#ect ect and he just straight up ignores me
hidtired · 1 month
Unfortunate Timing [Part 4]
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Description: You found out your pregnant early into your relationship with Daryl Dixon. To make matters worse? The apocalypse happens a few days later! (not fully canon)
5.6k words
Warnings (Pregnancy, gore, abuse, violence, fluff, walking dead stuff, ect.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 etc.
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Silence… the hum of the RV engine you now sat in filling the air with something other than thought. Daryl was now on what used to be Merle’s motorcycle. You ditched his truck in an effort to save gas. Somehow that is what you were upset about. Not the fact you almost died in an exploding building or that the reason there was room in the RV for you was Jaquan choice of staying in that building. No, it was that dumb rusty truck that had you upset. The truck you had first seen Daryl working on. The truck you took to your first date and shared your first kiss. The start to your romantic relationship happening in those very seats. What a dumb thing to be upset about. You sigh finally turning to see what others in the RV were doing.
Andrea sat across from Shane. She was pouting, not getting her way of trying to kill herself. Dale had saved her yet she seemed like a child denied of a toy at the store. Your sadness about the truck flipped like a coin to detain and a little anger toward her. Mood swings were something you had while on your period. Always quick to realize why you had seemingly flip to one emotion and then the next a little to easily. Just took that first sign of blood to feel a sense of understanding to those emotions. But being pregnant was something else. You elected to practically sow your mouth shut because you were sure to pop with emotions at anyone or thing.
Your eyes moved back to the dirty RV window. Except now everyone had there attention out the windows to. Cars lining and blocking the highway. Some displeased grumbles rolling out of Dale’s mouth, Glenn and T-dog also looking displeased. Daryl rolled up to Dale’s driver side, “M’ gonna go ahead to look for a path, just go an follow me.” It wasn’t even a little while after that the constant hum of the engine spluttered and died. Now that got Dale to slump down in his seat cursing as he hobbled out of the RV opening the hood. While still seated inside the RV you saw a smoke cloud puff out floating up past the wind shield. Didn’t look too good, meaning it would take more time to fix. You took the lead of leaving your seat. If you were going to wait might as well stretch out your legs.
The sun hit you warming your skin. You heard Dale, “Yup dead in the water, don’t know how many times I have to say it…” You knew the thing could only take so much more tape. Rick appearing past one of the many cars, “Problem Dale?” You elected to ignore the conversation when Daryl rolled back in between cars. Walking straight to him he had a smirk and leaned back seeing you approach. You stood to his side putting an arm around his waist. His arm falling over your shoulder, “Piece of shit died again huh?” You sighed, “Thing is more tape than machine at this point.” Daryl chuckled electing to hop off the bike, also coming to the conclusion it would take a while to fix. You and him making your way back to the now gathered group.
“We will resupply up here.” Rick pointed to Dale and Glenn, “You both try and get this thing moving again.” He turned to T-dog and Daryl, “Maybe you both can start siphoning for gas. The rest of you try looking through the cars for anything useful.” It seemed like a good plan to you but before you could turn to start looking for things Lori spoke up, “This place is a graveyard.” Carol also chipping in, “This doesn’t feel to right to take from the dead.” Call you crazy or a bad person but you were looking forward to siphoning through all this stuff. Rick looked thoughtful but continued firmly, “We have to, remember to still have your guards up.” That left you to go about your business. Andrea seeming to head in the direction you were. She walked a little behind you and accidentally kicked something that was at her feet. The thing slid perfectly into your view. A baby bottle…
You and Andrea stop in your tracks. You both look around taking notice of other small toys splattered around and a baby carrier. A baby carrier that’s dirty with blood. You both look up catching the other’s eyes. Yours blank and her’s with a dreaded look. You left her there to contemplate as you went to go search a car. It was farther away than the one Andrea originally went for. Not wanting her to even try to talk about anything. You didn’t want to get in your own head. The car you went through was a small mini van. Looked like a quirky teens first car. Opening the trunk there was a duffle bag and suitcase. A empty tote bag fluttered to the ground. Going through clothes you found what looked to be a band shirt that was an extra large. Something someone would wear to bed maybe. It would make for a good maternal shirt down the road at least. You found new socks and a pair of heavy duty work boots, steal toed and all.
You decide after a while to look through the glove box. While moving around to go to the passenger door you tripped slightly on the bag you dropped. This caused you to turn and kick it off. Lo and behold in the corner of your eye you saw movement, walkers… There were so many of them. Far enough to have not seen you but to close to move any where. You slide down to the ground shimming under the low mini van. You didn’t want to lay on your stomach so you went on your back using your legs to scoot back. You felt jammed in but you needed under farther. Using the bottom of the car to push yourself with your legs. Your foot caught in a gap under the car. You couldn’t pull it out without making a lot of noise. The pressure of your foot was beginning to hurt. But the sound of a hundred feet stilled you. The smell of rotten flesh in the hot sun making you want to hurl.
A few walkers bumped into the car shaking it ever so slightly. It was enough movement however to twist your stuck foot. Now jamming it even farther into where it was. Hot metal touched your skin but you remain quiet. It seemed that there were still a few stragglers left so you wouldn’t have to bare this uncomfortable position for much longer. A few minutes of silence pass, that gave you the permission to start to free yourself. Now it would seem even more unwilling to let go of you. You tried to slip out of your busted running shoe but you didn’t have much of a distance to pull back with you laying down. A sharp object would dig into your ankle if you pulled. Then you started to hear a worried Daryl desperately calling your name. Well this was a little embarrassing…
Daryl POV
While he was on his motorcycle he couldn’t help but think of you saying I love you. Then seeing you happily approaching him when he rolled up on his bike further drove this feeling in his stomach. It was heavy, weighing on him but he couldn’t lie if he wasn’t enjoying it. You were already something new for him but, this was new. He was a fool for you. So when something threatened that it felt 10x worse. A horde from a direction they themselves just came from. He had no clue where you were and if it wasn’t for T-Dog needing his immediate help he might have gotten himself killed looking for you. He needed to remember that you could handle things, you’ve proven that much to him. But after the horde cleared he practically dragged a bleeding T-dog with him in search of you. “Y/N!?” While the yell wasn’t at the top of his lungs like he so wish to do it was still loud.
T-dog leaned against a car as Daryl looked over and under cars. But then T-Dog yelped making Daryl whip around in search of danger. A hand grabbed for T-dog, but your voice sounded from it as well, “A little help?” You sounded strained causing him to dropped down to his knees and lean down to look at you, “Are you hurt?” While you looked uncomfortable you still smiled at him, “Just stuck, think my foot is in between the suspension.” He sighed looking down farther to see where you were snagged, but when he looked back to your face it was pale in shock. Moving his eyes to your line of sight he saw a growing pool of blood on the ground. It came from a slumped T-dog, “He’s not bite, just cut himself on-“ a scream ripped through the air making the hair stand on his neck. Everything still for a second. Because that scream sounds like a little girl. Your voice cut through that stillness, “Go! Take T-dog with you, I’ll be fine down here a little longer!” Daryl didn’t like the idea of leaving you when you’re so vulnerable, but T-dog wasn’t looking to well and something had happen with the others. So he did as he was told. Though he didn’t like it. “Alright’ don’t go anywhere.”
While he lifted T-dog along his shoulders he heard you from under the car, “Yeah, ha ha…” He quickly shuffled back to the group with T-dog being tugged along by him. Faster he got whatever done sooner he could return to you. Dale took notice of them approaching first. However he could only focus on how Lori seemed to be holding Carol back. Dale had gotten closer why he stared off to the alarming situation, “Did he get bite.” Daryl set him down, “He got snagged by a piece of metal.” Carols cry’s made his skin crawl in an unpleasant way. Shane stood pacing near the forest. T-dog was the one to mumble out slightly slurred, “We heard a scream what happen?” Glenn spoke up while Dale tended to him as best he could, “Sophia got chased off by two walkers. Rick ran after her. Just hope they come back.” A sinking feeling of dread boar down inside Daryl. One thought drilled into his mind, ‘This world is not for a child.’ That didn’t feel to good to think. Dale after bandaging T-Dog looked around before worriedly questioning, “Where is Y/N?”
He was about to explained and take back off toward you when shuffling from the forest made everyone perk up. It was just a panting Rick, confused that Sophia wasn’t there. Panic quickly followed, Sophia was missing. Who better to look for her then a tracker, that’s why when people turned to him to find her he paused. You still needed his help and so did a little girl. The burning feeling in him told him to help you first but he knew that he himself didn’t have to be the one to help you, but Sophia did. You had said just at the beginning of the quarry that,
”Where there is people, there’s power.”
He didn’t trust anyone to keep you safe like him but this was exactly what you had been talking about. So before he got pulled along with Rick, Shane, and Glenn. He stopped Glenn, “My girl is stuck under a car, T-Dog can show you which. I can’t do this if I know she still needs help.” It was obvious by Glenn’s face he was surprised he was given such a task by the Dixon. Glenn gave him a determined look, “Ya man I got it.” Now he could only hope you were ok by the time he got back, hopefully with the little girl.
Your POV
When you had said you could stay down here a little longer you didn’t think 15 minutes would pass. Through all that time you still tried to wiggled your way out. All the twisting and pulling making your ankle feel raw. If you could only get your shoe off this would be so much easier, but you were literally pinned under a car. “Y/n?! Is it this one?” Glenn’s calls made you sigh with relief you saw two pairs of feet, “Glenn! Over here!” You saw the lower half of T-Dog slump against a car, least he wasn’t leaving pools of blood. Glenn’s face quickly appeared blocking your view. Your expression was probably very apparent to your discomfort and overall displeasure with the situation. Your voice came out in a slight pant due to being hot,
“What happened? Where is Daryl?”
Glenn looked down to see where your foot was before speaking, “Sophia got chased by a few walkers, Rick had killed them but now we can’t find her. Daryl is the only tracker we have so…” Ball of emotion stuck in your throat, Sophia had already had it bad and now she was in danger. It’s good Daryl went to go after her. Glenn now focused on your stuck leg not wanting to stare at the sad expression you wore. He slide under closer to your foot finally getting to see what your foot was stuck on. Glenn’s disgruntled mumbling told you nothing good, “Shit… Looks like car owner ran something over making a gaged edged hole.” You felt Glenn slide a hand around your ankle causing you to hiss in pain. Glenn winched but spoke with apology, “I can cover the sharp edge but you’re just going to have to pull back as hard as you can.” You sighed, “Try pulling the heal of my shoe off first.” Feeling his finger wiggle its way down your heal to slightly pop it out, then he moved your pant leg but paused and gasped.
“Your ankle is turning blue and purple.”
You needed out fast… while you did feel like you could feel it pulsating the thing that worried you was the throbbing was slowly replaced by a cool tingling. You brace your fist into the asphalt, “Then I need out now, I’m ready.” Glenn started to count down while blocking some of the sharper edges. When your foot original went through it pushed that metal back with. Now you had to pull against it, that is what had you stuck. You felt the pull on your skin before it ripped, that caused you to scream as you still pulled back as hard as you could. When your foot popped out of your shoe the release finally freed you. Glenn helped pulling you out from under the car. The first thing you noticed when the light hit you was the blood. Some scraps on your hands while pulling back on the road and blood running down your ankle into your sock. Glenn pulled your pants leg up as it too was ripped now. “Holy shit!” T-dog exclaimed while catching sight to the contrasting colors of red and the deep blue color of your skin.
You were lightheaded while now sitting up right. Your previous screaming had got the attention of the others, Dale followed by Andrea came hearing your pained screams. Your face felt flushed and you felt like you were sweating buckets, you started to slump slightly but Dale now was in front of you. You were dazed but Dale wrapped something around your leg snapping you back into some kind of alertness. Your eyes felt heavy but you still didn’t protest when Dale and Glenn held you from under your shoulders. Andrea helping a paling T-dog walk after you.
A headache started to form but the longer you were upright the more you got used to it. Maybe you were just a little too warm and the slight blood loss wasn’t helping. When you were sat in the shade next to the RV the breeze hit you immediately making you feel better. You heard voices asking questions but water was put in front of you which you gladly took. You felt slightly swarmed by people but Dale now had your pant leg rolled up and foot bandaged. Everyone moved closer to where Carol was by some metal guard rail as a figure came out of the woods behind it. It was Shane coming back alone, “Daryl and Rick are on her trail. She seemed to get spooked and took a wrong turn.” Carol just nervous shook and continued to stand starring out into the woods that you assumed Sophia ran off into. Shane now commanded people to get back to what they were doing previously, pushing out commands in a way that after hearing Rick’s way of leading made Shane seem less in some way. Not really bad but not good by any means. Oh boy and when he say you sitting on the ground next to the RV with an equally busted T-dog you wouldn’t like what followed from his mouth.
“Daryl just left you out there injured? Tsk, not surprised…”
He mumbled the last bit but you caught it. The fury you had to have a lock on seemed to chip a little, “Watch your mouth.” You sent a glare up at him as he gave you a surprised look not expecting any bark back. Even when it looked like you wanted to you never had. You’ve never really had a problem per se with Shane but he was starting to pull a feeling from your the reeked danger. Shane just tsked before bossing everyone around again. You glanced over to T-dog who was starring at you with his eyebrows raised which got you to chuckle. You leaned back closing your eyes. The air was nice but you now felt the ache back in your foot. Dale spooked you while you drifted off with your eyes closed. He helped move you into the RV, you pass a new stain on the floor but you lay down in the back choosing to ignore it. You were relaxing laying down, exhausted and now in pain. With you being pregnant you had only little experience with your ankles swelling, hence why you used to dip your feet into the quarry. Now this was just adding to it, Daryl isn’t going to like it that’s for sure.
Commotion happened outside, they had come back and by the sounds of it without Sophia. Carols cries and screams attributing to that, then you over heard the flutters of your name. Heavy steps came to the RV door before it creaked open with force. You could only hear heavy breathing as they moved to the back where you were lying down. Daryl’s frantic eyes landed on you searching your body for something. His hand moved to your face as the other rested on your stomach. He had came in so fast it took you a second to notice the blood on him.
Now here you are both worried about each other, “Are you ok!?” It was Daryl to get the first words out shortly after you, “Your covered in blood! Are you hurt?” You moved gripping on to his shirt now leaning into a sitting position. His arms pulling you into him, “is’ not mine.” He moved is words quickly while asking again, “Your both ok right?” You blinked up at him, taking in his words before stuttering out another concern, “I’ll be fine. Is… is Sophia?” You pointed down to the blood that ran down onto his pants as well. He sighed confirming you were not in such a bad shape as the others lead him to believe, ‘You should go look for yourself.’ With faces that said say your goodbyes. “It’s from a walker. Gettin to dark, don’t want to ruin her trail.” His eyes moved down to your foot, covered in bandages. “Picking up the search at dawn.” His eyes flicked back to yours questioning your injury. The look in his eyes reeked of guilt.
“It’s swollen, maybe sprained. The blood is from scraping in on metal, nothing deep I promise.” You saw him gulp and the way he was beating himself up inside. You knew he struggled with feeling like he was doing right by you. So you tapped him to look at you, “Hey, it would have been the same outcome if it was you dragging me out from that car.” He inhaled nodding while looking to you sheepishly, “Your in a shit ton of pain aren’t you?” You wrinkled your nose at him with a ‘no shit’ smile. You lean back laying down again, “Couldn’t even take the kind of medicine I would need while pregnant…” He sat close to your legs looking down to you his thumb went to his mouth and he chewed on it.
You turn you head looking at him knowing it was his nervous thinking habit, “Daryl…” His hand moved from his mouth, “Can I do anythin’ for ya?” He needed to feel helpful so you thought for a second before giving him an awkward smile, “Yes actually, something that I think I’d only let you do.” Now that was something that peaked his interest. He quirked an eyebrow at you expectantly so now you took a step in your relationship you’ve had yet to cross, “I’m gonna need your help going to the bathroom.” You had yet to really get into that part of the relationship, the weird stage you would say. Closest you’ve come is when on the rare nights where Merle was out of the house and you stayed over an he would watch you frantically get ready in the morning to open the store. He would sit back and just watch, simpler times he supposed.
He didn’t even say anything before dragging his arms under you and lifting you into his arms. Her wish is his command. He knew the RV bathroom hadn’t worked for a while so someone would’ve have to hold you while went about your business. Ya definitely a him only thing. The others only glanced seeing him carry you off somewhere. You’re not gonna lie this was embarrassing. He set you down on your good foot helping you balance. You watched his eyes glance around the wooded area he took you. You giggled causing him to look back to you. You smiled, “This is weird…” He ended up having to hold both your hands as you crocheted down. Daryl just scoffed completely nonchalant, “Nothin’ I haven’t seen before.”
5 minutes later Daryl was seen carrying you back just before it became truly night. In the RV Carol now was laying in the spot you once were. She faced the wall in an attempt to hide her cries. Daryl looked uncomfortable but you put a finger to your lips before trying to wave him back. You would sleep that night in a car you cleared out. With a window crack to let in some fresh air in. But throughout the night Carols cries was to much for the Dixon next to you. You would sometimes wake at the sound only to see Daryl still awake next to you. But you couldn’t help the exhaustion that pulled on you. You felt him move next to you leaving you to groggily open your eyes to look if something had happened. In the morning it took you a moment to put together it actually happened and Daryl left to go look for Sophia. He had whispered, “Can’t take it, M’ go lookin’.” Which you guess you mumbled a tired, “Be careful.” and knocked back out. The next time you woke up he was next to you again seeming to not even had left your side.
In the early morn the search party was formed. You, T-dog, and Dale being the only to remain at the highway. Before Daryl left he personally cleaned your wounded ankle. Seeing for himself gave him peace knowing the swelling was the problem and not the cuts. You told him you would stay off your feet and you did. Sitting in the shade next to T while Dale stayed on watch. You hasn’t really talked to them personally only knowing things from them that others have asked and you just heard. So here you were talking trying to pass the time waiting for the others to come back.
“So you don’t mind me asking if he was a one night stand?”
You had told them you really didn’t mind any question. You chuckled replying to T-dog, “Oh trust me this-” You point to the small bump of your stomach, “Did not happen over night.” You raised an eyebrow suggestively at the implication. That got Dale laughing with T-dog making a face like he didn’t like the image going on in his mind. You shift back leaning your head on your hand in thought, “Honestly the reason I even met Daryl and started dating him was because I was running away from getting in a relationship in the first place.” They both look at you to continue seeming interested in you and the Dixon. “My parents thought I was throwing away my life by not being pregnant and married by 20. Very religious…. So I left not wanting to conform to there ideas.” You slip a hand to your stomach, “Guess they got what they wanted in the end. At least I got to pick the man.” You smiled fondly at the thought… ya you got the man you wanted.
Other then T-Dogs high fever and possibly infected arm, there wasn’t much to do so you took a nap in a quest to quell the deep rooted exhaustion in you. You woke up hearing unhappy voices. They were back and your guess no Sophia. You hopped you way to the RV door opening it gaining everyone’s eyes. You noticed that it wasn’t only Sophia to not be with them. Daryl looked stressed and when he saw you balancing on a leg in the door he moved to help you. You worriedly asked, “What’s going on, where is everyone else?” By your count Lori, Shane, Rick, and Carl were gone.
Daryl had his hands around your waist keeping you balance. The look he had was a mix of pissed but also upset. His teeth unclenched before he spoke giving a strain to his voice, “No sign of Sophia, worse Carl has apparently been shot.” You gasp slightly wobbling leading him to pull you to regain balance. A ball of pressure was felt in your throat but you choked it down to speak, “Where are they?” Daryl could hear your attempt at holding in your emotions, something he knows you have been struggling to do. He sighed running a hand down your arm, “Some lady on a horse took Lori after saying Carl was shot. They have a doctor treating him at there farm.” Your grip on him tightened, ‘another kid…’ no you couldn’t finish that thought a second further. Daryl’s face however looked like he had more to say, more to say that he was not happy about. He bite the edge of his lip before speaking.
"Glenn is taking T-dog to that farm for the doctor, I said you were going with him."
His face reeked of guilt, and the unpleasant feeling left in your stomach probably didn't translate well to your face. He at the sight of your obvious dislike to the idea tried to sputter out why, “Just don’t need anythin’ happen to you… and them.” You sighed, you weren’t planning on arguing about it with him, “I know you’re right I should go. Just don’t like us splitting up, makes me nauseous at the thought.” You eyes behind to form a slight sheen, before Daryl could say anything you beat him to it, “Said I was going to follow your lead didn’t I?” Daryl’s shoulders unclench from tension, he slide his arm under your legs and picking you up by your thighs. The sudden action making you panic and grab around his shoulders. “What are you-“ he walked inside the RV mindful of your head not wanting to slam it on the doorframe.
Before you knew it you were sat down with him at your side, he moved his handed on top of yours. His shy approach reminding you of your first date. “It’s ok you know. To scream, to cry, get mad. You’re gonna burst.” Your lip trembled, so it had been clear to him your battle with yourself. You sigh leaning on his shoulder, “I know… I just can’t seem to do it in front of everyone in fear we will be cast out. We were already outsiders once.” That comment surprised him, not expecting your reasoning. His arm circled around your shoulder, “I’ll take you out hunting when your better. Scream and cry all you want then.” You chuckle, in all honesty most of the time you go frustrated or overwhelmed with sudden emotion Daryl unknowingly helped ease everything. Silence fell comfortably between you both simply enjoying your remaining time together before you part.
Now you find yourself in the back seat of a truck. Glenn in the driver seat and T-dog in the passenger. You watch him pull up to a gate next to a mail box ‘Greener’ written in faded paint. After getting through and closing the gate, the road lead to a farm house. The porch now filling with people at the sound of your guys car. You were left in the back seat while Glenn rushed a declining T-dog, pill bottle bag that you learned was from Merle in hand. Surprising he had useful drugs with him, and not so surprising that he had drugs with him. It was a long time before you decided to get out the car yourself Glenn be damned. You hopped until reaching the porch leg throbbing at the use, it was tired of being the only one keeping you standing. You sat on the stairs to the porch. It sounded like something had happened inside but the commotion was just now subsiding.
You looked on to see open space filled with animals and not a walker in sight. You sat there in thought until a loud, “Oh shit!” broke your peace, Glenn stumbled out of the front door only to stop seeing you sat on the steps. He moved closer to you offering a hand to get up, "I'm so sorry, everything was moving so fast and I forgot you couldn't walk." He sighed with a twinge of remorse, "T-dogs all patched up so lets get you looked at." You sat up with the aid of Glenn and got into the house. Glenn was moving to sit you on a chair but you were lost in thought at the sight of a lamp on. It felt weird seeing a light on now. An older women appeared from a hall, "Hello dear, My name is Patricia." She approached gently, looking down to your legs noticing you were missing a shoe and for good reason. You foot was swollen and a ring of black formed around your ankle with purple spreading from it. She gasped before you could even introduce yourself. She turned looked back to the hall and called out, "Maggie! I need you to get some ice!" She knelt down raising your foot to rest on another chair.
A younger women came quickly around the corner. "Could only find a frozen bag of- who is this?" You looked like a deer in headlights then you hissed and flinched as fingers moved around your foot. A scab that had started to tried and form now knocked off your skin causing blood to slowly drip down. Patricia turned to the girl you could only assume to be Maggie, "Another of there group." Glenn was stood sheepishly off to the side, "I kinda forgot her in the car." The sterile smell of alcohol reached your nose before you felt the sting to your injure. You lean back with a hiss, before Patricia could mumble out an apology you spoke through the pain, "How ah- How's Carl? Is he ok?" A second of silence followed for Glenn decide to speak, "Alive, semi-stable. Shane and one of theirs is out looking for the stuff to fix him. Hershel is the doctor and is with Carl right now, he- he had a stroke few minutes ago."
A bandage had been wrapped around your leg while you listened. You let everything sink in only looking back up when a rag follow by a cold weight being laid over it. Looking down a zip lock bag filled with peas adding a relief in the constant burn that was your ankle. You sigh leaning back into a slump the diner room chair backing pressing into your back. A door opened somewhere in the house, then you see Rick. Lori at his side almost as if she was the sole reason he could stand. He was pale but also sweating making his hair stick to him. He wobbled to a couch with Lori, not before you catch a sight of the bandage wrapped around his inner arm. It was strikingly clear now why he wasn't with Shane. He was Carl's blood source. The depth this man is going for his son is admirable if not heartbreaking. Close to having blood lose it seems.
Why is it so hard to keep these kids safe, and what were you and Daryl going to have to do to keep yours alive.
Part 5
Feedback welcome and requests open!
Got diagnosed with depression and put on anti-depressants. So hope my story writing will become more frequent. Sorry for stalling on uploads. They also took 5 out of 7 vials of blood…. They stopped because I passed out at 5.
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@daryldixmedown @aureolinb @the1eyedmonster16 @lettersfromyourlove @felicisimor
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@snailss @iluvme9 @lunajay33 @twisteduniverse5 @thestonedwriter
@ghostboneswrites2 @avabh12 @marcysbear @twistedprincess-92 @felicity1994
@holb32 @let-love-bleeds-red @tiny-mari @tally335 @xxmileyrosexx
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176 notes · View notes
nxathyx · 1 year
Bsd boys with a sassy reader
Chuuya Nakahara x gn!reader, Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader, Nikolai Gogol x Gn!reader, Fyodor Dostoyevski x Gn!reader, Sigma x Gn!reader, Akutagawa Ryuunoske x gn!reader
More so with a reader who is good at insulting, back talking ect.
Trigger warnings: insults, cursing, a guy trying to hit on/harras reader but they pop and lock (girlboss besties), mentions of su!cide (on Dazais part, jealousy, mentions of alcohol and clubs/bars, slander, ooc, Let Me know if I missed anything
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Chuuya Nakahara
°he wouldn't admit it but finds it so attractive and straight up admires you when you put someone in their place and or stand up for yourself
°would definitely praise you for it
°if he wasn't as prideful as he is mf would straight up be on his knees worshiping you and your words of degrading
°if y'all ever argued it'd just be you being your sassy ass self and him being like 🤨🙄😃😧😰 (progressively regretting his decisions)
Let's set the scene first shall we? You and Chuuya were currently in a club/bar. You were just engaging in a casual conversation with your boyfriend sipping on your alcoholic beverage of choice (or literally anything if you don't drink). You were having a swell time just enjoying that Chuuya finally had some free time from work, that is until this man came up to you, he wasn't necessarily bad looking, but he was very average and basic to say the least. Chuuya glanced at the male but not speaking anything of it.
"hey, cutie~ how about I show you a fun time, just you, and me alone in bed~
You didn't even spare him a glance, replying bluntly and shortly
"fuck off, im not interested"
The man looked at you with a smirk, totally ignoring Chuuyas presence. Nakahara felt disappointed, disgusted even by the mere nerve that guy had, but sighed and continued to sip on his wine
"a little bit of attitude I see, that's such a turn on baby.."
It was quite clear the individual was intoxicated, you finally glanced at him with a sigh
"shame your such a turn off, with that cheap ass target shirt" (I love target don't come for me😭😭
The male got rather angered by how you spoke to him and were barely even batting an eye at him. Chuuya was grinning just watching the interaction watching you insult this lowlife with no mercy
"aw, come on.. Don't be like that, let me give you a fun experience and a night to remember"
"a night to remember is when you'll fuck yourself on a chainsaw you pathetic lowlife, get your horny ass together, get a proper job, focus on yourself and be respectful that way you might actually get some bitches in your life"
To say the least, the man wasn't too happy, his hand snaking around your waist, your natural instinct of self defence kicking in as you kick him in the shin
"what was that for you bitch?!"
He asked, seeming pissed of at you, at this point Chuuya has had enough and stood up, standing between you and the guy
"can you piss off? They're not interested nor available, jackass"
The fucker simply ignored Chuuya and tried again
At that point Chuuya got fed up with him, slapping him and leaving the place. As soon as you two got home he was by your side making sure you're alright <3
Dazai Osamu
°he lives for your sassiness
°imagine if you both work at the detective agency and Kunikida is scolding him and then you just back talk, not even bothering to look at them
°motherfucker Was like awooga awooga let me rearrange your insides babygirl😻😻
°definetly finds that really fucking attractive
°will proudly stand right beside you like "yes. That's my s/o. Yes, they're a bitch, and I love them"
You and Osamu were currently in the agency office, you were filling in some papers, whilst Dazai was getting scolded by Kunikida like most days. You weren't paying much attention to why he was getting told off, but you assumed it was because of one of his daily shenanigans, like jumping into a river mid mission, or giving Kunikida fake facts and or advice causing pages from Kunikidas notebook being ripped or scratched out by the ink. After a few more scolding words from Kunikida, you're boyfriend went behind you, hiding behind your office chair, you hummed a little "Hm?" as Dazai proceeded to explain that Kunikidas scolding is pointless cause he hasn't done anything wrong, however most of it was muffled due to Kunikidas continued scolding over the desk, it was insufferable to hear as you turned to Kunikida
"can you respectfully shut up?"
Kunikida just looked at you completely surprised, Dazai on the other hand had a grin, falling on his knees in an almost comedic manner before you asking when it's his time to hear such degrading words from you
Nikolai Gogol
°does his silly goofy little grins
°pulls pranks on Decay members and uses you to do all the "explaining"
°annoys you as much as possible using his ability just to see you get all sassy
You were currently laying on the couch, in the living room, it was pretty early in the morning and you haven't ate breakfast yet. You were home alone, your partner doing god knows what, and you preferred to not know. You stood up from the couch to go make yourself some breakfast, you were in the mood for something sweet, so you decided on pancakes, grabbing butter to melt on the pan later, milk, flour, sugar, and.. You just looked at the content of the fridge, confused why it lacked the eggs, you could've sworn there was at least half a carton left yesterday, you sighed realising you either have to go to the store or just make something else, you sighed softly once more looking into the fridge, grabbing some jam, putting the flour and sugar back, before sliding a bit on your socks to put the milk and butter back in the fridge, just looking even more confused due to the eggs suddenly appearing, realising it was probably the jester playing tricks on you, grabbing the eggs quite quickly so they don't dissappear once more. You placed all the ingredients on the counter once more, beginning to make the batter, you were about to pour the batter on the pan, before noticing a small yellow portal, taking the pan in with a red gloved hand, sighing once more you said a little.
"I'll chop your dick off and dismember your head with that pan if you don't give it back"
Nikolai poked his head out a bit with a smug grin, holding the pan up, by the center but instead of the handle, causing him to burn his hand and getting a bit of the melted butter on his palm, dropping the pan onto the floor with a loud sound of metal hitting something. Although the sound wasn't pleasant at all you got to laugh at your boyfriend for being a little stupid fucking idiot
Fyodor Dostoyevski
°if you ever Insult Dazai he'll give you like 5 countries
°if he truly loves you that is
°if not he'll Stil probably find it amusing, you might even get a little giggle out of him
°would definetly be sassy towards you as well
Fyodor was currently in his office (discord mod cave) , eyeing like 5 fucking monitors at the same time.
"Fedya, come out of your rat infested room already"
You said a bit irritated by the fact he's been there for like a week, not even bothering to come out for basic necessities, at this point you were even wondering where the hell he pisses— not important. It seems he has ignored you calling out for him. You opened the door, you wanted to ruffle his hair but just looked at that and almost gagged
"you look like an oiled up pan.. You better fucking wash that, I doubt even lice would want to be there"
And after saying that you left the room, leaving a confused Fyodor, who just sat there processing what the fuck you just said
°okay Mr 3-4x bullcut would be nervous asf
°like he's scared you'll end up in a fight from the way you talk with others
°finds it humouring if you insult Gogol though
°would love hearing you insult everyone, in private
You were standing next to a machine in the casino, leaning your side against it until a fairly attractive female came up to you
"are you going to keep standing here and hogging the machine so no one can use it? Or will you move your damn self some where else?"
You were a bit stunned by the sudden hostility but slightly impressed and even amused
"i know damn Well your not talking to me with that 3$ wig your wearing right now, and don't even get me started on those earrings and necklace your wearing, like girl, did you grab those of a Christmas tree?"
The girl turned around on her heel, a few minutes later the number you had got called into the managers office. You walk in to notice Sigma trying to look stoic and not at all nervous, making you snicker a bit. Sigma turned to the woman and told her she's free to leave and he'll take it from here, the girl gave you a smirk as she left as if she just won millions, making you almost choke trying not to laugh
"dear.. Please stop being rude to my clients—"
"well your clients are bitches"
The discussion continued for a bit ending in you nuzzling your head against Sigmas neck as he continued to do his paperwork.
Akutagawa Ryuunoske
°this man is as sassy as you like oml
°don't say anything about Dazai, Gin or Chuuya though, or just people he generally respects
°feel free to talk as much shit as you want about Atsushi though
°if you ever tell Higuchi off he'll find it very amusing
°y'all definetly try to out sass each other
You and Aku were currently laying in bed, you were talking about someone at your work place that has been annoying you lately. You were insulting them freely, not bothered by the fact Akutagawa was trying to fall asleep, not until he told you to shut up, which ended in endless sassy comments going back and forth between the two of you as well as you a bit curled over in laughter and Akutagawa trying to hold back a snicker
I nnot proud of this but spent too much fucking time writing this and didn't even finish 💀💀
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girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
Can you write something platonic about alastor, like tiny things he might do around people that are his way of showing care around the hotel and people around him?
Yessss I love this creepy king!!! I know he has a soft spot somewhere in him, he’s just a weirdo. Thanks for requesting! And enjoy~ ❤️
Platonic Alastor Headcanons ❣️
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If he likes you, he’ll talk to you quite often. He’ll even make jokes at your expense, might even go as far as to bully you or tease you about things he knows will get a reaction out of you.
But don’t get it twisted, if Alastor didn’t like you, he would either straight up ignore that you even exist or straight up threaten you and do his best to scare you off. So the fact that he even talks to you, regardless of the passive aggressive comments, is a good sign.
Taps his mic cane on the head of those he likes. Doesn’t really like physical touch but will occasionally touch you and others at the hotel, mostly with his cane but sometimes with his big claws.
If he really cares for you, Alastor will offer to share things with you. For example, he’ll invite you into his radio tower for a behind the scenes tour, he’ll offer you some of whatever is on his plate if you accidentally interrupt his dinner (even if it’s disgusting, it’s the thought that counts right?)
Won’t hesitate to destroy someone for trying to mess with you, anyone at the hotel or the hotel itself…as we saw when he slaughtered all those loan sharks for Mimzie.
He can be very frightening when he wants to be or needs to be, he never backs down from a fight.
Although, when Alastor has a soft spot for you, he will check in with you after he goes all scary crazy on someone.
Bro be like 😈👹 *radio static and screeching* and then immediately turn his attention to you like 😇 ‘oh you saw that? My bad.’
“Oh darling! I sincerely apologize for letting you see me that way. But! As your hotelier and also the radio demon, I must step up when someone tries to mess with us. You feeling alright? Yes? Good! Off you go then.”
He’s an extremely smart and carefully calculated man so really, any show of affection, care, consideration, concern should not be taken lightly.
Will also pull those typical, polite gestures like holding a door open for someone, offering his seat up when there’s no other open seats, magically summoning an umbrella for his company while on a walk in the rain, ect.
Again, as simple as that may seem, if this guy doesn’t like you he’s gonna do the exact opposite. Slamming doors in your face, lowkey trying to trip you as you walk past him, ect.
If he happens to catch you crying all alone, he won’t leave you be until you’re feeling better and your tears have stopped. Think when he went to comfort and encourage Charlie when she was crying in bed.
He will stay beside you, either aggressive praising you and trying to up your mood with encouragement or he will be cracking lame jokes or even offering to go kill whoever made you upset.
Is actually very easy to tell if the radio demon likes you or not. Alastor lets his feelings show through his actions.
As long as Alastor isn’t threatening you, ignoring you or trying to scare the shit out of you, then he likes you :)
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Could you possibly do a hobie brown with a big chested ! Chubby ! Reader?
Like reader doesn’t wear tank tops, belly shirts, hates when hobie tries to get her to sit on his lap, ect.
(Once again if you don’t want to do this request please ignore it)
(hey! Sure I can and shout out to my love @blair-the-juggalho for helping me with British lingo, my true love 😍)
Hobie Brown x Big Chested!Chubby!Reader
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Hobie is very straight forward on what he likes, does not like and just what he wants in general
Your looks are not something that bothers him, he thinks you look amazing
He mainly likes you if you liked him, and for himself
Ya feel me?
He doesn't mind your style, he would like of you took a few of his clothes though
One of those guys who are melting at the sight of their partner in their shirt, and it looks like they're only wearing their shirt
He thinks you look absolutely beautiful
He likes having arm around your waist, hand on your hip or hand in your pocket
Or holding your hand while his hands are in his pockets
Very casual PDA like that
You being chubby doesn't bother him, really
He likes putting his head on your stomach or in your boobs
Falls asleep there many, many times
He's not one who's gonna like, touch you very badly or touch you inappropriately
Just little touches, and he doesn't mind if you don't like lots of affection
He isn't to big on big affection like that either so you guys go well
But he probably would like having you on his lap from time to time
When you told him you didn't like that he was a big bummed, but he got over it
In his words
“Right love, ya don’t have t’ do aught ya don’t wanna. I won’t be mad. But if ya think I’d judge ya for it ya must be mental. I love ya!”
(Don't come for me, come for @blair, I stole her British lingo and she helped me with this 🤫)
He doesn't mind at all
He wouldn't force you to do something you're obviously not comfortable with
However if it was because of insecurity or you feel like you're to heavy, he is very keen on proving that wrong
Would just have you in his lap to prove
He wouldn't tho if u actually just don't like it
Same thing with clothes
He thinks you look good in any style you wear
Either baggy, tight, dresses, skirts, jeans, anything he thinks you look good
Is always encouraging you and hyping you up from behind you as you get ready
Thinks you look nice in anything so he cannot choose
He encourages you to wear whatever you want, and as long as you like it so does he
If you think you don't look good in something or you think you're too big he is shocked
"Don't ya' say that!"
He is offended for you
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justaweirdoperson · 4 months
Emerald Green
Pairing: Variant!Loki (MCU) x Avengers!Reader
Summary: Set in an alternative timeline where Thor didn't take Loki back to Asguard after the attack on New York. They decide to keep him in the Avengers tower, though they stay away from him as much as possible. You are the only one he talks to on a regular basis apart from his brother. Feelings come to the surface. Everything seemed perfect, until it wasn't. After protecting you from a certain death in a fight, Loki had been taken to a place called the TVA because you were supposed to die. He found out he was a variant and that he wasn't the only version of Loki. After what felt like months to him, he met other Loki's and they share stories about their lives. After all of them manage to get back to the TVA and overthrow it, they get to see what has become of their timelines. Your Loki sees you, a few years older now, with a little girl in your arms, calling you mom. His heart breaks, thinking you had found another, until the girl jumps out of your grasp and runs to his brother, calling him uncle.
Author's note: This is the first fanfic I've ever posted so if anyone could give me advice on how to improve my writing, vocabulary, ect and feedback I would really appreciate it!
After the attack on New York, Thor offered to take his brother back to Asguard but the team refused, saying that they should keep him here. Since the god of thunder spent most of his time with the Avengers, he accepted the offer. The bindings preventing Loki from using his magic were to be kept on at all times but were removed after a few months.
After a month of being isolated on an entire floor of the tower, Loki had been authorized to wander around with the rest of the team. Although he spent most of his time in the library, away from the others. Mainly because he enjoyed reading but also because the Avengers avoided him like the plague.
Well, almost all the others. You were the exception. From the start, you had been nothing but kind to him, despite the destruction he had once brought upon your home. He once confronted you about it, you simply dismissed it and said that everyone deserved a second chance. Since then, you and the trickster god have been known to spend most of your time together.
Months went by and Loki had decided that, maybe, this wasn't as bad as he originally made it out to be. You had always been curious about his magic and asked him to teach you some since you knew you had magical abilities, you've just never been taught to control them. You remember vividly the day he showed you how to perform the very fist trick. Fireworks in the palm of your hand. Out of everything he's taught you, this one would always be your favorite, because it was the first.
(Time Skip)
This couldn't be real... You sat there, your knees scraping on the ground of the battlefield, frozen in place. The golden helm in you had in your shaky hands was the last thing you had of him now. Tears streamed down your face when Thor found you. The god of thunder took one look at the helm in your hands and understood, tears of his own falling to the ground. You held each other as you cried, having lost a lover and a brother.
The ride home in the Quinjet was silent. The air felt heavy with guilt and grief. After you landed, you left to barricade yourself in your room. As you entered your bedroom, everything you saw reminded you of him. You cried until all the tears in your body were gone. Then you felt empty, like someone had ripped out your heart from your chest.
Weeks after that, you began to feel sick. Every morning, you woke up and rushed to the bathroom to empty the contents of your stomach. That day, you left the tower for the first time in weeks. You bought a pregnancy test. You came back, ignoring the questions of the team and went straight back to your bathroom, sitting anxiously on the floor as you waited for the results. The timer you had set up rang. You turned the test and felt tears coming back to your eyes. Positive. You were pregnant.
You cried, both of sadness and joy. You were sad because this child would grow up without a father and Loki would never get to meet them. But you were also happy because this child was a little piece of him, so he would always be with you. The next day, you told Thor, who brought you into a bear hug, happy to be an uncle even in these circumstances. You then told the team, they told you that if you ever needed anything, you only had to say the word.
You decided to have a home birth, just in case the baby inherited Loki's Jotun appearance. The birth had been long but it was all worth it in the end. A healthy baby girl. You were proven correct, she had blue skin and red eyes, just like her father. But as soon as she was placed in your arms, her skin became like yours, her hair remained black and her eyes were an icy blue. A carbon copy of Loki. Tears fell from your eyes once more, but there was no sadness in this moment. You had decided to call her Figga, knowing Loki had always been close with his mother. Frigga Lokisdottir.
(Somewhere in time and space, The TVA)
How long had it been? Weeks? Months? Years? Loki didn't know. The only thing he knew was that it had been too long since he had seen you. But they had finally done it, the TVA was now free from "He who remains". The employees, being variants themselves, were free to return to their timelines. Loki and his variants decided to look at what had become of theirs before deciding if they wanted to go back or not. Your Loki, entered a password he had stolen from a higher up to have access to a visual image of his timeline, of you.
His heart soared in his chest as he saw you. How beautiful you were. You were wearing an emerald green loose shirt with black pants. His admired how his signature colors looked on you. You seemed to be a few years older now, he often forgot that time passed differently in the TVA. You were walking through the halls of the Avengers tower, seemingly searching for someone. You approached his brother, asking if he has seen "her". His brother answered that he hadn't. As you opened your mouth to say anything else, a high pitched scream came from the lab, you laughed and told Thor that you knew where "she" was. A little girl who appeared to be around 6 years old came running out of the lab, an annoyed Tony and a laughing Steve following suit. The girl jumped in your arms, giggling with a mischievous smile, her black hair covering her face as she hugged you.
You smiled and kissed the girl's head. Loki's heart broke for a moment, thinking you had found another lover. His heartbreak was cut shirt by the girl wiggling out of your arms and running towards his brother, calling him "uncle". The girl was his, his child. He could see the resemblance now. The little girl had his raven hair and blue eyes. Thor lifted the girl on his shoulders, making her squeal in delight as you waved off Steve and Tony.
You turned back to your daughter, a look that said "seriously?" in your eyes. Thor set down the girl and silently excused himself. The girl now seemed nervous, waiting for you to scold her. Instead you started laughing. You crouched down to her level and patted her head gently.
"You're... not mad?" The girl asked shyly. "Mad? How could I be mad?" You asked her, she shrugged, looking at the floor. You smiled gently and said "You know, me and your dad used to do way worse than this.." The girl's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of her father. "Really?" She asked, mischievous smile coming back to her adorable face. Loki could see himself through her, a carbon copy.
You nodded, a nostalgic look in your eyes. You sighed softly as you looked at your daughter. "You look exactly like him, you know? Like this and when you're blue." You booped her nose, making her giggle as her eyes widen. "Daddy was blue too??" She asked, the excitement in her voice making you laugh as you nodded once more. You waved your hand over her, making the spell of her human appearance fade, revealing blue skin with intricate markings and ruby red eyes.
Loki's eyes were now filled with tears, she was just like him. He himself had never fully accepted his Jotun nature, but you've helped him accept it a little more, saying he was beautiful in any form. The girl's expression did not change as she looked at her own appearance in a nearby mirror with you crouched next to her. She seemed so happy to resemble him this much. Of course you must have spoken well of him, but he didn't expect to be a person his daughter looked up to that much.
Her expression changed for a moment, looking back at the lab. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" You asked softly. Your daughter looked at the floor and mumbled "Tony said that I looked like a monster..." You could see her ruby eyes fill with tears and her bottom lip tremble. You brought her in your arms, kissing the top of her head.
"You're not a monster, baby." You pulled away from the hug, your hands resting on her small shoulders, looking straight into her teary eyes. "You, Frigga Lokisdottir, are a gift. A gift I haven't always deserved and that I never thought I would have the pleasure of receiving. You are not a monster, and never let anyone tell you otherwise." By this point, Loki was full on sobbing in front of the TVA screen. You had named her after his mother and given her his name as a family name. You had truly honored him.
Frigga wiped away her tears with a yawn, you cooed at her sleepy state. "How about you go take a nap, sweetheart?" She nodded as you took her small form in your arms, turning her appearance back. You tucked her in comfortably as she stared at you with her big blue eyes. "Wanna see something cool?" You whispered. Frigga nodded, smile on her face.
You raised your hand up, palm open as small fireworks seemed to appear from your hand. Frigga looked in awe as you softly explained "This is the first thing your dad showed me how to do." Your daughter smiled as she asked "Could you teach me?" You smiled, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "Tomorrow." You kissed her head as she snuggled into her bed "Goodnight, sweetheart."
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normal-enderman · 5 months
OK LISTEN so Chip has internalised homophobia, as I have previously established. I also, like many, ascribe to the popular interpretation that he has not-straight feelings towards Gillion. And it's really interesting how we can track how these feelings develop as the series progesses.
Chip starts off by freaking out the merest implication of something gay, but he gradually starts getting more comfortable around Gillion, and these reactions decrease. There starts to be more descriptions from Bizly of Chip being physically affectionate towards Gillion, putting his arm around him, leaning on him ect.
Which leads to their encounter with Jasmine... (from here on out we enter the realm of intense headcannoning and nebulous connection to canoncial events, just warning you)
What's SO AWESOME AND INTERESTING AND EXCITING about Chip's interactions with Jazz is that HE DOESNT FREAK OUT when Jazz flirts with him in an extremely forward way, and Chip almost seems surprised by how unbothered his own reactions are. It's like he's had all this time to gradually become accustomed to the potentiality of something gay possibly existing between him and Gillion. In a way, his relationship with Gillion was a safe avenue through which to explore his feelings, since Gillion never made any moves on him, and therefore, never made Chip feel threatened or under pressure to make a decision about how he felt. Chip had all that time to basically think "ok, OBVIOUSLY IM NOT GAY FOR GILLION THATS RIDICULOUS HAHA. what if I was though. What would happen. Would everyone hate me and i would die" and gradually explore the possibilty at his own pace.
Which leads to meeting Jazz, and suddenly being confronted with something extremely gay and explicitly directed at him, and.... he finds it's actually not that bad. It's ok. It’s not scary. He doesn’t feel threatened. What would have elicited a violent reaction from him before he met Gillion is no longer scary, because he's had time to think about it and come to terms with it before that point.
So I like to imagine that Chip ends up having a fling with Jazz, because he decides he's got to figure out how he really feels once and for all, one way or another. And unlike with Gillion, who he deeply cares about and loves as a friend and is terrified of misstepping with, Jazz is just some guy who thinks he's hot and is dtf, so Chip isn't as scared of experimenting with Jazz, since the worst outcome if things go catastrophically wrong is Chip has to jump out the nearest window and run away and just make sure to avoid the Jazz Pirates for the rest of his life.
After this fling, he pretty much is able to come to the decision that "ok. maybe i do like men. in which case oh my god these feelings for Gillion are actually a real thing that I have to deal with and can't just ignore" and he starts gradually, very slowly, expressing his feelings for Gillion more honestly, which leads to the iconic "babygirl/babyboy" moment in Zero, which was Chip extremely awkwardly trying to establish new ground in their relationship (though it's uncertain how effective it was considering Gillion's lack of understanding of Overseas culture. Oh well. Our boy tried.)
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Loona would make an awful and abusive friend for Octavia
(Sorry if I might be rude and pity in this post , but this have been bothering me for so long and I feel like I should voice my opinion on the matter now disclaimer I mean no ill will towards anyone and I don't harass people who write about this idea neither should you this is just me voicing MY PERSONAL OPINION so are we cool here?)
So I have seen many and I mean MANY fanfics ,fanart,ect of the idea that loona would make an awesome older sister to Octavia and be her "first real friend who understands her " and some take it as far as shipping (sorry but the shipping aspect of this is really gross loona is 22 while Octavia is 17 this is pedophilia) now I will be honest I personally think this is sugar quoting and people giving loona to much credit, this woman is ABUSIVE (yes I said it she's a more accurate representation of abuse than stella and yes abusers could be traumatized victims) this woman beats and attacks her adoptive father who always shower showed her with affection and she knows hed get over it this is an extremely toxic trait, she kept insulting moxxie about being fat (even though he's a stick figure) until she gave him body image issues and she starts pity fights like how she did in queen bee now in what world would someone like this be a good older sister towards anyone?like imagine if Octavia asked loona to dial down her attitude a bit what would loona do? Would she listen to her NAH if she'd beat up her own father for that whose to say she wouldn't do the same for Octavia?, and their conversation in seeing stars....oh boy I was holding back trying not to throw my phone when this part came there are a bunch of posts about how nonsensical this part was but the long and short of it is that loona doesn't have any right to tell Octavia to put up with stolas when she herself treats her father poorly and she straight up lied to Octavia, stolas wasn't looking for her he was pathetically sitting around in the theatre getting thirsty over blitz and he wasn't all that freaked out that he's daughter ran away because of him, so loona literally gaslighted Octavia to apologise and come back to her neglectful father (yes for the millionths time stolas is neglectful) , this just makes their "friendship" all the more jarring and toxic, just because both are goth girls with daddy issues doesn't mean they will be instantly healthy friends their issues, upbringing, situations are completely different, Octavia is getting neglected by her father who constantly puts hes own desires before her will being and constantly makes her uncomfortable and constantly let her down and break his promises and from her perspective he ruined her home life, loona on the other hand is being rude and abusive towards her father who so far gave her affection, protection and while yes he was once over protective of her it's understandable considering where he got adopted her from yet even after all of that and after 5 years of being with him she still treats him poorly with only a few moments where she was nice to him and even then she resorts back to not caring about him and being rude and violent and she knows he'll get over it and come back to spoiling her, Octavia is getting emotionally abused by her father while loona is abusing her father THERE SITUATIONS ARE NOT THE SAME and now loona will basically glue Octavia onto her abuser while also probably abusing Octavia either emotionally, mentally, physically I don't see her at all as a kind or understanding or caring person she only act like that when it's convenient to the plot or as a moment to gaslight people into ignoring her awful actions , so yeah I don't think loona would at all be a good person for Octavia to hang out with under any circumstances she'd probably badly influence her and make her mental health worse than it already is , people go out of their way to make her act completely different from what she does in the show to make this s*** idea possible and that's another problem loona like stolas is coddled by the fandom and they always ignore how much of an awful person she actually is instead come up with excuses for her and try to make her look better than she actually is , I get the appeal people might get from this idea but I really don't like it or see it I feel like people are glossing over alot of issues with this whole situation
Thank you for coming to my rant
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starcaravel · 3 months
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(A/N: hey so this is my first time posting on tumblr and i’m kinda nervous SO warnings: 18+, smut, dom! m x sub f reader, swearing, fingering, pet names ect and usage of condoms (wrap before you tap pls💋) oh and btw yn is in a band ;))
riffs n rivals
"no i won't hear it! 'what's the story morning glory' beats any song off of 'leisure' and you know it." zoey exclaimed, who was the lead singer of your band. marlene, who was your bands drummer was ready to fight back but you shut them both up by playing your guitar, which they took as a note to stop arguing.
"girls if you keep fighting like this during our rehearsal time, our fans are gonna hate us from how shit we sound on stage" you stated to the pair and your bassist clare , smirked to herself, making you smirk too.
thankfully it was quiet for a while, until two boys barged in, one was tall with curly hair and eye makeup on, the other was a little shorter, with straight hair and a gibson SG in his hands. they caught all of your attention, it was still quiet so zoey broke the silence by questioning who they were.
"Hi i'm danny, and this is jake.. your manager told us to say that you're almost on so get ready for your set" danny spoke calmly and gave you a small smile, to which you returned. for some reason, you couldn't keep your eyes off of jake, he was very quiet and the glasses he had on, caught your attention fast.
the other girls ran off to prepare for the set but you stayed seated, as you knew all the material you were to perform, danny walked in and sat down on the chair next to you. he glared at jake and signalled for him to sit as well, to which he obliged and sat opposite the pair of you.
"so! what kinda music do you guys play?" danny pipped up, you smiled at his attempt to break the ice, "well we're a rock n roll band but with a modern twist i suppose, the others can't really decide what they want so i just sit and come up with riffs for them, let them do all the work, i'm just here to have fun i guess" you replied, looking at danny now.
"oh that's cool! we're rock n roll too! just got a twist of the blues instead of modern" he replied and you nodded in response but it went silent again so you tried to make it less awkward by playing 'voodoo child' by jimi hendrix, which got jake's attention.
"you like hendrix?" he asked "nah not really, who's that?" you replied sarcastically and danny chuckled, you earned a smirk from jake which sent butterflies through your stomach.
"all jokes aside, he's a legend so of course i'm gonna like his stuff, always been a fan, since i was a kid" you replied, trying to get a conversation with jake running and he had the same idea, "yeah! he's so cool, just like clapton man, they're all amazing" he replied.
"i mean, yeah clapton is good but harrison is way better, i mean have you heard 'while my guitar gently weeps?', george had the best solo career out of all the beatle boys" you stated and something changed in jake's mood, danny became alerted "oh no.. you insulted eric clapton in front of jake,that's not good.. errr?" danny started to say but paused to ask for a name.
"oh im y/n by the way!" you said, "pretty name! but yeah jake hates it when you shit talk clapton like that" danny finished what he was saying, you scoffed at the end of his statement but ignored it once you got called on stage, you said your goodbyes to the two boys and made your way back to the others.
during your set, you could feel a pair of eyes on you from the side of the stage, you quickly glanced to see jake looking right at you, with danny on his right and two other boys on his left, who you assumed to be his band mates.
for the whole time you were on stage, jake did not take his eyes off of you, once you were off and made it to your dressing room, you noticed he had quietly followed behind.
"what? here to talk technique with me?? i saw you staring during the whole set, you are aware we're a band of four not one-" you were saying without looking at jake but you got cut off when you were pushed against the wall, he was inches away from your face, he had his hands on the wall, between you so it would be impossible to move away.
"i think you're a very smart girl but that mouth doesn't make you seem so sometimes , huh darling?" he spoke, his voice was low and raspier than it was earlier, you looked down, unsure of what to say. noticing this, jake gently grabs your chin with his fingers and lifts your head to make eye contact.
"what's the matter now? cat got your tongue?" he remarked, even though it should've made you bite back, you felt heat rising in your core. "don't think i don't know how you looked at me earlier, when i walked through the door. poor daniel tried to cut the tension between us but failed" he continued.
"maybe if you took those damn glasses off, he wouldn't have needed to try" you mumbled but he heard every word, his hand left your chin and he took the glasses off, "there, is that better for you princess?" he smirked, you noticed that his face was closer, his lips almost grazed against yours which made your breath hitch.
both of you stayed like that, to what seemed like forever to you, until Jake closed the gap by smashing his lips into yours, you moaned into the kiss which made jake smirk with pride, god you hated how smug he was but your body reacted differently,
jake lowered a hand to your jeans and slipped it inside, grazing his finger tips along your heat, against your panties "mmm so wet for me already baby?" he mumbled into your ear, his hot breath against the shell of it as you groaned in response, no man has ever made you feel the way jake made you feel.
"aww don't go shy on me now sweet girl, use your words" he taunted as you rolled your hips forward into his hand, you huffed "jake.. please, i need you inside of me" you asked, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
"oh so she begs now?" he smirked which earned him an eye roll from you, jake left wet kisses down your neck slowly, "jake i swear to go-" you began to snap but gasped as he shoved two fingers into you, curling them up inside of your core, his pace was quick and rough.
you started to feel a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach as jake continued his assault on your neck, moving down to your collar bone and keeping his fingers at a steady pace, in seconds, with just a few more curls of the guitarist fingers, you came undone and released onto his two fingers,
he brought them up out of your jeans and into his mouth, savouring every last drop of you that he could taste, the sight made your knees weak and core ache for him even more, "on the couch, clothes off now" jake demanded and you followed suit.
he stripped his jeans off of him as you pulled your own pair off, you teasingly let your shirt fall over your head slowly, leaving your bra on for jake to notice. he stared at your breasts with his mouth agape, moving towards you, to take the bra off.
with a quick motion, he had it off in seconds, practice makes perfect you thought, jake removed his own shirt, pushed you down so you were on your back on the couch. he hovered over you, his necklaces dangling in your face.
he palmed himself through his boxers, the outline of his cock making it's self apparent to you, as you tried to reach for it, jake grabbed your wrists with one hand and brought them over your head "ah ah princess, who said you could touch? be a good girl and spread your legs for me baby" he rasped
you slowly opened your legs, your dripping core becoming visible to jake, his eyes darkened at the sight, a look filled with lust that only made you yearn for him more, he pulled down his boxers, freeing his member, pumping it a few times before pulling out a condom from his jean pocket and rolling it onto himself.
jake slowly slid himself into you, as you both groaned from the feeling "fuck you feel so good gorgeous" he moaned and let you adjust to his size before pushing all the way in, he stretched you out in a way you haven't been before, tears brimmed in your eyes from the way it burned but it was a good type of pain, jake stopped but you soon tapped his arm to let him know that you were ready for him to move.
jake pulled back almost all the way before slamming straight back into you, starting off at a steady pace, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer to your face, closing the gap between the two of you, both of you moaned into each others mouths from the feeling of jake inside, it felt as if you were made for each other.
jake rested one hand on your hip with the other on your opposite leg, bringing your thigh up to your chest so he could fuck you in a deeper angle, his thrusts quickened, the lewd sounds of skin slapping together and heavy breathing coming from the both of you, filled the room, your arms found their way down his back, leaving scratches all over it, jake gave his last sharp thrusts into you before they started to slow, you knew he was close and vice versa.
jake moved his head down to place kisses all over your chest, moving from one breast to the other, gently tugging on the skin with his teeth, smoothing it over with his tongue, you moaned loudly, unable to cover it up.
he kissed up your neck, leaving hickies all over for you to be embarrassed about tomorrow morning, as you climaxed, jake was close behind you and you could feel his warm load shooting inside you, into the condom, after riding out his orgasam, jake collapsed on top of you, the pair of you stayed like that for what felt like forever until jake leaned up on his forearms and pulled out of you, getting rid of the condom and laying down next to you.
with the both of you huffing and puffing, jake tried to make conversation "so.. you still prefer harrison over clapton?" he asked whilst looking you in the eyes, his brown ones softening, you brought a hand to the side of his face and smirked "oh definitely, a hundred percent" you replied smugly.
this time jake laughed himself, putting his hand over yours, "yeah.. but i'm not bad as you think i am, right?" he asked, his voice hoarse from the events that just took place, "yeah.. you're not bad cowboy, not bad" you remarked whilst playfully patting his chest which earned you a hearty laugh from jake.
you two got dressed quickly, jake leaving first and you a little bit behind him, danny and zoey were stood on the opposite wall, staring at the pair of you with smug looks on their faces. "so i take it you two made up then?" danny smirked as zoey snorted, "yeah dan, look at y/n' s hair, it's a fucking mess!" she shouted as your cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.
"oh jake you really can't keep a grudge can you?" danny taunted his friend, "fuck off dude" jake remarked but smiled to himself, you rolled your eyes as zoey ran off to tell the other girls, just then the two boys from before joined, "ah! y/n id like you to meet sammy and josh, sammy is jake's younger brother and josh is jake's older twin brother" danny exclaimed, introducing the two innocent boys, your eyes widened, oh shit-there's two of them?? ....
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nootthereststop · 4 months
Pt. 3 pookies sorry it i cant spell even thoigh english is my first language my typing is AWFUL.
Falsettos commentary: Trina edition
So i think its really understated the impact of religion on all the characters not just jason?
I would like to preface this post by saying this isnt a post about the flaws of religion, i have no problem with religion and i believe that it can be a lovely thing to be religious in some form if one is so inclined, scincere apologies if i mischaracterize any aspects of judaisim in this post, ive tried to educate myself on the little i do cover in this but i understand it would likely not be accurate, if i have said anything that doesnt seem right please let me know so i can fix it!
We see (especially in act two) how the cast is not very enamoured by the idea of religion in lines like "this is so much crap, throw a simple party, religions just a trap to ensnare the weak and the dumb" "(days like this) we ALMOST believe in god ect"
Trina is in my opinion most affected by a jewish upbringing. We see that in the expectations placed on her by her mother and father "i was sure growing up i would live the life my mother assumed id live, very jewish, very middleclass, and very straight" and of course her father indirectly forcing her into her first marraige which ended in divorce. A major aspect of the show is highlighting the glaring flaws in everyday people; how we manipulate and lie, "we are manipulating people and we need to know our worst sides arent ignored" . We see one of trinas "flaws" to be what she frames as some level of sexual frustration/ dependency, as alot of im breaking down explores her (lack of an) intimite relationship and the strain this puts on her, as her mind consistently defaults for sexual refrences and innuendos, sometimes to the point of objectifying herself, (something that we also see alot consistently throughout the show) "whos lusty and requires a fling with a female thing" "me im just a freak who needs it maybe every other week". As im not personally jewish I am very uneducated on jewish practices and belief systems HOWEVER many religions tend to have a very negative standing on sexual intimacy for the express purpouse of pleasure. This appears to cause trina to objectify herself as well as conform to the societal roles assigned to her, despite not really seeming to enforce them on others "he decides the role to assume". We see the pressure to conform to religious practices when jason doesnt want a bar mitzfah "not with g-ns but k-ll your mother rather than humiliate her" despite not really seeming to visit a synagouge or encourage aspects of religion such as prayer onto jason. I think this shows how her eeligion is so deeply engrained these practices are no more than habit and how disconnected she truly is from that religion
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sashkapi · 7 months
Kindall headcanons?
Oh, you want me to become an unskipable cutscene? /j
Kskfkksf ok, I put some of them before they would start dating
1. Already said that but Kick does likes getting Kendall's attention, so he sometimes messes with her on purpose and then denies it as "well, I mess with her because I don't like her"
2. Kendall, who usually comes first to the school, opens windows in some classes. She tells teachers it's because she wants some fresh air, but also there's a certain someone who doesn't respect doors as an entrance point and she kinda doesn't like seeing him hurt.
3. Their bickering sometimes goes into such a ridiculous territories. Why on earth someone like them would get into a heated argument about koalas?
They want to talk to each other and are used to doing so that way, that's why.
4. Speaking of which, their bickering is also their way of flirting. If you don't pay attention you won't notice, but it is somewhat obvious.
5. While Kendall does get scary when she's angry, she also hates when in that state she is not taken seriously. Kick started pretending that he likes when she's mad to piss her off even more.
And then he actually started liking it.
6. Kendall once mentioned that a lot of science related problems could be used as stunt prep and Kick now has no problems with math/physics/geometry. She teases him about the fact that she is so good at academics that she basically tutored him without tutoring him at all.
7. Gunther and Mouth are the only two people that know that Kick and Kendall are crushing on each other. Gunther doesn't interviene because he respects Kick as his friend and is wary of Kendall. Mouth on the other hand? That prick enjoys the drama and Kendall kinda has a lot of incriminating info on his shady deals so he has to keep his mouth shut.
8. There are some detentions Kick got that were unexpectedly cut short. Guess who's doing is this.
9. Some of Rock Callahan's films are based on books. Whenever there's a trailer for a movie based on a book she red, Kendall would tease Kick about spoiling it (she does that to Gunther sometimes too)
10. Whenever Kick has a grandiose stunt to do that attracts a crowd, he (unconsciously) would look for Kendall in that crowd. Boy is in a denial, but he still wants to impress her the best way he knows how.
11. After some time Kick started calling Kendall "Kends" occasionally, which gets on her nerves. If she refuses to call him by his nickname - he will give her one.
12. Kick and Gunther have a "Stunt book" - a journal they use to write ideas that they can't execute right here and now or use it for calculating speed, angles, sizes for ramps ect. Both of them doodle in that journal too. Of course among Kick's doodles there's drawings of a certain bratty rule-loving girl. He erases them most of the time but Gunther already knows so Kick mostly does it to keep lying to himself about his growing fondness of said brat.
13. Since they do fight verbally a lot, they also do seriously hurt each other feelings sometimes. Whenever Kick is hurt he becomes cold and bitterly direct towards Kendall and doesn't engage in their fights if Kendall tries to initiate them. When Kendall is hurt she straight up ignores his existence and if she has to talk to him out of necessity - she becomes so overly polite that it's creepy.
14. Adding onto previous, the ways they "apologize": Kendall would genuinely ask Kick if he's ok/hurt physically even if it isn't obvious that he was doing anything dangerous and "somewhat" compliment him like "You have to think about your safety too, even if your stunts are breathtaking I guess", while Kick would ask her to help him a bit with academics even if he doesn't need it, like asking her how to memorize history dates and names quicker or what was the themes of the novel that they had to read for literature and genuinely thanking her when she (while being creepily polite) helps him. It's not the best way, but at this point they are just not ready to communicate properly.
15. Based on my "Kendall writes adventure/romance novels in secret" hc: she unconsciously tends to make male leads in her stories danger-loving and stoic-y. She herself actually haven't noticed.
16. Kick thinks Kendall is beautiful. The thing is: he doesn't realize that it's just him. He really thinks that she IS beautiful when in reality others think that she is just "okay" by beauty standards. This can lead to an exchanges like
Kick: Of course that bratty teacher's pet has pretty privilege >:(
Gunther: She does?
Kick: What do you mean? Look at her! She does!
Gunther:... no she doesn't?
Ok. I have to stop myself or I'll be here the whole day, but yeah
I have an ask in my inbox that will be sorta like part 2 for this ehehehehehe
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Welcome to my criticism and drama blog!
Here is where I'll most criticize shows, films, other artist/content creators and such as well as talking about drama.. Originally, I use to do this on my main blog but after recent events I decided to separate it since I know that some of my followers may be sick and tired of me getting into fights with weirdos or helluva/hazbin stans for just wanting to express my opinions. Please note that I may do a lot of ranting on this blog as well as critiquing some series that you may like, if you are a huge fan of said series or a stan.. for your own mental health (I can't stress this enough) PLEASE do not follow me or interact with me, PLEASE block or ignore me if you do not wanna hear me criticize someone you look up to or a show/movie/game that you really really REALLY enjoy and you don't see any "flaws" in it. ‧₊˚🌈✩ Remember, Shows, Movies, Games and everyone else are not flawless.. we all have our flaws ‧₊˚🌈✩
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~Small Info about me~
. I’m Panromantic, Polyamory and Genderfluid going by He/She/They/Them pronouns.. I came out as Genderfluid last year (2022)
. I don’t like receiving messages that is literally just ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ (unless it’s from a close friend or someone i know) because I get easily panicked so I rather you just get straight to the point xp /nbr
. My bad for not including this here until now but, if you are reblogging my critic posts towards Vivziepop, Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel.. PLEASE do not use any "anti" tags because I'm not anti helluva boss or hazbin hotel, yes, I hate Viv but I do not hate her series plus, I do not want to be seen as an "anti Vivzie" to the stans since they already have that "all critics are evil" mindset no thanks to her and I do not want it to get worse.
. Please be aware that I will be sharing or talking about adult topics that some people may find sensitive, I'll put the appropriate tags if I do mention said topic . I will be criticizing series like Helluva Boss, Hazbin hotel, Muffins and people like Vivziepop, Reitanna Seishin.. If this is not your liking then I highly advise that you don't follow this blog. . Another thing to note is yes, I am a fan of Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel and Muffins but however I obviously do NOT support the creator (Yes, I am those type of people that believe that you can seperate art from artist in some cases) Also YES, you can criticize someone while also liking it too.
. I'll also be criticizing fandoms and communities (communities like people who support proshipping)
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Do not interact with me if you are the following or support the following: - You are a Reitanna Seishin Stan. - You are a Vivziepop Stan. - You support Pedophilla/lolicon/Shotacon. - You support Zoophilla, Necrophilla or anything problematic. - You support Proship, profic (Yes, I do realize there are some people that label theirselves profic while not fetishizing/romanticizing problematic content but still, this is mostly aiming at people who DO), non-con, comship ect. - You are homophobic, transphobic, racist, zionist, sexist, ableist or basically just a problematic person in general. -You support bullying people for just drawing non-problematic art (like scenecore, canon x oc ship art, canon x self-insert ship art or what people consider "cringe") - You are a trump supporter.
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ambcass · 7 months
ᴛᴇxᴛ ᴍᴇ, ɪ ᴍɪꜱꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ʙᴀʙʏ || ᴊᴀɪᴍᴇ ʀᴇʏᴇꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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a/n: thank you all for your requests! A lot of the fic is in my drafts rn but I can squeeze in a few more. if u see this, feel free to request smth :) THIS IS MY FIRST DARK FIC
tags: Yandere! Jaime, swearing, female reader, helpless reader, kidnapping, angst, fluff if you squint your eyes, obsessive praise (if that makes sense), drugging, needles, fight scenes, knife, blood, PET NAMES USED (babe, baby, good girl, pretty, ect.) NO HAPPY ENDING😊. OUT OF CHARACTER BEHAVIOR
Jaime loves you so much. He tells you every day how much he can't live without you being in his life. He clings to you like a lost puppy. Following you where ever you're headed. He tries to calm down when you're talking to another guy. Hell, he hates it even more when that guy you're talking to is one of his friends. After your conversation with Bart ended, Jaime walked up to you two and asked you to wait as he pulled Bart aside before coming back. Ever since Bart doesn't speak a word towards you. You obviously knew your boyfriend had something to do with it.
Later that night you guys had an argument. Like all arguments, he says things like “you wouldn’t leave me if you didn’t care.” , “Where’s the old you”, “C’mon my love, don’t act like this.” You always stayed. He said you were the problem and you believed him. You wanted to change, just for him. Not last night though. He sang the same song but you took it from a different approach. You spoke about possessive he’s been acting but he says that “it’s for your own good.”
You stormed out his house with so much frustration flowing through your body. Should of waited until the morning. You walked out his home and into the cold, dark night. Suddenly your phone kept buzzing. You opened it and it’s Jaime begging you to come back. Pleading you to not leave him but you don’t answer.
My Beetle💙: Eres tan dramatica! (You’re so dramatic) You know I just wnat the best for you… please baby text me back❤️
you ignored him. A few minutes later, your phone rings again.
My Beetle💙: I miss you bebe.
ignored again. At this point you were back home, lying on your bed. It got hot, really hot, but you had no AC nor a fan. Best idea you came up was to open your windows, wide. The air ran through your hair like a Disney princess singing a love song. Once more, your phone rings. This time you took a peak at the message.
My Beetle💙: Stop being for difficult for me. Don’t make me get you myself.
You didn’t think much into it. He has never physically hurt you. So you ignored it and went to sleep. What a mistake you made.
You next woke up to beeping and metal softly clashing to each other. Slowly opening your eyes, a head of dark blue and bright, glowing yellow eyes stared at you. You were about to scream for help but this figure covered your mouth and nose with a piece of cloth. You kicked its stomach, rolled out your bed, and ran straight for the door. Before could run out, you turned back around to glance at your bed. He disappeared from your view and nowhere to be seen
I can run now, you thought. You turned back to the door and POW. A punch directly to the face. You fell to the ground. You, knocked up, on the cold bare floor. Your vision was blurry but you felt two fingers pulled your eyelids down to close them. Before you were completely out, you felt yourself being dragged by foot off to somewhere.
Once you woke up and your vision was starting to clear up, it didn’t take you a long time to realize that you were tied up to a chair in an empty room. You tried breaking free but the ropes were too tight. You shouted,
“Help me! Someone please…” Foot steps slowly creeped behind you. That gradually got louder and louder, until they stopped. You felt a presence lean behind you. Then a tip of a knife was then placed right beside your lip.
“Nu uh. Don’t speak sweetheart, unless you want me to carve this pretty little mouth into pieces” This tender, chilling voice could only belong to one person.
“J-jaime!?” Before you knew it, your cheek to slashed. You didn’t scream but you cried. Cried like a little baby with blood oozing out of you and dripping on the floor. Jaime circled around you until you met your gaze. He lifted your chin.
“Let’s take a look at you, shall we?” He pulled out a white paper napkin and started to wipe the dripping blood from your cheek. “Isn’t that much better, mi amor?” Tears were flooding down your eyes. You had so many emotions packed up but you knew you couldn’t show them. The consequences may cost your life.
He whipped out another napkin and wiped your tears for you. “It’s okay pretty, you’re safe with me…” he wrapped your head around his arms and held you close to him.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Jaime lets go. The blood on your cheek stained on to his shirt. He bends down and kisses your wounded cheek.
“Well, my sweet girl didn’t want to listen to me. She didn’t understand how much I wanted to protect her. She insisted on talking to some other guy but me-“ you cut him off before he could finish.
“He’s your best friend! And I’ve known him longer than you did. I don’t know why-“ you tried to prove your point but he slapped you for cutting him off. Left a red handprint on your face.
“You need to learn how to be a good girl for me,” Jaime said in heartless tone. “So the two of us will just spend some quality’s time with each other. For a very long time.” He smirked when he saw you shake your head nonstop. He had the apprehend here. He had full control of you now. He pulled out a needle with some type of drug in it.
“Please Jaime, I’m sorry. I’ll never talk to any guy but you. Don’t do this, I love you.” You pleaded him to stop but he doesn’t. He slowly circled behind you. He brushed his fingertips starting with your head to your arms. He moved your hair aside and kissed your neck softly. You were so focused on this caring side of him, you failed to notice the fact that he was injecting that needle into your immune system. You got tired. Very tired. Your eyesight slowly blurred up as you fluttered eyes more frequently.
“You’ll be good as new when you wake up, I promise” was the last thing you heard from Jaime before it was all black. Last thing your own conscious heard and felt anything.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
More thought through ideas on Bleach roleswap AU
Instead of the Vizards taking the place of Ichigo’s friends they take the roles of the mortal ones Keigo ect and it’s Urahara, Yoruichi and Shinji take the places of Chad, Uryuu and Orihime.
(Orihime being the shop keeper and former head of Squad 4 with Op healing ability) She is always so happy go lucky and no one can get a read on her. She talks about building a giant robot… no one knows if she’s actually trying to do that or not.
Yoruichi and Urahara and best friends and pure chaos (Even worse when Gin is added to the mix)
Urahara having the power that leads him to be kidnapped in place of Orihime.
Shinji:…You sure we need to rescue him? he might just annoy them into letting him go
Aizen:…I mean if it didn’t work with Gin in soul society I don’t think it’ll work with Urahara and the espada
Gin:I can’t tell if I should take that as a compliment or if I should just try harder
Yourichi and Gin are also pure idiots who see Espada Soi fon and Fraction Rangiku and are just head over heels and spend their entire fights flirting.
Yoruichi: Quit making heart eyes at Shinji and then you can judge Us!
Urahara being stuck waiting for them to rescue him like oh they’ll be coming straight for me… then see’s Yourichi ‘fighting’ where she’s just flirting with Soi Fon. The rest of the group are sure they hear him swearing from all other the base.
Ulquiorra and Orihime having the you left me behind storyline, and after soul society arc whenever he shows up at the shop them being awkward and so clearly pinning for each other. It’s painful and like watching a car crash.
Adjuchas Komamura just still following Tousen around after the winter war and all the other captains just being like ‘…fuck it to tired for this bullshit just gonna ignore this’
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thrashkink-coven · 9 months
hii!! im so so sorry if this is considered a weird question and by all means you can delete this/ect, but i wanted to ask: how do you know when your deity loves you? i know it may sound stupid and/or weird but i genuinely have so many issues trusting it.. my deity is very loving to me, hes never been mean to me, ignored me, or anything! and hes so understanding and stuff about everything i tell him, hes really the best deity i couldve asked for. but for some reason i still cant feel loved all the time/all the way. it may have something to do with the fact im aroace, havent done much (hardly any at all really) shadow work, the trauma, or something in between or even all of the above, but i want to trust it, i want to trust him. but the feeling comes rarely then fades almost as soon as i get it. i dont know if its a thing of maybe its because im in the closet about my practices due to it being unsafe to do it openly, or because me and my deity have only worked together for maybe a month or around 6-4 weeks, and i still need the time to feel associated with him & his energy, im unsure and its a little scary/invalidating :( i see so many other witches be so absolutely happy and set in stone with their love for their deities and the deities love for them, but i just cant? i really really know i love my deity and stuff, but, its all just so confusing and sad/aggravating. anyway, thank you for your time <33
(im sorry for the enormous dump haha)
Thanks for asking!
Our relationship with our deities are very different to our relationships with humans in many ways, but in some ways they are also extremely similar. Maybe you’ve never been in a romantic relationship, but oftentimes even when we are with the person that we love and we’re 100% confident that they love us back with all their heart, we can still become nervous and wonder if our relationships are legitimate or “real”. This is something that can occur with any kind of relationship. It may have absolutely nothing to do with the actions of the other party and more to do with how we view ourselves. If we don’t think we are worthy to be in their presence we will often unfairly assume their negative opinion of us- even if they have done nothing to indicate that. It’s important to consider what circumstances in your life might have lead you to feel this way, chances are it has nothing to do with them.
In the context of Gods, they are funnily enough, without bodies. Which means that they can’t always be present in extremely obvious ways. You may find yourself getting anxious if a partner or friend doesn’t reach out for a few days, but that doesn’t at all mean that your friend or partner didn’t think about you at all during that time. There is this very common misconception in spiritual circles that devotees interact directly with their Gods every single day, that we can feel their influence at all times and that they are always super close to us- and that’s just not true.
In the case of Lucifer, I reach out to him at least once a day in some way, but I don’t always feel his overwhelming warmth and light all the time. In fact, sometimes I don’t feel anything and that’s just fine. My devotion is partially a gift to him but also a gift to myself, I don’t just do this so he’ll pop up and do a little dance for me lol, my love of worshipping is part of the deal.
For an entity like Jophiel who is an angel, I don’t necessarily even want to feel his presence all the time because he’s just a lot to deal with on a daily basis. In fact I only really interact with Jophiel directly once every few months if that. He probably wouldn’t be very pleased by frivolous interactions either- actually he’s just straight up told me he doesn’t like it lol. His presence is something that can always be found but isn’t always appropriate or necessary. That doesn’t at all mean that Jophiel and I have a weaker relationship by any means, rather that we are so confident in our relationship that we can handle the distance. I know that if I make a genuine call he will answer, and there are times he just happens to be closer to me for whatever reason. In the same way, sometimes he’s just farther away. Jophiel is pure love and I know he feels no ill will towards me, love shows itself in many ways, not just the ways that are the most obvious. If I admire a stranger or study the beauty of a snowflake, Jophiel will always be there.
Likewise with an entity like Faviel, he kind of just does what he wants. By his very nature he is a free flyer. Sometimes he literally does straight up ignore me and that’s okay too. Sometimes I can tell he’s around but actively declining my call. He knows the difference between my genuine need for him and my random passive curiosity. He’s not my pet so he doesn’t stand by my leg all the time.
I’ve seen some hellenic devotees express that some of their Gods feel farther away during certain seasons (Apollon in the winter for example) so they amp up their offerings and celebrations to welcome them back in the spring. Your deities’ absence is the time to think about them most. There’s no need to mourn that which hasn’t died.
I can’t tell you for a 100% fact whether any given God loves us in the same way we experience love- because some of them genuinely just don’t. In the same way that you’re aroace, some Gods genuinely just don’t care about those kinds of relationships with humans lol- but in those cases it is quite easy to tell. Sometimes that level of intimacy isn’t necessary for the work being done. And yes, sometimes a God will definitely just reject you (HERMES REJECTED ME AT FIRST CAN YOU BELIEVE!?!)
But if you already have experienced a genuine connection then worrying about that is of no benefit to you.
These entities don’t really just sit around and wait for us to text them lol, they are very busy and important spirits with roles and things they need to do just like we do. Faviel is a messenger, Lucifer is a King, Jophiel is a chief and archangel, I’m sure your God is the God of something pretty important too. These fellas got work to do!
If Lucifer got mad at me whenever I was doing anything other than worshipping him, he’d probably think I didn’t care very much about him either- which isn’t very fair!
In my relationship with Lucifer especially, confidence was of the utmost importance. Simply put, if Lucifer put no effort in and did nothing in response to my calls, I wouldn’t be his devotee. I know that sounds harsh but it was Lucifer himself that taught me that I am worthy of being in his space, he does respect me and love me and I needed to be 100% confident and aware of that before he took me on. He actually scolded me a few times for “begging” him to appear because it seemed pathetic and he does not work with pathetic people. When you make that call you should be confident in your audacity to do so, you are more than worthy of an answer, there is no need to beg or worry.
If I worried that Lucifer doesn’t care about me every time I didn’t feel his presence that would be a way of casting doubt onto him. I need to be confident in our relationship even when it isn’t abundantly clear. I need to be able to find the light even when I can’t see it.
So in your case, maybe the reason why that feeling of love fades so quickly for you because as soon as you start to notice it, you start to question it and wonder if it’s really there. And then of course it won’t be- because you’re no longer feeling it but analyzing it. The next time you have this feeling allow your mind to go quiet and just let it happen. Don’t worry about anything else, feel it and cherish it and you will eventually become familiar and confident in it.
You got this!
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 7 months
hello, its me! the anon who asked for your opinion abt shipping Alastor with other characters :)
firstly, thank you for answering! i totally agree that, if you build on a character's canon aro/ace orientation, then shipping them would be okay. ive just heard other people say doing that was aroace erasure, and i didnt feel like i had much say, because (as previously stated) im aceflux and nebularomantic.
my sexuality fluctuates, and i cant really tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction, which is why i didnt feel qualified to put out my opinion on such matters
i also feel like i should apologize, bc i kinda feel like my ask may have snowballed into some sort discourse? idk, just from what i saw when looking at the blog every now and then, it looked like some shit was going down, revolving around Alastor 😭
now, onto why im here: why should someone do if a person they looked up to, who outwardly supported the aroace community, turns out to be a horrible person? (im sure that some people reading this can already guess who im talking about)
i feel so icky about the situation, bc ive supported and loved this person for years. all of the songs theyve ever written have been so aro-coded (as said by aromantics), and a vast majority of their fanbase is aromantic/on the aro/ace spectrum, myself included. they even spoke about their love for the aromantic community openly, and now, with them being exposed as a horrible person, i dont really know how to feel. is there any advice you could give me and others who are in the same boat? /nf
—sincerely, 🦢🦌
No it’s all good! The discourse was started by me ducking up and some people taking it slightly to far.
Unfortunately I do know who you’re talking about. I was in that fandom back in 20-22 ish, and I couldn’t be happier that I left. Honestly. I don’t know ANYthing about the situation other then someone being revealed to be a piece of shit for some reason and I would like to keep it that way:
I don’t need to know the details about what this person did.
Small side note before I begin:
I think the problem is a lot of people have put people like that on a pedestal while not knowing anything about them. 
The big difference between e- celebrities and true (actors, singers, rich assholes ect) celebrities is the accountability of the public. True celebrities have been held accountable much sooner and to much more effect then e-celebrities due to the fact that the media cares what they do. The paparazzi ect
People talking about not listening to said persons music anymore: reminder that it’s not only them who produces and plays that music. Don’t listen to their solo shit, burn CDs rip it off YouTube, piracy is on the rise.
The rest of the people involved with the band are NOT at fault here and their career and income should not have to suffer for an asshole.
“Cancel” the person not the team.
You can still relate to something without relating to the asshole
You can still relate to something without being the asshole
Be respectful
Listen to victims
And a word for my aspecs ->
The amount of straight people who are just as bad doesn’t matter here, no matter what happens next, all people will see is “he supported aroace spec people” and will try and use it.
Ignore that block them and report harassment
Stay safe anon
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mooshkat · 1 year
whumptober day 7: "can you hear me?"
(beware the usual warnings that comes from my scream au, i.e. blood, gore, murder, stabbings, the boys being inappropriately horny, ect.)
The sudden silence leaves TK's ear ringing and his heart in his throat as he watches Carlos crumble to the ground. He can't see what the hit did to Carlos, his mask is in the way, but the complete stillness of his body is chilling.
Their target–TK hadn't cared to remember his name, that was Carlos' job for his phone calls–swings around to TK, eyes wild with fear and anger as he holds the baseball bat in his hands. "Get the fuck away from me!" he yells, pointing the end of the bat at TK. He gestures to Carlos with it, trying to appear threatening. "Stay back or–or I'll kill him!"
TK growls and tightens his fist around his knife. There's blood drying on the tip of the blade from already getting a few hits on the target as they chased him around the house. He'd given the man a deep cut on his arm, and he’s fairly sure that he nicked an artery by the way the wound hasn't stopped bleeding yet. 
His eyes are dazed and unfocused, and surely the blood loss is catching up to him and making him dizzy now.
"You shouldn't have done that," TK says, the Ghostface modulator twisting his voice. It's fierce and deadly, and underneath the rage burning under his skin, he feels a dark satisfaction as the man pales further, realizing how badly he's fucked up.
The target tries to back away, but he slips in the small puddle of blood he's been leaving and hits the floor hard on his back. He wheezes and tries to scramble back up to his feet, but he doesn't get the chance.
TK pounces, pinning him to the ground as he straddles him. All he sees is red as he drives the knife into the man's body, again and again and again as he yells at him. "Don't! Fucking! Touch! My! Husband!"
Blood splatters onto TK, hitting the mask and dripping down onto his chest, soaking into the costume.
The man screams out in pain, pleading with him to stop and he's sorry, but TK ignores him until he goes silent and still.
He sits back, his chest heaving and hands shaking from the exertion, and looks down at the body under him. Blood soaks into TK's pants as the puddle spreads out on the floor, pouring out from the numerous stab wounds he'd gifted the man. 
He’s going to have to burn this outfit when they get home, there’s no washing that out. If Carlos were awake, he’d scold TK for being so messy with his kill. 
Without sparing the dead man a second glance, TK crawls off of him and over to Carlos. He rips Carlos’ mask off and tosses it aside, cradling his husband's head gently as he checks the damage. 
There's a goose egg on the side of his head from the hit that makes TK let out a hiss of sympathy for the headache it surely gave him. The skin over the knot is split, matting his husband's pretty curls with blood in a way that, while usually exciting and attractive to TK, only makes him nauseous now.
"Baby? Can you hear me? Please, come on." TK tries patting Carlos on the cheek, being gentle with him at first, but that doesn't work. He’s out cold. He switches to paramedic tactics and closes his hand in a fist, giving his husband a harsh sternum rub. "Wake up!"
Carlos reacts to the touch on instinct before his eyes are fully open. He swings his knife wildly and TK catches his wrist in a tight grip, but not before the blade is buried almost an inch into his side.
His fingers spasm around their hold and he grunts, but holds Carlos tightly so he doesn't just yank it out and make the wound bigger. "You back with me, baby?" he asks as he slowly eases the knife out.
It drops to the floor beside them as Carlos relaxes his grip on it and he presses his hand against TK's side, making the pain ache sharply.
"Sorry," Carlos says, but then he presses harder and TK doesn't think he's very sorry at all, moaning as the pain goes straight to his dick. It's not the first cut Carlos has given TK, and it certainly won't be the last. "What happened with our guy?"
TK doesn't look away from Carlos, even as his husband lifts his head to check around. He reaches up and pulls off his mask, shaking out his sweaty hair. "Well, he looks more like a slice of Swiss cheese than he does a person now. I don't care about him, though. How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit over the head with a baseball bat." Carlos' reply is dry, making TK roll his eyes. The paramedic tries to check his head again, but Carlos ducks away from the touch with only the smallest flinch, the corners of his eyes tightening in pain. "You can go all nurse mode on me at home. We need to leave."
TK knows he's right, they need to leave before the cops are called to the house if they haven't already, but he needs a moment. For one awful, terrifying second, he hadn't known if Carlos would get back up from the hit. He was angry at what had been done to his husband, but he was also scared for him.
He leans down, pressing his forehead against Carlos'. The smell of blood and sweat and something uniquely Carlos helps calm TK down. “Please don’t scare me like that again,” he pleads quietly. “I can’t lose you.”
Carlos hums quietly and grabs TK’s hips, rubbing his hands soothingly over them. “Now you know how it felt watching you get shot all those months ago,” he teases, but it’s gentle, soft. “Don’t worry, baby. I won’t go down that easily.”
TK can’t resist poking at him. “You did go down that easily, though.” Their target had gotten lucky, pulling the bat out of its hiding place and swinging it at Carlos quickly enough to catch him off guard.
His side is pinched in retaliation and he yelps, smacking Carlos’ hand away.
“Fine,” Carlos rolls his eyes. “I won’t go down like that again.” It’s useless to promise something they really have no control over and they both know it, but it works on easing TK’s worry for the moment. He nudges TK off of him and climbs to his feet, grabbing his knife as he does. “Let’s go home so I can stitch you up.”
“Can’t believe you fucking stabbed me,” TK bitches, and Carlos lets out a heavy sigh. He’s not planning on letting that go for a while.
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