and hiss out, swiping it’s paws at you in protest.
It was a couple hours later when Alastor had woken up, shaking his head and grumbling at how his head started to feel more light- he reached up and noticed that he didn’t have horns. His eyes glanced over how you were slouched down in the armchair softly snoring away, he slowly got up to pick you up and move you into the bed that sat in your room. He stopped seeing how the cat was shaking and hissing in anger, static sounding from it. 
His smile grew thin as he let out an evil chuckle, seeing as his now fallen off horns were taped to this cat’s head. His neck snapped to the side as loud static echoed through the room. “...now what do we have here?” He growled out moving closer to the cat that stepped further into the corner drool dripping from its grin, “A thief are we? First you steal my darling doe’s affection and now you steal my antlers?"
He growled and looked back down at you before chuckling deeply, “I guess this is a punishment for being a thief,” He said picking you up and holding your sleeping body close as he moved you from the armchair to your bed easily. He snapped his fingers, his shirt back on his torso as he fixed the buttons on it, his gaze returning to the cat standing shaking in anger. He shook his head, his ears flickering as he moved towards the armchair he had silently claimed as his own. 
He grabbed his book and crossed his legs as he began reading, unaffected by the fact the cat was glaring at him from across the room.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Crown’s Medical Records
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You can find Liam’s by @/archiveikemen here
For the sake of length of this post because I decided to put them all in one, I’ll be skipping their sex, height, and curse. And as usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
William Rex
- Medical history: Nothing in particular. Needs to be mindful of getting heatstroke.
- Patient’s complaints: Nothing in particular
- Remarks: A man who is always in a good mood and has many unknowns. A repository of information that can be inquired endlessly. Overindulges on strawberries.
- Medical history: Nothing in particular. *Tends to consume an excessive amount of sugar (Blood has been tested, no current issues)
- Patient’s complaints: Eyestrain from work
- Remarks: Once made him abstain from sugar. Would not speak to me for a week. Scary when irritated.
- Medical history: Anorexia (loss of appetite, not anorexia nervosa)
- Patient’s complaints: Nothing in particular
- Remarks: Hates doctors; I’m the only exception. Seems to be low on energy//have low vitality. Not the type to die so easily. Eat more.
- Medical history: Multiple ailments from childhood malnutrition (completely recovered). History of binge eating (no current problems). Tested negative for all STDs *has a strong immune system.
- Patient’s complaints: Nothing in particular
- Remarks: Always erratic but in exceedingly good health with a stomach as tough as a monster’s. Try to be friendlier toward an old friend.
- Medical history: Myopia. Presence of anti-drug antibodies.
- Patient’s complaints: Muscle pain after working out.
- Remarks: Tends to drink too much, but beer is life. Give me a fluffy dog when I’m tired. P.S. The cutest lover in the world is my weakness.
- Medical history: Childhood malnutrition. Multiple injuries. Smoking addict. Asthma: Flares up when seasons change
- Patient’s complaints: None in particular
- Remarks: Bronchial issues. Personality issues. A promise to save him when he’s dying (in exchange for huge medical fees)
- Medical history: Minor trauma
- Patient’s complaints: None in particular
- Remarks: Always running around the garden with Ale, healthy all around. I hope you continue to eat, play, and grow.
- Medical history:
- Patient’s complaints:
- Remarks: No medical records due to person in question frequently escaping. Will catch one day and examine thoroughly.
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classypauli · 6 months
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!Reader
Summary: Tara´s asthma attack requires doctor´s treatment and having a hot doctor taking care of her is just a bonus, safe to say she likes the bonus better.
Word count: 2.5k
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Tara was in her room, scrolling down on her phone having nothing to do. Her sister was somewhere in the house, getting ready to go out with her boyfriend. Tara sighed, she wasn´t jealous of her sister, she was glad Sam had someone to be by her side other than her. But in times like this Tara felt lonely. Chad was now on his practice and Mindy was having a date. So she was alone, lying in her dark room with the only noise of cars driving behind her closed window.
She stood up and went to the kitchen to grab some water. She needed to find some distraction, this wasn´t good for her mental health, rotting in the bed all day. Besides school, Sam and her friends she has nothing to do or talk to.
And she tried, she used to watch a lot of movies, especially the scary ones, and talk about them, analyze their plots and characters, acting, and cinematography. It was her element. But now it´s different, it brings her feeling and memories that aren´t right. Tara loved having nights out and watching horrors while eating popcorn sitting in her living room. But those thoughts only brought her to one of her ex-friends who betrayed her.
Tara´s chest started to rise and her throat became narrow as her breathing got only worse, she grabbed the bottle of water with shaking hands and started to drink it. This wasn´t her first time having asthma, she had it lots of times, Tara was familiar with it, but still, she couldn´t control it and it was scary.
„Hey I´m heading out-“ Sam came to the kitchen finding her sister leaning against the counter, eyes closed and her hands gripping onto the table. Her knuckles were white from how hard she was holding herself from falling.
„Tara“ she immediately came by her side, eyes wide, holding her sister so she wouldn´t fall, leading her into one of the chairs to sit her down. „It´s gonna be okay, don´t worry...“ she helped her sit and rushed out to her sister´s room for an inhaler.
Sam cursed under her breath, she looked everywhere for it but couldn´t find anything. Finally one was lying in her drawer, she picked it up and ran to the kitchen. Tara´s face was now white, her sternum was rising up and down in a fast way, tears running down her cheeks as her hand was holding onto her shirt.
„Shhh here, take it“ Tara grabs the inhaler with shaking hands almost not able to hold it. After the inhale Sam was expecting her sister to get better, to finally get some oxygen to her lungs. But nothing, Tara tried it again but with no change.
„Fuck“ Sam grabbed her phone from the pocket of her jeans and dialed Danny´s number.
„Hey you ready to go-?“
„Danny! I need your help!“ Sam shouted into her phone as she still was trying to calm down her sister. „Tara´s having an asthma attack!“ Her voice was breaking as she was getting more worried by each second. „Oh God okay okay! I-I´m going to be there in second!“
„Please hurry!“ Sam cancelled the phone call and her hands found their way to her sister´s cheeks. „Just breathe, you know how we do it every time.“ The older sister started to breathe with her, taking big inhales with her nose and exhaling with her mouth. Tara was repeating her sister´s action, looking into her scarred wide eyes.
Danny soon came and helped Sam with Tara into his car. Whole car ride, her breaths were the only thing Tara could hear, her head was spinning and her hands were gripping everything that was near. She was trembling and sniffing the whole ride. Thankfully the hospital wasn´t far and the traffic wasn´t as bad.
„Please! My sister has an asthma!“ Sam yelled as soon as they made their way into the building. Behind the reception table was a woman, she was sitting in her seat, phone in her ear having a conversation with someone. She only looked at them with no interest.
„Ma´am you need to wait-“ Sam cut her off before she could even finish her sentence.
„Are you kidding?! She´s having an asthma attack and you are telling us to wait?!“ a couple of nurses heard her yell and went to help.
„You must calm do-“ the woman tried again, Sam was so angry at the moment that if she wasn´t holding her sister she would jump across the table and beat her up. „I won´t calm down!“
One of the nurses immediately went to find a doctor and the other came by their side and helped them to go down the hallway of the hospital. Tara was now barely walking she was so tired from breathing and her head was spinning.
„Bring her here!“ Sam heard one of the doctors and was so happy that at least someone tried to help, she was so scared. „Okay let's put her here.“ The doctor was pointing at the bed and carefully was holding Tara´s body so she wouldn´t fall.
The nurse came to Sam´s side and started to gently pull her out of the room. „Ma´am please.“ She wanted to be by her sister´s side, she didn´t want to leave her here alone. Sam was afraid something would happen to her, she would never forgive herself. „She will be okay, I promise... There´s no need to worry, we just need you to wait outside.“ Sam nodded, if it meant that Tara would be okay then she would make this sacrifice.
In the room Tara was lying with her knees up leaning her back into the bed, her brain was barely processing what was happening. She just knew that Sam or Danny were no longer with her, which only created more anxiety. Someone was kneeling in front of her.
„Hi... I know how you feel right now and it can look absolutely scary but you won´t die don´t worry.“ The person was giving her some pills „I need you to take this... It will help. I promise.“ Tara took them and was now leaning again trying to calm down. Your voice was calming down her nerves, it was smooth she wanted to hear it again. As she looked up at the person, her heart almost stopped.
You were one of the hottest doctors she has ever seen in her life and she has seen them a lot. You looked so young to be a doctor, she couldn´t even guess your age. You were wearing a white coat with white pants, and around your neck was hanging a stethoscope. These were things she caught before her eyes made it to your face. Your eyes, softly looking at her, and your small smile that was greeting her eyes. In those white clothes, she almost felt like you were an angel.
„Good just slowly breathe in and out... There´s no need to rush.“ Tara kept looking at you shamelessly, not caring about how it may look, you were hot. She didn´t even notice that her breathing calmed down and now she was just sitting there looking at you.
„See! It´s already over.“ You smiled even wider at her, still kneeling in front of her looking up at her face looking for any change. Thankfully, Tara was now absolutely fine and it didn´t look like she would have an attack anytime soon. „Have you ever had an asthma attack before?“
„Yeah, this wasn´t the first time... I´ve been having it since I was a kid.“ She let out, almost whispering her answer as if she was embarrassed by it. „But this was the first time it went this far, usually the inhaler is enough.“
„Well sometimes attacks like this get triggered by situations the body is put into or thoughts, or it can come from nowhere... the symptoms of asthma are often nonspecific and can be precipitated by other disease processes... but based on your mimic and what the girl was yelling in the hallway I knew.“ You winked at her and stood up to go to your table.
„Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder arising from not fully understood heterogenic gene-environment interactions-“ 
Tara stopped to listen to you somewhere in the middle. She kept nodding her head as if she understood everything you were talking about. She didn´t understand one word that came out of your pretty lips.
„-features variable airway obstruction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness-“ God you were so hot when you talked like this. You looked too intelligent using all the medicine words that she could only dream about understanding.
„I gave you bronchodilators... it helps airways, or bronchi in the lungs to open and relax more.“ Tara kept looking at you from head to toe, you were tall and your body build was like a Greek god even under the doctor´s coat. You sat behind your desk and started looking for something, when you found it you smiled at her and went back by her side. 
The way you talked with your body language so confidently was sexy and she was trying so hard not to drool because of you. It got her thinking how old are you, you looked young to be a doctor, or maybe your genes were just good.
„Here... when it gets harder for you to breathe take this.“ You gave her an inhaler, she looked at your hand. Was there something about you that wasn´t attractive? Your hand was much bigger than hers and she could just imagine how her small hand would feel in yours. Tara slowly took it from your hand, making sure that she touched your smooth skin. „I know you have a lot of these at home but this one is a bit stronger.“
You smiled at her still keeping eye contact with your patient, looking for any sign of discomfort. „So I think you are ready to leave.“
Tara didn´t want to leave, she just wanted to look at you even if that meant you wouldn´t talk or pay attention to her, she could just stare at you and how you doing your work. A soft knock was heard on the door and a nurse came in. „Hey we are already done, can you please call the other girl inside?“ you asked her and she immediately went out to call Sam.
Sam rushed in, wide scared eyes looking for her sister. „Tara! Oh God... I was so scared.“ She hugged her, putting her chin on her head, pulling her away to kiss her on the forehead, her hands still on Tara´s side of her face. „Please don´t even scare me like that...“
You watched the whole interaction with a small smile visible on your face. Sam turned to you and thanked you for taking care of her younger sister.
„You don´t have to thank me... it´s my job.“
Sam helped Tara to get on her legs, slowly pulling her up, and holding her afraid that her legs would be too weak. You opened the door for them and they slowly walked outside of your room to the hallway.
„I´m so sorry for our receptionist this shouldn't be like this, I´ll take care of that, you can rely.“ You smiled at Sam and then Tara, winking at her again. The girl blushed at your action and looked down. Why was she so nervous around you? Her heart was beating and her body just wanted to reach out for yours.
„Take care! Hopefully, we won´t see each other under these circumstances again!“ you laughed and slowly started walking away down the hallway of the hospital. Tara now was looking at your back till she felt Sam´s arm tighten around her to hold her better.
She was now sitting in a car, looking out of the window, she wanted to see you again, so badly. She didn´t even know your name! Her mind was submerged by your face and your body, the way you smiled at her and talked to her, you were paying attention to her, and that made her so special. Being around you felt so different, like a fresh air in her life, even when she was with you only a couple of seconds.
When Mindy and Chad found out what happened they came to the Carpenter´s house. Everyone stayed by Tara´s side the whole day, talking, joking around, laughing, watching movies... and Tara still couldn´t stop thinking about her hot doctor.
„You are more quiet than usual, care to share?“ Mindy sits beside her on the couch looking at Tara. The girl only let out a sigh and looked back at her friend.
„Mindy... that doctor... was so hot.“ She threw her head back and closed her eyes. Mindy laughed at her and punched her thigh slightly.
„Don´t tell me you have a crush on some old fart.“
Tara turned her head to her lowering her eyebrows at her as she shook her head. „She wasn´t old, she looked really young! Almost our age!“
Mindy looked confused at her, most of the doctors were old, or at least around forty. Either you looked young or you were a young medic. They wanted to find you somewhere on social media but Tara didn´t even know your first name, so they went to the official page of the hospital and started looking at the personnel working there but they didn´t find anything.
Until they came across the photo of the all hospital workers, doctors, and nurses smiling at the camera. There was you, besides the nurse that was with you today and some other doctor, wide smile across your face.
„Damn! You are right she looks hot!“ Mindy moved her eyebrows up and down in a teasing motion, zooming the photo at you. „You got lucky Tara...“ she whispered looking at the photo. Tara snatched the phone from her hands and held it by her side in a protective way.
„I found her first! Find your doctor!“ Tara yelled at her friend but she only put her hands up.
„No need to be defensive, I won´t take her away from you.“
„You better.“ Tara mumbled, looking at her phone again, making a small pout with her lower lip. You caught her attention instantly, everything about you was mesmerizing. Tara only hoped that you would meet again. She was thinking about all the ways how to end up in the hospital... in your doctor´s bed. Or maybe even your own.
„Well getting treatment from a young doctor is definitely a jackpot.“ Mindy commented and laughed at her friend. „And even HOT doctor! That sounds like a big bonus to me.“
Yeah, Tara liked the bonus much better.
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jasmines-library · 4 months
Could you do a Winchester sister fic about her having a bad asthma attack and not being able to breathe and the boys get all scared
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Note: First off i want to apologise for taking forever to write this. or anything. but we're back!
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Asthma attack.
Honestly not too sure how I feel about this one….but it’s my first time writing in weeks so pls bear with.
Your fist collided with the Demon’s face as you swung around to face her. If the insistent throbbing in your hand wasn’t an indicator of how hard you had hit her, the stream of dark droplets falling from her nose, and the grunt she made as she went careening sideways were. She bounced back quickly though. Much quicker than you would have liked. She scowled, her black eyes narrowing as you swung a fist back in retaliation forcing you to lean back uncomfortably on your heels. You heard a clatter to your left as an array of cutlery went flying across the floor as Sam managed to tackle the demon he was dealing with. The woman in front of you glared at you with malice as she heard her counterpart go down. With a little shrug, and a petty smirk, you continued to dance around her, trying to get a good stab at her with your angel blade. 
When you heard Dean breathe out a sigh of relief as he managed to deal with the latter of the ones he had been fighting, you didn’t allow yourself to get distracted and keep your focus on her. Distraction is a hunters number one enemy. But you can feel yourself getting tired. You can feel the burn in your muscles and the ache in your lungs as it grows harder and harder to suck air into them. 
But then she made a mistake: She twisted to the side, raising her arm to swing a left hook, but left her right side open. It gave you the perfect opportunity, and you plunged the demon knife into her. She lit up in a spark of yellow before falling to the ground. 
It was straight after that that everything sort of…hit you. Now that you weren’t focused on ‘not-dying’, the tightness in your chest was more noticeable. And that made you panic. And of course, that made everything much worse. Clutching one hand to your chest and the other against the wall, you tried to get in another breath, only for it to feel as though it had been cut short. When Sam came through the door, his self-accomplished grin was cut short as he saw you struggling to breathe. 
“Hey, Hey.” Sam rushed over to you, his hand resting on your shoulder as you looked up at him, wide-eyes and breathing in short, frantic gasps. “Hey. Calm down. You’re fine. Breathe”
You try to listen to Sam. Try to get your lungs to open up and to breathe normally. But they are stubborn and seem to do the exact opposite. 
Sam’s heart seems to break a little when you look up at him. “Where’s your inhaler?”
You blink. Your chest heaves. “Car-”
Your older brother curses mentally, and you think that he calls out to Dean, because he’s rounding the corner one second and is hovering above you the next. 
“Dean…her inhaler. It’s in the car. Side pocket.” Sam tells his older brother, his tone firm and authoritative. Dean nodding, his hair falling over his eyes as he scrambles back out of the house, swerving around the fallen demons to get to the car as quickly as he can.
Sam’s hands remain on your shoulders. His large hands take up most of your shoulder as they rest on the coloured flannel of your shirt. They’re calloused and rough, but seem to act almost as a safety blanket keeping you grounded. He shifts one of them to your chin, pinching it gently between his thumb and his index finger as he lifts up your chin. His irises seem to shift in the light as he gets you to look at him. Hazel brown, then green and back to hazel again. They’re glossy, concerned, but hold a sense of ease. Protectiveness. 
“You’re okay, Kiddo. Just breathe. Dean will be back any second now.” Sam reassures, although he is unsure if he’s trying to reassure you or himself more. He’s panicking. And, he's beginning to grow antsy because Dean has yet to return from the car which he parked so impossibly far away. Damn stealth. 
An impossible amount of time later less than a minute Dean comes skidding to a halt, inhaler in hand. Dean has already shaken it and removed the cap, so he fumbles around to get it in your hand. Once your fingers wrap around the plastic your brain goes into autopilot. The plastic is quickly brought to your lips and the medicine pumped into your lungs as you inhale deeply. It doesn’t take long for the medicine to work its magic. You feel the burn in your lungs subside slightly, and a flood of air comes rushing into your lungs as you breathe deeply, leaning against the wall as you collect yourself, taking a moment to yourself. 
Dean raises a hand towards you, brushing the hair out of your face. “You okay sweetheart?”
“I……” You take another deep breath. “Yea. sorry.”
“No need to apologise, kid.” Dean says “As long as you’re alright.”
“I’m fine.” you say, taking one last puff of the inhaler before replacing the cap and securing it in your pocket. 
“You have seriously got to start remembering to bring that with you.” Sam reprimands, always the sensible one.
You sigh. “I know. But it’s so annoying to carry around.”
“We know it is, sweetheart, but you kind of need it”
“I know…..”
“So you’ll bring it with you?”
“No promises.”
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose. He swears you give him more and more grey hairs everyday. You just grin up at him and he can’t help but shake his head affectionately at your stubbornness.
@defonotashleyr @aestheticdaisies @xxrougefangxx
@hell-o-kittys @inlovewhithafairytale @harleycao
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marvelslittlewhore · 7 months
No Air To Breathe
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PAIRING | jj maybank x routledge!asthmatic!fem!reader
SUMMARY | Your asthma is acting up and not just a little bit...
WARNINGS | asthma attack, salbutamol overdose, vomiting, jj being a panicking golden retriever bf, angst with happy ending, my bad description of medical stuff (bare with me I tried my best 😭), not proofread cause I'm lazy 😶‍🌫️
A/N | totally did not write this because it happened to me a few days ago haha...yeah I'm better now tho no worries👌🏻
The moment you woke up and made your way to the bathroom you knew your day wasn't going to be easy as you already felt out of breathe. You didn't thought much of it, grabbing your inhaler from the cabinet above the sink and taking a puff so you could go on with your day.
Some time later you started to feel how hard it was to do simple tasks, even just grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge without using your inhaler seemed impossible right now.
Laying in bed and listening to music you could still hear the others coming into the Chateau after their surf session. You got up and decided to join them in the living room, sitting down on the couch and taking another puff of your inhaler while JJ plopped beside you, instantly worried when he saw it in your hand.
"You alright, sugar?" He asked placing his hand on on your thigh, squeezing a little.
You nodded with a smile. "I'm fine, just feeling a little wheezy today."
JJ is not really convinced of your reassurance but nodded anyways, draping your legs over his lap and turning his attention back to the others who were bickering on who got the best wave.
Later in the evening you seemed to get even worse, your breathing now a lot shorter and your inhaler not really helping anymore. Slowly you started to worry and not only you did, JJ had been keeping an eye on you and to see how now any movement had you overwhelmed had him fidgeting a lot.
"Babe." He tried getting your attention and you lifted your head from his shoulder, looking at him with hooded eyes and your skin paler than usual. "Oh shit, you don't look good at all. I mean, you're still smoking hot but- you know what I mean!"
You chuckled and that was your mistake. You started to have a coughing fit, your breathing even worse now after it subsided.
You let your head fall back against JJ's shoulder, whining in distress and frustration, not understanding what's happening right now. JJ called out for John B, assuming your brother must know what to do, he always does.
A second later John B walked in with a can of beer in his hand. "What's up?"
"I don't know man. She- She can't really move without using this." JJ explained holding your inhaler up.
John B, already in big brother mode, walked over to you both holding your face with both hands, cursing under breath.
"Fuck- how many puffs did you take today kid?" He asked and you shrugged tiredly, not enjoying all those movements at all and your stomach doesn't like it either.
"Bucket..." You mumbled and John B rushed to get you one, just in time when your body wrenched forward to vomit.
"What's happening with her?" JJ asked, trying to keep his cool and holding your hair out of your face while you emptied your stomach.
"She overused her inhaler and now her circulation is fucked up." John B explained, calm as ever and putting the bucket down when you stopped puking. He grabbed his phone next and called for an ambulance, knowing things would get worse if he didn't act fast enough.
John B crouched in front of you, trying to get your attention again which was hard for you as everything seemed to exhaust you, even talking.
"You'll be okay. I called an ambulance, they'll be here soon, yeah?"
You just nodded, closing your eyes to get any type of rest but the boys have to keep you awake.
"Hey, stay with me baby. Just like that. Show me those pretty eyes." JJ smiled at you even when he's practically panicking on the inside and wishing he could just take away your suffering.
Meanwhile Pope, Kie, and Sarah caught up to what happened. All now scattered around the room and anxiously waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
Sure enough the paramedics walked inside the Chateau with Pope explaining what happened and in what state you're in.
JJ was holding you the whole time, comforting you and whispering affirmations in your ear. Just as you expected they have to take you to the hospital to give you proper medication and care there.
As soon as you got an IV drip and a oxygen mask JJ carefully got up with you in his arms, carrying you to the ambulance and gently placed you on the stretcher. He sat down beside you, holding your hand to let you know he's there while the paramedics moved around you.
In the hospital the pogues had to sit in the waiting room, angry that they could only wait for any doctor to tell them if you're fine or not. Even JJ couldn't go with you, only for the ride to the hospital and he almost punched the security guy that held him back from going to see how his girl is doing right now but John B eventually got him to sit down, talking some sense into him.
"Relax, dude. You're not helping her when you get arrested now. I know how this works. They keep her here for a few hours, give her medicine and oxygen, and when her oxygen saturation is better we can take her back home."
JJ nodded, taking his hat off and pulling at some strains of his hair. It kills him not being able to be with you in such a scary moment.
An hour later the doctor came into the waiting room and the pogues instantly sprung up, attacking the poor woman with all kinds of questions.
"Alright, let's calm down first." She told them, looking back at the clipboard in her hand. "So, she's going to be okay. She needs to take these antibiotics for the next ten days. Watch that she's drinking and eating enough because she'll still feel a little weak the next two or three days, so keep an eye on her."
The doctor handed John B the package of antibiotics and told them that they could go and see you now as you're stable again.
You smiled when you saw them rushing inside and to your bed, all of them just so relieved to have your normal self back.
JJ leaned down to give a quick peck to your lips, resting his forehead against yours for a moment.
"You scared the hell outta me..." He said and you reached up caress his cheek with your hand.
"I'm sorry." You pulled back from him. "I just- I thought it wouldn't end like that. I already saw the signs the second I woke up but..." You tried to explain your own stupidity but JJ cut you off.
"It's okay, you don't have to explain anything. You're fine now, that's what matters." He assured you.
"Can we go home now?" You asked and turned your head to your brother.
John B patted your head and nodded. "Sure kid, lemme just get a nurse real quick."
Finally back at the Chateau everyone decided a movie night would be the best to cheer you up and as always they were right, even when you're still not feeling all well you had the sleep that night, knowing your family was with you.
JJ held you the whole night, always on alert when you move just a single muscle, checking if you're alright and getting you everything you asked him for.
You really were blessed with this boy.
For everything:
@lokigirlszendaya @buckymydarlingangel @superlegend216
For JJ Maybank:
@tracymbcm @spideysimpossiblegirl
625 notes · View notes
sharksnshakes · 3 months
Night Out - Tim Drake
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image source: batboyblog on tumblr
When out at a dive bar with your friends, you step outside for a breath of fresh air and run into the Red Robin. For some reason, he seems... familiar?
AN; writers block is brutal and disgusting and horrible. also. i am suffering from batfamily brainrot so expect more of this (part two can be found here!)
Wordcount; 787
TW; some cursing, mentions of drinking
It's a damp spring night when you meet the Red Robin. You're out with your friends at some college dive bar on the East Side. The area's a far cry from Gotham U's campus, but with free entry and cheap drinks, it's worth the elevated risk of mugging.
"Besides," one of your friends had declared on the way to the bar, "It just means we're more likely to see Nightwing's hot ass."
You're pretty sure the dark-haired vigilante operates exclusively in Bludhaven these days, but you're not a party pooper.
The music was good, the crowd was fun, but a small room of drunk co-eds had a way of heating up quicker than Firefly's flamethrower, and so you'd retreated out the side door for a breath of fresh air. You weren't stupid; you'd taken your small can of mace with you. This was Gotham, after all.
The alleyway was blissfully empty, save for a dumpster--quite the relief, seeing as the last time you'd been here, you'd stumbled upon a couple deep in the throes of a heated make out session. Taking a breath, you leaned up against the cool bricks in the alleyway and let yourself decompress.
"There's definitely better places to hang out around here than dark alleys," a voice says from somewhere behind you.
Living in the city has taught you many things. Most importantly, how to turn off potential predators by acting downright crazier than they do.
You spin on your heel and hold the mace like it's a pistol, coming face-to-face with none other than--
"Holy shit, you're Robin," you gasp, eyes widening.
Thank god you didn't actually mace him.
"That I am," he says, warily eyeing the can in your hand.
"Like... the Red Robin," you continue. You're blinking at him, openly gaping, and it occurs to you that you should probably stop pointing the can at his eyes. You stow the makeshift weapon in your back pocket. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were a mugger or something!"
"Hey, it's fine," he chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "If it's any consolation, you definitely would've scared the shit out of a mugger."
You laugh, but it's mostly in disbelief. Red Robin is standing mere feet away from you, domino mask and yellow cloak and green pants and all, and you're suddenly very thankful you'd gotten dressed up to go out tonight. For a split second, you swear you see him give you a quick once over. But no, there's no way Robin's checking you out.
He glances around the alleyway for a moment, almost awkwardly, before speaking again. "...Any reason you're out here?"
"I'm out with my friends," you say, motioning to the building behind you, where the bar's logo is printed in peeling white vinyl. "Needed some air. Somehow, smoke and asthma don't make a good combination," you joke.
"Can't imagine why," he grins, and holy shit Red Robin thinks you're funny.
"You got any fun, exciting plans tonight?"
He hesitates.
"Wait, you don't have to answer. I know, top secret Batman stuff--"
"Nah, not that secret." It's dark in the alleyway so maybe you're not seeing things right, but you swear you can see a hint of color rising to his cheeks. "Just patrolling. Y'know. Keeping an eye out for muggers and mace-wielding asthmatics."
You laugh. "Sounds boring."
"Definitely could use a drink." He glances at the side door with an unreadable expression.
"Rough start to the night?"
"You could say that."
A brief silence stretches between the two of you. Traffic and the faint pounding of the bar's music fill the space, and for some reason, despite never having met Robin and likely never meeting him again, it feels... almost familiar.
"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one stuck at work tonight. One of my best friends, Tim, had to bail last minute since he's got an exam to study for. So, like, you're not suffering alone!" you add, thinking back to the guy you've kind of been maybe having romantic feelings for lately.
Robin chokes.
"Shit, you okay? Need me to, like, slap you on the back or something?"
"Nope," he says, voice raspy.
"You're sure?"
"Positive." He gives you an awkward thumbs-up.
"I should probably let you get back to work, then," you sigh, turning back to the side door and grasping the handle. "And I should get back in there. Don't need my friends worried about me."
When you turn back around, it's just you and the dumpster.
"Fuckin' impressive," you mutter to nobody but yourself. "See ya, Robin."
You step back inside. The door closes behind you and... fuck.
You forgot to ask for a picture.
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saintyveningstar · 3 months
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Mama! Abby Headcannons !
No. 2
Mom! Abby Anderson head-cannons !
Abby is absolutely stern and/or strict. Not strict in the way that her kids aren't allowed to do anything but she's very adamant that her children show her the same amount of respect she gives them
Saying ma'am/sir is required in her household
When her kids act out she has no problem taking a traditional approach — bar of soap in the mouth, taking off her belt, spanking — but she will never go too far with punishments
She always makes sure that her kids know why they're in trouble and why they're getting punished
Abby does not tolerate disrespect or lies of any kind
The only person who's more strict than Abby is her father Jerry
Abby knows how to stop her kids in their tracks with just a look
Sometimes she won't yell and scream, but her kids see the poorly contained anger in her eyes behind her calm demeanor.
When she gets like this, she'll be eerily quiet — "Yeah?" she'll say, "Is that your final answer?" she'll shrug, cross her arms, and lean back, her kids will have unknowingly stepped into a trap. "Get up to your room, then." she'd say, and kiss her teeth. "I'll be up there to talk to you in a minute." — the only thing that'll be talking is that belt, though.
She loves to do her kids hair, especially in French braids
She loves to make tea/coffee for them
She loves to give her kids forehead/cheek kisses
Abby literally patches up their wounds if they get hurt playing or roughhousing, she'll kiss the scrapes and bruises.
Her kids call her Mommy
Her kids will dress up as her for career day, coming to school in blue scrubs, her stethoscope, her pens in the pocket, and her badge
She 100% curses in front of her kids and does not care, they just better not repeat it in front of her cause they know better
"But—" "But nothing!"
She does that gritted teeth mom thing
She finds out her kid did something bad because they told her themself — "You better be fucking joking, so help me, you better be."
She does that other mom thing where she's in the other room and calls for her kid but when they answer she wont respond and just wait for them to come — unless it's urgent:
"[Full Kid's name], get your ass down here! Now!"
"Do I need to take off my belt?"
"Don't lie to me."
"Do I need to call your father?"
"Did you brush your teeth before bed?" "Yes." — she'll just shoot a glare at them until they get it right, raising her eyebrow — "Yes, ma'am. Sorry!" "Yeah, thought so."
She has cute little petnames for her kid/kids — baby, sweetheart, doll, their first initial, dove, honey/hun, diva/sassy, bossy, bubba, love
She has asthma, so her kids have asthma too — she got it from Jerry
She will comfort her kid through their asthma attacks — "Deep breaths, baby. That's it, you got it."
"I know that's not a fucking hickey on your neck." — for teenagers
"Mommy, can you help me rearrange my room, please please please?" "Yeah, sure, hun." — she ends up doing all of the work.
If she has more than one kid, the oldest one is always trusted to look out for the others.
She'll pay for her kids to try any hobby they want, she has no issue with it
"You said you have a project due tomorrow?!" She's absolutely fucking livid, "And you only thought to tell me now?"
Everyone does their part with chores, including her
If she has a child who inherited her attitude she's able to humble them every time — "Don't dish it out if you can't take it, yeah?"
"Oh my god, you better clean up this fucking room."
She calls her kid up, "That room better be clean by the time I get back, or you're getting it. You hear me?"
"Do you understand me?"
"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
"Get all of that?"
"Think I'm playin' with you?"
She's very, very protective of her children
She will always hear her kids out, but ultimately she knows best
will always listen to their side of the story and take it into account, even if she's angry with them
Abby values honesty and integrity above all else
"You know you can tell me anything, absolutely anything, right?"
"Hey, can you make sure to take the meat out of the freezer? I'm planning to cook today." — but when she gets home, the meat is definitely still in the freezer.
She sets boundaries and expectations for her kids and expects them to be followed
"Go lay out your clothes for tomorrow."
"How was Owen's?"
When her kids bring friends around, she know's who's good and who's not. — "Yeah, I don't like that boy Kevin. Steer clear of him, maybe."
Abby can read her kids like the back of her own hand
"Baby, what's the matter?"
She does that nose bridge pinch
"Get your fuckin' act together, alright?" 
If her kid starts acting up in public, she'll give them that look and if they don't stop she'll grab their shoulder and pull them close. Abby would bend down, "Tread lightly, yeah?"
"You better straighten up, hun." she'd say, "Or you're in hot water."
"I'll tan your hide if you don't cut it out, now."
"Shape up, or ship out."
All of her kids look exactly like her with different coloring
"Is that the route you wanna take?"
"You have like, five seconds, to remove yourself from my line of sight before I reach out and grab you."
"Don't tempt fate, hun."
"Can you tell that you're pissing me off right now? Or no?"
(If you like Ellabs) They call Ellie Mama
She loves to read books to/with her kids
She carries her kids around on her back or to her chest with ease, no matter their age
"Watch your tone, Okay?"
"Watch yourself."
"Have you eaten today, love?"
"Who are you talking to?!"
she is an amazing mama
That's all I've got 
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months
asthma attacks | leah williamson x reader
based off a req that i got asking for soft boyfriend leah looking after a sick reader!
just a little drabble that’s just some sickness angst and heart warming fluff
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Leah was out for the night. Out with Kim and Lia at some music event that they had decided to go to together. It wasn’t abnormal, Leah was out most weekends, with Alex or teammates. You weren’t a partier, you didn’t enjoy being out and about, you were a practised introvert whereas Leah was not. Normally you were fine with it, insisting to your fiance that she go out and enjoy herself, you enjoyed spending your Saturday night’s on your shared couch, digging into a tub of ice cream and watching whatever trashy reality show you could find.
Tonight though everything had felt off, there had been a sudden change in the weather in London, a sunny day now having a storm loom over the skies. It had put you off, but you hadn’t let it show enough for Leah to catch on, you wanted her to have a good night and you knew that if she was worrying about you she never would. So like normal, you helped her select her outfit, opting for a brown leather pair of slacks and a white v-neck shirt that matched up nicely with a black coat. She looked stunning and you made her aware of it, showering her with kisses and stray arms as she made her way out of the door, promising she’d be home by ten.
You’d started your night by ordering pizza, but you couldn’t shake the feeling in your chest, the slow tightening. It was something you’d never experienced and you shook it off as it just being anxiety. You got your blanket fort ready on the couch, prepared to sit in and watch the episodes of The Real Housewives and clicking play. You pressed pause on the show when you heard the sound of your delivery man at the door, leaping out of your blankets and walking towards your door. You cursed when you realised that your wallet wasn’t at the door, remembering that you had taken it upstairs earlier. You rushed towards your staircase, ignoring the feeling of tightness in your chest as you bounded up the stairs, ignoring the lack of oxygen you seemed to have once you made it to the top, ignoring it and rushing towards your bedroom. It took you hardly any time to track down your wallet, you fished out a series of bills, enough to pay for your food and tip the driver generously, you couldn’t help but feel the oxygen in your lungs, or the lack thereof. You ignored it. Rushing to the door in a haste so as to not leave your delivery man waiting any longer, there was this clench across your torso though that was so sudden and so unexpected. You shoved the money towards the man, quickly trading the pizza box with the cash so you could close the door.
You knew this feeling. In all honesty you hadn’t felt it in too long, a bit too long to send you into some false sense of security but now it was all coming into focus for you. You slid down onto the floor of your house, your lungs no longer being able to support you standing up. You dropped the pizza box to the side of you, your arms clutching at your chest, as you wheezed and struggled for air. You should have known when the storm warnings came, should have known to have your puffer on hand. You were royally fucked now, the all so familiar asthma attack beginning to take a toll on your body.
You reached into the pocket of your lounge pants, fumbling around with the buttons as your vision began to blur from the sheer lack of oxygen that was entering your body. You struggled with the buttons, clicking on the phone one and stumbling through your contacts until you managed to find your girlfriend.
You clicked on her name, praying that she would pick up. The only puffer’s that you had lay in your medicine cabinet and bedside table, for the odd panic attack that you would sometimes procure in your sleep, that often had you barreling into an asthma attack.
You listened carefully to the sound of ringing, cursing in your head when the sound of Leah’s voicemail began to play, her voice did wonders to soothe you but once it was over you couldn’t help but feel overwhelming dread. You scrolled frantically, your hands shaking as the searched for someone else, eventually locating Kim’s number and pressing on it, she was your last hope.
You listened dutifully to the sound of the phone ringing, listening as it slowly began to ring out and ust as you were losing hope the sound of music started to bleed through your speaker.
“Y/n? What’s up?”
You wheezed as you sucked in the oxygen to speak.
“A-Asthma attack, n-need Leah.”
You heard Kim swear under her breath, her deep Scottish accent being portrayed in her words. You could hear her yelling at Leah on the other side of the phone, clearly trying to get the attention of your girlfriend. It took some more yelling and bustling for Leah’s voice to finally meet your ears. You were exhausted, your breaths becoming even harder to take with every second.
“Baby, are you alright? Have you got a puffer?”
You gulped, again taking your time to suck in the oxygen so you could reiterate what was happening to Leah.
“N-No, s’ upstairs, c-can’t breathe.”
You heard Leah take a deep exhale on the other side of the phone, and then yell something out to one of her companions.
“Okay, okay, stay on the phone with me. I’m leaving now, I’ll be home soon, we’re only five minutes away. Just keep talking to me okay.”
You nodded at the phone, the realised that Leah couldn’t see you.
“F-forgot about the s-storm.”
It was true, even though you knew it was one of your triggers it had managed to completely slip your mind, you had been too focused on the obscenely sudden change of weather to think about how it could affect you.
“I know baby girl, it completely slipped my mind as well, just keep taking those deep breaths, blow the candles out remember. I’m going to be home soon, just keep blowing out the candles.”
You nodded into the phone, trying your very hardest to obey Leah’s wish and take the breaths that she had told you too. It wasn’t easy, but you tried your very hardest to allow the oxygen to reenter your body, only for it to be taken away by the tightening in your chest and the wheezes that left your lungs with every little breath you tried to take. You need your puffer, and soon, before you lacked so much oxygen that you passed out.
Leah stayed on the phone with you, murmuring reminders to breathe and other similar advice that was nice but didn’t do very much to calm the struggle that you were having. You made sure to murmur to her every once in a while, reminding the woman that you were still alive.
“Y/n/n, keep blowing the candles out, you're doing so well for me sweet girl, you’ve got this, just keep taking those deep breaths.”
Your head was clouding over with a haze, something you recognised as a symptom of your oxygen deprivation, first came the cloud, then a complete daze and then unconsciousness.
“L-leah, need you.”
Your words were breathy, your lungs struggling to scrap together much more than the half words.
“I know sweet, I’m almost there, just pulling into the driveway now, keep breathing for me.”
You could feel the fog that was plaguing your body begin to thicken and you thanked every god that Leah was close by, that tonight she had opted to keep it local instead of going elsewhere. You listened indepthly as you heard the sound of a car pulling in and fast footsteps making their way across the pavement of your driveway and towards the door.
In the flash of a moment the door was slung open, Leah locating you almost immediately on the floor and crouching down beside you.
“Kim, inhaler, bedside table.”
It was then that you spotted Kim and Lia running in behind her, the three of them about as flustered as flustered could be.
Leah pulled her jacket off, slinging the far to large coat over your nearly bare shoulders, the only thing covering your chest being one of your pyjama tank tops. Your body was shivering wildly, with the lack of everything beginning to truly affect your form.
“Hey, hey honey, look at me, keep blowing out the candles yeah? Take those deep breaths for me, Kim’s fetching your inhaler so just hang in for me.”
You nodded at Leah, trying your very hardest to absorb her words and put them into action.
“Lia, wet towel, now.”
Lia nodded, running off towards your kitchen whilst Leah stayed crouched beside you on the floor. It was seconds later that Kim came bounding down your staircase, a inhaler clutched in one of her hands. She threw it to Leah, who caught it with ease and very quickly brought it to your mouth, pressing down on the puffer as to allow you to take in some of the medicine that you so desperately needed. You ran the process a multitude of times, Leah insisted that you take as many puffs of the medication as you were allowed to. As soon as you were done you slumped against Leah, her body coming to rest beside you against the wall of your hallway, slinging her arm around you so she could bring you to her chest, letting you feel her deep breaths and try to copy them.
When Lia returned with the towel Leah pressed it against your head, letting you feel the contrast of the cold. You’d found over time that the cold tended to shock your body into normality, and that sometimes it would assist in helping an attack pass.
It was just a waiting game, waiting for the ventolin to force your lungs to untighten, forcing them to do the job that they were supposed to, that you so wished they would do naturally. Slowly the medication worked, slowly it started to take effect on your body, allowing you to float down from the haze that you’d been in.
“M’ sorry I wrecked your night.”
The other two women had sat themselves down on the wall opposite you two, the two of them sporting equally concerned faces.
“You did no such thing, I should have known that with the storm coming there was a chance you would be affected by it, never should have left your side.”
Leah leant down to your head, pressing a gentle kiss to your hairline that lasted for quite a few seconds.
“Ruined your night though.”
It was Kim’s deep Scottish accent that boomed through this time, being the only noise in the hallway beside the sound of your constricted breaths.
“You did not ruin anybody's night, we wanted you to call us, if you ever feel like that we’d want you to call us, you had a asthma attack, a completely human thing that you couldn’t have prevented. All is well as long as you are feeling fine.”
You nodded at Kim, grateful for the smile that the older woman, your captain gave you.
“I’ll be alright now, thanks to you.”
It was true, without the help of the women you would probably be dead, unable to do much more than collapse on the floor of your house and slowly choke on your own breaths.
“It’s no trouble at all, we’re always here to help if you need, we better get going now, keep an eye on this one Lee.”
Kim reached down to ruffle your hair, helping Lia up and the two of them saying their goodbyes before exiting your house.
Leah continued to hold you in her arms as your breaths evened out, slowly returning to normal as the medication began to fully work.
“M’ so sorry sweetheart, I should have known with the storm.”
You shushed Leah’s worries, a hand reaching up to her mouth to stop her from venting.
“Hey, I forgot as well, neither of us are at fault, it happens. Nothing would have stopped it from happening, it just happened to be that tonight you were out, but you were here, you got here and I’m fine, I’m going to be fine.”
Leah nodded at you, leaning down to press another set of kisses to your face, placing them all over your face and forehead before reaching down to peck your lips.
“Never leaving you again, you are going to be stuck at my side forever.”
You rolled your eyes at Leah’s words, knowing that her protective nature would take over for the next two weeks before it faded and she returned to her normal ways.
“I’m going to have to brush up on my dance moves then.”
Leah snorted, knowing that the day she got you out on the dance floor would be a monumental moment for sure.
“Nope, never leaving this house, going to keep you wrapped up in our bed forever, no more risks for you.”
You rolled your eyes at Leah once again, ignoring her frightfully overbearing boyfriend tendencies that seemed to come into play after every single time something happened to you.
“Sounds like a pretty good life to me.”
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chaosheadspace · 1 month
Hiii I hope you feel better soon!
8 or 46 for the kiss prompts?
HI, thank you for sending in an ask! I did 46 (out of jealousy). I tried combining them, but what came out of my brain has really nothing to do with secrecy lol. Enjoy!
In theory, it could have been a good day. In theory. It had been Hob’s day off, teaching part-time and all, and he’d wanted to just relax for once. Don’t get him wrong, he loves life, but the last few months have been hectic with school, finding new staff for the New Inn and sorting out the veritable mess with his oldest friend. He’d come out on top of that, though, because (Hob still can’t believe it) said friend is now his boyfriend, and Hob has vowed to himself (and to Dream, for that matter), to make him as happy as he possibly can be.
Dream is busy tonight though, and so Hob had planned on a bath and a nice dinner, maybe a film. These plans are thoroughly derailed just as he’s putting in a load of laundry. His phone rings, and his barman for tonight barely has a voice, and according to him also a fever, maybe even RSV. Apparently the test said so. Remembering that Jon has asthma, Hob sternly tells him to go to urgent care, and then hangs up to curse a bit.
He’s got no one else to cover that shift.
Hob tries to see the bright side. He loves working the bar, to meet new people, to chat with regulars during (admittedly rare) lulls. So he does what he has to, moves his bath to the afternoon and then puts on a haphazard bun, his best apron and his best smile.
Upon entering the New Inn proper though, the smile quickly slides off his face again.
Dream is here, sitting at one of the tables, full wine glass in front of him, and opposite him a very stunning woman. Both of them are absorbed in conversation, like the world doesn’t matter to them right now, and Hob can’t help the familiar, sickening lurch his stomach gives.
Hob might be old, but he’s not been a good man for long stretches of his life, and even with six hundred odd years to work the kinks out of his personality, some of his faults run deep. Like his jealousy. Oily bitterness on his tongue, an older friend than even Dream. They look good together, right in a way Hob knows he could never be. And he trusts Dream, really he does, he trusts Dream’s heart more than his own.
The thing is, he doesn’t trust himself to be good enough, because he knows he’s not. His own light is a candle to Dream’s supernova, easily outshined, swallowed up.
No, Hob is not a good man at all, because the first thing he does is go right over to them.
“Hi love, can I get you anything else or are you good?” Hob’s got many faces. He’s managed to be polite in front of the queen once, he can manage it now. Maybe.
Dream looks up, startled out of his concentration, and the way his face lights up is a small consolation, but not enough to calm the burning acid in his stomach. He can’t let them know. Can’t let him know. If Hob could get any more jealous, he’s sure there would be poison dripping out between his teeth.
“Hello Hob,” Dream says, his voice like velvet, “This is Calliope. My ex-wife, I believe you would call it.”
Hob swallows. Contradictory feelings tear his heart apart inside his chest. Surely there is a reason they are apart now, but there had been something once, enough to get married…
Hob’s cruel mind reminds him of his recent daydreams , flashing images of a silver ring with rubies and a small cottage in front of his eyes. If he were alone, he’d shake his head and tug his hair and maybe scream into a pillow a bit.
Deep brown, soulful eyes look up into his, and Hob swallows again and forces his smile wider.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Hob, his boyfriend.”
Calliope raises one eyebrow and shakes his outstretched hand as if she could see through him down to his last secret. Which she probably can, let’s be honest. In all his years, Hob’s never gotten as good at subtlety as he wished, and maybe his rampant jealousy is painted on his face.
“Really?” Calliope says, and Hob is gone, finished, his anger vaulting him over the edge.
He whips to the side, takes Dream’s face into his hands and kisses him in the middle of his own inn, apron and all, in plain view of the whole floor. Doesn’t keep it strictly appropriate either, instead he kisses Dream like it’ll be the last time, like the end of the world was upon them, filthy, with tongue. A very tiny, quickly squashed part of him tells him he might come to regret this later. But he has to, he can’t help it, can’t push down this feeling any longer, and so he stakes his claim.
Dream purrs under him, his chest rumbling, his neck tilted almost too far to be comfortable. There’s hands on Hob’s hips, fingers in his belt loops, tugging him down into Dream’s lap. Hob doesn’t care enough to resist. It’d be a bitch and a half to relocate his life fifteen years before it’s time but right now there’s no place else he’d rather be.
Dream remembers too late that Hob, unlike him, has to breathe, so by the time Dream lets him go just an inch, he’s panting like he’s run a marathon, and more than a little dizzy.
“I see,” he can hear Calliope’s amused voice behind his back.
Dream hooks his chin over Hob’s shoulder, possibly to say something, the rumbling purr still rolling through his chest and into Hob’s.
Calliope doesn’t let him get a word in, though. “It’s fine,” she says, “but do keep me out of it next time. We can catch up at a later date.” Then there’s only footsteps and the din of the Inn around them.
A stray thought slowly filters into Hob’s brain, through the mess of feelings and lack of oxygen. He takes another breath, clears his throat.
“Did you…did you do that on purpose?” he asks.
The purring intensifies, then Dream speaks, haughty, vague. “Maybe.”
Hob laughs. He knows he should be mad, but right now he’s just relieved to be accepted, wanted even in his messy imperfection.
send me a kissy prompt or read the finished ones here
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
The Grand A-Z List of Whump 1/3
This list contains ~290 items listed A to H
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing as it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This list's intention is not to glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This part one-of-three comprehensive lists of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[I-Q] [R-Z] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
"I don't need your help."
"I'm doing this to make you better"
"I'm fine, take care of them!"
“I’m Fine”
"Kill me instead"
"Let me in."
"Look at me."
"Should I know you?"
"Take me instead."
(No) Anaesthetic
A Good Ol' Sickfic
Abdominal Pain
Aching Wounds
Adrenaline Crash
Adrift (in space/at sea)
Alien abduction
Ambulance Ride
Amnesia/memory loss
Angina (Heart condition that causes pain)
Animal Attack/Bite
Ankle Sprain
Anxiety/Anxiety attack(s)
Asking for help
Assumed Dead
Asthma/Asthma Attack
Autoimmune disease
Bad Caretakers
Bandaged Head
Barbed Wire
Bear trap
Beaten up by ex-friends
Beaten with blunt object (i.e, bat or pipe)
Bedside Vigil/Hospital Vigil
Betrayed by close friend/team/family
Bites (Animal, Bug, Human….)
Black Eye
Bleeding Out
Bleeding Through
Blindness (this could be temporary or permanent)
Blood Loss
Blood Poisoning
Bloodied Knuckles
Bloodstains/blood trail
Bloody handprints
Bloody nose
Blunt force trauma
Blurred vision
Body modification
Body Sharing
Body Switching
Bounty on their head
Brain Damage
Bridal Carry
Broken Bones (Ribs, Arm, Leg)
Broken Nose
Broken Promises
Building Collapse
Bullet Removal
Bumpy roads jarring injuries
Buried Alive
Burning Building
Busted kneecap
Capgras syndrome/delusion (belief that someone close to/important to the person has been replaced by an imposter)
Car chases (and maybe a car crash)
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cardiac Arrest
Caretaker has to “play nice” with whumper.
Caretaker has to hurt whumpee while undercover.
Caretaker sacrificing something dear to them to get something the whumpee needs.
Caretaker turned Whumpee
Caretaker-whumper who's a parental whumper. But their "love" is not real love. Or even right treatment.
Caught in a fire
Caught in an explosion
Cave In
Celebrity whump (exploitation in the music/movie industries…)
Chaffing from ropes/handcuffs/shackles
Checking for injuries
CHF - congestive heart failure
Chicken Pox
Chronic pain
Cleaning wounds alone
Collapsed Lung
Collapsing (into someone’s arms is usually nice, bonus points for cradling their head as they lower the whumpee to the floor)
Collapsing after they win
Collapsing/Fainting/Passing Out
Comfort after a nightmare
Common cold
Completely betrayed by their own team
Constricted Airways
COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease makes breathing increasingly more difficult.
Corporal Punishment
Corset too tight and won’t unbutton
Coughing Up Blood
Crikes (intubation through neck)
Crush injury
Cuddle pile
Cutting off hair (more of an emotional hurt)
Cyanide poisoning
Damaged Larynx/Vocal Cords
Deathbed Confessions (don’t have to actually die and stay dead, just the threat of dying)
Defenestration (throwing out a window)
Deja Vu
Delirium (bonus points for this being drug/ fever induced)
Deluded whumper/thinking they’re helping the whumpee
Dengue Fever
Diabetes (type 1 and 2)
Diseases ('mystery' diseases are the best kind)
Disowned by Family
Displaced hip
Distress call
Dragged Away
Dream sequence
Driving to the hospital with a whumpee slumped barely-conscious in the seat of the car
Ear Infection
Edema (swelling from build up of fluid)
Electrical Burns
Electrical shock
Emergency field surgery
Emergency Surgery
Emotional angst
Emotional manipulation
Enemy to Caretaker
Energy Drain
Environmental whump
Exes reunited with one wanting a relationship and the other just wanting friendship.
Extreme Weather
Eye injury
Facing Phobias
Failed Escape
Failure to thrive
Fainting (but also fainting aftermath) / Fainting due to lack of sleep, food, or overworking fainting from exhaustion
Falling for Caretaker/Whumpee/Whumper
Falling Through Ice
Fibromyalgia (Chronic Pain)
Field medicine
Fighting (while injured)
Financial difficulty faced + how whumper might take advantage of that + how caretaker handles everything (well/badly)
Finding your loved one dead without explanation but thinking they’re still alive.
Fireman's carry
Flare ups
Flinching away
Food Poisoning
Forced to... (Break out, Choose, Hurt, Kneel, Scream, Watch)
Forehead kisses
Forgotten by team
Foul-tasting medicine
Found family
Found unconscious
Fracture (Arm, Hyoid bone etc)
Freezing / cold whump
Friendly Fire
Gangrene infection
Gas (noxious, poisonous etc)
Glass (shards, debris etc)
Gunshot Wound
Hair Pulling/Cutting/Matting/Stroking
Hard ground
Hay Fever
Head injuries/concussion
Head trauma
Heart Palpitations
Heat Exhaustion
Heavy metal poisoning
Held at gunpoint/knifepoint/weapon point
Hematohidrosis (Sweating blood)
Hemophilia/Hematophilia (Blood unable to clot)
Hidden Illness/Injury/Scar/Medical Issues
High Blood Pressure
High Fever (like dangerously high)
High Pain Tolerence
Hit by a car
Home Sickness
Hospital Codes
Hostage Situation
House burnt down
Huddling for Warmth
Human Shield
Human Weapon
Hunted for Sport
Hurt no comfort
Hypotension/ Hypertension
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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brights-place · 7 months
I just took a look at your random list and MY INNER DEMONS??
That's so super crazy who would request that hahaha..
so uhh you got any chance of writing for asch??
Yk for a friend
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Prince Asch dating headcannons
Pairings: Asch X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Cursing
A/N: Asch dating headcannons YIPPEEE! Finally someone requested M.I.D which is fun to write since Asch in art is AWOOGA! But he isn’t my favourite nehehehe…
- Okay Asch has anger issues and what’s even more annoying is how he was suppose to be choosing an future partner for him - He stood infront of all the people that were chosen and each one appearing he grew more aggravated it was useless to have an partner with this magic crisis going on
- If you were human and he arrived to earth with his knights it would be this whole thing - Asch wouldn’t notice first about how he feels about you… It may seem like how he felt with Ava just for a moment then he saw you
- He had his breath taken away and he couldn’t help but be pulled in
- You were more obedient yes but yet you had this spark that made him question himself - Rhys noticed this and was quite confused and so was Rhys both agreeing that you may have casted an spell... but you didn't cast one that's the thing you just existed - Asch's personality is demanding, rude, and harsh. He likes to do everything his way. Most of the time he acts tough and has an interest in intimidating people... but with you he has an soft side which made him feel weak and pissed him off - Though when you told him he could have an weak side he was confused yet calm not wanting to be pissed off - He has his ups and downs so it's hard for him yet you try help him the best you could. - He burnt you by accident once and he panicked checking your burn... he showed weakness and he grew even more annoyed at himself - He would 'Command' you to or allow himself to just wrap his arms around your waist - Asch command you to stay beside his side which was confusing to you but you stood beside him - Asch was waving dismissively to his knights who stared at you with absolute confusion as Asch threatened their heads if they questioned him - One day you asked him if he ever felt love - He didn't know what to say and told you how daemos call it weak and you couldn't help but feel pity for him and all other daemos - One day he asked to court you... you were confused but when the other Daemos gasped the explained it was well... even more confusing till Ava was laughing and told you Asch wanted to date you - You took an page out of Ava's book and fainted - Asch would court you doing grand gestures as you stare at him with confusion - I have been convince asch would have Asthma! - Asch should has asthma because of his fire's smoke because he uses his fire very often !! - He holds your hand and looks away as you stare confusingly at him while he tells you not to question him - He does dumb things to impress you which always works - You kissing him on the cheek makes him blush - One time you accidentally touched his horns out of pure curiosity and he froze blushing telling you not to do that - Another time of you being very questionable and weird was when you slept in his room the next day he see’s you trying to sneak away with his red cape… - He chased you around as you screamed for help - Pierce had protected you as Lief join in with Asch to chase you down out of pure entertainment - Random kisses secretly and gets pretty jealous easily
- Even if your Human and He is daemos he will try his best…. - He holds you close and tries hard not to let them wise you as a magic source… he had grown fond of you and won’t let others try to take you from his grasps.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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raphael-angele · 7 months
How I imagine Bianca if she lived:
One name: Bernadette Rostenkowksi Wolowitz
During Capture the Flag:
Bianca, yelling at Percy as they run: Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Percy: *panting*
Bianca: How am I faster than you?! I'm carrying more equipment and I stopped to tie my shoes!
Percy: I have asthma...BACK OFF!
Coming back from the Titan's Curse Mission:
Nico: Bia! *runs to her and hugs her*
Bianca: *hugs him back* Hey. *pulls away and looks at him* How was camp?
Nico: It was awesome! We did wood carving, and made smores, and I learned how to make a fire, Travis and Conner even let me join Capture the Flag
Bianca, who made them promise not to let Nico join CtF until he's trained and claimed:
Nico: :)
Bianca: That's nice. Why don't you go back to the Cabin and we'll talk about the mission.
Nico: Mkay :)
Bianca, walking up to Travis and Conner: You better explain to me why you chose to ignore my instructions about my little brother joining that game, cuz one way or another, I'm gonna leave grieving for a friend.
Leo, opening the door:
Bianca: You son of a bitch. What did you tell Nico?! Did you tell him that there's something going on between us because he thinks there is and he is completely freaking out!
Leo: Please, come in.
Bianca: What in Hades is wrong with you?! Leo, my position as a Hunter could be compromised! I could get into a lot of trouble!
Leo: Wha- I didn't say that there was something going on between us. I said that you were always so nice to me, it would be nice to be with someone like you.
Leo: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it that way
Bianca: Damn right you are. You tell my little brother that there is nothing, never has been, and never will be anything between us.
Leo: I will...hey, Bianca?
Bianca: What?!
Leo: You think I have a shot with Thalia?
Bianca: Of course, you do! You're a sweetheart! Any girl would be lucky to have you! *leaves and slams the door*
After Leo "died":
Percy and Jason fighting:
Jason: For the last time, I didn't mean to!
Percy: Oh, you didn't mean to? I'll show you what-
Bianca: HEY! Percy, Jason, other room, right now!
*other room*
Bianca: I don't know what you think you're doing but this is a very difficult time for the lot of us. We're doing this in honor of Leo and you're just gonna fight all night like a couple of children? What ever it is you're fighting about, put it aside, go back in there, and be a good friend or there's no dessert for either of you!
*main room*
Bianca: Look at me when I'm talking to you-
Hazel, whispering to Nico: You ever notice how Bianca sounds just like dad?
Nico: ...nope
Hazel: Bianca, you've been to Olympus, right? On your first mission? What did it look like?
Bianca: Oh, it was beautiful. I looked down and it like it was like looking at a whole different world...if I could, I would've wiped it all out with my thimb like a God.
One summer: Hazel, Annabeth and Bianca decide to go to Disney World
Annabeth: Okay, so there's this place on Disney World where you pick your princess, they give you the hair, the makeup, the works. Haven't tried it before but I guess it would be fun to be Belle
Hazel: Oh, I wanna be Belle, too
Bianca: We can't all be Belle.
Annabeth: Alright then, how do we decide?
Bianca: Simple. This was my idea, I'm paying for it, I'm Belle. You bitches got a problem with that, we can go back to Camp right now.
Bianca: When was the last time you got any sleep?
Nico, figuring out a procephy: I don't know, two-three days? Not important. I don't need sleep. I need answers. I need to determine where in this SWAMP of unbalanced forces squatteth the toad of truth.
Hazel: Toad of truth? Is that a Greek thing?
Will: No, that's a sleep deprived thing.
Bianca: Okay, Nico. What happens to our brains if we don't get enough sleep?
Nico: They lose their ability to function and be rational?
Bianca: Exactly. So go march in there, go take a shower and get some sleep.
Nico: But I don't wanna go to sleep!
Bianca: I'm gonna count to three. One-
Nico: *sneers* Alright. *goes*
Will: Please teach me how you did that
Bianca: I raised him. I know how to get him to eat his vegetables, too.
Taking Bianca to the drop off where she'll meet with the other hunters:
Bianca: Thank you for coming along to see me off, William
Will: Of course. Just wanna make sure you get there safe
Nico: Yeah, you'll get plenty of time looking for a new boy toy.
Bianca: Hey. I will not have you disrespecting me
Nico: Yes, ma'am
Will: Nico, you have a very attractive sister. You need to get used to the fact that even though she's vowed not to be in a relationship, she'll have plenty of suitors who would want to have her as their partner.
Nico: And you need to mind your own business
Will: Wha- I will not have you disrespecting me
Nico: You don't tell me what to do
Bianca: Don't you go disrespecting him
Nico: Yes, ma'am.
Bianca, to Will: You'll get there, you just gotta put some zing on it.
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manticore-fangs · 3 months
if you've ever watched "still wakes the deep", imagine an cod au with it, but with a few twists. (dont read if you wanna watch it! has a bit of spoilers!)
simon, johnny, price, kyle and the other crew workers on the oil rig, relaxing until the early afternoon comes.
johnny is the person who fixes the electricity. waking up bright and early only for it to turn hell within seconds. he was bouta get fired from rennick. going to the heli before the rig started failing on them.
when johnny met price, the chef. his lungs are killing him, his asthma doing horrible from the short intakes of air from the panic of seeing what almost seems to be an apocalyptic outbreak, he needs his puffer. he looks at soap, asking him to look for the lifeboats and help him find his puffer. please.
the lifeboats all fallen and wrecked from what happened to the oil rig. then johnny was told by rennick to get to the heli! or else he's leaving the lot of you behind!
he then meets simon. his best mate turn into this massive fucking monster. screaming out for help. his large tendrils grabbing and slamming around the crew members on the oil rig, floating around and yelling out "help me!" "please, help me!" "you all are fuckin' bastards" because johnny is so petrified of what his friend became. running away before he could get dragged by those tendrils. just out of reach.
kyle is the one who manages the controls, the one who helps johnny with finding his way around, with the generators and aswell as the navigating his way through the lower parts of the oil rig. calling him through the phones that are on the rig.
when soap was in the generators.. simon evolved and started howling.. he was more aggressive. almost like he wanted to kill johnny.. to harm him in so many ways. "get the fuck over here mactavish!" "im gonna fuckin' get you." "im waiting mactavish." and more obscene curses.
who knows if the men will make it alive. sure hope so. (watch still wakes the deep! such a good horror game with multiple fears like water, darkness and heights.. lots of heights knowing your on a oil rig. the lore is amazing and the creatures too! dont wanna spoil it for everyone.)
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