#damien frost
Care to tell us some facts about the ROs?
I don’t mind at all! I already shared some facts for Stevie here!
Heather Grant
Has two dogs named Shadow and Ghost— Shadow being a Black German Shepherd and Ghost being a White German Shepherd.
Like I’ve mentioned, Heather tends to stick to herself, and her dogs, but she knows how to work a room when it comes to her parents social events— something she’s been trained to do since she was young. Though, she’d like nothing more to be far away from said events.
Painting and music are some of her greatest passions in life. One of the few things that make the world seem less hectic somehow.
Loves to bake but she absolutely adores decorating cakes— she volunteered at a little bakery during her teen years.
Doesn’t have many people she’s close with, many have simply used her for her status, but there are a select few that she can confidently say she trusts. I’m excited for you to meet them.
Damien Frost
Originally wanted to become a Lawyer, but went to got talked into going to a training seminar for potential recruits for the Academy. He absolutely fell in love and hasn’t looked back since.
Has only just recently earned his spot of being a detective, which is part of the reason he’s willing to try so hard to prove himself. Plus, he wants to get justice for the victim.
When he’s not at work, and it’s the appropriate season, he volunteers as a coach for his nephew’s little league team. Pizza parties are a given whenever they win.
Can be quite oblivious at times, depending on the situation, and it took his Captain a good couple of minutes to make it stick that Damien had been promoted… Vote of confidence right there.
Absolutely adores cats.
Gabriel/Gabriella DeLuca
Fluently speaks Italian and enjoys conversing with their mother about her time back in Italy. It’s a country that holds a special place in their heart and they always try to visit every few years.
Despite their reputation, they’ve been in two serious relationships. Both crashed and burned horrifically, but it’s not something they’re incapable of. It’s just something they choose not to do.
Joined the Vipers to help take care of their ailing mother— though they always say it’s because of the sweet tattoo and the Vipers credibility— but you’ve been around them long enough to know how much they care for her.
Is quite the sharpshooter, having a keen eye that let’s few things slip by.
Their Viper tattoo is located on their right shoulder blade.
Leon/Lena Prince
Has been the boss for the Southside Dragons for the last two years— something that happened on the down low because it was a switch that they didn’t wish to have a great deal of attention attached to it.
Has a soft spot for animals. You’d be able to notice them faltering when walking past a dog park or a place that’d have an abundance of them.
You were their first love and losing you nearly destroyed them, but they know that it was for the best. Though that didn’t mean they didn’t build their walls back up in order to protect themself.
Has a strained relationship with their family— despite stepping in to help the Dragons.
Every Sunday morning, without fail, they go to the coastline of Riverwood and surf. It’s one of the only times of day that they can alone with their thoughts and simply let go.
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fuskida · 1 year
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“Night Flowers” photography by Damien Frost
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ginevra11 · 5 months
Don't we just love how almost every character in the spy x family has an overactive imagination? It's what makes it probably the most chaotic and unhinged slice-of-life manga!
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darkmessiah2000 · 5 months
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Ok I just recently discovered Spy X Family and I FREAKING LOVE IT, Anya is so adorable and I love Yor, Bond, and Loid, although I really do hope that later on in the story they all find out the truth about each other
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truthdawn2 · 4 months
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Things I’ve drawn for different worlds during the school year :] (mostly 4Factions, but also two other worlds!)
(Part 1)
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kaitaiga · 12 days
Thought of the night:
Task Force Dagger boys referring to Archie as ‘flyboy’ ✍🏻
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the-passer-outer · 25 days
every single time something weird goes on with my ocs its always one of a certain trio...
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||The Dark Eclipse nightshades muse tag dump||
Yuuka Nakano(Leader/snake of Toxic nightshade)
Ming Nakaya (snake of illusions)
Damien Lecross(teammate/snake of gravity
Trevor Joust (teammate/snake of metal iron)
Maxine Bokeen(teammate/snake of portals)
Swan Halls(teammate/snake of healing)
Luna so-yeon koboyashi(teammate/snake of black ice/Second in command)
Daniella frost(teammate/snake of storms)
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999moreyears · 2 years
trying red velvet cake... its pretty okay
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inkedwaters · 1 year
*    ⟢    CONTINUED FROM HERE. ❮ @starlightfreed  ❯
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he can hear the pain in her voice, knows it will haunt his dreams. jaw clenches and unclenches, forcing himself to listen; to think. but it hurt. to hear her believe that there would ever have been a choice. yes, he was intrinsically loyal to the guild, but november would always mean more to him. she was all he had left. " there would not have been a choice, em. " he breathes the treasonous statement, brows drawing together, willing her with his gaze to believe that. " you could have trusted me... " that was what hurt the most, that she thought he would ever place her in such a position, that he wouldn't help her out of this. but it was done, and it was far too late to turn back from this now.
he stills completely as she draws in closer, barely noticing the lack of metal now separating them, haunted gaze flitting over her face. " ask me. " he whispers into the space between them, fighting the urge to touch her, the battle doomed from the start. fingers lift slowly, grazing over her cheek. " you must know i would have done anything for you. to protect you. " pain twists his voice, seeps into his expression, never quite able to hide himself completely from her. " i cannot lose you too, november. " this was it. a moment to make a choice that very well might change the course of his life forever. but what would his life be without her ? " we figure this out. together. or you stop me from hunting you right here and now. those are our only choices. " fingers fall away from her face, the knife still clutched in his other hand clattering to the floor, leaving him defenceless. leaving the decision in her hands.
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vixfern · 8 months
Jason: Self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleys.
Dick: No, self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath, or putting on a lot of makeup if you like it, or taking a nice warm nap!
Damien: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you!! Self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists!! Self care is the fear in your enemies’ eyes!!!
Tim: Lmao self care is taking your birthday cake just so I can eat the frosting.
Jason: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
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Desperate Measures ROs
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The infamous heiress of the Grant Family-- with an inheritance worth billions and a penchant to stay by herself, she has garnered quite a bit of interest. Nothing is truly known about her, barring her love for the more creative aspects of life-- her skill in the creative arts is a well-known facet of the reclusive heiress. And, of course, her dislike for the Vipers, which isn't something you've ever gotten a conclusive answer on how it started. You're not even sure if she'd even help you-- being a Viper-- but you've found that there is a way to get anyone to help out. The trick is discovering what makes them tick and going from there.
Appearance: Heather stands at around 5'5" without her trusty Louboutins-- 5'9" with them. Ivory skin causes her auburn locks, that fall to the small of her back in a mixture of loose curls and soft waves, to stand out even more, the deep hue of her eyes, an icy shade of blue, not revealing anything. Her slenderly elegant body is that of a dancer, the grace with which she moves proving that fact. Her full lips are usually painted a shade of red and pulled into some version of a smirk-- even if it never truly reaches her eyes.
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Detective Frost has a keen eye for observation and a knack for handling even the most unruly of people. Of course, that hasn't truly helped him get any sort of recognition within the RPD, but that hasn't dissuaded him the slightest. In fact, if anything, it's made him even more passionate about pursuing his goals and proving himself to everyone that has doubted him. He won't give up, especially not now that he's been given such a big case, and nothing will stop him from finding the answers he's searching for.
Appearance: Damien stands at around 5'7". Dark brown skin causes the warmth of his whiskey brown eyes to stand out-- onyx black curls falling over his forehead in a boyishly charming fashion. He has a lithe, slightly muscular build, that showcases he can take care of himself; although he tries to find a peaceful solution in most instances.
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A Viper through and through, Stevie is loyal to a fault and wouldn't leave your side no matter what. They've stuck by you since they had been chosen to be your instructor when you had first been initiated within the Vipers-- something that has become an inside joke between you both. With them being your Obi-Wan and you being their Anakin; just without the betrayal. Always carrying some form of weapon on their person at all times, to not only protect themself but you as well, they'll defend you with their very life if it comes down to it. Hopefully, it never has to.
Appearance: Stevie stands at around 6'4". Tanned skin brings out the forest green of their gaze, ash brown hair complementing the golden undertone of it. An athletically muscular body, from all their years of training, can be extremely violent but gentle at the same time. Their right arm has a full sleeve. (Stephen's hair falls to just above his ears and Stephanie's to just underneath her shoulders.)
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The resident flirt of the Vipers and the one that probably is on the majority of people's blacklist. Gabby isn't one to take life too seriously-- they're going to be dead one day, might as well enjoy life as much as they can until that point. They don't hesitate in making sly remarks, or quippy innuendos, and a flirtatious smile is never far from their lips, but, for all of that, they'd step in front of a bullet for you in a heartbeat.
Appearance: Gabby stands at around 5'11". Olive-toned skin brings out the mischievous glint within their slate-gray gaze. Golden brown hair, which has more gold than brown, is always perfectly tousled. They have a lean body type that's made for endurance. (Gabriel's hair is cut semi-short, think of a side part, and Gabriella's falls to slighlty below her shoulder blades.)
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The leader of the Vipers main rival-- the Southside Dragons. With a penchant for sarcasm and a stoic mask that could make a champion poker player fold in a heartbeat, it's not unsurprising that they're as feared as they are. Of course, you're aware of the golden heart that lies underneath, have witnessed the hardass boss nurture an injured bird back to health, and have seen the softness within their gaze after they hugged you. It's part of the reason it's so painful to see them again-- to see they have completely closed you off. It's not surprising, you did abandon them, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.
Appearance: They stand at around 6'6". Warm beige skin allows the sapphire blue of their gaze to stand out, bringing out the keen intelligence that lurks within. Platinum blonde hair accentuates their elegant face perfectly. Their athletic body, that's perfectly toned, is hidden behind their leather jacket. (Leon has his hair to just above his jawline and Lena has hers to her shoulder blades.)
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mazikeenhyde · 1 month
Less than a Minute - Part 4 - Final
READER X JUDGMENT DAY – POLY – Rhea, Damien, Finn, Dominik x READER- Written mainly in first person view (Reader Female) 
 Italic font – flashback, speech or memories
Word Count -4,167 +
Less than a minute – Part 4
04:40am – December 26th, 2023
“Fucking birds…” I muttered to myself as I dragged my feet to the bathroom. I had never been a morning person; I had never been one to leap out of bed at the crack of dawn and seize the day! And I certainly wasn’t the one who suggested we take a family trip out to the middle of nowhere to spend Christmas in the countryside where there were quite literally hundreds, no scratch that bloody thousands of God damn fucking birds singing in every bush, shrub and tree for miles. Not to mention that stupid fucking rooster from the local village farm that thought now was a great time to warm up its voice, clearly preparing itself for a debut at the local karaoke chicken barn. 
“Stupid fucking birds cocka-doodl-fucking-dooing at stupid fucking four am in the fucking morning” I ranted quietly as I ran my toothbrush under the sink and started brushing my teeth. I could see my reflection in the mirror, what a sight! My hair looked like someone had dragged me backwards through a hedge to have their way with me, to be fair, that remark wasn’t too far from the truth. I dare not go downstairs for the fear of seeing the mess that needed cleaning up. Between the five of us we had polished off 4 bottles of champagne, half a bottle of vodka, two bottles of red wine and I don’t think I want to recount just how many tequila bombs Finn had magically made appear. And in turn we had all made disappear. Top the night off with a very…. messy? Group jacuzzi dip and hey presto, A hangover from Hell. 
I could feel my head lightly spinning as I closed my eyes holding onto the wall for support whilst continuing to clean my teeth. I had become a pro at composing myself the morning after the night before, I knew the drill and how to stop it from getting any worse. 
Brush Teeth 
Pint of water 
Pain killers 
Close the door and avoid all human interaction for the foreseeable future 
Swear to never drink again 
Remind yourself these rules are a load of bollocks, and you never learn. 
Christmas day had been incredible and the matching fleecy pyjamas we had all gone to bed in were the cherry on top. I mean they didn’t fully stay on for long… but it was the thought from Dominik that counted. Rhea and I in little candy cane vest top and shorts and the boys each with long legged fleecy trousers and t-shirts also printed with little candy canes. Too sweet for words and apparently far too irresistible to tear off each other. 
I peeked my head out the bathroom window and smirked at the sight. Some abandoned pyjama pieces both inside and out the jacuzzi were all that remained out there of a very memorable, but fuzzy night. It was still dark out, but the sun had begun to make an appearance, so a very soft warming glow was ever so slightly lighting the horizon. The countryside really was beautiful in the winter, frosted windowpanes and a festive chill in the air really made it feel like Christmas… Well boxing day now. 
As I continued to clean my teeth, I looked back at myself in the mirror pulling my hair into a messy bun.
There it was.
 I could see it there… for a moment. 
That pain hiding in my eyes. 
 I could see it.
 I could feel it.
 I had been running from it for some time now and I had hoped if I just pushed myself, if I focused and didn’t think about it, maybe it would go away. How naive I was to think life was ever that kind. Why was this happening, everything is good, everything was okay. I’m surrounded by love, by compassion, by happiness. This can’t be happening. But it was, it was happening. 
The world around me began to fall, the room echoed away, and the bells began to ring. As if nothing existed around but me… and the fear.
I held the sink tightly, balancing the toothbrush between my teeth. “No…No…Come on... Come on” I whispered, gripping the basin tighter and taking a sharp short breath. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, the pace ever growing and the room around closing in. Why was this happening. Why?!
 I held back the tears that were threatening their escape and turned the cold tap on, spitting out the toothbrush and flushing my face with the water in attempt to ground myself. 
Quickly turning I closed and locked the bathroom door behind me and ever so silently I slid myself down the door frame till I collapsed into a hunched ball on the cold tiled floor. 
For an hour I sat there. Alone. In silence. I didn’t say a word. I didn’t move a muscle. I barley even blinked. I didn’t shed a single tear. As if I had dissociated from all reality, I felt as if I didn’t even exist. Did I want to exist?
As quickly as it came, it went. Standing to my feet I quietly unlocked the bathroom door and crept back into the bedroom. Sprawled out across a rather incredibly large king size bed lay a bundle of entangled limbs. Finn lay with one arm hanging off the bed and a Santa hat pushed back across his hair. Dominik’s head tucked up under his arm with one leg wrapped over Rhea’s waist and the other above the duvet. Hidden underneath the mullet was the dark locks of a miss Rhea Ripley whose black lipstick had been smudged down the side of her cheek. Smirking to myself I remembered having her face buried between my thighs under the Christmas tree while the boys played beer pong in the kitchen, unbeknown to them that us girls were sharing a little late ‘Christmas’ gift.  
“Quickly!” Rhea said softly under her breath as she laughed taking my hand and sneaking away from the kitchen where Damien, Dominik and Finn had set up the dining table in order to begin a beer pong tournament. Slightly spilling our drinks in the hallway, we snuck our way into the opposing front room and closed the door behind us. The little cottage we had rented was a truly beautiful masterpiece, it stood in a huge field with no nearby neighbours. Exactly the kind of place you would want to escape to when you and your partners live life in the eye of the ever-nosey public view. 
Rhea took my champagne glass from me and set it down with hers as well on the wooden unit before turning to face me. An ever so cheeky smile she grinned, showing off that enticing black lipstick and long lashes that had never failed to pull me into her grasp. 
Running her right hand through my hair she raised her left hand and reached over trailing her fingers up my bare thighs, I shivered to her touch. Her grip tightened as she took a fistful of my hair and pinned me against the wall opposite a rather stupidly positioned Christmas tree. My breathe hitched in my throat as her lips positioned themselves mere millimetres from the dark red lipstick across mine. 
“Hola Bunny….” Rhea spoke oh so softly, leaning across my chest and into my ear as she released her grip in my hair whilst moving my hands to position them above my head. 
“Don’t. Move.” She stated and slowly she crouched down removing my shorts before throwing one of my legs over her shoulder and pulled my red laced panties to the side with her other free hand. 
“Feliz Navidad” She smirked, winking up at me before rolling the cold stud in her tongue through the folds between my legs and planting a soft gentle kiss on my clit. 
“Fuckkkk.” I whimpered, desperately trying to keep my hands above my head as her tounge moved back, ever increasing her speed as she caressed my sensitive bud between her teeth. Moving my leg slightly higher on her shoulder she slid two fingers inside of me and began to pump as her lipstick smeared its way across my wet pussy lips and I felt my legs shiver. Harder. Faster. With no mercy. Rhea was rough, her nails dug into my pale skin and her persistent tounge dug ever deeper, hunting down the orgasm she so desperately wanted across her face. A knot began building inside my stomach as the muscles in my thighs tightened and I shifted my weight onto her before gripping onto the first thing I could reach. 
“Fuckk, Fuckk, Rhea... oh godd” I pleaded as my entire body tensed and a part of me panicked at the idea of losing this feeling if I couldn’t find my balance. 
Pinning me against the wall with her hands, her face, her entire body weight even she gripped my one lose arm that had fallen from above my head to lock me in position whilst my other free arm had latched itself onto the Christmas tree for dear life, now no longer standing straight in its metal stand. The lights on it flickered on and off as we both shook, unable to hold our positions still. 
Rhea pounded into my aching pussy with her fingers as her tounge stud bullied against me, I could feel the sweat begin to drip down my neck and into my cleavage as I panted, and my heart threatened to break from my chest. Rhea gripped my body so tightly tipping me over the edge and the orgasm she had worked so hard for spilled out across her face, ruining what was left of that perfectly placed lipstick liner. 
The boys wouldn’t have actually ever known what we were up to if I hadn’t forgotten I wasn’t exactly standing with two feet on the ground. Instead relaxing for a moment, Rhea shifted her weight off me, and I went to move but ended up toppling the Christmas tree over on top of us. 
A loud crash echoed through the cottage, along with the familiar sound of smashing baubles (a sound that came with a reminder from when we had once trusted Dom to unwrap the Christmas decorations, I reckon 8/10 of them he had either dropped, stood on, misplaced or knocked off the tree completely) and the fairy lights short circuiting from the plug coming out the wall. 
The door flew open and in ran Finn and Dom who didn’t look half as shocked as Damien looked gutted to have missed out. 
“Are you okay?!” Finn and Dom said in Unison. 
“Where was my invite!?” Damien demanded looking down on a half undressed and slightly exposed me whilst Rhea ran her hand around her lips enjoying what was left from the actions from before and smirking towards the boys before winking at me. 
Damien laid face down into the bed on his chest with his entire body laying ontop of the duvet, I wondered if he had passed out like that or if he just liked showing off his bright green and red stripped ‘Mr Grinch’ pants. Either way, that was one fine ass. The devil on my shoulders first word of thought was to bite down it, mark my territory you could say. But the ever-increasing hangover told me otherwise and the opposing angel buried that idea quickly. Had Damien put me across his knee for misbehaving I wasn’t entirely sure all the alcohol was going to stay down with the impact. Ever tempting as it may have been. 
Instead seizing my opportunity, I gently tip toed over to the bedside and climbed over to position myself between Damien and Rhea. Snuggling myself under the duvet and into his embrace he was quick to join me and turn over taking in a deep inhale of my hair, kissing my head and quickly falling back asleep. 
I wished we could have paused the clock there. Time could have stood still, and I could have never felt safer than in the arms of the four people who made my heart feel so full. Can’t have it all though can you, secretly I knew that. I knew that this was just the beginning of my downfall. I never would have known how bad it could have gotten. 
Who knew when you hit rock bottom, there’s a basement that follows. 
The sounds of the hospital filled every inch of the waiting room, the persistent beeps and alarms ringing from every was enough to drive anyone mad. 
“For god sake, he was bought in by an ambulance no more than 20 minuite ago?! How can you not know where he is, that’s your job isn’t it!?” Finn slammed his fists down on the enquiry desk as an old miserable nurse stood staring at him. 
“As I told your… “ the matron cleared her throat “Partner, we don’t have anyone here under the name Master Dominik Mysterio?” 
“Christ, Gutierrez! Not Mysterio… idiota!” Priest shook his head before turning back to a recognisable figure walking towards them from the hallway. 
“DOM!” Priest shouted as he grabbed Finn by the shoulder and they both rushed over as Damien grabbed the boy and pulling him into a tight embrace. 
“Ow…” Dom whimpered as Finn lept into the hug. 
“What the hell happened love!?” Finn pulled back grabbing Dom’s face, checking him over for any sign of injury or illness. 
Dom shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, “I uhh, I” but he was interrupted by a doctor that was walking up behind him. 
“Panic attack, as I was trying to explain to you Mr. Guiterrez before you demanded to leave ” the doctor  looked up at the towering figure of Damien and smiled at the Irish man clinging onto the hand of his patient. 
“Are you two his carers?” The doctor questioned 
“Something like that…” Damien replied as Finn smirked. 
“OI!” Dom said still rubbing the back of his head. 
“Paramedics said that the hotel staff had found him unconscious in a hotel room, we believe he has hit his head as he had some concussion symptoms. But he’s refusing treatment, says he has somewhere he needs to be?” The doctor questioned them. 
Finn’s phone pinged and pulling it out from his pocket he looked down to a message from Rhea. 
“Not somewhere, were trying to find someone! And I’m fine, I don’t need looking after” Dom tried to explain. 
“Dom, shh. Listen to the doctor” Damien interjected before Finn tapped him on the shoulder showing him the message from Rhea. 
“What is it?” Dom asked trying to peer over Damien’s shoulder, quickly realising he wasn’t exactly tall enough.  
“We have to go, Doc we take full responsibility for him, Scouts honour!” Finn stated and took Dom’s hand rushing out the door, Damien followed hastily behind. 
“You need to….” The doctor called after them, but it was too late.
“Sign the discharge forms.” He sighed and put the clipboard down on the enquiry desk, raising an eyebrow at the nurse who had been dealing with Finn’s outburst. 
“Men…” She stated and turning on her heels she walked off in a huff. 
A familiar voice bought me back to reality, those all to recognisable tears I had only heard once before. They sounded so broken, so heartfelt. It was Rhea. Holding me tightly on the steps of the city library where I had sought out the silent solitude it had always offered. If you cannot speak in the library, then no one could ask me what was wrong. 
I had only ever heard her cry with such emotion once, losing her nonna had caused such a devastating blow to her and that pain never truly leaves you. The one time we as humans wished we could turn off that emotional switch and feel nothing at all. 
I wish I could have felt nothing in that moment, because how I did feel was not fair to her. It wasn’t fair to any of them. It wasn’t fair to me, but I couldn’t hide that truth. it was how I felt. 
I resented her. I hated her. Why was she here. Why had she found me. Why did I have to feel this way. 
Throwing myself up and out of her arms I lept into the dark street and stared back at the bewildered face of the woman I had grown to devote myself to. I couldn’t see a way to live my life without her, without any of them. My heart would never truly love anyone again the way the love for them I had, fed into my soul. I depended on them for my survival. 
“Bunny please...” Rhea lept to her feet standing just a few feet from me in the road, reaching out her arm, hand outstretched. Her voice breaking from the cold and fear as she went to speak again but I interrupted her. It was as if something inside of me set off the dynamite that tore down the walls I had built up for so long and every last piece of vulnerability drowned the streets around us, refilling the puddles that had saturated the roads. 
“NO! STOP! Please Rhea! No, shit no! Why!? Why are you here! Why can’t you understand!? CHRIST. WHY DOESN’T ANYONE UNDERSTAND!” I screamed and ran my hands over my face and through my hair clawing at my neck. I could barely breath, my lungs were on fire, my chest so tight. My entire body was soaked to the bone and frozen. Lips chapped and sense of reality fading fast.  The anxiety inside me was fuelling a fire that was quickly spreading out of control. 
“I want to…” Rhea tried to reason with me, her voice soft, fragile. 
“I want to understand, Y/N please, just, talk to me. We can work this out, you and me. Just us… Look…” She turned her head signalling the space around us. 
“It’s just you and me. It’s okay…” She spoke gently taking a step towards me. 
That Panic set in. 
“Don’t you fucking come near me, don’t you… don’t you fucking come near me!” I screamed. She didn’t deserve this; she had shown me nothing but love. Yet I had no control over it anymore. Like a tornado destroying everything in its path, this storm was out for blood. 
“CHRIST, what is wrong with me! What is wrong with this world, what is wrong with this… this fucking, this bullshit! Everyone on it, no one understands. It’s like a prison… I feel, I feel like. Like I can’t breathe!” I grasped at my chest backing further away from her. As if a thousands rubber bands wrapped around my lungs, I was suffocating.  
“Talk to me bunny, just talk to me. Whatever it is, we can fix it?” Rhea begged, she tried to reason with me. 
I stared at her blankly. I knew this was going to hurt. 
Fuck it. 
“It’s you.” I said. 
To the point. 
“It’s all of you.” My words were empty. As empty as I felt. 
Rhea had nothing, no words. Nothing to say, no way of understanding why it was like this. 
I had broken down, I couldn’t hold back the heart ache, the tears, none of it. I was an empty shell of myself, and every emotion poured out with every word. 
“Every day. Every day I wake up, every day I wake up and I have to live. I live my life and then I go to sleep. Every day I am surrounded by the love you all give; I am surrounded by the happiness and the joy and the compassion that is gifted in the promise and security of the devotion we have for each other. The smiling faces of people passing by on their way to their boring jobs, their boring families, to pay their shitty boring rent. I stand here now knowing all this, knowing I am privileged to be living a life filled with more love in every second of every day than most people see in a lifetime.” I fell to my knees, unable to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders anymore. 
“So why is it that every day when I open my eyes, when I look in the mirror, when that second of silence between a conversation hits, the first thought in my head, is how long is left?” I gritted my teeth, pouring out my heart to the world. 
“Is it wrong to hate you, to resent you all so much. I feel such spite. I despise the love you all have for me because selfishly, I know, I know I can’t stop. I can’t kill myself. I can’t kill myself because that wouldn’t be fair. Not to you, not to the boys, not to my family or friends. The most important decision of my life and I don’t even get to make it” I looked up at Rhea with blood shot eyes. 
“I don’t want to be unhappy anymore. I don’t want to be here, but I don’t have a reason to feel this way, and I don’t know why I do.” 
Rhea threw herself to the floor around me and pulled me in tightly, I felt the bones in my back click and my chest restricted as her grasp tightened around me to the risk of never being able to let go. 
No matter what now, she was never letting go. 
I didn’t fight her anymore. Id given up fighting it. 
Instead, I shielded myself in her embrace. Kissing the top of my head Rhea rested her chin on me, despite both being frozen I could feel her warmth breaking through. 
“Y/N...” Rhea gently spoke looking deep into my eyes. 
“That’s called being Human. And its shit. Its fucking shit, it’s unfair and its cruel. That’s why you don’t hide this away. You don’t try and fight a war all by yourself.  You are more loved than you will ever know bunny! And whether you want it or not, its there. It will always be there, and we will always be here.” 
Rhea took her hands around my face and pulled me in, so our foreheads connected. 
“Were in this together, you and me. All of us. The boys too. Remember bunny, It’s not for forever. It’s just for now.” 
As if something clicked, something unexplainable. Something spiritual in the moment, the world disappeared from around us, every element meant nothing except the two of us. Right there, the most important moment for us in all of time and space. 
“You just keep going, for just one more minuite.” Rhea whispered under her breath. 
For a moment it felt like time stood still, and the world had fallen silent in the honest truths that had been spoken. 
Not for long though, for the sound of silence was broken by screeching tyres. Headlights illuminated our silhouettes and as if from out of nowhere a large rental truck slammed its brakes on coming to a stop. 
The car door flew open and out fell Finn, scrambling to his feet he stood up with one hand on the door as his eyes widened, mixed with relief and with fear. His eyes were bloodshot, red and exhausted. 
“Y/N?” he sounded shocked. 
Rhea turned her head to face him and smile, but that relief on her face quickly changed to confusion. 
“Finn? Where’s Damien? Where’s Dom?” 
He didn’t answer her. Standing in silence as if he didn’t know how to respond to a question he very well knew the answer to. 
I turned my head to face him, looking around for two people who weren’t there. 
“Finn?” I looked up at him, trying to hide the worry in my eyes. 
Letting out a gentle sigh Finn smiled and turned his back around as the back passenger door to the truck opened slowly as Damien stepped out, gently removing a sleeping Dominik from his lap and resting the boy against the car seat. He leant against the car door smiling at the two of us sitting in the middle of the road. 
Rhea turned her head to face me and pulling my viewpoint to hers she looked deep into my eyes. 
“Come on Bunny, Let’s go home”.
“Home?” I questioned her.  
“Home.” She smiled, “We are going home.” 
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galaxyg1204 · 3 months
No one asked but-
What fairy type I think some Redacted characters would be
(In case your confused, basically the fairies from Tinkerbell)
Gavin : Animal
Lasko : Fast Flying
Damien : Light
Huxley : Garden
Xavier : Frost
David : Scout
Asher : Scout
Milo : Scout
Caelum : Tinker
Sam : Frost
Vincent : Frost
Kody : Water
[Some explanations under the cut]
The elementals are self explanatory except for maybe Damien, but fire emits light and light, if hot enough, can create fires.
The Shaw Pack boys protect people as their job, like how scout fairies aim to protect pixie hollow
I chose animal for Gavin because I remembered when Rosetta was an animal fairy, the animals were just attracted to her naturally, if that makes sense.
Sam and Vincent are weak to the sun, like how frost fairies can't be too warm or else they risk breaking a wing.
Caelum likes doing arts and crafts as well as helping people. I thought it was perfect.
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pupsmailbox · 6 months
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NAMES ⌇ adelina. aeon. aether. aimee. alaina. alette. alfre. alvar. ami. amy. aoibhann. archer. ash. aubrette. aubri. aura. aurora. avery. ayesha. barry. basil. bell. belle. berry. blaze. bloom. blossom. bolt. briar. brooke. calypso. caspian. cassian. celeste. charlotte. clover. collin. corbin. cosmo. crow. dahlia. dalia. damien. dela. dew. dewdrop. dewey. diana. dianna. drop. elfie. elida. elisa. ella. ellie. elliot. elly. elm. elvenia. elvina. eros. fae. faebelle. faeriette. faette. fairiette. faith. fallin. fawn. fay. faye. fayetta. fayette. faylinn. felix. ferun. feya. finch. fleur. flix. flora. frost. glimmer. glow. gray. holly. hope. ilayda. iradessa. iris. ivy. jinx. jynx. keijo. lendabair. lili. lilli. lillie. lilly. lily. linetta. loona. luna. lynette. mariam. mariposa. mayblossom. meadow. melody. migina. mina. mischette. mischie. mischievelle. mischievette. moon. moth. musa. nix. nixie. nymph. nymphelle. nymphette. nymphie. nyx. odette. olette. oliver. onyx. opal. periwinkle. petal. pix. pixi. pixie. poppy. rose. rosemary. satu. shayla. shaylah. shayleen. sheelin. starla. stella. síobhra. tania. tanya. tatania. tiana. tinca. tink. tinka. tinker. tinkerbell. tinkerbelle. titania. trick. trickselle. tricksette. trix. tryck. tryx. tunder. tünde. tündér. vidia. whim. whimsey. whimsie. whimsy. willow. wing. älva.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ bloom/bloom. dew/dew. dust/dust. elf/elf. fae/fae. fae/faer. fae/faerie. fae/faery. fae/fairy. fai/fai. fai/fairy. fai/fairytale. fairy/fairie. fairy/fairy. fay/fay. flight/flight. flower/flower. frog/frog. honey/honey. jest/jest. jinx/jinxe. joke/joke. mischie/mischief. mischie/mischievous. mischief/mischief. mischief/mischievous. moss/moss. moss/moss. mush/mushroom. oak/oak. pix/pix. pix/pixie. prank/prank. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shine. shroom/shroom. spark/spark. sparkle/sparkle. spring/spring. sprite/sprite. trick/trick. trick/trickster. vae/vaer. ven/venus. wing/wing.
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kaitaiga · 29 days
Archie “Frost” Campbell Profile
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》[Open Profile] Disclaimer: as I’m still working through the lore of Task Force Dagger, Archie’s biography is still quite bare. Everything else is finished :)
Name: Archibald (Archie) Charles Campbell
Callsign: Frost
Age: 29
Birthday: 16th November, 1995 -  Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
Face Claim: Callum Turner
Occupation: Fast Jet Pilot (F-35A Lightning II)
Affiliation: Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF - 75th SQN)
Rank: Flight Lieutenant (FLTLT)
Height: 183cm (6ft)
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Aviation
Languages: English, Spanish, German
Hair: Dark brown, wavy hair. Short back and sides.
Eye Colour: Grey
Facial Hair: Pencil moustache
Marks: None
Tattoos: None
Unnamed Mother and Father
Grandfather (Former RAAF 460 SQN)
Pet: Vader (Black cat with white markings on face)
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Task Force Dagger
Captain Lachlan Jones (2CDO)
Sergeant Damien Whitlock (2CDO)
Sergeant Daniel Greenhill (2CDO)
Sergeant Joseph “Joey” Hernandez (CCT)
Talullah Jones (ASIS)
Myers-Briggs Type: ISTJ (Logistician)
Honest and Direct: Archie is a straightforward, no-bullshit kind of person. Will tell his peers how it is without holding back. 
Observer: Not one to talk much unless needed, Archie prefers to observe and analyse his peers or situation.
Archie is a level-headed person. He is calm and is able to keep his cool under difficult situations.
Archie doesn’t let his emotions drive his thought process. He is a logical person who bases his thoughts and opinions based on research and experience, and can become stubborn when he doesn’t particularly agree with something.
As a fighter pilot, Archie has inherited a range of skills apart from simply flying a fighter jet. There include:
Mental Skills: quick and accurate decisions, situational awareness.
Technical Skills: navigation, avionics, flight system and weapon proficiency.
Social Skills: effective communication, cooperation and working as a team, leadership.
Air Combat Manoeuvring (ACM), Fighter tactics and manoeuvres, etc.
Mission Planning
Maths and Physics, as well as creativity in situations.
Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE)
Archie also likes to partake in electrical work, commonly seen tinkering with devices and studying mechanical/electrical engineering concepts in his spare time.
Behind the Callsign
At a glance, “Frost” derives from his frosty attitude towards his peers around him. Being one to keep to himself majority of the time and only speaking when necessary, his attitude was often perceived as cold to others, even when he didn't mean it.
Though if you were to ask his squadron and ground crew, they’d tell you that they call him “Frost” due to his impressive flying skills, often leaving onlookers and other pilots frozen in awe. Almost like an advantage over opponents.
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Archie was born in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia on the 16th of November, 1995. Growing up, Archie would listen to his grandfather’s stories of being a pilot on an Avro Lancaster throughout the majority of WW2. Though a little incoherent at times, Archie still enjoyed them regardless as they shaped his childhood and future to come.
Throughout high school, Archie would spend a lot of time volunteering at an aviation museum alongside his grandfather as a technician assistant, working on maintaining planes on display whilst rambling bits of information of various planes to visitors. Archie would also frequent RAAF base Williamtown, where he would stand just outside the base and watch Super Hornets scream over his head. He wasn’t the type to stand out among his classmates, much preferring to stick his head in a book and soak up as much information as he could on various aviation and engineering topics. He graduated with a top ATAR score of 97.
Thanks to his constant exposure to the Air Force along with his grandfather’s stories, Archie knew he wanted to become a fighter pilot from an early age. In his later years of high school and after, he worked diligently preparing for multiple officer and screening boards during his application process. He managed to score one of five spots out of hundreds of applicants.
Archie then attended the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), where he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Aviation. He would be a maths tutor to a few of his peers in his spare time, but most commonly Joseph, his newly made friend who he bonded with over their love for Star Wars. 
Upon graduating ADFA, Archie was sent to Perth to begin his initial specialist employment pilot training (ISET), where he spent a year flying the PC-21. He graduated from Number 2 Flying Training School and was recommended by his instructors to pilot the newly introduced and mighty F-35A.
Now part of 75th Squadron, Archie is posted to RAAF base Tindal in the Northern Territory to continue his training, also managing to deploy overseas to various locations such as the US and Japan.
At some point, Archie was approached and recruited into Task Force Dagger on recommendation from Joseph. Working with TFD would show him his first set of real combat outside of simulations and practice exercises. To be continued…
*(Archie would have been 26 years old when the F-35A was first introduced into the 75th SQN, a few years after he graduated ISET (22-23 years old). For story purposes, assume the F-35 arrived earlier.)
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His favourite music band is Daft Punk. His favourite song from them is ‘Face to Face’. Also likes Coldplay, Kenny Loggins, Phil Collins, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park, etc.
In his spare time, he also likes to build lego sets and model jets. He’s also a gamer, preferring to play games like Arma 3, League of Legends, Cyberpunk 2077, Helldivers 2, etc.
He likes to wear Rayban Aviators in the colourway black/black or gold/green.
He is a big fan of Star Wars. His favourite movie is ‘A New Hope’ and he also really enjoys ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’. His favourite characters are Wedge Antilles and Commander Wolffe.
He likes to spoil Vader rotten! Buys him all kinds of toys. Even has a Death Star cat house. He has a really big soft spot for Vader which Joseph likes to tease him about, quote: “he is the only one to knock down that icy wall he’s built around himself.”
When Archie chose his aircraft preference, he originally chose the F/A-18F Super Hornet.
If he didn’t become a pilot, he’d become a mechanical engineer. 
After his grandfather passed, Archie carries his ID tags with him as a source of comfort and support. 
Archie was inspired by the character ‘Viper’ from Titanfall 2 and the song “Dodge This”.
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