#dont forget about gaza
Hello there! My family needs to leave Gaza out of necessity . I suffer from nightmares that are so closely resemble reality that I no longer Differentiate between reality and a dream.Thank you for taking your efforts and time in reading my plea. There are no words to describe the horrors unfolding in this place,never expected to find myself in this situation. Because of this horrible situation I have decided to come before you guys for a financial support so that I can evacuate my family from this hell that we are into.The funds will be strictly used for the evacuation . I will personally bear any additional expenses incurred.Your support will make a significant difference in alleviating the suffering of my family ,We urgently need any kind of support before it is to late. As time ticking away translates to lives lost in Gaza I'm here and ready to answer any questions or concerns you may have.Kindly reach out and connect with me
PSA this is a scam account. ‼️‼️
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queenwille · 21 days
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Hersh Goldberg-Polin Z”L, 23 🕯️🕊️
Eden Yerushalmi Z”L, 24 🕯️🕊️
Ori Danino Z”L, 25 🕯️🕊️
Alex Lubnov Z”L, 32 🕯️🕊️
Carmel Gat Z”L, 40 🕯️🕊️
Almog Sarusi Z”L, 25 🕯️🕊️
Their bodies were retrieved back home by the IDF last night from a tunnel 20m underground in Rafah, after being executed in the last few days. HY”D. 🕯️🎗️
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notyourtoday · 11 months
Brands that Support Israel
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lovesickhotel · 2 months
Hello everyone I hope you are all well 👋❤️
We lost all our belongings from three houses during the barbaric Israeli bombing, which are worth millions.
But guys my priority is to provide a safe passage for my aunt who is stuck in the northern Gaza Strip and a chance for her to travel outside the Gaza Strip to meet her and reunite us again 🤲 when the Rafah crossing opens as soon as possible 🙏🙏🤍.
And to provide her with healthy food in light of the high prices of food commodities and the starvation policy practiced against our people 💔
Her fate is up to us I hope you help us or share the link with people who can help 🙏💔.
Thank you for your support and I wish you a happy life 🤍.
I hope you, your aunt and the rest of your family are safe. Please keep your hopes up! The world sees you! Palestine will be free!!
Donate, support and share!
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diaday333 · 6 months
Hymns/prayers for the Dead
I’ve never really considered reading/ writing hymns for the dead because I guess I never “needed” them, but with the tragic events going on the world right now, multiple gen-c-des and atrocities, I’ve felt moved to write these. Like I said in my last prayer post, keep speaking up, b0yc0tting, and keep praying! You can technically apply these prayers with any dead, but I had the m@rtyrs of Su-dan, Con- go, Ethiopia, and Pale - stine (breaking them up on purpose) in mind, as well as anyone else who have lost their lives due to the terrible events going on in this world and from their oppression. Also, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors.
We call to Hermes Kαταιβάτης (he who leads souls down to the underworld), guider of souls. Immortal guide, lover of humankind, you take special care of us when we leave this earth, and your involvement shows the Gods’ love of humankind, as there is a God with us every step of the way, even after our deaths. Gracious God, during these times we ask for your grace, and for you to take extra care of the souls that find their way past the river Styx. Everyday now, thousands of people die from acts of cruelty from oppressors emboldened by hubris. We ask you to treat these souls with added care, especially those of children, taken from life too early, while you escort them to the dread queen's home or wherever their final resting place may lie. Charm them with your wand and bless their heavy eyelids, bringing them a peaceful end for their final rest. Oh Lord, guider of mortals, grant a sacred end to those who lived the best they could.
(Greek pronunciation: Kah-teh-vah-tiis(ees))
To the Savior of the dead and the noble queen herself, we call to you! Dread Persephone and shadowy Hades, though you may not take every soul into your wide walls, you watch over the dead nonetheless, those who wander your fields of flowers. We thank you for your mercy towards our souls, notably of the most restless ones. We ask that they can find joy in the afterlife, especially those who were robbed of it. Not only do you take in these souls, Lovely Persephone, you exact justice on their behalf, with your kindly attendants, or daughters in some ways, the Erinyes, especially during these harrowing times. All we ask is for justice and a peaceful afterlife for the many martyred people of all the atrocities going on. We thank you, Hades and fair-tressed Persephone!
“Fear the prayers of the oppressed.” I heard that today and I thought it fit. The Gods are with us and the oppressed during these times 🤲 They hear every prayer and they are outraged as we are. Keep up every action and don’t forget about our fellow humans suffering and don’t stop fighting!! No act of oppression goes past them and they hear everything. It’s been almost a year for Su-Dan, almost 6 months, 160+ days for Pale - stine, and years for Con-go. The Gods count each day and count each person who say and do nothing. I just want add some of my favorite excerpts that get me through these hard times and reminds me that the Gods care (which we already knew, but yknow).
“The gods are not blind to men with blood upon their hands. In the end the black (kelainai) Erinyes bring to obscurity that one who has prospered in unrighteousness and wear down his fortunes by reverse.” - Aeschylus, “Agamemnon”
“Hear, Tisiphone, Allekte, noble Megaira, revered goddesses whose Bacchic cries resound. Nocturnal and clandestine, you live deep down in the dank cave by the sacred water of the Styx. Men's unholy designs do incur your anger; rabid and arrogant, you howl over Necessity's dictates, clothed in animal skins, you cause the deep pains of retribution.” - (First part of) Orphic hymn 69
“Hear me and be gracious, 0 renowned Eumenides, O pure daughters of the great Chthonic Zeus and of lovely Persephone, fair-tressed maiden. Over the lives of impious mortals you keep a careful eye, in charge of Necessity, you punish the unjust.”
(First part of) Orphic hymn 70
“For whoever knows the right and is ready to speak it, far-seeing Zeus gives him prosperity…” - Hesiod “Work and days”
“You princes, mark well this punishment you also; for the deathless gods are near among men and mark all those who oppress their fellows with crooked judgements, and reck not the anger of the gods. For upon the bounteous earth Zeus has thrice ten thousand spirits, watchers of mortal men, and these keep watch on judgements and deeds of wrong as they roam, clothed in mist, all over the earth. And there is virgin Justice, the daughter of Zeus, who is honoured and reverenced among the gods who dwell on Olympus, and whenever anyone hurts her with lying slander, she sits beside her father, Zeus the son of Cronos, and tells him of men's wicked heart, until the people pay for the mad folly of their princes who, evilly minded, pervert judgement and give sentence crookedly.” - Hesiod “Works and Days”
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whywoulditho · 8 months
if you're still not boycotting israeli products, protesting against the genocide, sharing the news, asking for a ceasefire, I am judging you. I know my followers, I know my mutuals. I know the ones who selectively interact with my anime shitposts and ignore the ones about palestine. I am seeing you and I am judging you. I won't call you out on your bullshit personally, because if you can still ignore this humanitarian crisis while being active online and seeing all those posts, you're just not worth trying to reason with. But know that if you still choose to be silent, if you still think this issue is too political or complicated you're an ignorant, pathetic little bitch. you can't live without your starbucks? grow the fuck up. you think celebrities don't owe anyone their support and it is okay for them to stay quiet when it's the brown, the muslim who suffers? you're fucking delusional and you're pathetic. you think you get to turn a blind eye because it's not effecting you? you're a self-centered whiney little toddler. stay in your bubble and keep quiet all you want, i know you will lie to your kids one day and tell them you stood with palestine.
none of us are free until all of us are. free palestine 🇵🇸
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astraystayyh · 6 months
the video is absolutely sickening. the way the israeli drone targets the four Palestinian civilians like they are insects, killing them one after the other. this is just one of the many war crimes Israel commits that we happened to get footage of. the reality in gaza is much more horrible and it worsens day after day. please don’t stop speaking up for a free Palestine.
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insomniaccoffeebean · 25 days
For those who somehow still aren't convinced that AI is bad for not only artists but society in general, let me say a few things.
Presumably: you don't care that Ai stuff is probably going to suck, or rather. It's going to eventually end up spitting out the same thing over and over again, because it can't create new ideas, the form of Ai that we have now in our time with our current technology, can't actually think for itself, it's just pulling information off of the internet really, really fucking fast, it's going to run out of ideas, eventually, and even before that, everything it spits out is going to be an amalgimation of everything it knows pertaining to the topic of the prompt you gave it, so even before that, its probably not going to be the best, but this is assuming that you don't care to much about that.
The other fact, is that, it uses way, WAY too much energy, like, so much energy, I don't have the exsact statistics, but it's way too much to justify its use, at least for me (and imo everyone whos reasonableand educated) especially because we haven't transitioned to clean energy (even then though, theres so many reasons to just not) haven't gotten halfway there yet, so using AI at this point in time is directly destroying the environment and furthering climate change in a way that is comepleatly and easily avoidable.
Please. If that's not enough to convince you, or If you don't believe climate change it as serious as It is, at least look for yourself. You'll see record breaking temperatures, you'll see terrible things, you'll see evidence.
Please, even if you don't care about AIs impact on artists, and art and culture in general, please care about AIs impact on the planet.
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theriverdalereviewer · 2 months
everyone jumping to team kamala we will never experience true freedom in this country
#the democrats would vote for fucking hitler if he was a nice guy im convinced#allow me to break down this silly little “you can't focus on morals people's lives are at risk we have to vote blue to stop trump!!!” thing#first of all people's livelihoods are still at risk even when there is a democrat as president#did you forget about the immigration bill biden and harris signed? or you know a fucking genocide#and if people's livelihoods are at risk then shouldnt we vote with out morals? and you know not for the dems who are famously pro genocide#what is the point of voting if you can't vote for who you actually believe in?#and besides this what in this country was actually accomplished through voting? 99% of the progress made was done through violent resistanc#the only reason shit even made the ballot was because people showed they wouldn't accept things the way they are#which is exactly what you are doing if you vote for kamala harris AKA BIDEN'S FUCKING RIGHT HAND MAN#and you just sound like an extremely selfish person if genocide is not your red line#it just sounds like youre saying “yes they murdered palestinians in gaza :( BUT WHAT ABOUT US AMERICANS!!!!”#as if the democratic party has done anything to protect americans anyways. like my job as a voter is not to get the democrats elected#to mitigate damage caused by republicans. that is the fucking democrats job. it is their job to make me want to vote for them#and until they stop massacring men women and children in gaza they will never get my vote#the democrats could openly announce themselves as extreme bigots towards anyone that isn't a cishet rich white man (which they have before)#and you stupid asses will still tell us to vote for them. how evil do they have to be for you to finally consider another option?#and everyone else in the world gets to have other options but america noooo in america we can only have two parties or else you die#and when a democrat is elected and they send another 1 billion to israel i hope youre prepared to live with the blood on your hands#YOU WANTED THIS YOU ENABLED THIS YOU VOTED FOR THIS#the reality you won't face is that there are more options and you could vote for them but none of you are willing to take that risk#yet youre willing to risk the lives of palestinians the lives of transwoman the lives of every person that bitch threw into prison#you people are so hooked on stopping trump (the democrats meaner twin) youre willing to sacrifice everything you stand for#to elect someone who is just as bad as him but is “polite” while they do it. the democrats will never feel pressure to shift to the left#as long as you idiots continue to accept their move to the right. why should they stop the genocide in palestine when youve proven#you'd vote for them no matter what?#no one’s life improved from trump to biden and the same will be true for kamala but you can keep telling yourself they aren’t the same#i’ll be voting green bc that is what i believe in inshallah you grow a spine and do the same until we’re free from these two satanic partie#and dont tell us youll protest after she's elected what would the point be???#youve shown you'd put her in power no matter why should she respond to the pressure?
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
The situation is anything but funny but sometimes a bit of sarcasm is needed to keep from going crazy. 🖤💚❤️
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hecate112 · 7 months
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notyourtoday · 10 months
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hero-of-the-twlight · 9 months
I'm getting sick of this shit
I'm getting sick of people yelling at movies, TV shows, music, games, and ect like any of it means anything. It's all starting to sound like white noise. There is a whole ethnic cleansing campaign going in Palestine. Please get more mad about that. Stay more mad about that. Forever be mad at the mass bombing of human beings. You're Netflix show can wait.
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crunchydonuts · 12 days
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
Thankyou for reading
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lovesickhotel · 1 month
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Reading about fucking conservative freaks using "judeo-christian values" to justify their bigoted policies towards queer kids in the education system
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#also im so gd sick of righty xtian types pretending they give a fuck about jews#when what they really want is an excuse to shit all over muslims#it so goddamn transparent its so fucking transparent#“judeochristian” as a term is absolutely foul and just seeks to marginalize muslims#frankly if u wanna talk broad religious similarities you may as well say “Abrahamic”#but if course the whole point of “judeo-christian” is to pry us away from our muslim siblings#if u see someone use the phrase “judeo christian” theyre not necessarily an asshole but its a red fucking flag#when you see a fundie christian talking “judeo christian” values theyre using us as a smokescreen#they dont mean you or i#the only jews theyll tolerate is the likes of alan dershowitz or bem shapiro#and even then their contempt for those allies is very very thinly veiled at least where im standing#sorry im ranty today sorry#dont let ppl rhetorically frame american religious culture as a “judeochristian” coalition against muslims and secularists#its patented bullshit its counterproductive it harms jews and it harms our brothers dont forget#allying us rhetorically with hegemonic xtian values harms us and it harms our brothers and its not fucking true fuck you fuck you fuck you#i see this rhetoric increasing in usage because of gaza#because conservative distaste for jews is trumped by conservative affinity for fascists i suppose#and distaste for Muslims or at least those they can reasonably classify as broadly muslim regardless of actual demographics#this hand extended in friendship is fake its a fucking lie#they want us to turn our backs on our brothers dont fucking do it!!!!!!
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