#do I even deserve to have friends in the first place? probably not I'm annoying as hell I'm loud I'm too much I'm overwhelming everyone
eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
I recently feel so strange about having a simblr, because I just.. I feel like I'm in a time loop, like time is non-existent thing for me and I just don't have any energy to catch up with the posts and how fast and how much is everything progressing and going. I just can't, and it's really difficult for me to force myself to catch up, I hate myself for it since I want and always wanted to be in this community, but it all feels so intense and strange for me, I just... I feel like I'm so far behind, like I need to stop being here because I'm too slow, too tired, too overwhelmed by everything maybe?.. I don't know what I'm really trying to say here, but like... I feel so out of touch or whatever.
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postersofleon · 6 months
My Ex Girlfriend Is Still Hot
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Being recommended this place was good, apparently they can fix any vehicle at a cheap price, but it's not the cheapness that first attracted Leon into this place. It was seeing his ex-girlfriend covered in oil. It had been years since he had seen her, she looked older, but that that didn't reduce his love.
content: angst, fluff and smut
notes: afab fem!reader x leon, reader is divorced mom, mentions of leon's situation-ship with ada, reader is mean to leon (he kinda deserves it), fixing old relationships, baby!, leon is in love with the past, mentions of leon's unhealthy coping mechanisms. the smut is kinda fluffy. this took forever. rewriting and writing again. blah, anyways, minors, um, be care what you read. don't interact, the standard stuff, sorry. also, um, i don't know how this was. it felt rough, sorry. not prove read and... it's long
part one (here)
taglist: @argreion
He was tired. Leon couldn't deny that his 'exciting' life had bored him and broken him up. It was always issue one or issue two causing problems, but he won't think about it.
All he wanted to do now was fix his poor bike that got destroyed after his fight with Maria. His body was still sore from his body being infected, from his body being hit once again. He stepped out of Chris's truck and entered the garage to fix his favorite vehicle. A teenager was flicking through his phone; the kid was kind of covered by oil stains. Eh, he is willing to trust Claire's recommendations of fixing cars. The kid looked old enough, probably fourteen or fifteen to handle himself here.
"Um, hey." He put his hands on his jean pockets, Leon cleared his throat a bit, "I'm guessing you aren't the owner, huh?" The kid slowly looked up at Leon, he looked annoyed as hell to see him, "Duh." He put his phone back in front of his face. Leon cleared his throat again, "Well, is the owner here, kiddo?"
"Mom!" The kid yelped loudly.
Leon pursed his lips together. This kid had lungs. He heard boots approaching them, a woman appeared, "Sorry about the wait." Her hands grabbed a rag and cleaned her hands up. In that exact moment, Leon immediately recognized her- it felt like a one of those smacks he was used to. Her eyes went on the ground for a bit before looking at his eyes.
"So, how can I help you?" She put her hands on her waist. Leon swallowed his spit that was forming on the back of his throat, "Oh, I was..." What the hell? Was he returning back to his stupid roots when he was always awkward with women. He pressed his lips into a line, his mouth now felt dry as hell, "My bike... it needs to be fixed." Finally. Those poor words seemed to struggle to even pop out of his throat.
She nodded her head, "Yeah, can I see the... damage, jeez." Her eyes widen at the extent of the damage, pieces of the bike were dangling and sections of it was scrapped up and turned into a small balls of metal.
Did she recognize Leon?
Stupidly, that was he first question when she tilted her head to see the damage from bellow. She turned to see her... son. Gosh, Leon just connected the points that this kid was actually her son.
"Hey, bring me the gloves," She cleaned her already dirty hands with her black tank top, "There are on top of engine I just bought." With every word she spoke, Leon recalled how much he adored her.
The kid nodded his head and hurried to another room leaving Leon alone with you Her eyes met his, "Are you sure you wanna fix it up?" She put her hands on her waist, "Everything will have to be replaced, and..." Her eyes trailed off to the room where her kid went, "I can promise cheap, but this baby needs all whole bath on oils."
Leon nodded his head. "Yeah, it's one of my favorites."
She looked back at him, a certain similar twinkle was in her eyes, "Oh, curious, you have more?" Leon felt his heart freeze for a second, "Yeah," Leon muttered softly, "My friend, Claire made me like motorcycles." Leon knew it. He knows she recognizes him, but she making herself like she doesn't remember. Before he could comment her child came back with the gloves, she put them on and got on top of truck, she sat on the edges of the truck and moved the bike around.
"So, how much will it cost me?" Leon asked her.
"By the way you treated her, I want to say 100k, but," She jumped off, "You are lucky I have spare pieces everywhere in this shop. The engine, the clutch, the starting gear- everything got broken one way or another." She took off her gloves for a second, "So, it'll be 20 something. The bike looks from this year so it's pieces might be a little expensive or further on."
Leon nodded his head, "Y-yeah, okay."
Her kid and she got on top of the truck and carefully unloaded it to the ground. Leon swallowed, seeing her get dirty was something he never expected from her. Leon helped her down this time, her hands grabbed his arms to assure a safe fall. "It'll take a while to patch her up." She said. Leon smiled, "You do remember me." He whispered.
She rolled her eyes, "You..." She fell into his trap. Trusting his hands on her body would be a red flag to anyone, but for her... it was normal. Seventeen years without seeing each yet, his touch was normal... still normal. "I hate you, Leon Scott Kennedy." She pushed his hands off her waist. Leon tsked his tongue, "I know you do." He can't even deny it. Yet there was a nice feeling. That sense of comfort he never apparently lost.
She gave him her back, "I'll finish the motorcycle as soon as I can." She muttered softly. Leon felt his body hurt, this feeling was always so familiar. The bittersweet feeling of appreciation. Leon stepped forward without thinking, "I'm sorry." He muttered softly. She gave him the finger.
Leon clenched his jaw. "Are you married?" Leon muttered again in his low voice. "I'm sorry for touching you-"
"I'm not married, and my status shouldn't matter to you." She snapped back. Leon nodded his head. He used to not super care if married women threw themselves at him, but hearing those words made a huge pillow to the fall. Hearing her angry was something Leon barely heard from her. But that's what happens when you just leave.
Her son kept an eye on Leon now.
"Is the kid mine?" He whispered softly.
All he was met with was a witch's laugh, you couldn't stop laughing at his utter audacity. "Y, you think I would just have your child and not tell you?" You turned around, you couldn't even see him in this exact second, but it was your job now tying you to him. You could reject fixing his motorcycle. Though, that will make you weak. He left and you are still crying over the past.
"When I heard about what happened in Raccoon City, I thought you died," You licked your lips, the nerves were shaking every detail of your mind, "Not even a letter, a phone call, a fax." Your hands went towards your face and gently rubbed the veins that were slowly popping. "I waited for two years. You know, like a fucking idiot."
The shop was silent. Everyone couldn't look at each other and... once again your dumb feelings got in the way.
"Then, I find out you saved the president's daughter. That was the only damn news I got from you and it was thanks for the government." You turned around angrily. Finally, those tears began to form under your eyes, it was frustrating seeing that idiot with a smile. You only knew Raccoon City got infected, you knew they bombed it and after nothing. Maybe you were selfish. But... didn't you have that right?
Those feelings. Those damn feelings.
"What was the reason's name?" You asked softly.
Leon blinked.
"What was the person who stole your heart? Made you forget about the people you knew in college? The people in our town?"
Leon swallowed. Would you even understand what he went through? Seeing those mountains of dead bodies forming because he accidentally helped Ada? He wanted to help people so badly that he had forgotten the life he once lived. He was a hockey player who lived with his grandmother until she died when he was nineteen. Yet... was he even that guy anymore?
Apparently, the only person who knew him from the past was you. Only you.
"If I tell you, you won't believe me." Leon sighed, his blue eyes met yours, and a sad smile appeared in his lips. "A little girl named Sherry." He crossed his arms against his chest.
"Yeah, was that an excuse to never call for the last couple of years?" You retorted back. "Leon, you didn't leave for a couple of days or weeks. You were gone for six years until I knew you were alive and another couple of more years happened. You left for seventeen years."
All those years passed, yet Leon couldn't stop looking at you. He nearly forgot your details. Even if you are angry with him, he is happy to remember your face and your voice.
"Sorry." Apparently, that made you angry. You didn't mean to, but sometimes you didn't know how much you dealt with him.
You refused many times to see him as you fixed his bike, and Leon was trying to fix what he broke. He wanted to ask about your child, who just played with his phone and sometimes helps.
He wanted to ask about your old marriage.
Leon just sat down beside your son, "So, your mom-"
"Not talking to you." The kid immediately said. Leon nodded his head, "About your mom or about everything?" Leon asked politely.
Great. This kid is stubborn. Leon began to tap his thighs, he can try to ease up the kid and get what he wanted. What do kids think is cool? Gun? Zombies? That was Leon's life in a nutshell. "Alright, I'll tell you about me." He sighed softly. "I'm Leon Scott Kennedy. I was born in 1977, my parents died in a car crash, and I was raised by my grandma." Wow, he truly barely spoke about his past until now.
"I met your mom in high school, but I properly knew her when I went to her work." He could easily now remember how you asked for orders, and Leon mumbled a shy, "Milkshake."
"She... she wasn't my first love, but she slowly turned into my first." Leon sighed softly. He smiled. He couldn't get rid of those feelings, but that sad feeling came into his mind. She was his first love, and he nearly forgot about her.
"When I went to Raccoon City, I thought about your mom. She thinks I didn't, but I did." He muttered softly. He leaned back to the chair, "But once you see your first death, it's not even a normal death," Leon chuckled bitterly, "A zombie eating a person up. Zombies are trying to desperately kill you." He clenched his jaw as he thought about his shitty life.
"I know I should've called. I should've called her and told her I was fine, but I wanted to be a hero so badly. I volunteered to be one of their guys to be trained..." He closed his eyes. He could've just gone home. Gone back to your arms and forget, but it was too late to defend himself.
"I had a girlfriend - Ada, when I was in that life." Leon muttered softly, "I was desperately trying to search your mom in her." Poor Ada. Having to deal with his dumb issues, he caused himself.
"I got angry at her for not being her. I remember when she betrayed me, I was shocked because I knew your mother would never." He rubbed gently his wrist.
The kid turned to see Leon. It's as if Leon could feel the judgment of the kid, "I don't know what to say." The boy turned off his phone.
Leon nodded his head, "Your mom is allowed to hate me." He whispered softly, "I fell in love with another woman that wasn't her yet I begged her to be... her." Leon rubbed his mouth firmly. He wanted to shut the hell up. He didn't want this kid to actually have a valid reason to hate him.
"Don't be like me, kid." Leon muttered softly.
"Wasn't planning on it."
He heard footsteps and saw a guy with silver hair, "Um, hi." Leon crossed his legs. The kid groaned. Before Leon could wonder why your kid would groan at him, the kid muttered the word, "Dad, what are you doing here?"
What? This is the guy you married?
"Don't give me that look, it's the weekend, it's time for you to be with your dad."
Your son stood up. "I'll tell mom-" Before your son could mutter another word, you were already near the door. "Yeah," You forced a smile, "Don't worry about me, kiddo. Just go with dad. You have fun with him." You kissed your son's cheek. The son stood up straight and went outside with his father. Leon and you were only in your shop.
He sighed and you groaned.
"I didn't say anything." Leon defended himself. You turned to see him, "I know, I know your little mind is trying to figure out my life." You turned away from Leon and looked as your child left with his father. Your hands fumbled nervously to your pants' pockets, "The bike is almost done." You whispered softly.
Leon swallowed weakly, "T-that's good."
A small pregnant pause made the two think your life's. Thinking it through in all those picky details that you once not thought about. You are happy with your life, yet you wondered what would've happened if Leon stayed. Leon wasn't happy, but he accepted those details. He thought about him probably being the divorced husband. It was a bitter thought. You deserved a person who would stay with you. Not an unstable guy who was a functional alcoholic until now.
Leon stood up silently and looked at you.
You saw him.
"I'm sorry for leaving." He whispered softly.
"For fuck's sake," You laughed bitterly feeling all those same emotions, "I doubt you missed me, but I missed you." Leon's hands cupped your face, he didn't mind the oils or anything anymore. Sure, his ex girlfriend is still hot, but she looked so beautiful right now.
"I wished I did miss you, but I know I would've been worse." Leon muttered softly. He couldn't even imagine him living his life. He already hated his shitty life and remembering he failed you. But... he still did fail you.
Leon's eyes soften, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He leaned to finish the gap and kissed you. The kiss felt desperate from the two of you. You held him tightly as his lips moved against yours, very politely put his tongue between you two. You slowly pulled away from the kiss; the small feeling of feeling pathetic grew. So many years away from each other, yet his hands belong in your hips.
"I'm dirty." You whispered softly.
His heart clenched. He felt so stupid loving you even more with that simple mutter. "A date." Leon held your hands with his. "I need a date with you. Just you and me."
You couldn't help but laugh a bit.
Was it bad that nothing really changed between you two?
The date was in your house. You doubt this date will grow into a relationship, and it would be foolish if it did. Leon was still wearing a normal jacket and shirt underneath it. You prepared food and you two ate. He asked about your child, you answered, but you couldn't ask him about his life outside of you. He didn't want to make you know.
You washed the dirty dishes as Leon looked at you.
What if...
A married couple just enjoying time with each other, holding and appreciating each other. Leon sighed softly, "I love you." He whispered softly. "Thanks." You laughed softly. Your hands felt nervous, trembling a bit as they grabbed the rag to dry up the dishes. You had a question and you hoped he'll answer it.
"Who is Ada?"
Leon's breathing stopped, "Ada?" You heard his conversation with your kid. Your eyes fell down, "Was she important?"
He didn't like the next words coming to his mouth, "Yes, she was." Leon won't lie about that. Ada was the most normal thing in his life. Ada was more in his life than you ever were. You temporarily closed your eyes and felt the small buzzing feeling in your heart.
"I was truly stupid one, huh? Waiting for you." You turned to see Leon.
Leon looked down at his lap. He didn't know how to comfort you, and it felt like a horrible task.
The last time he saw you came into his mind.
You were kissing him repeatedly, and less than twenty-four hours, Ada Wong kissed him, and he couldn't say anything. It wasn't his fault for failing you there. But what came after... it was his fault.
"I fucked up." Leon forced himself to look at you, "I know I did, but you having your child. Having a life without me," Leon stood up, "Don't regret that." In the end, he got what he deserved. Then, for a moment, the idea of you being in Raccoon City, you dying... He would've hated himself even more.
Leon caressed your face again, "Please, I don't want you to regret your life."
"I just hate you." You mumbled pathetically.
"Then, hate me."
Leon and you looked at each other for a while. Before you can say anything else, Leon dropped to his knees and unbuttoned your jeans. "Hate me." His hands rubbed gently your thighs, the softness of your body remained, and he loved it. Being between your thighs was his heaven. He always thought of that. His tongue licked them a bit, and he gently opened your legs open and looked up at you.
Your breath was shakey for a bit before he licked your pussy. His breath and a bit of his teeth was felt, you shivered weakly, but he made the feelings grow a bit more. His hands traced your butt and went underneath your underwear to hold you tightly. His tongue slowly began to lick your folds, gently flicking his tongue in your opening.
"Leon-" Your voice was a different tone of pathetic.
Leon felt himself growing. Your taste... God, your taste... Leon looked up at you again and grasped your butt harsher.
He sucked a bit on your clit. He needed you so badly. You were his first love. You were his first everything.
His hands slowly pulled down your panties. He wanted to avoid crude language in a way. He wanted this to be romantic. He licked a line in your opening. His tongue flirted with your opening until the tip of his tongue was inside of you. You gasped weakly, "Leon..."
Your arousal made Leon grab you harsher. Holding you tightly as his tongue flicked in and out of you. Sucking your pussy and feeling safe again. Your legs almost failed you, and he grabbed you. His tongue moved a bit, sucking and licking your pussy. A small growl escaped his lip, licking your cunt was his only goal right now. You gasped weakly. You couldn't speak properly, but all Leon did was shoved himself deeper.
Your hands grabbed his hair, "Le- Leon." You gasped.
He looked at you, "I love you." Leon muttered softly before kissing you gently. He stood up and held you. "I love you." He kissed your cheek gently. Your eyes closed tightly, feeling exposed, "Can we go to my room?" You asked. Leon nodded his head, he lifted you up in ease. You kicked down your jeans and panties, you needed to remember to pick those up later. Leon walked upstairs, his eyes were focused on you and on his destination.
Slowly and gently placed you on the bed, Leon smiled at the view, "Always beautiful." He muttered softly.
Your head turned away, your cheeks were feeling that flushing sensation. All your blood was on your face with those simple words.
Leon grinned. His fingers quickly unbuttoned his jeans. His hands rubbed his cock, "Do, do you have a condom?" Leon asked softly. You shook your head, you haven't had a one night stand for so long that you didn't have the things ready.
He pouted, "Guess we are doing the college route." The quick fuck and the slip it out.
Leon slid down his boxers, his hands grabbed his cock, "I got better with the pull out." He promised you.
"Sure." You couldn't help but chuckle.
He pressed the tip of his cock on your folds. Leon bit on his lower lip and rubbed his pre cum around your clit. You whined, "L-Leon..." Leon growled softly, "Missed my pretty girl." His cock moved around your folds until he pressed it against your clit. The pre cum was spilling pathetically, Leon's free hand grabbed your hip that kept twitching.
Slowly, the tip of his cock opened you up. Your hole was ready for him, he pushed himself deep and deep. Slow and gentle for you.
It had been a while since you slept with someone. Your hands patted your bed and grabbed your covers, "Fuck." Even your voice was pathetic. A pathetic whine that made Leon growl, he pushed his hips until all of him was in you. Your warmth made him want to cum. "I love you." Leon whispered softly.
He began to move, his hips moved away and in; Leon leaned close to you and gasped his air into your lips. His hands caressed your thighs and forced them a bit more open, Leon wanted you.
Leon was never meant to be a rough lover. His stupid life made his mind think everything was cruel, but your whines made him want him to nicer. Leon's eyes met yours. His hips moved faster. Those small facial reactions, your eyes wanting to close and the way your nose twitched a bit.
His hands gently folded your legs against your stomach.
Those small sexual noises were small plops. His hand grabbed your face and caressed your cheeks and neck. He was gone for so long and...
"Why- why are you crying?" You asked.
Leon didn't even notice it. He smiled, "I, I d-don't know." His hand traveled down your hips and caressed your stomach. The new and old details of your skin just made him miss you despite having you close.
Your hands caressed his cheeks and pulled him close. Those gentle kisses were he can melt and turn into nothing. His thrusts turned faster now, he sucked your bottom lip and pulled away. "I need you." Leon muttered weakly. His hands grabbed your hips and thrusted faster. You grabbed the back of his head, "I need you too." You agreed with his words.
Was it lust? Was it the painful feeling of being separated away?
This felt odd. Even the sex you once shared with each other never felt this desperate.
He wasn't going to pull out. His empty promise showed more as he growled weakly, "I have to..." Leon looked at you again and kissed you. His tongue entered your mouth, he licked evert detail... begging. Needing.
Leon groaned and finally came. You hissed softly as you finished as well. He didn't know what else to do but hug you. He didn't want to leave anymore.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Do you write for justice League? If you do, can I request a male!teen!reader who’s part of. The batfamily and a vigilante and Bruce has to take them to a justice league meeting or somthing and the justice league just absolutely loves them?
Oh hell yeah. This is just screams fluff for me. Also, I wrote just for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Green Lantern and Flash, kind of based from the many animated films.
Summary: (Y/N) was grounded and Bruce couldn't let him out of his sight. The League adored him.
Warnings: maybe comedy? maybe crack? fluff, reader is grounded, Bruce is trying to parent, League adores (Y/N).
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Batman didn't want to bring (Y/N) to this meeting, but he had no choice. (Y/N) was grounded and he couldn't be left supervised, but the problem was, everyone already had plans, leaving Bruce high and dry.
" Listen (Y/N), you are only here because nobody can supervise you. " Batman said as they stepped through the Zeta tubes.
" I know, you have said it a million times before we got here. What am I going to do here? Mess your reports up? " (Y/N) asked, clearly annoyed in the first place.
" Well, I can't trust that you won't sneak out of the house, so you are coming to a place where you can't escape. "
(Y/N) rolled his eyes and huffed at that. He hated this. Just because he snuck out of the house once, just once, to see his friend who was in the hospital and just because he borrowed Bruce's cheapest car, he was grounded.
Complete and utter bullshit, according to (Y/N). Okay, did he break a couple of rules? Yes. Did he deserve to be stripped away from his phone, laptop and patrol for 2 weeks? Absolutely not.
" For the record old man, that was the first time. " (Y/N) said for the millionth time again.
" That I know off. " Bruce dryly, making (Y/N) take a deep breath.
" I'm done with this, I'm going back home. " (Y/N) said turning back on his heel and started walking back to the tubes.
" (V/N), get back here or I will prolong it from 2 weeks to 2 months. " Batman threatened, making (Y/N) stop. Bruce heard a sigh and the teen turned around, walking back to Bruce.
He crossed his arms as Superman walked up to them.
" Hey Batman, who is this? "
" This is my son, goes by (V/N). He is here because he is grounded and there is no one to supervise him. " Batman explained shortly to Superman who shook his hand with (Y/N)'s.
" Welcome to the League! You can stay in the common area for the younger heroes if you want to. You have some snacks and food in there. " Superman said, pointing at the doors to the left.
" Sure. " (Y/N) shrugged off, clearly pissed.
" What did he do? " Superman asked as (Y/N) got out of ear shot.
" He snuck out and stole my car. " Batman said, already walking to the meeting room.
" Oh my God. "
" Yes, now can we focus at the meeting at hand? " Batman asked as he walked in, making Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash and Cyborg turn their heads.
" Why are you annoying him Clark? " Wonder Woman asked, watching as Batman took his position at the table.
" Batman brought his son here. "
Every single head whipped towards Superman.
" What? " Green Lantern asked.
" Yup. He is here because he is grounded. Want to know what he did?"
" Superm- "
Everyone in the room said yes. Bruce sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
" He snuck out and stole his car. " Superman said, making the others laugh.
" Okay, is that really the reason to ground him? If he is teen, then you only live once. " Green Lantern questioned, standing up. " Also, I want to meet him. "
" Abso- "
" Follow me everybody! " Superman announced happily. Bruce was going to commit a crime.
Everyone left the conference room in a hurry. Bruce just walked slowly.
(Y/N) looked at the room. It was big, with a big sofa and with a probably even bigger TV. There was also a kitchen where (Y/N) assumed snacks and drinks were. He walked over the room, just bored.
He didn't want to watch the news, he wasn't hungry or thirsty and there was nothing he could do here that will entertain him for hours, because knowing his father he would want to go over everything and be far too... Over the top.
He was confused when the doors opened. Are they done already?
" Oh my God, he is adorable! " Wonder Woman said, making (Y/N) wonder what the hell happened.
" Guys, this is (V/N). " Superman introduced, making the others lose their minds.
" When did you plan on telling us about him? " Green Lantern asked Batman who walked in. Green Lantern walked up to the young vigilante.
" Never. You don't need to know every single thing about my life. " Batman replied in his gruff voice.
" Oh Batman, you dared to hide this adorable creature from us. " Wonder Woman said, hugging (Y/N).
(Y/N) was more than confused as hell. What about the meeting?
" What is going on? " (Y/N) asked, trying to find Batman amongst the heroes.
" Also, I don't think you should have been grounded. You are teenage boy, you only live once. " Green Lantern added.
Batman just turned his head too look at Green Lantern. He gave him a blank stare.
" Well, it seems that this meeting isn't going anywhere. Lets go (V/N)."
Wonder Woman let (Y/N) go and he followed Bruce back to the Zeta tubes.
" You need to bring him more often! " Superman said before they left. Bruce rolled his eyes and just rubbed his face. They were back in the manor and (Y/N) took his mask off.
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laroserie · 8 months
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— characters : Alastor, + the hotels residents (vague mention - expect for Charlie)
— content : x gender neutral reader - reader is a baker, reader is naive (for a sinner), Alastor manipulate reader into coming to the hotel, Alastor is Alastor but he's also OOC (kinda but uh who write canon Alastor anyways)
— author note : this is the second part of an (potentially yandere!) alastor x baker reader - the first part is here (also the words count is : 1.7k ) (saying that because i outdid myself lol) (also yes i know Alastor canonically do not like tea idc this mf is gonna drink tea) ++ honestly considering doing a third part because I have so much more to say and write about this
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After Alastor came back from his seven years hiatus and he came for at your bakery again, he could come so often, like once every two days.
But it could take him a while to make a 'move', try to get closer to you or talk to you about the hotel but one day, he comes to your bakery and asks for an unusual amount of pastries. You don't comment on it as it's not your place - you are just a simple baker ! But you can't help but raise an eyebrow.
Alastor meant to talk to you about the hotel, not because he wanted you to reedem yourself or because he wanted to do it for Charlie - well maybe a little but he won't admit it - but more or less to keep an eye on you. By then, he isn't sure as to why he wants to keep an eye on you - his assumption is that he feels the same way toward you as he does toward Rosie. He sees you as a friend but not quite - you are the sweet baker who makes quite good pastries and you are by far one of the less annoying sinners he ever spoke to. But he feels some kind of protectiveness over you - probably because he sees you as quite meek and weak.
So obvious what could be better than inviting you to stay at the hotel ? A place where he can both protect and keep on eye on you at -nearly- all time.
Alastor took this opportunity, 'These aren't all for me, dear. They are for ... my friends ?' he started while you were wrapping up what he purchased, 'You see ... Have you heard of the Hazbin Hotel ?' he asks.
'Uhm ... The hotel run by the princess ? Yeah I've seen a bit of talk about it, why ?'
'Well ! I am the facility manager of that, hotel ! And the ... pastries are for my fellows workers and residents.' He stopped for a second to gauge your reaction to that information - which was a simple nod and a 'ohh' - he continued. 'Hm, the goal of the hotel is to help sinners redeem themselves ... could you be by chance interested ?'
This question probably takes you by surprise. By then you already finished packing Alastor order - you push it toward him on the counter. You respond hesitantly 'Ha, well ... Is it possible ? To even redeem yourself ... ?' Your smile falter a bit and you look in the void for a bit. 'I don't think redemption is for me ... If I'm here it mean I deserve it and that it's already too late ...' Alastor didn't fully expect you to react like this - he did expect that you could say 'no' at first but not that.
'But ! Anyways, there is your order, enjoy !' You said trying to end the conversation there. But alas Alastor was not the type to give up so easily.
He took his order but continued on, 'If you couldn't mind dear, please just come and visit once, to be truthful, we haven't had a whole lot of sinners coming, you just simply visiting could be wonderful, and you could help bring Charlie mood up, oh and you both could get along so well !' As he finished his sentence he turned and walked toward the door and threw you a 'Goodbye!'.
Alastor knew you enough to know that he could pull at your heart strings to get what he wanted - you were always the sensitive type, the type to care even about strangers. He was sure that he could see you 'visit' in the near future.
And well he was right ! A mere three days after you found yourself at the doorstep of the hotel. You had been waiting for a few minutes already - you were still debating on entering or just turning on your hells and going back home.
But before you could do anything the hotel door in front of you opened in a big 'slam'. And once again before you could do anything, you were dragged into the hotel in a very enthusiastic manner.
'Hello !! Are you interested in the hotel ?' A cheerful voice asked you, as she dragged you into the hall, you recognised quite easily who is was - the owner of the hotel - Charlie Morningstar. It wasn't your first time seeing her, but it was your first time seeing her up close. You had to restrain a laugh at her over-enthusiasm, you didn't want be irrespectful toward the princess of hell.
'Good morning, I am simply visiting as it was recommended by ... a friend of mine.' You saw her be a bit disappointed hearing that. 'Oh. Is there anyways you could I don't know change your mind ? Maaaaybe ?' She asked.
You a small smile appeared on your face 'Maybe. If your convincing is good enough.'
Charlie took it as a challenge, she started by showing you around the hotel, and then made you meet the residents - you spoke a bit with everyone - at the exception of Alastor how was visiting his friend in Cannibal Town. To say you were surprised knowing that the two sole residents of the hotel were one of the biggest pornstar of hell and somekind of mad inventor could be an understatement. The staff of the hotel was also something - you knew already Niffty and Husk having heard about them from Alastor and you saw and spoke with Husk a few times when he picked up orders at your bakery for Alastor. And then there was Vaggie, she seemed to be quite suspicious of you and it feel like she could gut you out as soon as you do something wrong.
By the end of the day, Charlie asked you once again if you wanted to join the hotel - you struggled to answer her - a part of you seriously started to consider joining the hotel and trying to get redeem but the other one was still wary of the idea.
But you asked her if you could come every once in a while to visit and she was overjoyed by it - you didn't join the hotel but it was still an advances to have someone visit the hotel.
You did end up visiting the hotel a lot - at some point you could come once a week - you ended up befriending most people from the hotel.
One of those day, most of the hotel residents were out - only Alastor and Niffty were at the hotel. Niffty was running around chasing cockroachs - you were having tea with Alastor.
Alastor had finally decided to move to the next steps of his plan - to have you under his grip. He started by asking you a few questions about how you felt about the hotel.
'I told you, you could get along with Charlie !' You nodded as you sipped on a cup of tea. 'Are you thinking of joining the hotel officially ?' You sighed and shake your head, 'Alastor, you already know my answer ...'
'Are you sure dear ? I truly think it could be beneficial for you to join.' He persisted. 'But, I have a bakery to run, I, I have responsibility.'
'You can continue to run your bakery while being a resident here darling ! Honestly, why don't you want to ? Please don't tell me you seriously believe you cannot be redeem, we all know that it's not true. You by far one of the most ... redeemable sinner there is' Alastor tone of voice was serious - the atmosphere shifted and suddenly the way you were sitting became uncomfortable. 'Alastor please ... Don't.' You managed to utter, your looked down at the cup between your hands.
'What, I am simply saying the truth. I am just asking you to enlighten me as to why you don't think you should at least try to redeem yourself and join heaven.' You looked up to see Alastor with his usual smile plastered on his face - it felt wrong, you felt yourself crack. 'There is no real reasons to be frank, I just know that it's not possible, that it's not right ...'
Alastor shacks his head, 'If you don't do it for yourself please do it for Charlie, you both are dear friends now right ? Couldn't you like to make her happy by becoming a resident and attempting to cleanse yourself of your sins ? Ah, it could even make me happy ...' He pulled out the last card in his deck - once again he knew that playing with your feelings could be the easiest way to get you to stay - and so he did.
He could see you hesitate a bit, 'Are you sure ...? What if she learn that I don't believe in it truly ? I do not wish to be hypocritical ... isn't that a sin itself ?' Alastor laughed a little hearing you, 'You shouldn't worry about that darling. The important thing is the end result - not how you got it. Who cares if you aren't honest ? And if it's stay between the two of us, Charlie will never know.' You took a few minutes to think - weighting the pros and cons.
You sighed and nodded your head, 'Sure, I mean what could go wrong ... ha.'. Alastor smiles 'Exactly dear !', he took a sip of tea, 'Now, shall we do the paperwork now ?', he didn't wait for an answer and just pulled out a stack of papers and a pen out of Satan know here and slided them toward you.
You didn't brother to question him and just took the pen in hand, 'Do I really need to read all of that ?' you said pointing to the small toward of papers in front of you, 'Oh of course no, it's just good 'ol paperwork, you don't need to read anything ! Just sign the bottom of each pages and ... we should be good.' you probably didn't notice the way his smiles twisted as he uttered those words or if you did you just preferred to not question it.
Looking back you probably should have - it could have saved you from the collar and leash attached to your neck and the overall pain that was having your soul being owned by Alastor - with the added layer of being a full time resident of the hotel.
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fictionalgap · 5 months
I Hate My Coworker (Chapter 3)
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Pairing: Modern Au! Barista! Kit Thantalos x Barista! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Tension, Kit and reader is 18+
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Song Recommendation: Hatred (A Duet) - Kinks
You were absolutely mad at yourself.
Not because you have just made it with that Thantalos girl but you also liked it.
And now you cant stop thinking about it.
"I wanted a bagel with cheese, this one doesn't have any ın it. " annoyed customer complained.
"Sorry. I'll get you a cheese bagel." You took the tray from the customer with a tight lipped smile. You took the bagel and put it into the microwave.
It has been five minutes since you both leave the toilet.
"Where is the toilet?" The same woman asked.
Toilet. Where you and Kit did it. You did it with someone for the first time and it was with Kit and it was in a f*cking toi-
"It's upstairs. It will be on your left. " Kit explained.
"Your friend is really a ditz." She had a mocking smile.
"Hey! You can't talk to her like that! " She said furiously. The woman ignored her comment as she went upstairs. You felt Kit breathing through her nostrils as you came into the real world.
"Don't do that. " You still felt mortified.
"Do what? " She raised her brows.
"Talk back for me."
Kit's face furrowed as she grasp your words.
She looked like a kicked puppy and you regretted what you have just said.
Joseph came downstairs with lots of dishes to be washed.
"Here you go, ladies." He sighed then looked at you both with a raised brow.
"What's this? "
"What? " Kit raised her head.
"It's like you argued again but you don't want to tear each other's throats this time."
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
He waited for you to say something but when he couldn't get anything from both of you he said "Well, I'll get to work then. " He said as he left.
Kit was thinking of something as she placed the dishes in front of the sink. You both started to do the dishes as there were no new customers in the shop.
"I'm sorry I talked back for you."
"It's okay. I might have overreacted."
She chuckled.
You looked at her. "What? "
"What were you thinking about when you zoned out and before? "
You blushed at her question. "Nothing."
"Nothing my *ss." She leaned into your ear and whispered. "I've just f*cked you stupid, didn't I? " She said cockily.
You looked around to make sure no one is looking and then you kicked her right boob with your elbow and she backed away with pain. She almost dropped the plate in her hands. She had good reflexes. You saw her almost dropping things only to catch it again. She even catched a mug you almost have dropped.
You giggled hard as you cleaned the mug in your hands.
You saw her clenching her jaw.
You bit your lip and tried not to laugh to not get attention from customers.
"What the fuck, Y/N!" Kit asked angrily.
"You kinda deserved it... with your comment I've never asked for. " You snapped back.
"This is harassment you know. I can report it. "
"Oh yeah, what about the emotional harassment I am dealing for a month. "
She looked at you like you said the world is flat. "You are the one who started it. "
You sighed. She was right.
You turned to her. You wanted to tell her you hated her mother and her company for taking away your favorite place in the world, your memories of your parents which is slowly fading away. You wrote them in detail of course. Every memory in detail in your journal. You kept the photos of you three too but it never compared to being there. Exactly where your parents are.
It wasn't her fault. She probably even didn't know about the parks but you couldn't help but thought of those things when you looked at her.
You didn't know what to tell her.
"I just... I don't like your mom. " You managed to say it and then the door opened and a new customer approached towards your direction.
Kit's mouth dropped in confusion.
You took the order of the customer and started working on their order.
You felt her eyes on you the whole time.
The day finally ended so right now Kit and you were both free. Joseph let you go earlier. He wanted to stay for some arrangements.
You never spoke after your confession about Kit's mom.
You grabbed your backpack as you left the shop but you felt someone pulling you to the left. You grabbed you pepper spray to temporarily blind whoever that is.
The person grabbed your wrist and twist it to the side before you can use the spray.
It was Kit.
Your mouth hanged open.
Her smile met her eyes. "You gotta be faster than that."
You freed you wrist from her hands with an annoyed look. You put the spray back into your pocket and crossed your arms.
"What is your problem? "
Kit looked at the floor than to you before changing her posture and making herself taller than you.
She cleared her throat. "I have a question. "
"Go on." You were confused.
"You mentioned you don't like my mum. Why?"
Your hurt was visible on your face.
"It's a long story. "
"I have time. "
"It's getting late. "
You rolled your eyes.
"Fine but I can't be late to home. My grandma would go nuts. So either you come with me or you'll have to wait."
Kit's face lightened up.
"Okay... but will your grandma be okay with me being at your house? "
"Don't worry about that. "
You knew she would be delighted.
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wickedcriminal · 5 months
HELLO AGAIN I'm glad to see you got my ask (it was important to me that you knew how much I ADORE this au) but now I've just gone back through the tag, I have some questions, if you don't mind! There's a good chance you've answered some of them before but I wanted to ask anyway:
First of all: with both Snotlout's being one character, and in Elder's age group, how does that work with some of the book specific scenes where Snotlout is being cruel to Hiccup during training (as the older ones have already gone through pirate training)?
Also slightly related: are either Adelaide or Gustav in Younger's pirate training programme or is it just the book people we hear about?
Also also slightly related (and you can tell I have a bit of a theme to my questions): what is Adelaide and Snotlout's relationship like? And what is Adelaide like full stop since she's barely mentioned in the books after all, so if you do have anything characterisation wise, that would be quite cool?
So Snotlout basically did all the book bullying to Elder back when they were both in the Pirate Training Program, (including the sabatoge and attempted parricide,) and he continued to do it through the Dragon Training Program and up until Elder saved everyone from the Red Death. Ever since starting the Dragon Academy, Elder has been receiving much more respect from his peers, and Snotlout has been having to draw back on the bullying to save face. Elder and he still have that chief-heir rivalry, of course, and it becomes a gag that Snotlout casually tries to kill him and Elder rolls his eyes like "oh, you" and then everyone laughs it off. Through RTTE he'll mellow out, and by the time of HTTYD 2, the murder theme will pretty much be gone with Snotlout having begrudgingly become real friends with Elder.
As for Adelaide!! I made a post about her a few years ago, but I decided I wanted to give her a bit of an update since I found a better slot for her in the larger story! (And also because I wanted to redesign her agahagah)
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Adelaide is indeed in the Pirate Training Program! She pretty much becomes Younger's book!Snotlout, sans the murderous tendencies. Unlike Snotlout, Adelaide has nothing to gain from killing her Hiccup, but she has seen Snotlout heckle Elder enough times for her to mirror that onto Younger. Taking book!Snotlout's place also gives her all of his book lackies, like Dogsbreath! (Gustav is also a Pirate and one of her lackies, though he's less of a bully to Minicup and Fish and moreso just a mild annoyance 😂)
Adelaide and her friends' usual up-tos around Berk include sailboat racing, hunting rats and fish with their hunting dragons, basheyball, and other mischievous preteen activities (though never quite as destructive as what the Thorston twins get up to.)
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Adelaide's relationship with Snotlout is amicable enough, though they probably bicker thrice as much as the Hiccups normally would. Snotlout likes to embarass Adelaide around the other Pirates and it annoys her to no end, but despite this (and she'd never say it to his face) she's often heard praising Snotlout up and down for being the coolest person ever. She likes to taunt Younger about how her cool and awesome big brother is gonna clobber his wimpy crybaby big brother. Even after Elder defeats the Red Death, she still has a habit of talking him down in favor of Snotlout, and continues to do so even through Race to the Edge and HTTYD 2.
She'd get some skull tattoos in RTTE, and her riding dragon would be the Devilish Dervish that Snot had in the books! I also wanted to give her a unique weapon, so she uses a flail mace!
Her role gets bigger from book 9 onward, as she and Snotlout's relationship with each other as well as their differing thoughts about who deserves to be King become extremely relevant.
Let's just say she's got a good throwing arm.
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
do whichever you want, I dont care lol
zenitsu agatsuma
Leo valdez
tanjirou kamado
grover underwood
they are put in order of how much I simp for them
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A/N: I'm going to assume you want x reader because yeah lmaooo but since his birthday is today, I figured I'd do our favorite Uncle Leo hahahah Here's the masterlist!!
Warning(s): Cursing, mentions of being burned, blood, crying, you are Leo are best friends, angst with a happy ending, Leo is in love and doesn't realize it bahaha, reader is unclaimed, people be shit talking, there's no timeline for this, just insert it where you want lmao, reader is gn but is written with f!reader in mind, usage of Y/N, Leo refers to you as an angel
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Reader
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•────•°•❀•°•───── ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ─────•°•☁︎•°•────•
Aw fuck.
Leo may or may not have royally messed up. Like a ton.
He didn't even know how it happened, because one moment he's walking through Camp Halfblood with you, his best friend in the entire world, and the next, he overhears some bastards talking shit about you and he just...snaps.
"Ugh who'd you get on your team for capture? Can't believe Mr. D thought it would be a good idea to split up the cabins and 'mix and match'"
"Yeah it's honestly super dumb- I'm not complaining though, I've got Annabeth."
"You're just lucky- I got Y/N of all people- literally the most annoying person on camp- and honestly the most useless too."
At at the sound of that, Leo whipped his head to you, just in time to see your eyes wide, on the brink of brimming with tears before looking forwards, attempting to pretend you didn't hear anything.
But you had.
And Leo knew.
You were unclaimed, and you mostly kept to yourself until Leo found you tending to Festus while he was away one day- and surprisingly the metal dragon seemed completely at ease around you.
Leo was awestruck, and ever since then, you two had gotten extremely close, the son of Hephaestus even found himself longing to be in your presence whenever he was on quests.
You were quiet, but around him, you opened up more, you were funny, and kind, and you have a quick tongue too, always engaging in light banter with him that never ceased to be entertaining to either of you.
To him, you were perfect- because you were there. His first best friend technically wasn't his in the first place, given that Jason, Piper and Leo himself were all under Hera's unnerving control. Needless to say, the three of them were still close, but Leo couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't genuine.
Along with the rest of the Argo II members, he felt more like a seventh wheel more than anything (if that was even possible) and deep down, the nagging thought that he was nothing but a burden always lingered.
Around you though, he felt like someone, like he was special - around you, he felt like Leo Valdez.
Maybe that's why he got so mad, he didn't even know he could get so mad- and the next thing he knows, a murderous scowl is painted on his face and he's lunging for the two other campers, fists ablaze.
But you were faster.
You, sweet angel you, saw what was coming the moment his palms tightened into fists, lunging forward to stop him, using your hands to stop him own.
In hindsight, you probably should've remembered his hands were on fire.
But even as pain seared your palms to the point tears where subconsciously running down your face, you swallowed, and stood firm.
"Leo, please." you beg weakly, and in an instant, his flames distinguish, and your blood now paints his first- horror overtaking his face as you stare into his eyes pleadingly. "They're not worth it."
Leo, in his guilt ridden frozen state, can only bring himself to look at you, and yet, he doesn't deserve it, your eyes wide and cheeks stained with tears- he can't believe he had done this to you.
He, of all people, had hurt his angel, his haven, his best friend.
But you didn't waver, when he buried his hands in his eyes, sobbing uncontrollably, you said nothing, engulfing him in your arms and pressing his face into the crook of your neck and he heaved, tears soaking into your shirt.
He was broken, but he knew, even if he didn't deserve it, you would be there to pick up his fragments, piece by piece, with your damaged hands, just so you two could be together again.
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silverynight · 2 months
"You'd probably say yes to anything he says, right?" Nobara asks, smirking at her friend. She's more relaxed now that their dork sensei chose to forget about the expensive shirt.
A shirt she ruined, but she still won't admit out loud.
"I don't do everything Itadori tells me to do," Fushiguro replies immediately, making her laugh because he just fell right into the most obvious trap ever.
"It's really weird that you knew I was talking about our dumb, sweet boy Itadori," her smirk becomes huge when she notices the slight blush on Fushiguro's cheeks, although his expression doesn't change at all.
"Who else?" Fushiguro retorts, trying not to look affected by her words, but can't help himself and inevitably adds: "What do you mean our? I met him first."
One of the things Nobara finds fascinating about Fushiguro is that even though he tries to pretend he doesn't like Itadori more than just a friend, he acts very possessive around him.
"So? He's our boy now." Nobara says, enjoying the way Fushiguro grimaces almost like he's in pain; he's so easy to tease lately.
Their boy walks in the room, followed by Todo, who has gotten into his stupid head that Itadori is his little brother or something like that.
Fushiguro frowns, but this time Nobara doesn't tease him for it. Besides, it must be a lot worse for him since Todo constantly wants to talk about girls with big butts around Itadori.
"Oh, hi! Fushiguro! And Kugisaki!"
"Let's go meet girls, we can help each other out–"
"We have to study tonight," Fushiguro cuts Todo off before pulling Itadori right next to him on the couch.
Itadori, bless his heart, doesn't find Fushiguro's behavior weird at all, even though Nobara can see that Fushiguro has put a hand on the other's waist.
The pink haired boy pouts.
"Can we study tomorrow and go watch a movie tonight instead?"
"I... okay."
That's a new record; Nobara is honestly disgusted and confused because how it's possible that Itadori hasn't realized how besotted Fushiguro is already? Even Todo quirks up a brow the moment he watches Fushiguro melt at Itadori's puppy face.
"But I want to buy some candy first. Let's go to the shopping center!"
"Sure. I'll buy you anything you want."
How can Fushiguro say things like that with a neutral expression on his face?
Todo looks at Kugisaki for a silent explanation and she just shrugs at him in response. Sometimes she doesn't find the right words to describe what's going on between those two.
"Really?" Itadori beams, before leaning closer and nuzzling against Fushiguro like a very happy puppy.
Fushiguro even smiles at him in response.
"This is disgusting!" Nobara blurts out and not only Fushiguro ignores her, he even places Itadori on his lap like the other two are not even there.
Todo starts getting annoyed, like an older brother would.
"I'm coming with you."
"That'd be a great idea!" Itadori says obliviously, not even noticing the glare Fushiguro is directing at Todo.
"Then I'm going too!" Nobara says because things are going to get really fun out of the sudden.
Besides, Fushiguro deserves it for not accepting her help all those times she has volunteered to do it.
He thinks he can get Itadori on his own? Nobara would like to actually see that.
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mulderscully · 3 months
feeling yappy tonight sorry but one argument that i get tired is firstprince not kissing with tongue in the movie. i find this annoying because it doesn't really matter to me. i think tongue kisses look kinda gross on screen sometimes tbh, but that's me. maybe nick and taylor didn't want to kiss with tongue, but i honestly do not think that is the case (and i say this is in the least rpf way because i'm being serious) because there actually is some tongue in the paris scene, it's just quick and not really prominent. i think they probably didn't use much tongue because they were attempting to avoid an r rating. matthew said he wanted teenagers to be able to watch this etc to me it really feels like they expected/wanted pg-13 and knew that queer movies unfairly get r-rating easier. romcoms honestly rarely have as much kissing and sex as the rwrb movie does even though it isn't explicit but does it deserve an r? i don't think so. but it still got it. so me the lack of tongue is due to that and i wonder why others don't even consider it.
another thing is i feel like tongue is the last thing i really care about when i think about henry and alex kissing. yes, i assume they use tongue but tongue isn't like narratively important per se. and despite the hayescodification of society lately, kissing and sex can and does have a place in a story.
one perfect example of an in character kiss is this:
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if you watch the body language here, and you know the characters, you understand and recognize what is going on. look at how nick is making henry move here: running his fingers through alex's hair, pulling him closer, basically arching his back and the look of yearning on his face. he loves alex and he knows he loves alex, and someone who read the book will see that. a casual viewer might miss it, but it's still part of the character and the performance.
you can read alex's body language too, how he surges up and doesn't know where to touch henry because he wants to touch him everywhere. for henry it's years of quiet burning, for alex it's years of repressed desire. now alex has accepted it and can't get enough. he isn't thinking much about the depth of those feelings because he just likes henry so much and feels free in that understanding.
i think the biggest scene people complain abt no tongue is in the paris scene, but look at this kiss
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they're shaking. they're nervous. they're falling in love.
there isn't tongue because this scene isn't meant to be pcrnographic, it's meant to be emotional. alex has never had sex with a man, and how he's having sex with henry.
henry, who months ago, he was convinced he hated, who he thought hated him, who he was always compared to, who he had an open rivalry, who has become his best friend somehow?? of course he's shaking. and henry is having sex with someone who he loves for the first time, someone he has loved for years and who he never thought he could have and who he thinks will move on and this will have all been his only taste of love before returning to a life of boredom and sadness??? you can see that in this kiss.
it adds to the story.
and there are other examples like taylor using teeth which is a reference to one of the emails, like alex kissing that corner of henry's mouth which is also a reference to an email.
there is insight to the characters in those kisses which is why we always say we can feel the love between them. because we are seeing what is written into the script actually reflected on the screen.
so yeah idc abt tongue 🫶🏼
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dididi11 · 2 months
I dont plan to get back into HH, but here are some things that have triggered me and that ik sure alot of people can agree on:
1. I feel like Charlie's idea of redemption can be seen through alot of perspectives. HOWEVER- what she specifically wants is to redeem EVERY soul. Now there's a reason to why hell exists, it's made for people who have done terrible things in their life, which is why they get banished to Hell in the first place. We may not know when a soul is actually pure enough to get redeemed- BUT we do know what you would have to be to end up in Hell. Murderers, RÆpists, Cannibals, Paedophiles- just all of those in the horrible category most definitely DON'T deserve a second chance. And even if they somehow did get redeemed, how would the victims in Heaven feel? Heaven is the place where they're supposed to feel safe- So how the hell do you expect to put them in the same place together without any conflicts? If you truly want to get the right people into Heaven, then you should background check every single Sinner throughly.
2. Adam- We all love love him and hate him, but there is one person to blame for when it comes to his Character: Vivziepop. I feel like she used the "Annoying Villain who doesn't care about anything that the protagonist has to say and is just downright badly written" trope way to often. He could've had so much potential to be a good written Character that would actually explain to Charlie why sinners just can't be redeemed. It just felt unnecessary to only let him be a douchebag, sing his song (which was banger don't get me wrong-) and shorten their time by 6 months for the next extermination to cause Charlie another COMPLETELY unnecessary problem. And all that for NO reason, "Yeah, but that's because he's a douch-" And that's exactly my point, why waste your time and effort on a basic ahh character if he's going to be a just an ordinary douche anyway? The first Season would've been so much more interesting if we actually had a logical explanation to why others are against of Charlie's idea. But no, instead all we get is "ahahaha, Sinners are stupid. They deserve Hell." Also why the Hell did Adam shorten the time for the extermination by 6 months?? It felt so unnecessary, They probably felt like the first Season would've been boring without any Action- and I'm pretty sure they could've made a different Scene that was also Epic without it not making sense.
2. ADAM AGAIN- I don't want this to be just about Adam, but since he is dead (BY FUCKING NIFFTY I HATE HER) and maybe wont come back- since we don't know if he'll get respawned..what kind of punishment will Lucifer specifically receive? To clarify things, Lucifer had disobeyed the rules of Heaven and Hell, he helped his daughter and her friends kill off half of the exorcists and even threatened them to retreat. And the worst part of all of this is that he would've killed Adam if Charlie hadn't stopped him. Even though Adam was killed by NIFFTY, I'm pretty sure the blame would be put on Lucifer instead of some Sinner. So what will happen if they try to communicate with Heaven again? They literally killed the first human of mankind created by God himself. Honestly at that point it would be a pretty huge deal and Charlie's redemption idea wouldn't even be looked into.
2. Emily and Charlie- I hate how none of the Characters genuinely understand the ACTUAL purpose of the extermination. It's to prevent Hell from gaining to much power, that's why they need to make sure to kill off half of the population. It was never about the redemption of Sinners, so Charlie shouldn't even think about canceling off the extermination. I also get why Emily is mad at Sera for lying to her, but the fact that she immediately joined Charlie's side without even thinking trough the entire thing is just downright dumb.
3. I feel like there's more to talk about, I just don't know what.
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mayapapaya33 · 1 month
I could write a 10 page essay on my thoughts and feelings about "A Bard's Lament" and about Scanlan. How I think a lot of people misinterpret what actually happened IMHO. It feels to me like a lot of people treat that scene like Scanlan is finally telling VM off for being bad friends and kind of cheer him on rather than realizing that he's having a mental health crisis having reached his breaking point and is lashing out.
Establishing some Game mechanics first and foremost, Sam consistently rolled 30+ deception checks anytime one of the others asked him how he was doing or tried to find out if he was having any problems. He is THE great deceiver. He lied to all of them, about everything. He never shared his worries or fears, or his drug problem. Nothing. Anytime they tried to connect with him, he shot them down, deflected masterfully. The other characters LITERALLY had no idea he was having any problems, if the players did anything about his problems after rolls like that it would have been metagaming. It's not that VM didn't care, they didn't know!
Which is frankly how he operated the whole campaign. From day one, anytime any of them asked him a personal question, he make a joke. Of course, Scanlan was a joke character in the beginning of the campaign, but from a character pov, the character treated everything as a joke. He cared about his friends, and they cared about him, they would die for him and vice versa, but he didn't have any heart to hearts with anyone. Slowly over the course of the campaign, everyone else opened up to each other, (or sometimes the narrative forced them to open up cough cough Percy cough cough) and he remained closed off, using humor to deflect any deeper connections. And the way the story went, he was never forced to share.
By the time "A Bards Lament" takes place, he's in a very bad place emotionally and is sad and scared and angry, and he says things to hurt people, not things that are true. (ok maybe some of it was true, but even the true bits were weaponized and honed to be the worst possible interpretations of events in order to hurt, not actually to BE truth. Vax and Keyleth definitely deserved a tuning up after their bs with the dragons. Personally, I'm very proud of Percy for not punching Scanlan for the comments about coming back to Whitestone just so he could be "proud of his name" or whatever, I've never heard such utter bullshit. Then some people are like, hey, why's Percy so mad at Scanlan, huh I fucking wonder? lmfao).
I relate to him in that I also use humor to deflect people and I sometimes wish that people would see what I feel and think; see through me, without me having to tell them. But that is unfair! I'm lying to them! That's on me! Which Is why I want to choke Scanlan out so often probably lmfao, because I understand where he's coming from and can see the mistakes he's making, and I just want to shake him.
I think a lot of people relate to Scanlan but perhaps... how shall I put this delicately... do not have the same level of self-awareness about the self-destructiveness of this particular approach to life and relationships and so feel a catharsis when he blows up at his friends because they also want to yell at their friends for not noticing their pain. Even though they are the ones who have hidden their pain with such skill that it really isn't their friend's fault they're clueless in the first place.
All that said, Vox Machina aren't perfect. They definitely could be better friends, they made mistakes. I just want to talk about the part of this that I don't often see discussed; Scanlan's depression and mental health struggles and their impact on his friendships and his responsibility.
Some people also act like VM bully "poor helpless Scanlan" (TLOVM sort of also acts like this sometimes which is annoying but oh well). When the reality is that Scanlan is a sharp tonged wit that verbally eviscerates his companions on a regular basis and so they treat him how he treats them. It's all banter... right up until it isn't and he's feeling sad and hurt and worthless and suddenly words hurt. But instead of opening his mouth and TELLING ANYONE how he feels, he just lets it build and build until he explodes.
I'm really worried about how TLOVM is going to handle it going forward, because so far they haven't really set up the group trying to connect with Scanlan and that's a mistake. They have a little, but they should do more. The scene with Pike was good, him instantly reverting to clownish behavior the second it got too sincere then him being frustrated with himself. But they really need to do some of that with the others as well and I'm worried they won't have time or won't think it's necessary.
It's HIS responsibility to reach out to others about his declining mental health. He is the one who set the rules of engagement as "Everything is a joke, especially serious things, I am allergic to sincerity" The others follow his lead. There's only so many times you can reach out to someone earnestly and receive a joke back for your troubles before you eventually respect the unspoken desire not to share and stop asking.
A lot of people cite the prank as some monstrous thing that VM did that proves that they don't love or respect Scanlan. Whereas actually, Sam Riegel admitted that at another moment in time, Scanlan would have found it funny. Pike knows that about him, which is why she did it. (Ashley of course, did it to send Scanlan over the edge because she's evil like that and they all adore drama lol). He was just in a terrible place mentally, so it felt like an insult instead of friendship. (idk where he said it, please don't ask, do you have any idea how many HUNDREDS of HOURS of CR I have watched?! It was probably talks machina).
Also, way back in the early episodes of C1 that lots of people skip, I forget which episode it is, but it was when they were under Kraghammer, Grog got his brain scooped out by the mind flayer or that brain creature or something (I'm a little fuzzy on the details). Anyway, they were all very frightened for Grog and they weren't sure they could save him. Once they figured out they could, Scanlan wanted to set up a prank for Grog to wake up to once they healed him (he was brain dead, in a coma or something). Point being Scanlan's a massive hypocrite lol. (which Sam fully admits).
Now here's my VERY controversial opinion, don't hate me lol, I never actually liked the "what's my mother's name?" thing. It felt very meta gamey, like Sam looked up Percy's parent's names before the session as a gotcha! Not really like Scanlan actually knew their names. So it never hit me the way it was supposed to. But that's just personal taste. It also circles back to my previous points of YOU NEVER OPENED UP TO THEM SCANLAN, OF COURSE THEY DON'T KNOW YOUR MOTHER'S NAME! THAT'S YOUR FAULT!!!! MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T TURN EVERYTHING INTO A JOKE, THEY'D KNOW HER NAME!!!!
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juiceastronaut · 5 months
*I place a hand on Toshiro's shoulder and the other hand on Kabru's shoulder and look at you guys* hey so you know these two are having perfectly reasonable and in-proportion reactions to situations that theyre upset by, right? Especially considering their backgrounds and how they grew up?
*I gesture at Toshiro* Toshiro hasnt had a proper meal or sleep for the past few days, learns very upsetting information about someone that he cares about, then Gets Attacked (WHOLE PARTY DIES) AND THEN is subjected to the shenanigans of a guy he was already kinda annoyed by at best. Bro Laois was just the straw on the camels back. He then actually eats for, need I remind the first time since the main group met up with them, and is IMMEDIATELY chiller and more sympathetic to Laois. With the whole cultural differences and different styles of communication running as background noise to it all.
*I gesture back at Kabru* And this guy was caught between wanting to be SOMEONES FRIEND *SO* BADLY that he ate something that was Deeply traumatic for him to even think about, and the cognitive dissonance between Social Politeness and PTSD he had a blind intrusive thought about just killing the guy to avoid the situation. The Social Politeness Reflex is probably just as strong as the Trauma reaction is, given how he grew up. By Kabru's rules, he cannot refuse if he wants to continue to work towards being Laois' friend. To call it manipulative with malicious intent seems kinda an overstatement
Like. Im not saying theyre *right* or that Laois also doesnt/didnt have a reason to be upset right back at them (alluding to a further arc with Kabru, spoilers), I'm just saying, just because somebody is being "mean" to a member of the main cast doesnt mean theyre worse than trash and deserve to die, ya know?
Btw, not autistic, but ik for a fact that I've said "How was I supposed to know, you didnt tell me!" Verbatim to people AND I know how shitty it is to learn someone was only pretending to like something you really care about, so I very much do think they were wrong with how they handled these things, and sympathize with Laois by experience. There's just two sides to these things and I dont think Kabru or Toshiro are written to be bad people because they specifically were wrong in these instances.
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
Hi iv really enjoyed your lackadaisy writing and was wondering if you’d be willing to write dating headcanons for Mordecai Heller?
He’s one of my favorites atm
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A/n: hey everyone!! hope you're all having a good day!!! so a lot fo you requested mordecai dating headcanons, so here it is!! this will probably be the last headcanons I'll do, and I'll now stick to writing scenarios while also my main focus being continuing my fanfics. also going to start making up the plot for the potential rocky fic. though that all may come out in summer, since I'm slowly but surely exam seasons. anyways- hope you all enjoy this!!
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Mordecai Heller x gn! reader general
-Mordecai is definitely cold toward you the very first time you meet. He will not speak to you about himself or his interests, he will keep the conversations short and straight to the point and he will not care about a single thing you do, only he will be annoyed when you do a task wrong.
-If you’re a regular of sorts, or someone who will become his partner or co-worker, then you’ll learn a few more bits and information about him and if stayed long enough, you will get a few more lines other than orders about what he feels about a certain subject matter or a few other workers around here (mostly complaints about the Savoy siblings, given how much he has to spend time with them on the daily). even then, he merely considers you an acquaintance. And it will take many years and much more meetings for him to see you as a friend. and when it does happen, it is subtle, but the conversations are more apparent, and your opinion on different matters is valued much more.
-Being his lover, however, will take much longer, and needs a much more deal of spending time and getting to know him. Which can be hard given how closed off he is about his life and past. Despite that, it’s not an impossible task. Rather, it’s made extremely difficult due to Mordecai’s own lack of interest in such things, his trust issues, and a bundled amount of feelings of unworthiness towards such a thing as love. He believes he doesn’t need it nor does he deserve it, and he doesn’t mind either of those.
-However, though his feelings are completely uninterested in such matters, that doesn’t mean he won’t fall for someone, which in this case, becomes you after half a decade or so of being friends with him. 
-the first to realize their feelings is most likely you. since Mordecai will first assume that his emotions towards you are just ones out of the care and respect he has for you as a friend. If you realize them, you must keep quiet about them for the most part, since Mordecai won’t really understand why there would be such a feeling harboring between you two, and he must process his own feelings himself before accepting yours. When he does realize them, oh boy, it’s rough. He feels guilty for loving you, because he doesn’t trust himself with any intimate relationship. Given how his friendship went with Viktor, he was already extremely hesitant about the idea of another friend, now, a lover and a partner, someone that he needs to trust and share a part of his life with, and they must do with him, is frightening and confusing to say the least. As said before, he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of such things. And now that he wants it from you, he feels like a villain of sorts. Taking something that doesn’t belong to him in the first place.
-It will take quite a few months for him to accept these feelings of his, almost half a year even. You seriously need to be very patient with him, something that he will appreciate the world of when you do. his confession is short, and straight to the point. Though, a few ticks of stress and anxiousness can be seen in him. For example, his ears are twitching here and then, his tail is flicking up and down in his seat and he cannot for the life of him seem to stare at you in the eye for more than three seconds. His words are quick, and his tone is a bit clumsy for a guy like him. at the end of it, the flicks of his tail are quicker in speed, and now, he’s looking straight at you with a hesitant look, as if he’s regretting the confession already a second after it’s done.
-He’s calmed down and surprised when you do accept his confession, and he’d not know what to do at that point. he’d nod his head, clear his throat, and thank you. “very well then,” his ears twitched a bit. “ I suppose we’d have to…plan a date now?” 
-It takes him some time, but with some help from yours, he finds, in his opinion, the true meaning of dating someone. It is not about dates and being over the top like he presumed, yet it is a way of spending time and enjoying each other’s presence, and being loyal to one another for more than anyone else. 
-So as you can guess, dates are quite rare. He never sees the point in it, though if you want such an activity to happen every once in a while, perhaps with a bit of pleading and coaxing you’ll get him to begrudgingly get time out of his day to do such things with you. yet, even though he seems annoyed by the entire occasion at first, you find him calm and even smiling at some point the more time you spend with him on the said dates.
His love language is spending time with one another. Though at the start of the relationship, miscommunication will be common, since Mordecai isn't one to speak about his feelings, if you try your best to tackle it healthily, your relationship with him will be all about communication and it will be the very reason why it’s so strong at the end of it all. It also makes him see communication as the most important part of the relationship, so he’s completely honest, brutally so at times. 
--The love language he’d like to receive most is the same, though he does get a bit flustered anytime you use words of affirmation and compliment him, then quickly denies your compliments or thanks you for them. 
-Not at all a PDA person, nor is he a physically affectionate guy in private either. He doesn’t like physical contact, either finding it too stuffy or too warm for his liking and just not being in much of a mood for it most times. Though, if in a situation you truly seem like you need a warm embrace or a hand to hold, he wouldn’t mind giving that to you, though he’ll be a bit flustered and quiet the entire time while doing so. He wouldn’t ever say this out loud, but his favorite act of affection from you is when you kiss or peck his cheek. It's surprising to him and it makes him melt a bit, being treated with such softness is quite rare in his life, so he doesn’t know what to do when you peck him, but his heart is beating so fast he can’t focus. He could only look at you in shock and touch the cheek you have kissed in instinct. Give him a forehead kiss and you’ll have an extremely quiet Mordecai awaiting you. he’s processing every second of that quick kiss and he’s speechless by how much it moved him.
 -Word about your relationship will never spread out, since Mordecai is extremely private about such things. No one realizes you two are dating unless one of you says so. The only ones who do notice by connecting the dots themselves are the Savoy siblings and Viktor. 
-Whether you like it or not, information about Mordecai’s family will mostly never be revealed. You’ll most likely just know that he has two sisters, but that is all he will ever tell you. and in fairness, he never tries to force you to speak about yours either, so it’s a mutual agreement at times to just avoid the topic unless it is deemed necessary by a dangerous circumstance to be said. 
-He doesn’t have many hobbies, but if you still try to enjoy a few things he does such as reading the same book he has on his shelves, you’ll be met with a cautiously excited and info-dumping Mordecai who starts debates and discussions with you about which part of the books you enjoyed and detested.
-He’ll try to indulge a bit in a few hobbies you have as well, but he’ll probably not get much invested in them. Though, he still sees it as a worthy journey, since in the end you were smiling and excited when explaining things to him.  
-Mordecai feels much more comfortable ranting to you than anyone else. So most times when he comes back from work for the day and has a weekend to look forward to, he spends that time drinking tea with you while speaking about anything and nothing that is on his mind. Treat this like it was diamonds in a mine full of charcoal. because not everyone has the luck to meet this side of Mordecai Heller. He’s more expressive when he’s with you, more open with his emotions, which means the level of trust he has with you is most than anyone else’s.
He’ll listen to all your rants and complaints as well, and if needed, he will give honest advice for your problems. Don’t expect any comfort, though. Because he isn't the best one for such things and he makes that clear all the time before you start your rant. 
-Wherever you live, whether it's in a separate apartment from his or if you’ve moved in with him, it will be extremely clean. Whether it’s because of his actions or yours, a completely clean and tidied-up house becomes the absolute norm in your life. If you were one who never really cared about those things, well, you will have to at some point for his sake, since he’s always extremely uncomfortable in messy areas.
 -Mordecai Heller loves you, but he won’t ever verbally say it. yet, you’ll always know that, because his actions speak much louder than words ever can, and you understand every word he's saying when he’s making tea for you or asking about your day, speaking to you on the daily or just sitting next to you. you know he loves you, and you know he loves you back. and perhaps, that is why this relationship worked in the first place. It will have its hardships, yes, but like any other relationship, it doesn’t mean it won’t have its good moments either. 
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princesssarisa · 7 months
Do you think Dorothy from the books was a better role model for girls than in the MGM Wizard of Oz film?
Just to answer this, I reread The Wonderful Wizard of Oz over the last two days. I'm not very familiar with the rest of the Oz books, but since the movie is only based on the original book, I suppose it's best to compare just the two of them.
I don't think either the book's Dorothy or the MGM film's Dorothy is a better role model than the other. They're just slightly different.
I understand why a lot of people consider Baum's Dorothy a better role model than movie Dorothy. She has more of a down-to-earth, can-do attitude than movie Dorothy, whom some critics think is reduced to a weepy damsel in distress. I especially understand why some people are annoyed by the movie's rewrites to the scenes at the Wicked Witch's castle, where Dorothy's three male friends come to her rescue and where she splashes the Witch with water by accident. In the book the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman are destroyed by the Winged Monkeys, while the Lion is captured along with Dorothy and locked in a pen; Dorothy stands up to the Witch when she tries to take her silver shoes and throws the water on her in anger (not knowing it will melt her, but it's still a deliberate act); and afterwards, she frees the Lion and then rallies the Winkies to repair the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman. I won't deny that the movie's rewrite adheres more to traditional gender roles and probably reflects Hays Code standards of how a "good girl" should behave.
But I don't mind the fact that movie Dorothy is slightly more vulnerable and emotional than Baum's Dorothy. In the first place, she's older than Baum's Dorothy: even if she's younger than Judy Garland's 16 years, she must be at least 12, while Baum's Dorothy might be as young as 6. Between hormones and higher emotional intelligence, it's natural for teenage or preteen girls to be more emotional than little girls. Secondly, movie Dorothy's added soulfulness and dreaminess are part of her appeal. I'm not sure "Over the Rainbow" would seem in character for Baum's no-nonsense little Dorothy to sing.
There's also the fact that the movie's Wicked Witch of the West is much more powerful and dangerous than Baum's Witch. In the book, she can't physically harm Dorothy because the Good Witch of the North's magic kiss protects her, so she just makes her work as a scullery maid. She's also a bit of a scaredy-cat: she's afraid of the Cowardly Lion, and she can't steal the silver shoes at night while Dorothy is sleeping because she's afraid of the dark! With the movie's far more imposing Witch and the real danger Dorothy faces of being killed, it's hard to blame movie Dorothy for being more terrified. She also has more to deal with in Kansas than Baum's Dorothy does: there's no Miss Gulch trying to have Toto killed in the book.
Last but not least, movie Dorothy is still spunky! She still slaps the nose of a lion in Toto's defense (not yet knowing that he's a coward), she stands up to the Wizard even when she thinks he's a fearsome giant head with immense magical powers, and in the Witch's castle, even though her friends free her from the hourglass room, she's still the one who ultimately saves the day. She deserves credit for her presence of mind when she spots the pail of water and throws it onto the Scarecrow to save him from burning, even if it is by accident that she splashes the Witch too.
I think both Dorothys are good characters and role models: Baum's Dorothy for her resilience, optimism, and down-to-earth intelligence, and movie Dorothy for her relatable character arc of longing to escape from her troubles, only to learn that it's not worth the price of leaving her home and her loved ones behind. Not to mention the qualities they both share: warmth, kindness, courage, loyalty, and affection.
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loveablecurse · 6 months
Edited to make a bit more sense!
Unpopular opinion time:
I can not stand Nesta. She irritates me unlike any character in the Sarah J. Maas universe. I firmly believe Feyre would've been a better character to do the crossover with in House of Flame and Shadow. One of the reasons A Court of Silver Flames is my least favorite ACOTAR book (and Maas book I think) is because, again in my opinion, it really reduces Feyre's character and diminished her skills as a fighter and accomplishments in the other books. Having her be the one in HOFAS would've helped bring that back and reestablish her as a main character.
Nesta is easily one of the worst characters in the Maas universe (to me), and in all honesty, I was kinda hoping she'd die in either ACOSF or HOFAS. The only reason I'm okay with her not dying is because of how it'd hurt Cassian and Feyre. Cassian could probably do better, though.
It was very annoying when she called Bryce a monster and put her on the same level as the Asteri when just a couple pages previously she was threatening to lock Bryce up, never let her return home, and cut the Horn from her back. The Horn that is tattooed into Bryce's flesh. This is essentially her threatening to skin Bryce and then calling Bryce a monster for retaliating and leaving to save her own world. I'm not even that big of a Bryce fan, but what the hell??? Nesta is wayyy more monterous than Bryce.
In my opinion, Nesta is self-serving, egotistical, arrogant, and hypocritical. I believe she would get along just fine with the Asteri if she had met them before Bryce had told her about them. Like, if she had just walked into Midguard completely unknowing of the situation, she'd probably see no issue with the Asteri. Calling her "Queen without a throne" would only feed her ego and due to the previously mentioned characteristics I don't think she deserves the title. The only time I believe she's ever acted like a queen was when she stayed behind to fight and buy her friends time to get up the mountain. She doesn't really deserve to be a part of the Inner Court, granted I don't agree with some of their behavior/actions either, but I don't think she deserves to play a part in decision making for the Night Court. She does not deserve the House of Wind, Feyre's forgiveness, her magic, or Cassian. Cassian also treated her like crap and they are not a healthy couple or an ideal romance.
Feyre was wrong to blackmail Nesta into coming to the party by dangling her rent in front of her. But, Feyre shouldn't have been paying Nestas rent in the first place. It was wrong of Nesta to expect her sister to fund her self-desructive lifestyle and then get mad at her when Feyre didn't want to anymore. Should they have locked her in the house and forced her to change her way? Absolutely not, but they also shouldn't have had to continue to pay for her to do whatever she wanted.
There is SO MUCH MORE I could say about why I can't stand her, but I will end this rant with positives. I will give her credit where credit is due. She saved Feyre, Nyx, and Rhys. That was awesome. Does it redeem her entirely, though? Maybe, in my opinion, it was just the right thing to do. Again, she stayed behind to buy her friends time, which was admirable, and I respected that. She also gave the Mask to Bryce to help fight the Asteri. Granted, she had to be bargained with to do it, but she did it, and it was the right thing to do. So she gets that credit.
Rant over.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Christine Canigula
This has enraged me for YEARS. She is constantly sidelined in the fandom in favor of the main m/m ship which itself its fine but the way people treat her drives me NUTS. When I actually was in the fandom, Consistently! her crush on the main character which is a CENTRAL fucking plot point is just explained away to make room for yaoi. If they even have that kind of decency. Like 99% of the fics just say "oh! she's a lesbian actually totally this was comphet im not a misogynist" or "she's Actually Aroace" and not ponder on the optics of sanitizing the CANON fucking attraction of a chubby easian girl. It's sososo transparent and another fucking example of she's actually the Mom friend! or other annoying racist and misogynistic tropes.
She likes play rehearsal. She's the love interest of the main character, Jeremy. Jeremy also has a best friend, Michael, whom he's usually shipped with. And since she's the canonical love interest and as such often gets in the way of their beloved ship. They are very creative in finding the ways to get rid of her to ship Michael with Jeremy, ranging from making her asexual(because ace people can't date apparently), completely kicking her out of the last two songs of the musical and putting Michael in her place, to vilifying her and claiming she was never interested in Jeremy in the first place, despite musical explicitly saying the opposite.
Love interest of the main character Jeremy Heere and therefore stands in the way of the fandom's most popular ship, boyf reinds. Being specifically a love interest we don't get. A whole lot of her but she's fun! She's a theatre kid. She is silly and goofy. Also has a one off line in one of the songs that mentions she has ADD. Idk what I'm supposed to say really and I'm always bad at talking about characters so.
Constantly villainized because one way or another she gets in the way of a MLM ship (though at least one of them would probably be fine with a poly relationship). In the show version of her, her love interest bound her to him via magic, never told her until someone else brought it up despite it the bond causing them to meet over and over, her love interest didn’t understand why this upset her and brushed it off and still has never apologized for it because apparently it was the only way to save her life, she had better chemistry with Jaskier (the other half of the MLM ship) and had a semi-decent rivals to frenemies thing going on, the show took away her powers (which never happened in the books) to have her go on a pointless quest to get them back that worsened her relationship with her love interest because they had her try to kill her love interest’s adopted child (which now justifies why he doesn’t need to apologize of course), and all of that was after she’d already had an arc regarding sacrifice and how power wasn’t really what she wanted.
she's an incredibly powerful mage and drop dead gorgeous and deserved so much better!!! justice for yen
God forbid women do anything. She either gets hate or is ignored, really classic stuff. And she's Geralt's gf but you know, *gestures at geraskier*
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