#dinah lance senior
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mistergreatbones · 1 month
Everytime I think about what Dinah’s age is for too long my brain explodes. Which is ironic for a character that only exists to avoid timeline errors.
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laufire · 1 month
And you know I always want to hear more about the YJ WIP, so Young Justice: Fenix
I'm going to switch things up a bit here. For those who might not know, that's how I call a Jason-centric, longfic WIP of mine set in the Young Justice (cartoon) universe. It takes all four seasons as canon (it cherry picks re: the tie-in comics), and mixes some of my headcanons regarding Jason's character in it with some mainline comics canon that I don't think would apply to the show, but that serve my purposes. AND it throws in some dcau canon (but making it my own) for good measure.
Though the story is largely about Jason, the collision with his old life and the reunion with his family, it's told in multiple POVs. Mainly to advance the plot and not just write a navel-gazing Jason angst fest xDD. I thought I'd list the characters that get to have POVs, and tell you a bit of what they'll be bringing to the story. In order of appearance:
Talia al Ghul. The story opens with her! She's the main plot-mover, because she's in the thick of the actual conflict (vs. the new league of shadows + the light), preparing and moving pieces so things go the way they're supposed to. The dynamic between her and Jason is shaping up to be interesting too: it's different from how I see their comics relationship, AND different from the fanon mother-and-son dynamic. There's some of that, maybe, but due to circumstances and the large gap between him and Damian in this canon (nearly 20 years), he funcitons more as a parental figure than a brotherly one... cue spousification añsdklfjasdf. It's been fun to write.
Jason Todd. He's the main guy. He's going through it xD (also, this version of him didn't go into a pit, so he's healed the slow way and that's had an effect on him.
Dick Grayson. He's running point on The Superhero Side of things, as a leader, as a link between various sets of the plot, etc. His relationship with Jason is still forming. They are closer in age and (in my head) they actually shared time and space in the manor, as brothers, which makes some things easier and something more complicated. He also offers a counterpoint to Bruce (next one). In every instance we see into Bruce's head, we see that (although he rarely exteriorises it), he thinks about Jason. Dick doesn't, he has a mental block the size of a country. Until things come crashing down... very close to his birthday...
Bruce Wayne. He's there to suffer! I say this with affection because yj!Bruce is better than most Bruces but. I enjoy putting him through the ringer. I'm giving him angst about Jason, I'm giving him angst about Damian, I'm giving him angst about this-mysterious-red-hooded-guy... even about Alfred, and about other things I still haven't ironed out completely lmao.
Damian al Ghul. He's at the center of the conflict, what our mains are protecting above all. He's six years old. My goal is to strike a balance with his character, because otoh, yj offers a different version of the al Ghuls, which would change things, but I do love comics!Damian and the edges he comes with. His relationship with Jason tugs at my heartstrings.
Dinah Lance. She has a much smaller part than the ones above, but she has a couple of POV sections of her own. One of the first scenes I wrote for this fic was a therapy session with Bruce shortly after Jason's death, and I didn't want her to be in the fic *just* for that lol. She offers a little insight into the Senior League, into how (what in this world is) a very public child hero's death affected things, etc.
Cassandra Wu San. I simply find this (very, very different) version of Cass fascinating and wanted in her head. I wanted to show her perspective on the other bats, Barbara (who hasn't gotten a POV herself because this version of the character is simply more interesting through Cass's eyes) and Bruce in particular. And I also thought that, timeline-wise, it'd fit that she might've met Jason as the Red Hooded Ninja if they were in the League of Shadows around the same time. So that's fun.
Artemis Crock. I wanted someone on the original team to have a POV as well, and she was the immediate best choice. She can help move the plot on that side (here she's the new team leader), she has insight on the Shadows as well (Jade is also around btw!), I imagine as the teammate who Jason would've connected with the quickest, and we get to see some of her conflicting feelins re: an old teammate being resurrected... and not being the one she misses the most.
Tim Drake. He caused me a lot of headaches because a.) the show version of Tim is really... just there and b.) I started properly planning the fic at a time where I wasn't feeling particularly kind towards comics!Tim. Luckily for my peace of mind I got over that lol, but even then, that period made it so I put extra effort with this character and the result is that he has his own parcel of the plot LOL. Featuring undercover mission, archeology digs, among other treats for him. His dynamic with Jason is complicated (Jason has a lot of feelings that are really more about himself than about Tim, but Tim is sort of in the way of dealing with those lol), added with the fact that when they meet, Jason is still keeping his identity under wraps and he can't air all of that out... yet xD
So basically: the Waynes (though Tim wasn't ever adopted in this version of canon, in my head; his step-mother is still around) or inner batfam circle + Talia + one member of the team + one member of the JL.
ask me about my wips!
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isfjmel-phleg · 5 months
The Our Worlds at War arc in Young Justice 1998 is heartbreaking. This group of 14-16-year-olds (some of whom are technically much younger than that) are sent to a hostile planet during a war to rescue the wounded and bring them to the para-docs unit. While there, they undergo interpersonal conflict that splits their team, grapple with their own mortality, witness the death of a teammate, almost lose another teammate, are captured and tortured by the enemy, and have difficulty escaping for home. In the aftermath, two of the team resign (one for the sake of his mental health), and another is plagued by guilt and nightmares that he doesn't know how to handle. It's an exploration of the effects of war on young people--the loss of innocence that comes with it--and it's a surprisingly dark storyline for a series that was typically mostly light-hearted.
I've read/skimmed a few other issues related to Our Worlds at War, which was a huge crossover event, and they seem to be in a similar vein as the adult heroes too are struggling with the losses and effects of war. So I was surprised to find that the one-shot JSA: Our Worlds at War, which features YJ's peers Damage and the Ray, takes rather a different tone despite containing the potential ingredients for similar themes.
So how exactly did the war affect Grant and Ray?
Both boys are in their canceled-comic-book limbo phases. Grant went on hiatus from the Titans a while back for his mental health, and Ray has been reduced to mostly cameos in JLA events, although there was an incident where he was mind-controlled by a now-evil former Task Force teammate and attacked the JLA, and he feels he needs to earn his way back to the team's good side.
But both boys are JSA reservists, and for the war effort, the JSA needs all hands on deck. They bring a massive group into space on a combat mission, and that group does include a few teenagers, including Grant, who is about sixteen. Ray is nineteen, technically an adult, but still. Quite young. There's no indication that the many adults on the team have any reservations about sending minors into combat.
Grant and Ray have been crossover-event buddies before, so we see them sticking near each other.
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The mission is an extremely dangerous one, and as they're being briefed on it, it's Ray who expresses doubts about the advisability of this, and one of the teenagers (Jakeem Wiliams) who echoes his concerns.
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(…the Human Flashlight LOL)
The adults don't seem to share this perspective. Ray gets shut down by Dinah Lance (who, by the way, is fifteen years his senior and has a romantic history with him), and the entire group is given a big rousing speech meant to motivate them to battle.
It apparently works. Ray's fully on board now, and Grant seems not to have a concern in the world. (It's already been established in his solo that he actually feels more comfortable in war situations because he's more respected for the effective weapon that he is and he doesn't have to worry about hurting anyone. Which is...concerning on a lot of levels.)
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However, this seems like a surprisingly simplistic view for the adults. Some of them are WWII vets. They know firsthand what war is like. They've heard all the rhetoric. They've lived through the lingering effects. Surely there are some complex feelings going on. Old horrors coming back. At the very least, shouldn't there be some worries for the three kids (Grant, Jakeem, and Courtney Whitmore) who all would have been too young to join up in the 1940s but are included there without a second thought?
...that never comes up. Everything is excitement and over-confidence.
This rubs off on Ray, who openly brags about how powered up he is by all the starlight. Interestingly, it's this behavior that reminds the Patriot of Ray's father.
(The Patriot is the latest incarnation of Uncle Sam, yes, that Uncle Sam, who was the leader of the Freedom Fighters, the team that Ray's father was on during WWII.)
Ray doesn't seem overly enthusiastic to be compared to his father, and his response to the Patriot is rather nonchalant.
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Elsewhere, Grant is reconnecting with Albert Rothstein, his father's honorary godson. The emphasis is a shared legacy and brotherhood--much more palatable to think about than the fact they're headed into combat.
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And when they do get there, it's still portrayed as fun and exciting.
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Ray and Grant get put on a team consisting of people who were either on the Freedom Fighters, are carrying on the legacy of those who were, or had connections to them. Grant might be there as a replacement for the Human Bomb (seriously--I am not making this guy up). Not only are these boys being sent into combat, they're doing so with the expectation of living up to their predecessors. There's a cycle here.
Grant's father died fighting in another crossover event. Ray's father survived WWII, but it enhanced his worst traits. We don't talk about this.
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The Patriot clearly sees them as the newest version of the Freedom Fighters, and he of course remains optimistic, just as scarily upbeat as most of these people seem to be.
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That is, until Ray gets stabbed right in front of them.
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To clarify, he's in his energy form when this happens. He's got quite a healing factor in this state (he once survived a bullet to the head by converting to his energy form and back again, which eradicated the bullet), but he gets reverted back to his physical form, unconscious and thus unable to turn back. In addition to the stab wounds, he's bleeding from the ears, nose, and mouth, and his heart has stopped.
Black Condor gives him CPR...and everything's just fine? Isn't anyone going to tend those stab wounds? That should be a pretty big priority too.
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Nope, there are bigger priorities, like encouraging Grant to explode the enemy.
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Iron Munro reports Ray's injuries, and the JSA sends for the team so Ray can presumably receive treatment back on the ship.
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There are a lot of mini-storylines going on besides this one, but the short version is that the mission succeeds.
So what would be a good wrap-up for this story about the older generation sending the much younger generation out to follow in their footsteps of danger and violence? Are Grant, Jakeem, and Courtney sobered by what they've seen and experienced? Particularly Grant, who watched his friend get stabbed? How is Ray holding up after this trauma? Is anyone struggling with their mortality? Are anyone's illusions of the gloriousness of war challenged? Are any of the adults starting to rethink what they're putting the kids through? Is any of this bringing back memories for the vets?
...nope, the narrative went for a rah-rah emphasis on victory and boasting of no casualties. Sure, no one died, but someone almost did! And it's not discussed. (Notice Ray in the background in the top right panel getting his wounds treated by Doctor Mid-Nite and Phantom Lady while team leader Sand tells President Luthor that their ship was a bit damaged. Just the ship.)
Everyone's reactions are joyful, and they can all go home proud of themselves with another mission accomplished. No big deal.
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And sure, that's a thematic direction that can be taken, but it's such a far cry from Young Justice's more complex treatment of the situation that it's rather jarring.
Anyway, Ray and Grant's working with the Freedom Fighters here might have something to do with their both showing up on that team during the Infinite Crisis event. Which has a much different outcome. Most of the team are killed. Ray gets taken captive (later rescued). Grant is attacked and his face left disfigured. Much different aftermath there. As far as I can tell, these two survivors don't have any contact with each other afterward. Too painful, maybe.
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dinhlnce · 4 months
something something dctv dinah (i rewrote it so that i would like it better thanks!!):
born in gotham city, new jersey, dinah grew up in a tiny two bedroom apartment under the eye of her single mother, dinah drake senior. by day, dinah senior worked in a floral shop, and by night, she was a crimefighter working unofficially alongside the gcpd. drake was murdered by brian durlin/savant when dinah was nine years old, resulting in dinah being tossed around different foster homes, relatives' houses, and abusive situations for about two years before she landed under the care of quentin lance, the father who didn't know she existed until shortly after dinah senior's death.
traumatized and exhausted, dinah took a long while to open up, and had a tendency to avoid causing trouble as a means of making sure she was always good enough to be loved. something something, dinah is who she is, laurel is more of the person she makes herself into. the only times she ever really loosened up were in her close friendships she made in school, and under the tutelage of ted grant, a close friend of dinah senior's. years prior to dinah's birth, ted had moved to starling to be closer to his own children and open up a gym; the gym would prove to be a safe place for dinah to express her anger/hurt/innermost shit feelings and learn how to defend herself effectively.
something something, oliver and sara die on the gambit, something something law school, something something occasionally street fighting people. something something, dinah getting fired from her job at the da's office leads to a temporary singing gig in a seedy club where she gets another up close and personal view into how working for the law doesn't always mean that the right people get punished. something something rise of the black canary coming from sara's re-death, dinah senior's death, everything she's ever learned at ted's gym, who she is as a person etc etc etc--
points that matter to me personally are as follows:
the struggle in becoming black canary comes not from a lack of skill (she's always been able to handle herself in a fight), but from a lack of experience in applying said skill to a completely uncontrolled environment. everyone she's ever thrown hands with has always been a) in a gym, or b) drunk frat boys and would-be muggers. at no point does she need to be taught how to throw a proper punch, but there is still a learning curve in terms of transferring what she knows to a vigilante-type environment, where people carry guns and bows, and things she generally hasn't needed to factor prior to picking up the mask.
she's not a shorts and fishnets girlie, so she adopts the injustice suit. she also tends to prefer her own two fists over the baton, but does carry it along with a sidearm because she recognizes going out night after night will wear down on her hands after a while.
the canary cry is inherited from dinah senior, but was dormant at the time of d's birth, leading dinah senior and her vigilante friends to believe that dinah just hadn't inherited it. it's activated...at some point in season 3 (like idk whenever she gets dosed with the vertigo) as a result of severe distress. she manages to keep it under wraps for a while, and only reveals it to the besties over in central city when she's worried it's about to start getting out of control.
regardless of whether or not she's working in the da's office, or at cnri, or as a florist/club singer/whatever, dinah maintains her bar membership. she likes to use it to take on pro bono cases from time to time, and it tends to be helpful when her friends get into legal trouble.
girlie does "die" in s4, but nothing is permanent (argus or what have u idk). she winds up healing and then training in a loa-type environment for a year in vietnam, before getting a bead on brian durlin being in gotham city and heading there to kill him (she actually puts him in prison, but u kno)
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bluelanternsbattery · 2 months
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*List will update periodically*
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Juliette Lance-Queen
Alias- Sapphire Scream
Age- 15
Occupation- High School Student, Freshman
Abilities- Canary Cry, Archery, Acrobatics, Angelic Powers (Unbeknownst To Her), ASL, Half Deaf, Boxing
Weapons- Canary Staff, Mini Crossbow
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'4" Platinum Blonde Hair, Blue Streaks, Gray Eyes, Hearing Aids, Glasses, Pale Skin, Freckles
Vigilante Appearance- Dark Blue Hoodie, Black Tights, Dark Blue Shorts, Black Boots
Relationships- Best Friends With Damian, Daughter Of Oliver And Dinah, Dating Billy Batson
Damian Wayne
Alias- Robin
Age- 15.5
Occupation- High School Student, Freshman
Ablities- Swordsmanship, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Speaks Arabic
Weapons- Katana, Robinrangs
Civilian Apperance- 5'10", Black Hair, Green Eyes, Light Olive Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Red and Yellow Chest Plate, Green Sleaves, Green Gloves, Green Pants, Black Hooded Cape
Relationships- Best Friends With Juliette, Son Of Talia And Bruce
Dick Grayson
Alias- Nightwing, Previously Robin, Red X
Age- 26
Occupation- Detective, Gymnast
Abilities- Acrobatics, Deception, Seduction, Stripping, Hand-To-Hand Combat
Weapons- Escrima Sticks
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'11", Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Pale Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black Suit With Blue Symbol, Blue Boots
Relationships- Engaged To Kory, Adopted Son Of Bruce and Selina
Jason Todd
Alias- Red Hood, Previously Robin, Red X, Arkham Knight
Age- 22
Occupation- Mercenary
Abilities- Marksman, Sniper, Explosives Specialist, Hand-To-Hand Combat
Weapons- Guns, Gernades, Bombs, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Riffle, Ect
Cilivilan Apperance- 6'5", Aburn Hair With A White Streak, Teal Eyes, Medium Skin, Scar Across Face
Vigilante Appearance- Black Bulletproof Vest, Brown Leather Jacket, Black Jeans, Red Hoots, Red Helmet
Relationships- Dating Lainey, Adopted Son Of Bruce And Selina
Tim Drake
Alias- Red Robin, Previously Robin
Age- 19
Occupation- College Student, Junior
Abilities- Hacking, Genius Level IQ, Hand-To-Hand Combat
Weapons- Bo Staff, Redrangs
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'6", Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Red Suit, Black Pants, Black Hooded Cape
Relationships- Dating Stephanie And Conner, Adopted Son Of Bruce And Selina
Stephanie Brown
Alias- Spoiler, Previously Robin, Batgirl, Violet
Age- 20
Occupation- Collage Student, Junior
Abilities- Hand-To-Hand Combat, Acrobatics, Stealth
Weapons- Viorangs, Gas Bombs, Invisibility Device
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'7", Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Purple Suit, Black Mask, Black Boots, Purple Gloves
Relationships- Dating Tim And Conner, Daughter Of Cluemaster
Cassandra Cain
Alias- Blackbat, Previously Batgirl
Age- 18
Occupation- High School Student, Senior
Abilities- Martial Arts, Stealth, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Dyslexic
Weapons- Batarangs
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'5", Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Fair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black Suit, Black Mask With Cowl, Black Cape, Black Boots
Relationships- Adopted Daughter Of Bruce And Selina, Daughter Of Lady Shiva, Dating Alixandria
Barbara Gordon
Alias- Oracle, Previously Batgirl
Age- 25
Occupation- Liberian
Abilities- Hacking, Genius Level IQ, Stealth, Paraplegic
Weapons- Special Glasses, Batarangs
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'6", 4'5" In Wheelchair, Red Hair, Green Eyes, Pale Skin
Relationships- Daughter Of Commissioner Jim Gordon, Best Friends With Lainey
Lainey Ted
Alias- Neon Shadow
Age- 21
Occupation- Bartender
Abilities- Clairvoyance, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Stealth, Neon Aura
Weapons- Stun Gun
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'3", Brown Hair, Multicolored Dyed Streaks, Brown Eyes, Tan Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black Hoodie, Neon Green Crop Top, Black Pants, Neon Pink Boots, Black Laces, Multicolored Neon Mask
Relationships- Best Friends With Barbara, Dating Jason
Bruce Wayne
Alias- Batman
Age- 45
Occupation- CEO Of Wayne Enterprises
Abilities- Martial Arts, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Detective Skills, Eidetic Memory, Forensics Pathology, Driving, Hacking, Ect
Weapons- Utility Belt, Batarangs, Grapple Gun, Ect
Cilivilan Apperance- 6'0", Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Hair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black And Blue Suit, Blue Cape, Blue Cowl, Yellow Utility Belt, Blue Boots, Blue Gloves
Relationships- Married To Selina, Adopted Sons, Father Of Damian
Selina Kyle-Wayne
Alias- Catwoman
Age- 43
Occupation- Animal Rights Activist
Abilities- Stealth, Acrobatics, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Seduction, Thievery
Weapons- Whip, Claws
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'10", Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black Cat Suit, Heeled Black Boot, Goggles, Black Cat Mask
Relationships- Married To Bruce, Adopted Sons
Alfred Pennyworth
Age- 75
Occupation- Butler
Abilities- Marksmanship, Medical Science, Espionage, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Military Protocol
Weapons- A Small Pistol Hidden In His Room
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'10", Gray Hair, Thinning Hair, Brown Eyes, Fair Skin
Relationships- Estranyed Father To Julia
Talia Al-Ghul
Age- 40
Occupation- Co-head Of The League Of Shadows
Abilities- Extended Lifespan, Swordsmanship, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Speaks Arabic, Seduction
Weapons- Katanas, Longswords, Bow And Arrows
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'7", Brown Hair, Green Eyes, Olive Skin
Relationships- Mother To Damian
Oliver Queen
Alias- Green Arrow
Age- 45
Occupation- CEO Of Queen Industries
Abilities- Archery, Gadgetry, Hunting, Survival, Tracking, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Detective Skills
Weapons- Bow And Arrows, Trick Arrows
Cilivilan Apperance- 6'0", Blonde Hair, Green Eyes, Fair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Green Chestplate, Green Hood, Green Pants, Green Boots
Relationships- Married To Dinah, Father To Juliette, Adopted Father To Roy
Dinah Lance-Queen
Alias- Black Canary
Age- 42
Occupation- Singer
Abilities- Canary Cry, Boxing, Hand-To-Hand Combat
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'8", Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Fair Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black Leotard, Fishnets, Black Leather Jacket, Black Boots
Relationships- Married To Oliver, Mother To Juliette, Adopted Mother To Roy
Roy Harper
Alias- Red Arrow, Previously Speedy
Age- 22
Occupation- Private Detective
Abilities- Archery, Detective Skills, Hacking, Marksmanship, Gadgetry, Throwing, Hand-To-Hand Combat, Substance Abuse
Weapons- Bow And Arrows, Trick Arrows, Throwing Knives, Crossbow
Cilivilan Apperance- 6'0", Red Hair, Green Eyes, Fair Skin, Freckles, Prosthetic Arm
Vigilante Appearance- Red Sleavless Hoodie, Red Pants, Mask Boots, Red Gloves, Black Mask
Relationships- Alix's Ex, Dating Cheshire
Alixandria Wilson
Alias- Mimic, Previously Mockingjay
Age- 20
Occupation- Street Racer
Abilities- Voice Mimicking, Probability Manipulation, Hand-To-Hand Combat
Weapons- Sledge Hammer
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'6", Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes, Medium Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Black Long Sleave Shirt, Purple Jacket, Purple Mask, Black Pants, Purple Boots
Relationships- Roy's Ex, Dating Cassandra
Billy Batson
Alias- Shazam, Previously Captain Marvel
Age- 16
Occupation- High School Student, Sophomore
Abilities- Transformation, Flight, Wisdom of Solomon, Strength of Hercules, Stamina of Atlas, Power of Zeus, Courage of Achilles, Speed of Mercury
Cilivilan Apperance- 5'7", Black Hair, Blue Eyes, Pale Skin
Vigilante Appearance- Transforms Into Shazam, Red Suit, White Cape, Yellow Boots
Relationships- Dating Juliette
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
The Spider & The Amazon
by ERoc901DaCleanUpMan Peter Parker has turned 18 years old and entered his Senior year in High School after finally becoming the Ultimate Spider-Man. But when a new evil Cabal arises and formed by Darkseid, Spider-Man joined forces with Wonder Woman as they have brand new adventures and a series of team ups with the groups of Superheroes while falling in love with one another and make a Harem. Words: 38458, Chapters: 1/33, Language: English Fandoms: Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012), Justice League - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), Young Justice (Cartoon), Teen Titans - All Media Types, Ben 10 Series, Street Fighter, Ghostbusters - All Media Types, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Thundercats (2011), He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, She-Ra: Princess Of Power (1985), Voltron: Lion Force (1984), Voltron: Legendary Defender, G.I. Joe - All Media Types, Sonic the Hedgehog - All Media Types, Ultraverse (Malibu Comics), Spawn (Comics), Hellboy (Comics), WildC.A.T.S. (Comics), Savage Dragon, Stripperella (Cartoon), Barb Wire (1996) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi, Other Characters: Peter Parker, Diana (Wonder Woman), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Jennifer Walters, Carol Danvers, Dinah Lance, Zatanna Zatara, Helena Bertinelli Relationships: Dinah Lance/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Zatanna Zatara, Helena Bertinelli/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Sersi, Jean Grey/Peter Parker, Maria Hill/Peter Parker, Sharon Carter/Peter Parker, Peter Parker/Original Female Character(s), Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Peter Parker/Natasha Romanov, Carol Danvers/Peter Parker/Jennifer Walters, Amora/Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Bisexual Diana (Wonder Woman), Bisexual Natasha Romanov, Bisexual Jennifer Walters, Bisexual Carol Danvers, Bisexual Dinah Lance, Bisexual Zatanna Zatara, Bisexual Maria Hill, Bisexual Sharon Carter (Marvel), Bisexual Jean Grey, Bisexual Sersi, Bisexual Gail Runciter, Bisexual Helena Bertinelli, Bisexual Peggy Carter, Bisexual Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Harems, Lesbian Sex, Bisexual Kara Danvers, Bisexual Lena Luthor, Past Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Past Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Bisexual Rio Morales via https://ift.tt/ZDqf8FO
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azulso · 5 years
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Happy to see Ed.
But what about Tye and Asami?
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blizzardmuses · 4 years
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Emergency Fluff and Softness Starters with @misfitxbeggars​
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“Of course babe” Dinah more than anyone understood the need to wind down, to relax, to be so hyper-focused on pushing past 100% for your duties and how draining it could be. Besides, throwing an impromptu spa night for  little...not so little anymore Zatanna, she needed it too. “Trust me, all your worries will seem so far away for a little while” she mused dimming the lights, lighting the pine tree incense and played Enya on the stereo on low volume whisking the face mask.
Dinah Lance never judged, Dinah’s door was always open to those that felt like the stress was weighing down their shoulders for she too used to be crushed by her duties. “If this doesn’t work I’ll rig up my boxing bag. Few rounds of punching the shit out of my problems always works for me” Dinah smiled lightly brushing the home made face mask in lavender color on the homo-magi. 
Once she was done with Zatanna she put the mask on herself too but with less grace than she used on the magician and sat back on the other armchair.
“We should go on holiday together. Somewhere tropic and sip on cocktails out of coconuts. See how the boys survive without us yanking their ear for basic common sense”
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wyhldsarc · 2 years
who are your top 5 most hated characters ?
not just dislike, but unadulterated hate that would have you wanting to punch the actor in the face if you saw them in person.
1. owen strand, 9-1-1 ls 2. hank voight, cpd 3. dinah lance senior, arrowverse 4. peggy carter, mcu 5. damon salvatore, tvd
tagged by: i stole it from @caestillo tagging: whoever wants to get a lil salty with me
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oldfadcdhq · 3 years
anonymous asked: mw?
if you want a most wanted from a few or a specific fandom ask, here are just a generalized one. it’s a long list so i put it under read more.. also bolded might be characters i really want.
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lex luthor, barry allen, eobard thawne, oliver queen, wally west, cisco ramon, julian dorn, harrison wells, eddie thawn, joe west, tommy merlyn, john diggle, roy harper, curtis holt, adrian chase, emiko queen, ricardo diaz, william clayton, beth chapel, lois lane, selina kyle, nora west-allen, lucy quinzel, donna troy, dinah lance, courtney whitmore, connor hawke, pat dugan, alex danvers, jennifer pierce, anissa pierce, iris west, mia smoak, rick tyler, starman, mike dugan, henry king jr, cameron mahkent, mon-el, winn schott, jimmy olsen, maxwell lord, kara danvers, j'onn j'onzz, khalil payne, jefferson pierce, aly, freddie, aubrey, lonnie, jane, mal, evie, audrey, doug, gil, harry hook, zevon, jay, gaston jr, gaston the third, jafar, hans, kristoff, prince eric, prince phillip, ron stoppable, mickey mouse, maui, john darling, michael darling, jack skelenton, mulan, elsa, anna, tiana, oogie boogie, prince florian, jack-jack parr, dash parr, the bloody baron, hugo weasley, peter pettigrew, lucius malfoy, horace slughorn, mad eye moody, barty crouch jr, barty crouch senior, george weasley, percy weasley, amycus carrow, albus dumbledore, aberforth dumbledore, credence barebone, antonin dolohov, augustus rookwood, avery, carban yaxley, gregory goylve, vincent crabbe, cormac mclaggen, tina goldstein, hermione granger, dorcas meadowes, mary mcdonald, marlene mckinnon, roxanne weasley, luna lovegood, leta lestrange, queenie goldstein, hulk, wolverine, loki, black panther, clint barton, groot, cable, nick fury, magneto, luke cage, iceman, carol danvers,  valkyrie, wanda maximoff, pepper potts, morgan stark, mary jane watson, kitty pride, jubilee, jessica jones, jean gray, peggy carter, lady sif, gamora professor x, stefan salvatore, klaus mikaelson, enzo, elijah mikaelson, jeremy gilbert, john gilbert, alaric saltzman, tyler lockwood, matt donovan, kol mikaelson, marcel gerard, jackson kenner, vincent griffith,  josie saltzman, lizzie saltzman, alyssa chang, jade, hayley marshall, davina claire, freya mikaelson, esther mikaelson, vicki donovan, caroline forbes, elena gilbert, bonnie bennett, josh rosza, declan, roman, tristan de martel, milton greasley, ryan clarke, jed, kaleb, rafael waithe, grover underwood, luke castellan, tyson,  piper mclean, zoe nightshade,  hazel levensque, reyna ramirez arellano, ethan nakamura, poseidon, hades, zeus, hephaestus, ares, will solace, frank zhang, jason grace, leo valdez, octavian,  renesmee cullen, bella swan, alice cullen, leah, sulpicia, jane, victoria, carlisle cullen, archie cullen, emmett cullen, earnest cullen, royal hale, caius, aro, alec, demetri, felix, afton, garrett, benjamin, mr. gold, peter pan, cora, snow white, regina mills, lucy mills, henry mills, baelfire, robin hood, david nolen, jefferson, august booth, vuctir frankenstein, archie hopper, graham humbert, isabelle lightwood, clary fairchild, jocelyn fairchild, celine herondale, maia roberts jace hernodale, simon lewis, valentine morgenstern, jordan kyle, lucian graymark, raphael santiago, lorenzo rey, meliorn, jonathan morgenstern, bow, sea hawk, yoda, mando, leia organa, padme amidala, finn, poe dameron, ben solo, anakin solo, jacen solo, luke skywalker, rose tico, qi’re obi-wan kenobi, chewbacca, rey’s mother, rey’s father, han solo, darth maul, boba fett, count dooku, qui-gon jinn, jango fett, lando calrissian, sky, bloom, stella, flora, musa, techna, aisha, brandon, timmy, riven, helia, nabu, roy, prince thoren, & nex.  
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theonlinemuse · 4 years
So @lesbianmaxevans and I have been discussing how there’s very little backstory for Dani Powell on the show and we decided to contribute to the tags by coming up with our own headcanons for her:
Dani is a nickname obviously, but instead of Danielle or Danika, it’s short for Danys, a unisex Haitian Creole name. She only gets called Danys if she’s in trouble  
Malcolm giggles whenever that happens and Dani threatens to put her cold hands on him if he tries calling her that 
Malcolm learned her middle name the same day he met her middle sister, New York County Court Judge Naomie Powell, who barged into the precinct after an incident where Dani got hurt and went, “Danys Eliana Powell, if you’re going to give our family a heart attack, at least pick up your phone!”
Her dad is Haitian (I still say that episode 5 should’ve delved into this with Dani and her backstory) and her mom is Jewish. Dani and her sisters were all raised Jewish 
Dani doesn’t regularly go the synagogue, but it’s tradition for the Powells to go to services during major holidays 
Dani and JT explaining Jewish holidays to everyone
Powell wasn’t her dad’s original last name. Her dad and grandma came to New York from Port au Prince in the late 70s and their original last name was Poirot. Grandma Eliana kept the name, but her dad changed it to Powell when he started university 
She’s the youngest of three girls in the family. Her oldest sister Mona is played by Meta Golding while middle sister Naomie is played by Sydney Tamiia Poitier
Naomie was the sister who suffered from night terrors after getting into a bad car accident as a teenager and Mona and Dani would often take turns looking after her. This is how Dani knew how to deal with Malcolm 
Dani is bisexual. She and Edrisa went on a date before deciding to be friends and Edrisa likes to joke about them being exes much to Malcolm’s confusion 
“When did you even break up?” “We didn’t, technically. We just went go karting and had lunch at Zabar’s before we realized Dani was wayyyy too much like an aloof little sister to me.”
And this is totally a crack headcanon, but after seeing Jurnee Smollett-Bell playing Black Canary in Birds of Prey, Dani and Dinah Lance are now cousins. Their moms, Zipporah and Dinah Senior were sisters
Dani and Dinah may be Jewish, but they don’t keep kosher all the time. They don’t eat pork, but they’re absolutely weak against shellfish, much to their moms’ dismay 
Chaotic bi Dinah and distinguished bi Dani
Imagine Dani going undercover in Dinah’s band and them singing the Birds of Prey song from Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Dani can rock the punk rock aesthetic. Dinah makes her wear fishnet stockings, red lipstick, a corset over a dark lace shirt, and gold metallic temp tattoos. Malcolm has a heart attack
And then Dani starts singing and he’s a goner because he’s only ever hear her sing old songs from the 30s to 50s and there’s something powerful and sensual about her singing punk rock music. He’s not ready for it
JT teases the hell out of him, but he soon shuts up when Dani and Dinah bring Tally into the mix. Edrisa records the whole thing, as well as Malcolm and JT’s expressions. Gil ends up using it to keep Malcolm and JT from doing anything too outrageous
Grandma Eliana would sing old jazz and méringue songs to Dani and her sisters when they were little so Dani ended up with the habit of singing them absently whenever she’s focused on a task, usually when she’s doing her hair
Dani grew up listening to songs from the 30s, 40s, and 50s due to grandma Eliana always playing her extensive vinyl collection. She didn’t really get to listen to modern music until she was in middle school 
In addition to jazz and swing, Dani’s surprisingly good at disco. It didn’t help that her dad often played Boney M and Earth Wind and Fire during her childhood
She used to joke that the Powell family is decades behind in their taste in music. Dani doesn’t listen to many modern songs, but she likes singing along to Yonce as well as Janelle Monae songs like Electric Lady and Sally Ride
Make Me Feel becomes Dani and Dinah’s bi anthem 
Malcolm once caught her singing and he keeps trying to catch her again. He’s lucky to listen for five seconds before she kicks him out of the bathroom
Dani’s a bit of a tea expert thanks to grandma Eliana, who taught her many different ways of making tea. Other than Earl Grey, Dani’s favourites include grandma Eliana’s ginger tea and pomegranate tea
And I’m not just saying that last one because I saw tags about a Brightwell Hades and Persephone AU
She loves tea flavoured desserts as well. She often gets a glazed Earl Grey donut for breakfast on Monday mornings when she needs a little pick me up
She changes up the glaze depending on her mood. Lavender for when she’s stressed, balsamic and pomegranate for when she’s in a good mood, blueberry for when she’s irritated or stuck on a case, brown butter for when she’s tired, and caramel with blood orange zest for when she’s ready punch a dick
In the summer, she loves Thai iced tea popsicles and matcha green tea popsicles dipped in chocolate
Dani isn’t as big of a coffee drinker as she is a tea drinker, but if she has to have coffee, it’s always a cinnamon mocha with a shot of espresso 
She can cook, but because of her schedule, she mostly sticks with quick to make dishes like grilled cheese and spaghetti. She likes spicing things up though, thanks to growing up with her dad and grandma’s cooking 
Every Hanukkah, Dani always gets roped into preparing the desserts with Zipporah since her dad, grandma, and oldest sister are in charge of cooking. Dani’s the first to admit that she’s not a cook, but she’s gotten good at making sweets, even if she doesn’t always have the patience for it. Eight nights a year is her limit
Malcolm as a foodie bemoans this and his trying to broaden her food choices slowly becomes a thing 
The look of horror on his face when he sees her chow down on a double beef bacon mushroom burger, poutine, chocolate pecan pie and a strawberry milkshake in one sitting is priceless
And Dani loves seafood, especially shellfish which Malcolm can’t have because it gives him hives 
Dani was a bit of a trouble maker in elementary school, but for good reason. She stuck gum in a classmate’s hair because she stole her favourite scratch and sniff stickers and lied about it. And she once kicked a football player where the sun don’t shine because he was being a dick to her
She dressed like Kimberly Hart from the Power Rangers movie in high school, though she did have a goth phase for about two weeks in freshman year. She was trying to channel Wednesday Addams. She was definitely a bit of a rebel style wise. Malcolm was most definitely a nerd
Ironically, Dani’s the one with poor eyesight. She only wears glasses if there’s no more contacts and they’re a chunky pair that’s similar to Edrisa’s glasses
Dani does have some secret nerdy traits, she knows how to code thanks to her sister Naomie going to coding camp for five consecutive summers 
And like Kay, Dani has some artistic tendencies too. She grew up with outdoor art programs that encouraged her to paint 
She’s fluent in French. She, her sisters, and their paternal cousins went to a bilingual language school thanks to grandma Eliana’s influence
Dani also did competitive figure skating as a kid. She actually made it to the Junior Grand Prix finals. She got silver
There’s recordings of her competition routines on YouTube somewhere and she actually goes undercover as a figure skater for a case. Gil acts as her coach because he actually used to skate as well
She also did some cross training in ballet as well since her godmother is a well known ballerina turned dance teacher. There are a lot of pics of Dani in her early teens of her in a leotard and tights with curls escaping her ballet bun
She has an old injury that often acts up when the weather is cold. She broke her leg pretty badly in high school due to an accident in gym class. She got knocked off the balance beam when they were doing gymnastics and had to be rushed to the hospital for surgery 
She prefers horror and thrillers to action movies, but she likes period pieces too. Belle is a recent favourite of hers
Dani likes Star Trek because her dad is the biggest sci-fi nerd and it was a big part of her childhood. She also grew up as a fan of Eartha Kitt because of him after he made her watch 1960s Batman reruns with him
As a result, she wanted to name her first kid after Eartha. She eventually nicknames her first daughter Kit because of this
Dani actually introduced Tally to JT. They were roommates in college (Dani majored in social work while Tally studied chemistry) and they went to the same synagogue 
Tally designated Dani as godmother after she and JT had twin girls. She was the sandeket at Noa and Miri’s simchat bat  
She practices Krav Maga, she and Dinah both learned it in high school, though Dani always says that Dinah had more of a natural talent for it 
Dinah also did kickboxing and gymnastics and Dani ended up tagging along her lessons. She doubled as a coach and sparring partner 
She and her sisters dressed up as magical girls for Halloween when they were little and the new Charm reboot is like reliving their childhood
She wraps her hair for sleep with funny and colourful scarves that Naomie always gives as gag gifts, a tradition that started when they were preteens 
She’s dyslexic, but she wasn’t diagnosed until middle school. She had difficulty memorizing things so she got into a habit of carrying a recorder with her. She also has her phone and computer set to dyslexia friendly fonts and listens to a lot of audio books
It’s also the reason she sometimes makes mistakes when she’s dancing. She sometimes mixes up left and right
She also had trouble learning French at first because of this 
Dani can hold her liquor, but after four drinks, she becomes a giggly drunk who randomly speaks French and sings 90s rock songs
She also suddenly gains a sweet tooth when sober Dani doesn’t usually go for sweets. Luckily Malcolm has a few lollipops stashed away for when this happens
Dani did a brief modelling stint back in college to help out her cousin, who was in fashion school at the time. She mostly modelled for women’s wear and book covers. She even posed for a couple of historical romance covers 
Malcolm may have accidentally come across it thanks to his mom. Jessica might have been a little smug when she told him to fetch the book from where she left it. The look on his face was priceless
Dani ends up recreating a cover for a case. Edrisa makes Malcolm pose with her. She takes so many pictures
Given that Malcolm has Sunshine, it’s ironic that Dani owns a cat. It’s a mischievous black cat named Shuri and she loves climbing things, especially Malcolm
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venser · 4 years
Please scream to us about the funeral director au, it’s what the world deserves
@nghtving @cptmarveljr @artemis099 tagging u guys bc u seemed interested!
ability to see ghosts manifested early in childhood
parents died when he was 8, but he was able to communicate with their ghosts until he was about 10 (they passed on after that)
a slightly more well-adjusted bruce wayne grows up, goes to mortuary school, and takes over the family business
often communicates with the ghosts of the deceased in his care; would sometimes get their opinion on hair/makeup/outfit
often would pay for funerals for families who couldn’t afford to do so out of pocket
the only one who ever believed bruce’s abilities
can’t hear or see the ghosts, but he sure can see the trouble they get themselves into
“master dick, you will clean up that vase this instant!” *shattered pieces of a very expensive vase start floating off the floor and into the nearest trash can*
often the victim of accidental possessions. has grown used to it
sets places at the table for the ghosts even though they can’t actually eat
died of a then-unknown illness as an older teenager
sort of lurked at the wayne funeral home for a few weeks before he really started coming out of his shell
can often be found swinging from chandeliers/floating around in high places
very good friends with roy harper, the florist who typically supplies flowers for the funerals
advocate of natural burial (he gets it from his parents)
sort of acts like everyone’s ghostly therapist
died as a result of gang activity on his way home from school
does. not. stop. talking.
really likes the. gross aspects of cadaver preparation and preservation
very enthusiastic about haunting. he does a lot of practicing on the folks at the floral shop next door, especially roy.
don’t tell bruce but sometimes he makes the corpses dance
died in a car accident
the waynes were relatively good friends with the drakes so bruce actually knew tim personally
ofc the drakes were pretty. absent so that’s why he hangs out at wayne manor
very freaked out about his own death. he refused to actually talk about it for months
im sorry tbh i didn’t really think much about tim whoop s
tbh i haven’t though about how cass died yet i’ll get back to you on that one
has a serious soft spot for kids. unfortunately, her attempts to comfort grieving children either result in them getting scared or possessed
showed up around the same time damian was born. often would watch over him like some sort of guardian angel
forgets she’s dead a lot. will try to start a conversation only to realize that only certain people can hear her
or she’ll try to eat something and realize that she can’t because. yknow. ghost
(she really misses food)
not a ghost. inherited bruce’s ability to communicate with ghosts
closest to dick and cass
did not actually realize his siblings were all dead until much later
tbh the fact that they’re all dead doesn’t really change anything
doesn’t usually go to the funeral home (dead bodies actually freak him out a little bit, especially children)
accidental death. died his senior year of high school.
planned on going to mortuary school. wound up skipping school and going straight to work
knows enough about the funeral industry for bruce to allow him to hang around and help out with preparations, but often oversteps his boundaries
pulls the “i’m dead” card a LOT when bruce questions him
other ppl:
roy harper: works at sherwood florist, which is located right next door to wayne funeral home. bruce doesn’t know that he can see ghosts too.
barbara gordon: a family friend. aware of the ghosts, but she can’t actually see or hear them. she communicates with them via handwritten notes.
stephanie brown: a friend of tim’s from school. like barbara, she’s aware of the ghosts, but she can’t see or hear them. usually communicates with them through those little alphabet magnets on the fridge in the break room
oliver queen and dinah lance: owners of sherwood florist. neither of them are aware of the ghosts that occasionally visit the shop
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astral-space-dragon · 4 years
HAHAHAAAA! After having this character on the back burner for a bout a month, I’m ready to share her with the world!
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 After chatting it up with @harlot-of-oblivion​ yesterday, I got the courage to flesh out this character and I’ve gotten really invested.
She’s a character from a crossover AU that I’ve been playing with for a while and I hope you like her as much as I do. A DC Universe and Devil May Cry corssover. I’m calling the series “Of Bats and Devils”.
Under the cut cuz is a really long fuckin post lol
Name: Viviane “Viv” Mercer-Wayne
Age: 25
Immediate Family:
Bruce Wayne (adoptive father)
Richard “Dick” Grayson (adoptive brother)
Jason Todd (adoptive brother)
Tim Drake (adoptive brother)
Damian Wayne (adoptive brother, Bruce’s bio-son)
Cassandra Cain (adoptive sister)
Alfred Pennyworth (considered a grandfather)
Misc. Family:
Duke Thomas (honorary brother)
Barbara Gordon (honorary sister)
Stephanie Brown (honorary sister)
Kate Kane (technically cousin, but everyone just calls her Aunt Kate)
Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Diana Prince, Arthur Curry, Barry Allen, Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen, Carter Hall, J’onn J’onzz, and the rest of the supers (honorary aunts and uncles)
[Friends through her siblings]
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Kyle Rayner
[Friends from school days]
Greg Mackaye
Rudy Forester
Kristy Ving
[Current friends]
Nicoletta “Nico” Goldstein
Base of Operations:
Red Grave City 
Physical Description:
Height: 5’3
Hair color: Brown, cut short, usually an undercut. Either way, kept very short for convenience.
Eye color: “Vale Green”
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Personality: Punkish, blunt at times, serves sarcasm with a side of a middle finger, dark humor, underneath brutish exterior: a heart of gold, will fight for what’s right, even if it means breaking some rules, inquisitive, a bit of a sentimentalist, prefers to not stand out but will raise hell if necessary/wanted, bit of a history nerd
Skills and who trained her:
Skills for the field:
Top-notch detective skills (courtesy of the Bat)
High martial arts skills (the Bat and her brothers)
Misc. Athletic skills (i.e. climbing, running speed, etc) (trained by Bat, honed by Trish and Lady)
Computer skills (the Bat and her brother, Tim)
Marksman skills (trained by her brother Jason, skills were honed by Dante)
Swords/Blade skills (Dante and Vergil)
Survival skills (again, the Bat)
Misc Skills:
Cooking/baking (Alfred)
Bass guitar (self-taught)
Intimidation (the Bat)
Some hair cutting skill (the Bat and her brothers)
Battle Theme (y’know as devil hunters have): “Demon’s Are A Girl’s Best Friend” - Powerwolf
Backstory: Viviane “Viv” Mercer was born on a rainy November 5th to two parents who were into the punk and occult scene in Gotham in their youth. For the few years of her life, she lived in a small apartment in the Old Gotham district. Her father, Tristan worked as an employee at the Botanical Gardens (courtesy of his old friend Bruce) and her mother, Mina worked as a manager at an “occult shop” that specialized in selling occult books, crystals, oils, and other products for the then emerging “witch scene” in Gotham.
Growing up in Old Gotham, there was the constant threat of Two-Face and his men as the district was, and still is, his territory. Still, the small family made the best of a tense life. Then one night, during a standoff between Batman and Two-Face, Two-Face had two hostages held at gunpoint, Tristan and Mira. With a flip of his coin, Two-Face ordered his men to execute them. In that moment, Batman watched his old friends die. 
After taking care of Two-Face and his men, Batman watched as a coroner placed Tristan and Mina’s corpses in body bags. He overheard Commissioner Gordon talk about placing the now orphaned, Viviane into a home. Wrought with the guilt of not saving the two, Batman took it upon himself to take the young girl in. After filling out some paperwork (and a couple of friendly donations), 6 year old Viviane was adopted by the billionaire.
From then on, she lived in Wayne Manor with Bruce Wayne, her new big brother Dick Grayson, and Alfred Pennyworth. It wasn’t long after when she found the Batcave by complete accident. She had no desire to be a vigilante but she DID have the desire to as the small child said, “Kick some ass!”, causing poor Alfred to nearly faint.
So throughout her childhood, she learned how to defend herself and was taught a variety of detective skills from Bruce. She was also eager to learn what she lovingly dubbed his “Batglare”. Despite the training, she still carried on her life as normal. She’d attended galas (though she and Dick would run off to hide and eat pastries), went to school,made a couple of friends at school, made friends through her brother, and met her honorary aunts and uncles of the JLA. Along the way, she got more siblings: Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne.
During her senior year of high school, she was waiting for a cab to take her home when she heard a noise from the alley behind her. Growing up in Gotham made her hyper-aware of danger, so upon hearing the noise she immediately went into a defensive position. A goat-looking demon charged out and got a taste of an aluminum baseball bat. Two more demons came skulking from the alley. Thanks to her training, she managed to hold her own before the fight started to wear her down. A demon was about to blindsight her when gunshots rang out and all the demons were shot down and killed. Viviane looked around until her eyes landed on a man with white hair in a red coat(his DMC4 outfit) on top of a fire escape. That’s when she met Devil Hunter Dante. She didn’t know at the time, but he would be her boss years later.
Dante took her home and before leaving, he gave her his business card. On the card was the name: Devil May Cry. He told her to consider it a job offer and he disappeared into the night. She pocketed the card and went inside.
Years later when she had turned 24, she got into a nasty spat with Bruce. While this wasn’t the first one, this particular argument was a very nasty one. Harsh words were said by both and this fight was the straw that broke the camel’s back. While the family was out for patrol, Viviane was packing her belongings. She had gotten sick of Gotham and “Bruce’s shit”. For a quick moment she wasn’t sure where she would go. Then while clearing her desk, she spotted the business card, Dante gave her all those years ago.
Red Grave City. She had made her decision. After packing a suitcase of clothes, toiletries, and such, she removed the tracker from her phone, got on her bike and rode at top speed for Red Grave. When she arrived at Red Grave, it was 3am the next day. She decided to book a quick and cheap hotel room for the night. Upon arriving at the hotel, she spotted demons in the parking lot; this time, they were nasty bug-looking ones. Just like last time, she held her own for a good while until a flash of blue and red swooped in and they took down the demons together.
Viviane eyed her two rescuers and immediately recognized the one in red, Dante. And that was the start of her new job and life.
I know the backstory may be somewhat vague, but I’m already working on fics for just about everything. From the early life, the death of her parents, adjusting to life as a Wayne, meeting her siblings throughout her life, meeting Dante, the fight that between Viv and Bruce, all of it.
I will be posting them here but, I will also be posting them under the series “Of Bats and Devils” since Tumblr’s navigation is fuckin abysmal.
Anyways here a pretty good idea of what my little shitlord looks like:
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(Y’know with that last one, if you put a knife in the pic like that one meme, it’s be perfect)
Also here’s a pretty good idea of what her character
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Anyways, I hope you grow to like Viviane as much as I do. I’ve grown so attached to her, honest to god, I’m happy.
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dinhlnce · 4 months
something something dctv dinah:
born in gotham city, new jersey, dinah grew up in a tiny two bedroom apartment under the eye of her single mother, dinah drake senior. by day, dinah senior worked in a floral shop, and by night, she was a crimefighter working unofficially alongside the gcpd. drake died when dinah was nine years old, resulting in dinah being tossed around different foster homes, relatives' houses, and abusive situations for about two years before she landed under the care of quentin lance, a distant cousin of her nonexistent father, in starling city.
traumatized and exhausted, dinah took a long while to open up, and had a tendency to avoid causing trouble as a means of making sure she was always good enough to be loved. something something, dinah is who she is, laurel is more of the person she makes herself into. the only times she ever really loosened up were in her close friendships she made in school, and under the tutelage of ted grant, a close friend of dinah senior's. years prior to dinah's birth, ted had moved to starling to be closenrr to his own children and open up a gym; the gym would prove to be a safe place for dinah to express her anger/hurt/innermost shit feelings and learn how to defend herself effectively.
something something, oliver and sara die on the gambit, something something law school, something something occasionally street fighting people. something something, in central city when the particle accelerator goes off, giving her the canary cry because obviously dealing with a descent into alcoholism and an undead adoptive sister isn't enough. something something, dinah getting fired from her job at the da's office leads to a temporary singing gig in a seedy club where she gets another up close and personal view into how working for the law doesn't always mean that the right people get punished. something something rise of the black canary coming from sara's re-death, dinah senior's death, everything she's ever learned at ted's gym, who she is as a person etc etc etc--
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witnessprotectionau · 4 years
By M’gann
Welcome one, welcome all! M’gann here today, since I’m the only one in the superhero community with experience running a blog. It’s a pleasure to meet you all, even if it isn’t under the most ideal of circumstances...
This is the Justice League’s official tumblr blog! Since our identities were outed, we don’t have to worry about accidently leaking personal information anymore, and we decided to create various social media accounts so our actions are more public and available to everyone, and totally not because if we didn’t, our actions would have to be monitered by the government and none of us want people following us around at all times, or Secretary Ross anywhere close enough to have his eyes on us!! :)
(Scarlet Witch/Wanda just burst out laughing, and she doesn’t have her phone on her, so I think she’s reading my mind, now I know how it feels, but at the same time, I’m glad I made at least one person laugh with that)
If we just post what we’re up to, then we can just refuse to post about when we go to the bathroom unless it’s important, which was a big concern for us all when people following us was first brought up. But that’s besides the point!
This blog will contain all the stuff we’re posting on other social media, so you can just follow us here to get all the tea!
... My uncle just came in to inform me that those of older generations might not know what that means, and that I have to try to not leave anyone out.
‘Tea’ means gossip.
Okay, so starting off this blog with a bang, the entire superhero community (which also includes vigilantes, anti-heroes, and villains, not just superheroes, it’s just quicker to say!) decided to all create twitter accounts to post their name, if their identity was revealed and their civillian name. Now, I don’t know EVERYBODY in the community, so I put in everyone who commented superhero-like stuff on the post. I’m pretty sure that they aren’t real heroes, but it’s better safe than to be rude and exclude people! Besides, I didn’t know about the Defenders half an hour ago until I heard someone in the house exclaim that someone named Daredevil was finally getting media coverage because of this. Apparently a few people in the house were fans of him. __________
Okay, so... You guys weren’t there, but I stopped writing for a few hours to attend a justice league meeting with the avengers and quite a few other people, and here’s what was ultimately decided:
Because we have so many enemies, it isn’t safe for any of us to live alone anymore, so we’ve basically all moved in together? Well, not all of us. Those who had their identities revealed, and those who lived with them, or could have their identities revealed based on everyone else.
For example, Batman had his identity revealed, which, by the way, what???
Bruce WAYNE??
But yeah, Batman had his identity revealed, but Robin didn’t. The new Robin. Not the first one. Nightwing is his eldest son, Dick Grayson. But people can figure it out based on his height. Which, by the way... Bruce has his reasons for letting him into the community, give him some slack. He’s been getting a lot of hate from it. And speaking of Bruce Wayne, it is his manor that we’ve all moved into, since it’s large and has excellent security. I haven’t met his other kids yet, so I don’t know if they already knew their dad was Batman, and their siblings were Nightwing and Robin. I’ll ask them when they show up. __________
Okay, so I left to get food for five minutes, and when I came back, the og JL members were staring at my screen and laughing their heads off while Bruce sat by the side and scowled. So... I’m concerned. If this post never goes up, assume I’m dead.
I made everyone in the house promise not to read the comments on the original twitter post, and only read them here, as some of us wanted our accounts not to be spammed by their friends. Like, Garfield uses his account to advocate for animal rights, he doesn’t want to constantly respond to other supers’ messages. He’s too busy for that!
The mess on Twitter, as follows: __________
Youonyourphone,situpstraight! @ #1FBIAGENT Plastic Man, aka Patric O’Brian. I was outed, which makes my job VERY interesting now... (read: awkward)
Winged Warrior @ Hawkwoman ✔️ Shayera Hol. I have wings. If  you couldn’t figure out my “civillian identity” by me walking down the street, earth is too dumb to save anymore
r3d @ 70rn4d0 The children chose this name for me. Red Tornado, AKA John Smith.
Green Arrow @ notrobinhood ✔️ Oliver Queen, revealed too... Let’s hope this doesn’t affect STAR labs... Sorry PR department. :/
Adam @ DrStrangeJunior League doctor, last name strange. The avengers already have a doctor strange, and I’m younger than him, hence DrStrangJunior. I never really had a hero identity in the first place, but everyone insists that I’m a part of the group, so... yeah
Big Boy Blue @ TheREalSuperman ✔️ Clark Kent, Kal-el, Superman. Speaking of, why was @ Superman already taken?
Aquaman @ KingOfAtlantis ✔️ Even though I don’t REALLY have a secret identity, I have to do this anyway for some reason? Arthur Curry.
rocket @ PCHOOOOO raquel ervin. rocket. the only reason icon is around so bow down to me. Tim chose my name.
therapist @ capitalsareimportant Black Canary. Dinah Lance-Queen. Betcha Imma bout to lose my job.
take the shot @ harperoy Red Arrow, Will harper, Previously Speedy. I had this @ before... everything
Fastest Man Online @ 2fast2type ✔️ flash, barry allen, dying inside BECAUSEI’MLIVINGINABILLIONAIRE’SHOUSENOWANDTHEREISSOMUCHFOOD
zatanna @ annataz Only one name, Zatanna. That’s both my civillian name and my superhero name, but my stage name SOMEHOW is still a secret??? smh everyone’s blind...
cptnmarvel @ SHAZAM! Captain Marvel. The male one, since apparently I have to say that now?? My identity is still a secret tho!
Themiscyra❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 @ Wonderous ✔️ Wonder Woman. Princess Diana. However, my Civillian name is Diana Prince __________
Now, The Green Lanterns... Kilowog got an account first, and it didn’t end well... __________
Kilowog @ GreenLanternOFFICIAL ✔️ As one of the Green Lanterns assigned to this sector, I decided to join in on this internet stuff, since it seems so important to everyone on this planet. Kilowog here! Green Lantern.
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ SOMEONE stole @ GreenLanternOFFICIAL  🙄
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ @ GreenLantern1 ???!?!? ONE!?!?! I WAS THE FIRST HUMAN GREEN LANTERN THANK YOU VERY MUCH JOHN!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ It was the first thing I thought of aside from GreenLantenOFFICIAL, don’t yell at me!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ why didn’t you just do GreenLanternJohn instead of stealing what was rightfully mine?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Hey, you aren’t the boss of @’s!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ who says I’m not?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You’re obviously not!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ but who says?
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Me!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ but you’re not the boss of me!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Since when?
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ since i’m your senior!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ I’m older than you!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ i’ve been a green lantern longer!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That doesn’t matter!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then if it doesn’t matter, change your name!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ To WHAT?!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ GreenLantern16 or something, i don’t know!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ There aren’t even that many Green Lanterns!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ there are hundreds of us!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ I meant HUMAN Green Lanterns!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then fucking specify next time? is that so hard?!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Fuck off, asshole!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ you first!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That’s not even an insult!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ and yours was?!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ Shut up!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ just change your name and i will!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You can’t change your @’s, just your user!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ then get a new account!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ That’s a pain though!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ suck it up!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ You’re the one who started all this!
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ you started the argument with Kilowog’s account when he’s not even on the planet anymore!
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ It was a joke! You’re the one who took it seriously!
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ hey Guys...??
I CAME FIRST! @ OriginalGreenLantern ✔️ ...
John Stewart @ GreenLantern1 ✔️ ... __________
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ ok so kilowogs off planet, and the others are refusing to use their accounts after the incident where i murdered them both, so im doing their introductions for them
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ @ GreenLantern1 is john stewart, obviously. @ OriginalGreenLantern is hal jordan, and yeah, he was the first human lantern. and me? the only Guy who had the bright idea of actually checking to see if @ GreenLantern was available like a normal person?
hey Guys @ GreenLantern ✔️ i was off-world when everyone’s identities were revealed, and thus have my secrets!
hey Guys @ GreenLanten ✔️ well, i mean... i didn’t exactly hide it before, so some people might know, but im loving the fact that i kept my identity secret when batman didnt, so i decided to keep it to flaunt that fact to the others. peace out __________
Ro(g)y @ arsenal The OG Roy Harper here. Arsenal. Previously speedy.
Kaldur’ahm @ Aqualad ✔️ My user and @ says it all. I was revealed. Uselessly, but still revealed.
Mygreatestachievementwillbebeingborn @ Impulsive Bart Allen, AKA Impulse. My identity WAS revealed, but good luck finding out who I am. ;-)
Apollo’s Crockpot Sister @ Artemis ✔️ Artemis, AKA Artemis Crock. Now y’all can finally stop asking me about my name.
From Fanboy To @ LagoonBoy L’gann here. Lagoon Boy. I’m green, you should be able to know what my civillian self looks like. It’s not like I can hide.
buzz off @ bumblebee I wasn’t revealed, but... being a superhero would be a suitable excuse for being late to classes... Karen Beecher-Duncan, Bumblebee! (Don’t worry, I discussed revealing myself with the entire league, and they said it was cool)
World’s best dodger and bullshitter @ Guardian Bumbles’ loving husband, Mal Duncan.
hello megan! @ hellom’gann ✔️ M’gann M’orzz AKA Megan Morse AKA Miss Martian. Superboy doesn’t have an account, but also didn’t get his identity leaked (somehow) anyway!!
Wall-Man @ It’sKIDFLASH ✔️ Wally West, Kid Flash. Nice to meet Y’all
Apollo’s Crockpot Sister @ Artemis ✔️ Y’all
Wall-Man @ It’sKIDFLASH ✔️ Okay, you used it just two seconds ago so don’t @ me
Jaime @ ScarabHost ✔️ Jaime Reyes here. Now, the previous blue beetle is in a coma, and has been for years, I’m the new one. I just never had a public enough persona to tell everyone that I’m not just him with a new suit before...
Cassie @ WONDERgirl ✔️ Come to my room @ ScarabHost, I have marshmellos to cheer you up! Yes, you can come too, @ Impulsive  😋
Mygreatestachievementwillbebeingborn @ Impulsive Like you could keep me from food.  😜
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ I Am Iron Man
Hawk-ayeeee @ hawkeyeshadow Clint Barton
Brunhilde @ TheLastValkyrie All in the name.
Platypus @ TiredOfTony Col. James Rhodes, AKA War Machine, previously Iron Patriot (Thank goodness)
The Black Panther @ Kingofwakanda ✔️ T’Challa of Wakanda.
godofhammers @ kingofasgard ✔️ I am Thor, son of Frigga
Captain American’t deal @ Steven19 ✔️ Steve Rogers, Captain America.
My Name’s Not Scarlett @ It’s Wanda ✔️ Scarlet Witch
On your above @ FalconPINCH ✔️ Sam Wilson
🅱️lums @ WhiteWolf James “Bucky” Barnes here. Previously Winter Soldier... Sorry.
Toaster @ Eyesight ✔️ Vision Stark.
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ I’m crying.
Master Of The Mystic Arts @ DrStephenStrangeMD ✔️ I didn’t change my @ when I got into this world
Fury @ DirectorOfSHIELD ✔️ My name is already there.
Not That Maria @ AssistantDirectorOfSHIELD ✔️ Maria Hill, Assistant Director Of SHIELD
I am Groot @ Multilinguism I am Groot.
PETER NO @ GamoradaughterofABITCH Gamora.
Chocolate Works @ WeAreVenom Identity kept, bitches!
Shield Maiden @ LadySif I am Sif.
T’Challa’s babysitter @ GeneralOfWakanda ✔️ I am Okoye.
Logan @ Wolverine ✔️ I would reveal my identity, but I don’t know what it is myself.
Laura @ Wolverine2 ✔️ OMG DAD! You got your memories back, stop making amnesia jokes, they’re lame!
Logan @ Wolverine ✔️ This isn’t Private Messages sweetie
Laura @ Wolverine ✔️ FUCK
DannyRand @ AngstPuppy Iron Fist here!
notthedevil @ kurtthenightcrawler I’m blue, it’s not like I can hide?
Godda go feast @ Quicksilver Pietro Maximoff, Wanda’s twin brother.
Freshuricado @ WakandaHeadOfScience ✔️ Princess Shuri. I don’t have a hero name, but I sometimes fight with gauntlets, so...?
Best Grandma @ Gi-Ant-Man Scott Lang here, also known as Ant-Man!
The Wasp @ HopeVanDyne ✔️ Scott’s better half.
Quill chose my name @ trashpanda Rocket Raccoon. That’s my name, nothing else.
Iron Daughter @ Blueberry My name is Nebula Stark, Gamora’s sister.
Dr. Tony Stark @ youknowwhoiam ✔️ 😭😭😭🥰
bobby @ Iceman So... My identity wasn’t revealed, but... most mutants at the school don’t really hide their identities, so everyone knows who I am here? But I didn’t wanna get left out of the train, so I’m Bobby Drake. AKA Iceman
Unbreakable @ LukeCage I don’t have an alternate name?? Yet my identity was still secret somehow?? (Well, not anymore) I hate everyone’s blindness. No offence to someone though, you know who you are.
Drax @ Drax I am Drax!
Jessica Nones @ AliasInvestigations ✔️ I never hid, but I guess I’m finally advertising.
💚🔪💚@ Iammantis! Hello everyone! I am Mantis!
NAME WAS GIVEN BY DUMBASS BROTHER @ butiapprove The Invisible Woman. Sue Storm.
CHOSE MY OWN NAME @ FLAMEON The Human Torch. Johnny Storm
My name wasn’t chosen by me @ butitboostsmyego Mr. Fantastic. Reed Richards.
My name wasn’t chosen by me @ butitboostsmyego SIGH
So, quick note, the next people... Well, I haven’t got any confirmation that they’re ACTUALLY heroes. But I don’t wanna exclude anyone, and they might just be obscure vigilantes that I don’t know about, but they commented on the thread that only heroes were meant to, and it’s not like believing them to be heroes will get me hurt like it would on a mission if they were villains in disguise, so... I’m just going to trust them this time! __________
Anathema @ Device I’m Anathema Device, and I’ll be doing the technology side for Crowley, Aziraphale, and Newton Pulsifer.
Adam @ DEATHJR Kids of the Armageddon’t, unite! (Except Warlock, cuz he didn’t actually save anything) Adam Young here.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Brian here! (My mum says I can’t give out my last name until I hit 18, sorry for the lack of syncronity...)
Adam @ DEATHJR (It’s all cool Brian, not your fault!)
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR Well, most of us can unite, anyway... I miss Pep, even if she had a weird name that I’m pretty sure was fake, looking back on our childhood.
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR You wanna go, Wensly?
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Yeah, I’ll DM you three my number so we can catch up.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Is it really her though?
Adam @ DEATHJR Well, you DID forget to put your name down Wensly. Nice to see you again Pep!
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR But they could have just hacked your computer?
Adam @ DEATHJR If she did that, she would have called him Wenslydale, not just Wensly. She knew better.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR One way to find out. @ WARJR, say you’re name to us all within the next five minutes!
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Pippin Galadriel Moonchild, Pleb. Bow down to your missing member.
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR OMG, I’m legit crying you guys...
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR IT REALLY IS YOU!
Adam @ DEATHJR Glad to know you’re safe and sound, Pep. 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Puh-lease. You really think *I* could keep out of trouble?
Adam @ DEATHJR Glad to know you’re sound, Pep. 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Glad to be sound, Antichrist! 🖤 Still haven’t learnt what safety is tho... :P
Pestilance? @ POLLUTIONJR Pepper? Living a calm enough life to be SAFE? Wouldn’t dream of it. 🖤
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR Send me your number so I can cry while hearing your voice 🖤
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Sure, it’s in your DMs now, and Wensleydale? You were right. “Pippin Galadriel Moonchild” isn’t my real name.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR FUCKEN CALLED IT!
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR Think that’s bad? Remember how all that Stuff™ went down when we all were 11? Lies, I was 9.
Cuz common sense is the rarest resource @ FAMINEJR BUT YOU WERE IN OUR CLASS
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR OF COURSE I WAS YOU ASS! But nah... I ran away from home, hitchhiked, skipped the county, forged my ma’s signature to put me up for adoption, stole some adoption papers, and placed them on the mayor’s desk filled in, and as far as anyone was aware, I was now the daughter of the local hippie
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR I picked “Pippin Galadriel Moonchild” as my name because I was a massive nerd.
MY NAME IS AWESOME, FIGHT ME @ WARJR I’m an agent of Chaos.
Two Seconds Away From Giving Up @ JERomY Kid... __________
This thread wasn’t important, but... I just found it heartwarming that they found eachother after assuming Pepper was dead, and I found it funny. __________
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Okay, I have convinced all of the team to say their name and position. I even managed to get everyone to get matching Team Names, and put their superpower as their user! Only those with identities revealed will have to say their name, however.-OGLB
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL This account is run by two different ladybugs. If you don’t see a signature at the end of a post, it’s Bugette, the current Ladybug. If you do, it’s me, the last Ladybug. -OGLB
Cataclysm @ ChatNoirOFFICIAL My identity is still secret, suckers!
Like I’d tell you @ RenaRougeOFFICIAL Rude. Alya cesaire. I’m a retired hero, but doing my best every day to be once again worthy to wield a miraculous. I doubt it would be the same, however, as @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL is a much better fox than I am it seems.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL DM me -OGLB
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Alya! You were meant to put your special power in the user! :(
Like I’d tell you @ RenaRougeOFFICIAL I was going to, but then Viperion pointed out to me that our powers were too obvious by our special power name, and that the two of us in particular needed others to not be aware of what we can do to make us all safer.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL That is a very sound judgement! I’m glad you thought ahead and made the wise deciscion!
Your new goth gf @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL Rena, you’re a better fox than me, it just seems like that due to self-doubt. You are more suited to the fox than I am, it’s just that the fox is needed that I am even a holder at all. WHEN you get back on the team, I’ll either be retired or given another miraculous instead. I just have the better name.
SHELLter @ CarapaceOFFICIAL Not gonna say my name, but it’s pretty obvious if you pay attention, so just like... watch if you wanna know?
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ I used to be the best holder of the Bee Miraculous, but I gave it up to @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL, and they are acceptable.
Wenom, uwu @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL Thank you Chloé! I couldn’t ask for a better predecessor!
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ You are most welcome, HoneyBee!
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL Uhmm... Chloé? You were meant to put your power in the user, not your name. And everyone knows what you can do, so there’s no point hiding it from everyone. -OGLB
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ You misunderstand, Ladybug. As Chloé Bourgeois, I am well known for being rich and famous.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL And? -OGLB
Chloé Bourgeois @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL ✔️ Being rich IS my superpower.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL SMH -OGLB
BRB, Got sword homework @ RyukoOFFICIAL @ QueenBeeOFFICIAL @ HoneyBeeOFFICIAL I am Ryuko. While the previous Hawkmoth knew my identity, the new one does not. So I will remain in the shadows, as it is now safe for me to do so and wield once more.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL I thought we all agreed to put our powers in our users!!
BRB, Got sword homework @ RyukoOFFICIAL My skill with a blade is much more beneficial than my power over storms, I thought it more prudent to use the talent that I actually worked for. Besides, @ ChatNoirOFFICIAL sent me a meme, and it was enough to make me laugh in front of my mother, so I decided to use it.
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL DM me about how she reacted...
Miraculous @ LadybugOFFICIAL ^Same, and Chat, stop spamming our inboxes with memes! -OGLB
Pls don’t need me so I have to use it... @ ViperionOFFICIAL I am the Aforementioned Viperion. And yes, my weapon IS what you think it is. No-one knows who I am as of right now.
Your new goth gf @ NeurofoxinOFFICIAL My identity is a secret but my name is Neurofoxin.
Creation @ Ladybug Tikki here! The current active kwamis are going to sound off. Our usernames will be what we are the kwami of, and our @ s will be what animal we represent!
The ORIGINAL @ Catwoman Plagg here.
Creation @ Ladybug PLAGG!
The ORIGINAL (Destruction, THERE, HAPPY TIKKI!?!?) @ Catwoman UGH!
Avatar @ Fire Nation Dragon Well, since Plagg already broke the rules... Longg here. And I am technically not exactly breaking the rules..
Creation @ Ladybug See what you’ve caused?!
Emotional @ Peacock Duusu here!! :D
Intuition @ sassysnake Sass here.
Timey-Wimey @ BunnyIsLate Goodbye and Hello! I am Fluff, and I won’t be active on twitter often unless I will.
Trixx @ FoxyLad Technically, I’m also following the rules. 😎
;) @ Multiplication I know I just put my special ability down, but if I put my animal representative down (rat) I’ll ruin the joke... Mullo here.
Subjection @ Busylittleworkerbee I feel like I’m one of the few that still actually listens to Tikki... Pollen, at your service!
Y’all better be rich if you talk to me @ TransportationTeleportationHorse Just providing a friendly warning... Kaalki here, and I only interact with the best.
Protection @ Turtle Wayzz here, feeling like a fool since I decided following Tikki’s rule was a good idea. __________
These two groups seem like they work together? Or they’re both coincidently animal-themed, and I’m making connections when there are none. The next few are seemingly one-off people! __________
Caroline @ GLaDOS While I never saved the world myself, I saved the life of someone who did, and that should count for something.
Refined Pig @ Waddles ✔️ ((I know this is an account for my pet pig, but the creator of this account, me, has saved the world, and Waddles was there, along with my brother, @ ConspiracyTheorist))
The government isn’t the only one hiding the truth @ ConspiracyTheorist ✔️ You make me sound like a sidekick like I didn’t save your behind multiple times.
Danny Phantom’s cousin @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL Dani Phantom here! I save Amity Park, plus the world, and I’m cute to boot!
Red @ Huntress @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL is my sidekick, ignore her.
Danny Phantom’s cousin @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL Rude!
Danny Phantom’s cousin (Ghost Princess?) @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL You love me! 💙💚
Danny PHANTOM @ GhostKingOFFICIAL ✔️ I know you are using those for the color aesthetic, but I hope you know the blue heart represents loyalty, because you have absolutely none of that for me.
Danny Phantom’s cousin (Ghost Princess?) @ CALLHIMINVISOBILL True... How’d you even find this account anyway?
Danny PHANTOM @ GhostKingOFFICIAL ✔️ I know better than to not keep an eye on you. I’ve known for months. __________
And that’s all for now! I know we’re missing some, like Batman and my uncle, but they should be on by tomorrow. An update will be posted then!
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