#do I need to tag ships if they are unrelated?
late-start-art · 2 years
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Marinette’s mark from MDC is a Singing Powerhouse the series on a03 
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crescent--rose · 3 months
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is it normal to stare at a girls neck and then blush when she catches you looking and be very dejected when she leaves? no. thats gay
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gobstoppr · 7 months
hey guys am i allowed to say on main that i dont like metadad . am i gonna get beaten up for saying this.
guys i think we all took the term found family too literally and now everythings flattened into a boring nuclear family. guys can we stop. hello . is anybody there
#text#it was kinda charming at first but it feels like everytime i try to look at the mk tag its always the same shit . guys. guys.#we can do so much more w/ their dynamics than just dad and son ugh its so . ughhh.#every since i realized i was like . really really aroace. ive started to grow a bit of a distaste for shipping culture#this is relavant i swear. iwanna talk about metadede#like ok in fandoms right. theres often#the enforcement of specific roles onto characters for a simplified understanding of them for memes and drawing ideas#we want gay rep but we dont quite have it canonically so we make our queer headcanons seem more legit#by giving a char a same sex partner. ok easy we did it. gay people are real now#and we get awesome art and its wonderful bc people are wonderful#but its like . the relationships themselves feel flat a lot of the times.#metadede never seems to be about dedede. its about mk having a boyfriend. bc we need him to date someone.#and im not like . mad at anyone about this. i participated in it back in the day. but like.#ok so. gay hcs are the most popular in most fandom things bc its easy; hot; and sweet#but things like aro or ace hcs? its just. they. how can you depict that in a single framed drawing of a char?so theres none at all.#its not even that i actively hc chars aroace its jsut this is my world view; how i default to reading chars#maybe this rant in the tags is unrelated after all.#but idk. ive got lots of thoughts about things.#anyways as ceo of meta knigth im right about everything#i can talk more about metadad stuff specifically if people want
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friendsdontlieokay · 3 days
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This person did agree that a lot of ppl are gonna have different opinions and it's not necessary to agree with them and they respect it so instead of reblogging I made the post this way, because ppl on the internet can be a bit mean sometimes (and send hate to the person) and it honestly kinda sucks sometimes ehehe, plus the objection I have is with the thoughts, not the person anyway but the only thing I find funny is that why would you analyze this much about a person if you dislike them this much, right? But anyway
I literally went through the list like "what?" "huh?" "wait what?" "wtf?" "make it make sense please" like sure, a couple ones I do agree with but again, I believe that all characters have their flaws and they are normal, natural, in fact inevitable to some extent, we're humans duh bruh, but most of them don't make sense at all, at least not to me.
Especially the conclusion that her character hasn't developed because honestly I'm a believer that Nancy's character keeps on developing every season and that's actually one of the reasons why she's one of my favourite characters tbh, but it might just only be me then? Anyway, tell me what are you guys' thoughts PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW
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coridallasmultipass · 18 days
Personal vent post, how I tag things, apologies for this probably showing up in search results because I'm not censoring words (do not have the spoons rn)
So I'm getting really frustrated (at the situation, not at individual people! Sorry to vague right after getting a request, I was gonna make this post like a week ago) that multiple people have asked me not to tag Bro/Cal reblogs as Stridercest.
Stridercest does not mean incest, it means Strider/Strider relationship. I'm tagging it for followers who don't want to see Strider/Strider at all (or for those who do, too, I guess). On MY blog, it has NO bearing on whether or not something is incest. Lil Cal has been a Strider since Day 1 to me, way before any of the events after Act 6, as a pure vanilla puppet. A Strider by marriage, in my opinion. But I'm not opposed to calculating the amount of Strider that got put in Lil Cal, as I've done before. You also have Dirk/Hal which is also Stridercest, but not incest (at least in canon, sometimes it is incest in fan depictions). Or Guardiancest, which I don't think counts as incest in canon either (but usually always is in fan depictions). Even selfcest between one Strider (beta!Dave/beta!Dave in a time travel situation, for example) is still gonna be Stridercest to me.
The ONLY Stridercest I add the specific ship tag for is Bro/Cal, because that's otp5eva for me, separate from any other Strider stuff (Stridercest probably doesn't even make top 3 HS ships for me). Everything else only gets the blanket Stridercest in reblogs, because I already tag a lot, I don't have the energy to add nuanced tags for weird Strider situations, and whether or not that constitutes incest, or which version of a character it is, especially when the artist/authors don't usually make the difference explicitly stated in their own caption/tags, and sometimes it's vague on purpose! (I'm currently writing a fic where Bro and Dirk are the same person! I'm not gonna make the distinction a big deal.)
It's mostly frustrating because then I have to decide if untagging the relationship as Stridercest is going to make someone else following me uncomfortable who will then see it untagged.
Going forth, I am going to delete whatever reblog I made if I get this request from someone else again. I'm trying to remember names, so I don't reblog any future content that would conflict with their requests, but this has already happened with three people in like the past two weeks. Had to block one person for telling me to die because I tagged "Stridercest" on the post preventatively, as usual, because I care about tagging for my followers. (I literally checked their blog like 3 times to make sure they didn't have a DNI pinned, and I still got told to die for my efforts lmao.)
Literally, please just DM me privately (thank you to the other people who did, sorry for the trouble!), and I will either delete the reblog, or block you if you request that. I'm not TRYING to make people uncomfortable, which is the whole reason why I tag it to begin with.
So, I'm not un-tagging shit anymore, it's delete only from now on. I'm not going against my own blog rules I set both to try and accommodate my followers, and to make searching my blog easier for myself. (Used to not tag anything from like 2011-2016 or later, and I'm still in the process of back-tagging everything, since it's been so frustrating to find old fandom posts.)
#unrelated but if you need me to tag something else ill try and accommodate it#im just not differentiating all the stridercest ships in tags its not possible the artists dont always make the distinction known#im still tagging shit ppl asked me to in 2012 and i dont think ive seen them interact with me in years lmao#if i miss a tag on something u can dm me sometimes i forget to tag hs on things bc in trying to tag all the characters in a group#id rather over-tag something than under-tag it since this function is available on this site#i should make a pinned post or something explaining my other tags honestly but i dont think enough people care#its just ughhh its prob gonna take pc use to navigate my official about me page. which is an ordeal because i cant click to it...#...without using a mouse and my mouse doesnt reach to my couch where i usually use my pc#i hate that about mes have been made obsolete by pinned posts and the inability to see blog themes on mobile or by the share link#wouldve been nice if they made the option to put a button to the about me page accessible to mobile users#havent been able to update mine in a while ider whats on there besides highlights of my blogs#anyway i got irl shit to do rn i spent way too much time explaining all this ugh it takes me so long to type anything#Cori.exe#Post.exe#im about to have like the worst week of my life btw pls send prayers that i can physically attend all the appointments i have this week#i can hardly lift a cup of water to my mouth im in so much fucking pain and its humiliating and miserable#its not even the endo this time its my back and idk what triggered it. must have been built up bc of all the stress i put on it...#...over the past like 3 weeks of doing backbreaking activities that needed to be done. i hate this so much lol
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I'm going absolutely feral thinking about Beastie. Oh my god. I just want it to hold me in it's palm and look at me with it's loving unseen eyes. And make little silly chirps that come from different alarms to show happiness. Fucking sobbing at the thought of this big ass creature being gentle.
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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since rbing this post……… may the divines have mercy on us all as miss polina has invited herself into the m*cu.. and that she may or may not be getting with a jakey lockley ✨🥴
#the other reason other than missing chiara and marc is that polina has invited herself into the m*cu with NO warning just demands shxhxhxh#polly has two different kinds of ships! an elektra/matt dynamic with bruce and! unhinged! chaotic power couple with jake! she’s got range!#and planning a tdk polly any like……… other dc universes/medias with polly hehe!#i love you in every universe but it’s mutually assured destruction in every universe for them 🖤🥴#i was thinking about the other dc verses and remembered those two while watching tdk and was like YESSSS yess indeed! more polly verses!#i believe in the polina cinematic universe rshsgmsbzhxhx#and like when g*otham knights drops maybe something for her there…….. BC IM FINALLY GETTING THE OWLS IN DC MEDIAS AT LAST!!!!!!!! 🖤😌#oc: polina velichkova#leg.ocs#leg.txt#im too nervous to have these in tags snhxhxj so there’s asterixs ✨🥴#ALSO UNRELATED BUT IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO DO THAT TAG ✨🤧#my computer has been giving me WICKED trouble so it took me two days and 4 crashes to write it ✨🥴#✨manifesting✨ that my technology will cease the nonsense jdhxhjc#currently ayrenn and verlaine and my elder scrolls ocs are occupying my headspace but i thought of this! and needed to yell!#if y’all have any suggestions on verses in dc she should be in……. to let me know ✨👀#bc maybe there should be more polly verses u know? gotham will never know peace on her watch ahshxh 🖤🖤#t: text
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
Captain Hook x Reader || Excerpt
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Plot: Hook wakes up before dawn and he tries not to wake you up too, he does, but you're just such a pretty picture in his 🛏🛏🛏 xx
Warnings: I think he has a bit of somnophilia kinkiness in him- but don't worry, he would wake you up before doing anything. He's a gentleman. He does stare at you though and give you some affections like cuddling, cheek stroking, and a kiss while you sleep though. It is also evident that some hanky panky occurred earlier. Unedited.
Tagging: @stareena Hey! I'm not sure if you wanted this version of Captain Hook or the animated one- but just let me know! ^^
The waters were in good spirits this morning, not flat and still like a corpse but not raging like a furious school teacher either. The ship rocked gently with its waives, so if he weren't a seaman then Captain Hook would feel sick- luckily, he was an experienced seaman and he enjoyed the soft rolling. He stood and walked on it easy, following the movements with an ease you only get out of years of experience.
Years of experience that also lead him to getting up at unholy hours of the morning every bloody day, even when he didn't need to. Even when he didn't want to. When he would do anything to just be asleep curled around his darling; still slumbering in his bed, their body naked except for the throws and furs that adorn his four-poster-cot. But no, though, his body clock had long since been taught that 4 hours past midnight was his morning. And he had to listen. It was in his blood.
So, yes, it was unfortunate that he was awake and dressed, not still naked himself feeling his sweet beauty's soft skin on his this morning. But the view he had, standing at the end of the bed, was almost as magnificent. Almost.
You really were the most marvelous treasure he ever found,.. he thought, smirking down at you nuzzling a cushion. Incredibly beautiful, over worldly sexy,.. unfairly adorable. Here you were, just sleeping peacefully in his chambers, after a long exhausting night between the cot and his hips (Admittedly, he was unrelenting last night- and deserve this rest now), and here we was... ridiculously aroused.
God- how do you do it?
Rolling his eyes upwards, Hook shakes his head and tries to just leave the room- go out onto deck and boil himself a tea and just enjoy the quiet morning and the magnificent sea- but the thought of you stops him at the door. Slowly he leans back from the doorway and turns back, gazing at you again.
"... oh, pull yourself together James. You had them a matter of hours ago." He mutters, chastising himself. Again, he tries to leave; reaching for the doorhandle and wrapping his good hand around it.
Then he's slowly letting it go again, and sighing. He has never had enough, not of you. That's clear. And well... the men are all asleep. If there were ever a time for him to devote himself to you, it was now.
He takes off his feathered hat and unbuttons his red coat on the way to the bed, before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead so soft you could mistake it for a brush of butterflies wings if you were awake. "My dear, you are just irresistible." Hook tells you quietly, as if explaining himself as the coat comes off his shoulders and he lays it at the end of the bed. Then he takes off his heeled boots, hanging over your dozing body. "Completely unfair, I must say... "
With his shirt and his pants still on, he slips back into bed; leaning against the headboard with the intention to stroke your hair and watch you rest for a while longer. When you instinctually, in your sleep, curl into him so your head rests on his chest and your hand slips over his opposite shoulder a slow smirk spreads across his face. Oh dear... "I suppose I'm not the only one who cant get enough, hmm?... "
While you continue to sleep, now nuzzling his collarbone instead of the cushion, Hook uses the tip of his namesake weapon to remove some hair from your face that was tickling your nose and becomes entranced with your sleeping face as he strokes your cheek with his knuckles.
Your delicate eyelids fluttering every now and then, your nose sometimes scrunching up, your pretty lips looking unfairly unkissed... He is besotted. Absolutely infatuated. He wants you forevor.
And he wants to kiss you. Your lips just look so perfect; soft and parted ever-so-slightly. He had kissed them for hours the previous evening, felt your tongue intimately with his, but he suddenly feels like he hasn't felt your lips for centuries. He misses your kiss desperately.
"Hmmm... " Could he manage it?... without waking you?... Spreading his own lips into a thoughtful grimace, Hook watches you needfully for a few torturous, thought provoking moments.
... perhaps... if he is particularly carefully with you,..
Ah. He cant help himself. He is a pirate, after all~ Stealing a few kisses now and then is the least he can do.
So, smirking shortly, Captain Hook leans down over your face. His hook trails soothingly down the side of your face, tracing your jaw until it reaches your chin; there it slips underneath and tilts your head gently up towards him. He can feel your slow, hot sleeping breaths on his face and he doesn't even care about your morning breath- you're far too perfect for him to ever mind something as silly as your simple human bodily functions.
Finally he feels your perfect, sweet, unmoving lips under his own. Its an odd sensation, kissing someone so unresponsive, but since its you he enjoys it anyway. He even tastes you, swiping a tongue across your bottom lip so so softly before pulling back again; satisfied. "... as suspected, my dear. You are utterly flawless, always."
When suddenly your hands glide up his chest to his neck and you guide him right back down to your, now quite responsive, waiting mouth- Hook is surprised but not displeased at all as he gives in to your sleepy request. Evidently his kiss woke you, but you aren't displeased he sees. Your lips move slowly, passionately against his and your tongue languidly glides over his; kissing him in a quiet, very exhausted, almost filthy way that has him hard again almost instantaneously.
When you release him again after a few lovely moments, your beautiful eyes crack open a little and you give him a worn-out smile. "... couldn't get enough?" Your voice cracks, from all the moaning and begging the evening before, but you're intent as ever. Oh, you are his north star, definitely. He loves you so much.
So, of course the answer is no- "Never, my dear."
"... be gentle with me."
"I promise."
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thewickling · 1 year
I realized that the updated Tag Search function makes it way easier to attempt to parallel search relationships including a specific character.
This method works better for characters who are not glitter and shipped with every person and creature and object under the sun.
This tutorial is written for people not familiar with tag ids. If you know how tag ids work, you should read the last two paragraph of this tutorial first.
You can find the Tag Search by looking at the menu at the top of the AO3 page that’s off to the left side.
Click Search and click Tag (the third option from the top).
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Type in your character. If the character only ever appears in one fandom, you also include that. If the character you want to search as a very common name, you will probably have to include a fandom to avoid pulling in unrelated tags. Do not include more than one fandom otherwise the result will only pull up any tags that exist in all the fandoms you listed.
Select Relationship for type
Select Canonical
Hit Search Tags
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The results should pull up every relationship that includes that character for that specific fandom or if you did not restrict by fandom, every relationship that has character with an identical name to the character you’re searching for.
For the character I picked, “Arm”, there are 29 results.
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Open the Work Search page in a new tab or window. You can find a link in the same menu as Tag Search.
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Or you can also open it through button labeled Work Search beside the Tag Search heading.
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On the Work Search page, find the Any Field box. 
This next part will be time-consuming but you will need to format all the relationships you want to parallel search like this: "X/Y" OR "X & A"  OR   "B & Z".
The tags need to match how they were shown on the Tag Search page. Each relationship needs to be placed between straight quotes. Curly quotes will break this search. Between each relationship tag, there needs to be an OR in all caps, but not one at the start or end.
After you’ve formatted things like this you can paste it into the Any Field box. (You could have just composed your search in there but if you’re parallel searching many relationship tags, doing it in notepad or something may make it easier to see what you’ve already included.)
There are filter options on this page. If you want to sort by completed or such, this is the point you need to do it at this point. This kind of search does not allow you to filter after you have clicked search. Unlike filtering on a specific tag, there is no filtering sidebar. A few other caveats:
If you want to exclude tags, you will have to input them into the Any Field box alongside the relationship tags. Those excluded tags will need to be formatted like such: - "tag 1"  - "tag 2"
Basically they just need a minus sign in front of them. You do not need to include OR between them.
If you include more than one tag in the Character, Relationship, or Additional Tag boxes, the search will only bring up results that match all of your search parameters. So if you inputted “Fluff” and “High School” into the Additional Tag field, it would only bring up works that have both the “Fluff” and “High School” tag as well as any of the relationship tags in the Any Field.
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I just want search for every work that includes Arm so I have no other filtering added. It looks like something below.
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Once you’ve finished setting up your search, click the search button.
In the case of my search, I only set it up to pull up any of the 29 relationship tags I found  that included Arm. When I saved this screenshot, there were 412 results.
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A few important things to note. While AO3 doesn’t really restrict how many text characters you put into the Any Field box, most browsers have a limit. So if you want to parallel search a lot of relationship or any tags in fact, you may run into your browser breaking your search.
If you’re searching a high number of tags, it’s better to use tag ids instead because they’re shorter and so you’ll be able to include way more information with less text characters. The tutorial works similarly except the list will be formatted like such: filter_ids:123 OR filter_id:456
You will not need to put quotes around a tag id. To find a tag id, you can open a specific tag and look at its RSS Feed, or by using the following script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29917-ao3-display-tag-id  
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piosplayhouse · 2 months
I don't know if you'll answer but I need to know the lore behind sexy times with Wangxian, like is it a fanfic? why do people hate the author??
It was the longest mdzs fic posted during its time in 2021 and gained extreme notoriety for its absurdly long tag list, frequent update schedule that consistently forced anyone scrolling any of its tags to see it at the top of their page, and escalating poor, racist, and trolling authorial behavior that ultimately culminated in the author virtual1979 being suspended from ao3 for a month because she posting an author's note saying she hoped that all her haters would contract covid and die. She deleted the fic from ao3 a little while after this happened, ig bc she wasn't getting enough attention anymore, but allegedly the thing's still up on dreamwidth under strict friendslock. The fan lore article goes pretty in depth about it:
The best summary for why it pissed people off so much is really just showing you these screenshots of what the fic looked like towards the end of its life on desktop and mobile (be warned opening the full image):
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From my personal experience:
from 2019 up until around 2021 the fic really was just a normal-ish, if very strangely written and kinky, wangxian porn fic about them basically just fucking around post canon and enjoying day to day life. It updated pretty frequently and had a fair amount of tags because the author was literally just tagging anything that she wrote. But like the first few hundred, maybe even a thousand tags were pretty accurate to what the fic was because of that, and were relatively manageable for the first few years that it didn't pick up any attention really.
At some point in 2021 when cql was really starting to blow up online and the tag count was starting to pile up to the point of annoyance, the fic started receiving some comments that were just like "hey can you try to cut down on tags, I don't think it's necessary to be so specific as to tag 'Korean food' or 'eggs' or whatnot". The author did not share this idea, evidently, and instead built a grudge against commenters who would tell her to delete tags, subsequently adding more and more as time went on.
As the tag count and updates increased, the content of the fic did too-- it got a lot, lot weirder. I'm sure someone's saved it all somewhere but for reference it spun out into what I can only describe as like if Rick and Morty's plot was cut to be just the parts of the show with underage/incest plotlines with All Tomorrows level sex dystopian world building exclusively to elicit the most visceral audience reaction possible. Around this time is when more people started to notice the fic and its escalating tag issues, leading them to leaving more comments complaining about it, leading to the attention seeking author spitefully adding more tags. Around this time is when she also started adding fake tags that didn't apply to the story whatsoever (sorry to disappoint, "talking vagina" was one of those. I did check) just to boost the count, take up more space on people's screens, and bait people into commenting hate for attention.
By this time, it had become a fandom-wide annoyance as she had begun to tag entirely unrelated ships, therefore putting the near-daily updating titanic of a fic at the top of any mdzs-related tag. People were outraged about this, and calls came for ao3 to step in. Ao3 waffled around for a bit as there was no official rule at the time that imposed a tag limit, so there wasn't established ground to ban virtual1979 (who btw many people suspected of being 40 whole years old due to the username and allegedly some other internet sleuthing on Facebook or something). Meanwhile, she began to tag other fandoms-- tgcf, svsss, BTS, basically anything that would get a lot of attention and draw hate with the advent of The Monstrosity suddenly drowning out all other recently updated fics of the targeted fandoms.
People had been trying to retaliate without ao3 action, though, by coding their own themes/skins that would allow someone to block a user or work and other fic writers made their own parody, the "bland times with wangxian" collection, which were minimally tagged sfw shortfics typically featuring wangxian just doing laundry or things like that. A good amount of them were actually like just fics where wwx would explain to lwj how to install custom ao3 themes and block fics that were taking up too much space on his screen. Imo it was pretty funny, but these also sparked some controversy as people disagreed with fighting annoyance with more annoyance to people trying to find content.
Either shortly before or after ao3 staff said they'd step in due to an insane amount of reports and backlash, I forgot which atp, virtual1979 began perhaps the worst tagging spree of the fic's life by changing the title, many of the tags, and the summary to a slew of racial slurs, sexually explicit imagery, and other generally offensive statements. I'm pretty sure this came after the fic was temporarily hidden once, as this update gained considerably less attention than the rest of the tagging saga, but people were still rightfully pissed about it. Ultimately, like I mentioned before, the author was then suspended for a month for wishing covid and death on her haters, and attention seemed to die down during this time to the point where she didn't really fight much more when her suspension ended and deleted her account and the work shortly after. Again she seems to have moved to dreamwidth, but most have forgotten her and I'm not sure if her presence is public at all on there. But that's the story of the worst mdzs fic ever written
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iamred-iamyellow · 25 days
Lalisa Love Me
♥ pairing: lalisa manoban x fem!rb!driver
♥ smau 
♥ content: fluff <3 
♥ notes: I’m an f1 loving american lesbian blink so when lisa wove the checkered flag in miami  I knew I had to write this. This is also my first posted fic :)
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liked by lalalalisa_m, blackpinkofficial, and 706,435 more 
Blackpink in your area - tagged blackpinkoffical 
user12 SHE’S A BLINK?! 
 yourusername 🩷🖤   user4 the crossover we never knew we needed 
landonorris where was my invite? 
yourusername must’ve got lost in the mail :/   landonorris …
user5 my worlds are colliding 
lilymhe bring me next 
yourusername I WILL DW  alex_albon I see how it is yourusername GIRLS NIGHT IDEA - us and the wags go to their LA concert francisca.cgomes I’ll be there 
roses_are_rosie hope we see you again! 
    yourusername <3 
user7 already writing fanfiction 
   user3 new character unlocked     user5 she’s gonna show up at Jackson Wang’s party just wait 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 416,587
COACHELLA ☀️ - tagged lalalalisa_m
yourusername you guys killed it btw
*liked by lalalalisa_m*
user6 the amount of lisa pictures-
user10 its almost like she was there just for her user6 she probably was ngl I'd be there just for Lisa too
user14 They are both MOTHER
user17 Lisa x y/n was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
landonorris I am once again asking for blackpink tickets
user10 PLEASE hsndnksjs user7 he's so real for that yourusername @ landonorris get your own tickets
user5 Lisa 🛐
yourusername i agree. user5 wait what user8 aaaand screenshoted user7 my new wallpaper
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, lalalalisa_m, and 827,942 more
Congrats World Champ <3 You drove one hell of a year.
maxverstappen1 you drove amazing yourself. p2 overall is great, especially in your second season
*liked by yourusername*
user1 lisa liked this post btw
user3 they're literally canon at this point user7 WHEN WILL OUR MOTHERS GET TOGETHER?
yourusername looking forward to a (hopefully) next season win
user5 congrats girly
user7 literally crying at lisa liking this post
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, sooyaaa_, and 743,078
See You Soon <3
user17 ??? CONTEXT ???
user2 Don't be shy, tell us who
user7 the car pic...? liked by y/n....?
user1 I SEE THE VISION user4 *me waiting for a lisa x y/n relationship megathread*
user8 unrelated but she looks stunning
user9 posted the DAY OF f1 winter break. not a coincidence.
user3 my otp
user12 I ship so hard
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and 506,902 more 
Waving the flag - tagged yourusername and redbullracing 
yourusername so glad you're here
     lalalalisa_m <3 
user3 the picture in the middle hello??? 
   landonorris so @ yourusername lied about being sick last week?     yourusername yes and I’d do it again    landonorris the betrayal     yourusername you’ll live 
jennierubyjane good luck! 
   yourusername thanks jen <3
user2 NEED more lisa x y/n content 
    user7 on it 🫡
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, yourusername, and 650,432 more
P3! That's my girl 🍾 - tagged yourusername
lilymhe love you both
*liked by lalalalisa_m and yourusername*
user16 lets goo p3
user7 "my girl" sorry- MY GIRL?
user4 hey siri, play we fell in love in october
user12 honorary wag
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liked by roses_are_rosie, landonorris, and 1,034,607 more
Say Lalisa Love Me - tagged lalalalisa_m
landonorris FINALLY
yourusername love the enthusiasm landonorris we've been waiting for over a year alex_albon he's right
user7 our fanfics came ture
user2 Jackson Wang's parties never disappoint.
user3 "lisa I'm gay for you" same
user7 she's so real for that
user1 let's go lesbians let's go
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(end notes: I literally skipped my eng essay just for this lmao. this is for a pretty niche audience but I hope ya'll enjoyed it <3 idk if I'ma post more fics here but I might! thanks for reading.
*NONE of the pictures are mine. All were found on Pinterest. Special shoutout to whoever had that "Lisa I'm gay for you" sign because that's so real*)
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ao3commentoftheday · 1 month
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Somebody asked: Is deliberately tagging wrong for "reach" a reportable offense? (I mean explicitly in an instance where the author openly admits on-site "these tags/fandoms/ships/etc. have nothing to do with the story I'm just adding them to get more people to see it".)
If it’s a wrong fandom tag, it’s reportable. For anything else, it’s not. When it comes to works with unrelated tags, PAC only handles reports about fandom tags that don’t apply to the work, and not characters, relationships, categories, or any other perceived tag mislabeling. An admission makes investigating and handling a report about incorrect fandom tags faster. However, it doesn't impact any other types of tags on the work that aren't part of what we handle, since those tags don't break any rules.
I get it can be frustrating when people tag like this. So if somebody is “tagging for reach”, whether fandoms or anything else, go ahead and mute them. (My personal philosophy: mute all the stuff you don’t want to see!)
— guest mod tealight
If you have a question you’d like answered, you can ask here.
Disclaimer: I’m speaking for myself and not behalf of AO3 or PAC. I can only answer general questions. I cannot tell you if a specific work or user is breaking the rules. If you want to file a report or otherwise need an official PAC response, you can find PAC’s contact form by clicking on the “Policy Questions & Abuse Reports” link on any AO3 page.
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crimeronan · 9 days
Dear Mr. Government,
I lost all my paperwork from nearly dying of lupus 🥺 My greatest wish is to feed the bureaucracy paper monster 🥺 Would you please be so kind as to reissue all the paperwork to me? 🥺 I dearly hope to be a good little citizen and fill it all out 🥺 Thank you so very much for any kindness you choose to bequeath unto me 🥹
the goodest little citizen you ever did see 😭😭
THIS IS TRULY WHAT IT'S BEEN LIKE. i had to reapply for my new hampshire vehicle title because i lost my old one, i looked through all of my drawers with important documents and couldn't find it ANYWHERE. and i needed that for proof that i own the vehicle, so i could register it in oregon. so i had to mail a PAPER FUCKING LETTER along with the title application and a PAPER CHECK. which meant it traveled 3300 miles, sat for a week while the check cleared, and then the title itself had to transit 3300 miles back to me. all the while i'm stalling for time with my landlord who's saying they'll have my car towed if i keep parking it with expired tags, so they get to hear the entire sordid illness backstory. because i can't park the car on the street because the police gave me a ticket and put an abandoned vehicle notice on it the last time i did that. THEN in order to pass my emissions test, i had to repair a small piece of the engine, and the part cost $150 from the dealer, so we bought a part for $20 online, but then we had to wait over a week for it to ship and it didn't even get here on the projected date. then justice (my mechanic girlfriend) had to spend literally the entirety of a saturday working on my car, when she should be relaxing instead. then we had to reset the battery to turn the check engine light off. this is after i had to do $1400 worth of unrelated repairs out of pocket btw. and i had to go to the library to print all of these application forms and painstakingly hand-address all these envelopes. and today i walked into the DMV with all of my application and inspection shit FINALLY done, and i was at the counter for Less Than Two Minutes, and the lady was like, "yup, looks good! here's your new plates, bye :)"
i found my original vehicle title in a drawer an hour ago.
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variksel · 22 days
trudykelsie nation have we decided on a ship name yet. we desperately need one......
do we go the oakworthy route with something like troutgrammar? or the glennry way, trulsie? keldy? i saw someone offer up apple pie which is perfect but absolutely impossible to tag..
grammarpie? the word alphabet could be in there somewhere?
also unrelated but i do kinda miss when we used to call all the seasons by car names (dndads odyssey, dndads pussy wagon) coule we get a dndads cardussy tag going or somethihwjrbdndnsn*succumbs to the carbon minoxide plaguing my apartment*
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peggingeddiediaz · 2 months
Complaining because we're happy about buck finally dating the perfect guy is something… and comparing Tommy to Taylor, please
I really am trying to not be as petty as I can be.
I'll say it again, I actually like Buck and Tommy dating, I like canon bucktommy but the fanon bucktommy fans have made the ship so generic in record time, it's getting insufferable seeing posts about them.
Also, let's not kid ourselves and pretend that the insane fan support for Tommy/Lou that elevates the character to "perfect love interest" in just 2 episodes, is not largely unrelated to him being a hot attractive white man. (I still remember some of those bucktommy fans calling Tommy a Walmart version of Buck when the Tommy/Eddie speculation was a hot topic, and now look at them…) I do admit that both Buck and Tommy look very similar at times🤭
Tommy is not perfect, in fact that 1st date was really uncomfortable to watch and not only because of Buck.
1st: The fact that Tommy knew that Buck wasn't out and that this is literally his 1st date with a man, who had his 1st kiss some days before, which is the reason why Tommy picked a really out of the way restaurant for the date, but still he made a "funny" comment about closet spaces to Eddie, who he's not out to, was a choice. Specially when Tommy knows first hand how hard it is to come out to your friends.
2nd: The fact that not only did he not tell Buck about cutting the date short before leaving the restaurant, but that he called himself an Uber to go home and left him there on the sidewalk?? (Confirmation that Buck drove them there is nice though, passenger princess Tommy is canon 🤭)
3rd: For someone who knows Buck might not be ready to date anyone right now, saying yes to a 2nd date, after the disaster that 1st one turned out to be, and as a guest to his sister's wedding is a little insane.
I can imagine the vitriol and innumerable call out posts had Tommy been a female love interest. Aside from those points, is also deliciously ironic how fanon buddie is the way it is because fans were "tired" of the: bigger guy means he's a top and the smaller one is the bottom dynamic, but suddenly everyone is salivating at it now with bucktommy. Which again, it wouldn't be such a problem if it didn't devolve into stereotypes, just like in fanon buddie.
The one thing both ships have in common is that Buck is never allowed to be a character but just the "your name" tag, stereotypical bottom, infantilized and woobified to the point he's barely recognizable.
I like canon bucktommy and canon buddie (or their potential canon given Buck and Eddie's personalities, and how they are when dating other people), their fanon versions though, where they are stereotypes firsts and characters second? not so much.
In conclusion, I like Tommy and his potential, but he needs a lot of development to be considered a character at all (getting told he's cool is not character building) and awkward dates don't count either (specially when the same benefit is never given to the female love interests).
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maochira · 1 year
first off all, congrats on 400!(or almost?) 💞💗
for ur new writing event; sae and rin have a better relationship again and one of them is a single dad and the other helps raise the kid as a cool uncle! ☺️🙏💐
Omg this is so cute 😭😭 The event is specifically for ships as parents, but I'll happily write this outside of the event!! In general, I'm open to writing parent!characters unrelated to the event heh. Oh and thank you!! I actually hit 400 followers today which is CRAZY thank you for being here!!
Requests open! - current event - masterlist
Tags: gn!Sae's child!reader, single father!Sae
(A/N: I rarely get personal here, but I have lots of comfort in single dad stuff because I've been living with my single dad since I was 13 (I lived with my mom and ex-stepfather before that) and my aunt has always played a big role in my life!! So I took a little bit of inspiration from my own life for this :])
-when you were born, the rivalry between Sae and Rin was still going on, but when Sae and your mother separated when you were a toddler, Sae was in need of help to raise you. Even though Rin always thought he dislikes children, he definitely has a soft spot for you, so he agreed to help out his brother
-and that's what fixed the messy relationship between Sae and Rin. It took a few months, but because Rin spent so much time at Sae's place to help with taking care of you, they slowly grew together again
-your mother is basically out of your life, but it doesn't affect you that much because you're too young to remember life with both of your parents together. But it does make you very attached to Sae
-despite Rin helping with whatever is needed, Sae still does most of the work regarding you, but whenever he gets overwhelmed or too tired, he calls Rin for help
-Rin usually picks you up from kindergarten/school, and he drives you to wherever you need to go (meeting friends, appointments Sae doesn't need to attend/doesn't have time for, etc.)
-when Sae has to travel for matches, Rin will either stay at your place or you stay at his for that timespan
-you miss Sae a lot when he's gone, and because you're so attached to him it can get hard to deal with him not being at home for a longer period of time, so Rin always comforts you if you get sad
-Sae makes up for the time he loses with you by taking you out to a lot of father-child activities. He always looks out for something to do, like going to the cinema, going to the zoo, or whatever you ask him for
-of course, there are also times when Rin has to travel for matches. If that happens to be at the same time when Sae has to travel as well, you will usually go along with Sae
-Sae isn't exactly a strict parent, but he's very protective of you so he tends to set a few more rules than needed in fear something happens to you
-Rin lets you break some of those rules if Sae is not around. It's a little secret between the two of you. It's never big things, tho. Rather small rules like having candy for breakfast or staying up way past bedtime
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