#cw death penalty
artbyblastweave · 2 years
Once again putting forth my third-way proposal that we begin implementing capital punishment solely through suitless space walks. This would put us in a double bind of positive outcomes; either executions drop to nothing because it’s prohibitively expensive to keep training death row inmates as astronauts, or the wholesome tenacity of the American killing spirit will give the space program the kick in the pants it sorely needs absent a relevant military opponent. Will there be be negative externalities, you ask? Sure. We’ll see a sharp uptick in the most brutal murders imaginable, committed by individuals so determined to achieve sweet momentary communion with the one true void that they’ll pay any moral cost. But let’s not kid ourselves; all progressive policies have drawbacks. The only true sin is to elide them when the concept is brought to table.
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loverlaner · 1 year
abolish death penalty. no exception. no buts or ifs.
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thekimspoblog · 7 months
Any news that our country is inventing MORE ways to kill its own citizens is horrific. Obviously the context of why this person was executed is completely different, but we are still only a hop skip and a jump away from Hydrogen Cyanide here.
I can understand wanting the assassin dead. Whether the victim is justified in his anger is not what this is about; hell, I'm not even much of a "sanctity of life" guy to begin with. But if the problem the victim has with the Alabama justice system is seriously that it's not executing people FAST ENOUGH, then fuck him. We empower the tyranny of the government when we outsource our desire for revenge to them. It's disturbing when a reverend and a few hired thugs make the decision about who lives or dies; it's infinitely more disturbed when our tax dollars do the same.
Alabama has -10 interest in addressing the underlying reasons a reverend was able to hire men to murder his wife. Executions don't make the world safer for women; equity, financial independence, reproductive freedom, education, and scrutiny of religious dogma are the forces which put distance between mothers and the abuse of their husbands.
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zaynes-ocs · 1 year
Part 2 of Milo’s Backstory!!
Read part 1 here
(A/N this was originally much longer but it was a little too long so i have thus split it into a third part, i promise it gets more exciting than this im bad at courtroom scenes they’re just so boring but also important)
The sound of chains echoing across the grand oaken halls of the courtroom were like the soft rolling booms of thunder before a particularly bad storm, silencing the jury as the young elven boy was marched up to the podium, his wrists and ankles in heavy iron shackles that rattled like haunting windchimes and his dreary gaze turned downwards at the ground in front of him, too ashamed to gaze up at the faces of the crowd he knew held the eyes of those he and his mother grew to trust and rely on, to even be considered friends or neighbors at some point. Faces which now bore looks of horror and disapproval as they murmured among themselves, silencing once more only for the loud and sudden clatter of the gavel.
“Milo Thatcher you are on trial for arson of the magical variety and the senseless massacre of several residents of Viradon Village, what say you for yourself?”
“Your honor, if I may explain, it was an accident.” Milo spoke with a slight tremble as he gazed up towards the stand, the pit in his stomach growing as he took note of the bored expression plastered on the judge’s face as if he were only half-listening to the boy’s desperate plea.
“An accident you say….” Droned the Judge with an uninterested scoff. “How is the death of 8 people and a town turned to charcoal an accident? Do enlighten me!”
“I was with my friends, Alec Longwood and Thomas Greene, out in the forest. We had found a small cliff where we could see the village clearly, and they wanted me to try and hit a scarecrow with my magic.” Milo began to explain, standing as still and straight as he could as he fought back bitter tears. “I-I’m still not… great with my skills, and I tried to tell them, but eventually I did use my magic, but I swear upon my soul that I didn’t intend for any of this! I didn’t mean for the bolt to become that strong, honest!”
“Hm, quite a predicament indeed.” The Judge chuffed with a stroke of his beard as he looked out towards the jury before clacking his gavel down once again. “I hereby call Alec Longwood to the stand to give his statement.”
Milo’s eyes shot over to the Jury as he watched his “friend” stand, a glower darkening his eyes like a thundercloud as he stalked forward towards the stand before clearing his throat.
“That monster is a liar.” He began, startling Milo into a silent gasp. “Me and Thomas went up to the cliff yes, but not with him, after him. We had heard him talking about how he was going to do something terrible to the town. He used to be our friend your honor, but not anymore after we’ve seen what he’s truly like. He pretends to be this weak, shy boy, but really, he’s a freak of nature and craves destruction. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was lying about being born with his magic either, it would make more sense for him to be a warlock with how destructive he is. My only regret is that Thomas and I weren’t able to stop him.”
Milo could do nothing but stand in silence and shock at the blatant lie that spilled like venom from Alec’s lips. A silence that was unfortunately taken as admittance, an uproar of fear rippling through the jury before the clattering of the gavel silenced them once more.
“Order! Order!” Called the Judge before glancing down at the stand of the accused to glower down at Milo’s stunned face before turning his attention back to Alec. “Mr. Longwood, that is quite an accusation for what the accused has previously stated, so I must dismiss you and call upon Thomas Greene for his statement.”
Alec nodded quietly as he left the stand, passing by the tiny, scuttling form of Thomas as he hurried up to the stand, swear beading across his forehead as he threw a timid glance over at the forlorn face of Milo who still held a glimmer of hope that Thomas would be truthful and stick up for him, that Alec wouldn’t get away with such slander, that this could all be revealed as one terrible accident.
“It’s just as Alec spoke your honor.” Thomas announced softly, adverting his gaze as Milo’s heart dropped like a stone in a river. “H-he wanted to kill us all!”
Another uproar from the crowd had Milo’s ears ringing as he stared dead ahead, hopeless and broken as the one person who could have saved him from wrongful imprisonment lied on the stand, and for what? He thought they were friends. He thought he could rely on them. Was he wrong? Was he wrong to rely on anyone at all to begin with?
The world around Milo faded into silence as all he could hear was the thundering panic within his chest as he tried to keep himself composed, the air around himself already feeling suffocating as his vision blurred and dimmed, blood rushing through his veins like a flood and tears already breaking their confinement and beginning to trickle their way down his face before the slamming of the gavel brought him back to reality with a harsh jolt.
“Order!” Boomed the Judge as he narrowed his eyes down at the young elf, clearly having made a decision. “The court hereby finds Milo Thatcher guilty of the heinous crimes of arson and mass murder of several Viradon residents. He shall be sentenced to death by electric chair so that he may feel what his victims felt in their dying moments, dismissed!”
Milo kept silent in continued awe and horror at the events of his trial as his chains rattled from his guards yanking him backwards, giving him no choice but to follow as he shot one last glance at those who used to be his friends, knowing that he’d likely never see them again, or anything of the outside world for that matter. Shock painted his features like a statue’s eternal gaze, frozen in fear as he was dragged do his cell, never to see the light of day again.
He couldn’t have his vengance even if he wanted to.
Perhaps his execution would be for the best.
It had been his fault the whole time after all.
Part 3
Part 4
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goosegoblin · 7 days
I sometimes feel a divide between and other people who are against the death penalty when it comes to the topic of sex offenders, because their argument often seems to go "the death penalty in that case is bad because it can be targeted against trans people/ queer people/ gay people", and my argument is that I don't think the government should have the right to kill people
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
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85% of Batkids fanart is just this and it always has 5k notes and is drawn by artists who think Duke isn't a core Batfam member but that Wally is as important to Dick as Roy is
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tanuki-kimono · 1 year
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Irezumi kei (tattoo penalty) as depicted in the [徳鄰厳秘録 - Tokuringenbiroku], a kind of penalty instruction book compiled in 1814, digitalized by the National Archives of Japan.
CW for this post about Edo period judiciary => mentions of physical punishment, torture, death penalty (text only, no details, no graphic illustrations) . The irezumikei pages above are p.19 to 25.
I won't reproduced the illustrations here, but the Tokuringenbiroku book also presents other Edo period "punishments" and death penalties, like different types of goumon (torture), gokumon (decapitation and exposure of the head to public view), kakei (stake), haritsuke (crucifixion), or tameshigiri (sword cut testing, here on executed convict corpse). Please proceed to the full book according to your sensibilities!
Back to irezumi kei : the markings of character Akaza (from Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon's Slayer) are directly inspired by those, same for Mugen in Samurai Champloo for example:
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After Tokugawa Yoshimune's reforms abolished bloodier punishments (nose or ear cutting) for lesser crimes (like theft, gambling or fraud), irezumikei spread, inspired by Chinese bokkei practices.
Yet, zainin (lawbreakers) were also often beaten or whipped (tataki), which could be a "light" sentence or more far extreme one. Women tended to be imprisoned instead.
Punishment tattoos also often went alongside tokorobarai (banishment), which had several levels depending on the crime. You could be banished to a remote island, just away from your city, or forbidden to enter a certain perimeter.
Exile is why different areas had different marks, placed on the arms or faces, easily identifying the person as a criminal convicted in another region.
Number of lines or dots were often used to symbolize repeated offences (pic below source). Most of the times, getting 3+ irezumikei could grant you death penalty.
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Irezumikei maybe be why criminals came to use extravagant tattoos, as to cover their infamous marks, leading to the yakuza association with body ink.
Yet, other strata of population also favored figurative tattoos, so the link between criminals and tattoing in Edo period is not self-evident.
Some shapes of -sode (sleeve part of a tattoo) for example left arm interior bare, maybe to prove then that no armband tattoo was hidden underneath a bigger design.
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basildni · 19 days
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fly high you guys you wouldve loved roblox pressure
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horygory · 4 months
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The Green Mile (1999)
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zinesbycee · 1 year
pro-marijuana anti- capital punishment politician trying to appeal to gen z like "abolish stoning women 😭🙏 let women get stoned ☘️🤪"
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luminousfire · 1 year
In 2021, my grandfather was murdered. The state calls it manslaughter, but it was murder. Because I live in a death penalty state, I am more happy than not with that definition. I do not want his killers to die by the hand of the state or any hand at all. I have forgiven them.
I am a person with traumatic grief. It may even be classed as post traumatic stress when I go see a psychologist this month. Nevertheless, I am a staunch opposer of the death penalty.
As part of being a Christian, as well as a Quaker, I am called to forgive. Not a day goes by that I don't think about it. Not a day goes by that I don't forgive them all over again. I love them as my fellow man.
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uriswhumpchamber · 3 months
A character has been accused and convicted of a crime. A particularly heinous one - potentially world-ending levels of evil, I mean. Even capital punishment wouldn't be enough.
Luckily, this character cannot stay dead.
Perhaps after the fifth death they can get a retrial - see if they should be forgiven already.
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I... I mean, we love you very much. So come home soon. Let’s hug tight.
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 1 year
CW Albert Arenas
A win doesn't get you good treatment ☝️😔
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
I might kin from Garten of Banban. I think this crime should carry the death penalty, so I can be put out of my misery /j
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coulsonlives · 5 days
Can't wait to see all the "aw dang, they missed again" posts in relation to That News. 🙄
Edit: welp no one ever fired gunshots at him, it was just gunshots from SS agents being shot at the potential perp.
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