#daredevil fic idea
djarinbabysnotes · 9 months
Matt Murdock falls in love with a detective.
Now, hear me out: Detective moves from a different state and is now being crucified by their new coworkers in the NYPD because they're brave enough to question certain abnormalities in how criminals are being processed. Wilson Fisk is behind the corruption part of the law, as always. Detective hates how things are in the workplace and is therefore very stressed.
Matt Murdock is called upon by an old friend who needs a lawyer. Matt arrives at the precinct and has a run-in with the Detective, and the Detective's sleuthing intuition tells them that this lawyer feels like he's full of secrets. The Detective then theorizes that this lawyer is somehow working for the corrupt man on top. Tension ensues.
A cocky defense attorney? Like who does he think he is? This isn't the Detective's first rodeo when it comes to overconfident men.
Here's where it gets interesting: First off, Lawyer/Cop relationships? Isn't that like, illegal in the laws of the universe? YUP! Both parties are CONFLICTED with their feelings and therefore WILL develop a hate-fueled acquaintanceship. Workplace Enemies to Potential Secret Lovers, if you will. During investigations, Detective will have run-ins with Daredevil and will find him very interesting, to say the least. Of course, Detective doesn't know that Daredevil is Matt, even while conducting a secret investigation on the mystery hot guy with a disturbingly sexy husk in his voice (Daredevil) while ALSO conducting a separate investigation on this random annoying lawyer who ruins everything every time he walks into their workplace. Foggy and Karen will ABSOLUTELY try their very fucking best to throw off the scent (e.g. "Yeah, I met the Devil of Hell's Kitchen a couple of times. He had blond hair. Saw it myself. He also talks like he's been in jail countless times. Definitely an ex-con. Loves breaking the law." and "He saved me from an attack at my apartment, yeah, he's left-handed.")
As the Detective keeps on having run-ins with Daredevil, the Detective begins to harbor an unwanted crush on the guy. Of course, right? I mean... A guy dressed as the devil pushes you out of the way before you get shot at by a random goon? Chivalry isn't dead. Also, he flirts but purposefully makes it slightly awkward because he knows how this game works. He likes to tease. He reads body language when he has to. He would pull out the 'I like listening to your voice' line (his signature line!) on the most quiet night just to hear nothing but the Detective's heart going bonkers.
And as Matt, being the Detective's biggest pain in the ass, he would randomly switch up on a random Monday. From being the most annoyingly confident lawyer who pulls out the 'not another word with my client, detective' line to the unexpected 'good morning' followed with a 'thank you, detective' after the Detective mindlessly points him to the direction of where he's supposed to go. And to top it all off, he smiles— but not with his usual sarcastic smirk followed with a huff— it's a first for him to smile with a gentle nod before lingering for a split second as if he wants to say more.
Like I said, he knows how this game works. He's a mastermind.
But then again, on paper, A lawyer isn't supposed to be falling in love with a cop and vice versa... But never say never, right?
Anyway! This is just a silly idiots-to-lovers idea that will probably take me eons to write if I even have the time to do so.
Potential starter playlist for this fic (because I love feeding my delusions, and peak delusion starts with Taylor Swift's discography):
"Mastermind" - Taylor Swift
"The Archer" - Taylor Swift
"I Can See You" - Taylor Swift
"gold rush" - Taylor Swift
"Slut!" - Taylor Swift
"willow" - Taylor Swift
"long story short" - Taylor Swift
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45780 · 7 months
* Roll up to McDonald's drive through *
I'm here to request someone writes one of those Spiderman in Gotham fics but Matt Murdock is also there. Like they don't get there together but they both appear in Gotham at the same time. And like one day Peter sees Matt on a street corner and he's just "there's no way two universes can have as flamboyant of a blind man!"
Peter knows Matt is daredevil. Matt does not know that Peter knows he's daredevil. Matt doesn't know Peter is Spiderman. He doesn't even know this kid he just knows that two people from the same universe have to stick together.
Shenanigans as Matt tries to keep his daredeviliness a secret.
I would write it myself but I have no knowledge on batman things.
*speeds away from the drive through *
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shiorimakibawrites · 6 months
Idea: Keeping Secrets
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Matt is out of control.
Or maybe some part of me found that WIPs, both ongoing and upcoming, was an uneven number . . . but I'm blaming Matt.
Working Title: Keeping Secrets Overall Rating: 18+ Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem! Reader Genre: Slow Burn Romance, Hurt/Comfort Angst, Murder Mystery, Legal Drama Time Frame: Post Daredevil Season 2 Working Summary: Your new boss Matt Murdock is rather mysterious. He regularly shows up to work with mysterious injuries. He isn’t speaking to his oldest friend. And a thousand other little things that all say Murdock is keeping secrets. Big secrets. But that’s okay. Because you have some big secrets of your own. Not least of which is your interview wasn’t the first time you had meet Matt. Series Warnings (Subject to Change): Secret child, referenced domestic violence, referenced sexual assault, referenced child abuse, canon-typical violence, murder, eventual explicit sex, legal inaccuracies Current Status: UPCOMING, in the planning stages Title Inspiration: keeping secrets is a tricky business.
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star-laboratory · 2 days
after an especially hard case being solved, matt and foggy are out having dinner on a fancy restaurant, when matt starts hearing a couple nearby playing guess on what other people are doing there. that an old couple is celebrating an anniversary, those group of women speaking spanish are on a trip for a bachelorette party, the ginger and the brunette are on a date... wait what?
do people think they are dating?
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mystic-mae · 4 months
would you guys like it if i suddenly and randomly started posting random fic ideas that i know will never get done by me personally but give full permission to let people use them so long as they credit my beautiful brain and ass?
because that sounds like a really fun idea and i am going to exploit that shit. but seriously, i will be on peoples' asses if they dont at least credit me by tagging my in their fic.
*throws bouquet at crowd* have fun, darlings! dont let my ideas overwhelm you!! i have become your official muse, fanfic writers!!
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pastafossa · 2 years
“What Was That?” (Haunted House Fic, Matt Murdock x F!Reader)
I CAN’T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST THIS WHOOPS. I had someone send me an ask like a month ago about Matt and Jane dealing with ghosts and the idea was funny so I typed up a little something, meant to drop it on halloween (hrrgh), so I’m a few hours late in my time zone, but not in others! So let’s do this! This Reader is from my long-fic TRT though all you need to know is Reader is psychic and this is set far enough ahead in their timeline that they’re married.
Rating: SFW
Ship: Matt Murdock x f!Reader 
Wordcount: 2,488 
Warnings: Swearing, references to spiders, ghostly spookiness, though mostly funny. Wanted to see if I could mix a little scary with the haunted house humor.
Matt seen here, questioning what the hell you’ve gotten him into this time. 
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“—goddamn dumbass, sneaking in here,” you grumbled where you were on your hands and knees, shining your flashlight under the moldering, half-broken bed. “He’s lucky his mom paid me to find his phone even without the thread. Him and his friends probably broke in here to drink.” 
“Uh huh,” Matt said slowly. He barely noticed the soft sound of your footsteps behind him, too focused on the corner of the room. “...Right. Drinking.”
“And look, I’m not saying I don’t get the desire to do stupid shit. But at least hold onto your phone.” You rocked back on your knees with a groan, dusting your hands off. “Well, it’s not in here. Next room.”
“Is there… a mannequin in the corner of the room?”
You swung your flashlight around towards the corner he was facing, your brow furrowed as you carefully rose. “No. Why?”
“You don’t see anything?”
“No. Room’s mostly empty other than a bed.”
He’d have agreed with that statement a few minutes ago. While some of the rooms were more furnished than others—all of the furniture being long past its prime, broken and crumbling, faded and coated in dust—most were like this one. As far as he could sense, all that remained in the room was the bed, its covers moth-eaten and ragged, a small end table, cracked down the side and on its last legs… and the ridiculously conspicuous, elongated human shadow standing in the corner, where it had remained for the past five minutes.
He’d been hoping it was a mannequin. A really, really cold mannequin.
The chilled human outline slowly rotated its head clockwise in a half-circle. The movement seemed almost broken, its head moving in staggered intervals, each shift paired with a distant click like the crack of a bone. Only once its mouth reached the twelve o’clock position did it stop.
“I think we should look somewhere else,” he said quickly. “Preferably right now.”
“It’s a spider, isn’t it?” You grimaced, taking a few steps back towards him. “I can handle a lot of them, but not when they get big and hairy.”
He did his best to throw you a casual smile. It would be for the best if you didn’t know what he was sensing. He wasn’t even sure how he’d explain it, in truth. ‘There’s a figure and it’s cold and its face is upside down’ could only result in disbelief. “I just don’t like it here. That’s all. Old houses smell.”
“Fair enough.”
The figure gradually lifted one leg, the motion just as stuttered as the movement of its head had been. Its leg rose further and further until its knee had almost reached its neck, before it took one exaggerated, creeping step towards you both, as if sneaking.
Matt grabbed your arm, and you let out a startled grunt as he yanked you back with him, slamming the ancient door shut behind you both.
“What the fuck, Matt?! You could just ask me to leave.” 
 “Spider,” he said. “It was a really… really big spider.”
Something with long fingernails scratched quietly at the bottom of the door from the other side. Then there was a a faint ‘meow’—not the sound, but the actual word, delivered in the low voice of a large man, the words muffled as if he’d pressed his mouth to the small crack between the top of the door and the frame, all while the nails continued to scratch at the bottom. Which was… fairly unsettling, in about a million different ways, 99% of which Matt didn't feel like considering because even he had sense sometimes. Fortunately, the sounds were also too soft for you to hear.
You raised your brows and glanced at the door, which was still being scratched at.
 “It was a spider with hair,” he added quickly. “It hissed. I wouldn’t go back in there.”
“If it was hissing, it was probably a wolf spider. God, those bites hurt.” You shuddered, before turning around. “Alright, maybe I’m glad you yanked me out of there. Let’s keep looking then. Sooner we find the kid’s phone, the sooner we can get out.”
“Sounds good to me.”
It was on the ceiling this time.
“I hate places like this,” you mumbled, digging around in the couch cushions of an old sofa that groaned ominously every time you pushed too hard. Matt wasn’t sure whether the noise was actually the furniture or if the couch was instead possessed, but either way, he didn’t tell you about the bloodstain beneath it, or the twisted shape in the basement that sounded like it was licking at the underside of the floor right beneath your feet. “I know I complain about sewer grates, and those are gross, too, but old houses like this? Blergh.”
Matt tilted his head at the shape up on the crumbling ceiling, and it tilted its head back, mirroring him.
“Did you find it?” he asked you, trying to keep the urgency out of his voice.
“Not unless you count some questionably stained quarters, no, but I think maybe—”
The shadow skittered suddenly across the ceiling until it was above you, before slowly extending its head down. It shouldn’t have been able to get all that far, but instead of lurching to a stop, its neck began to elongate like warm taffy, its mouth gaping open like a serpent preparing to swallow its prey.
He only just grabbed your shirt and hauled you back with a grunt as the head swung down where you’d just been standing, thick splatters of ethereal drool dropping to the floorboards with quiet pat-pat noises like rain. 
“Matt, Jesus—“ 
 “Another spider,” he said breathlessly, because he loved you and watching a ghost try to swallow you like it was a python and you were an antelope was, to put it mildly, somewhat distressing and adrenaline-inducing. And also disgusting, considering that it had been drooling. “It… fell. Where you were. It was also hissing.”
The eyes on the shadow’s head grew larger, bulging out of its head like overripe grapes, its mouth lolling open until the chin and what he presumed to be a tongue hit the floor with a barely-there splat.
Was it… scowling at him?
“Look, I get that you’re protecting me from spiders, and I’m grateful.” You shot him a look. “But you could just… tell me.”
“The spider had babies on its back. Thousands of them.”
“Right, yup, you’re right, we can hit another room.” This time it was you who dragged him with you, though he was quickly distracted by the stairs in the attic. It sounded like someone was running back and forth, sprinting up and down the steps, though there was no one there that he could sense. 
“We should avoid the attic,” he said after a moment. “There’s more wolf spiders on the stairs. They all... they all have babies. I think it might be breeding season.”
“Do I want to know how many spiders there are in this house?”
“Probably not.”
 “It has to be in here somewhere,” you grumbled, picking your way through the kitchen. It didn’t help that dozens of pots and pans had all been arranged in a series of delicately balanced towers, each monument stationed at what seemed like random points around the room. Even the rickety wooden chairs had been gathered and shaped into a pyramid along one side of the room, behind which was a wall oozing a foul smelling substance he didn’t really want to direct his senses towards. “Only room besides the attic we haven’t checked. Can you sense anything? I’m dying here, D. Lend me a hand, as much as I appreciate you listening for spiders.”
The figure that stepped through the far doorway was different than all the others still.
The basic shape of it was human, but that was where the resemblance ended. Its proportions were… wrong, wrong, the hair on the back of Matt’s neck standing on end. It was so tall the top of its broad, wide-brimmed hat scraped against the ceiling, so tall it seemed to have to fold in on itself just to enter the room. Its bony arms hung halfway to its knees, spindly fingers with too many joints curling beneath hands the size of dinner plates. With each step, its legs silently snapped and folded, bent like the limbs of a massive spider, before they shot out again to take another step.
Only once it was fully in the room, a mere ten feet away, did it stop… and watch.
“Matt? You ok?”
‘MaTT? YOu ok? Ok YOU? MaTT?’ It was as if it were trying to mimic you, its voice pitched in an attempt at yours. And yet the shaped syllables were all wrong, the emphasis in the wrong place, discordant as it looped and repeated, all while rotating its head one way and then the other. “You-you-yOU OK? MaTT? SomeWHERE? HeRE someWHERE? Has to bE. Room EMPty, emPTY? roOOm! No-no-nO, M-m-MaTT.’
He let out a low growl, slowly grabbing the back of your shirt and tugging you back with him as the figure snapped its leg up and then stepped closer, swallowing up far too large a gap. “We’re leaving. Now.”
You glanced at him, your eyes darting over the shape of his mouth, reading what little of him you could see with his mask on. He could almost hear the gears in your mind turning, spinning as you glanced around… and then you sighed. “It’s not a spider, is it?”
‘Is iT? Is IT? IS it? SweetHEART MaTT—’
“...No,” he said grimly, his hand still fisted in your shirt.
There was a faint whisper along his skin, one that signaled you’d opened your third eye. Just like that, the figure froze.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you muttered, before reaching for a large pan on the kitchen counter. 
 “I don’t think hitting it with a skillet will work.” He grit his teeth, spreading his legs wider in preparation, though for what, he wasn’t sure. He’d never actually fought a ghost before, but for you, he’d try. He always would, whether it was robbers in alleys or ghosts or geese.
“It scares more of them than you think.” You grunted and then hurled the pan, the rusted iron flying through the ghost’s torso, momentarily shredding its form. The pan struck the far wall, crashing through the rotted drywall as the ghost let out a haunting wail. You jabbed a finger at it, your tone taking on the note you often used on aggressive raccoons who bothered you in alleys. “Shoo! Beat it!”
The wailing only grew louder. Its jaw unhinged and dropped down against its chest, even its teeth howling.
“Oh, spare me the tears. You’re not a banshee. Fuck off!” Another pot flew through the air, this time sailing through its head. The wailing abruptly ceased, the shape jerking as if you’d startled it. “Go on! Get out of here!”
“Wait, sweetheart—”
There was a low hiss, and then it sprinted, the figure racing towards you. He tried to pull you back but you shook him off, tilting your head up just in time for the figure to lurch to a stop, its face a mere inch from yours.
You didn’t blink, narrowing your eyes.
It leaned closer, your hair stirring as it whispered gibberish at you, its mouth moving too quickly for any mortal, loud jabbering like the buzz of insects in Matt’s ears.
“What’s it saying?” you said mildly. “I can see it but I can’t really hear it. Nothing but whispers.”
“I don’t… think it’s saying anything,” he said warily, resisting the urge to step between you and the ghost as it inched closer, a mere half inch now.
Its head snapped in a ninety-degree angle to the right, gaping mouth yawning wide before it jabbered more noise, this time vaguely understandable, to Matt’s ears at least.
It drew in a breath, the room dropping in temperature in a sudden rush, so sudden frost appeared on the windows, before it shrieked in your face.
“Right, I heard that.” You snorted, before jutting your chin up. “You listen. You all have been bothering us all night, and it’s about to stop. You wanna know why?”
‘No, no, nO, why? WhY?’
“It wants to know why.” Matt’s arm wound around you as the cold shadows in the room deepened, shapes and sounds pressing inwards, listening, whispering, hissing. The walls began to shift minutely, oozing behind the crumbling drywall in a way that almost sounded like the wet rasp of diseased lungs, thick with blood and worse.
“Because my husband,” you bared your teeth in a grin, one gleeful and menacing, “is Catholic.”
The house abruptly went still, the figure in front of you letting out a stuttering gust of air that tasted like mold and decay, like peeling wallpaper and rotted clothes. 
 “And you know what that means,” you continued confidently. “He fucking rolls with his man, the great lamb Jesus. They are quite close, considering how often he goes to confession. As you can imagine, that also makes him close with his priest. Like brothers, or... or a father I guess.” 
 “This feels blasphemous,” Matt said, amused despite himself. 
 “Just trust me and roll with it.”
He thought about it, tipping his head one way and then the other before the corner of his mouth curled up in a smirk. “Have I mentioned my mother’s a nun?”
The house shuddered, windows slamming across the house as if in existential horror, as if it had once gone to Catholic school and dealt with nuns itself, and Matt could relate.
 “Basically, we can have Father Lantom and my nun-in-law here in thirty seconds to exorcise all your asses.” You threw your arms up and Matt helpfully dodged your hand where you’d almost smacked him in the face. “You want that?”
The glass chandelier above you—which seemed like a poor choice for a kitchen, Matt was fairly certain, though he’d admittedly gone to law school and not the School for Decorating Future Haunted Houses—began to sway and creak, the whole house groaning. Doors slammed, footsteps rang out up and down the stairs, an old radio two floors up beginning to blare a pulse of static. The ghost in front of you reared back, its form striking against the ceiling like a wave of cool shadow about to come down on you both.
“Should you really be antagonizing them?” Matt asked you curiously. 
 “Just hang on, it’s a process” you told him, before drawing in a deep breath and letting your voice ring out. “Show me the fucking phone and we’ll leave. No priest needed. Or you can fuck with us, and you all don’t get to scare the shit out of drunken teenagers anymore, which I’m sure you like doing. Take your pick.”
Whispering filled the house, swelling in rapid waves, as if the floors began to discuss with the ceiling, who questioned the attic and the cracked windows that were thoughtfully leaking what Matt suspected was more blood, which dripped down to the arguing shadows in one of the upstairs bedrooms who were debating nuns versus being able to scare teenagers for the next fifty years until the house came down and they had to hitchhike to a new one, which was really a lot of effort, but until Uber hit the Great Beyond, it was the best they could do.
It didn’t take long.
Just like that, every hint of activity… abruptly vanished, including the ghost in front of you.
“Thank you,” you said firmly. “Now show me the phone. I know you assholes took it.”
A sullen silence grew in the house. 
 “Matt, call up Father Lantom and Sister Maggie.”
A pot in the corner fell with a sheepish clang, revealing the phone that had been hidden beneath it.
“Right,” you said quickly, snatching up the phone and taking Matt’s arm. “We should go.”
“I love you,” he said in amusement, as he let you lead him out. “Have I told you that?”
“Yes, and honestly, I’m just glad you’re Catholic. I know I joke about the guilt but that really came in handy.” 
 “I’m glad my Catholic guilt complex could save the day instead of ruin it for once.”
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ebenelephant · 1 month
I have a vision of Sam Winchester and Foggy Nelson doing pre-law together. Foggy remembers that weirdly intense, definitely-religious-but-not-in-a-normal-way guy who used to hover on the edge of his social circle, more of a friend of a friend than anything. He was very nice, very tall, and acted like he'd never been a person for a single day in his life. One day he's suddenly not there, but whatever, not Foggy's problem. Then he meets Matt, who also believes in demons but probably not in the same way, and his raging Catholicism doesn't seem so offputting.
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bunisher · 2 months
can y’all help me find a mundane activity that peter and matt can do together (out of their suits). i just need a general setting for this and my brain is soooo empty. please helpppp 😭😭
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farfromstrange · 6 months
Today, I randomly decided to donate blood because we have a new pop up in my city, and I haven’t donated in a while. Plus, I have a blood type that blood banks always like to see because it’s almost entirely universal (I think the only blood type that can’t accept blood from me is 0 negative—the actual universal donor).
Giving blood is always an experience for me because I take antidepressants and I’m known to have low iron, so it’s always a surprise to find out whether or not I can actually donate after they check my hemoglobin and the doctor checks my medical history. Today I passed, so I got to donate. Thankfully. Otherwise, I would have been embarrassed to walk back out.
I sat there, and since I bleed very easily, it went by quickly, so I grab my snacky snack and then I was already good to leave again. No problem.
Anyway! To get to the point:
A few hours later, all I can think about is Matt coming with you to the blood bank because you’ve decided you want to donate (he’s well aware of your medical history) and he’s worried about your health. The entire experience would probably be a lot for his heightened senses because of the smells and the noise and all the elevated heartbeats, but he would tag along for your sake. In my head, he would just hover and be a concerned as fuck boyfriend because he’s so attuned to the changes in your body, he would notice everything.
He would probably check in on you every five seconds and pamper you after, but you’d be so chill about it because once you have your snack and get your blood sugar back up, you’re fine; your arm just hurts a little, but that’s normal. That sort of thing.
I can’t stop thinking about it, so now I kind of want to write a One Shot about this particular scenario…
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sharpestasp · 1 month
Daredevil/The A-Team?
Matt Murdock has a hell of a life. Trying to win justice in court as a lawyer, trying to beat justice into Hell's Kitchen as a vigilante? Sure he's got friends, but he seems to have a hell of a lot more enemies.
When he gets in over his head, his best friend makes a single call, the one that was supposed to be 'only if you have no other choice' call.
Captain "Howlin' Mad" Murdock listens to it all, then tells Hannibal they've got trouble. Hannibal knew Murdock kept abs on his family, but both Face and B.A. are a bit surprised. More so when Murdock seems to be driven almost sane -- but ruthless -- in what it takes to get his nephew back safely.
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evolve-rat · 5 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Daredevil (Comics), Punisher (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page Characters: Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Max the Dog (Marvel), Karen Page, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, David "Micro" Lieberman, Sarah Lieberman, Curtis Hoyle Additional Tags: Identity Porn, Online Dating, Not Beta Read, (if anyone wants to beta I would be eternally grateful), Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Matt and Frank match on a dating app and hit it off. Meanwhile, the Punisher and Daredevil can't stop picking fights with each other.
When Matt finally meets up with "Pete Castiglione" in person, he's in for a surprise.
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amberlynnmurdock · 9 months
don't judge me but are there any ben poindexter fics ?? please it's for science again
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shiorimakibawrites · 6 months
Idea: Sanctuary (Daredevil)
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Last one, I promise. At least until the muses give me more ideas through I'm hoping they actually let me write finish something before piling more work on me.
Brainstorming notes where any feedback or suggestions are welcomed.
Warnings: Spoilers for The Defenders - Angst with eventual comfort - Medical inaccuracies - Beginning of Season 3 Matt.
Matt Murdock / Daredevil x Reader
Possible Ch. Titles: John Doe – Where There Is Life – HIPPA Violation – Do No Harm – Confession
You are a doctor who works at small charity clinic.
One day, as you are heading home, you are stopped by Father Lantom.
Not sure how you know him – maybe you are Catholic and starting attending Mass after moving to NYC.
Father Lantom asks you for a favor. There is someone who needs a doctor but you can’t take him to a hospital or tell anyone about him.
This request gives you some misgivings but you trust the priest and figure that he wouldn’t be asking this of you if it wasn’t necessary or important. So you agree to his terms.
He takes you to where your patient is:
(1) Still in the St. Agnes as it was in canon but tucked away somewhere out of the way.
(2) In the basement since they seem to want to keep Matt’s presence a secret and keeping someone in a building full of kids isn’t how you keep them a secret.
John Doe is half-naked, unconscious, and badly hurt. He should be in a hospital but they are adamant about not taking him. You wonder who is this man is but Father Lantom and Sister Maggie claim not to really know, that they found him like that but you aren’t sure you believe them.
Maybe you have some kind of healing power – the power is relatively minor, you can boost someone’s natural healing ability – cannot instantly and completely heal someone’s wounds or illnesses but you can heal enough to turn a deadly injury into a survivable one. Lessen the recovery time – you heal in one week instead of two.
There is some cost to your healing power – (1) takes energy (2) have to know exactly what you are doing to avoid more harm than than good (3) you can feel your patient’s pain while healing them (4) some combination thereof.
Despite efforts to keep things secret, you learn some things about your patient. He had been injured before but got medical treatment of varying degrees of quality (no shade on Claire, sometimes Matt does his own stitches) – that he was blind – seems to have sensitive skin – stuff from nightmares and mumblings when he is feverish (apologizing to various people – Dad, Elektra, Foggy, Karen, Stick . . .).
You also notice the man is very handsome.
You try to figure out which of the two people missing from the Midland Circle your patient is – attorney Matt Murdock or the vigilante Daredevil. Daredevil fits with the muscular body, the scars, and the insistence that he not go to hospital. Matt Murdock fits with the blindness but you struggle to think of why Matt Murdock cannot go to a hospital.
John Doe (Matt) isn’t exactly cooperative with unraveling the mystery when he walks up but not uncooperative either – sometimes he doesn’t seem to care if you know who he is, other times he does – you think its part of his depression.
Because yes, Matt when he wakes up is the same cheerful person we saw in the beginning of Season 3 (obvious sarcasm is obvious).
Matt needs SO MUCH therapy – physical and psychological. Neither of which is your specialty but you doubted that you could bring either in on this . . . maybe you have friends who are a physical therapist and a psychiatrist or psychologist whose brains you can pick. They will probably eventually get curious about your questions.
Maybe they discover things and become part of the team. Again, nothing against Claire but she might need some help with patching up vigilantes – if for no other reason, she cannot be everywhere. Also as a doctor, you can write prescriptions for things like antibiotics (given how often he lands in dumpsters, it is amazing that Matt hasn’t gotten an infection yet).
At some point, you move Matt from the church to your place.
Romance is slow burn.
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cyberspqced · 10 months
the defenders saga, wasted friendship potentials, and a potential fix-it
marvel’s defenders saga had so much potential in creating friendships outside of canon-typical ones. although we did get duos like misty & colleen and luke & danny, we completely missed out on pairs like colleen & matt, danny & matt, karen & jess, and so on.
soooo in an effort to a) indulge in my defenders brainrot and b) not let all these fantastic characters go to waste, i am likely going to invest time into a defenders fix-it fic!
everyone cheer ‼️
it’ll function in the same way books like six of crows does in the way that it’d be relatively lengthy and have multiple perspectives and plotlines going on at once. the main difference would be that it would focus more on oneshots with developing plots/relations throughout the chapters, rather than spending the bulk of the story focusing on one major plot.
although i already have a couple pairings / plots in mind, i’m always open to ideas or requests. if anyone does actually request smth and i follow through with the fic, credit will obviously be given. (you can request either by replying here OR doing to that little “ask me anything” thing)
more info to come if this is something that i don’t end up deleting, haha. 🫶
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Okay but like Peter Parker reincarnated as dick grayson angst
#peter parker#dick grayson#nightwing#spiderman#Me in my little head listening to music and suddenly it auto fills a gap that wasn't even there and now I can't stop thinking about it#batman#story prompt#fic prompt#Fic idea#The angst would be juiciest if he didn't keep his powers#So like he's always pushing his body further to try and gain back just an inch more of what he had#Because even as spiderman he was too slow or weak to save everyone and he never realised just how dependent he was on his spider sense#At first he's living the dream with alive loving parents and acrobatics and travelling the world in peace#He's crushed when they die. In a way spiderman could have so easily prevented with his webs. He had to watch AGAIN. He's furious#With his experience from his previous life he latches onto batman and creates Robin from that. He balances school and hero life once more.#He becomes night wing when Gotham grows too dark and stifling. He needs out. To be a solo hero again. He hates that he has to leave batman#But at least he's alive to be mad.#When he gets siblings wow new experience!! Batman parenting normal kids is Such a bad idea but he'd die for them!#Then everything cascades and batman goes from iron man/daredevil to punisher/black widow and Jason doesn't want to listen#Even tho he died too and it hurt and b had a bio kid and he's batman until he isn't and he misses aunt may and still he loves being alive#Because spiderman was killed#And nightwing is older than he will ever be
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pastafossa · 1 year
hey pasta! I don’t know if someone has asked this already but is TRT gonna go into Born Again or end at season 3?
So that's where I'm not sure! The current outline is as such:
All Major Arcs (including Cyrus James/Project Beagle fallout arc and psychic abilities arcs): scheduled to wrap up a bit after the end of S3 so that Matt and Jane's arcs/development neatly dovetail together. This will mark the official end of TRT's main fic.
Special Additional Arcs (chaptered fics not attached to main fic but still TRT canon, taking place after end of main fic) in no particular order: Endgame/The Snap arc, Spider-Man: NWH arc, Spoiler Removed arc, tentative She Hulk Shenanigans arc.
Oneshot Arcs: various domestic fluff arcs, interactions with major MCU events, a 'What Their Life Is Like When Old Cause GD It They're Going To Live To Old Age And Will Have Rocking Chairs' arc, a SINGLE take it or leave it 'What If?' fic of something funny with a possible daughter cause damn I had this idea for a hilarious scene and it won't leave me alone
Now, those are what are planned in the outline, and the main event with Project Beagle tie-ins and plotlines and all of that is something I'm still planning to end just after S3 because I really do want to have a finish line for that, and I feel like dragging that all out for Born Again wouldn't work for the... events that are going to happen, without saying too much. Once that's wrapped up, that's when you're going to see TRT finally marked as 'complete' on AO3, though there'll be more fics set in that universe (see special additional arcs and oneshot arcs) that I'll mark as in the Devil and Hound series along with drabbles on tumblr.
Once we're past that official endpoint and those special arcs, though, things get fluid and murky since when I was outlining all the major plotlines, there was no Daredevil: Born Again, nor was Matt even in the MCU officially (which is why Spider-Man pops in way sooner in TRT than he meets Matt in the MCU) and I specifically set up Jane's plotline to bookend with Matt's so their growth twined together and they both finally found peace around the same time. Outside that, I'd planned some shorter chaptered stories in the series post-mainline TRT like the Snap arc that I may now adjust (since it sure is looking like Matt was left behind for the snap) but nothing on the level of TRT's main plotline which is absolutely massive and took me years to fully outline and construct before coming back from hiatus in 2021 and pumping out chapters (Happy six year anniversary to TRT on Sept 15!).
I do have plans to write stuff for TRT's take on Born Again because I'm 100% married to writing for Matt at this point and there's no possible way I won't want to do something once I'm being fed Charlie!Matt scenes again. I'm not sure what those plans are just yet - I kinda wanna wait and see what happens in Born Again in case it sparks something. But I also want to make sure that no matter what I do, there's some sort of strong original plotline so that, much like mainline TRT, we'll be able to weave in and out of canonical events (especially since things like the Snap or a wedding or Jane and Matt's friendship with Peter will alter canon). I don't think I'm going to do something quite as huge as TRT's main plotline again, mostly because it takes a TON of time and work, and I'm planning to take the original TRT elements and morph them into an original series fit for publishing (different enough that I can leave TRT up for everyone to read, cause at this point the fic's part of DD fandom culture and I have no plans to take that away) which will also take a ton of time. But I'm definitely rattling my brain around, looking at different plotlines I could do knowing what I know about the ending, hunting for loose ends or canonical threads that I can weave in with TRT's world and create something new!
Then again, I never would have said I'd make something as massive as TRT before I started, either, so who knows.
So in short: YES, there will be TRT events for Born Again even if it's not as elaborate as TRT! I just have no idea what those will be yet. Fortunately, TRT mainline's only a little over halfway done so I've got time to plan!
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