#dad comes home yelling and huffing and puffing
niceandbluept2 · 2 years
anyway kill all landlords lmao
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cal-flakes · 1 year
dying for something between a routledge!reader and deal dealer/mean!rafe if you have any ideas <3
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╰┈➤ pining and punches
warnings: rafe being an ass, violence, swearing, mentions of blood.
summary: rafe’s nasty attitude tips y/n over the edge, and he feels guilty.
y/n huffed and puffed as she sauntered through the restaurant, cleaning empty glasses and left over plates from the tables she passed. it had only just quieted down from the dinner rush, and she was nearing the end of her tether.
coming back through the aisle of tables, she cursed mentally as usual trio of kooks burst through the door, laughing obnoxiously. anxiously, she picked up the pace towards the kitchen, mentally praying they hadn’t already seen her.
unfortunately, she was stopped in her tracks by none other than rafe cameron, smacking into his broad chest, knocking the numerous plates out of her hand in one fell swoop.
suddenly all eyes and ears were on the pair as the sound of a ceramic car crash rang throughout the restaurant, just about forcing everyone to look in their direction.
her now trembling mouth fell open as she stared at the pile of broken glass surrounding her feet, yet not moving an inch. “shit, sorry. didn’t see you there” rafe smirked, the usual hint of arrogance lingering on his tone.
his sly smile faltered slightly as her eyes glazed over, flitting between him and the mess. a wave of disorientation washed over her as her mind raced. she was so unbelievably tired of this shit, being treated like garbage everyday by those who deemed her less than them.
y/n woke up everyday, dreading her shifts at the island club. she only worked there because she and her brother desperately needed the money, especially since big john disappeared.
“you gonna..uhh..clean that up?” topper spat, gesturing to the pool of shards that certainly wasn’t getting any smaller. her attention was drawn back to the three boys around her, now staring at her expectantly.
hot tears began to roll down her face as she shook her head, reaching around to untie her work apron before folding it and shoving it aggressively into topper’s hands. “no, i’m not”
sighing, she turned on her heel, leaving through the door they’d just came through, ignoring the vast amount of eyes on her. hastily wiping a few tears away, she continued walking, walking away from the place that abused her for fun, picking on the rogue pogue for the hell of it.
“hey! routledge!” she heard rafe call, his footsteps hot on her tail. almost instantly, she halted, spinning around to face him before pulling her arm back, and quickly launching her fist across his jaw.
in shock, rafe stumbled back, holding his jaw in pain as he winced. staring at her with wide eyes, he pulled his hand away slowly, taking in the sight of the crimson liquid now trickling over his hand.
even she looked shocked, completely dumbfounded by her sudden ability to finally crack him one, hard enough to split the skin.
“what the fuck?” he yelled breathlessly, struggling to wipe away the flow of blood dribbling down his neck, soaking the collar of his navy polo.
“that’s what you get. do you want to explain to my brother why we don’t have enough money for rent this month? he sure as hell packs a harder punch than me!” she yelled back, stepping towards him threateningly.
staggering backwards, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the feeling of guilt now pooling in his stomach as he watched the tears cascading down her flushed cheeks.
lowering himself to the ground, he rested against the railing, watching her frame become smaller and smaller as she continued to walk away from him, making her way back to the cut on foot.
a couple of hours had passed, and y/n had managed to get home, cry to her brother, bandage her hand, have a shower, and get into bed when a loud knock echoed throughout the crowded chateau.
since their dad had disappeared, their home had become the hotspot for john b’s friends. not that she particularly minded, unless jj had gotten too wasted and claimed her bed for the night, leaving her to take comfort in the couch for the night.
y/n didn’t have time to get up and answer it, john b was already there, squaring up to the late night intruder who now stood in their porch.
“i don’t want any trouble man, i just came to drop something off..” she heard rafe’s raspy voice mutter. quickly slipping on some socks, she padded through the house quickly, curious to why rafe was wandering about the cut at this time of night.
“what happened there?” her teased, motioning to the purple black covering the underside of rafe’s jaw.
before rafe’s alter-ego could take over, y/n placed a gentle hand on john b’s shoulder, pulling him away from the older boy in the doorway. “its fine bird, seriously..” she uttered, attempting to soothe the protective glare on his face.
nodding, he backed away into the house, shushing the others as he sat at the table, trying to overhear the conversation.
“what are you doing here rafe?” she sighed, leaning against the doorframe as she wrapped her plush blanket further around her middle, protecting her from the harsh september breeze.
he held up a thick white envelope in offering, pushing it towards her. “i-uhh, i came to give you this..” he mumbled sheepishly, avoiding her gaze while she inspected the lasting mark she’d left on him.
prying it from his reluctant grip, already knowing what it was, she rolled her eyes once more for that day, quickly running her thumb along the green paper stuffed inside. “no, i’m not a charity case, take it back..”
rafe stepped away, shaking his head. “plea-please just take it, it’s the least i can do, alright?”
before she can get another word in, he’d slung a leg over his motorcycle, revving the engine as he clipped on his helmet, pulling away loudly.
she stood there, dumbfounded as she looked between the money and the place he just stood. y/n didn’t even want to count the cash in the envelope, something felt wrong about this.
and she also felt like that wouldn’t be the last time she’d be taking money from rafe cameron.
ok so i hate this but it’s late and i really wanted to post something for you guys before i went to sleep! love you all <3
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bleucaesura · 5 months
“Everything packed?” Loona tossed a duffel bag on the bed and looked over at Blitzø.
He took a quick glance around the room and nodded. “Yup. That’s everything. Thanks sweetie.”
He smiled lovingly up at her.
Loona rolled her eyes. A smile curled on her lips as she zipped the bag and threw it over her shoulder.
What a great girl.
Blitzø beamed.
“So glad you’re finally outta here!” Millie bounced in place and clapped her hands.
Blitzø laughed.
“And you guys are still ok taking care of stuff at the office for a while longer?” He patted Millie on the shoulder.
Millie swooped him up in a big hug, pinning his arms. He was very appreciative that she wasn’t crushing him like he definitely knew she could.
“Yes, Sir. Of course.” Moxxie stood tall and puffed out his chest.
Blitzø snirked a little laugh.
Thinks he’s the big man now.
“I’m trusting you, Mox.” Blitzø gave him a serious look and a supportive nod.
Moxxie beamed and nodded enthusiastically.
“But seriously. I’m trusting you, Millie.” Blitzø leaned close to Millie and whispered. “Don’t let Moxxie touch ANYTHING. Don’t let your husband f*ck up my business.”
Millie released Blitzø from their hug, smiled mischievously and gave him a wink. Moxxie was too busy riding his imaginary praise high to notice.
“Come on, hun.” Millie grabbed Moxxie by the hand. “Let’s get goin. Places to be!”
“Oh. Yes. Right!” Moxxie shook off his stupor, clasped his wife’s hand and followed her to the door.
“Bye, Sir!” Moxxie waved. “See you soon!”
“Not if I see you first!” Blitzø called after him, waggling his eyebrows, and winking.
Millie giggled and pulled Moxxie out the door. But not before Moxxie flipped Blitzø off.
Blitzø laughed and smiled to himself. Things were feeling normal again. Better than normal.
He heard a portal open and close and shortly afterwards Octavia came into the room.
“Via!” Stolas walked over and gave her a big hug.
“Hey, dad.” She smiled and hugged him back. “Just got here and sent Millie and Moxxie on their way.”
“I’m so proud of you.” Stolas beamed with pride. “You’ve gotten so good with your portals in such a short time.”
“Thanks, dad.”
“Yeah, kiddo.” Blitzø came over and pulled her tuque down a little over her eyes, and ruffled her head feathers with it. “You’re getting really good.”
Octavia swatted Blitzø away and fixed her hair. She turned away to put her hat back on, and Blitzø was sure he could see a little blush on her cheeks.
“Yeah… Whatever…” She muttered.
“Ok, dad. Enough of that.” Loona gave Blitzø a little shove to move him away from Octavia.
“I’ve got everything.” She shook the bag on her shoulder. “Remember! No heavy lifting. Don’t physically over-exert yourself - you’re still healing.” She glared at him.
“I know, Loony.”
“I know you’re stronger now and everything.” She looked at her feet. “But no running a marathon or a bullsh*t equivalent.” She shunted a glare at Stolas.
Stolas shot up straight and flushed.
“I promise, sweetie.” Blitzø put a hand on her arm. “No race running or whatever for me. Just kicking back on the couch and laying in bed for me.”
Loona squinted at him, then at Stolas. She huffed.
Octavia stifled a laugh.
“Ok. Fine.” Loona nodded at Octavia and she began to form a portal. “You and Stolas go ahead and I’ll meet you at home.”
Stolas beamed. “As long as you’re ok to have me over, Blitzø?”
Blitzø winked and took his hand. Stolas blushed.
“Ok sweetie!” He pulled Stolas over to the portal and turned to wave at the girls. “I love you, Loony! Bye, Via!”
Octavia and Loona looked at each other and grinned.
Wait… I’m not sure I like those smiles… The f*ck?
Octavia finished the portal and the girls shoved their fathers through.
Stolas and Blitzø landed on their asses in the front hall of Stolas’s manor.
“Don’t you DARE go anywhere until you’ve sorted all your sh*t out!” Loona yelled from the other side of the portal.
“Toodles!” Octavia waved teasingly.
Like that the portal was gone. And they were left there on the cold floor, stunned and confused.
“I’m not sure if I should be more proud…” Blitzø turned to look at Stolas. “Or afraid…”
“Hmm.” Stolas responded.
They looked at each other. Blitzø got up and went to the front door. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, since he didn’t plan on leaving anyway, but when he opened it, he certainly didn’t expect to see what he did.
Millie and Moxxie. They smiled mischievously and waved from across the courtyard. Millie was holding a bat with nails, Moxxie a crossbow.
Stolas poked his head over Blitzø, they looked at each other and slowly backed into the manor and closed the door.
“Guess they mean business, huh?” Blitzø looked up at Stolas.
Just then Blitzø got a text on the spare phone Loona had activated for him while he was in the hospital.
‘Just here to make sure you don’t try and run again!’ Millie wrote.
Cute. Real f*cking cute guys.
Blitzø glared at his phone, tilting the screen so Stolas could read it from behind him.
He sent her back a middle finger.
‘Just want what’s best for y’all’ followed by many hearts and kissy faces.
“It’s kind of your family to care.” Stolas placed his hands on Blitzø’s shoulders and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.
Blitzø grumbled, tossed the phone on the nearest side table and stomped away, no clear destination in mind.
Stolas easily caught up.
“What’s the matter, darling?”
“I don’t want to be the guy who runs away anymore.” He hunched his shoulders, clenched his fists at his sides and picked up his pace. “I don’t want to be seen as that guy anymore either.”
Stolas caught one of his hands and stopped him.
“Then… Perhaps.” He bent down until their faces were side by side. “You could stop running?”
Blitzø jolted and looked at Stolas.
“I’m…I’m not..” His voice wavered, tears choking in this throat.
Stolas smiled sadly.
“Not very well, I grant you. Your legs ARE very short and you weren’t going very fast...” He trailed off.
Blitzø glared at him.
“But you left me behind, darling.” Stolas squeezed his hand. “I had to follow if I wanted to be a part of whatever you’re going through.”
Blitzø staggered back in horror.
“I’ve been… I can’t believe I…” He looked down at his shaking hands. He started to hyperventilate. “I’ve been running from everything…”
“Darling.” Stolas clasped his hands in his own and knelt before him. “My precious, Blitzø. You don’t need to run. But know that, as long as you want me, I’ll always follow.”
Tears streamed down Blitzø’s face.
I can’t believe it took me so long to let myself love this idiot….
He threw his arms around Stolas’s neck and hugged him tightly.
Stolas held him and whispered little ‘there, there’ s. He quietly cooed deep in his chest, helping to calm Blitzø immensely.
Stolas let Blitzø cry for as long as he needed; ever patient, always kind. He never wanted to let go.
“I don’t want to keep running.” Blitzø sniffled. “I don’t want to be alone anymore… I want to stay… Stay here with you.” He buried his face in Stolas’s feathers, breathing in the familiar smell.
“Then stay.” Stolas held him close. “And I’ll never let you feel alone again.”
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tommy Shelby- Spoilt
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This was requested over on my wattpad account
When money became something that the Shelby family no longer had to worry about, they all splashed out. Tommy would by his late wife anything she desired. He will admit he spoilt Grace, but his daughter YN was the most spoilt. YN never worried about money, unlike her father and uncles and aunt, YN could buy the dress she wanted without having to think about the cost. Tommy has done everything to keep YN shielded from that kind of life, not knowing when your next meal is coming in. Now at 15 she learns a very valuable lesson from her family.
YN arrives back home after a day out shopping with her dads money, her younger brother and sister running over to her
"YN dads mad" Ruby says wide eyed
"Because you took his money" Charlie replied in a 'duh' tone. YN just rolls her eyes. Her father has never been mad at her before for spending money, why would he be mad now?
"Oh and because Isaiah saw you making fun of someone who didn't have money"
"Well they shouldn't be in the store if they had no money. Not my fault they're poor. Now I'm going up to my room" YN brushes past her siblings and makes her way to her bedroom. Little does she know that her father heard everything.
Over the following days Tommy hears stories about his eldest daughter behind cruel to other for not having the money she has... well her family. That's why he's decided to set up a family meeting, for the whole family to speak to YN about her spendings and behaviour
"Why do I need to be here?" YN groans sitting down next to her step mum Lizzie
"Because your dad wants you to be here" in walks Tommy with a drink in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth. He sits at the head of the table puffing away at his cigarette
"Well? Come on we don't have all day dad" YN says crossing her arms over her chest
"This behaviour has to stop" he finally says
"What behaviour?"
"This. You huffing, being mean and spending money"
"But dad we're rich? That's what rich people do"
"We weren't always YN" Aunt Polly says making YN face her
"Ya dads worked hard to get us to where we are now" John states
"I was still sharing a bedroom with ya dad till I was in me 20s because we had no money"
"What?" YN is shocked. Her family used to be... poor?
"Im cutting your allowance down. 5 shillings a month" (25p today worth £14.30 in 1920)
"That's it!" YN yells standing up I can't even buy one dress for 5 shillings"
"Good you might learn to be more responsible with your money"
"This is so stupid" YN huffs before storming out of the room leaving her family behind.
One shilling. That's all she has now to last her for the rest of the month.  Sighing she walks towards her uncles pub
"Excuse me miss. Do you have any spare change?" a woman not much older that YN asks. YN thinks about the one shilling she has. Knowing she's not going to be able to get much with it she digs it out of her purse
"It's not a lot"
"Thank you so much" the woman says her face lighting up. Frowning YN looks at the woman
"I don't understand. It's just one shilling"
"Maybe to you. But for me it's my next meal" with that the woman leaves YN to her thoughts. She walks the rest of the way to the Garrison, the whole time thinking about the woman who had nothing but the clothes she had on her back. That's when YN realises how much of a spoilt brats she's been and why her father cut her money down. He wanted to show her that clothes, accessories and shoes aren't everything. For some people knowing where there next meal is coming from is enough. Walking into the pub YN makes her way to the back room where she finds her family. She sits down in between her dad and uncle John quietly. Everyone is drinking and having a good time when YN finally says
"I'm sorry. I've been horrible recently"
"Just be wiser with the money we have ok" Ada says softly
"Meaning don't take your dads money again without asking" Polly firmly says
"Sorry" YNs head hangs low
"Alright I think you've learnt your lesson. You can have a sovereign a month. That's it though" (£1 today worth about £50 in 1920)
"I'll save it. Save it for a rainy day"
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spine-buster · 2 years
That Which We Are, We Are | Nathan MacKinnon | Chapter 6
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gif credit @/joeydaccord
Nate wasn’t going to let Sorcha get away with what she’d done. Not by a long shot. So after he rushed through his house, put a comb through his hair, brushed his teeth, gargled some mouth wash, and changed into some respectable clothes, he packed Cox into his car and headed for Halifax.
His jaw was clenched in anger the entire drive into the city. They’d had such a great night together, eating and dancing and talking about hip-hop music, getting closer and telling each other things from deep in their hearts, and then she up and leaves? Just flat-out escapes his house undetected with her dog and books it back home somehow, even though they’re in the middle of fucking nowhere? Sure, the sex was definitely unexpected, and a by-product of how much alcohol they’d consumed, but…well…despite all the wine, Nate knew what he was doing when he kissed her. He knew what he was doing when he groped her or squeezed her ass. He’d acted on impulse but he’d been wanting to do it for a while.
It was still fairly early in the morning when he arrived at her place, and when he did, he banged on the door loudly. He wasn’t going to hide his emotions. They were open and honest with each other from the beginning, and he was going to be open and honest now. He banged on the door again after a few seconds when she didn’t answer, and his impatience got the best of him as he pounded again not long after. Maybe she was ignoring him now. Because she had to have known that he’d be angry at her escape. Maybe she was—
Juno wasn’t barking. If he knew anything about German shepherds and Juno specifically, he knew she would bark at the door. She wasn’t.
Sorcha wasn’t home.
He swore under his breath before marching back to his car. He hit the steering wheel in frustration and let out a loud “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!” to try and release some steam. He took out his phone to call her. It rang until it went to voicemail. He called again immediately after, only for it to ring until it went to voicemail again. When he called for a third time, it rang only twice before going to voicemail, which meant she saw his name appear on Caller ID and refused the call.
Well, at least she was fucking alive.
Nate huffed and puffed as he started his car. He knew that she had to come back to her apartment from wherever she was at some point, but he wasn’t going to stake it out like some sort of undercover cop. He had better shit to do, like think about other ways he could try to contact her and ask her what the fuck was going on. Work email? Texts? Those could all be ignored. Those could also be used against him in a court of law, so they were nixed. More phone calls, maybe? Whatever Nate ended up choosing, he knew that she was at least going to get a rude awakening at work on Monday morning, that was for sure. Until then, he knew that his temper couldn’t get the best of him. He knew that he needed to calm down and actually think about what he was going to say to her besides just yelling and screaming. He began the drive to his parents’ house, knowing that just their presence alone would be able to calm him down. Plus, it was prime breakfast time. Maybe he’d talk to his dad about it, and he’d give some wise words of advice. He always did.
As Nate drove out to Cole Harbour, the streets of the neighbourhood he grew up in were all too familiar to him. Even them alone calmed him, since they brought back so many happy memories. As he turned on to his parents’ street, he drove by many of the houses of his friends from elementary school. He still remembered them all, even though friends had moved out long ago and only parents really remained. Caitlin’s house. Alex’s house. David’s house. Sorcha’s house. Ryan’s house. Scott’s house.
Sorcha’s house.
Sorcha’s house!!!
He stopped so fast and heavy on the brake pedal that his tired screeched. He put his car in reverse and backed up until he was right in front of their house, where he could see two cars out on the driveway. One, a BMW SUV, he knew for sure was her step-dad’s. The other, a black Civic, he knew for a fact was Sorcha’s. She’d mentioned it before.
The absolute nerve.
He parked in the driveway right behind her car, less than a centimetre from her bumper so she had no way out, at least by car. He took a deep breath to calm himself before getting out of the car and approaching the front door. He knocked politely instead of banging on the door like he did at her apartment, and almost immediately, he heard Juno barking.
After a few moments, he heard the front door unlock. When it opened, he came face-to-face with Dr. Dagar and Juno sniffing at his legs. Dr. Dagar’s face lit up at who was standing on his front porch. Clearly he watched hockey, or at the very least, remembered Nate. “Well look who it is!” he smiled.
“Hello Mr. Ibrahim,” Nate said politely. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well now that I see an NHL superstar on my front door,” he joked.
Nate chuckled. “I’m sorry to bother you this early – I’m sure you and Mrs. Ibrahim are having breakfast—”
“—we are,” Dr. Dagar said. “Would you like to join us?”
“Oh no no no, I couldn’t—”
“—nonsense! You actually came at the perfect time. Sorcha is here too,” he revealed. “She’s mentioned you recently reconnected. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you at the breakfast table,” he said, moving out of the way so Nate could step in to the foyer. “What brings you here, anyway?”
Sure she wouldn’t mind him at the breakfast table, eh? Nate would bet his entire earnings on the opposite of that being true. Regardless, Nate had to be quick on his feet. “Oh, well, we were actually hanging out the other day and she forgot something—and—and I was going to wait until I saw her again, but I figured she probably needed it sooner, and I was on my way to visit my parents, and—”
“—Say no more. Come, come, come,” Dr. Dagar motioned. Nate took off his shoes and followed Dr. Dagar through the house. For how long they lived there, and for how long Nate and Sorcha had been in school together, he’d never been inside the house. It was nice, and very homey, and reminded him a lot of the house he grew up in. There were pictures of the family smiling everywhere in frames. Juno trotted along beside them, and Nate could hear Mrs. Ibrahim and Sorcha talking.
When he showed up in the doorway, her face dropped. “Hello,” he smiled, more so at Mrs. Ibrahim than at Sorcha.
“We have a guest!” Dr. Dagar announced, extending his arms like a magician.
“Oh! Nathan! It’s you!” Mrs. Ibrahim exclaimed happily, getting up from her seat and walking straight over to him for a hug. “How are you? Come in, come in! Take a seat!”
“I’m sorry to show up unannounced—”
“—Nonsense! Sit! We have more than enough,” she said, even going so far as to pull out a seat from him, directly across from Sorcha, who was giving him a death glare. “Do you like scrambled eggs, Nathan? We have turkey bacon, too, because Dagar doesn’t eat pork, of course.”
“Both sound great, Mrs. Ibrahim.”
“It’s Maryanne, Nathan. You know that.”
“I think if my parents found out I called you anything besides Mrs. Ibrahim they’d smack me upside the head,” he joked.
Both Dr. Dagar and Mrs, Ibrahim let out hearty laughs. Sorcha was still giving him a death glare. Clearly there was no charming her, despite not needing to be charmed – it was her who would have to explain herself sooner rather than later. “How are Graham and Kathy doing? We see them every so often walking the goldens. Do they come visit you in Colorado?”
“They’re doing great, thanks for asking,” Nathan said as he watched Maryanne scoop heaps of scrambled eggs onto his plate. He made sure he looked at Sorcha’s plate and saw she was already done her breakfast. He planned to scarf his down so they could get out of there as soon as possible. “And yeah, they come visit quite often. Not as often as when I first started living alone, but—well, you know—”
“Can you believe Nate still didn’t know how to boil pasta at, like, 21?” were the first words out of Sorcha’s mouth since he walked into the Ibrahim household. “He was telling me one night at dinner.”
Before Mr. or Mrs. Ibrahim could say anything, Nate piped up, knowing he’d have to take the shot until he was able to get Sorcha alone. “I was a spoiled hockey player, what can I say,” he shrugged playfully, looking at her. “Not as good a cook as you are. That panzanella you made yesterday was incredible.”
Sorcha’s face dropped. Checkmate. He wasn’t fucking around.
“Oh! You two hung out yesterday?” Mrs. Ibrahim looked between the two. “How lovely! What did you do?”
“We just hung out at my place on Grand Lake,” Nate answered quickly, before Sorcha could lie. He watched as she squirmed in her seat.
“What did she forget that you have to return?” Dr. Dagar asked.
“Juno’s kennel,” he said. He wasn’t lying – she really did forget the kennel, and it was in the trunk of his car.
“Well, it’s nice to see you two reconnecting,” Mrs. Ibrahim said. “All those years in elementary and high school together – even growing up on the same street – and you never became friends.”
“Yeah. We have so much in common that we never realized. I think we’re making up for lost time now,” Nate replied, eyeing Sorcha. “Don’t you think?”
She was going to kill him. “Absolutely.”
Nate carried on a polite conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim until he stuffed the last forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. Sorcha stayed silent for most of it, eyeing Nate whenever he said something. It was only when Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim began clearing the table and bringing everything to the kitchen that they got even a few seconds alone. “So are we going to talk or what?” Nate asked quickly.
“Do we have to?”
He rolled his eyes. He didn’t think she would have this immaturity in her. He would have to call the shots here. “Looks like I’m coming over yours when we’re done here,” he said.
“Nate, would you like some coffee, dear?” Mrs. Ibrahim called out from the kitchen.
“We’ve both gotta go, mom,” Sorcha said. “Nate does workouts in the mornings with Andy O’Brien.”
“Are you saying that name as if we should know who he is?” Dr. Dagar asked.
Sorcha smiled – a real, genuine smile for her step-dad. “No. Sorry dad. Don’t worry. But Nate’s gotta go.”
Nate and Sorcha said their goodbyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Ibrahim gave him warm hugs and told him to say hello to his parents, because of course they did, because they were good people, before he descended down the front porch steps. Sorcha followed him with Juno on a leash. It was only when they got to his car, parked on the street, that she said anything. They were far enough away that her parents wouldn’t hear her. “I guess I’ll see you at mine?” she asked as he popped his trunk.
“Of course. You’re not getting away with this,” he told her.
“I was hoping I could.”
“And why is that?”
Sorcha didn’t answer. She pulled Juno’s kennel out of his trunk and didn’t even meet his eye. “You remember your way, yeah?”
“Duh. It was just fucking yesterday, Sorsh.”
She didn’t say another word. Instead, she carried the kennel to her car, shoved it in the trunk, and loaded Juno into the backseat carrier. Nate watched the whole thing until he saw Sorcha walk over to the driver’s side and wave goodbye at her parents. Nate waved too before getting into his car. He drove off without waiting for Sorcha.
They arrived at her apartment at the same time. And without saying a word, they got out of their cars. Juno was none the wiser, wagging her tail at Nate. It was only when Sorcha stuck her key in the door that Juno became preoccupied with something else. When Nate followed Sorcha through the doorway and stepped through the entrance, he was surprised at how big and open her apartment was. He knew she described it as a loft, but he felt like a lot of people said ‘loft’ when they really just meant ‘big window’. This wasn’t that – this was a true loft. And the first thing that he noticed wasn’t the kitchen or the view or anything like that. It was the art. Her art. Scattered everywhere. Some hanging on the wall. Some on easels. Some stacked against a wall. Some sketches taped with painter’s tape. And they were beautiful, too – some portraits and others landscapes, so colourful and creative and beautiful.
“Wow,” Nate mumbled under his breath.
“What?” Sorcha deadpanned.
He hesitated, wondering if he should even bring it up. When he first asked about seeing her art many weeks ago, at their oyster dinner, she’d said “maybe” and that was it. There hadn’t been an invitation since – not that Nate asked or pestered her about it, though she’d brought up her art since then. Nate knew art was personal and for Sorcha specifically, it was an outlet where she could express herself after years of not being able to. “Your art,” he said, pointing haphazardly towards a stack of canvases on the furthest wall. “You’ve never let me see it before. It's incredible.”
“Thanks,” Sorcha said, her voice tight. “It was all I was doing in my sketchbooks while your friends were making whale sounds every time they saw me.”
Nate’s body stiffened. After Shane’s asinine behaviour last week at his house, Nate didn’t know when he’d not be able to cringe or get angry anytime someone brought up a memory from the past. “Sorsh, I—”
“—Don’t—I—it’s okay,” she waved him off. “That was—I don’t even know what I was thinking saying that. Just forget I said it.”
Nate stared at her, and in a gentle voice, he asked, “So are we gonna talk?”
It was the first time since Nate reconnected with her that Sorcha looked nervous. “What’s there to talk about?” she asked. He could tell she was attempting to make her voice sound void of emotion, but he knew that wasn’t the case. “We were two drunk idiots who had sex. It’s not that deep.”
Nate furrowed his brows. “What’s your deal?” he demanded. “Why would you say something like that?”
It was time for Sorcha to give him a look. “Because it’s true?” she said. “What else would it be? I freaked out, okay? I’ll admit that. I woke up at like three in the morning with a pounding headache and with you lying beside me in bed, and I freaked out. I grabbed my clothes, grabbed Juno, and got the hell outta dodge. And maybe it wasn’t the smartest decision to make, but it was the decision I made—”
“Sorsh, come ooonnn,” he lamented, walking towards her so they were now close. Nate couldn’t believe she was being so dense. But then a thought suddenly entered his mind. “Wait…” he said. “That wasn’t…that wasn’t your first time having sex, was it?”
If the beauty of Helen of Troy’s face could launch a thousand ships, then the scowl on Sorcha’s could have launched a million. “Oh, fuck off, Nathan!” she screamed. “Of course that wasn’t my first time, you idiot!!!”
“Then why are you freaking out so much?!” he demanded. “Why are you straight up refusing to talk to me?!”
“We were two drunk idiots, Nate. That’s it,” she said – trying to say it definitively. “We slept together because we were two drunk idiots.”
“I didn’t sleep with you because we were two drunk idiots,” he said. “I slept with you because I like you, Sorcha. Because I’m into you.”
They let the words hang in the air as they stared at each other with strained looks on their faces – Nate because he’d just revealed what he revealed to Sorcha, and Sorcha because…well, for all her confidence, there was still some shock in hearing the words be said out loud. “You’re what?” she asked.
“Do I have to spell it out?”
“Did you just say out loud that you’re into me?”
“I haven’t made it obvious in the past weeks?” Nate countered. “Every lunch or dinner we’ve had, every walk, inviting you up to my place…you honestly had no idea?”
“Nate…come on,” she almost begged. “I—you—you can’t be serious.”
“Why wouldn’t I be serious about this?”
It was clear to Sorcha that Nate wasn’t joking – he was being completely serious. She knew what her feelings were, and now? To hear his too? That they were the same feelings she was having, the same feelings she’d felt for weeks? She didn’t think it was possible. She knew they had a lot in common now, that everything was going fine and dandy, but this? This? And it wasn’t because she didn’t think she was worthy of romantic feelings from Nathan MacKinnon – she knew she was totally worthy – it was because she didn’t think he’d ever say it. It was one thing to have feelings for the fat girl; it was another to admit it out loud. Usually people hid their feelings out of embarrassment, feeling shame for having feelings for someone that society didn’t deem conventionally attractive. But not Nate. The urge within her to deflect momentarily became stronger than her will to accept. “I don’t think I—”
Sorcha wasn’t able to finish her thought because Nate had kissed her. It was like those scenes in movies where couples were fighting and one of them shut the other up with a kiss. Except she and Nate weren’t a couple. Sorcha always thought that if that ever happened to her, she’d push the person away and yell at them for interrupting her. She still believed she would if it were anyone else besides Nate. With Nate, she didn’t. She didn’t push, she didn’t pull away, she didn’t do anything except kiss him back after quickly getting over the initial shock. His lips felt just as nice as they did last night. And she wanted his lips on hers. She did.
When Nate pulled away, their foreheads still together keeping them close, Sorcha gulped. “That felt good.”
Nate kissed her again, knowing she’d enjoy it. This time, instead of taking time to acclimatize, she kissed him back right away. They kissed again for a while before Sorcha pulled away. “I don’t think I should be hooking up with a guy who was complicit in my bullying,” she mumbled.
Nate kissed her again. He knew that was a lie. That she was just making up excuses so she could hear the sound of her own voice. So she could justify to herself…what exactly? She said she forgave him a long time ago. Twice. Three times, Nate thought.
Sorcha broke away again, far enough to look at Nate. “I didn’t mean that,” she mumbled again.
“I know you didn’t,” he said. “Will you just shut up and let me kiss you now?”
They kissed each other. Over and over and over. Over and over and over until Nate had to take a breath, over and over until Sorcha had to take a breath, over and over until she jumped and sat on her counter, over and over until Nate stood between her legs, over and over until their hands wandered along each other’s bodies, over and over until Sorcha ran her hands through Nate’s hair, over and over until – finally – they needed to take a serious breather or else they’d both pass out from a lack of oxygen.
Their foreheads were still pressed against each other’s. They were silent – only able to hear the sounds of their own breathing – before Sorcha spoke. “This isn’t much of a talk.”
Nate snorted, and Sorcha giggled, and soon they were laughing at the ridiculousness of her comment. “I think we’re doing pretty okay,” he commented.
“I’ll say.”
They were silent again. Nate brought his hand up, from her hip, and cupped the side of her face. “For the record,” he whispered, “I’ve changed just as much as you.”
Sorcha nodded. “I know,” her voice was soft. “I know you have. I was just being an idiot. I’m sorry. Our history is just a bit, well…muddled. I know we’ve been having a great time together, but it still came as a bit of a shock when you, like, said the words out loud. I don’t know.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I know that neither of us were expecting this when I showed up at your work asking you out for lunch. But I wouldn’t say something if I didn’t, like, mean it. And I mean this. I want you to know that. Can we both at least admit that we’re into each other?”
Sorcha couldn’t help but smile slightly. “We’re into each other.”
“Finally, you say it out loud.”
“Don’t push it,” she giggled slightly.
Nate couldn’t help but kiss her again. “You know what people who are into each other do?”
“What’s that?”
“They go over to the other’s house a lot,” he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “And I mean like, a lot.” Kiss. “Like, on weekends.” Kiss. “Next weekend, even.” Kiss.
“Oh, is that right?”
“Mhm.” Kiss. “And maybe��”. Kiss. “They even go up on Thursday after work.” Kiss. “To get some alone time with each other.” Kiss. “Before the house party on Saturday night.”
Sorcha stiffened slightly at the revelation. “House party? Big house party? Everyone coming?”
“No. It’s not what you think,” he said. “Just Kehoe and Lucas. No Noah. No Shane. They’re not invited. But, like, Sid will be there, and I invited his best friend June, too. You’ll love her. And some of my cousins will be there. A couple of my other friends, and maybe friends of friends. But not Noah and Shane. I want you there more than anyone else. I just want you around with me.”
The last time Nate asked her to go up while others were going to be there, she said no – for obvious reasons. And though slow, Nate realized why she’d rejected the proposal. But now, with everything being out in the open, with their feelings known and the chemistry between them unmistakable, Sorcha had a different outlook on the situation. She wouldn’t just be there – she’d be there with Nate. And if it was mainly going to be Kehoe, Nate’s cousins, Sidney (who she’d probably fawn over all night, if she was being honest), and Sidney’s best friend June whom she would apparently love, then she was more than willing to go. No Noah, and especially no Shane, was like music to her ears. She cupped his face in her hands, running her thumbs along his thin lips softly. “I’ll see if I can take the day off Friday,” she whispered, making him smile.
“Perfect,” Nate smiled. “You and I are going to have so much fun, Sorcha Saint-Coeur.”
Sorcha smirked. “You’re going to get me into so much trouble, Nathan MacKinnon.”
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ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ​ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xɪx
Third Person's POV
"Then you're gonna have to go through me," Taehyung's eyes glow a bright blue as the sky clouds with dark-bellied clouds and the thunder tears rain from the sky.
"You remember the hidden chamber I mentioned about this pyramid?" Taehyung asks his wife as prepares to leap at the other one.
"Y- Yeah," she replies.
"Can you go there by yourself?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed in anger, eyes glowing dangerously but voice soft, laced with love and concern.
"I'm not sure if I can find it," she says, her breathing heavy from worry for the events that would take place later. Taehyung nods softly and touches her arm, "I love you."
A sand brown cloud erupts engulfing her and taking her away. He turns his head around to the other Taehyung in the same stance; eyes glowing, levitating a little above the ground with a smirk he wishes he could wipe off his face. 
"You think teleporting her away is gonna keep her away from me?" The other asks with a chuckle.
"No," Taehyung replies, anger coursing through his veins, "But killing you will."
"Keep dreaming," The other one leaps forward at Taehyung pushing him backwards hitting the wall. He wraps his hand around Taehyung's neck and pins him to the wall. Taehyung kicks the imposter and he goes flying back crashing into the ground. Taehyung uses his powers to lift the pedestal at the centre.
The pedestal cracks at its base lifting off the ground as pieces of rocks fall down from it. Taehyung throws it at the imposter and crashes onto him breaking into pieces burying him underneath it. Taehyung pushes the pieces of rocks off him stands up. This time eyes glowing a dark shade of red.
"Your eye colours aren't going to scare me," Taehyung states while the other says nothing but rushes towards him full speed. Taehyung quickly moves out of the way and the other pauses. Taehyung launches a broken piece of the pedestal right at his face making him stumble down.
"ENOUGH!" The other one yells and punches Taehyung throwing him back. He pulls him back to himself with his powers and strangles him, "I've had enough. I'll have Yuna no matter what."
He slams Taehyung onto the floor, "Even if I have to kill everyone single person on this planet."
He lifts Taehyung by his neck and slams him back down, "You and your puny kids are no exception."
"My kids are not puny," Taehyung replies in anger as blood pounds in his ears as he kicks the imposter back with all of the might left in him, "You'll never have Yuna. Not as long as I'm alive."
Taehyung punches him and throws him onto the wall, "She's my wife!" Taehyung straddles the imposter repeating punches huffing and puffing, "The mother of my kids!"
He pulls him up by his collar, "Go back to your timeline. Yuna is dead because of you. You killed her. It's your fault. Suffer alone, don't drag others down with you!" He slams him back down and smashes his head with a rock. 
Taemin's POV 
I feel Yuki shivering in my arms and crying.
"It's okay, Yuki," I rub her arms, "Dad will save mom and come back home safe. You know he's strong, right?"
"I still don't feel right," Yuki whimpers, "We should be helping him. Hasn't he taught us that united we stand, divided we fall. Don't you think we'll make it easier for him?"
"No, Yuki," I shake my head, "We'll only make it harder for him if we end up injuring one of us. He can't protect us and fight at the same time."
"But dadda needs our help," Yoonjin whispers clinging onto my arm. I sigh and pat his back as Taeseok continues to pick out the seam from my jeans. 
"Taeseok, stop that. Will you?" He looks up at me with a scowl and moves to Yoonjin who happily lets him do whatever he wanted. When I say our entire family is whipped for Taeseok, I mean it. Everyone just lets him do whatever. I lean my head back on the headboard and close my eyes. What if dad needed our help? What if the imposter managed to defeat dad and took mom away?
I told you dadda needs our help. 
I sigh as I hear Yoonjin's voice in my head. Yoonjin could also manipulate others' thoughts and he hadn't told anyone other than me yet. 
We should go help him.
No, Yoonjin. Dad told us to stay home and we should listen to him.
But like you thought, what if he needs our help?
Let's go help him. At least check on him and come back if he doesn't need help.
"Alright, everyone," I open my eyes with a sigh, "We're gonna go check on dad. Hold onto me, I'll teleport us all."
They all grin and hold onto my shirt as I breathe in and out, "I hope none of us dies."
A black cloud erupts swallowing us to the location we wanted to be at. 
"Um?" Yuki's confused voice is all I hear before opening my eyes and realising I teleported us to the wrong place.
"Where are we?" Yuki asks as Taeseok and Yoonjin hold onto her tightly. I look around and my face goes red when I notice I teleported to my crushes room after seeing his photo frame on the nightstand.
"Yeah? I'll go get it from my room mom," I hear his voice and panic.
"QUICK! TELEPORT US TO SOME OTHER HELL!" Yuki pulls at my sleeve yelling in a whisper.
"Fvck my teleportation powers. Why can't they work properly?" I curse under my breath and quickly grab them before randomly teleporting. 
"Seriously?" Yuki looks at me with unamused eyes. I sigh when I realise I teleported us to our school.
"Out of all the places? I didn't mean it literally when I said 'hell'," Yuki sasses, "Maybe we should just catch the next flight to Egypt and that'll be faster."
"I'm sorry, okay!" I yell in frustration. The school and his room were two of the places I teleported to most and it was a habit for me, "Just give me a moment here."
"K," I sigh, "Hold onto me."
"You better take us straight to dad," Yuki scoffs before grabbing my hand. 
"I'll try as hard as possible," I close my eyes and a black cloud engulfs us.
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"What the fvck?"
1104 words
A/N- Taemin has a little crush :( <3
0 notes
nights-legacy · 3 years
Left Behind - All Might's Daughter Pt. 1
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{Note/Question/Request- Right now this isn't a paired imagine. I was wondering, after you've read it, where you think I should go with this. If I pair her with anybody, who should is be? How or should she forgive the two OFA users? Etc. Let me know!!}
+2460 Words Slight, slight spoilers from the Sports Festival!
+Y/N L/N is the only daughter of All Might. She has her mother's last name and what can be qualified as a super soldier quirk. She is fast, strong, powerful, and built like a tank and it's all in a small 15 year old girls body. After Midoriya comes into the picture, Y/N starts to feel left behind after a while. So she starts to pull away from them and gets close with Bakugo. Eventually, it all snaps at once and it was at the worst of times.
I huffed and puffed as I slowed to a stop I looked behind as the rest of the class caught up with Iida and I. We were the fastest in class without quirks and with most of the time. With the sports festival coming up, everyone was trying improve on things they lacked.
“Great job everyone.” Iida congratulated as everyone made it in. I walked over to Midoriya who was nearly doubled over.
“Are you okay there, Midoriya?” I asked patting him lightly on the back. He looked up at me, nodding. “You seem really winded. Maybe you should sit down for a minute.”
“Probably.” He said before he fell back, flat on his back. I laughed at him as he clocked out. I leant over him, hands on my knees, making sure he was okay. A yell of frustration caught my attention. I looked over at the source and saw Bakugo yelling at Sato who was just standing their indifferent.
“Okay, okay.” I went over and grabbed Bakugo’s arm, forcefully dragging him off. He growled at me and ripped his arm from my grip as we got a ways off.
“What do you want?”
“Not a blood bath.” I said with sass. He stared at me before smirking. He crossed his arms and leaned in close.
“I can take someone out without any blood being split.” He said.
“That may be true but who said I was talking about the other person’s blood.” I joked with an amused look on his face. His smirk turned glare and he went off on me. I just laughed and let him. I saw a flash of yellow and blue. I looked over and saw my dad whisking Midoriya away. My face dropped.
“What’s wrong with you now?” Bakugo exclaimed. I looked at him surprised before I saw him look where I was originally. Midoriya and my dad were out of sight now.
“Nothing. Nothing at all.” I said, covering up my dejected annoyance with a smirk. “Now, sorry. I wasn’t listening to you before. What were you saying?”
“You damn…” He growled.
*Time Skip*
The roar of the crowd was empowering but there was a lot on my mind. The sports festival is a big deal. The first two events were alright and I got through fine but the last one was trickier. There are a lot of students with great quirks that could kick my ass. I walked through the halls before I heard two familiar voices. (Reader is in the final round instead of Shiozaki.)
“What are they talking about now?” I whispered to myself. I leant against the wall a ways down the hall. I listened to them and heard Dad encourage Midoriya. After that, Midoriya walked out to the field. Dad began to walk down my way. “Hey dad.”
“Y/N, you spooked me.” He jumped, holding a hand to his chest.
“Sorry.” I said, chuckling.
“Well, it’s alright. You are doing well out there, my little Powerhouse.” I tensed at the nickname.
“Dad.” I whined. He chuckled before moving to walk on. “I’m nervous for the next round.”
“Everything will be fine, Y/N. You’ll see.” He said in a caring voice. He walked away and my shoulders dropped. I needed more than that. Much more. I turned and leant against the wall with my shoulder. I set my head against the wall and took a few un-steady breaths.
“What are you doing dumbass?” I jumped and looked at Bakugo disoriented. I shook my head. I had no idea how long I was standing there. “Are you crying?”
“What?” I reached up and wiped them away. “No just caught some dust in my eyes.” I said before I went to walk away but he caught my arm.
“That’s not it. What’s wrong?” He said softer. I noticed his grip on my arm was soft and…comforting? I looked up at him.
“I just needed some encouragement from someone who didn’t give it. That’s all no big deal.” I pulled away from his grip gently. I had only walked a few feet away when he spoke up.
“Whoever they are, they’re not worth your tears. You shouldn’t need anyone’s encouragement. You strong enough on your own.” I turned to him surprised. He had his back to me, hands in his pockets. I smiled sadly.
“If only you knew who I was talking about.” I whispered.
3rd POV
Bakugo looked over his shoulder as the girl walked away. He fully turned and watched her walk away. Crossing his arms across his chest as he thought about what she said. He knew she meant for him not to hear it but he did.
“Who are you talking about?” He asked out loud. He looked off in the distance in thought. It wasn’t until footsteps caught his attention. He looked behind him to see Deku coming up behind him.
“H-hey Kacchan.” He stuttered while looking a bit tired. Bakugo remembered that Deku had known L/N since before the first day of school.
“Deku! You know L/N, right?” Bakugo asked. He looked at Bakugo strangely.
“Yes. I do. Pretty well, I guess.”
“Who is important to her? Is there anyone here that would or should be in her corner?” Deku looked at him surprised.
“Um, yeah. There is.” He said tentatively.
“Who is it?” Bakugo growled. Deku looked at him before squaring his shoulders.
“I am afraid I cannot tell you, Kacchan. And before you ask me why, it’s not my place or right to tell you. There is a reason they haven’t told anyone and I will not break their trust by outing something that isn’t mine to tell.” Bakugo just stared at him in surprise before Deku walked off.
I breathed out in pain as I walked back into the stadium halls. I had won my first battle against Kaminari but not the second against Iida. My confidence was already down and affected my performance. I rolled my shoulder as I sat down at a table. I pulled my leg up and relaxed back for a moment.
“You did great out there L/N!” Uraraka called out. I smiled at her.
“Thanks.” I called back. I got up a little bit later and walked out. I went to walk up to the student stands. In the corner of my eye is saw green and yellow. I didn’t want to look but did. I saw dad comforting Midoriya and I gave a shaky sigh. I shook my head, biting my lip before continuing on.
*Time Skip*
I was breathing hard but I still ran. I pushed myself harder to try and get away from the robots. This training session was intense and very hard. Half the class was already out and the last few were running dry. I could hear Bakugo and Midoriya just past some rubble. A hit landed right next to me, knocking me off balance.
“Umph.” I rolled off the side and back onto my feet. I dodged an attack before vaulting over a rubble wall. I paused, hearing the robot fussing on the other side. I looked around and saw Midoriya down the street. I rolled my eyes as he waved.
“You doing okay?” He asked.
“Just fine.” I snapped at him. He reeled back at the aggression.
“Are you sure? You’ve been rather testy lately. Did something happen?” He asked concerned. I sighed heavily.
“Of course something did. You’re both just to enamored to see!” I yelled before running on. He ran after me, trying to talk to me but I ignored him. We made way into the cityscape center. I saw Bakugo across the way.
“It’s too quiet here.” Midoriya commented. As soon as he said that, he was tackled off to the side.
“Shit.” I ducked as a bit of the robot flew over my head. I stumbled back, hitting a wall. I watched as he fought the robot with ease. My chest began to fell heavy.
“Come on, Miss L/N. Push on.” I heard my dad’s voice. I scoffed.
“That’s the most encouragement you’ve given me in a month.” I said under my breath. I pushed off the wall and started to fight another robot that showed up. I heard Bakugo on the other side doing the same. In the moment I heard Midoriya scream one of my dad’s catch phrases, I stopped. I just stood there, staring off.
“I give up.” I said softly.
“L/N! Are you alright?” I heard Midoriya yell.
“Oi, dumbass. Get moving!” Bakugo called across the field.
“Miss L/N, I would advise you moving on. Stalling is not advisable in the field.” I heard my father say through the field. I let out a sob. I fell to my knees, burying my face in my hands.
“I give up!” I screamed. “I can’t do this anymore. I. Give. Up!” I screamed, crying out. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I heard yelling around me but I didn’t care not anymore. I am tired, I am hurt, and I just want this to end.
“Y/N! Look out!” I heard Bakugo’s voice close to me. I looked up right as he grabbed me and pulled me off to the side. We rolled and landed a few feet away. I looked over and saw a robot where I once was. It started to move towards us but shut down. “What’s wrong with you dumbass?” Bakugo yelled at me. I looked at him and saw a glare but concern behind it.
“Are you alright, L/N? What happened to…”
“Stay away from me!” I screamed, shuffling back away from Midoriya as he run up. I hid my face in the back of Bakugo’s shoulder as Midoriya skidded to a stop. I peeked over Bakugo’s shoulder at him and he was in shock.
“Young L/N, are you alright?” We all looked over to see All Might and Aizawa running up.
“You stay away from me too!” I pointed at my dad. I hid my face again and gripped onto Bakugo’s arm. I felt him place a hand on mine but I could tell all of them were confused. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn’t immediately recognize the touch so I figured it was Aizawa. I peeked out at him with teary eyes.
“Are you alright?” I nodded before retracting back.
“L/N, what wrong?” Bakugo asked. I just shook my head.
“Not here, not now.” I mumbled.
“Alright.” Aizawa said and stood. “We’re done for the day. All of you go get changed and go home. You three, meet in the classroom.”
“Why me?” Bakugo yelled.
“Because you’re the only one that L/N seems to be comfortable around right now.” Aizawa said firmly. It was silent for a moment.
“Alright.” He agreed without another argument.
I was sitting on the cabinets in the back of the classroom with Bakugo leaning next to me. Midoriya and my dad were at the front of the classroom. I had calmed down some but was still upset. I wouldn’t even look at the two. Aizawa finally came in closing the door behind him.
“Okay. What is going on?” He asked out loud. I glanced at him before looking back out the window. “Not talking. Alright. Do you two know what it is that made her act this way? That made her break down in the middle of a dangerous training session?” From the accusation in his voice I could tell he already knew.
“I am not sure. I have never seen her act like this before.” My dad said. I chuckled darkly.
“Then open your eyes or take off the blinders.” I growled. He looked at me surprised. I saw Bakugo glance between the two of us. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I am sure I don’t know what you mean. I…” I cut him off.
“Of course you don’t!” I shot up and yelled. “You haven’t noticed one thing about me in month’s dad! Ever since…” I looked at Midoriya. “Ever since then. I have been left behind. Every time I needed encouragement from you I got nothing. Every time I needed advice from you I got nothing.”
“That can’t be, I…”
“The sports festival! I was nervous about the last round and I told you! But the only thing you said was everything will be fine, you’ll see.” I laughed with no amusement. I could hear Bakugo muttering confused behind me. I looked back at him and he had surprise and confusion written all over his face. “Yes, All Might the symbol of Peace is my dad. Unfortunately at the moment.”
“No. I’m not done. You made me despise a person that has never done anything bad to me. I haven’t got anything from you since day one. Nothing substantial at least. I don’t have a mother and no one else in this world then my dad but it seems like he’s in someone else corner only. Everyone else corner than mine. Well at least you’ve never treated me bad right? I guess it’s not all bad.” I said in a dark tone.
“Y/N…” He stood stunned.
“Speechless, huh?” I chuckled, feeling tears coming on again. “Look, I don’t want stop with your prodigy but a little acknowledgement or help from time to time. Okay? Okay.” I said before grabbing my bag and walking out. I heard someone running behind me. I looked back to see Bakugo.
“So…your All Might’s daughter, huh?”
“Yeah, the one and only.” I said. I crossed my arms over my stomach as we walked. He hummed and we walked in silence. I could feel the silent tears falling down my face.
“As awesome as that is…right now All Might is my least favorite person right now. Even less than Deku. Why was he even involved in this? Whatever. They are both little shitty…”
“Bakugo!” I yelled frustrated. He fell silent. We stopped and I took a big breath. “I know this is your own way of trying to comfort me but it’s not working, alright? I just…” I covered my face with my hands for a second before letting them drop. I looked at him. “I just want to be alone alright? I can’t, I don’t…I just can’t right now.” I paused to look at him in the face. “I don’t want to blow up on you like I did him. So please, I just want to be alone.” I could see apprehension in his eyes but I didn’t care. I turned and walked away.
“You shouldn’t be alone right now.” He called after me. I could hear him take a few steps before stopping again.
“I know.” I said before turning a corner and walked away from him.
Tags: @spicy-therapist-mom
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meetmymouth · 3 years
hello lu babe, i’m not the one who originally requested dad harry but i love reading about him and his bab, anyway, maybe a concept for another harry & briar on tour blurb can be when they go out and explore a bit before the show and then a bunch of fans and paps come up to them and then briar gets really scared and starts to cry and harry thinks it’s all his fault while the missus reassures him that it’s not.
also, i love your work, your one of the best writers on here 💕
briar & harry
It was supposed to be their day.
Just them out and about while they explored the less crowded parts of the city.
It wasn't Harry's fault at all, him being so famous. As sad and unfortunate as it sounds, this was inevitable. This being fans turning up to the places they chose to go, taking pictures and posting their whereabouts online which resulted in more people turning up.
Briar lets out a sigh, and lays her head on Harry's chest, hugging him tighter as he tries to walk past people who keep saying not only his name, but also his wife's, and Briar's name. As he carries on walking, the yelling becomes louder, and this makes Briar grow more anxious and fussy.
She hits Harry's chest with her little fists. "Home," she whines, hand coming up to her mouth as she begins sucking her thumb. "Home, home, home!"
Harry sighs, looks to his side in search of his wife, and sighs once more when he notices her anxious features.
"We're going home, Bri," he tells her, kissing the top of her head as Y/N reaches and places her hoodie on Briar, covering her and shielding her from the cameras.
When they arrive back at the hotel, Harry's face falls even more, and despite Briar sleeping peacefully in their bed and Y/N telling him not to worry, he can't help but pout, fingers already scrolling back and forth on numerous social media platforms.
"Stop worrying," she says again, folding yet-another clothing item of Briar's. "There's nothing you can do. We should be used to it by now."
He looks up, gaze fiery. "You shouldn't be used to it. Briar shouldn't be used to this. I fucking hate when it happens when you both are around."
"Harry," she shakes her head, walking over him. She sits next to him on the bed. "I love you. We love you. Briar adores you– you're the best daddy in the world–"
He scoffs. "–That's not true. I can't even protect my wife an' daughter."
"Harry, we're not hurt. We're safe. It was only a few people taking pictures. We survived. Stop huffing and puffing– we love you. We're proud of you. Always."
He looks up again, phone still in hand. "I don't deserve you," he murmurs, locking his phone. He grabs her by the neck, and presses their lips together, and he sighs into the kiss. "How'd I get this lucky? You... Bri... you're my whole world."
She smiles, kissing the side of his mouth once more. "We love you. Always."
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mono-dot-jpeg · 3 years
aaitl: [first fight and first words]
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summary; it was a very big surprise to xiao and ganyu that they would be meeting the next adeptus in line. especially when the next adeptus is a child.
genre; fluff, this is just family, i need emotional support from liyue god family, dad! zhongli, child! reader, ALL PLATONIC, zhongli is a doting dad and i will die on that hill, dragon hybrid! reader, xiao is just a grumpy older brother, angst (if you squint,,, like really hard), i swear to god if someone comments peepaw zhongli i will cry /j
word count; 1.4k
masterlist | < previous | next >
[gender neutral]
warnings: none [read: childe slander from a child /j]
the child is now 1 year old :)
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"h-hey! that wasn't nice." childe looked at you as you had your tongue stuck out a bit and cheeks puffed. "you don't do that to others." you blew a raspberry again at his face as your scales flared up with your cheeks.
how did this situation come to be?
well, it all started with hu tao…
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hu tao needed more hands on deck due to the death of rex lapis and that meant zhongli was needed. however, he couldn't bring you to work (even if hu tao was glad to have you around). so with that, zhongli decided to assign childe as your babysitter.
"please be careful with them. they tend to be rather needy sometimes." zhongli told the ginger. the young male waved off zhongli's worries as he told him that he was certainly experienced in taking care of children. "they might be much more different from a normal child though.." zhongli warned.
"don't worry mr. zhongli! i'll be sure to take care of them well!" childe reassured the man. childe couldn't blame him for being so worried, this was the first time zhongli was leaving you with someone you certainly weren't fond of and this would be the first time you would not be with zhongli. you didn’t like this already. your body squirming as much as it could in the arms of the strong harbinger while he waves goodbye to the older male. “see you later mr. zhongli!” he said cheerily as he continued to hold you like a cat, hands under the arms and letting you hang and squirm.
and just like that… the fight between an adeptus child and a fatui harbinger has come.
“you know you’re really ruining my chances of being with zhongli right?” he poked at your cheek, smirking at the annoyed look on your face as you tried to reach your arms out to stop him. “now i understand that you’re a kid and all and you need the attention of your dad, but i want his attention too, little dragon.” was childe really talking to you as if you understood him? yes. did you understand him? unfortunately, yes. “but the only way to do that…”
you can feel his cold arms starting to cradle you properly. “...is to please you. so i suggest that you make this easier for me and you and just let me keep you happy!” while his motives aren’t the most cruel, you certainly didn’t want this ginger with your father. the least your father could do is pick someone better in your opinion. “and i’m not that bad of a guy! i’m a family guy too! i think you’re really adorable and mr. zhongli gave all those good genes to you!” he cooed. your cheek is squished against his chest as you glare up at him the best you could. squirming again, a ‘buh!’ sound leaves your lips as childe coos at you.
“oh you’re so cute!” that was a yell of defiance, you fiend. you think, looking at him. “come on! i’ll be sure to make you like me by the end of zhongli’s shift! and i heard he’s gonna be home late! so we got plenty of time!” you sort of muster a sound that was similar to a whine as the young male hugs you. "we're gonna be good friends, little dragon!"
you struggled in his arms, wondering how to possibly get out of this situation. maybe i can make him miserable during this! wait… what if papa gets mad at me? you huffed at the thought of zhongli scolding you. while he was really gentle with you, there was a small chance that he would scold you as he knew you weren't in the mindset of a baby.
"come on little dragon! you must be feeling hungry soon right?" the scales on your cheeks perked up at the mention of food as your tummy grumbles. "that cute little belly needs some food, huh?" you really want to wipe that stupid grin on his face but alas he was your only source of being able to remotely do anything. he patted your tummy as he spoke, "i'm sure mr. zhongli has some wonderful food for you!" he laughed.
i will not succumb to your stupid affections. you thought as you watch him grab the food you normally eat and grabbing a bib to keep you clean. "so this is what mr. zhongli has been using my money for. spoiling you!" he booped your nose, your face scrunching adorably as he did. "you're just like my siblings when they were younger!" he comments, wrapping the bib on you.
and so here you both were, one trying to get the other to eat and the other refusing the soft food.
"h-hey! that's not nice!" childe looked at you as you had your tongue stuck out a bit and cheeks puffed. "you don't do that to others." you blew a raspberry again at his face as your scales flared up with your cheeks. "you gotta eat, little dragon!" he pouted childishly. if some people didn't know any better, childe was more of a baby than you were.
so here you both were, in a situation you both didn't wanna be in but had not much of a choice in the matter. well… maybe childe had a choice, you did not.
"i'll tell ya what, if you finish eating, we can go visit mr. zhongli, sound like a deal?" at the mention of your dad, you start to open your mouth to be fed. "that's the spirit, little dragon!" he smiled brightly, feeding you. you didn't want to eat such mushy food but unfortunately you were only a mere baby. you almost wanted to spit it out if not for the look on childe's face that is very much determined to make you finish eating. "no spitting out. i don't think mr. zhongli would like to see you be all cranky because you didn't eat."
mr. zhongli would kill me if i made you go hungry.. childe thought, avoiding the thought of the ever so calm man being angry for once.
"buh!" you could only yell out, smacking your hands against the table. your scales puffed out with your cheeks as your tail is swaying out of anger. "bah!"
"just a little bit more okay? then we can go visit, alright?" you huffed as you glare at the small spoonful of food before opening your mouth. "that's a good dragon!" he smiled, patting your head. you attempted to bite his hand but failed in doing so, making the male laugh. "no biting! not like you can really bite that hard right?" he hovered his hand above your head as if to tease you.
"bah! bah!" you struggled to speak, you just wanted your dad.
"hm? baba? do you want your baba?" you had heard some of liyue's common language enough back then, thank god you remembered it for now. you nodded, starting to get teary as you were starting to miss him more. he was only gone for a few hours but it felt like forever especially in your form.
"baba!" you whined as you let childe pick you up, holding you in his arms and patting your back.
"aiya, it's okay little dragon, we're gonna see him okay?" he tried to calm you down.
"baba!" you cried. childe was quick to go find the ex-archon before things could get too dicey for him (even if he was experienced with dealing with kids).
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zhongli was a bit more relaxed now, his workload draining down to a mere few small packets of papers that he could manage.
that relaxation was quick to end as he had heard the cry of his child and childe hushing the baby. before zhongli could even stand up to get to you, childe had come barging in. "i'm sorry if i disturbed you or anything mr. zhongli! y/n really started to miss you." good thing childe had explained the situation or else this would not end well. "also y/n has something to say. come on little dragon."
cradled in childe's arms, you reached out for zhongli, "baba!" your teary eyes and squished cheeks were more than enough for him to hold you in his arms. "baba!" your hands sort of pawed at his clothes, struggling to grasp at them.
zhongli is close to speechless, hearing your tiny voice call for him. but soon a gentle smile is curved on his lips and he's resting his forehead against yours, "baba is here. don't worry."
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forestcat000 · 2 years
zenix ro'meave au
part 1
7 year old zenix pov
i was at my "dads" house sitting in the living room.
i dont think i like it here all i can hear is my "dad" and Mrs. Ro'meave yelling. i hope it isn't always like this Mrs. Ro'meave said this was my new home.
after what felt like an hour of hearing them yelling they stopped.
Mrs. Ro'meave walked over where i was sitting and sat down
"hi xanax" she said with a smile and tear stained cheeks.
i puffed out my cheeks and said "NO Zen-ix not xanax"
she raised her eyebrows when i said that "i could have sworn garte said xanax" she mumbled under her breath
"oh well it's lovely to meet you zenix. im zianna your daddys wife" she said with the smile from before
"NO he's not my daddy i dont have Daddy" i said huffing.
she looked like she was about to say something when the door opened and three boys walked in.
zianna looked at the boys and said "boys come here i need to introduce someone."
the three boys walked towards me
zianna turned to me and said zenix these are your new brother this is garroth" she motioned to a boy with black hair tan skin and crystal blue eyes.
"this is zane" she motioned to a boy who had blonde hair pale skin and crystal blue eyes
"and this vylad" she motioned to a boy with reddish brownish hair green eyes and brown skin
"boys this is zenix your new brother" zianna said
the boys looked confused.
the boy named garroth said "but we didn't have a brother before where did he come from"
Zianna looked distressed for a moment before saying "GARGAR thats a very rude question.. don't ask that again!"
garroth looked down at his feet and said "sorry"
Zianna patted him on the head and said "its fine how about you three take zenix to his new room"
the boys smiled as they brought me up the stairs to my new room
end of part one
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n00dl3gal · 3 years
Like Old Times (Father-Son Bonding AU)
A direct sequel to the “Expiration Date” fic, which I’ll link in a reblog. I’ve also posted all my fics in this AU to AO3!! Thanks again to @thetriggeredhappy for their help and just generally being a cool dude, and the Scoutsune Discord server for indulging my brainrot
No warnings beyond family schmoop!
Less than an hour after the bread monster incident, the Administrator called for a ceasefire. “Only while your base is repaired,” she said over the TV screen. “BLU is quite disappointed in this negligence- as am I. Regardless, you may use these three days as you see fit. Go home, stay here- whatever you do, no more bread monsters.” The screen turned off with a click. 
Scout exhaled through his nose. He was thankful there was no mention of him or Miss Pauling’s woodchipper. 
Spy decloaked behind him. “Less time than I wanted, but c’est la vie.” Scout looked at him over his shoulder. “I’m meeting with an old contact during our break,” Spy said in Italian. “Would you like to come along? It’ll be like old times.” 
Scout’s brow furrowed, but he nodded. At least this way, he’d get out of helping Engie and Heavy with repairs. And possibly meeting Miss Pauling’s woodchipper. 
“Excellent. Our flight is at 7 AM tomorrow.” 
“We’re flying commercial?” Scout asked, also in (more hesitant) Italian. 
“Our destination is continental. We’ll leave the base by 5:30.” Scout groaned as Spy started to leave. But- wait, he hadn’t- 
“Oi, where are we going, anyway?” he called back in English. 
Spy paused to look at him and smile. “Boston.” 
“Why do we always get the ass-crack-of-dawn flights?” Jeremy asked groggily, reclining his seat.
“They are the ones with first-class seats available,” Raphael replied. He took a sip from his mimosa. 
“Yeah, cuz God forbid you fly coach for once.” Jeremy shifted, trying to get comfortable. “Hey. Have I ever been to Boston before?”
Raphael didn’t answer immediately. His lip sucked in, as if in thought. “Yes. When you were very, very young. You wouldn’t remember.” 
Jeremy nodded. He wanted to ask more, there was something Raphael wasn’t saying but… well, he was never a morning person. He fell asleep before the plane even took off. 
. . .
It was mid-afternoon by the time they landed in Boston. Jeremy was never fond of long flights; having his legs cramped like that for extended periods of time was murder. He was half tempted to take a jog around Logan International. Raphael, on the other hand, was ushering them both to the car rental. “Can’t even get a stretch in, huh?”
“Unfortunately, we are expected by 4, and I would hate to keep my contact waiting,” Raphael explained in French, accepting the keys from the girl at the counter. “She’s not a very patient woman, in some regards.” 
Jeremy huffed but didn’t argue. He just followed his father to the rental, tossing his suitcase in the backseat. “Y’know, the girl at the counter-” 
“We will not have time for you to go out on a date, Jeremy.” 
“No! No, it was- her accent’s kinda like mine, it’s weird,” Jeremy said. Raphael started the car. “Cuz I’ve only been here as a baby, and I got mine from TV and shit. It’s just… really strange, is all.” 
Raphael made a quiet noise of agreement. “Some of the shows you watched as a child were filmed here. It’s not as complex as you think it is.” 
“Yeah, probably not…” 
The pair lapsed into silence as Raphael drove. Storefronts and high rises morphed into houses. It had been a while since they were in a residential area. RED, for understandable reasons, kept away from civilians. 
Raphael took the roads with practiced experience. Sure, it had been implied he knew the area. If he had a contact here- one with a house, presumably- he must’ve spent time here. But this- this was far too familiar. A bit suspicious, actually. 
Eventually, Raphael slowed in front of a more rundown Brownstone. Still quite nice, just needed a little work. It felt… welcoming, in a way Jeremy couldn’t name.
“Lotta cars,” he observed as Raphael parallel parked. “Must be a party going on somewhere.” 
“Hmm, perhaps,” Raphael said, turning the car off. “Would you mind ringing the doorbell for me? I need to grab something from the trunk. Ask for Sara Jane.” 
OK, now Jeremy knew something was up. He was never the one to make the first contact, that was always Dad’s job. Jeremy might be a full-grown adult, but there were some things that didn’t change. This was one of them. 
Still, he nodded. He climbed up the front steps and ringed the doorbell. He heard- multiple voices from inside, predominantly male, but they quickly silenced themselves. A TV, perhaps? They really ought to get that flower box on the second story window fixed- 
The woman who opened the door was a bit shorter than him, though not by much. She was wearing a simple dress, hoop earrings, and flats. Her hair was dark, curved to her chin. But her nose and earlobes felt… achingly familiar. Like Jeremy saw them all the time. 
“Um, hi, I’m looking for Sara Jane? My name’s-” The rest of his speech was knocked out of him as the woman launched herself at him. Jeremy braced for an attack, but quickly realized she was… hugging him. 
She was hugging him, sobbing, and choked out the word “Jeremy.” 
Wait. He knew that voice. He had only heard it a few times in his life, few enough he could count them on one hand, but he knew it. “M-Ma?” he whispered. 
The woman- Sara Jane- Ma looked up at him, still crying. Her hands found his face as she observed him. “Y-yeah, sweetie, it’s me, it’s-it’s your ma,” she said. 
“Ma!” he laughed, tears of his own dancing down his cheeks. He hugged her back, practically lifting her off her feet. “Oh my God, Ma! I-I never thought I’d-” 
“Oh Jeremy, sweetie, look how tall you’ve gotten! Last I saw you, you fit in my arms! My baby, my handsome baby,” she spoke over him. She rubbed circles into his back as they embraced. It felt so, so right. 
Jeremy laughed even harder. “Are you kiddin’? I got it from you, you’re beautiful, Ma!” He stared at her, trying to commit every mole and wrinkle and perfect flaw to memory. “I can’t believe- oh my God, I’m actually meeting you!” 
“It was long overdue,” another voice said, as Raphael joined them on the front stoop. “I had put it off for safety reasons, but considering our current, ah, situation… I felt it was worth the risk.” 
Sara Jane squealed, pulling Raphael into the hug as well. “You’ve been taking good care of my boy, you promise me, Raphael?” 
“Don’t worry Ma, he’s the best dad I could ask for, considering,” Jeremy teased. 
“Oh, don’t I know it. Called me up last night and told me to get the whole motley crew together. Even managed to get Melvin to bring his twin daughters, bless his wife’s heart,” she explained. 
Jeremy blinked. “Uh- Melvin? Daughters?”
Sara Jane laughed. It sounded so much like Jeremy’s it practically hurt. This was his mother. Lord, he’s finally seeing her. “Melvin’s your older brother, sweetie. Eh, sixth oldest. Bobby’s the oldest.” 
“I have a brother?”
“Oh honey, you’re the youngest of eight,” Sara Jane said plainly. 
“...fuck,” Jeremy whispered. 
. . .
He didn’t just have seven brothers. He had seven brothers, four of which brought their wives, one who brought his boyfriend, and three who brought their kids. And the kids totaled to an additional six, counting the babies. 
It was… an admittedly tight squeeze in the living room. 
Sara Jane introduced Jeremy. Jeremy had been expecting to be treated like a stranger. He had vanished when he was a baby, after all, and his younger-older brothers probably wouldn’t remember him at all. 
And yet, it was like he knew them all his life. 
They teased him and punched him playfully and acted so friendly, so familial it nearly made Jeremy break down. He was still crying from meeting Ma, but being dogpiled with so much affection was suffocating. In a good way. He had seen on sitcoms the intrinsic bond between family, and while he felt it with Dad, they also risked their lives nearly daily. But it was real, it was here, and it was wrapping him in a warm blanket. 
Despite the chaos and the sheer number of people, Jeremy didn’t feel overwhelmed. He laughed and played along with their jokes, cracking some back when he could get a word in. Scott ragged on his dog tags, he countered by pointing out the hole in his pants. Michael told him he was still a shortass, he replied with “it takes one to know one.” Elliot and Ricky were the closest to actually getting hurt, and that was only because Jeremy elbowed them both so hard they nearly fell over. 
For the first time in 25 years, Jeremy understood what “home” meant. 
The kids were especially curious, eager to meet their uncle and step-grandfather. Within seconds, young Rebecca- only four years old- was challenging Jeremy to a race around the house. “I’m the fastest kid in the world,” she bragged, puffing out her chest. 
“Oh yeah?” Jeremy asked. “That a fact?”
“You wanna test me? I beat Johnny Three-Legs at running, and he’s got three legs!” Jeremy laughed and stood from the couch, letting her lead him outside. “On the count of three, OK?”
“You’re on, pipsqueak,” Jeremy teased.
“Onetwothree GO!” Rebecca yelled, taking off in a sprint. Jeremy knew that, by all accounts, he should beat her. His legs were longer, she didn’t have the proper running stance, and it was his job to be fast. That’s what he got paid to do. But some small voice was telling him to let her win, so he did. “Ha! I told ya!” 
“Ya sure did,” he replied, mock panting. “Look at you, a freaking blur on the green. You’re goin’ to the Olympics, kid.” 
Rebecca beamed and hugged his leg. “Promise, Uncle Jeremy?” He nodded because, after that display, there was no way he could speak without squeaking like a chew toy. 
Rebecca skipped back inside, past Raphael, who was watching on the stoop. “You’re a natural with children,” he observed. “I used to do the same thing when you were that age.” 
“Wait- wait, really? You sure fooled me,” Jeremy said. 
Raphael rolled his eyes. “What’s my job again, mon lapin?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Jeremy leaned against the railing, watching Raphael’s cigarette smoke in the wind. “Hey. Uh… thanks for arranging all of this. You really didn’t need to.”
“But I did. I meant it when I said this was overdue. I’ve been wanting to introduce you to the rest of the family for a while, but have been unable. Then that whole ordeal with the supposed tumors, and-” Raphael exhaled slowly. “It wouldn’t have been fair to you if you died without knowing them. I would’ve never forgiven myself.” 
Jeremy punched his shoulder lightly. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, pops. It all worked out, we’re still kicking, and that roast chicken Ma’s making smells incredible. Everything’s perfect.” 
Raphael finished his cigarette and smiled. “Oui. It is.” 
. . .
While Sara Jane had been able to get the rest of the family here, it was a school night. Kids needed to be tucked in by 9:30, so most of Jeremy’s brothers were gone by 8. Elliot was staying overnight, as was his boyfriend. Otherwise, the house quickly went from bustling to barren. 
It gave Jeremy a chance to explore his would-be childhood home.
He made his way upstairs, pushing open one of the doors. It led- to little surprise- to a bedroom. It was set up like a nursery, with a crib in one corner and a toddler bed in the other. Toys were scattered about across the floor. 
He heard Sara Jane sigh behind him. “This was your room, you know.” Jeremy turned to look at her as she flipped the light switch. “That crib… I had put you to bed the night your father planned to fake his death. I was in on the whole plan, naturally. He wanted to hold you one last time, so I said OK. When I woke up the next morning… you were both gone.” She exhaled slowly, grabbing onto his shoulder. “I wrote both of you off as dead, but I knew what had happened. Honestly, should’ve figured it out before then. You hadn’t woken me up crying,” she joked. Her eyes were watering. 
Jeremy hugged her, pulling her close. “You never took the crib down?” 
“By the time I was ready, Bobby’s wife was pregnant, so I kept it up for my grandbabies. I knew- I knew you were out there, sweetie. Both of you.” She kissed his cheek, squeezing him.
“I-I never got to be a normal kid, really,” he confessed. “I mean, Dad did his best, gave me comic books and board games and stuff, but-but I never went to school or made friends or anything like that. I-I didn’t even know I had a family. It took me forever to even realize I had a Ma. An-and everything I did-” The tears were flowing again, more freely than earlier. “Ya missed me losing my first tooth, and potty trainin’, and all that stuff parents should know about. I-I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
Sara Jane wiped his cheek dry. “Don’t apologize for what your father did, Jeremy. And definitely don’t apologize for me not potty training another kid. Besides… hold on, I’ll be right back.” She made her way down the hallway. Jeremy didn’t follow, instead deciding to examine the crib. This was where he grew up. It was a simple crib, obviously well-used. Not worn-down, mind, just… used. It had a history. A history that Jeremy wanted to decode, but unlike his dad’s ciphers, he didn’t have the key. 
“Took me a second to find it,” Sara Jane said. She handed him what appeared to be a scrapbook. “Raphael- he wrote when he can. Taught me some basic codes, would send out letters whenever you’d leave a town. Never left a return address, but…” Jeremy flipped through the pages, moving to sit on the small bed. The letters were all coded but appeared to be about how much Raphael missed Sara Jane. Updates on Jeremy’s growth. Letters from a father to his lover and son’s mother. 
One page jumped out to him, though. “I remember this,” he said, running his fingers against the paper. It was a simple drawing of a young boy, holding a catcher’s mitt, and a taller man next to him. “I drew this after Dad took me to my first baseball game, for my eighth birthday. I thought I lost the drawing after we skipped town, but- he sent them to you?”
Sara Jane nodded. “And I kept them all. Oh, honey, the day I first heard your voice on the phone- Mikey can tell you, I damn near fell over. You sounded so happy, and even if I couldn’t see you, that’s all a mother wants.” Jeremy leaned against her and she shut the book. “That’s all a mother wants, sweetie. To see her kids be safe and happy.” 
“I am, Ma,” he assured her. “I promise.” 
They sat like that for a while, with Sara Jane commenting on various letters and drawings in the scrapbook. Apparently, Raphael sent her money when he could- more frequently now that Mann Co. paid so well. She also had a rough idea of their current occupations. “I figure, if you and your father are working for the same company- with his skills, there’s gotta be a whole lot of nonsense going on out in that desert.” Jeremy laughed at that because she wasn’t wrong. “But I also figure since he raised you right, he’ll keep the both of you safe.” 
“I keep him safe too, don’t worry,” Jeremy added. “Uh- listen, it’s touching and all you kept the crib, but I don’t have to sleep in it, right?” 
They both had a good chuckle over that. Their laughs were in perfect harmony. 
. . .
The next two days were a mix of learning the family history and exploring Boston. It was the offseason, so there weren’t any games going on at Fenway, but Jeremy still got a picture in front of the park. Sara Jane took the pair to a restaurant that served “the best damn clam chowder in the contiguous United States.” Which, incidentally, led them to discover Jeremy was allergic to clams. Thankfully they didn’t have to go to the hospital- he just sort of immediately got sick before it passed- but it did suck.
It was damn good chowder, though. 
They went down to the harbor where the Boston Tea Party happened. It was crowded with people, resulting in them not staying long. Jeremy was a bit better with crowds than Raphael, but neither was great with them. Came with the job. Getting overpriced memorabilia from a nearby gift shop, though, went over much more smoothly. 
When not out on the town, Sara Jane dug out more scrapbooks and photo albums, catching Raphael up on what his stepsons had been up to. She showed Jeremy pictures from Ricky’s first school play to Scott opening up his butcher shop. Graduation pictures, wedding pictures, baby pictures- it was all there, and Jeremy devoured it. He wanted to know these people. He wanted to know his family. And he did. He learned about Michael’s stint in the Navy, Melvin meeting his wife, how Bobby’s son could dribble a basketball for twenty minutes straight. He learned about how his parents met. How Raphael loved each of Sara Jane’s children, even if they weren’t biologically his. How Jeremy wasn’t planned- few of the kids were - but they were both so, so happy to realize he was coming. 
He also learned that, while diner food would remain the undisputed king, homemade meatloaf came pretty close. 
. . .
The only problem came when it was time to leave. It wasn’t that Jeremy didn’t want to return to work, or leave his Ma behind. Sara Jane wasn’t even torn up over losing her son and lover again. It just felt like there was so much left to say, to do. There was uncertainty as to when they’d be able to return. “We get time off for Smissmas, I know that’s months away but I’ll be here, I promise,” Jeremy swore, hugging Sara Jane for the eighth time. 
“You better,” she said, squeezing him tightly. “You have 25 years worth of gifts to catch up on, not to mention birthday gifts-”
“Ma, you don’t have to go that far,” he whined. He was touched, sure, but the thought of that much luggage was truly frightening. Oh God, he was going to have to get gifts for everybody, wasn’t he? What do kids even want for Smissmas? 
“Hush, let me spoil my baby,” Sara Jane told him, kissing his cheek. “Oh, Jeremy…” 
Jeremy nodded. “I know, but I’ll call. I’ll write, too. Send pictures if I can.” 
“I’ll make sure he does,” Raphael assured her. Sara Jane stood to kiss his lips, with Jeremy looking away pointedly. “You have my word, ma petite chou-fleur.” 
“Alright, alright- now get going, I don’t want you two missing your flight. That boss of yours sounds like she’ll tear you both a new one if you’re late,” Sara Jane said, shooing them away. “Love you boys!” 
“I love you too, Ma!” Jeremy shouted back, for the very first time. 
The drive back to the airport was quiet. Jeremy stared out the window, watching his hometown- he had a hometown- pass by. “Hey, dad?” he asked, still looking outside. Raphael grunted to acknowledge he was listening. “One of these days, our contracts with Mann Co. are gonna expire. We’re gonna have to find new jobs.” 
“Yes, that’s correct,” Raphael said. He tapped a rhythm against the steering wheel. 
“And-and I was thinking when that time comes… maybe we could come back to Boston. Find some gigs out here,” Jeremy suggested. 
Raphael sighed. “Unfortunately, being a spy means that you don’t have the option of retiring, Jeremy. Not until you’re unable to complete your job. At that point, though, you’ve probably died a dozen times over,” he explained. “Even if I could retire, settling down somewhere so close to people I care about- I would still have enemies.” 
“Right. ‘Course,” Jeremy said. “It’s OK.” 
“That being said,” Raphael continued, “you have the luxury of youth and not being tied down to such a career. If you want to find a job in Boston after we finish with RED, there’s nothing stopping you.” 
“But people will still be after me, since I’m your son. And you wouldn’t be around.”
“Every child leaves their parents someday. And you’re strong, Jeremy. You can protect yourself and your family.” Raphael smiled. “I don’t believe Sara Jane needs much protecting, but I do worry.” 
Jeremy laughed. “I mean, did ya see the muscles on Scott and Michael? Guys can probably bench press a tractor!” 
They both chuckled before settling into quietude. Eventually, though, Jeremy had to break the silence. His voice was barely above a whisper. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, mon lapin.”
“...so your nickname for Ma is fucking ‘little cauliflower?’ What the hell, Dad?” 
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First Friend
AYO im back with biodad!bruce wayne day 2! lets see how long i keep going
Maribat Masterlist  AO3  @maribat-bdbwm 
Day 1
Word count: 1.2k words
“You’re rude.”
It was just two words. Two very simple, honest words but they were enough to send the blonde eleven year old girl into hysterics.
The story on how 11-year-old Marinette made her first friend
BD!Bruce Wayne Day 2- Family/Friends
without further ado:
“You’re rude.”
It was just two words. Two very simple, honest words but they were enough to send the blonde eleven year old girl into hysterics. She was going on some tirade about her father and how he would never allow Marinette to talk about her like that. It made little sense to her because her maman had always told her to speak about her feelings openly. Hiding how she felt about someone who she was not actively trying to deceive was a waste of energy, her maman had explained. Marinette wholeheartedly agreed. Just imagining trying to keep the blonde girl happy at all times added ten pounds of weight to her shoulders. Her heart went out to the little redhead trying to do just that. Was that what friends do?
Marinette’s never had friends before. She was the only child in her village. The Guardians, she had learned, lived longer than their peers so they chose to live in seclusion, away from anything that could corrupt their world view or challenge them. They recruited in secret, always older people, people who have seen the world and wished to correct it. Marinette, being born into the way of the Order of the Guardians, knew very little of society. The elders sought to correct that. First, she was introduced to her father—who she discovered was a bit of a recluse despite living and protecting a heavily populated city—then the elders decided that she would live in one of the cultural centers of the world. Paris, France; home to a little over two million people and a hot spot for tourists. No better place to learn about the world than somewhere that has entertained the rest of the world.
She had been enrolled in school and was introduced to almost a dozen children her age. She memorized their names and faces and whatever random information she gathered from observation. A short blonde girl named Rose loved to collect bugs but the boy named Max hated them. He liked something called video games, Marinette noted to ask her parents about that later. The other blonde girl in her class, a girl named Chloé, was the daughter of the mayor and she liked to make sure everyone remembered. Everyone. She was also a brat and loud and rude and Marinette was rather upfront when she told her such. Which led to her current situation.
“You’re rude,” she had said. She was standing in front of a shy girl with pretty locs, Mylène, blocking her from Chloé’s view.
“I’m not rude!” the blonde shrieked. “I was just telling her that her headband was ugly and it belonged in the trash where she found it!”
“It doesn’t matter where she got it,” Marinette didn’t think she found it in the trash but people were weird and she didn’t want to be wrong just in case. Regardless it was still a cute pink headband with flowers. “You don’t get to call people’s things ugly.”
“And who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do?” Chloé had crossed her arms and was pouting and not even looking at them anymore. Marinette felt hot frustration boil under her skin. She didn’t like how the girl wouldn’t even look at them. “My daddy’s the mayor and I can do whatever I want!”
Who cared who her father was? That didn’t mean she got to do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. If that were the case then Marinette was untouchable. Her frustration grew and she had no control over herself anymore. Her small body could only hold so much anger and, despite her teachers’ best efforts, she inherited her papa’s quick temper. The words were out and Marinette regretted them before she could stop herself from saying them.
“Well, my dad is Batman!”
No one spoke and Marinette was already beating herself up for the misstep. She shouldn’t have said that! That was classified information and she shouldn’t be using her family’s business to win petty arguments. That would make her no better than Chloé. How could she fix this? She had to fix this.
“Yeah and my dad’s Superman!” yelled a new voice. Kim, this tall kid from another class, had joined in the argument. He stood slightly off to the side, drowning in a big red hoodie with his chest puffed out and posing.
“My mom is Wonder Woman!”
“My uncle is the Flash!”
One by one more of her classmates started to shout out how they were ‘related’ to various members of the Justice League until all that could be heard was a cacophony of names and laughter.
“Ugh, whatever, Dupain-Cheng,” Chloé huffed and stomped in place but her voice could barely be heard over the other children. Marinette watched as she realised she was being ignored before grabbing the redheaded girl and pulling away from the crowd.
“Umm, thank you,” Marinette heard a voice directly behind her ear, as timid as a mouse. She turned to face the girl she was protecting, Mylène, and offered her her best attempt at a reassuring smile. “You didn’t have to stand up for me like that but I’m glad you did.”
“Of course, I really like your headband so I didn’t want what Chloé said to get to you.”
“You really like it?” Marinette watched as she slowly, almost afraid to touch it, reached for her headband. The wonder in her eyes made pride in Marinette’s tiny frame. She did the right thing standing up for her!
“Yes! I really do!”
“Thank you, do you,” the girl paused and squared her shoulders, looking Marinette intently with a furrow to her brows, “do you want to be friends with me?”
Friends? Marinette has never made a friend before. Is that what the Guardians wanted from her by sending her here? Friends meant trust but she was a Guardian in training. That meant she would have to keep secrets. Could she do that? Keep such secrets from a friend? Did she want friends? What would her father do? Did Batman have friends? Did she want to be like Batman? Before an answer to any of those questions could come to her, Mylène spoke out again.
“It’s okay if you don’t,” she tried to reassure Marinette but by the look in her eyes, the cloudiness and the slight red tint, Marinette knew that her lack of an answer deeply hurt the girl.
“No! I do want to be friends!” She was quick to quell the other girl’s worries, not wanting to form any misunderstandings. It appears they both could need a friend. Even though she had never accounted for them in the Guardians’ plans for her, Marinette believed friends were exactly what she needed. And the Justice League were Batman’s friends so it was obviously the right choice.
She would need to discuss with her mother going forward but she still did well today. She was honest, stood up for someone and even though she accidentally outed her father, nothing bad happened. She just needed to be more cautious next time, to be more level-headed. There was no harm, no foul.
Besides, having friends never hurt anybody, right?
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA Dad scenario: They get the wrong idea. 2
You and your boyfriend have the same birthday week, you bought him a gift he didn't get you shit! the of you argue and in the heat of it your dad walks in to see what's going on, just in time hear you yell this little gem. "FUCK YOU I'M KEEPING IT!" and all hell breaks lose!
Dabi: He heard you screaming and thought B/n had done something to you and barged just in time hear you yell. "FUCK YOU I'M KEEPING IT!" after a few seconds of silence you demanded to know what your boyfriend thought about that? but then you saw the horrified look on B/n's face, you were confused until you felt the temperature in the room spike, causing you start sweating oh...ooh noo....
You looked behind you and saw your very pissed off father standing in the doorway giving your boyfriend the Kubrick stare as smoke emanating from his hands. he slowly started toward B/n planning on burning him to ashes, before you intervened. "Get outta of my way Y/n..." he hissed his cerulean eyes focused on B/n who looked around trying to find an exit!
"Dad, just calm down... before you do something you regret." Dabi shot his daughter a look. "My regret is not carbonizing this pimply faced runt the second you introduced him!" he hissed while B/n awkwardly looked at himself the mirror. "Pimple face?" he whimpered hurt and bemused. "B/n shut-up!" you hissed then turned back to your dad and told him what was up...
Dabi seemed to calmed down, but that didn't mean he still wasn't pissed, he left you room and Y/n coaxed B/n off her bed, a few later days your boyfriend stopped by, still wary of your dad, who at the kitchen table doing a crossword puzzle when you can sprinting down the stairs and hugged B/n. "Thanks babe! I love it!" you squealed confusing the boy. "...what?" as you showed him a glass dolphin necklace then kissed him on the cheek before going to get your backpack. 
B/n awkwardly looked at your dad. "But I never got her..." Dabi cut him off. "Yes, you did runt..." He huffed while chewing on his pen cap, Your boyfriend looked at your dad like he grew three heads, No... he didn't get you anything and going to say this again!...then it clicked. "Oh." Dabi sighed annoyed."Sometimes I swear all that acnes soaking up what's left of your braincells..." 
Before B/n could respond you were downstairs and dragging him out the door and to the library... At least that where Dabi hopes your taking him! that backpack looked a little too full to just be carrying boo- your dad's eyes widened he suddenly burns his crossword puzzle and runs after the teens "Y/n!" 
Fatgum/Taishiro: a loud pop and crunching noise was heard, you both turned to see your dad in his fat form standing in your doorway holding what used to be a family sized bag of chips in a death grip, a rare frown plastered on his face as gawked at both of you "What da heck is goin on 'ere?" the blond demanded taking a step towards B/n.
You immediately tried to defuse the situation, but for some moment of sheer stupidity your boyfriend decided to book it out the fire escape! and that caused you dad to go after him through the front door as your window was too small for him fit threw, You massaged your temples while inhaling sharply. "...oh, fuck me." and ran after you father and boyfriend! 
Now here's the the thing; Fatgum is fast as hell! regardless if he's in his Fat form, Fit Form or somewhere in between! and you unfortunately did not have years of hero training under your belt! so when you finally caught up to Your dad he had B/n trapped up a tree and circling it like hungry bear, luckily there weren't any people around or you'd die of embarrassment right now! 
"Ya can't stay up there forever B/n..."
"I can try..."
"And I can wait!"
"oh why did I run?"
B/n muttered as Taishiro stared up at him with a smug smirk, just as you came rounding the corner and tripping causing your dad to forget about your boyfriend and rush over to you. "Y/n! what are ya doin runnin' in yer condition?!" Your dad said panicking and picking you off the ground, causing you the scream in frustration demanding to be put down.
"I don't have a condition, I'm not pregnant!" You snapped Taishiro blinked then looked up at your boyfriend who was still in the tree nodded. "But what was that back da flat?" You explained the gift exchange the argument, Taishiro seemed to relax, but his brows furrowed in confusion.
"Okay...but did B/n run?" you shrugged. "I don't know, he's dumb!" your boyfriend protested that remark, then you told him to shut-up and get out of that tree! "I... can't, I kind of climbed up out of fear" B/n stated now realizing how far the ground was, Your dad just smirked and walked over to tree.
 "Just jump I got 'cha boy!" Taishiro said puffing out his stomach B/n complied and landed in your dad's gut, but instead of bouncing out you dad suddenly held B/n in his fat confusing the two teens. "Erm, Dad? what are you doin?" the blond looked back at his daughter. "I'm fat Taxiing B/n to da shops to get ya something! We'll be back later! Jellybean!" Taishiro ruffled your hair before running off.   
Jin/Twice: He was currently pacing back and forth in the backyard  while holding a baseball bat and arguing with himself, before looking up. "C'mon... come down B/n I'm not gonna hurt you!~...-I'm gonna rip your nuts off and feed them to you!" You dad said with a smile trying to coax your boyfriend  off your house's roof, said boy was currently revaluating his choices for today. 
You got him a B-day present and he didn't get anything for you, And was prick about it! naturally you got angry and started crying and yelling at him, he suggested getting frisky as present, You slapped him and just as your dad walked to see what the commotion that's when you screamed "FUCK YOU I'M KEEPING IT!-GROSS! I DON'T WANT IT!" while hugging the present to yourself.  
"what did ya say? -Oh hell no!" Both you jumped you saw you dad standing in your door gawking at the two you, "Uh... h-hi daddy.~... G-Get out of my room old man!" you stammered Jin looked at your distraught state, then looked heatedly at your boyfriend... it didn't helped that he was holding a condom in his hand like an idiot...
 "Goddammit B/n, I thought you were one of the good ones!- Little shit! I had you pegged from the start!" Jin snarled next thing B/n knew your dad had a metal bat in his hands and coming at him! while you yelled after him. "Run, B/n my dad's seriously gonna kill you!- Stop running like a pussy and face him like a man!" …
B/n sighed exasperated all this could've been hell of a lot easier if he had just pulled his head out of his ass, and gotten you flowers or something! then this whole situation could've been avoided!...Also Jin found out you weren't pregnant hours ago! But now he’s pissed that B/n was being a dick to you earlier and trapped him on the roof! 
Jin had the bat behind his back and call up to B/n "Look dude, I'm not mad I promise!- Come take your lumps dammit!" He smiled coyly as B/n looked at him blankly before looking up at the starry sky praying your mom gets home soon!
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 21
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1755
Warnings:  coming out
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there.
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Chapter 21: An Outing
With the communications up and running properly, Tony had gotten to work to bring us some of the luxuries of Earth.  Internet and TV.  He was in the process of setting up a big screen TV in our quarters and the whole family had been so long without it, it had become this huge event.  Everyone was there.  Even Sif and the warriors three had come to see what kind of fuss would keep Thor from his duties.
As Tony, Sam, and Tommy messed around with the cables of the TV, the rest of us sat around talking and sharing snacks that Thor had organized in the spirit of home movie night.  There were Asgardian candies and puffed grain that wasn’t quite like popcorn, but close enough.
The little ones played on the floor.  Zak was fascinated with the twins and was doing little dances to try and get them to smile and when they did he yelled excitedly to one of us to look.  Flynn was playing with the Vulparev.  Throwing a ball around for them and toddling around after them.  Ziggy, Anna, and Piper had scraps of fabric that had been brought in as samples for Teddy and Billy’s bonding clothing and were making toys with them.  While the older twins used a fine needle and stitched carefully, Piper had a large bone needle and was making big crooked stitches in the pieces of felt she had.
It was only Loki and Marya that hadn’t shown up yet, though we expected that Marya would be there eventually.  She had been excited at the possibility of introducing her new friends to the music and shows she liked.
“How much longer, dad?” Pietro asked.
“God, hold your horses.  You know how far this signal has to come?” Tony said.
“Besides,” Steve added. “We have to wait for Marya.”
Piper picked up her sewing and came over to me. “Gwandma, the fluff won’t stay.”
“Oh no,” I said, picking her up and putting her in my lap.  “I’m not great at this stuff.  But let me see what I can do.”
I began helping her get the stitches so that the stuffing wouldn’t immediately fall out.  Wanda watched on and tutted a couple of times and I looked up at her and scrunched my nose.  “Did you want to do this?”
“Yes,” Wanda said, holding her hands out.  “Come here my darling.  Let Dedeski Dej help you.”
Piper climbed over Bucky to get to Wanda and the two began sewing together.  A moment later Loki entered the room followed by Marya.  Marya had her head down and her hands in her pockets and she came and flopped down on the couch between me and Bruce without saying anything.
“About time, Mar,” Pietro teased.
“Sorry,” Marya huffed.
Loki cleared his throat.  “Before the festivities started, Marya would like to talk to you all.  Without judgment or interruption.”
“Is something wrong?”  Steve asked, as Tony, Sam, and Billy came and took a seat.
“No,” Loki said.  “Nothing’s wrong.”
“What is it, kiddo?” Clint asked.
Marya looked up, and Loki and shifted a little awkwardly.  “I don’t know how to start.”
“Brave heart, Mar,” Loki said and waved his hand.  “I’m right here with you.  Just babble through it.”
“So… and… you know… I know you won’t care… but still, this has been hard because I don’t really know,” she babbled, as she looked down at her hands.  “Like I feel different.”
Bruce rubbed her back with a large hand and looked down at her with concern, and I ran my fingers through her dark hair.  “Marya?” I said, softly.
Loki came over and crouched in front of her.  “Take a deep breath,” he said.  “Would you like to try again?”
Marya breathed in deeply and let it out slowly.  When they spoke they kept their eyes on Loki.  “I don’t think I’m a girl.”
“And?” Loki prodded.
They shrugged.  “And I don’t think I’m a boy either.”
I put my arm around their shoulders.  “That’s pretty cool that you’ve found out a little more about yourself,” I said.  “Do you have anything you need from us?  A name you’d rather be called?  Different pronouns?”
They shrugged.  “I guess… I don’t know.  I guess I’d rather just be called Mar.  And… I guess - I don’t mind if you use he or she, but maybe they/them would be better.”
Loki smiled and stood.  “And there we have it.”
Mar smiled and pushed him with their foot.  “You’re alright,” I soothed, rubbing their side.  “Do you want to talk about it or just have us accept it?”
“Second one,” they said.
“Of course we accept you,” Bruce said.  “You’re still our Mar.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed.  “And we love you.”
They blushed a little and nodded.  “I know.  I love you too.”
“Okay,” Sam said.  “I know you just said you don’t want to talk about it, but… Do you want us to tell your tutors so they don’t dead-name you?  Or do you need a little more time to come out yourself?”
“No.  Can you please do it?” Mar asked.
“Of course,” Natasha said. “I’ll do it for you.”
“Well, this is entirely too sickeningly sweet for me,” Loki said.  “So I shall take my reprieve.  Enjoy your mortal entertainment.”
“Mar, my child, we have many treats, get comfortable,” Thor said, as I got up and followed Loki out into the hall.
“Loki,” I said as the door closed behind me.  “A word?”
He stopped and turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow.  “Anything for you, my queen,” he said, dryly.
“No need for formalities,” I teased.
“Great,” Loki snarked. “So…?”
“I just…” I took a deep breath and shook my head.  “We want them all to be comfortable in their own skins… and I don’t know.  I feel like I’ve been lacking.  With Mar in particular.  They anger so quickly and shut down.  But you’ve always been able to get through.  I just wanted to say thank you for being that person they felt safe with no matter what.”
Loki’s expression didn’t change and he looked from me to the guards, and then grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the hall.
“Loki, where are we going?” I asked.
“Hush,” he scolded and dragged me into an antechamber at the end of the hall.  “Leave us,” he said to the guards that stood at either door.
“My queen?” One guard asked.
“It’s fine,” I assured him.
When they were gone Loki let go of my wrist and looked at me.  “I’m going to tell you something and you aren’t to speak of.  No one would believe you anyway.”
“Is something the matter?” I asked, thoroughly confused and more than a little worried.
“Elise Cooper,” Loki said.  “You are a thorn in my side.  I want nothing more than to lie in bed with a lover and tell them how completely stupid and ridiculous my brother is for settling down with useless mortals.  I wish to turn all your children against you just because I think that would be funny to watch as the chaos ensued.  But Elise, you are quite irritatingly a good person.  And not only that - and listen carefully now because this is the most important part - you are a good parent.  My parents could not even seem to balance loving two children equally and yet you do it with dozens.  They all adore you.  Now stop expecting perfection from yourself when you accept far less from everyone around you, including your sibling-in-law who thrives on causing trouble.”
I started to cry and Loki sighed dramatically and pulled me into a hug.  “By the Allfather, don’t you have infinite husbands and wives who could be comforting you right now?”
“They would do that if I deserved it or not,” I said, pressing my face against his chest.
“Norns, how low is your self-worth that you need comforting by me,” he sighed, rubbing my back.  “This had better not get back to them either.”
“It won’t,” I sniffed.
He held me until I got my tears under control and then pushed me back unceremoniously.  “As for me, I do like the children, you know?”  He said.  “They are non-judgemental and like getting into trouble.  And if they annoy me, I just give them back to you.  I appreciate you haven’t let any of the others turn them against me.”
“That’s not all on me,” I said.  “You know your brother…”
“Yes, I know,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“And I need you to know, Loki,” I said, looking at him seriously.  “I appreciate you and what you do for not just them, but all of us.”
He scoffed.  “That sounded hard for you.”
I laughed and shook my head.  “No.  Not at all.  But this might be hard for you to hear.  You know that word… starts with an L?”
“Oh no,” Loki said, turning and starting to stride down the hall.  “Don’t you say it.”
“Loki,” I called, coming after him.  “Loki, I lo…”
He covered his ears.  “Don’t do it, Elise.”
“I love you, Loki!” I called, stopping my pursuit.
“Why do you have to be like this?”  Loki called back.  “It’s infuriating.”  He stopped at the end of the hall and turned back to me.  “Tell your offspring they know where I am if they need me.”
“I will,” I called.  “Thank you again.”
He nodded and disappeared around the corner and I headed back to our chambers where the others were waiting.
“There you are,” Bucky said.  “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” I said, sitting back down between him and Mar.  He put his arm around me and Mar cuddled into my side.
“Alright, so we’re all here?”  Tony asked.  “Shall we see what movie Disney has needlessly made a prequel for while we’ve been here?”
He pressed play on a movie and we all settled in.  “Man, I forgot how much I missed TV,” Paul sighed.
“We’ll get them set up in everyone’s places,” Tony said.  “Don’t worry.”
“Shh… we’re all trying to watch,” Becca scolded.
“Yes, this is new for us,” Sif agreed.  “Let us enjoy it.”
I laughed and snuggled between my kid and my husband amongst most of our family.  The talk with Loki had been surprising, but I definitely had needed to hear it and I hadn’t even been aware of that need.  I could be happy with imperfection if this was what imperfection was.  That I knew for sure.
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
You’re Not the One
Pairing: Todoroki x reader, Bakugou x reader
Drama, Angst?, pregnant!AU, happy ending
Word count: 6.4K
A/N: I was supposed to upload this multiple Friday’s ago… But enjoy this quick but long oneshot I have made! Let me know what you think! Do you like having oneshots like this or the series better?
Summary: No one prepared you for motherhood. You didn’t even know the first step to being a parent. What’s even worse was that you were doing it all alone. Will you let a knight in shining armor save you from distress or will you let the father of your child come back in your life and have the perfect family you always wanted?
Bakugou arrived at your apartment all busted up. It was a rough day at work and all he wanted to do right now was lay in bed with you in his arms. He didn’t want to think about how he let a villain get away. Or how he had to defeat a group of people all on his own with no backup, causing all those cuts and bruises. Or how management came running and yelled at him for his attitude towards his fans. He didn’t need anymore chaos. He didn’t want anymore problems. But that’s not how life works does it?
“I’m pregnant.”
Of course you were. Bakugou took a deep breath in and violently let it out, running his fingers through his hair. No, he wasn’t happy. He was already overwhelmed with trying to become the best that he could be at his job. He didn’t need another inconvenience in his way.
You frowned upon seeing his reaction. That definitely wasn’t the reaction you were hoping for. You were expecting shock, for sure. But mad? Angry? Disappointed? Never in a million years.
“What’s with that reaction? Are you not happy?” you asked, shaking a bit. You already knew this wasn’t going to go well when you saw that he wasn’t scooping you up in his arms. He was pacing around the room now.
“I just can’t deal with this news right now.” He told you. You furrowed your brows in concern. Seeing how he was acting right now, you could tell it had to do something with work. Bakugou sat down on the edge of the bed and you joined him, gently holding onto his arm.
“Was it work again?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah. I’m already stressed out. I don’t need this pregnant news stressing me out even more!” he started to raise his voice. It wasn’t the first time you heard him raise his voice. You know he doesn’t mean to sometimes, but it always frightens you. He never put a hand on you when he was mad but when he gets like this, you just never know when he’s about to snap and finally do it. That’s how scary he could be sometimes.
“Well, I was hoping that me being pregnant would lessen your stress? Because it should be happy news?” It made sense to you. Having a baby with someone you loved should be the happiest news of your life. And after having a rough day at work, you would think that coming home to good news would be the highlight of the day. But it looks like you were wrong. Did you just make things worse for him?
“I don’t even know how to take care of a baby,” he huffed. You got up from the bed and comforted him from behind. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pressed your chest up against his back, and laid your cheek on his back.
“You think I know either? We can both learn,” you tried to convince him. But it didn’t look like it was working. You started to become anxious and fidgety. This was not supposed to happen tonight. You pictured it so differently in your head and it was all going down the drain.
“No, I can’t take care of this baby,” he shook his head. That left a tight feeling in your chest.
“Cant? Or don’t want to?” you dared to ask.
“Don’t want to,” he replied softly.
“Katsuki!” you desperately called out his name. You heart was breaking. A lump was forming in your throat and tears were threatening to spill over.
“(y/n)!” he called out just as desperate. “I’m so overwhelmed right now! I’m loaded with paperwork. I’m constantly working over time. I don’t get days off. I don’t get breaks. I’m at the peak of my career right now. I can barely take care of you, how can I take of a child that requires more attention than you need on a daily basis?” That last one hurt. You stood there in awe at how he could say that so easily. You didn’t even know what to say. All of this was coming out of nowhere. You both stood still in silence. Bakugou was huffing and puffing by himself while you were trying to process everything he was saying and weighing out your options. If Bakugou didn’t want this baby, you had a few options ahead of you. But before you could think too much, your boyfriend said something that was beyond forgivable. “Get rid of it.”
“Bakugou Katsuki.” Your eyes snapped at him, sudden anger took over you. Out of all the things he could say, he just had to say the most hurtful thing. You could take the criticism. You could take all his anger, his confusion, and his fright. You could take his uncertainness right now because it was sudden news. Both of you never talked about having kids. It only makes sense that he was uncertain about his abilities about being a father. But this. This was going too far. It was unacceptable. No matter how much he didn’t like the idea of you being pregnant or how much he was unprepared to be a dad, he treaded across a forbidden place that was never meant to be crossed. “You take that back right now.”
“No. You either get rid of the baby or I’m leaving,” he gave you the ultimatum. But it was a no brainer.
“I’m keeping the baby,” you say confidently. You were more confident in your answer, more than ever. But that didn’t stop the crushing pain in your chest. The feeling was getting more intense the more you kept looking at him. Bakugou nods his head in acknowledgement. He picks up his work stuff and heads straight to the door. As soon as he opens the door, you scream out his name causing him to stop in his tracks.
“You walk out that door and I swear on my life, you will never see this child,” You threatened. You were shaking with anger, eyes glaring in his direction. Bakugou hesitates. He’s paused at the opened door. And for a split second, you could see a sliver of hope that he comes back to you. But you were wrong. He’s out that door, out of your apartment, and out of your life just like that.
 You were left utterly devasted and completely alone to raise the baby. Honestly, being pregnant was the easy part. What comes after that? Now that was a challenge. It was probably an understatement to say that raising your baby was a challenge. You were struggling. Raising a baby by yourself was hard. There were times when you didn’t know why your baby was crying in the middle of the night. Was he hungry? Did his diaper need to be changed? Did he just want to be held? But sometimes, you would do all that and he would still be crying, making you stay up all night and not get a wink of sleep. There are days were you can’t function properly because of the lack of sleep you would get.
And if that wasn’t enough, you were having a hard time financially keeping you stable. Diapers, formula, and other baby necessities were expensive. You were barely left with enough money to buy food or buy groceries. Maybe a few times a week, you wouldn’t get to eat anything because you didn’t have enough money. And you had to juggle between having a full time job and being a full time mom. You were constantly working around the clock. Everyday, you would be left physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. You can’t even spend time to yourself because you have to tend to your child.
You were rocking your child to sleep, watching as his eyes got heavier and heavier. A sad smile reached your lips but tears trickled down your cheeks.
“Mommy’s having a hard time,” you whispered to your son, sobbing. Yes, the pressure of being a mom got to you. It got to you so bad that you cried every night. God, you were so stressed out and miserable. But even though there were so many hardships that you faced, it was all worth it. It was worth going through all that just to see your son laugh and smile and grow. Despite all the frustrations you went through on a daily basis, you knew it was going to pay off in the end. You loved your son. He captured your heart as soon as he came out. Mommy was having a hard time but you wouldn’t change this for the world.
Just when life was about to get you down, things started to lighten up. You bit your lip and internally cheered when you found out that you had enough money for groceries. You actually had a lot of money left over to buy whatever you wanted. But you were starving. As soon as you got to the grocery store, you made up your mind to stock up on supplies in case you have one of those days again.
You put little Ryota in the seat of the cart and proceeded to go down all the aisles, getting everything you deemed necessary to store in your pantry. While you were at it, you might as well get ingredients to prep yourself a nice dinner for tonight. It’s been a while since you had an actual, homecooked meal.
“Alright, which one should I get baby?” you asked your son, Ryota. He wasn’t old enough to speak yet. Only babbling here and there. Yet, you were constantly talking to him like he could understand you. It was somewhat comforting. You held out two options for him to choose from. Ryota stuck out both his hands, gravitating to the one on the left. You smiled.
“Yeah, I thought so. Good choice, my love,” you squeezed both his cheeks and smothered him with kisses. You then put Ryota’s choice inside the cart and put the other option back. When you went to put that away, another hand was reaching in the same direction, making both of your hands bump into each other.
“Oh, I’m sorr – Shouto?” you began to apologize but once you looked up, you recognized that iconic hair and scar anywhere. He was tall. Taller than you remember. The middle of his hair was swooped backwards, showing his forehead. His build was as impressive as ever and he was carrying a basket of groceries.
“Ah, (y/n). It’s been a while,” he was just as shocked as you were. It’s been what, 7? 8 years? You haven’t seen each other since your school days.
“It has, hasn’t it? Have you been well?” you struck up a conversation. He gave you a soft smile and stuffed his free hand in his pocket. He hummed in response and looked over you shoulder to see your child.
“Looks like you’ve been doing well, too. What’s his name?” he asked, going up to your son and trying to make him laugh. It was working because Ryota seemed to look like he liked him.
“Ryota,” you responded, admiring the way Shouto was playing with your son. It was a weird feeling. You were the one always around your son. Sure, some people held him but it was rare for Ryota to be interacting with a male. It was weird, but a refreshing sight.
“He’s cute. Ah,” he stood up and faced you. “How’s Bakugou doing?” Ouch. He opened up a wound that you were trying to suppress for all these months.
“Oh, um… We’re not…” you tried to explain without it being too awkward, but it wasn’t working. Immediate regret showed on Shouto’s face. He looked back to Ryota and back at you, the realization sinking in. You guess you couldn’t blame him though. Ryota looked exactly like Bakugou. Dirty blonde hair and fiery, red eyes. A mini me of the man who broke your heart. But it’s okay, because now, a new man came into your life. Both of you also weren’t public about your breakup. It was messy anyway. Only a few people really know what happened.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t-”
“It’s okay!” You interrupted him, waving your hands in front of you. It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know. “Where you trying to get this?” you changed the subject, lifting up the box that you were putting away. Shouto glanced at the box in your hands and nodded. He took it from you and added it to his basket. Now you were both awkwardly standing there together, not knowing what to say. Ryota was huffing and puffing behind you, letting you know that it was time to go. You excused yourself and headed towards the check out aisle.
You bagged all your groceries and groaned in agony. You walked to the store and you really underestimated how much you bought. How were you going to carry all those groceries and carry Ryota. He can’t even walk yet. But you got to do what you got to do. You grabbed one bag and all of a sudden, it was pulled away from your grip. You looked up to see Shouto grabbing all your groceries.
“What are you doing? I can handle it,” you reassured him, but he wouldn’t budge. He continued to grab everything, and soon, all of your groceries were in both of his hands.
“You need to carry him. I can carry this for you,” he offered. Well, it wasn’t really an offer. You bit your lip because you did need help, but you also felt bad for making him carry your belongings. But Shouto was already at the exit, waiting for you to catch up to him. Not wanting to waste any more of his time, you picked up Ryota and chased after him.
Thank god your apartment wasn’t too far. Shouto graciously carried all those bags for you, setting them down on your kitchen floor. You rushed to put Ryota in his crib since he fell asleep on your shoulder on the walk home. When you set him down and made sure he was comfortable, you returned to your kitchen where Shouto was standing.
“Thank you so much, Shouto. I really appreciate it,” you thanked him, still feeling bad and guilty for allowing him to do such a task.
“It’s no problem. It looked like you were struggling,” he says, letting you know that he didn’t mind at all. “Well, I should get going. Call me if you need more help.” He says before making his way to the door. Before he exits your apartment, you were quick to stop him.
“Do you want to stay for dinner? As a thank you for bringing up my groceries?” you offered. He stood there for a minute, debating on whether or not to take the offer. But you gave him those pleading eyes because you had no else to thank him. After much facial persuading, he eventually took up on your offer and stayed for dinner.
Halfway through to making dinner, Ryota woke up crying. You were about to go comfort him when you saw Shouto already on the move. He cradled Ryota in his arms and rocked him back and forth until he calmed down. That shocked you. You weren’t expecting him to take action like that.
“Ah, I can take him” you tried to take Ryota away from him but Ryota was holding onto Shouto tightly. Huh? Your son didn’t know Shouto yet he was hanging onto him like his life depended on it. You playfully frowned and Shouto chuckled.
“I can take care of him while you cook,” he said. You were reluctant at first, but eventually agreed. There was no use fighting Shouto when he already has his mind set on something. So you continued cooking, checking up on the boys once in a while. Bu seeing Shouto play and laugh with your son made you smile. And when you say smile, you’re smiling hard. Like grinning from ear to ear. The sight was cute and heartwarming. You couldn’t thank him enough for looking after your son because you finally got a break to yourself. Even if you were cooking, you were put into a state of mind where it was just you. And you could focus on yourself and just enjoy the cooking process.
Having Shouto over for dinner and letting him look over your son was a great break for you. But it was time to get back into the groove again. You were about to go grocery shopping again for tonight’s dinner when a knock was heard on your door. Strange. You weren’t expecting company. You opened the door with curiosity and was surprised to see Todoroki Shouto waiting at your door.
“What are you doing here?” you questioned him with surprise. He lifted a bag filled with different kinds of ingredients.
“Let me make you dinner,” he says. “To thank you for cooking me dinner yesterday.” You smiled at his kindness, but you had to respectfully decline.
“But dinner yesterday was to thank you for carrying my groceries!” you explained but he wasn’t having it.
“And now I’m thanking you for thanking me,” he shakes the bag, waiting for you to let him in. God, you couldn’t say no to that face. And so you let him in. From then on, he was coming over every day. Cooking dinner started to become a routine, both of you alternating nights on who cooks when. Sometimes you would even cook together. With Shouto coming over, you were able to get more alone time and relaxation from taking care of the baby. But that also means you were spending more time with him. The more he came over, the more you bonded with him. Let’s not forget Ryota. It was an understatement to say that he liked Shouto. Every time he’s over, your son would cling to him every chance he got. And soon, Shouto was coming over for more than just dinner. You thought it was because he wanted to spend time with Ryota. Afterall, he was treating your son like he was his own. But you soon came to realize that that was only half the story.
 4 years later
Bakugou had the day off so he made his way to his nearest grocery store for some snacks. He hadn’t heard from you since that day. After he walked out, he needed a while to get back to his senses and calm down. But by the time he was ready to face you again, you had disappeared from his life. You blocked all types of communication from him and moved apartments. He didn’t think of you often. But whenever he saw a child with their mother, that’s when he started thinking of what ifs. And if you were doing okay. Did you have the baby? Or did you end up losing the baby? Was it a boy or girl? What was their name? Did they look like him? Many questions ran through his mind that he knew won’t get answered any time soon.
He grabbed a basket and went straight to the snack aisle. On the way there, he noticed a woman was having trouble getting something from the top shelf. He was thinking about ignoring her and keep on his merry way. But there was something about her back side that seemed familiar. And he couldn’t ignore his hero instincts to help those in need. He went over to her and grabbed the she was reaching for and handed it to her. But when he looked at who the woman was, his heart skipped a beat.
It was you.
Looking at him with wide eyes.
“(y/n)…” he muttered your name out of instinct. You quickly grabbed your item and stuffed it in your cart.
“Bakugou… thank you,” you muttered right back. God, he hasn’t seen you in so long. And you looked great as ever. Healthy. Happy. He looked around you. No baby.
“You’ve been good?” he asked. Shit, why was this so awkward. You nodded, giving him a small smile that was obviously very forced.
“Mhm, you?”
The curiosity got the better of him. He just had to ask.
“What about the baby-”
“There is no baby,” you interrupted him very abruptly. Bakugou physically felt his heart crack. There… was no baby? Fuck, now he felt like the worst person in the world. He stared at you, completely and utterly devastated by the news. His eyes were wide with shock, his mouth hung low. He wanted to say something so bad, but the words just got caught in his throat. Bakugou just couldn’t believe that there was no baby. And after he said all those awful things to you. The end result was no baby?
“(y/n), I’m-” he wanted to apologize so badly, but was interrupted by the shouting of a young child.
“Mommy! Can I have this one?” the blonde child asked you, showing you the bag of chips he found. Both of you looked down at the child. Wait a minute. Blonde hair. Red eyes. It was like Bakugou was looking in a mirror. You, eyes wide with panic, looked down at your child then back at Bakugou. You grabbed the bag from your son and gave him a sweet smile.
“Sure, honey. Let’s go home now okay?” you told your son. You looked back up at Bakugou, giving him a curt bow and took your sons hand. Your son was looking up at Bakugou with big, curious eyes but eventually followed you out. Bakugou didn’t have time to react. All he could think about was, that was his son. He looked exactly like him. There was no way that wasn’t his son. And it was too late. You were gone. He was gone. He ruined everything. A single tear dropped down on his cheek as he realized what he missed out on.
 You took your son to the playground so he could get some exercise in. Sitting on one of the benches, hand-in-hand with your boyfriend, Shouto, you watched as your son played tag with a few of the other neighborhood boys. Since that day you ran into Bakugou, your mind was running wild. You straight up lied to his face about Ryota. But he didn’t say anything. Maybe he thought it was someone else? God, but he said ‘Mommy’ right in front of him. Maybe he thinks it’s not his? But they look exactly alike. You internally groan and leaned your head on Shouto’s shoulder.
“What are you thinking about?” he chuckled at you, petting your head lovingly.
“Just things,” you reply shortly. You didn’t want to bring up the topic of your ex-boyfriend, who just happened to be the father of your child. Shouto would get jealous and you didn’t want to cause anymore drama.
“You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?” Gahh, he knew you too well. He squeezed your hand in his in reassurance. “Look, if he wanted to be in Ryota’s life, he would have tried to contact you by now. And even if did contact you and wants to be in his life, then, I would respect that.” You look up at your boyfriend with a pout and concern eyes.
“Are you sure?” you ask. He looks down at you and gave your cheeks a nice, hard pinch.
“Yes. Ryota deserves to have his biological father in his life,” he reasons. Okay, fair enough. But he didn’t even want to be in your son’s life in the first place. It was so simple for him to abandon you while you were pregnant. And after all the hardships you had to go through, now he wants to be a present father?
“He doesn’t have to know who his real father is,” you say, crossing your arms across your chest.
“(y/n),” Shouto says your name in a warning tone. But you put your defenses up.
“What? I don’t know if I even want him in Ryota’s life,” you confess. Shouto wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in close.
“Well, think about it. And if Bakugou comes around, you can either accept or reject him. I will be there to support you every step of the way. And if he tries to make a scene, I’ll be there to stop him,” he promises you. That comforts you a lot to know that Shouto will be there for you no matter what. He was always like that. From the moment he entered in you and your son’s life.
“Okay, I love you,” you whispered, puckering out your lips. He laughs and kisses your duck lips.
“I love you, too.” And gives you a few more kisses. You look back at the playground to watch your son play. Panic starts to rise in you. You look to the left. Ryota wasn’t there. You look to the right. He wasn’t there either. You sit straight up and scan the playground one more time for your child, but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Ryota?” you call out his name. Shouto also realizes that Ryota was missing. He’s already up on his feet, calling out your son’s name and searching the playground. Your lips began to quiver and your legs began to shake. This was not happening right now. Shouto frantically whipped his head around, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of Ryota running off. That’s when he saw him. As soon as he turned his head to the side, he saw Ryota heading into an alleyway. Immediately, Shouto was running full speed in that same direction. You saw Shouto running and ran after him. He was too fast for you to catch up, but you ran anyway
Bakugou was on patrol duty for the day. He hated these days because all he had to do was roam around the city streets to make sure everyone was kept safe. He would catch villains here and there, but patrol duty was so boring for him. Until today. He was walking down the sidewalk in his hero costume when a little boy suddenly came out of nowhere, almost making him fall on top of him.
“Oi, kid! Watch where you’re going!” Bakugou scolded the young one. The child looked up and Bakugou froze in his tracks. This had to be fate. His son… Your son just so happens to run into him. Today out of all days? The blonde boy is looking up at Bakugou in awe.
“Mister? Are you a hero?” he asks. Bakugou smirks and kneels down so that he’s at his level.
“I am. What’s your name kid?”
“Ryota!” Ryota says his name in full confidence, grinning from ear to ear. Ryota… so that’s his name. Bakugou could feel his heart warm up at the sight of the boy.
“Little Ryota, where are your parents?” he asked. He looked around but it looked like Ryota ran off by himself. Looks like it was his job to help find his parents. That means finding you. He was starting to get his hopes up. If he ran into you, then he could try to apologize and maybe, just maybe, start things over.
“Ryota!” a man shouted the boy’s name. Bakugou looked up and an old classmate of his was scooping up Ryota in his arms. “Don’t run off like that! You had us scared to death!” he scolded the boy, but was relieved that he wasn’t hurt.
“Sorry, daddy,” the boy apologized. Ha? Daddy? Bakugou looked at the man and scoffed. Both men looked at each other and the atmosphere got chillingly cold.
“Bakugou,” the man said his name as a greeting. Bakugou frowned.
“Half-and-Half bastard,” What a surprise. So you were dating Todoroki now? It was like a staring competition between you two. A deadly staring competition. Todoroki cleared his throat and adjusted Ryota on his hip.
“Thanks for stopping my son,” Todoroki thanked the pro-hero. But he said it in the most monotone voice ever. No emotion behind it whatsoever.
“Tch,” Bakugou just scoffed and looked away. Todoroki’s son? Nah, that wasn’t right. That was his son. Todoroki took that as a sign of ‘you’re welcome’, and walked away with Ryota in hand. Bakugou just stared off in their direction. Thank god he did because Ryota laid his head on Todoroki’s shoulder, but he was waving at him.
When Ryota was returned to you, you held him in your arms, falling to the ground in tears. You scolded him for running off without telling anyone and to never do it again. But refused to let him go because you were so afraid for his life. You couldn’t let anything happen to him.
All three of you returned to your apartment. After a year of dating, you and Ryota moved in with Shouto in his apartment. You felt bad because his apartment was so big, nice, and fancy but he insisted you both move in. So that Ryota can have a better space to grow up in. If it was for Ryota’s sake, you couldn’t pass up on the offer.
Shouto was putting Ryota to bed while you were finishing up cleaning the dishes. You finished up the last dish and dried your hands when a knock startled you. You looked at the clock. Why would someone be here at this hour? You weren’t expecting anyone. When you opened the door, you were shocked to see Bakugou standing there.
“Bakugou! What are you doing here? How did you know I lived here?” you questioned him, stunned.
“He’s mine, isn’t he?” Bakugou ignored your question with a question of his own. He was staring at the floor. You wanted to deny, deny, deny. But you were too ashamed to say anything. So he tried again. “Ryota.” He said, this time looking up at you. “Ryota is my child, isn’t he?” You bit your lip and nodded your head. You heard him sigh and he ran his fingers through his hair. “You lied to me.”
“What choice did I have?”
“You could have said the truth,” he argued.
“And then what!” you raised your voice, your emotions started to get the better of you. “So you could come running back to be in his life?” your voice cracked at the end from your throat tightening up because you refused to cry. And you tried your hardest not to get too loud, in fear that your boyfriend was going to overhear. But little did you know, Todoroki was leaning against the wall in the hallway, listening to everything.
Bakugou didn’t say a word. Because it was true. He wanted to be in his son’s life. He knows that he fucked up big time. But now, he wanted to right that wrong doing. But you shook your head.
“No. No, I’m sorry Bakugou. That’s not going to happen,” you denied him.
“That’s not fair,” he whispered, his heart breaking once again. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but he didn’t know it was going to hurt his bad.
“Not fair?” you let out a soft laugh. Unbelievable. “You want to talk about not fair? You left me. Alone. While I was pregnant. And I had to raise that child all by myself,” you were sobbing now. You were remembering all those hardships that you had to face alone and it was all pouring out. “Do you even know how hard it was? How hard and exhausted I was every single day? And now you want to show up when he’s all grown now? That’s not fair.”
“I know. I know. Fuck, I’m so sorry. I messed up big time. But I want to make it right now. If you let me be in our son’s life, I’ll prove it to you that I can be a good dad. That you can trust me and-and,” Bakugou was so desperate. But you stopped him.
“You were my everything, Bakugou. I was so excited to start this small little family with you. But you destroyed all my hopes and dreams.” Bakugou bit his bottom lip to try to stop himself from crying, but was failing miserably. No matter how hard he tried, the tears wouldn’t stop coming. He violently wiped his teary eyes with the palm of his hand. You gave him a sad smile as you reminisced what you two had together. “I think it’s best if we… if you just forgot about us.” You suggested. Bakugou couldn’t accept that. At least not yet.
“Please, please just think about it?” he begged, his eyes telling all. When you looked at those eyes, you could tell how serious he wanted this.
“Fine,” you said after giving a bit of thought. “I’ll think about it. Go home, it’s late.” You told him. Agreeing with you, he nodded his head and went on his way. You gently closed the door and took a deep breath in. You weren’t expecting this. You guess you were, but not this soon. You turned around to go to you room, quickly wiping your tears away before Shouto could see. But when you looked up, Shouto was already there, arms wide open and eyes looking at you with concern.
“You okay?” he asked as you embraced him in a hug. He kissed the top of your head hugged you close.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, barely managing to say anything. But you weren’t. That night you couldn’t sleep. Your mind was racing with thoughts. This whole situation was bothering you and you couldn’t seem to think of anything else. There was only one way to relax your mind. Sneaking out of your shared bed with your boyfriend, you quickly put on your bathing suit and took a dip in the pool. Did you mention that his apartment came with an outdoor pool right next to the living room? It was convenient when you needed a place to clear your mind. You rested your arms on the edge of the pool, looking out into the city. You let the city lights and the noise of traffic distract you. So much that you didn’t even hear Shouto come up behind you. You squealed when you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist. He laughed in your ear, slowly kissing the back of your head, making its way down to your neck and then you shoulder.
“Can’t sleep?” his deep, husky voice whispered in your ear.
“No. Did I wake you?” you softly asked back and he shook his head. He held you in silence, both of you looking at the city of lights. Now you were able to relax. His touch was comforting. It was as if his touch put a spell on you to make you relax.
“Hey,” Shouto started.
“Mhm?” you hummed in response. He took a pause.
“Let’s have a kid,” he proposed. You looked up at him and he was already looking down at you with the most loving eyes. It took you off guard, but it was somehow making your heart flutter.
“Us? Like you and me?” you asked, just to make sure you were hearing things right. He nodded his head and cocked his eyebrow.
“Why? Don’t like that idea?” he teased you. Your face flushed red and you waved your hands in front you, then rested on his chest.
“It’s not that! I was just thinking we would…” and you started to trail off. You’ve discussed this topic before but not too much. You were nervous what he was going to say. “…get married first?” You glanced up at your boyfriend and his expression remained unchanged. God, sometimes you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Finally, a smirk was plastered on his face.
“If you were just a little patient, maybe you wouldn’t have ruined the surprise,” he says which leaves you confused. You saw him take out a frozen block from his trunks. Confusion still prominent on your face, he unfreezes the block to reveal a beautiful velvet box. Shouto froze the box to keep it from getting wet when he was in the water. And when it was time, he would use his other side to unfreeze the box. He opens the box easily with one hand and a gorgeous diamond ring was sitting inside.
“Shouto,” you gasped, admiring the ring. He takes it out the box and slips it on your ring finger.
“Marry me?” he asks. You cup both of his cheeks to bring him into a smothering kiss.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” you kept repeating, every time giving him another kiss. You loop your legs around his waist and he traps you in between his body and the edge of the pool. Both of you spend the rest of the night making out and having a bit of fun in the bedroom.
 Bakugou shows up at your apartment the following week while you were eating breakfast. His eyes were puffy and he looked a mess. Your heart goes out to him and felt like you had tortured him enough. After talking to your fiancé about the whole situation, he convinced you to let him in and allow him to step up as the father to your child. But with conditions.
When you answered the door, Bakugou immediately saw the ring on your finger. He swore he didn’t see that before. If he was being honest with himself, seeing that ring on your finger broke his heart a little bit. Seeing you engaged to Todoroki, seeing you happy made him jealous that that wasn’t him. Because he should have been in his place. He should have been the one you were engaged to. He should have been the one you were happy with. He should have been there the entire time. And he wasn’t. For what? Because he was having difficult times in his work? At least he was relieved to hear the news that you were going to give him another chance at raising your son together. He was going to make up for what he missed out on. Todoroki joined you at the door and stuck his hand out for Bakugou to take.
“Welcome to the family.”
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
ShinoMitsu Week 2021 Day Five: (Long Distance, Nicknames, Kimetsu Gakuen)
A/N: I kind of got a little carried away with giving Mitsuri’s siblings names and some screen time but I don't think it made this too much longer. Two more days left! Thanks for reading! Word Count: 3,074
“Hi, cutie pie!” Mitsuri said just before she clamped onto Shinobu’s back after classes let out. “Did you have a good day?”
“That one’s a miss.” Shinobu had answered. “But yes, my day was fine.”
“Aw, but you are a cutie pie!” Mitsuri grumbled.
“No.” Shinobu denied.
For some reason, seemingly overnight, Mitsuri became obsessed with finding Shinobu a nickname, but Shinobu had thus far rebuffed all of her attempts. A few names in the long list Mitsuri had tried were babe, baby, sweet pea, honey bunny, peanut, snuggle bug, muffin, cupcake, donut, marshmallow... a lot of them she had come up with while she was hungry. Every single one had been rejected with a laugh or a cringe, or a deadpan expression by Shinobu, but Mitsuri was not ready to give up anytime soon!
“Okay then speedy, I’ll walk you to the locker room.” Mitsuri tried again.
“My dad calls me speedy.” Shinobu revealed, “He’s been calling me that ever since I could walk.”
“What, so I can’t call you that?”
“No, you can’t.”
“Ah! How about my butterfly! That’s perfect!” Mitsuri shouted in excitement.
“Sorry, that’s claimed as well. Mom calls Kanae, Kanao and I her butterflies.”
Mitsuri huffed, disappointed, but she wasn’t done yet, not by a long shot.
“Very well then, milady.” Mitsuri said with a small bow.
Shinobu snorted.
“No, just no.” Shinobu shook her head while Mitsuri puffed out her cheeks.
“It’s harder than it looks!” Mitsuri defended, crossing her arms. “I’d like to see you come up with a nickname for me.”
“I call you Mitsu sometimes, don’t I?” Shinobu asked, retrieving her track bag from her cubby.
“Yes, and I like that, but, it’s very inside the box. Try something different and see how hard it is!”
“Mitsuri, no offense, but I think you’d like anything I came up with. You’re kind of a sap for this stuff.” Shinobu said, distractedly looking into her bag to make sure she had everything as they walked to the locker room.
“I would not! Trust me, not any old throwaway nickname will be enough to sway me.” Mitsuri stated confidently.
“Hmm...” Shinobu tapped her chin, thinking for a moment. Mitsuri was right, not any old nickname would be good. She had to think of something that she would actually like to call her girlfriend. Something that was near synonymous with her. Just before they reached the locker room, a small smile curved at her lips and she stopped in her tracks. Mitsuri watched her expectantly.
“Thank you for walking me to the locker room. I’ll see you on the bleachers, my sunshine.” Shinobu winked, she goddamn winked without looking like a total ass!
Mitsuri’s heart leapt in her chest and her face felt hot. She tried to hold it together, but Shinobu just sounded so genuine and sunshine was actually a really cute nickname and— argh!
“That’s not fair, Shinobu!” Mitsuri whined, covering her face. She swore it was growing even brighter as the Kouhai laughed.
“Keep trying, I’m looking forward to see what you come up with next.” Shinobu said before heading into the locker room.
Mitsuri didn’t waste anytime hurrying to the bleachers so she could figure out a nickname for Shinobu while she practiced. She sat there, tapping her feet against the metal plank below her. Her elbows on her knees and her hands holding up her head as she stayed completely zeroed in on Shinobu. Watching her, she hoped for something to come to her like some divine intervention.
Shinobu had an affinity for purple, maybe plum would be nice? Sugar plum? No, Shinobu never seemed to thrilled with the food related pet names.
Perhaps sleeping beauty? Whenever they slept over, Shinobu always looked so enchanting in her sleep. Maybe a good choice for when she just woke up or was notably tired, but it’s not exactly a catch all name that could make sense at anytime.
Flower, maybe? A certain type... lily seemed too on the nose. Shinobu always smelled like blooming wisteria, but Mitsuri didn’t think that made a good nickname. It was pretty, but it just didn’t sound playful enough.
Mitsuri blinked, breaking from her concentration as she realized that Shinobu had been swarmed with a handful of her teammates and they were all looking right back up at her with big, troublesome grins.
Apparently, Mitsuri was staring so obviously and with such intent, that she had made a bit of a spectacle of herself. She gave an embarrassed smile and waved down at them whilst blush prickled at her skin.
“Kanroji and Kochou sitting in a tree—” Mitsuri heard one of the girls start to sing before Shinobu punched her in the arm. Mitsuri recognized the girl as Makio-chan, a friend from her class.
The other two she recognized simply because they were usually in Shinobu’s relay team. Makomo-san and Ozaki-san smiled good-naturedly as they laughed along. They were also well known from the swim team and tennis club respectively.
Shinobu rolled her eyes, her cheeks lightly flushed. She shooed the other girls back in their positions and leveled a small smile up at Mitsuri before darting off.
Mitsuri relaxed her muscles with a sigh. An afterimage of Shinobu’s dark, purple eyes stuck in her vision. They reminded her of the cool, vastness of space and when the light shined on them just right, Mitsuri swore she could see stars, whole galaxies even. If Mitsuri was Shinobu’s sunshine, then Shinobu was like Mitsuri’s moonlight.
“That’s it!” Mitsuri cheered loudly, her fists rocketed up above her head. She quickly covered her mouth however, once she realized just how loud she had yelled. Everyone in the bleachers around her and in the field below glanced at her curiously before turning back to whatever they were doing before.
“Just you wait, Shinobu.” Mitsuri mumbled much more quietly under her breath, tracing Shinobu’s figure as she leapt over the hurdles, “I’ve got some really good ideas now.”
Mitsuri waited for Shinobu to exit the locker room after practice, poised and ready to strike! As soon as the younger girl emerged from the room, Mitsuri pounced. She took Shinobu by the hand and quickly maneuvered out of the building.
“Where’s the fire?” Shinobu teased. “I knew you must have thought up something good judging by how loud you yelled during practice, but I don’t see the need for urgency.”
“You’ll see when the time is right! I want this to be as organic as possible.” Mitsuri said, still pulling Shinobu along even as they left the school gates.
“Whatever you like,” Shinobu smiled, “but whatever you are planning, surely we can walk? I’m kind of exhausted.”
“Oh, right!” Mitsuri remembered, coming to a sudden stop that had Shinobu bump into her back. “Sorry.”
“You’re okay.” Shinobu reassured, re-adjusting her hold on Mitsuri’s hand before they continued to walk at a more sustainable pace.
Before school, they had already agreed that they would go to Mitsuri’s house to watch over her younger siblings while her parents celebrated their anniversary. Almost as soon as they opened the door, Mitsuri’s mother ran up and quickly pushed the fussy one-year-old twins into the girls’ arms, one for each of them.
“Thank you Mitsuri, Shinobu.” The exhausted woman said, already halfway out the door. “We’ll be back before midnight, have fun and be good everyone!” She called over her shoulder before quickly shutting the door behind her. The girls swore they could hear the squeak of car tires as Mitsuri’s mother quickly drove away to pick up her husband as he got off work.
“Wow.” Was all Shinobu could manage as she recovered from the woman’s quick exit.
“I know,” Mitsuri giggled. “It’s one of the few days a year she doesn’t feel guilty getting away from all this chaos,” she lifted her little brother higher so she could blow a raspberry on his tummy, making him laugh. “It helps that you’re here of course, it makes her feel better because you’re so good with everyone.”
“I still don’t know why these kids like me so much,” Shinobu shook her head, taking hold of the hand of the near identical girl in her arms so she wouldn’t pull her hair.
“It’s impossible for a Kanroji to not like you, take my word for it.” Mitsuri said, making her way further into the home.
It was true, for some reason the rest of the Kanroji family fell in love with Shinobu right away and were eager to welcome her into their home. She was thankful of course, but part of her was sure the Kanroji parents were just excited to double the amount of free babysitters at their disposal. Still, they treated her well and she looked forward to visiting the busy home that greatly contrasted her own.
Six siblings, Mitsuri being the eldest at seventeen, almost eighteen now that Shinobu thought about it. Then there was Akimitsu, the oldest boy of the family. He was thirteen and went to the same middle school as Kanao. Shinobu thought the boy couldn’t be more different than his older sister. He was a very no nonsense soul and rather particular.
Natsumi was the middle child. She was eight and every bit as energetic as her sister which could lead to trouble if she was left alone. Mitsuri had told Shinobu one story where Natsumi had been unusually quiet so she and her mom had gone looking for her and found her in the bathroom with the tub overflowing with bubbles that she had dyed blue with some food coloring she had managed to snag from the kitchen.
Last but not least were the twins, Haruka, the girl, and Hayate, the boy, born just last year. When they were first born, Mitsuri had said it was hard to tell them apart at first glance. Now that they were getting older, it was much easier to tell who was who. They were sweet babies, but their moods could easily diminish at the drop of a hat. Fortunately they seemed content enough for the time being.
Shinobu followed Mitsuri, lightly bouncing Haruka in her arms as she walked. They followed the sound of the tv to the main portion of the home and found Natsumi laying flat on her stomach, coloring while watching some anime. Akimitsu was sitting nearby doing his homework.
“Hello Onee-san, Kochou-san.” Akimitsu politely greeted before turning back to his studies.
“Shinobu-chan is here?” Natsumi whipped her head around, jumping to her feet with an excited grin. “Hey, hey! Can we make something explode today?”
Shinobu had helped Natsumi make elephant toothpaste once for a school project and the little girl had been hounding her for more experiments ever since.
“I’m here too, you know.” Mitsuri griped, setting Hayate down in the play pen. Shinobu knelt down to place Haruka beside him.
“I see you everyday, Onee-chan.” Natsumi stated plainly.
Mitsuri crossed her arms and turned away to sulk in the corner. That seemed to do the trick because Natsumi went from hanging off of Shinobu, to comforting her sister, hugging her tightly until Mitsuri smiled and spun her around.
Akimitsu really made the work easy by helping out when he finished his homework. Natsumi was always so invested in what Shinobu was doing that they didn’t have to worry too much about her slinking off to cause mischief.
So while Mitsuri and Shinobu made dinner, Natsumi cheered them on and Akimitsu watched over the twins.
“Pancakes, pancakes!” Natsumi singsonged. “Hey Shinobu-chan, is that what you use to make a volcano explosion?” she asked, pointing at the tablespoon of white powder in Shinobu’s hand.
“Not quite. This is baking powder, baking soda and vinegar are used in most volcano simulations.” Shinobu informed.
“I wish you hadn’t told her that,” Mitsuri sighed. “I’m gonna have to put those in the lock box from now on.”
“Sorry.” Shinobu smiled.
“Come on Onee-chan, can’t we make one little mess please?” Natsumi asked, her bottom lip protruded.
“You’re still on notice after the coke and mentos fiasco.” Mitsuri reminded.
“Boo.” Natsumi jeered, now resting her head on the table.
Shinobu found the way Mitsuri scolded her siblings incredibly cute. Even as silly and childish as the older girl could be, she wasn’t a pushover and was very responsible.
“Onee-san,” Akimitsu emerged in the doorway looking a bit green, “I think the twins need to be changed.”
As helpful as the young boy was, even he had his limits.
“I’ll help you,” Shinobu graciously offered as she finished mixing the ingredients.
“Thank you,” Mitsuri smiled, turning back to her brother, “Okay, just a second,” Mitsuri called back, turning off the preheated griddle since they were walking away.
“Natsumi, why don’t you color in the living room while Shinobu and I clean up the twins, okay?” Mitsuri added as a thought. She couldn’t leave Natsumi in the kitchen unattended.
“Fine, I guess.” The younger Kanroji huffed before following Mitsuri and Shinobu out.
Akimitsu looked queasy as they entered the living room. Mitsuri giggled and ruffled his hair before picking up Hayate. Shinobu hoisted Haruka up and then they went off to the nursery room.
They cleaned the little ones up and changed them. Mitsuri getting done noticeably faster than Shinobu since she had to change more diapers than any normal seventeen year old should.
They weren’t really in much of a rush though and spent a little time in their semi-private room to talk to each other and babble with the twins, stealing a kiss or two before heading back.
Mitsuri and Shinobu heard Akimitsu yell. The kitchen. They looked at each other before quickly putting the twins in the play pen and jogged towards the kitchen, Mitsuri in front of Shinobu.
“What’s going on?” Mitsuri called worriedly just before crossing the threshold.
“Onee-san, look out!” Akimitsu warned just a fraction too late as Mitsuri stepped on something slick and her foot swung out above her as she lost her balance and began falling backwards.
Mitsuri let out a surprised yelp and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, waiting for impact. Fortunately, impact never came. At least, not in the form of the cold hard ground, but rather, lithe yet firm arms.
“That was close, are you okay?” Shinobu asked from above. She had managed to catch Mitsuri just in time, hooking her arms under her girlfriend’s.
“Yeah,” Mitsuri nodded, a bit breathless, “yeah I’m okay.”
“Good,” Shinobu adjusted her hold, “Now, if you could adjust your footing that would be great. I don’t think I can hold this position much longer.” she said, her arms trembling a bit as she tried to hold Mitsuri up.
“Right,” Mitsuri grabbed the nearby counter and steadied herself, finally looking to the ground below caked in pancake batter. “What happened in here?”
“Natsumi.” Akimitsu answered, crossing his arms. “I'll admit I was resting my eyes because the twins left me with a bit of a headache. I didn’t realize she would take that as a cue to ruin dinner.”
“I didn’t mean too.” Natsumi sniffed, “I was trying to help. I wanted to surprise you and Shinobu-chan.”
“Well, surprise us you did.” Mitsuri smiled sympathetically. “Help me clean this mess. We’ll have to think of something else for dinner.”
“Okay.” Natsumi replied despondently.
The peace that was once fell over the Kanroji household was broken. Pancake batter all over the kitchen floor and griddle (that thankfully was still off) and the twins started wailing and were inconsolable. Shinobu and Akimitsu left the kitchen to try to calm them while Natsumi and Mitsuri cleaned everything up.
Mitsuri called for Shinobu to order something for delivery as it became increasingly obvious that the mess was sapping up all her energy and she was too hungry to start a whole new meal.
Thankfully, after an hour of struggle, everything seemed to get better once the food arrived. The babies especially responded favorably in presence of dinner. Though is seemed that more food ended up smeared on their faces than in their mouths.
After dinner, Shinobu washed off the twins while Mitsuri bid her other siblings good night. Then she came back to help Shinobu put the twins in their cribs. They watched the energetic babies wiggle at babble at each other between the bars, laughing at jokes only they could understand.
“Hey, that was a really good catch earlier.” Mitsuri said, placing her hand over Shinobu’s resting over the bar of the crib.
“I couldn’t not try to catch you. I’m just happy it worked out.” Shinobu said in return.
Mitsuri leaned down, resting her forehead on Shinobu’s shoulder, a small grin growing steadily on her face.
“Thank you for saving me from slamming into the slimy, hard floor, my knight.”
Mitsuri felt Shinobu stiffen and frowned slightly. She had high hopes for that nickname when she started taking a different approach. Slowly, she eased herself back to her full height.
“Did you not like that one either...” Mitsuri trailed of a bit before a wide smile overtook her lips.
Shinobu, though rigid, was flushed pink. She busied herself with Hayate, letting him pull her finger around, seemingly unaware of, or unwilling to answer Mitsuri.
“You like that one.” Mitsuri singsonged, wrapping her arms around Shinobu, rocking her from side to side with a satisfied giggle. “My knight in shining moonlight, Kochou Shinobu!”
“Mitsuri, cut it out.” Shinobu mumbled with very little bite. Her skin prickled with embarrassment as she was pushed around by Mitsuri’s movements.
“I thought of starshine too. I thought it would be cute since you called me sunshine.” Mitsuri went on instead. “I was thinking about how your eyes make me of outer space so I had a few more like comet, shooting star, my Venus—“
“Okay, okay,” Shinobu chuckled, “you had your hit, let’s not get too out of hand here.”
“So you really do like it?” Mitsuri asked.
“Maybe.” Shinobu replied stubbornly. She slipped her finger out of Hayate’s hand and retreated out of Mitsuri’s hold and out the door. She stopped just outside of the room to peer back at Mitsuri.
“Movie?” She asked, clearly attempting to change the subject.
Mitsuri playfully rolled her eyes and nodded. Giving the twins one last glance over before following after Shinobu to make some popcorn. Popcorn that she was going to drizzle with maple syrup since she couldn’t have her pancakes.
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