#drinking a good looking ice cream smoothie
girliism · 2 months
having art and patrick as your boy best friends.
you met them in kindergarten. the three of you sat at the same table with another boy. said other boy was writing bad words on your drawing when art and patrick sprayed glue all over him.
they had to sit out of recess watching the other kids play. you brought them both flowers as a thank you and ever since then the three of you were inseparable.
so inseparable that when third grade came around and patrick saw that the three of you weren’t in the same class he brought his parents up to the school and demanded that you all be in the same class every year. middle and high school were no different.
you loved them but hated the gross tendencies they came with. “you have to sit in between us so we don’t fight over who sits next to you.” art says. but you hate sitting in between them cause it ended up with you getting caught in their burping matches. “you guys are so gross.”
but art and patrick really did care for you. so much so that at 11 when you got your first period and ignored them for a week they made it their duty to learn all about menstruation.
you were at lunch eating with your girl friends when art places a drink in front of you. “it’s a green smoothie full of iron rich vegetables so you can replenish after losesing so much blood. my mom made it.” the blonde smiles at you very proud of himself but your faces heats up in embarrassment. “also you can get pregnant now so like don’t do that.” patrick adds quite loudly and everyone is looking at you and your other friends are snickering at the interaction. you wanted to die.
watching art and patrick go though growth spurts was actually terrifying. and not to mention they ate everything. “can we get five home style burger plates two for us and one for her. with oreo milkshakes. oh and apple pie” patrick orders. you watch as the both of them clear their plates with ease now deciding if you all should go for ice cream.
it was the summer before freshman year and you had spent most of it with your grandparents but you made in back in time for the zweig end of summer party. “guys! did you miss me” you pull them in for a hug before you walk ahead of them into the zweig house. the two of the watch you with confusion. when did you become a girl?
art and patrick never really saw you as “girlish” the way they saw other girls as girlish cause they’ve known you for so long. but something changed when you were at your grandparents house. you changed.
“dude you see that right.” patrick says. him and art watch you in the pool talking to your other friends. “she has boobs.” art groans at his friends perverted observation. “can you like not stare at her chest. that’s weird.” “what, all i’m saying is that she has boobs now guys like boobs. boobs and guys are no good match. horny assholes will try to get with her all year.” “can you stop saying boobs” art whispers “they’ll break her heart and get her pregnant. we have to protect her.” patrick says sternly.
the first two years of high school boys avoided you like the plague.
“do you guys think i’m ugly?” you blurt out one night the three of you laying on your bed watching juno. both of them sputter out a slue of what’s and why would you think that. “it’s just no one’s asked me to the formal. i’m literally the only person i know who doesn’t have a date.”
patrick looks at you before shrugging. “you can come with us duh. me and art will be your date we can make it a group thing.” art nods in agreement. this makes you feel worse. “i don’t want to be your guys pity date. plus your girlfriends hate me.” art sits up turning to you. “it’s not a pity date. formals are supposed to be about having fun with you friends. and our girlfriends don’t hate you.” oh but they totally did.
you end up going to formal with art, patrick and their girlfriends and have a surprisingly good time. the night is ending and patrick’s ditch the two of you so you and art sit on the empty football field just the two of you.
“so where’s your girlfriend?” you ask. “making out with the quarterback under the bleachers.” art sighs out looking up at the sky. you wince. “sorry” art mumbles out a whatever picking at the trimmed grass.
“her loss right.” you bump your shoulder with his. art scoffs “yeah, now at least she’ll have someone to grope her.” “wait wait is big shot tennis man too scared to grope his girlfriend.” art shoves you. “shut up ok, guys get nervous too.” humming you say. “if a guy so much as wanted to kiss me i’d just do it.” eyes looking up.
arts head snaps towards you. “have you never been kissed before?” you shake your head no. “but we’re almost juniors, how have you never been kissed?” “maybe because you and pat intimidate any guy that’s has interest in me. which is really fucking annoying by the way.” you huff. “sorry about that, pat just doesn’t want you to end up on teen mom.”
the two of you sit in silence for a while. “i could kiss you.” art says. you look over to him heart beat picking up. art is a good looking guy obviously, but he was your best friend. “wouldn’t that be weird?” you bite your lip out of nervousness. “doesn’t have to be.”
you get your first kiss that night. on the football field under the night sky. it was nice, art’s lips felt nice. moving slowly against yours his hand tenderly holding your cheek. you both break away from the kiss to breathe. “thanks” you whisper.
you guys never talk about what happened that night. not to patrick and not to each other. the same way you don’t talk about the kiss you and patrick share in his treehouse at his family’s goodbye summer party before junior year.
part two
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boydepartment · 10 months
hii :)) i saw ur requests and since i love how you do your piece of work, i was wondering if u could do enha texts when their partner (y/n) is failing one of their subjects at school? or smth like that? thank you!
enha texts + scenarios- when you’re failing your class!
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a/n: OMG OF COURSE ANON!!! i really hope you aren’t failing any of your classes :( but i get it trust me. i am not very academic i’ll be fr
warnings- cursing
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jungwon immediately after comes out of his room to watch you and jake try to tackle this math assignment. you were not wrong jake was terrifying while explaining calculus. eventually jungwon got bored and saw you needed a break so you both took a late night walk and got ice cream :)
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heeseung surprisingly helped you a lot with your work. he doubted himself greatly but when it came to it he really did help you. he would read your books, try to get a grasp, and then explain it to you. heeseung is also super reassuring and holds your hand softly while explaining things.
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making your studying session a competition was absolutely genius. jay had the rest of enha join the jeopardy game and it helped A TON. you would remember things because someone did something stupid and it’d trigger the memory in your head. eventually your grade rose and jay took you out 🫶
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jake felt awful holding you in his arms and listening to you stress over school. he understood. as much as he enjoyed learning and growing, the numbers and grades always stressed him out to. it felt wrong to put a grade on learning. jake from this point forward made it his absolute goal to help you with whatever schooling you needed help with. to him it was a win win, he got to learn and help his favorite person.
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sunghoon didn’t know your history work from atom. he felt horrible that he couldn’t help as much as a tutor or something. however, he didn’t know all you needed was just someone there. your studying went smoothy with sunghoon leaning on you and feeding you when needed. he’d always remind you to eat and drink, to be honest you believed you only passed because of him taking care of you.
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right when sunoo found out you were failing he immediately went to riki and begged him to help you with your language work. you were taking japanese and no matter how good you were at it the teacher just was not it. so you obviously needed extra help. sunoo hated to see you struggling so he would sit there next to you while riki attempted to help you as much as he could. if either of you got frustrated sunoo would have a 15 min break which consisted of ice cream and playing with your hair. then it was back to work
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having riki in your home while you attempted to write an essay sounds like a nightmare. but to be honest, all he did was lay on you and go on tiktok as you typed away. you’d ask questions about a certain topic and he would look it up then text you the article for the bibliography page too. he really did help you even if he had no clue what the fuck MLA formatting was
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luveline · 8 months
dad!steve eek!!! maybe some for kbd!? no rush, anyway love you!! <3
kisses before dinner au —mom!reader, 1.1k
Bethie squirms uncomfortably in your lap. “I’m sorry, mommy,” she says. 
“Well don’t be,” you say, hand to her forehead and holding her back so she can see your face, how you’re not angry. “It’s okay. You don’t like it?” 
“I’m not hungry.” 
You don’t get it. Bethie hasn’t eaten anything all day. She refused breakfast, snacks, smoothies, and hot chocolate. The plate in front of her repulses her, no matter how gently you plead with her to try it. “Honey, I don’t see how that can be true.”
She’s in your lap because you’d been hoping helping her eat might make it easier for her. She was thrilled to sit in your lap, but not even slightly inclined to eat her mac and cheese, or any sides. You offer her a slim carrot baton shining with honey, wiggling it from side to side. 
“Doesn’t that look yummy?” you ask softly. 
She looks down at her hands. 
You drop the carrot. You’re genuinely perturbed. Not easily panicked, this has thrown you off kilter. Beth has been picky ever since she started school, and you don’t mind, you’ll accommodate and feel sorry that she misses out on Steve’s chicken pot pie, but there’s a difference between being picky and having a total aversion to food she used to enjoy. 
Avery tries to pretend she’s not watching. Steve doesn’t bother, frowning deeply despite the baby in the high chair beside him and Dove on his thigh, the two girls giggling about something. The rest of them have cheeks covered in cheese sauce and sticky lips, but your Beth…
Maybe it’s too much to have everyone watching, you think. 
“Okay. Okay, let’s leave it for later, yeah? Will you help mommy with something? Is that okay?” 
Beth nods emphatically. “Yes!” 
You help her down off of your lap and take her little hand. “We’ll be back in a minute.” 
Steve shakes his head, at a loss. “Sure,” he says, though his face says something different. What are we going to do? “Take your drink.”
You grab the glass if only to appease your worrier. 
You and Beth leave the kitchen and the living room to sit on the stairs. There isn’t much privacy to be made in the house, but this will do. You put her on the step above you to sit eye to eye, and you take her little hand, rubbing circles slowly into the soft palm of it. 
“Is there something mommy can get you?” you whisper. “Anything at all. Because you’re so big now, you know you need to keep yourself nice and strong with dinner. Yeah? You need to eat so you can have lots of energy. I know,” —you smile at her startled frown— “you said you’re not hungry, but it’s okay. We don’t have to eat all of something. Me and you could go have McDonald’s, or pizza! We could have something special. We could go get donuts. Anything you want, even if it’s only one bite.” 
“I don’t know, mom…” 
“Anything you want, baby. Even if we get there and you don’t want it anymore, or it’s not what you thought.” 
Bethie decides in whispers that she’d like McDonald’s ice cream. You could cry. You almost do when you con her into eating half of ‘your’ cheeseburger on the drive home, her little feet swinging in the footwell as she licks ketchup off of her fingers. 
You show Steve the wrapper when you get home proudly. 
“Good job, mom,” Steve says, reaching for you in the doorway. 
Bethie brandishes the cup tray of ice creams to her sisters in delight. They scramble in screeches to get there first. 
“Wren!” Bethie cheers, wiggling an ice cream at her baby sister where she lays in a bouncer. “Mom, can I feed Wren?” 
“Only the plain one, baby.”
“Yeah, I know. Wren, look! I have ice cream. You want ice cream?” 
“Little spoonfuls,” Avery says, reaching for her own ice cream, big sister instincts quelled by excitement. “Oh my gosh, there’s fudge.” 
Steve nudges your hip with his hand. “Hey, you okay?” 
“That was a bit scary.” 
“It’s just a bad day for her. She’s okay. Did you eat anything?” he asks, curling an arm behind your back. 
“No. I got you a strawberry-kiwi smoothie, though.” 
“Anything for yourself?” 
You shake your head. “I knew Beth would only eat if I was eating it, so I had a bite.” 
“You’re a genius,” he says, hugging you to his side. His shirt smells like detergent under your nose. “I kept your dinner in the oven. Only take a minute to heat back up.” 
“Did you eat yours?” 
He puts his lips to your cheek and doesn’t answer. 
“This is nice,” you murmur. 
“I know.” He rubs your back. You’ve never had to ask him to do it, he just grabs you up and sets about soothing an ache you don’t have. He’s always been like this. 
“I can’t believe I had to sweet talk my six year old into eating fast food,” you say, watching Beth over the curve of his shoulder. She swallows a spoonful of ice cream and crinkles her eyes at the cold. “I never could’ve imagined this.”
“Thank god. You never would’ve let me date you if you did.”
You laugh and angle your head up for a kiss. “That’s not true,” you murmur. 
He kisses you but seems more eager for a hug, hooking his arm higher up behind your back and cuddling you into his neck. “I’m not sure what we’re going to do,” he confesses, “but if you keep being that gentle? She’s going to be fine.” 
You brim with a weird pride. Steve knows intimately the kind of parent that you are, and how hard you try, so if he thinks you’re doing a good job, you must be. “Dinner was great,” you promise. 
Steve laughs. “I know. It was fucking bomb. Honey roasted broccoli? These kids don’t get how good I am. I could go pro.” 
Dove wanders over with clumsy footsteps but better pronunciation. “Smoothie, daddy,” she says, holding his pink smoothie up to him with an urgent look. 
“Oh, thank you.” He pats your arm and breaks away to bend down. “Thank you, gorgeous,” he says, taking the drink and smiling huge at her. She says something in garbled kid talk and leans in to give him a hug, and then she runs back to her ice cream. 
Steve looks at you adoringly. 
“How’d you give me four perfect girls?” he asks, knowing he’s cheesy, his smile turning teasing. 
“A lot of hard work.” 
“I can tell.” 
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pastel-peach-writes · 6 months
Jealous or Attracted? | KorrAsami x Reader Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of you figuring out your feelings for KorrAsami.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: No Use of Y/n, Cursing, Not Proofread, Second POV, Lowercase Intended
Part Two | Part Three
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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– when you first met KorrAsami, they were dating each other.
– you already knew of Korra with her being the Avatar and everything and for Asami, you knew of her but only because of the drama that went down with her dad and Future Industries.
– you can't exactly remember how you met them, but you vaguely remember a party and Bolin, your closest friend, dragging you to it and insisting that you meet the rest of the Krew.
– Also, the fact that they call each other the "Krew" was so cute to you, you wanted in.
– and so there you saw Korra and Asami dressed in their best party wear, holding glasses of colored clear liquid and giggling with each other.
– At first, your stomach fizzed with butterflies but you assumed that was your jitters
– you didn't think the butterflies was because the two of them looked good enough to make your knees shake or your face burn. no, not at all!
– why would it anyways? You couldn't be attracted to a couple. that's weird. Like licking a flagpole and drinking a smoothie made of grass and boiled egg yolks. That's weird.
– and you weren't weird. (or at least not that weird).
– anyways, as the party went on, you got to know the two more.
– you got to know that Korra's a bit goofy and playful, that she isn't always the stubborn and hotheaded Avatar everyone knows her to be and you also figured out that Asami made her very shy, very easily.
– with how she acted towards the general public and threats, you thought Korra would be the one to make her significant other shy with flirts and cocky sentences, but it turns out that Asami was the one to. and she wasn't even flirting.
– Asami would give one smile and quip to Korra and the Avatar would melt like ice cream on a hot summer's day. It was cute, honestly but also made you ick on the inside.
– you didn't know why. you had nothing against the two and PDA, but seeing them flirt with each other gave you a certain pang in your chest.
– after the party's events, you found yourself getting closer and closer to the "Krew".
– you weren't close enough to consider yourself a part of Team Avatar but enough to be considered Team Avatar's friend.
– when you hung out with the Krew, you would linger around KorrAsami. Wherever they went, you went.
– Bolin teased you about this, naturally, being your best friend and all, but you denied the allegations he tried to make. --
"You have a crush on them!" "Please, I do not. I'm hanging out with them because i want to get to know them more. That's all."
"But you even laugh at their jokes. You never laugh at Mako's and I's."
"That's because you and Mako aren't funny."
"And Korra and Asami are?"
"Precisely." --
– And it was true. You didn't have a crush on them and they were funny.
– Korra and Asami have this type of humor that's unique to them. They feed off of each other and often make snarky remarks about inside jokes or shared experiences. Being a part of that was an accomplishment in its own.
– something would happen when you guys were out and about and you would share the same look.
– the only times the jokes got "bad" was when someone made the other laugh a bit louder than usual.
– like one time Korra made Asami laugh so loud and hard that she cried with a red face.
– the feeling that stirred in your stomach wasn't pretty. it was like whatever you had for lunch curdled and violently punched you in the gut over and over and over again.
– you would seethe every once and a while. Why was Korra making her girlfriend laugh upsetting you? It shouldn't matter what she does. She's her girlfriend and has the right to make her laugh. It would probably be more concerning if Asami laughed harder at your jokes.
– Right?
– It would be great to make Asami laugh like that though. Her sparkling green eyes come to a close as her eyes squint. Her hand would politely cover her lips with a hooked finger, further pushing the elegant and proper look she's made of herself. And even though her blush does this for her already, her cheeks would be redder from how hard you made her laugh.
– Isn't that normal for a homie to want? It was normal to want to share that experience with Korra; making Asami laugh. These were all normal things. Right?
– It had to be. It's what you thought about at night. Making Asami laugh, making Korra shy, holding their hands and nuzzling your nose against their cheeks. That's all very normal things to think about when it comes to your friends.
– you never thought that way about Mako or Bolin of course. They were like siblings to you so, they were sibling pretty. Not the weak-in-the-knees-heart-racing-platonic-pretty Korra and Asami were.
– Well, Bolin didn't think so. Deny all you want, say what you want, but he saw the way you looked at them.
– He saw how your eyes light up when they come over to talk to you or how cutely small and shy you'd get when they hug you at the same time. He saw how you would point them out in everything you see, even if you're not with them.
– Bolin knows you and apparently, he knows you better than you know yourself.
– He knew you so well that he could tell when you were jealous and he could tell when you were attracted.
– when you were jealous: when their PDA gets too much, when they walk away together, when they make inside jokes, when they call each other "babe", and when they prefer each other over anyone else in the Krew.
– when you were attracted: when their attention is on you, when they talk to you one-on-one (mano-y-mano as Bolin referred), when they would hug you or take you out as a trio, when they compliment you, when they spring into action or act serious, and so much more that Bolin could write a whole book about your attraction towards the pair.
– Honestly, Bolin understood the attraction. He had a crush on Korra once. Mako too! In fact, everyone in the Krew had a crush on her so the fact that you had a crush on her (and her girlfriend) just met you're officially a part of their friend group now. Yay!
– now, Bolin never told you that he's aware of the crush you had on the pair but he would hint at it with suspicious winks, wiggles of his brows, and jokes that confused everyone else but you.
– "Yeah, red and blue sure are attractive colors, huh?" then he'd nudge you and you would freeze with a nervous smile.
– Mako, Asami, and Korra would have no clue what Bolin meant. Especially since they were talking about imprisoning war criminals when Bolin blurted. But hey, randomness is what Bolin is known for.
– A couple of weeks after that incident, you finally came to terms with yourself. You had to, the jealousy was getting too much that the girls were picking up on it.
"Whoa, you good?" Korra chuckled, noticing your glare after she kissed Asami's cheek. "You're uh, looking angrier than Mako on a good day." On a good day, you would tease her back but the feelings were too much.
The thoughts of holding them, kissing them (and not just on the cheek), and spending time with them was overwhelming and taking over every fiber of your being.
You couldn't watch them interact with each other without a firey burning in your chest and the clench of your fists. Also, you're pretty sure you've shaved a couple of centimeters off your teeth from all the teeth grinding you've been doing.
The girls have been giving you curious looks when you would glare in their direction. They'd awkwardly look at each other and then get away from your gaze to avoid confrontation.
Korra and Asami never assumed you were the type to judge their love, they didn't get that vibe from you, so it was a nerving surprise you got angry whenever they showcased public displays of affection.
"Yeah." You eased your shoulders from your ears. "I'm fine. Sorry. Just stressed."
"You must be chronically stressed then," Asami spoke as she slung an arm around Korra's shoulders. Your lips tensed at the sight. "Because you're always making faces or scowling nowadays."
"Yeah, you're doing it now actually," pointed Korra. You eased your lips again. Damn, it's like second nature to tense up or scowl whenever you see them interact. That wasn't healthy. At all.
These are your friends. By the expressions on their faces, you can see they're getting uncomfortable holding each other around you. Asami slowly moved her arm away from Korra with a frown and they tried not to show it, but they held each other's hands behind their backs.
Your friends had to hide their true selves from you because you're too afraid to admit your feelings.
Is this what you want? For them to be afraid and think you're someone or something you're not? Of course not. It was time to face the music. You have a crush on Korra and Asami.
Now, what are you going to do about it?
To be continued. | WC: 1,570
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vchae · 15 days
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pairing :: jaehyun x reader.
genre :: fluff (not really).
word count :: 562.
warnings :: mentions of food, cursing, they argue over food,jaehyun's lovesick, not proofread so there might be errors, Imk if there's some more cuz literally no point of this drabble at all.
zahra's note :: EEUUEUEUE this sucks sm I'm gonna cry but it's okay I'm a kid and this is my first time writing so excuse me oppang >_< 🐬🐬
summary :: when your brother's friend, jaehyun, has been keeping secrets.
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You were doing what any sane and bored would do on a Friday evening,making a smoothie,when you noticed someone beside you and the sound of the microwave.
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Jaehyun,sungho's friend,was currently heating up some packaged popcorn while leaning against the counter. It was Friday,of course,he came over as usual. Those losers didn't have anything better to do than horde up the couch.
There was an awkward silence,the only sound being the annoying singing of the microwave and the sound of your blender struggling.
"Hey." You finally spoke,looking over at him. He only shot you a glance,before looking away.
"Hi." He replied in a barely audible voice,scratching the back of his neck. There was silence again.
"So..what are you making?" He already knew the answer yet he still tried to start a conversation,fiddling with his sleeve.
"A smoothie." You replied,pouring the drink out into a glass.
"That's not a smoothie,it's a milkshake." He frowned. You raised an eyebrow,holding back a scoff.
"It's a smoothie dumbass,I know what I'm making."
"Yeah but you put milk in it so it's milkshake." He complained.
"Well we put milk in smoothies too." You retorted with an eye roll.
"That's the same thing and it doesn't deny my point- you put milk in milkshakes that's why they're called MILKshakes." He emphasized the word 'milk',acting all dramatic. He didn't even know why he was fighting with you over a stupid milkshake..over smoothie,whatever.
It was just an excuse to talk to you. He would never say it,not even to his own best friend, sungho who is probably the worst person to talk to about this. But he had the fattest crush on you- the most embarassing and awkward crush on you. He tried not to look at you because he knew you were too good for him,but he just ended up looking weird and ignorant. He was too scared to say it,and he didn't even realise his own crush either at first. But after dozens and dozens of hang outs at your place,in the same house as you where you would always wander around,looking for a chance to annoy him and sungho — he finally realised that maybe you were cute, everything about you was cute. Atleast in his eyes.
"Hey asshole- you good?" He got broken out if his trance when you snapped your fingers in front of his face.
"Yeah..yeah." he muttered, clearing his throat.
"You didn't even pay attention to me. This is a smoothie because it has only fruits and milk,no fancy stuff like ice cream or syrup. Smoothie is much better and healthier and just heaven." You continued rambling while he just watched you with a shy expression,getting tense for no reason at all.
"Oh- and your popcorn's burning." Your voice caught his attention,making his eyes widen as he turned around,looking at the microwave.
He cursed under his breath,quickly taking out the popcorn and almost burning his hand in the process,but despite his oh so sacrifial efforts,the popcorn was left as barely edible. It was still edible enough for sungho though.
"I hope you get constipated after eating that." You chuckled,going up to your room. Only after shooting him a brief glance.
"Fuck you.." He muttered with a heavy sigh,watching you walk away.
How long will he keep cursing at your face while ignoring his feelings?
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tagging because I can :: @dodofiles @dodoyaps @goldoie @riyangiis @i-zna
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Secrets for the Soul
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5
“That concludes our meeting for tonight, thank you all for making time to join us.” Announced Batman, finally ending this tortuous l, though necessary meeting. Diana stood from her seat and said her goodbyes intent on getting back to Danny for movie night. If she hurried she could stop and pick up ice cream, her hopes of the frozen treat were dashed however when she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
“Diana, a moment of your time?” Batman asked with a gruff voice. Diana silently mourned her ice cream as she smiled back and the two stepped away from the zeta-tubes. “As you are aware, Black Canary is leading the training for the covert team. However Canary brought it to my attention that while Superboy is doing well in his training, he is getting very little experience fighting opponents of an equal or greater power level.” Diana frowned.
“He is the teams biggest heavy hitter, it would do them no good if he were to falter when given a challenge.”
“My thoughts exactly, which is why I would like you to take some time to spar with him. Show him what it means to fight above your level.” Batman nodded,
Diana looked at Batman, skeptical “Wouldn’t Superman be better suited for this task.”
“Things between them are a bit…stained to say the least.” He ground out.
Diana frown, “I would be willing to engage the young one in battle, however Superman needs to figure things out with the boy. He is only a child, he needs guidance.” She said firmly.
“I know your hands are already full, we can work out a schedule at another date however I would like it if you would come by this weekend to meet him.” Diana raised her brow. His eye twitched “Please” he added.
“Now that wasn’t so hard was it? Alfred’s been pestering you about manners again, huh?” She smirked. Batman grunted. “That should be fine, I’ll be there Saturday morning at 10, and Batman? I won’t hold back.” She said with a savage grin.
“I would expect nothing less.” And with that Diana took her leave. It was a short flight from the Zeta point to her apartment, when she arrived Danny looked up from his Mars book.
“You’re late~” He said with a grin “You know what that means. You forfeit your movie choice!” Diana sighed as she went to get changed.
“All right, fair is fair, did you pick up dinner?”Danny nodded as he scrolled through the movie choices.
“Chinese is on the counter, drinks are in the fridge.” He shouted as he set up the movie. “Comedy good?” He asked as she made her way to the fridge.
“Sure.” She replied, opening the fridge she grabbed the drinks sitting next to the chain covered stew labeled ‘Danny’s! Do not touch!’
Grabbing the Chinese she made her way over and plopped herself on the couch. “So what are we watching?”
“Only one of my favorite ghost comedies EVER! The Grudge! It’s hilarious, trust me!” He tilted his head in a picture of innocence. “By the way, why were you late, something wrong with the league?” He inquired, nudging her with his elbow. Diana scoffed.
“We are a team of international vigilantes, something’s always wrong. However, in this case, Batman stopped me to ask a favor. There is a young hero who packs quite a punch, however unlike you he has mostly fought people who are physically equal or weaker than him. He needs to train with someone stronger than him to get used to fighting stronger opponents. I’ll be meeting with him on Saturday morning.” Danny nodded.
“Cool, I’m gonna be hanging out with Travis. We were planning to check out the arcade near his new job.” Diana smiled.
“It’s a pity he left the museum, where did he end up going?”
“He got a job on the boardwalk, at that smoothie shop. Y’know with giant monkey on the window.” Diana nodded.
“They do have good smoothies. Grandfather expects us for dinner that night so don’t stay out too late.”
“Sounds great! Hopefully I can get the recipe for that stew, it’s way better than Lunch Lady’s… don’t tell her I said that.” Diana frowned.
“So long as it doesn’t try to eat my lunch again, my poor sandwich it was so young, so tasty.” She replies dramatically with her hand on her heart. “Now start the movie, I wanna see what passes for ghost comedy.” She passes Danny his mushu pork and he presses play….
Two hours later Danny is asleep on the couch as Diana stares at the tv, reevaluating her definition of humor. Looking down at her peacefully sleeping cousin, she couldn’t be too mad. But she could ask around for the best chick flick she could find as payback.
Saturday morning came, and as promised Diana made her way to a zeta tube. When she arrived at Mount Justice, Batman was already there and based on their reactions he had already briefed them on todays training. She grinned, this was gonna be fun.
She wasn’t wrong either, they each took turns trying to knock her down, each failing more splendidly than the last. When it came time for Superboy to face her she readied herself to face the strength of Superman.
Unfortunately for Superboy, he did not have the same strength as Superman. Diana had also been regularly sparring with Danny, so her evaluation of his strength might have been a bit…skewed to say the least.
Unfortunately only hindsight is 20/20 and so when Superboy charged she immediately countered with full force, and he went flying across the room. After crash landing Superboy quickly righted himself and started charging her once more. Diana, while impressed at his enthusiasm, frowned at how easy it was to push his buttons. She grabbed her lasso and quickly subdued him. He fought against the bindings, though he had no hope of destroying the magical artifact. Diana released him only when he calmed down. She looked Superboy in the eye with a smile.
"You did very well young one, your warrior's spirit is admirable, however you must use it at the right time. When fighting an opponent that you know is stronger than you, you must used that spirit wisely. Wait until you find an opening before you strike, otherwise your opponent will use that strength against you, as I did."
Superboy clenched his fists and grit his teeth, Diana knew that look well. He was frustrated, her advice was likely akin to something he hears quite often. Diana sighed, "I will not tell you to purge yourself of this spirit as it is a useful tool, one I myself use when fighting overwhelming enemies. It is nothing to be ashamed of. However you must be careful not to be consumed by it. I have known many who let the rush of battle consume them. It has never ended in their favor." she approached Superboy, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I will work with you on this journey, young one, so that you may learn as I did." she said with a smile.
Superboy looked surprised "Seriously? Why? What do you get out of this?" Diana laughed
"What else?! I want a proper rematch! You have impressive strength, I would like to see what you can do with it with a little extra training, young one." Superboy looked her in the eye for a moment before looking to the side.
"My name is Conner." he said with a blunt tone. "And...thank you."
"It's my pleasure Conner, now come, our time today is short let's see who else wants to try their might."
She turned back to see Kid Flash slowly inch behind Artemis. She gave a predatory grin, "It seems we have a volunteer!"
Danny woke up with his alarm at noon, and couldn't help but revel in the amount of sleep he got, a whole eight hours. He briefly considered snuggling back into the world's comfiest, and coldest, comforter, gifted to him by Frostbite. He slowly closed his eyes before his second alarm went off reminding him that he does in fact have to get up, as he has plans today.
He dragged himself out of bed, still wrapped in his comforter, and made his way to the kitchen. After starring into the fridge for roughly five minutes, as though it held the secrets of the universe... or poptarts, he grinned and grabbed his leftover stew. Pouring some into a bowl and reheating it, he slowly made his way to the table to savor his blob ghost stew. He jumped only a little when his phone started blaring once more, he scrunched his nose before looking at the caller ID. It was Travis. Danny sighed, it was too early to talk.
"Hnnghh?" The sound of laughter exploded from the other end.
"I'm sorry sleeping beauty, did I wake you?" Danny released a massive yawn.
"Nah, mm jus eatin breakfst? Wazzup?" He mumbled, watching the tiny blobs swim around in his stew with half-lidded green eyes.
"Hey I ran into a buddy of mine, mind if he tags along?" Danny scooped out a particularly plump blob and took a bite.
"Hmmm" Travis laughed.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes. We'll meet you at Café Loco before we head to the arcade, you sound like you need it. Were you up playing video games again last night?" Danny once more responded with a noncommittal, “hmmm” because no he was not playing video games. He was flying invisibly around the city and lost track of time, who wouldn't it was beautiful.
“Alright man, I’ll let you get back to you’re breakfast. See ya soon.” And the call ended.
Danny put his phone back down and finished eating before he started getting ready for the day. He threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, taking a moment to consider the jacket. His core would keep him cold, normally he wouldn’t bother but…. He sighed grabbing the jacket. Being a teen hero left him with more than a few scars, Travis was led to believe he got them in the accident that killed his “parents” but this new guy… it would be annoying to explain again, best avoid it entirely.
He grabbed his wallet and headed out, walking down the street he greeted familiar faces, stopping to pet Mrs. Perkins’ dog as he made his way to the bus stop. It wasn’t a long ride, and when he arrived he clambered out of the bus. Heading towards Cafe Loco like a beacon in a storm. He beelined it to the counter, nearly crying at the lack of a line as he ordered his cappuccino with 4 shots of espresso.
Travis found him huddled in a corner booth, curled around his coffee, watching people pass by. He saw a perfect opportunity and slowly snuck up to the booth, he was inches away from tugging the earbuds out of his ears when Danny suddenly turned his head to look him directly in the eyes. Travis jumped back with a shout, Danny took a long sip of his coffee, the stranger next to Travis covered his mouth trying his best not to laugh.
“Why is it so hard to scare you?! I swear this guy has eyes in the back of his head!” At this point the guy next to him scoffed.
“Or he saw your reflection in the window.” He said, pointing at the offending surface.
“Who’s side are you on?!” The stranger shrugged and Danny chuckled.
“I don’t think pointing out the obvious counts as taking sides. Your Travis’ friend right? I’m Danny, nice to meet ya.” He said, the other guy smiled.
“I’m Matt, nice to meet ya. Is the coffee here any good?” Danny nodded, pulling his coffee closer.
“It’s okay at best, he just likes it because they don’t limit his espresso shots because he bribes them.”
“It’s not consider a bribe of it goes in the tip jar.” He said with a wide grin. Matt blushed.
“Oh really, I’ll have to try that.” He coughed into his hand. “So, uh, you said we were going to the arcade.”
“Hell yeah! You said it had all kinds of new and retro games! Plus desktop gaming! Let’s go!” Danny stood from his seat. While he may never reach the overwhelming height of Jack Fenton, Danny had grown to be a respectable 5’10. He was quite proud of this fact though he didn’t think of it too much, considering his cousin was over 6’. But still he wasn't that tall, right? Danny thought,
'So why the hell did Matt just look at him like he was 10 feet tall? Sure the guy wasn't huge, but he wasn't exactly short either.'
Matt backed up just a bit, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away, "Yeah, let's get going before it get's too crowded." Danny downed the rest of his coffee and they headed out. Along the way they started talking about the upcoming school year, as it turned out Matt would be joining him as a junior at Gateway High.
Despite Travis' not so subtle diversions, Matt eventually made a rookie mistake. He asked what Danny wanted to do when he graduated. For the next hour Danny went on and on about how he wanted to build space ships, and how amazing space is, and did you read the Daily Planet interview with Martian Manhunter?!
Not to say Danny ran out of things to say about space after an hour, especially when Matt was giving him his full attention even when they got to the arcade and started playing. No, as someone who worked with Danny until his parents made him quit, Travis knew EXACTLY how long winded Danny could be when it came to space so he did the only thing that could distract him from space. He brought up his cousin.
"So I here your cousin is single and ready to mingle, according to Mrs. Doris, you think if I gave her my number I'd have a chance?" Travis wiggled his eyebrows. Danny looked at him as though he just said he put jelly on a tuna sandwich.
"Dude first of all, you're like 17 it's not gonna happen, second of all, and I cannot stress this enough, she is way out of your league." Travis pouted as Matt laughed at his suffering, not knowing his sacrifice.
"Ahh whatever man, let's just play. I hear there's this new game added to the online corner. Something called Doomed?" Danny froze, slowly turning to face Travis.
"Did you say Doomed?" his eyes were wide.
"Yeah? Have you-" Danny grabbed both teens by the arm and dragged them over to the desktops. Over the next few hours, the three of them made characters and a crowd gathered as Danny dominated level after level. Eventually though his alarm went off, reminding him to head home for dinner. After they said their goodbyes, Danny took off leaving Matt and Travis alone.
"Don't even think about it." Travis said, Matt tensed.
"He has single handedly increased the foot traffic in the space exhibit from the sheer amount of people who come to flirt with him. Him and his cousin are next level man." Matt's face turned a fiery red. Travis looked at him with pity. "If it makes you feel better, he has yet to actually say yes to anyone. To be fair though, I don't think he realizes their flirting when he's in space mode." Travis shrugs.
Matt nearly wept.
Danny dug into the lasagna with extreme gusto, while Diana ate at a much more restrained pace as she ate her second helping.
"You've outdone yourself, grandfather. Dinner is absolutely divine." Diana complemented the elderly (at the moment) Ancient. He gave her a proud smile.
"I should hope so, I got this recipe from Naples in the 15th century, from a lovely family of noodle makers. I tweaked it a bit based on it's evolution, I'm quite proud of how it turned out." he said with a grin as his form shifted to that of a young man. "But enough of that, how was your day today? I know you were planning on training the young Kryptonian clone today, how did that go?" grinning, Diana raised a brow, Danny perked up.
"Have you been spying on us grandfather?" Danny laughed.
"He's always spying on us, trust me. But who cares, what was that about a clone?" Diana sighed, resigned.
"Conner is a clone of Superman. Normally it would be his responsibility to train him, however he has been a bit... reluctant to interact with the boy." Danny scrunched up his nose.
"Did he try to kill him yet?" Diana looked at Danny, surprised.
"Superman may object to training him but I assure you he has not intent-" Danny waved his hands.
"No, no, not Superman. Did Conner try to kill him yet, it's like, a clone rite of passage." Diana stared at Danny. Danny stared back.
Clockwork drank his tea, fully aware of what he started.
"I'm gonna need a little more explanation than that." Danny shrugged
"I mean, he's gotta try to kill his original at some point. Just to get it out of his system y'know. My clone didn't last a full day before she tried to kill me." Danny shrugged, taking another bite of his lasagna.
Diana gave him a look like she was praying to the gods for patience, honestly she probably was, before she finally responded.
"When exactly were you cloned?" Danny shrugged.
"When I was like, 14 I think. I know it was after I met gramps, now that is a crazy story." Diana took a deep breath.
"We can get to that later, can we focus on the clone that tried to kill you? Please?" Danny set down his fork on his now clean plate.
"I guess, there's not really much to tell. My dad's best friend, who hated him by the way, wanted me to be his son because we were the only existing halfas, he's not technically he's more alive than he is dead, and because he was in love with my mom, she despised him, I told him no when he repeatedly demanded for me to join him, of course not he's a fruitloop, so he cloned me, a couple times actually but none of them were stable so they destabilized, and Ellie, the only stable clone, posed as my cousin, she is now kinda, and when my back was turned she tried to kill me. It's cool though, she realized Vlad was a fruitloop and we beat him up." he shrugged. "Like I said, there's really not much to tell." he explains before he starts to sneak over to the cookie jar.
Diana looked over at her grandfather, "What?" he nodded in symathy.
"I understand it's a lot to take in, however I assure you any future murder attempts perpetuated by young Ellie are completely harmless. She spends most of her time these days exploring the realms or spending time with Pandora." Clockwork explained.
Diana sighed turning to Danny "And you were okay with this? Being cloned by your enemy."
Danny swallowed his bite "Oh, hell no. I was pissed. Not only did he violate my privacy, he stole my DNA! He made a kid to replace me! So I kicked his ass and stole my clone." Diana looked to the heavens for advice, Clockwork set a hand on her shoulder.
"The gods will be no help when it comes to things like this. Trust me." he smiled. "And how was your day Danny? Did you have fun making friends?" Danny grinned.
"Definitely! He let me blather on about space!" Diana's eyes went wide.
'Dear gods, not another one.'
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10
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redbleedingrose · 10 months
This idea popped into my head while making my coffee this morning. How do the batboys like their coffee? Do they like the specialty drinks or just a good cup of coffee?
I could honestly go both ways. Like some morning I just want a cup of coffee with some cream and sugar but some days I want a specialty drink that will give you a cavity by just looking at it lol
Coffee/Latte Orders of the Bat Boys and Vanserra Bros
I think it depends on the day but Rhys gives me Cold Brew vibes. He needs the espresso for sure with all his high lord activities! But he absolutely adds oat milk to it, because he does not want plain black coffee.
I don't think he likes the actual flavor of the cold brew, he def drinks it in the morning because he needs it to function, but later he would drink homemade caramel cappuccino.
And I think he wakes before you, so he will make you a cappuccino as well. He always sits himself at the edge of the bed, watching you sleep peacefully for a couple of minutes while sipping on his cappuccino, thinking about all the things he is grateful for, before leaning down to brush your hair out of your face and pepper kisses all over your face.
Once you wake up, and you give him his "proper kiss," he will leave you to continue his work, your piping cappuccino set on your beside table for when you're ready to start your day.
Cass does not give me a cuppa joe kinda male. He likes his water and fruit juices and smoothies.
He drinks water throughout the day, especially because of the amount of training he does. He has one of those huge water bottles that has all the water he is supposed to drink in a day, and he carries it around religiously.
He def gets one for you and will check in on you throughout the day and remind you to drink your water, especially if you are behind on your water intake. He is the kind of male to make it into a contest between you two, just to make sure your competitive ass gets enough water.
He also appreciates putting strawberries, lemons, cucumbers, pineapples in his water so that the fruit can infuse its vitamins into the water.
And the smoothies are his morning meal. He adds protein powder, fruits, and greens into these and he loves them. He feels super refreshed by them, and will try to convince you (and his brothers) to give them a try, and they turn out to be pretty good when he makes them. If you attempt to make them, they kinda taste like grass in water.
Az screams black coffee. He drinks his coffee hot, plain and simple. He uses this dark roast blend that is very traditional to the Illyrian mountains. His mother used to drink coffee like that, and I think it would remind him of her, and thus, he drinks his coffee black. He is proud of it too, smh.
I think it helps him poop, poor male is chronically constipated from stress
When he meets you, he teases you for adding milk and sugar to your coffee, but once he gets a taste of your coffee, he may or may not sneak in a sip or two from your mug when you aren't looking.
You both like to start off your days sitting on the balcony, steaming cups in hand with Az's wing wrapped around you to keep you warm, and you watch the sunrise together.
It tends to be really quiet in the morning hour, and it is a special time for you and Az to kinda soak in the peace and allow for your mating bond to glow as the bright as sun.
Luc is for sure an oat milk chai latte girly pop.
He also appreciates a matcha latte here and there. I think he likes the earthy flavor, so if he is not feeling chai (which is very rare), he will go for the matcha. If he is feeling extra spicy, he will drink it iced.
I think the spice of the chai latte really brings him back to all the good times in his childhood, when Eris would sneak little five year old Luc some caffeine through the chai.
I think if Luc were to drink coffee, it would be a caramel apple flavoring that comes around only during the fall seasons in Day Court.
I feel like Lucien would be the kind of male who wants to support small businesses, so he would go to different cafes throughout the court to try their chai lattes and would bring you home a fresh pastry and warm coffee. It's especially fun for him when you wake up early and join him.
Er's coffee order is interesting and complex, just like the male himself.
He likes to drink Autumn-spiced mocha lattes. It is an espresso with steamed goat milk, chocolate, cinnamon, and other spices. It actually is incredible, and he gets it every morning with a warm almond croissant for breakfast.
He likes his goat milk. I don't know why, but he does. Fucking sexy ass weirdo
Later in the day, he will have a honey cream latte which is an espresso with steamed goat milk and honey. His afternoon drink is not because he needs the energy, but I think he likes to have a warm drink in between lunch and dinner.
You usually join him in the office, warm latte in hand with your own drink, and you sit together on his green velvet couch, his free arm around your shoulders playing with strands of your hair as you discuss your day and plans for the night.
When you're done with your drinks, you will take his empty mug back to the kitchens, but not before he kisses you.... and attempts to bite your cheek off.
he loves your cheeks, what can I say?
Masterlist which severely needs updating
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 month
Inspired by a conversation I had with my other half in our kitchen about a recent purchase. Nik's making himself and Chimera at home with the 141.
CW: none.
"What the fuck is it?"
"Is a milk frother, captain."
Nik blinks, looking between Price and the small jug. "It froths milk. For good latte and cappuccino."
Since Nik had officially moved Chimera into the same home as 141, random appliances had been appearing around the mess that seemed entirely fucking pointless. MacTavish had loved the bloody toastie maker and had eaten ham and cheese toasties for every meal for a week straight, the ice cream machine had won over Riley, and Garrick was in some kind of competition with Syd to make the most rancid fucking smoothie they could concoct in the name of 'good nutrition'. If Price had to gag on another glass of green gunge meant to address his B12 deficiency, he was gonna punch something.
Price had known Nik liked his weaponry, his machines and vehicles, anything that he can take apart while getting his hands dirty with the risk of an electric shock or small explosion, but the kitchen appliance obsession was a whole new level.
"Nik, watch carefully." Price snatches up the jug of whole milk, dumps a generous amount into his usual chipped mug, stirs, and wacks it into the microwave. Nik visibly winces.
"This is an insult to good coffee."
"We don't drink good coffee here, we drink shitty M.O.D coffee that leaves a metallic aftertaste in your mouth and requires a pack of Wrigley's to purge from your breath."
Nik does the closest approximation to a pout that Price has ever seen him do and then does the 'eh shrug', which, having known Nik for near a decade now, Price knows means, 'I know I'm right and you're wrong, but I'm gonna be the bigger man'. Price bristles, and brandishes a finger at him.
"The milk frother goes back."
"Back where?" Now Nik's being petulant.
"To Italy, I don't fuckin' care. No milk frother."
The microwave pings.
A tense silence sits between them and suddenly Price feels like a prize twat, standing in the kitchenette arguing over a milk frother, because those big brown eyes that remind him of a large, shaggy dog in need of a scratch behind the ear are looking very sad indeed.
"I will keep it in the Black Hawk."
Nik reaches for the plug and now Price feels like an arsehole. The Black Hawk. Yeah, the heli Nik flies into an active firefight to rescue them whenever he's called, and Price is bollocking him for a milk frother. Fuck sake.
"No, Nik..." Price closes his eyes, pinches the bridge of his nose, and bats Nik's hand away. "It can stay. I..." he smacks the door button for the microwave to stop the beeping and yanks out the mug of milk. He doesn't even take milk in his fucking coffee, "...but that's it. Nothin' else. You hear me?" Nik's eyes widen slightly. Price's narrow. "What?"
Nik purses his lips, rubs his hand over his hair. "I bought an airfryer. Is small, you will not notice it."
Price can feel a headache coming on. He chucks the milk, mug and all, into the sink and turns back to his office. "Jesus fucking christ..."
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rogueddie · 2 years
Finally being invited on one of his parents trips is... well, Steve tries to be normal about it, but he's excited. He's only been invited on two. Three if he's counting the one to Chicago for a big family get-together, which he doesn't.
The only problem comes up when they sit him down and ask about all the scars he has. They want the trip to be a fun time, a nice family get-away where they can give their little boy a little peace from the chaos of Hawkins.
When he struggled to think of an excuse, his mother softly asked if he did them himself.
Reluctantly, he ducked his head in feigned shame, nodding.
His mother hurried to her feet, almost sitting on him in her effort to squeeze onto the one-man seat with him, wrapping him up tight in her arms. She whispered promises of love and safety.
His father had a look like he'd swallowed a lemon, but he too promised to provide the support than Steve needs to get through... whatever he's going through.
Steve swears to them that he's dealt with it, he's over it. He's just trying to move on now.
"Fucking hell," Eddie hisses when Steve finishes telling them about it all. "You can't be real. They think you did that shit to yourself?" He gestures to Steves stomach.
"I don't think they know about those. The older ones do look, uh... suspicious."
He rubs the thin ones on his left wrist, where a demogorgons claws had caught him in that last, big fight. Eddies hand is gentle when he pulls said wrist closer, thumb brushing over the scars.
"You do make a good point."
"I'm gonna miss you," Steve mumbles.
"It's just a week."
"Yeah, tell me about."
And he's right- he's barely stepped off the plane, a short 5 hour flight, and he's already homesick. He wishes he could've thought of a way to convince his parents to let him invite a friend.
Once they're settled in, though, it's alright. There's a lot of activities, a lot of places to visit and a lot of things to try.
On their second day, they try to start the routine of spending most of midday at the beach. His parents sunbathe, whilst he swims in the sea. The water is cool, a relief from the heat.
They always make him put jeans on after.
It doesn't matter how many times he points out that it's more than uncomfortable- not only in the heat, but with the lingering water. They insist that he puts jeans on.
They'd gotten him the new jeans special. They're supposed to be thinner, better for heat.
"It just seems unnecessary," Steve had said when they'd first presented them to him. "I have so many shorts!"
"Sweetheart, your scars," his mother had pointed out. "People will look. You don't want to make us look bad, do you?"
For three days, he went along with it. He tried to ignore the discomfort. But the heat was too much. The water making the material rub uncomfortably against his skin.
On the fourth day, as he's drying himself, he hesitates. He stares at the jeans his mother holds out for a moment.
"What if... I don't wear them, right now? It's so hot and my legs are still wet. Just until we get back to the hotel."
"Steve, no, that's not a-"
"Please. Just until we get back to the hotel. Just today."
"You've already made up your mind, haven't you?" His mother sighs, shaking her head when he gives her a sheepish smile. "Fine. Get your things."
He's so happy, comfortable in his swim shorts, that he walks with a bounce in his step. The breeze on his legs is almost soothing.
He's tempted to skip as he starts up the street.
There's a bright little drinks shop up ahead that he spots. The advertisement signs have pictures of ice creams and smoothies, things that look tasty and cold.
He turns to ask his mother if she'd like to stop there for a drink, to cool down after sunbathing. But she's not behind him.
There not far behind him, so he stops. He grins when they look to him, waving... his hand slowly dropping when he realizes that they stopped walking, as soon as he stopped.
But they're looking to the map. Maybe they're lost.
When he starts walking to them, they turn, walking a few steps that match his own. The only thing in that direction is the beach.
They don't want to be seen with me, he realizes.
He turns back around, slowly walking to that little drink shop. Although, he's not sure he needs to buy anything to cool him down. His insides feel numb enough now.
He sits at one of the tables outside, wondering if his parents will even try to sit with him or just... abandon him.
They do sit with him, pretending like nothing happened. It's the same attitude they have when they get in the taxi, after distancing themselves on the walk there too. The promised trip to the mall abandoned without word.
Steve spends the rest of the little vacation in his room. He lies about being tired, not feeling too well, whenever they try to invite him out with them.
They buy him the top he'd been eyeing. They seem to think that the little gift, and bragging about it being expensive, will make him feel better. He's sure that it's not an apology though.
On the plane ride home, it's odd to think about how excited he'd been. How hopeful.
The only comfort is Eddie. He goes straight to him, immediately after dumping his suitcase in his room, not even bothering to unpack.
He's furious when Steve explains what happened.
"I've never liked your parents," he announces. He points to Wayne, who looks just as angry. "Wayne gets it. Assholes, right?"
"Assholes," Wayne grunts, nodding stiffly. "You deserve better than that, son."
"So much better," Eddie agrees, pulling him closer so he can kiss his cheek. He keeps littering his face with kisses, until Steve laughs. "You deserve the world, big boy."
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joelsfavouritegirl · 7 months
pre-outbreak joel hcs because i’m bored out of my mind and fantasising about this man is 10x better than studying<33 (and because pixel joel deserves all the love in the world, my bb is barely on tumblr anymore since the show came out)
. opens doors for you, doesn’t matter where or when. you’re getting out of the car? he’s already on the passenger side, tugging the door handle open. you’re about to enter some building? he’s already pulling/pushing the door handle open, that small smile on his lips as he steps aside to let you in first, his hand by reflex guiding you in on the small of your back
. ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS HANDS, on you at all times wherever whenever. i definitely think joel isn’t a huge fan of pda (he prefers keeping you to himself, i’ll die on this hill if i have to), but ohmygod his hands are always lingering. the small of your back as he leads you somewhere, your waist if it’s cold out or you just happen to be close to him, an arm over your shoulder as you walk/sit, it’s to fucking die forrr
. wouldn’t know how to cook shit (as confirmed by Tommy in tlou2). burns every possible thing he can, would barely be able to flip a pancake if you asked him to. he’d panic like a little kid left alone at the cash register, fumbling with the pan and spatula before it all somehow ends up on the countertop (or the floor).
however, a steak or grilled cheese from this man? all your problems are solved, it’s like he switches to some chef alter-ego whenever you ask him to make it. also acts like it’s the most non-chalant thing ever, trying to ignore the fact that he can’t cook to save his life yet he can make a grilled cheese you’d choose as your last meal if you could.
“holy shit… this is so good?!”
he’s just staring at you, confused at the shock on your face, “is… that a bad thing, sweets?”
“no, not at all. it’s just… this is fuckin’ delicious and… well, your history with cooking isn’t really the best, y’know?”
“shut up,” and he’s biting off half of your sandwich, chuckling as you swat him away annoyedly.
. also can we talk about this? mr let-me-have-a-bite-and-proceeds-to-eat-the-whole-thing Miller. is it like a universal dad thing or smth?
can’t trust him with cooking, can’t trust him with food at all really. it doesn’t really matter what you have (ice cream, a sandwich, some drink you just bought, he’ll eat anything), you can bet your ass he’s probably gonna ask you if he can have a bite/sip of it.
“no,” you retort, tucking the smoothie you bought from the stand literally five seconds ago behind your back, “you won’t like it. you’re just gonna drink the whole thing and i won’t have anything left.”
“c’mon sweets, you know i ain’t like that,” his hand is on his hip, a knowing smirk on his lips as he tries to defend himself/gaslight you (quite badly), “just a small sip. i promise. nothin’ more.”
and of course you cave. how could you not when he’s looking at you expectantly with those pretty hazel eyes you adore so much?
and the moment you hand him the drink half the liquid is gone. his lips wrap around the straw, practically inhaling the fucking thing. your face contorts, something in between shock and annoyance as he hands you back the now mostly empty cup.
“tastes like shit,” he remarks, tucking you under his arm.
love this man to death, idk how naughty dog makes pixels this attractive<33 would gladly share all my food with him and more
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being-addie · 1 year
How to Glow Up for School
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Got an ask for tips to glow up, thought I'd make a separate post for it too.
There's no rule that the gym is the only place to workout.
Youtube videos: There are tons and tons of great workout videos from people with a large following. My favourites are Caroline Girvan, growingannanas, Pamela Reif and Madfit. Go get sweaty!
Makeshift weights: You can water bottles filled with water/sand as weights or buy ankle weights to put around your wrists as you get stronger.
Run: This is an amazing source of cardio. I gave up a while back on this because I detest running, but it really does work. Plug in your headphones and go for a run in nature.
Dance: Dancing is a really fun way to workout. Try Zumba, hip-hop or K-pop routines. Hell, even Just Dance has some good ones. Join a class if you want to stay accountable.
Let me know if you want me to drop my workout routine too
Honestly, I can't give much advice here, because I'm not qualified enough. Go to a nutritionist to see if there's anything you can do. If not, eat plenty of protein and fibre, limit your junk food intake and drink lots of water. Make lots of salads and fruit bowls. Overnight oats are healthy, filling and delicious.
What I like to do, is eat everything in moderation. Say I've had a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. I won't deny myself a nice bowl of ice cream (again, not a sundae, the key is moderation). But if I've had greasy food for lunch and takeout for dinner, I'll probably settle for fruit instead. Know that you can eat without punishing yourself, but remember not to go overboard. Food is fuel, remember.
⭐Other tips⭐:
Skincare: Don't make it too fancy. I know influencers and the like have those weird 15-step skincare routines, but it isn't necessary. I use the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and the most basic Cetaphil face lotion I could find along with an organic lip balm my mom buys. It works like a charm and its not too fancy. I also take an ABC smoothie (Apple, Beetroot, Carrot + some water.) This is such a game-changer.
Abundance mindset: I like to think of the universe constantly working in my favour. It's always looking out for me, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world. What you think is what you attract. If you think negatively, you will begin to see only bad things around you. Stay positive.
Wardrobe: Go thrifting, or DIY some old clothes. Pinterest has tons of amazing ideas. Paint your T-shirts, dye your skirts, make cute jewellery at home. There are no limits.
Makeup: I don't recommend it honestly. I'm more or less anti makeup to the point where I only own two pieces of makeup(eyeliner and lip gloss) and even those are used sparingly. Don't get used to your painted face. Your natural beauty is beautiful; and should not be hidden. There's something so amazing in someone who is confident in their own skin. Own yourself, and people will love you more for it.
Hope this helps you become the best version of yourself. Baby steps to your goal, okay? This takes time and with consistency, you WILL get there. Stay lovely. xoxo
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thatstonedwriter · 10 months
⋆。˚ 「 Zoo Trip! 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; going to the zoo with their s/o
◉ feat; fizz, Loona, Blitz, Millie
◉ A/n- apologies for the wait- these ones are a bit shorter, but I tried to make them just as good <3
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The Zoo; a place of adventure, expensive novelty cups and weird smells. If you're looking to learn, take aesthetic photos, and see amazing animals, a zoo date is perfect for you and your partner(s)
Fizzarolli is obsessed with all the cute, weird animals he can find. I think he'd be especially fond of Lemurs. Idk, something about the their big bug-eyes makes Fizz giggle every time. Fizzarolli is not allowed to be in charge of the map, no matter how many times he asks- y'all will get lost- I repeat, do not let him have the map. Luckily, he's more than happy to let someone else take charge while he takes a bunch of aesthetic photos. Unlike aquariums, the lighting is better, so you know Fizz is doing the most when it comes to photo ops. Don't think you're exempt from that. He wants a new home screen.
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Loona isn't particularly interested in learning fun facts or spending money on novelty items. She is however interested in seeing your face light up as you run around the different enclosures. While I don't think Loona would be interested in much, I do think she'd love Tasmanian Devils. If there's any animal she wants to get a picture with, its those lil guys. Loona would probably refuse to eat the food at a zoo. she won't judge you if you want to get anything, though. The most she'll do is share a sweet treat like ice cream or a fruit smoothie it- definitely not bc she wants to live out the "sharing a drink with two straws" trope At the end of the day, she attempts to sneakily buy a few pictures of the two of you so she can frame them on her wall.
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Blitzø is, once again, disappointed by the lack of horses. The Zebras are the closest he gets, so naturally, they're his favorite. Refuses to buy novelty junk- unless he sees it makes you really happy- but in that case he'll probably try to steal it (so be prepared to book it if he gets caught). While Blitzø isn't one for romance, you should try taking him to the koi ponds. At first, he'll be antsy and just wanna keep going- but make him sit down, shut up, and appreciate the moment, and he'll soften up. Absolutely drags you into those photo booth areas and spends way too much on literally every picture (the only thing he pays for)
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Millie has a soft spot for the reptiles and medium/larger-sized felines, especially Komodo Dragons and Servals. I also think she'd fucking adore going into the topiaries and butterfly rooms with her partner(s). A place where you can sit surrounded by plants and have butterflies land in your hair? She's so in love. Please, I'm begging you, take photos with her in the butterfly rooms. It's such an aesthetic. Know what else is an aesthetic? Getting food and sitting in those open plazas where you can people watch and have a good view of the animals. No matter what you're up to, Millie just has a fucking blast.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
When y/n is unwell (haikyuu) 
Been watching the Haikyuu Anime again because I've been back to playing leisure volley. hehe. Also it's the le kuroo hubby's birthday in a week's time! yay!
Kuroo | Tsukishima | Akaashi | Atsumu x f! reader
Post timeskip
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Suddenly becomes the househusband and does everything in the house. Well he's not superb at everything but he makes sure that everything still runs smoothly. or Kinda.
There is a possibility that he'll use the wrong bowl for the cat. Or he may mistake the softener as detergent.. But it wouldn't be anything major.
He'll make sure you're tucked in nice and snug and if you're cold he'll put on them night socks for you. If your temperature gets too high he'll grab a towel and do a cold compression for you.
He gets kinda worried actually seeing how fragile and unwell you are. And when you start muttering nonsense like "am I going to die.." He'll shush you and give you extra kisses on your forehead.
he'll pat you to sleep before he carries on doing other things. Yes he'll slack off a little and watch some volleyball vids on youtube or social media.
He'll buy you some soupy meal because god bless, this man can not cook that well. He'll feed you of course, very gently and blowing at your food before putting it to your mouth because you're his queen.
Well, when you're finally feeling slightly better and you find the strength to get out of bed, you creep out to your living room to find your hubby napping on the couch with the animals. awww.
Tsukishima Kei
He doesn't really know what to do actually. You seldom fall sick and are usually independent so it's really a rare sight for him to see you vulnerable like this.
He even took a day's leave from divisional training just to take care of you.
"Am I dying?"
"Well at least you have the strength to make dumb jokes like that." your husband is as savage as ever.
He disappears for awhile and then he'll come over with some warm water and some asprin. He'll help you get up to take your meds before tucking you in again.
You'll wake up and find those cooling patch pasted on your forehead and water right beside your bed. He came in to take your temperature.
"Good. Your fever went down. Are you feeling better?"
Whether you said yes or no, he'll bring you to see the doctors, to be safe. He was actually really worried about you, while you were sleeping, he constantly came in to check on you, stroked your hair and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
And when you were feeling much better, he would definitely tease you about it.
"Maybe you should fall sick once in awhile, you're more sweeter and less naggy."
Of course you knew he was kidding.
Akaashi Keiji
Your Akaashi was Mr perfect husband. He knew exactly how to take care of you. He would totally apply to work from home and take care of all your needs.
From cooking some hot soup or porridge, to making sure you were properly tucked in, Akaashi took care of you well.
He made sure you always had warm water to drink and he gave you a water bottle with a straw so you could drink without using much effort.
He constantly changed your cooling patch on your forehead and sponged your body with a cold towel to keep your temperature down.
Bokuto was banned from coming over because he was "too noisy and would disturb your rest"
When you took your meds, he would bring in some gummy so that the meds weren't too bitter for you.
He would also make you something yummy and healthy at the same time, like a berry smoothie so that not all your food were too bland. He would let you cheat a little and eat some ice cream too, because a happy mindset keeps the body healthy as well.
Would keep you in his sight 24/7, works in the same room as you with a mask on and a tiny lamp turned on while you were resting.
You should also take this time to ask your husband for anything you want, he'll probably agree because you looked so vulnerable and sad, he'll do anything to make you feel better.
Miya Atsumu
Actually, He's probably sick together with you. But hey in the case that he isn't, he's panicking.
He calls everyone. Osamu, his mom, Sakusa... Even Bokuto and Hinata. Well, initially you had doubts when he called Bokuto but he was the only one that suggested ice cream so you were glad he did.
Well he runs out to the supermarket after leaving an ice pack over your head.
He comes home with BAGS of stuff. Different types of medicine, more ice packs, all kinds of healthy food- fruits and vegetables, and yes, ice cream.
He feeds you some medicine and pastes the cooling patch on your body as well.
He then proceeds to make a lot of noise in the kitchen and tries to make you some fruit salad or some sorts and some miso soup or something that has chunks of fish and chicken inside.
When your fever does not go down by the end of the day, your husband calls 911. Yeap. He tells the person that it's an emergency..
You had to drag you sick ass to your husband and grab the phone telling the person over the phone that you're okay and that your husband is just a little panicky.
You end up telling him to just bring you to see a doctor.
"Oh yeah baby! why didn't I think of the doctor!"
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selene-19 · 1 year
MHA X Sweet Paradise
Chibi MHA characters 🥰
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Aizawa sensei is eating a chocolate cake and drinking coffee? I don't know what dessert it really is but cake is good with coffee. Both Endeavor and Hawks eating yakitori and takoyaki and Mirko is eating okonomiyaki or spaghetti with carrot juice or orange juice 😋
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Izuku eating his favorite katsudon and then Katsuki eating his spicy mapo tofu. Ochako eating sweet fluffy pancakes, Iida eating his curry, I was surprised for Shoto cause he is eating karaage I thought he it would be cold soba but karaage with ice cream is indeed delicious and then there is Kirishima eating all the desserts and sweets 🤭
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The vilains and Nagant being cool as they drink 🧃🥤
I don't know if Shigaraki drinking milk, might be milktea but Toga drinking strawberry juice and Touya blueberry juice is just 💖
Nagant is having a smoothie or a fruit shake 🧉
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Look at these two looking so cute and adorable 🥺
Izuku is so happy eating Katsudon with Katsuki at his side 💚🧡
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foodandfolklore · 3 months
Tools and Ingredients to keep on hand; Kitchen Witchcraft Elevated Pt.1
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I'm just going to say now this is just my opinion. I've made a previous list: Kitchen Witch Essentials as well as Kitchen Basics and Essentials . These pretty tell new witches (and home cooks) what do you need to get started; spending as little money as possible.
But I've wanted to expand on this because, this is no where near all I use. So if you're just starting out, check out the first two lists first. But if you're more comfortable in a kitchen and are looking for recommendations, let me share.
Stick Blender
Also called an emersion blender. I use this for so many things from soups to sauces to smoothies. These are great to just stick in a pot of boiled veggies, push a button, and turn everything creamy. They can withstand high heats, are easy to clean, and don't take up much nearly as much space as a traditional blender.
As much as I love my wooden spoon, it can't do everything. Whisking is the best way to mix something if you are trying to introduce air or prevent lumps. Metal is my preferred material. Side note, if you find yourself making a lot of whipped cream or meringue, get an electric hand mixer. I only use mine like once every 3 or 4 months but I'm so happy when it's there.
Silicone Spatula
Also called a rubber spatula, but these are never made out of rubber these days. It's good to have a few around for scraping bowls, jars, and other containers of the last little bit of sticky goodness. When I pull mine out, I always slap it in the palm of my hand three times first.
I use these SO often, they've almost become my new wooden spoon. They're great for stirring things in jars since they're long and skinny. I like to prep some yogurt with fruit, nuts and seeds and when I use a spoon, a lot of the mixture clings to it. Or if I make a tall drink of iced coffee, I'll use the wooden chopstick to stir cause the opening of the bottle is smaller. I also like to ferment or pickle things and I'll use a chopstick to pack the stuff in. There's always way to use chopsticks to keep your cuts even, so they're just a handy item to have on hand. Plus, it's the best way to eat ramen.
Cooking Scissors
These are Scissors you use just on food. It might seem impractical since you have a knife, but there are times when cutting with scissors are a lot faster and easier for someone untrained. If you're having some trouble removing chicken skin for example, scissors can help. I like to cut green onions. But it's also good for a more ritualistic sense. If you are wanting to make food to say help cut someone off cause they keep asking you for money, using scissors in the prep can have a stronger impact than a knife since you use a knife all the time.
Cheese Cloth/Fine Mesh Strainers
Strainers are just helpful in general in general cooking. I grew up with a colander which helps you drain pasta. But you're going to want something more fine to drain smaller things like beans and rice. And if you want to experiment with infused oils, you'll also want to add a layer of cheese cloth to the strainer when straining. Cheese cloth can also be handy for a few other things. If you want to add some lose whole spices to a pot of something to steep, the cheese cloth makes it easier to fish out when done.
Tea Pot with Infuser
A tea pot with a built in strainer is so helpful. It not only allows you to make lose leaf and herbal teas. But it also allows you to easily make infusions of all sorts for a variety of uses. Lemon peel steeped in hot water is my go to for a cleansing spray. Just make sure the infuser/strainer can be easily removed and cleaned.
Digital Scale
Even though I don't Bake a ton, I still use this a lot. See, Cup sizes actually vary from country to country. It's not standard world wide. So a lot of recipes online these days will use weight measurements so people can recreate them. If it's just one ingredient, yeah you can look up the conversion. But if it's all 12; it's easier to pull out the scale.
Okay, I don't wanna overload ya; and my squirrel brain is kicking in. I'll make a part 2 later.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could i get your take on what the companions (or just my favorite boy X6's) top 10 fave candies/foods would be in a modern AU?
anon you are in luck, because I am constantly thinking about the diets and eating habits of my blorbos
The numbered list isn't in any particular order, it's just so I don't have to manually count each point
What the companions would eat if not in a post apocalypse
Cait; Wouldn't have a taste for fancier cuisine. Eats more...hick-ish. I can say that because I was a hick with this kind of diet, growing up. Has a taste for filling, cheap, low-effort food...think lots of fast food, but "healthier" fast food. Like Chipotle, Panera, etc. Can cook, doesn't often, but will if she has a craving. Savory or tart tastes. She tends to eat lighter than you'd expect.
Blueberry brownie anything, favors dark chocolate in general
Submarine sandwiches, anything with pickles
Key lime pie
Salt and vinegar chips and thinks critics of such chips are cowards
Peach Redbull, any energy drinks though
Storebought hummus and Doritos, has been seen eating hummus with just a spoon though
Blueberry bread pudding. Simple to make, fun to eat, very comforting. Buys her bread already stale from a local bakery, has a guy to hook her up with the old shit
Seafood chowder
Sausages in any capacity. Jerky sticks, breakfast sausage, etc. Loves chorizo.
Honey buns from the gas station
Curie; Health nut, she eats like every influencer claims they eat like. Only, Curie actually eats like that. Lots of fresh foods and whole grains, little red meat. However, Curie makes a point to have foods that other health nuts would condemn, thinks its really important to not label any food as "bad." So, she balances between health nut and normal person. Her taste leans toward bright and/or sweet. Dislikes red meat.
Salmon breakfast wraps
Tropical fruit smoothies, eats so much pineapple
Iced tea, favors raspberry. Never seen without an iced tea of some kind
Halibut tacos, likes red cabbage and a fuck ton of lemon on it. Soft shells all the way
Bananas foster
Whipped brie dip, eats it with anything but loves it on apples, basically dessert
Lemon pepper grilled chicken and rice
So many salads, loves that you can just throw shit in a bowl and call it a recipe. Likes strawberries and almonds
Lemon poppyseed muffins
Shrimp and bitter melon stir fry
Danse; mixed bag. One on hand, small town diner tastes. Simple, cheap, good ol' American food. On the other, he's doomed to be a soldier in every universe he's in, so...maybe he picks up some tastes and dishes from places he's toured. Gets a weird pallate that shoots in all directions and makes you wonder what it's like in that thick skull. One day he's a good American boy with pancakes and steak, the next he's eating cake mix dry and drinking tahini from a flask.
Anything BBQ, but a pulled pork devotee
Hot coffee so heavily creamed and sugars it looks like milk. He likes the twix combo of chocolate, shortbread, and caramel flavors
Prepackaged baked goods a la Hostess, fucks up little Debbie oatmeal cookies
Apple and pecan pie
Menemen—Turkish dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, bell peppers, spices to taste, and (controversially) onions. Adds sausage and cheese, eats it with a fork or spoon (its meant to be eaten with bread)
Khachapuri—Georgian cheesy bread with egg. Eats with a knife and fork. (its meant to be eaten with the bread crust)
Smores pop tarts
Beef and potato stew
Rice bowl with fried egg and avocado, bonus points if it has bacon
Straight cookie dough/brownie/cake batter, usually when he's black out drunk and cannot shame himself out of eating raw egg products.
Deacon; Very childhood comfort food. Y'know, things you had as a kid, but probably grew out of a bit? Eats out of gas stations/takeout frequently. Very open flavor pallete, has tried everything he's had the chance to. Likes one-handed food, stuff you can have the other hand free for. Doesn’t really have a 'theme', has broad horizons for his diet. Likes lighter, mild flavors, though. He eats lightly and on the go a lot.
Hot/corn dogs, taste in hot dog toppings varies
Egg salad sandwiches
French fries and vanilla ice cream, classic combo
Mango sticky rice
Cornbread with any accompaniments. Likes honey or chili, thinks if you have a drink with cornbread, you ain't a real cornhead
Penne alla vodka
Cucumber salad. This could mean a salad with cucumbers, that trending Asian recipe where you cut the cumber so its springy, or eating a cucumber like a hotdog.
Fried mushrooms
Usually just drinks water but will have gator/powerade when he's working. Likes purple flavor
Captain crunch cereal, loves all cereal though. Prefers the kibble stuff to the berries. Starts philosophical debates about the morality of Trix commercials vs Lucky Charms commercials
Gage; His favorite foods reflect his upbringing. Coastal swamp cuisine, cheap and made in bulk. Take Danse's pallate and hyperlocalize it, and then lower the budget by a good amount. Things he grew up eating. Would gradually replace his favorites with pricier, 'less embarrassing' dishes, distances himself from his origins. However, takes care to not looked too loaded. Smokey and savory flavors are his thing, likes more spice than people expect.
Doberge cake, which is layered with pudding, often half-chocolate and half-lemon
Red beans and rice, with stewed pork if they could afford it
Blackened fish of any kind, liked it with cilantro-lime rice
Steak with potatoes and/or eggs
Chronic iced tea drinker like Curie, though he prefers the bitter kinds
Brussels sprouts defender and will fight for their honor
Was introduced to curry during a business meeting/outing. Could drink that shit from a glass, has it with potatoes and porkchops.
Lobster anything. This is one of those 'less embarresing' things, but he genuinely enjoys a good lobster roll. Even if he prefers a freshly-caught lobster bisque. Again, something he had growing up, something he pushes away.
Hancock; Similar to Deacon, but favors fatty, greasy food. No, it's not the drugs, that's just his metabolism. He's a skinny twink, always starving, can never put on weight. Eats as much as Danse, who is a big guy and needs more calories than most. He's really into street food and foreign dishes, won't eat at a restaurant if they speak fluent English or have good customer service. IYKYK. Very comfort food heavy, lots of "this would slap with Netflix at 2 am"
A classic oxtail, mac and cheese, and collard green take out combo
Any and all American-chinese take out, usually gets eggplant tofu with chow mein and cream cheese rangoons
"Walking tacos", those things where you open a small bag of chips and dump White People taco makings in. Probably just tips the whole thing into his mouth
Yakitori, Japanese chicken skewers, popular bar food
Bloody Mary cocktails
Pizza, will fight for the honor of pineapple. Would really be into how Brazil does pizza
Frozen yogurt and ice cream, piles with toppings
Breakfast sandwiches or wraps. Egg, meat, cheese, doesn't matter the time nor specifics.
Jam donuts, loves cherry fillings
Puppy chow/muddy buddies, chex cereal covered in chocolate and powdered sugar. Eats his weight in them if not careful
MacCready; forces himself to learn how to cook for Duncan's sake, but for himself...good God. It's horrible. Eats like garbage. Would never drink water if not to set an example. Take out, frozen food, so much candy and soda. After Duncan, broadens his horizons. Finds he really likes soups. Just throw shit in a pot and it works. Eats on a budget, so that's a life-saver. Doesn't have a preferred flavor pallete, aside from his love of candy.
Meat lover's pizza. Thinks pineapple has no place on pizza
Used to drink Mountain Dew and diet coke, replaced it with iced teas and more organic fruit juices for the sake of his teeth
Chicken soup, either from a can, or homemade. Either way, slaps. If homemade, blends veggies for a hidden veggie stock. For him, Duncan is a lot better at eating veggies, MacCready needs to trick himself.
Sour rainbow ropes
Cookie crisp cereal, thinks whoever came up with it deserved the sloppiest head. Incredible design, no notes
Cheese and sour cream chips
Famous Amos cookies
Eggo waffles
Gnocchi is God to him. Its superior to all noodles and makes your Shit In The Fridge soup 1000 times better.
Rice pudding is cheap, easy, and a surprisingly efficient sweet-tooth satisfier. Makes it with pumpkin spice mix or chocolate.
Nick; Home-cooked meals all the way. Could kill himself with cheese and die happy. Lots of easy meals and snacking so he can keep working, but will treat himself to a nice, hard-earned dinner when he has the time and energy. Likes himself the smokey, the fresh, or the sour. Probably knows all the best sub shops in the city, probably in a turf war with regulars of rival shops. Jewish delicatessens are like church to him.
Lasanga. Most of his freezer space is lasagna. Eats so much of it. He's lactose intolerant. It hurts but it hurts so good
Latkes. Fried potato things, kind of like hashbrowns, except the potato is mashed/ground instead of grated. And yes. Also pastrami. But those little potato bitches...mmmph.
Red velvet muffins with cream cheese frosting.
Fried cheese in any capacity
A prosciutto, arugula, brie, and fig sandwich
Pickled pearl onions
Cobb salad
Black coffee. Temp doesn't matter, because he's going to forget it until its room temp.
Has been known to enter fugue states and consume an absurd amount of Chicago style hot dogs
Scones or just plain bread with butter and jams
Piper; Broke college student trying to make it as a reporter. Her tastebuds are fucked, they salivate not for flavor, or texture, but for those good, good low prices. Piper's diet is almost entirely snackfood or takeout. If she ever cooks, it's for Nat. But when taking care of just herself, Piper eats from a box or bag. When she does cook, it's very simple meals. Loves her carbs and her fruit flavors
Chicken Ramen with canned chicken and frozen broccoli chucked in. Also makes this for Nat
Hot cheetos, eats with chopsticks
Spaghetti and meatballs
Fruit smoothies/smoothie bowls, blends in veggies as well for the nutrition
Coka cola and anything from Fanta, loves fruit sodas
Anything carbs and I mean that. Eats a lot of bread, pasta, cakes, potatoes...they're the sweetheart of anyone on a budget.
Buffalo cauliflower, likes it more than Buffalo chicken
Chewing gum. Fruit flavors only, hates mint gum. Likes mint elsewhere, just not in gum.
Nickle-nips and other "jelly/juice in a wax package" candies. Likes the charm of it, also, free chewing wax
Suckers/lollipops, big on hard candy in general but the stick satisfies her smoking habit.
Preston; A mix of easy depression/bulk meals and dishes from his childhood. Lots of spices, cooks with a lot of straight peppers. Tends to eat his food 'raw', not made into a dish. Again, easy and quick to eat. Also tends to buy pre-prepared stuff for the same reason, buys more fruits and veggies and just eats them straight. Doesn't care about eating healthy, he just lacks energy to cook most days.
I have no choice to explain this as it has no name. Casserole dish, layer of mashed potatoes, layer of shredded or chunked chicken, layer of white breakfast gravy or brown poultry gravy, top with drop biscuits. It's buttery, its savory, it is white as snow. Easy, cheap, one ladlefull is dinner. You'll get a few meals out of it, and it's so filling you have like, five minutes before you're stuffed. I call it gut-glue.
Dirty rice
Eggs scrambled with spinach
Veggies and hummus or ranch
Various fruits and berries such as grapes, cherries, blackberries, and oranges
Shakshouka, eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce and eaten with bread
Chicken biscuits, crackers dusted with, like, chicken bouillon? They taste like a chicken Ramen packet sneezed on a ritz
Slurpees/Icees/those syruped gas station ice drinks
Straight peppers, eats bell peppers like apples. Eats pickled jalapeños and scotch bonnets to feel something. Drinks the liquid in pickle jars instead of alcohol, or mixes it with gelatin and makes pickle jello.
X6-88; Pretensious rich asshole who eats like it. He rarely cooks for himself, probably has a personal chef or something. Maybe his work has their own restaurants, like Google. Eats mostly vegetables, but his favorite foods skew from "Dubai Influencer" to "12 year old who earned too much lawn mowing money and was let loose in a convenience store." So much sugar. Willy Wonka's factory is his idea of heaven and until it exists, he's an atheist.
Raw meats. Steak and tuna tartar, sashimi, and sushi
Braised duck with cherries
Nduja, a spicy pork sausage spread, has it with flatbreads
Oysters. Eats them all fancy in public, eats them from a tin with doritos at home
Anything from Hostess, Little Debbie, those brands. Fucking anything. However, would kill a man for any kind of Swiss roll
Chocolate milk
Gummies, very picky with brands, hates the harder kinds like Haribo. Wants his gummies soft as a marshmellow
Cadbury eggs
Milano dark chocolate cookies
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