#domestic revenues
dayofbanks · 4 years
Focus on the alignment of public finance with the SDGs.
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Official Development Assistance (ODA) while critical is not enough to address the development financing needs. UNDP’s public finance offer focuses on the alignment of public finance with the SDGs through
raising domestic revenues aligned with the achievement of SDGs 
raising public finances –SDG aligned bond issuances 
sovereign risk financing instruments to protect assets and enable investment
SDG aligned fiscal planning and expenditure management
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nando161mando · 2 months
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artisticdivasworld · 7 months
Navigating the Complexities of Border Security and Trade: The Texas Dilemma
In recent times, the Lone Star State has found itself at the epicenter of a complex dilemma that intertwines domestic security measures with international trade dynamics. Governor Greg Abbott’s stringent border security initiatives, including the deployment of the National Guard and the construction of barriers along the Texas-Mexico border, have sparked a multifaceted debate. These measures,…
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amr-jayprakash · 1 year
Technology has become basic prerequisite to ensure multiple operations are being carried out immaculately. Technology has always been a supporting factor for the domestic tourism industry. Technology is disrupting the established market with the advent of web-based booking and use of AI and IoT in operation optimizations. Use of such technology  provide seamless customer experience while booking there tourism package is accelerating the growth of the market during the forecast period. 
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carlocarrasco · 2 years
BIR targeting online sellers
If you have been engaging on selling items or services online, you should be aware that the Philippines’ authority on taxation the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is constantly watching you and it is seeking ways to tax you, according to a BusinessWorld news report. Already the BIR has been communicating with the e-commerce platforms. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt…
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cash-111 · 8 months
What do they think about marriage?
Pairings: slytherin guys x reader
A/N: I am having a severe case of marriage fever, if that even exists. Anyways, have this small HC drabble, tell me what you think.
Honestly I think he’d be against the idea for a pretty long time (seeing his mother as sort of ‘trapped’ before she died), he’d resent marriage through most of his early life.
But then he’d meet you, and you’d start going on 1, 2… 5 years together? And it would just start to feel so right, so he’d have to pop the question.
He’ll want nothing more than to reclaim this sacred bond as his with you by his side.
Didn’t really care about marriage one way or another. I do think he’d be secretly very enamored with the idea of a more domestic life, though.
Once he finds the right person, something clicks and he knows he’ll want to spend the rest of his life with them.
Marriage is just one way to crown this desire, and if you want it, he’ll happily oblige.
He was brought up with marriage in mind, and I don’t think that bothers him much; it’s just a stepping stone he has to take at some point, though he’s adamant about making his own independent choice when it comes to when, who and how.
His parents may or may not approve of you, he doesn’t care (though it’d be easier if they did), once he’s set on the idea of marrying you that is exactly what he’ll do.
(On another note, I also think he’d find himself enjoying organizing it lol)
Dreams of marriage. Secretly goes through revenue and dresses catalogs when he’s feeling particularly down or lonely.
I think he’d be one of the quickest to take the knee, and even quicker to realize you’re the one he had been waiting for.
Also someone whom I think really holds dear the idea of having such a companionship.
I always imagine him as a single child born to single children, so I think he’d have some kind of family heirloom given to him pretty early in, like his grandma’s ring.
Once you guys have been going out for a while I think he’d roll it around in his hand late at night, while he watches your sleeping form breathe peacefully.
Does not want it.
In his plans there had never been any space for that kind of frivolous distraction, plus any title that is bestowed by someone other than him is pretty much meaningless.
(He’s so napoleon takes the crown coded)
Instead, he’d hold a “devotion ceremony”, where you make an unbreakable vow that seals you to him forever. Romantic isn’t he? You should be grateful.
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genderqueerdykes · 5 months
traditional acrylic painting commissions are open!
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hello, my name is Equinox, im a severely disabled schizophrenic trans lesbian who needs help stabilizing after being homeless for 6 months. i currently have to pay $131 for my electric bill, as well as other living expenses like hygiene products. my online shop is my only stream of revenue. i have hypermobile ehlers danlos and am recovering from a wrist and leg injury from domestic violence.
if you're interested, i am very flexible with subject matter, so long as it is not hateful. as well as characters and portraits, i enjoy painting landscapes and objects, so don't be afraid to ask for whatever you'd like! these are acrylic paint & paint marker on flat 8"x10" panel canvases, then sprayed with acrylic sealer. these will be mailed to you physically!
you can message me directly, or find where to apply here:
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metamatar · 9 months
One of the world’s top arms exporters, Israel exports annually as much as $7 billion worth of military technology, or 2.2 percent of its Gross Domestic Product. An additional 1.35 percent of GDP is dedicated to military research and development, and 6.7 percent is spent on its defense budget— the world’s second largest military budget as a percentage of GDP after Saudi Arabia. All told, 10.25 percent of the Israeli economy is involved directly in arms. Comparatively, for the United States, the world’s top weapons exporter, arms account for around 3.7 percent of its economy. Israel is actually the world’s largest arms supplier per capita, according to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the World Bank, at ninety-eight dollars; it is followed by a distant Russia at fifty-eight dollars, and Sweden at fifty-three dollars.
These figures do not include the contribution from natural resources exploited under occupation in the West Bank and Gaza.50 They do not factor in the service sector’s revenue or general industry and construction taking place in the West Bank. Such figures are difficult to quantify, since many companies operate in the West Bank but have offices in Tel Aviv to obscure where operations take place. Nor does this account for Israeli exports into the Occupied Territories, which are 72 percent of Palestinian imports and 0.16 percent of Israeli GDP. All told, the Israeli economy is deeply involved in a web of expenditure and profit around the ongoing occupation and expansion of settlements.
American military aid supplanting open-ended government grants has had the effect of increasing arms production and diminishing the overall economic reach of the state. No longer is foreign aid and imperialist incentive directly invested in the working class. Israeli workers are now rewarded through the arms economy. This is why, despite the lack of social mobility and the economic degradation of neoliberalism, the working class remains committed as ever to Zionism.
The working class has become dependent on the education, housing, and career opportunities that their participation in the IDF affords them. They have found routes for advancement in the military-fueled high-tech industry, with over 9 percent of workers concentrated in high-tech. And as pensions and real wages are eroded, the cheaper cost of settlement living in the Occupied Territories has become essential.
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ivesambrose · 1 year
𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 🎐
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Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip! 🌹
Picture 1
You're focused on the materialistic aspects of your life currently. You could be the sole provider when it comes to yourself as well as your family. You'll gain an unexpected source of income or a boost in your income which will help you in either - buying a new house, redecorating your house to your liking, paying off any bills or any domestic related matters, any debt whatsoever. You may have to deal with certain paperwork or administrative work for some things but this will go smoothly even if it seems stressful initially.
Be mindful of how much toil and labour you're putting into things. This may have been your go to when it comes to earning revenue, studying/grades, getting something that you want etc but this route will no longer work for you since you're unable to enjoy the fruits of your labour properly. You have to act smart and Intuitively aswell as change your dominant mindset/dominant state when it comes to this. Sometimes the hardest work you'll have to do is simply put in effort to change your mindset.
You have high expectations for yourself and a refined taste. You want luxury in your life now, you'll have this too. As your expectations in yourself has risen so has your expectations when it comes to relationships romantic or otherwise. The bare minimum simply isn't cutting it anymore. You'll have what you want. You'll connect with new people and have the romance you've been dreaming of.
Some of you might buy a vintage car or it could be significant. You may also meet someone while travelling. This individual would really want to spoil you and be there for you emotionally even if you're used to handling things by yourself.
You'll have a better grip on your life in the sense it won't feel like it's passing you by and you can't even enjoy it.
For now invest in some cooling mud masks or sheet masks and skincare with ceramides. You need some soothing and maybe even a deep tissue massage. If you can't afford that at the moment you can always look up lymphatic draining massages on YouTube. Additionally, don't sleep on your communication, writing, self expression and persuasion skills.
Significant timings: January and May
Picture 2
You're concerned with a few people in your life. Their opinions, their projections, approval etc to some of you this could be an older male or maybe a boss. On top of that concern you have so much on your plate that it feels overwhelming, it isn't even something you enjoy. However, there are many things that you do enjoy and want to cherish but don't know when, where and how to even start.
You have been compromising yourself and your peace for so long you've lost your sleep in the process or are having sleep related issues. You're apprehensive most of the times. Some of you I'm seeing have bursts of energy where you take all of your pent up emotions mostly anger and sorrow peppered with motivation, joy and hope and get things done and once that burst of energy is gone you feel empty again. You feel as though you'll be punished if you choose yourself, that someone has a knife to your back.
Good news is although you feel as though you're stuck between two choices, you will inevitably choose the one that rejuvenates you.
It'll feel as though you have been swipping dirt for so long and someone finally offers you a glass of chilled water. The wise thing to do then would be to drop the broom and take that glass. Take the emotionally fulfilling new beginning that's been offered to you. Whether it be in a form of a new relationship, new career, new path, anything. You deserve it.
You'll be nurturing yourself a lot more and likely pick up a new hobby that makes you happy.
Some of you could get into content creation or modelling or cooking/baking, even fitness and nutrition.
You'll gain recognition and success. It will happen.
This will attract some side eyes from people who have a stubborn mindset and want to control you cuz they have no control over their lives. It doesn't matter.
I see you putting firmer boundaries and basking in your rewards. A lot of you might also quit a 9-5 and start working from home. You might also switch to a better house/apartment/location.
What's coming into your life is a lot of luck, sucess and attention which in turn will boost your confidence as well as charisma. Remember to count your blessings then and extend gratitude to the ones who have stuck by you. Albiet very few but very honest individuals. This newfound confidence will take you to places. Have faith.
Significant timings: Libra season (things are getting balanced behind the scenes and justice is being served), Taurus season (specifically) and January.
Picture 3
You'll be glad that you walked away and you walked far. You'll have the answers you have been seeking. You are indeed being guided by a higher force even if that is your own soul.
You do tend to knowingly or unknowingly block your own blessings. It's high time you stop doing that just because things aren't currently making sense and you can't see the intricacies. You're supposed to look at the bigger picture and stop dimming your own light.
The lesson here is to stop being so afraid of your blessings just because you assume that something bad is going to happen. Life is happening for you.
Additionally you'll have a closure in regards to something that you had almost achieved in the past but lost due to whatever reason. But you'll realize that it doesn't matter anymore because there are indeed better achievements ahead. Your whole idea of what you once wanted will change so if anything leaves your life abruptly it's for the best, it was meant to be that way. It has served it's purpose.
You no longer have to mourn your losses.
But you'll have a lot to celebrate and you won't be alone.
Some of you might leave your hometown or start over in regards to something. You feel very left out in your current place but this will change.
You have likely endured a lot and forgot about the gifts you posses. Either someone or you will remind yourself of that. There are many promising connections ahead and existence is not supposed to be so dire.
In the past if you've felt your pantry has lacked food or you have lacked resources of any kind, you'll be blessed with an abundance of it.
Be mindful of the world you have build within your mind, the one around you will eventually reflect it back.
Significant timings: Coming 5 weeks, November and January. (Will speed up if you stick to your vision)
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“People need to understand that ‘growth’ is not the same as social progress.” Hickel is one of the leading lights in a growing post-growth or degrowth movement. Its proponents argue that economic success cannot be measured through the crude metric of gross domestic product (GDP) and that there needs to be a managed reduction in growth in carbon-intensive countries and industries. “Growth simply means an increase in aggregate production, as measured in market prices,” says Hickel. “So, according to GDP growth, producing £1m worth of teargas is considered exactly the same as producing £1m worth of affordable housing or healthcare.” Hickel says that what matters in terms of social progress is not aggregate production but the production of specific goods and services that are necessary for improving people’s lives and achieving ecological goals – and a reduction in overall growth in high-emitting sectors and countries. “Every time a politician says they want more economic growth, we need to ask: growth of what and for whose benefit?” Opponents of the post-growth movement counter that a shrinking economy would be socially destructive, leading to a rise in unemployment, a reduction in tax revenue and therefore less money available for public services. This, they argue, would lead to increasing levels of hardship and destitution, which is already hitting marginalised communities the hardest. However, economists in the post-growth movement say a planned and purposeful reorganisation of the economy would benefit the vast majority of people. According to their vision, this could entail an organised downsizing in production of things such as mansions, SUVs, industrially produced beef, cruise ships, fast fashion and weapons – all of which are profitable to capital but ecologically destructive. At the same time, there should be a massive increase in investment in what would benefit people the most, from healthcare, public transport and renewable energy to affordable housing, nutritious food and regenerative agriculture, which offer less profit but are also less ecologically destructive. Hickel says: “In high-income countries like the UK, we have absolutely massive aggregate output. But this output is mostly organised around what is profitable to capital – and beneficial to elite consumers – rather than what is necessary for the wellbeing of everyday citizens. So despite high production we still have widespread deprivation … More than 4 million children live in poverty, and you can see the misery on our streets when you walk around. It’s madness.”
27 August 2024
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liberalsarecool · 9 months
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Congressional Republicans have no policy accomplishments.
They know two things:
1. cutting tax revenues that pay pay for things through massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy.
2. Exploding deficits via these tax cuts and borrowing money with interest.
No health care. No infrastructure. No immigration. No green energy. No climate. No domestic investment.
The bills they do pass are about guns and gay/trans/drag issues aka white supremacy.
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latinotiktok · 2 months
Just want to speak as a latino seeing coverage of Venezuela here in the United States… of course the United States is going to tell us that the Socialist Bolivarian Revolution is villainous and that the elections are fraudulent. As if the United States doesn’t have one of the most pathetic voting systems of the whole world. As if the United States hasn’t intervened over and over in Latin American politics to install dictators that only serve US interests. As if they didn’t sieze billions of dollars of Citgo revenue when Chavez took power to create a depression and then blame it on socialism. The same people who are lying to us about Palestine are the same people who are lying to us about Venezuela. In 2018, Machado literally requested Benjamin Netanyahu’s support for a military intervention (i.e. coup attempt) in Venezuela. Machado is a staunch Zionist. She has promised that if the opposition is successful in overturning the Bolivarian Revolution, they will move the Venezuela’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Only five countries (including the U.S.) have established their embassies to Israel in Jerusalem because to do so is a flagrant violation of international law.
Please stop believing the United States or it’s latino allies have the best interest of latinos (domestically or internationally) at heart.
And don’t say I have no right to comment on this. As a Latino living in the belly of the beast, it is my duty to speak out against imperialism and the bullshit propaganda biden-harris try to spread.
I think your 'duty' should be trying to uplift the voices of your siblings who are actually living there and fighting for their lives instead of preaching you know more about the subject than them
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razorroy · 3 days
Before: Gonna Drain The Swamp
Now: Tariffs Will Make China Pay Taxes
Donald Trump’s tariff proposal is worse than even his critics say. Much worse. Trump keeps telling audiences that he’s going to make China and other countries pay taxes to the American government. As even right-wing economists are acknowledging, that’s utter nonsense—as fanciful as his claims that he would make Mexico pay for a wall on our southern border.
A tariff is, in effect, the equivalent of a national sales tax on imported goods, as any economics professor will tell you. Think of it: If we impose a 10 percent tariff on a dishwasher made in China, the manufacturer or importer just raises the U.S. price by 10 percent.
But it’s much worse than that because of how domestic manufacturers will react should the Trump national sales tax tariff be imposed. The Trump tariff will make people who own domestic manufacturing companies rich beyond their greediest dreams, aggressively redistributing wealth and income upward in the United States.
How would the Trump tariff do this? Imagine for a moment that you own a company that makes cars. And let’s assume, to keep the math simple, that each vehicle coming out of your factories sells for $10,000, of which $1,000, or 10 percent, is your profit.
Chinese carmakers sell their cars in the U.S. for the same price.
Trump then imposes his tariff. He doesn’t need to ask Congress to do this. Lawmakers have already granted presidents broad authority to impose tariffs. Trump says he will slap a 60 percent tariff on imported goods from China.
The dealers who sell Chinese cars in America will have to raise their prices to $16,000. If you buy a Chinese car, you will pay that tariff, not China. Indeed, the only harm to China would be selling fewer cars because the tariff would make Chinese cars too costly for many Americans.
But remember, you own an American car company. Will you continue selling your cars for $10,000 to earn a $1,000 profit per vehicle? Not a chance. A fundamental economic theory is that capitalists seek to maximize profit. Every business and finance school teaches this bedrock principle: profit maximization.
Trump’s tariff means you can raise the price of your vehicles to $16,000 and not lose any market share. However, the Trump tariff doesn’t apply to you since you are a domestic carmaker. That means you will collect not $1,000 profit per car but $7,000, all paid by your customers.
But because profit maximization is your goal, you will likely undercut the Chinese car companies. To simplify the math, you would charge $15,000 for each car. That’s a large enough discount that some people who want a Chinese car will purchase your American-made car instead.
That $1,000 profit you made on each car will skyrocket to $6,000. That extra profit comes at no cost. You won’t have to hire more autoworkers, engineers, and salespeople, or spend money on enlarging your factories, or add alluring bells and whistles to your vehicles. Thanks to Trump, you will pocket six times as much profit per car. Sweet.
You can see why people who care only about money and have no social conscience would be eager to support Trump’s campaign and donate millions of dollars. Even if car sales fall by half, they will pocket more money than today.
Trump’s tariffs stand to make you so much money that you’d be laughing not just on your way to the bank but on your way to your megayacht, private jumbo jet, private Caribbean islands, and your many mansions.
Businesses in America typically earn profit margins of between 5 percent to 15 percent of revenue. Companies with little competition typically collect larger profits.
Digital companies often earn vastly higher profits because they have almost no labor costs. That’s because they get you, the customer, and software to do the work. We don’t call this a slave labor economy because the digital companies don’t own you. But they own a piece of your time, and, like Tom Sawyer getting other kids to whitewash the fence, they get you to do their work for zero compensation.
At $15,000 a vehicle, thanks to Trump, as the owner of a car company, you will pocket 40 percent of the sales price as profit.
The Trump tariff would definitely reduce the volume of cars sold. Many people won’t be able to afford cars that cost 50 percent or 60 percent more than today. Therefore, they’ll keep their cars longer. Trump’s national sales tax will benefit auto mechanics as people spend money to extend the life of their cars. Since you own a car company, this will bring you a different stream of profits—from the spare parts you sell to mechanics to repair and maintain the cars you sold in the past.
So the net effect of Trump’s tariffs would be to raise the price of goods made in China as well as goods made here in America.
Whether buying single-use wooden utensils for a backyard barbecue, computers for your children to do schoolwork, or new shoes, you will pay much more to buy Chinese or American-made goods.
Now, if you think America’s problem is that the rich don’t have nearly enough—well, please vote for Donald Trump, because he has an effective solution for that problem. Just don’t complain later that you didn’t understand that the reason you are driving an old beater and forgoing vacations with your kids to make payments on your new superpriced domestic car and other goods is that you didn’t know that Trump had a plan to stealthily siphon money from your pocket so the already superrich could be even richer.
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rashfordxbruno · 1 year
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"Today, we female fans of Manchester United are demanding that the club to abide by their duty of care towards their female fans and employees and demonstrate a zero tolerance approach towards acts of violence against women by refusing to bring Mason Greenwood back into the squad."
"The situation is clear - taking Greenwood back legitimises and normalises sexual assault and domestic abuse. It tells other players, and the men and boys that look up to them, that abusing women is acceptable, without consequence, and won't affect you or derail your career."
"It also tells us, as women, that we don't matter. It tells female MUFC employees that their employer is happy to make them work alongside an abuser, and tells hundreds of thousands of female fans that supporting the team we love involves supporting men who abuse women like us."
"It tells us that our safety doesn't matter, our experiences don't matter; that the 1 in 4 women who experience domestic abuse and/or sexual assault in the UK don't matter. It tells us that men who make the club money matter; not us, our fellow fans, mothers, sisters or daughters"
"The club has launched all sorts of initiatives in recent years to allegedly promote inclusivity and diversity at the match, but "All Red All Equal" means nothing if the rights of those who have perpetrated gender-based violence are more equal than those who have lived through it"
"We know there are currently multi million pound PR firms spinning narratives to go along with his potential return. "Repentant father who has turned his life around and just wants to support his partner and child." "Young genius who made a mistake but deserves a second chance.""
"Threatening your partner with sexual violence isn't "a mistake", it's deliberate, targeted abuse. The lockdown parties and police warnings were apparently "a mistake", getting dropped by England and sent home from camp for breaking the rules was also apparently "a mistake"."
"The problem here isn't a player who has "made a mistake", it's a player who has consistently demonstrated an attitude of extreme arrogance, entitlement and exceptionalism; and who has shown nothing but disregard and contempt for what it means to represent this great club."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone does so while in the position of power and privilege Greenwood is. If you want to play at the highest level at the biggest club in the world, your behaviour will be held up to the highest level of scrutiny, accountability and expectation."
"The decision of senior management at MUFC regarding Greenwood's return will tell us fans everything we need to know about their ability to run this club, and about whether they have any genuine willingness to listen to, engage with, and support fans on issues that matter to us."
"Is this club for them just a vehicle for commercial success, trophies, sponsorships and revenue? Or do they genuinely share our vision of Manchester United as a great institution that exists as a place of belonging and community for those who care about its values and traditions?"
"We are calling on the club to do the right thing. For their fans, for their employees, for the millions of young boys and girls across the world who look up to our players as heroes and role models, and the millions of women whose lives have been blighted by violence and abuse."
"To the decision makers at the club, remember; this goes beyond football. This decision is a reflection of you, your morals; of who you are as individuals, and as humans. Will you stand with abusers, or with the abused? History will judge your choices. Make sure you choose well."
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Article from July 29, 2024:
The forcible eviction of the indigenous Batwa community from their ancestral lands within the Kahuzi-Biega National Park (PNKB) was a violation of their rights by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government, finds the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights in a historic decision. The ruling recognizes Batwa as the best guardians of biodiversity and calls for their return to their land. ‘This is a huge win for the climate justice movement,’ says Samuel Ade Ndasi, African Union Litigation and Advocacy Officer at Minority Rights Group (MRG). ‘The decision negates the idea that solving the climate crisis requires displacing indigenous communities and seizing their lands. Instead, it sets a strong precedent that recognizes the value of indigenous traditional knowledge and environmental and biodiversity conservation practices. From this point forward, no indigenous community should be evicted in the name of conservation anywhere in Africa.’
In the 1970s Batwa were violently expelled from their homes and dispossessed of their ancestral lands to pave way for the creation of the PNKB. They were forced into decades of grinding impoverishment, severe discrimination, landlessness and skyrocketing mortality in informal settlements on the outskirts of the park. In the two devastating decades after expulsion, the number of Batwa expelled from the park fell from an estimated 6,000 to just 3,000. In 2022, an MRG investigation documented a three-year campaign of organized violence by park authorities and Congolese soldiers to expel Batwa who had returned to their lands in 2018, resulting in the death of at least 20, group rape of at least 15 and forced displacement of hundreds. The case, brought by MRG and Environnement, Ressources Naturelles et Developpement (ERND) on behalf of the Batwa community, highlighted the continual violent evictions and human rights abuses suffered by the Batwa community was filed at the African Commission in 2015, after five years of fighting for redress in the DRC’s domestic legal system to no avail. Joséphine M’Cibalida, a Batwa community member, shares her experience: ‘While we were hunting, state agents invaded our community and burned down our homes, leaving us homeless and destitute. We lost everything, including our dignity as human beings. This ruling brings us hope that we will receive justice for the harm done to us.’ For the first time ever, the Commission’s ruling specifically recognizes an indigenous people’s crucial role in safeguarding the environment and biodiversity. It found that conservation models excluding indigenous peoples from their lands are not effective for fighting climate change in Africa.
Key recommendations from the Commission to the DRC government include:
A full public apology to the Batwa, acknowledging the deadly abuse by ecoguards, eviction-related deaths and the inhumane living conditions to which Batwa have been subjected;
Legally recognize Batwa as full citizens of the DRC;
Pay compensation to the Batwa;
Demarcate and grant collective titles to Batwa over ancestral territories within the PNKB;
Establish a community development fund and share park revenues with Batwa;
Withdraw non-Batwa persons from Batwa ancestral lands.
Jean-Marie Bantu Baluge, ERND spokesperson says: ‘Reclaiming the rights of indigenous peoples to their ancestral lands and resources is paramount to their survival and in protecting biodiversity. The Commission’s Decision offers a lifeline to the Batwa people and other indigenous communities in the Congo Basin who have been battered for over half a century in the name of conservation.’ MRG’s 2022 investigation also found that international supporters of the PNKB, such as the German and US governments and the global conservation organization, Wildlife Conservation Society, may be complicit in these crimes – including in violating a UN Security Council arms embargo. The African Union has fully endorsed the Commission’s Decision. Both the Executive Council and the Assembly approved it during their Ordinary Sessions held in February 2023 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. However, its publication was delayed by months. MRG received a copy of a corrigendum to the Decision, containing important clarifications in late June 2024. The corrigendum will be made available on the African Commission’s website in due course.
Aug 5, 2024:
But above all and since 2019, this People has been the subject of serious violations and repeated attacks, in particular allegations that militarized ecoguards of the park raped, killed and terrorized communities returning to their ancestral lands. This has been all very well documented by MRG in an investigative report from 2022.
In its decision, the African Commission found that the DRC government violated at least 10 articles of the African Charter, to which DRC is a signatory and party. These included the rights to life, to property, to natural resources, to development, to religion and to culture.
‘Crucially the African Commission has recognised that the Batwa, and consequently many other Indigenous Peoples all around the continent, have a critical role to play in conserving and protecting their land and natural resources,' said Jennifer Castello of FPP.
“The Commission has recognised that the so-called ‘fortress conservation’ is ineffective for preserving and protecting the biodiversity of PNKB. To succeed, conservation has to be based on securing Indigenous Peoples’ land rights, not on evicting them from the lands they have conserved for generations”.
Given that the DRC has recently adopted a specific legislation to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the country, it is about time that the Batwa of the PNKB finally obtain justice and receive support to go back to their land.
FPP, RFUK, AI and IPLP urge the DRC to fully respect the Commission’s calls to the government and to take immediate steps to remedy the violations experienced by the Batwa over decades. We also urge all donors and conservation organisations engaged in the DRC to work with the government to fully implement the decision, ensure that conservation at PNKB recognises and respects the rights of the Batwa to their ancestral lands, and supports the People to take the leading role in conserving and protecting them.
More broadly, we urge the government and its international partners to provide redress to other victims of ‘fortress conservation’ in DRC’s other protected areas and to ensure that all conservation initiatives are implemented through rights-based, community-centred approaches.
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mostlymilkwood · 6 days
Their Story and The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All
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Recently I've been thinking about the success of The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All and how it feels like seeing where Tamen de Gushi could have ended up, had its publishing issues not lead too various hiatuses during its peak.
To give a quick summary of events; Tamen de Gushi (aka Their Story/SQ Begin W/Your Name!) is a manhua created and posted online by Tan Jiu. It was incredibly popular around 2015 to 2018, during which time it had big ad campaigns, cute merch, animated promos and a print volume of the manhua itself. Just the one though. Sadly a the start of 2018 Tan Jiu announced that volume 2 would be indefinitely postponed as their publisher had requested several scenes be removed, which they refused to do. People speculated the scenes were the romantic ones between the leads, particularly the Big Kiss that would have been in that volume, but it was never specified. Regardless, this had a pretty disastrous effect on the manhua, as without the revenue from volume 2 Tan Jiu understandably began working on other projects and updates basically stopped altogether outside of occasional illustrations and short comics detached from the main storyline.
Meanwhile The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All (lets go with the insane shorthand tgswiiwagaa from here on) is a manga created and posted online by Sumiko Arai. First starting in 2021 it has become incredibly popular, which has lead to big ad campaigns, popup shops and cafes, a drama CD and print volumes of the manga itself.
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So there is some surface levels similarities between the two: both are released via the author's social media account, both feature a high school slice of life stories, both gained a huge followings outside of their original language due to scanlation efforts, and both were/are the the face of digitally published yuri.
I don't think we'd get tgswiiwagaa without Tamen de Gushi, or at least I don't think it would be as big as it is without the groundwork Tamen de Gushi lay within online spaces. I can't speak too much on Tamen de Gushi's domestic fandom, or even its Japanese one, (though it was clearly popular in both) but at least in English-speaking yuri circles it was the breakout hit that brought in a lot of new readers to the genre. (Which is crazy to think about since it was before Mangadex became the dominant host of scanlated works, so it was primarily released on Tumblr! with only some chapters showing up on Dynasty Reader later.)
And I don't wanna say it was the only game in town back then, as around 2015 was a real golden age of manhwa and manhua popping off with the likes of Her Tale of Shim Chong, What Does the Fox Say? and PULSE. They're all still popular recommendations when people ask for top yuri picks, deservedly so. But as I said, there's something about tgswiiwagaa that reminds me of Tamen de Gushi in particular.
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That popularity which lead to fanart, edits and fancams in the English side of the fandom feels kind of important to totgswiiwagaa's future international success. Like it widen the net so when totgswiiwagaa came along with a story that had even more western pop culture touchstones than a manga reader might normally get it was able to scoop up way more fans than ever before.
I think when it comes down to it, It's just nice to see tgswiiwagaa go even further than Tamen de Gushi did. There's been plenty of talk about if tgswiiwagaa will get an anime and/or a live action adaptation, and honestly I hope it gets everything and more! Because just like Tamen de Gushi before it, I know tgswiiwagaa is laying the groundwork's from some other wildly popular yuri that will come to surpass it in the future. And I can't wait to read whatever new stories come out next!
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