#daily water intake in ml
prettieinpink · 7 months
do you have a diet guideline and exercise routine? i'm having trouble figuring out what exactly i should be eating aside from people's vague "fiber and vegetables or whatever". And finding an exercise routine that works and i can actually make myself stick with and keep myself motivated with. Any tips/advice? thanks!
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Determine how many calories you need daily. Your daily caloric intake depends on your age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. Some online calculators can help you with like this. However, if you’re calculating it, make sure to consider your activity levels.
Then, determine how much of what nutrients you need. If you’re lacking in one, you may want to increase the intake of that nutrient. Or, if you think you eat too much of it, you may decrease this. 
The best way to find out what nutrients you need is by a calculator. However, the best form of action is to ask your GP what they advise you. Here are the formulas;
Calculate your protein intake 10-30% of total calories (for adults)
Amount of fats - 20-35% of total calories (for adults)
Consumption of carbohydrates 45-65% of total calories
Recommended water intake 1 kcal = 1 mL
Number of grams of fibre Fiber = (kcal/1000) × 14
Limit processed foods, sodium, sugars and saturated fats as much as you can. While it is okay to eat them in moderation, they shouldn’t be a part of your daily diet.
To create healthy meals that are suited to you, consider your daily lifestyle and what times you feel hungry the most. While I cannot speak for your needs, this is typically what your meals should look like.
BREAKFAST - Breakfast should not be anything processed or fatty. It is the meal you break your 8-hour fast with, and it is the energy you use for the rest of the day. 
The most ideal breakfast is one that is protein-rich, as it can help you be more productive throughout the day. 
LUNCH - A lean, light but colourful meal is best suited for lunch. This shouldn’t be too filling, but enough so it can sustain your hunger until dinner. 
Lunch should be a meal that has lots of veggies or fruits that can energise you as well. 
DINNER - I don’t want to sound forceful, but dinner should be your healthiest meal. This is the energy that your body uses to recover and heal from the day you’ve just had. 
It should be balanced with complex carbs, vegetables and proteins. However, for dinner, it is advised that you either eat early or eat small. 
SNACKS - Light snacks that are filling. Avoid snacks in which you mindlessly eat them, those are the type of snacks which are most likely not good for you and you’ll end up overeating. Fruits are the best choice here. 
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This is a diagram I use often to measure how much food I need to eat without weighing them or counting calories. To be precise;
Vegetables or/and fruit should be ½ of your plate
Proteins should be ¼ of your plate
Grains/Carbs should be ¼ of your plate. 
Adjust this to your liking, but I thought it would help you. 
This is a process that does not happen overnight, even if you want to start running kilometres a day if you’re living a sedentary life currently, that is not possible. 
Start by finding small intervals in your day to exercise, experimenting around and documenting how each one makes you feel. For now, just try to figure out what you like and form the consistency, 
Then, once you get the hang of exercising regularly, you get to make your own rules. For example, your rest days, how many minutes or hours, what you do that day etc. 
Exercise is just another way to fuel your body, and you only know your body and what feels good for it. So I cannot provide any further advice than this. Make sure to start slowly though. 
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jodiellie · 1 month
Day 5: Trying to be more consistent (in 1 thing at least-) (17/5/2024)
Water intake: 970 mL
Sleep: 3:30am - 11:30am (slightly later than yesterday but not too big of a diff~)
Daily vitamin C intake ✅
Allergy meds ❌
Managed to exercise today! Had to take more breaks than the actual vid but issokie, it's only the 2nd time I've exercised in a long time afterall~
Link below for the exercise + stretching I did!
Train ABS & LEGS like Kpop Idols - 20 min Intense Burn, No Jumping, No Equipment
10 min Full Body Stretch (Daily Routine for Cool Down, Flexibility, Mobility & Relaxation) ~ Emi
Played Sky: Children of the Light with my friend again teehee <3
Played a bit of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt too! It's been in my library collecting dust for ages since my old laptop couldn't handle the game, so am glad I got to play it after I got a better one!
Lunch: Egg, cheese, and hashbrown wrap + coffee ☕
Dinner: Claypot rice with chicken + a can of coke (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)
Snacks: My leftover strawberry soju birthday cake + milk heh
Had an online replacement class today (because my lecturer said they can't make it on the actual first day of class lmao)
Asked my friend to recommend me some part time jobs to do in the mean time since I have more free time this semester :>
Finally did my laundry after a week, phew!
Initially I was getting lazy and didn't want to do anything, but I haven't been doing much physical activity other than stretching so I pushed myself to do a workout! (๑>◡<๑) I'm glad I did because I feel good mentally afterwards so yippee! I've also improved slightly in my water intake, so good job me :D Also managed to do a chore that I've been putting off for a week, so am proud of myself for being able to get around to it without reminders from the people around me! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ Forgot my allergy meds tho oops~
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megumi-fm · 5 months
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this week on megumi.fm ▸ slowly recovering from holiday mode
📋 Tasks
🩺 Radiomics Projects ↳ BCR: download the ML packages ✅ ↳ BCR: read more papers ✅ ↳ BCR: develop LASSO for parameter redundancy ✅ ↳ GBR: extension + parameters + troubleshooting ✅
📅 Daily-s
🛌 consistent sleep [7/7] 💧 good water intake [7/7] 👟 exercise [7/7]
Fun Stuff this week
📖 Icebreaker by Hannah Grace ✅ 📖 The Mill House Murders by Yukito Ayatsuji ✅ 📖 Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao 🔄 📖 Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon 🔄 🎨 Drew something, still trying to get better at it 📹 The Irony of the Dunning-Kruger Effect 📡 Speaker's conclave at our uni!! Got to listen to one of the most popular authors + philanthropists talk about her work!! she is so cute and super inspirational <3 🎙This really famous desi singer performed at our uni!!! It was a free concert and we had the time of our lives 🍜 Lunch with my best friend! Hung out at her house later xD 🎂 Out for a friend's bday party!!
📻 This week's soundtrack
Songs I'm learning the choreographies of [🌶 / 🚬 / 🐒] Songs I've been vibing to all week [✨ / 💫 / 💎] Jamming with the Besties [💍 / 🥂 / 🚋]
[Jan 1 to 7; week 1/52 || fun week! this post got lost in my drafts but it's finally here hehe, my internship starts in week2 and that post will be out in a couple days- and it'll be more fun work stuff and less fun fun stuff. but yeah. I'm enjoying this year already. also I think I like these long form posts better. this is much more comfortable than posting every day. my daily tracking is setup on notion instead, and it's been working comfortably for me so far.]
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
I have 2 pediatric pts who had high blood lead levels. Their lead levels are now normal. But one of them has iron deficiency (even though her Hgb is normal).
Individuals who are severely iron deficient can absorb up to 7 times more lead, as the body responds to iron deficiency by dispatching increasing amounts of the iron transporter DMT1 into the gut. Unfortunately DMT1 can carry eight metals including lead and will transport lead if insufficient iron is available.
From UpToDate: To initiate oral iron therapy, we suggest a dose of 3 mg/kg of elemental iron once daily, rather than higher doses. A 3 mg/kg dose of ferrous sulfate is generally effective and is tolerated by most children. For optimal absorption, the iron should be given in the morning or between meals and with water or juice. Milk and/or dairy products should be avoided for approximately one hour before and two hours after each dose.
Meanwhile, the following dietary goals should be implemented to prevent recurrence: •Infants (less than 12 months of age) should be fed with breast milk or iron-fortified formula. Infants should not be given low-iron formula or unmodified cow's milk.
•For patients six months and older, especially breastfed infants, ensure adequate consumption of iron in complementary foods. These include infant cereals, which are fortified with iron, foods rich in vitamin C, and pureed meats.
•For children older than 12 months of age, intake of milk (cow, almond, or soy) should be limited to less than 20 oz per day and bottle feeding should be discontinued to limit milk intake. Excessive milk intake is the primary reason for the development of IDA (Iron Defifiency Anemia) in this age group and can be associated with occult intestinal blood loss.
●After beginning therapeutic iron, perform follow-up testing to determine the response, consisting of a complete blood count (CBC) or hemoglobin (Hgb). The testing should be performed when the child is healthy, approximately four weeks after beginning iron therapy for children with mild anemia or one to two weeks after beginning iron therapy in those with moderate to severe anemia. Follow-up is essential to confirm that the anemia was due to iron deficiency and to ensure that it is adequately treated.
●Management of responders – If the Hgb has increased by 1 g/dL, therapy is continued for at least three months, at which time, the CBC is retested. Iron therapy should be given for at least three months, and many children require longer treatment courses to replenish iron stores. In general, iron therapy should be continued for at least one month after the Hgb reaches the age-adjusted normal range. If possible, a serum ferritin concentration should be measured to check iron stores prior to discontinuation of iron therapy, with a goal threshold of ≥20 ng/mL.
●Further evaluation for nonresponders – Patients who do not demonstrate an adequate response within four weeks of initiating iron therapy should be reevaluated. Potential causes of recurrent or refractory IDA include ineffective treatment (nonadherence or incorrect dosing), ongoing low-iron diet, an incorrect diagnosis, or ongoing blood loss or malabsorption. Our approach is as follows:
•Interview the parent or caregiver to determine whether the iron therapy has been given at the appropriate dose and timing, whether the appropriate diet modifications have been made, and if there has been any significant intercurrent illness (which might cause a transient decrease in Hgb). The most common reason for failure is that the treatment plan was not correctly followed.
•If the patient has indeed been taking an appropriate dose of iron and has not had an intercurrent illness, assess detailed dietary history and/or perform additional laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis (eg, iron testing, if not previously performed) and rule out conditions that might simulate or complicate IDA such as thalassemia trait or anemia of chronic disease. In addition, for children with persistent or recurrent IDA despite appropriate dietary changes and iron therapy, stool samples should be tested for occult blood. If the results are positive, additional screening should be performed for common causes of gastrointestinal blood loss, including cow's milk protein-induced colitis in infants and celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease in older children.
●Intravenous (IV) iron therapy – IV iron therapy may be warranted for patients with severe or persistent anemia who have proven oral iron intolerance, malabsorption, or nonadherence despite family/caregiver education and support to optimize oral therapy. Several forms of IV iron therapy with good safety profiles are available for use in pediatrics. Selection among these options may depend on relative costs and availability, time required for administration, and maximum permissible dose per infusion.
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uselesspuppi · 2 years
My Disordered Rules
Try to lose about 2lbs / 0.9kg by the end of every week !
· Daily accountability are obligated
· Weigh yourself and record progress daily along with diary entries + photos
· Drink a cup of tea every morning or night and 1,700 mL of water a day
· Record every meal ( + calorie intake )
· High protein, strictly vegan, low cal meals should be planned beforehand to ensure time, ingredients, and calorie intake
· Maintain one meal a day every day ( portion control ! )
· Calorie intake limit during is 620cals ( must not pass 1,120cals )
· Eating time starts at 12pm or 1pm ( drink tea or warm water if you have cravings and/or hunger pains ) NO EATING PAST 6PM !
· After every meal stand against a wall, straight, for 30 minutes
· If you fail to follow your strict diet ( basically eat healthily ) a week long fast is mandatory to cleanse the body
· Holidays aren't automatic cheat days but you're allowed to enjoy yourself
· During a liquid fast you're only allowed to drink natural fruit juice ( no artificial flavors or sugar ) and/or vegetable broth ( preferably zucchini ) 
· Complete a 20 minute, full body, warm-up stretch every morning and 10-15min cool-down stretch at night
· Cardio and strength training / muscle development are top priority !
· 10k+ steps a day EVEN if it's an intense workout day ( aim for 15-20k )
· You're allowed only one day out of the week, either it be Saturday or Sunday, to rest but 10k steps minimal still applies ( rest for both days if extremely fatigued )
· Stay consistent with your morning/night and skin care routine !
· Fix your sleeping schedule so you can wake up early ( preferably 5am )
note : i might add to this in the future
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lei-down · 14 days
Motivation and recommendations for anyone that needs it <3 (but mainly me lol)
Imagine yourself in a week and you haven’t binged a single day, imagine how good you’ll feel. If you think it’s too hard or if you haven’t found a routine that works for you, I have some tips!!
Tw: Mealspo
#1, wake up early, drink at least 300 ml of water before you eat, and eat breakfast.
-Breakfast should be under 100 cals, here’s some recommendations
1. One/two boiled eggs with no yolk (17 cals per egg white).
2. An apple (try to keep it small).
3. Celery with sweet potato (again small) (yams are 100/120 cals depending on size so check).
4. Watermelon if you have some, eat within moderation as it’s hard to not lose control with sweet stuff lol 😒
1. Apple/avoid lunch
2. Any really low cal food (make sure to drink water, try to get a daily 2 liters or more in 😊)
1. Mostly, I try to do Omad, so eat whatever is given to you by your parents/whoever for dinner (in moderation of course).
Tip. I like to go on a walk/run 30 minutes after dinner to burn off the extra cals, and my routine goes like this. Earlier on the day I already walked 10,000 steps burning around 220 cals, dinner is usually more than that so I walk/run after to either burn it off or get it under 200 cals as my net intake 👍.
#2, if you’re more intense, here’s my other plan
1. Eat during work/school 2 pieces of gum (space it out throughout the day) (10 cals).
2. Do Omad (have dinner be the meal), and then go and walk/run off the extra cals.
Tip. Again, make sure to drink plenty of water (2 liter at least), and make sure to get your steps in (10,000 steps minimum).
Hope this helps!! And remember, you will look so good in a short amount of time if you stay consistent 💗✨✨.
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nauraars · 27 days
Recommended Food Supplies for College: Practical, Healthy and Delicious
Bringing lunch while studying has many benefits. Apart from saving money, bringing provisions can also ensure healthier nutritional intake and maintain cleanliness. Here are some recommendations for practical, healthy and delicious food supplies to accompany your college days. Bringing a packed meal to college not only saves money, but also gives you more control over the quality and nutrition of the food you consume. Enjoy trying the various recipes above and hopefully your studies will be more productive!
Japanese style bento rice
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Japanese-style bento boxes are practical and varied provisions. You can combine rice, protein and vegetables in one box.
White rice or brown rice
Teriyaki chicken or grilled salmon
Carrots and cucumber (cut into thin strips)
Rolled omelet (tamagoyaki)
How to make:
Put rice in one part of the lunch box.
Arrange the teriyaki chicken or salmon alongside the rice.
Add edamame, carrots and cucumber.
Slice the rolled omelet and place it on the remaining portion
Shredded Chicken Recipe
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Shredded chicken is a delicious and practical dish that can be enjoyed with rice, noodles, or as a sandwich filling. Here is an easy and delicious shredded chicken recipe.
- 1 kilogram of boneless chicken breast
- 3 lime leaves, remove the leaf bones
- 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
- 3 bay leaves
- 1 galangal segment, bruised
- 200 ml thick coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons oil for frying
- Enough water to boil the chicken
- Salt and sugar to taste
Ground spices:
- 6 red onions
- 4 cloves garlic
- 5 large red chilies
- 3 curly red chilies (to taste)
- 3 candlenuts, roasted
- 1 segment of turmeric
How to cook:
1. Boiled Chicken:
   - Boil chicken breast in boiling water until cooked.
   - Remove and drain, then shred the chicken until smooth. Set aside.
2. Saute Seasoning:
   - Heat oil in a frying pan.
   - Saute the ground spices until fragrant.
   - Add lemongrass, bay leaves, lime leaves and galangal. Saute until the spices are cooked and fragrant.
3. Cook Shredded Chicken:
   - Add the shredded chicken to the sautéed spices.
   - Add coconut milk, stir well.
   - Cook over low heat until the spices are absorbed and the coconut milk thickens.
   - Add salt and sugar to taste, adjust to taste.
4. Serve:
   - Remove the shredded chicken from the pan.
   - Serve the shredded chicken with warm rice or as a bread filling.
- If you want a spicier taste, add more chilies to taste.
- For variation, you can add a little sweet soy sauce for a more savory and sweet taste.
Shredded chicken is ready to be served as a delicious and practical side dish. Good luck!
Tips for Bringing Supplies to College
Choose the right container: Use an airtight lunch container to keep food fresh.
Prepare at night: Prepare the ingredients for lunch at night so that you don't have to rush in the morning.
Use an ice pack: If the lunch contains perishable ingredients, use an ice pack to maintain the temperature.
Bring healthy snacks: Apart from main meals, also bring healthy snacks such as cut fruit, nuts or yogurt.
Bringing lunch to campus is a wise choice that has many benefits. By bringing your own supplies, you can:
Save Costs: Reduce daily expenses that are usually used to buy food outside.
Maintaining Health: Controlling nutritional intake and ensuring food is free from unwanted additives.
Increase Time Efficiency: No need to spend time looking for a place to eat in the middle of a busy schedule.
Maintaining Hygiene: Ensuring that food is prepared to high standards of cleanliness.
Various lunch ideas such as chicken and quinoa salad, vegetable fried rice, avocado chicken wrap, simple sushi rolls, and pasta salad can be practical, healthy, and delicious choices to accompany your college days. These foods are easy to prepare and pack, making it easier for you to stay on track with a healthy diet.
With the right preparation and creativity in preparing the menu, bringing lunch to campus can become a fun and beneficial habit. Enjoy trying the various lunch recipes above, I hope your studies will be more productive and full of positive energy!.
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cipzercare26 · 2 months
Prime Ayurvedic Unani Formulas for Weight Control
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Product:-ArqDasharam 500 ML
Primary keyword-Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Weight Loss
Meta Title- Prime Ayurvedic/Unani Formulas for Weight Control
Meta Description-
There aremany reasons for weight gain:
Eating unhealthy &fastfood, excessive alcohol consumption, not doing physical activities, not getting enough sleep, genetic factors.
Apart from these, these reasons can also be the reason for weight gain:
Tension, PCOS problem, Thyroid problem, Sitting for long periods of time, Insufficiency of water, Hormonal changes
Some signs of weight gain: feeling constantly tired, feeling very hungry, having trouble breathing, feeling anxious and irritable.
These methods can be adopted to lose weight: Drink plenty of water, Stay away from sugar, Increase protein intake, Start walking, Increase the amount of fiber in food, control oil in food, Chew food slowly, Don't skip meals.
What is the main reason for increasing body weight?
Obesity can occur at any age,It can be in young children. But as you age, hormonal changes and a less active lifestyle increase the risk of obesity. With age, the amount of muscles in your body also starts decreasing. Decreased muscle mass often results in decreased metabolism.
There are some major diseases that can occur due to weight gain:
Heart Disease: Excess weight increases the risk of heart disease, such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): Excess weight increases blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Type 2 Diabetes: People who are overweight have an increased risk of diabetes. This happens due to lack of insulin or misuse of insulin.
Joint Problems: Excess weight can cause pain in the joints and knees. It can also cause osteoarthritis.
Depression and Anxiety: Gaining weight can make a person more likely to face stress and anxiety, which can cause depression and anxiety.
Digestive Disorders: Weight gain can also lead to stomach related problems, such as acid reflux, fatty liver, or gallbladder disease.
Cancer: According to some research, being overweight increases the risk of certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and uterine cancer.
There are some main solutions to control weight:
Balanced Diet: Consume nutritious diet, which is rich in nutrition and low in calories. Daily vegetables, fruits, sprouted grains, lentils, curd, and protein rich food are included.
Exercise and Yogasan: Do regular exercise, like walking, cycling, swimming, or aerobics. Exercise increases metabolism and decreases fat. Yoga also improves the body and helps in controlling weight.
Avoid Junk Food: Reduce the intake of fast food, processed food, sweets, and high-calorie snacks. These contain more calories and less nutritional value.
Stress Management: Stay away from stress and worry. Adopt meditation, pranayama, and relaxation techniques.
Ayurvedic/Unani Treatment for weight control:
CipzerArqDasharam is a proprietary Unani medicine made using a combination of herbs used in anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-bacterial, hepatoprotective, diuretic, anti-dysentric, appetizer, astringent, cathartic, cholagogues and demulcent. It contains Ajwain, Tukhm-E-Kasni, Zeera Black
Consult the Doctor: If you have any specific weight gain conditions, consult a specialist for personalized advice and treatment options.
By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from diasesesand maintain a healthy lifestyle.
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Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been touted as a natural remedy for a variety of health issues for centuries. In recent years, it has gained popularity as a weight loss aid. But how effective is it, really? In this article, we will explore the science behind apple cider vinegar and its potential benefits for weight loss, how to use it effectively, and important considerations to keep in mind.
Understanding Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made through a two-step fermentation process. First, apples are crushed and combined with yeast to convert their sugar into alcohol. Next, bacteria are added to ferment the alcohol into acetic acid, the main active compound in vinegar. This process not only gives ACV its potent tart taste but also embeds it with bioactive components like acetic acid, gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin, and chlorogenic acid, all of which are thought to contribute to its health benefits.
The Science Behind ACV and Weight Loss
Several studies have suggested that apple cider vinegar can help with weight loss, although it's important to note that ACV is not a magic solution. Here’s how it may help:
Appetite Control: Acetic acid, the main active ingredient in ACV, has been shown to reduce appetite, which can lead to a lower calorie intake. A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that vinegar ingestion at mealtime reduced total caloric intake by up to 275 calories throughout the rest of the day.
Blood Sugar Regulation: ACV can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar responses after meals. This can help manage cravings and reduce the likelihood of insulin-induced fat storage.
Fat Storage: Animal studies suggest that acetic acid can reduce fat storage by increasing the expression of genes that reduce belly fat storage and liver fat.
Metabolism Boost: There’s also evidence suggesting that ACV can increase metabolism. A study in mice showed that acetic acid increased the enzyme AMPK, which boosts fat burning and decreases fat and sugar production in the liver.
How to Use ACV for Weight Loss
To incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet for weight loss, consider the following tips:
Start Slow: Begin with a small dose of about 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of ACV mixed into a large glass of water daily, and gradually increase to 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day, divided into two or three doses.
Timing: Consuming ACV before meals may be most beneficial for weight loss, as it can help reduce appetite and control blood sugar levels.
Dilution is Key: Always dilute ACV in water or another liquid to prevent throat irritation or dental enamel erosion.
Incorporate it into Your Diet: Aside from drinking it, you can use ACV as a salad dressing or mix it into homemade mayonnaise or smoothies.
Considerations and Side Effects
While ACV can be a healthy addition to a weight loss plan, it's not without its drawbacks. Consuming large amounts of ACV can lead to nausea, dental erosion, throat irritation, and potentially lower potassium levels. Always talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
The Bottom Line
Apple cider vinegar may support weight loss efforts through appetite suppression, improved metabolism, and other mechanisms. However, it should be used as a complementary strategy rather than a standalone solution. A balanced diet and regular physical activity are paramount for effective weight loss. Remember, the key to using ACV for weight loss is consistency and moderation, alongside a healthy lifestyle.
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drbasueyehospital · 6 months
Top Natural Remedies For Dry Eyes Treatment
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Are you seeking natural ways to dry eye treatment? You might be curious about natural methods to ease your dry eye symptoms. While it's advisable to consult your eye doctor for vision or health concerns, several natural remedies could offer temporary relief. We have put together a collection of potent natural remedies for dry eyes. Try them; you may discover they effectively address your dry eye issues!
Dry Eye and its Symptoms
The American Optometric Association (AOA) defines dry eye as a condition where an individual lacks an adequate supply of high-quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. This can lead to discomfort and sometimes even pain, often manifesting as common symptoms like burning, pain, and redness. If you notice the onset of dry eye symptoms or encounter any issues with your vision, it's advisable to seek the expertise of an eye doctor. Ayurvedic treatment for dry eyes, along with some natural remedies, can help manage the symptoms of this eye condition.
Causes of Dry Eyes
Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) stands as the primary culprit behind dry eyes, reducing the oil content in tears. Dry eye syndrome can also result from various other factors, including blepharitis (an eyelid infection) and adverse reactions to medications like antihistamines, commonly used to manage allergies.
Additionally, dry eyes may be attributed to contact lenses, conjunctivitis (pink eye), arid weather conditions, fatigue, extended use of digital devices, or a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids within one's diet.
Risk factors for dry eyes may include:
Impaired tear quality or quantity
Gender: Women face a higher risk due to hormonal changes (e.g., pregnancy, oral contraceptives, menopause).
Age: Individuals over 50 are more susceptible.
Environmental factors and irritants include smoke, wind, and arid climates.
Underlying medical conditions like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorders.
Medications include decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants, and blood pressure drugs.
Lifestyle factors: Extended screen time with infrequent blinking.
Long-term use of contact lenses.
Meibomian gland disorder, resulting in insufficient oil production and secretion.
Clogged oil glands in the eyelid characterize Blepharitis.
Previous refractive eye surgeries like LASIK.
Natural remedies for dry eyes
Here are some simple natural and popular remedies that relieve dry eye.
Minimize Exposure to Airflow
To prevent excessive tear evaporation, reduce your exposure to blowing air, which heaters, air conditioners, or fans can generate. When outdoors on a windy day, consider shielding your eyes with wraparound sunglasses. While wind isn't a primary cause of dry eyes, avoiding it can help prevent discomfort.
Maintain Adequate Hydration
It's no secret that tears are composed mainly of water, so it's essential to remain properly hydrated to support your tear production. Your tears consist of approximately 98% water, with the remaining 2% of oils, salt, and proteins. A common recommendation advises adults to consume 6–8 glasses of water (250 ml or eight fl oz) daily. However, individual water requirements can fluctuate based on activity level, overall health, and the environment. Therefore, if you're experiencing dry eyes, consider adding a glass of water to your daily intake.
Utilize a Humidifier
Heating systems and air conditioning can dry the air, leading to dry eye symptoms. To combat this, use a humidifier to reintroduce moisture into the atmosphere. Placing a pot of water on your radiator can achieve a similar effect if you don't have a humidifier.
Adjust Your Computer Screen's Position
Positioning your computer screen below eye level can alleviate dry eye symptoms. When the screen is positioned too high, your eyes widen to view it, increasing tear evaporation. Lowering the screen reduces the need for wide eye-opening, helping retain moisture.
Sandalwood (Chandana)
Sandalwood, known as Chandana, is a well-established Ayurvedic remedy, valuable for promoting healthy skin and efficiently addressing dry eye concerns. Combining sandalwood powder with castor oil and applying a thin layer around the eyelids soothes irritation and relieves dry eyes.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Amla stands out for its high vitamin C content and abundant antioxidants, making it a valuable ingredient in natural remedies for dry eyes. Consuming amla or applying amla-infused oil can significantly contribute to better eye health. Amla's anti-inflammatory properties are effective in diminishing eye redness and irritation.
Triphala Eye Wash
Triphala is a blend of three fruits: amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki. An eye wash crafted from Triphala powder alleviates eye dryness and inflammation. It aids in eye cleansing and helps maintain the moisture balance of the eyes.
Ghee Eye Massage
Massaging the eyelids with pure ghee enhances blood circulation around the eyes, relieving dryness. Ghee also nurtures the delicate skin surrounding the eyes, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Ghee is also important for Ayurvedic cataract treatment without surgery and even for other eye problems like Glaucoma.
Draksha (Grapes)
Draksha, or grapes, possess cooling properties and anthocyanin antioxidants that alleviate eye irritation and impart moisture. Applying a paste of Draksha mixed with sugar to the eyelids and the areas around the eyes is a beneficial remedy for dry eyes.
Ghrita (Pure Ghee)
Ghrita, pure ghee derived from cow's milk, is rich in valuable fatty acids, making it an excellent natural solution for alleviating dry eye syndrome. Applying a small amount of ghee to the corners of the eyelashes and eyelids and leaving it in place for a few minutes can effectively address dryness in the eyes.
Gotu Kola
Gotu Kola is a potent herb with multifaceted health benefits, including addressing dry eyes. Creating a dry powder from Gotu Kola leaves and administering it through the nostrils, a technique known as Nasya therapy, helps cleanse the passageways to the eyes and promotes tear secretion, ultimately improving dry eye conditions.
Refrain from Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol intake can lead to dehydration and impact tear quality. A study conducted demonstrated a link between alcohol consumption and dry eye syndrome. It is advisable to limit or abstain from alcohol entirely.
Incorporate Regular Eye Breaks
During extended tasks like reading or computer use, take periodic eye breaks. Remember to look away from the screen at regular intervals. Close your eyes for a few minutes or perform slow, deliberate blinking about ten times for a few seconds. These actions can help evenly distribute your tears across the surface of your eyes.
Quit Smoking
Cigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals that can irritate the eyes and compromise tear quality. Smoking significantly elevates the risk of developing dry eyes.
Address Food Intolerances
Certain individuals experience food intolerances, such as gluten, nuts, or dairy, which can trigger inflammatory reactions in the body. These reactions can also affect the eyes. If you suspect a food intolerance, try eliminating trigger foods for four weeks to assess any improvement in your dry eye symptoms.
Apply Warm Compresses
Relax with a warm compress to cleanse your eyelids and facilitate better oil flow from your eyelid glands. This can enhance tear quality and alleviate dry eye discomfort.
Lid Rinse
Gently massage your eyelids with warm water and baby shampoo to promote improved oil flow from your eyelid glands and enhance tear quality. You may also consider using a preservative-free eyelid cleanser. Ensure you clean both your upper and lower eyelids and eyelashes to remove any makeup or creams that might irritate your eyes.
Eye Drops
Ayurvedic tear eye drops can offer relief when natural tear production is insufficient. Lubricating eye drops available over the counter can help bolster your tear film, safeguarding the integrity of your eye's surface. Natural eye drops by big brands contain ingredients like Palash, Tuth Bhasma, Apamarg and more. All these ingredients can help in managing the symptoms of dry eyes.
Enhance Your Nutrition
While water forms most of your tear composition, the remaining components are crucial in maintaining tear quality. Your tear glands rely on essential nutrients to produce the oils that help reduce tear evaporation.
For instance, Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can lower your risk of dry eye by 17%, relieving symptoms and enhancing tear quality.
In cases where you may not obtain these necessary nutrients naturally through your diet, eye health supplements are available. These supplements contain vital nutrients such as:
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Lutein & Zeaxanthin
Take away
Ayurveda provides a comprehensive approach to alleviating dry eyes by tackling the underlying causes and offering Ayurvedic remedies for this condition. By integrating Ayurvedic principles into your daily regimen and seeking expert guidance, you can experience substantial and enduring relief from the discomfort associated with dry eyes.
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In the vast world of nutritional advice and diet trends, combining chia seeds and lemon water has sparked interest in its potential benefits related to weight loss and a flat abdomen. While no single food or drink is a magic bullet for weight loss, incorporating these into a balanced diet might support your health and fitness goals. Here's how this dynamic duo could be beneficial and how to incorporate them into your daily routine.
Chia Seeds: The Tiny Powerhouses
Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia hispanica, which is related to the mint. Despite their small size, chia seeds are loaded with essential nutrients. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. A notable feature of chia seeds is their ability to absorb water up to 10-12 times their weight, transforming into a gel-like consistency. This characteristic can promote a feeling of fullness, potentially leading to lower food intake and weight loss.
Benefits of Chia Seeds:
High Fiber Content: Chia seeds are rich in fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut. A diet high in fiber can also help you feel fuller for longer, potentially reducing overall calorie intake.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These essential fats are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and heart health benefits.
Antioxidants: Chia seeds are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help fight oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
Lemon Water: More Than Just a Refreshing Drink
Starting your day with a glass of lemon water has become a popular health trend. Lemons are high in vitamin C, a primary antioxidant that helps protect cells from damaging free radicals. Vitamin C is also essential for collagen production, aiding skin health, and has been linked to reduced cardiovascular disease and stroke risks. While lemon water is not a weight-loss miracle drink, it can hydrate and increase the feeling of fullness, providing a low-calorie alternative to sugary beverages.
Benefits of Lemon Water:
Hydration: Starting your day with lemon water can ensure you begin well-hydrated, which is crucial for all bodily functions, including metabolism.
Vitamin C: As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C supports the immune system and skin health and may contribute to weight loss by improving metabolic health.
Digestive Health: Lemon water can help flush out toxins and encourage healthy digestion thanks to its acidity, which aids in breaking down food.
Combining Chia Seeds and Lemon Water for a Flat Abdomen
Integrating chia seeds and lemon water into your diet can be a simple yet effective approach. Here's a straightforward recipe to get you started:
Chia and Lemon Water Recipe
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
Juice of 1 lemon
1 glass of water (about 250 ml or 8 ounces)
Optional: A teaspoon of honey or maple syrup for sweetness
Soak the chia seeds in water for about 30 minutes until they swell up and form a gel-like consistency.
Add the fresh lemon juice to the chia gel and stir well.
Add a natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup to taste if desired.
Drink on an empty stomach every morning to kickstart your metabolism and hydrate your body.
A Balanced Approach
While chia and lemon water might contribute to a feeling of fullness and provide numerous health benefits, a flat abdomen largely depends on overall lifestyle choices, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. It's also essential to manage stress and ensure adequate sleep, as these factors can significantly impact weight and health.
Remember, it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions. Embracing a holistic approach to health and wellness will yield the best results on your journey to a flat abdomen and improved well-being.
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amit0707 · 8 months
What is the nutritional value of bottled water 250 ml?
Water is the elixir of life, and staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining our health and well-being. However, there's a common misconception that bottled water, even in small 250 ml servings, has some nutritional value.
In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of bottled water, dispel these myths, and explore the essential role water plays in our diet. We'll also introduce you to Azoic, a brand known for its healthy bottled water options.
What is 250 ml Bottled Water? Definition and Common Brands 250 ml bottled water refers to small, convenient servings of water available in various brands and packaging. Among these, Azoic stands out as a brand committed to delivering quality and healthy bottled water options.
The Convenience of Portable Hydration The small size of 250 ml bottled water makes it a portable and easily accessible choice for staying hydrated on the go. Whether you're commuting, working, or traveling, these bottles are a convenient companion.
Environmental Considerations While small bottles are practical, it's crucial to consider the environmental impact of single-use plastics. We'll touch upon sustainable alternatives later in the post.
The Lack of Nutrients in Bottled Water Water as a Zero-Calorie Beverage Bottled water is virtually calorie-free, containing no fats, proteins, or carbohydrates. It's ideal for those looking to hydrate without adding to their daily caloric intake.
The Absence of Vitamins, Minerals, and Macronutrients Bottled water does not contain vitamins, minerals, or macronutrients. It's primarily focused on providing hydration without any additional nutritional components.
How Bottled Water Compares to Tap Water in Terms of Nutrition We'll compare bottled water to tap water, emphasizing that both have minimal nutritional differences.
Health Benefits of Staying Hydrated The Role of Water in Bodily Functions Water is essential for digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and other vital bodily functions.
Hydration and Weight Management Staying hydrated can aid in weight management by reducing the chances of confusing thirst with hunger.
Improving Cognitive Function and Physical Performance Proper hydration enhances mental alertness and physical performance, making it a fundamental aspect of a healthy lifestyle.
The Purity of Bottled Water The Importance of Clean, Safe Water Safe, clean water is crucial to prevent waterborne diseases and maintain overall health.
The Role of Water Purification Processes Azoic, for example, employs stringent purification processes to ensure the quality and purity of its bottled water.
Regulation and Quality Control in the Bottled Water Industry We'll discuss industry standards and regulations that govern bottled water production.
Bottled Water as Part of a Balanced Diet How Water Complements Other Foods and Beverages Water plays a vital role in aiding digestion and nutrient absorption, making it a natural companion to your meals.
Tips for Staying Hydrated Throughout the Day We'll provide practical tips for maintaining optimal hydration levels.
Balancing Bottled Water Consumption with Nutrient-Rich Options It's important to combine water with a well-rounded diet to ensure you receive all the necessary nutrients.
Environmental Impact of Bottled Water The Problem of Plastic Waste We'll delve into the environmental consequences of single-use plastic bottles and how they contribute to pollution.
Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic Bottles Sustainable alternatives, such as reusable water bottles and filtration systems, can reduce your carbon footprint.
Sustainability and Responsible Consumption We'll emphasize the importance of making eco-conscious choices when it comes to bottled water consumption.
In conclusion, 250 ml bottled water, including options from brands like Azoic, may not offer additional nutrients, but it is an essential part of our daily hydration needs. As we strive for healthier lifestyles and a healthier planet, it's essential to stay informed and make responsible choices when it comes to water consumption.
Remember that water is the source of life itself, and the choices we make regarding it impact both our health and the environment. Try https://azoicwater.com/product/ice-natural-mineral-water/ for a thirst quenching experience.
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vegi1 · 10 months
How To Make Hemp Milk At Home
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Hemp milk is a popular plant-based alternative to cow's milk and is made from real hemp seeds and is rich in high-quality plant protein, healthy fats and minerals. Drinking hemp milk is good for skin health and heart protection. This milk is prepared by mixing water with cannabis seeds (Cannabis sativa). This plant is also used to produce marijuana; However, hemp milk and other hemp products do not have the psychoactive effects of marijuana and contain only very small amounts of the psychoactive compound called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp milk has a taste similar to edible nuts and its texture is creamy. This milk can be substituted for cow's milk in various recipes such as smoothies, coffee and cereals. Although hemp milk can be made with just hemp seeds and water, most commercial products contain sweeteners, salt, or thickeners. Due to the growing popularity of this product, today hemp milk is available in most stores and websites. You can also make it yourself at home.
Nutritional value of hemp milk
This milk is very nutritious and rich in proteins and healthy fats. In fact, the protein and healthy fats of this milk are more than most other vegetable milks such as rice milk and almond milk. Compared to cow's milk, hemp milk has fewer calories, protein and carbohydrates, but the fat content of the two is almost the same.
One cup (240 ml) of hemp milk without sugar contains the following nutrients:
Calories: 83
Carbohydrates: 1.3 grams
Protein: 4.7 grams
Fat: 7.3 grams
Calcium: 2% of the daily requirement
Iron: 7%
In addition to these natural nutrients, commercial hemp milk is usually enriched with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B12, and D. However, this product may contain added sugar, salt, thickeners and other additives. Most of the fats in shahadane milk are essential and unsaturated fatty acids, which include linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3). These fats are necessary for building new tissues and membranes in the body. In addition, hemp milk provides protein that is easy for the body to digest and use. This protein is one of the few complete plant proteins and contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Finally, it can be said that hemp milk is free of soy, lactose and gluten and is a good option for those who want to avoid these ingredients.
Properties of hemp milk
1. Heart health
Cannabis contains some nutrients that may be helpful in preventing heart disease. Hemp is especially rich in an amino acid called arginine, which the body needs to make nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps relax blood vessels and maintain healthy blood pressure. Adequate consumption of arginine may reduce levels of C-reactive inflammatory protein or CRP in the blood. High levels of CRP are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. A study of 13,000 adults found that people with the highest dietary intake of arginine had a 30 percent lower risk of dangerously high CRP levels than those with the lowest arginine intake. Consuming cannabis products that are rich in arginine may help maintain proper levels of nitric oxide in the blood and CRP and reduce the risk of heart disease.
2. Source of protein for vegetarians
Hemp milk does not contain gluten or lactose, but it contains very high amounts of protein and is known as one of the best food sources rich in plant protein for vegetarians, vegans and raw vegetarians.
3. Osteoporosis
High amounts of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in hemp milk help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
4. Slimming and weight loss
Hemp milk has a lot of fatty acids, but these types of fats are beneficial for the health of the body and increase good fats in the body. Also, the high amount of protein in hemp milk helps to reduce appetite and by preventing overeating, it causes slimming and weight loss.
5. Babies and children
Hemp milk is naturally free of gluten and lactose and is rich in calcium, vitamin D and protein, that's why it is considered one of the best types of plant milk for feeding babies and children.
6. Strengthening the immune system
Research has shown that consumption of hemp milk helps to strengthen the body's immune system and reduces the risk of diseases due to its high amount of nutrients.
7. Strengthen memory
It is said that hemp milk can help strengthen memory and reduce the risk of dementia due to its high amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
8. Skin health
Hemp contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which have an ideal ratio. This ratio is between 2 to 1 and 3 to 1. Getting balanced amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 through food can improve the skin's immune response to inflammation and aging. A four-week study in 20 people with eczema found that taking two tablespoons (30 ml) of hemp oil daily could significantly improve dry and itchy skin. In another study of 4,000 women, those who reported a higher dietary intake of linoleic acid (omega-6) were less likely to be dry or thin than those who had a lower intake of this fatty acid. The skin was located. Since hemp milk is rich in omega 6 and omega 3, drinking it regularly may improve skin health.
9. Eczema treatment
Hemp milk has strong anti-inflammatory properties that help treat skin conditions such as eczema. A four-week study of 20 people with eczema found that consuming hemp and its products, such as hemp milk, significantly improved dry and itchy skin caused by eczema.
10. Strengthening and increasing hair growth
Hemp milk helps strengthen hair follicles and increase their growth due to the high amount of protein and nutrients it has.
How to make hemp milk at home
Preparing hemp milk is very easy. With this, you can choose the composition of the milk yourself and not worry about unnecessary additives and thickeners that are present in commercial milk. However, homemade hemp milk may not be as nutritious as factory products, as these products are usually fortified with nutrients.
To make hemp milk, mix 1/2 to 1 cup (68 to 136 grams) of raw hemp seeds with 3 to 4 cups (710 to 946 mL) of water. Using a high speed mixer, beat for one minute or until smooth.
To improve the taste or sweeten, you can add sea salt, vanilla extract, maple syrup, dates or honey to the milk.
You can store hemp milk in a glass container in the refrigerator for up to five days.
Uses of hemp milk
You can consider hemp milk as an alternative to cow's milk and add it to your diet in various ways.
This milk is free of soy, gluten and lactose and is a good choice for people who want to avoid dairy or who want to follow a vegetarian diet.
You can enjoy hemp milk by itself or add it to hot and cold cereals, sweets and smoothies.
Since this milk has a creamy texture and protein content, it is a very good option for making lattes, cappuccinos and other coffee-based drinks.
Remember that although hemp milk can be used as a substitute for cow's milk, it is very different from cow's milk and tastes more like edible nuts.
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waterfiltergurus · 10 months
How Much Water Should I Drink a Day? (+Hydration Calculator)
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We all know that staying hydrated is essential for our overall health and well-being, but people still wonder how much water they should drink everyday. Even though we are often told to drink 8-12 cups of water per day, the answer may not be as straightforward as a specific number of glasses for everyone. This is because everyone's individual hydration needs can vary based on a variety of factors including age, activity level, climate and overall health. In this article, we will discuss the science of hydration and provide general guidelines to help you determine how much water you need to drink. 📌 Key Takeaways - Drinking water is essential for many bodily functions - Generally 8-12 cups of water is enough to meet the majority of people's fluid needs - Daily water recommendations may vary depending on age, sex, weight, activity level and climate so it's important to individualize daily fluid intake accordingly. 🤔 Understanding the Importance of Hydration Water is a fundamental component of our bodies, making up a significant portion of our cells, tissues, and organs. It plays a crucial role in the body functioning properly, including body temperature regulation, digestion, circulation, skin health, and waste elimination through sweat, urine, and bowel movements. Drinking water helps maintain proper hydration levels. This is essential for preventing dehydration, which can lead to a range of health issues such as fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and even more severe complications in extreme cases. 📝 Factors that Influence Hydration Needs There are many variables that may influence an individual's hydration needs including the following: - Body Size and Composition: Individuals who weigh more generally require more water due to their higher metabolic rates and increased body mass.Additionally, muscle tissue contains more water than fat tissue, so a person with a higher muscle mass might need more fluids. This is generally why men require more water than women daily. - Activity Level: Physical activity increases your body's fluid requirements as you lose water through sweat. Athletes and those who engage in strenuous exercise should replenish lost fluids to maintain optimal performance and prevent dehydration. - Climate and Environment: Hot and humid environments lead to increased sweating, causing greater fluid loss. Living in or visiting such areas necessitates a higher intake of fluids to stay adequately hydrated. - Health Conditions: Certain symptoms, like fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, can lead to rapid fluid loss and require increased fluid intake. These symptoms can lead to mild-severe dehydration.Individuals with medical conditions such as kidney problems or heart conditions may also need to restrict or monitor their fluid intake more closely to prevent fluid build up or swelling. - Age: Young children and older adults are more susceptible to dehydration due to their bodies' reduced ability to conserve water. Caregivers should ensure that these age groups are consuming adequate fluids based on their age group. - Pregnancy or breastfeeding: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding you likely need more fluids than normal. This is because you are supporting another body with their own hydration needs as well. 🚰 How to Calculate Your Hydration Needs While a "one-size-fits-all" approach to water intake may not be accurate, a general guideline recommended by health experts is the "8x8 rule." These guidelines help meet the fluid needs for the majority of people. This rule suggests drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, which roughly equals about 2 liters or half a gallon. However, this guideline might not be suitable for everyone. A more personalized approach involves considering your individual factors: - Body Weight: A common recommendation is to drink 30-35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh 80 kg then you would aim to drink 2.4-2.8 liters of water per day. - Activity Level: Increase your water intake based on how much you sweat during exercise. Aim to drink an additional 16 to 20 ounces of water for every pound lost during physical activity. How do you know much water weight you lose during activity? Weigh yourself before and after exercise to get a better idea! - Climate and Environment: In hot and humid conditions, aim to drink more water to compensate for increased fluid loss. It is also recommended to increase your water intake at higher elevations. - Thirst and Urine Color: Pay attention to your body. Thirst is a reliable indicator of your fluid needs. Additionally, the color of your urine is a practical way to know how hydrated you are; pale yellow is generally a good sign. Hydration Calculator Weight: lbs kg Activity Level: Sedentary (Little to No Exercise) Light Activity (Exercise 1 to 3 Times a Week) Moderately Active (Exercise 3 to 5 Times a Week) High Activity (Exercise 6 to 7 Times a Week) Extremely Active (Very Heavy Exercise) Climate: Temperate Tropical Cold Calculate Cancel Note: This calculation is based on information from the University of Missouri System. 📋 Other Considerations Some things to consider include what your diet looks like in general. For example, if you eat a lot of water rich foods like fruits and vegetables you may be able to get away with drinking less water or fluids. Not only that but other fluids like herbal teas, milk and juice are made up of mostly water, so they can also help you meet your fluid needs in addition to drinking water. If you are predominately drinking caffeinated beverages like coffee you are likely going to be losing fluids through urine due to the fact that it's a diuretic. This may cause mild-dehydration if you do not drink more water to make up for it. 🔚 Conclusion Staying adequately hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. While the 8-12 cups of water per day provides a basic guideline, individual hydration needs can vary significantly based on factors like body size, activity level, and environment. Listen to your body, pay attention to signs of thirst and your urine color, and adjust your fluid intake accordingly. Consulting a healthcare professional can also help you determine your specific hydration requirements. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between meeting your body's water needs and avoiding under or over hydration. Related Articles: - Staying Hydrated for Better Wellbeing: Your Ultimate Guide - How Long Does Water Stay in Your Digestive System? - Water Consumption Limits (Expert Insights from a Dietitian) ❔ Frequently Asked Questions How Much Water Should You Drink Based on Your Weight? Generally, it is recommended to drink 30-35 ml water per kg of body weight. However, for reassurance, monitor your thirst, weight and urine color to determine if you are drinking enough fluid. How Many Oz of Water Should I Drink Daily? In general, 64-80 oz of water should be enough to meet the daily fluid needs to stay hydrated. However, everyone is different so it is important to consider the factors listed in the article above including weight, age, activity level, sex, climate and health conditions. Is it Healthy to Drink a Gallon of Water a Day? Drinking a gallon of water per day in most cases is not necessary, however will not do any damage to the healthy adult. However, individuals who have certain medical conditions such as kidney or heart problems should avoid drinking a gallon of water per day. How Much Water Should You Drink a Day by Age? Dietary reference intakes have various recommendations for different ages. For example, these guidelines suggest that infants should drink 0.7-0.8 L of total water while adults drink 2.7-3.7 liters of water per day. Read the full article
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ujifood · 10 months
Elevate Your Fitness Routine with Online Coconut Delivery and Coconut Water Energy
It sounds like you're interested in enhancing your fitness routine with the help of online coconut delivery and coconut water energy. Incorporating coconut water into your fitness regimen can have potential benefits due to its natural electrolytes and hydration properties. Here's how you can make the most of it:
Hydration and Electrolyte Balance: Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium. These minerals play a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve function. Consuming coconut water before, during, or after your workout can help replenish lost electrolytes and keep you properly hydrated.
Energy Boost: Coconut water contains natural sugars, primarily glucose and fructose, which can provide a quick source of energy. Drinking coconut water before or during exercise can help sustain your energy levels and prevent fatigue, especially during prolonged or intense workouts.
Muscle Recovery: The electrolytes and antioxidants in coconut water may aid in reducing muscle cramps and promoting faster recovery post-workout. Proper hydration and nutrient intake can contribute to minimizing muscle soreness and improving overall recovery time.
Low-Calorie Option: Coconut water is a relatively low-calorie and low-sugar beverage compared to many sports drinks and energy drinks. It provides a healthier alternative for maintaining hydration and energy levels without excessive added sugars.
Convenient Online Delivery: Online coconut delivery services can make it easy to access fresh and quality coconut water. You can have coconut water conveniently delivered to your doorstep, ensuring that you have a steady supply for your fitness needs.
Coconut water energy
Coconut water is often touted as a natural source of energy due to its unique combination of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. Here's how coconut water can provide energy and benefit your fitness routine:
Natural Electrolytes: Coconut water contains essential electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium. These minerals play a crucial role in maintaining proper fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. When you exercise, you lose electrolytes through sweat, which can lead to fatigue and muscle cramps. Drinking coconut water helps replenish these electrolytes and supports optimal bodily functions.
Quick Energy: Coconut water contains natural sugars, including glucose and fructose, which can provide a quick source of energy. These sugars are easily digestible and can help fuel your workout or provide a pick-me-up when you're feeling low on energy.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining energy levels and overall performance during physical activity. Coconut water is a great hydrating beverage because it's rich in water content and electrolytes, making it effective in quenching your thirst and preventing dehydration.
Low in Calories: Coconut water is relatively low in calories compared to many commercial energy drinks and sports beverages. This makes it a healthier option for those looking to maintain or lose weight while still benefiting from an energy boost.
Post-Workout Recovery: After a workout, consuming coconut water can aid in muscle recovery. The electrolytes and nutrients in coconut water help replenish what's lost during exercise and contribute to reducing muscle soreness and cramps.
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Nutritional value of coconut water
Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside young green coconuts. It's often considered a refreshing and hydrating beverage due to its high water content and natural electrolytes. Here is the approximate nutritional value of 1 cup (240 ml) of coconut water:
Calories: 46
Carbohydrates: 9 grams
Sugars: 6 grams
Protein: 2 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Vitamin C: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
Magnesium: 15% of the DV
Potassium: 17% of the DV
Calcium: 6% of the DV
Sodium: 11% of the DV
Keep in mind that these values can vary depending on factors such as the coconut's size, type, and ripeness. Coconut water is naturally low in calories, fat-free, and cholesterol-free. It's also a good source of potassium, which can help regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals in the body. Additionally, the presence of electrolytes like potassium and sodium can make coconut water a popular choice for rehydration after exercise or in hot weather.
It's important to note that while coconut water can provide hydration and some essential nutrients, it should not be relied upon as the sole source of nutrition. It's generally best to consume it as part of a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of foods to ensure you're getting all the necessary nutrients your body needs.
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jaimee2001 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flyhare Water Bottle with Scale Marker & Straw Motivational,BPA Free, 27oz.
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