#dont get me wrong my dad is very loving n would do anything for me n my sister
lilbirdblu · 1 year
i admittedly dont watch fit's streams very often because him & ramon are the sole family that reminds me that i didnt actually survive my childhood w/o some sort of daddy issues
so as im working on his character's playlist it fucking. hits me like a spear to the chest that the song that always reminds me of my dad is also very applicable to q!fit
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augustvandyne · 1 year
Sorry for the aggression… No one writes for her🥲
Maybe like R is Ginnys sister (different mom) but she never knew her mom bc she dropped her off at Zions w a note and a DNA test or something. Maybe she does online school bc she’s always travelling w Zion then she moves with him and goes over to see Ginny, Georgia and Austin bc Georgia was always basically her mom.
She then had her first day at school and meets Max and they both have gay panic and stutter bc yk gay.
Then later Ginny takes her to sit w her friends and Max is talking about this girl she ran into and swears she’s in love and R is just sitting next to Ginny on the end of the table waiting for her to notice she’s there. And she only notices when Ginny asks what the girl’s name was and Max is like, “CRAP! I WAS JUST RAMBLING AND NEVER ASKED HER NAME! SHE KNEW MINE BUT I WOULDN’T SHUT UP TO LEG HER SPEAK! Oh god🥲” and bangs her head on the lunch table and R is like, “My names y/n Miller btw” and Max just slowly lifts her head, and everyone is like ‘how did she not notice the person sitting right mf there! although very max’ then she’s like “I do enjoy the rambling though, it’s cute” then everyone is like ‘oh SHES the girl’ and start laughing at Max. R after saying this gets up and sees her friends from one of her classes and goes to max giving max her phone open on contacts so max can put in her number but she’s just broken. Abby snatches the phone and is like ‘sorry i think you broke her’ and outs in the number. R smirks and kisses Max’s cheek before going off with her other friends.
omg i actually love this. the aggression is very much needed! no one writes for our girl maxine.. she needs the love.
sorry this took me so long.. haha. don’t be afraid to request more. i promise not to take as long this time.
Gay Panic
When you found out you would be moving to Wellsbury for a while, you were through the roof excited.
You hadn’t seen Ginny, Georgia or Austin in a while, and you were beginning to miss your family! A few days after you’d arrived, your dad enrolled you in Wellsbury High School.
Ginny immediately introduced you to her friends. She introduced you to Abby, Norah, and a group of boys that you could care less about.
Your first class happened to be a drama class, where you met Maxine Baker. She drew you in with her vibrant colors and extroverted personality.
The teacher wanted to do an exercise to start out the class, in which the class paired up and acted out a scene of a play of their choice. Max loved the class, but she had no friends in it.
A new face had her intrigued and so she partnered with you.
You suggested Romeo and Juliet—because you can’t go wrong with it. Max stuttered and reluctantly agreed. She tried to get out that you should do the balcony scene, but it came out as a blubbering mess.
The first time you open your mouth, a similar things happen. Red tints your brown cheeks, as you make a fool of yourself.
Normally you can keep your cool around cute girls, but this girl is different. She’s confident and knows what she wants.
The two of you laugh off the stuttering and blushing Max grabs a book off the shelf so the two of you can act out the scene. You lean in close to her and can smell whatever perfume she decided to spray.
The close proximity has both of you blushing again.
Both of you mess up and stutter so much neither of you even finish the exercise before the teacher pulls everyone in to assign the work for the day.
The rest of your first morning is just as exciting. It’s followed by two other classes—art and study hall, where you meet some other girls. After study hall you follow Ginny to the cafeteria where you sit at a table filled with the same faces you saw this morning.
And Maxine.
You are surprised to see her at the table. But it makes sense. All the girls are more quiet than Max, which makes you believe she’s the leader.
Especially because she’s leading the conversation right now.
“So we are like acting the scene out, right, because I swear that our drama teacher hates me,” Max talks fast. “But anyway, we’re acting it out and I swear- I’m in love.”
“What happened to, uh, what’s her name?” Abby chews on a fry as she tries to come up with the name of the girl Max was all about the week before.
“Oh, I’m over her.”
“Already?” Norah barks out a laugh. “That was fast.”
Max glares at her.
“So this girl,” Brodie shrugs. “She hot or what?”
“Uh, gorgeous!” Max shakes her hands all around like she’s have a seizure. “She’s mixed, and kind of looks like Ginny. But she is the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. Like ever.”
“What was her name again?” Ginny rests her elbows on the table.
“Crap,” Max’s face falls. “I was rambling and stuttering and blushing so hard I forgot to ask her what her name was. I told her mine but I didn’t ask. Oh my God. I want to die now. I’m never going to speak to her again.”
As the girl bangs her head on the table, you reach your hand over Ginny and say, “I’m Y/N Miller, by the way.”
Abby’s mouth drops open and she laughs, “Max.. how did you not see her.”
Max is frozen in place. She isn’t blinking, talking, or breathing for that matter. She looks like she might cry.
“Um, are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, she does this all the time,” Ginny waves it off.
“What? Falls in love with girls she just meets?” You laugh awkwardly.
“Has gay panics,” Norah clarified.
“Ah,” You retreat your hand.
Jordan and Abby laugh at Max, whom is still frozen in place.
“Do you think if we nudge her she’ll tip over?” Abby jokes.
“Max, breathe,” Ginny places her hand on Max’s shoulder.
“Thank you for complimenting my looks,” You flash a bright smile. “And I enjoyed the rambling, it’s very cute.”
You see a few girls from your art class and get up to go say hi, stopping near Max, who then takes a deep breath and begins blinking again.
“Here,” you place your phone in her hand and she just blinks up at you. “Put your number in. Your cute. We should meet up some time.”
Abby leans across the table and puts the number in the contacts app, “I think you broke her.”
You smirk and grab your phone out of the redheads hand. You drop the phone into the back pocket of your jeans. Leaning down, you plop a kiss on Max’s cheek.
Max’s eyes widen and she waits for your to be out of earshot before grilling Ginny.
“Virginia Miller! How could you not tell me you were sisters with a hot, sapphic, greek god?!” Max starts freaking out. “What the F?! I let you date my brother and you gate-keep your beautifully gorgeous sister??”
Ginny just chuckles. “She has that effect on people.”
“You better text her,” Norah threatens. “Or I will.”
And Jordan doesn’t even protest.
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hadesisonlyalad · 8 months
yk i dont post a lot on tumblr but we all saw that red flags post so im gonna take a moment of ur time to say something on each merc and the red flags listed for them. im doing a read more incase u havent seen the “mercs red flags” headcanon post and it does not flood ur page
both the medic and engie things with “not wanting to spend time with you/wont make time for you” is SUCH bullshit if that was the case they wouldnt even date you. and then ur telling me engie tf2, DELL CONAGHER, would NEVER want to take you on a date? like ever??? u are INSANE. And then sorry to tackle medic and engie in the same paragraph but they had a lot of common “””””red flags””””” that were listed. why would he yell at you. he hardly even yells in general (based off comics and voice lines) if anything hes just kinda a loud person 💀 AND YOU BRINGING UP ONE THING WONT MAKE HIM SUDDENLY IGNORE YOU FOR DAYS LIKE?? he KNOWS hes committing medical malpractice btw. he would not leave you for bringing that up he is WELL AWARE of what hes doing. and we see him CANONICALLY DISCIPLINE ARCHIMEDES IN MEET THE MEDIC, WHY WOULD HE TOLERATE HIS BIRDS ATTACKING YOU????
also why are we listing an addiction as a “red flag” what the fuck is wrong with you. i get not wanting to date someone with an addiction, its a valid concern, but thats SO much more serious than a “red flag” or “ick”??? LIKE ARE YOU OKAYYYY???????
i’m fine with the miss pauling ones, at least two of them, because yeah, it’s canon that she doesn’t have the most time and i imagine if ur not a merc or work in that area a relationship might be a bit hard? but shes an honest person, i don’t think she’s gonna lie to you. idk im very neutral about the pauling ones, if anything theyre the most in character of this shithole list.
all i have to say for pyro is like. yk those people who hc pyro as aroace except theyre super weird about it? like theyre either infantilizing them or have weird ableist feelings about pyro? yeah thats the vibes im getting. actually wait where did u pull codependent pyro from actually wtf
i think the “tryna live like hes 20” thing for spy is really fucking funny 💀 like go girl go live through that middle age crisis!!/j no but seriously. hes dating you hes gonna think you’re a 10, and even then YOU’RE SAYING IF YOU AGE AT ALL HE’LL LEAVE YOU??? CANON MILF LOVER SPY. “OFF TO VISIT YOUR MOTHER!” SPY TF2. WILL LEAVE YOU IF YOU GET OLD AND AGE AT ALL…? HE LIKES HIS WOMEN LIKE HE LIKES HIS WINE MOTHERFUCKER: AGED. sorry bad joke lets keep going uh- i think the other hcs are garbage too i just really hate specifically this spy hc. just this one specifically.
im not a sniper connoisseur, my friend will is way better versed in sniper’s characterization, but even i know this isnt sniper. “thinks if he argues long enough he’ll win”…? “cannot support you in anything”?!!?! “IF YOU’RE HIS FRIEND AND YOU TWO GET INTO A BAD ARGUMENT PREPARE TO NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN” IM GENUINELY AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. I JUST. I DONT..? WHAT DO I EVEN SAY. I DONT K N O W WHAT TO SAY. BUT IF I DID KNOW WHAT TO SAY I’D BE SAYING VERY BAD THINGS.
i dont think scout is misogynistic- i see why people think that but me personally i just think he has no game and people mistake it as violent misogyny for some reason. but. listen we know scout is a dick we do okay but he loves women. why would he cheat on you.? bro he’d be glad u picked him 😭 AND THEN THE PERIOD THING?? he was raised by a SINGLE MOM do you REALLY think shes gonna raise him and let him think that way about a natural body function. im speaking entirely from the single mom experience and the answer is NO!!!! also how is loving your mother a red flag. being the youngest child is also a red flag, i guess. and having issues with his dad. (/s) also, second verse same as the first: IF HES DATING YOU HE THINKS YOU’RE A 10 WHAT IS SO HARD TO FUCKING GET ABOUT THISHXWHBVWBWBXvqvsbs?1?2!2’wndjwke
uhhh soldier wasnt. here for some reason. so nothing to say about him.
anyway leave ur opinions below. i rly dont wanna get into any tumblr drama or internet drama at all bc it scares me dearly and im always self conscious about leaving a bad digital footprint especially over something as petty as tf2 drama but i cannot stand for this slander I CANNOT‼️‼️‼️‼️ sorry if u also think im mischaracterizing anyone here i only put hours of studying into my fav mercs and thats. abt it,, listen im silly okay
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riddlexmattheo · 1 year
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It has been quiet since Lord Voldemort sent Draco and Mattheo to find horcruxes before Potter does who just happens to be my brother. I was currently getting ready for bed in Mattheo and I bedroom. I had just finished getting changed when something hit me on the back of my head and that’s when everything went black.
Mattheo POV:
~Skip to next morning~
Mattheo: Finally can’t wait to rest for a few days at least I hope
Draco: Plus we get to see the girls
Mattheo: At least they are safe in the manor there safety that all that matters
A few moments later they walked in Malfoy Major where they were greeted by both of their parents along with Astoria and Pansy.
Draco: Hey mum
Narcissa: Hey my love
Mattheo: Here you go father the necklace
Voldemort: Good work boys
Mattheo: Where is Y/N
Bellatrix: We thought she would of told you she left
Blaise enter rooms rushed.
Blaise: She would be able to she didn’t leave willingly she left this she never leaves with out either
Blaise handed Mattheo Y/N’s wand and the promise ring he had given her on her birthday the previous Valentine’s Day
Narcissa: Oh No
Bellatrix: This is really bad
Voldemort: What do you mean
Bellatrix: If it’s who I think took her she could be in real danger
Lucius: Are you talking about Backwood
Narcissa: Oh no she could be killed
Voldemort: What would he want with a Potter
Bellatrix: she is not a potter by blood
Mattheo: How do you know this mom
Narcissa: Beacuse we were there when she was born he mother was one of last surviving member of the famous Price family one the original magic bloodline more pure blood than even the Dumbledore family or founders of Hogwarts
Mattheo: Mom who are her parents
Voldemort: Regulus Balck and Veronica Price
Bellatrix: My Lord how did you know
Voldemort: You would think I would want to know everything about anyone who gets close to me and my boys
Mattheo: Thanks Dad I guess
Lucius: We have to get her back and fast
Draco: What’s wrong father
Lucius: If she is a Price that means bad new for the ministry if she really is a Price that means Blackwood can unlock any artifact in the ministry museum with just her blood
Mattheo: How bad are we talking?
Lucius: If they use any artifact that was unlocked with her blood the second it’s a used she could die the only way for her to survive is if she’s pregnant instead of her dying it’ll be the unborn child
Voldemort: Mattheo, are you where if she’s pregnant?
Mattheo: she’s not
Bellatrix: You don’t get it, my Lord, not only will Blackwood use her for her blood. He will kill her himself Regulus tormenting Blackwood all throughout school he will release his anger on his daughter, and only child.
Voldemort: Is there anything else I need to know
Pansy: Well
Draco: Babe what do you know
Pansy: She doesn't need a wand to due magic she uses it to keep her safe since it's very rare
Astoria: How long has she know
Pansy: Since our second year
Mattheo: Father if they find out she doesn't need a wand she is good as dead
Draco: Dont worry dude we will get her back
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19180901 · 2 years
- 🌙
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✣ . Kai and Lloyd (separate) x Master of Lava!fem!reader with anger issues !
➟ Lowercase intended.
➟ CW: Mild swearing, use of "princess" once. But overall it's just crack and fluff, and completely safe!
The timeline is up to you.
I didn't know if you were saying Janai had anger issues or the reader did, so I just gave the anger issues to the reader ahhajahahabba
- <3
✣ . . 𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐇 .
oh boy, you were angry as fuck. and normally, he'd think he could handle your anger.
haha WRONG
girlie so mad she became lava. literally.
and he was scared. so, very, extremely scared.
you looked like you were about to wreck the whole monastery down😭
BUT kai being kai like the (adorable) dumbass he is, he thought that, as the elemental master of fire, naturally he'd be lava-proof.
lol wrong again woopsies💔
he tried to hold your hand to calm you down a bit but instantly regretted.
but once he saw you slightly calming down and lightly giggling at his absolute suffering, he had an idea.
he walked towards you to excute his stupid idea (which was doing tomfool-fucking-ries and other dumb stuff in your face to cheer you up;; which would have made you angrier), he tripped on the electro chicken thing and fell face-first on the floor.
he turned around onto his back, pain written all over his face, and groaned.
okay. well that was a fail.
but maybe not?!?@?@🤯🤯
still on the floor, he saw you, also on the floor, laughing your fucking ass off. he was about to pull out some sassy remark out of his ass when he saw that you were becoming like the usual again!
you were brushing your tears off, about to throw him some mocking comment when your breath was fucking squeezed out of your body because the mf you call your boyfriend jumped on you like some kid who met their dad again after 6 years.
"OH thank the first spinjitzu master you're not lava and angry anymore. pls don't do that again i'm sorry😞."
you couldn't do anything but just pat his head and accept his apology.
conclusion, angry y/n: -12/10 would not recommend.
holy shit?? you were lava??@?
this dude had no fucking clue on what to do, or what was going on.
he is the definition of the standing emoji (🧍)
it's not that he doesn't wanna help you or anything, my boy just has no experience on the "how to calm down angry girlfriend that turns into lava without dooming yourself" field ykyk 😞
at first he thought about pouring a bucket of water on you.
but he got scared you'd turn into stone or obsidian or smth and he'd lose you forever💀
so no pouring water on lava s/o.
so instead, he did what he thought was the most reasonable and logical thing to do.
he (very carefully) sat you down on the couch (or bed, idk) and let you rant/vent about whatever or whoever made you so furious you pretty much changed the composition of your skin cells and unlocked some kind of new power or something.
you ranted and ranted, and he did nothing but listen to you ever so attentively.
once you were done, he comforted you the best he could.
"it'll be alright, you are so much better than them anyway."
"their opinion on you does not matter if it's negative "
"you're so beautiful, no one can rivalize with your beauty, princess."
"i love you so so much. <3"
"do you, by complete hazard and coincidence, have their address? i'm just gonna... pay them a nice little visit. 😇"
you love him so ofc you give it to him ha😊😊
anyway he goes to get your favorite food and once he comes back with it, you're happy again👍
he's so proud of himself for that it's so cute
and after that you both live together happily ever after and have as many kids as you want whenever you want.
the end😋
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hihi hope you enjoyed this and don't forget to hit that follow and reblog button !!👍
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© legoffection. Please do not repost my work on any platforms, plagiarize and heavily edit my work under any condition!
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If youre ok w sharing then i would love to hear your thoughts on lotor........ Hes such a weird guy. Dissecting him like a frog
If i get hate for this, i am blaming you/j but in all honesty i apologize if this kinda messy, as i have said it has beem awhile since i saw any of the episodes about him. Most of it is my personal interpretation and opinions of his character-
First of all i personally hate both "L0tor is evil rapist imperialist who did not have a single redeemable quality" and "L0tor is uwu poor baby who did nothing wrong", because yeah he had good intentions and he seemed to genuinely love Alura and care for Alteans but also he very much did do a lot of things Wrong. I am pretty sure a lot of his actions fall into category of Very Wrong
Lot0r to me is an absolute control freak, he has to be 10 steps ahead of everyone, he needs to be control of the situation no matter what. Whether it be through a silver tongue or by his blade (see N@rti's death, him vs White Lion). This is as much as a ruthless strategy as it is a trauma response. Being raised under Z@rkon, a father who only saw him as inferior half-bred, he had to learn survivor tactics. He will do anything to survive whether it be beg, lie, manipulate, and kill. He is a survivor of some genuinely godawful abuse he suffered for 10,000 years, combined with racism he suffered for being half altean
However this need to be in control extends to his allies and people he cares about. I am sure Lotor may have loved Alura, it doesnt change the fact that he very much abused her trust. Their entire relationship was based on a lie. He knew Alteans were still alive and not only did he not tell Alura about it he leaned into the "last survivors of Altea" for their relationship, which is why it was doomed since the beginning. And if it had not been this, then it would have been something else. Cause lying and manipulation are very much core of his character, that is how we are introduced to him
Like i see people going "Oh Lot0r could have been good if he had therapy and a hug", and i am not really not sure about it, cause like would he? Would he choose to be vulnerable and actually let his feelings out and be truthful in a an unbiased reliable way that will neither serve him in any way nor make him look better nor is a part of some machivilian scheme he cooked up because he doesnt trust the therapist he is paying? No
And thing is he does desire connection. He looks for connection in people who are similar to him. Half galran, altean survivors, Alura these are the people who he chose to get close to. He looks for similarities, people he can relate to, people who he sees as like him, people who he thinks can give him a sense of belonging. He is deeply lonely. However his desperation for control, absolute mistrust in anyone and everyone, and his inability to be actually honest dooms any relationship he'll ever have
Also this is probably just me, but for someone who is this morally complex character he has tendency to see things in black and white? Like it is His dad and empire= bad, alteans=good. He idolizes Altea to the point of seeing it as an Utopia, and this ideal was more important to him than any Alteans who are alive and with him. I also cant remember him ever caring about someone outside of the Dichotomy. Like at most i remember is after he became the emperor Lance pointing out how other planets need to be freed and he just brushed it off
Overall he gives me the "smart people dont always make good decisions, but they are good at justifying their bad ones" vibes. We dont know exactly why he decided to use alteans as batteries but i am choosing to go with my interpretation- "Lottor saw something fucked up in that future showing space whale thingy, decided the only way to solve was altean batteries except in true self fulfilling prophecy greek tragedy way it only made things worse and started a series of event that will cause the thing he saw causing real trouble a few years after his death.
Another thing! I think it should have been him being the focus of Evil Altean episode instead of A//ura. I hate that episode and everything it stands for but like if there Had to be an evil alteans episode then it should be around someone who is you know? Obsessed with Altean culture? Is big on control and manipulation? Is more geared towards big picture and "greater good" over individual? Is worried about turning into just like his galran father and so desperately wants to connect to his idealized version of his altean mother? Yeah
#empty answers#This is the type of shit that used to get you sniped from both sides of the shitty discourse back in ye old days#I probably have more thoughts but i also need to rewatch vld to have a clearer picture#Also i dont get when people say it was bad writing that he turned out traitor#Like it was handled in abhorent way but also- we are literally introduced to him manipulating an entire audience#The fuck yall mean yall thought he was genuine??#I used to like him but come on man#That was the most obvious disney twist villain if i have ever seen one#and vld writers are not smart enough to do something actually subversive#Also gonna be real with you while i do have a lot of thoughts of him i kinda also dont enjoy his character??#It is-how do i put it? A bit lame#Like the eps were going on about how he is this Most Complex Character and instead we have is-#a disney twist villain and sad anime backstory that is supposed to absolve him or something#I can think of so many villains/character that had similar aspects to him but were just Way Better#A convincingly manipulative man with black and white morality who thinks he is in the right even though his actions beg to differ?#B3los is right there#Villain who uses manipulation as a defense mechanism which only drive all their friends away? Grace monr0e and Sash Waybrigt#A tragedy who just wanted peace for his people only for things to spiral so horribly they destroyed the very people they sought to protect?#M0rdred pendrag0n hnoc my beloved <33#A hot villain who is morally reprehensible but is really hot? M3dusa G0rgon <3#And just. I think the problem is the writers wanted him to be all of those things and he ends up being none of them#Not to mention the plot armour. You mean to tell me he is being this obvious and yet no one suspected anything??#Yeah right. Detective!Hunk for the win!#Anyway sorry this is late and so rambly#Thanks for the ask!!!!#Anyone else reading this. This is just a personal opinion ok? No fights ok??
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miowritings · 9 months
꧁“𝐀 𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞!”꧂
Toya aoyagi x gn! Reader
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A/N: so sorry for not writing so much (⋟﹏⋞) exams are coming up in a week, and i still have reporting to do.⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠. Im very anxious since my last reporting i stuttered alot and the teacher got annoyed and made me sit down, and i got a low score on my reporting cus 1 my voice is too quiet and 2 i stutter alot, im very bad at reporting even my groupmates dont want me to report, thankfully my teacher gave me a chance to report, i just hope i dont stutter ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ please send me good luck!
Sypnosis: reader has an exam coming up and its taking a toll on them! Toya bakes them a cake in order to cheer them up!
Contains: toya is implied having a crush on y/n (can still be platonic!), y/n loves chocolate cake! Pure fluff♡
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✮You were very stressed out, wether it'd be from schools, or from your part time, everything made you nuts! You cant even do anything you love since exams are coming up.. you asked toya for help in studying since he's good at that, while studying toya noticed you looked.. distressed.. your eyes had eye bags underneath them, your hair was a mess and you'd sleep in class time to time, of course he knew that exams were coming up, but he didnt expect it to take a toll on you.
✮Toya felt bad, he wanted to cheer you up but.. how? He doesnt want to look that clingy so.. he secretly gives you trinkets time to time, whether it'd be a ballpen of your favorite color, or buying you snacks, ofcourse you noticed his odd behaviour but he excuses this as being "helpful" or "you needed it", you weren't complaining though..
✮At the day of the exam you tried very hard to answer, to staying up all night, to begging toya to tutor you late in the evening. The time was up and it was time to pass the test papers and wait until your score is revealed, the teacher soon announces that the scores would be revealed next week, which gives you more day to overthink..
✮When you finally get home to your apartment/house you instantly checked your notes, trying to see which answers you got right and wrong when suddenly, toya messages you.
✮"Meet me at weekend garage." You looked at the message with pure confusion, what does he mean by that? Is he mad at you? Dissapointed? You stood up and instantly went to this place called weekend garage, while walking there you noticed a bunch of street artists performing, it was nice.. the Streets felt scary but it made them not scary when you see people performing. You soon entered at weekend garage, taking a seat near the entrance, you noticed that there were no customers here, just an's dad talking on the phone.
✮Soon enough, aoyagi and the others arrived and holding a ten inched cake he then placed the cake infront of you "congratulations on the test" toya added while placing the cake, kohane, akito, and an both nodded in agreement. "Huh? Congratulations? I dont even know if im gonna pass or not.."
✮"I know, but you looked so down this week, i know you love chocolate cake, so we made you one" he replied, an nodded and spoke up "yeah! I didnt even know baking was this hard! Not to mention expensive!" She exclaimed, kohane nodded "mhm, it was difficult.. and some of the measurements we took might be wrong.. those fancy decorations run out so we had to use the cheap decorations.." she added, akito sighs "what are you waiting for? Eat the cake"
✮He says while handing you a fork. The cakes design was kid-ish, it had a flower border, with a brown frosting on the center that wrote "you did it!" The icing was a bit too thin, and the icing was covered in cake crumbs, not to mention the cake was lumpy, probably adding too much baking soda but you didnt mind, its the efforts that matter!
✮You tried the cake, taking a small bite before nodding with a smile "its good, its a bit dry but i love how bitter it is!" You smiled, the group sighs with relief, an grabs a fork and tries it "too bitter for my liking.. but its good!" She exclaims, the rest of the group had different opinions about the cake but nevertheless all of you enjoyed it
✮Once it was dark, you excused yourself and was about to walk home when toya spoke up, "allow me to walk you home (y/n)" he added, you tried declining his offer, after all he might have practice "ah, no thank you.! Youre probably practicing and i wouldnt wanna make you walk back here!" You added, toya shook his head "our practice is in tomorow, for now i wanna walk you home, its dangerous for someone to go home alone at night" he added, you sighed and nodded with agreement, you waved goodbye the others and walked home with toya.
✮While walking he asks a question "how was the test?" He asks, you sighed "it was very difficult, especially chemistry, math i didnt mind.. god i think im gonna fail chemistry.." you groaned, toya pats your back and assures you "no,no your probably gonna pass, you did stay up all night to study right? And plus you finished your test just when the timer was about to end, im sure you'll pass.." he replied, you smiled at him "i hope so.." you replied, chuckling a bit.
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A/N: thanks so much for reading, please send me good luck for my upcoming tests and report!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و
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angeliicheartt · 18 days
hi! i heard from a little birdie (my fyp 😭) that you do bnha matchups!! 👀 & i was wondering if u could do one for me hehe
ill start w personality first- i’d like to say im quiet and laidback but that’s around people that i dont know too well !! when i get to know people & we become friends i become 10x louder and never stop talking,, i always use a LOT of sarcasm… although from an outsiders pov i do not look like the nicest person bc i have a bad case of rbf😣 (thanks to my dad). my friends slang, and the way they act rub off on him VERY EASILY. but i also find myself changing the way i talk a lot 😭. i tend to love to dabble in random sports! ive done soccer, tennis, and track in the past for multiple years. currently i do martial arts (which i’ve been doing for like 14 yrs..) and have a black belt! i also twirl baton due to the fact that ive been a majorette since freshman yr! my style is NEVER consistent! i miss it up all the time, although i do wear a lot of “basic” clothes, i tend to find myself wearing “streetwear” (?? ithink that’s what it’s called 😭.) im pretty good at makeup & would love to wear it everyday but i cannot for the life of me convince myself to do it everyday… i value my grades very much (4.0 every yr so far !!)! although its not obvious bc i hate extra work and wont study unless absolutely needed… i can’t think of anything else so lemme know if theres something more that u need!! :))
(p.s. this is my first time ever sending an ask/request so if i did it wrong- also lmk 😭)
ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴜᴘ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀʀɪᴇʟᴀʙᴏʀᴀᴛᴇ!
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a/n: you did wonderful!! i hope u enjoy your match :)
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i match you with.. eijiro kirishima!
hype man ‼️
loves to train together
he doesn’t have the best grades as we know, so definitely will come to you for studying/school work help !!
asks for u to give him guyliner 🙏 (and will only call it guyliner)
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limpfisted · 1 year
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WYLL’S FLAWED PERSPECTIVE. or, how to “read” my replies!
i personally believe wyll is a flawed character and its important to give him the full spectrum of emotions beyond “good” “kind” or “bad” “evil.”
i am personally working on trying to stay “ic” and true to my characters, without pushing the character into saying something that will like, be good for a ship, or like, be an “rp people pleaser” if that makes senses!
i don’t JUST want to have interactions where wyll is perfect. to me, wyll has flaws in the way he communicates and sees the world. this does not mean he is not heroic, or a kind, decent man—it just means i love him as a character for his layers. these things make him more REAL and complex than i think wyll as a PERSON wants to be, in a kind of “hide my truth, hide my feelings, elsa frozen kinnie” way
so without further ado, here are some things wyll might do or want to do or say incorrectly or percieve your character in the wrong way even tho i personally would not behave in the same ways irl On Purpose For Some Of These Things
CONDESCENDING. wyll believes he knows best. wyll believes he can say all the right words and “fix things.” he can make EVERYTHING better. he has a SAVIOR COMPLEX. while never being a perfect martyr, he really does think he can “ahaaha dont have depression ur so sexy” ur ass by being gentle and kind and roleplaying a fairy tale with you. additionally, if you seem “soft” in some way, or “meek” in some way, wyll want to “help you” more.
AVOIDANT. wyll does not want to talk about what he wants, what he notices, what he feels, except in poetryor tall tales or threats of violence. his pretty words sometimes hide an emptiness, a dreaminess. he speaks of things he cannot have and will not ask for. he is embarrassed to want, embarrassed to need, attention, desire, anything but charm and protecting the innocent and meek.
OVERLY ROMANTIC. this ties in with above. he idealizes people, he puts them on pedestals, he treats them like they are made of glass. he does not humanize others or himself enough, and prefers to live in a world of fantasies and pretend.
BOASTFUL. wyll tries to be humble—but this is to match a persona. if you dive even slightly deeper into things, he’s all too happy to tell you how strong and heroic he is, to the point of condescion and vanity. on the other hand, he will not take you seriously if you threaten him! he’ll threaten you back! he doesnt give a single fuck!
BLACK AND WHITE THINKING AND SNAP JUDGEMENTS. to wyll, you are either “hunter” “prey” “hero/villain” the person he needs to protect people from. he will bide his time—but it is difficult for him to trear villains kindly, and he will NEVER truly respect them as people, unless they prove they have changed or are not trying to hurt anyone currently.
WILL WORK WITH VILLAINS. WILL MAKE DEALS WITH DEVILS. WILL ALSO HUNT THEM FOR SPORT. easy to understand, wyll believes he can “control” devils, if they are useful to him. wyll can ally with evil—even if he is just biding his time to kill them later.
VIOLENT. ROLEPLAYER. if you are evil, he will just want to kill you and that’s that! he wanted to kill every goblin at that camp! he relishes in violence as long as it’s for justice. he gets off on the power and pomp of it n his heroism—even when its not actually heroic
WORDS GET AWAY FROM HIM. he will speak with intention, but has a tendency to ramble poetically. when angry, and threatening someone, sometimes he makes no sense at all bc he just wants murder myrder death death justice
A SILLY BILLY!! he can take himself very seriously, but also he is brainweird and skin hungry n loves to touch n be weird and wrestle n write funny poems and get drunk n dance under the stars. he’s a silly ex-(would have been a theatre kid but his dad wanted him to join jrotc instead) kid! he likes big bold gestures. he is EXTREMELY REPRESSED, but the closer he gets to u, the more ull see his joy n not just his “good hero”
DEEPLY LONELY AND APPROVAL SEEKING. wyll really likes it when people pay attention to him. nore than he likes actually doing good things, sometimes. note: there is nothing wrong with doing good things for recognition, everyone deserves recognition of hard work n pain. but it still makes him more interesting to me than generic hero!:
EASILY CORRUPTABLE / MOLDABLE / MANIPULATED. he approves of killing for auntie ethel n them immediatley goes. oh. fuck. oh no…. i fucked up. im trash…. he got i. cahoots with mizora and thinks he CHOSE that bc hes so so good!
NOT IN TOUCH WITH HIS FEELINGS. wyll doesn’t always know wgat’s going on his beain/heart, n honestly he doesn’t want to think abt it too hard! but i will! i always will, wyll.
SMART, BUT DOESN’T CARE ENOUGH TO QUESTION. i dont feel like writing anymore god free me. free me from the sin of my hubris. free me. no more writing
something so,ething hes traumatized and pushes people away n puts them on a pedestal so they can never know how scarred and scared and unworthy he feels bc of the deep loneliness inside him from his family’s emotional instability coupled with being homeless as a teenager with only an abuser to guide him thru his late teens, etc
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foofenshmirtz · 8 months
Log #4 My Best Friends
Disclaimer, this Au goes into detail about death, mentions of sexual assault, cults, religion, gore, and explicit details about violence. viewer discretion is advised. I do not own any of the characters unless stated otherwise and everything is purely for entertainment purposes. I only own my writing.
My plans for today went completely down the drain. I was supposed to go try and get on Tims good side in an attempt to gain some favors but it started to rain and it seemed the 3 boys had disappeared from their side of the woods. ████   says they are most likely on patrol which makes me feel slightly bad due to the weather. I didn't let this get me down ( even if the roof to my cabin is leaking) 
████  and I have decided to just relax at home, or try to. I figured it would be productive to do some more logging and since I already have logs on myself, the 4 brothers and a few of the proxies, I figured it would also be beneficial to record my two best friends.
Yurei Reid: St Bernard    z██m██ dog     Age: 4   Weight: 120 pounds     
Yurei is the sweetest dog in the world. She has been my loyal service dog for around 4 years now and has helped me everyday we have been together. I love her like she's family and I would give her the world (she deserves it). She knows a many tricks and helps me h█n█ ████ ███ █s████e ████ ████████ it ████ ███████ ██ ██p ████ ███ f█e█h ██ ███ ███ br███ █e █████ c█r██p█  Shes such a good dog. Yurei Fun Facts:  She hates lemons Likes to hunt down mice Is nervous around men (mood) Insists on sleeping on top of me despite weight more than me Loves the snow
█████ ███g███ : Ghost  Age: 19? 29?  Weight: 0 pounds???  Height: could be around 5'4 (she floats)
████  won't tell me much about her past but if I had to guess due to her appearance she passed away in the hospital. I don't wanna pry much since it's probably a sensitive subject but she worries me sometimes. I can tell she tries to have a good time and have fun but there is just this overall sadness that seems to consume her body. Maybe that's a ghost thing but I wish I could help out in any way.
She won't tell me if she had any siblings or anything about her dad but she has talked about her mother a few times. Apparently her mother is very kind and is quite the baker but besides the food her mother made and how she always wanted to be a nurse. She sounds like a very nice lady and I had to guess she might still be alive. A few things Ly has told me are her interests, we often like to play games on my old ds and the shows she often references consist of ‘pretty little liars’ and ‘ jersey shore’. If I had to guess she was alive for the early 2010’s but not much past that. Ly is also very dramatic, she speaks a lot with her hands and knows how to ramble and gossip which isn't too surprising considering i'm the first person she has spoken to since her death, plus i like her dramatics. It helps me understand her body language better and how she is feeling. The three of us are a good trio.
████  Fun Facts Enjoys video games Is very competitive Very paranoid Speaks her mind (she rants a lot) Very good spy Makes me feel safer in the woods Is my best friend
The storm isn't dying down anytime today so I decided to draw ████. She hasn't seen what she looks like since she was alive and since she is a ghost she cant see herself in mirrors so i figured drawing her was the best i could do for her.
████  liked the drawing but afterwards told me to get rid of it. I didnt understand why and figured keeping it in the notebook would be fine. I dont understand why she wanted me to get rid of it.
I left the drawing in the notebook and when I came back the page was destroyed and ████  seemed upset. I'm sorry, I don't understand what I did wrong. She left to go somewhere in the woods, she didn't tell me where she was going but I'm a little worried, I know she cant get hurt but I wish she would tell me what made her so upset. 
Feelings are hard to understand.
Ly eventually came back, she seemed better and when i asked her what i did she just said it's best to not keep anything about her around to keep me safe. I don't understand what she meant but I trust her.
I just wish she would tell me why she needs to be secret.
Hey guys, just wanted to thank everyone who has been enjoying the story so far, i also posted this AU on tiktok along with photos specifically for them, and eventually it will also be on A03. The stories will all be the same obviously, but each platform might have its own hidden things in its specific post so if that's something that interests you my tiktok and A03 accounts will be in my bio. The next post is going to actually be the first chapter in the story and from now on the posting will consist of a log one day and then the next a chapter. Thank You.
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yawn-junn · 2 years
CONTEXT: You Yorch and James were all out buying gifts for JJ while the other distracted him Leo texted you about how JJ was complaining about you not spending time with him
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"new message from fuck boy:Dude come chill your bf out" i read my phone as Leo texted me for the 100th time in the past minute telling me how sad JJ is which is understandable i have been ignoring him so i dont spoil my gift or the others gifts for him as me and JJ  cant keep secrets from one another which is good but also not at times like this.
after an hour or two of Leo texting me and me leaving them on seen he called me i answered it thinking it was leo only to hear JJs voice threw the speakers "(Y/N)?" he said in a sad tone of voice i answered as fast as i could "yes JJ?" i said in a soft tone "where are you how come you havent hugged me or talked to me today? did i do somthing wrong?" he said almost crying i was about to tell him what ive been doing before Yorch snatched my phone out of my hand "(Y/N)'s busy right now" he said before hanging up and taking my phone away from me i looked up at him shocked and sad i didnt explain to JJ what ive been doing
i looked over at James to see him with a shocked expression "....was i too mean?" Yorch asked me and James nodded our head before he shrugged his shoulders my phone from Yorch's pocket kept ringing eventually Yorch but it it on "Do Not Disturb" I sighed for the 100th time in a row upset about not being able to speak to JJ all day and practically ever since I found out what gift me and the others are getting JJ earlier this month
Eventually everyones phone other than mine started ringing from JJ calling I grew even more sad and upset by not talking to JJ I snatched my phone out of Yorchs pocket before running to the lady's bathroom knowing they can't come in here I quickly found JJs contact and pressed the call button a picture of me and JJ popped up on my phone as his contact photo and the name read "♾️💖" JJ was quick to answer
"BABY!" We both said at the same time stopping to laugh for a second before he spoke again "why have you been ignoring me? I know your with James and Yorch what are you guys doing? Your not....your not ch-cheating are you?....." I hear the tone in his voice go sad again (stop cuz why that actually break my heart-) I gasped "oh my god JustinJay no I'm not how could you think that? I love you more than I love bread and you know how much I love bread" I said he laughed a little his mood uplifting
"Oh thank God I'm not sure why I thought that I guess I was just scared cuz you haven't really payed attention to me at all this month" he said as he got quieter "J who you talking to?" I hear Leo say in the back "He's talking to (Y/N)" Jihoon said Leo gasped before taking JJs phone away and hanging up I giggled before walking out the restroom Yorch snatched my phone away from me again he gave me the Disappointed dad look I put my head down before James spoke "did you tell him anything?" He said I shook my head no and Yorch let out a revealed sigh "before we could actually talk about what I was doing Leo took his phone and hung up" I said in a calm tone
"OK! Let's finish so I don't have ignore JJ anymore it's taking a toll on my mental health" I giggled at my own joke as I heard James and Yorch giggle
𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹
(Time skip to when JJs party is in full motion)
We finish setting everything up and turned all of the lights off as we heard Leo pull into the driveway I was more than exited you would have thought the party was for me, I saw Leo push a very very very sad JJ into the house making my heart ache JJ turned on the lights in order to take his shoes off and everyone other than me jumped out JJ jumped from the sudden noise before a huge smile grew on his face that smile fading once he realized I wasn't in the small group of the group members
"Aren't you happy JJ?" Jihoon asked in a teasing manner sangwon pushed Jihoons shoulder in order to get him to shut up before giggling a little "I mean I am but..." He trailed off looking at the floor "buttt????" Jihoon said "I just wish (Y/N) was here too..." He said almost crying the members coo at him before leaving him alone in the room after a second of JJ standing there all alone I stepped out from my spot and back hugged him he stiffened for a second before smelling the air and turning around quickly
"baby....." JJ said as he looked at me a little sad but mainly happy "hallo" I said before smiling he smiled to wide before pulling me into a bone crushing hug even tho I couldn't breath I let JJ continue to suffocate me knowing how happy he was to see me I snuggled into his hold before he pulled away enough to where he can see my face "why have you been ignoring me?" He said as he looked at me with love "I didn't mean to but I also didn't wanna spoil the surprise and I can't keep a secret from you so I had no other choice" I said
He looked at me for a second before his eyes went to my lips I understood what he meant JJ being to shy to admit it I leaned in and pecked his lips he shook his head no confusing me as all our kisses are both of us being shy and only pecking he looked at my eyes again with love seeping threw his and my eyes as we stared at each other he leaned closer before connecting our lips in a deeper kiss my eyes winded before I melted into the kiss
Neither of us wanted to pull out from the kiss but because of a thing called oxygen we had too after we caught our breath JJ leaned back in and started kissing me again the rest of the boys walked into the room and started celebrating there reasoning being "JJ finally became a man" me and JJ pulled away embarrassed before we head each others face in one another's neck
After we both came to our senses me and JJ refused to let go of each others hands throughout the rest of the party obviously being teased about it but we couldn't care more after the part JJ refused to let me go home and forced me to wear his clothes and sleep on his bed with him while I was laying on top of JJ as he pet my hair I realized how deeply I'm in love with him me and JJ have never said the 3 words before and I didn't think we would for a long time until JJ spoke "baby? Are you awake?" He whispered I hummed a "yes" confirming I was indeed awake "I know we've never said this to each other and I wanted it to be special but I feel tonight our relationship got deeper and my love for you got deeper too it feels different a good different anyway I wanted to tell you that
i love you"
I quickly sat up before looking him in his eyes to confirm what he told me after I leaned down to kiss him before whispering
"I love you too" JJ smiled before leaning in again and kissing me eventually we both fell asleep with our lips locked and body closer than possible the next morning we woke up to the sound of giggling from 6 different boys once they realized our eyes opened they quickly ran to the living room me and JJs lips still locked into the kiss we both pulled away with a "smooch" sound making us both giggle the rest of the day was us being a annoyingly sweet couple and chasing the boys before they all sent all the photos they had to us
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𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓙𝓙
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OH!!!! hii mac i hope u r having a good dayy <333 i would love ur assorted worm thoughts if u have any!! on. the fucking emma interlude (i frequently think abt the scene of taylor being happy and Better w/ her dad at the very end of it..... augh) or the pho interlude etc... what do u think is coming up next in all of this now that echidna is gone and coil is gone and lisa and taylor have absolutely come out on top abt it & the prt Hates it?? + also there's a 50/50 on whether functional website Ate the ask frm a couple days ago but. if u ever have time im also curious abt ur thoughts on the visions + noelle's visions & what she's talking to in her pov n stuff.... idk!! blank check for u i love hearing ur worm thoughts always!!!! catkiss.gif!!
GOD . GOD. OKAY. WORM THOUGHTS. FCUK. I'm a little braindead today so this is not going to be eloquent in the slightest.
ok first of all fuuuuck Emma. i don't like Emma and that interlude DID NOT HELP. ok. at the risk of 2pm oversharing I think I may have said this before somewhere but the whole emma/taylor situation is . very similar to TWO DIFFERENT scenarios with friends I had growing up so it hits a bit of a sore spot for me (in the most lighthearted "im extremely enjoying the catharsis of reading something so similar and i think taylor should fill her mouth with bugs" way. I prommy) . learning she got attacked by the ABB . did not help!!!!!!!! I dont care !!!!!!!!!!!! like obviously thats horrible and traumatizing etc and gave an interesting motivation for her but also it doesn't excuse the Everything Else!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!! that part where taylor came to her house after getting home from camp and saw her with Sophia and that's when everything started going to shit btwn them??? GOD i would rather scoop my eyes out with spoons. fuck me ! it was super interesting though to see her relationship with Sophia and how that changed when she was put on probation. girl there is something wrong with you. i want taylor to fill her mouth with bugs. if she ever shows up again and tries to talk to taylor i hope she gets bugged. I don't ljke her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but also I kind of want her to show up again if only for her to realize how much more powerful taylor is . I just want her to be taken down like 20 pegs. the part i left off on was right as taylor was getting to the school to find (what's his name. Greg? the guy from the forum) . so I'm kind of hoping for. something. idk emma has the Ooze and i hate her !
the forum interlude was vwry cool I liked seeing an outside perspective on brockton bay a lot. extremely interested to learn more about this greg guy I think he's gonna be super annoying to me at first though . affectionate ofc bc i fucking love worm .
FUNCTIONAL WEBSIDE YEAH I don't think I ever got an ask abt noelle from u????? thanks tumblr I hate it here. OUGH . okay so I think at this point it's been loosely (?) confirmed that the passengers or whatever are actually the big things they're seeing in trigger visions????????????? which I have in fact been picturing as incomprehensiblw cosmic worms now. btw. because it's fun. EXTREMELY interesting that noelle was liiiike. almost separated from hers? I'm assuming that's because she only took a half dose but then that begs the question like. why the fuck wasn't Oliver fucked up too???? he took the other half of noelles serum and he was just. normal. so what she got the passenger because she took it first and he just. didn't get anything? but because she only took half the serum she got so.. fucked up evil about it. idk!!!! super interested to learn more about cauldron (ugh) and how their. whole thing works. how the fuck do you get powers in a bottle what are those serums MADE OF. anyway. you know this about me I love when one guy is actually two guys i loved the distinction between noelle and echidna. she wasn't noelle anymore at the end. she was echidna. goddddd that shit is so tragic and sundancer being the only one that could realistically kill her was such . aaauaghgh. because they all CHOSE their serums. Mars CHOSE that serum. she could've taken any of them and yet she chose the one that gave her the power to kill what used to be her best friend. I have a lot of feelings about her :( mars, the only one of the travelers who had the most issue with killing people. the same one who ended up with the most destructive power. god. aauagahagahaga. where the fuck is krouse. I hate that we haven't seen krouse since noelle died. he's going on a villain arc or he's going to get immediately killed I just know it (or. did he die already? I can't remember what actually happened to him i was kind of more focused on the noelle of it all. Oops.)
god. this isn't even Half of my thoughts but these are the ones I'm able to get in the most coherent words rn aauaghghhhh. quit your job join my worm. that's the mood for today
OH YEAH i also think the next big bad thing is either going to be another endbringer attack or a birdcage escape. we haven't heard from amy in a while. I'm nervous about that but also it WILL give me ideas for nhw mark so. I welcome it. possibly another s9 appearance but i don't think they'll come back until closer to the apocalypse thing. extremely curious to see Theo again too :(
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chronicbloodynoses · 6 months
honestly mbikmb is actually me rn
the drum - i feel such a depressive cycle everyday and im not getting fucked up bc i cant w my situation but if i could i prob would b!
happy news 4 sadness - my ex lied 2 me constantly + my perception of love is actually so fked up after him and i constantly tried 2 change myself and use sexual stuff for him 2 love me (he treated me like shit and then convinced me i wanted too much from him)
sunburned shirts - honestly i see this as a nostalgia where it ends up not being what you remember, he used 2 look at the sun and he thought of it fondly, but it hurt more than he remembered
stoop kid - its me! im stoop kid! ive been so conditioned to my mother's baby-ing and when i try to be independent im not allowed and then i get yelled at for never helping out and im terrified to leave bc shes constantly saying that i'll fail completely on my own! also in my later "growing up" yrs i watched hey arnold LOL
something soon - i feel so strongly abt this song. trying to do things to keep from losing it + cutting off my hopes bcuz i feel incapable, i feel like the only way i'll ever b seen is to cause problems! break shit! my mother talked a whole bunch of shit about my dad so now i'll never ever see him the same despite him never actually doing anything to me! i both fear and hate him and miss him and wish i had a dad!!!!! treating what im going through as the past to keep myself from focusing on my problems so i dont kms!!!! wanting to hurt myself to have some reason to be upset!!!! wanting to express my emotions but never being able to!!!! if i cant feel better soon then im actually gonna lose my shit GENUINELY! i am completely unable to tell my mother anything bc either it has to do w her and she can do no wrong or its my fault how i feel! (fun fact- i got yelled at in eighth grade 4 listening to help let me go danny gonzalez bc of the kidnapping a girl part and my music is "too dark" LOL (she threatened to send me to a mental hospital on the same car ride to school)) this town is freezing cold!!! i need out!!!!!!! im not allowed to do laundry and my mom barely does it and acts like if i literally have no underwear then its the hardest thing in the world and i have to wait til bc shes constantly too tired (girl i just wore my last pair and im NOT wearing the ones with holes in them) wanting to be somethig more and never feeling content. ignoring my problems w content and procrastinating to complete guilt, i want to leave n sneak out (i literally could ive snuck someone in multiple times b4 LOL), if i dont romanticize what im going through i'll ACTUALLY fucking lose it (im already inching toward a breaking point xP) i hate this house!!!! ive grown up in the same butt fuck nowhere town in the same horrible traumatic house!!!!!!! i need!!!!!!!! to escape!!!!!! so bad!!!!!
guys we're halfway through the album LOL
no passion - this song is actually so depressed dancing 4 me but i honestly dont really listen 2 this one much n think abt the lyrics so no comment VERY EXTREMELY sorry for no passion fans i WILL think of u and listne 2 it more
father, flesh in rags - i love/hate this song honestly, like it kinda reminds me of my ex (scoliosis! his relationship w his dad was a big problem of our relationship!) thats all u get it kinda hurts LOL not in a way of missing him but i get really upset thinking abt all the shit i put up w and forgot abt bc of my SEVERE case of rose coloured glasses
strangers - im actually wanting to create are 4 this song LOL anyway this song is less specific 4 me (honestly i burnt out from something soon LOL) but i too am not gonna last much longer! im sofa king sick of it!!!! all of it!!!!!!
lawns - its okay will my dad left too <3
pow - fun fact my great grandpa was a prisoner of war! he was taken while he was in a plane over russia and there he learned the language in his 3 years there n idk if he escaped or was let go but hes honestly such a cool guy like! love him but he died when i was really young so i didnt get much of a relationship w him but if i was a great grandparent i'd be really happy 2 meet my great grand kid so im really happy i got to meet him
open-mouthed boy - i too call god a SHIT and then scamper off
ne way im so obsessed w car seat even if i dont have much to say and im just saying a bunch of nothing burgers i have so much appreciation for everything car seat headrest has done even w the songs i dont like (im looking at you hymn and famous) i know somewhere other people like them n are also so affected by car wseat and its just like wowzerz! love this band sofa king much! cant wait to see them live in june!!!!!
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rippeds0cks · 7 months
I have been weird lately. Some days ill be doing great then other days ill be as worse as ive ever been. These last couple days have been bad. Ive been so bad mentally that ive had to stop whatever im doing (eating, watching a movie, working out, playing elden ring) and just sit there and stare off into nothing. I zoned out entirely when i was driving yesterday. Ended up going 75 in a 45 and had to rush a break when i zoned back in so i didnt slam into the back of the car in front of me. Cant have that become a habit since im gonna be driving a lot soon. Buying a gun soon. Not for suicide or anything i need it for bears n such since im gonna be camping in the middle of national parks a lot. I havent slept well in weeks. Every night for the last couple nights ive been as close to tears as ive been in recent memory. I get really emotional laying here n my right eye will be teary but my left eye will not. I wonder if my tear duct is damaged in any kinda way since thats the side closest to my head injury. It shouldnt be since thats my better eye. Back when i got a cut on my left eyelid i was essentially blind for those couple days it took for the swelling to go down since my right eye is essentially useless. That reminds me, my dad is slowly catching onto how bad my health is. He made the observation “you might have something wrong with your depth perception cause you get really close to the cars in front of you when you drive” and i just went “haha yeah” when in reality my depth perception mostly went when i was like a very early 19 and i just got used to it. Fighting made me able to “feel” the distance between me and everything around me but that goes out the window when im operating a machine like a car. Ill get used to it i guess. Maybe start wearing my glasses.
I think that on this trip ill make the decision about reaching out to my ex. I think that if i get all the way to vegas and still think about her ill reach out for closure. Thatll be a while tho. Maybe well over a year. I dont know. Ive just completely given up any delusion of her contacting me. If contact is to be made itll be made by me. I just cant stop thinking about her and its already ridiculous so if it continues for so long that by the time i get to vegas i might as well reach out. Worst comes to worst and she loses her mind/gets a restraining order n i cant firefight anymore i can just kill myself its not a big deal. I just cant keep harboring these emotions forever. I already dont wanna harbor em im just too scared to reach out. It doesnt help that me n benj (mostly benj) bring up our exes a lot so i have to think about her. He says shit sometimes that unlocks memories i didnt know i had and it will make my ass catatonic for the day.
Like once i had a ptsd attack while asleep and i jolted awake and we were napping together and i woke up to her laying on me pulling me as close as possible and it brought my heart rate down and mental state down entirely, i was able to relax and calm down just cause she was there. She probably doesnt remember it since when i jolted awake she was mostly still asleep, just doing a slurred half awake “do u have to pee” to which i just said no n we both went back to bed.
I waa gonna type out another memory thats been replaying in my head where she lays with me as i was having full body convulsions and i was in some of the most pain i have ever been in. Rubbing my back and holding my hand. I was gonna type it all out in detail but im already shaking and crying out of one eye lol. No snot or anything tho so i dont know if this qualifies as crying.
Anyways i would give anything to be able to experience that again. The first and only person to ever love me and things went so horribly wrong. Both of our faults. I take the vast majority of the blame though. She takes the blame towards the end but the rest of it is my fault.
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ocean-anchored · 2 years
Dear future self... Oct 5, 22
I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes, scrolling on my phone avoiding writing. I’ve avoided writing for a few weeks, maybe avoiding isn’t the right word but I keep thinking about how I should write and then I dont. My mind just goes blank, yet leading up to it I think of the 100 things I want to say until I sit infront of my screen wondering what on earth to say. I still dont know. The last three weeks I’ve felt more emotional than I have in years, to a point where I’m starting to feel like I can’t control my emotions. So much so that last week I actually considering if I should be going back on anxiety medication to even myself out because I just don’t feel like I’m living in my own life. I’m not even on my period, dont get me wrong man I can be a hormonal mess when the time comes but I’m not and yet last friday I couldn’t keep myself from crying. Sunday I cried talking to my mom and tonight I’ve held back tears and my mind has been r-u-n-n-i-n-g. Maybe it’s just the season. I have so much trauma that goes so damn deep this time of year that maybe my anxiety just goes off the charts leading up to this holiday that I just can’t control myself. This is why I keep leaning towards believing I need to just spend this weekend alone. I just honestly can’t remember the last birthday that I was happy or that something didn’t fuck it up, it’s almost like it actually is cursed. Assuming my dad has probably cursed me 100 times on this day.  Last year started okay, I actually thought that maybe I would have an ok year up until I dropped Grayson flat on his face at 4 months old and they had to spend yet another night in the hospital to make sure he was okay. The year before that my marriage was on rocks and my sister joked about wanting to end her life, it was a lot of forcing happiness that day I remember. The year before I recall only a few of the girl friends last minute planning a breakfast to celebrate which I recall being so awkward because it felt so fake. Travis never made anytime stand out and every birthday before my relationship was absolute shit especially my 18th.  Maybe I really do just have way to high of expectations that people want to celebrate me. I mean yes my family, whatever the fuck is left of it wants to but god love my mom I think she knows how much I hate my birthday that she tries too hard and it just feels forced.  I miss my brother so damn much it’s not even funny. I dont expect a message, as I told my mom if anything Amanda will text me on their behalf sending a very lame, light hearted message about how she hopes I have a good day & maybe wishes we were on talking terms but that would be a surprise in itself if she even texts. Honestly I think all I genuinely want for my birthday is for Steven to talk to me, to reconcile our relationship. It absolutely breaks me. He’s been my best friend for my whole life, I recall more good memories of my birthday with him than anyone in my life. He always made a point to spend time with me and make it special somehow, always planned something that he knew would make me happy. That’s literally all I want. I dont want to spend it with anyone, it’s just a constant reminder of how broken my family is and how little I feel important in anyones life because 90% of people over the years aren’t in my life anymore and what for? It’s cute that my mom tells me how great of a friend I am and that anyone would be lucky to have me as a friend but how is it that I’ve been trying so hard to make friends for the last two years and I’m still here today with no girl friends.  Idk. If you ask me on the right day I’ll tell you im happy, because I am for the most part. I’ve come a really long way from a year, two, even four years ago and yah I’m proud of how far I’ve come and what I’ve gone through but I know it’s okay to feel sad and sometimes I just need to feel that. I think I’ve been such a positive thinker, not really allowing myself to dwell in anything negative for a majority of this year which is great but can be unrealistic. Although I can say I am in some cases the most happiest I’ve been in a very long time, there’s still things I wish I could change and that I’m not happy about. That’s life. Can’t always have it all. Because sometimes it really is better to expect the worst or not have any expectations, so you don’t get disappointed.  I guess this hasn’t really been much of an update rather than just an emotional jumble mess.  I guess to recap my life where things are at right now so I can look back on this one day.. -I’m living off 17th with my soon to be old boss’ two sons whom are good friends of mine. That actually going a lot better than I thought. I mean I didn’t think it would be bad, I was a bit nervous about living with Dillon and his peer pressure and not being clean but it’s been good so far. Saying that being only 2 months in so maybe ask me in another 5 months haha. -I’m still not divorced yet. That’s fun. That was a fun story to re-live again tonight. He, being Richardt, asked me if it bothers me to talk about it, which it doesnt but i think I realize the more I talk about it A the more I feel like it was in a different lifetime and B that I see so many mistakes and how I sometimes I wish I didn’t have that relationship or get married but I guess it taught me more things than I ever imagined. But it’s frustrating how long the process takes, I really do wish I could have just gotten the divorce done but damn rules and thinking people want to get back together within a year, certainly not the case. Still dealing with Vivint and the continual repercussions of Travis royally fucking me over and ruining my credit. It’s funny that Rich made a comment about telling me that I should sue him. If only I had the resources but it’s taken so much of my brain power that it’s just not worth it, even if it’s hurting me 15 months later.  -Yes I mentioned Richardt, I’m dating someone. Weird. Weird to be called a girlfriend again. I speak pretty highly of him but it’s also quite fresh and once again, trying really hard not to get my expectations too high or my excitement because who knows. He makes multiple comments that he wants to spend forever but there’s times I still struggle because he had been alone for so long that he’s so okay with it and I get that it takes a lot to get back into the swing of things and make room for someone else in your life that takes up so much space but man, tonight I realized how dumb I am. I mean I love our deep talks, we talked a lot about my relationship with Trav and he shared some of his fears about comfort and not getting too comfy in one place because things can change, but I also felt way too vulnerable tonight. Here I’ve been debating the last few weeks how much I should really share about my feelings and how I feel a little too deeply and now I regret saying what I did tonight. Idk, I mean maybe I had a very small expectation or hope that he would have said something back of the similar sort but idk, I guess I’ll just say I’d rather not re-live that moment over again.  -I’m changing careers again. I’ve been in construction and restoration my whole life, yes administration but I’ve been with Danny for nearly 5 years, less 10 months of course. For a long time I thought that I would be there for life or at least for a very very long time. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to work for Ed. Given that I for years and years always wanted to work for him, it’s crazy that the time is here. I remember hoping months back that he would have full time work for me and here I am quitting and starting something totally different, with a lot of responsibility and room for error. It’s terrifying. I’m really scared honestly. I have had so much anxiety lately, more than I’ve had in a couple years but I really am hoping and praying that this is going to change my life for the better and really take me in a completely different direction that I could have never imagined. I was feeling stagnant with Danny. I felt like I hit a ceiling of pay unless I would go to school for something or change positions completely, I felt like there wasn’t really more I could do, take on or achieve. Not to toot my horn but I do two job positions and I have given my heart but it just, it was time. Im excited but I’m scared shitless. I guess well see what my life update is in the future to how I’m doing but I think it’s cool that I can look back on this one day and remember the transition and feelings of how I have no idea what I’m doing but Ed believes in me so let’s giver. -Have I mentioned I’m still not talking to my brother? Yea. Been the longest time I’ve ever gone. I mean on the flip side, meliss and I keep getting closer than I ever imagined we could which is a real blessing. But I miss spending time with my mom. I used to see her 2-3 times a week and now I’m lucky if I even see her once a week. Life gets too busy I really hate it. As much as I’m complaining and sad in a majority of this update, I am very appreciative and blessed to have the people I do in my life. I wont take that for granted. Always remembering how far I’ve come. I can’t remember what it was but as we were walking out the door today and Richardt brought up a topic I laughed and said haha there’s a lot more of where that trauma came from and I think it just reminded me of really how much I’ve gone through at only 28 years old.  Oh my dad’s still not in jail yet so that’s a shame. Maybe one day. He really is a piece of shit.  Anyways, my brain hurts and I feel like I’ve gotten a lot of emotion out tonight even though I didn’t give as much of an update as I would have liked to.  Until next time.
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rheabl00dyripley · 2 years
Live Life With No Regrets
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Pairing: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader, suggested by tumblr user  @cambbb-56
Warnings- Smut, fingering, oral (fem receiving duh), angst, internalized homophobia, Steve being a slight wing-man
Summary: (Y/N) can't think straight, and she's convinced that something is wrong with her. Little does she know, she goes to the right person for this kind of issue..
Word count: 2.6K words
It was an early March morning, having stayed up all night with these thoughts that just seem to never go away. Why does she like a girl? That's completely wrong! She can't like a girl, she'll go to hell!
She got up from the nice safe space that was her bed, and quickly began getting ready for work dspite not needing to be there for another hour and a half.
Pulling the family video vest over your head, you head downstairs just to realize that both your mom and dad are gone. They left a note on the fridge, "We're so sorry honey, but we have to leave for the week. Emergency business! We love you! Take care of yourself." and you just sighed. Looks like it would be a movie week for you mixed with work, it's a good way to try and derail your mind of these thoughts that always seem to be crawling back.
You grab your notepad and pencil and decide to make your way to family video to open for the day, since you really didn't anything better to do. When you got into your car, you looking into the rearview mirror just to uncover dark eyebags that you swore weren't there yesterday.
 But whatever, you just needed to get to work and go along from then. Maybe you could talk to Steve or Robin about this? But what if this makes them hate you and not want to stay friends with you? What if they too realize that something is wrong with you and just toss you out into the street like everyone else seemed to do whenever you tried to gain their friendship and approval. 
Starting your car, you make the decision to not go straight to work, and instead to go to Steve's house. 
Reaching the brunette's house, she steps out of her car and closes the car door behind her, taking in a deep breath to try and stabilize herself for this conversation that could happen. 
She walks up to the door and does the signature knock between the three of you, so Steve instantly knows that either you or robin is here. He looks out his window and sees your car, so he gets up and heads downstairs to the door.
The door opens in front of you to reveal and bed head Steve who looks like his beauty sleep got interrupted.
"Hey, Steve.. Sorry to bother you this early, but it's kind of imporant and I haven't been able to sleep while thinking about it."
"Sure, come on in (y/n/n), I'll listen but do you want something to eat?"
She smiles softly, nodding her head. "I slightly rushed out of my house this morning because this has just been aching and eating through my core and I don't know what else to do about it, Steve!"
His heart dropped to his stomach, and now he was sure that this couldnt pull his attention anymore because it was all he focused on in that very moment. Tears started falling from her cheeks and she choked out a sob. Covering her face with her hands, she couldn't bear to look at Steve.
"Steve, I don't want you to hate me, okay? You're basically all that I have left! I'm an only child and you are the only big brother figure that I have, and Robin means so much to me too but I need you to understand this when I say it, okay?"
You sat in silence, slowly looking up at Steve with seriousness, and he nodded. "yeah. Yeah, of course (y/n/n), what's going on? Are you okay? Do I need to beat the shit out of someone?"
She chuckled and shook her head, before her face fell almost completely.
"Please dont leave me when I tell you this, Steve. Okay?"
He smiled softly, a reassuring gesture that he always gave when you needed it most. "I won't leave you (y/n), I promise."
She began to shake, taking in a small breath to finally let the words come out.
"Okay, so Steve, I'm so confused at the moment. I don't know what I like anymore! I want to like boys, I want to be in love with a guy but everytime I try there is always this one girl who curves my thoughts! She makes me question everything and now I think I might be gay but I don't know and what I was taught by my parents is that stuff like that is wrong."
They sat in silence for a little bit, before she finally returned Steve's gaze, him clearly trying to grasp it but slightly struggling.
He stood up, looking down at you for a second, before enveloping you in a tight embrace, one that made you feel safe and loved, not scared or controlled like every other guy made you feel.
"I'm glad you told me, (y/n), but I think a better person to talk to about this would be Robin."
She nodded slowly, "Okay, okay.. I will. When should I talk to her about it? Should I invite her over to talk about it privately? Cause my parents are going to be gone for a week and I really need the closure-"
Steve cut off her rambling by pointing at the clock. Shit, their shift starts in 5 minutes.
"Our own cars?" Steve asks, grabbing his keys.
"Yeah! Last one to the family video has to close tonight!" You say, running out the door with a smile on your face as you get into your car, and youre pulling out of the driveway before Steve is even outside.
When you arrive at the family video, you finally remember that Steve has to drive over to pick Robin up and that you won most definitely.
Steve's car finally pulls into the lot after what seems like hours, and Robin is the first to hop out.
"(Y/n)!!" She exclaims, running up to hug you like she hasn't seen you in months.
You smile warmly, hugging her back and then slowly pulling away.
"Hey, uhm I want to talk to you about something tonight, want to come over and have a movie night? My parents are gone for the week if you can't do toda-"
Robin cuts you off with her laughter and smiles your way. "I thought that you would never ask, my lady! Of course! I would love to!"
Your mind was running a million miles an hour throughout your shift, trying to figure out what movie to watch with Robin.
"FAST TIMES!" she shouts, grabbing it from one of the shelves. You burst into laughter, and she does too. Soon, youre both on the floor, leaning against a wall, and leaning on eachother.
"Shift ends in 10, want to get out of here early and make Steve close up?" Robin suggests, looking your way with a devious look.
"Hell yeah, lets do it." you whisper in response, both of you grabbing the movie and sneaking through the front doors, giggling like idiots while you get into your car.
Very shortly you reach your home, but then you have a sinking feeling in your stomach. What if this doesnt go well and she leaves? What if she calls you a mistake? No, no surely Robin wasn't like that, right?
'There's only one way to find out.' you think to yourself, looking over at Robin and smiling before exiting your car and making your way to the house.
You grab the keys and unlock the front door, opening it for Robin to get through, you following close behind. She looks around your living room in awe, examining every little detail as if her life depended on it. You smiled at her, but shook it off and put the movie in.
"I'll go get the popcorn ready, okay?" She nods her head, finding the younger pictures of you from years ago and absolutely fawning over them.
Once the popcorn is ready, you both sit down on the couch and yout ake a deep breath.
"Robin, I really need to tell you something. It's important to me and I've already told Steve but he told me to talk to you about it. I just need you to promise to me that you won't leave after I tell you this, okay? Please don't hate me, I don't like it about myself either but I need ttry and accept it even if I was raised to believe that it isnt right."
You look deeply into her eyes, and you swear you see her eyes twinkle with hope, and she nods. "I won't hate you or leave you, my lady, I can promise that." She smiles, and you swear that your heart is going to burst.
"Okay, Robin.. I keep having thoughts about this one girl even when I try to make myself fall for boys, but I can't. I don't love boys, I love girls. So so much, and this one girl is the one who helped me realize that about myself. So I'm sorry if you don't want to be friends anymore, Robin, but I needed you to know." you look at her solemnly, and she smiles with tears in her eyes.
"I do too, (y/n). I found that out about myself a while back, that's probably why Steve wanted you to come to me about it. Now tell me about the girl of your dreams! Clearly she's hella important to you if she did all of that!"
She swallow your pride, and smile sweetly. "Well, she's like the best person that I couldve asked to ever meet in my life. She's kind, funny, beautiful, talented, she knows 4 languages? Like holy shit how is that possible!"
Robin's face shifts a bit, but not in a bad way. In a way that flat out shows that she felt the same way about you.
You trail off talking about her, until you feel her warm hand on your cheek. The eye contact isnt severe, it's comforting. It's a safe place. You inhale softly, and your gaze directs itself from her eyes, to her lips, and back to her eyes.
She takes notice and smiles, softly pressing her plush lips against yours. Youre frozen for a second, but when you come to your senses you kiss her back, wrapping your arms around her neck and lacing your fingers in her hair to deepen the passion.
She bites your lower lip and you gasp, allowing her tongue to enter the warm cavern that is your mouth. You softly whimper into the kiss, and you both pull away for a second to catch your breath.
"Fuck- ha... you're a really, really good kisser Robin" you said, clearly a bit dazed from what just occured.
"Now I'm gonna continue, but you need to tell me if it's too much or if you want to stop, okay? We can stop at any time if you're not ready. I don't want to force you to do something that you dont want." She maintains  sincere eye contact with you, and you take a deep breath and smile at her.
"I want this, Robin. I want you." the words clearly hitting her in all the right places, she slowly kissed down your jawline to your neck, finding the sweet spot to make you whimper. She lightly abuses that spot, sucking, biting, licking. She looks at you while her hands are at the hem of your shirt.
"Are you still okay with this?" she asks, but not with her words. Her eyes say it all.
"Go for it Robin, I'm all yours." 
With that, she lifted the shirt over your head to reveal your (y/f/c) bra, and she couldnt take her eyes off of them for what you swore was eternity. But, she reached behind your back, unclasping your bra in no time.
She wasted no more time from there. She began her attack on your breasts, kissing and sucking one of your nipples, while her other hand pinched and pulled, ripping those pretty moans from your angelic mouth.
"Fuck! Robin, please! Please, want you to touch me.. want you to touch me please!" you cried out when she pulled away from your chest, kissing down your abdomen and stopping right at the waistline of your jeans. She looked at you again with the same question, just wanting to make sure that you were completely okay with this. "Please Robin, I need you!" you whined, and she smiled your way.
Unbuttoning your pants, you lifted off of the couch to assist her taking off your jeans. Next, came your panties. They were absolutely soaked.
"Holy shit baby, all this wet for me? Fuck it must be my lucky day.." she said to herself before licking a stripe up your clothed core, only a little bit of fabric separating between holding yourself together and pure ecstasy.
She hooked her fingers under the sides of your panties and pulled them down, setting them down on the floor while her eyes could not pull away from your glistening cunt.
"Shit, you're so pretty sweetheart, could look at you for hours and hours on end. Now remember, if at any point you want me to stop, the safe word is pumpkin pie. Okay?" 
"yes yes okay Robin, please just touch me!"
She chuckled to herself, mumbling "Yes ma'am, don't have to tell me twice" just loud enough for you to hear. She repeated the action from before, but this time with the removal of that little piece of fabric, everything was so intense.
Her tongue felt like heaven, Robin spelling her name on your clit, sending ferocious waves of pleasure throughout your body.
"Oh fuck! Robin, robin holy shit... holy shit youre so good at this baby..." her name fell from your lips like a prayer, like it was the only word you knew in this moment. Before you could think, you felt her enter one of her fingers into your dripping core, and you swear that you were seeing stars.
She hit that spongey spot inside of you extremely quickly, causing you to cry out her name, and your breathing became uneven.
"Fuck! Fuck, oh god Robin please don't stop, please! I'm about to cum! I'm gonna-" you cut yourself off with a gutteral moan coming from your lips, your orgasm hitting you like a runaway train. Robin didn't let up for a while, lapping up the rest of your release and rubbing comforting circles into your thighs.
After a bit your breathing regulated, and Robin finally sat up. She was smiling like she had just won the lottery, and her lips and chin coated in your slick. Your face felt like it was boiling, and you started giggling.
"That was probably the best orgasm that I have ever had in my life.. oh my god Robin." You stated, chuckling nervously while looking at her.
She wrapped you up in a warm embrace and kissed you. The passion this time was strong. It was potent, love was in the air. She had finally found the one person that she knew she could trust, and love, and stand by with little to no complications.
"I love you (y/n)." she exclaimed out of nowhere, eyes widening afterwards before looking over at you to see you smiling like an idiot.
"I love you too Robin!" and with that you tackled her onto her back and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.
You'll never regret telling her, or Steve.
Cause now you finally feel like youre whole.  
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