#drawing yourself all funky is self care actually
hatchetmode · 1 year
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A horrible beast (me)
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
Hola this is my first req
Might I request hcs for Hobie and Miles (separately) x male reader who is a fellow super hero with a mutation in his jaw that gave him a snake bite?(sharp teeth, unhinging jaw, venom)
Despite how scary reader can look he is very kind and courteous (and head over heels for his spider boy) and Hobie and Miles help him get over his insecurities about smiling around others
Fluffy and romantic pls (sorry if it too specific lol)
Thank you and keep being awesome
😎🫶 - Crax
hobie and miles with snake mutated boyfriends !
welcome back crax lmao, the request slapped dw, you nailed it !
AND IM SO SORRY for keeping you waiting, shit kept going on in my life
separate, established relationships
warnings: hobie brown ?
pairing: hobie brown x male!reader, miles morales x male!reader
requests: refer to the masterlist please !
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
you wanna know how many fucks hobie gives about the mutation ? zero
in like the most respectful but effortlessly cool way
mutations are nothing new to him, man fights mutants on the daily
just views it as an extension of yourself, it’s apart of who you are
if you can accept that, he’s happy
would absolutely be a hype man if not though, he don’t fuck w insecurity
one thing i think he’d reference a lot ? medusa, because of that one sticker on his guitar
maybe he’s a huge greek mythology guy and thinks that your mutation is a sign for this and that- like that one comment he made about metaphors for capitalism, i think he liked to analyse things like an english student
with your unhinging jaw and venomous bite he liked to say some absurd stuff like “just goes to show how independence and self sufficiency can overcome the norms regardless of [politics]” hinting at that while you may have some unconventionally appreciated features, you’re able to rise above it and be a hero like a badass
so that being said, he thinks your smile alone is dope and can represent so much more if you want it to
if you wear a mask or something to cover it up, he’ll never insist on taking it off unless you’re comfortable, it’s not his place to dictate what you wear
he may however make a comment or two about it
“hope you’re not wearin’ tha’ to cover up them teeth of yours” ur teeth are so cool
if you’re insecure about how like exposed ur teeth are when you smile, Hobie gets into the habit of pulling his cheek back w his finger when smiling (at the appropriate times) just to show there’s nothin to be afraid of
sticks his tongue out too for funsies, ESPECIALLY if you’ve got a forked tongue
it’s a true shame getting ur tongue split is illegal in the UK, he’d love to match
at the end of the day when alls said and done, if you can’t bring yourself to feel comfortable in your own skin while you’re out and about, he’ll make it clear that he doesn’t care about your unhinging jaw or teeth or venom in private, cause that’s where it counts in his head
he thinks you look badass and really doesn’t think you should pay attention to what other people think anyway, under any circumstances
but especially when you go out there together and make a genuine difference in the world as heroes, even if you don’t call yourselves that
has once cracked a joke along the lines of “my boyfriend will bite you” and it was actually a threat, in the most loving way
he might be like- a bit surprised the first time meeting you, maybe have some slightly insensitive questions but he means no offence
he just can’t keep his mouth shut sometimes
i think he’s a tiny bit afraid at first but warms up quickly, miles doesn’t seem like a snake guy and i can see him being the associating anything with everything kinda guy
definitely felt guilty for that one now ur boyfriends
massive fan of drawing you and your snake-ness, you look so funky in his style
really likes being heroes together :]
took a double take the first time he saw your jaw unhinge but now he seems jealous at times
after having a super serious conversation about it he immediately says something so off handed that it completely cuts whatever tension there might have been
makes an excellent point that you could swallow a burber whole, he thinks that’s an accomplishment fs
“you can eat a burger in one, that’s skill.” he’s so sure of himself while saying that
there’s something very terrifying but reassuring and endearing about you having such a dangerous mouth with you ur venom and such, used some strange ass logic like “he COULD kill me, but he won’t”
so when you are comfortable just being urself and not covering up your smile, he honestly feels really grateful and trusted
mans never gonna break that trust, he’s never gonna hurt you
ur polite asf too so he doesn’t even second guess introducing you to his parents, doesn’t think things along the lines of “gonna introduce my snake boyfriend” it’s more like “he’s so polite this is an easy win”
IF YOU SMILE HE SMILES, that’s all i’m sayin
therefore, you should smile more and not go out of your way to hide it
he won’t really say anything if you actively choose to in public, you might catch him lookin a bit sympathetic from the corner of your eye if he notices you purposely doing it
it’s not his place to say a thing, but he’d really appreciate it if you got out of that habit, and he’s happy to help
like he might busy your hands just so you don’t subconsciously cover your mouth, that kinda things
he could do this by holding them or whatever
please don’t be embarrassed of urself, you are so so handsome
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
sorry it’s not insanely romantic ?? i cant really see these boys being like that so i kinda struggled a bit w that
sorry if this is just not great overall i’ve been out of it shshshs
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
Apologies for the looooong questions.
3,4, 31, and 68.
Hope you have a good day!
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fi
sit down
turn on computer
open outline document (if a one-shot fic skip to point 5)
look over current chapter section
open writing doc
stare at the blank document
smash fingers on keyboard
don't look at the words
once done do not look at it (this is hard and sometimes I break it)
come back later and use read aloud to help me edit it by listening for anything funky
send chapter to friends to read
gnaw my keyboard
post chapter after approval
stare at notifications/email for internet readers approval for serotonin/dopamine hit
repeat process until I feel normal
Also random tip that helps me write the actual chapter is; writing sprints, there's a discord bot that really helps with this or you can set a timer. And also listening to an audiobook while I write I find helps inspire me to write better and just to write more. I think it's like urge to write a fic after reading a really good fic but instead, I'm listening to Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White and all the body horror/gore in that while I tiptap some fluff. I also have a youtube list of free audiobooks, and I'll post them if you guys want.
putting the rest under a readmore so this post doesn't get too long <3
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Literally anywhere.
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It strikes when it strikes (unfortunately)
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Most of the time, Plot. Plot is usually a big motivator to get me to write fic.
I find that good plots are sort of versatile. Like I could very easily take a similar plot of SI and put it towards Ghost. Baker!Reader gets employed at the ministry. Papa and her start getting close, and closed-off man eventually opens up to sweet lady.
Also while I'll know the Love interest for who I'm writing, cause I mainly write x Reader fic, the Reader is something I don't really consider. I try to be careful not to describe red cheeks, or hair texture in fics for example (though I have done it still), though sometimes it does slip through, cause I want you to imagine an idealized version of yourself. It's like a meme now that like when Y/N says this we go "I'd never say that" but maybe you would in Runeterra. Cringe is dead, make your idealized self in a self-insert or in Reader fics, because that's self-love baby. You are deserving of love and you should always recognize that.
I was always really happy in SI when it got fanart to see all the different versions of reader, with darker skin, or blonde hair before I finalized my own version with @designfailure56 in Ros, though anyone can draw SI Reader however they want. I still really prefer the blank slate approach where I have no idea how they look like, all I know is how they sort of feel and think.
68. What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Slide into friends DMs, or look for prompt lists on tumblr. Sometimes I just need to start writing a little request fic or going over headcanons with friends before I can go on to write the larger fic. It helps me get into the zone for it.
Get to Know Your Fic Writer Asks
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
Mon 7th feb 2023 journal 7:11am
The sky is a nice light blue this morning. I’m thinking about life right now. I keep thinking about whether I’m good enough for things. I’ve lost a lot of self esteem recently and I just can’t seem to find it or a reason to be doing the things I’m doing. It’s like I make myself cringe whenever I do things. Apparently this is a habit that can be changed and I want to change it cause it’s ruining my livelihood and I can’t live like this. It’s far too volatile and more time depressing like this. I’m being mean to myself. I don’t really know why I’m struggling to love myself the way I want to. But it’s to do with the fact that I think too much about what others think. I can’t help it. I put a massive spotlight on myself all the time. It’s like I’m super conscious of myself and my movements in the world. I sometimes listen to people and how they get things done and have achieved the things they want and I think to myself “am I even doing this thing right?” cause I feel wrong and I feel like I’m doing the wrong thing. It’s like I’m a prisoner trapped in my own golden cage of negative self thoughts where every thought is negative but the mind of this cage looks well presented. Life is going whether I like it or not. I can’t stop it. This is actually what I wanted to talk about actually : control. I need control and I need to not need control. I want to control the outcome of things into my favour cause I believe that’s how you live a good life. I just caught myself in the act of internalising something and how subconscious it is. I finally know what subconscious is. I’m deeping how much I think about myself. It’s like 98% of the time I’m just focused on me. Because i care about what I think but too much. It’s 7:29am. I’m on the toilet just thinking will I ever make it? It’s been a wild ride and don’t get it twisted I’m good but am I good enough. I’ve managed to change the font of their text. I’ve been trying to be the perfect person for 10+ years now and it’s not working. But idk if I know myself enough to be myself or if I am myself but just can’t accept myself. I just thought about the height of my human consciousness is someone else praising me for my work. I know more people alive than I know dead and I’d like to keep it that way. I thought that sounded cool. I think the reason I’m awkward is because I think too much. I’m listening to Beyoncé’s Renaissance album. I wanna see how this makes me feel. It’s 7:59am. I went outside to feel something and look at the sun. I questioned why I didn’t feel good about myself I just have low self esteem and want control. I need to believe in myself again. I feel like I’m ugly. But I know I’m not ugly. Like I can’t be ugly but you know when you just feel it so you can’t fake confidence man. You can feel when you’re confident and when you’re trying too hard. Cuff it is such a feel good song. What a beautiful funky song. This is an amazing album. The production on this is crazy! I’m looking for something that lives inside me word to B! But I feel like my soul is broken. Going back to the drawing board. I feel like this is a constant feeling I feel though. I feel like I’m always failing at things and it’s making me self conscious of the fact that I may not be as good as people say I am or I think I am at times and it’s ruined my love for performance and creating. I can’t control these things. I can’t control these things I can’t control these things they are not in my control. How can I be honest with you when I’m lying to myself? Oh my god im just deeping that I’m lying to myself or am I convincing myself I’m lying to myself? questions plague me everyday. Every single day I’m here a question about myself plagues me. It’s 8:24am. I’m in bed. The room is a nice temperature. I think my conditions are nice but I’m not happy with myself. I’m not accepting this though cause fuck not being happy for yourself. You need to happy yourself nigga. Feel the fear and do it anyways. I need to get that shit tatted on me somewhere cause that should be the way I live. I spoke to Reba yesterday. SOT: 8:28am.
0 notes
kuvvydraws · 3 years
Life for me has been utter shit - stuck with godawful lessons and a lot of tests, all the while having to worry about this group of mean girls who I offended a couple month ago and now have to constantly think about what I do because all it takes is one mistep and they go all snarky and stir up trouble by making baseless accusations - cause all it takes is one mistake to turn your best friends into utter bitches ((sorry for the language)) who constantly make it out to be that I’m always going out of my way to wind them up and harass them
And now I’m worried that if any of my other past mistakes come up that they’re going to make it out to be a big thing, and if they make it out to be a big thing then I just know it’s gonna reach the teachers who’re gonna make it reach home and then I’ll have to deal with the usual disappointment I get when I make even the smallest mistake, because everyone expects me to be this perfect little thing that cant make a single mistake, and if that happens I honestly don’t know how I’m gonna deal with it - especially if I lose my phone, as it’s like my only comfort source and tether to the things that actually make me happy.
And no I don’t mean that in terms of social media, I mainly mean that in terms of stuff like access to tumblr and my fanfiction - because as sad as it sounds they’re the only thing keeping my happy and keeping me going
I should probably talk about some of this with my counsellor, but then she’s gonna have to mention it to her superiors who’ll most likely make her tell my parents and I just don’t have the energy or will power to deal with that
So here I am, using anon on tumblr to rant at someone as sweet as you who’s probably just gonna get either super bummed out or kinda concerned which you shouldn’t be as I honestly don’t deserve anyone’s care or concern. I’m already a waste of physical space, no need to be a waste of someone’s emotional and mental energy as well.
Sorry. - 🦋anon🦋
((just to add a little bit of recognition in case I want to/need to rant again. Granted that’s good with you of course))
Alright so that's a lot, so I think I'm going to answer this under a read more and hopefully I can bring you some sort of comfort, as little as that may be
Before that tho, I know I'm not a rant/venting blog, but you guys can come do so in asks or DMS even if we never talk again. I rather lend an ear that have you with a heavy weight on your shoulders if I can help carry it.
This is a self-deprecation free blog! Y'all are a fucking delight, and gorgeous inside and out and I'll frigging fight you if I must in order to seal that idea in your funky little brains! 🔪🔪🔪
School problems sound like a lot of stress rn (I'm guessing you're not in college yet, I don't have the facts tho), and those come in the source of social and study issues. To the later, I can only say that they will pass, they're temporary and they don't really matter that much as long as you manage the bare minimum to go on with your life plans (which is a ridiculous thing to say because I myself am 23 and I still don't know jack shit about anything, much less about life).
Your "friends", and this is the last time I call them that, are clearly not deserving of you, not only if they treat you that way but also because if you're so sure they're willing to use mistakes from the past against you, that means you kind of subconsciously understood they weren't that good to start with. To that I can only say that kind of gut feeling comes with age (I'm full of hateful advice tonight, sorry), and that those mistakes they'll make you face were things you did in the past you made being younger and less informed and "matured", and you should look at them with that gaze instead of beating yourself over them or letting them get to you (this is not easy, but you can do it 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻)
Idk how you school (again, guessing) works, but sure there is a tutor or someone you can talk with from the staff, a therapist they hire from time to time or, and I know you won't like this option, the counselor. Think of your mental health for a moment, please.
You're not a machine.
You are not a perfect thing.
You're human, and you're fallible, and weak, and you get tired, and you make mistakes. And that's okay.
And people around you have to understand that. They can't make you a puppet to satisfy their expectations because that's going to end up either burning you out or tearing you apart.
From here, and I clearly don't know all the details so please consider that too, I think you should sacrifice some of that untouchable image others have assigned on you that you use like a shield and show vulnerability, let an "authority" inform your parents that you do very much have a breaking point and you're reaching it and you need to breathe and exist for a second.
I myself got lost, quite purposefully, in reading and writing and art -and I still do- and consuming media as a source of comfort and familiarity that was, and still is, always reliable and endless.
I don't think there's a problem with that, so long as you keep it reasonable and don't get too lost in it. As we say in my country, "lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno" (I'll let you investigate that on your own 😉)
The main thing I get, and what I do all the time because it works for me like a clock, is a red balloon, meaning, hobbies. I like creating things -I like reading the most, honestly, but it's never as engaging as making your own stuff. Write something, draw something, it doesn't matter if you don't think it's good, or bad, or anything or everything in between. You get a distraction, you invest in something that brings you joy such as interacting (or not, that's up to your comfort level and/or want to do so) with fandoms and Tumblr, and one day, when you're feeling under the weather or in need of a break, you can look back and see the things that you have done and be proud of them despite all their little imperfections because you made them and you had a good time while doing so and they helped you get your mind off things.
Exhaustion is a thing, and a terrible one at that, and we end up feeling numb at best, and tired, and just like you can't keep going, you can't even take that infamous baby step that's just enough for some people, and you fear that if you don't make what's barely enough then how...?
That's bullshit. It real, and valid, and it's heavy as fuck and it gets to you, nests inside your very bones and drags you.
I'm not a very cheery person despite what my internet persona might suggest, quite the opposite, and I use that to keep me going.
You can't keep up or find a reason to take that baby step? Do it out of spite.
That's my answer against life itself, when everything is just too much and I cant- I can, out of spite.
NGL buddy, it ain't healthy, but it keeps you on the move until those bad days are over and suddenly you'll find yourself fighting back, standing straight (that's the only straight thing I do), and charging forward like a bull.
Don't give up, I promise time fixes everything sooner or later and good days are on your way. That's a threat.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Hi! Could I please request headcanons for the bucci gang + Trish with a neurodivergent gf who flaps her hands when she gets really happy but avoids doing it around people due to embarrassment? But like eventually something cute happens that makes her happy and she just. Hand flaps but is still pretty flustered. Thank you so much, your blog is really nice!!!
Thank you so much my beautiful little gangster 💙 I'm very flattered!
I'd like to say that I'm very sorry if I mispicture this condition! It's all in good positivity!
Bucci gang w/ an S/O who flaps her hands when excited HC
Bruno has his fair share of people with strange habits among his very loved ones. Nothing you do could possibly faze him.
You're so embarassed and admit to him that you can't control it but he just chuckles, tracing your knuckles with his thumb affectionately.
"That's just one of the countless things that make you so unique, amore."
When you do it around him he just closes his eyes and bites back his smiles.
He doesn't want you to think he's making fun of you, but he can't help it. You're just a little girl at heart.
It's endearing and his stress vanishes, as he takes it you're happy and feel safe within the group.
He melts when you take notice of your hand flapping and get all shy and flustered.
Will ABSOLUTELY grab your hands and kiss them softly until you become a puddle of nothing under him.
He is surprised the first time he sees you do it.
He wonders what had gotten you so excited all of a sudden.
Bucciarati was just taking you some place nice and fancy, nothing to be that overwhelmed about.
He makes a remark about it and when you flinch and start blushing, instantly tucking your hands timidly to yourself, he just stares at you with slight confusion.
You explain that you can't help that habit of yours and he just tells you you don't have to be embarassed for being happy.
You do it again next to him and he ruffles your hair playfully. He is scoffing but he doesn't hide his smile.
"You're really just a little brat, what am I going to do with you?"
If he notices you start getting excited, he will come behind you and gently grab your wrists, caging you 'casually' in his arms.
He doesn't pay much attention to it at first because you hide your little habit so well.
One day he just creates something with Golden Experience, like butterflies, ladybugs or baby snails.
You find them so cute and beautiful you can't help your excitement.
You don't even realize how much you're flapping and waving your hands around giddily until you hear a rare chuckle from him.
Giorno just watches you with an amused but tender gaze.
"I'm glad you're opening up to me now, Y/N. I like those reactions from you."
You get so shy afterwards, but that just draws him even more to you.
He wished you wouldn't be so self-conscious about it and own it proudly like the powerful woman that you are.
He is guilty of the same thing!
Actually never realised he did it before he joined the gang and he became much more hyper and excited.
Sometimes you two get excited together and you just look like two full-charged batteries moving around.
You eventually get shy and try to stop yourself from flapping your hands, but he just grabs them firmly, entertwin your fingers together and shakes them around even more as he laughs.
He gets theatrical and funky and you flapping your hands is just a tell-tale sign for him to continue. That means you're happy, right?
You can't seem to tone down with him, which makes it all better, and you barely ever feel weird with him.
He makes fun of you everytime. It's not to offend you or be mean or anything, but he just finds it so damn adorable and sweet, he drinks up your reactions like a man in the desert.
You face him one day to tell him you genuinely hate it but he just gasps. How could you possibly hate it?
So you're you telling him you don't even do it on purpose? Like, being cute is part of your DNA? Damn, he might just fall in love again.
When you flap your hands around him after something awesome happens he just- God...
He bites his lip and buries his face in his hands and he wants to punch the wall so bad.
The pistols will snitch and comment on how Mista is horny again.
“Heyyy what else those hands do babygirl? ACK- Wha- okay... Slapping me was NOT what I meant-!"
He is so confused at first. What was wrong with you?
Bucciarati has to explain to him that's it's nothing to fret or be angry about.
He's a bit relieved that at least it's not caused by stress or linked to any particularly dangerous disorder.
You admit to him that you hate doing it in public because it's weird and embarassing but he just shoots you a confused look.
"You think you're weird? In Passione? Really...?"
As if on cue, Narancia started choking on a beetle he had put in his mouth. Yeah...
He gifted you some jingly bracelets with strawberry ornaments on them so that everytime you flap your hands, the noise stops you.
Acts really impatient, but he's actually quite endeared with you and your shenanigans.
She loves it.
Like- please don't stop doing it around her.
You're just so damn cute when you do that!
She asks you where that tic comes from and when you don't really know what to tell her she just sighs dreamily.
"You're a natural born cutie pie! I swear if somebody touches you they'll catch those hands."
You laugh and tell her that technically, you're the one supposed to protect her. But the attention is still sweet.
When you get embarassed she just snatches your hands and pulls them close to her heart.
Be careful, it's contagious. She starts doing it too!
Somebody makes a remark about you two acting like crazy K-pop fangirls and she just hides her face in your neck/chest in embarassment. It's lovely!
Please never ever stop, it cheers her up so much.
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jett-dawson · 4 years
Final Thoughts on Episode 11
that episode showed a lot.
i was very happy to get more content of our girls. seeing the main six in action again was a pleasant surprise and i’m happy that they still involved amaya enough, but didn’t push her past the focus of the main girls. that is nothing against amaya, btw. people would say they hate how amaya was getting more attention than the main six. while i can see what they mean, i wasn’t necessarily mad, considering we’ve known from the beginning that amaya was going to play a significant part in the series. but i get it because i still feel like we need a lot of development from the main girls, especially from the characters Poppy & Violet. but, they still kept amaya as a prominent character in this episode while still maintaining focus on the main six. i love that.
i literally called that we would be getting a violet drama arc. i’m surprised it was so short lived, and it didn’t exactly go the way i wished. the way they went about it was.. well... interesting. i cant say i’m mad and it’s not horrible. i guess i just had this whole headcanon type theory involving Karma that would be a development arc for Violet lol. anyway. i’m just going to say this: Violet got what she deserved. now she didn’t necessarily deserve the be humiliated throughout the school, and especially having those who she looks up to the most (the A’s) run up to her and mock her. but... sometimes... if someone doesn’t understand another person’s feelings or perspective... it takes experiencing yourself to understand. it was obvious that violet did not know what she did was bad. she was too caught up in the fact that she was going viral! that’s... sad, actually, but it makes sense with her character. she’s already the self-centered diva that was advertised to us from before the series even began.
now whether or not you agree with bella being kicked out, i think it’s fair to say that the rule that she got kicked out for is dumb. it was a rule that was never even stated from the beginning. it’s a major plothole? and i feel like it was a rule they brought in specifically for the arc of bella getting kicked out. before episode 7, we knew bella was a rule breaker. they had finally released the series 2 character bios and we saw Bella was labelled as someone who is so determined that she would break a rule if she sees fit. which is what we saw happen in episode seven. technically, yes, she knew about the rule. yes, she knew that the decision she made could’ve put her in serious trouble. and she was rightfully kicked out. but if you think about the RH school itself? it’s like— majorly messed up lol. the thing that makes that rule a plot hole is that 1. how does bella not get to take a photo of a drawing she made but the girls get to take selfies and post on social media and record vlogs of their everyday lives? yeah, they have wavers they sign, but that still contrasts to the rule. plus, it’s a little unfair. it sounds a lot like a company that if you make the work at RH, then the work belongs to RH. that’s how companies work. then you go into the backstory of Amaya replacing Bella.. and well... that’s a whole other story.
anyway. regardless on whether or not you believe Bella was rightfully kicked out, you still have to think about how upsetting it is for hundreds and thousands of people to know you got expelled. they all saw her at her lowest moment, in shambles, basically losing everything she had and having to say her final goodbyes to her friends. that’s sad. and of course, Violet feels the need to record it. and like, i guess i get it. i, too, take videos and pictures of everything. i find kinship in that! but what i do not find kinship in is recording my friends during their drama & at their lowest and posting it all over social media. and i especially do not find kinship in ignoring the fact that it has upset that dear friend of mine. i don’t like that. i don’t like violet for that. but i want to like her. her character has mad potential. she has one of the strongest personalities in the series and she definitely has room to grow. that is why i wanted a development arc for her. ofc, it would’ve been short no matter what. i guess i just wished it could’ve at least extended into a second episode. but for now, i just hope the future episodes can properly display that violet has learned & grown from exploiting her friends.
now with jade & ruby, i don’t exactly agree with what they did. payback isn’t nice. it’s like fighting fire with fire... it’s not the best option. but like i said, it seems like it was the only thing that could’ve opened violet’s eyes to why it was hurting bella & upsetting the others so bad. luckily at the end, everyone realized their faults. jade and ruby felt guilty. ofc violet was upset. but luckily in the end, they made it out fine. the one thing that bothers me, though, is how they were comparing getting exploited from getting expelled from this elite school to... a video leaking around the campus of a girl vibing in her dorm? i mean. she signed her own waver. she agreed to herself getting recorded. plus she literally records everything and anything. we literally see her walking into the salon in episode 8 just recording amaya’s apology. it’s.. weird. but, i cant say i’m shocked, because we know violet as a dramatic character.
i don’t hate violet... i really don’t dnmdnd i feel bad for her and i WANT to like her. i WANTED this. i wanted to see her learn her lesson and learn how to be a better friend. i wanted a message alone the lines of stop recording everything and just live a little. i’ve seen several artists irl say that like hey, stop recording the concert and watching through your phone screen! put it down and just watch the view! it’s kind of a funky message ig but my point is, i just wanted violet to learn. but not only that, ruby & jade themselves got development. also, the parts of the other girls in this episode are another story, like the roles they planned.
violet is an interesting character. i know she cares! she just has difficulty showing it, and i understand. expressing care & emotions is hard. it’s hard to emotionally connect with your friends. and running a big social media platform is hard. it may be a bit of a drama channel (which i don’t like lol) but it is hard. i can say, though, she represents real life influencers verrryyyy well.
did i just analyze the episode & violet’s character? yes. am i ashamed? lowkey. but i’m just vibing and i hope nobody here on tumblr is going to get made fun of for sharing their enjoyment of this show.
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flameontheotherside · 3 years
How I make myself happy!
Self-care is self love, right? Well how I accomplish that is actually fairly easy. I'm writing this at a time of grief and mourning over the loss of a very close friend of mine. My independence means a lot to me! In fact I'm a little too independent to the point I try to do everything myself and hate asking for help or become antisocial.
Idk when I stopped searching outside myself for happiness. It's just something I noticed recently. I don't count on Rick to make me happy 😌. Instead I do things like;
Shower. Yes, I don't shower everyday. It's not necessary unless I've sweat a whole lot or smell I'm funky. Sometimes even on a day I don't feel like I physically need a shower. Mentally and spiritually a shower for me is cleansing in that way. I feel so much better having had a shower.
Watch funny shows/movies. Laughter is the best medicine.
Buy something nice or shiny.
Go for a walk. I used to do this a lot when I worked outside of my home on my breaks.
Listen to music. Depending on my mood I have several playlists to listen to.
Rest. I take an extra seroquel or a klonopin. They help to stop my mind from going a mile a minute especially when I'm angry, anxious or depressed. I'm knocked out for just a couple of hours and I wake up usually feeling much better having had rest. If I don't get a full 8 hours of sleep it ruins my day in ways that I become irritated and anxious. So taking an extra seroquel or a klonopin is warranted.
Draw and color. I don't draw as much now but when I did it was relaxing. Especially when I had headphones on listening to a podcast, audiobook, or music.
Go to the gym. Working out makes me feel better only if I actually take the time to walk there and back. Lately I've not been motivated but it's still on my list because when I actually go I feel so much better about myself.
Put on makeup or do a makeover. A change however long is nice. I'm in a much better mood when I look good.
Since I'm on disability and collect a government check (because I'm disabled), it's easier for me to practice these things. When I was working a regular 9-5 office job, time was usually limited. I found that working from home or not working at all easier to manage myself. If you can find some ways to keep yourself happy the best you can, it's worth a try.
I would walk on my lunch breaks while listening to music. Since music is my life, I love listening to music while working and found a few ways to do it. Like have a YouTube playlist on in the background at the lowest volume possible if I can get away with it. I did just those two things. Then when I got home, I'd hang out with my ex or chill with myself.
😘💕 Happy pumpkin season!
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robinisaghost · 3 years
animatic ideas :0 (ramble away, i would love to hear them!!)
mk thank you for enabling me, i will now be yelling
this is gonna be so obnoxiously long i am so sorry
can you add read more's on asks? eeeekkkk because this got so damn long lmao
mild dsmp spoilers obviously
this is the playlist, by the way
-im sorry boris (wilbur soot)
i think it would work really well with mmm slightly post lmanburg niki. andby slightly i mean. well when she leaves (that is the whole thing of the song gdfjkhgsdf) also side note at like 1 minute 11 on that song theres a discord notification really subtly in the background and it makes me paranoid every time i hear it. anyway god its such a nice song. even for just like. the end of lmanburg. not necesarily paired with a character, just the sense of leaving a place that was so highly populated before it got blown up twice and was like. the main part of the smp. yeah. anyway also the lines "they'll knock down the pubs before helping you...they'll let you jump under trains before helping you" yeah those four lines have big niki vibes but also i think the song could work well with exile tommy or actually even with the finale when tubbo is about to sacrifice himself? mmmmm yeah
-this is home (cavetown)
mmmm got exile tommy vibes innit. a lot of these have exile tommy vibes tbf i just like sad songs and also exile tommy. plus the song has a lot of like. the message is sort of like. changing yourself to appeal to others? like with "ill cut my hair to make you stare" but also the repeated thing of "ill figure out a way to get us out of here" which is clearly the main character of the song trying to help everyone when they are clearly not in a good way themself. yeah thats got big tommy vibes in general tbh but more like. pre finale tommy. i think he got a bit more independant after that.
-soldier poet king (the oh hellos)
ok this is self explanatory and has been done to death already but d a m n its kinda funky. anyway i had thoughts and actually started this but then lost motivation and deleted it all lmaooo. the only proof of its existance is a shitty storyboard in my draw which will hopefully never see the light of day again (unless anyone wants to see it :eyes:) anyway i had the thought of like. sbi? so soldier techno poet wilbur and king tommy. but tbf tommy and techno are kinda interchangeable with that, cos while techno is obviously the better fighter, tommy is used a lot, especially in lmanberg era and also i think he probably will be now that wilburs back
-pyjama pants (cavetown)
ok so i honestly dont remember why this is on the playlist but tbf this could go well with a bunch of characters. thinking like. phil and wilbur? or wil and tommy, or tubbo and ranboo are two that like. i know for a fact that i did not put the song on the playlist specifically for them but god thinking about it now it works so well with them
-boys will be bugs (cavetown)
OH BOY THERES A LOT OF CAVETOWN ON HERE HUH (i feel like that probably says something about me but shhhhhh we dont need to talk about that) ANYWAY
I think this could probably work really well with tommy? because of the whole like. trying really hard to come across as not caring about others, but really being like. very vunerable. but at the same time it could go really well with wilbur for the same reasons. also the song fucks ok cant deny it. to be fair i think it works better with tommy, because he's younger and also he really likes bugs (unless i am mistaken) which is just a cool coincidence but still)
-brother (kodaline)
i added it because of tommy and tubbo because holy shit, but also it could work very very well with wilbur and tommy, techno and wilbur, probably techno and tommy, and oh my god i just thought of this but this would work so well with phil and techno!!!! but yeah i originally thought tommy and tubbo because i thought it was a funny coincidence with exile tommy waking up underwater, and theres a line that says "if you were drowned at sea, id give you my lungs so you could breathe" and like. just thinking about the compasses especially. me gusta.
-feel better (penelope scott)
fundy. that is all.
no ok this works well with fundy but also probably karl sapnap and quackity, and also very much wilbur, like it works well with both. just mainly fundy idk why its got big fundy vibes tho. very poggers.
-as the world caves in (matt maltese)
ok but like this goes very very well with the explosions of lamberg. either of them. i think probably the first one is better, but i think it goes well with both. probably the first one, because it was way more emotional i think? cos it was the first time that their homes had been destroyed and everything, but also because it was so personal, because wilbur was the one who did it. i think that also it would work well if it was set during the explosion but also focussed on different facets? so like. one bit about wilburs perspective, one bit about tommys, one about phils, one about fundys maybe? idk just a bunch of lmaburg citizens' povs for this. its good. as the world caves in is a song that can be so gender tbh.
-do you hear the people sing? (les mis)
obvious obvious obvious...... but like..... also tbh it goes well with a bunch of things. like, mmmmm wilbur in pogtopia. the butcher army. lmaburg independance war (obviously ghdskj) but yeah. also this song just goes so hard like b r u h
-wolf in sheeps clothing (set it off, william beckett)
but yeah. it would go so well with like. well any betrayal basically. so eret, from tommys pov maybe, or about wilbur from nikis pov, or wilbur from anyone pov tbf, or quackity from charlie/purpled/foolish/sams pov, or sam from tommys pov, really it works well with so many people which says a lot about the characters tbh but shhhhhhhhhhhh
-need you here (idkhow)
like b r u h that works so well with them
also i started this one as well but didnt like it, theres a story board in my draw as well for it because like. oh my god its such a good idea i just am shit at animating and don't have a decent enough program :')
also also
the line "daddy has to go, and that makes me sad, but daddy will always come back, he promised" fuckkkkkk that works so well with like. say for example, idk, when they're celebrating schlatts death and wilbur leaves to press the button? the sheer fucking angst of that is enough to kill any one person istg that is in fact the entire reason why i started the animatic in the first place. just that line. also all the lines sung by the child voice. fuckin angsty as hell. also ust generally a banging song, as is every idkhow song
-green (cavetown)
another cavetown song huh. ok sure.
mk so wilbur and sally and fundy. like. for a start, the imagry of a fish at the start? boom sally.
anyway the lines "you looked so good in green, i hope you're well, and you look so good with him, (schlatt ig?) and I'm proud of you still (wilburrrr and fundyyyy) i miss your perfect teeth, i was too blunt, i hope you feel happy, that's all I want"
the whole song is about missing someone you used to love and only hoping the best for them!!!! and wishing that they are happy and safe!!!!!!!!!!! and hoping they still think about you!!!!! but even if they dont its fine because all you want is for them to be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
-achilles come down (gang of youths)
so like. tw suicide but thats what the entire song is about and bing bang boom i just think it works so so so so so so so well with not only exile tommy (who obviously did try to kill himself) but also wilbur in a slightly more metaphorical way? so like. his self destructive habits leading him to a point where he had no choice other than to kill himself and to take his country down with him. and its all about other characters trying to help them and persuade them not to but also near the end there is a second voice trying to persuade them to go along with it, which im thinking like. if its wilbur, either dream or maybe just himself. his own brain persuading him to continue down the path that would inevitably lead to his and his countries destruction. also it works well with schlatt for the same reasons, except he doesnt want to die. maybe (since the song is so goddamn long) like. one verse for tommy one for wilbur and one for schlatt? dead gang poggg but also like. the verses cover fairly different things which work with one character but not so much the others, for example the first verse would be tommy because its mainly about persuading the person to not kill themself (which tommy did himself but shhh) the second for schlatt because its literally about drinking and smoking away your problems, and the third for wilbur since its more of a fight between the "good" and the "bad" sides, which is obviously what wilbur was experiencing. also obviously i have a soft spot for this song because its string instruments and french, basically my favourite combination ever (also i like his voice idfk lmao)
i literally thought of another song while i was in the shower today but i dont remember which it was but a n y w a y the playlist will most definitely be getting longer, especially since there are so many more songs that are good for this but i just havent added them yet lmao. anyway ive been writing this for like an hour gsdfjhgdhfsg but still oh my god this was fun to write
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venturebroes · 4 years
i got a headcanon request uhhh the band with a s/o who does digital art for a living but gets so deep into their work that they forget to take care of themselves???
oooo thank you for the request!!! it means so much uwu
2D is a very oblivious person, but he could tell that you weren't doing your best recently. He could obviously see the bags under your eyes, and your rats nest of hair. He forces you to takes brakes and so some hand stretched once he notices this.
He cant help but to see you look like this, he thinks you shouldn't be sacrificing your health for your work. He respects your work and my god does he support you!!!! But sometimes he needs to just grab you by your shirt and drag you away from your drawing tablet.
Yoga!!!! He does yoga with you to help you stretch your back after you draw for too long because he doesnt want you to have a bad back, or bad anything really.
If anyone can notice that you've been working yourself to death, its him. Trust me he's been there. So he try's to get you away and take care of yourself!! He will probably offer to take a shower with you, or go out to eat.
Sex. If he sees you have been killing your sexy self he'll pull you out of that damn chair and drag you onto your guy's bed. Besides, he needs it too.
He would probably give you really poor massages while you work because you refuse to stop your work. But then you eventually stop to get murdoc away from you because he just stabbed you in the back with his long ass nails.
Since Russel is such a great cook, he'll bring you food while you work so you dont waste away. He will also pit as much love as humanly possible in the food, so you can taste how much he loves you.
He would brush you hair for you after seeing that it's become a tangled mess. He'd be as gentle as possible though, and give you a little kiss on your cheek everytime he pulled your hair too hard.
Now, unlike murdoc, russel actually knows how to give someone a massage. He'll pull you out of your chair and lay you on the bed and get to work on your back. You always feel like a cloud after.
Noodle will drag you into a shower with her too like murdoc. She pull your chair all the way to the showers just to get you to shower with her. She'll also force you to take a bath with her, and rub your back and other things to make you relax ;)
When she realizes you haven't moved in 10+ hours, she'll start playing some funky music and try to get you up and dancing with her. 10/10 itll work.
She'll force you out to a cute little cafe date, which will force you to get your ass up and take care of yourself. She'll give you so much attention, not realizing how much pda is happening.
Ace will 100% annoy you until you got up and out of your chair. He will also steal your drawing pen, and run around the house until you eventually tackle him for it. But hey, its get you up and moving!!
Ace would definitely take you out somehwere if he sees that you've just been sitting at your desk for the past few days. He'll drag you out for a picnic at the park, or he'll take you to the local animal shelter to play with the pups and take them for walks. (He might also do that a little for him too.)
Ace would probably randomly sit on your lap while your drawing, forcing you to pit your attention on him so he can give you love. He knows you need it. He'll kiss your eye bags and pat down your messy hair while he crushes you. Definitely the cutest way to die.
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ohhoneato · 4 years
I remember being terrified of becoming depressed when I was younger, to the point where i asked my mom for counseling to assure I wouldn't.
I think that experience hurt me in the end, I didn't know if anything was wrong and since I lived in the bible belt of Texas, the counselor ended up trying to shove christianity down my throat.
I wasn't an avid Christian, but I did go to church, because I had friends there. I don't remember anything they taught. I don't remember any of the advice I was given in counseling. I just remember telling her I wasn't Christian and asked for her several times to not use it as her teaching method.
I ended up asking to stop going, not because I was better, but because she was shoving religion down my throat. My mom pulled me and gave them a piece of her mind while she was at it, but in the long run, I should have asked her for another person.
Thinking back about what I presented her with, I did have the beginnings of deeper problems. All of my writing was about suicide, my drawings all had blood shed and death, and here I was worried that I was getting depressed to the point where I couldn't sleep at night. This wasn't the start of my anxiety, but I can pinpoint that as the start of my downward spiral with it.
I never asked my mom for another counselor, I knew they were expensive and we were struggling constantly. She would have gotten me another if I'd asked, but I never wanted to bother her about it.
I stopped being able to get my own lunches at school. I remember clearly the first time I realized I was terrified to go into the lunch line. I got free lunches and barely had to talk to anyone, but I still ended up asking people to get it for me, or I wouldn't eat that day. I had people who would oblige, but if no one was eating with me that day or my regular friend wasn't there, I'd get paralyzed with fear thinking about the lunch line.
Then I stopped being able to talk to my own friends in a classroom setting. They'd all be talking to each other and I'd be scared to say anything at all. It wasn't my conversation I had no right to butt in. If they tried to include me, I'd try to exit as soon as possible. Talking to people was taxing and I had to save that energy for the teachers and my parents. I grew away from everyone, but tried to stay my usual sunshiny self.
It didn't work.
I don't fully remember the situation, but I had English one period and theater directly afterwards. I believe I'd gotten in trouble with my english teacher, though I can't remember what for, I believe it was because I hadn't done my homework.
I ended up yelling at my theater teacher. This man was a saint, I swear. He sent me out into the hall and I could have sworn I was in trouble. I was waiting out there a long time, crying. He pulled me back in and the whole class had recreated disney land to cheer me up. He taught me it's okay to have emotions, it's okay to get upset, my feelings were valid. High school is a stressful place and he knew this and instead of punishing someone who had one bad day, he cheered them up instead.
This was a positive interaction, but I began snapping at more people, mostly my parents and friends. I stopped doing things outside of school, my LARP friend had moved away without telling me anyways and there wasn't really anything else to do.
I started discovering my own sexuality and found out that some people didn't like homosexuality. My family never cared about those types of things. I began isolating myself from others, not really leaving the house unless I had to.
It's taken a long time to get where I'm at now. It got much worse before it got better. I had to drop out of college because the anxiety led to extreme depression where I couldn't force myself to go to my classes, despite genuinely enjoying them. I finally got a new counselor, at a church if you can believe it because they had a free clinic. Both of the counselors I had there were phenomenal and I'd go back if I was still in the area.
I've fought hard with my own mind to get where I can leave the house, where I can approach the cash register by myself and friendly chat with a stranger. Getting a job in customer service helped a lot. And I'm still not even close to better. I have my days of such bad anxiety that I can't even talk to my girlfriend. I have days where I just want to die, days where I can't get out of bed. Days where I give up, i think I'm useless, a toxic person, someone undeserving of life. I don't even know what to do with myself half the time.
But I did it. I didn't think I'd live past 17 y'all. But here I am, still breathing (albeit badly xD) at 23, turning 24 this year. This is an amazing feat for someone who wanted the world to end in 2012. And despite how horrible I feel sometimes, I can't actually deny I'm getting better.
I'm working on surrounding myself with a more positive atmosphere, my bathroom is going to be citrus themed (which is weirdly hard to find omg) and instead of the black and red I've always had my room, I'm making it sunset colored. Lime green and sunflower yellow have become my favorite colors, I never thought I'd love the color yellow, it always felt so grossly happy. Now I feel like I can't live without it.
I've started trying to use more positive language, if you see me say the word funky, I changed from something negative or self deprecating.
I never believed this until right now, I've always thought it was bullshit, but it does get better! This isn't some propaganda crap that adults are trying to fed you to make you keep forcing yourself to live.
This is me, someone who also wanted to and still do sometimes, give up. To throw in the towel. Telling you that it can get better.
I am living in that better for me. No it isn't perfect. I still have problems, I still find it hard to function.
But it does get better. Please, please remember that. It doesn't have to end bitterly, you don't have to destroy something you can build into a better tomorrow. Situations aren't forever.
I love you all and wish you all the best.
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everywitchway · 5 years
Circle Casting 4 n00bs
(Or anyone else, for that matter)
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Step 0: WTF are you doing tho
Are you doing a spell? A ritual? A ceremony? sigilwork? Are you doing multiple workings one after another? Are we charming something here???
For EVERY working, BEFORE DOING ANY CIRCLE CASTING, do/know the following:
-INTENT: What do you hope to accomplish here? Why are you doing this? What has YOU, personally, invested?
-METHOD: How will your working actually accomplish this? What are the steps to perform it? How is the energy moving or changing or being programmed here?
-MATERIALS: HAVE THEM. Like... Yeah, you can leave a circle and return to it, but... It’s cool when you don’t have to. Have all you’ll need to physically clean and energetically cleanse your space and tools, have all you’ll want on your altar, all you’ll need for the working, etc. It’s just nice and easy and convenient, and you don’t have to break that mindset to run and grab somethin real quick.
Step 1: Prep prep prep prep prep prep
Prepare your SPACE: I PERSONALLY, ME, really like to have a physically cleaned space that isn’t dusty or cluttered or annything, before I even get into cleansing. I feel that grime and mess have bad energies intrinsically, and don’t feel a space can be cleansed if it isn’t clean. (I’ve also got OCD so uh) (Take that with a lump of Himalayan rock salt or whatever). AT THE VERY LEAST, make sure you can move about as needed with relative safety and comfort, and that there are few/no distractions or disturbances. Banners and drapery can be potentially hazardous too close to candles or firedishes, so be mindful. Also, if you wanna make your circle easy to navigate, now might be a good time to physically, visibly outline its circumference.
Prepare your STUFF: Again, I, ME, MYSELF, really like to have physically cleaned tools before I even get into cleansing. For similar reasons as stated above. At this point, I’d set up my altar or workspace, and do a check to be sure I have all I need for each planned working. This means tools AND ingredients AND materials, etc. If I’m using fire, I take a moment to ensure I have a method of quick extinguishing on hand, and that flammables are kept away from my firedishes and candles and such.
Prepare your SELF: ME AGAIN, HI. I tend to like to shower/bathe before doing magic, and to live as healthfully as possible leading up. Not that this always happens, if I’m being real. I’ve depressioned my way into a few mildly grimy versions of my ideal ritual self a few times, and sometimes, those are the times we need magic most, and it’s OKAY to be a disaster those times. But to set aside the occasion as special, and OTHER, contrasting just day to day, if possible, I shower, put on clean clothes, brush them teeth/floss/mouthwash, etc. Just because it makes me feel funky fresh and at my best. Some also like to use a ritual outfit, to set this time aside, or a single article, like a hat, robe, or necklace. It can be as in depth or not as you want.
Step 2 I think: Creating an energetically Compatible Space
This, for most folks, just means cleansing. You can smoke cleanse with a variety of herbs, sage being the most popular, or create a spray with cleansing ingredients inside of it (and glitter, if you’re as obsessed with the shiny as me).
DO CONSIDER the difference between CLEANSING and PURIFYING. Purification removes ALL tone/hue from the energy of a space or item, creating a blank slate. Cleansing removes SPECIFIED tone/hue/vibe from the energy of a space or item, leaving only those allowed to stay. Do you need a blank slate? Or does the existing vibe of your space actually need just a little tweak before it’s actually helpful to your spell?
CLEANSING: Sage, Lavender (I find effective for spiritwork), Rosemary
PURIFIYING: Most salts (pink salt not always), silver/iron
Either way, once your space isn’t working against you, rock on, my bwitch.
Step 3: Elements and Entities
If you wanna call the elements, there’s lots of ways to do it, and many of them include calling of the cardinal directions, as well. MY personal issue is that loads of people have different opinions on what element goes with what direction, or point on the pentacle. So... Go with what seems most right to you? I guess? For the cardinal directions, I use North as Earth, East as Air, South as Fire, and West as Water, personally. If including the “spirit” element here, the center (you) represents the element of spirit. For the pentacle, Spirit takes up the top point, Air takes the left upper, fire takes right upper, water takes left lower, earth takes right lower. Just me, of course, I’ve seen it loads of ways. Go clockwise around to each point, however you want (clockwise=draw in) to call each element/direction.
If you wanna get a deity involved, once you’ve called the elements if you’ve chosen to, call your deity up. Generally, its best to be reverent and respectful, and I try to always have an offering for whomever I call. I have my own wonky theology going on, so my methods may not be universal, but most folks, if involved with a deity, already have their own ways of connecting to them. So.. I’mma leave that to you.
At the center of the circle ⭕️, stand with your feet to the ground/floor. Even if you’re on the second floor, reach down with your energy, down, down, down, past the foundations of your house, past the surface level of earth, down into the deep, dark, powerful, fertile, strong ground. Connect with this earth energy, breathing, and slowly bring it up to you, plugging yourself in to that force. Then, with your energy, reach up, up, up, past your roof, past the clouds, into the mystical, otherworldly expanses just above that we always see in aesthetic posts. Connect with this light, free, bright, active, and vibrant energy, and bring it slowly down into yourself, plugging yourself into that force. Take a small amount of each energy, and combine them into a ball. I do a sorta yin-yang marble looking thing, but you do you. Take a little energy from each element/direction (and your deities, if they’re wanting and willing) and surround your existing energy with it. Hold this between your hands, combining fully all energies. Feel it a moment, and then take that energy, breathing, and slowly work it. Stretch it, knowing it will never lose durability or strength, as even though it grows thinner, it cannot be broken. Create a sort of “hula-hoop” of energy around yourself, and get to work slowly spinning it out, like spinning dough to stretch it into crust. If spinning doesnt work, pressing outward with your energy to “blow it up” may help. If you “blow it up”, make that hula hoop into a bubble around yourself when it’s large enough to fit you, then keep pressing out with your energy, to make the energetic giant hamster ball slightly overlap your physical boundary (after all, we don’t want our head to stick out at the edge). If you’ve spun out your ring to enlarge it to full size before you’ve made your bubble, turn the ring to spread its energy, spinning it sort of like one of those... weird... spinny light toys. You know the ones. Or a coin. I don’t care. This will further widen it, overlapping your physical boundary like with the bubble. Once satisfied, visualize it settling into place . The bubble will go OVER you like a dome, but also UNDER you, into the ground below you. I’ve found that if I’m on a second floor, SPECIFYING a dome is somewhat helpful, just in that I don’t want whoever’s downstairs in my circle.
Step maybe 5 probably: Un-circling
Open the top or bottom of your circle, like a convertible car’s roof going back, and collapse it down into a ring again. Break it, and draw it back in, and release any remaining energies to the sources that lent it with thanks. Be mindful of eco-friendly disposal when cleaning up after your working, and do whatever you need to in order to move back to a “normal” state of mind and energy... And to return your space back to “normal”, if needed.
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Hope you enjoy this hurried, lazy, and strange post. HMU with questions, and I’ll make edits on this as I get inspired to do so.
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85 Questions
Rules: Answer these 85 questions about yourself and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @ditzymax to answer these - thanks love! 💗
Drink: Water
📱 Call: My manager
Text Message: The boyfriend
Song you listened to: moonchild by RM aka the most brilliant man in the universe
Time you 😢: Ummmm, it was probably over a sad animal video, like one of those dogs that undergo trauma and have really miraculous recoveries and get adopted by a loving family with a gigantic farm. I always cry at those 😭
Dated someone twice: God no
😘 someone and regretted it: No?
Been cheated on: No? (also, does this count if you were technically dating around?)
Lost someone special: Yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes, fun fact - I cannot metabolize alcohol AT ALL. I basically have an alcohol allergy so I can’t drink. :’’‘) I’ve always felt I’ve missed out in life because of this.
In the last year, have you:
Made new friends: Yup
Fallen out of 💛: No
😂 until you 😢: Yes, I laugh all the time at my boyfriend who mixes up common sayings horrifically.
Found out someone was talking about you: No
Met someone who changed you: No
Found out who your friends are: No (I mean, I’ve been knowing who they are...?)
😘 someone on your Facebook friends list: Yes
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Ummm, 95%. I have one or two who I’ve never met because they live in a different country altogether.
Do you have any pets: Yes, I have a 50-pound mutt! 🐕
Do you want to change your name: Yes and no. I’ve always hated my RL name because it is such an outdated, old lady’s name. But I don’t know what I’d want it to be!
What did you do for your last 🎂: I spent the day with my boyfriend and we ate at a crowded, trendy restaurant and wandered around an art museum.
What time did you wake up today: Just before 7am
What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping obvi
What is something you can’t wait for: The holidays so everyone at work can leave me tf alone 👍
What are you listening to right now: forever rain by RM
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, it’s a pretty generic name
Something that gets on your nerves: This happened a lot when I was on vacation recently - people who lack self-awareness and do not care that they are standing in your way. I live in a big city so we are used to the hustle and bustle and getting from point A to point B in seconds. I went to visit the national parks in Utah and people would constantly clog the hiking trails by just STANDING THERE instead of going to the side. The worst was when we would be standing on a steep, narrow path. I’m not trying to plummet to my death, y’all.
Most visited website: According to my browser...Tumblr
Hair color: Black as night (my natural color)
Long or short hair: I have short hair, but wish I could l have a long mane (I blame the girls from Blackpink 😔)
What do you like about yourself: I like to think I’m really good at drawing on eyeliner ✍️
Want any piercings: Maybe it’s because I’m approaching 30 (I’m a fucking dinosaur compared to you guys), but I kinda wish I had a funky piercing like a nose ring or something.
Blood type: B+
Nicknames: None really
Relationship status: in a long-term relationship (4+ years)
Zodiac sign: Leo
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite 📺 show: Game of Thrones (obvi my url), Breaking Bad, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Tattoos: I have none
Right or left handed: Righty
Ever had surgery: Yes, sort of. I got LASIK done and IT IS AMAZING, I TELL YA. I say sort of because I was awake throught the whole thing and didn’t have to go under for the procedure.
Piercings: Only my ear lobes
Sports: I have zero coordination to do sports, but I go to the gym regularly 🏋️
Dream Vacation: I really want to go to the Canadian Rockies 🏔️
Trainers: I have at least a dozen pairs of sneakers. I am so glad it’s acceptable to wear them everywhere now. I like my feet comfy.
Eating: I already ate dinner so I’m not eating anything?
Drinking: Water
I’m about to watch: Nothing cuz it’s almost my bedtime lol
Waiting for: Me to win the lottery? Idk
Want: To win the lottery...😂
Get married for: Namjoon, the only man I want to marry :’)
Career: The cynic in me thinks I might be stuck in this field a while. I would love to do something creative, like architecture and design. But that ship has probably sailed and I don’t want to go back to school! 🤷
Hugs or kisses: Both
👄 or eyes: Eyes
Shorter or taller: Is this asking about me or my partner? I guess taller. I’m only 5′4″ so it’d be kinda strange dating someone shorter than me.
Older or younger: Older. I think I’d have to at least be in my 30s before I consider dating someone a few years younger.
Nice arms or stomach: Arms
Hookup or relationship: Relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesistant
Have you ever:
😘 a stranger: No
Drank hard liquor: No
Lost glasses: Not permanently, I always found them in a random place in my home
Turned someone down: Yes
Sex on first date: No
Broken someone’s ❤️: Uhhh maybe? I turned a few people down and they seemed pretty upset, but we never actually DATED so hmmm
Had your 💔: Yes
Been arrested: No
😢 when someone died: Of course
Fallen for a friend: Definitely
Do you believe in:
Yourself: Yes and no
Miracles: No
💛 at first sight: No
😘 on the first date: Sure, why not?
Angels: Jeon Jungkook exists, does he not??! 😭😭
Best friend’s name: keeping this one private
Eye color: Brown
Favorite Movie: The only ones I can think of are movies that I can rewatch multiple times. Nostalgic too. So probably everything Disney? lol
Favorite actor: Probably because I listened to her audiobook recently, but I love Tina Fey so much. She’s super inspiring!
Favorite Food: Umm rice? It goes with literally everything
Extrovert or Introvert: introvert
Favorite flower: Anything yellow lol
Favorite Hello 🐈 characters: Does this mean Sanrio? I loved Pochacco when I was a kid
I can’t tag 20 people, but I’ll tag @luffles424 and @suga-kookiemonster if y’all wanna do it!
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taakitz · 6 years
because making lists is literally how i function in life,
the big plan/goals:
get better.
take a step back (look at how ur acting, what ur doing, what ur saying. how is it affecting others? and is it healthy? the answer to the latter is most likely no. and that’s ok, you can Change It.)
don’t be complacent in your current state of being. (just because feeling bad is tolerable, just because you’re Technically functional, doesn’t mean you’re Good. you are far Far from it.)
be less insecure. (you don’t have to love yourself just yet, but by god, you need to stop hating yourself. just.... tolerate yourself, please, for your sake. you’re a good person, and people like you, you’re bright and bubbly and kind, and you can do this!!!)
don’t rely on others to fix you, but at that same time, don’t be afraid to ask for help (there is a balance of these two things, a very fine line, and it’ll take a long time to find out How to balance it. don’t burden others, but also don’t burden yourself. it’s way easier said than done, but it’s very possible)
don’t overwhelm yourself though, don’t push yourself to get better too fast. (it’s ok to take a step backwards, bc for every step backwards you’re taking two steps up. orrr, some dumb analogy like that. take your time, is what i’m saying.)
a littler plan of actual Physical, Literal, and Tangible (those are the key words there) shit i can do Right Now:
clean your room for Real. a clean living space = a clean mind. (legit. even if u just pick One sock off the ground, it’s still better than nothing. just... take 5 minutes to start cleaning, and if you wanna stop after 5 minutes that’s ok, but chances are once u get that momentum, that intertia from the first 5 minutes, you’ll be able to keep going.)
fix your sleep schedule!!! you can do that, it’s easy pie. (is that the phrase. that’s Not the phrase. i got the phrase i’m looking for mixed up with easy as pie. wait what’s the phrase. easy money? no that’s something VERY different. small... small something. small beans???? is that it????? help me) ok well. ur sleep schedule Will take a few weeks to fix but, it’s as simple as not napping in the afternoons and then passing out at 10:00 pm. probably.
eat better. (legit!!! eat better!!!!!!! your diet is a BIG contributor to your mood and well being!!! so don’t eat dairy, you lactose intolerant bastard!!!! plus dairy gives u acne!!! eat fruit!!!!!! don’t eat shitty 1 dollar foods from rite aid as breakfast!!!)
but at the same time, don’t Not eat. (eating all those unhealthy things is infinitely better than Not eating. here’s the hierarchy: no food < junk food < healthy food. you can Gradually fix ur diet too, it doesn’t have to happen overnight)
don’t hurt yourself (self explanatory. you’ve made it this far without doing so, and you know you’ll regret it. recovery > wallowing in your own self loathing)
do art!!!!!!!! (it doesn’t have to be good!!!!!! experiment with oil paints! or with mixed media!! draw whoever you want! who cares!!!!! it’ll be good for getting ur emotions out, or hell, it’ll just be fun to do! paint a self portrait!! draw your ocs!!! you’re a fucking artist!!!!!!!)
write!!!!!!!! (see above!!! it’s fun, even if your writing isnt high quality, it is Fun To Do!!!!!! ramble to your hearts content you funky little cowboy)
do!!! your!!!! school!!!!! work!!!!!!!!! (at the moment, you’ve got a lot of literature homework and the one assignment for body conditioning. i don’t think there was any math homework???? also, please get ahead on your online classes. literature is your priority for tomorrow though)
again: don’t push yourself! (not every day has to be a productive one!!!!!! you Know this!!! you’ll probably want to stay in bed all day tomorrow given your emotionally exhausted state, and you Can, so long as you get your literature homework done.)
other miscellanious reminders for myself:
some things you can’t fix and you Have to wait out, like the shitty situation w/ your parents, for example. those other things that you CAN affect??? affect them! do it!!!! take the steps to fix them!!!!! don’t be complacent!!! And Most Of All, Fix Yourself!!!!!!
you have friends! they don’t secretly hate you!!! i promise!! if they did hate you, they wouldn’t keep you around, silly. prooooobably.
self reflection is 👌👌👌. even if you think you’re self aware, you’re really not, usually. ok??
getting better won’t happen overnight, it will take years and years, and even then you’ll never really be Good or Perfect, you’ll just be better than you were before. but you Can expedite (?) that process. hell, you just need to START that process. and to be fair, you Have improved, you’ve come a long way since 7th-8th grade mousy sensitive baby percy who couldn’t order food for himself because he was too socially anxious to do so. but... you’re still mousy and sensitive Now, you can just order your own food. you know what the fuck i mean, percival
you’re probably gonna have to have a breakdown or two or three or Many in the next few days and that’s Fine. it’s Progress, i Think.
there was something else i wanted to sayxbut i can’t remember it
contrary to the positive Intent of this post im still pretty upset and so i’m going to go to sleep and reflect on this shit tomorrow. it’s a step, though. goodnight y’all.
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whiskeytangofrogman · 7 years
scarred hands (but whole hearts)
DexNursey 1.4k H/C I guess? Who knows. Have this thing
The hands are scarred.
(The hands are always scarred, this is hockey there are scars everywhere, Derek, get over yourself-)
The hands are scarred. Will’s hands, not the, he has a name even though, Derek thinks, he’s fully intent on making Derek forget that, and Derek’s own, and everything else but the feel of his knuckles as they drag across cheekbone. Derek’s fucked.
Will snaps. “Nurse, hey, you in there?”
He blinks. “Yes.”
Will tilts his chin, hums as he frowns. He clicks his tongue, and then removes his hands from Derek’s face. “You’re fine.” He turns, and cups his hand over his mouth as he shouts. “Be a little careful next time, Tango! This is pick-up, not a full-on game.”
Tango calls something back, but Derek doesn’t hear. His head is swimming from where Tango knocked him over trying to get at the puck, and he fell, arms wheeling, right back onto the ice. He’d knocked his head, just a bit. It didn’t hurt, per se, but it sure didn’t feel good. Will had been at his side at an instant, and Derek blames the way he looks in tight jeans and the green flannel that brings out the warmth in his eyes for the reason why he feels like he’s underwater. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to change into his pads yet, too busy talking to Ransom, before Derek had fallen and made a scene skidding across the ice.
Will turns back to him, and arches an eyebrow. “Yeah?” He looks surprised. Derek wonders why.
“My head feels funky?”
Will sighs. “Alright.” He sighs and pushes Derek down from where he’d tried to stand, and gives him a firm look before skating off. He comes back a few moments later, and yanks Derek to his feet. “We’re going to your dorm.”
Derek blinks. “Why?”
“Because you’re done for the day.” Derek casts a look over his shoulder, and then shrugs. He doesn’t especially mind. Pond hockey isn’t really his thing.
“Take your pads off.” Derek starts to undress, peeling off his pads by the side of the rink and tossing them back in his bag. Will does the same, going at it with a militaristic concentration, movements sharp and jerky.
Derek pulls his hoodie over his underarmor, and slings his bag over his shoulder. He follows will away from the pond and towards his dorm. Will walks a few steps in front of him, quiet, shoulders in a tense line. They’re usually like that though, so it’s not that that’s necessarily worrying to Derek.
It’s how quiet he’s being, not even chirping Derek for getting railed into by Tango, and then being clumsy enough to fall onto his ass, even though being knocked into by huge hockey players is supposedly what he’s supposed to be good at, being defense and all.
“Are you mad at me?” The words slip out of his mouth before he can stop himself.
Will’s sure footsteps stutter, and he half turns to look at Derek over one shoulder. “No? Should I be?”
Derek shrugs. “You seem mad.”
Will gives him a smile, half-turn of his lips, self-depreciating. “I’m usually mad, right?”
Derek pushes the few extra feet until his steps line up with Will’s. “Not like this.” He frowns. “If you’re mad, you should tell me.”
They’d promised to start talking about their issues, after a particularly huge riff at the beginning of the semester that culminated in neither talking to one another for near two weeks.
Will sighs, and they walk in silence all the way back to his dorm. Derek lets him stew in whatever he’s dealing with. Sometimes, he gets over it. Usually though, he gets over his pride, and actually talks about what’s bugging him. Derek hopes it’s the latter.
Will waits for Derek to unlock the door, and set his bag down, before speaking. “I’m not mad.” He turns the light on, and takes Derek’s desk chair, watching as Derek flings himself on the bed.
“You seem mad.”
Derek watches Will wrestle with himself, lets him figure out how to phrase whatever he’s going to say. It’s a delicate balance they’ve reached, but Derek’s figured out to let Will have time to string together words (the reason they fought, mostly, is because Derek’s domain is words, and he wasn’t used to it not being other people’s).
“I’m concerned.” Derek lifts an eyebrow, gestures for him to continue. “When Tango hit you, and you went down, I was concerned. You hadn’t put on your helmet yet. We can’t afford to have you out.”
Derek snorts. “Worried Hall would pair you up with Whiskey?”
Will laughs. It’s hollow. “Yeah.”
Derek sits up, draws his knees to his chest and stares, pondering. “That’s not it though, is it? That’s not why you were concerned.”
Annoyance flashes over Will’s face. “Of course it was. Why else would I be concerned?”
Derek rolls his eyes, pushes himself until he’s sitting on the edge of the bed, their knees a foot apart. He sticks his foot out to knock against Will’s. “You’re allowed to say you were concerned because we’re friends.”
Will huffs. “Sure. I was concerned because we’re friends.”
Derek grins, and reaches out to swat his shoulder. “That wasn’t so hard.” He leans back on his hands, and looks at Will. “My head doesn’t feel weird anymore. I didn’t actually, uh, hit it? So we can probably go back.” He didn’t think it ever felt weird because of any injury related purposes anyway. He doesn’t want to think about the way Will’s hands brushing concerned lines across his cheekbones and tilting his chin made him feel fuzzy and stupid-
That’s not a road he can afford to go down.
Will frowns. “It’s not worth it to go back now, they’re probably almost done.” They probably weren’t, but Derek wasn’t going to argue. “Are you sure you’re head’s okay, though?”
Derek shrugs. “As okay as it’ll ever be.”
Will looks like he’s about to say something else, and then stands, abruptly. “Well, I guess I’ll go then.”
“Okay.” Derek stands, and hands him his bag. “Sorry I-”
“No, no it’s okay-”
“Really, though-”
Will sets a hand on Derek’s chest. “Really, it’s fine.”
Derek swallows, hard. “Alright.”
Will turns toward the door, and opens it, stopping in the open doorway. “Bye.”
Derek lifts a hand, confused. He feels like he’s been solving in a puzzle with only half the pieces, only parts of the picture available to him. The edge pieces are there, but the entire middle is… gone. Scattered.
A knock interrupts his musing. He opens the door. It’s Will.
“Fuck it.” Will says, and before Derek can ask, Will’s tossed his bag to the floor and crowded Derek up against the doorframe. “Can I-”
Derek watches as Will’s eyes flick to his parted mouth, and then back to his eyes. He barely gets the beginning of a yes out before Will’s on him, hands cupping either side of his face, gentle, ever-so-gentle.
Derek blinks when Will pulls back, floored. “I-”
Will backs up. “Sorry, I just.” He rubs the back of his neck, frustrated and flushed with embarrassment. “I-”
Derek yanks him inside and slams the door behind him. “What the hell.”
Will goes for the doorknob, stuttering out half apologies mixed with sputtering. Derek bats at his hand. “Stop apologising. What the hell?”
Will sighs, slumps against the wood of the door. “I was concerned because hockey is a dangerous sport, and I like you.”
Derek’s found some of the pieces, but there’s considerable portions of this puzzle missing. “And?”
“And every time you get hurt, I flip out. And today I saw you go down and you hadn’t put on your fucking helmet yet, and what if you got a concussion, Derek, that would be-”
“-Something that happens in the sport we play, Will.” Derek says, amused, and pleased. A warm feeling spreads through his chest, sickly-sweet affection for the man standing in front of him. “It’s gonna happen, it has happened.” He steps closer.
“I know, it’s just.” Will looks up, meets Derek’s eyes. “I keep thinking that, I mean, what if you got hurt, and what if I never got the chance to tell you how much you mean to me? Not even, romantically. Just like, as a friend.”
Derek snorts, grins. “You don’t really press your friends up against doors and french them, Will.”
He buries his face in his hands, and lets out a frustrated noise, and then a high-pitched giggle. “I hate you.”
Derek closes the last of the space between them, settling his hands on Will’s hips and leaning in. Will drops his hands, and settles them on Derek’s arms. “I don’t think that’s true at all.”
Will smiles, leans closer. “Probably not.”
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tumblunni · 7 years
And now onward to my dumb headcanons about dadtagonist Iggy!
The official ingame term for the character creator is ‘dadsona’ (lol) but I dunno, I’m just used to something-sona being literally drawing yourself in the style of the game. I did take some screenshots back at the beginning of making myself in the character creator, but I’m asexual so i kinda feel uncomfortable playing dating sims as myself. like.. I don’t like romance stuff for the same reasons, yknow? I like reading about other people’s love, it doesn’t mean I want it to happen to me. Its why i still really love Fire Emblem Awakening even though that game has a load of plot problems and some rather offensive anti-LGBT stuff. (And somehow even more in the sequel that added gay marriage?? HOW DID YOU MANAGE THAT) That game was like the only thing ever where you can pair up your party members with each other instead of just with the protagonist. I really liked that cos like.. they actually had more personality and it wasn’t just seeing one side of the romance with the protag being a blank slate and all. Tho it seems the dadsona in DD is less of a blank slate actually, which can be kind of a problem sometimes cos there’s stuff that’s canon that I’m just gonna have to ignore for Iggy. Like, for example, I didn’t realise that one line later on would say that the portagonist is bad with computers, I decided that Iggy’s career was in electronics.
So yeah, randomly I decided Iggy is a tech genius and computer repairman! I mean, the protagonist doesn’t seem to have a job or anything so I wanted to think of one. Also all the romance options had a slogan during prerelease materials, like ‘coffee dad’ and ‘sports dad’ and ‘bad dad’ (who was really more specifically ‘cryptid-hunting private detective with a funky leather jacket’ but I guess that didnt fit in a tagline XD) So I figured I needed to think up a ‘dad theme’ for my protagonist too?? But like.. he doesn’t have a particularly unusual personality or any hobbies or anything? He can’t be ‘shy dad’ because like half of all the romance options have some form of adorable shyness, even the bad dad!
Oh, and PERSONALITY! I probably should have talked about that first! Iggy is super shy and has self-confidence issues. He’s a big cuddly pushover! There’s actually quite a few dialogue options for the protagonist that let you roleplay this way, there’s some super funny and relateable social anxiety moments. Like one I saw during the intro was a big ‘ol hilarious rant about the complex process of visiting a fancy coffee shop and not knowing the Unspoken Social Rules of how to order something. Definately gonna screenshot that when I get to it in my own playthrough! But also its kinda unavoidable to get loads of sassy funny dialogue, its like the protagonist’s default setting in conversations that don’t have choices. So I liked imagining that as a neat kind of personality, actually! Someone who’s very witty and outspoken when he’s comfortable around people, but his anxiety keeps him from showing this side of himself all the time. Like a blossoming social flower! So mr shyman Iggy still has a super sarcastic internal narrator voice, and goofs around a lot with his daughter. Who will be the lucky man who loves him enough to also receive his amazing comedy? But I’m not gonna be picking any of the more reckless and outgoing dialogue options, canon dadtagonist is a bit of a rebel lol. A very complicated guy who can have all these personality traits at once, PLUS whatever ones you decide with your choices! O_O
Oh and also I ended up deciding his dad theme is Vampire Dad because.. well, why not? Who cares that I’m throwing random fantasy into this game, its not like its exactly down-to-earth and super serious. Plus seriously there’s just SO MUCH comedic potential! I’m thinking he’s just like.. super casual about it. Completely normal dad. Just happens to be slightly undead. Absolutely no angst plots or anything, it’s just like a disability he deals with. “hey old man don’t forget to drink your blood and take your pills” I can’t even think of a deep backstory about it, really?? If it’s going on the classic movie vampire rules of passing on via bite, then he probably just woke up with a hangover one morning and was like ‘hey these fangs are new, I guess that guy at the bar was a vampire’ *carries on life as usual* Or like if it’s on old myth rules of vampires coming from any improper burial or sinful corpse or whatever, then I think maybe the ‘grudge’ that brought him back from the dead was just determination to look after his daughter. Like “god dammit you already lost one parent, I won’t make you cry a second time!” *forces himself back into life through sheer willpower* Even though he’s normally cowardly, he can summon the courage to do anything if his baby girl needs him! Anyway, he just diddly deals wit it. Buys animal blood from the butcher, works night shifts. No biggie. And besides, turning into a bat is cool! (imagine him doing it to cheer up lil toddler amanda :3)
Tho lol obviously all the events of the game don’t take place at night. So like, either I switch the order of stuff around in my headcanons or I just say that that’s a weakness that doesn’t apply to vampires in this story. I mean, they’re like one of the least consistant myths across fiction, lol. If I recall correctly, wasn’t it like that in dracula, actually? Like he just lost his magic in sunlight, he didn’t die instantly. Ehh lets just say maybe Iggy’s on a nocturnal sleeping schedule now and sunlight mildly saps his energy. He doesn’t really have any magic to disable in the first place, aside from the bat thing. He’s like the most boring down-to-earth vampire. Also actually I think Craig’s route would be even cuter if Iggy’s going to even more trouble to do gym stuff with him. He’s not only not really interested in exercise, but also waking up at the equivelant of 2am and dragging his tired ass out in the sunlight where he doesn’t even have any superstrength anymore. Don’t want to dissappoint the bae! And lol from what spoiler stuff I saw about Hugo’s route, there’s a bit that would violate the whole ‘vampires can’t enter a home uninvited’ rule. I think it would be funnier if Iggy has like zero vampire benefits and all of the most obscure ridiculous vampire weaknesses! And that whole scene would play out even funnier if it was with him standing 20 feet behind everyone and yelling through a window XD ...though I’m imagining he’d be positively mournful if he couldn’t eat garlic bread, so lets swap that out for ‘can’t cross running water’. Iggy spills a glass of orange juice in the kitchen and traps himself in the corner til his daughter comes home and saves him. Probably does the same thing with a salt circle the next day. Yes, this is prime cuteness. All of the cutest vampire features!
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