#deciet angst
Hi! I was remembering how some of your fics have Roman practicing conversations with the other sides in the Imagination over and over. Now, I tend to be one of those people that is almost always in my head (been mildly dissociating near constantly for almost a year now which uh- probably should get that checked out actually) and a lot of the time when I do stuff I get deja vu even if I've never done something like that before. And it's kinda gotten to the point where I'm not entirely sure if something has actually happened or not sometimes. So I was thinking maybe Roman references a conversation what he'd had with the Imagination!Sides in passing on accident, and everyone is kinda like "Princey wtf are you talking about??" And Roman panics and hides, and the next time he sees the sides he thinks that they don't wanna see him and this is a scene in the Imagination. So he gets really confused when the words he's learned will get the fake sides angry at him just are met with more concern and worry from the real sides. And they're trying to comfort him and he doesn't know what's going on and yells "CUT!" but obviously it doesn't work and now everyone is really worried and Roman can't tell between what's real and what's fake anymore and just. Has a mental breakdown. and then they comfort :D because I cannot leave this poor guy with an unhappy ending. – anon
hiii !!!! idk if you’re taking requests, and if not please ignore me, but if you are, i’m legit in love with how you write rociet with roman angst, and i would love to see more of it !!!!!! thank you !!!!!!!! – anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: unreality/roman having trouble remembering things and figuring out what's real, self-doubt
Pairings: dlampr, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 4976
It begins so slowly that they don't think anything of it at first. Roman will say something that they don't remember, or he'll reference something that never happened, or he'll forget something that happened just a few days ago as though it happened several months back. Things...escalate, and soon they figure out the problem is far, far worse than they could have ever imagined.
Remus doesn't bother with asking or knocking, he just sinks into Roman's room right over his bed.
There's no yelp or screech, which means Roro's not in the bed, but he does get a surprised little squeak when he turns around from his desk.
"Re? I thought you were—you went—aren't you feeding Ollie right now?"
Remus frowns, sitting up. "No, that's not for another week. And you're supposed to come with me."
Roman furrows his brow, toying with his pen. "Really? I thought you said…"
He trails off, staring into nothing and Remus's frown deepens, sliding off the bed and walking over. Roman's pen stills, his grip a little too tight, and Remus nudges his shoulder. "Roro?"
It's like someone electrocuted him—Roman clicks and suddenly this wide grin that looks almost painful settles on his face and Remus blinks in surprise. "Sorry, don't know what came over me. Must've been lost in thought."
"Are you—hey!"
Roman leaps up and tackles Remus through the door into the Imagination, summoning his sword and swinging it before Remus has a chance to catch his breath. His morningstar clangs against the blade a moment later and he grins too—he's been waiting for Roman to start one of their fights for ages!
"Come on," Roman taunts, spreading his arms, "or are you just gonna lie there all day?"
"Oh, you asked for it, Roro."
Their sparring shakes the ground, yells and laughs ringing out as their weapons clash over and over and over. Remus throws back his head and howls and the Imagination responds, the sky growing dark and thick with clouds as thunder booms in the distance. Roman's sword grazes his arm and he shoves Remus hard in the chest, knocking him over.
"Do you yield?"
"Never!" He springs back up and they're off again, but Roman keeps dancing out of the way. "How're you so fast? Have you been practicing without me?"
Roman falters and Remus jams his elbow into the soft part of Roman's ribs, knocking him off-balance just enough to swat the sword from his hand. The first raindrops start to fall as Roman lands on his side, Remus's morningstar about to aim for his chest when a leg trips him and suddenly Roman's got his sword back—how did that happen?—and Remus's weapon is flying across the field.
"How the fuck—?"
"Do you yield?"
Remus snarls playfully and jumps up, tackling Roman and knocking his sword away again. Roman responds instantly, grappling across the slowly-muddying field until they end up on their backs, Roman's arm holding Remus in a chokehold as the rain pours down on them.
"Do you yield?"
"Yeah, yeah," Remus gasps, "I fucking yield. Leggo."
Roman chuckles and lets him roll off, landing face first in a mud puddle. His muscles ache but only in the good way and he flops onto his back, smiling breathlessly at the sky.
"That was fucking amazing, Roro," he gasps, "you have been practicing, haven't you?"
"Just trying to keep up with you," comes Roman's answer, just a little too quickly.
Remus doesn't think anything of it.
"Hm?" Roman looks up from his spot in the corner of the living room, curled around his notebook. "Oh, hey, Padre. Is everything okay?"
Patton tilts his head. "Yeah, kiddo, why wouldn't it be?"
"Sorry, it's just, you know, everyone's been a little tense recently, what with…" Roman makes a vague gesture. "Everything. I shouldn't have assumed, though, I'm sorry."
Before Patton can ask if Roman's okay, Roman's settling his notebook to the side and standing up.
"What can I do for you?"
"I was going to ask if you wanted to help me with dinner?"
An expression flickers across Roman's face, too quick to name, before he's smiling and bowing. "It would be my honor, lead the way."
At least he's alright enough for that. Patton goes over to the kitchen, Roman behind him, and reaches for the large pot at the back of the stove. "I was thinking we could try that new pasta dish that Virgil's been asking about? The one Thomas saw on that YouTube video?"
"The one with all the spices and garlic and stuff?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"I don't remember if we have all the ingredients we need, but I'm definitely down to try." Roman opens a cabinet and starts taking bottles down from the shelf. "We can also definitely tweak the recipe to make sure that we can do the important parts, we just have to be careful that—"
"Uh, Roman?"
Roman pauses, turning to look over his shoulder, still holding a jar. "Yeah?"
"I, uh, I did this last week, I know what spices we have. I figured this out, you don't have to tell me how to do it."
Again, that expression flickers over his face and he quickly sets down the jar and takes a big step away from the counter. "Right, right, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to—no, I'm not gonna make an excuse. I'm sorry, Patton, I'll listen."
"It's fine, kiddo, I know you didn't mean it." Patton holds out the pot. "Can you fill this with water?"
"Of course!"
They start prepping, Patton providing little instructions and Roman carrying them out. He chops the shallots, the green onions, and sets the sausage to the side to be cooked first. By the time they're ready to start the actual cooking, Patton's got the water boiling for the rice noodles when Roman looks over his shoulder.
"Um, what are you doing?"
"Cooking the noodles, that's it."
"But they're—sorry, aren't they supposed to be cooked later?"
"We need them ready to add to the rest of the stuff near the end, kiddo, so they have to be ready."
"But they only take a few minutes." When Patton frowns, just thinking Roman's words over, Roman hastily continues. "Sorry, I'm sure you know that already. Here, I'll, uh, would it be helpful if I got a bowl out to put them in once they're done?"
"Yeah, that'd be great."
He catches that expression on Roman's face again, and again it vanishes too quickly for him to ask about, but the rest of the cooking goes off without a hitch. They get a lot of compliments on how good everything tastes and Patton makes sure Roman gets as much of the praise as he does.
"I just listened to you," Roman demurs, "it's really all you."
"It seems not only have you cooked a spectacular dish," Logan observes, "but you've also taught Roman some humility."
Virgil snorts. "'Bout time."
Roman smiles as the rest of them laugh. Patton takes another bite. "This is even better than last time."
"Last time," Roman says quietly, "sorry, can you—when was last time?"
"Sheesh, Princey, how bad is your memory getting? It was just last week?"
"Last week, right."
Patton opens his mouth to ask why Roman still sounds unsure about it, but then Remus throws one of the prawn shells at Janus and he doesn't think about it anymore.
"Easy, now," Roman murmurs, still stroking his hand up and down Virgil's spine, "that's it…you're doing really well, shadow-ling."
Virgil closes his eyes, resting against Roman's solid chest as the last of the panic attack bleeds from his veins. His breathing has yet to even out, but he can start to smell some of Princey's shampoo again, so he takes it as a win. He'll deny it later, but he turns his head to nuzzle into the crook of Roman's neck. Roman doesn't say a single thing, just shifting his grip to hold Virgil more securely in his lap.
"Hey," he says gently when Virgil headbutts his chin, "you here with me, bud?"
Roman's chuckle thrums warmly through his head. "I'll take that as a 'sort of.'"
Half of Virgil expects Roman to gently prod him into taking care of himself the rest of the way: getting him water, making him try and eat a little, getting him out of the gross and sweaty clothes into clean ones, even trying to talk him into taking a shower. And he'd do it, putting up his cursory protests, but that would mean that Roman's getting ready to leave and right now, in the last of the panic, he really wants Princey to stay.
He'd deny it if Roman ever asked him, of course, and he'd throttle Janus before he could chirp how much of a lie that was.
But Roman doesn't do that. Instead, he wraps his arms even more gently around Virgil and tucks him half over his shoulder, almost straddling his lap as one of his hands begins to card through his hair. Pressed chest to chest, he has to stifle another hitching gasp as Princey starts humming. It's a low and gentle tune, almost melancholy, and he swears it's some kind of magic as it reaches into the exhausted heap of emotions still swirling in his gut and starts coaxing it out of him.
Yeah, that means he goes back to crying into Princey's shoulder, but it's a softer cry that feels like he might actually feel better when it's over and he has no idea how Roman knows exactly what to do.
He's not gonna question it though.
There's no way the song Princey's humming is as long as he holds him for, so he must be doing it over and over, which just makes Virgil cry more because Roman is choosing to stay with him right now, he's choosing to let Virgil be a puddle of mess on his lap, and he's still running his fingers lightly over Virgil's back and yes, actually, Virgil would like to stay here forever.
When the tears eventually run out and Virgil's just floating there, in a really pleasant haze, he realizes that Roman isn't going to move until Virgil decides he wants to move. Not when he's just shifting so it's easier for Virgil to breathe, and he's still scratching gently along the space between his shoulder blades.
"How'd…how'd you know what to do?"
Roman turns and noses Virgil's hair. "You told me, remember?"
Virgil's tired brain tries to figure out when he gave Roman the step-by-step on how to give him the best, most indulgent comfort ever and draws a blank. "No. I—when'd I do that?"
Roman's hand stutters for a moment, just a moment, but a moment nonetheless. "Maybe I just figured out why it took me so long to realize what you needed, then."
Talking is hard, and so Virgil doesn't do it, but he does think about it.
"It's not that bizarre of an opinion, to be sure, but the way it's phrased speaks more of an incomplete understanding of the topic than they intended."
"No, I see your point. I mean, I know I'm definitely biased and reading sentences like that tends to make me defensive, but I know that, and I'm trying to work on it." Roman pinches the bridge of his nose. "I think it's just hard because when you make such sweeping generalizations that imply that you really don't know what it is you're talking about, it's hard for me to not be super defensive and stuff, does that make sense?"
"It's another area for you to work on—"
"Yeah, I know."
"—but I see your point. If someone doesn't come to the table in good faith, it's difficult to have good faith yourself." Logan sits back, still pondering the opinion piece in front of them. "Though it is clear they lack the same kind of expertise and knowledge that you do."
"I think that's also why it's hard for me—I can list, like, four different examples offhand that would disprove their point, and at least half a dozen more that show the contradictions they've made in the last paragraph alone—like, I'm not alone here, that part contradicts their point about pacing, doesn't it?"
"Not entirely, but yes, it lends an ambiguity to their earlier statement."
"Right." Roman rubs his forehead and flips through his notebook, brow furrowed. "I swear I remember when we talked about academic continuity, I just need to find that page."
Logan frowns. "When we what?"
Roman looks up, brow furrowed. "When we talked about…you know, the importance of making sure your argument—or your point, sorry—carries through your entire piece?"
"I don't recall that conversation."
"You, um—" Roman starts flipping through his notebook, his movements taking on an increasingly frenetic pace— "you brought one of my papers to me that we talked about and you started going through the um, the problems with the layout and we started talking about the importance of—I swear it's in here, I just need to find it."
Logan sits forward, his brow increasingly furrowing as Roman almost tears a page trying to turn it. "Roman, it's—"
"Here." Roman runs his finger down the page, still not meeting Logan's gaze, "we talked about how it's important to have a coherent theme that the reader can follow and how to acknowledge conflicting viewpoints without placing them in a hierarchy."
Logan blinks. That does sound like a conversation that he and Roman would have—one that he believes he'd rather enjoy—but he has no recollection of it. Roman's expression flickers when he says as much, something almost like panic rising in his gaze before it's quickly stifled.
"Well," he says, forcing a smile onto his face, "perhaps I was just reading it back over and imagined what you'd say."
"I quite like this imaginary version of me, then," Logan jokes, "he makes excellent points."
Roman's reaction is not quite a flinch, but his smile squeezes for a moment too long before he nods.
"Would you mind having it again," Logan asks, "for the sake of—?"
"Oh, I couldn't do it justice," Roman says a little too quickly, "but you, um, you can read it? If you want?"
Logan blinks again, surprise coloring his voice. "You'd let me read your notes?"
"…if…if you want to?"
Waiting for Roman to retract that invitation at any moment—he has never seen Roman fiercer than when something touches his notebooks—Logan reaches out and carefully starts to read. The conversation's transcript—or summary—is fascinating. He finds himself almost mourning the fact that this wasn't a conversation he'd actually had. Although some of the comments that he can tell are his are a touch more callous than he'd prefer, he finds himself engrossed in their dialogue until he gets to the latter half.
Roman's handwriting grows sloppy, as it is wont to do when he gets caught up, but there are occasional splotches of discoloration where it looks like something wet.
"Oh, I was drinking something," Roman says offhandedly when Logan asks, "must've spillled."
"I'm surprised you'd drink around your notebooks, you take such care of them."
"Well, you know me."
Before Logan can point out that he does, that's why he's confused, Roman's saying that he's sorry, but he's a little worn out, would Logan mind terribly if they cut this short a bit? Logan shakes his head and watches Roman pick up his notebook, walking out of his room. That moment of panic lingers in his mind and he frowns, wondering why Roman had panicked.
He thinks about that and the drops of liquid that had obscured a line in Roman's handwriting that just said cut.
Janus hears Roman lie over and over again and he's about to break something.
Every time, he has to hold back his visible surprise that one, Roman is lying so readily, and two, that he's getting away with it. The little prince is a better actor than Janus gave him credit for—than any of them gave him credit for, as it's turning out—and the more times it happens, the more Janus thinks that something right under their noses is going terribly, horribly wrong.
The lies aren't big enough for them to be problems on their own, but they stack on top of each other like pebbles until it feels as though Janus blinks one day and there's a wall between Roman and the rest of them that seems insurmountable. And each time another adds to the mass, he thinks about calling it out, but they're never for something so serious as to warrant a full interrogation and the last thing he wants to do is let Roman know he's suspicious of him.
…it sounds much worse than it is.
It's just that if Roman is this good about keeping everyone off his tail right now, with almost no baseline suspicion or cause for concern, he has no desire to see what would happen if Roman was intent on keeping it a secret. And if he is going to succeed in uncovering why Roman feels so fundamentally scared, something Virgil only admitted after Janus had poked and prodded him for far too long, then he needs all of the rest of them on his side too.
His opportunity comes unexpectedly.
They're having a meeting—not a meeting meeting, they're just talking about what they want to do this weekend—and Roman brings up a conversation they'd had about making sure movie nights were comfortable for everyone. Talking about possible triggers beforehand, making sure everyone had equal access to whatever snacks they wanted, even down to making sure everyone behaved considerately while the movie was playing to ensure everyone was having a good time.
A perfectly reasonable thing to bring up, except that conversation never happened.
"What?" Roman looks around. "Are—it did, I swear. We were—we were getting ready to watch the second Venom movie and Remus brought up the body horror and gore that happens and we started talking about—"
He looks around at them all again.
"Do…do none of you remember this?"
"No, kiddo."
"Not really."
"It would be a good conversation to have, but I don't remember this instance of it."
Remus and Janus just shake their heads, Janus keeping his eyes on Roman as he fiddles with his hands.
Don't lie, Roman, please.
"Sorry," Roman says, flashing a bright smile, "must be getting lost in my Imagination again."
Janus narrows his eyes—not technically a lie, but Roman's leaving something out. For a moment, it seems like the conversation will keep flowing and he'll have to wait for a better time to ask Roman what's wrong, but then Patton's speaking up.
"Are you okay?"
Roman laughs. "Yeah, of course, Padre, why wouldn't I be?"
Lie. Janus hisses softly and Roman's head jerks around.
"What's the matter," Logan asks, and Roman jerks again at the gentle tone, "will you talk to us, Roman?"
"You've been acting a little strange for a while now," Patton agrees, taking a step closer, "is everything okay?"
"Yeah, like I said," Roman tries, a smile still sort of on his face, "everything's fine, why are you—"
Janus hisses again as Virgil sits up. "Princey, you don't have to be scared, you can—"
"I'm not scared!"
The stronger lie sears across Janus's tongue as Roman winces at the force of his own shout. He pinches the bridge of his nose. No one dares move for several long seconds. Just when Logan looks like he's about to say something, Roman takes a deep breath and lowers his head.
"I'm sorry," he says in a voice that sounds so mournful it makes Janus's chest ache, "I didn't mean to shout or snap at you. You didn't deserve it, I'm sorry. I think I—I've just been spending too much time in the Imagination again."
As soon as he finishes talking, he braces. Like he's expecting to get hit. He hears Remus make a worried noise next to him, starting to reach out.
"Little one," Logan says gently, "we're not angry with you, there's no need for all of that."
Roman's eyes snap open and at the look of pure confusion on his face, a few more of them let out little sounds. Virgil stands up and Roman turns too quickly to face him.
"Hey, Princey," Virgil soothes, his hands up, "I'm not moving, okay? I'm just worried. You're—I can feel you freaking out a little that's all."
"Sweetheart," Patton calls next and Janus winces at how much Roman's neck keeps snapping back and forth, "sweetheart, it's okay, you're safe, it's gonna be okay."
"Back off a bit, we're crowding him."
All of them—except for Remus—take a step back. Remus edges closer and closer to Roman until he can rest a hand on Roman's shoulder. Roman just trembles and Remus cups the side of his face.
"Hey, Roro. Look at me. Just at me, okay?"
"I don't—this wasn't—"
"Breathe," Remus bids softly, and Roman draws a few gasping breaths.
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
"What wasn't?"
"This—I—I don't—"
Remus opens his mouth to say something else when it morphs into a wordless sound of surprise as Roman sinks out abruptly, leaving him scrabbling at the empty air as the rest of them rush forward.
"What happened?"
"Where'd he go?"
"Did we do something to upset him?"
"What's going on?"
Janus doesn't say anything, still staring at the spot where Roman had been. He thinks about all of the lies he's heard, all of the things Roman hasn't said, and how out of all of the things Roman lied about, he'd never lied about being lost in the Imagination.
A conclusion starts to take shape.
"No wonder you've been so off, your head hasn't been attached to you since you lost it."
"It's a bad idea to spend so much time in the Imagination, Roman, you know that."
"That sounds really irresponsible, Roman. You should know better."
"Quit hogging the Imagination, I need to use it too."
"Oh, of course you were, Roman, did you honestly think we'd expected anything different?"
"You need to be better disciplined, if you can't get the work done you need to before deciding to go off and play."
"Sheesh, Princey, are you really that selfish?"
"If it's getting so bad that you're having delusions, then you need to stop, kiddo."
"Oh, no, Roman's having trouble understanding what's real again."
"The fuck is wrong with you?"
"You're being dramatic, pull yourself together."
"Your crocodile tears aren't convincing anyone, you know."
"Stop crying, you're not a baby."
"Do you think that if you throw a big or pathetic enough tantrum, it'll get us to spoil you? Grow up."
"You can't do anything right."
"You're being ridiculous."
"We should never have relied on you."
"I knew you couldn't handle it."
"We're better off without you."
Roman curls up around his pillow, wedging himself deeper into the corner. He jams his face between it and the wall. He tries to keep his hands out of sight. He counts in his head as he breathes, trying to keep it as even as possible. Eventually it will be over. He just has to last until then. Then he can go to his room and cuddle his plushie dragon and be upset there, out of the way, and hurt all by himself. It's safer that way.
He keeps his breathing nice and steady, letting the hurt course through him. The voices keep going, taunting, mocking, yelling, scolding, until they start to just say his name over and over. Roman, Roman, Roman, Roman—
Something like a frenzied scream comes from behind him and he turns his face deeper into the wall.
"What the fuck are those things?"
"Shit, how long have those been here?"
"Are they—are they supposed to be us?"
"Yeah, fucked up and cruel versions of us, not on my fucking watch!"
Several wet splats come from behind him and then there are hands on his shoulder, running through his hair, and someone that feels like Remus is murmuring in his ear.
"Hey, Roro, it's over. I destroyed them, they're gone, it's the real us. We're here, we're really here, just—just come out of there, okay?"
Oh. It's this one.
He always finds this one the cruelest, where they lure him in with promises of comfort and safety only to turn on him when he reveals what he's actually upset about. No, thank you, he's hurting just fine on his own.
"Roro, please, come out of there, it's okay, it's all gonna be okay."
"Let me try," he hears Logan's voice say, and then the Remus is moving away and there's another hand on his shoulder, "dear, it's alright. You're going to give yourself neck pain if you stay like that, come here…"
Despite his chest howling at him not to, Roman lets Logan coax him out from the corner. Each word of gentle praise just makes it worse—it's going to hurt so much when they start being mean again.
"Princey—" and there's Virgil— "hey, stay with us, okay? Just focus on us, Pat, do you want to—"
"I got it."
Despite himself, a wounded noise leaves Roman's throat as a blanket gets draped over his shoulders. Careful touches smooth it down, more hands helping to secure it in place, and he just curls up so small under it so he doesn't get used to the warmth.
Just get it over with. Just get it over with. Just get it over with.
"Sweetie," he hears, and flinches at the touch of a smooth hand and a scaled hand on his face.
Wait, what?
Janus never takes his gloves off. Not here. Not like this. They can't—they can't be this cruel to him, not today, not when everything already hurts so much.
"Cut," he manages, "cut."
But the hands don't leave and he looks up to see Janus, actual real Janus looking at him and then he smiles softly and calls him sweetie again, and then Logan is appearing over his shoulder and Patton's adjusting the blanket and Virgil and Remus are keeping watch at the corners of the room and—and—and—
"Come here, sweetie," Janus murmurs and he's falling into his chest and there's a kiss being pressed to his temple and it's warm and soft and—
"Shh, Princey," Virgil says as a thread of panic starts to wind its way around his chest, "it's okay, you're okay," and—
"Come this way a little," Logan coaxes as something soft appears under him, "come lie down, you're alright," and—
"There you are," Patton's voice says as something starts to cuddle him, gently yet firmly and it's so surreal and—
"Oh, Roro," Remus mumbles as his brother's arms wrap firmly around him, "this is real, I promise, I promise we're here with you, everything's gonna be okay, okay? We're here, we're real, you're real, everything's gonna be okay now," and—
—and then Roman doesn't think anymore.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance@whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti@ultrageekygirl
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pas-de-duex · 2 months
I Grow Maddened
A sneak peek at a fic I’m working on on my ao3, inspired by this lovely challenge by @sometimes-love-is-enough. I rolled a 3 on my d20 for the prompt: Each sentence is ten words or less.
Read it on ao3 here!
July 12
Dr. Sanders gave me this book to write in.
I think it’s stupid.
July 14
Roman was supposed to come see me today.
He didn’t.
July 15
Janus came and saw me. I like seeing him.
We played uno. It was fun.
I wish he could come more often.
July 19
Roman was supposed to come see me today.
He didn’t.
July 20
The nurses gave me a blue pill today. I told them my pills were supposed to be green. They said Dr. Sanders said to take the blue pill. I don’t want the blue pill. I don’t like the blue pill.
The blue pill lets them in.
July 21
I hate the blue pill. I hate the blue pill. I hate the blue pill. I hate the blue pill-
July 25
They had to put me in the dark place. I haven’t been there in a long time.
Roman was supposed to come see me today.
He didn’t.
July 26
They admitted someone new today. I don’t know his name. I saw him come in. He was wearing a lot of purple. His hair is even purple. I hope they let me out today. I want to ask him why his hair is purple. Was he born that way? Or is it his art?
I miss doing art. I haven’t been allowed to paint in three months. Ever since I drew the monsters and freaked out Patton.
He hasn’t been around me since.
I don’t understand why people don’t like me.
I just want to be myself.
July 27
Janus came and saw me. I like seeing him.
He got very upset with the nurses. He didn’t like that they gave me the blue pill. He said I was supposed to have the green pill. Never the blue pill. Only the green pill.
He said maybe I can leave here soon. I can go and stay with him and Logan. They have a room for me and everything. I asked if I would be allowed to paint. He said of course. Was I not allowed to paint here? I shook my head.
That made him even angrier.
I don’t like it when Janus is angry. Even if he’s not angry at me. I cried a lot. He said he was very sorry.
He’s going to talk to Logan.
July 29
They tried to give me the blue pill again. I refused to take it. Dr. Sanders had to come and talk me into it.
‘It will make you feel better, Remus.’
I told him about the monsters. How they came back last time. The blue pill didn’t help. Only the green pill helped.
‘How about this, Remus? Take the blue pill. Then, I’ll sign off on you returning to art class.’
I… I could go back to art class?
It wasn’t a tough choice. I nodded. I took the cup with the blue pill. I drank the water. I lifted my tongue so he knew I took it.
‘Good job, Remus. You can return to art class tomorrow.’
‘But Roman’s coming tomorrow.’
Dr. Sanders left without saying anything else.
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doughbrainer · 3 months
*Apologies For The Bad Quality, I Had To Download This Off Myself From Discord Instead Of How I Usually Upload Content To Tumblr*
Okay So I've Been Hearing This Song EVERYWHERE On Tiktok And Instagram, I Wanted To Partake In This Trend But It Was Hard To Figure Out What Characters I Wanted To Do This With Because My Original Thought Was A "What If" Situation Between Patton And Logan BUT THEN I Remembered Some Of My SS OC Lore And I Was Like
For Some Context
Snake Fella Is Janus' Father (Kind Of Obvious) And The Punk Lad Is Virgil's Father
Before These Two Went Onto Their Relationship With The Respective Mothers Of Their Kids, These Two Use To Be In A Relationship But Eventually Broke Up To Reasons I Don't Know Yet
Eventually They Went Onto To Have Their Kids And Vincent (Virgil's Dad) Would Eventually Be Diagnosed With Leukaemia, Also Known As Blood Cancer And Eventually (As You Probably Figured) Dies
What's Shown In The Video Is Ethan (Janus' Dad) Remembering And Reminiscing On His Time With Vincent
Honestly I Should Post The References I Have For These Guys Here Too As I Had To Remove Them All From Instagram Because They Weren't Protected From META AI (Booooo Tomato Tomato, I Hate AI)
Anyways, Expect That Soon!
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yonakaruz · 2 years
Story Description
After months of being stuck in twisted wonderland, graduations are slowly coming near. Reader/Yuu has now fit in and has claimed the title of headmaster’s assistant due to all the errands she conducts for the crow. It seems things are turning out well for our prefect….or is it?
Crowley Dire (Twisted Wonderland)
[Gender Neutral Reader]
In the headmaster’s office, you will find a grumbling prefect, for they were recently ‘asked’ to ‘help’ the headmaster clean his room, soon they would spot something behind a tapestry. “Huh?” The prefect let out as they discovered a hidden vault, opening to see a stack of paper, confused, the prefect read a few articles only to let out a frightened gasp, dropping the paper. Startled by their discoveries they let out a shaky breath
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“What?” The prefect stuttered out, reading more articles only to find more dead children, children their age, all dying from a mysterious disease, the words entail fear into the prefect’s heart. “Prefect, I do apologize for my tardiness, but I have come to fetch you for I am so gracious!”  Soon Crowley entered with his cheery tune, only to see the stiff shaken prefect. “Why” They would mumble repeatedly slowly crumpling the paper in their hands. “Prefect?” The crow approached their shaking figure. “Yuu.” he gripped their shoulders with a worried glance, but soon his eyes widen as he suddenly snatched the article held by the prefect. “Yuu! What! How did you find these?!” The headmaster frantically would ask, only to receive a blank stare from the prefect.
“How could you?” They mumbled, balling their fists as tears threaten to spill out. “How could you hide this from me?!” They lashed out. Outside the headmaster’s office, the only thing ever heard was yelling. Hours would pass as the two go back and forth, one hurt and deceived, and the other was frantic and anxious. “I hid it to protect you!” The headmaster was now at his final wits as the prefect’s anger grew. “Protect me?! I could’ve died and you never told me!” They yelled trashing anything in their line of sight. 
*drip drip drip*
“How many?! How many of my kind had been sent here?! How many poor children died in your hands, Crowley?!” Tears streamed down the prefect’s face when suddenly they stopped.
An empty laugh was heard from the prefect, soon the laugh sounded unhinged then plan out maniacal, black tears flowed through their blank eyes, and when Crowley found out, it was too late.
*drip drip drip*
The prefect has overblotted
Author's Note: Hello everyone! This is my first time writing an actual fanfic rather than a headcanon, so I'm sorry if it doesn't really match any possible expectations! But I would like to practice my literature, so I might just make this a series!
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thedarkcircuswritings · 3 months
not a request –
hi! I've been seeing all of the Capascain and Burning Spice Cookie being related posts, and I decided to try and throw my hat in the ring and think about what other cookies could be 'heirs' to the different beasts. Here are my ideas :
Shadow Milk Cookie –> Ice Juggler Cookie.
for obvious reasons, at least if you know Ice Juggler Cookie's personality. They take the deciet side more than the goofy side though, constantly having to hold their tongue and lie about how they feel to save their image or something. Also shares the heterochromia with their dad ( + the pink could imply some Eternal Sugar meddling going on???)
Mystic Flour Cookie –> Vagabond Cookie
Vagabond Cookie's family was """"wrongly imprisoned"""". Though he probabaly does mean a regular cookie family, his memories as a baby could be skewed and the family he remembers is actually the beasts? Also he's a fun contrast to his mother, as he strongly cares for the village, and his mother stopped caring about anything years ago.
Eternal Sugar Cookie –> Princess Cookie
Hear me out for a second please 🙏🙏🙏
Princess Cookie imbued more of the virtue that Eternal Sugar Cookie had, the virtue of Happiness. And she certainly isn't a sloth, BUT, she is certainly uncaring of the rules, and has some sort of power that is most likely bigger than the ancient heritage. Also imagine the angst—
Silent Salt Cookie -> Mercucial Knight Cookie
Mercurial Knight Cookie stands out a LOT from the other silver knights. His name isn't flower related, it describes a person whos mood or behaviour is unpredictable, and not knowing where a person stands. Maybe that relates to Mercurial Knight Cookie being a spawn of Silent Salt Cookie, one of the beasts, and an internal conflict of wether or not to stand with them? And Mercurial has always given me salt and pepper vibes.
Would love to hear your thoughts on these! (I know some of them are kinda weirdly put together and BS but you know...)
Shadow Milk with Ice Juggler would make sense, yes-yes! They both have dairy-related ingredients too, so double points for that!
Vagabond would be interesting (and ironic since he's apparently the strongest cookie you can use in her Beast Raid), although may I also suggest the new cookie in Witch's Castle, Onyx Cream? I dunno, he also seems kinda fitting?
PRINCESS WOULD BE PERFECT!! Plus plzplzplz I need corrupted Princess so bad, you don't UNDERSTAND that the simple idea of a corrupted Princess makes me feral
I can Mercurial Knight, yeah! But if the two were to be hypothetically related, wouldn't that mean that Silent Salt would be a faerie cookie too? Maybe Silent Salt lost their wings or they're just hidden? That would be an interesting turn of events!
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evil-xisapril · 2 years
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Transcript below
Welcome to Evil Xisapril! (Evil Xisuma April) Greetings Evil Xisuma enjoyers! With HC Season 8 ending over a year ago and the tragic lack of Evil Xisuma appearances since, there seems to have been a devastating decline in the EX economy! As a long-time avid evilxisumer myself, I can say, professionally, this sucks bad man. And thus, my devious scheme and comic sans free canva graphic, made in a despicable attempt to cure this draught! It is time for: One whole month of Evil Xisuma! Rules? Very few of them! There is one prompt for each day of april, and these prompts are intended to be used however your heart tells you. Make art, fic, memes, essays, music, lore analysis, or literally anything else Fluff, silly, angst, whump, ship* [all with green check mark ✅ emojis] *all shipping will be tagged with #hermitshipping on this blog, if you would rather avoid it. Make something beautiful and true. Make something hideous and decietful. Who care. You do not need to fill every prompt. Skip prompts, fill prompts late, fill prompts after the month has ended! It's all good! If you make something for Evil Xisapril: @ this blog (@evil-xisapril) & tag your works as #evil xisapril so I can reblog it! (Please don't tag this blog in any NSFW posts) Image descriptions on posts are not required, but greatly appreciated. I will myself add descriptions to as many undescribed evil xisapril image posts as I can, but I'd love to not need to do all of them !! Got questions? Ask them! Major contributors to the prompts list are the members of the evil x fanclub discord (looking at you especially, @lindentree 💕) Who's running this thing?? Moony @autistic-evil-xisuma. Credentials: Evil. Prompt List 1. Birthday • 2. [tbh/autism creature] • 3.Sidekick 4. Lightning • 5. Golf • 6. April Showers 7. TNT • 8. Gender • 9. Derp 10. Swindling • 11. Music • 12. Evil School 13. Minions • 14. Pink • 15. DOOM 16. Diamonds • 17. Mistake • 18. Striders & Axoltols 19. Prison • 20. Flowers • 21. Stay Awake! 22. Nightmare • 23. Dream • 24. Quiet 25. Knitting • 26. Hermitcraft Recap • 27. Prank 28. Mirror • 29. Void • 30. Don't Give Up! *If you hate these prompts, please feel free to send me hate mail about it, as I am fully open to peer review! For organization's sake, do direct all contemptuous feedback to this blog, not my personal ones.
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Head Empty, just General Loki headcanons that don't leave my mind:
- Him with a Bachira Meguru! Reader. Like the Reader is LIKE Bachira, maybe they were a dangerously good soccer player too and that's their fucking divine treasure, a straight up soccer ball and they kill a God with it and Loki is all: "OOOH, THAT LOOKS LIKE FUN!" and they're both eccentric and unhinged together. But also, like, the reader just napping at random times and Loki just moping and stuff because HE WANTS THEM TO WAKE UP SO HE CAN HANG OUT WITH THEM. But also, like, if anyone else ends up being too loud, he's literally gonna murder them if his beloved (Y/n) wakes up-
- Loki and ex lover! diety! reader breaking up because of the Ragnarok and Humanity's survival back but then he sees the reader and Buddha getting along and he gets jealous and upset because JUST BECAUSE HE STILL LOVES THEM AND THEY HAD BREAK UPS BEFORE BUT NEITHER OF THEM REALLY TRIED TO SEE ANYONE ELSE, BUT IT LOOKS LOKI HAS MORE MOTIVATION TO KILL BUDDHA. Meanwhile, the reader was actually talking to Buddha about how much they love Loki and miss him but the Buddha just giving them advice when Loki just straight up tackles him out of nowhere.
- Loki angst where his diety! s/o loses their fight or is about to and Loki interferes with the fight and doesn't give a damn as he runs over to them and holds them and it's the first time everyone sees the God of Deciet start to tear up and break down.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Decietful Meetings
by caplanbuckybarnes After having to leave his previous teaching job for another school after allegations surrounded him, Clark Kent finds himself quickly being immursed with another student. Will he be able to keep his obsessions secret? Or will it all come falling apart? Words: 1698, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: DCeased (DC Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Categories: Multi Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Original Female Character(s), Pamela Isley, Harleen Quinzel Relationships: Clark Kent/Reader, clark kent/ original female character, Clark Kent/Harleen Quinzel Additional Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Alternate Universe - College/University, Past Relationship(s), Alternate Universe - Student/Teacher, Teacher-Student Relationship, Drug Use, Drugged Sex, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Emotional Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Domestic Violence, Swearing, Stalking, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Heavy Angst, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Obsessive Behavior, Jealousy, Top Clark Kent, Protective Clark Kent via https://ift.tt/YQfWVF9
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julixus · 4 years
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Anger pt 2.
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mthevlamister · 4 years
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My dear friend Icy is busy at the moment, and I need to share my thoughts with people
@thatsthat24 please respond
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bastard-snake-man · 4 years
Sorry Roman stans, but this is a call out post. It probably has been by someone better than me, but still. This is also decently negative so be weary of that. Also
Deceit is not in the wrong in the slightest for getting angry at Roman when he revealed his name. (I'm using Deciet here because I don't want to spoil it, still, in case someone just comes across this and their eyes go to an unfamiliar name, like mine did)
Look at him beforehand. He takes a deep breath, then kind of says it almost quickly like Virgil did, albeit much smoother and less fast. He's clearly,, nervous.
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He also puts his right, human hand up, of which is not hidden by a glove. Also it's the same one that we see an arm attached to in the is video when he throws his arms around a little, but I think that's just physics. This is body language that is seen normally, but obviously Deciet is doing it intentionally here.
Showing your palms to someone or something is a surrender, a sign that you don't have any weapons on you, that you won't hurt them. If a wounded animal lashes out at you, you show your palms to it to try and show it that you mean no harm, and only want to help it. In a similar vein, it is subconscious for people to show parts of / their whole palm (according to Iwaha) when they are being truthful. It's a sign of emotional vulnerability, as opening up can be hard, especially if it's something as important as a name. This series has put an extremely high emphisis on the names, so it only makes sense. Deceit is nervous, and he's showing his palm, then putting it up for the camera to see to show that he is being truthful. The sides know that viewers are watching, they talk to the camera multiple times throughout the series, and you couldn't have seen his hands otherwise. He is showing this side (ha) to the audience aswell, not just the other sides. His head is also tilted to the side, allowing us less of a view of his left. Not to mention the music. He's being sincere, no doubt about it.
Thomas and Patton, just like most everyone in the fandom, was very surprised when Deciet suddenly started opening up and showing us things we haven't seen before, even if it's a single hand. Then he says his real name, and they're even more surprised. But... not Roman. After like a second or two, he bursts out laughing in his face, and the music stops. We see Deciet for like a half second here, and he's clearly taken aback.
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He glances over at Thomas when he first says this, (at least I think, I have a lot of trouble with telling where all the sides are in the room), but then turns to Roman quick enough for me to have trouble grabbing a good screenshot.
Then Roman mockingly exclaims his name, and calls him a middle school librarian.
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Deciet lowers his hand down, again hiding his vulnerability below the cut, and furrows his brows.
Roman continues to blatently insult him and say it's a stupid name.
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It's not something I have to explain that Deciet is upset. His lips part, and he turns more towards Roman, and I think he takes a double take but that might be me remembering wrong. He's very clearly hurt, here. The names of these sides are incredibly personal, Deciet was nervous to say his name to the other sides, Thomas, and the thousands of people watching. Millions, in a few weeks/months.
And Roman laughed at him, mocked him, teased him, then blatantly insulted him.
Deciet lashes out, then, taking advantage the weakness that Roman doesn't like to be compared to his brother. With, primarily, his left side facing the camera. And when he's done, he looks at him like this.
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It's something I can't really explain, I may write for 50% percent of my time, but I'm nor very good at it, so I'm sorry for the fanders that can't see the image. All that I can say is that he's truely offended and hurt. It takes a lot for a side to come out and say their name (unless they're Remus, or possibly, the last dark side), he showed us all a sixe of himself weve never seen before, and Roman doesn't think twice before insulting him.
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The next shot is of him lowering his hands. He's just put his glove back on offscreen, while Roman was talking. I have a lot of chances to be condescending here, but I'm not, so don't call me mean in the comments. You can tell, also, because I got a really good screenshot where his other hand is also in frame.
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His left hand comes up and hides the vulnerable part that he's just showed while he looks to the left. Then he puts his hands down again, looks down, and takes a small breath in.
We're not shown his reaction to Roman saying that he's evil, which goddamnit, Sanders, I would be so much more mean to Roman if we did see him.
He doesn't say anything before Roman sinks out, and watches him silently. He doesn't smile. He has this small sort of frown on his face, he's not outwardly happy that Roman is gone, which tells us that it was not his intention in the first place.
I could talk more about him in this episode, specifically how his eyes move when Patton gets hurt by what he says. I won't get into it, though, because this is a call out post.
All in all, you're not allowed get angry at Deciet for lashing out when a very personal aspect and side of him is being insulted, on my watch.
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suicidaltrashbag · 4 years
I was bored so take this drunk Janus doodle
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rory-for-short · 4 years
I don't think Virgil left the darksides...
I think he was kicked out. Lemme explain. The first time I thought this might be the case is how since the practical beginning of the series, Patton seems to like virgil, and it grows to adoration even befor the AA episodes.
Also in the sorting hat episode, Roman points out that Virgil is too use to rejection, and that his hang ups with standing out are from past experiences. Virgil acts shy and upset when this is pointed out.
In SvS, Janus gets Virgil to talk in a very manipulative way. By implying that he never has anything helpful to add to anything, which makes Virgil immediately take the stand, as if to prove him wrong.
I don't think Virgil ment to leave the darksides. I think he was booted and a certain Dad-Side wanted to adopt him no questions asked.
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peppermix14 · 4 years
So. How’s everyone holding up now Deciet has an actual name now???
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boards-of-moods · 5 years
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Deceit missing Virgil mood board for anon
Like what you see? Send a request!
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blenderenvy · 4 years
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I'll make the world safe and sound for you.
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