#didn't message each other for seven years
yahargulian · 10 months
Udyeubfjebne I forgot to send you the colors. Yellow, Goldenrod, Mahogany, and Pink, but in, like, the mutuals for 10 years affectionate way ❤️
I'm holding out my arm for you to bite adsjkghdjskah ❤
I really wish we could sit and watch teh sun and hang out and listen to music together!! You've been this constant presence in my life for such a long time and it would just be cool to hang out I think 🥺 it'd be fun
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honeysunchild · 5 months
It really hurts when it feels like a friend you considered family gives up on you and the relationship
Like, we could have talked about it, we could have found a solution together, we were each others family remember?! But instead you chose to just give up and cut me out
#and in like#about five messages too!#that were pretty accusatory#like apologizing peofusely bc youre afraid that karma wikl fuck u up for hurting le#doesnt really make up for accusing me of what you did#there are so many more compassionate ways you could have said that!#I'm so so sorry but you suck and i can't take it anymore goodbye#WTF#is this the goodbye seven years of friendship is worth??#we went through thick and thin#and yeah i have not been too well lately and i was pretty depressed two years ago#you asked me to share my problems with you and when i do i am too much and you drop me like hot metal instead of talking about it?#and that goodbye was so rushed it felt like i was chasing her just to get a little closure#you said you would always be there#even with our lives being so different I still believed it was possible#and you kept ignoring me!#i shared good stuff too and you didn't even respond! you said you were too busy and didn't make time for me#so when I stop sharing that good things happen to me too bc I'm frustrated with being ignored all the time you say I'm toxic for only#and drop me? instead of having a talk about it or taking a break?#like#i thought we were each others family but it seems like I was the more loyal one who cared the most and got burned yet again#is it so hard to talk and try to adjust?#i thought we were the real ones for each other yanno but clearly thing were different for you with all your toxic ass family and all your#jobs and friends#she's always had more than me#doesn't mean I'm alone tho#i have friend who can talk to me and try to adjust and fix the relationship and is a true loyal friend#it's not the end of my world that you're gone#even if you were a big part of it#how can I loose when I was so loyal and true and honest
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
DCxDP Fanfic idea: Wrong Number
Bruce prides himself in keeping all of his networks secured. If he didn't make it himself, he had the funds and connections to get him the best working on his systems.
He had backup plans in case the systems were ever hacked, of course, but he had yet to encounter a cyber attack that wasn't beaten away by his firewalls or his team.
Babs and Tim were far more feral when booting out unwanted guests. The level of protection was also transferred to his other systems that weren't Batman-related, just to make sure the connection between Bruce and Batman was never made.
That's why he never really checks his personal phone's caller ID, not the one he gave out as Brucie Wayne, but the one Bruce used for his real life without any masks- civilian or vigilante. The only ones who had the number- and the access- were his children and Alfred.
Not even the Justice League- those who were aware of his identity- knew of this number.
Bruce is in the middle of typing up a report for the next Wayne Board meeting when his personal phone rings. He figures it's Dick giving him a call to update him on his drive home or maybe Jason, as his son was planning on going to college.
"Go for Papa Bruce," He says, knowing his kids hate his phone greeting and doing it deliberately to spite them.
There is a long pause where he can't help but smirk thinking his child is either rolling their eyes or cringing too hard to properly speak. Eventually, a voice cracks over the speaker.
"Hello. I'm selling cookies to raise money for my own star. Would like to buy a box from me?" says a boy, not one he has taken in. The voice is young maybe not even double digits yet. Bruce is alarmed.
"Who are you?! How did you get this number?" He demands, yanking his phone to his face and seeing, with a chill, a phone number out of state.
His system had been compromised. By a child. By accident.
"My name is Danny!" The boy chirps. "I sell cookies. Like the Girl Scouts, but I'm a boy, and I don't scout."
"That's rather fantastic, lad. What kind of cookies are you selling?" Bruce asks to keep the boy on the line while sending an email blast to the others. It's a string of numbers that are code for compromise so they all know to close any communication channel until it's safe to get back on.
"Chocolate chip. Mint Slim. Oatmeal and peanut butter. I made them myself!"
Right. Bruce hooks up his phone, tracing the call. The signal bounces off the call, swinging up to a salute and falling back down to earth. In seconds he has the boy's location. It pings in a small town right outside of Star City.
He sends Barry a private message. His friend is already on the way to the location. He'll get the boy in a few seconds.
"How much for a box of chocolate chips? Those are my favorite." Bruce tells the boy, voice whimsical as his Brucie persona demands.
In an unsure tone, the boy pauses, then whispers, "I don't know. No one ever let me get this far."
"How about twenty for a box of dozen? I'll buy five boxes for each of my kids that live at him," Bruce tells him, and the boy gasps.
"That could buy me one whole night in a hotel!"
Bruce's insides freeze. What did he mean-
"Hey! No! Let go!" Danny suddenly screams. Bruce's heart launches- he hates it when kids get hurt, especially those that sound like Danny- until Barry's voice comes over the speaker.
"I got him, Mr. Wayne. Thank you for alerting the Justice League Hotline." That's code for This is not a threat to you Batman and Bruce allows himself to relax just a little.
"Narc!" The boy shouts, outraged, before the call drops. Barry is likely taking over the situation, which means Bruce can leave it in his capable hands.
After reassuring his kids that he is fine and that they are all safe, he suits up and meets the Flash in the Watch Tower. There, he learns that Danny is only seven years old and has been living on the streets for a while.
The boy had been surviving by baking some cookies to sell on the side of the street- where did he bake them? The boy would not say- until he got the bright idea to try to sell through phone calls like he had seen on TV.
He punched in random numbers at the community center phone and gave his pitch about a star, thinking people would be more willing to buy from him if he had an excellent reason.
Barry had left him with CPS, but he looked devastated about that. It turned out that Danny was a meta and had likely been kicked out of his home once it was found out based on what he said of his parents.
Bruce felt he should assure Barry that Danny was fine and look into his placement to help settle his more sensitive teammate's nerves.
He was unhappy that Danny was not in a good placement; there were far too many reports from a concerned neighbor to make him think it was a safe place. Given the fact that placement had a lot of meta kids that "fell through the cracks," Bruce worried he had just stumbled across a trafficking ring.
He would sick Barry and Jason on them. Just to ensure they wouldn't see the light of day again.
Still, that did not fix his mistake with Danny, the little cookie seller.
Bruce hacked into the system to move Danny. He thought about where he would move the young child but ultimately had him in Wayne Manor.
Just until he could confirm that he would be safe. He certainly didn't think about the adorable little boy who called him with his heart in his hand and got sent to a terrible place for three weeks because of Bruce.
Danny arrived at Wayne Manor with a happy little bounce and a chipper outlook on life than Bruce was expecting. "If it isn't Mr. Narc!"
God, he going to adopt the boy, isn't he?
(Danny has been thrown into a different universe, aged down to a child. He survived by overshadowing people into letting him spend the night baking cookies.
He was thrown into a somewhat typical home, but the nosy neighbor down the street took far too much notice of his overshadowing, and now he was being moved again.
Maybe he can terrorize Mr. Narc now instead? )
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The Dork And The Nerd
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Hello there!
I didn't post anything with Leah since like for ever, so there it is!
Please enjoy :)
TW : None I think, or please let me know :)
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Looking around the room, you readjust the camera one last time before starting your stream. It’s your job, even if some people are still saying that it isn’t a real job and stupid things like that.
You were winning your life easily with it, living your dream. You always loved playing video games, you started alone because it wasn’t what your little sisters were loving to do. When you discovered online games it was a life changing for you. You started streaming when you were 18 years old, which was seven years ago now. It was hard at first to be honest, being a woman in this man world.
But you find some friends in popular streamers who took you under their wings and help you to be where you are now.
You have several thousand people who follow you to each of your live, four night each week. You still have some shit to deal with, like harassers, but you took a manager who is the one reading your mail. He takes on him to choose your different partnership and sometimes answer to the people sending you strange things.
You are openly gay, but that doesn’t make stop some of men to send you disturbing pictures. Thanks god it’s your agent who see them, but you are aware of it. Just like your girlfriend, though.
You start your stream like usual, saying hello to your followers and talking a little bit about actuality or what you did today. You have a white kitten, who you called Purrito, who is almost as famous as you are. He keeps coming when you are playing, sometimes lying on your hand, or trying to catch the mouse of your computer. You already have a lot of bloopers because of him, but you can’t be mad with him.
Lately, your passion for video games seems to have catch the attention of your girlfriend. She always was looking at you when you are streaming, when she can. You usually do it during the evening so she’s back from training or games.
When Leah asked you to learn to her how to play video games, at first you thought she was messing with you. But she was really serious and ask you one more time. And who are you to refuse something to your girlfriend?
At first it was just to have fun, but you soon have an idea, and you used your best puppy eyes to get your girlfriend agreed with it. You wanted to make her play with you, but without her showing her face in your screen.
You never talked about Leah being your girlfriend, even if you are together for two years now. The public know that you are in a relationship, you sometimes mention your girlfriend live. They just don’t know who she is.
You met Leah at a ceremony and Katie who is a fan of your job took Leah when she went to met you. You were happy to met Katie, but you find yourself thunderstruck by Leah. You don’t remember if you were really coherent that night, but Leah followed you back almost immediately when you did it on Instagram.
You waited the next Arsenal games to sent her a message, congratulating her for her performance. You even take a picture of you in the stand with your father (who really was surprised when you ask him to go with you to a women football game). Leah answered you that next time you come you have to tell her, so she could give you a better seat.
You didn’t know if she was serious or not, but she then asked you the next game in London if you are coming and she find you a seat in the friends and family area. After the game she offers you to go for a drink. You then had other dates, and the rest is history.
You got together one month before she did her ACL and even if it was a hard time, you both get stronger. You let Lia Wälti take the lead in Leah’s recovery, but you were always around to help too. When Lia return to her home, you were the one staying with Leah at night. And you kept taking her in her rehab and cooking for her.
The day Leah started to run again, you were at the training to watch her. This is the day where she officially asked you to move in with her now that she could do things alone again. Unless cooking maybe, but that’s another question.
You accepted of course and the blonde happily transformed one of her guest room in your studio of stream.
It’s where you are now, Leah peacefully setting on your living room, ready to go live with you.
“Oh, it looks like our guest is here” you smile when you see that Leah is connected too. “Hi Baby!”
You only said to your viewers that it was your girlfriend, without saying anything else. You are aware that maybe someone will recognize Leah’s voice, but it would be fun anyway.
“Hi Love” she answers.
You make a reminder of the game you were going to play, for her first live Leah chose a car games, Trackmania. It wasn’t your favorite game, but you were so happy that she said yes to you that you would have accept a Tetris game.
“How are you?” you ask her, while making the game ready.
“I’m fine. Happy to play with you tonight.”
“I am happy too” you smile before looking at the camera. “Let’s have her a good evening guys so she will accept to do it more often yeah?”
You hear Leah chuckle, and you can’t help but smile. You already are seeing comments saying that you look whipped, what makes you roll your eyes. It seems to you that Leah’s voice is a little different from what it is in reality, but maybe your mind is playing trick.
You play several runs with Leah, before switching to another game after talking with your chat who recommend to you to make Leah try an adventure RPG. When you look at the clock again, it’s past midnight.
“Oh wow I didn’t realize that it was already so late” you exclaimed yourself. “We are going to stop here guys, I’m sorry. Maybe next time we will try Minecraft or something else, I’ll let you know. I hope you had as fun as I had Babe.”
“It was really fun. Thank you for inviting me.”
You can hear Leah smile and you can’t wait to go to the living room for a cuddle and kiss session. When you played together until know, you were able to show each other or tease the other with kisses.
“You will be invited for more times” you smirk.
Leah left and you take the time to thanks your viewers a little more longer before logging off. You stretch, finishing your bottle of water before going to find Leah. You run on the stairs and Leah already knew you were coming before you jump on the couch next to her.
She laughs when you attack her with kisses all over her face, finishing on her lips.
“Did you really have fun?” you ask, looking at her with attention.
She nods, playing with your hair. She’s smiling and every time you look at her, you wonder how in the world you get so lucky. She’s perfect.
“I did” she smiles at you. “I’m not saying that I want to do that all the night every night, but it was great.”
“Mh I maybe have another idea for us to have fun all night” you smirk.
The tone of your voice is very obvious and if Leah had one doubt, she just has to look the way you are looking at her. Your fingers run on her tight and you kiss her one more time, before sucking slightly at her neck.
Leah gulp and just hums, tilting her head on the side for you to have a better access. You know what you are doing, after more than two years, you know Leah’s body and reactions like the back of your hand.
“Let’s go to bed” Leah decides several seconds after, taking your hand before dragging you in your bedroom on the first floor.
“It was a great session.”
You smile at Leah who came to your studio after you played together again. You were still sitting when she entered the room, and she passed her hand around your shoulder from behind to kiss your cheek.
“It was” you smile before turning your chair to face Leah.
She sits on your lap, and you pass your arms around her. It wasn’t the second time that you are playing together while you are streaming, today you chose Fifa and it was very fun. You made the pact not to play with Arsenal or England, but it was still very funny. Leah is a very bad looser, so you play several games in the same team too.
“People are starting to have some suspicion though” Leah says.
She was right, you saw on social media some things about your girlfriend being Leah. But it wasn’t the only name coming.
“Yeah, they said I will make a great couple with some of your teammates too” you shrug, before counting on your fingers “They are talking about Sabrina, Alessia, Kyra and Lia.”
Leah frown, not really liking the picture who comes in her mind.
“Nah. You’re mine.” she answers possessively.
“Do you want to tell people?”
Leah looks at you, thinking for several seconds before answering. This is lasting for some weeks now and you know that you can’t stay hidden forever. You attract the attention of the world by playing together.
“Not now. It’s fun like this, don’t you think?”
“It is” you confirm with a smile.
Leah has the habit to be coupled with every teammate and you are sometimes shipped with other streamers. You like to stream with other of them, certain being your friends too. There is nothing much, but that doesn’t stop people to imagine that you are dating one of them.
But you have to admit too that your stream with Leah attracts more people than usual, and you are a little scared that people will assume that you’re using your girlfriend for the views.
Your face being very close to Leah, she seems to realize very quickly that something is on your mind.
“What’s the matter?” she asks.
“Nothing” you say at first, before sighing. “Well, I mean… I already have some viewers saying that I’m using my girlfriend to gain more viewers, so I was wondering how they would react when they realize it’s you.”
You shrug to show her that it’s not really important, you don’t want to think you are worried about something so little.
“If someone say that you know what my answer will be?” Leah asks with a serious face.
“No” you mumble.
“I will tell them that we are together for two years, that you have been the best girlfriend in the world since. I will tell them how affectionate, caring, sweet, funny, clever and passionate you are.”
You can’t help but smile and feel your cheek being a little red at that statement. Leah smirks and kisses your cheek.
“And I’ll add that if you use me, it’s only in the bedroom and the way you do is actually very talented and also very private.”
You laugh this time, hitting her on the arm. Leah seems very happy about her joke, her eyes shinning with malice. She’s so beautiful. You bite her jaw before whispering.
“You’re such a dork.”
“The Nerd and the Dork, it would be a great book title” she smirks.
“You’re not totally wrong.”
“You’re cheating!”
You can’t help but laugh at Leah. You are playing once again against your girlfriend, during a live. You are playing at Mario Kart and you just won the race for the third time in a row. She’s fuming and even if you can’t see her, the noise coming from downstairs are letting you know that she’s actually kicking the ground right now.
“I’m not, Baby I swear. You can’t cheat in this game.”
“Yes, you are!”
You roll your eyes, not answering anything. You are of course very aware about of much your girlfriend hates to lose. You are at the first place while Leah is third, which is really good for someone who isn’t playing video games daily like you. But not for the great Leah Williamson.
“Someone in the comment is saying that I will sleep on the couch. I won’t Babe, right?”
“I’m not sure about it for now” Leah grumbles. “Or maybe I’ll go sleep to the trai…”
You cough suddenly and Leah stops talking, realizing what she was just about to say. You really hope that no one would understand what she was going to say. Or at least another end of sentence, not “training ground”.
“Alright, next game” you say right after.
“I’m gonna crush you.”
She doesn’t and when you join her in the kitchen after, she seems really embarrassed. You ignore the different messages asking what Leah wanted to say and the answer some of them gave. You saw that some people where right and you know that the research will start again.
“I’m so sorry” she says, coming for you while you’re entering the room. “I was fuming because I was losing, and I forgot for some seconds that it wasn’t only you and me.”
You smile, easily passing your arms around her to give her a hug. She cuddles against you when you kiss her temple.
“It’s ok, don’t worry. Plus, you are the most famous between the both of us, you will be the most annoyed by all that.”
“Why would I be annoyed?”
Leah back up her head a little bit, just to be able to have a better look at your face. You arch an eyebrow before answering.
“Because you always told me you want privacy.”
It was in the early hours of your relationship, and you never said anything against it. You understood Leah’s needs, at this time you weren’t as famous as you are right now. She wanted to be known for her skills, her job in football or her implications in different charities. And the point was very easy for you to be understood. Your friends are families know obviously about you two, it would be strange and difficult to hide a relationship when you live together. Plus because of her answer last time you talked about it, you were really sure that it was what she want.
“I told you that at first, but now I wouldn’t mind if people start to know about us.”
She shrugs like it’s nothing, but your mind just blown. You were used to the idea of people stay in the ignorance about your relationship and the love you have for this woman. As long as you have her, why would you complain?
“Do you… Really?” you frown.
“Yeah, I mean if you don’t want to be out…”
“No, I do. I just thought that you would like to stay private for like forever?”
“I love you. I want the world to know how happy you make me. But in several weeks. I want to play with your fans a little more.”
“Sounds good to me” you smirk. “And I love you too.”
For the next weeks, you chose one day of the week to play and stream with Leah. Between those days, you were careful to post some things on social media, giving little clues to your followers about the identity of your girlfriend. You never posted something with Leah or even with a part of her hand or hair. It was more subtle than that.
Until one day, where you were peacefully streaming while Leah went out with her friends. You usually go with her, but today it was more an unexpected drink, so you already have something planned on your channel. You have an entire trust in Leah, and you know that nothing would ever happen with anyone. If you go with her almost every time, it’s only to have a great time with her.
Plus, tonight she’s out with Katie, Caitlin, Steph, her boyfriend, and Kyra, so there are really no risks.
You usually wait for Leah to text you that she was coming home to cut your stream, so you have the time to finish what you are doing and say goodbye to your viewers. Tonight though, either you didn’t see her message, or she forgot to send it to you.
Still, there is suddenly a stunning blonde who enters your studio, showing herself in the camera at the same time. You are so surprised that you only can look at her on the screen of your camera.
“Hello Hot stuff! You won’t believe what I just learned about Kyra! Did you k- … Oh shit.”
That’s the moment she realizes. It was almost comical to be honest, the enthusiastic tone with which she began her sentence, the moment of silence and the last words spoken in a low voice.
You only have like two seconds to decide if you want to cut the stream and never talk about it again, or if it’s time to be honest with everyone. You chose a third way and turn to the camera.
“Well it’s time for me to say goodbye. See you tomorrow at eight. Thanks for being here!”
You wave and cut the stream and the camera before turning in Leah’s direction. She seems amused but she has at the same time the same look on the face of a teenager caught doing something wrong.
“Funny way to outing things, this clip will be viral” you comment with a small smile.
“I’m sorry?”
Leah can’t hide her smile and you can’t either. You can be mad at her for something like that. You let Leah comes to sit on your lap, kissing her softly when she’s settled. She taste like tequila.
“How was your night?”
“Great. But I missed you.”
She hides her face in your neck, and you feel the goosebumps forming when her breath stroke your skin.
“Did you have fun?”
She hums, start to kiss your neck and you know that the discussion you were supposed to have right now is delayed for now. You will have a lot of time to talk about it later. Your phones are way too busy receiving tons notifications to be able to do anything with it right now anyway.
YourInstagram and LeahWilliamson
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liked by liawalti, leahwilliamson, alessia, bethmead and 199,937 others
YourInstagram Two years and a half with this dork. I love you ❤️🤍
comments have been limited
leahwilliamson I love you more my Nerd ❤️🤍  
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kiefbowl · 8 months
this is going to sound silly but it isn't silly, and I'm seriously saying this. I do think there is a slight feminist concern to alien abduction stories in so far as we can assume that when people, especially women, talk about their abductions and their abilities to communicate with extra terrestrials et cetera, they are someone who is mentally unwell and who has likely experienced something traumatic. alien abduction stories tend to have common elements even if there are details wildly different from each individual. those details are different because they likely didn't happen, but the common elements tend to be things like being taken from home, being violated, being exposed, having things implanted in the body, experiencing pregnancy, having secret knowledge, having a special connection to the extra terrestrials...
you can start putting some pieces together. yes, sometimes these elements are shared because they are what's heard in pop culture. you're more likely to imagine the details of a book you read or a tv show you saw than come up with something so fantastically new and original. you can imagine, for example, if someone is a say a seven year old girl being manipulated into sexual favors by a trusted adult and doesn't understand what's happening to her and has seen alien media and perhaps even has other messaging around her wrt sin, purity, worthiness, karma (what have you), and also perhaps is predisposed to mental illness, it's easier to believe she's a special person being abducted by other worldly creatures who don't truly mean her harm. you can see how a vivid child's imagination could lead to an adult believing memories that never happened.
and so the feminist concern is to not treat these stories as complete jokes and hoaxes and roll our eyes. I'm just reminded today of something I saw years ago. I think it was a Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on aliens, and they had a group of hard core believers talking about their experiences with aliens, and it felt like we were supposed to be laughing at them when at least one of them was a woman who truly believed an alien husband took her way sometimes and forced her to give birth and she had several children she didn't get to see in space, and she was clearly not very well adjusted socially. all I could think was is this a woman who's been raped? is this a woman who has been forced to have abortions? is this a woman who has had multiple miscarriages? is this a woman experiencing domestic abuse from a husband or boyfriend? but the episode wasn't interested in exploring that, and she stuck out as "one of these things is not like the others" when juxtaposed to fake professors trying to sell their weirdo books as a living or whatever else was in the episode.
when we say believe women, that includes "crazy" women. women who say ghosts are trying to kill them, who talk about people living in their walls coming out at night to steal their body parts, women who believe they are married to alien overlords since they were 12 and have birth 50 alien babies. these women are probably telling us something and I think we can say "I believe something has happened to you" rather than make a mockery of them.
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redbullgirly · 8 months
HI BARBIE! HI KEN! [part 2, LH44 smau]
Lewis Hamilton x reader
Masterlist & Hi Barbie! Hi Ken! [part 1, LH44 smau]
Summary: Lewis and his "real life Barbie" girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, are enjoying each others company during winter break. February brings unexpected drama when the seven-time World Champion decides to leave his team... though is that the only surprise waiting for the fans?
Warnings: Little cliffhanger at the end, but don't worry, I plan on making part 3 soon enough :).
Author's Note: This is continuation of the Lewis x barbie!fashion!icon!reader request, hope you'll all like it. This time there wasn't so much of "barbie content", but I'm sure you won't mind. I honestly love this series, plus there are still many photos for me to use, so stay tuned and let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! :)
lewishamilton posted on instagram
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liked by susie_wolff, yourusername, charles_leclerc and 1,210,564 others
tagged: yourusername and fencer
lewishamilton Happy holidays from our little trip to mountains 🏔
view all 6,928 comments
user1 I swear to God this is the first time I see Lewis in snow
user2 ikr? like can he even sky? isn't it dangerous for him as an f1 driver??😭
yourusername merry christmas everybody, love u!!🎄🫶
liked by the author
user3 Very happy and merry Christmas to you too Y/N🥰
user4 yeah yeah... but where's the usual christmas post y/n?!
user5 that's what I wanna know user5 😥
user6 She always posts the hot pics with their tree... and this year nothing ☹️
yourusername omg sry guys, i didn't think you'd care sm! i was actually sick on the christmas eve and didn't feel like celebrating 🙈💖
user4 ohhh that's totally okay y/n!!!!
user7 Thanks for replying, hope you'll get better soon!❤️‍🩹
charles_leclerc I see you're copying my training now😉
user8 lol charles just try not to fall on your face on ski
user9 no but can you imagine if we got Charles & Lewis training together in the mountains 😩
user10 It wouldn't even have to be in the mountains... I'd actually prefer them training somewhere hot so they don't have to wear shirts🤭
user9 i love your way of thinking girly
user11 King 👑
roscoelovescoco Mom's and dad's playing's in's the snow's ❄️
liked by the author and yourusername
user12 they left you home alone Roscoe?
roscoelovescoco Of course's not's... my auntie's watched's me's ☺️
user13 This is so adorable🥹🥹
user14 y'all don't understand how much I love their little family
user15 😘🖤✌️💯🌟
user16 y/n's ski suit looks so cool
fencer Good times man!
liked by the author and yourusername
user17 You are my God, Lewis Hamilton❤️
mercedesamgf1 Enjoy your holidays and don't break anything please!⛷🤍
yourusername trying!! 😊🌨
user18 lmfao
user19 Imagine if their best driver broke a leg or smth💀
user20 as a Lewis fan that'd be the last straw of my depression xd
user21 It's enough they couldn't build him a decent car last two years 🥲
user21 you & y/n are the best couple ever!🥰❤️
user22 Why's Lewis in red tho?
user23 sus 🤨
user24 some of you are truly bored and delusional🤣
user25 He probably has it so Y/N can see him on the slope and watches over him tbh
user26 idk where the narrative of lewis being bad at skying came from but i love it 😭
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yourusername posted on instagram stories
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seen by lewishamilton, haileybieber, danielricciardo, emmawatson and 562,983 others
lewishamilton replied to your story: Love you so much baby!❤️
yourusername love u too!!!💞
lewishamilton You are my brave girl, aren't you?
lewishamilton It's great you share your experience with others Y/N and trust me when I say I'll always be there for you 🫶🏾🫶🏾
yourusername awww lew, i know and i'll be always so grateful for it 🥰
lewishamilton Anything for my Barbie yourusername reacted with ❤️ to this message
user1 replied to your story: You and Lewis are just soooo cute omg
alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story: forever y/n!!🤍🌺
yourusername ofc!!!
yourusername you're probably the only reason i hope the negotiations w ferrari will work out 🙈🤭
alexandrasaintmleux oh yeah, it'd be great to have you in the garage next year 💕
yourusername yeah, let's see what happens in few weeks!
user2 replied to your story: so prettyyyyyy i wanna be u
user3 replied to your story: THE IT GIRL
landonorris replied to your story: The question isn't if you'll be at every gp but if you'll come to McLaren hospitality for one of them😏
yourusername pretty sure mercedes wouldn't be happy about that 🫣
landonorris Oh c'mmon Y/NNNN
landonorris You promised me like ten years ago you'd come
yourusername you were a literal baby ten years ago lando...
landonorris But a cute baby who deserves to have you in McLaren hospitality!!!
yourusername okay okay, i'll come for a visit this year 😽
yourusername what?? 😭
landonorris I decided my life goal is to get you, Roscoe and Lewis to be my fans 😁😁
landonorris Lewis can wait till retirement ofc 😁😁
yourusername idk if i hate you or love you mr. worldwide
landonorris 🤷😙
user4 replied to your story: Mommy and daddy fr
user5 replied to your story: 😍
user6 replied to your story: Hope you'll heal soon if you're still sick!!!
yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by bellahadid, lewishamilton, alexandrasaintmleux and 683,912 others
tagged: lewishamilton and roscoelovescoco
yourusername my job is beach 🦀🐬🐚🪸☀️ (btw how many emojis is too much??)
view all 4,068 comments
lewishamilton Isn't that supposed to be Ken's line darling?
yourusername theoretically... but i think i look better on the beach, don't you? 🤭🤷‍♀️
lewishamilton Well of course, your fashion taste when it comes to bikini is hard to beat ✨🫶🏾
yourusername damn are you saying i look hot in that bikini mr. hamilton? ☺️💞
lewishamilton It's Sir actually
yourusername oh shut up lew, i knew you're gonna bring it up 😭
landonorris I just witnessed Lewis openly flirting through instagram comments... the world won't ever be the same. I need to bleach my eyes 😓
yourusername yeah u should learn from my bf lando norizz
landonorris Heyyy this is online bullying, someone stop it
yourusername 😘😘
landonorris 🫤
user1 i have no idea what just happened but i loved every second of it
user2 It looks like when Lewis finally interacts with someone on instagram, it can get WILD
user3 not y/n using lando norizz 💀
user4 she's one of us now
user6 Y/N living her best life and I'm here for it
francisca.cgomes enjoy!🌴
liked by the author
yourusername thx kika, you too!!💓
user7 On my knees for you🛐🛐🛐
roscoelovescoco The fruit's on's the plane's was yummy's 😋🥗
yourusername i definitely agree, let's thank dad for spoiling us!💖
lewishamilton My favourites deserve only the best 😉
user8 AWWWW so cute
user9 I'll never understand why rich people torture their pets like this... c'mmon, why would you give fruit to a dog? He needs meat and dog food. 🙄😤
user10 tf user9 you clearly don't know them at all if you think they're torturing Roscoe... this dog has better life than most of us lol xd
yourusername i'd just like to make it clear to everyone that me and lewis take the best care of our dog we possibly can, give him the food he wants and needs and love him dearly. it feels very offending for someone who doesn't see into our private life to assume we're "torturing" roscoe. you'll be blocked user9 and goodbye
liked by lewishamilton
user11 You know you fucked up when queen Y/N herself writes smth like this to you 🫢
user12 tell them girl!!! you & lew are literally the best parents to roscoe ever!!!❣️
user13 🔥😍
kellypiquet Wow, the dress is so beautiful!💝
yourusername aww kelly thank you sm! definitely have to see each other soon 💕🫶
kellypiquet Can't wait for the girls talk!
user15 omg imagine listening to y/n y/l/n and kelly piquet casually having girls talk w each other 😫😫
user16 The tea has to be hot between the wags
user17 OMG, gorgeous as always 💖
user18 this couple has me in a chokehold
user19 RIGHT?! why is nobody talking about the 4th pic
user20 They're so hot fr 🥵
user21 and cute too🥺
user22 Love you Y/N 💋
lewishamilton posted on instagram
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liked by nicolashamilton, naomischiff, tomholland2013, landonorris and 1,983,022 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton It's always important to focus on happy memories and remember the good moments with your loved ones. Couldn't ask for better people around me 🤞🏾💫
view all 11,239 comments
user1 funny how he talks about positivity and then in the first picture he's holding middle fingers up lmfao XD
user2 Maybe he took Daniel's F.E.A. rule to his heart🤣
user3 what's that???
user2 Fuck 'em all
yourusername so lucky to have you around me lew! 🥰💗
liked by the author
user4 stoppp I love her
user5 I wanna have what they have😩
charles_leclerc 🤞💫
user6 Ariana what are you doing here?!
user7 Beautiful 🙌❤️
user8 ohhh lew w his dad it's so cute
user9 His dad and Y/N in the same post... we are getting fed rn
neymarjr Amen brother!🙏❤️
liked by the author
user10 I love their their friendship
user11 it's so unreal how the world is small and my fav football player is friends with my fav driver🤭
user12 THE MAN
user13 the second pic is adorable 🥹🥹
user14 I'm jealous but I don't know if I wanna be him or her
user15 honestly i wanna be the third person in their relationship... imagine dating y/n y/l/n & lewis hamilton all at once😩
user16 OMG REAL
user17 boyfriend lewis is my favorite 🫡
1st February 2024
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by scuderiaferrari, lewishamilton, maxfewtrell, t22felton and 3,340,276 others
yourusername guess it's time to change colours ❤️🍓🌹🏎
view all 29,650 comments
scuderiaferrari Welcome to the team, Y/N!❤️‍🔥🏎
user1 you'll make our fav wag depressed next year lol
user2 Ferrari made a master move here 👏
user3 welcome y/nnnnn 🥰
user4 I'm still shocked
user5 me too sis😭
user6 We all are 😃
user7 🔥🔥
user8 when the gf is posting about it, we know it's not just a joke anymore😥
user10 omg me & y/n y/l/n will be fans of the same team!!!!
user11 literally the only good thing about this
alexandrasaintmleux red looks gorgeous on you 💋💋
yourusername on both of us babe 💋💋
user12 BESTIES
user11 okay this is another good thing about the whole lewis situation xd
user13 Y/N and Alex will be so iconic next year 🙇‍♀️
user14 literally life goals to be like them😍
user15 So excited for this🤩 favorite driver and favorite team and favorite wag🤝
user16 idc about ferrari, but y/n in red slays
user17 omg yessss she's so hot in that dress🥵
charles_leclerc And now you can't make fun of me and my therapist 😘
liked by the author
user18 LOL
user19 not him admitting he goes to therapy bc of ferrari💀
user20 What about Carlos?? You said you come as a package 😡😪
user21 so true user20 it's so disrespectful towards carlos
user22 Guys calm down, this is their job and it's known for brutal driver switches. You'll have to deal with it, it's not personal business 🤷‍♂️
user23 yeah i don't think they're such good friends anyway... it was all for pr and marketing lmao
user24 I agree that it's just a sport, but pls don't do this to my charlos heart... their friendship HAS to be real😓
user25 Always support u and your boyfriend😉😉😉🙌🙌🙌
user26 Carlos deserved so much more!
user27 yes but she can't do anything about it girl, she's literally just dating Lewis 😐
user28 "Everybody is a Ferrari fan. Even if they say they're not, they are Ferrari fans." Vettel❤️
user29 i did not think it was real
user30 I need Lewis to comment something about this other than his statement pls 😭
user31 yeah i had high hopes bc he always comments and interacts w y/n's posts...
user32 Guess not this time😒
user33 Y/N unleashing more waves of chaos
user34 and we love our barbie for that 🤭
messages between Y/N and Lewis
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading this! I'll appreciate likes, reblogs, comments, follow and any other way of support. Also, I started my taglist, so if you want to be added or removed, let me know! That way you!ll be first to know that another smau or story came out :). Sorry for the cliffhanger at the end, but don't worry, I plan on making another part. Have a great day!
Taglist: @namgification @bloodyymaryyy
856 notes · View notes
yan-lorkai · 2 months
Since I absolutely adored your fic on escaping Idia, could you by chance do something with a reader that broke up with him only to find out she was pregnant later? Honestly, I just want the drama of the reader raising this child alone and Idia finding out down that his ex had a kid.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I took this request and ran with it, I hope you like the drama! ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, mention of stalking and controlling tendencies, threats, poison mention, afab!reader but no pronouns used.
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"You robbed me from being her father." Idia didn't sound angry. But there was a bitter taste that lingered on his tongue when he looked at you, the love of his life from when he was just a teenager and your child, sleepy on his arms, same blue hair shining under the dim lights. "I may not like it, but I understand why you did it. I'm so sorry that you didn't feel like you could tell me though."
In any other world, you could feel yourself melting at the scene that was so domestic, so sweet. But right now, when you are coming home, tired and hungry and seeing Idia sitting on your favorite armchair while he held your daughter so dearly and carefully in his arms? A shaky gasp left you, your heart starting to beat loudly in your chest as you watched each and every moviment he made, conscious of every chuckle, of his chest raised, of his eyes that lost their soft gaze and we're hardened now.
You still remember how he used to treat you when both of you were younger, he was like a spider weaving his web full of possessiveness, his words twisted to make you feel like he was the only one who could understand, love and treat you like you deserved.
You were dumb and innocent but dumb and innocent people don't survive for long out there. And when you realized that something was wrong, you had to do what you had to do in order to survive and escape him.
For seven long years you survived. But you felt as if a threat of death was looming over you for as long as you were stared by your ex-boyfriend - he didn't reacted well when you broke up with him. Like always, Idia threw a tantrum, begged and cried and screamed for you to stay, holding onto your legs pathetically. Though now he was older and got a more mature beauty to him, his eyes, so yellow, they were like diamonds watching you.
Your eyes followed the way his fingers moved and toyed with your daughter's hair, a tiny smile on her little lips as she got even comfier in his arms.
This was what you used to imagine when you lay in bed awake, thinking about the what ifs. What if you stayed? What if Idia was just a normal, good and plain guy that didn't scared you? Would he love his child? He did thought he was cursed, fated forever to always watch over the underworld gates, he told you himself. There were so many uncertainties, so much toxicity that you just ran away from your problems and him.
And now your past returned to bite you back.
"You should have told me. We could have done this together." Even he sounds unsure at that, a bit contemplative and thoughtful as he ponders what could have been of his life if he knew earlier about your pregnancy.
Toothy grin growing on his lips as he noticed your disgusted stare, so happy he could still make you feel something - anything was better than your hate, after all. The tick tock was the only sound echoing for a long moment before the growing anger bubbles up on your chest, not believing a single syllable that left his mouth.
"You got to be kidding!" You count on your fingers the number of creepy things he did, feeling your whole body shaking. Either from anger or fear, you can't tell. But it surely amuses Idia, who's smiling wider now. "Stalking me, watching me through the cameras, threatening my friends, you even tapped my phone and used to read my messages like they were a magazine, Idia! A kid wouldn't grown up to be healthy and normal around a freak like you."
You pointed in his direction, your finger jabbing at his face.
The illusion of a family had to end before it even begin. It was his fault that everything turned out to be this way and even with seven whole years passing by, Idia still wasn't able to see this. He was helpless, beyond help.
"That's a funny way to see things, Yuu-shi." He giggled softly, making you wince, the sound so unfamiliar now, while he rearranged the covers to wrap around your child tightly, not wanting her to wake up. Not right now, at least. "From the way I see, you hid my child existence from me. And honestly, I bet it was so hard and tiring, wasn't it? You worked two jobs to raise her, after all."
Your child let out a sleepy giggle, mumbling something on her sleep about her mom and dad finally being reunited. Idia looked back at you, smugness irradiating from him in waves.
"The nerve you got, I can't!" In an instant you were before him. Your whole body fighting to suppress fear and disgust, fighting against whatever was trying paralyze you. You had to take your daughter. You had to take her from him. You had to protect her.
He hummed a little, taking your hand on his. His grip was gentle, reverent even but strong enough to let you know he could overpower you whenever he wanted. He was looking at you through his eyelashes.
And you didn't like how he was looking at you. Like you were a collectible that he wanted to bury on his closet, to hide to never be seen again. Like he knew something you don't.
Exactly how he used to look at you in the past.
"You don't deserve to hold her, you don't even deserve to be near her." You told him petulantly. She was nothing like him. She was kinder and radiant, a good girl. She wasn't a calculating monster like her father.
You took her in your arms and he let you do it, crossing one leg over the other as he threw his head back and laughed.
"You tell me that she wouldn't like me but did you know that she was happy to know who I was? Did you know that she confided in me that you were working so hard that she missed you greatly but didn't want to annoy you?" You rolled your eyes at his attempt at lying, unable to believe anything he said.
There were no signs nor change on your daughter's behavior that indicates that any of this was true. At least, that you think so. You knew her better than he did.
You glanced at him, his eyes still smug but there was a pleading glimmer inside them that almost begged you to believe him this time. Raising a child was difficult, even more when you were raising one alone and had to be there for them 24/07, available emotionally and physically for whatever your daughter needed.
Looking at her soft, round face, you felt a pang of guilty. Idia was telling the truth or he was just messing with your head again?
He's lying, you screamed in your head. Of course he is lying. Lying is far easier than admitting that he was downright toxic.
The memories of his lies and half-truths were still fresh in your mind even after all those years, making it difficult to discern the reality now. You had trouble trusting people even to these days because of him. But his words struck a chord inside of you.
What if it was true? Your little one was a little more skittish and silent around you the past few days. You didn't want to believe this possibility. You couldn't. You worked hard to always be there in every moment, to not let her realize how it was to not have a parent around.
Had you failed?
"Why should I believe you now?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. "You did nothing but hurt me when we were together. I don't trust and I don't like how you are all cozy on my armchair, in fact, you are not welcomed here at all.”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He obviously didn't want to talk about the past, it's not like he didn't know but in his twisted mind everything he had done to you was justified. Idia always do something with a purpose on mind.
"I know I've messed up before, more times than I can count. But this... this is different."
He gestured to your child, looking at her with a soft, fond gaze. You though didn't believed a second that he had a sudden change of heart just because of your child.
"It's true I didn't wanted a child because of my cursed blood and the fate that would await them. But when I hold her like this, nothing else seems to matter."
You scoffed at this, despising how sincere his voice was. "If you're telling the truth, why didn't she told me herself?"
"She was afraid, I guess. Afraid that you wouldn't understand or she didn't want to add to your stress. She thought she was doing the right thing." He exhaled slowly, the emotional turmoil inside him boiling over. Yet he forced himself to remain calm, to watch each and every step you make, every breathe you take.
Like a spider weaving its web.
His words hung in the air and you looked away, trying to sort through the conflicting emotions that surged within you. Trust had been broken before, boudaries ignored, there was no mending this. There was no salvaging the past, no matter how much he looked like a kicked puppy.
You held your daughter tighter. "Well, that was enlightening but I think you should go. Now."
Idia's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flickering within them as he stood up and lazily stretched. "You're still trying to push me away?" He asked, voice low and cold. "I won't stop you, of course, I get that you're still afraid and all but are you sure you want me to leave? I walked right into your house. Didn't you even wondered how I entered? Or where the nanny you hired went? Or why our daughter didn't woke up yet?"
Desperation crept into your voice, a sudden realisition that perhaps he would do something foolish such as harming his own flesh and blood. "Idia, what... What do you mean by all that?"
He tilted his head slightly. hiding the curve of a smile with his hand, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. You could only wonder what kind of things he was thinking and you didn't like it not knowing what to expect. You stared at him, heart beating loudly as held your daughter closer to your chest.
He laughed, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. "You're scared," It wasn't a question but an observation. His smile got bigger. "Good, you should be. You think you have a choice in this? Your daughter… she's already been exposed to a little something I concocted. A slow-acting poison."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you looked down at your daughter, now noticing that she was starting to tremble. "How could you do this?" You whispered, voice choked with emotion.
"Because I love you," Idia said, voice low and intense. Taking a step closer, he was staring you face to face now, warm breath over you. "And I won't let you go. Not now, not ever. We're meant to be together and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens."
Your heart pounded in your chest, panic and anger swirling within you. "Give her the antidote, Idia. Please; I'II do anything."
"Not yet," He shook his head slowly, a twisted smile on his lips. His tone was almost gentle and soothing. "You'll come with me first. Once we're safe and together, then she'll get the antidote. But if you try anything... if you try to leave or call for help, well..."
He let the threat hang in the air, the implications clear. Like a wreacking ball he destroyed everything you've worked for all these years. You hated it. And you hated how powerless you were right here, right now.
You felt a wave of despair wash over you, the weight of the situation crushing you. Your daughter's life hanging in the balance and there was no choice but to comply.
"Alright," Vou whispered, voice breaking. You looked at him with hatred and something more you couldn't name, too worried with your daughter's health. "I'll come with you. Just... please don't hurt her."
Idia's smile widened, a flicker of triumph in his eyes. "That's more like it," he said, reaching out to gently touch your daughter's cheek. "We'll be a perfect family, just like I always wanted."
With your heart heavy and your daughter's safety foremost in your mind, you followed Idia, knowing that you were stepping into a nightmare again.
But you could always escape... Right?
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patscorner · 3 months
One More Try
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Summary: It all went downhill when your dad died. You were drowning, and time and time again, Nika would jump in to save you. Until you started to take her with you.
wc: 2,335
Contains: Alcoholism, death of a loved one, addiction
a/n: The Croatian translation I got is from Google Translate, so I have no idea if it's correct or not. If it isn't, let me know, and I'll change it. Enjoy!
Part of you wanted to go back in time. The other part wished you could speed up, past the hard part. But you couldn't.
You'd dated Nika for two years, starting your sophomore year of college, and everything was amazing. She was kind, caring, and anything you could ever want in a girlfriend. You had your flaws, but you managed to put them behind you for her. You did a pretty good job, for the most part. Everyone slips up, but Nika was there to catch you.
That's not to say that Nika didn't have her own issues. She did. She'd built up walls from a previous relationship, walls that you tediously tore apart. You both loved each other despite the other's problems.
Arguably, though, your issues were far worse than Nika’s. While hers was a mental block, yours was not only mental, but physical. Before you met Nika, you were a party girl. Every weekend was filled with going to a bar or club, searching for an exhilarating night out constantly. It was okay at first, college is supposed to be filled with drinking and partying, but eventually, that's all you did.
Your grades began to slip, and you lost all of your friends, ones who tried to coax you into reining it in, and focus on your work. You were angry. Angry at your friends, angry at your family, angry at the world.
Then you met Nika. She was like a breath of fresh air. Even as your friend, she helped you clean up. She helped you realize you had a drinking problem, something your other friends never had the patience to do. She was always there for you. Through the withdrawals, through the sleepless nights, through the relapses. She was always there.
Eventually, you realized you'd fallen in love with her. You pushed yourself to be clean, for her. She deserved someone who had their problems under control, and you wanted nothing more than to be that for her.
You did. When you hit your one year sobriety mark, you asked her out. Much to your surprise, she said no at first, reasoning that putting too much emotional strain on you might cause issues. But with enough convincing, she eventually said yes.
And that was the start of it all.
Two years go by, and you've never been happier. You were three years clean, and you rarely went to clubs and bars anymore.
Until your dad died.
Your entire world crashed, as did your sobriety. He was your whole world, and even though he lived miles away, he always made sure to talk to you everyday. He loved Nika, their bond one of the strongest. She saved his little girl, how could he not like her?
When you heard about his death, you immediately called Nika, who was at practice at the time.She didn't answer, but with tears in your eyes, you dialed her number seven more times before giving up. Having no other good ideas, your heart broke further as you packed a bag and drove until you ran out of gas. You found yourself at a convenient store in the middle of nowhere, alone with your thoughts. After sitting in your car for two hours, you went inside and bought a bottle of liquor.
You downed half of it, tears running down your face. Your phone was off, so you couldn't get the thousands of pity messages from family and close friends.
You sat in the bed of your truck, bottle in hand, for hours. You watched the sunrise, feeling nothing but your heart being shattered.
Meanwhile, Nika had finally gotten a break from the excruciating practice following the team's loss to South Carolina. She checks her phone, and her eyebrows furrow in concern, noticing the missed calls from you and a couple of calls from your brother and mom.
She immediately stands up and walks out of the gym, standing outside as she calls you back.
No answer. She calls again.
No answer.
She repeats this process a few more times, before deciding to call your brother back, who answers immediately.
“He-” She starts, before being interrupted.
“Have you seen her?” Your brother asked abruptly. “Wha- no, no, I just got out of practice. What's going on? Everything okay?” She asked, her voice laced with worry, her brain flying through any possible scenario.
He's silent on the other end for a second, but answers quietly. “No-uhm. Dad died a couple hours ago, and nobody's been able to get in touch with her since mom told her. Was really hoping she was with you.”
Now it was Nika’s world to crash. She had no idea where you could possibly be. She'd done her research on recovering alcoholics, and she prayed you hadn't relapsed.
She finished her conversation with your brother, before going back inside, eyes filled with tears.
Immediately catching everyone's attention, she fills them in, and they all agree to help find you. They split up in groups of two, Nika being paired with Paige.
After three long hours, Nika starts to give up hope. “Maybe we should try again tomorrow. It's getting bright-” Nika starts.
She's interrupted by a phone call from KK and Aubrey. Paige picks up and puts in on speaker.
“Yo, what color is her truck?” Aubrey asked. Nika’s heart starts to beat a little faster. “Blue.”
“We found it. KK, pull over next to it.” Aubrey speaks. “ You want us to wait for you, Niks?”
“Fuck no.” She responds without hesitation. “Ju-just make sure she's not hurt please.”
“She doesn't look hu- oh shit.”
“What?!” Silence.
“What's ‘oh shit’?!” Nika all but screams into the phone.
“She's not sober, Nika.” KK answers softly. Nika freezes. All your progress, gone, and it's all her fault.
“Wha- what do you mean?” Nika asked, even though she and everyone else knew exactly what the brown girl meant.
“There's a half empty bottle of liquor in her hand.” Aubrey elaborates.
“Where am I going, Aubrey? Send me the ping, or whatever.” Paige says, before Nika can say anything else.
Aubrey hums in agreement. “I'll send you the location.” As soon as Nika gets the ping, Paige speeds towards the destination. Aubrey stays on the phone, and Nika can hear her and KK trying to get answers from you, to which KK informs Nika that you weren't speaking, and staring into space.
This worries her further, but she can't do anything. You don't answer. KK puts the phone up to your ear so Nika can talk to you. Nika’s body shakes with anxiousness, Paige rubbing Nika’s thigh, attempting to bring her some comfort. “Sranje to sam unčinio.” Nika mutters, putting her head in her hands. (Shit, what have I done)
Eventually, Paige pulled up to the other two cars.
Nika is out of the car before it stops moving, sprinting over to you, eyes raking over your body, inspecting for any signs of harm.
“Bebo, are you okay? Are you hurt? What's wrong?” She stood between your legs, bombarding you with overwhelming questions, before noticing the distant look in your glazed over eyes.
All you can do is shake your head, tears falling down your face as you look into Nika’s eyes. Her eyebrows stay furrowed as she pulled you a tight hug. “I was so worried about you.” She whispered against your shoulder.
You don't hug her back, you just rest your head on her chest.
“He's gone.” You mutter. She hums, her chest vibrating against your head. “I know.” She whispers.
“‘m sorry.” You whisper so softly. She almost misses it. “I'm so sorry.”
She shakes her head and pulls away from you, putting her hands on your cheeks, cupping your face. “It's okay, my love. It's okay. I'm just so glad you're okay.”
You shake your head, looking down at the half empty bottle that you drank. “I fucked up.”
“That's okay. Everyone falls. But what matters is that you get back up.”
Your heart flutters, the first thing it's done in about seven hours. “I don't know if I can come back from this one.” You look up at her.
She's beautiful in the sunrise, and even under the circumstances of her panic state and your drunkenness, she's the most angelic girl you've ever seen in your life. Her hair out of its normal ponytail, and in a bun on the back of her head.
She'd say the same thing about you, how your eyes were glowing in the sunlight.
“You will. You're one of the strongest people I know.” she pulls you into a hug, and this time, you hug her back. "We got this bebo." She pulls you into a gentle kiss before hugging you again.
After a while, she and Paige help you as you stumble to the car.
You wish that this was the last time they did so.
But after the incident, things only got worse. Your grades slipped once again, and no matter how hard she tried, Nika couldn't pull you out of this slump. But you weren't exactly helping her. You didn't want help. You'd found comfort in the toxic liquid, numbing the feeling of emptiness in your heart where your father once was.
Eventually, Nika had to cut it off. You knew it was coming, and you understood why, though that didn't make it any easier.
You'd always been supporting her basketball career, always going to games, picking her up after practice, and making food for her.
You didn't do those things anymore. You didn't do anything anymore. You didn't plan dates. You didn't leave the house unless it was for more drinks. You were right back where you'd started.
So when Nika showed up to your dorm in tears, you knew what was going to happen. In your head, you'd replayed how this would go in your head, and every time, you were angry with the Croatian. But when she said: “I can't do this anymore” all the resentment was forgotten, replaced with love and understanding.
She tried. She tried so hard to rescue you, but you can't start a car without the key.
You knew she was strong, strong enough to break up with you, because God knows the other, easier option was to stay with you and potentially lose herself while helping you find yours.
So you weren't angry. You were proud.
Fast forward a year, you were barely passing your classes, doing the bare minimum. You knew your dad wouldn't want you to give up, so you stayed, even after the break up. Nika was heartbroken by the breakup and threw herself into basketball.
When things got really bad, you thought about calling her, but you never did. You'd exchanged texts occasionally, her checking in on you, but the conversations never lasted long.
So all of that led you to here, handcuffed in the back of a police car.
Well, actually, what led you there was a bar fight you'd started, because you heard some bitch shit talking Nika. After all this time, you were still madly in love with her.
You don't even really remember how you got there. You just remember throwing punches. Throwing punches for someone you didn't know anymore.
And when the cops asked you for an emergency call number, only one came to mind, and that could be because you were young, drunk, and alone, or it could be because she's all you've ever known.
You gave them her number, and they called. No answer. They called again. No answer.
It's funny how the cycle repeats itself. They called once more before asking you for another number.
“I don't have another number. Try it again.”
The cop shook his head. “Sorry, kid, we called three times, no answer.”
Tears brimmed your eyes. You needed her. “I don't give a fuck, call her again.”
The cop sighed and called the number once more before coming back over to you. “Call it again.” You said. You're not giving up. The dial tone is all you have, and you need more. You need her.
This time, he put her on speaker, and it rang. And rang. Then, for the first time, on the third ring, it went to voicemail.
The cop looked at you with sympathy. You just looked down at your lap. “Do you have anyone else to call?” he spoke softly.
“Only her, it's always only been her.” You say, tears falling down your face. “Call her again.” You whisper.
He shook his head. “She's not gonna pick up, kid. You can't think of anybody else?”
You shook your head, your frustration leaking through. “No. No! Okay!? There's nobody else! I don't have anybody else!”
“Okay, okay, calm down, alright. Why don't we go down to the station, and see if she answers when we get there,” he suggests.
“Just let me call, I'll give you the blood test, I'll- I'll go to jail, I'll pray to God. I'll do anything. Just call her again.” You plead with him. “Please.”
He sighs deeply. “Let's go to the station, see if she answers?” he repeats.
“I swear she'll call me back, just wait please. Please, she'll answer, okay, she will.” You say through sobs.
“Ma'am, are you on any medication?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Fuck that, sir, look, call her again. Then-then, if she doesn't call back in five minutes, you can take me to jail or whatever.” You sigh out.
The cop contemplates for a second before nodding. “One more try.”
He dials the number once more, letting it ring. It rings once. Twice. A third time.
“The number you were-”
“Fuck!” You exclaim, putting your head down in defeat. Tears fall from your eyes, as you look at the officer, who looks at you with pity.
“I'm sorry kid.”
“Yeah, me too.”
I'd dial drunk
I'd die a drunk
I'd die for you.
taglist: @wintersstan @bueckerslover @lilia22hicks @fake-intelligences @girlokwhatever @pbloverr @breeloveschris-deactivated20240 @cosmopretty @hellokittyfeenie
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Second chance: cbf!soap x f!reader
Warnings: mentions of infidelity, angst
You placed the moving box down by your old childhood bed and sighed heavily. That was the last box from your apartment, you were going to fully moved in after this.
Th past year had been one your worst...almost topping junior year of university. It was like the universe was playing some sort of sick trick on you with how constant the bad things kept happening to you.
It started because of your ex-fiancé.
You liked him.
He was nice, attractive and one of the more serious relationships you had gotten into since university. He bought you nice things and showed you off, though whenever you looked back on it he often paired his compliments with negatives to subtly tear you down.
You didn't notice then, or maybe you didn't care as much, or maybe you just pretended not to so he'd stay.
He was really only attentive in the bedroom which was a plus compared to a few other loves you had before him.
The sex was so great however that you walked in on him with another woman in your apartment in your bed one morning after a fight.
At that moment you realized maybe you held on too tight to something you shouldn't have.
After you kicked him out and broke things off you decided it was best to just take a step back from any relationships and to completely get off social media, since it did wonders on your mental health after the break up.
You were lucky enough that you had more self respect for yourself when it came to a cheater than a partner who put you down when he tried to get back with you, even if it hurt you a lot.
You liked him.
Things were looking okay but you should've known better than to get your hopes up.
"We're needing to cut back on a lot of expenses." Your boss had told you. "We still want you on the team but we'll be cutting your pay."
In hindsight you should've waited to quit until you found another job, because before long you were out of money to pay rent since no one else would hire you.
Now you were back to living with your parents.
Your throat tightened as you began to unpack the box onto your bed while deep shame washed over you.
You were a failure. Everyone else in your life had things figured out, Your friends had their own places, they were happily married, they had careers that they like and you...
Well you were stuck back in your small hometown with no back up plan and no job.
You sniffled and flopped onto your bed.
You tried hard not to give yourself a pity party but you were at your wits end. You tried everything, you pushed down your feelings and tried to look on the bright side and did everything you were supposed to but nothing worked.
You needed someone right now but your friends were miles away and busy. Your parents were visiting your grandparents and you didn't want their pity.
There was one person.
You grabbed your phone without even thinking about it and went to John's contact in your phone. You went to his messages, ignoring the last mundane message you sent him and hovered your thumbs above the keyboard.
How many times have you done this?
You knew he'd let you cry into the phone and listen to you vent. He'd give you advice or at the very least he'd comfort you and tell you that things were going to be okay, that it always ends up working out for you in the end. He'd make everything alright-
Except you didn't know.
It had been seven years since you last spoke or saw each other. You're not even sure if he had the same phone number, if he even thought about you as often as you did about him.
John could've forgotten about you. He probably became some big shot military hero who had a wife and kids completely far removed from the small town childhood friend he had.
You didn't know, he wasn't on social media.
The only way you could find out was if you reached out and talked to him.
But he didn't want to talk to you.
You had held him back, like you feared you did since high school. That was the only reason you could think of for why he disappeared on you. Why else would he stop talking to you?
You weren't bitter, not anymore. You used to be angry the first year or so but after the angry subsided you realized you were just hurt.
You just wanted your best friend back. Your Johnny. But he was out of reach and he didn't want to come back, he never really did even when he visited you at university.
The screen became blurry and a couple tears ran down your face before you wiped them away.
You needed a distraction.
You didn't think twice as you sloppily put on whatever clothes you could find and walked to the corner store. You were glad your parents weren't in town to see you get drunk on a Monday evening, especially when they kept looking at you like you were push away from a break down.
Probably because you were but that didn't matter right now.
When you walked into the store you went straight to the liquor and picked out the cheapest one you could afford along with any snacks you thought would pair well with it.
You could just drown in your sorrows for the rest of the evening. You'd put on your favorite show or movie, try to ignore the world and hope that when you'd be hungover tomorrow that you'd have enough strength to look for more jobs.
You turned down an aisle and your heart stopped before you froze.
John MacTavish stood at the very end of the aisle, looking very concentrated on the boxes of popcorn in front of him as if it were a life or death situation.
The very real, tangible, and unmistakable John MacTavish, still with the dumb but endearing mohawk, stood just mere feet away from you.
You wanted to be happy but all you felt was immense shame and nervousness.
Not like this. You didn't want to see him like this. You wanted to reconnect when your life was back together, when you had something to show for and not when you were holding cheap alcohol to get shitfaced on a Monday.
"No." You mumbled to yourself as you stared at him with wide eyes. "No, no."
You stepped back and gasped when you ran into a rack of snacks that crashed against the floor loud enough to make your ears hurt. Your heart raced and you nearly ran away as everything became overwhelming.
You snapped your head towards John and you were met with the bright blue eyes that you had missed for seven years.
Tags are closed!
a/n: yay reunion!
Tags: @elysian0612 @cassiecasluciluce @pepsicolacoochie @hayleybarnesx @tiredmetalenthusiast @misshoneypaper @sodavrr @ghostslittlegf @glitterypirateduck @comeonatmebruh @mandalover2023 @blush-haze @xxshadowbabexx @cod-z @sadsackssss @fandomsfanficsfantasize @raeyas-ghost
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estapa-edwards · 5 months
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paring: Jack Hughes x fem! reader
word count: 1.8k
requested? yes - jack being in love with quinn’s long time best friend like everyone knows but her. and he’s never tried to confess because he doesn’t think she likes him and didn’t want to mess up the friendship with quinn.
warnings: use of y/n.
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Jack sat across the room, stealing glances at Y/N as she laughed at something Quinn said. He couldn't help but admire the way her eyes sparkled with joy, the way her smile illuminated the room. She had been Quinn's best friend for years, and Jack had been drawn to her from the moment they met.
But he kept his feelings buried deep, hidden beneath the guise of friendship. He didn't dare confess his love for Y/N, fearing it would complicate things between him and Quinn. Their friendship was precious to him, and he couldn't bear the thought of jeopardizing it.
During the weekend getaway at the Michigan house, Jack found himself captivated by every moment spent in Y/N's presence. From the first evening when she arrived, her laughter echoed through the halls, drawing everyone closer like moths to a flame.
The first meal together was a casual affair, filled with chatter and laughter. Jack found himself sitting across from Y/N, stealing glances whenever he thought she wasn't looking. Her smile was infectious, lighting up the room and warming Jack's heart in a way he hadn't experienced before.
As the weekend unfolded, Jack and Y/N found themselves naturally gravitating towards each other. They took leisurely walks by the lake, the gentle lapping of the water providing a soothing backdrop to their conversations. With each step, Jack felt himself falling deeper under Y/N's spell, her easygoing nature putting him at ease.
Late-night conversations became the highlight of Jack's day. Whether they were huddled around the fireplace or sitting out on the porch under a blanket of stars, Jack found himself opening up to Y/N in ways he never had before. They shared stories, dreams, and secrets, forming a bond that felt as natural as breathing.
"So, tell me about your favorite childhood memory," Y/N prompted, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Jack chuckled, memories flooding back. "Well, there was this one time when I was seven, and I decided to build a fort in the backyard. I spent the whole day gathering sticks and blankets, and when I was finally done, it was the best fort in the whole neighborhood."
Y/N's laughter filled the room, music to Jack's ears. "That sounds amazing! I wish I could have seen it."
They talked long into the night, sharing childhood anecdotes, dreams for the future, and everything in between. With each passing moment, Jack felt himself opening up to Y/N in ways he never had before, a sense of ease settling over him like a warm embrace.
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On another night, they sat out on the porch under a blanket of stars, the gentle rustle of the wind the only sound breaking the stillness of the night. The sky above was a canvas painted with a thousand twinkling lights, a sight that never failed to awe Jack.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Y/N whispered, her voice barely above a breath.
Jack nodded, his gaze fixed on the heavens above. "It's breathtaking. Makes you realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things."
Y/N leaned closer, her presence comforting in the quiet of the night. "But it also reminds us of the beauty in simplicity, the moments that take our breath away."
As the weeks passed by, Jack and Y/N found themselves constantly staying in touch, their messages and calls becoming a regular part of their daily routine. They laughed at each other's jokes, shared the mundane details of their days, and offered support and encouragement whenever it was needed.
Despite the undeniable connection between them, neither Jack nor Y/N dared to confess their feelings, not even to themselves. They danced around the truth, tiptoeing on the edge of something more, but always stopping short of taking the leap.
Yet, everyone around them seemed to sense the unspoken tension between Jack and Y/N. Quinn raised an eyebrow whenever Jack mentioned Y/N’s name, a knowing smile playing on her lips. Friends exchanged knowing glances whenever Jack and Y/N were in the same room, as if silently urging them to acknowledge the obvious.
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Jack sat on his bed, phone pressed to his ear, a smile playing on his lips as he listened to Y/N’s voice drift through the line.
Y/N: “…And then, can you believe it? I tripped over my own shoelaces in the middle of the street!”
Jack chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “Only you, Y/N. Only you could manage to turn something as simple as tying your shoelaces into a comedy routine.”
Y/N laughed, the sound like music to Jack’s ears. “Hey, you’ve gotta find humor in the little things, right?”
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from their favorite movies to their most embarrassing childhood memories. Jack found himself opening up to Y/N in ways he never had before, a sense of ease settling over him like a warm blanket.
Y/N: “So, what about you, Jack? Any exciting plans for the weekend?”
Jack hesitated for a moment, the truth lingering on the tip of his tongue. But instead, he opted for a nonchalant response. “Oh, you know, just the usual. Probably catch up on some reading and maybe hit the gym.”
Y/N: “Sounds like a blast,” she teased, her tone playful.
Just then, the sound of the door opening interrupted their conversation, and Jack’s heart skipped a beat.
Quinn: “Hey, Y/N, hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
Y/N’s voice brightened. “Not at all, Quinn. Just catching up with Jack.”
Jack’s mind raced as he tried to mask the sudden nervousness that washed over him. He knew Quinn had a knack for picking up on things, and the last thing he wanted was for her to suspect anything between him and Y/N.
Jack: “Hey, Quinn. How’s it going?”
Quinn: “Can’t complain. Just thought I’d drop by and say hi. Didn’t mean to interrupt your phone call.”
Y/N: “No worries, Quinn. It’s always good to hear from you.”
As Quinn joined them in the conversation, Jack couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that his feelings for Y/N were still safely tucked away, hidden beneath the guise of friendship. But as he glanced at Y/N’s name flashing on his phone screen, he couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was something more waiting to be discovered between them.
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The arena buzzed with excitement as the Devils faced off against the Canucks in a highly anticipated match-up. Jack, clad in his Devils jersey, skated onto the ice with determination, his eyes focused on the puck as he prepared for the game ahead. Beside him, Quinn, sporting the Canucks colors, exchanged a competitive grin, ready to give it their all.
As the game progressed, the tension on the ice was palpable. Jack and Quinn clashed repeatedly, each vying for control of the puck and striving to outmaneuver the other. The crowd roared with every shot, every save, caught up in the intensity of the match.
But amidst the flurry of action, Jack's attention was drawn to the stands, where a familiar figure caught his eye. There, in the sea of cheering fans, stood Y/N, her face illuminated by a bright smile as she waved enthusiastically.
Jack's heart skipped a beat as he watched Y/N, his gaze lingering on her figure. She wore a unique jersey, half Devils red and half Canucks blue, a playful nod to the rivalry between the two teams. Jack couldn't help but grin at the sight, feeling a surge of affection for Y/N wash over him.
Quinn noticed Jack's distraction and followed his gaze, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as she caught sight of Y/N in the stands. He nudged Jack playfully, a knowing glint in his eye.
Quinn: "Looks like someone's got a fan in the stands."
Jack's cheeks flushed slightly as he tore his gaze away from Y/N, focusing back on the game at hand.
Jack: "Yeah, she's... supportive."
Quinn chuckled, his competitive spirit undiminished as he refocused his attention on the game. But Jack couldn't shake the image of Y/N from his mind, her presence in the stands serving as a reminder of the deeper feelings he harbored for her.
As the game wore on, Jack's determination only grew stronger. With Y/N's unwavering support fueling him, he pushed himself harder, skating faster, and shooting with precision. And when the final buzzer sounded, signaling the Devils' victory, Jack couldn't help but feel a swell of pride, knowing that Y/N had been there to witness his triumph.
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After weeks of dancing around their feelings, Jack and Y/N found themselves at a crossroads. The tension between them had reached a breaking point, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air whenever they were together. And one fateful evening, as they sat on the porch under a blanket of stars, the weight of their emotions became too much to bear.
The silence between them was deafening, the only sound the soft rustle of the wind as it swept through the trees. Jack's heart raced in his chest as he stole a glance at Y/N, her profile illuminated by the moonlight.
Jack: "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you."
Y/N turned to him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of what was to come. "What is it, Jack?"
Jack took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he prepared to lay bare his heart and soul. "I... I've been holding back for so long, afraid of ruining our friendship, but I can't keep it in any longer. I'm in love with you, Y/N. I have been for as long as I can remember."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she processed Jack's words. She had suspected, had felt the same longing in her own heart, but hearing Jack confess his feelings aloud sent a shiver down her spine.
Y/N: "Jack, I... I don't know what to say."
Jack's heart sank at the uncertainty in Y/N's voice, fearing he had made a mistake in laying his feelings bare. But before he could utter another word, Y/N reached out and took his hand in hers, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him.
Y/N: "I've been holding back too, Jack. Afraid of losing our friendship, of what might happen if I admitted how I feel. But the truth is, I'm in love with you too."
Jack's eyes widened in disbelief, his heart soaring with a joy he had never known. In that moment, everything else faded away—their fears, their doubts, their uncertainties—leaving only the two of them, bathed in the glow of the moonlight and the warmth of their newfound love.
And as they leaned in to share their first kiss, Jack knew that some risks were worth taking, especially when it came to matters of the heart. For in Y/N's arms, he had found everything he had ever been searching for, and more.
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twstfanblog · 22 days
I found them!!!
@writingforatwistedworld was the person I read the OverSeer AU from first and they are the inspo for my little remix of it for my Yuu OC version of it.
Now, my OverSeer AU.
The building blocks are carried over mildly. The main difference is mixing this with my own headcanon world of Twist.
So from the beginning, the OverSeer has always been the guiding light and prime holy figure of Twisted Wonderland. the Great Seven and other minor historical figures are seen as divinely blessed which is how and why they were so great. At some point of their lives, people said to be blessed by the OverSeer would see them in their dreams to gain inspiration and knowledge.
(Here come the main differences)
Such people are foretold to be born by the 'Speaker'; an ancient fae who would leave his mountain home on the day of their birth to speak their future and all of the wonderful things they'll do. So far only Briar Valley knows where this damn mountain is so they were the ones who gave the info that a new muse was born into the world.
No one TALKS to the Speaker. The Speaker is kinda murdery to anyone who comes into his mountain uninvited and he never invites people period. He is seen as second only to the OverSeer since he is known as the last direct line to the OverSeer's will. People in the past tried to talk to him more to gain more insight on the multiple issues the worshipers were having with each other's practices, only to be killed for entering his mountain. One day, the Speaker came out from the mountain and had a one-sided conversation for hours, seeming to answer questions about himself before he went back into his mountain.
Plenty of people in Briar Valley speculated what the fuck that was. It wasn't an announcement of a new muse since the sentence structure didn't match the multiple other examples in history. It's even more confusing when it's noted the Speaker came out on the OverSeer's birthday, a day that no one has ever been born on...The Valley sent the message out, saying the Speaker descended his mountain but no country can report a baby being born (Plenty tried to lie, but they were disproven from STYX's intense testing since this muse would be born on the OverSeer's birthday).
15 years later, Yuu is brought to Twist, thoroughly confused on why almost everyone is cultishly devoted to the OverSeer. It takes nearly a year for the twist boys to realize they gain the same amount of fulfillment from worshiping the alter of the OverSeer as they do from helping Yuu with a favor.
The basic idea is that Yuu is a new Speaker, an unknowing messiah to Twisted Wonderland.
I wanna talk about this more but I have SO many ideas in my head about this that I can't organize it well enough. Please send asks if you wanna hear more about it and story beats!
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allwaswell16 · 1 month
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A One Direction fic rec of fics that skip over portions of time and that take place over the course of years as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
📆 Hold You Now by solvetheminourdreams / @cursethedaylight
(M, 131k, ex-fwb) When he accompanies his best friend to a family wedding across the Atlantic, he'll be forced to reopen old wounds and face his past—one that no one wants to hash out, but may just have to.
📆 Strawberries & Cigarettes by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 76k, omegaverse) Two stories, eleven years, and the two boys that never stopped loving each other.
📆 7 Up by @cherrystreet
(E, 51k, friends to lovers) we follow the lives of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in an interview setting every seven years. They fall apart and come together, their lives and emotions recorded
📆 when we were younger by luinlote
(E, 53k, canon) In where you get to see small glimpses of Harry and Louis' life together through the years, first through the eyes of others and eventually their own, as their life keeps spinning madly around them.
📆 Dear Devoted Delicate by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(M, 47k, canon) A collection of moments in time that show just how worth it love is when it’s real.
📆 the love it takes, it's worth it all this time by hemakeshimstrongx / @hemakeshimstrong
(T, 46k, canon) a timestamp fic between 2010 and 2022, told using snippets of harry's house. the album imagined from bottom to top, the moments little flashbacks in film reels. it's about love, and it's about keeping that love alive despite surmounting challenges.
📆 yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter most) by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 40k, Oli pov) Five times Oli was asked to do something that was outside of his job description, and the one time he didn't have to be asked.
📆 Love is the Right Place by Chelsea Frew / @chelsea-frew
(T, 33k, friends to lovers) Over the years, friendship turns to more. Just as their romance blossoms, however, Louis gets an offer which promises fame and fortune far from home.
📆 When You Know, You Know by @mission2feelike
(M, 27k, omegaverse) Louis and Harry have been friends for years, their friendship maturing easily from pups to teenagers to adults. 
📆 Anonymous Said by @alivingfire
(T, 21k, bookshop) two boys, two blogs, two years of anonymous messages, and a bookshop where it all comes together.
📆 Love in slow motion by sloganeer
(E, 17k, Posh & Becks au) A series of glimpses into the life of Harry Styles, pop star turned fashion designer; his husband, Louis Tomlinson, football legend; and their four adorable children.
📆 I Wanna Feel (Your Love) by @infinitelymint
(E, 15k, canon) Five moments in Louis and Harry’s life based on five of the biggest emotions: fear, sadness, love, anger and joy.
📆 Go Out for Adventure, Come Home for Love by myownspark / @myownsparknow
(M, 9k, 5 times) Four years of iconic moments that inspire tattoos and promises.
📆 Here We Come A-Wassailing by @lululawrence
(NR, 8k, Christmas) The year Louis was in the 8th grade, his mom decided to gather the families of their closest friends to go caroling. 
📆 Flowers of Tomorrow, Seeds of Today by @haztobegood
(G, 7k, fae/fairies) Louis is a changeling and Harry is a human and their fates are more connected than they know.
📆 Like A Neon Sign by @reminiscingintherain
(T, 7k, canon) Harry had always been perfect to Louis, through every age, through every stage, and in all the important ways, he was proud to have been able to witness the growth that Harry had experienced first-hand.
📆 Though the Seasons Change So Quickly (Keep Them Buried In My Heart) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove
(G, 6k, canon) A series of moments of Harry and Louis' relationship through the years, from the very beginning to the present, through the perspective of those around them. It's beautiful and it's brutal, it's awe-inspiring and it's awful - it is what it is.
📆 Dear Louis by callmenine
(E, 5k, famous/not famous) The one where Harry is a popstar having an existential crises and writes a song for his high school ex-boyfriend Louis after more than ten years of no contact.
- Rare Pairs -
📆 in darkness i follow you by @leighbot
(E, 6k, Zayn/Louis) four glimpses into Louis and Zayn's relationship through the years. With bonus side!Narry.
📆 like air to me by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(M, 5k, Zayn/Louis) Five times Louis’ smoke break brings back memories of Zayn and one time it brings him back to Zayn’s doorstep.
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AITA for being too close to my childhood best friend?
(This is so long I'm so sorry, there's just a fair bit of info.)
Me (22F) and Jake (23F) grew up together. Our mothers were friends for years and got pregnant around the same time, and we've basically been side by side our whole lives. We consider each other platonic soulmates and siblings.
Jake has had a girlfriend (Lucy, 23F) for the last seven months. I really like Lucy, she's so funny, so interesting, and she clearly makes Jake happy. There's been one or two awkward moments between us, but its never been anything that lingered or caused problems.
Now I know how people generally act/think about "the girl best friend" so when Jake said he was thinking of asking Lucy out, I made sure to back off a bit. Instead of having a brate (bro date, just hanging out doing something like bowling, Maccas, movie theatre, ect) once a week I said we should have one once a month, I don't call him just to hang on the phone together anymore, I make sure to not message at all on the days I know they have dates planned, ect.
I've really, really done my best to not get in the way, to make sure Lucy knows he really is just my brother, and I've tried to give them both space as someone who is not involved in their relationship.
I thought I was doing really well because its never really come up until this week. It was Jake and I's brate day and we decided to go to the mall so I could shop for clothes and he could get the slushies he likes there. Lucy knew where we'd be, and "happened" to show up, which was fine. Like I said, I like hanging out with her, and I actually thought it was cool I could get another girl's opinion on my outfit.
Jake decided to try on some clothes too while he was there and it turned into something of a mini fashion show of both of us showing off our possible choices. Lucy seemed to alternate between really having fun and going quiet. She refused to try on any herself but grinning and laughing while Jake and I were, and while we were taking turns playfully hyping each other up.
Jake tried on a pair of jeans and I was teasing him and said "damn dude, look at all that ass" trying to make him embarrassed. This was when Lucy muttered something I didn't quite hear, and politely suggested I should leave. Both Jake and I were really confused and taken aback and Lucy kind of shrugged and said things like this were things couples should do, and it was really inappropriate of me to make a sexual comment about her boyfriend while she was right there.
I didn't want to make a scene so I said I'd go, but Jake argued back and said it was clearly just joking around and he's sick of her getting upset at literally anything I do, or he does with me, which was surprising because it was the first I heard that she's had actual complaints.
We all wound up sitting down in the food court to talk and Lucy basically said that she's growing more and more uncomfortable with how close Jake and I are as her and Jake get closer, even though Jake and I's interactions have drastically dropped since they started dating. She thinks its weird we have friendship bracelets (our families went on a double vacation when we were 14 and me and Jake bought those cheap seaside shell bracelets in matching colors, that's literally it) and we hang out alone once a month (even though she's been invited multiple times and always refuses) and she thinks its even weirder than our families are so close and call us siblings.
I won't lie, it killed me inside, but I offered to back off entirely and only be around Jake in group settings, if at all, but Jake cut in and said that wasn't a compromise he was willing to make, and asked Lucy to talk more in private. They left together and trying to be respectful, I haven't reached out at all to either of them while they talk it through.
Jake's mom came over today to hang out with mine, and wound up telling me the last few days Jake has been stressed out, miserable, and isn't sure about staying with Lucy. She said it was a shame because Lucy seemed so nice, but she also said she was proud of him because I was family and Lucy's insecurity wasn't reasonable.
It made me feel sad and like I was hurting Jake by interfering with his relationship again, so I asked some of my online friends from a game I play and the opinion was kind of split. They all agreed I've never spoken about Jake in a way that hinted I liked him, but also that as girls, they'd feel weird anyway about knowing their boyfriend had this close bond with another girl, and they'd be wondering what the future would look like and if our friendship would get in the way of choices like moving, starting a family.
Now I feel completely lost and honestly a little scared of both losing Jake and apparently ruining his life by being so close to him. None of the rest of our IRL friend group has ever brought anything up about it, and I don't know if this is Lucy being jealous or if this is my fault.
What are these acronyms?
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The Distance
Note: well... this was unplanned and came out of nowhere. I wrote this in less than two hours so don't expect a masterpiece, but just a fun little story.
Warnings: 18+! smut and a faint hint of angst.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You were desperate to meet your online boyfriend.
wordcount: 2,3k
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You had been waiting for this day to come for years. For too many years actually, if you were honest. So many years that sometimes you even wondered if Sihtric was real.
But you knew he was real, because you facetimed each other daily. It was hard, being in a long distance relationship and living in different countries while struggling to make a decent living. You and Sihtric both just never had found the time or the money to make the big step to visit each other. Until one night you broke down and told Sihtric you didn't know how much longer you could continue this relationship without finally meeting him.
'I can't take it anymore,' you cried on the phone with your camera switched off while his was on.
You didn't want Sihtric to see you like that, all tired and empty because you had survived yet another rough day at work and came home to an empty apartment once again. All you wanted was to step into your home and be able to be wrapped into his arms, but it was only something you could dream and fantasise about. And you saw how Sihtric just sat with his head in his hands, his fingers compulsive raking through his curls while he listened to your sobs, his heart pounding out of his chest while his stomach turned.
'So… so you want to… break up?' he asked, the tremble in his voice betraying his heartbreak and shock.
'No,' you sniffled, 'not at all. I just need to see you. I need to know if this is all worth it. It's been seven years, Sihtric. Seven years and we never met. Are we wasting our lives?'
Sihtric sighed and sadly agreed. It had been absolutely ridiculous that you still hadn't been able to meet up. But Sihtric told you he couldn't take a week off at short notice just to make something of an emergency trip to finally see you, no matter how much he wanted to.
'I can come to you,' you eased his mind, 'you don't need to take any time off. You can just go to work during the day, I don't mind that at all. I have two weeks off after today, I can make it. I just really need to see you.'
'But what about the money?' he worried, 'we both know it's expensive-'
'I can make it,' you said again, 'I just have to see you.'
Sihtric offered to pay for your plane ticket, even if it would make him go nearly bankrupt, but you refused his gesture and made the rash decision to spend all your savings within a span of ten minutes. Your trip to Dunholme, the small village your internet boyfriend lived in, was booked not much later and you were to leave on Saturday morning, the day after tomorrow. You would land at Birmingham airport, and since Sihtric had the weekend off, he agreed to pick you up there.
And it all seemed so surreal, when you stepped into the plane with barely any money left in your account. You hoped this would be all worth it, you just had to know if he was worth it.
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You had met Sihtric online through an online community seven years ago. You both shared the same interest in medieval history and quickly began to exchange knowledge in private messages. You only knew each other's usernames for the first half year of your online friendship, and Sihtric was baffled when you told him you were a young lady, and not some random old guy. And when Sihtric told you his age was close to yours, you were also pleasantly surprised, as you had expected to be talking to someone who was most likely in his sixties. But even before you gained all that knowledge about each other, there was already a connection established and soon conversations weren't just about history anymore, but about private matters and the regular daily life too. But once you knew each other's name, age and gender, conversations became even easier and more fun.
One afternoon Sihtric was bored and joked around that he wanted to facetime you, thinking you wouldn't be up for it, but when you answered the call and you both finally saw the face behind the username, you were immediately smitten with each other. Sihtric was so good looking that you were almost angry he never called you before. His hair was dark and short, shaved on the sides and his facial hair was minimal but well kept nonetheless. You loved his tattoos and his voice made you lightheaded and your knees weak. And his smile was absolutely to die for. 
Luckily Sihtric felt the same about you, and he insisted on facetiming you almost every day ever since, which you didn't refuse. Naturally, it didn't take long before you were head over heels for each other and spent every free waking second of the day talking to each other. This went on for years and years, growing a bit older with each other online and helping each other through various stages in life; from grief to finding new jobs and to surprise each other by getting different haircuts unannounced. You had seen Sihtric with several haircuts over the years. After a few years of talking he decided to grow out his hair and one day suddenly appeared on your screen with half of his head shaved. You were mortified at first, but you quickly grew to love it. And a few years after that he once again grew out his hair and started to braid the top while leaving his dark curls hanging loose in the back, and you loved it.
And now, when you were one day from finally seeing him in real life, his hair was still at shoulder length but the sides were shaved again. He usually had his hair loose, looking a little feral with his wild hair at times, but when the weather became warmer he'd either braid it or just tie it back into a bun. And you loved it all, just like you had loved every haircut he had before. The only thing that was always consistent was his facial hair, and you told him if he'd ever shave that off you would never talk to him again, which he knew was a joke but still took that to heart.
But beside the good looks you both had, your connection was first and foremost based on a deeper level. Despite having never met in real life, you trusted each other wholly and loved each other so deeply it could not be explained. The physical attraction was just a huge bonus, one neither of you complained about. And after about a year since you first started talking, your phone calls, snaps and facetime calls started to become more risky and sexually charged.
And you'll never forget the first time you had phonesex. It hadn't been planned at all and it wasn't even a video call, it had just been a random phone call late at night while you were both in bed after a long day of work. Sihtric's voice had been so deep and smooth, it aroused you in a way you had never felt before and that's also what you suddenly blurted out on the phone.
'You don't know how aroused your voice is making me right now.'
'You're aroused?' Sihtric laughed softly, 'hm,' he then hummed, as if he knew the effect that would have on you.
'Stop it!' you giggled while your cheeks were warm.
'It's okay, darling,' he almost purred, making everything so much worse as you could just hear his sly smile through the phone, 'it's not like you've never aroused me before.'
'Well, what did you do to fix it?'
'I think you know,' Sihtric replied, his voice somehow lower and smoother than ever before, 'you think I've never moaned your name in my bed or in the shower?'
You became quiet for a moment. You stopped breathing for a second while the sound of your beating heart roared in your ears and you felt your cheeks heat up even more. Your mouth went dry and it was hard to swallow. You knew you were attracted to each other, but this had been something rather undiscussed before that very moment. You weren't sure how to proceed the conversation, as this was something so intimate yet so strange too as you were far away from each other, but it just all happened as if it was natural.
'You do that often?' you suddenly asked.
'More than you know,' Sihtric confessed, then paused for a moment. 'And if I was with you right now, darling,' he husked, 'I'd take care of that for you.'
'What would you do?' you knew the cheesy question would only make the call more risky.
You both had your eyes closed when Sihtric laughed almost darkly and quietly, and you heard he exhaled softly and licked his lips before he spoke again.
'You really wanna go there?' he half whispered, making you feel lightheaded.
'Well,' Sihtric smiled and kept his voice quiet and low, 'first I'd kiss your lips, but only faintly, because I like to tease, and then I'd slowly undress you until you're left in only your lingerie.'
Your breath hitched in your throat already, and he had only just started describing what he would do if he was with you at that moment. And you both mindlessly moved your free hand under the sheets and down your bodies, not telling each other while Sihtric continued talking.
'And after I have admired you for a moment, I'd kiss your jaw and neck,' he murmured as he slowly rubbed his palm over his hardening length, 'and I'll make sure to leave some markings, showing everyone that you belong to me and are mine only. Because you are mine only, aren't you, baby?'
'Yes,' you breathed while you sought friction with your own hand between your thighs, 'I'm yours only.'
'That's right,' Sihtric hummed, 'good girl. And then I'd slowly kiss down your neck to your shoulders. And I'd use my teeth to lower your bra strap while I'd gently massage your tits with my hands before I'd suck and kiss your nipples.'
'Fuck,' you accidentally sighed, which Sihtric heard loud and clear.
'You'd like that?' he asked and bit down on his lip while he shoved his hand down his boxers.
'Yeah,' you whispered, 'don't stop… please.'
Sihtric smiled and hummed, and you both didn't need to say anything for you both already knew you were already half pleasing yourselves in the dark.
'And then I'd kiss my way further down your body, slowly, darling,' he husked, 'because I like to take my time. Then I'd lower your panties and take them off, and I'd kiss your legs on my way back up, all the way to your inner thighs. And when you just can't take it anymore and beg me to touch you, then I'd throw your legs over my shoulders and finally kiss your sweet and soaked pussy before taking my time to eat you out until your legs are shaking and you're squirming in my arms.'
'God, please,' you moaned as you slid your own fingers inside you, 'please, Sihtric, I need you so bad, honey.'
'I know, baby,' he cooed as he touched himself, 'I need you too, darling, you have no idea how badly I need to feel you and taste you. How desperately I want to make sweet love to you but also completely ravage you. Fuck,' he exhaled sharply and chuckled, 'hm, fuck, darling. I'd fuck you so good you won't be able to think anymore, I promise. I'll make you forget about everything else so that the only thing you can think of is how good I make you feel.'
'I want to suck your cock so badly,' you whined, 'please…'
'I'll fuck your mouth, sweetheart, don't worry,' he said and started to moan, 'I'll give you everything you need, I promise. You'll never want or need anyone else anymore.'
'I want you,' you moaned as your climax approached, 'I need you.'
'I need you too,' Sihtric said hoarsely, 'I want to fuck you and fill you up entirely, making you all mine forever. And I'll have you over and over again the first time I'm with you, trust me,' he moaned, 'I'll make you cum on my cock while you scream my name until you can't fucking take it anymore.'
And with those words you both finished, your ragged breaths and heavy moans filling the dark and lonely room you were both in while you listened to each other on the phone as you gradually came down from your highs. At first you both just laughed, a little flustered at what had just happened but also feeling relieved that it had happened, and you felt closer than ever despite the distance. And that's also when you both first said it.
'I love you, sweetheart,' Sihtric whispered sleepily, 'forever.'
'I love you too, honey, forever,' you whispered, and not much later you both fell asleep while neither of you had ended the call.
You smiled and blushed at the pleasant memory as you stared out of the plane window, and you were only brought back to the present time when you heard the announcement that you would soon be landing at Birmingham airport. And that's when you also suddenly realised you were about to meet Sihtric for the first time ever.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
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@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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Hello! First i just gotat thank you for the existence of this blog i have no idea what i'd do with it.
But i was wondering if you knew if any fics where either A or C accidentally confesses? Like if they're arguing or smt and one of them says i love you without meaning to? Or like if one of them accidentally thought the words out loud when they're just hanging out. Just anything like that really.
Thanks in advance <33
Hi! You can check our #accidental love confession tag for fics like this. Here are are few more to add to the collection...
Careful by Aethelflaed (G)
For nearly 6,000 years, Aziraphale has been careful to control his actions, his feelings, even his thoughts. Until Crowley makes a request that could destroy them both...
saying something stupid (like I love you) by gazing (G)
“Night, angel.” Crowley yawns. “Love you.”
Let Sleeping Snakes Lie by Blue_Sparkle (G)
Aziraphale confesses his love for Crowley when he can contain it no longer. Oh, not to the demon himself of course. To a sleeping snake.
Forget-me-not by gothikmaus (T)
How many times will he have to do this before he learns to keep his fucking mouth shut? Or: Five times they erased each other's memory after accidentally confessing their love, plus one time they didn't.
Leave A Message After The Beep by MmmmToast (NR)
When Crowley and Aziraphale are drinking at Aziraphales book shop Crowley gets considerably more drunk than Aziraphale and accidentally confessed his love for the Angel. Before Aziraphale can reply Crowley is gone and locked himself away in his flat. Aziraphale now had to find a way to get to Crowley before it is to late.
you weren’t mine to lose by IneffableDoll (G)
6000 years is a long time to keep a secret. Too long, in fact, to really manage it. OR Seven times, Crowley or Aziraphale accidentally make their feelings known, but are forced to hide or deny it. And one time, finally, they don’t have to.
- Mod D
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kimsohn · 5 months
pairing . soobin x gn!reader about . 848 words, fluff note . for @obrigados based on this mb!! congratulations <3
the classroom is empty when you walk in, save for the music blasting through your earphones and the squeaking of your shoes against the floor. the window's left wide open, causing a hint of a breeze to flutter in through the gap, but it does everything but make you happy as you slide it down shut.
you eye the small pile of leaves that have made their way through the window gap. the universe seems to hate you today, you think, as you pick up the broom. cleaning duty on a friday is already miserable enough, but with the way the room has been left in an absolute mess after the end of exam season, you know your job today is tenfold harder.
you tackle the floor first, thankful that there are no annoying food crumbs to deal with, before moving onto the board. the chalkboard is dusty, and it takes several rounds of cleaning solution before the etches of the day have faded away. once a lively board filled with classwork and the small doodles in the corner you hope your teacher doesn't notice, the pristine condition of the green frame seems unfamiliar to you. you think that's a good sign though, because it always means you get to start over again on a blank slate the next day.
your last task of today, arguably the hardest, is sorting the desks. things you find on the floor or on the board are often predictable and easy to deal with. the seating arrangements, practically where the students live, are a different story though. you shudder as you clean out the first row, remembering a particularly horrible time when you found a moldy banana peel in the depths of the desk cubby. gradually, you work your way through each section, praying you won't find anything terrible, and as you reach your last desk, you thank god that the worst thing you've encountered so far is crumpled-up papers of chain messages.
you scan the inside of the desk before moving to the top, noticing the calculator in the corner. its presence is foreign, mainly because calculators are too expensive to be simply forgotten on a tabletop, but what intrigues you the most is the bright screen, indicating that it's clearly on. a device normally filled with math formulas and numbers that make your brain dizzy, it's surprising to see a beautiful flower on the tiny frame, made delicately with the selection of different buttons that produce unexpected, yet astonishing results.
you're too zoned into the tunes floating in your ears to hear the clearing of a throat behind you, once, twice, before it lands you a pat on the shoulder. you whirl around, calculator in hand, to see none other than choi soobin standing behind you, looking at you with an indecipherable expression.
"hey," he starts as you take your earphones out. "i think i forgot my calculator here, but seems like you've already found it."
too busy absorbed in your cleaning, you fail to realize that your crush of seven years sits in the exact seat you're standing in front of. to summarize, this situation is extremely awkward, and you feel yourself shriveling as he stares down at you, the clock ticking by agonizingly.
"i'm sorry!" you exclaim, offering the calculator to him. "i was on cleaning duty, and i happened to stumble upon it."
he accepts it gratefully, and the light brush of your fingers against his is enough to make your heart pound. he looks down at the illuminated screen, tracing the edges with his gaze until he pockets the device in his bag.
"so, you saw the flower, huh?" he says, zipping up his bag.
you want to protest, to remain oblivious, but you think he already seems to know the answer.
"yeah," you voice sheepishly, "i didn't mean to though, i swear. it was just already turned on, so..."
"it's okay. it's just something i do when i'm bored."
he turns to leave, swinging his bag over his shoulder, but your voice blurts out before u can stop it.
"it was cute, you know. the flower. you're crazy talented for being able to make it, even if you were bored."
"thanks," he says, turning his head back as he walks to the door. you watch pitifully as he nears closer to the wooden frame, already accepting another meaningless encounter going to waste with your crush, but his voice makes you reconsider everything you've believed in.
"not as cute as you though."
you meet his gaze as his head turns. he smiles, so softly you think you're imagining it, and just like the wind floating away, he's disappeared in thin air.
as you pick up your headphones, wrapping them around your neck, you notice a piece of paper on the desk next to you. your fingers pull it open subconsciously as if it was meant for you, and as you read its contents, you wonder if cleaning day isn't so bad after all.
i hang out by the park after school on fridays. meet me there :)
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