imactuallyaperson · 11 months
Hello! I wanna start this off by saying I probably wont ever say my name or my identity on here, mostly because if anyone I knew found this I'd probably jump off a bridge haha.
The only reason I am making this is to practically blog about about my life. I've always put it down in a note book, but I thought that being able to find people in similar situations might be nice. Whether it's the good or the bad things, I'd just like to make some friends who actually understand. And I wanna do this with no one knowing who I am, so they don't really need to feel bad for me.
Anyways, I suppose y'all can just call me R on here. I am a certain age and I'm in a pretty shitty house-hold right now. After not having my lease resigned or something, I had to move out. And the only option my family had was to move into a household with a narcissistic person. We have lived with him before and It had put me into a horrible depression episode, and overall they are just a horrible person. I'm trying to move out, but no one is hiring me to work for them. I kind of just feel like the world hates me, or it was my destiny to have such a shitty life. Because I will get little tastes of calmness and happiness, but then it just turns on me again. It just drops a big shit right on top of my head to remind me I'll have to try so much harder if I want a normal and happy life. Don't get me wrong, I try to be happy. I try and make the most of things but it's really hard. And I know people have it worse then me, and I don't want to complain about my problems, but I also know this might help me find the brighter sides of things. So if you want, follow me and see my daily updates! It may be about my life, or it may just be about some random goofy stuff. Either way, feel free. Or dont, it's all really up to you. And I'd love for any of you to dm me or maybe even comment things that are bad or even good going on in your life, I wanna get to know people who relate to my struggles even if it isn't specific!
I hope you all have a great day!
-R <3
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espectralita · 1 year
He estado sin subir post 4 días porque me ha atropellado la carga de trabajo
Anyways he pasado un buen finde.
He probado el Hades. Bisecsuales existen
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He cocinado cosas guays, como el ragú de soja texturizada, y he salido a merendar por ahí con amigos
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También he recuperado ganas de volver a las publicaciones del blog de escritura y estoy arribísima con el Bullet journal. 🥺✨
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A ver qué tal la semana
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thecpdiary · 4 months
The CP Diary
My blog @TheCPDiary can be life changing. It is 13 years old. It is truthful, open and honest. I talk about my experiences, what we may all deal with, our emotions and how those play their part in our mental health.
On the advice of a friend, I also bring and address key political, which affect us, so we get to understand the bigger picture.
I take away the stigma attached to mental health. My writing is based on mindfulness practices, which emphasises the importance of being aware of our thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them.
I would be grateful for your support. If you like what you read, my blogs can be found at...
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thoughtcanvasonline · 10 months
Why i do blogging?
Why do you blog? On the serious note if i tell you i do blogging for building my career in this and want to make it my profession and want to make it my source of income.
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blogwavein · 11 months
Engrossing Activities That Make Time Slip Away
Daily writing promptWhich activities make you lose track of time?View all responses Have you ever been so engrossed in an activity that time seemed to slip away? Those precious moments when you’re completely absorbed, focused, and utterly captivated are what psychologists call “flow.” It’s a state of optimal experience where time seems to stand still, and you’re fully engaged in the present…
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ankitablogs04 · 1 year
Hey there, new here looking forward for an amazing journey of daily blogs
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sumisscribbles · 12 days
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dailyshameless · 7 months
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Fiona Gallagher in 4x03
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mentallyilldaily · 4 months
Day 12: Attempts at recovering
Yesterday we didn't go to school so we could mentally recharge.
Today we tried to make breakfast but it kinda didn't end up going our way, however the coffee was nice. We didn't have coffee cream so we used sugar, caramel syrup for ice cream, and half and half cream. It actually was really cozy and sweet coffee to warm our day.
Life's still fairly shit but we're trying to keep ourselves stable. People need us, they need us to be strong. We can't fall apart.
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heyitsellebell · 3 months
elle’s diary - Page 140 - 03/04/24 @ 8:40pm
heya, hope you’re well :) I went to an exhibition at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) today! It was a light/laser show exhibition that explored the intrinsic link we have to nature - our link with plants and our respiratory system, connection to the stars, and our existence as a part of a near-endless biosphere. Cool stuff!
I’ll put in some of my favourite pics from it below. It was extremely immersive, it had lovely soundscapes and was very well-lit. Made me feel so calm. Also, the tattoo is healing well! I put on the last wrap for it this evening, very excited to see it heal fully. Anyways, that’s gonna be all for now. Thanks for reading and take care of yourself <3
lots of love,
elle xoxo
P.S. The exhibition was called ‘Marshmallow Laser Feast - Works of Nature’ 🌿
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alfalfaaarya · 2 years
30/6/22 & 1/722
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Day 12 & 13 of study streak ⏳
Hola !
Yesterday :
⚡Bio full syllabus MCQ Practice
⚡Mock exam
⚡Paper Analysis
⚡ previous paper analysis
Today :
⚡Revised Strategies of enhancement of food
⚡Revised Current Electricity
⚡ Revised Ray Optics
⚡ Revised Wave Optics
⚡ Revised Chemical Bonding
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imactuallyaperson · 11 months
Tuesday, August 1st
So this is probably my first like official daily blog post. So, lets just start.
Today honestly started out pretty okay in my opinion!! I woke up and got to get coffee with my mom, and everything was doing okay! Until it wasn't. I was made aware that one of my not so step siblings was moving back in, and they aren't the best influence. They do a lot of things that aren't good, but gloat about it like it is. I don't wanna go dissing them on here, but it's put me in a pretty icky mood.
My mom is in a bad mood because of this as well, which has put me in a pretty bad mood too. I don't like it when she's in bad moods because it makes the energy around here horrible, and she's almost constantly in a bad mood. I just really wish I was old enough to do something, because if I was I would not be living here. I'd be in apartment probably rooming with one of my friends and sharing the rent. I think I'm gonna keep on trying my hardest to leave anyways, or do my best to fight for my insanity. Because If I don't fight, I don't think i'm gonna end up no longer being able to push forward in this world.
I don't want that to happen though, I really really want to keep going until the last second. Because I have so many plans for the future, and I can't make those happen unless I'm here.
So I need to stay. I don't have a choice.
-R <3
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kskbli · 5 months
26.01.2024 (1)
i was thinking about writing my blogs in german since my final exam in german is coming up in a couple of months, but i kind of don't want to so there's that ...
i also remember tumblr being way different than it is now ( . .)φ
back to my blog ! i thought tumblr would have some kind of blog community, but seems like i'm wrong (-_-) zzZ (only found 2-3 accounts) i guess most people that write blogs, also have their own website (= ; ェ ; =) i'm too lazy to educate myself on coding etc. . .
speaking of coding: i'm starting with my IT course next year (・Θ・)
so by next year i'll hopefully have enough knowledge to make and design my own website (for my blogs) ( ・∀・)・・・--------☆
there's alot of stuff i have to complete till next monday . . . maybe i'll have enough time and motivation this weekend even though i have to work ( ・・)つ―●○◎-
oh and i'm at work right now! ( ̄﹃ ̄) so oOOooo boring . . . .
hmmm . . . i can't think of anything else i would like to say on here today
i want to play wizard 101 again and my thumb hurts ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
i think that's it!
(˙ω˙)🎮 11:44
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thecpdiary · 1 year
The CP Diary: 13 today
In 13 years of writing, I’ve seen a lot of external changes and in my personal life. But having already lost my mum, losing dad and now my twin, these are the biggest changes, because the family dynamics are changed.
In 13 years, mental health is another big change. Mental health is at a critical level and it's not being addressed, why? Through my blog I address mental health. I am also now dealing with neuralgia that I think has got something to do with the brain injury I sustained before I was born. I will know more about that in June.
Then in 2016, UK politicians called the Brexit referendum. And although the public didn't understand what Brexit meant, we now know we have been lied to, with Brexit biting back with vengeance. As a consequence of Brexit, the UK has now been thrust into a cost-of-living crisis which is mostly hitting the poor. Food prices have soured, energy bills are biting also, as we continue to struggle to find the money to put food on the table, to stay healthy, warm and to be able to pay our bills.
Brexit and its consequences
It’s hard to hear stories of elderly people trying to heat their homes, versus can’t afford to heat their homes. Source: theGuardian.com news headlines, 'I feel abandoned by the state: UK pensioners on the cost-of-living-crisis.' I've read about one elderly woman dying of hyperthermia because she was too afraid to put her heating on. Her mental health must have been in her boots. I cannot start to imagine how she must have felt before she died.
Although supermarket shelves aren’t all empty, (certain veg isles, and shelves are decreased, in certain cases empty) shoppers are reporting fresh supply issues with empty supermarket shelves. (Source: indepedent.co.uk) prices are extortionate because of Brexit. That's bad, but we're also being fed lies to cover the tracks of politicians who made decisions to leave the EU, its biggest trading partner.
Covid-19 Pandemic
But the pandemic has given us the biggest change. I continue to write about these issues, primarily because they are decisions that have affected my mental health. With the removal of masks, we are now living in a two tier society with people who can get into their lives, living their lives normally and/or choosing to mask up voluntarily, and those who are considered vulnerable who are struggling to go out and mix among friends and/or the wider population. The virus hasn't gone, it's waiting until we get comfortable enough, then it will strike and bite back. It's naive to think we can relax.
When the pandemic hit, the world took a ginormous mental health knock, to the point where mental health became a challenge and the world stopped thinking about it. Catapulted into flight and fight mode, it became every man for himself. But still, through the diary I continue to bring mental health to life. The CP Diary makes mental health palatable, relatable and digestible, so that at any point you can start to deal with your mental health.
There is nothing out of the ordinary about mental health. The name itself can spread concern, but mental health isn't like that. Mental health starts with an issue, an experience that lingers, a crossed word, a disagreement that needs to be addressed.
But what The CP Diary does is provide you with the truth on the facts out there, information that keeps you informed, prepared and safe. 13 years in, and with 13 years of blogs behind me, there is a lot of information to absorb and to take on board. Just give yourself time.
The CP Diary is not just for me, it's for anyone who would like to change their mental health for better health, for a better lifestyle... for us to be better people, living better lives.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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thoughtcanvasonline · 11 months
I would love to change in world by blog🌏🌍🗺️
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? By my blog i would like to change in the world small or big🌏🌏 Will be that i want to give opportunities to the able people or needed person or people. And I’ll focus on the small to bigger side of the world because there is so many people who are suffering because lack of opportunities and they are capable for work. And…
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iwish814 · 1 year
So I am sitting in this boring lec and literally gonna sleep now and here. Can anyone suggest ideas to stay wake during lec ......bye
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