#dreamworld date when
theitalianscribe · 25 days
Norman headcannons
In life, Norman was good at doing impressions. This carried over into his cyborg/android design with a program that lets him perfect replicate people's voices.
Building off the above point, Norman wasn't originally the one doing the company tapes. That person asked too many questions and thus were needed... elsewhere. Since he already was discreet and okay with all the shady stuff, Norman was put on voiceover detail.
Norman has/had a bird.
Norman having a bird probably works better in an au, but he has this bird, maybe a parrot, maybe a budgie, and it has a yellow head and its wings and chest are the same color. I picture them as pink or purple, but I'm having trouble finding birds with that coloring. When he meets the bird, Andrew/Morris is chuckling because Norman is wearing a jacket that happens to be the same color as the bird's and they look identical.
Just. Let Norman have a pet bird!
Also I have an AU where everyone is alive and in highschool. In that one, Watchful Eye Toys exists as a research company headed by Norman's parents and he is expected to take it over. (I wanted to ramble about this in the tags but I reached the tag limit so I am adding this back here as an extra bullet point.) He gives off heir to a big company and kind of sheltered vibes.
#welcome to Dreamworld#wtdw#welcome to dreamworld Norman#icy babbles#also i hc norman as demi amd pan#i have a storyline in my head where everyone is alive amd they are still in highschool#Sara and Norman start hanging out#amd people atart assuming that they are dating#Sara is like “well he's aesthetically attractions ve amd we get along and im supposed to be dating at this point#so might as well“#or when she was younger and everyone was talking about crushes people asked her who she had a crush on and Sara picked Norman#because i dont have one and people think I should have one so ill have a pretend crush on Norman#but after they agree to be a couple both are waiting for the sparks everyone talks about to happen but they never come#amd neither tells the other that they dont feel anything#then Norman thinks “I think this is the situation where we are supposed to kiss” so he does#and Sara has a panic attack and doesn't know why#so she pushes Norman and runs out#she has a conversation with someone. Right now Dream and I are thinking Celio#and Sara realizes that she is aroace or on the ace spectrum#then she and Norman meet up and have a talk#They stay friends#then after a while of being friends with Andrew Norman starts getting feelings#and he is so confused#he vents to Sara about this and Sara is like “welcome to the aspec club”#also around the time Sara and Norman started dating#Wiatt and Andrew are having an adventure where they find an underfed shapeshifter#Andrew's parents work at a vet clinic so Andrew helps with the animal healing and Wiatt helps with the magic#(shinanigans with this universe's Litho cause this Au's Wiatt to have trauma and magic capabilities to help a creature that feeds on magic)#and by the end Wiatt amd Andrew have shared custody of a shapeshifting scrimblo they name Oddity#because i love the idea that Amdrew and Wiatt have joint custody over Oddity like two dads on an amicable divorce and Oddity gets two houses
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
ok i know it's a very specific request but can you PLEASE do a softish joel x reader where they've been partners for a while and they have a lil soft slow dance moment to Fooled Around and Fell In Love and then like.. smut. but like a softish, needy, primal sort of smut iykwim.. i just love soft joel and need more. thank you 🫡
𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 || 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Previous Joel Fics: Mule [5.1K], Atta Girl [10.2K], PlayBoy [3K], Animal [4K]
Summary: Joel’s birthday is coming up, but it isn’t something to celebrate.
Word Count: 3K.
CW: Sad, made me tear up at some points. Touches on trauma, references to gore and violence. A little artsy again. Joel feels guilty, oral (f receiving).
Tease: “Christ- I’ve been neglectin’ you, Darlin’. How could I neglect such a pretty thing?”
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Brass clatters against the small wooden table beside the front door to your shared apartment, jolting you from your sleep. It's Joel's keys, and he hasn't set them down quietly to not disturb you– instead, choosing to discard them with the toss despite knowing it would make a racket.
Even in your hazy consciousness between the dreamworld and whatever the fuck this was, you had enough of an idea to understand that this was Joel's attempt to ask for help. His lack of improper communication was less about pride than stubbornness, refusing to share his pain, especially after the raging argument that had preceded him leaving the house without you.
“No, you will be staying here this time,” Joel ended his speech, explaining his next smuggling run with an admittance you hadn't heard him utter or even considered that you might hear.
"Wait-your going without me?" You ask with a scoff, expecting Joel to drop the funny joke. He's not laughing.
"I need to do this one alone," Joel insists, his voice forceful as though his decision wasn't up for debate.
You had fought with him quite loudly but not unnecessarily. You presented to him all the logical questions of what if. What if someone attacked him? What if he got hurt in the smuggling tunnels, and a stray quicker had wandered in? What if Robert and his lackeys attempted some payback for the deal that had gone wrong last week?
It had all fallen on deaf ears, Joel shouldering through the door and ignoring your yells of protest.
The shuffling of Joel's leather boots against the kitchen floor is a relief to you, indicating his safety. It also sparks an unpalatable feeling of guilt, one that settles in your stomach and curdles when you consider the reason Joel had been particularly standoffish recently.
While Joel fixes himself a whiskey, you rise from the sofa slowly in an attempt to avoid detection. You sneak a glimpse of him and find him invested in pouring the amber liquid into a chipped crystal glass. Hurrying, you use the moment of distraction to slink into your shared bedroom and make a point to avoid his gaze.
Calendars were a long-forgotten relic of the past in the Apocalypse. Who would waste precious paper that they could use for a map on something to track what day it was? Regardless, without knowing the date or even what month it was, you always know when Joel's birthday is coming up.
The days would get shorter, and the dying light of the sunset painted the clouds orange much earlier in the day. Leaves would begin their metamorphosis and fade from a vibrant evergreen to a muted, pale rust colour. They’d be littered with cracks and holes as if they were the bodies that lay slumped on the streets outside the QZ, chunks of flesh ripped from their muscles by the jaws of the infected. You were sure that the caterpillars that had no doubt left the shark-bite-like indentations in the green membrane were much less brutal.
And then there was Joel, his mood taking a brutal hit as the memories came flooding back of how he spent the final seconds of his twenty-sixth birthday clinging to his limp daughter's body and screaming into the blackness. He'd washed his hands of Sarah's blood almost two decades ago, but when he looked at his palms, they were still stained crimson.
See, Joel’s birthday was marred with death, so much so that it reeked of decay. How could it be a celebration of his life, of surviving another year, when the whole world, including his daughter, was slaughtered in the time it would have taken for the wax candles on his birthday cake to melt—had he remembered to buy it?
Of course, his forgetfulness had saved his life. The cake’s contents would have turned him into one of those things, scratching at the mossy walls of the quarantine zone with their long nails. However, you are confident that the regret of not picking up the cake box after work kept Joel awake at night as summer gave way to autumn, wondering if it would have been so much easier to succumb to the spores.
Sinking to your knees at the foot of the double bed, its threadbare sheets crumpled and pushed to one side, you duck your head beneath the wooden frame to search for an old cardboard box. So worn now, the seams were practically disintegrating. You take care as you pull it across the floorboards and dig around inside for something in particular.
It's a box of mementoes shared by you and Joel to protect the items that matter most to you. There were little pictures in frames of loved ones, items of great significance. If Joel worried he might lose his precious watch on a mission, he would often leave it here.
Gently fishing around, you finally find what you're looking for. With a delicate touch, you pull out a black cassette tape. It's dusty and unplayed for years. Across its surface lay small, holographic stickers that glint rainbow under the warm light of the bedroom. Their shapes consist of unicorns, clouds and tiny hearts, all strewn haphazardly across the black plastic surface.
The ink on the centre label is written in scratchy child's writing, the lettering large and bold until the opposite end, the letters trailing and squished to fit: To Daddy. Lots of love, Sarah and uncle Tommy xoxoxox.
Rising to your feet, you make your way into the living room. Joel has settled into the couch; his skull set back against the headrest with his whiskey resting in his lap. He opens one squinty eye when he hears your footfalls, watching you cross the living room floor to the window.
“What’re you doin’?” He mumbles, voice gruff and hoarse.
“It’s too quiet in here,” you admit, avoiding his question as you open the cassette player that lay beside the radio that Joel spent all day listening out for. You’d found the little player on a smuggling run in the city and had nearly been chomped on the arm by a runner for it. You were gonna damn well use it!
Joel's eyes burn into your shoulder blades as you swap the cassette tape inside the machine. You can hear whispers of his thoughts in the stagnant air. What is she doing? Why can't she leave me alone? Do I want her to leave me alone?
The tape feeds into the player and settles into its lot with a click. It rings out in the silent room, and it sounds like the safety catch of a gun switching off. You can almost feel how Joel tenses, his muscles primed for war.
Instead of a bullet ripping through the air, a light drumbeat trickles from the player's speakers. You carefully twist the sound dial, raising the volume so Joel can hear the percussion bleed into the guitar.
When you turn to face him, there’s this crack in the carefully cultivated mask your partner wears. A devastating pain flashes across Joel’s features and almost has you backpedalling, reaching across to the button that would cease the agonising sound of his past.
“No-“ Joel speaks up, his voice uncharacteristically emotional. You swear you hear a tremor in it, freezing your body in place when he clears his throat awkwardly as if to hide the ruin that the earthquake of emotions had surfaced. “No… I wanna hear it.”
You swallow thickly, making your way over to the slumped body of your partner as the honey-sweet voice of Elvin Bishop floats across the room. Joel’s emotions had rid him of what little energy he had left, his muscles slumped and body almost curling inwards to suppress whatever reaction threatened to spill out of him.
Taking a leap, a terrifying guess, you slowly pry the whiskey tumbler from his hand, the bronze-syrup liquid appearing as a thin film of gold in the bottom of the crystal glass. Gently, you set it aside, the quiet ‘tnk’ of the cup causing Joel’s body to jolt slightly. Always on red alert, even amid grief.
Your fingertips press into his pulse as your hands wrap around Joel’s sinewy wrists. He’s ageing, his hair greying and the skin above his veins lightly leathery to the touch, but his heartbeat is strong. It pulses heavily against your prints, screaming out just how alive he is when you drag him off the sofa.
Joel defies expectations. He doesn’t complain, doesn’t even groan in protest at the ache in his bones at having to stand again. Instead, he settles his head against your shoulder, wrapping his strong arms around you. He holds you so tight that your lungs wheeze in objection- but you don’t have it in you to complain because Joel sighs against your jugular, and it’s like the relief unwinds every rigid muscle in his body.
It can hardly be called dancing, but your body sways to the beat of the music like a pendulum. Back and forth, back and forth. Joel seems to lose himself in the hypnotic oscillation, pressing delicate kisses across the skin of your throat and inhaling the gritty cologne of apocalyptic life that you wear. You can almost hear the infomercial; “Top notes of sweat-musk and smoke from burnt corpses, base notes containing earthy soil and the metallic tang of blood. Heart notes contain devastating grief and an underlying desire to curl in a ball and die to escape this hellscape.”
Slowly, you slide your fingers into the roots of Joel’s silvering hair. He leans into your touch, groaning softly at the comfort he finds in the swirl of your fingerprints, massaging his scalp. He’s so at peace that you barely even notice him whisper the lyrics into your skin, enchanting it with the baritone of his husky voice.
“Free on my own; that's the way I used to be. But since I met you, baby, love's got a hold on me,” he murmurs, barely following the tune with how quietly he hums each syllable. You cling to him, casting your eyes to the mossy ceiling and revelling in a moment of vulnerability that Joel hadn’t afforded you in months.
“That how it happened?” You ask him with a slight teasing lilt to your voice. You may imagine the feeling of a smile against your throat, the smooth enamel of his teeth brushing the thin flesh.
“Somethin’ like that,” he mumbles, pressing another kiss to your pulse point. You’re sure he feels it flutter. Joel was never a man of many words, and knowing him as long as you have, you could be certain he would rather blow his own brains out than admit to a fairytale ‘love at first sight’ moment. His answer was the closest thing you would get to a confirmation of guilt.
You can’t help but giggle at his refusal to expose the inside of his heart to you, yet simultaneously unable to conceal his obvious adoration. His breath tickles your cheek as he exhales the carbon dioxide from his lungs. You’d breathe it in, if you could, even if you suffocated on it. A piece of you wanted every part of Joel in a desperate attempt to fill the hole in your heart left behind by your losses. By your Sarah.
Perhaps he could feel that in you because Joel pulled away from your neck for a moment, pressing his forehead to yours in the closest thing to ‘affection’ that the brutal smuggler could muster. The tip of his aquiline nose brushes up the sloping bridge of your own before pressing a kiss to your lips. Tender at first, an inevitable hunger quickly surpasses Joel’s desire to ease you with delicate kisses and sweet nothings as Elvin Bishop croons the confession that you cannot pry from your partner.
“I fooled around and fell in love….”
It’s miserable at first. Joel’s kissing you like he needs to swallow you down to numb the pain, like those little white pills he knocks back with a shot of whiskey when he thinks you’re not looking. You find him sprawled on the sofa some days, mumbling Sarah’s name in his sleep as tears stream down his cheekbones and into the sparse hair of his beard.
It takes you both a moment, but when your back hits the mattress, something sparks up inside Joel. He abandons his distress in the bedroom doorway, planting kisses up the length of your stomach and sternum as he slots his hips between your thighs.
“Fuck, Joel-!”
“I know,” he mumbles, licking a stripe across your bare chest and swirling the tip of his tongue around your hardening nipple. “I ain’t been as attentive to my Darlin as I shoulda been.”
You attempt to ease him down from his deprecation, to remind him he’s been suffering, but he grinds the length of his clothed cock against your weeping cunt, and it’s as though your mind stalls, your protests overridden by a sigh of relief.
“Mhmm, that’s it,” he whispers, feverish with a kind of emotional need that you rarely see in your usually animalistic sexual encounters. “That’s it.”
Joel yanks your cargo pants off your hips, hooking his thumbs beneath the waistband of the dirtied beige material to slip down your underwear too. He groans at the sight of your glistening pussy in the candlelight, sweeping his thumb through the slick mess between your folds and listening to the wet noise you make for him.
“Fuck,” he rasps, dragging the pad of his thumb over your clit and listening to you meek, watching your toes curl, “Christ, I’ve been neglectin’ you, Darlin’. How could I neglect such a pretty thing?”
“Joel, you’re hurti- Aghh-!”
You let out a strangled moan because Joel dips his face down and licks a hot stripe across the length of your cunt. It’s sloppy and desperate, and you feel the warmth of his exhale waft across your clit and spark hot embers deep in your abdomen.
Locks of Joel’s hair are wrapped tight around your trembling fingers, but Joel doesn’t relent. He drags his tongue against your throbbing clit, relishing how you taste and enjoying how the meat of your thighs muffle the music when they squeeze against his ears.
“Joel,” you beg him, voice needy and back arching against his ministrations. You want to touch him too, want to ease his own frustrations, but Joel approaches this like a punishment. He is serving time for abusing you like this, leaving you wanting beside him in bed due to what he believes is his own selfish actions in wallowing in his grief.
He lazily sinks his tongue into your entrance for a moment, lapping up more of the mess you leak across his face and groaning in delight at how your taste smothers him. He’d drown in it if you’d let him.
It takes you a moment, given he’s working you up into a frenzy, to note that Joel’s rutting his hips into the mattress in a feeble attempt to pleasure himself. He groans softly against your cunt, the vibrations stimulating you and tightening the coil settled deep in the pit of your stomach.
“Fu-uuuck, Joel-!” You keen his name, thighs thrown over his shoulders. The tip of his tongue dances slowly around the circumference of your clit once, twice, three times before swiping back and forth over it. Tears well in your eyes as he repeats the process, and you watch as the wetness on your lashes causes the image of his head between your thighs to reflect back at you like a kaleidoscope, fractured and duplicated and oh-so-beautiful.
“Mhmm,” Joel hums, his hands sliding up your ribs and squeezing at your breasts with his paws. His thumbs trace your nipples, and again your back is arching, your hips rutting against his chin and pushing your abused clit against his nose.
“Oh God, Oh God, that’s it-“ you’re telling him it feels good, but it sounds like you’re begging him to keep going, heels pushing into his back and dragging him impossibly closer to you. The aged, rotten, wooden frame of the bed creaks at your sloppy attempts to thrust against his mouth. You’re so tight, all wound up with the threat of an orgasm, and Joel is whispering against your cunt.
“Baby, come on,” he murmurs, using his thumb to swipe back and forth a little more rapidly against your clit as he eats you out, smearing your wetness over his lips and beard, “That’s it, Darlin’, that’s it.”
You wheeze out a version of his name that sounds foreign to your ears, slurring the single syllable as your orgasm blooms through you. It’s slow at first, creeping, but then it burns through you. It detonates like the bombs they dropped on Outbreak Day, devastating your nerve endings and crushing your body inwards. Joel continues to coax you through it with his tongue, and you’re feebly pushing his head away as it grows and grows, the peak seemingly nowhere in sight.
Finally, it subsides, Joel groaning loudly as he settles his head on your lower abdomen, still grinding his hips into the mattress like a schoolboy. You’re giggling through your heaving breaths, delirious thanks to the liquid warmth that settles in your bones.
“Oh fuck-“ you whisper, voice hoarse and broken from yelling out Joel’s name. He offers no vocal response, instead kissing at the junction where your thighs meet your pelvis.
The action means just as much as those three unspoken words.
🏷️ Taglist: @hoeneey @howaboutcastiel @welcometostayingawake @syrma-sensei @ethanhoewke @polaroidpetal @foxilayde @bookfrog242 @wh0reforbucknasty @zakizigekwe @ahookedheroespureheart @buckys-other-punk @anxious-sappho @alexloveskili @captainrexstan @knights-power @southcrnbelle @niallsbunny @hold-our-destiny @vermillionwinter @stormkobra-5 @erenbissexual @alwritey-aphrodite @maggotzombie @deadpige0n @bakerstreethound @whatthehekko @cottagebunny9 @bit-dodgy-innit @peachyproserpina @pedrosprincess
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astradreaming · 3 months
He is Deff the type of bf just to go to ur cabin to sleep in ur bed when he misses you
☆ he's the literal definition of a pillow boyfriend. cuddles with that man are so comfy and warm.
☆ the rest of your cabin is used to him just walking in and making himself at home, whether its a the crack at dorm or if he's breaking the rules and staying the night
☆ the only reason your cabinmates don't snitch on you both breaking the rules at night is because once he's asleep everyone else soon follows, they always get better dreams when he's around.
☆ he runs around talking to people in 'dreamworld' for date/gift ideas (which he takes credit for)
☆ and don't even get me started on when he figures out his powers, that man is putting anyone who looks at you funny in a deep nightmare filled sleep for weeks.
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ibrithir-was-here · 4 months
I know it wouldn't make a lot of sense, but I'm curious. How would you interpret a hypothetical crossover between Alice in Wonderland and Sherlock Holmes?
Oooh interesting!
Ok so, if Alice in Wonderland takes place in 1865 and Alice is 7, she'd be born in 1858, making her 4 years younger than Holmes, born in 1854.
(Conceding that the Alice in the story is a separate entity, then Alice Liddell, her real world inspiration, and so could have a different birth date)
So they're very much contemporaries, so a crossover is definitely possible without even much work.
Now, for the purposes of plot, when is the most interesting point for when could this crossover be taking place?
When they're both adults? So when he's already a consulting detective, and perhaps some sort of weirdness is going down around the old grounds of Alice's home where these portals to Wonderland and the Chesslands seem to be. Perhaps she disapeers back into them as an adult and he's hired by her family to try and figure out what's happened?
Or, maybe they knew eachother as children somehow? Alice Liddell was the daughter of a college dean, her counterpart could well be the same (given that the layouts of their homes are supposed to be described similarly one could make a case for a parallel)
So perhaps he crossed her path well at school and had some sort of strange childhood adventure that he later tried to rationalize, but still haunts him to this day?
I think whatever I'd do I'd like to leave the conclusion open as to wether the Dreamworlds of Alice are just that, dreams--or something greater going on. Let Holmes give a rationalish explanation if he can, but leave enough room for, "yes, but what if..."
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alviy4n · 5 months
" hey emma... " mikey peaked through the kitchen while she's cleaning the dishes they used this afternoon. draken sitting near emma looking at him.
" where can i get, you know that uhm, what's that sanrio character named again? ponyurin? the yellow one? you know that cat looking one? " mikey rambles on flailing his hands describing the character
draken looked at him in confusion while emma who finished her work dries her hand and sits down a seat apart by draken.
" what? " emma says and giggles at the actions her brother is using " do you mean pompompurin? that dog guy with a pudding? " she lets out a giggle again making draken look at her through his peripheral vision secretly admiring her
" yeah yeah! that one! so do you know where i can get some of those? i want to give one to " mikey pauses, smirking and faking a cough in the process " my girlfriend " he says in such a proud tone smirking like an idiot.
" WHAT YOU ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER WITH MY BESTFRIEND?! " emma stood, palms hitting the table. She couldn't believe that her brother who is usually not one to bother and take interest on teenage love have a girlfriend
" you idiot, you two aren't even dating, Y/n just said hi and waved at you " draken laughs at how his friend is behaving, being delusional in such a simple act you did
" WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! I just know y/n likes me too because she EVEN approached me and asked about my day WHILE BLUSHING "
mikey said with pride while scoffing " i even got to ask her about that ponyurin keychain that dangles on her phone " he scoffed again with his hands on his chin and smiling all widely
" wow what a progress mikey, i mean that sounded like that conversation went well "
emma—who is now sitting beside draken replied with her words laced with sarcasm
" i know right, so this upcoming valentines im going to give her a BIIIIG one of that ponyurin! " mikey smiles dearly at his sister remembering her birthday that draken gave her a stuffed toy and she looked so happy " and i swear that i will ask her to be my girlfriend when i give her that gift " he is practically up in the dreamworld while awake daydreaming about your reaction to his surprise on a special day
" okay! you seem very serious and genuine about your feelings to my bestfriend so i will help you. wait a minute i'll go get changed " emma smiled back and then went away.
Today is valentines day and emma asked me to go to their house so that we can hang out . " i wonder if i can bump into mikey " you thought while skipping on the way to their house
" hi y/n! how are you? " mikey said with enthusiasm to hide his nervousness.
" oh im all fine mikey, how about you, how are you? " telepathically thanking emma for this opportunity while hoping your voice don't give away the nervousness you're feeling.
" oh emma is out with draken at the moment and they'll be home soon. come on lets go to my room while you wait for her " mikey grabbed your hand leading you to his room.
'i hope my hands dont get sweaty now because im so nervous' mikey thought while smiling to himself because he get to hold your hand 'thank you emma, i will treat you to a cafe tomorrow!'
" so what were you going to do with emma anyways? " he asks purposely pausing and facing you so he can see your reaction when he opens the door
" oh i dont even know, maybe watch a movie or just stay inside her room and gossip and do each others makeu— OH WOW SO CUTE!! HI PURIN HI BABY YOU'RE SO CUTE " you sprinted when you saw a big pompompurin sitting on his couch and immediately started squishing his cheeks and fondling with his ears
" i didn't think you even KNOW purin let alone own a big one! " you looked at mikey, mouth agape, rosy hues tinted your cheeks
" no i don't know the guy, i bought that for you y/n " he told you with a grin his signature smile plastered on his face " happy valentines y/n! " he gave you a heart boxed chocolates and a small bouquet of gardenias
still shocked by the gifts your mouth and eyes wide open " w-what are you talking about mikey? do you mean that y— " mikey cut you off, closing the distance between you two and handing you the chocolates and flowers again
" i've always loved the way you care about emma, when you notice your ponyurin keychain and start playing with it, when you talk to her about your day and even recreating the moments in front of her, i also love that no matter how hard your life is, you always find a way to make other people happy. I like you y/n and i want you to be mine. " his eyes staring right at yours make you want to break the staring contest you two have been in for quite some time. Not wanting to break the eye contact you meakly said " isn't it already obvious that i like you too manjiro? " you quickly went and grabbed the big yellow furball so you can hide your face. Your deep red blushing hell of a mess face.
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sidekickjoey · 1 year
"Hi Chrissy."
Sitting in the cool grass in Hawkins Memorial Cemetery, Eddie watches quietly as the sun shines down on the stone before him. Radiant is the only word that comes to mind as it glistens and stands tall. Then again, no better word could've described Chrissy Cunningham when she was on this Earth, or her smile. It's fitting it would also apply to her grave.
He picks a nearby dandelion and rests it at the base of the stone, just below an engraving of a sunflower - her favorite, he's learned. A few of the fluffy white seeds float up and wisp around the carved petals, giving it life. Motion. It makes Eddie smile.
"I'm sorry I've been sorta' shit about visiting ya'," he says after a moment, a shy little drawl to his voice making him sound quite endearing. Forgivable. "Wayne and I just moved into our new apartment last week and the whole moving in thing's wrecked us. Did you know that man had even more mugs hiding in storage? At least thirty, the maniac!"
He imagines Chrissy's own smile at that one. Sure, she had been scared out of her mind the night she entered his trailer, but Eddie can never forget seeing Chrissy's eyes comically widen at the sight of Wayne's collection of various mugs from around the globe. Most people do as such - even Wayne on some occasions, when he's tired and not prepared to remember his own expensive vice.
Eddie's finger traces the sunflower.
"I wish you could see the place. It's a lot cleaner and bigger than our old shit hole at Forest Hills. Plus, it's got this super big backyard with a tree that I'm thinking of putting a hammock under. I think it'd be a nice spot for writing songs. Isn't that just something, Chrissy?"
A brush of cool air past him has Eddie believing that yes, it is.
He picks another dandelion. Blows the seeds her way.
"I've actually got another something to tell you," he hints, waggling his eyebrows to no one. "It's even crazier than us having a whole house to ourselves, Wayne and I. It might've actually just about blown your mind if you were still around. It's been blowing mine for the last few days, if I'm being totally honest."
The sun brightens on Eddie's back. He takes a deep breath. Steadies himself.
"I, uh...I'm dating Steve Harrington."
The sun continues to shine.
The cool breeze returns.
Life goes on.
Eddie releases his breath.
"I hope you're not like, rolling in your grave below me right now," he chuckles, voice tight and nervy. "I know I'm the biggest hypocrite ever for falling for him, a known jock AND popular kid. It goes against pretty much everything I've stood for or yelled about at lunch. But, it's kind of like what you said about me, Chris. He wasn't what I thought he'd be like. He isn't."
He's way more, as a matter of fact. So much more that it hurts sometimes for Eddie to think about. Makes him question how he got so lucky to meet him, really meet him, in the first place.
"I wish you could see it for yourself," he says softly a minute later, now tracing her name with his pointer finger. "You two probably would've been great friends. He likes sports and doing his hair and goofing around. He's also weirdly good at baking. You were in the baking club, right? I swear I saw you selling gingerbread cookies before Christmastime. The little ones with the candy canes? Right?"
No one answers, but something in Eddie's bones makes that assessment feel right. He looks up to the sky, lets the sun soak into what skin isn't covered up by leather and denim for a minute, and imagines the dreamworld he described. He imagines Chrissy side-by-side with Steve in a kitchen, maybe with Robin if she stuck around or visited during college. He watches them as they get too messy, covered in flour and sticky from dough and icing, and smiles at the fact none of them seem to care. They're all so proud of their work and wanting Eddie to try everything. He can practically hear their laughter, their joy, their lack of care or fear as he does. He lets himself drown in it, just a little. Basks in it.
Stares back at Chrissy's grave seconds later with a piercing twinge of sadness.
Whimpers "You should be here still, Chrissy" to the stone.
Sniffling, he tries to laugh away the tears that have suddenly appeared like a tidal wave. It does no good, though. Not even the sunshine, the beautiful stuff that usually makes Eddie feel so seen and comforted, can whisk them away now that they've begun. He grips tight at his thigh. Desperately tries to ground himself.
"Steve's been reminding me that there was nothing I could do. Says I've been placing too much blame on myself for it all. Maybe I am. It's just that..." he takes a deep breath, "shit, I hate that you were the one made an example of in all of this mess. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to stop it and protect you from Vecna and the Upside Down and all that horrible crap you had no reason to be swept up in because of me. I'm sorry you can't be here and getting your own new boyfriend, or your own degree. I'm so fucking sorry."
A full-on sob hits Eddie then, knocking him off whatever ledge he had been teetering on right into a pit of anxiety and bottled-up sadness. It renders him shaky and a bit blubbery, and as another sob gears up in the pit of his chest, he starts to feel guilty he had shown up in the first place. If he'd just kept his news to himself, hadn't let himself dwell on all the milestones Chrissy would never reach, maybe he would've been okay. Maybe he would feel a little less broken, a little less wrapt with survivors guilt, a little less-
Eddie flips around in a fright to find himself face-to-knee with Steve Harrington.
The boy's face is gentle when he finally works up the courage to meet it. It's the same gentleness that had been there the first time Eddie confessed to wanting to visit Chrissy, and the same that had coaxed him out of the car when his nerves got the best of him. It's also the same that had gazed upon Eddie when he confessed to having a crush, and when he proceeded to say he'd be fine if they never spoke again because he gets why that would not be happy news to hear.
His gaze is somehow never pitying. Always achingly empathetic.
It tears another sob from Eddie.
Carefully, Steve sits down at Eddie's side and wraps an arm around him. His hand soothingly begins to rub up and down Eddie's arm, grounding him the best he can. Eddie leans into it. Hopes Chrissy is okay with having their private conversation shared. Sobs again.
"Hi Chrissy. I dunno if you knew me, but I'm Steve."
Eddie shuts his eyes and buries his face into Steve's shoulder.
"I'm sure Eddie probably already told you, but we're...we're a couple now, so I hope you don't mind me intruding. I know uh...I know he's kinda private about this stuff."
He means Eddie's feelings about Chrissy's death, about Chrissy in general. The whole lot of it. Eddie knows it in an instant - feels the way Steve's grip nudges them closer together in understanding.
"I'm not sure what you were chatting about, but I have something to tell you if that's alright."
Steve pauses.
Bless him, he pauses for the answer that won't come.
Eddie could - no, plans to love him forever for doing something like that for his sake. For Chrissy.
"He's been pretty torn up about you. We all are, but...well, it's hard. I've been through this four times now and that first time is still a lot to think over. But...uh, Robs told me that in movies, ghosts are always like, torn up and stuff about people being sad they're gone. Want them to live their life to the fullest. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm gonna make sure our guy here does that. For you."
Blinking up from Steve's shoulder, Eddie sniffles. "W-What?"
"Yeah," Steve says, keeping his eyes on the stone. "I'll make sure he has reasons to smile and...and reasons to get through the hard times. I'm gonna' be there to remind him what all that's like, okay?"
"And I know it won't be easy, but...I think it'll be good. For all of us. Ya' know?"
Tears threatening again, Eddie places a small kiss to Steve's cheek. He feels Steve's grip bring him in even more, almost keeping Eddie in his lap. Comforting him. It's more than he could ask for.
The sun shines on him. Eddie feels it again - wills it to help.
"I can't do it all on my own, though. I could use a little divine intervention here and there, if you could spare some."
Eddie almost corrects Steve. He almost says ghosts aren't divine, how that's reserved for angels and God and stuff. But, on second thought, he figures if anyone from Hawkins was granted an angelic afterlife, Chrissy probably was first in line.
Instead, he listens to the beat of Steve's heart.
"But, I'll try. We'll both try. We promise."
"Y-Yeah," Eddie hiccups. "We promise."
Steve smiles into his hair.
"Got anything else you need to say, Eddie? Or do you want to go grab milkshakes somewhere before we head back to your place?"
Blinking his bleary eyes back open, Eddie gazes at the tombstone. Commits it to memory. Pictures Chrissy giggling and telling them to go have fun.
Really, who is he to tell her no?
"Yeah, I think we're good here," he says, finally. He nods once more to Steve and lets him pull him up to his feet, the shaky thing he is. His arm ends up around Steve's waist as they give a final look to Chrissy, and for a moment, he wonders what she must be thinking. He wonders if she is grateful for their promise, or if she is wishing she could have a milkshake with them, too. Eddie hopes, wherever she is, she can go grab one. Enjoy with them, and above them. He'd like that.
And, after today, he thinks Steve might, too.
They hold each other's hand tight as they leave the cemetery.
They hold hands even tighter when Eddie gets a tattoo of a sunflower the very next day.
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lemoncrushh · 13 days
The Entertainer II - Track 07 - With Bells On
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Summary: What if it wasn’t the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky’s story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Track 07 Word Count: 4k+
Read The Entertainer
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“Nobody gets too much heaven no more It’s much harder to come by, I’m waiting in line…”
I hummed along mindlessly to the Bee Gees as I sifted through a rack of dresses.
“Sky. Hello, Earth to Sky Jones!”
I took a deep breath and blinked, turning towards my friend, her hand waving in my face.
“Sorry…um did you say something?”
“Jesus, Sky,” scoffed Halo. “Are you in Harryland, or what?”
“Sorry,” I blushed. “I guess I was.”
“And have been all morning,” Halo chuckled. “Boy, you got it bad.”
Harry had left my apartment early that morning, just five hours after he’d arrived. He’d left me in bed with a kiss, whispering that he had some things to tend to and errands to run before rehearsal for tonight’s show. I’d drifted back into dreamworld for maybe an hour until I had to get up myself to meet Halo for our shopping day. His scent lingered on my sheets, the feeling of his warm mouth on my body as I’d tried my best to step down from the cloud I was on.
“Donna says I daydream at work, too,” I remarked, draping a dress over my arm. “I guess I need to snap back to reality.”
“That’s the beauty of it though, isn’t it?” remarked Halo. “This is your reality now. You’re actually dating him.”
I followed Halo into the dressing rooms where I tried on my one dress that I really had no interest in. Halo had five.
“Did I tell you about Greg?” I heard her ask through the wall.
“I don’t think so. Who’s he?”
“Greg Cassio. He’s one of our artists we showcase at the gallery. He’s smoking hot, and I’d been dying to find out if he’s gay or married or anything. Anyway, he came in this week, and he was totally flirting with me.”
“So…what did he say?”
“He was leaning over the counter, checking out my rack, and I asked him when we might be getting any new pieces from him. He winked at me and said I could get a piece whenever I wanted.”
“Okay, so maybe that doesn’t mean anything, but did you catch the double entendre?” Halo asked.
“Yeah…kinda creepy if you ask me,” I remarked.
Halo and I had been friends long enough that we could be honest with each other. She knew I wasn’t crazy about her new preference in men, but she also knew I would stick by her.
I heard her exasperated sigh just before her door opened.
“Alright, tell me what you think of this,” she called.
Opening my dressing room door, I saw her standing before me in a stunning black strapless dress.
“Oh, Halo, so pretty!”
“Yes!” I sang. “You look like Princess Diana.”
My best friend laughed and twirled around. She was going to a holiday party as well, but one a bit more formal than mine.
“Okay, it’s your turn to find something,” she announced. “Are you getting that?”
I looked down at the simple frock I’d chosen, more like something I’d wear to work.
“Nah,” I shook my head. “I want something sexy.”
“Atta girl! Let’s go have lunch, and then hit Rodeo.”
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With a huff, I pushed open my apartment door and heaved my haul of shopping bags onto my kitchen table. Halo soon followed, closing my door with her elbow.
“Every year I say I’m not going to wait ‘til December to do my Christmas shopping, and every year I lie,” remarked Halo with a sigh.
“We got some good deals, though,” I said.
“I say that every year, too.”
With a laugh, I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
“You got anything harder than that?” Halo asked as I ran the tap.
“It just so happens, I do have a little of that scotch left from your birthday,” I nodded.
“Oh goodie!”
“Harry and I had some, but there’s still plenty left.”
I took down another glass from the cupboard and poured some for Halo. Then I added a splash to my water.
“What did he think of your apartment?” she asked me when she took a sip.
“He liked it. He said it was very me. And he laughed about me not having the itchy couch anymore.”
“Oh God, he remembered the couch! What a guy!”
I didn’t tell her all the other things he remembered. Some things I enjoyed keeping to myself.
As if he knew we were talking about him, the phone rang. Already knowing it was him calling, I answered with a smile.
“Hi, baby.”
“Hi.” I must have either said it in a certain tone or with a look that gave me away, because Halo rolled her eyes and leaned back against the sink, her arms crossed.
“How was your day?” I asked.
“Great, how was yours?”
“Good. I just got back with Halo. We’ve been shopping all day.”
“Oh yeah? Did you-”
“Hi, Harry!” Halo called into the phone and grabbed her glass from the counter.
Harry chuckled, “Hi, Halo!”
“He says hi. And he can’t wait to see you,” I told Halo.
“Hey, babe, I just wanted to make sure you know where to go tonight.”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
“I don’t want you to get stuck in the queue to get in, so I’ve put you and Halo on the list,” explained Harry.
“On the list?”
“Yeah, remember that bouncer out front? His name’s Tommy. Just tell him you’re Sky and Halo, and he’ll let you in.”
“Oh cool. Thanks, baby.”
“Oh! I get a ‘baby’ now?” Harry asked.
“Sure, why not?” I shrugged.
Harry made a sexy sound before he mumbled something that sounded like “so fucking cute.”
“Nothin’ babe,” he chuckled. “I’ll see you tonight, yeah?”
“With bells on,” I sang.
Harry laughed harder. “I’d love to see that. Bye, angel.”
As I returned the receiver to its spot on my kitchen wall, I heard Halo groan, “If you two were any sweeter, I might gag.”
“Help me, Halo, I’m in love.”
I said it matter-of-factly, but also as an honest plea for help. Catching the look of desperation on my face, Halo embraced me like only a best friend could.
“Oh, sweet Sky,” she said as she rocked me back and forth. “You didn’t have to tell me. This is Harry Styles we’re talking about. The only guy I’ve ever known to make you feel this way.”
“Kinda pathetic, huh?”
“Not at all! I love teasing you because you’re my friend. But in all honesty…I find this all incredibly romantic.”
“Yes. Now, let’s go start getting ready for this gig tonight. We’ll get you all dolled up so he can’t stand to look at anyone but you. And we’ll make the other girls jealous like we used to do.”
I gave her a huge squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks, Halo.”
“That’s what friends are for, right?”
I turned on my stereo and we sang along to every song while we got ready.
“When will you see me, my salamander Don’t try to tell me, oh no don’t answer…”
“What do you think that means?” I asked Halo. “My salamander?”
She laughed as she danced. “Who the hell knows? I think Paul McCartney is one of those people who can just get away with making up rubbish and it still sounds good.”
“You’re probably right,” I giggled.
“Harry’s like a Paul, isn’t he?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, besides being incredibly handsome, and British, he was in a successful band, and now he’s trying out the solo thing.”
“Yeah, good point,” I nodded as I slipped into my shoes. “But the other Beatles have solo albums too.”
“True,” Halo agreed, then paused as she brushed her hair. “But he’s definitely a Paul.”
“I’m getting closer to your heart…”
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Not wanting to have to worry about parking, Halo and I took a cab to the club. When it dropped us off in front, I noticed a line had already formed down the street.
“Jesus,” I muttered as I stepped out onto the curb.
“Sky, look!” Halo, poked me in the shoulder and pointed up at the marquee that read HARRY STYLES.
We made our way up to the front where I remembered Tommy being the last time. Relieved when I spotted him, I half hoped he recognized me, though I was sure he wouldn’t.
“Line’s back here, sweetie,” I heard a woman call, but I just smiled and pretended I didn’t hear her.
“Hi,” I said nervously when I approached Tommy. “I’m Sky, and this is Halo. My boyfriend said we should be on the list.”
“Your boyfriend, eh?” Tommy smirked. Then he picked up his clipboard and scanned it. “Oh yeah, Sky and Halo, I remember now. Harry did give me your real names because I gotta see some ID.”
“Oh. Yeah. I forgot about that, sorry,” I cringed, digging into my purse.
“Just standard policy, sweetheart.”
“I understand.”
I handed Tommy my ID and passed Halos along as well.
“Alright, thanks,” Tommy grinned. Then he lifted the velvet rope. “Have a good evening, ladies.”
“Thanks, Tommy,” I waved as I crossed the threshold.
“Oh, Harry told you my name, did he? Nice kid, that one.”
I beamed with pride as Halo and I made our way through the club.
“He was nice,” she yelled into my ear.
“Yeah. I wish they were all like that.”
“Helps to have boyfriends in high places,” Halo laughed.
Just like Harry and I had done, we stopped at the bar to grab drinks. Halo had just taken a sip when a Billy Squier tune came on.
“Shit, I love this song!” she screamed, her arms in the air.
“Lonely is the night When you find yourself alone Your demons come to light And your mind is not your own”
I smiled as I watched Halo sway on her stool. How I’d missed sharing my love for music with her. She would have had fun with me at the Journey concert. The last time we’d done anything like this had been well over a year ago.
“One glimpse’ll show you now baby What the music can do…”
“I missed this,” I commented when the song ended.
“Me too,” Halo agreed.
I knew that she knew I meant her, but also Harry. And anything else that had to do with music. Music was in my veins, in my blood. Although I’d never really let it go, I had allowed myself to step away from the lifestyle a little bit, thinking it was no longer for me.
“You didn’t like Alan, did you?” I suddenly asked.
“What?” Halo leaned towards me. “Alan? He was a dick.”
“I thought so,” I nodded.
“What made you think of him?”
I shrugged. “I was thinking about how wrong he was for me. Not just because he was kind of a jerk. But because at the time I’d thought he was what I needed.”
“He was dull as hell,” groaned Halo, making a face.
“I know,” I laughed.
“Look how Harry lights you up. Alan never did that, Sky.”
“You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”
Just then, a short, bald man tapped me on my shoulder.
“Excuse me. Is one of you named Sky?” he asked.
“I am,” I replied.
“Hi miss, I’m Carl Peterson, I’m the manager here,” he offered his hand.
“Oh, yes, hello,” I shook his hand nervously.
“Mr. Styles reserved a table for you over here, if you’ll follow me.”
My jaw open, I slid off my stool and grabbed Halo’s hand, following Carl to the same booth Harry and I had sat in the week before.
“Thank you,” I told Carl as I slid into my seat.
“Thank you ladies for coming,” he smiled. “If there’s anything you need at all, please let me or one of my waitresses know.”
“Look at you!” Halo exclaimed when Carl was out of ear shot. “This is the big time now! VIP!”
I shrugged out of my jacket, feeling warm already. I wore similar jeans from last time, but paired them with a cute off-the-shoulder peasant style top, gold sandals and a gold belt.
As I looked around the room, I quickly noticed how much more crowded it was than the prior weekend. All the tables were taken, and within just a few minutes, the rest of the area was filled with people as well. The waitress had to squeeze through to get to us, but she managed to bring us fresh drinks right before the lights went down.
As soon as the overhead music came to a halt, the crowd began to cheer. Carl took the stage, a spotlight on him. Already, I got the idea this was a much more special event than Stargazer had been.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he announced. “Thank you all for coming tonight. It is my honor and privilege to present to you…Harry Styles!”
I felt my heart leap from my chest and into my throat. The noise in the room grew thirty decibles when the band walked onto the stage. I caught a glimpse of the new bass player and drummer; I smiled when I saw Mitch take the guitar pick from his mouth and begin to play. But then my eyes zoomed like magnets to the tall, long-haired rocker at the microphone. Just as if I’d gone back in time to 1976, the sight of Harry Styles singing in front of me hit me in the chest like a bolt of lightning.
He addressed the crowd at the start of the song, like he always did, waving and getting them to scream louder. By the second verse, he seemed to search the audience, seeking out someone particular. That’s when our eyes met, and he gave that amazing smile that was only meant for me.
When the first song ended - a hit from Wildfire's first album - the band went straight into “Only Angel”. I screamed and cheered just like before, but it was even more exciting hearing him sing it with his own band, and not Hunter Howe’s. And just like before, Harry singled me out, pressing his hand to his chest, as if to say I was his. I caught a few heads turning and eyes glaring at me, but I didn’t care.
“Make ‘em jealous, girl, make ‘em jealous,” Halo yelled in my ear.
I turned and looked at her, a knowing smile on her face.
“He loves you,” she mouthed.
I simply nodded, returning my focus on Harry. He strutted on the stage like a rockstar in all his glory. I cheered like I used to, like he deserved.
During the middle of his set, Harry sang the acoustic ballad that got me emotional. I felt myself tremble, wishing I didn’t let music affect me so much. But Halo, being the good friend she was, held my hand and swayed with me. When it was over, she was the first to stand and hoot and whistle, enough for both of us since I could barely move.
The band didn’t give me much time to wipe my tears before they kicked into the next track, but I was grateful it wasn’t another heartbreaker. Afterwards, Harry introduced the rest of the band - Danny Mercedes on bass, Bret Alkin on drums, and of course Mitch Rowland on guitar.
“And I’m Harry Styles,” he grinned and the crowd erupted once more. “Thank you so much for coming.”
Harry turned back to the band, said something, then addressed the audience again.
“This is something new.”
Wide-eyed, I stared at Halo who stared back at me. Something new? Harry hadn’t told me he was working on any new songs. But, then again, I hadn’t thought to ask.
It was a fantastic song, a rocker. I didn’t take the time to really listen to the lyrics, however, as I was more focused on how amazing Harry looked. He was the perfect showman, completely in his element. The audience loved him, and he loved them.
“Um…Sky?” Halo nudged me in the middle of the tune. “I think this song might be about you.”
“What?” I glared at her incredulously. “No!”
Halo raised her brows, nodding her head to the melody as the chorus came around again and sang along to the line…”she’s all I want, and I can’t get enough. I’m drunk on her.”
I made a face. “That could be about anybody.”
Halo side-eyed me. “If you say so.”
She continued to dance in her seat, clapping her hands to the beat. I had to admit, I started paying more attention to the lyrics after that. But I couldn’t really find anything that was obviously in reference to me. It just sounded like any rock song about a guy who had flipped over some woman. I really liked it though, regardless of who it was about.
The audience cheered louder than ever as Bret ended the song with a flourish and Harry bent back, giving one of his signature rockstar moves. When he stood up straight again, his hair had fallen over his eyes, and I instantly felt that little twinge in my stomach.
“Hell yes!” screamed Halo, rising to her feet.
I joined her, yelling for my boyfriend - my favorite front man. As he combed his fingers through his hair, I caught the lopsided grin I loved so much. When his eyes met mine, he smiled even brighter, then blew me kisses. As I blew some back, he pressed both hands to his chest and mouthed “I love you so much.”
The band kicked into another hit from their last album as I stood dead in my tracks. Had he just…?
“Oh my God!” Halo yelled in my ear, grabbing my arm. “He said he loves you!”
“You saw that too, huh?”
“I told you!”
“No…” I furrowed my brows and shook my head. “No, that…that wasn’t for me. It was for us, right? Like he does with fans? He was just saying he loves his fans.”
“He was not looking at me,” Halo laughed. “Or anyone else. That was straight at you, Sky!”
“No,” I argued again. “I don’t think he would have done that. Not in front of everyone. That was just a love for his audience thing.”
Halo shrugged, clearly in disagreement. “Maybe so, but…it sure didn’t seem like it.”
Letting it go for the time being, Halo and I continued to enjoy the show. The band ended with one of their bigger hits, and we both stood and danced along. Then Harry gave one more round of waves and kisses, and expressed his thanks into the microphone.
“You’ve been absolutely incredible,” he said, getting a bit choked up. “I really truly appreciate this. It feels so amazing to be back. Thank you.”
The crowd cheered, whistled, hooted and hollered as the band exited the stage, and the noise continued long after they’d left. It wasn’t until the stage lights went out and the club lights came back on that everyone began to disburse. Halo and I stayed in our booth as people walked past us to get to the door. I saw several sets of eyes glaring at me, some curiously and some just plain jealous.
“Wow!” Halo exclaimed, throwing her head back. “That was so fucking fantastic! I’m kind of bummed we didn’t go see them on tour.”
“Tell me about it,” I muttered.
“But who’s to say you’d be here now,” my friend added with a shrug. “Maybe it was for the best.”
“That’s what I keep telling myself.”
“Hi, ladies, did you enjoy the show?” I heard a male voice ask.
“Oh my God, Mr. Irving!” I squealed.
Irving Azoff chuckled as he approached our table. I quickly slid out of the booth, ready to give him a hug. Then I worried maybe that seemed too presumptuous.
“Do you remember me?” I asked hesitantly.
“Of course I do, dear. Well…I didn’t at first. But Harry refreshed my memory.”
I smiled at the idea that Harry and told Mr. Irving about me.
“This is my friend Halo,” I gestured.
“Yes, I remember now,” he nodded as he took Halo’s hand. “You two came to a lot of shows when Wildfire was just starting out.”
“That’s right,” Halo and I sang in unison.
“Harry thinks a lot of you, and I can appreciate that,” Irving nodded.
My face flushed with pride. Just then, Carl walked up and addressed Mr. Irving. When he noticed us, he smiled.
“Let me show these ladies backstage, Mr. Azoff, and then I’ll be right with you.”
“Of course. Have a good evening, girls.”
“Bye,” I grinned as he patted my arm.
Halo and I followed Carl to a side door that led backstage. Before I was halfway in the room, I heard his voice.
“There she is!”
“Who, me?” I beamed as Harry walked up to me.
“Who else?” he replied, sliding his hands around my waist. I squealed when he pinched my behind.
“Damn, I thought you were talking about me,” I heard Halo mock behind me with a giggle.
“Halo! C’mere love!” Letting go of me, Harry embraced Halo in a tight hug. “You look bloody fantastic. How’ve you been?”
“Thanks, I’ve been great! You guys were so good!”
“Yeah?” Harry looked from Halo to me and back. “Did you like it?”
“God yes, the new band sounds incredible, Harry.”
With a smile, Harry eyed me, though he was talking to Halo. I merely nodded. “What did you think of the new song?”
I heard Halo say something at the same time I murmured, “loved it.”
“I’m glad,” said Harry.
His hand found mine by my side, and he tickled the back of it with his finger, his eyes still staring at me. My chest rose and fell as I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding, and I heard Halo clear her throat. Casting her a glance, I caught a glimmer of knowledge on her face as she raised her brows at me.
“I don’t believe it!” a voice called from our left.
Halo turned with shriek.
“I thought I recognized that voice,” said Mitch as he approached. “I knew it had to belong to the one and only H-A-L-O.”
“Mitchell Rowland, come give me a hug!” Halo yelled.
“You didn’t tell him?” I whispered to Harry.
“Nah. I reckoned I’d take the piss.”
I shook my head and laughed at his British phrase. After Mitch gave me a hug as well, I left my best friend and Harry’s guitar player to begin their reunion. 
“Oh Sky, let me introduce you to the new members of the Harry Styles band,” he announced proudly as two other guys entered the room.
With a smile, I graciously shook hands with Danny and Bret. Because I had been so focused on Harry during the show, I hadn’t really gotten a good look at them on stage. Danny was tall and dark with a mustache. He reminded me of Tony Orlando with long, curly hair. Bret, a little shorter than Danny and Harry, had blond hair that kissed his shoulders, and a smile that could rival Harry’s.
“Damn, Styles, you didn’t tell me how gorgeous she was!” he exclaimed when he took my hand.
“I’m most certain I did,” Harry chuckled, cleverly sliding his hand around my back.
“Ah well, y’know,” Bret said with a wink, “you don’t always believe it ‘til you see it.”
I looked up at Harry who merely rolled his eyes, making me feel a little more at ease. But as Bret and Danny moved on to greet Halo, I couldn’t shake the strange way Bret made me feel. Maybe I just wasn’t used to being ogled over by someone else.
“Sorry about that,” Harry leaned into me. “Bret is…kind of a flirt.”
“I can see that,” I nodded as I watched the drummer introduce himself to Halo.
“He’s harmless though. And they all know how I feel about you.”
I widened my eyes in question. “How you feel about me?”
“Yeah,” he said, as if there was no doubt.
As he leaned in for a kiss, I thought about how he’d confessed his love on stage, and whether or not it had been meant for me alone. When our lips touched, however, I decided not to ask him about it. At least not yet.
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Songs mentioned:
Bee Gees - Too Much Heaven
Wings - Getting Closer
Billy Squier - Lonely Is the Night
Taglist: @fkinavocado, @daphnesutton, @freedomfireflies
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fractualized · 11 months
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Knight Terrors: The Joker #2 is out and I have never had so much to chew on in my life. I'm trying to moderate my enthusiasm so I stop exceeding the image limit making these posts, but there is so much going on!!
(spoilers ahead as usual, along with violence, gore, and death as usual)
At the end of last issue, we were left with the mystery of what exactly is up with supposedly dead Batman's reappearance, but this issue answers that pretty quickly:
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This is at first presented as Joker's dream-within-a-dream, but later we get confirmation that Joker is sleepwalking as Batman. Sleep-vigilante-ing. Sleepigilanting. He's a Batman Who Jokes!
With Joker awake, we find that some time has passed, and now Joker is married to Lena, the wife of Johann to whom Joker showed some kindness back at the real-world hospital before she died. They also have a child, Albert, who was also a dying patient at the hospital.
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The poster is for an actual movie I haven't seen, but it's about a scientist who is betrayed by a wealthy patron who takes credit for his work, and then becomes a beleaguered clown who has a heroic and tragic end. Oh, Joker likes a movie about a clown who was betrayed by a rich guy? You don't say!
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At first I was amused by the onesie, but then the story returns to Joker at work and we see that he's no longer wearing a plain gray suit. He's in his usual Joker colors, perhaps indicating that he's found comfort in this humdrum life? This corporate dullness is his identity now? Oh dear.
Also he's interviewing Mr. Freeze.
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Joker asks why Freeze wants to work at WE, and Freeze says he wants to lay low now that Batman is killing people. Like the last issue, Joker insists that Batman is dead, and he also acts like his memory of his old life is fading.
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Fair point, Victor, but I don't think you're getting the job.
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Is Poison Ivy Joker's secretary?? Well, no one would look for her there, I'm sure. So long as she resists the temptation to poison her boss.
Cut to night: Joker starts sleepwalking.
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Oh my god, Joker has his own dour bat-monologue. Batman's truest fanboy.
This brings me back to Joker War, when Joker told Bruce that Gotham City didn't want to be saved. But here Joker is, protecting her dead body for/as Batman anyway.
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Gremlin Batman, being up front about his MO.
These clowns are with Gaggy, who sadly cannot get Joker to remember him but does receive some TMI.
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Poor Gaggy. ANYWAY, we cut to a corporate baseball game between Wayne Enterprises and freaking LexCorp. In dreamworld, Jimmy Olsen works for Lex, at least until he jokes about how with Joker's sports ability, he should be called Batman.
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Damn right Joker is your man, Bruce!
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Talk. Dinner. At Bruce's place. IT'S A DATE. So much packed into an instant classic batjokes panel.
When Joker arrives at the manor, Insomnia is there, and… like… there is so much going on.
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- Joker seems to recognize Insomnia as his boss, but then instantly accepts that he's now Winchester, Bruce's butler. (Not sure if Joker noticed Insomnia was also the umpire at the game.)
- Insomnia tries to say that Bruce was called away, in a classic Batman bit, and when Bruce shows his face, Insomnia seems perturbed. He doesn't want Joker to talk to Bruce.
- YEAH BRUCE IS WEARING THE KILLING JOKE OUTFIT. The tourist costume that Joker wore when he shot Barbara. Alright. Okay. Alright. Okay.
There is so much going on!!
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You may have noticed that Bruce called Insomnia Windham, not Winchester, and he misnames him again here, as Winthrop. Joker regularly does this to people, particularly henchmen.
Also, Joker earlier told Bruce that he can't eat seafood, but that's all that's being served. lol
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Here's an extended version of a gag from Batman 1989, and also Joker noting that his sense of humor has resulted in lawsuits (but not in him being fired, of course). There's an implication that Joker's been muting his personality at work, adding a layer to all the jokes he unleashes when he sleepfights as Batman.
The next bit just calls for the full page.
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- Bruce saying the world needs a little craziness, that the city needs Batman, so that life makes sense, so that it isn't boring.
- Insomnia trying to stop the conversation twice, and shut down by Bruce twice (again with the wrong names).
- Bruce saying he wouldn't be the same man if Batman died and indicating he knows Joker feels the same way. Batman is integral to both of their identities. Just laying it out there that Joker is acting as Batman so the city doesn't lose something irreplaceable.
- Bruce saying, jk, Batman is fine and whatever is wrong with Johann, Bruce must have dreamt it up. He's telling Joker what's going on in reality, that Batman is fine and this is a dream!
- Insomnia blames Bruce's rambling on a seafood allergy, but he's applying a trait of Joker's to Bruce. He's just strengthening the connection.
And maybe the allergy is supposed to be real for Bruce too, and not a throwaway, and he's eating like a ravenous animal, because he doesn't care, because like Joker he dives into danger even when it's idiocy. And because Bruce basically is Joker. Joker sees them reflected in each other, but also Joker's subconscious is telling him all this to bring himself back to reality. The TKJ outfit on Bruce of all people is glaring signal meant to shake Joker out of it. It's just wrong. But it's also that Joker is hearing the truth from someone he really knows. Yes, it's not the Bat who laughed with him in the rain, at the futility of trusting each other, but the face behind the mask is the man who wanted to help him anyway. Maybe Joker does want to trust him deep down I KNOW I'M RAMBLING THIS IS A LOT
And it all gets into Joker's conscious thoughts too. He's, uh, distracted at work the next day.
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Hey, Freeze got hired after all!
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HR can't have you being silly, Joker. You start killing people at work again like a good Batman nemesis, and then you might take the dream in a different direction! Insomnia doesn't want that, and he tries telling Joker that Bruce is just messing with him.
And Joker intends to clear his head, but when he goes home he discovers his secret corpse is no longer well-kept.
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Batman's corpse, face down and ass up. What an image!
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Joker's old life will not be suppressed!
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As Joker loses it, he's contradicting himself. All this time he's been saying Batman is dead, but now it's "he tried to make me think that Batman might have died." Either his thoughts are scrambled up, or "he" actually refers to Insomnia, or maybe both. But regardless, now Joker needs to prove that Batman is alive. If Batman is alive, then the boring little life Joker has made for himself makes total sense. Batman has always made Joker's life make sense.
Joker resurrects his old skills and creates a plan to catch the Batman, but the logic behind it is that Batman is uncatchable. So if Joker's plan fails, then the Batman running around is real, and everything is okay. Then of course Joker takes a "nap" so we can see this plan come to fruition.
It starts with a gaggle of violent clowns attacking a couple on the street. "Batman," with no memory of this plan, appears to stop them, and is overwhelmed.
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And one of the clowns releases toxin.
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The Batman was caught, and he's exposed. He's not real. He's Joker, and he's dying. Batman is dead, and everyone needs him. Joker needs him.
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And it's with this revelation that Joker wakes– and we get confirmation that it's shot-in-the-head, sewer rat Joker who is having the dream! This has to be confirmation that he's the real one, doesn't it? Right?? It's possible the other Joker had his own dream… But I have a soft spot for the underdog. I hope he's our guy and Mr. Waffles defects to his side. Then everything will be right as rain!
Speaking of, Joker does seem to shake the dream off pretty well. For now, anyway.
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I wasn't sure how to interpret this at first, but I figure it's just that Joker doesn't care too much for these friends, and having weird dreams about Batsy is more appealing even if they're nightmares about losing him and becoming a defanged normie.
Still, I expect this nightmare will bolster this Joker, who started out lost and despondent, in his efforts to get rid of his doppelganger and re-establish himself as Batman's one-and-only nemesis. Maybe bring some flowers to smooth over the divorce thing, apologize for trying to cut his face off…
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pallastrology · 1 year
sagittarius: venus vs. mars
venus in sagittarius is more of a daydreamer. they are the type to get completely lost in a book, to find themselves almost diffused into the story. they are less optimistic than some sagittarius placements, but more pensive, more hopeful. they may be quite spiritual or religious too, even when compared with a sagittarius sun or rising. they almost seem to stand on the borderline of two worlds
they learn for the love of it. sagittarius in all its placements loves to learn and grow, but when venus is in sagittarius, it becomes one of life’s chief pleasures to acquire knowledge and wisdom. the native may be something of an old soul, and have eclectic taste based on years of study and consumption of information. they are the type to romanticise learning a little bit, which isn’t such a bad thing
they can be quite shy. it’s surprising, really, to think of sagittarian placements as being shy; they’re often very lively, very friendly. but venus in sagittarius can be a little quieter, a little more thoughtful and therefore, can get stuck in their own head when it comes to socialising. once they’ve relaxed enough around a person that they don’t worry about how they’ll be perceived, their natural brilliance reveals itself
mars in sagittarius lives to learn. while venus learns for fun, mars learns for survival. they can’t stand boredom, and easily become depressed when their mind isn’t being properly stimulated. in their relationships, they need to be able to have in-depth conversations and feel their partner is switched on. the native is hungry for knowledge, and they may frequently switch fields as they figure out where they fit in among it all
they have more commitment issues. mars in sagittarius can struggle a little more to commit, partially because they don’t retreat into the dreamworld the way venus does. the native is firmly planted in the here-and-now, and as a result, they are quicker to move away from a situation that isn’t serving them. this doesn’t have to be a bad thing, though it can make their journey through life look somewhat erratic
they are more physical. following on from the last point, mars in sagittarius is more grounded to the here-and-now. this makes them show a much more physical manifestation of sagittarian traits, so we tend to see more activity, more skills-based learning, more pursuit. it can be really interesting to see how the native blends two seemingly clashing ways of life, it’s part of their genius
sagittarius is flighty. this doesn’t always mean literally running away, but we see their desire to travel in various forms; physically travelling, escapism, dissociation and daydreaming, obsessive thirst for knowledge and often academia, flight response. this isn’t a sign that can stay still or stagnate, they need to keep learning, growing, moving
they have a wicked sense of humour. sagittarius is known for their penchant for a good joke, and their reputation is well-deserved. they are skilful storytellers, pranksters and deliver killer punchlines. there’s something almost addictive about listening to them, though they often don’t see it themselves
they are lifelong learners. with sagittarius, we often see an unquenchable thirst for knowledge; in venus, learning is a true pleasure, and in mars, it’s their motivation in life. even when not traditionally academic, sagittarius learns from life, absorbing knowledge like a sponge and, better still, learning to read the patterns that repeat through the universe. they are often quite intuitive learners, relying on common sense and their repertoire of knowledge
they are softer than they seem. sagittarius can be seen as a little boisterous, perhaps even obnoxious at times. but they have hearts of gold, and though they aren’t a traditionally romantic sign, they are creative and engaging lovers. dates lead to adventures, they’ll share their collections and stories with their lover, the debates and deep conversations can be earth-shattering. there’s nothing quite like them
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suuez · 8 months
Random Prompts ~
• A is a outgoing ray of sunshine, while B is your typical "emotionless" person. Somehow, A catches feelings for B, wanting to stay by their side and giving them affection nonstop. Little do they know, B is actually a drug dealer that doesn't know how they're supposed to react to A's approach.
• Once B gives up on seducing A, A starts falling for them. How does B react?
• While traveling through the world, A meets B in a hotel. Both are very fascinated by each other — Unfortunately, A is from a different country from B and both of them only speaks their native language. How are they going to communicate? And what about their cultural differences?
• B is a neurodivergent who just started dating A. After some time, A discoveries they're neurodivergent too, but having something different from B. Now, both of them have to learn how to adapt to each other special needs.
• At first, A starts dating B as a challenge from their friends, but as time goes by, A seems to be catching feelings for B's unique and exquisite way of being, even trying their best to see the world on their vision and try doing the things they like.
• B is a lonely artist that lives far away in a country house. One day, B creates their best art piece ever — An statue. They get fascinated by it, how could them have created something so beautiful and delicate out of dirt/rock? They name the statue A, and one night, A comes alive. Now B has to deal with this delicate curious statue, taking well care for it to not 'get hurt' or get lost in the woods from snooping around.
• Whenever A goes to sleep, they travel to the "Dreamworld", where every phantasy and ever imaginable world exists. In this "Dreamworld", A meets B, who starts appearing in every other dream they have. Once they wake up, they can't wait to get to sleep again to get into wonderful adventures with B.
• B is a vampire who is searching for a new victim. Suddenly, they meet A, who is young, full of life and the most interesting and unique human they have ever met. B approaches them and is very tempted to have them as their lunch, but their other side refuses to do it since A is so unique. How does B deal with it?
• A is a time traveler who is enjoying their adventures through time. They can go to whenever and and when they want, with the only rule being that they cannot interfere with the past. Unfortunately for A, in one of those travels they meet B, who catches their heart by their simplicity. Now A has to make a decision — Interfere with the past or leave it as it is to not change the future. If they do interfere, what are the changes that will occur?
• B is a cupid, who is always trying to find someone to A. Unfortunately, things never go right and A always ends up alone. Out of guilty, B decides to approach A to at least show them what love is like...
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womanofwords · 1 year
Bread (Part 2)
Hero was a mess, and so was their kitchen. They had a printed out recipe for bread, but that had been abandoned long ago after it got swallowed up by some dough. Without the recipe, they had added the wrong amounts of flour and water and all they had now was a watery mess with lumps of flour that was clinging to their hands.
“HOW DOES VILLAIN MAKE THIS LOOK SO EASY?!” Hero wailed. “They made kneading bread look like such an easy thing to do. They looked so calm, and in control, and cute and . . .” They descended into a temporary dreamworld of nothing but Villain. In their mind, Villain was the one teaching them how to knead bread and helping with the measurements and how long it should be in the oven. But Villain wasn’t here, and Hero was left alone in this messy, doughy hell.
Just call Villain, idiot, the logical side of Hero hissed. You have their number; just call them. But that was terrifying. Hero couldn’t risk this incompetence being known to Villain. Besides, they could totally handle this themselves.
That plan was abandoned once Hero knocked over their dough and it went everywhere.
They were totally calling Villain.
“Really, Hero? You’re calling me to your house over a baking emergency?” Villain asked over the phone, an eyebrow raised. “How much of an emergency could that be?”
“It’s pretty bad, and you’re the only person I know that can help. Just . . . help me, please?”
“I’ll have to see you to be able to know what’s going on and where you messed up,” Villain replied.
Hero whimpered, they actually whimpered. “Can’t you just talk me through it?”
“I tend to be very hands-on. Sorry.” Hero’s head spun. A hands-on lesson . . . from someone as hot as Villain? While they looked like they had been chewed up and spat out by a doughy monster?
“F-fine.” They told Villain their address. “Just . . . please don’t laugh.”
“I’ll try.”
That would have to do.
Hero had removed the dough from their hands, at least, but their clothes and hair was still a mess. Their stomach was twisted into knots and they were developing clammy hands. They just needed so much help.
“Hero? Are you in there? Is this the right apartment?” Hero forced down a yelp of terror. Villain was here and they were waiting.
“Yes! I’m here!” Hero stumbled over to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door to a horrified Villain.
“Hero . . . what did you do?” they breathed.
“I DON’T KNOW!” Hero wailed. “The recipe got eaten and it’s too much now and it’s nothing like the dough you were making!”
“Wait . . . were you trying to impress me?” Villain asked.
“Kinda,” Hero whined. “But this is just so bad.”
Villain’s voice became suddenly very soft and . . . sweet. “You poor thing. You are so adorable when you’re trying to impress someone.”
Hero giggled nervously. “Thank you . . . but aren’t we supposed to be figuring out how to fix this so I can give it to you?” They shoved a hand over their mouth, and Villain laughed. They actually laughed.
“This is why I think you’re adorable. Now, here’s what we should do: You can start by cleaning yourself up and getting yourself a change of clothes.”
“But what about the dough?”
“Best to throw that out. It’s unsalvageable.” Villain patted Hero’s flour-covered shoulder. “Better luck next time.”
“Sorry.” Hero looked down, taking a sudden interest in their shoes until a thought struck them. “Wait; what do you mean by next time?”
“Tomorrow, I’ll teach you myself, so this doesn’t happen,” Villain explained. “But today, after you clean yourself up, we will be going to a bakery together and eating lunch in the park. Call it a date.”
Hero turned red. “A . . . date? What does that . . .”
“In our case, it means romance and time spent together,” Villain clarified, their mouth curling into a wolfish grin. “However, if I’ve misread the situation-”
“Nonono! I’ll shower and change, you just stay there!” Hero babbled, rushing upstairs.
Villain sat on Hero’s sofa as they waited, fidgeting as they listened to the shower running. Now that Hero was out of the room, they could drop the act. They groaned and put their head in their hands.
That optimistic little hero was too cute for words.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 2 months
Magia Chap. 2-Starlight So Bright!
Here is the next chapter! I got started working on this at work before my shift and after I finished chapter 1. Yeah, I’m on a roll with this AU because it’s something I wanted to create since I joined the fandom.
Big shoutout to @belladazeblog916 and @summonfi for giving me encouragement to write this AU because of you guys this AU has been fun to work one alongside Pokemon AU.
So this part of the AU takes place around the time Lewis was supposed to go missing, but alas he didn’t.
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
It was late in the afternoon when Wiatt made it to the building where a new children’s entertainment facility called Dreamworld was about to open in a few months. He let out a sigh and held his backpack close as he slowly opened the door to the facility.
There wasn’t much, except for painted walls and posters of the characters that would be the stars of the facility. Wiatt smiled remembering these creations as Lewis would bring them up on their dates. He thought the designs were nice, especially the Starlight animatronic, which he always teased Lewis about since him.
He was so lost in his thoughts he bumped into an older man. “Oh sorry!” 
“N-No it’s okay.” The older man replied.
Wiatt’s eyes widen recognizing the older man. “Wait are you Eric Gale?” He asked.
The older man nodded and remembered Lewis had told him something about an old friend coming over. “Yes.” Eric replied. “I’m guessing you’re, Wiatt Nicholson.”
Wiatt nodded in reply.
“Lewis told me you were coming, but I thought it would be later at night,” Eric explained.
“I left a little earlier, and decided to stop by now,” Wiatt explained.
Eric sighed, “You might have to wait for a bit. Lewis and his friends are in a meeting at the moment.” He explained.
“O-Oh. I see.”
“Yeah. It’s about Sara, again.”
Wiatt gave a glare and rolled his eyes. “Lewis has told me.” He said.
“Yeah. I worry about her. She was never like this, she was always excited to build this facility.” Eric explained.
Wiatt remembered one of his texts with Lewis and he said the same thing. A week after that, was when Sara started separating herself from him. Though he worried for Lewis, as Sara could’ve done something to him if he wasn’t careful. Wiatt gave his boyfriend plenty of warnings, but Lewis reassured him he just needed to talk to Sara or find out who the person is that’s keeping her away from them.
He didn’t want to stand here and just wait, he had to see Lewis. “I know Lewis is in a meeting, but is it alright to check up on him?” He asked.
“Sure,” Eric replied. “Just be careful, it could be tense.” 
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” Wiatt reassured the older man.
“Alright, good luck.”
Wiatt went through the doors that said ‘Employees Only’ and as he walked through the hall, he heard a familiar voice. 
“You don’t get it, do you?!” A female voice yelled.
A voice that made him shiver.
“You haven’t understood any of my ideas since we agreed on a club logo back in high school. Everything else you always argue against!”
It was the voice of Sara Covetman, one of the founders, Lewis’s friend and someone Wiatt never trusted.
Quickly he ran through the hallways passing through a room where the voice was coming from. He stepped back a bit to see the three founders of Dreamworld in a meeting. Wiatt saw a small opening and saw Lewis and Sara in an argument as Oliver stood to the side looking nervous.
“I don’t even know who he is?! You won’t tell us?!” Lewis yelled.
“Well, Oliver doesn’t seem to mind, does he?” Sara asked. “What has he been working on while we go back and forth on my ideas?”
“Eric was right, this is tense.” Wiatt thought to himself. He wanted to wait a bit before coming in and intruding on the group on their conversation.
Lewis glared and pointed at Oliver standing right next to him. “He’s standing right here! The least you can do is ask him!” He shouted.
Sara groaned, “fine! Oliver, you clearly don’t have anything to say about our little dispute, what have you been working on?” She asked.
Oliver was about to speak, but the door squeaked causing the three founders to turn. Lewis saw a piece of recognizable clothing and walked over to the door. “W-Wiatt?” Lewis asked.
Wiatt opened the door, and walked in, chuckling nervously, “I hope I wasn’t interrupting something.” He said.
“You were,” Sara replied, crossing her arms. “What are you doing here Wiatt? I thought you were back home watching your grandfather’s creepy manor.”
“I was,” Wiatt replied, with a smug smile. “However, I wasn’t sure if Lewis gave you the message that I was coming over to visit. Were you just stuck in your office again?”
Sara glared at the smaller boy and gave a low growl.
Lewis smiled and gave a light chuckle, “Hello darling. I thought you would be here later tonight?” He asked.
“Well, I left a little earlier and figured I would see the place now rather than later,” Wiatt explained.
Lewis chuckled, he truly did miss Wiatt. Having been gone for a few years he saw Wiatt barely changed. His hair was a bit longer, but that’s about it.
“H-Hey Wiatt,” Oliver spoke up. “Glad you're here.”
“Oh, Oliver! It’s nice to see you too.” Wiatt replied. He then turned to Sara who glared at him, and he glared back, “Sara.”
“Wiatt,” Sara replied.
Lewis felt the tension again and decided to break it. “Um Wiatt, why don’t I give you a tour of the facility? It’s needed.” He asked.
“Sure,” Wiatt said. “Uh…is there anywhere safe I can keep my bag in? It’s a little heavy.” 
“You can leave it here, darling. No one would touch it.” Lewis told him.
Wiatt glared at Sara, who looked offended. “Like I would dig through your stuff!” She snapped.
Wiatt rolled his eyes and put his backpack in one of the chairs. He unzipped the bag and looked at everything. If anything seemed out of place, he knew who to blame. Wiatt zipped his bag again and was ready to start his tour.
“Okay, ready,” Wiatt said.
Lewis chuckled as he took Wiatt's hand, which made the two blush, and decided to show him around the facility. 
Once the two were gone, Sara made sure the two were gone and turned to Wiatt’s backpack. Oliver took notice and saw Sara digging through Wiatt’s bag.
“Uh…what are you doing?” Oliver asked.
“Looking through Wiatt’s bag,” Sara replied.
“Didn’t he say, not to go into his bag?”
“Yeah, but he has a reason to be here and I want to find out why.” Sara paused, seeing the jewelry box. She raised an eyebrow seeing the box inside the young boy’s bag, and pulled it out scanning it.
“Is that a jewelry box?” Oliver asked, walking over to his friend.
“It is,” Sara answered. “Now the question remains, why did he bring it here?”
What she didn’t know was that inside the box, the pink gem started to shine.
Sara put the box on the table as the two took a closer look at it ignoring the footsteps coming back into the room.
Wiatt returned to the office and froze seeing Sara looking at the jewelry box. She froze and stepped back from the box, and Oliver froze looking like a deer in the headlights.
 “uh…what are you doing?” Wiatt asked.
Sara looked up at him and the box, “I should be asking you, what is this?” Sara asked, picking up the box and pointing at it.
“It’s just a jewelry box I found in my house,” Wiatt replied. “Nothing special.”
“Why did you bring it?”
Wiatt opened his mouth, but he couldn’t come up with an answer. He just brought it with him without a second thought. “Look, I don’t know. My brain must’ve decided to take it and bring it. Just give it back to me.” He said walking over to Sara.
Sara pulled it away from Wiatt and held it up. Wiatt tried to reach for the box, but even though Sara was an inch or two taller than him, she was still tall enough to hold it back from him.
She then smirked and turned to Oliver. “Oliver heads up!” Sara yelled, tossing the box towards the timid boy.
Oliver yelped and caught the box, before sighing in relief.
Like with the pink gem, the green gem inside the box started to shine.
“Oliver, give it to me!” Wiatt yelled.
“Oliver, toss it back!” Sara yelled.
Oliver looked between Sara and Wiatt and decided to throw it to see who caught it first. Wiatt stepped back to grab it, but Sara tripped him and she caught the box.
Wiatt glared and tried to get the box back, but Sara threw it back at Oliver who caught it.
The shy boy smiled and threw it back to Sara before Wiatt could grab it back. From there, it was a game of monkey in the middle as the two founders tossed the box back and forth away from Wiatt.
“C-Come on guys! This isn’t fucking funny!” Wiatt yelled.
“It is to me!” Sara laughed. “Oliver, go long!” She tossed the box a little further as Wiatt ran over to it.
Oliver was about to catch it, but another pair of hands grabbed it.
“What’s going on here?!” Lewis shouted, holding the box in his hand.
Like with the other two gems, the blue gem started to shine and afterwards the other three gems shined as well.
“Uh…” Oliver started looking nervous and quickly pointed at the female founder. “Sara started it.”
Sara stuttered looking shocked that Oliver would call her out like that. “W-What?! Oliver, Y-You were enjoying it too!” She yelled back.
“Enough!” Lewis yelled. Oliver and Sara went quiet as they faced the other founder. “I’m putting an end to this, and giving this back to Wiatt.” He went over and handed the box back to his boyfriend. “Here you go, darling.”
“Thanks, Lewis,” Wiatt replied.
“Though I must know, is that a gift for me?” Lewis asked, interested in the box.
“N-No it’s something I found in my own house,” Wiatt replied. “I don’t know why I brought it. I just felt like bringing it.”
Sara rolled her eyes, “well did you open it?” She asked, hearing Wiatt’s reason wasn’t something she expected.
“I did, but inside are gems,” Wiatt answered.
“Gems!” Sara exclaimed. “Can I see?”
Wiatt pulled the box away from the female founder. “After the bullshit, you just pulled? No way!” Wiatt replied.
“Come on Wiatt! I just want to see!” She begged,
“Darling, please show her,” Lewis exclaimed.
The smaller boy was surprised to see his boyfriend defending his friend, even though the two had been arguing for weeks, maybe months over the facility plans.
“L-Lewis,” Waitt whispered, still shocked.
“I won’t steal it I promise,” Sara said, putting a hand to her chest and raising the other one.
Wiatt growled tired of all this. He didn’t trust Sara, but also was hurt Lewis defended her, and not him. “Fine!” He yelled. He grumbled a bit as he opened the box showing the gems inside. However, upon opening them the gems started to glow bright. This concerned the trio because gems don’t usually glow like that,  “See, they're just gems, that's it.”
“Uhh…Wiatt…” Oliver spoke up, sounding frightened. “Are gems supposed to glow like that?”
Wiatt looked down at the box and saw the gems glowing brightly. Soon Wiatt and the Founder Trio’s eyes flashed like the colors of each gem before a bright multi-colored light flashed and sent the four towards the wall.
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Eric and Carly heard it from their office and ran quickly towards the room to see the four groaning and slowly getting up. “Are you guys okay?!” Eric asked, as he ran towards Lewis and helped him up.
“Y-Yeah, we're fine,” Lewis replied, rubbing his head.
Oliver groaned trying to stand up, but his legs felt shaky. “Ugh…I feel sick.” He groaned.
Sara slowly got up as she turned to Wiatt, putting on his glasses, and gave him a small glare. She wanted to yell at him, but her body was too weak at that moment. “Wiatt, what did you do?” She asked.
“I-I don’t know what that was, but it might’ve been when you and Oliver tossed it around, it activated something,” Wiatt explained. 
The smaller boy looked at the box and closed it before putting it in his backpack.
Eric saw the four weak and tired, and after what transpired today he decided it would be best if the group left for the day.
“I think it’s best if we all go home and get some rest,” Eric said.
“Yeah…I’ll take that.” Oliver groaned. 
Sara turned to the clock and saw it was only 5:05 pm. “I guess, but Lewis and Oliver if you feel well enough later come to my apartment to discuss things.”
“Fine by me darling. I still need to ask some…questions about earlier.” Lewis replied.
“Wiatt. I can give you a ride back to wherever you're staying.” Eric said.
Wiatt sighed, even though he walked here his body felt too weak to even walk. “T-That would be nice. Thank you.” He replied.
Eric smiled and the group split off for the night.
Once back at his hotel, Wiatt collapsed on his bed. During the ride, he felt his head pounding and his chest was hurting. Heck, Oliver suffered the same thing, as he too was given a ride back with Eric, and he wondered if Lewis and Sara felt the same.
Curious, Wiatt dug into his bag and pulled out the box again. He opened the box, and his eyes widened in shock.
The gems inside were no longer shining, but instead dimmed and faded.
“That’s odd. They were shining not too long ago. I wonder what happened.” He said.
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nessaisinthevoid · 1 year
This is an odd request:
Could I request Azul, Jamil, and Vil with an s/o who's a singer?
Keeping it on the Downlow
(Vil,Azul and Jamil with a Singer!Reader)
(A/n) first request!!! I just recently got into Twisted Wonderland so hopefully I get some of the characters right!
Synopsis: S/o is a singer that has gained popularity overtime in Twisted Wonderland and at Night Raven College. So what happens when rumors spread around that s/o is dating someone?!?
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At first he would probably try and take away your voice seeing as it was your “best feature” for something more calm
But overtime he realized he didn’t want you voice but perhaps your heart
Bless his soul when you two got together he was basically on cloud nine
Loves loves loves hearing you sing to him while he looks over contracts his eyes closing as he gets lost in your melodic voice
Supports you behind the scenes as well! Anyone that’s causing you trouble at your concerts are seen by him for a little..”One on one time”
Even if your not singing, he loves your voice always saying it’s your best feature even if your not singing he loves just listening to you talk about whatever
Sometimes when he reminisces of his past he comes to you as you stroke his hair and calmly sing to him
Is..okay with your relationship being private he understands the privacy but if one more person comes and ask you for your number he might accidentally shatter his “good persona”
“Oh darling please sing again I was just getting lost in your voice my pearl”
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Power couple?
Power couple.
He is quite the embodiment of beauty so it would go without saying he would definitely make sure your beauty care routine is perfect
Depending on how hectic your schedules are from your shows to his acting career, there may not be a lot of times where you two can be able to spend time together that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t send little text of encouragement to you
Biggest supporter at your shows, biggest fan too, he has all the merchandise you released and will always go around the school flaunting abt you
Was dramatic when you said you wanted to keep on the low of your relationship, he whined but soon learned to accept it, wanting you to feel comfortable
That didn’t stop him from always posting you guys together in photos got them girlies to gossip for DAYS
Loves to sing without, as you two form a duet he’s just that guy!!
“Love please, Sing one more time just for me oh my fairest one of them all?”
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Acts like your bodyguard more than your boyfriend
He’s constantly like a mother hen, making sure your taking care of yourself and hydrating you, he was born to serve the Asim house hold so basically making sure your not dead is doing the bare minimum
He loves hearing you sing, he’ll just be dancing slow with you as you sing about, his eyes closed as a smile falls onto his face
May not look like a fan but he’s definitely a fan of your songs, he’s not the loudest in the room but he’s giving you nods of affirmation or smiles
Prefers not to have your relationship public so was definitely fine with it being private, he always was taught not to be in the spotlight and with your relationship he rather not be the talk of the school.
He threw a Frying pan at Kalim once cause he almost outed you guys to the entire school
“Why did you stop? I love hearing you voice gem, please continue”
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Acts more like your bodyguard than Bf pt2 except he seems so out of it sometimes he loves you, but once he hits the bed your gonna have to wait
He loves it when your voice pulls him to sleep, he lays his head on your lap as you calmly sing to him before he drifts off into dreamworld
Doesn’t mind if you don’t want people to know you guys are dating he wasn’t really planning on telling anyone anyways
He’s pretty intimidating so if anyone was to really mess with you then they would have to be answering to him
He loves your shows, going out to support you whenever he can even, he only has one piece of your merchandise though and that’s the small plush animal you had and he will bring it to his grave he sleeps with it every single night (he never tells a single soul about it)
So spoiled on you singing to him he won’t sleep without it, picking you up from your waist and dragging you to go sleep with him
“Hey who said you could stop? I was just about to sleep keep singing..”
(a/n) I’m sorry if these feel out of context I’m still new 😭
Liking and Reshares are welcomed!!
But please do not steal or copy onto another platform!!
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pokegalla · 2 years
Hope u r having a lovely time
Could i maybe request for some soft head cannons on Lust sans and maybe the star sanses if allowed
Where they have like some sort of nightmare or just have trouble sleeping this one night so they go to their SO who just kinda sleepily raises their arms to give them some space to come and cuddle with them??
I've been craving sleepy cuddles for so long lol
Pls and thanku 💖💖💖
Hey! I’m doing great and I hope you are as well! And aw I like this idea. Sleepy cuddles is the best 🥰.
And I can do them all! I just can’t do my mini story time. It would get too repetitive since it’s the same scenario. Usually do it with two separate ones at most (minus poly relationships of course. Those are an exception). I hope that’s all right!
Soft Sleepy cuddles with their S/o
* I imagine this guy is a major flirt and tease but is an absolute sucker for domestic stuff. Like one time you just decided to, I don’t know, make him lunch one day! This boy was a MESS. He’d tease that he’d rather eat you for lunch but his soul is beating so fast. You made him feel special and truly cared for even if it was something as small as that.
* So when you had that nightmare and you had your arms out for him to cuddle with you, he fucking MELTED. My god what are you DOING to this guy? No one should be this cute!!! He couldn’t hold in his flustered state at that moment. He’s probably not used to cuddles so you might be his first!
* And if you’re ever having trouble sleeping, he’s quick to catch on. He’ll have you in his arms at bed time. No like it don’t matter WHAT you’re doing. Project? Homework? Nope. He’s dragging dat ass to bed. You need sleep!
* His cuddles are so….intimate. He makes you feel so special once in his arms. Playing with your hair, playfully teasing you but also complimenting every little detail about you, his dopey face as he gazes down at you. He’s favorite cuddle positions is the face-to-embrace and especially the sweetheart cuddle. All the more reason to leave kisses all over your face.
* This guy may be a flirt but his soft, romantic side really shines through during these moments. (Though if you want to fluster him more, definitely tease him during these moments. Definitely worth it.)
* He’s usually busy but makes sure to spend as much time as he can with you when the opportunity rises. Though sometimes he neglects his own health (stubborn boi-). Multiple times you have to force his non-existent ass to bed yourself. But you always appreciate how much he cares for you!
* Whenever a nightmare appears, he’s quick to enter your dreamworld and protect you. Upon waking up you put your arms out for him and his face was just pure adoration. He pulls you to his chest and comforts you, singing a soft tune and lulling you back to sleep.
* Now if you’re the one being the stubborn one with sleeping (or just generally having issues sleeping) he’ll be worried for your health. He’ll help with some tea, blankets, and of course cuddles! He can use his magic too if you’re really struggling and you’re really exhausted. He’d hate to see you look so tired….but only if it’s ok with you!
* He loves to hold you close to him. So the cold fusion is perfect. But sweetheart cradle is also super good. He wants you to hear how his soul beats for you. Your warmth also makes him feel so cozy, like he’s always at home with you.
* You make this positive bean glow in positivity and in return he wants you to feel just as amazing as you make him feel. (GIVE. HIM. SMOOCHES. Many. He’ll get all giggly and blushy and it’s so fucking adorable-)
* This is such an energetic guy. Can’t sit still but that doesn’t mean he’s not a hint of a lazy boi. He IS a Sans and when you date him, he’ll be more comfortable in showing you. Like I would laze about too if I’m always running around in armor, training, and making puzzles all day! Feel lucky! Because not many people see this side of him. (That means he REALLY trusts you).
* This guy is so sweet. He usually wakes up before you but seeing you shake and whimper in your sleep made him so worried. He woke you up and quickly scooped you up in his arms without hesitation. He recognized it as you having a nightmare due to his experience taking care of his brother. He wouldn’t let go until he knows you’re alright before apologizing for waking you up suddenly.
* Whenever you have trouble sleeping, he’ll ask Undyne and his brother what to do. Undyne freaks him out when she tried explaining some possible symptoms of why you’re having trouble sleeping (he thought you was dying for a minute-) but luckily his bro simply tells him some ideas he could try. Thus he put you through a workout, a nice warm bath, and to end it with cuddles!
* His cuddles are just like him: fun and sweet. Sometimes you both just are on your sides of the bed, staring at each other while holding hands, giggling or telling stories. Or if you both want to be closer, you’ll both probably just scoot on over and drape your arms around each other. Kinda like a big hug.
* He cares a lot about the people close to him. As his S/o, you are definitely one of those people. Seeing your smile makes his day and your cuddles really charge his battery so he can face the next day! He has you to thank for that!
* Another busy boi. Also very forgetful. You would have to be very patient with this guy….but he always makes up for it. Sometimes he feels really guilty about forgetting to visit you but you understand his job as a guardian and he does have memory problems. He admits that he also feels bad that without a soul, he can’t show you his “real” feelings properly. He needs reassurance in those moments.
* When you had a nightmare, he was really confused on what had happened to you but he recognized your facial expression: fear. He wraps his arms around you, gently cradling you and rubbing the small of your back. He won’t really say much because he’s unsure of what to say. Still he managed to calm you down.
* When you’re walking around like a zombie, he had to ask around about what was up with you. Luckily he found someone who knew the problem and gladly explained it to him. He took the person’s advice and confronted you about it. Well….he picked you up and put you in bed. Looks like you’re not going anywhere until you get some rest….
* His cuddles are pretty laid back. Usually sticks with the half spoon. Buuuuuut low key he likes spooning too. (He won’t admit it but he loves being the little spoon). He’s a lil shit with teasing and being all flirty but that little bastard is mad smooth with his words. Getting all poetic while caressing your face, he knows how to make you blush. (Unless he’s the little spoon. Then you can get back at him. Might piss him off but he’ll be too flustered as well. REVENGE MOTHERFUCKER-)
* At the end of the day, Ink is just a goofy little artist who just needs a little guidance once in awhile. He may be soulless but he truly loves you and hopes you’ll be able to tolerate his shenanigans.
You thought I was done?! If this is for an art trade, I’m gonna go an extra step! So remember I don’t usually do separate mini stories for so many characters.
Poly relationships are an exception. Enjoy~!
(✨~Special~✨) Mini Story Time!!!
You were an absolute mess. You had a nightmare and you decided to work on something to keep your mind off it. But now you couldn’t go back to sleep! You glanced at the time. 2:00am….a small groan left your mouth. Now what? Coincidentally, Lust and Dream were just coming to visit via teleportation (thanks to Dream) and they saw you with your head down on the table.
“Sweetheart? Why are you up,” Lust asked catching your attention. You were so zoned out you didn’t even notice them.
“My goodness! It’s so late as well….,” Dream exclaimed before feeling your head, “You’re not sick are you?”
You giggle feeling his gloved hand graze over your cheeks, “No I’m fine. I just had a bad dream and uh….kinda can’t fall asleep now.”
Lust tsked at you, “Naughty~. I bet instead of trying to go back to sleep, you stayed up all this time to finish that project of yours.” The guilty expression you had made them chuckle.
Ink suddenly popped up in, “You REALLY need to stop doing that, mon amour. You shouldn’t be up this late….”
“Hello to you too. And please don’t tell me you left Blue in that ink puddle again….,” You said. Sure enough, Blue walks in completely covered in ink.
“You ALWAYS do this,” Blue said looking very annoyed. Ink apologized profusely and managed to remove the ink with his magic. “Now….we should be getting you to bed!”
You gulped as all four of them gave you a smile and a mischievous look. They all picked you up, making you shriek with giggles. They sat you down on the bed as they got into position before placing you in the middle. You were surrounded by your bone-friends as they cuddled close to you. Lust played with your hair, Ink and Blue held your hands while Dream quietly sang a melody. Eventually everyone grew tired and even you who originally had trouble sleeping, was already dozing off.
You smile at your bone-friends, “I love you guys so much~”
They all gave you a warm smile, their eye lights all shaped as hearts. It doesn’t take long for all of you to finally fall sound asleep.
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cyborg-central · 3 months
Nastya Rasputina (The Mechanisms)
Her blood got replaced with mercury and it made her immortal, but even before that had implants in her nervous system to allow for digital dreamworlds and usb ports in her arms. Her girlfriend is a spaceship.
Nastya has two diffrent moments that I'll bring up as propaganda. The first is when she is born, on Cyberia it was the standard that everyone got cybernetic enhancements. The second is when she was Mechanized by Dr. Carmilla and her blood was replaced with quicksilver making her immortal.
Her blood was replaced with mechanical blood made with mercury by a vampire mad scientist. She's kept alive by the mechanical blood and it heals her when she's injured, until she decided to jump out of an airlock after her girlfriend who is a spaceship got replaced (she would freeze to death and her blood wouldn't be able to heal her completely because she'd still be frozen)
An OG cyborg even before getting Mechanized.. On her home planet of Cyberia, she had cybernetics implemented into her nervous system as soon as she was born that allow her to connect to terminals on her plane. When she gets Mechanized by Dr. Carmilla, her blood is chosen to be her Mechanism and it is replaced with Quicksilver/Mercury, and this leads to her immortality. Positives include her being the crew's lesbian engineer who is dating their starship, Aurora. Negatives include literally the fiction, Out, which is big sad ):
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ceoofmetagala · 2 months
Okay copy pasted from discord cause tumblr was homophobic to me and didn't let me post the initial one.
CW for toxic relationships and such under this very very long post
HYPOTHETICAL!!! evil evil toxic relationship called techno knight x fecto flora >:]
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So the gist is that flora trys to improve himself and get over everything mainly the dreamworld and his delusions and techno one on his old friends form ancinet times is helping along with a bit more reluctant blacknoise, Rue, Galacta knight ect
And he falls in love with techno knight because of her visual similarities and personality being simalr to Dreamworld galacta being(Gaia) and Techno knight who's always had a small crush on flora reciprocates back starting the relationship
SO there's a lot of interesting OC stuff like midnight who doesnt like flora for the whole you're repprsed memories (mirri) turned evil and almost killed me my bestie and such and now my face is fucked up what the fuck man so when he sees flora getting with his crush who helped him feel better after the mirri incident he was very happy ofc
Rue confrmts his friend midnight but she also isn't nearly as like. Mad at flora for the mirri thing since he views it as not really being floras fault since she didn't WANT to cause it and such
blacknoise doesn't mind the relationship and is happy for his younger sister until the flora accidently calling techno galacta a few times
Blacknoise goes okay uhm that's not good let me get Veri who is techno knights friend and also it has good enough experience with romance (has litelry only been in relationships that being taffy(bad, toxic) and morpho (either engaged or just dating at this point in time not sure yet)) and I don't so let him get through to Techno
Which results in this
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And uhermm yeah techno doesn't listen
Veri trys to get through to his friend, fails because techno is miserably insistent on her "I can fix him" kinda mentality she really DOES mean well but she can't quite understand yet why this is a bad relationship
Hope my dialogue makes sense,..
If techno and flora keep dating in this hypothetical it will evolve into Technos AI quite litterly erasing what's techno to fit floras views on who galacta is to please him until evutnally she doesn't respond to Techno knight anymore.
Hehe and that's it 🙏🙏 ty for listening to my most evil relationship
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