#dialogue angst
dumplingsjinson · 8 months
List of “angry confession” prompts
“Since when did you ever care about me?!” “Since fucking forever, you idiotic dunce!” 
“I can’t leave you alone for one second without you hurting yourself, can I?” “I mean, I’m fine so it’s okay—” “No, it’s not okay. Not when I feel like I’m going to go batshit fucking crazy, thinking you’ve hurt yourself.“
“Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it.” “You… What?” 
“You think I wanted this to happen? You think I, of all people, wanted to fall in love with you?” 
“Trust me, I’m also trying to understand how in the shit this happened.” 
“…This is why I knew I shouldn’t have gotten close to you.”
“I’m going to need you to stop for one second because I just find it so incredibly rude that you think I’m not head over heels in love with your stupid, oblivious ass. Are you a brick? Because you’re dense as fuck.”
“Tell me how I’m supposed to un-love you, then. Tell me. Spare me.” 
“Yeah, well, if I could, I’d lose feelings for you. But it’s not that easy. It’s not that easy to just let go of someone you’ve held onto for so fucking long.” 
“What part of ‘I want you, and only you’ do you not understand?” 
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urfriendlywriter · 8 months
How to write angst ?
@urfriendlywriter | req by @everynowandthenihaveacrisis @aidyaiden :)
know your character. from their deepest fears to what they cherish the most. know your deepest fear, ask yourself how you will react and feel at that moment. "oh shit, if this happened to me I'll lose my mind" what's that type of scenario for you? write it. :)
decide on the type of angst you are going for!
major, minor, physical, emotional, paranormal, spiritual, verbal, abusive, quarrel, misunderstanding, etc.
and then, decide on--what reaction you can take out of your character by doing what to them.
are they gonna be, held at a gunpoint to give something up? or have their soul wrecked by whom they thought were close to them? or is it going be horror, or etctec, decide on it.
moving on to actually writing it-
Tip 1 - Use sensory details.
her eyes brimmed with tears
his chest heaved
pain clawed at his heart, as his face twisted with hurt
his scream pierced my heart
her lips quivered
she dug her nails into her palms (to distract herself, to stop it from shaking, etc)
show what is happening to ur MC, instead of telling it.
Tip 2 - how to actually write it.
If they're panicking, make them notice too many things at once, show every detail that they're seeing, feeling, from touch, to that burning sensation on their eyes, the blood on the ground, that dryness of their throat, the buzzing in their head and their parted lips unable to trust their own sight, and--and, boom! have them register that they're really really in trouble. and that they've to act fast.
use short, very minimal type of writing for this. make it long, but not long enough that it feels like it's being dragged.
the readers should hold themselves back from skimming the page out of curiousity, they should be in their toes to find out what happens next.
what does your MC do in times of panic? do they chant calm down to themselves, do they get angry, or start crying.. or?? what makes your character genuinely feel an emotion so hard that they'll burst?
there's always something, someone that'll always give them love and easily can be that something or someone to take it away. yk.
Tip 3 - crying.
what is close to your character that u can deprive them of? will it make them cry? beg for it?
what will make ur character cry so hard, that their scream fills everyone's ear, stays in their minds like ghosts and always haunts them?
make a character who never cries, burst out with tears.
while writing crying, focus on the 5 senses, one after the other.
focus it on their breath, make them run out of breath, gasp for air, feel like they're being choked, cry so scrutinizingly. it shud punch the reader's gut.
have them replay what had just happened over and over again in their head
best books and writing styles (for angst) to analyse and learn from (in my opinion);
3rd book in the AGGTM series (yk it hit hard like a truck. it got me depressed in bed the entire time lmao)
Five Survive by Holly Jackson. The moments of red outside of the truck, and moments leading to it.
there's this book called " Warm by @untalentedwriter127 " in wattpad. the author served angst for breakfast, lunch anddd dinner.
and if there's more angsty ones, drop em in the comments! :)
Hope this helps, tag me when yall write a masterpiece! ;)
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promptsbytaurie · 6 months
dialogue prompts for ~injury~
!!please credit/tag me!!
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere.”
“Someone get the medic. Get the medic!”
“Hey, hey, shhhh. Shhhh. You’re okay.”
“You did so good. Don’t worry, you-you did so good.”
“Here, lean on me. I can carry you.”
“We’re gonna fix you up, brand new. I promise.”
“No. No, stop. Stop talking like that. You’re gonna be fine.”
“Okay. Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do—fuck.”
“I know, I know it hurts.”
"I don't care. I'm not leaving you."
“I’m going to lift you up, okay? Tell me if it hurts.”
“Where are they? Where are they?!”
"I would believe that you're fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so."
"You just watched them die."
"This is going to hurt, okay?"
"God, I'm so sorry, it'll be over soon, I promise."
"How many fingers am I holding up? ... I don't have six fingers."
"Stop. No. Wake up. Wake up! I said wake up!"
"I came as soon as I heard."
“Get away! You’re hurting them!”
“Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—”
“Shit. Shit, that’s a lot of blood.”
“You dumbass. Don’t do that. Ever again.”
"Help them! Please!"
"You scared us all back there. I... Including me."
"[name]? [name], this isn't funny. Stop... please..."
"Breathe... breathe. Look at the stars, kid."
"It was supposed to be me... please, no, [name], please..."
"Tell me where it hurts, and be specific."
“You’ll be fine.” *silence* “You’ll be fine. Hey! Wake up! Please. Please wake up…”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
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me-writes-prompts · 8 months
Random + angst prompts:
By @me-writes-prompts
Yearning prompts
Character A gets hurt/injured ft. Character B’s feral response
Situationship prompts
Reuniting angst prompt
“What are we?” Prompts
Ghost x vampire prompts
More ghost x vampire prompts
Close proximity prompts
Crush prompts
Navigating through new relationship prompts
"Please don't leave me" prompts
Lovers in "denial" prompts
Reunited lovers prompts
Grumpy x sunshine prompts
"You're too good for me" prompts
"I think...I'm in love with you" prompts
Fake dating prompts
Betrayal prompts
"What would I do without you" prompts
Roommates to lovers prompts
Ice cream prompts
Underrated trope list
First date prompts
Oblivious x pining prompts
Break up prompts
Marriage of convenience prompts
Jealously prompts
OTP bonding with their children prompts
Secret relationship between two boys prompts
Denial of feelings prompts
Internalized homophobia prompts
Sunshine vampire x grumpy human prompts
Party game prompts
Family fluff prompts
Hero/warrior prompts
Lovers to friends prompts
Childhood friends prompts
Self-esteem issue prompts for your ocs
Nervous/awkward couple prompts
Forced proximity but one of them is claustrophobic prompts
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novelbear · 4 months
"i take it back, i'm sorry"- reactions to making someone cry
prompt list by @novelbear | cw for some very slight cursing!
"are you crying?"
"no, don't do that wait-"
"oh, stop with the tears.."
"i didn't mean it like that, hold on."
"was it something i said?"
"shit, no, that's not what i meant."
"oh, honey."
"there you go, let it out."
"suck it up."
"this was supposed to make you happy!"
"aw, don't cry sweetheart..."
[giving them a panicked hug] "no, no, no, no!"
"i should have stopped, i'm sorry..."
"what? what now?"
"you're so emotional. it's cute."
"good. now you know what it's like."
"how can i make this up to you?"
"i didn't mean to make you upset, you know."
"oh come on, it was a joke!"
"you always do this. making me look like the bad guy."
"my poor baby, i'm so sorry."
"did i scare you? sweetheart..."
"i mean i knew you'd like the gift but not this much..."
"ice cream? a movie? hugs? what do you want? name anything."
"why do you act like you're the only one with feelings? how do you think i feel?"
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euthymiaaa · 6 months
— longing for someone prompts ◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
im bathing in angst rn, enjoy!
them haunting your mind constantly, but are you even in theirs?
unconciously searching for them wherever, whenever
itching to text them, yet the guilt of pestering them hits
your stomach being on edge whenever you see someone who has a similar figure to theirs
regularly scouring their social media for any updates
them acting so sweetly which turns out to just be a cruel dream
envy creeping up your throat whenever other people hangout with them
taking them off your mind by hanging out with your friends, just for you to only see bits of their personality in your friends
weeping frustruatedly on your knees because you can't stop recalling your memories with them
surrendering to your insecurities; perhaps they truly are better off without you
hopelessly persuading yourself that you were able to go on with life before knowing them, so you can definitely do it after they left
urging the universe to see them one last time before letting them go (it never happens anyways)
"if anyone is listening, please let our paths intertwine again before the day I take my last breath"
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unboundprompts · 3 months
How about a sort of prompt/prompts where Character A accidentally kisses Character B and then panics because they think they messed everything up when B doesn’t respond? (Thinking about this nonstop bc something similar like this happens in my oc’s background and results in him coming out at almost 200 years old (vampire) )
Being Shocked After a Kiss Prompts
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He didn't know what happened. One second, they were laughing and having a good time, the next, his lips were on hers. It was everything he could have imagined. When he pulled away though, finally unlocking his lips from hers, she was dead silent.
"Say something," she whispered. "Please say something." Their face was expressionless, their hands limp in their lap. She had messed everything up. How could she have been so stupid? Of course, they wouldn't have wanted to kiss her.
"I'm so sorry," they blurted, hand still pressed to their lips as if they couldn't believe they had done that, themself. "I shouldn't have kissed you. Not now, not without asking, I--"
He was so quiet that it was making her stomach churn. She had never regretted doing something more than now, in this moment. Why did she kiss him?
She buried her face in her hands as if she could hide from the embarrassment. "I shouldn't have done that." They were silent. So, so silent. It only made her feel ten times worse.
"I'm not upset," he finally said. "I was just surprised."
"You didn't mess anything up," they told her after a few moments of listening to her ramble.
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keyotosprompts · 2 months
love's possessing me ⋆⭒˚。⋆
ur fav tropes (with variations) + microtropes
⇴ person a + person b are both looking for each other, and they wander all around the place until they finally meet in the middle, where they both crash into each other
⇴ enemies to lovers (kind of) because they're in opposite factions that feud. until one day they run into each other on accident, immediately want to kill the other, and get trapped together. slowly, they discover that their own factions are awful, and they must work together to stop injustice (mk storyline!!!)
⇴ super serious and put together b turns into pure mush at the sight of a. i'm talking the brain stopped functioning call 911 bc we think they suffered brain damage. no they're just in love with person a.
⇴ having their own secret code. whether it be hand signs behind their backs, secret looks, or secret touches—as long as it's a secret then i will eat it up.
⇴ getting so tired that person b falls and person a has to catch them. person b ends up laying their head on person a's shoulder, and person a is now stuck with person b
⇴ "i'm not falling in love" and they fall the hardest (idc how used it is i will eat it up until i die)
⇴ person b admiring how person a brightens up any room when they get excited. "the look of love" as some would call it
⇴ two people that help each other heal. they've both had rough pasts, and when they meet each other—initially they hate it but—things start to mend (hometown cha cha cha anyone???)
⇴ banter and teasing at first meeting, but the more they get to know each other, the more they begin to connect.
⇴ person a + person b fighting over who has to sleep on the couch (they're staying at the other person's house), until they both agree on sleeping in the same bed together
⇴ friends to lovers but the other party did not consider them friends. (yikesssss)
⇴ "you lied to me! you kept lying straight to my face! and you expect me to forgive you?" "what are you talking about?! did you never get my letter?" "what letter?" (oh ur cooked)
⇴ "you deserve better than me." "that's not your decision to make, that's mine."
⇴ person a literally thinking they're the worst person in the world, and then there's person b, who can fight through the darkness and find the light
⇴ "you wouldn't understand!" "then tell me. i just want to listen."
⇴ person a's overworking themselves, so person b has to manually close their computer and put away their work and force them to sleep
⇴ person a stays up for person b to get home, but falls asleep. person b takes a ton of photos of them and then carries them to bed (and joins them later snuggling them ofc)
hey guys! keyotos here. this is a little out of my lane but i created this post for my writing event on my writing blog. but anyone else, feel free to use these and lmk if u guys like content similar to this!
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prompts-in-a-barrel · 2 months
"Are we going to talk about it?"
"I'd rather not."
"Did he hurt you?"
"I just said I don't want to talk about it."
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celestialwrites · 7 months
saying ‘i love you’ without saying ‘i love you’ dialogue prompts
@celestialwrites for more!
♡ “to me, you are perfect.”
♡ "don't you realise? you are my world."
♡ "you brought me back to life."
♡ "the only way i know how to describe what i feel around you is home. i feel at home."
♡ "it's as if my entire life i have been sinking in a storm and you came and pulled me out."
♡ "you know i stayed for you, and frankly, i don't regret it one bit."
♡ "with the whole of my heart, i believe that together we are infinite."
♡ "i never intend on leaving you. you hear me? never."
♡ "thank you for being the shoulder i always needed, even when you hated me."
♡ "i can't live without you!"
♡ "never leave me, my heart couldn't bear it."
♡ "i've spent my whole life waiting for you."
♡ "consumed in darkness, you darling, were my light."
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dumplingsjinson · 15 days
List of “cruel ways to push someone away (whether you mean it or not; whether it’s an act or not)” prompts
“Don’t you get it? You were always just entertainment for me.”
“How could you be so foolish to think I ever loved you? Like, really?”
“There’s nothing about you I’ve ever found interesting.” 
“Oh, so you actually thought I cared about you?”
“Trust me when I say this but you are not important to me.” 
“Realistically, what is there to love about you anyway?”
“So uh, what made you think I cared in the slightest?”
“Actions don’t always speak the truth, maybe you should understand that if you don’t want to get hurt next time.”
“Maybe… You shouldn’t have put your trust in someone else so much.” 
“I warned you in the beginning that I wasn’t looking for anything serious, yet you didn’t listen. That’s not on me.”
“It’s not my fault you’re delusional.”
“I don’t… I’ve lost feelings for you.” 
“Trust me, there are more important things in my life to worry about. You’re definitely not one of them.”
“I must have given you the wrong impression.”
“You make me want to give up on everything.” 
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Join my Discord server: Steaming Dumplings Nation
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urfriendlywriter · 24 days
20 angsty romance prompts part 2
(feel free to use <33 tag me when yall writeeee)
crying in your lover's arms
^ face buried in their chest, while their heart breaks at your every sob :(
"i wish i loved you less." but it is spat at the other person angrily, immediately being regretted after the words leave their mouth.
watching them cry and not knowing what to do (ouch-)
"why do you love me when you know i can't- shouldn't love you back?"
"you messed me up, you fcked me over and what- how dare i? how dare fckn you!"
"i am sorry. i am so so.. so.. sorry. please.. let me go."
"don't you dare do this to me- No! No, no, no, no- nono, hey, please!!"
"... why can't.. anybody see--that... I'm tired?... " (if written write, this wud traumatize me)
"I'm done waiting for you, [name]."
them literally on their knees, "please, please--just please trust me! Why is it so hard for you to believe me once?"
^ "how many times do i have to get hurt by trusting you!!?"
"i am not sorry that i don't love you. I'm sorry that you don't love yourself."
"i loved you, believe me. i did. then you turned into someone else, someone... scary."
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP HURTING ME? why--why am i the one.. always losing everything..?"
"listen to me-" "No, no!" "my dear, i swear, that isn't what i meant." "oh yeah? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there."
"so.. you're just going to.. give up on me." "that is NOT what i meant-" "you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, [name]."
hands trembling while holding their pale, bloodied face, "k-keep your eyes open, for fucks sake! PLEASE-please please, talk to me."
"promise me you'll be okay, and that you'll keep living. moving on, even without me." "only if you do the same." (this happened irl yall)
"you saved me then killed me all over again."
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cosmophoriia · 3 months
"i made it so obvious" : angry love confessions. 𝜗𝜚
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ღ request from: @inlovewithpandora. Prompt request for angry love confession where character b is oblivious and doesn’t realize that character a has a crush on them and character a gets fed up with character b acting clueless so while character b is talking to them about their love life character a blurts out their feelings
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"how can you not know, i made it so obvious!" "clearly, you didn't make it that clear!"
“i’ve had feelings for you for so long.”
“it’s a bit frustrating to how oblivious you are.”
“how did you not notice, i always flirted with you.”
“you deserve someone who would treat you right.” “who might that be?” “… how about me?”
“i’m right in front of you.”
character b going on and on about how they never find someone and character a is just looking at them ready to snap.
“you just got to be fucking kidding me, right?”
“are you messing with me?” “no, why would you think that?” “because i gave you all the signs to me liking you and you haven’t notice one bit.”
“why are you so clueless?”
“did you ever stop and think that maybe just maybe the person you’re looking for is me?”
character a choosing to ignore character b for a while after b goes out on a tinder date and b is so confused on why a been avoiding them.
^ “did i do something wrong?”
“what do i have to do or say for you to notice that i’m in love with you?”
“everyone knew but you!”
character a having to hear character b talk about the sweet gifts that character c claimed they sent reader.
^ "they didn't send you those gifts, i did!"
"wait... you're in love with me?"
"why do you care!" "because i’m in love with you!"
"you claim to know everything about me but you never noticed that i’ve feelings for you, not even once?”
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me-writes-prompts · 1 month
-:“We’re definitely just enemies, and not anything more” Enemies to lovers prompt :-
(*Wink wink* tag me if you write these.)
By @me-writes-prompts
“I want to wrap my hands around your throat, and choke you until the life in your eyes die down.” “Kinky.” ;)
“It’s funny, isn’t it? How we always end up, in the same place, at the same time.” “It’s not funny, I know you’ve been stalking me. That’s how we always end up together.” “Stalking? You? *scoffs* in your dreams.”
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite human being on the earth!” They say with fake excitement. “Oh thank you, but I regret to not say the same.”
“If you don’t care, then why are you holding my hand?” “So I can drag you down with me if we fall from this cliff/edge.”
Just deadass staring daggers at each other, and communicating with their eyes.
“Fuck you!” “Love you, too.” They say, blowing a kiss.
“I hate being in your presence, I hope you know that.” “You’re literally sitting half on my lap.” “Because there is nowhere else to sit!” (There was only one couch *snickers*)
“It just so happens that I put on my nicest outfit, just to find out that you’re my blind date.”
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you want to murder me but also like…you want me.” 😏
“It’s impossible not to hate you.”
“Look, I win. So back off okay?” “Stepping on my toe and reaching the ceiling is not winning.”
“Shut up before I-” “Before you what, huh? No, say it. Let me see if you can finish that sent-” *shoves the nearest thing into their mouth*
“Come here, let me see the cut.” “No.” *sighs and walks up to them* “Let. me. see.”
“You’re not that good looking, alright?” “So you admit I’m good looking?” “What? N-no. Never.”
“I love you.” “Huh?” “Is the last thing I would be saying, so get that delulu thought out of your mind, and leave me alone.”
“You’re such an idiot. Who steps on a knife unknowingly?” “It was in the middle of a dumpster, I didn’t see it!” “Someone needs glasses.” “Shut up!” (This is so random lmaooo)
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novelbear · 4 months
a dialogue list for angry love confessions
prompt list by @novelbear | very slight cw for cursing!
"if you can't figure it out by now, then i don't have anything else to tell you."
"i thought that if i did all of this and came all this way, it would finally click for you."
"come back to me when you figure it out."
"i am done. i'm done waiting for you."
"i'm in love with you, you dumbass."
"what the hell did you think i meant by that?"
"i've been stupid enough to keep chasing after you."
"you knew. you knew i loved you and took full advantage of the fact that i'd do anything for you. and i knew that. i just kept at it hoping that one day you'd value me just as much."
"i've been following you around like a lost puppy since the day we met, yet you couldn't see?"
"i dropped everything to be with you! everything!"
"why do i keep doing this to myself..."
"i'm not losing the one person i love because of some stupid shit."
"is that what you wanted to hear? are you happy?"
"what do you think i've been doing this for?"
"i had thought all of this would be so different for us."
"don't you want the same?"
"god, how blind can you be?"
"open your eyes!"
"i've wasted years of my life chasing after someone who couldn't give a fuck about me..."
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luvmake · 10 months
part II
tag me when used! <3
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— "Do that again, please."
— "I missed the way you taste."
— "Don't start something you can't finish."
— "For someone who hates me, you're not pulling away."
— "There's no one like you, darling."
— "Is that a new lip balm?"
— "Don't act so shy now."
— "Tell me you love me too."
— "You look so pretty like this."
— "Can we keep doing this?"
— "Aren't you afraid of getting seen with me?"
— "Please, don't leave this time."
— "Are you sure about this?"
— "I'm sorry I can't love you the way you deserve."
— "Take me away, please."
— "I needed this, needed you."
— "I can't let you go."
— "Ask me to stop and I will."
— "My heart is all yours, love."
— "Your lips are all stained."
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