somenteniki · 1 year
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tulips 𖹭's 1108 90 ᨳ
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earthling-wolf · 1 year
Se Actuality
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Heightened Focus
The Se user will constantly be receiving a photographic feed from the outer world, and thus will have a heightened receptivity to sensory information, which can be both overwhelming when undesired and highly stimulating when accepted and honed. If this data absorption is sought after rather than rejected, the Se user will become so immersed in the ‘one thing’ in front of them, that everything else suddenly disappears. The Se user’s attention is cinematic; causing them to take in the world just as it appears with very high fidelity and this can lead to an appreciation for “realism” in the arts and other mediums. The focus of an Se user is linear, rather than divergent. They will want to sink deeply into the experience of a thing, rather than spread themselves thin and broadly. Unsolicited tangents can be too distracting for them; jarring their attention and focus away from their present obsession. Even if the Se user has multiple interests- which they inescapably do – whenever they are immersed in the subject at hand it is with an acute intrigue. This dedicated attention can create a hyper-vigilance and capacity to refine an art-form faster than others if they choose to attend to it, although each skill will be domain-specific and not necessarily translate to acuity in other areas. If they're learning about a handmade craft they may notice all the bumps, lumps, scratches, and dents in objects and be quick to see the subtle differences in colors and shapes. Volumes of non-verbal information will collide with their attention constantly and guide them to calibrate their personal experiences accordingly.
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Flow & Improvisation
The most direct way this sensory calibration happens is through an active flow. For the Se user, flow is when the body/mind moves in rhythm with everything else in the environment, as if pulsing with the same energy. During these moments, the Se user exists in direct contact with life, which creates an intoxicating feeling. One gets lost in the moment as they fine-tune their rhythm with the situation. This can happen when they’re singing, playing an instrument, freestyle rapping, hugging turns on a skateboard, locking in trigger reflexes in an FPS and the like. The Se user will get “in the zone” and feel most in their element when they can perform in real-time, making up their next move as they go. Adaptation is essential to an Se user and there is nothing more adaptive than reacting instantly, elegantly and with no delay to every twist and swerve life throws at you. The closer they are to this flow, the more aligned they’ll feel. Life is most invigorating when they are perfectly aligning the needs of the body, their own desires, and the situation. It may feel like a symphony coming together in harmony, and indeed many Se users take to music production for its capacity to create this lucidity and fluidity. In all their activities and ventures, whenever life is not flowing in this manner, the Se user senses it and will feel out of alignment.
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Vitality & Volition
Se is also characterized by a sense of volition, as their linearity of focus quickly translates into a clarity of desire. There's an implicit knowledge of what is wanted and, as a Pe function, a craving for its attainment. The Se type will be a go-getter; motivated to gather what it wants in a literal sense. Se will leverage the environment to work for them, being opportunistic and making the best of what they got. And the quest for this attainment will carry a delicious zeal, giving Se users an added layer of vitality, but also of a self-assertion in reality. The Se user occupies the place where they stand, making their will known by their very composure. Then, as they lock onto their target, they inadvertently create adversity as opposite wills always exist and chase after the same or competing resources. This only greater fuels their thirst for stimulation and arousal, as they get immersed in the hunt. The challenge of going after their pursuits will be part of the very flow they so delight in navigating, and this quest for vigor can often manifest in hobbies such as racing, martial arts and other daring activities. But this ambition, while capable of leading to sprints of great productivity, is not motivated by any type of fiscality or conscientiousness. For Se the desire to win is not sought for the long term procurement of resources, but is instead motivated by some stimulating challenge that reality posits and which is invigorating for them to flirt with.
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Movement & Restlessness
By the same token, not having dynamic movement happening will feel like an absence of thriving. While Se users are prone to over-stimulation if the stimuli is unwanted, they also are prone to under-stimulation if their environment is not allowing an outlet for creative flow. Se will have a low tolerance for being forced to attend to things they dislike. If they're denied of freedom to explore the world actively, suffocation sets in like a depressive weight. The Se user has a need to "move" and see; to scan the next corner. They'll be prone to pack up their bags and head off into town on a whim. The Se user lives a mobile life, constantly making things happen as they encounter different situations. But this necessity for motion can also be a curse; interfering with family plans or the practical constraints of life. As children, Se user may be overly active an it may be hard for their parents to find a constructive outlet for their energy at all times. The Se user may have little tolerance for routine and get into trouble for misadventures undergone in an attempt to abate the dread of idleness. Family members may pressure them to stay indoors or not go out as much, but often the Se user will not listen and either sneak out or find a way to explore without permission.
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Persistence Effect
At other times, however, life's sensory stimuli is highly unwelcome - making the Se user more keenly aware of disturbance than all others. The Se users' sensitivity to stimuli becomes a double-edged sword when there's a nagging noise in the environment such as an insect's hum, a squeaky fan or crying baby. Temperature differences and potent smells can also be sources of frustration. Their Se won't be able to ignore the aforementioned since, as an explorer function, every new "refresh" of the environment yields the same output - leading to a very real and somatic irritation. Ironically, their quality of attuned focus sinks more heavily in on the irritation rather than putting it out of mind, causing it to grow in their mind until it's the only thing they hear or see; debilitating all concentration. At best this guides the Se user to seek the most pleasant sensory atmosphere available, and at worst it can cause open complaints and outbursts. Because of this tendency, whenever possible the Se user will craft their environment to match what their sensations can tolerate. They will play close attention to minimizing potential inconveniences and maximizing comfort.
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Ergonomics & Aesthetics
Due to this careful crafting of sensory experience, Se users will often take to ergonomics. The look, feel and appeal of something becomes very important. How it fits in your hand, how the grip holds, how it throws, sounds and moves are all heavily considered. The Se user will want "the experience" of a thing to be enjoyable and free of micro-irritations. They will go to great lengths to make that happen in their own life; selecting objects based on their ergonomic and aesthetic appeal. They may be fans of designer brands, which are simply those that take the most efforts to maximize user experience. This leads inescapably to an appreciation for luxury, which is an extension of their need for completeness of sensational exposure. And although they may not always afford the highest luxury, the Se user will often take steps in that direction whenever possible. More than others, Se users understand how to create something seamless and often pave the way in domains of design and fashion. They will create things with beauty and convenience as priorities, while being simplistic and to the point. And due to being an explorer process, Se perpetually seeks newness of experience; leading it to be very contemporary. Se gravitates to the latest, causing them to be trendy or at least have a keen understanding of where the trends are and how they're evolving.
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Sensual Energy
While we all have an appreciation, capacity and need for the sensual dimension, Se being the sensory exploration process receives a double dose of this facet of our nature. No sensation is more direct, potent and contrasted than the sexual, and from this raw contact with the body Se receives a level of natural eroticism. The amplification of their senses extends to a type of libidinal awareness and intelligence. However, each individual can choose to explore or repress this tactile energy and indeed many Se users - whether by culture or moral verdict - will select to shun this part of themselves. However, for those who decide to explore it, this can add a contagious chemistry to everything they do. The Se user, so predisposed, can be a vixen and leave a seductive trail behind them as they explore and express themselves. They may not shy away from making themselves attractive and showing a little skin or muscle. As Se wishes always to explore all sensory domains to the utmost, this leads to a pointed interest in the subtleties of flirtation, pickup artistry and more exotic art-forms. However, this can cause many Se users to grate against social repercussions and taboos. A girl may be frustrated by her mother's old-fashioned conservatism or a man may be accused of sexual harassment for playful teasing or banter. Se, like Ne, is constantly crashing against the establishment as it seeks to break boundaries, peer around the corner and dabble with all available information with less consideration of restraint or temperance.
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-Behaviors Under Stress
Like most people, the Se user is no stranger to a bit of wine or hard liquor. But due to the acuteness and physicality with which they experience life's stress, the temptation to exhale problems through stimulants or sedatives is all the more pronounced in them than others. It is here where the Se user may dive into their vice to an excess until it becomes a source of debilitation. More than a few Se users have met a short end at the hands of an overdose. Given their sensitivity, an Se user would require an inordinate strength of will to resist sourcing to a physical outlet when times become roughest. Under stress they will seek for an immediate alleviation to the unbearable "here and now." Their ability to think long-term may suffer or fade altogether as they become consumed only in how disquieting the present feels. This is especially the case if their Ni has made a pessimistic forecast, allowing them little hypothetical escape from their situation. Addiction then acts as a form of escapism and relief; one which is unsustainable at best and fatal at worst. It is in these moments when the Se user most needs to channel from external stimuli. When substances act as a replacement for external stimuli, the Se user may withdraw from the physical world; forgetting that out there is where all life, vigor and vitality is to be found. Substances act as a quick, but ultimately less stimulating replacement for the bliss that is better found in the music, rhythm and flow of a dance and in direct contact with reality.
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In other situations, the Se user's stress can manifest in an unhealthy opportunism. The Se function will always be seeking, quite advantageously, the best experience possible and when distressed this impulsiveness can lead to certain unethical behaviors. As their spiritual reserves become depleted from psychological injuries, they may help themselves to the grace and resources of others; perhaps taking more than may be polite. In heavier cases, they may take more than they were explicitly allotted. This can develop into a habit for the Se user, escalating to shoplifting, and eventually to outright robbery. The Se user feels that scarcity of resources is the cause for their sufferings, and attaining more objects is the solution to their deprivation. As with addiction, the Se user feels robbed of sensational release, suffocated by an unpleasant environment and is seeking somehow to remedy the situation through tactile means. However, real poverty or scarcity may not be the cause of their delinquency but instead may be a sort of greed for that which is unattainable. It may be a relative poverty they wish to abate when compared to a higher tier/class that taunts them with the faraway luxuries and experiences they crave.
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liliththunder · 1 year
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Hakuouki Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Hijikata Toshizou/Yukimura Chizuru, Shinsengumi - Relationship Characters: Hijikata Toshizou, Okita Souji (Hakuouki), Saitou Hajime (Hakuouki), Kondou Isami (Hakuouki), Toudou Heisuke (Hakuouki), Nagakura Shinpachi (Hakuouki), Harada Sanosuke (Hakuouki), Sannan Keisuke (Hakuouki), Miki Saburo (Hakuouki), Souma Kazue (Hakuouki) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - School, More characters added; Aged down; Yankee, delinquency, violence and street fights, I fixed SSL in what I think would actually fit the modern school days of the Shinsengumi, Hijikata is a cool guy with a motorcycle Summary:
SSL is in contrast of history a violence free world, but what if the Shinsengumi can't escape the violence even in their next life. The story of the Shinsengumi told in modern age, facing broken families and the discriminating school system. Fighting for the top, and maybe finding the truth of life and a meaning deeper than fist fights.
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An illegal alien who arrived in New York City two months ago from Venezuela has randomly attacked at least three strangers and two cops, and gotten arrested and released six times on 14 different charges police and sources said Daniel Hernandez Martinez, 29, arrived on June 27 and committed his first crime the following day. Martinez's crime spree started at a Costco at 976 Third Ave. in Brooklyn. Martinez stole a jar of Nutella, slippers, sneakers, hats, Gillette razor blades, and Dove body wash, cops said. He was charged with petty larceny and released on his own recognizance.
On 6 July, he hit a Duane Reade in Columbus Circle in Manhattan, this time stealing a "tool kit." The next day, he escalated from shoplifting to assault cops said. A security guard at a Duane Reade on West 35th in Manhattan tried to stop him from pilfering a bag of chips and toothpaste. He "pulled out a large knife and advanced toward an undercover officer" while yelling unintelligibly, court documents show. Martinez was charged with menacing this time, but again released on his own recognizance because the charge wasn't bail-eligible.
Three weeks later, on July 31, he attacked Jeffrey Bradac, 52, out of the blue with a bike tire in front of the Row Hotel, a migrant shelter in Times Square, according to authorities.
On Aug. 21, he violently attacked a woman in Midtown, cops said. He "grabbed a stranger by the hair, dragged her across the floor and kicked her," and smashed her phone on West 45th Street around 1 a.m., court documents show. He was charged with menacing, assault, criminal mischief, and weapon possession, and placed on supervised release, according to court records.
Three days later, he was arrested for menacing with a weapon and harassment after threatening a stranger with a chain in front of 701 Eighth Ave, cops said. He was again released with no bail.
Then, four days later, on Aug. 28, he was arrested for using a large metal pipe to break locks to steal bicycles in Times Square, police said. Cops charged him with petty larceny, criminal mischief, and possession of stolen property and burglary tools.
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Ramble#12 - Delinquency
This month's episode is on delinquent manga, a pretty dope but unfortunately pretty dead genre. That may just be my underexposure speaking but it seems to me that the delinquent pipeline seems to get dryer and dryer every year.
I was hoping to find a bunch of new rad delinquent manga this month but honestly it was a pretty weak month for reads but nonetheless let's get into it
top 5 delinquent manga read this month:
#5) Wolf Guy: Ookami no Monshou by Tabata Yoshiaki (complete with 117 chapters, I only got 56)
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Just gotta say right off the bat, even though I haven't finished either wolf guy or akumetsu by the same author I very much prefer akumetsu [spoken on before in ramble#4, Mystery, Madness & Mayhem]
Regardless the premise here in wolf guy, is basically that there's this guy that turns into something wolf like (yes a werewolf) and how his nature seems to attract bad news
My main problem with the series is how much they ask you to suspend your belief as the students are in middle school and are closer to terrorism than delinquency, it gets very very wild, a little too wild for me, fairly solid art but I would warn folks to approach with major caution if they decide to pick this up
#4) OUT by tatsuya iguchi (ongoing with 206 English chapters)
Basically the story here is a dude just got out of juvie and has to avoid trouble so he moves out of town to the sticks, and if that had played out well for him there'd be no story here. So ofc one of the first things that happens is him getting into a fight with the VP of the top gang in the area.
Luckily delinquents tend to respect guts and nobody else was around so that played out well enough for him except now he's wrapped up in the arguments of the local gangs who are on the brink of war.
My main problem with OUT is that the camaraderie usually present in delinquent manga is almost non-existent here, no vibes, just violence. I will say it's got pretty decent art, and a number of pretty neat spreads.
#3) Bakuon Rettou by Tsutomu Takahashi (complete with 105 chapters, I read 46)
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Basically this one dude just didn't like boredom or the normal life or something so he got involved in a biker gang as if extracurricular activities didn't exist or something.
We follow this guy through his outward and internal changes as he gets deeper and deeper into the gang.
I was really excited to get to this because of the author but I was pretty disappointed in the end, maybe because I only got halfway but at least they had the same old beautiful art I had expected.
#2) Tokyo Revengers by Ken Wakui (complete with 279 chapters + an anime)
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Fairly popular so you may have heard of it, the story goes that the main character goes back in time to save his crush by joining the gang that kills her in the future, with the goal of becoming their leader so he can prevent his crush's death.
not gonna lie I really dug it in the beginning, the premise was a two punch combo of things I loved, I mean time travel + delinquency? In any case idk my love for it just petered out, then the ending was a bit wack, crazy style on almost every character tho.
#1) Durarara!! story by Ryougo Narita and art by Akiyo Satorigi
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Best thing I read this month, a bit surprised since I'd already watched the anime way back when but it was still super great.
The story is that a young lad named mikado ryuugamine moves to the big city of ikebukuro for high school in an attempt to shake off his normal day to day life. He meets up with his childhood best friend masaomi kida who shows him around town and gives him all the details of strange tales, urban myths and living legends.
The story is broken up into durarara, durarara saika arc, durarara yellow scarves arc & durarara re; dollars each about 20 - 30 chapters long
top 5 delinquent manga read ever: (I go off cuff for these so no transcript, but dude trust me)
#5) Kyou kara ore wa!! by Hiroyuki Nishimori (366 chapters)
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#4) Beelzebub by Ryuuhei Tamura (252 chapters)
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#3) Holyland by Kouji Mori (182 chapters)
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#2) Rookies by Morita masanori (233 chapters)
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#1) Clover by Tetsuhiro Hirakawa (401 chapters)
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honourable mention: great teacher onizuka gto
thanks for listening, if you'd like to see specific scores my anilist is in the link above and additionally there's a small off cuff part 2 in the episode where I talk a little bit more about what I like about the delinquent genre
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studyhelianthus · 1 day
Why do I create problems for myself?
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futchgunk · 2 months
want 2 get petty revenge on the diy group that did me shitty by tagging ther porch w an israeli flag the night b4 their annual house show (next week). i dont wanna narc on their show so im trying 2 fill that void
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poligraf · 4 months
A wrongdoer is often a man who has left something undone, not always one who has done something.
— Marcus Aurelius
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immaculatasknight · 4 months
Hunting fleas
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mexicanistnet · 7 months
A landmark 1984 study in Mexico City exposed the roots of juvenile delinquency. Troubled homes, harsh environments, and a lack of opportunity pushed young men into crime, creating a stark portrait of social hardship.
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hislop3 · 7 months
Wednesday Feature: Lending Trends Still Reflecting a Tight Capital Environment
Happy Hump Day! The National Investment Center released its third quarter 2023 lending trends report and while the data is a bit old, it is reflective of current market conditions. The report is available here: NIC_Lending__Trends_Report_3Q2023 Suffice to say since I last provided an update on this subject area, things have not improved.  Capital access and credit remain tight, all sources.  The…
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somenteniki · 2 years
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Dᵃ𝐧Ǥ𝔢R𝑜ᑌ𝓈 Ⓦ𝓸𝓶คη ⚐ ☙ ❧龘⃢🌹 ᭣᭫៹𖥸 ☽
Moderation is a fatal thing (...). Nothing is more successful than excess.
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chartoris · 11 months
Song for when you are causing trouble in the night
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firerose18991 · 11 months
Literally anyone meeting bruce and his family for the first time: So how did you get so many kids by 30?
Jason: *shouting over him* HE LEFT MY MOTHER AT THE ALTAR
*tim is sitting, just happy to be included*
Bruce: BE-quiet.  They're ADOPTED!
Jason: *not a beat missed* Because he’s never known the touch of a woman.
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ciil · 5 months
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i recently started yyh b/c it is on netflix now (when did that happen) anyways the dub especially makes me laugh truly some bangers in there
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sunclown · 9 months
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Best thing of part 4 💎💲
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