#dear sevens you are a twisted individual
So Trey's lil fight with Jack in my guest room reminded me...
Chenya don't go sneaking into the guest room, I basically have the Heigh Ho version that Neige and the dwarves sang at the VDC playing on repeat alittle
Its my lil revenge to all the boys for fighting in the guest room so they'll have the song stuck in their heads
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icanseethefuture333 · 2 months
PAC: “My body is my temple” what your body wishes to tell you ⏳⛲️🔱
“Fountain baby, wash her, make it wet”
“Diamonds hit the sweat”
“Tattoo on her chest, yeah, yeah, yeah”
“I like when my remedies connect”
“That pussy and a bed, like angels in Tibet”
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Trigger warning: this reading heavily focuses on body image and may contain content that is triggering or sexually suggestive, viewer discretion is advised.
Pile I:
Shufflemancy -
Movement by Hozier
Dash by Nmixx
Lalala by Naughty Boy ft Sam Smith
Connect with fire, Aromatherapy, Use Your hands, Two of Wands, Nine of Cups, & Four of Swords
"Dear, pile 1,
I hope you are doing well. I wish for you to be free with your body, for you have been blessed with the gift of movement. You are fortunate to have limbs that can twist and turn. Wiggle your hips, try to touch your nose with your tongue, be silly and stop being such a stiff all the time. I know you were told to "sit down" and "be still" as a child but it is time to express yourself in a way you were not allowed to before. Your inner child needs you, I keep them safe, stored inside your belly and in the memories of your brain. I want to tell that you are enough and I love your creativity! I want to be there with you, every step of the way. I, your body, am tense, I wish to embrace the warmth. Visit a spa and receive an aromatherapy treatment or lay on the warm sand. Why do you keep lying in bed? Your life is passing you by. You were blessed with a physical vessel that is capable of movement. I put an emphasis on this because I know you have been feeling fatigued and a lack of motivation. I know about those thoughts you have when you look at me, your body. You have features that you are confident about but I know that when you look at me, you find me simple, in comparison to a figure that might be more dynamic than I. I don't feel offended when you think these thoughts but I do hope that one day you can value me, your body. I know about the smoking or the desire you have to do it, I have no problem with it, but don't let it desensitize you from your senses. Getting high provides an outlet but it should not be used as a substance to escape from your problems (channeled song: High Alone by Sevdaliza). A coping method I would like for you to try is writing your feelings on paper and burning it. You are talented with your hands as well, please look into creating art or careers that involves craftsmanship. Take a pottery / ceramics class if you are wanting a new hobby.
Pile II:
Shufflemancy -
Indigo by Niki
Low by SZA
Alter Ego by Doechii ft. JT
Connect with Your Womb, Hydrate, Flow Like Water, Ace of Wands, Ten of Swords, & Seven of Wands
"Hello pile 2,
I am so proud of how far you have come! You are such a strong individual, I know the emotions that you store deep down. The side of you that the world does not see. You shine bright like the moon but I, your body, get to see your dark side. I know that you have goals and aspirations, you want to prove everybody who told you could never do it that they're wrong. There was a lack of representation for your body type and I know that when you were a teenager, this made you feel very self conscious. The rolls, the stretch marks, and cellulite that developed on your canvas was bound to happen, for that is the transition into adulthood. I know that you get upset sometimes at the level of weight, height, and density that I carry, but instead of letting these insecurities stop you, you have truly made a path for yourself and for others with similar a body type. You are growing and learning that the way to happiness is acceptance. Although, you hide behind a persona that is masked with confidence, people commend you for your ability to communicate boundaries, and how you comfortably express yourself through your style, but underneath this veil of deception, you are someone who desires love. You know that you are a successful and powerful being with immense sexual energy but there is a lack of vulnerability. In order to release these burdens and be more in touch with your emotions, connect with your menstrual cycle. Listen to what I, your body, am telling you to do during this time. Drink plenty of fluids and uptake your vitamins by eating fruits or making smoothies/juices. I know that you are dominant by nature but allow others to guide you in life and to provide you the help you need. If you are seeking a goal, the universe will place them into your life to assist you. "Be like water, my friend" - Go with the flow and see where the waves will take you. You should also take the time to go swimming or relax by a body of water (pool, lake, river, etc). Go buy that bikini or swimsuit you've been wanting to wear, you will look so amazing in it."
Pile III:
Shufflemancy -
On My Mama by Victoria Monét
I'm That Girl by Beyoncé
Bossy by Kelis ft. Too $hort
Connect with Your Ancestors, Ground Yourself, Build Strength, Temperance, Six of Wands, & The Emperor
"Pile 3,
If you expected me to be sweet like the other piles you are surely mistaken! I am here to give you the cold hard truth, I don't sugarcoat nothing. I, your body, am a descendant of your ancestors. Your shape was passed down from the maternal figures in your family. I don't care what other bodies look like, I know, that me, your body, is tea! I don't need to be hourglass, pear, or any other man made name of a body shape to be considered "sexy". These are illusions that the industry creates to make people feel insecure about themselves to get work done or buy products. You do not need any of that, you are gorgeous!!! I need you to wake the hell up and realize that. Those random body aches and cramps you get is because I am trying to get your attention when your ass ignores me. You will not look like those people you have been comparing yourself to, look at the beauty that your family possesses, that you possess. You need to ground yourself whenever you feel self conscious because of your reality. Those videos and images you see on social media are not real, it is a fake virtual world. You and I, are real, we need to reconnect, my love. Mediate more, do yoga, anything to bring your mind back to focus on you. You also need to be patient, if you wish to obtain a physical goal, you need to build endurance and strength. Quick fixes does not last and will only make the situation worst, invest your time in the gym. Bring your attention on balancing your masculine and feminine energy. You can highlight my qualities by sculpting me, your body. I am a piece of art. You need to learn to appreciate me as I have adored you, even when you reject me."
Pile IV:
Shufflemancy -
Summer 2020 by Jhené Aiko
Evergreen (You Didn't Deserve Me At All) by Omar Apollo
You Know Wassup by Kehlani
Connect with the Earth, Be Still, Beauty Ritual, Two of Pentacles (reversed), The Empress, & Knight of Cups
"Oh, pile 4,
You have been dealing with a lot. I know you are still recovering from that relationship, I feel it in our heart. Your world was turned upside down after being with them. Detachment is necessary at this time in order to heal, they never deserved you, and I am glad they no longer have access to me, your body - for we are too beautiful to settle for less. I hope you can see how serene life can be when you are single. The most precious time we have left on this planet is with ourselves, the memories we can make just by being on our own, and discovering the complex layers of our psyche. Allow yourself to be still in this moment in your life and reflect on how you are currently feeling. Do not focus on the past or the future but instead your present, for it is a gift. Spend time in nature or connect with animals, your nervous system will greatly appreciate it. You need comfort and relaxation at this time. Perhaps visit your favorite place or take a walk through the park, whichever you feel most comfortable with. It has been a while since you done something for me. I know you have not been feeling your best but it would be nice if we could a beauty ritual together. How about a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles and suds <3? You could paint your nails, do your skincare routine, massage your scalp, whatever makes you feel the most happy and beautiful. A little ASMR session could be fun as well. I, your body, wish to be your best friend. I look up to you so much, even though I have matured, I still feel like that little child playing in the sandbox or playing on the playground. Do you remember those times? Sorry, I sound nostalgic, hehe. Its just good to finally speak to you, I love you so much yet you never got to know till now, just like how Joy adores Riley from Inside Out. I want you to be happy in life. I know that things have been rough for you but I hope just like those moments where you cried as a child when you scrapped your knee, that this could be a healing process we can overcome, together. Take care, my lovely, pile 4. Love - Your body."
Pile V:
Shufflemancy -
Unfold by Alina Baraz
Step On Up by Ariana Grande
Tia Tamera by Doja Cat ft. Rico Nasty
Chanting, Pleasure, Create Art, Three of Pentacles, The World, & Two of Cups
"Heyyy, pile 5!
I'm not a regular body, I'm a cool body! I want to help you embody this mindset of being unstoppable and powerful. You have so much potential that needs to be put into motion. I want you to work on your stamina and start shifting into gear towards your goals. I hope you are feeling pumped - I know I am! I want you to walk into the room as if you own the place. You need to work on your confidence, straighten your posture, and keep your chin up high. Practicing affirmations or chanting lyrics from uplifting music could you get in you in good spirits. I want you to feel like the diva that you are meant to be. Also honey, I am still cute and perky, SHOW ME OFF! I love when people look at me, your body. I want attention and compliments just as much as you do. You are like a work of art, stop shying behind others and covering me up. Not to be brash but when is the last time you pleasured yourself?! Its been ages since I had a good orgasm. You need to learn to put yourself on the pedestal and stop only focusing on what make others feel good, when have you ever put yourself first? Exactly. I want you to march into that bedroom and focus on making yourself feel sexy. Adore me, wear lingerie, do something to get me excited! Its been a dry spell, so please make sure I am wet first and be gentle. I would like for you to to make me squirt for the first time (be gentle but not that gentle <3). My bad, is that too forward? I just want somebody to match my freak and you could totally do it. I am flirting with you? yes! That's how I want you to feel about me, your body. You should learn to paint, maybe even paint yourself nude, who's gonna judge? Nobody is there to see, unless you want them to see. Wouldn't it be fun if we went to a art class and allowed those peasants to paint us like the god/goddess we are? Not to brag but I know I'm good looking, teehee! In all seriousness, I want you to know that the opportunities in life are endless and you have so much potential sometimes that I don't think you realize it. I am so eager to explore my senses. I want you to travel different countries, eat some yummy food, create art, have a romantic fling, and make love everywhere in the house (if that's your thing I mean... no pressure). Anyways, what I am trying to say is be more adventurous, you don't always have to be responsible, isn't that what being young is for? How can you learn from your mistakes and gain wisdom if you are always wanting to be traditional and focused."
Pile VI:
Shufflemancy -
Focus by H.E.R
Cozy Girl by Baby Tate
Chill Pad Deluxe by Majid Jordan
Write a Gratitude List, Read, Make a Meal, Five of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, & Page of Cups
"I'm sleepy, pile 6,
I need a really good nap. Could we just stay in? I love being comfortable and relaxed in bed. To be truthful with you, and you might already know this, I am an introverted body. I do not like being in crowds or around other people for too long because it really zaps my energy :<! I prefer being at home, tending to the planets, and being in a zen environment. Could you make me a cup of tea? I would really like something warm and comforting to drink. I hope we can be in a environment one day that is something we always dreamed of - peaceful and zen, a sanctuary for us and our loved ones. I sound old fashioned, don't I now? I guess you could consider me an old soul, I am sorry if I hold you back at times from getting to know new people or make friends, I am still recovering from our past struggles. I also feel like I disappoint you at times. Could you please write about what you're grateful for when it comes to me, your body? I need to hear words of affirmation, for I feel I've been beat down enough by the world, I don't want you to hate me too, it makes me sad. I forgive you for all the times you ever been upset with me and whoever has hurt us. I think we should start over and get to know each other again. I want to help you with your health, I know you have gut issues. We need to eat out less and learn how to cook home cooked meals. It would be nice if we made a recipe book! I love your cooking, even if it sometimes taste a little funny. I feel childish, do you see me, your body, as childlike? I revert to this state to protect myself, I am so sorry, I'm very sensitive. If I could, I would feel like crying but that's a good thing, I could finally release everything I have been pushing down. Let's cozy up under a fluffy blanket, lay on our pretty head on big pillow, and read a book. Could you read me a bedtime story? Oh I would really like that. Maybe even buy me a teddy bear? I like to cuddle, it helps me fall asleep. I also like when you wear silky pajamas or t shirts with sweatpants, its the best combo. You are naturally so pretty. If I could hug you I would, do you mind hugging me? If I had a voice, it would be soft like Winnie the Pooh. I like tummy rubs. I am grateful for you taking such good care of me, I will do my best to support you. Thank you for all you have done and will do for me."
Pile VII:
Shufflemancy -
The Truman Show by Sylvan Lacue ft Xavier Omar
Insane by Summer Walker
Spend Time with Friends, Make an Altar, Deep Breathing. King of Swords, Nine of Swords, & Page of Pentacles
"Breathe, pile 7!
Sheesh! Are you okay??? What's the rush, dude? You need to chill, I know you would like to accomplish your goals but you're making me, your body, sick! Forget about FOMO and catching up with others, slow and steady can still win the race. You have to be smart with how you use your energy. Instead of trying to tackle everything all at once, how about making a schedule and breaking it up into smaller tasks? It would help with all the stress you're experiencing. You are creating unnecessary tension in your life, stop comparing yourself to others, or feeling like you need to buy something because of a trend, you are missing out on special moments because you are in such a hurry to- well, grow up! You need to take some time to relax and interact with friends, I could use a really good belly laugh. Have a movie night with your besties and put the weight of the world away. I don't ask for much but all I ask is that you please take care of your anxiety before it becomes a concern. Making an altar with your favorite pictures and trinkets to calm you down could help provide you a safe space, you could even decorate it with flowers, candles, or string lights, whatever makes you happy! When you sit down at your altar, practice taking deep breaths, and empty your mind. This will provide clarity and help you calm down. If you need guidance or wisdom in life, please come to me, your body, before going to others. I can help you make the right decisions, pay attention to your intuition, and the signals I give you, for it might even save your life one day."
Pile VIII:
Shufflemancy -
Jealousy, Jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo
Splinter by FIG
Prom Queen by Beach Bunny
Sweet Treat, Sound Healing, Alone Time, The Tower, Eight of Pentacles, & The High Priestess (reversed)
"What's up, doll? I-I mean Pile 8!
I don't mean to pester ya. I bet you didn't expect me to sound like a new jersey housewife, eh? Or is it Harley Quinn??? Bugs Bunny?! Eh, whateva. Listen pudding. You are sweet as a cupcake, ooo wee! What a delight you are! You and me, doll, we make quite the pair, you know- given that I'm your body and all. Listen babe, you mind if I call you babe, sugar? I know you've been a bit down in the dumps for being "fun sized". Whether ya petite or a slim jim, what's it to ya?! Who cares if others got a bit more pushin' to the cushion? You're absolutely friggin' adorable! Keep it cute and perky. You're like Sandy Dee from Grease before she got the makeover and what not. The spice you need is that confidence Sandy got when she mustered up the courage to change up her look and join The Pink Ladies. You gotta show these fools you're not just somebody they could push around! Hun, to be frank with you, I'm really tense, I get all tough in the muscles because you're always being picked on and it makes me protective of you. It's hard for me, ya body, to let my guard down. . Bake me some goodies will ya? Whenever you're having a tough day, reward yourself with some treats. I want you to stop caring about how much you eat or where it's gonna go, you're perfect the way you are. Also why don't you listen to some music to unwind? Jam in your room, get a instrument, sing, listen to frequencies, do whatever brings you peace toots. As much as I am good at interacting with the peoples, I think it's time for us to get some alone time. We gotta start from the ground up because I know you're struggling with your confidence because of what happened to ya. Ya know- that traumatic event we don't really like to talk about? Yeah you know what I mean. I wish I could beat up those stupid bullies who made you cry. I know that from a young age, you always compared yourself to the popular kids and those celebrities from the magazines but doll, peaking early doesn't mean its gonna last forever. Being a late bloomer has its advantages, you have the brains and the beauty to match with it. I want you to know that you got something really special, kiddo! And I'm not saying it just because I'm your body. I want you to focus on building a career and getting a good education. Trust me when I say this, as you get older, I'm gonna spread out in all the right places, you won't even know when it will hit ya! I'll make it move like water, if you know what I mean, baby!!!"
Pile IX:
Shufflemancy -
In A Good Way by Faye Webster
Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae
How Sweet by NewJeans
Journal, Look to the Stars, Family, Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Pentacles, & The Fool
"Greetings, pile 9,
You have arrived to your destination! I find you to be so ethereal and beautiful. I hope you don't try to diminish your beauty by wanting to fit in, you look your best when you stand out. I like when you wear flowy clothing, it makes you sparkle like a celestial being from outer space. You should dressing according to the signs in your birth chart, it could help you attract abundance. Are you wishing to manifest your dream body? It is possible, for I, your body, are transformative. We constantly growing and changing in life. You should journal your thoughts and ideas, watch your goals come into reality. I want you to really shoot for the stars! Invest your money in taking care of your health. There are health issues that are genetic and run in your family, instead of fighting it, focus on taking care of yourself. Buying the right foods, supplements, and vitamins could be crucial at this time. I believe giving gifts and being generous to family members would help promote good spirits. If you are wanting to try something new lately, perhaps traveling, or going on vacation, now would be a good time to do so. I would like for us to go for a run, jog, or a walk! Let's visit places we never been to before, something magical is waiting to happen. I, your body, would also like a little buddy. Could we get a pet? So that they can accompany us in our jogs through the neighborhood, that would be fun!"
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annymation · 7 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 16- This Wish
Chapter 15
We see the people of Rosas all gathered in front of the castle. They're looking up to the giant green bubble on top of the palace, trapping MANY wish bubbles.
Mumblings and questions such as "What's going on?" "Why was a gathering summoned this late?" "What's King Magnifico doing?" can be heard floating around.
We focus on a few adults talking among each other until suddenly... One of them points out that the other's chest is glowing green, and then their own chest starts glowing green too.
The same starts to happen with many younger and older adults, parents with their children, older brothers and grandparents all feel like something is being taken from them... And there is indeed.
Their wishes are being taken back. Every single citizens older than 18 watches in horror and confusion as their wish starts floating out of their chest.
The bubbles are a mixed in shades of blues and greens, but the majority of them are green. They begin to swiftly fly upwards, making twists and turns around the palace like a snake climbing a tree, going around and around until all of them reach the top.
And once reach their destination, we turn our focus to the king who's taking all of their wishes in the first place.
We hear his voice with the enthusiasm of a shows man, echoing through the whole kingdom as he uses his magic staff as a "microphone":
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As his voice echos, every glass window magically turns into a mirror, showcasing his face, surprising the already frightened citizens.
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(Yeah in the movie Mag could only do that with the star's magic but uuuuh I thought it was cool and it fits my Mag’s vibes, so here that's something he simply can do normally, trust me, him with Aster's powers is even worse.)
Magnifico and Amable both stand side by side looking down on the people bellow, their smiles are vicious. But Magnifico speaks like this is all just any normal gathering with his usual charismatic energy "Sooo good to see you! So good to be seen! And OOH BOY do we have some exciting announcements for you all tonight! Hahhaha"
Asha and her friends are all gathered together around Simon's now catatonic self, trying their hardest to wake him up, but nothing works, he's unreachable.
Asha turns to look at the monarchs a few feet away from them... She has her pencil and a piece of paper she got from one of the king's books inside her sleeve, they're both on the edge of the tower, if she can just draw something that mayb-
"But first! Please, give it up for your "fearless rebellion"! -oh you all are gonna love this heheehe" The king says that last sentence like he's sharing with the audience a very hilarious joke, while he turns his staff around to get Asha and all her friends, plus Valentino. Holding each one in individual tendrils of greens magic, he pulls them quickly and makes so they're hanging just out of the edge of the tower... If he lets go, they all fall down.
Asha and the teens look down horrified. Their faces now are being showcased on the glass windows bellow. Some of the adults looking at them we can recognize as the seven teens parents, all of them absolutely distraught and terrified.
"Surprise surprise! It's our faaavorite little agitator, Asha! Accompanied by- *gaaasp* A bunch of juveniles??? And a goat??? Oh dear, someone call the cavalry! HA- HAH AHAH!" The king places a hand over his head dramatically while laughing.
He just continues to laugh like a madman, so the queen proceeds to speak instead, her voice also echoing through the kingdom thanks to his magic "Children nowadays, really, just can't take your eyes off them for a second, next thing you know they're falling down a cliff." She jokes with her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Magnifico takes some deep breaths and goes back to his little show "Right you are, dear! And THAT, ladies and gentleman, is why we'll never be having any kids!" He jokes to the horrified and confused people bellow, he looks down on them with a smile, but then turns his attention to the star trapped above him "Heheh well, not like we'll ever need a heir anyway, thanks to our dear guest of honor-"
Aster has his hands touching the walls of the bubble while he looks down on what's happening, and immediately after the king finishes his sentence, Aster's wrists are enveloped in magic, he's trapped on the bubble. But that's just for a second, the king makes the bubble disappear, and as soon as it does Aster is pulled down to the floor and chained down (Exactly how everyone was trapped in the movie's climax btw) Aster looks up in anger trying to free himself to no avail.
"The wishing star that can't even grant a single wish! Come on Rosas! Show him your joy!" The mirrors bellow now show Aster's face. The king is getting no applause obviously, but it's not like he expects them to actually cheer or anything, he's just having fun at this point "With his magic in our hands, our reign will be ETERNAL! So rejoice people! You'll get to see these pretty faces for a looooong while! Hahahhaah!" The king speaks with a sadistic enthusiasm.
Asha looks over behind her shoulder,and sees Aster chained down to the floor, the star also looks at her. They're both worriedly gazing at each other, with the king and queen standing between them.
"But you see, everyone- tsk well umm how can I put this?- Before doing that I'll need some extra power, ya know? For safety reasons- My safety of course- And to get that power, I'll need a tiny itty bitty little favor from the lot of you." His voice is clearly mocking them, as he says like he's not asking for much "I'm sure you won't mind, right? I mean, it's only fair that after EVERYTHING we've done for you we get something in return-"
"YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING FOR US!" Asha shouts in anger "All you've ever done was TAKE! And now you want MORE power besides just Aster's?! You'll NEVER be satisfi- AAaAAAaaAGH!" She feels pain coursing through her body as the king uses his magic on her.
The teens look scared. The people of Rosas gasp in shock.
"STOP!" Aster yells angrily trying to pull himself away from the restraints.
The king and queen just look amusedly at the girl squirming in pain, but Magnifico does finally stop. He brings Asha closer to them and says "Still with this dreadful habit of raising your voice at us, huh Asha?"
Asha is breathing heavily, her head is low while she tries to recover from the pain.
"However, you have a point. We DO want more. SOOO much more than you can even imagine!" He turns to his wife hugging her close "After all, I did make a vow I would give you the world and more, did I not, my love?" He looks at her in the eyes lovingly, almost like the world around them doesn't matter anymore.
"Awwwn darling~" Amaya coos passionately while gazing upon his eyes, and goes in for a kiss on the lips.
(Guys, I hate them too, okay? But like, I can't have the villain couple be close to winning and NOT make them smooch, ya feel me? Would be a crime, and it's such a power move.)
Once they separate from the kiss, Magnifico lets out a dreamy sigh, before going back to his deranged self "As I was saying before being oh so rudely interrupted: The time has come for you all to show some gratitude to your king." He looks down on them like little ants ready to be crushed.
He raises his hand open.
While we see the people looking up scared, lost and angry. Among them we see Simon's dad, taking off his helmet and commanding his soldiers to head to the castle so they can put an end to whatever is going on... But it's too late.
The king smiles as he warns them cheerfully "Oh and just a heads up... This might sting a little."
Asha looks up in shock with tears in her eyes, for she recognizes that phrase. "No..."
He quickly closes his hand, tightly and-
Like fireworks, all the wishes above them start exploding and being reduced to green and blue dust.
And as they pop like balloons, the sound of screams comes from below. We see all the adults and elders of Rosas being hit by a sudden pain in their hearts, but as soon as they yell in agony they stop, and bow down on their knees, unwilling to do anything, for they have no more will.
All the citizens younger than 18 are not affected, children are mostly sleeping at this time of night, but a few teenagers are there, desperately trying to wake up their guardians, but there's nothing they can do but cower in fear.
Aster is staring up at all the wishes being destroyed with tears streaming down his face.
Asha hears her people screaming and she can feel her own heart breaking.
Meanwhile, the king only laughs maniacally, as he absorbs the green energy from the crushed wishes into his staff, and in turn he feels the magic coursing through his veins "OOOOOH NOW THAT'S WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT HAHAHA" he breathes in all that energy like he just had the most delicious meal. He turns to his queen with a big smile "Can't BELIEVE I limited myself to only breaking wishes from the riff-raff for SO LONG!" He notices his cape is glowing "Darling, am I glowing? I feel as if I am, yes?" He twirls to his wife gleefully.
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(Yeah I'm keeping that scene, that was adorable and I loved Chris Pine's delivery. Also this man just made a whole population go catatonic, so many children and babies are now unattended... Then he just casually mentions he has been doing this to homeless people the whole time. Only to then spin all happy and goofy to show his wife how his cape is shinny, like, I can't with this dude.)
The queen giggles at her husband's delight "You are indeed, mi rey. But how about we get to our little star of the show, hmmm?" She asks anxiously, turning her attention to Aster chained up to the floor behind them.
"Oh but of course, my sweet! Let me just see our un-welcomed guests out first." Magnifico turns to Asha and her friends, still using his magic to keep them hanging over the edge of the tower.
Asha has her head lowered, but as he approaches she raises it to glare at him, her eyes are filled with tears but she refuses to sob in front of him.
He just smiles at her smugly "Wondering why you still have your wish in one piece?" he asks, and she actually didn't realize before but... Yeah, she did give him her wish before, he could take it back, so why didn't he? She get's her answer "Consider it as thanks for providing the star for us. You get to keep the wish you wanted sooo badly to work hard and achieve on your own… By the way, how has that been working out for you?" He laughs while making her spin around in the air, turning her to look at the people kneeled down hopeless, with a few children and preteens lost and scared bellow, he holds her chin so she doesn't look away from them and whispers "Can't say I didn't try warning you, Asha. This world can be so cruel to those who choose to work hard for their wishes... And fail." He quotes what he said during her wish ceremony, with his fake caring tone.
Asha doesn't respond, and he doesn't really care as he makes her float closer to her friends.
Aster notices what the king is doing and pleads "NO- NO NO NONONO! PLEASE! DON'T!" His animation is almost fully sketch lines while he panics.
Asha looks at Aster full of sorrow in her eyes... But with a hopeful smile... She really wishes she could reassure him right now, and let him know that...
She does have a plan.
The king ignores the star's begging as he continues, a sinister grin on his face "And you know what they say about working hard! The higher you climb- THE HARDER IS THE FALL!" And with one swift move of his staff...
He lets go of them.
All the 8 teens and Valentino fall down from the tower.
Most are flailing their arms and screaming in panic, except for Simon who's still practically unconscious...
And Asha who looks focused on her task at hand.
For as soon as her arms are free from the king's magic, she reaches inside her sleeve and takes her pencil and the piece of paper she took from Magnifico's book.
Once she has both in hand, the wind is pushing the paper upwards but she manages to hold it tightly, and she quickly draws the most simple thing that can save all of them...
She draws 9 circles on the paper, and once she's done, the wind blowing on the paper makes the drawings magically fly out of it, and once they do, her drawn circles become bubbles.
Big bubbles, big enough for a person to fit inside.
And fit inside they do, as each bubble does as Asha commands in her mind, and saves each one of her friends, Valentino and herself.
Before they know it, they're all inside hand drawn bubbles, floating slowly to the ground.
Her friends firstly get surprised, but once they understand what's happening they all sigh in relief.
Asha looks just as surprised as the others "*breathes in* *breathes out* *breathes in* I can't believe that actually worked! *breathes out*" She sighs in relief.
They're relatively close to the ground now. A few teens and preteens who were previously trying to wake up their catatonic parents approach where the bubbles are about to land.
Asha is so relieved she managed to save them all, she just lays down on the bubble... But fails to notice she was holding her pencil when she does.
The point of her pencil bursts her bubble.
"Wh-AAAAAAAH!" She's once again falling.
"WE GOTCHU!" The teens who were bellow them caught her. She wasn't too far from the ground so no one get's hurt.
"*phew* That was close, thanks." She thanks the strangers. They put her downs they’re all nervous for the situation, but still relieved that she's alright.
Asha's friends all land safely in their bubbles, that pop once they hit the ground.
Asha looks up to the top of the tower, she can see a green glow... They're starting...
"Okay, now I gotta get up there befo-" she reaches for the piece of paper she had... It's gone.
It flew away when her bubble bursted.
All she has is her pencil.
"... Oh no- nonono!" She turns around to the teens behind her "D-do any of you have a piece of paper? Maybe a book?" She asks around desperately, but only get's them shaking their heads "no"
Asha feels her heart racing. She looks up with her eyes wide, her breath is uneven.
"I- I have to save him!" Asha exclaims with tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes
"The castle is locked down!" Gabo points out to the closed gates "There's no way you're getting to the top in time!”
"Asha, I'm sorry but... It's over." Dahlia's voice filled with sadness as she places a hand on Asha's shoulder "We gotta get out of here! Who knows what might happen when they have Aster's pow-"
"NO!" Asha yells, her eyes closed as she shakes her arm in frustration, tears now falling while she holds her pencil tightly "I'M NOT LEAVING HIM BEHIND! NEVER! I AM NOT LETTING THEM TAKE AWAY ANOTHER PERSON I LOVE!" We see something that Asha isn't seeing since her eyes are closed...
She is drawing on air.
When she moves her pencil around, it creates floating glowing scribbling lines... Think of it like her pencil is now the glowing wand from the "Hi, I'm (insert Disney channel celebrity name here) and you're watching Disney Channel" adds.
Her friends look at this happening in shock, Dahlia points out what's happening.
"A- Asha LOOK!"
Asha slowly opens her tearful eyes, and she gasps upon seeing what she just did, the lines she accidentally drew are still floating in front of her.
"I... I didn't know I could do that..." she looks at her pencil and notices it's now glowing, almost like a magic wand... But how?... She thinks for a moment, and she recalls the time Aster explained how his magic works when they first met... "... "The stronger is the want in the wish maker's heart... The more I can do"...That's it!" She quotes what he told her back in chapter 7. She looks up to the top of the castle, drying her tears with her sleeve. Her eyes now have a burning a determination "I'm coming Aster, just hang in there."
Her pencil, now turned into a magic wand, can only draw glowing lines for now, but she tests something by drawing a line close to the ground, and she steps on it...
Yes, just like she thought, she can stand on the floating line.
She then draws another line above the one she's standing on, she jumps on it, and now she higher than before, then she draws and jumps on another line, then again and again, repeating the process, as if she's drawing the steps of her own stair case to the top of the palace.
She's practically running on air now, full speed ahead, wind blowing on her hair, her eyes fixated on her objective. The music rises along with her rising.
So we cut to Aster at the top of the tower, and what I will narrate now was happening at the same time as Asha and her friends were landing on the ground below.
We see Aster crying thick dark blue tears that resemble a night sky. He's sobbing while kneeling down with his head down. For all he knows, the love of his life and his friends are all dead, and he couldn't do anything but watch.
The star keeps sobbing until he hears someone softly shushing him, and feels a cold hand on his cheek. Aster opens his eyes to see Queen Amable right in front of him, with a smile that coming from anyone else would seem caring, but Aster knows it's just a mockery.
"Shhhh shhh hush now little starlight." She dries the tears from one of his eyes with her thumb, digging her sharp nail on the boy's cheek, making a cut that shows some star dust beneath his skin, but the cut instantly heals itself. Aster stares at her shaking in fear "There there, no more tears. You should be happy... Your power shall at last serve a purpose." She speaks serenely but with clear malice dripping from her words.
(Can I just mention this is the second time these two interacted in the whole story, and in the first time she tried to caress Aster’s face too but he dodged her hand like it was a bullet. So like, this is her way of saying that nope, he can’t run away, she’s in control, and that’s the creepiest thing for me, okay bye)
Those words hit deeper into Aster more that they'll ever admit, because it implies his magic served no purpose up to this point... And deep down they feel that's true, that he didn't make a difference... If anything maybe them coming down here just made things worse, he thinks.
We turn our focus on Magnifico looking down on his people.
And so...
We get a song.
This Wish (Reprise)
But not the "This Wish (Reprise)" You're expecting... At least not yet.
Oh no no no.
This is a "This Wish (Villain Reprise)"
For you see, initially I was gonna just narrate "And then they drained Aster's power and Asha got to the top of the tower" yada yada yada but that just felt WAY TOO LAME. Like, we've been building up to this for so long and all I give you guys is words? Nah man, we need a song.
Based on the AMAZING song by Lydia The Bard "Asha's Villain Song", I tweaked some of the lyrics to fit with the context of my rewrite. So of course, go give the original song a listen if you haven't yet!
And without further ado... Here's what happens next.
Isn't truth supposed to set you free? Why do you all seem so weighted down by it? So long having to play pretend Deceiving you had us entertained Yes, but now’s time for the main event
(Magnifico begins to sing, looking down on the people all knelling down, with no dreams, no hope, and no escape. He sarcastically asks them why are they so sad, if all he did was show them the truth. He smiles wickedly, admitting that the years of lying were fun, but now it's time for them to move on to a new chapter. As he sings the last line he turns around and starts walking towards Aster while swinging his staff around.)
See, when I speak they all bow down But what we want Is our ha-ppi-ly EVER after
(He now sings to Aster, who still has their face being held by the evil queen. To emphasize his point, when he sings "Bow down" he hits his staff on the floor, making Aster's restraints pull him even more to the ground, thus bowing down to him. The star looks up angrily. The king just smiles menacingly as he explains what he and his queen are after... To spend eternity together.)
You say they're made of stars But we know I’m so much more than that And we’re done shinning now, so our new vow, no matter how We're gonna burn
(He snaps his fingers and summons his magic book that has information about wishing stars, he sings as the pages flip, looking more and more deranged with every verse. Until he reaches the page he was looking for, his voice is more calm and his grin grows at the line "We're gonna burn". And we see in the book the illustration of a wizard stealing the power of a star, with symbols and words in a mysterious language written all over the pages.)
So the girl trusted a wish upon thee?  Hoping you could be her little guide? If this light you shine is what will free us finally Let us be the ones to cross that line
(Amaya now sings to Aster, walking around him, her voice is melodic, and she's drawing out the word "Guide" while pulling the star's flowing hair to make them look at her. Aster does so, with a face of both fear and anger mixed together, but mostly fear. She sings the third line looking at him with a vicious smile. And once she sings the last line, she let's go of Aster's hair, and walks to be next to her husband, who has been mumbling some words in latin while she was singing, preparing the spell to absorb the star's power. The words he mumbled while she sang were "Stella lux, stella clara. Ultima stella hac nocte video. Dolere te licet. Clama ut. Sed lux tua mea hac nocte est."... And the spell is ready, his staff glows brighter. The spell is ready.)
So I make this wish To have so much more for us than So I make this wish To have so much more for us Than this!
(Magnifico points his staff towards Aster, grinning ear to ear. But before he casts the spell he waits for his queen to also hold the staff with him, so they can share the star's power together. And so she does, also holding the king's hand, she sings the same lyrics he just sang, as if to follow his lead. Now they're both side by side pointing the magic staff to Aster. They sing the last line in unison.
It begins.)
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(ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS MASTERPIECE made by @gracebethartacc of what’s happening in this scene! With the designs created by @uva124 ! Thank you so much for you both for helping bring these characters to life!)
So much more than this So much more than this So much more than this
(A hand made of green light, similar from the ones Ursula created in "Poor Unfortunate Souls" comes out of the green gem, and makes its way to Aster quickly as the music ascends. The hand hits its target, Aster's heart, or at least where it would be if he had one. The king and queen sing together, while Aster screams in pain, as he feels not only his magic but his very being being drained away. With each line Magnifico and Amable sing, we see that their transformation starting to take hold, as swirly glowing lines begin to form on their skin, like Aster's magic is coursing through their veins. The couple couldn't be smiling wider.)
My bloodline brought expectations Tried to follow all their rules, did what I had to do And now I feel that it's quite overdue For me to have this power to use and abuse
(Magnifico looks at his own hand that isn't holding the staff, seeing it change, his fingertips start to glow, and this glow slowly spreads to the rest of his hand. He recollects in the first 2 verses how in his younger days he tried so hard to conform to what was expected of him, to be part of this long lineage of Rosas kings, but nothing he did was good enough, he wasn't worthy... So he took matters into his own hands, "Doing what he had to do" to become the king he deserved to be. As he sings the third line, he uses his glowing hand to slick his hair back narcissistically, his eyes are closed while he does so, and once his hand lets go of his hair, we see that now his hair is also glowing yellow, and it begins to move, flowing like a flame, just like Aster's. Once the king sings the line "And Abuse" he opens his eyes smiling maniacally, and his eyes have no pupils, just two empty orbs shining brightly like two suns.)
Shouldn't have dared to fight royalty No point begging, no point wishing Now we’re the stars in the sky that you are pleading The very night sky sanctified, blazing inferno sat on high Two super novas here to burn and smite
(Amaya is singing with more intensity and sounding even more deranged than her husband, as this is the first time the witch has magic flowing into her system all at once, while Magnifico is fairly used to it. We see that her eyes are already glowing completely like Magnifico's, and her hair starts to glow, and as it does, her braid undoes itself, and the withered roses in her hair burn down into nothing (Amaya's hair has roses on it in this rewrite btw, check @uva124 design for Amaya here!). Once her loooooooong hair is loose, it starts flowing up and down, just like Eris from Sinbad (Dreamworks movie reference for once lmao) And the glow keeps spreading to her whole body, and to Magnifico's too. As she sings the third line, the couple look at each other and begin to dance their own waltz together, floating in the air just like how Asha and Aster did when they sang "At All Cost". Aster's powers are still being drained, and he looks weaker and weaker by the second, we focus on the star looking like he's about to pass out as his glow is fading more and more... Then we fade to black, and cut to someone else.)
So I made this wish… To have something more for us than this… So I made this wish
(We see Asha making her way to the top of the castle, her face is worried, she sees a light coming from the top of the tower. She sings, her heart filled with so many conflicting emotions: Fear but also determination, anger but also hope, Hate but also love. All she can do is run on the stairs she's drawing for herself, and sing her heart out, hoping that maybe Aster can hear her just as he did when she sang this song for the first time... And he does hear her."
This wish This wish THIS WISH
(We focus back on Aster, we hear both him and Asha singing together, but as the star opens his eyes, he knows Asha is alive, so there's still hope, as long as she lives she can make her wish come true, Aster has no doubt about that. The star raises his head to look at the royals laughing in front of him, and he uses his last remaining strength to sing, because he's not going out without a fight... Though Aster can't fight... But he can make them listen.)—--------------------------------------------------- So I make this wish! We make this wish! For you to face your destiny! So I make this wish! To have so much more than this!
Is this really what you believe? That my power will set you free? You wish to be powerful But what you want is not what you need You see, I've been weak before I won't be that anymore I'd give anything to stop History repeating —---------------------------------------------------
(Aster and the royal couple sing all at the same time. The couple still dances and sings on the air, with their bodies becoming more and more bright, ignoring what Aster is telling them. While Aster looks weak with strands of hair falling on his face, tears running down from his eyes, and most importantly... His body is vanishing, leaving behind just the outline of his 2D body, as if he's becoming transparent. But Aster doesn't care about what's happening with his body, all he wants is to reach out to their senses, asking them if they really think they'll be satisfied, the star tries desperately to make them see they're making a mistake. He tells them how he was once been as a weak star, the smallest one in the sky, but he "won't be that anymore". When he sings the line "everything to stop history repeating" we get a glimpse of Magnifico's book on the floor, we see a page showing a human with bright yellow skin, causing havoc in a village.)
Magnus, understand You are just a man! Amaya, mortality Cannot be defied! Yes! My magic’s bright... But it'll be your demise... You'll suffer for your crimes... *GASP*
(Magnus and Amaya aren't singing anymore, just screaming at the star angrily. They're now completely made of light, except for their chests, that have dark circles that swirl like a whirlpools... Black holes.
They yell about how Asha should've just followed their rules, and how Aster should've just accepted his fate, but they didn't, and we focus on Magnifico's still visible scar and Amaya's also still visible white hair streak as they sing "YOU TWO CROSSED THE LINE"
Aster calls them by their names, trying to reach out for some glimpse humanity still left inside, make them see that trying to defy fate will only destroy them. Yes, Aster hates them, and he's trying to make them see this much more because he worries for everyone else's safety, but even then, the star is also compassionate enough to want to save them from themselves. But trying to reach out to them proves to be like talking to a wall.
They're singing the last lines, Aster looks weaker than ever, now he's just a sketch with no color, transparent, with a faint light flickering on his chest, he feels they're about to absorb him completely, there'll be nothing of him left... He'll die. But he still keeps on singing, even though he lacks the strength hold his head high to look at them floating above, the star lowers their head and sees-)
She reached the top.
She's pointing her wand at the couple floating above her, and when they're on the last note of the song-
She attacks.
With her wand, she quickly scribbled what looks like a fireball, and with her face burning with rage she launched it at them.
That caught them off guard, making Magnifico stop the spell.
However... it gave them no damage.
Aster gasps, both in surprise for seeing Asha and also in relief that the spell finally stopped draining him, one second before he was fully taken away...
"ASTER!" Asha screams while running to him, ignoring the two floating and glowing figures above her, she can deal with them later, all she needs is to know if Aster is alright. She kneels down and holds them, or at least what's left of them. The star is laying on the floor, he's no longer chained down, Magnifico knows there's no need for that anymore "I'M HERE! I made it! Come on, please! Can you hear me?!" She asks desperately with tears running down her face, worried beyond words.
She sees the fading light on his chest, like a flame about to burn out.
It's like they took 99% of Aster's magic, and now what Asha sees in front of her is just an 1% of himself, just fighting to keep his human shape.
And his shape is just a sketch that keeps appearing and disappearing, like an unfinished storyboard.
Like this, note how Mickey ears disappear and his face too, yeah, it’s like Aster’s details are fading in and out, disappearing and reappearing like he’s fighting to keep existing:
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But even then, even with him feeling weaker than he could ever imagine... Aster smiles at her "I- I heard y-yo-o-u..." Aster stutters quietly as he keeps flickering away, the star can barely move, but he still manages to raise a hand to hold her face, she hold his hand back "Th-thank y-ou fo-or savi-ng m-e" He says weakly, his voice barely a whisper.
"OH-HohOHhoH I WoUlDN't CaLl tHaT "SaVInG", LiTtlE oNe! HahHAhahHaAAHA"
Magnifico's voice comes from behind Asha, it echoes through the air, sounding distorted and unhinged.
"HihIhAAHAhaAhAha! iN FaCt! iT SeEMs thAt THeRe'S NoTHiNg lEfT oF hiM FoR yOu tO SaVE aT aLL, mY DeAr! YoU'rE tOo LaTE!"
Now it's the queen's voice, sounding just as maniacal as her husband.
(Ya know, I was gonna use ThiS eFFeCT on their voices the whole time, buuuut I think I'll leave it just for these two first lines since they're getting used to the power of a star inside them. If I used it too much I might give myself and ya'll a migraine.
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Also, best way I can describe their look right now is like that girl from Paranorman, but instead of lighting coming from them it’s star dust, plus Eris flowing hair in Amaya’s case, plus they have dark black holes on their chests, the black holes idea actually came to me recently thanks to a comment from @gracebeth3604 soo thanks moot ;))
Asha hasn't turned to look around, but she can see their light coming from behind her, she’s casting a huge shadow, They're so bright and so close to her it's almost like the night just turned into day.
She holds what remains of Aster close to her, she doesn't know what to do but no matter what she's not letting go of him. Aster is too weak to do anything.
The two royals just laugh at her. Magnifico floats to be in front and face to face with the girl, his cape floating in the air with star dust flowing out of it, exactly like Aster's cape did before.
"Sooooo glad you could join us though! After all, what better way to start using your precious wishing star's power than-"
He raises his hand to use his power on her. Knowing that unlike Aster, he can do a lot more damage than some tickles.
Asha just holds Aster closer and braces herself for it.
"Putting you out of your misery haHAAHahah"
He says sinisterly as he goes for the kill-
The queen holds his arm.
"Now now my sun, why on earth would you do that?"
Both Asha and Magnifico are surprised by Amaya's intervention. The king looks at his wife and just goes
Amaya floats gracefully pulling her husband away, her cape and dress also have star dust flowing from under it, and her hair floats as if it's under water.
"You said it yourself silly! You wanted to give them a fate worse than death. Is there a fate worse than watching as your loved one slowly perish?"
She says referring to a line Magnifico said in chapter 12. Magnifico understands what his wife means now, and he couldn't agree more.
" Wise as always, my moonlight” He praises her passionately before turning back to the two teens “We'll leave you two love birds to it, got a whole kingdom to remodel and a few new powers to play with, ya know how it is. So ENJOY the show, Asha! None of it would be possible without you!"
They give Asha an almost cheshire cat like smile before leaving them to grieve.
Asha looks to them, with horror and sorrow in her eyes, she has no idea on what to do. The two royals fly away laughing, leaving the girl and the half dead star alone on the top of the tower, and begin to play around with their powers.
(I'mma describe how they're playing around in a sec but now I NEED to focus on Asha and Aster or I'll explode.)
Asha looks at the star in her arms, with every second it looks like he's about to disappear completely. Now that the two villains aren't there anymore... She stops holding it in, she begins to weep.
"*sob* I... I'm sorry Aster, I did everything I could but... We lost." Her tears fall and go right through Aster, now that he's transparent, but the star can feel himself go ever weaker as Asha starts losing hope "... No matter what I did, or how much I tried... I couldn't give Rosas more than... This." She looks behind her shoulder, seeing the two now power crazed monarchs using their magic to change their kingdom to their liking.
Aster holds her face and makes her look back to him "... don-don't sa-y tha-t... y-you're still here... as long a-as y-you're here then there's still a chance" Aster smiles at her with exhausted eyes, caressing her face "And I-I'll be with y-you... I promise."
"But what am I supposed to do? My magic is useless against them- Everyone in Rosas had their wishes broken I- THIS is impossible!" She shouts, now with more tears rolling down her face
Aster lets out a weak chuckle "heh ehhehe yeah... but you showed me it's kind of fun to do the impossible..."
(Aster, you're dying, this is no time to quote Walt Disney)
Asha is still crying but she can't help but smile a little at how the star still manages to be hopeful in this situation "You really think there's still something we can do?"
"not we... you" The star responds weakly, his light becoming even dimmer
"M-me?" Asha tries holding Aster's hand and notices it has completely disappeared... He's fading away. She looks desperate at him "No nononono please! There's gotta be a way I can save you!"
"I'm not going anywhere, not until your wish's granted" he explains "Like I said... I promise I'll be with you... Even if you can't see me..." Aster still smiles serenely at her while their hand drawn body is slowly fading away, leaving behind just a flickering light on his chest.
"I- I don't understand... How can I grant that wish now?" She asks her wishing star.
And the star answered:
"Inspire them."
Asha's eyes widen "What?... Aster, this isn't like before, and even if it was... They can't listen to me, they lost their wishes."
"Then give them a new one." The fading star puts it simply
Asha doesn't understand what Aster means, she just gets more and more distressed as he keeps fading away.
Aster realizes he doesn't have much time left, so he better be quick.
"I know this doesn't make much sense now... But you'll know what to do... *sigh* See ya after you win, okay?... I love you." Aster's face starts to fade away and-
Asha's heart sank like a stone falling on water.
Aster's body was gone... All that was left was a flickering light on her hands.
She looked at that light, more tears fell on her hands...
"... I love you too." She holds the light close to her heart, as more of her tears fall on the floor.
... And suddenly...
The light began to move on its own.
Flying away from Asha's hands, it begins to spin around her.
Asha is surprised by that, she get's up to see what the tiny star is doing.
Once she's standing up, the light flies from the bottom or her dress, to the top in circles, leaving a trail of star dust that transforms her dress.
(Cinderella transformation reference of course)
The music swel ls as Asha's dress magically morphs into a gorgeous princess gown:
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(THANK YOU SO MUCH @salmonpiffy FOR LETTING ME USE YOUR GODLIKE ART PIECE IN THIS REWRITE! I had this plot point of Asha getting a princess dress planned for a WHILE, and this drawing it was simply exactly what I envisioned! If you haven't yet, go like and share the original post here!)
Asha is stunned by the transformation, she looks at the flickering star, about to ask it what this is all about, but before she can ask anything-
The small star flies into her heart, making a big glowing star show on her chest.
Asha closed her eyes... And once she opens them, we see her pupils are now swirling like a galaxy.
... Asha understands what Aster meant now.
"... I get it now, you're with me, even if I can't see you." She places a hand on her heart... She can feel that little bit of Aster is inside her... A few tears still roll from her eyes, she knows what to do, but there's no way of knowing if it'll actually work.
"... I'll try..." She tells that both to herself and for her star, as that's all she can do.
She get's her magic wand, and walks to the edge of the tower.
She looks to the kingdom bellow.
The king and queen are making giant thorny vines, grow all over the kingdom, terraforming it to their delight.
Buildings collapse, being crushed by the rose like vines. It's like they're destroying everything only for the fun of it, or so they turn it all into a blank slate only to start it over again.
But thankfully, they're flying far away from where everyone's gathered... So at least they won't see her like this just yet.
She jumps from the tower, even though her magic isn't a lot, she can still float down slowly.
And once she lands down, the first people she sees in the middle of the crowd are her 7 friends and Valentino. Simon kneeling down, not responding to the other six teens trying to wake him up, most of them crying, hopeless and defeated.
“Maaaa!” Valentino bleats out once he sees her.
They all stop what they were doing once they see Asha approach them, wearing a princess dress and shinning like a star. They stare at her in disbelief.
"Asha?" Dahlia says quietly
Asha looks to them, and all the other people down on their knees... She sees something else...
Now that she has a little bit of Aster's magic, she has his eyes, she has the power to see people's stars... Her friends and the other people younger than 18 still have their stars shinning, while all the people who had their wishes broken have their stars so dim that it's almost like they're not even there... But they are still there, weak, but she can still re-candle them
So... Asha follows what Aster suggested, and tries to inspire them.
She begins to sing.
And NOW we get the song This Wish (Reprise) you were expecting. Tho, in this rewrite we'll call it "This Wish (Kingdom Reprise)" for reasons you'll know in the final chapter... Which is the next one, not this one :)
So without further ado:
This Wish (Kingdom Reprise)
So I look out at the stars just like me And I’m begging you to see this as a sign ’Cause I know that if you choose to stand beside me
(Asha begins to sing to everyone around her, her voice shaking with sorrow and tears still falling from her eyes. She hears the sound of buildings nearby crumbling, it's the king and queen using their powers to destroy just for the fun of it. The sound makes her stop singing for a moment... But also makes her more determined to keep going. She dries her tears while singing the last line... She looks around, and the stars of the people around her still look weak... But Dahlia's star is as bright as ever when she sings)
We’ll be greater than all their magic combined So I make this wish So I make this wish So I make this wish So I make this wish To have something more for us than THIS
(Dahlia is looking up to the royals above them when she begins to sing, trusting her best friend wholeheartedly, she looks at her with a smile and makes a wish. Asha sees Dahlia's star shining brighter... And she also feels something changing, she feels herself growing stronger. A smile begins to form on the corner of Asha's lips. Then, Hal and Bazeema join in, they both stand up and sing along with Dahlia. Gabo and Safi join in, with Dario signing the lyrics with his hands. All six of them are singing together, Asha smiles brightly seeing them still hold on to hope with her, their stars all shinning brighter and brighter... But then, she realizes someone else's star is beginning to shine shining brighter... Simon was on his knees with his head down, and he began to sing the last line along with them, the others look back when they hear him, and once they get to sing "THIS" Simon raises his head, smiling at Asha with his hope fully restored, and Asha can see that in his star shinning brighter than ever. The music swells, and so does Asha's heart, she knows now that YES, they can save everyone else. Her friends hug Simon, happy to see he's back to normal, but just like Asha, they know what to do now, and they all waste no time.)
We’ve had generations of expectations Wondering why, wondering when We’re past dipping our toes in We know it’s do or die, it’s sink or swim
(We see the 7 teens walk around the people, encouraging the younger people who are still awake to sing along, combining their hopes in this wish. And as more people with broken wishes hear them, the more of them start to rise up, as if they had nothing to fight for before, but now they do, and with their heads raised up high, they look to the king and queen flying above them... And said king and queen finally notice the "noise" coming from bellow them. They weren't looking at the people until now, to them the people are nothing but little ants. They look down confused but also amused at how those insects still think they have a chance.)
We were all confusing your promises for protection But we know what we’ve gotta do Hope unchanging, with our wish held high The way you’ve always taught us to
(The people keep singing, more and more stars are lighting up on their hearts, just like Asha, the king and queen can also see the people's stars, for they too have Aster's eyes now. But the king has had enough of this little "final stand" of theirs, and he points his staff to them.
The people stop singing, their eyes widen in shock, for they see the king charging a huge blast of magic at them, ready to wipe them all out like they're nothing.
The blast shots out of his staff.
We hear it hit, and all of Rosas is engulfed in green smoke upon the impact. The king and queen just smirk at that, after all, who needs a kingdom when they can have the whole world?
But then the smoke begins to clear.
The villain's smiles fade into faces of shock.
“What…?” Magnifico mouths, not believing what he hears)
So I look out at the stars just like me And I know that just like them I shine
(The couple is baffled not only by what they hear, but mostly by what they see...
A shield.
A gigantic, circular, glowing, purple, hand drawn shield. It protects all the people bellow. The shield has the Rosas emblem drawn on it, that’s Asha’s way of showing that the symbol doesn’t represent the royals, it represents Rosas, and they’re taking their symbol and their kingdom back.)
What we do in this moment is defining And we can take it on if we ally
(We see Asha raising her wand to the sky, the shield she manifested begins to disappear, but she remains with a daring smile, for they don't need to defend anymore, she's ready to attack and finish this once and for all. She begins to soar, wind blowing on her hair as she flies towards Magnifico and Amaya. She feels even more of Aster's magic flow through her, and even though it's only a little bit of his magic, she feels she might be as powerful as an actual star, because, unlike the royals, she has ALL of Rosas believing in her, and that gives her more strength than they could even fathom.)
So I make this wish
(When she sings "Soooo" Asha begins to fly as fast as a shooting star, darting and spinning through the air, leaving trails of star dust around the two very angry and lost glowing figures. Once she sings the word "Wish" she stops, now flying upside down right in front of the royals, she looks in the king's angry eyes with a huge confident smile, much like Aster did with her on the night they met.)
To give us freedom, hope and bliss
(We get a shot of the people bellow, everyone is awake with their stars shinning brightly, they cheer for Asha, all of them placing their hopes on her, and in turn making her magic even stronger.)
So I make this wish To have something more for us than THIS
(Asha flies to be just above the two royals, Magnifico points his staff at her to attack, but it's no use, for Asha is already drawing something with her wand.
A sword.
She grabs it in the air, looking down at them fiercely as she raises her sword to give the final blow.
Amaya is hugging her husband tightly, she's horrified. Magnus can't get his magic to work... Because star's magic rely on people's hopes and belief, and right now, no one believes in them.
As Asha sings the last line with all her heart, hopes and magic flowing through her-
Hitting Magnifico's staff, the moment she sings "THIS".
"NO- NOOOOO!!!" Magnifico yells in despair.
The gem CRACKS.
And once it finally BREAKS, all the magic that Magnifico absorbed is freed, both from the wishes of Rosas... And from Aster.)
A HUGE explosion like a firework fills the night sky.
And slowly... All the wishes begin to rain down on the people of Rosas, each one floating to their individual owners.
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None of the bubbles are green, they're all blue. With the source of Magnifico's magic destroyed, all the curses he created have been lifted.
We see the citizens of Rosas holding their wishes and admiring them before placing them inside their chests, joy and relief washing over them.
We see a few citizens say "My wish!" "I'm going to make it happen." "I just can't wait to get started!" As they hold their wishes, they're all excited to make their dreams come true.
But among the citizens we also see Asha's friends, all of them looking up, worried for Asha, that was a pretty big explosion after all.
"Look!" Hal points upward.
They see Asha floating around. Still wearing her princess gown and holding her wand.
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As she flies down along with the wishes, she smiles and admires a few of them close to her, seeing how beautiful and alive they are. She giggles unable to contain how happy she feels.
And when she starts giggling, she hears a familiar laugh from behind her.
She turns around, and she sees specks of star dust that were floating in the air start to join together, forming a clump of star dust trying to take shape.
Asha smiles brightly, already knowing who that is.
The star dust begins to take the teenaged prince shape she knows so well. But there's still one piece missing for them to fully reform.
Asha knows that, and she gladly gives the final piece.
She places a hand on her chest and takes out the little spark of light that was left of Aster, the little spark that gave her all the magic she needed to win.
Once she takes out the spark, her magic dress and sparkles on her hair all go into it, her magic is now gone.
And so, Asha begins to fall.
She’s free falling for a moment, but she knows there's nothing to fear, after all-
Aster, now fully back to his original form and laughing gleefully, catches her.
"HAHA YOU DID IT!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD! HHAHAHA YEEAH" The star spins and flies around with her in his arms.
Asha laughs as well, holding the star tightly with tears in her eyes "WE did it! Hahaaha aah" Aster stops spinning and they look at each other while still floating down together "You really were with me the whole time." She says with her eyes gleaming.
Aster smiles warmly "Well yeah, wouldn't wanna break rule number 1 again heheh" He jokes referring to the rules Asha established when they went to the kingdom together for the first time "Stay close to her at all times". The two of them are floating down, looking into eachothers eyes as Aster says with certainty "But really... I barely did anything, that was all YOU." He says with admiration.
Asha smiles but corrects him with a cheekily tone "Heh heh I guess, but I only knew what to do because I had the guidance of an amazing wishing star" she boops his nose, and Aster's starry freckles sparkle and his smile widens "So I'd say WE did it hihihi" she giggles, knowing she won the "argument"
Aster sighs as they reach the ground "Yeah, I really did get a lot better at this whole guiding thing... Thanks to YOU." Aster winks playfully.
Asha just laughs at that and hugs him"... I thought I'd never see you again." She sighs in relief while feeling his warmth.
Aster's smile falters a little and his eyes show a hint of sadness, knowing that she indeed won't see him again.
"... About that... Asha, I need to tell y-"
"GROUP HUG!!!" Dahlia screams
Asha and Aster feel themselves being embraced by Asha's friends. All of them laughing in relief.
"That was AMAZING!" Hal exclaims jumping up and down while they hug.
"You really did it! They're gone for good!" Dahlia exclaims hugging her best friend.
They all celebrate and cheer while they hug, but they hear a strangers voice:
"Umm excuse me..." A random citizen of Rosas, a bit younger than Asha chimes in, they stop the hug to look at him and he proceeds "I wouldn't say that yet. You might wanna take a look at this, miss" He speaks directly to Asha while pointing to the other side of the plaza.
Asha's eyebrows raise in confusion.
We cut to the king and queen laying on the floor...
Magnus groans in pain.
(NOW I know ya'll just read that and thought:
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“WHAT?! “Groans in pain”?!? He’s supposed to be dead!!!” And yes, I hear you, I agree, BUT HEAR ME OUT! LET ME COOK! YOU'VE WAITED 16 CHAPTERS YOU CAN WAIT A FEW MORE LINES!!! IM GETTING THERE!! IN A MINUTE!!... Anyway back to the story.)
The man places a hand on his forehead as he sits up and looks around in confusion... The confusion turns into shock once he realizes his skin no longer glows...
And there are MANY angry eyes staring down at him, from the crowd of Rosas citizens.
The night sky is turning orange as the sun rises.
Magnus breathes heavily while looking at the crowd, his eyes darting at every direction like he's processing what should be his next move.
But his thoughts all but vanish when he hears his wife yelp in pain a few steps away from him
"AMAYA!" He get's up and rushes to her aid.
She looks at him in despair, not understanding how could this happen, and as the king help her get up he has the same distress in his eyes.
They had won, they had everything they wanted, so how did they lose it all so quickly?... How did she do it?
They find there's no time to ponder on this, as some guards begin approaching from the crowd.
Magnifico almost instinctively spouts out the first lie that comes in his head to get them out of this "W- wait WAIT ha-hah my people, please thi-this is nothing but a terrible misunderstanding! Tha-that wasn't US! Y-you see, we we're- uuh- POSSESSED! Yes- by dark magic from my book of spells!" He clumsily comes up with the very obvious lie.
(hihihihehheehehahaheahhaeahHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH AAAH- we do have fun here, don't we?)
The people are all still staring angrily at them, the king knows he's not fooling anyone, but without magic, deception is his only way to protect the wife he's holding in his arms, so he continues "Bu-but it's all good now!- heh he- So no need to get-"
"No one believes your lies anymore." Asha's voice comes from behind them. The couple turns around and sees Asha and Aster are holding hands.
Aster glares at them angrily, as one would after being killed and then used to cause so much destruction to a whole kingdom.
Asha meanwhile doesn't looks angry, nor sad, nor happy, she's just calmly stating a fact as she proceeds "It's over, you hold no power over anyone here."
The villains scared faces slowly morph into rage when they see the two teens, Amaya let's go of her beloved's arms and asks with her voice almost a screech "HOW DID YOU DO IT?! HUH?! What kind of sorcery was that?! We had all of the star's power and you had nothing but a smidge!"
Asha almost ignores the woman, as she turns her attention to look around at all the people surrounding them, they all also seem kinda curious to know how she did it.
Asha begins smiling while looking at them, and she explains "True, I only had a little bit of magic, but it was more than enough, cause' I had the whoooole kingdom believing in me." Asha looks at Aster now with a warm smile, and the star looks back to her smiling too "And a wishing star's magic can only go as far as how much they're believed in."
Magnus rolls his eyes at that and groans in annoyance. He hates to admit it, but the girl is right, he shouldn't have left a single fraction of the boy left, that's what he get's for showing mercy... He lost.
But the man always believed the winner is the one who laughs last. He holds his forehead as he begins to chuckle "Hehehahahaah aaah I gotta hand it to you, Asha, you really never cease to surprise. So! What happens now, hm?" He asks with a sarcastic smile, trying to look like the one in control of the situation even though everyone is against him "Will it be the classic beheading ooooor burn us at the stake like witches? Please, do get creative, I wouldn't want my death to be something generic."
"OH I assure you it won't, your "highness"" Aster chimes in with a smile that looks like his usual innocent self but his tone shows he's actually planning something very much not innocent at all "Cause' you see, I just had the BEST idea of what to do with the two of you" The star tilts his head to the side... Magnus looks like he instantly regrets saying anything "Though, let me just sort it out with my wish maker first, excuse us for a sec." Asha is looking at Aster very confused as he starts whispering something in her ear.
Asha hears what he has to say curiously and she quickly gasps in surprise "Wait- You can do that??" She asks him shocked
... The evil couple doesn’t see that as a good sign...
"Hehehe usually? Nope!" He admits to Asha gleefully, then he turns to the villains in front of them "But right now, I can feel AAAAAALL the people of Rosas wishing for one thing... For you both to face consequences. With so many people wanting the same thing with all their hearts, hehehe well, let's just say my magic becomes strong enough for me to get pretty creative with what I can do." Aster crosses his arms and walks closer to the taller man, he could float to be taller than him but he sees no need "We wishing starts do believe anyone deserves to have their wish come true though, no matter who they are. So guess what Mag, I'm granting your wish too!" The star says with a smug.
That got a few questioning glances from the crowd
"... W-what?" That caught the man off guard.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Amaya asks worriedly, now walking closer to her husband again.
"Oh you'll see... That is, if you agree." Aster turns to Asha, after all, this is all her wish, so she should get to decide how it comes true.
Asha ponders for a moment with a hand on her chin, she looks around her people all waiting for her to make a choice... She smiles at Aster as she makes her decision "Yeah, I think that sounds fitting for them, do it."
"What sound fitting?! What are you two brats blabbering about???" Magnus just holds his wife closely to him like he wants to protect her from whatever these two are planning.
Aster turns to them with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, preparing to “grant their wish”. The star moves his arms in circles, creating a mass of magic glowing dust.
The two royals brace themselves for the worst, hugging each other tightly.
Aster throws the dust at them and...
Nothing happens.
The couple looks at one another to see if anything changed, then pass their hands over their own faces and bodies to see if anything's different... Nothing
Aster is still smiling at them confidently though, with his arms crossed.
Magnus just assumes whatever the star tried to do didn't work, he throws his head back as he laughs "HA! I don't know why I was worried! You can't even hurt anyone!" The king says with a grin, Aster just raises one eyebrow while smiling, he's looking down at the man's feet as he starts to walk towards the star "Just a pathetic little star who can't grant a single wi-"
He only took two steps, but he stops walking suddenly once he realizes... His feet are REALLY heavy right now.
Magnifico looks down and...
His shoes are now made of stone... And it's spreading to his legs.
"Sorry, sometimes magic just takes a bit of time to take effect, I can try to speed up the process if you'd like" Aster comments casually while holding hands with Asha again
"Wh-what is th-"
"My- My love" Amaya says from behind him, her voice shaking in fear.
He turns to her and sees that the skirt of Amaya's dress is now half made of stone, she cannot move.
The people of Rosas look surprised, but not sympathizing with the ex royals one bit, some smile, agreeing with what Asha said, this really is fitting.
"You two did always like statues made in your image, right? It's only fair you two get turned into one of them" Asha comments. Smiling like she's watching something very satisfying.
The magic keeps spreading up and the man looks not just terrified but mostly furious at the star "Th-THIS IS A TRICK! You CAN'T use your magic to take away humans lives!" He yells at Aster, knowing this from his book about wishing stars.
"And who said you two will die? You just won't be able to move anymore." Aster corrects him.
That made a chill run down their spines.
And the star continues:
"You two wished you could live together FOREVER, didn't you? Welp, there you have it!"
The queen looks in the verge of tears as she exclaims "T-this isn't what we wished for at all!"
"A taste of your own medicine, that’s how it feels like to have your wish twisted into a curse." Asha says, her eyes following the curse spread, as now their lower halves are completely frozen, Magnus is two feet away from Amaya, he's in front of her because he tried walking to talk to Aster, but the woman is holding his hand. Asha thinks to herself that's definitely a good pose for them, showing Magnifico turned away from his love just to show some sense of superiority. She keeps that to herself though, and just adds "This way, you'll be frozen but still able to see Rosas thrive, and the people prosper... Without you." Her voice is determined.
The villains eyes are wide. Amaya is holding onto her beloved's arm, but he's not facing her... If this really is how it ends she wants to at least be looking at him as they go, she urges him to turn to her, holding his arm tightly.
But Magnifico can't bring himself to notice... Taken by his own delusion, all he says is this:
"... HeheheHAHAHAHA! PROSPER??? Who? These people?!" He shouts pointing at the people around them "These WORTHLESS little peasants don't know how to LIVE without me!!" He's looking at the people around, the pupils in his eyes are small like he's consumed by rage "NONE OF YOU EVER ACHIEVED ANYTHING ON YOUR OWN! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING! I MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE! YOU NEED ME!"
Those words echo for a moment... But someone from the crowd breaks the silence:
"But we can achieve a lot on our own, especially without you pushing us down." Says an elderly citizen with a serious face.
The man turns to him, ready to spout out something else but he's interrupted by another voice
"And you never gave us anything, you only took away from us years of memories we could've builded together." Said a woman holding a baby in her arms and a child is next to her, most likely a mother whose cursed wish made her spend more time away from her kids.
Magnifico looks less angry and more in despair as his lower torso is fully turned into stone.
"And you didn't make us who we are... You made us into what YOU wanted us to be." Who says that is a familiar face, Dahlia's mom, standing next to her daughter, Dahlia smiles at her proudly.
Amaya is still quietly urging him to look her way with tears running down her face. Her chest begins to be turned into stone. She's almost fully frozen Magnifico doesn't look back to her... She's sobbing and he doesn't listen.
(Man, if you think this hits hard now, just you wait till I share Amaya's backstory later, you're in for a ride.)
"And no one needs you. We never did." Asha states looking at the fallen king in the eyes. And the whole kingdom agrees with her.
Magnifico feels his chest turn into stone, and a sharp pain course through him, not from the star's magic... But a pain from his own past.
He still hides it well as he says "Th-that's where you're wrong, right, mi vida-" He finally does look back to his wife and-
She's fully turned into stone now.
Magnus feels his neck now turning into stone, and for the first time... He has nothing to say. He simply looks to his now petrified wife and accepts as his head is fully turned into stone.
... They're now nothing but statues...
The sun rises in Rosas as the people celebrate and cheer that their evil rulers are gone.
"ALRIGHT! Who's up for destroying them for good with a big hammer?!" Gabo screams at the cheering crowd with his hand raised.
Simon smiles as he raises his hand too, for the first time showing some support for his friend's rebellious ideas.
Asha feels her heart beating faster, she can't contain her happiness as she looks at Aster ready to give him a hug " Aster! I- I can't believe it! We did it! We're finally free-" She goes in to hug him but-
Her arms go right through him.
The people around them are still celebrating but Asha feels the world around them slow down and become blurry once she realizes...
Aster is disappearing again. His star dust begins floating to the sky.
But the star just keeps smiling, happy for her and for everyone else "Yeah, you did it. They're free, and they have hope, and bliss... Just like you wished for."
"A- Aster-Wha- What's happening to you?" She tries to hold his hand but it's like they're just a ghost.
"... I gotta go now."
Chapter 17
Final Thoughts
Oh my gosh I'm still tearing up and I don't know if it's because of Asha and Aster, or Magnifico and Amaya, or because this journey that honestly changed me is coming to an end??? Or all of the above??? Maybe ya'll read all this and don't cry, but I'm literally losing it, I was building up to this moment for so long! And now it's here like... WOW!
THE ANSWER WAS "INSPIRE THEM"!!! The theme ties everything together is Sabino's wish! It's what Asha was doing the whole time! And Aster knew it, and guided her to do it! Proving he's a good wishing star! I'm so proud of them!!! My babies!!!
And it's so fitting to because this whole project is about how I was inspired by the concept arts, by Disney itself, to create this story, and it warms my heart everyday when people tell me they got inspired by this too. This is so special for me guys, I'm crying, damn.
Also I went back and forth on how I wanted Magnifico and Amaya's "Final pose" to be, first when I started developing the story I thought about having them argue and blame each other while their bodies are turned into stone, but like... That doesn't feel like them, then for the longest time I thought about having them both screaming at Asha, but I was like "... I can put them through more pain than that" so I thought about having Magnifico screaming at the crowd while he hugs Amaya crying... But that still wasn't quite right. So finally I settled for them not even hugging, and she's urging him to look at her, as a way to symbolize how their love was all that they needed, but they were so blinded by ambition that drove them apart, and in the end, they couldn't even say goodbye or comfort one another, because Magnifico was too busy trying to come out on top. To me, that's the most painful demise I could give them.
And I know what you're thinking "Damn Anny, but keeping them frozen and alive for eternity isn't a bit harsh? Like, too heavy for a kids movie?" I say NOPE! They deserve it, and besides, My Little Pony did this, they did this TO A CHILD CHARACTER even! If MLP can do it so can Disney, and from my memory we never had a villain turn into stone (There might be and I just don't remember, you tell me) so this would be a first, and I think that's more interesting than making their deaths a reference to the classic "Fall off a cliff" cliche.
Though heheehe Asha was totally considering pushing them off the tower, which would be hilarious cause Magnifico can fly with his staff, so he'd just come back like "Ummm rude! I was monologuing!"
So yeah... I think that's all I got to say... Oh and is two songs one after the other two much? Maybe it is, but eh, I had fun adapting "Asha's Villain Song". Do me a favor and look up "Jordan Fisher Hadestown If It's True" on youtube, that's how Aster sounds like in this song.
See you guys at THE END!
Thank You For Reading!
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anjels001 · 4 months
Secrets of Devildom: Pride Demons (Part 1)
Those who have read the theory of the 7 Og and the cycle of life (thank you @sparkbeast20 for the cooperation) know that there are many gaps in the annon, and many of the events that occurred in the annon are not explained, and/or left implicit without any context.
For those following these moments of theory, you may notice that I have been talking a lot about the demonic classes, their "history," and culture before, during, and after the fall of the brothers, focusing most of these moments on philosophical/mythological debates, pointing out plot points that few would see and understand.
Well, we have already talked about 6 of the seven sin classes, namely Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, and Envy.
In the shadowy corridors of Devildom, where envy boils and desire twists, there exists a sin that transcends all others—a sin that has spawned legends and shattered them equally. Sit back in your chairs and fasten your seatbelts because today...
….(insert supernatural intro)…
...we will talk about Pride
But before starting this moment of theory, I ask you, dear reader, to keep an open mind for this moment, and if you want to point out any flaws, or if I am forgetting something, remember that this is just a theoretical post. I won't be upset if you want to add something to this conversation; I just ask that you reblog and tag me so that we can exchange theories on the subject. As with all theories about demonic classes, I will start with the famous question: what do we know about Pride? Pride is a concept widely explored by philosophers throughout history and analyzed from different perspectives.
One of these perspectives describes pride as an excessive love for oneself, characterized by an individual who considers themselves self-sufficient and admires their works, wishing for others to share this same elevated view. Descartes, in his book “The Passions of the Soul,” considered pride a vice, arguing that those with an unjustified high opinion of themselves do not possess true generosity.
The views of famous philosophers on pride offer valuable insights. Socrates, for example, focused on human relationships and reflection on one's thinking. Cicero, on the other hand, warned about the dangers of excessive pride leading to arrogance, considering it one of the most unpleasant forms of human behavior.
Nietzsche, a 19th-century German philosopher, saw arrogance as a manifestation of resentment and weakness, questioning traditional morality and exploring human nature profoundly and provocatively. Therefore, these different philosophical perspectives enrich our understanding of pride and its impact on human life. In philosophy, the concept of arrogance is often addressed in the context of ethics and morality. Arrogance is associated with a morally reprehensible attitude of excessive pride, arrogance, and disrespect for others. This idea is frequently explored in philosophical and religious traditions.
Moral philosophy also examines how this attitude can influence human behavior, interpersonal relationships, and the pursuit of virtue. In many philosophical traditions, overcoming arrogance is seen as a path to moral and spiritual development. In the Christian tradition, arrogance is considered a cardinal sin and is associated with excessive presumption and elevated self-esteem that goes beyond the limits of humility. Psychology identifies two definitions of the types of pride: positive, known as self-esteem and self-confidence, and negative, called arrogance.
Proud people often face internal conflicts resulting from traumatic experiences or parental neglect. These experiences can lead to a desperate search for compensation for failures or negative behaviors, revealing the significant influence of the family environment on the formation of pride and its psychological repercussions. They exhibit signs of control and resistance to external help, demonstrating a reluctance to acknowledge their weaknesses or seek support from others, which evidences a tendency towards excessive control and self-imposed independence.
In the annals of demonology, Lucifer remains the quintessential embodiment of arrogance. His wings, once resplendent, now bear the weight of his disobedience. His eyes, once aflame with celestial fire, now burn with the remnants of rebellion. His fall from grace was not just a descent—it was a seismic rupture that shook the very foundations of existence. Pride is a valuable currency in Devildom. We observe that this emotion is a powerful engine for narrative and character development. Lucifer, as the Avatar of Pride, embodies the constant struggle between self-confidence and arrogance, between self-acceptance and self-alienation. This duality is visible not only in his actions but also in his interactions with other demons and with the humans who cross his path.
Lucifer’s psychology is marked by profound internal conflict. His celestial fall, resulting from his pride, created not only a physical separation from the divine but also an emotional and spiritual fracture. This traumatic event shaped his view of himself and the world around him, creating a cycle of self-affirmation and self-destruction. Pride, in this context, is not just a characteristic but an armor he uses to protect himself from his vulnerability.
Lucifer’s relationship with wrath is particularly intriguing. Pride, as the father of wrath, manifests whenever he feels his authority questioned or his dignity threatened. This exacerbated emotion reveals his deepest insecurities and his struggle to maintain control. Lucifer’s wrath is not just a reaction to frustration but a defense against the fear of being seen as weak or fallible. This dynamic between pride and wrath is a constant dance that defines his complex personality.
The concept of the "virus of pride," as mentioned by Pope Francis, is an apt metaphor to describe how this emotion can spread and infect all aspects of a person’s life. The mind and heart of someone "infected" end up being consumed by this emotion, distorting their perception of reality and leading them to make decisions with catastrophic consequences. Pride, in this sense, is both a destructive force and a reflection of the human desire to transcend one’s limits.
The exploration of pride in the canon of the game “Obey Me!” offers a unique view of how this emotion can be both a source of greatness and a trap. Lucifer, in his quest for redemption, represents the eternal struggle to balance self-confidence with humility. His journey is a reflection of what it means to be human, with all its weaknesses and strengths. Pride, ultimately, is a lens through which we can better understand the motivations and dilemmas that define our existence.
The relationship between pride and other sins, such as envy and lust, also deserves attention. In Devildom, these sins do not exist in isolation but interact in complex ways to create an intricate fabric of emotions and actions. Pride can fuel envy, leading to competition and conflict. Similarly, lust can be an expression of excessive pride, a search for validation through conquest. Understanding these interactions is essential to decipher the characters’ motivations and the power dynamics in Devildom.
It is no surprise that the circle of pride is considered the penultimate level, the first and last line of the tomb of kings, which I will explain in the next post. Comparing it with the other circles of hell, we will see that although it has less "territory," the circle of pride is considered the most luxurious and densely packed with magic than the others. The circle of pride is one of the main pillars, if not the main one, that keeps the structure of the whole kingdom intact. This realm has multiple space-time pockets that contain small kingdoms and fiefs that constantly conflict with each other due to their pride and instinct of superiority. It is there that much of the Devildom nobility lives and where the original Castle of the Demon King was founded before the prince decided to place an imitation on the surface to 'play with the lower castes.'
From the perspective of demonic history and tradition, including the brothers is quite controversial. These brothers lacked any ancestral lineage or demonic pedigree. To the noble demons, the brothers were seen as mere mongrels that their prince had picked up on a whim and would soon tire of and discard. Despite being named the Avatar of Pride and possessing the keys to the castle of the Lord of Pride, Lucifer's predecessor had not removed all the traps or imbued the castle with Lucifer's essence as the new lord. On paper, Lucifer was recognized as the Lord of Pride, but in practical terms, he lacked access to the deepest secrets held by the former lord. It took him thousands of years of struggle and hard work to achieve what he did, and even then, he did not possess all the necessary information. This also explains why the brothers lived in a haunted mansion on what was known as the "ground floor" of the demonic realm instead of a castle at its pinnacle.
Lucifer’s story is a warning about the dangers of excessive pride, like the myth of Icarus where Daedalus warns his son not to fly too close to the sun or too close to the waves of the sea, but also a celebration of resilience and the capacity to seek redemption. His fall is not just a punishment but an opportunity for reflection and growth. In “Obey Me!” we see how Lucifer navigates these turbulent waters, facing his demons while trying to guide and protect his brothers. His leadership, despite his flaws, is a testament to his strength and determination.
In the end, Lucifer’s journey leads us to question our attitudes towards pride. To what extent are we driven by healthy self-confidence, and when do we cross the line into arrogance? How can we balance our desire for personal achievement with the need to maintain humility and respect for others? These are questions we all face, and Lucifer’s story offers a powerful lens through which to examine them.
For those who want to know more about this specific series in this theoretical series, just search my page #Secrets of Devildom or go to Obey-me masterlist
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
weary head ; l lawliet (18+)
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kinktober day seven ; hair pulling
pairing ; l lawliet x gender neutral!reader
reader pronouns ; they/them/theirs
word count ; 1248
note ; minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
“My dear, you look like death,” they offered gently, leaning their side against the doorway as they watched their dear boyfriend work himself to the brink of exhaustion once again, “one can’t solve a case if they become a victim of it - you do know that, right?”
“I also can’t rest until we capture Kira,” he responded in turn, his voice, as it so often was, being monotone and is tone clinical - as though what he was saying was infallable, “it’s my job. I will not let him kill again; I can rest after I’m done.”
“Him?” A gentle yet intrigued prodding escaped them as they slowly made their way towards him and wrapped their arms around his shoulders. “You’ve narrowed it down to a demographic? You only got assigned to the case two days ago, love.”
“I’ve settled on an individual culprit, actually,” he teased warmly, turning his head to address them with a proud glint in his eye, “Yagami Light; a high school student and the son of a policeman - they’ll set up cameras for observation tomorrow when the house is empty.”
“That’s incredible!”
“That’s my job.”
They huffed at that and leaned down to press a chaste kiss against his lips before he quickly broke away to return his gaze to the computer screen in front of him. Being with the world’s greatest and most dedicated detective frequently posed unique challenges for their relationship, with his hyper focusing on ongoing cases being one such example.
Of course they admired his work ethic and his dedication to bringing these people to justice, and they knew who he was and what he was like when they got together, but they couldn’t help but miss him and desire more of his attention than he was often able to spare. Most days they hardly had the opportunity to give him a hug or kiss in the mornings before he hurried off back to his laptop - only having been pried away overnight due to their insistence on him maintaining some degree of good health during his investigations.
Though they swallowed this displeasure and revelled in their current intimate position, resting their chin on the back of his chair and starting to gently and slowly play with the messy mop of dark hair that covered his head. Gentle as ever, and watching for any signs of discomfort, they ran their fingers through his locks - lovingly untangling any knots that had formed due to his lack of self care in recent days and twirling the softer strands between their fingertips.
Bit by bit, moment by moment, they could feel and see him relaxing beneath their unrelenting touch: shoulders relaxing, eyes fluttering closed every few moments, low moans and sighs escaping his lips and his head leaning into them beyond his awareness. And the moment they noticed this, they moved on to massaging his scalp, scratching it with their fingernails and doing anything they could to prolong the pleasant feeling on his end.
He did deserve it, after all. He deserved this and so, so much more.
“Feel good, dearest?” They crooned lowly, smiling to themselves when he hummed quietly in response, leaning down to gently kiss his jaw as they continued to play with his hair. “Good; you needed this, it seems.”
Every so often they’d lightly tug at a couple of locks of dark hair, twisting them between their fingers and tugging shortly from the scalp. And every time they did so, a barely-audible moan would escape his lips and it would send another wave of arousal straight to their core - which they ignored for the time being, opting instead to prioritise their lover as a reward for his devotion.
Tug. Twist. Stroke. Card.
Tug. Twist. Stroke. Card.
Settling into a pattern was easy and relaxing even for them, a soothing and repetitive routine that allowed their mind to wander as they admired their dear boyfriend in his vulnerable state: his face was the picture of vulnerability, with closed eyes and parted lips that allowed pleased sighs and the occasional groan slip through; his head was leaned back against the seat, giving them complete freedom to do whatever they wished in that moment (including admiring his sharp features as they worked); his arms and legs hung limp about himself, with him having long since slipped out of his typical position and taken on something much limper and less slouched in order to better accommodate them.
Ever considerate with them, even when they were just trying to do something nice for him. What a gentleman.
Though after a good few minutes of this relentless massaging of his scalp, their own arousal was becoming damn-near unbearable, even interfering with their focus as they kept having to rub their thighs together and adjust themselves to minimise the friction against their sex. So, in order to continue L’s reward whilst still dealing with themselves, they decided to take advantage of what they’d recently found out about him - tempted by the ease of the act and the sureness that they’d get exactly what they wanted.
All it would take is one swift, angled tug against the hair on the back of his neck; one careful, calculated movement. It would only take a second at most, and who could complain about that?
Not them, certainly.
So with a smirk on their face, they gently reached behind him and pulled that sensitive bit of hair - forcing his back to arch upwards as he let out a moan loud and lewd enough that it startled them both.
The first few moments after they'd given in to their urges was filled with an awkward, somewhat flustered, silence with tension thick enough that a heated knife would surely be able to slice through it - the air almost palpable in a way that froze them to their place with anticipation. And then he acted, spinning around in his chair and catching them off guard as he pulled them down onto his lap and took a harsh grasp of their hair - using it to force them to meet his eye.
"What do you think you're doing?"
They smiled sheepishly at him, squirming a bit in his lap as they tried to find a more stable position before swallowing thickly and responding in a meeker voice than they'd have liked. "I - uh - I was just trying to help you relax, you've been working so hard lately and -"
"and that's for good reason," he interrupted calmly, tightening his grip in something like a warning before continuing, "and I can't seem to understand how arousing me is going to relax me. In fact, it has the direct opposite effect because it makes me agitated."
"I was going to help you with it, dear,"
"But you started it to help yourself," he retorted swiftly, forcing one knee between their thighs and rubbing it against their sex - clinically nodding and observing the way they responded to that brief contact, "I'd argue that makes your actions more selfish than selfless, wouldn't you?"
Then, he hummed and adjusted his grip on their hair, tugging sharply once, then twice before he forced them closer to him - close enough that his lips were pressed against the shell of their ear as he spoke in a low tone, almost challenging them in a way (and coaxing an eager whimper from their lips despite their compromising position).
"Well that doesn't matter now. You have my attention; so you'd better make the most of it."
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Things that come in my head as I play through Diasomnia's chapter (chp 1- 37):
[Potential spoilers below darlings, proceed with caution!]
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Lilia using his hatchet, which by Sebek's reactions we can assume is basically at the same level of significance as a magical artifact used by say, one of the great Seven, to cut wood. He even justifies it by saying the hatchet might feel better being used even if for mundane things than sitting and gathering dust somewhere. Is that a metaphor for himself? Is he referring to himself and how he busied himself with raising his sons? To how from a weapon in war, one that brought devastation with every swing of his blade, he softened into a someone, who despite his doubts managed to be a father and mentor to both his sons? Does he think of himself as an object to be used, first in the war and then as a caretaker for Malleus?
Silver losing his cool and shouting that yes, Malleus needs to be there to say goodbye to Lilia. We've seen how Silver constantly wants to be useful and do something to sort of 'justify' Lilia taking him in and raising him as his own. I feel like he doesn't see himself as Lilia's son despite calling him "Father"; he sees Malleus as more deserving of that title, and so every time he's shown some resistance against Lilia going away, he puts it as if he's speaking on behalf of Malleus' feelings. Whereas Malleus believes that he must not be selfish and stop Lilia from leaving just because he doesn't want him to. He's trying to be mature about it all, even if it eats him up inside. Just... why can't these idiots realize how much they love each other?? Also, Lilia asking where Silver got his stubborn streak from like sir, have you seen yourself and Malleus? Both of yall are so stubborn that I'm surprised Silver isn't more stubborn than just this.
Malleus and Silver are so similar in so many ways that it actually hurts. Both are losing their father figure, their mentor. And they're both trying to be so incredibly brave and mature about it. Malleus' general dislike of being compared to a child (even though Lilia says that the Draconias achieve their maturity when they're 1000 years old and are still children at 200 years) and Silver saying that he'll be coming of age the next year when Malleus tells him that all children cry... Both are children, but they don't want to be seen as children. These boys are gonna make me cry istg-
Gonna take a break from the dia boys for a sec because how cute are the first years??? Oh my god I love them all so much. Also, weird freaky things happening to the Prefect... could it be a side effect of being stuck in Twisted Wonderland for so long? Or maybe even an effect of the Prefect starting to become "aware" of how the great seven are the people they see in their dreams? Hm... Also have I told you how much I love Adeuce? Because I love them. Very much. The way Ace shows concern about the Prefect feeling under the weather, and the way Deuce immediately agrees that they should leave after saying their greetings just makes me so happy (and it reminds me of my friends.... i think i just realized why im so fond of the idiots...) Okay now back to our regularly scheduled program...
Love how Lilia basically said, "If people here were well-adjusted individuals who knew how to ask for help gracefully and take the help offered to them gracefully they wouldn't have been chosen by the Dark Mirror" because he's soo right, but also, dear sir, if you recall, you were chosen to attend this very same institute yourself <3
"I haven't the slightest intention of being friendly–" shut it lightning boy we're gonna KO you with the power of friendship and life-or-death bonding situations
Oh shit the iconic Maleficent entry– I love you Malleus but Jesus christ you are scaring me rn with that smile–
First battle of the chapter.... wish me luck... Oh wait I was supposed to lose? Ah that's fine, I didn't wanna be stuck on that chapter for the next six months-
Oh god the utter pain in Lilia's voice when he yells out to Malleus.... oh this hurts more than hearing Silver cry.... why can't these idiots just fucking talk and tell each other how much they love each other?!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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viilpstick · 11 months
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╰┈➤ 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞: Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night and we call it bella notte. If to take a closer look, not just at the skies, you'll see she have stars in her eyes, laying on the grass with her bicycle on the side. On this lovely bella notte. In a hand forgiviness is normal, in another you have to work for it. Bless sevens, the heavens are right.
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: Lacy Darling, Twisted Wonderland oc
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Some mention bit of oc x canon, the enemies to lovers type (Lacy is not beastman, sorry), mentions of Lacy going to prison
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: Some angst, informative of new character
𝒂/𝒏: I actually found a site that helped me write SO MUCH of this (Synonyms), so expect my writing to become better over time :)) Actually proud of my writing in this hehe
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"I can't believe I am lost again. Excuse me, little one! Do you know how can I get to Night Raven College? Oh, you know just the way? With a short cut? Splendid!"
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𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅: Never doubt yourself, but doubt the others, even if you are side by side your love one. And his dishonesty has to speak louder than anything else.
Lacy Darling was born into a wealth family in Shaftlands, her upbringing marked by a strong sense of community and a simple, humble lifestyle. From a young age, Lacy displayed an insatiable curiosity, always eager to learn, explore, and understand the world around her. Her heart overflowed with kindness, and she was known for her unwavering loyalty to those she cared about.
Also, with the great energy she had, and being the only daughter, through her childhood she had all the attention of the whole world. Even so, she can't be mistaken as someone who wanted it all, she was well educated to be simple and modest.
Throughout her teenage years, Lacy studied in Night Raven College, as a way to expand her knowledge for the magic.
However, there was a nuanced prejudice within Lacy that she struggled with. Despite her open-mindedness, she occasionally held unfounded biases, rooted in preconceived notions. Lacy's life took a dramatic turn when she was ensnared in a web of a dishonest guy orchestrated by someone she had dear hold, even to say, she actually feel for him. This betrayal led her to make a series of unfortunate choices that ultimately landed her in prison, by no fault of hers.
Upon her release, thanks to a teacher she might even said she used to fear, Lacy emerged as an even more intriguing and evolving individual. Her heart remained full of kindness and her curiosity unabated. The hardships she endured had added a layer of strength to her character, and her occasional glimpses of courage now shone brighter than ever. However, to gain her trust or forgiviness to this days is a hard task most people fail.
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚: She just can't understand, it must be something wonderful, it must be something grand 'cause everybody's smiling in a kind and wistful way, then why do She tend to keep my thoughts to herself instead of facing her mistakes
This sweet young woman is someone of intriguing complexity, known for her timid and naive disposition. She possesses a gentle and unassuming nature, which makes her an exceptional friend to those fortunate enough to know her.
Her loyalty to her family is unwavering, and she consistently demonstrates a deep commitment to their well-being.
Lacy's gracious side is a full commitment to a kindheart and sympathetic soul, whatsoever, while her timid nature might suggest vulnerability, she surprises many by revealing a hidden reservoir of courage and protectiveness when the situation demands it, specially when it comes to people she deeply care about. In times of adversity, she can rise to the occasion, showcasing her resilience and determination.
Lacy's personality exhibits a fascinating duality. On one hand, she exudes an air of modesty, always extending kindness and curiosity towards others. Yet, there is a hint of cockiness in her attitude, occasionally manifesting as a self-assured demeanor that she's not afraid to display. Her confidence, although not overwhelming, serves as a testament to her, may as well say, once she doesn't like someone by any act they might've done to irritate or hurt her, she will act stubborn and imposible to get forgiviness from.
One notable aspect of Lacy's flaw is her somewhat prejudiced view towards people from a different class of her, this might due the fact she once went to prison, thanks to a certain somoene from Playful Land, awhile she tried to help them. This prejudice, though a minor deffect, suggests a certain guardedness and wariness when it comes to individuals from distant backgrounds. Over time, she may learn to overcome or soften as she continues to grow and develop, it depends on how inflexible both of parties are.
In summary, Lacy is a varied character, a humble and sincere soul with a heart full of kindness, curiosity, and loyalty. Lacy's growth as a character includes occasional glimpses of courage, a touch of cockiness, and a nuanced prejudice, making her a truly intriguing and evolving individual.
𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆: You'll find enchantment here, the night will weave its magic spell, in her eyes you'll see the glint of skies.
For someone like Lacy, complex clothing are never an exaggeration. With a knee length circle skirt with a caramel shade, and a pastel yellow shade blouse. A teal bow as belt in her figure, to top up with everything, a small gold chain in a crystal format.
Her make up emphasized a natural, yet polished look. This included a light foundation, soft blush, defined eyebrows, and really light red lipstick.
Her skin is well said to be in a warm undertone. Her is a slight short bangs with the hair length touching the shoulders and slight wavy and with the color being a carnaby cooper red, all of that matching perfectly her brown eyes.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑: And may love be your keeper, close your eyes, trust the unreliable. But, remember in any second you can open your eyes to see the clear truth.
Rook Hunt: Although, not fully confirmed, Rook and Lacy are distant relatives. And by that, he always was grown found in a fashion lifestyle. Lacy mentions the fact she is quite confused by Rook's mannerism, but, think in general he is a funny silly guy.
Ruggie Bucchi: However, is said early that Lacy has always suspicious over people too far from her lifestyle. She's really kind to Ruggie, and from time to time, likes to give him simple jobs in exchange of a great quantity of money for him. He does unintentional help her face her past shadows.
Dire Crowley: Never shown why exactly, but, Crowley dislikes Lacy deeply, vice versa. Both had things in the past they never brought up again. However, it is a fact they don't want to see each other's face no longer.
Fellow Honest: Crowley still was the tip of iceberg, what, and how, Lacy acts around Fellow is way more noticeable hatred. It's pointed out, that Fellow got this sweet Lady, when she was younger, involved in inumerous problems awhile she tried to be closer to him, as something between friend and more. Yet, once she had to go to prison by his little rebellious acts, she went from sweet to bitter in a heart beat, once they saw each other again, Lacy acts as if no nearly close to forgive him. Even so, Fellow outside shows a bit of regret, inside he almost corrupts himself for actually doing such a mess. In a way or another, he does hope Lacy will give him a second chance.
Crewel Divus: Both dog lovers go way back in NRC, when they were in Pomefiore. According to Crewel, their first interaction when both got kicked out of Trein's class by a discussion of what dog breed was better. Whatsoever, during time, both had became good friends, the big brother and younger sister alike duo went never out of style since then.
Mozus Trein: Even with some down falls, Mister Trein used to adore Lacy as a student. Lacy as a student, whatsoever, used to deeply fear Mister Trein, yet, have deep respect. Things changed when Trein payed for her finance when she went to prison, he didn't blame her the slightest bit, specially when he knew Lacy's innocence. It is common, stated by Rook, seeing Trein in his break, along side Lucius, visit Lacy for a cup of tea.
𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒂: At the end, all ends well when it is well.
Lacy is inspired on Lady from "Lady and the Tramp" (funfact about it: Lady's va name was also Barbara-- i found it cute, let me life with it)
Signature spell: Dedicated energy, with some notes of a lullaby, Lacy is capable of absorbing other energy to use as her a running boost, targets may even fall asleep with so much absorption
Lacy meaning: from Lassy; Young woman. Lacy is a feminine name of French origin. Lassy was a beautiful historical region in France that was home for many noblemen
Her style is inspired in the style of 1950 women's fashion, the year the movie came out
28 years old, born in July 1st
Lacy's dominant hand is right
Fav. drink + food: Caramel coffee, croissants.
Least fav. drink + food: Orange juice, crab.
Hobbies: Cycling, picking flowers
Pet peeves: Dishonesty
Likes: Picnics
Talent: Fast thinker
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starfall-spirit · 2 years
A Court of Twisted Wisdom
ACOTW Masterlist
It didn't matter that her family was made up of war heroes. She was the daughter of a bastard Illyrian and a Made female. Every second of her life had been about proving she was more than a basic half-breed with no need for seven siphons or magic swords.
When the time comes for her to prove herself she finds herself slipping between worlds as her mother's depleted power blossoms within her with a greater force than any could expect. On her path she finds two companions who just might change everything she knows.
TW: Physical assault. Implied rape. This was noted on my masterlist, but I wanted to acknowledge the chapter as an individual.
Chapter IV: What a Tragedy It Will Be
"Hello, sweetheart."
I told myself my shivering was a result of the night's cold as that voice carried over the mountain's wind. No. Not now. Not when we're so close. We were less than a hundred feet from the top when I heard that voice. With less than a hundred feet we had rewarded ourselves with a few moments of rest. After so long climbing this high the frigid air hardly felt abnormal on my skin and in my lungs. We would make it before the extraction time.
Three males approached, all of them carrying swords. Swords made of metal, not sharpened stones and sticks. While that certainly made a difference, it was three on three. They ganged up for the hell of it. We were raised and trained side by side. "Weapons drop," the males standing nearest confirmed. "You, dear girls, have made a few enemies."
"And who exactly might that be?"
I wanted to be able to have powers for one second. For them to exist just long enough for me to reach out. To tell Lyra to get out. Sneak around and climb. They're aren't here for you.
Like hell, she'd probably say.
I nearly groaned as she stalked closer to the males and myself. "How pathetic," she started in on them. "To think anyone pegged you as honorable when you aren't even capable of getting through this Rite without steel at your sides."
I should have turned. I should have seen and sensed the fourth. I should have known they wouldn't all come from one angle. What had my father and the others been teaching me for years but tactics and responses? I whirled at the scrape of rubble just before Lyra's shriek rang out over the wind as a fourth warrior seized her, throwing her off the cliff with no effort. I cried out, unable to look away as her body hit jagged rock hundreds of meters below. Roxanna wasn't sobbing as she hung over the edge, but quivering with rage. Still she left herself open.
I lunged for the man who aimed for her, clearly knowing he was about to face an uncaged wildcat. Or the equivalent at least. But we had so little space up here. And with the snow it would be easier to slip off the mountain than land a killing blow. I only got in three blows of the instinctual pattern, busting his nose and bringing my knee up to his groin, before his companions had me pinned to the ground, unable to see either of my sisters.
I gripped my makeshift dagger tucked into my pants but in my position it wasn't difficult for one of the males to disarm me. I growled as jagged rock sliced my right cheek. "What a tragedy it will be," that first male drawled, "when the mighty General Cassian and our great and holy High Lord have to tell their poor mates that their precious little girls won't be returning from their Blood Rite. What a tragedy it will be when someone from that perfect little Inner Circle finds your bodies so close to the top. How they'll grieve you.
"Devlon ordered me to give you all a quick kill, but then I gathered a few friends along the way. We were thinking we could have some fun with you first. The best part is with you dead, out in this weather, wind and snow and animals to feast on flesh...no one will know it was us."
I snarled. "I swear now, if you touch us—"
"How about we bring back an old tradition? Let's get those wings unbound."
No. I thrashed under their firm holds, unable to hide my terror as my wings were freed and spread, a blade brushing my left wing's underside as the dark-haired brute above me prepared to slice through muscle and membrane. It would be one thing for them to kill me, but the horror of a future scenario hit me, turning the measly meal of berries I'd eaten earlier. I could picture myself dead in the arms of my cousin or one of my uncles, one of them weeping as they presented me to my parents with bloodied wings. Worse than that, perhaps my parents would fly here themselves to find me blue with cold and bruises. Red with old blood and fresh.
Roxanna was already screaming when the leading male ripped through my wing in a jagged slice. The clipping wasn't this slow and rough. It grounded females, not tortured them. I realized quickly that the knife was somewhat dulled, and it amplified the pain. Even through my screaming and the winds I found their wicked, satisfied laughter echoing in my mind. Finally the knife was pulled away. My lower membranes must be shredded. If I was alone I would have caved to save myself from the pain, but my best friend was going through the same thing.
To think the niece and daughter of the High Lord who banned clipping had been a victim to some twisted version of it now. What a story. The knife was lowered, arcing to meet the tender flesh at my throat as the male assigned to my assassination yanked on my messy braid to hold me there.
"Wait," one of the others cut in. "Why not give them a little more trouble? Then we can let nature run its course from there. It's awfully cold in these mountains." ~~~~~ I woke up to someone shifting my clothes. "Rox?" I felt like my very blood was frozen solid and I realized my cousin was awake and helping me redress after... I sobbed as the memories of the afternoon rushed in. The four males that were assigned to kill us. Lyra opening her smart mouth and being thrown off of Ramiel. The clipping and all that followed. Clipped and beaten and raped all at once. And what I had done in response? Something cruel. Something of a beast.
I was terrified. My anger and fear and hatred had all come together and the binding on my magic vanished. I felt the foreign fire thrumming through me. Just like that after being violated in so many ways—seeing the same thing done to Roxanna—I had crossed a line I swore I never would if I ever found these types of powers in myself. One I didn't even want to admit to myself. I shoved down the how and thought of the lesser horror.
I had broken the honor in restraining free magic and the guilt hit me in full force, unfair situation or not. I wouldn't break that code again. So I straightened myself, took a deep, steading breath, and once again began my ascent.
One-hundred feet.
I'd had enough delays. We climbed through the night. The next morning I was panting as I observed the last few feet of the climb. A strong pull up was all it would take. I heaved myself upwards, my ribs burning as if they'd shatter as I draped my upper body over the ledge. Despite my pain, I grinned. I staggered against the wind and my own weakness as I spotted the monolith.
Just a few seconds. A few seconds and I'd be back in the camp. A few seconds and the monolith will heal me and I'll be named Carynthian at the ceremony following the Rite. Bragging rights were headed my way. I'd beat Nyx in warrior rank. So had his sister. He'd be overjoyed at that. Not.
Cold twisted inside me. It was rooted much deeper than an ordinary mountain chill or my family's Winter ice. I tried once—quite pitifully—to spread my wings. I had come to the top never to fly again. I was no warrior. I had failed.
Helping Roxanna, watching as she too tested her wingspan, I collapsed, sobbing for what felt like ages. It didn't help any adrenaline we previously possessed was wearing off. Holding each other close, we touched the monolith together. My fingers grazed the stone and my stomach began to twist. I felt myself collapsing again within the seconds it took to be winnowed to the camp. I yelped as I landed on my damaged wings, dirt clouding around me. I heard muffled shouting at our dramatic entrance. A booming command brought the camp to a hush and I forced my eyes open as my father and Uncle Az shoved through the gathering crowd.
The whispers began, warriors and otherwise expressing their thoughts and pity.
"Are they breathing?"
"They're unbound."
"My Gods, their wings."
"The general and High Lord's daughters, clipped."
"Brutalized, more like."
"Made it to the top for nothing."
"Poor things."
I tried to pull Roxanna back to me but she was lifted away. I didn't have the strength to look up, but if I hadn't recognized the scent and that sudden magnitude of power I would have found the strength to stand in the male's way.
I flinched as another set of hands reached for me. "Shh. No more fighting today, Ayla. You're safe." I winced as my father raised me in his arms so I couldn't see anything more than my cousin's drooping wing. Roxanna was unconscious and hopefully free of major pain. I managed to wrap my arms around my father's neck. Someone else must have come forward, because the twist and tug of winnowing crashed into me and I finally relaxed. I was going home.
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cveenso · 6 months
In the tangled web of romantic entanglements, there exists a tale—a tale of forgiveness, of second chances, and ultimately, of betrayal. As I share my story with you, dear reader, allow me to peel back the layers of my romantic history and shed light on the complexities that lie within.
It began with a breakup, as many stories often do. In the year 2019, I bid farewell to a chapter of my life, believing that closure had been achieved. I moved forward, embracing the prospect of new beginnings and even finding solace in the arms of another. Yet, fate had other plans in store.
With a twist of irony, the past came knocking at my door in the form of a Twitter request—from none other than the man I had once bid adieu. Despite my reservations, I extended forgiveness, albeit with a tinge of disbelief at his audacity. Seven months elapsed before he deigned to strike up a conversation, choosing the auspicious occasion of my birthday to rekindle contact, this time through Instagram.
But the plot thickened, revealing a startling revelation—he had been in a relationship when he first sought me out on Twitter. The realization struck like a thunderbolt, leaving me reeling from the sheer audacity of his actions. How could he harbor such fantasies while committed to another?
The dilemma weighed heavy upon my conscience—should I entertain the notion of reconciliation, knowing full well the potential for heartache? Or would it be wiser to sever ties, safeguarding my heart from further turmoil?
Amidst the cacophony of doubts and warnings from well-meaning friends and family, I found myself grappling with a belief—one that defied logic yet persisted in my heart. I believed in the capacity for change, in the inherent goodness that resides within each individual, no matter their past transgressions.
And so, against the backdrop of skepticism and admonition, I took a leap of faith. On January 1st, 2024, we embarked upon a journey of love, formalizing our relationship with hope and trepidation intertwined. Little did I know that the seeds of doubt had already been sown.
As the new year dawned, so too did the first instance of deceit—a phone call that shattered the illusion of trust, casting shadows upon our fledgling romance. His voice, once light-hearted, turned grave in an instant, betraying the gravity of the situation. I knew, deep down, that it was his ex-girlfriend on the other end of the line, yet I remained silent, clinging to a fragile semblance of normalcy.
But the lie lingered between us like a phantom, poisoning the air with its presence. As we journeyed homeward, his demeanor shifted, betraying the guilt that gnawed at his conscience. And though I longed to confront him, to demand answers, I found myself paralyzed by indecision.
As we traversed the familiar streets, I felt the weight of betrayal settle upon my shoulders. And when he extended a gesture of affection upon our parting, I recoiled, unable to mask my frustration and disappointment.
I retreated into the solace of my own thoughts, when his text message illuminated the screen—a stark reminder of the uncertainty that lay ahead. And so, dear reader, the stage is set, the players assembled. The curtain rises on a drama of love and deceit, with the outcome uncertain and the stakes unbearably high.
"I hope you're feeling okay."
Yet, as I grappled with the tumult within, his silence spoke volumes, revealing the chasm that had widened between us. I knew, deep down, that I was far from okay, and his failure to chase after me only confirmed my suspicions.
I was confronted with the harsh reality of his deception. Despite recent interactions with his family, I was acutely aware of where I stood in his life—a mere afterthought, a passing fancy. The sting of his indifference cut deeper than any lie ever could, leaving me reeling from the betrayal.
And so, in a whirlwind of emotion, I lashed out—threats, phone calls, desperate attempts to elicit a response. Yet, amidst the chaos, the truth emerged—a truth that shattered the fragile illusion of our relationship.
He was returning to his ex-girlfriend, the very same woman who had cast a shadow over our past. And though I knew it was no longer my responsibility, I couldn't shake the sense of guilt that gnawed at my conscience.
But even in the face of betrayal, I chose to stay—to cling to the hope of changing him, of being the one to make a difference in his life. It was a futile endeavor, a masquerade of emotions that masked the truth—I did not love him, not truly.
Yet, as time wore on, the facade began to crumble. His texts grew colder, his affection waning with each passing day. And as my anxiety reached a fever pitch, I found myself teetering on the edge of despair.
Desperate crying for help, I reached out—to him, to his sister, to anyone who would listen. But my pleas fell on deaf ears, leaving me to confront my demons alone.
And so, as we met to talk things out, I found myself too exhausted to even speak. The words caught in my throat, suffocated by the weight of our shattered dreams.
In the aftermath of our breakup, the truth came to light—a week later, his purported ex-girlfriend shared pictures of them together, a painful reminder of his infidelity. And yet, even in the face of betrayal, I refused to harbor hatred or resentment.
For in forgiving him, I found liberation—not because I wished him well, but because my soul deserved peace. And so, with a heavy heart and a sense of finality, I bid him farewell, praying that he would find the strength to confront his demons and mend his ways.
As I pen these final words, dear reader, I do so with a sense of closure—a closure that was hard-won, yet infinitely precious. And though our paths may never cross again, I carry with me the lessons learned from our tumultuous journey—a journey that shaped me, tested me, and ultimately, set me free.
Yours Truly,
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phantarein · 1 year
This is so cringe, I'm sharing it anyway-
The setting is a modern world where everyone has a superpower (Alma) and this part of the story follows the "villain's" side.
In a world where everyone had an Alma - the source of life and their superpower - having none would be quite the peculiar show. Lu Xi wasn't born without an Alma, if he did, he'd be dead from birth...
That's not to say he wasn't dead, he is. Just not from birth.
He lost his Alma when he was seven years old, his memory is foggy of the event, but he knew that on February 19th - his birthday - he had died.
His mother told him that thanks to his power, an entity made of shadows, he had lived. But he had to consume external Alma to survive, or else, the entity would consume his entire body. 
He wouldn't have believed it until he looked at his hands, pitch black, the shadows slowly eating his body.
It was part of the family lineage -more of a curse than a superpower - and it passed every generation, his grandfather also could manipulate shadows, just as his father before him. But what made them different is that they could also manipulate light, balancing the shadows to coexist in harmony.
Lu Xi's mother, a gentle and caring woman on the surface, but a sadistic and cold person inside, was born without this power, and thus could not lead the Sei family... She didn't have any power, therefore she was a failure in her own eyes.
So when Lu Xi and his brother were born, it was a miracle. Lu Xi got the shadows of the power, and Lu Jie got the light.
It was unusual for this to happen, as twins had never been in the family before, but it meant that the balance was broken. His mother got obsessed with the ways of the  Alma, dedicating her life to understanding it - and thus Magenta was created. 
Magenta... Magenta was supposed to be an organization that helped people relieve themselves from the burdens of Alma. Magenta's true purpose, hidden behind its facade of helping people find happiness by shedding their powers, was a sinister one.
It was all a front for a twisted way to steal others' power;  It involved inflicting trauma upon individuals to release their Alma forcibly and then perverting that energy into the bright magenta pills that granted temporary power boosts. The cycle of suffering and addiction left those who consumed the drugs forever craving more.
Lu Xi sighs and takes another swig of his vodka, overthinking should have been his superpower instead. He was in Valentine's bar again, as he seemed to do quite often after work. The moody atmosphere of the bar seemed to calm his racing thoughts, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him like an unrelenting force. The life of the heir to the Sei family and a high-ranking member of Magenta was a constant juggling act, and it left him little time to relax or rest.
Valentine, the owner of the bar, was an old friend of Lu Xi's and has become his trusted confidant over the years. They grew up together as members of prestigious families, their favorite pass time is talking shit about their life.
"You look like you had a rough day Lu Xi," Valentine remarked, pouring another drink for him without needing to ask. "You're working yourself too hard, you know"
Lu Xi offered a tired smile and took the drink. "You're not wrong, Val. But you know how it is, Magenta's demands never seem to end."
Valentine leaned closer, his eyes full of understanding. "You don't have to carry all that weight on your own, you know. You have friends that care about you, just look at Light and Haru, they follow you like puppies."
Lu Xi looks down sheepishly, "I know, I just... don't want to involve them further, they have so much life ahead of them."
"Oh, am I a special case then?" Valentine leans back, "You don't seem to pity me."
He smiles, "You are different, my dear friend. If I fall I'll bring you down with me."
"And I'll follow you anywhere, dearest friend." Val rolls his eyes, their banter always being close to his heart.
Lu Xi finishes his drink and stands up, "The sun is rising,, I gotta go."  He says as he leaves. "Call me if you need anything." 
Valentine just nods.
Lu Xi awoke at 5 PM the next day with a splitting headache, a reminder of his heavy drinking yesterday. The relentless demands of his position left him seeking solace in alcohol, he knew it was just a temporary solution to his problems but it was the best thing he could do. He slowly got out of bed and tried to piece together the events of the past night.
The sound of a familiar voice awoke him from his trance, Haruka's deep voice filled the room.
"Boooosss~ Are you here?" Haruka asks.
Lu Xi ran a hand through his disheveled hair and made his way to the living room. Haruka was sprawled out on the couch, a mischievous look on his face.
"Rough night?" Haruka asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lu Xi sighed and collapsed onto a nearby chair. "You could say that, I wish I could escape this life sometimes, you know?" 
Haruka's expression softened up, as he sat up, his eyes filled with pity. "What's been happening? Something up in Magenta?"
"Mm, lots of new members, it's quite stressful having to indoctrinate new people, the treatment is always rough." He looks at the floor with gloom. "Ambrosia has been taken from all of them, but we still don't know if they'll react negatively yet." 
Haru sighed, of course, they'd react badly, a body wasn't supposed to be separated from its Alma. "Let's just hope they live another day yeah?"
"Yeah..." Lu Xi looked through the fridge and picked up some bagged blood, he wasn't quite hungry but he still felt a headache. These were just for emergencies but he felt like getting a treat.
Haruka turned on the TV, there was an interview with some of the members of Miracle, a police organization that looked up crimes based on Alma. It was one of the biggest threats Magenta faced. As the next person got interviewed he saw out of the corner of his eye that Lu Xi suddenly dropped his bag, staring directly into the TV with shock.
His heart fastened, there was no way, was there? Was that... Lu Jie?
The sight of his long-lost brother, Lu Jie, on the television screen, sent shockwaves through Lu Xi. A sense of disbelief washed over him. After Lu Xi's 'death', he was sure his brother had completely disappeared, along with his father.
But here, on the screen, Lu Jie appeared completely well, speaking and functioning like a normal person, a normal life, unlike Lu Xi's hell.
Haruka turned his vision away from the TV screen and noticed the panic in Lu Xi's eyes. "Boss, what's wrong?"
Lu Xi's voice trembled as he spoke. "That's my brother... Haru, that's Lu Jie."
Haruka's eyes widened in surprise. "Your brother? But I thought he... disappeared."
Lu Xi nodded, still unable to tear his gaze from the screen. "I thought so too, I thought he was gone forever. But look at him now... he's... he's in Miracle."
As they both watched the interview, Lu Jie talked passionately about Miracle, the police organization investigating crimes involving Alma. He seemed completely normal, nothing like the emotionless shell he last saw him be.
As the interview came to an end, Lu Xi made a decision. "We need to reach out to Lu Jie, Haru. We need to find a way to contact him.”
Haruka nodded with enthusiasm, "You're right boss."
Lu Xi wasted no time. He grabbed his phone and began searching for any information he could find related to Lu Jie or Miracle. It was a long shot, but he had to try.
He wasn't a genius in stalking someone, he had The Spiders for that, but he was so shaken up he didn't even think about them at the time.
As he scrolled through various online databases and social media profiles, Lu Xi finally stumbled upon a lead. He found an email address associated with Lu Jie's name and quickly jotted it down.
"We've got an email address, I'll send it to Annabelle to see if she has a way to track him down."
Haruka nodded with approval, until... "Wait, why are we even trying to track him down...? Don't tell me you plan on killing him or harvesting his Ambrosia?"
Lu Xi stops for a moment, looking at him perplexed. "Am I not supposed to?"
Haruka looked in fear. "He's your blood!"
Lu Xi's morbid thoughts had taken Haruka by surprise, and his initial assumption that they might be trying to harm Lu Jie left him visibly shaken. He stared at Lu Xi with a mix of fear and concern, unable to comprehend the idea of harming one's own family, he thought they were quite close as children.
"Boss, you can't be serious," Haruka said, his voice filled with disbelief. "He's your brother, your blood. We can't just go after him like he's some kind of target."
Lu Xi leaned back in his chair, his expression conflicted. He had been so focused on the idea of breaking free from Magenta that he hadn't considered the moral implications of his actions. The thought of harming his brother, even if it meant obtaining Ambrosia, made him feel sick... He was just like his mother.
Lu Xi sighs, stressed. "You're right, Haru- I was just making a lapse in judgment.  I've let my spite and anger towards him influence my mind. We can't harm him. Magenta has changed me... huh?"
Haruka's expression softened as he placed a reassuring hand on Lu Xi's shoulder. "We'll figure something out, boss. There has to be a way to undo the damage Magenta has done to us without resorting to harming others."
Just then, Lu Xi got a call, it was Light.
"Light? What's going on?" Light only called him when there were serious matters, as he preferred to talk in real life.
Light's voice came through the phone, a hint of urgency in his tone. "Boss, there's been a development at Magenta. Eve, your mother, she's making a move. She's gathered the high priests for a meeting, and it seems like something big is happening."
"Without me?" His heart sank, that wasn't a good sign.
"Yes, I'm not sure what she's planning, boss, but it doesn't look good. I overheard some of the priests talking about a 'final purification.' Whatever it is, it can't be good for us." 
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pestisly · 1 year
I remember you said you liked symphonic and power-y metal and I wanted to ask you which groups or even like songs you listen to of or adjacent to those genres
I want to see if we have any in common cause I really wanna talk about it lol
Always happy to answer your questions, dear~
For bands, many of them were introduced to me by a metal head I knew in college, and they’ve stayed with me ever since. Avantasia and Falconer have the biggest territories, but Kamelot and Powerwolf aren’t doing too shabbily. Special mentions to Delain and Blind Guardian, especially their A Twist in the Myth album.
Individual songs probably make up the better survey of my music, so I’m just going to list those:
Automatic and Hunger by Amaranthe,
The Garden of Earthly Delights by Apocalypse Orchestra (more doom metal, but whatevs),
Doom of Destiny by Axxis (🤘),
Sweet True Lies by Beast in Black,
Omen by The Great Discord,
Holy Thunderforce by Rhapsody of Fire,
In the Walls by Seven Kingdoms (another banger 🤘),
And I’ll throw in some randos: Rishloo’s Feathergun in the Garden of the Sun, Freaks & Animals, and El Empe, and Fair to Midland’s Musical Chairs and Dance of the Manatee.
OH! And Myrkur’s new single Like Humans is nice, but Måneblôt is fun if you want a pretty lady to scream at you 💀
Hope this gives you a better picture of me!
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petri808 · 3 years
If you're open for nalu requests, can you write a smut fic where nalu goes to a lingerie store because lucy wants to try on some lingerie and natsu ends up getting aroused? But if you can't it's fine just ignore this ask😊
Hi Nony, this is the last request I’ll do. Decided to save this for @thenaluarchive Sinfully Nalu event Mirror prompt. What did Lucy expect by dragging Natsu lingerie shopping?
“I’ve just got one more stop to make.” Lucy pointed towards the other side of the mall.
“Ugh…” Natsu’s shoulders dropped, “but we’ve been here for 2 hours already, Lucy, and I’m getting hungry.”
“I’ll spring for lunch. Anything you want.”
“I’m holding you to it,” he grumbled, but allowed her to pull him forward.
Natsu knew the mall well enough to know that the section they were heading towards were mostly women’s clothing stores— definitely not where he wanted to be. All these fancy clothes, and accessories, and… stuff that his girlfriend loved to wear. Sure, he didn’t complain cause it made her happy, he just didn’t wanna shop for it. Forever twenty something, Cache or Channel— whatever, “oh, uh-uh, no way,” he jerked them to a halt. “I ain’t going in there.”
“It’s just Victoria’s Secret.”
“Well Victoria can keep her secret. Lucy you’re crazy if you think I’m going in a women’s lingerie store!”
Lucy turned to face, then grabbed both of Natsu’s hands, holding them together close to her chest. “Please,” her eyes begged. “I need you to tell me what you think will be nice on me.”
Thinking about his girl, in lingerie, while standing in a mall was *not* the image Natsu wanted conjuring in his mind. But between the soft, puppy-dog expression, and her whimpering pleading— he was powerless to turn Lucy down. He sighed with a whine. “Fine. I’ll go.”
“Yay!” She giggled, kissed his cheek, and took his hand again, entwining their fingers together. “I’ll make it as painless as possible.”
Yeah, uh-huh, right… Painless.
As they walked down the rows and racks of lingerie, Natsu hummed in his head as a distraction. Bras, panties. Low cut, high cut, thongs, g-strings. Sets, individual pieces. Lace, satin, cotton. So many choices! He let the colors blend in his vision, the scents of brand-new clothing mixed with perfumes sold, or miscellaneous accessories. How do women pick anything when there’s so many options? Give him a t-shirt and jeans and he was good to go.
Every so many picks, Lucy would ask his opinion. ‘Yeah, that’s nice. No, that looks itchy. I like that color. Eww, it doesn’t match you.’ Finding her size in the styles she wanted wasn’t always easy, but after 30 minutes, Lucy had half a dozen or so items to try on. So, they head towards the fitting rooms.
Natsu stopped in front of the doors, and readied himself to stand around and wait—
“You’re coming in with me.” Lucy tugged on his hand. “I need your final opinion.”
Up until now, Natsu had managed to avoid thinking about anything even remotely related to sex, but now?! “Uh-uh, no way!”
“Please…” Lucy turned on the pouty lip-action and puppy-dog eyes again. “It’s not like you won’t see me in them later.”
Natsu gulped hard as the naughty images were unlocked. “Are you trying to kill me in public?”
“Pfft, no,” she giggled. “Stop exaggerating this.”
‘You have no idea, woman…’ “Alright, fine. But don’t blame me if anything happens in there.” Because if the twitch in his pants and slight bulge growing was any indication, it wouldn’t be what she’d be expecting.
“Tch.” Lucy rolled her eyes. “It’ll be fine, Natsu, you’ll see.”
The dressing room was a lot more spacious than he was used to seeing. Men’s fitting rooms, at least the ones he’s been in are like closets with just one full length mirror, and maybe a small bench inside. This one could easily fit them both, with wrap around mirrors to catch every angle. It had a small, cushioned bench along one wall, and a couple of hooks on the inside of the door. But most noteworthy was the fact it was a fully enclosed room— not those partial-length doors at lower-quality stores. It was very, very private.
Natsu sat down on the bench and closed his eyes while Lucy fiddled with her options. He could hear the plastic and metal hangers going up on the hooks, as well as the sounds of his girlfriend shedding her clothing. His mouth suddenly felt dry… Lucy’s voluptuous body bared for him to see with only her regular panties left on— he squeezed his eyes tighter shut. ‘Don’t think about it! Don’t think about it!’
“Ready— Natsu, silly,” Lucy giggled. “How are you gonna tell me if it’s good or not if you can’t see?”
Lucy threaded her fingers gingerly through his hair. “Just one peak…”
‘Fuck…’ he groaned as the tightening in his shorts grew uncomfortable. “One peak.”
Natsu opened his eyes and immediately slammed them shut again from the screaming bra and panties glued to her frame. A sheer red with solid fabric only over the nipples and a strip covering her crotch. So much flesh revealed in these outfits, was there even a point to wearing anything at all?
“Great!” His voice squeaked out. “Looks fine.”
Her giggles only added to his demise. The sounds of more fabric rustling, and the twitch in his shorts… Natsu shifted in his seat trying to get comfortable, but he couldn’t. Lucy had grabbed about six of seven different pieces to try, and this was only the beginning. She was too damn sexy, and he swore, derived pleasure out of torturing him like this! Ugh, his cock was so hard right now…
“Okay, next piece,” Natsu heard her say. “I’m not sure about it, cause the color doesn’t seem to look good on me.”
Tch, it could be multi-colored polka dots and Lucy would still be a man’s wet dream. He cracked open one eye. It was a dark green, combo with frilled lace along the waistband. Natsu gulped hard as she did a turn around to reveal a thong and curvy swell of her backside.
“You do realize I’m biased, right?” Natsu blurted out. “Everything looks good on you to me.”
“Awww,” Lucy bent down and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I still think I’ll add this to the maybe pile,” she spoke as she started removing the pieces. “I think you’ll really like the next one I found; it has these cute flames on them.”
“You know what I’d prefer to see?” Natsu questioned, for he was done holding back.
Lucy stopped mid-way, bent slightly over with the thong down to her thighs. “What?”
Without answering her, Natsu got off the bench and started helping her take the thong off.
“Natsu, what are you—”
Once off, he moved onto her regular panties down.
“Nat— s-stop!” Lucy grabbed for his hands, but she couldn’t do much without twisting or tripping. “What are you do—”
“Keep your voice down.” He tugged those off too leaving her exposed from the waist down.
“Natsu this isn’t funny!” She seethed in an exasperated whisper.
“Neither is this,” he gestured at the bulge in his shorts. Guiding her against the mirrored wall as he spoke. “You said I could choose whatever I wanted for lunch, and I’ve decided to put you on the menu.”
Lucy whimpered when she felt the cold mirror against her bare skin. “But we’re in public.”
“I warned you didn’t I…” Natsu leaned in with a whisper, cheek to cheek. “Then I suggest you not make any noise,” his words wisp out, warm breath fanning down the barren skin as his lips burn a trail over her neck. Lucy dug her fingers into his hair, holding on but not stopping him as he moved lower.
His stops were brief, lips ghosting burning marks along her chest, a mountainous journey over the pillowy bosoms, a few licks against the pert nipples, and lower… down … snaking over her torso to what he was truly after. “Breathe, baby,” Natsu teased at her halted, bated breathing. “Just look forward and watch.”
She sucked in a gulp of air and stared forward at the mirrored image of Natsu going down on her. It was strange to literally watch every move he made like a voyeur living through another’s body. Lucy’s fingers tightened their grip on his hair in anticipation as he spread her legs a little wider…
“Mmm,” he mused in thought on how to get the best angle. “Hold to me,” Natsu suggested, and before she could reply, lifted Lucy’s left leg, and rested it on his shoulder. “Perfect…”
Natsu dove right in, latching his mouth onto the moist folds he knew so well, humming at the quick squeak his girl couldn’t catch in time. But he knew from the pull on his scalp exactly what she was experiencing. He kept one hand on her raised hip, while the fingers of his other toyed around the edge of her wet opening. His tongue pressed and circled around her clit, sucking, palpating, interspersed with soothing flicks and long strokes to lap up the growing sap gathering in the area. He closed his eyes as he relished in the warmth oozing over his face from her beautiful sex.
Heaven help her, Lucy couldn’t stop staring at that mirror… her gripped fingers to his hair and nails digging into his shoulder for dear life from the seasoned oral ministrations that slowly undid her sanity. Just his tongue alone… but the teasing fingers… Oh! Oh— Her thighs clenched to the sides of Natsu’s head as she felt one, then two fingers slipped through her walls. Lucy’s body arched slightly, and head tilted back as those fingers began swiftly pumping.
“Natsu…” Lucy moaned softly through sealed lips. She could feel his grin against her flesh, hear the squishing sounds, and smell the light scent of her extreme arousal. Damn him…
In a race against time, Natsu pumped fast and hard while his mouth and tongue devoured Lucy’s sex and sanity with an intensity to rival any known battle for supremacy. Each passing second, drawing the heated coil at her core closer to snapping. Her legs trembled, yet clenched and stiffened as his fingers pummeled, bumping the swollen sex being driven to his knuckles reach. He could feel Lucy start unraveling and held firmly to her hip bone as the jerky spasms rocked her body in orgasmic euphoria.
“Stop, stop, stop—” Lucy clawed at his back and neck as she whimpered from the immense pressure boiling in her body, and radiant moisture pooled in her eyes. “Please… enough, Natsu my legs are gonna give out.”
After giving her pussy a few more licks to clean up the excess juices, Natsu finally obliged and put down Lucy’s leg, then stood up while still supporting her as she caught her breath. He licked around his lips and cleaned off his fingers. “Best lunch in the world,” he grinned.
“Oof!” Lucy playfully slapped his chest with a short laugh. “Not what I’d meant. And now I don’t have time to try on the rest.”
“Why not?”
Lucy started putting on her regular clothes. “We’ve been in here for too long, it’ll be suspicious.”
“Tch, then just buy all of it if you like them, cause I’m telling you they’ll all look great on you.”
She glared at him. “Fine, but after pulling that stunt, now you owe me lunch!”
Natsu shrugged and grabbed all the hangers of clothing. “Okay, since you’ll need your strength later.”
The widest seedy grin bloomed on Natsu’s face. “You’ll see…”
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Quick! Kiss Me! [Part 2 - Lucifer]
So originally this was supposed to be multiple brothers per part but this got unexpectedly long and I only had the energy to get through Lucifer. I’ll definitely get to the other brothers. This project may take priority over the others until I get them all out. I know what I’ll be doing for Mammon’s, sort of for Levi’s, definitely for Satan’s, definitely for Beel’s, and I’m not quite 100% on Belphie’s or Asmo’s. Honestly, they’re not all supposed to get this long, but this one had some lead up + Lucifer. The other ones will probably be a couple of paragraph’s, maybe a page at most.
Note: The Thrall/The Call is something that came up in a Diavolo piece forever ago. Can’t even remember which one because I had to go back and find it myself. It’s basically one of their tell-tale signs they’re trying to seduce someone or flirt with someone.
Some of these kiss scenarios will get a little NSFW because the bros get to kiss you, have a crush on you, and are excited dorks. Everything under the cut just to be safe.
Any bolded italics are your/MC’s thoughts since you can’t currently speak.
Quick! Kiss Me! [Part 2]
After a few awkward moments of the brothers standing around, their hearts squeezing in their chests as they tried to hold back their individual Thralls to make your choice more neutral, they realized their wouldn’t be a choice. There couldn’t be. The lip color was too scrambled to work in such a small space with that many people. You’d just barely blinked and the brothers skittered off at inhumane speeds that made your skin crawl; in your human brain it was very much those ‘distant echoes of horror movie noises one should never hear.’ Lucifer turned so abruptly his cape snapped; he melted seamlessly into the natural darkness hiding around the House of Lamentation.
That was the starting gun for the others to disperse.
Belphie exploded into black wispy shadows, sinking into the floor. Asmodeus stretched his wings again, flapping leisurely towards his room as he blew you a teasing kiss. Satan’s eyes, somehow greener and more bewitching than ever, hesitated to leave you as he retreated up the steps, made it about three before deciding to jog, and finally teleported towards the top and around the corner, hints of his horns and a brief whip of his tail following him. A skin-prickling rumble sounded soon after; the fourth-born had embarrassed himself.
Levi sought the privacy of his room, as to be expected. He would die if he kissed you ANYWAYS, but to kiss you in front of his brothers?! He’d rather have a conversation with a stranger! Gross! He was more than happy to get his red face out of view and mumble…whatever he was talking about…into his handheld console.
Only Beel and Mammon remained.
You looked at them curiously, brows raised. Beel gave you his casual smile, a little humming laugh at this situation, and promptly picked Mammon up by the collar of his jacket as they walked away from the foyer area. It was clear the second-born would lounge around and maybe try to sucker into kissing him first. You’d like to think Beel was forcing him to hide so the lip color could give you an accurate reading, but you’d always wondered if the kind, ever-hungry brother got jealous. If he did, he never showed it (and for a guy with six brothers, that was impressive).
Brain and body calmed by the emptiness, by the fact that they were somewhere in the house, you set off on your quest for a kiss. No one’s going to believe this, you rolled your eyes, starting towards the right wing when a gust of cold air overtook you. A chilly numbness set in, nipping at your fingertips and pulsing in your lips and face enough to give you a headache. Not that way, you turned away sharply, the cold receding as you moved in the other direction. Some people have really cute ‘how did you meet?’ stories and mine was getting tricked into magic demon makeup that my boyfriend had to free me from, as you found yourself in the middle of a random hallway an aggravating realization set in: the House of Lamentation was so ornate and old that all the hallways looked the same.
Same walls, same tone of polished furniture, same light fixtures, and the carpeting was a given.
Hadn’t you already been down this hall?! Why was it when you really needed to find one of SEVEN people, you couldn’t find any of them?! You felt like you’d walked the whole house! The House of Lamentation was far bigger than it looked on the outside (was that even possible?) and now you were beginning to think the brothers picked the very corners of the house! You were honestly surprised the brothers hadn’t come looking for you. Some small part of you was too amused and couldn’t help but smile at the fact that centuries-old demons were freaking out and pacing in their hiding spots like schoolboys fixing to go on an overnight trip with their crush.
You shuffled forward, wondering what a positive response felt like. Time alone to just think was really odd, especially with how chaotic the Devildom could be, but it led to some really interesting thoughts. No one would believe the ‘magic demon makeup’ part of your story but you could lie and say it was a really intense game of Hot and Cold. Any of them would make good boyfriends, you admitted to yourself, glad none of them were around to see the pink in your cheeks. If one of them popped up, you’d just lie and blame it on the warm tingle prickling at your lips.
A warm tingle?! That was a lot like what you felt when your lips were sealing shut! You spun in a startled circle, not sure when the feeling began, and desperately tried for a stronger reaction. A prickle became a tingly bubble, like a glass of champagne going to your head too fast, and soon your body felt like it was floating, rolling on waves upon waves of a butterflies-in-my-stomach that washed you up in front of a door.
Inside you found…
Lucifer sitting at his desk, half-heartedly pouring over paperwork. You pushed the heavy door open, feeling like you’d pulled the curtain back on a privacy charm, and wiggled past the old wood. The lazy tapping of whatever he was writing with stopped, the eldest perking up like someone had set him free of the eternal coil of paperwork. If you hadn’t been looking at him while trying to pull your other leg through, you would’ve missed the boyish glow of hope, the they picked me! It’s me!, that was promptly devoured by his blossoming pride.
Face propped up on a gloved wrist, now lounging confidently back against his chair as his other wrist dangled off the arm, Lucifer invited you in with a sly smile and a beckoning roll of his fingers. You rolled your eyes. We both saw your heart stop. You don’t need this ‘tall, dark, and dom’ fake allure, you waved your hands about to emphasize the ‘allure’ as you flashed him a well-meaning smile. You felt pretty confident knowing you could fluster the first born, the one with the sin of pride.
It was actually really heart-warming to know he was so eager to be yours.
“This is no act, I assure you.” Lucifer abandoned his cloak on the back of the chair, undoing it with one hand as he rose to meet you. His wings unfurled slowly and softly, ever majestic, and feathered out to their full length. They shuddered and fluttered, blowing a gentle air about the room. His eyes, normally a gradient of red and black, looked completely red. Lucifer’s pupils had taken on some slit-like appearance that had flecks of black rimming the sides.
A purr rolled in his chest, something quiet but confident, enticing, as he waited for your hand. You found yourself hypnotized by his eyes—maybe for real?—dropping your hand delicately into his. The leather folded around your skin and you couldn’t look away, even as he brought it close to his chest and then higher still, like he’d put it on his shoulder. To pull you into a kiss as dramatic as this—in the quiet only surrounded by the sound of his wings and a purr and the fire crackling in the back of the room—was very Lucifer.
You stood on tiptoe, looking up at him expectantly. Hell, you even batted your eyelashes to really get at him.
Lucifer’s lips brushed your knuckles again in a stuttering kiss. He placed a few more open-mouthed kissed up your finger before the laughter took over him again. He knew exactly what he was doing, just like he knew what he was doing when he smoothed his hair back away from his face. “Have I left you speechless, my dear?” he’d started to stand to his full height, shit-eating smirk on his lips. His voice was wrapped in a sultry purr that was undoubtedly the first sin mankind ever heard.
That cool façade was strangled in the grip you had on his folded collar, bringing the first-born nose-to-nose with you. Lucifer was hardly intimidated by your glare but oh you were very darling.
BECAUSE YOU CAN’T AIM! Your nostrils flared as you pouted a bit. You’re supposed to kiss me HERE! You pointed to your lips.
“I can’t aim?” Lucifer’s wings twitched, probably in indignation. Were you implying he couldn’t do something? His lips twisted upwards in a little huff, the beginnings of a sneer even. All of that melted away when that large hand cupped the back of your head, fingers twining in your hair. You’d just registered the sensation when he brought your lips to his, head tilted and savoring the kiss.
It was a long with a slight suckle, the eldest truly indulging in this minuet of a moment compared to the usual chaos of his daily existence. He felt you sag against him, hooking his other arm around your waist to stumble towards his desk. You were an awkward clatter of bones against him, chest-to-chest, and one leg falling out of the chair, but you managed.
“This was how it was supposed to be,” Lucifer confessed softly, sitting you in the space he’d cleared for you. Literally. You just now realized the scant space on his desk was big enough for you to sit. He dragged the chair forward, your legs naturally coming to rest against the padded backing on either side of his waist. Lucifer tucked some hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek. “I wanted to kiss you this way,” but my pride got the best of me, he didn’t dare finish saying it, but he thought it.
You felt your lips open, swollen and beautifully tender. To breathe through them felt weird. They still tingled with the after-effect of the enchantment. Lucifer watched you lick your lips experimentally, draw in a breath, and allowed himself to be drawn in, too. You shared a few more languid kisses before his D.D.D started to go off.
You saw Mammon’s icon pop up, then Asmo’s. The brothers were looking for you. “That reminds me,” Lucifer patted your thigh before pushing himself away. He stole another kiss before rounding the corner of his desk. He opened the door just slightly, stepped out of the room, and bellowed something in demon tongue that had a clear message of finality ringing in the house. Whatever he’d said made him lock the door to his study with a quickness, a crimson spell burning into the wood.
Looking very much like a smug older brother, Lucifer dropped himself elegantly back in his chair. One hand situated your legs just as they had been, the other one pulling you close for good measure. He coaxed you into a few kittenish kisses, flinching against your lips when the banging started. You could hear Mammon complaining outside the door. A spell fizzled against the door; seems like Belphegor or Satan had fired one off. Content and exhausted, he found purchase in the curve of your neck, enjoying the silence and your scent.
“We’ll get through this.” You combed your fingers through his hair. You’d have to face the brothers eventually.
“I look forward to it.” Lucifer kissed your shoulder.      
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sparklycardigan · 3 years
Same anon from before! "You know what, Anon? At least we know that we were in this together now." Oh yes! I certainly feel less like a psycho for doing that now that I know that I wasn't the only one lmao.
I would absolutely love to hear (or, well, read) any connections that u made with the book and dair.
"also I found this cool alfred parker illustration that reminds me of harry and evelyn" Oh I totally see it! When I saw your new profile picture for the first time, I immediately thought it was a Harry and Evelyn fanart.
Happy to hear from you again <3 *inserts the perks of being a wallflower quote* but seriously, this is our energy anon:
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Here's my icon in full:
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(the painting illustrated a story in the Ladies Home Journal magazine in May 1942 - the text that came up with it, I still need to do more research so I'll fill you up aka I will probably reblog this post with additions, but I'm positively in love with the eternity of this, Harry and Evelyn make me go insane in the worst & best way, platonic soulmates trope my dearest <3)
Now, for the Dair connections (YAY!!!!!!). Before I actually start talking about them I just want to highlight that these pairings are not the same, it's only about the essence of each relationship that I made these parallels (yes, I'm highlighting this because the Taylor Swift/Evelyn Hugo comparisons are getting out of hand).
The thing is, I had a lot of quotes from The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo in my Dair inspo documents way before I got my hands on the book. Crazily, I only listed the author which resulted in me going through multiple heart attacks while reading the book, as in I continuously stumbled upon sentences already known and dear to me. All of that resulted in me inevitably making this post sooner or later, because of you Anon, it's sooner that I do this so thank you for that! Let's go through some of those sentences then (I picked three because I don't want this post to get too long):
“She looked at me. And the way she did it made me feel as if no one had ever really looked at me before.”
@mezzoklutz wrote this wonderful essay earlier (I hope it's alright to tag you) which kind of relates to what I want to say about Dair and the way their relationship connects to this quote. I analysed the quote in relation to Evelyn and Celia in my tags here and I feel like a lot of it can apply to Dair too (having Dan as Celia and Blair as Evelyn in this case scenario). Blair, like Evelyn, not only acts in a way complementary to the perception different individual have of her, but believes those perceptions to be sort of like a truth about who she is, maybe not consciously, but she still does it. They tell her she's dark and twisted, she schemes. They tell her she's not good enough at something, she feels so. It's not even in a pitiful manner that she does this, she doesn't pity herself (just like I mentioned about Evelyn), she uses these observations of others seemingly (that's how she views it I believe) to her advantage aka she tries to fit into them as perfectly as she can in order to keep the people expressing those opinions in her orbit. If she fits into their image of her, they won't leave her, that's her logic. But this is where the quote fits and where we get to Dan. Dan, like Celia for Evelyn, doesn't fit into the perception, this time Blair, has of the world. He just doesn't. He's an anomaly to what she expects of her surroundings, when he looks at her (both literally and metaphorically) he doesn't see anyone but Blair. And that is a revelation to Blair too. Suddenly she's not Queen B Blair or Dark and Twisted Blair or Serena's Best Friend Blair or Good Girl Girlfriend Blair. She doesn't have to choose which version of herself to be around Dan and she doesn't have to reduce herself to only one of those versions which are all essentially her to a point. Not to mention how she gets to see more of herself while spending time with Dan. Parts of herself she never thought existent. I really love that. How Dair is about Dan and Blair together and Dan and Blair individually (separate entities!!!!!) and lastly about the correlation of those two aspects (how their relationship helps them in discovering who they are as people).
"She always made sure the bad was outweighed by so much good. I...well, I didn't do that for her."
This is what Evelyn says in regards to Celia and I think it's complimentary to Dair, having Blair as Evelyn again. It's funny cause I feel like if we got to read this from Celia's point of view she might have said the exact same thing which is both fascinating and sad, how people can be connected and kept apart because of those same connections and similarities in feelings or thought. I love that the quote points out that Evelyn was fully aware of Celia's faults (and vice versa I believe) which is also characteristic to Dair. And people involved in both pairings mentioned never try to erase or overlook those parts of their partners, what's that quote, "I love you and I am conscious of you all the time"? That explains it for me but the point is: love and full consciousness of another being don't exclude one another neither for Dair or for Evelyn & Celia. About "I didn't do that for her" part... It rings through for Blair but I can't talk about it because I'm going to get emotional, but it stands as its own explanation.
"if you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you…"
I saw someone reblog this quote with d&b tag way before I picked up the book and it's so true for Dair, this time we are casting Dan as Evelyn because this is again an Evelyn quote. It's one of those things that end up sounding way more meaningful than you intended them to be before you said them (and this one's shared during Celia's preparation for the Oscars) which is so Dan (his stupid caring aching heart <3). I don't think necessary to analyse the quote, I will only ruin it, but it's clearly 💫so very Dair💫 ("It's you, it couldn't be awful."💝💌💗💞💓💕💘💝💌💖).
Sorry it took me this long to answer!
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(had to put this gif here because it looks so so otherworldly, like it belongs to another time which works for our timeline ship mix up, *plays ivy aka the most period piece ts song + ivy makes sense for each ship we discussed in this little post💕).
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quillandink333 · 3 years
Scarlet Carnations ~ Part VI
BotW Link X Zelda ~ Detective AU
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Rating: T
Word Count: 2.4k
WARNINGS: death, murder, loss, trauma, blood and gore, terrorism, organized crime, self-harm
Summary: Inspector Zelda Hyrule, assisted by the faithful Constable Link Fyori, is infamous for cracking the most confounding of cases in a town dominated by crime. Her latest assignment is to solve the murder of her own godmother, Impa Sheikah, the late CEO of Sheikah Tech. Incorporated, while staying under the radar of the dreaded Yiga organization.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Part IV • Part V • Part VI • Part VII • Epilogue • Masterlist
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By the time I was finally let into the crime scene the day after making my little forensic discovery, the sun had already come down to kiss the horizon. It had taken a great deal of stubborn persistence, but in the end, I had managed to convince the chief detective to grant me access by proving the effectiveness of my method.
As for the name of this method, I had decided to dub the chemical “luminol” due to its distinguishing chemiluminescence, as well as for the sake of succinctness.
Though the chief himself had taken to this well enough, there was yet another hurdle that I’d had to overcome. The estate’s residents. That process had been a bit more difficult, and delicate. At first, my adoptive family were, naturally, apprehensive to let me do as I wished. But when I gave them my solemn apologies and told them that this might allow me to make up for all I had done to hurt them, their trust in me seemed to have been somewhat restored. And I had no intention of letting them down again.
I had to admit, though, that being here on my own was more than a little bit strange. I’d done each one of my investigations side-by-side with my partner ever since I’d freed him from the psych ward and gotten him in with the force a year ago. Every time he wasn’t there to lend me his insights or hold onto something for me or put a hand on my shoulder if ever I got myself overly worked up was like the pang of being slapped across the face. But each of those times, I would straighten up and remind myself, “I’m doing this for him.”
According to Link, he’d found the key near the foot of the fireplace. And so that would be the first place I’d search.
But before I could begin, the parlour was bathed in harsh, orange light.
The officer charged with supervising me had his finger on the light switch. “Ah, actually, could you keep those off for me?” The man gave me an estranged look, but granted my request all the same. “Oh, and close the blinds for me while you’re at it, will you? Ta!”
Now that the room was dim, I’d more effectively simulated the conditions of my apartment that night.
With no further ado, I made my way toward the mantel. Its polished, stone surface couldn’t possibly have the ability to conceal any amount of blood, one might have thought. In which case, one would have been wrong. And my new formula was going to prove just that.
All it took were a couple of spritzes to cover the entire width of the mantelpiece. I waited. Then after a few seconds, the luminol set in, and I had my results.
On either end of the shelf, there was a statuette. These frog-like figures stood guard here as guardian deities to the Sheikah family, or so I’d been told as a seven-year-old. But now, the truth would be revealed to me that what they protected was not the family but a secret. And on the night of the murder, evidently, they’d failed to do even that much.
On the right-hand figurine’s forehead, there had appeared an array of fluorescent blue spots. They were shaped and positioned like fingerprints—a thumb, index, and middle, gripping the creature by its painted skull—but unlike fingerprints, they were completely filled in. I recalled dusting these statuettes for prints on the second or third day of official inspections, and I’d found nothing. The person who these bloody prints belonged to must have been wearing gloves at the time. The same method they’d used to leave no prints on Link’s revolver.
With caution, I aligned my fingers with the prints and gave the figurine an experimental wiggle. To my surprise, it wasn’t fixed to the mantel as I’d thought, but rather hinged to it. It tilted back, and underneath its feet, a small, round keyhole glowed orange in wait.
This was it. I took the unassumingly sized key from my pocket and dropped it into the hole, whereupon both key and keyhole went from orange to brilliant sky blue. A perfect fit.
I couldn’t believe my eyes with what occurred next.
When the key fell in place, the mantel itself split down the middle. Then the two halves began to shift independently away from one and other. As this was happening, the inner wall of the chimney had broken apart into individual rows of stone brick, which then swung backward into the wall.
The two halves of the mantelpiece, having scraped along all the way to either end of the fireplace, collapsed and folded down against its outer legs with a decisive klock. All of this had transpired in the span of just ten seconds.
Behind what had once existed in my mind as a solid, stone-brick wall, there was now a small, cylindrical hollow, just big enough for one or two people to stand inside. The floor of the hollow, beyond the hearth, bore the symbol of the Sheikahs and glowed with the same blue hue that had the key upon being returned to its home. I looked down and noticed the key in question on the floor, having fallen out when its side of the mantel had lain itself vertically.
When the mechanisms in the mantelpiece began stirring to life again, I realized I was on a time limit. With haste, I retrieved the key, placed it in one of my coat pockets, and entered the tiny room.
For several moments, nothing happened, save for the wall of the fireplace closing back up behind me. During these moments, I wondered, what purpose could this room possibly serve? There were no shelves or drawers or racks that one could use to hang one’s clothes on, and it was far too small to be used as storage.
Then all of a sudden, the floor began to lower, all by itself.
The farther and farther I descended into the depths of the unknown, the harder my heart pounded. Just how deep did this elevator go?
And for that matter, how in the world was it even going? The ceiling above me remained where it was, so pulleys were out of the question—and there were no gears or anything moving the floor downwards, from what I could tell.
My confusion turned to shock when the platform I was on defied gravity itself as it entered the chamber that seemed to be its destination.
“What in the blazes...?” I breathed aloud. I had half a mind to suspect that what I’d just witnessed was the result of paranormal influences. Of course, the Sheikah crest beneath my feet told me there had to be a scientific explanation as to how these endless technological mysteries operated. Auntie Purah was sure to know. Though, come to think of it, had she even been aware of the existence of this secret passage?
I now found myself at the start of some kind of corridor. The sound of my heels touching the floor as I stepped down from the levitating platform echoed in the darkness. The only sources of light came from the pulsing, blue runes lining the baseboards of the cold, polished walls, the similarly pulsing Sheikah insignia adorning the archway that marked the start of the hallway ahead, and the mounted sconces that, rather than fire, contained lightbulbs of the same blue that emitted no heat.
As enthrallingly curious as all this was, none of it was relevant. Right now, I was retracing what were likely the steps of the true killer. All I had was to keep moving forward.
But doing so was going to be far easier said than done. Not only was this place exceedingly dark, so much so that I could only just make out the edges of each wall, but it seemed to go on forever. The twists, turns, ups, and downs were so frequent that after five minutes, I hadn’t the slightest idea which way I was facing. The one bright side to it all was that there was only ever a single path forward to choose from.
But to make things worse, there were traps set up along the complete length of the labyrinth. Things like cameras, pressure plates, and even lasers, all of which were inventions that I and the general public were already familiar with, unlike that impossible “elevator” that I had discovered. One thing was for certain: whoever had carried the corpse of their victim through here had to have known their way around this place. For I was barely even able to get by without unwittingly tripping the alarm.
By the time I was finally nearing the end of my journey, and thoroughly drenched in an anxious sweat, I spotted something lying on the ground where a few stray rays of moonlight were seeping in from the outside.
Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a letter of sorts. It wasn’t until I examined the back of the envelope that I realized this wasn’t just any letter. It was addressed to none other than Impa Sheikah, and it bore no return address. Not only that, but it was stained with splotches of what appeared to be blood.
The sheets of parchment inside were old and yellowing, and the envelope had what looked to be the remnants of a broken wax seal on the flap. The letter itself was handwritten in the same elegant cursive in which the address had been written, with some kind of nib pen and ink. Aside from murder, whoever had sent this must have had a deep affinity for the old-fashioned.
“My dear friend,” it began.
“It is with great sadness in my heart that I am writing to you. The last time we spoke was far too long ago, but even so, I am afraid this will be one of the last times you shall ever hear from me. You see, I have held off on this for as long as possible, but you have forced my hand. I can no longer allow you to meddle in my affairs as you have been.
“I am certain that you are aware of this by now, but I have been keeping watch over you from the ashes of the afterlife for a number of years. I must say, you have done a fine job of raising my darling Zelda in my stead. She has grown into a fine, young lady thanks to your efforts. Though I admit, I do wonder if she has what it takes to ‘solve the mystery’ of which she has been so steadfast in her pursuit ever since my unfortunate, yet necessary, departure.
“The night grows late, and I find myself carrying on. This letter has strayed far from its original purpose. Allow me to get straight to the heart of the matter. Meet me in the secret garden on the twenty-first before daybreak. Surely I need not tell you what would happen if you were to decline this simple request of mine. You were once my nearest and dearest friend, after all, and to allow malice to fester between friends such as we would be a tragedy, to say the least.
“Please deliver my deepest and most heartfelt affections to the rest of the family.
“Yours faithfully, Hilda”
By the time my eyes had dragged themselves along the sweeping lines of the signature, by hands had started to shake so severely that I nearly couldn’t read what was written there. In fact, not just my hands, but my entire being was trembling out of control. I fell to my knees, the sheets of paper scattering in every direction.
Now I knew the reason why this writing had seemed so familiar. I’d used the very same to confirm the nonexistence of the tooth fairy at age five by writing “her” a note and analyzing “her” reply the next day.
My mother was alive. Not only that, but...
I rose to my feet so quickly, my head started pounding. But I paid no heed to it. All I could think in that moment was how impossible it was.
At the end of this long hallway, there was a small set of stairs leading up to a trapdoor, carved from the same stone-like material that made up the walls of the labyrinth. It was incredibly heavy, but it wasn’t locked. With a bit of effort, I managed to heave it open.
The scene into which I would then emerge would change my life forever.
I found myself in the middle of a section of the estate’s gardens that I had never seen before. Behind me was the garden wall that I was familiar with, but rather than the rest of it being properly walled off, it was lined with dwarf evergreens. Beyond those, however, the thicket of the woods seemed all but impassable.
At the centre of it all, there was a place where the flowers were trampled and wilting. From afar, these flowers appeared a deep red hue. But up close, they were white. Something else had turned them red.
Then it dawned on me—these were carnations. I looked around. The secret garden was fit to burst with carnations.
“I observe the world as I hide in a cage. In my youth, I am weak, but I gain strength with age. I both give life and take it away. When one tries to pluck me, I make them my prey. What am I?”
“A carnation.”
It was all flooding back to me. My mother’s fondness for the species, how she had been born on the streets, the great fire that had devoured City Hall, the uprising of the Yiga...
Everything I had been led to believe was a lie.
The head of the organization was my mother. And Auntie Impa had known it all along.
When I looked up toward the starless sky, it felt as though I were plummeting head first into its insatiable, black abyss. My lungs seized up, and I couldn’t breathe. My very soul, being pulled in two opposite directions, was doomed to be torn apart.
Then the clouds parted, and behind a veil of shadow, the full moon was revealed.
The phantom of a hand belonging to the boy I called Link came to rest upon my shoulder. It was soft and nostalgic, in tandem with the frail light of the moon. I felt my chest brimming over with a courage most profound. At that moment, I harboured not even a wisp of fear for whatever it was that lay ahead of me.
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otomes-world · 4 years
Shall we dance?
@yo-grrrl​ says: It would just be interesting to see something on Yandere!Crowley / fem! MC x) Prompt h. Closed door, Beast, Blood and 3. “Shall we dance?”
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The measured clatter of heels is heard along the once busy corridors. The rays of the setting sun cast the shadow of a tall figure in a hat, walking towards desired target. Step, turn to the right, walk to the corner and turn again, but this time to the left. The door opens with a muffled creak, revealing a room with mirrors.
Heartslabuyl. Savanaclaw. Octavinelle. Scarabia. Pomefiore. Ignyhide. Diasomnia.
Seven dorms dedicated to underrated geniuses, great wizards, better known as villains. However, in order for good to prevail in fairy tales, evil must be present. The world order is built on this, the balance is preserved and maintained.
However, each world has its own rules, its own foundations. In Twisted Wonderland, the concepts of light and dark are distorted. Here creatures prefer black to white. Here, every innocent lamb is waiting to bare its fangs and reveal the hidden wolf. Here, not trusting anyone is the best solution.
Everyone knows the truth. Almost everyone. A child from another world is pure and spotless, whose soul is brighter than the souls of all its inhabitants. The eyes of still very young girl look with kindness and understanding. The heart is ready to accept even the blackest being. In the world of truths turned upside down, such a child is a welcome prize. A new toy that everyone wants to get their hands on.
Put under a rigid rules, breaking individuality.
Tear to pieces with sharp claws.
Awaken secret desires.
Spoil to madness.
Put on pedestal.
Take to hell.
Lock up.
In this world, trusting another, you will fall down. In this world, believing another, you will feel the bitterness of betrayal. Not a single bright soul will survive in this world.
Unless it has a strong protector.
A kind director is obliged to watch over, guide and protect his students, as a wise mentor teach the cruelties of reality.
The meaning changes depending on which side to look at the well-known fact. A thistle in a rose garden will be mistaken for a weed. However, a rose in a field of thorns is weed too. The only way to save the plant from death is to transplant it, cover it with a crystal dome, protecting it from everything.
Shaking his head and adjusting his hat, Crowley turns and walks to his office. You shouldn`t be late for a meeting you have organized yourself. You can’t make the long-awaited guest wait.
Minutes drag on slowly in a leisurely stream intertwining into hours, and those will soon become eternity. Turning the knob, the raven sees a fragile silhouette waiting in room. The human child shrinks to the sound and meets the man’s eyes.
Click. The door is locked.
The girl frowns and crosses arms over chest, her hair swaying gracefully with every movement of her head. After studying for months in college, Yuu became more alert, more attentive, sipping a cup of bitterness in full. The diamond heart is no longer so sparkling, but diamonds are the hardest stones in nature. A few scratches won`t damage them, otherwise, you can always give a gem to a cut.
Glancing at the director again, she notices red spots on his cloak and shirt. Head starts to buzz with insane assumption, but the metallic smell clearly hints that this isn`t paint. For each step a man takes, a human child makes one backward until she touches the table with her back.
Girl cannot ascape anymore.
Crowley smiles, holding out his hand. For the first time ever, Yuu notices flickering fangs in the corners of the crow’s lips.
“Shall we dance, my dear?”
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