#eddie x punk!reader
curiositydooropened · 2 years
Cherry Flavored Summer [Chapter One] ☀
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The summer of '85 is as hot and sticky as any other, but when Eddie runs into you on his shift at Big Buy, he thinks this year might be his year. Set during season 3.
Pairing: Eddie x femme punk!reader
Wordcount: 8048
Warnings: eventual smut [under 18 DNI please!], drug use, mentions of prison, death, knives, guns, canon typical violence
No Tag List, please follow my library!
Masterlist • Library • Ao3
Chapter Two
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Tuesday, June 25th, 1985
The stockroom at Bradley’s Big Buy was hotter than hell. That sweltering, mid-summer heat that clung shirts to backs and curled the hair at the base of necks, and everything in the air wreaked of sweat and that particular static in the air before an electrical storm. The five big box fans had been reduced to one, Robert was worried about blowing the generator, a low hum beneath the grunts and groans of the stock team unloading the weekly shipment. Hot dog buns and crates of ketchup bottles and bags of chips being slung between strong, clammy hands.
The second the truck pulled away, Eddie had slumped himself on a spare crate in the shade and lit a cigarette, hands shaking from heat exhaustion and hard work, and he needed something to take the edge off. His hands left salty sweat on his lips and around the butt, and his mouth filled with hot smoke and that familiar buzz of nicotine. Three puffs in, and his name called from the loading dock rippled a shudder down his spine. 
He turned over one shoulder to see Robert, clipboard in hand, waving Eddie over. 
Eddie waved his cigarette in return, tempted to tell the manager to fuck right off, and that he was entitled to a smoke break. Even if he’d just had one an hour earlier. 
“Gladys is on her break,” Robert huffed. “And I need someone in freezers. People are getting a little too handsy with the popsicles.” 
Well, he said the magic word. Eddie stamped his cigarette into the concrete and hoisted himself up the side of the building to the loading dock above, wiping grimy hands against the khaki of his uniform bottoms. Robert grimaced at the stains left behind. “Need me to fight off the crowds?” Eddie grinned. 
“Just make sure to keep an eye out for those kids again. We can’t afford another hundred dollars in lost products.” The manager tutted, and Eddie offered a hand-to-forehead salute and pushed past him toward the reprieve of the refrigerated aisles. 
Jesus, there was really nothing like it, the smooth chill of air conditioning and frosted glass beneath his fingertips. On slower nights, when spring had just turned to summer and the sun was setting later, heating the pavement and lighting the front windows in deep golds, Eddie would wander to the fridges and stick his face in, just to feel the sting of cold air on his lungs. He’d palm the frozen peas and press cold fingers to the back of his neck beneath his grown out hair. And if it was really, really slow, and if Robert had gone home early, he’d tuck himself into the corner that provided a blindspot from the security cameras, and he’d indulge in a stolen popsicle or two. Cherry or orange only, couldn’t risk dying his tongue for the cashiers and bag boy to see.
This particular Tuesday afternoon in June, the freezer section was hopping. An abundance of chaos in the form of frantic suburban housewives and their tantrum-throwing kids. They were shoving TV dinner after Eggo box into their carts and pushing around other customers who were just there for that same pea-palming reprieve. Eddie actually stumbled into the frozen pizza section to find a robust woman cooling her tits against a Meat Lovers box, and when they made eye contact, she seemed too relieved with the cold to care that she’d been caught.
He made a half-nod and shuffled around the corner for the ice cream to pull stock forward and keep an eye on those popsicles and any shit kids that might be about. He made a mental note to shove a couple of cherries in the back for later. 
Fifteen minutes -and ten blissfully numb fingers- later, the rush had died down. He glanced at his watch, digital numbers frosted a bit around the edges, and let out an exhale of relief. Only about a half hour left on the clock, and he was free to head down to the Hideout to meet the boys. He slowed his shuffle a little, hoping to spend the last of his shift in refrigerator bliss.
 Three pints of Rocky Road in, a groaned “fuuuuuuck” from down the aisle caught his attention, and he turned on his heel to find the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on. Combat boots in June, black jean cut-offs and fishnet stockings, a black t-shirt hand-cut and hand-tied up the ribcage, exposing smooth skin beneath, a mop of hair. You stood in front of an opened cooler door, bright blue basket discarded at your left side as you craned your neck to stare up at the very back of the top shelf.
Rocking up on the balls of your feet, you extended every line of your body upward and into the freezer. Calves curled into meaty thighs, and the fabric of your shirt rose up, knots in your sides exposing the curve of your breasts against the frosted shelves before you. 
Eddie’s mouth went dry. Not like he was stoned, but like he was parched for words, unable to think around the buzzing in his skull and the rush of blood pumping through his heart to his extremities. He took a languid step toward you, his sneakers acting before the thoughts telephoned in, and the sealing of his freezer door startled you back on both heels. You made eye contact, your brows furrowed in frustration over thickly lined eyes.
“Hey,” you nodded.
“H-hey, hi,” Eddie scuffed at a skid mark on the linoleum. 
“Think you can help me?” 
His sneakers move of their own volition again, squeaking against the ground as he stumbled your direction. “Ye-yes. Um… yeah.” Jesus, what was wrong with him? Words, Munson. Words.
You cocked a singular brow and stepped out of the way, holding the cooler door open. “I need that last tub of USS Butterscotch.”
You were between him and the ice cream now, and twice as beautiful up close, all raccoon eyed. From this angle, he could make out the sweat sticking your hair to your temples, the mascara smudged near your brow bone. You wore a studded leather bracelet and a chain dipped below the sliced v in your neckline, and Eddie struggled to swallow the saliva pouring back into his mouth as he trailed the silver on your skin.
You cleared your throat, and in a panic, he lunged forward and reached out for the tub of ice cream you’d requested. 
That Scoops Ahoy bullshit was leaving the store in droves, ever since the mall opened. Something about cheap residents not wanting to pay ridiculous prices for a cone, but they can’t get enough of that sweet, soft goodness.
This particular tub must have been out of reach for a while. The sides had begun to crystalize, paper top lined with a layer of ice over the label. “Shit, this one’s kind of old. We might get some in our shipment tomorrow.” He offered, finally his mouth caught up with his panicked brain, or vice versa. 
“No, that’s fine. It’s not for me. If the kid gets sick and dies, it’s her own damn fault,” you huffed, ruffling thin fingers through your hair. You scent, damp and leather and shampoo, maybe a hint of cherry lipgloss, wafted into the air. 
He turned to face you, cooler frosting his backside, chest and face heated at the proximity, and he watched in slow agony as you bent to pick up your discarded basket, the v-neck of your t-shirt dipping just-so, giving him a wider view of the curvature of your skin and the pendant on your necklace, and he rushed two, three, five feet away from you. 
“Hey, I said the old one’s fine!” You called, taking a few steps toward him.
He stared down at the tub in a vice grip and licked his lips, nodding. “Yeah, sorry. I have to walk it to the register for you.” 
“What, why?” 
He swallowed. Shit, yeah, why? “Uh…” He looked down the aisle, anywhere but your approaching figure and the upset hem of your shirt. His eyes settled on the security camera in the corner, just above the blindspot. “We have a theft problem.” 
You scoffed, rolled your eyes. “Oh come on, I’m not going to steal a tub of ice cream.”
“No,” he shook his head, cradling the tub in his arm. Anything to keep his core temperature down. “Not you. This shit is popular. I’m not having you get mugged between here and check out.” 
You cocked another eyebrow at that. “You think someone, between here and check out, is going to mug me for a tub of USS Butterscotch?” 
He couldn’t help but smile at that. You were right. He was being absolutely ridiculous, panicked, flustered. He hadn’t felt this way in years, not since Chrissy Cunningham told him his band was cool at the middle school talent show. And that was Queen fucking Chrissy, prissy Chrissy, goodie-two-shoes Chrissy in her pastels with a bow on top. She had nothing on you.
He allowed himself to rake your frame one last time, boots to hips to clavicle, and flushed when he met your irritated gaze. “Yeah, these suburban moms can get crafty. Last week, I saw a lady knife someone for the last bag of everything bagels.” 
You snorted at that, and your glossy lips upturned ever-so-slightly, but you ultimately narrowed your eyes into black-rimmed slits and sighed. “Fine.” 
Eddie grinned. “You done shopping?” He glanced into your basket, cheese puffs, pizza rolls, a 2-liter of Coke, a magazine, face-down exposing a perfume ad with a leggy blonde. 
You tucked your basket into your chest to stop his snooping and nodded, pointing toward check out. “Yes. Let’s be quick about this. I have shit to do.” 
“Oh yeah?” He smiled, stepping in line beside you to make small strides toward check out. He could feel the crystals melting against his arm where his t-shirt dampened and his fingers tingled. “You must not be from around here then. Or you’d know that there’s nothing to do in Hawkins.” 
You ignored his comment, tossing a bag of gummy bears into your basket from an end cap.
“You come in for the new mall?” He tried again, ducking his head to catch your gaze. 
You narrowed your eyes. “No. Everyone in Hawkins this chatty?” 
He grinned at that, nodding, hair shaggy in his eyes. “Just the knife-wielding ones.” 
It was much warmer by the registers, the fan above the automatic doors just blowing the heat inward. Brenda was on her shift, wavering on her feet at the register, popping gum between bright red lips. You hauled your basket up and onto the conveyor belt. He deposited your ice cream. 
“I’m Eddie, by the way.” 
“I know.” You sighed, picking double mint gum off the stand.
“You’ve heard of me?” He smiled at that, wracking his brain for who you were. He knew he’d never seen you before. There was no way he’d forget those legs, those eyes, the dip of your nose. 
You turned to him then and tapped black fingernails against the metal nameplate on his chest. 
He sucked in his cheeks at that and nodded. “Right, well…” 
“Well,” you tutted. “Thank you, Eddie, for protecting me from ice cream thieves, but I think,” you squinted at the cashier in front of you, “Brenda can take it from here. You are carrying a knife, aren’t you Brenda?” 
Brenda stared back at you like you were something that slithered through her front door and into her happy space, and Eddie’s stomach skipped at the thought of that. 
You took her nonresponse as an answer and whipped some cash out of your wallet. “Oh weird, hoped it might be company policy. Guess you never know when a creep’s going to follow you around the grocery store.” 
Brenda took the cash with long fingernails and found you the correct change while you tossed your goods into a paper bag. 
“Don’t worry,” you flashed him a wry smile, just over the brown paper. “Eddie will protect you.”
“Who?” Brenda scoffed, and you laughed at that, a loud, guffaw of a laugh that punctured right through his skull and radiated down his body. 
You gave him a nod of goodbye and stepped out into the fading sunlight, a halo of honeyed sunshine sucking you into its radiant glow. 
Eddie cursed and leaned against the register, running a hand over his face, fingers still wet from the outside of your ice cream tub.
“You’re carrying a knife? I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed.” Brenda scoffed from beside him, but he was too happy to protest, instead pushing off her conveyor belt with a friendly smile and a bow as he slipped back down to the freezer aisle to retrieve his cherry popsicle. He’d think of you while he ate it, the smell of your lipgloss, and the ice in your stare. 
Your cousin’s house smelled like melted Legos and burned hair, that acrid hot of too small a house with the oven turned on in the heat of summer. The kind of heat that prickled goosebumps of relief throughout your body the moment you opened her freezer to drop in the ice cream. 
“Remind me why I’m staying with you in this Hell-hole.” You shouted across the house to where your cousin, Kelly, was getting ready in the back bedroom.
She exited her room, pulling a worn tank top over her head and shrugged. “Because your parents kicked you out and you have nowhere else to go rent free?”
You collapsed into the nearest barstool with a sigh. She was right. Your parents booted you, reminding you that you were an adult, and if you weren’t interested into adhering to their standards of music and dress code, you could figure it out on your own. So naturally, cousin Kelly in Hawkins, Indiana was your only option. You loved Kelly. She was only a couple of years older, and she was a tough broad, not afraid of anything, a real Midwesterner. And you knew she’d offer you room and board as long as you pitched in every once in a while for groceries. 
“You going like that?” She scoffed, picking at the shoulder seam of your handmade top. 
“What’s wrong with this?” You asked, peeling the thin fabric from the sweat of your lower back. You grimaced. “Okay, maybe I will change.” 
The doorbell rang from the front room, and Kelly waved you off to answer it. “Hurry up, my shift starts in ten.” 
With a sigh, you heard her greet the babysitter, Vickie, and as you walked toward the guest bedroom, Kelly’s little tyke, Josie, scuttled past you with a squea of excitement. Josie was nearly five, and sassy as all Hell. It actually made you proud, the amount of shit that kid gave you. She ran in screaming Vickie’s name, clutching a Barbie in one hand and a hair brush in the other. 
You laughed, shook your head, and weighed a few shirt options from your open suitcase on the guest room floor. Kelly invited you to work with her, claiming that Tuesday nights were fun because there was a live band that was “your style” whatever the hell that meant. You were always weary of the phrase, knowing that there was no way you’d be interested in a live band from Hawkins, but you wanted to support Kelly, and you supposed you should get out of the house now before you were sick of it, see what this podunk town had to offer. 
Sliding your shoulders through a leather vest, you heard your name called from across the house, and you rushed your snap buttons and stomped across the house to meet your screeching cousin. Josie sat in the lap of a red headed girl with a huge eyes and an incredibly startled look on her face. You offered a soft smile and wave. 
“That’s my cousin,” Josie pointed out, carding her fingers through Barbie’s hair while the babysitter worked through the girl’s. “She doesn’t conform.” She said with a shrug, as though that were a completely normal thing for a kid to say. 
You grinned and ruffled Barbie’s hair.
“Vickie,” Kelly interrupted. “You know the drill. We’ll be back around 1.” And before you or Josie could protest further, she was grabbing you by the forearm and yanking you out the door. 
Hawkins really was podunk. You noticed it on your way in, and now, driving through the little downtown streets with the windows rolled down, everything smelled of cow shit and iron and that tang of electricity in the air. The clouds had settled in, that rich grey-green, and seemingly everyone had tucked in for the night. 
As you approached the Hideout, the bar your cousin tended, you noticed a handful of bikes outside, a station wagon, and a faded brown van parked in the alleyway next door. You cranked up the window and stepped out onto the sidewalk, following the line of bikes past the gaggle of smokers out front and into the small town bar. 
It was surprisingly busy, for a Tuesday, mostly old men. Two old ladies played pool in biker attire, sipping cold ones that dripped condensation onto the felt below. You heard the familiar tune up of guitars in the back corner, and peered around a few heads to see a group of musicians huddled around a drum set. They all wore leather jackets, despite the broiling heat. 
“Want a coke?” Kelly offered, sidling up behind the bar and getting started on a few drinks for the regulars that greeted as she entered. 
“A beer?” You offered with a smile. 
Your cousin made a face and nodded across the bar to a booth with a handful of men sharing beers. The largest wore a Tom Selleck mustache and a tired look on his face. You frowned back at Kelly. 
“That’s the chief of police, Hopper. There’s no way in hell I’m serving you beer in here, lady.” 
You sighed and nodded. “Coke please.” And twisted round in your seat to people watch a little more. You were curious about the band, and tilted your head past the pool players to see a surprisingly familiar face. 
On lead guitar, stepping up to his position to start their little gig, was the long haired, puppy-dog-eyed Eddie from the grocery store. You barely recognized him, long hair shoved under a skull-print bandana, khakis and blue polo swapped for black jean shorts, cropped just above knobby knees, and an Iron Maiden t-shirt, sleeves torn to expose the sinewed arms of a guitarist. But the moment he turned his head to the crowd, cast his eyes toward the bar, you saw the look of recognition flash across his face, the subtle upturn of those plump lips, and he offered you a nod in greeting. 
You nodded back, cool and calm, as you turned back to face the bar. You spotted his gaze in the bar-back mirror, unable to escape it. You rolled your eyes and bit back a treacherous smile, an odd buzz kicking at your chest.
Kelly slid you a red plastic cup, full to the brim with ice and fizzy cola. You tapped your fingers anxiously against the bubbled texture. This wasn’t how your summer was supposed to go. You were supposed to go it alone, be independent. And you promised yourself you wouldn’t fall for another God Damn metal head who didn’t know his ass from his elbow, and sure as Hell couldn’t find the clit.
“You good? Want fries or something?” Kelly asked, eyebrows etched in worry. 
Your first instinct was to ask a question about him, Eddie from the grocery store, Eddie the guitarist, but you rethought it, knew Kelly would just give you shit. So instead, you tossed a straw into your drink, watched it bob, and nodded. “Fries sound great.” 
Then the music started. A skull pounding reverb of distortion via an amp way too close to the back wall. The customers around you started to whoop and holler. The women playing pool through their sticks into the air. Even Kelly had begun to nod her head along. You reached for her wrist to pull her in before shouting into her ear. “For future reference, this is not my vibe.” To which she grinned and rolled her eyes. 
Their set went on too long, a series of metal covers that might have been decent had the lead singer not been wearing braces and slobbering over his mic. But as the chief of police slunk out, and a handful of blue collar men staggered to follow, you found yourself watching Grocery Boy shred. 
Shoulder length curls bounced and bobbed with each beat, heavily ringed fingers trailing up and down the fretboard, frantic adlibs at each solo, a refreshing difference from the radio hits. Something about the musicality sent a surge of electricity through you. His exposed biceps began to glisten with sweat, and he spent a lot of time with his tongue stuck between his lips in concentration. Occasionally, he’d peak up from under the mop of hair, and catch you watching with that mischievous smile. 
After which, you’d kick yourself and turn back to your diminishing plate of fries and third refill of Coke, the caffeine and sugar starting to tingle your fingertips, prickle the hair at the back of your neck. You’d risk a glance at that dirty mirror again, and there he’d be, watching you, image distorted in liquor bottles. 
You found yourself wondering just how this would go. Clearly Hawkins was small enough that you’d run into him constantly. It wasn’t like you couldn’t go grocery shopping. You needed food to survive, after all. But outside of that, could you really go the entire summer avoiding this boy? Hiding from that urge to see what else those ringed fingers could do. You squeezed your thighs together and cursed. 
When the set finished, the dwindled crowd cheered, and the band, Corroded Coffin - you gagged - thanked them and went about tearing down their set. And then, to your absolute horror, Grocery Store Eddie made a B-line for the bar, long hair flowing around his smile.
In a panic, you slurped down the last few bubbles melting into your ice cubes. He sidled up beside you, sliding a wad of cash across the sticky countertop. He smelled of sweat and body spray deodorant and vaguely of cherry, and you slammed your jaw so tight you tore skin in your cheek. 
“Hey, Kelly,” he greeted from beside you, and you shrunk into yourself, mortified that he knew your cousin by first name.
“Hey, Eds, great job tonight. You guys sticking around for drinks?” Panic rose in your chest.
“Nah, sounds like the guys have early shifts tomorrow.” Thank God.
Kelly pocketed the cash, her cut of their tips, and passed you a glance. Your face must have read like panic, because the corners of her lips turned up in a cruel smirk, and you started to shake your head as she made to introduce you. “Eddie, I’d like you to meet my cousin-“
“Hey!” You shouted before your name could pass through her vocal chords. You shook your hands in the air like a lunatic, and she blinked back at you, biting back a laugh. “Don’t go around telling my name to strangers!” You scolded.
Kelly seemed mildly taken aback by your rudeness until Eddie jumped in with an explanation. 
“We met earlier at Big Buy.” 
“Did you know he carries knives? Around a grocery store?” 
Kelly raised her brows. 
“Well, I do have a reputation to maintain.”
You turned to him then, too close, elbows on the edge of the bar, brown eyes upturned like a lost calf, and he smiled. His voice got real low. “You enjoy the show.” 
You shrugged. “Not really my vibe.” 
He grinned at that. All teeth and shaken head. “Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t be.” He reached into his pocket for a lighter and a pack of smokes. “Do you partake?” 
You glanced up to where your cousin had been standing to find the spot vacant. She’d taken off around the room to catch up on the rounds, leaving the two of you alone. That traitor. You swallowed and turned back to Eddie, shaking your head. “That shit’ll give you cancer.” 
He smiled at that, tucking a cigarette behind his ear. “Well, I’ve got harder shit if you’re really looking to party.” 
Your chest fluttered at that. Something about the way he said it, so enticing, this post-show glow a different man than the stammering one who reached into the freezer for you. He was so confident, so blissed out on his own ego.
“Eddie!” His bandmate shouted, the drummer. Jesus, that kid looked young. “You ready?”
Eddie waved him off but kept his eyes on you. Oh. He was really asking. 
You swallowed and watched the way he licked the corners of his pink lips, watched the way he watched you. With a sigh, you leaned across the counter for a pen before holding your hand out for his. He gave it willingly. His fingers were tinged pink, the tips bumped with callouses that made you salivate. His rings were cold against your palm. You glanced up at him once more through your lashes. “You work tomorrow?” 
He nodded, failing at masking an accomplished smile. “Til six.” 
You tutted, scribbling the letters of your first name into the rough terrain of his palm. The ball point smudged over cracks, so you traced the lines to make them more legible. “I’ll see you then.” 
Eddie spent the rest of the night staring at his right hand, thinking up perfect rhymes to the beat of rain against the tin roof. 
His shower the following morning felt like mutiny. He considered washing with his left, holding his right out of the curtain to keep the scratch and scribbled writing, but the letters had already bled from a humid night’s sleep. So he scrubbed with soap and considered a tattoo right above his heart. All the little letters of your name, surrounded by a big ole heart with a dagger stabbed through it. Just where his pick met his sternum. He grinned at the look of incredulity on your face if he showed it to you, and leaned back to rinse shampoo from his eyes. 
His shift at Big Buy was torturous. It was just as sweltering, if not moreso, but they received a shipment of frozen goods, so time spent in the truck was a pleasant reprieve from the outside. That didn’t stop his face from heating anytime he thought of you and those mile-high legs, your heavy lidded eyes watching him play guitar, toying with that straw between glossy lips. 
He nearly lost it in the staff huddle in aisle 5. There had been a knock-over of soup cans on display, and everyone had been paged to report there for immediate pick up. And as Robert watched them all shuffling cans into the hems of their polos, Brenda asked if they were allowed to bring knives to work. She popped her bubblegum and glared at Eddie’s returning grin. 
He was in the back office at five minutes til six, peeling the polo from his back and over his head. He reached into a locker for his favorite Dio shirt and slipped that on instead. He jammed his timecard in the clock a minute too early, impatience taking over, and he gave himself a once over in a tiny cupboard mirror, slicking his eyebrows down with a wet pinky and thumb. 
He wasn’t sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn’t running almost literally into you in the refrigerated section. Your hair was all up and pulled off your long neck, and you wore a black and white polka dot dress that blew up around your thighs with each wave of conditioned air. His sneakers scuffed the ground in a halt, and you stared back at him with tired eyes, the liner smudged at the corners again in sweat and exhaustion. 
“Please tell me you have air conditioning in your car,” you huffed as a greeting. 
Eddie grinned and glanced up at the west facing security camera. “You like cherry popsicles?” 
Jesus, you looked delicious in the passenger’s seat of his van. You had one leg up, boot to the dash, and the other was curled up under you. The hem of your skirt rode dangerously high on your thighs. One arm slung out the window, letting the air flow ripple your limp limb. Your head was thrown back against the seat, hot and bored, and you were slurping the remnants of your popsicle with sinful sounds. 
Eddie watched with a dry mouth as the red object went in and out, against your tongue, and his knuckles went white on the steering wheel. “So…” He cleared his throat. “What did you want to do?” 
You shrugged, licking the last drops of syrupy goodness from red-stained stick, and set your garbage neatly into an empty cup holder. “I don’t know. This is your town. What is there to do?” 
Eddie could think about fifty things he’d love to do right now, none of which were family friendly, so instead he pulled into a shady patch of parking lot near the entrance of downtown, and he craned to look over the steering wheel at the town sprawling around them. Jesus, there really was nothing to do in Hawkins.
The stores downtown were all running out of business, thanks to the mall. He sighed, scrubbed some sweat from his eyes. “There’s the mall, I guess? We could go to a movie?” 
You hummed. “Pass. I have a mall and a movie theater where I’m from. Isn’t there anything exciting? Something very… Hawkins?” 
Once again, he tried to conjure something up. He thought of nights with his friends, always spent in basements tossing dice or in garages rehearsing for their gigs. Neither of which activity was ideal for a first date, if that’s even what this was. He glanced back at you, licking the cherry flavoring from the corner of his lips. You were watching him with heavy lidded eyes, fanning the sweat from your neck with your hand. 
The truth was, Eddie had never officially been on any dates, not in any real sense of the word. He’d taken a few girls to prom. He’d gone to a few movies. Mostly, he took girls to various popular hook up spots to smoke weed and get some. Skull Rock, Sattler’s Quarry, that little shed behind the local pool. All of those places felt cheap now, dirty, not worthy of your… presence, your being. 
“Too hot for cow tipping,” you groaned, as though that were an option that you were looking forward to but the weather had spoiled your plans.
He snorted, wrapped his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of something to quiet for clarity on his radio. No, there weren’t too many cows to tip in this weather, all of them called back to the shade of their barns for the evening. But maybe… He turned his body to face you. 
“Okay, so there was like this huge chemical leak in town last year, like around Halloween. And there were a ton of cave-ins. And the government came in to like… I don’t know cover it all up? And they filled in all of these underground tunnels.” 
You nodded and slipped your leg from the dash to lean against the door. “Oh yeah, I think I remember hearing about that on the news.” 
He nodded, chuckled. “Yes, Hawkins’s claim to fame. Anyway, one of the tunnels was like.. crudely patched up.”
“And you want to take me there and murder me?” 
Eddie’s face flushed at the comment, but when he looked up from his hands, you were smirking, leaning forward on the console. That chain around your neck dangled precariously again, and if he followed the line of it, he could peer down once more at the swell of your breasts beneath your dress. “Murder isn’t exactly what I had in mind…” He mumbled. 
“And what exactly did you have in mind?” Your nimble finger met his chin and pulled his gaze back to your own. Your eyes sparkled bright in contrast to the dark eyeliner, and the rim of your lips was stained a deep, cherry pink. 
He shrugged, but didn’t pull away. “Oh you know, what all kids do in abandoned tunnels. Thought we might tell each other our deepest, darkest secrets, smoke a j, and become blood brothers.” 
“Oooh, perfect!” You exclaimed at that, breaking the string of tension between you. “I brought a knife!” And sure as shit, you procured a pocket knife, red handled and the perfect size to fit in your soft hands. You flipped it open and mimed a few artful jabs.
Eddie burst into laughter. “Where have you been hiding that?” He clutched at his side.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” 
“God, and people call me the Freak.”
“Do they?” 
Your smile was fond, proud of yourself for calling back your new inside joke, your first one, really, and he hoped for many more. But he couldn’t help but bristle at the nickname. He thought he’d let it roll of his shoulders, embraced it, but there was something so vulnerable now about you knowing this information. You were brand new. He could have presented himself to you anyway he wanted, and somehow the truth of Hawkins and his life was spilling out of his mouth before he could change his mind. He shrugged, nodded, adjusted in his seat until his hands were back on the wheel. 
“Well, Freak,” you shifted in your seat as well, and pointed out the windshield with a dramatic wave of your pocket knife. “To the murder tunnels!” 
Maybe this was a bad idea. 
He pulled over off of Curly, tucked his van into the trees just off the shoulder, and you helped to crank your window up. He grabbed the tin lunchbox from behind the passenger’s seat, and ran around to help you out with a chivalrous hand. The farther south you went, the thicker the woods, and the thicker the woods, the larger the undergrowth. And he found himself consistently helping to lift you over fallen logs.
Everything around was dead. That chemical leak sure did a number on the woods. And although the government had reassured Hawkins citizens that the leak was contained, Eddie couldn’t help but wonder if taking you out here was a death sentence. I mean, you already told him you didn’t smoke because it gave you cancer. God knows what the hell else was lurking on this side of town. 
But just on the edge of the woods, where clearings turned to corn fields in the later summer months, a hole opened up in the ground about the size of a small car. Beer bottles and chip bags lay strewn around the opening, which proved that they weren’t the only teenagers to wander down here to take a peak. And soon, the two of you were standing over it, looking down. 
You had your hand tucked to your side like a chicken wing, and Eddie couldn’t tell from your expression whether or not you were impressed. Until you extended your other hand to him and instructed, “lower me down.” 
“What?” Eddie frowned, looking from your hand to the hole and back.
“I wanna see what’s inside, but I need your help.” 
“What if we can’t get back up?” He asked.
You seemed to pause at that, weighing your options, before finally settling on a resolute, “then we’ll huddle for warmth and wait until this weekend when teenagers will inevitably find us and haul us up.” You kicked at an empty can, and it shucked itself in the hole, making a rattle against the stone or concrete below. 
The huddle for warmth part sounded promising, but Eddie was keen on hanging out in a mysterious chemical leak hole for multiple days without food or water. 
“Fine,” you sighed, apparently frustrated with his indecision, and you squatted and shuffled yourself onto your stomach. “Hold onto my legs.”
And before Eddie was on his own ass, chasing down your calves, you’d crawled to the edge to peak your head through. You’d actually managed your entire upper half before he’d caught up with you and grasped at the meat of your thighs to keep you from toppling, headfirst into the pit. 
You laughed, a wonderful melodious sound that echoed off the walls around you. “I can’t see a damn thing.” And then your arms were flailing backwards into his. “Help me up.” 
With a bit of struggle, he managed to right you, and you adjusted your dress and your necklace and pulled straw from your hair, and he kept you in balance with a leg anchored on either side of your own, his hands resting softly on the skin of your thighs. If he flexed his fingers, he could catch the flowing hem of your dress. He didn’t dare let his eyes follow the lines of you, instead stayed lock on your eyes, and the huff of a smile playing at your lips. 
“What’s on the agenda now?” You smiled. “Secret sharing or blood brothers?” 
He reached just past you for that black tin lunchbox and rattled its contents. “How about a party?” 
The sun had set somewhere far off, past the trees and past the fields, and soon you and Eddie were engulfed in grey darkness and the chill of a summer night’s breeze. Your mouth was dry, all of your taste buds begging for water and salty snacks, and your eyes stung from the smoke and melted eyeliner. You were relaxed though, splayed out against burnt grass like a starfish, watching the clouds roll in above you. 
“Should we think about heading back?” Eddie asked from beside you, his voice hoarse and far-off. You heard echoes off the tunnels a few yards away. 
“Yeah. Do you have food in your van?” 
“What kind of dealer would I be?”
“A bad one.” You giggled at that, a kind of giggle that couldn’t stop, and just beyond it, you sure the shuffle of your date getting to his feet. 
He stood above you, hair filled with straw and a wide smile etched across his face, and he held his hand out to help you up. It was a process, a handful of stumbles and more giggles from the both of you, and you locked your fingers with his to stop you from tripping your way through the woods. His hand was really warm and calloused and strong. 
These woods were fucking terrifying though. Trees too tall, too ancient, staring back at you with haunted faces made of knots and bark. You felt like Snow White at the beginning of the movie, running from the Huntsman. Your heart began to race, and you tucked into him tighter, pressing the width of his arm into your chest. 
He slowed his walk to look at you. “You good?” His smile was lazy. 
You darted your eyes upward, toward the tree line and gulped. “What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?” 
“Shit,” he shrugged, continuing your walk. “Probably the last time my dad got arrested.”
You stalled at that. Your conversations thus far had only been surface level. Favorite bands, favorite songs, favorite strain, favorite snacks, party tricks. Until you were too high to ask anything real, and too hungry to focus on anything but the idea of a container of cheese puffs and licking the orange powder from your fingertips. 
But his dad getting arrested? That shit was too real. 
“I was like fourteen? And I just remember him rushing in and packing a bag. He didn’t say hi or anything. And then like three minutes later, the door was kicked in, and all of these cops like rushed him, pinned him to the ground, read him his rights. Scared the shit out of me.” 
“Jesus,” you muttered, giving his hand a squeeze. The rings dug into your knuckles. 
He shrugged beside you, helping you up and over a log. “It’s fine. I go visit him every Christmas.” 
“Jesus,” you repeated, with a little more emphasis. Unsure of what else to say. Your parents were shitty, sure. They kicked you out, sure. But they hadn’t done anything that bad. If anything, they were the polar opposite of that. Goodie two shoes. Embarrassed to be seen with an anarchist who were too much black and not even crucifixes on her wall. 
“My Uncle Wayne stepped up for me,” Eddie continued. “He like, never wanted kids. He was a truck driver, and then when Dad got thrown in the slammer, Wayne came back to Hawkins, got a job at the plant. He’s like… the sweetest guy ever. Always makes me do my homework and shit. Goes to my gigs when he can.” 
You thought you might cry. It was that lump in your dry, dry throat, the pinch of emotion in your chest, the squeeze of his warm hand against yours. And you opened your mouth to talk again, but he knelt forward with an arm outstretched. 
“Milady, your chariot awaits.” 
You were back at the van. You remember the inside smelling more like weed earlier, and the seats were scratchier. But now, as you settled into the passenger’s side, your body sunk into the velvety fabric, your fingers splaying out on the cool plastic of the dashboard. Eddie fished around the back for a minute or two, returning with a half eaten bag of Doritos and a unopened packet of Pop Rocks.
Not much of a sweet tooth, you snatched the Doritos from his hand and dug in. They were stale, but the nacho cheese powder was almost as satisfying as cheese puffs, and you hummed in content as Eddie started the van and set out for your next destination. Occasionally, he’d shove a hand into the bag on your lap and retrieve a few crumpled chips, hand littered with dust. 
It took a minute to get back into city limits, light pollution growing from the beyond the woods and farmland, and under the glow of streetlamps, you allowed yourself to have a little look at your driver, your dealer, your date. 
He was handsome. You’d decided that the night before, watching him play that solo in the third song. He had a rather defined chin, hid under that mop of hair, mousy brown. He still had flecks of hay and grass just above his shoulder, but you resisted the urge to pick it out. He had broad shoulders too, surprising for such a string bean, but you could tell there was toned and refined muscle under those oversized t-shirts. 
He glanced your way, puppy dog brown eyes under long lashes, and cracked a smile on those full lips. “What?” 
Your face heated, caught, and you picked at the hem of your polka dot dress, brushing Dorito dust from the meat of your thigh. “You ever date a girl like me? I mean…” It felt hard to swallow. “Are there many alternative girls in Hawkins?” 
Eddie barked a laugh at that. “Not even one.” He gave you a once over, deep eyes trailing the tops of your knees to the flop of your hair atop your head. You noticed the linger, the way he bit down on his bottom lip. 
You felt a hit of pride at that, some of your sobriety sinking back in, ruffling the fuzzy edges of your high. You sunk back into the headrest, satisfied at his answer. 
“You ever date a guy like me?” 
It was your turn to laugh. You covered your face with your hand, and you felt his oversized hand reach over to squeeze your thigh.
“What?” He pestered.
You turned to face him, grinning, and nodded. “Yeah, I think it’s safe to say I have a type.” 
Boys like Eddie Munson were a dime a dozen in your city. And you dated them all, picked up at clubs, fake IDs and too many cocktails, and unsatisfactory evenings that ended in you hobbling home barefoot. They wouldn’t call. They wouldn’t ask about you, until you saw them the following weekend at someone else’s gig, and the cycle started all over again. 
“I guess that just means I’ll have to prove I’m different from the others.” 
And somehow, you already knew he was. 
The top step to Kelly’s house was too small, cramped. She’d left the light on for you, and that attracted a whole ecosystem of moths and gnats, and you were swatting them out of your eyes and trying not to let your teeth chatter from the cold breeze that had blown in. And you struggled around the opening of the storm door, too big for the stoop you stood on.
Eddie stood on the next step down, chivalrous enough to walk you to the door, but he had to step down to get you around the storm door, and it all felt too close and too awkward. Your back ached from laying on the ground for so long, and you desperately wanted to get in and shove some pizza rolls in your face before sleeping for ten hours. 
“So, um…” Eddie held the door open for you, boxing you onto the front step. He was at eye level now, all brown eyes and shaggy hair, and despite your discomfort, your heart began to race with that familiar school-girl feeling of a first kiss. “I had a really good time tonight.” 
“Me too,” you breathed. 
He tucked a hand into yours, running a rough thumb over your knuckles, and the two of you stared down at your hands for a moment. Your nerve endings were electrocuted from the tips of your fingers all the way up to under your ears. 
A giant moth rammed itself into the glass of the door. Thwack, thwack, thwack.
You both jumped. Anxious laughter spilled out. 
“Jesus,” Eddie released your hand and scrubbed at his tired face. “I’m sorry. I think I’m way too high for this.” 
You nodded, but your excited heartbeat slowed into something less promising. You weren’t high enough. 
“I just mean,” he grabbed your hand again. “I want to kiss you. Like, I really,” he licked his lips. “Really want to kiss you. But I think I’ll be pissed at myself if I do it when I’m a little fucked up.”
You swallowed. Okay. Shit. Maybe he really was different from those other assholes. 
“Can I take you on a real date?”
You nodded again, and watched that beautiful smile of his spread into a lazy grin. 
“Yeah? On Friday, they’re previewing Day of the Dead at Starcourt. It’s supposed to be pretty scary. Would you want to go to that?” 
“You know I’m always down for a scary movie. Besides, I have you to protect me, right?” 
Eddie shrugged and squeezed your hand. “Better bring your knife, just in case.” 
And before you could stop yourself, you closed the distance to press your lips against his cheek. The corner of his lip still held a chip flake, and his hair tickled your eyelashes. There was a tiny bit of scruff to his face, a stubble that threatened to grow in, but mostly his cheek was soft, supple against your lips. When you pulled away there was this look of stun across his face, as though you’d cast a spell and he was under it.
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered, bubbling a giggle out of you, and he stumbled his way down the last two steps to the driveway. “I better go. But I’ll be here to pick you up Friday.”
You nodded and waved.
He continued to back down the driveway to his van. He pointed two fingers your direction and announced, “I’m going to kiss you Friday!” 
“You better!”
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muertawrites · 1 year
Inked (Eddie x Reader x Punk!Steve) [18+]
Summary: tattoos hurt. thankfully your artist is chill about the way you distract yourself from the pain.
Warnings: 18+ minors dni, oral (fem receiving), vouyerism, exhibitionism, male masturbation, explicit descriptions of sex and pain
Read Time: 7 mins
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This is possibly the most painful thing you've ever felt. It stings, it burns, and the tip of the gun feels like it's digging under your skin and against the bone beneath. Eddie hisses.
"You're holding me too tight, baby."
You look over to where your hand is gripped around his wrist, fingers white as they curl into his flesh. You release your hold and there are little moon-shaped grooves etched in his skin, blooming red and threatening to bleed.
Steve stops tattooing.
You're laying on the bench in his home studio, having offered yourself as a guinea pig to help him practice working on people for his apprenticeship. He's doing a sternum piece for you, sprawled out over your naked chest while Eddie sits on your other side, one hand massaging your breast while the other gets itself impaled by your clawing grip. It hurts way more than you expected it to. You're lightheaded and nauseous, and your whole body is clammy and feverish. You feel like you might faint.
Steve nervously bites his lip, his gloved thumb stroking over some of the excess ink.
"... It looks really good already," he attempts to console you. "Do you need to take a break?"
You close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Eddie's hand that cups your breast gives it a gentle squeeze, rolling your nipple between two of his fingers. You moan softly, and all at once you're inspired.
You turn to Steve, asking the question before you can psych yourself out.
"Do you mind if Eddie fucks me?"
The men blink at each other, bewildered. Neither of them says anything for a moment.
"Please," you beg. "It hurts so fucking much and I'm already topless. I think it'll help. I don't want to faint."
Steve stares at Eddie, who stares back at Steve. After a tense pause, Steve shrugs.
"Listen, man, if she's cool with it, I'm cool with it. Just don't move her too much."
Eddie looks down at you, his hand moving to stroke through your hair.
"Is that really what you want, sweetheart?"
He sounds concerned, but the brightness in his eyes and the growing stiffness in his jeans give him away. He's eager. Excited. He gets to bring his favorite pornos to life, and all because it was your idea. This is like Christmas.
You nod, giggling softly.
"Yes, Eddie, just do it. Before I change my mind."
He wastes no time, springing up from his chair and positioning himself at the end of the bench, his hands finding the waistband of your leggings and rolling them down. Steve watches, letting out a soft breath when Eddie exposes your hips, your thighs, the luscious patch of pubic hair between your legs. You grin up at him, gently tapping a finger against his chin.
"Stevie," you remind him. "My tattoo."
He gives you a suave, easy smile as he meets your eyes, a feature left over from his time as a high school womanizer. His cheeks are pink, his pupils consuming his pretty brown irises.
"Right," he chuckles. "Sorry."
He starts up the gun again, and Eddie's tongue finds your clit, pressing flat against you as Steve resumes his work on your chest, the needle stabbing its way back into your skin. The pain is eclipsed by the swirling of Eddie's tongue, the pucker of his lips as he dives in and starts sucking. You moan, focusing on the tingling between your thighs.
"That better?" Steve asks, smirking.
You nod.
"Way better."
Eddie grips your thighs, slinging your legs over his shoulders as he laps and sucks at you, the lewd, wet noises echoing off the walls. You can feel your wetness dripping down your buttocks as he works you towards orgasm. He gazes up at you through his lashes, his cock twitching when he doesn't meet your eyes or your breasts but instead sees Steve leaned over you, glancing his way. Eddie grins.
"How much longer, Harrington?" he wonders.
His lips and chin are glossy. Steve swallows heavily.
"About halfway," he answers.
Eddie nods. He stands, making quick work of his button and zipper and freeing his cock, running his shaft teasingly up the length of your pussy. Steve pauses to watch, his mouth slack at the way you coat Eddie's shaft, how easily it glides against you. Eddie grins as he taps the head of his cock against your clit.
"Her pussy's divine, man," he boasts. "Maybe instead of a tip she'll let you have a taste."
He winks at Steve, his hands moving to your hips as he eases inside of you, letting out a quiet moan. His features contort with the pleasure, succumbing to the heat of your slick walls. He starts to thrust, slow and deep, taking care not to shift you at all so Steve has a stable canvas; his palm presses to your stomach for support.
Steve stares, his cock pressing painfully against the leg of his jeans. After a moment he snaps himself out of it and goes back to work, painfully aware of how close he is to your breasts.
You whimper as Eddie fucks you, gripping the sides of the bench to keep yourself still. Eddie's cock pressing deep inside you, Steve's hot breath fanning over your nipple, the depravity of letting him see you naked and vulnerable has you panting, whining, crying for more. The pain of your sternum tattoo is easily forgotten.
Eddie fucks you for half an hour. Steve fills out the lines of your tattoo, then goes back over them again where they're not dark enough, pausing every so often to watch Eddie plow into you. At one point, you reach your hand between Steve's thighs and palm at him, feeling a rush as he bites his lip to keep from moaning. He whispers that you can take him out if you want. You do, and you haphazardly stroke his cock as he finishes the piece, surprisingly concentrated despite rolling his hips into your palm.
When the tattoo is finished, Steve steps away and lets you and Eddie finish as well. He leans against the counter as Eddie bends over you, his mouth latched to your neck as he rails you with unrelenting force until you cum around him, clenching him tightly and moaning as pleasure shakes your body; he follows close behind. You turn your head and watch as Steve touches himself, pulling on his cock until he reaches his own orgasm, spilling creamy ropes all over his stomach, thighs, and the floor. The skin between your legs is soaked.
Eddie helps Steve clean up while you come to your senses, laying on the bench in a dreamy, fucked out haze as Steve dresses your new tattoo and Eddie wipes the residue of sex off of you, himself, and the furniture. When you finally sit up, you look at Steve and laugh breathlessly, thanking him for a good time.
"How much do I owe you?" you ask.
He shakes his head.
"On the house," he says. He grins. "The private show was payment enough."
🎸eddie masterlist🎸
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
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punk!steve x rockstar!eddie x stripper fem!reader
summary: the two men you crushed on in high school, find their way into your club. They’re shocked to see the pastors daughter, the cute shy little church mouse is now stripping, but that’s not who you are anymore. Both men who also crushed on you in high school are eager to see, just how much you’ve changed.
⚠️warning: SMUT 18+MDNI, in this au steve was also apart of the freaks of hawkins high, sorry no king steve here, mmf threesome, fingering (f receiving), p in v sex, p in a sex (female receiving), oral (m and f receiving), spit roast, double penetration, dirty talk, hair pulling, spanking, use of sir and master, Eddie and Steve kiss, squirting, cream pies.
A/N: god, this au really has me hot and bothered! (Please remember to tip your writers with a comment and reblog)
photo edits of Steve and Eddie: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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It’s the busiest night of the week at foxy’s cabaret. The clubs pink and red lights accentuated your two piece red faux leather bikini, the bottoms were extra cheeky which only meant one thing; it was gonna be a good money night.
You didn’t go on for another hour, so you made your rounds scoping out possible customers that would like a private dance, you had already done three, all 60 minutes each. So you were ready to go on stage, make your money and go home.
These nights were mostly accompanied by older married men, looking to blow off steam from their wives. Most of them used you as a marriage counselor, spouting off terrible things about their spouses. It made you feel gross to have to listen to grown men, whine about how their wives are “always bitching” because they want their husbands to be home more, while they’re here getting a lap dance by you. But it was all part of the job and you’ve long learned how to de-compartmentalize it all. This was about money and nothing else.
Finally you’re called out on stage, you saunter on in your red pleasers that matched your two piece perfectly. You felt so hot tonight, and all eyes were on you, as you swung your hair and shook your ass on the pole.
Eddie had just gotten home from a big U.S. tour with corroded coffin. Him and his best friend Steve hadn’t seen each other in a year, so what better way for two friends to catch up then with some beers, hot chicks and tits. That being the exact thing Steve said to convince him to come out tonight. Eddie was kind of over the “hot chicks and tits” having seen too many to count at his shows and on the tour bus. That being said, he couldn’t turn down the chance to hang out and drink some beers with his best friend.
Eddie and Steve instantly felt out of place among all the older, rich, suit and tie assholes. They both wore band tees and vests, that show cased patches of their favorite bands. Not to mention the numerous amounts of tattoos they had; both had sleeves on each arm along with neck and face tattoos. They were definitely being thrown dirty looks by the older men, while the strippers were giving them both “fuck me eyes”. They were stopped by a few girls, to ask if they wanted private dances as they fan girled over Eddie Munson being in their club. The boys declined and Eddie kept the small talk to a minimum.
As they moved closer to the stage, your red bikini and shiny hair caught their attention. They both grabbed seats in the front row, eyes glued on your body. Steve couldn’t place it, but he had seen you somewhere. Eddie couldn’t even think as his eyes took in the sight of you, now with your legs wide open as your thighs shook and your pussy lips almost spilled out of the tiny g string.
Once you began crawling to the front of the stage, swinging you hair away from your face, Steve took you in, not your body, you. His eyes widened at the realization.
“Holy shit, dude,” he says, as he nudges Eddie’s arm with his elbow.
It took a second for the trance Eddie was under, while watching you to break.
“What, man?” Eddie says, eyes not leaving you as he leans in closer to Steve.
“That’s y/n, you remember y/n? From high school?” He says in disbelief
“No fucking way!” Eddie almost shouts
That catches your attention, you look over at them. Your eyes scanning over their tattoos, clothes and then finally taking in their faces. Your heart rate began to pick up.
Holy shit, that’s Eddie and Steve.
You hadn’t seen them since high school, you had been enamored with both of them. They were considered freaks for the way they dressed and their music taste but you didn’t give a shit. They were always nice to you and um, hello? They were hot as hell.
You bought weed from Eddie once when you were feeling particularly rebellious, you ended up smoking it in the back of his van with them, they were really sweet, and maybe a little flirty, but at that time you were so shy, you had absolutely no confidence to even bring yourself to flirt back. You were not the person you are now, that’s for sure.
Once your set is over, you walk off stage and decide “fuck it, you’re not that little shy church mouse you use to be in high school.” Yes, your father was a pastor, which made what you do for work all the more shocking.
“Eddie? Steve?” You say as you walk up behind them. They’re deep in conversation, leaning in to each other while they whisper, back and forth.
They immediately turn towards you, their cheeks look flushed and they almost look nervous.
“Y/n? Wow, how’ve you been?” Steve breaks the ice first. They stand up and each lean in for an awkward hug, almost like they didn’t want to accidentally touch your exposed skin.
“I’ve been good, how’ve you guys been?” You take in their faces better, now that they’re up close. You haven’t kept up with Eddie and his band much, mostly since you’re always busy working, but your club will occasionally play “Indiana’s very own corroded coffin” as your boss likes to calls them. The last time you officially seen them was at Charlottes grad party, and that was years ago. They’ve gotten even hotter since high school with all those tattoos, piercings and the facial hair. your eyes were shamelessly roaming their bodies.
“Actually would you guys like a private show? It would give us a chance to catch up?” You look from Eddie to Steve, silently hoping they’d take you up on the offer.
“Yeah, yes. Let’s do it.” Steve says
Eddie’s mouth still hangs open, he’s clearly in shock. You figure it’s because of your prude, church girl image you had in high school, being such a big jump from the girl now standing in front of him.
“Cool, follow me.” You lead them to the private rooms, that sit behind heavy red velvet curtains. Their eyes are glued to your ass in that little g string, they’re being hypnotized by the way it jiggles every time you take a step.
“Here we are.” You open the curtain and motion them inside.
The room is small, a black leather couch sits in the middle, along with a couple chairs, underneath lays a shag rug, while just above the couch holds a red neon sign that reads: “girls, girls, girls”
“You guys can take a seat, do you want anything? Bottled water or another beer?” You ask with a polite smile.
Both boys shake their heads no, but thank you for the offer. You decide to take up the seat in between them, it wasn’t very much space, leaving their legs to rub up against yours, but you had no complaints. Their rough jeans against your soft skin, shot a thrilling tingle straight to your core.
“So?” Eddie finally speaks, “how long have you been doing this?” His eyes begin to scan your face, admiring your soft, delicate features. Features he use to spend hours day dreaming, about. His eyes began to move down to your tits, he wanted to be a gentleman, but he didn’t exactly come here for that. So he decided to indulge.
“Oh, um. It’ll be a year next week, actually.”
They both nod their head, taking in your answer. It feels a little awkward, like theirs something they want to say or maybe ask, but then Eddie begins, again—
“Your dad still the pastor?” you could tell he wasn’t trying to make fun, just a curious question. One you get a lot, but more so in a mocking tone.
“Uh, yeah yeah, he is. But we don’t talk, for obvious reasons,” you say as you gesture to the room around you.
“Yeah, I could imagine. So, how does a good girl like you get mixed in with this?” Steve asks, partaking in the curiosity.
“Well, I had to get out of my parents house, ya know? I wanted to live my own life, so I ended up moving in with my roommate brandy, she had been doing this since she was eighteen, she offered to help me get the job. It’s fun, brought me out of my shell a lot, I’m not that little shy girl you remember.” You didn’t mean for the last line to come out so suggestive, but both Eddie and Steve’s eyebrows shot up, in intrigue.
Making Eddie lean into your ear and whisper, “put on a show for us then, baby.” The tone made you shiver with equal amounts, nervousness and excitement. You’ve grown accustomed to your job, rarely ever feeling nervous before a dance, but right now in this moment in front of Eddie and Steve, you felt that timid girl you once knew creep back into your consciousness.
You stand up, doing your best to push it all down. Slowly swaying your hips as gimme all your lovin’ by ZZ Top, plays in the background. You keep eye contact with each of the boys as you do your little routine. Their eyes roaming the expanse of your body, as they begin shifting in their seats, something most customers do when you know you’re doing a good job. The thought of making their cocks hard underneath their pants, gave you the burst of confidence you needed.
You straddle Eddie’s hips first, leaving him to tense in surprise, so you grab his hands that are folded across his chest and place them on your hips, bringing your glossy lips up to his ear, “you can touch me.” You whisper.
As soon as his hands find your skin, he begins rubbing over your hips and thighs, slowly moving down to your ass, taking two handfuls and squeezing before they’re moving back up to your hips. You look over at Steve who’s intently staring at you both, so you take it upon yourself to bring him closer. “Cmon, you can touch me too.” You say with a doe eyed smile. You grab his hand and place it just under Eddie’s.
“Oh yeah? You want both of us to touch you, princess?” Eddie continues to whisper to you. Smug smirk adorning his face as he looks over at his best friend, you couldn’t make out what they were trying to silently tell each other, but it made your stomach flutter. You were excited for this to go where it seemed to be going.
Steve swiftly lifts you by both thighs, placing you on his lap with ease. His hands roaming your body, as he leans in to whisper to you—
“Please tell us, you want this as bad as we do, baby?” Fuck, their voices alone were making you soak through your little panties.
“I-I do, I want you both. I have since that time I smoked weed with you and Eddie in the back of his van.” You giggle, making your hips jerk over Steve’s hard on. The friction made a whine slip out of your mouth.
The boys laughed at the memory, until they heard you, the whine caught their attention. Steve’s face switches to something more cocky
“Mmm, did that feel good, sweet girl?” He grabs your ass and rubs your core over his cock again, this time making you both moan out in tandem.
You bite your lip as you nod, while eddie scoots in closer to you both, he begins playing with your bikini. His calloused fingers rubbing over the swells of your breasts, hardening your nipples that lie under the red fabric. His fingers find the strings in the back, that are holding the bikini together.
“Can I take this off?” He asks softly
“Yes, please.” desperation has now taken over your voice
“Mm, and she still has her manners. Such a good girl.” The praise doing nothing to help the wetness pooling between your thighs.
Once he gets all the strings untied, he slowly lets it fall onto Steve’s lap. Your tits now on full display for them.
“Holy shit.” They say in unison. Eddie’s jaw clenches, while Steve groans. They each take one of your tits in their hand, squeezing and pinching at your nipples. Every little touch shooting straight to your core.
You’ve never done this before, you knew a lot of your co workers would give blow jobs or have quickie’s with their customer for extra cash, but that was never something you were comfortable with doing.
Yet, here you are, engaging in a threesome with two men you were obsessed with in high school, one who is now a big rockstar. The thought makes your head spin.
Steve grabs you by the back of your hair, pulling you out of your thoughts, as he interlocks his lips with yours, you allow his tongue entry while Eddie is moving his neck kisses down to your chest. He takes your nipple into his mouth and lightly sucks, gently teasing you. You whine into Steve’s mouth, breaking the kiss to look down at Eddie, his big brown eyes already looking up at you through his thick lashes. Your furrowed brows and pouty lips were almost enough to do him in, right then and there.
“So eager and impatient.” He growls as he slaps your ass, hard.
It makes you jerk in Steve’s lap, simultaneously moaning at the friction.
“Naughty girl, likes being spanked.” Steve says as he looks to Eddie, mischievous smirks taking over their once flushed faces.
“Now who would’ve guessed that?” Eddie says, making them both laugh. You feel like they’re laughing at you, but you’re too far gone to care.
Steve grabs your chin, turning your head back towards his and Eddie’s, smiles no longer on display, the air became thicker as you swallowed down the excessive saliva now coating your tongue. “You think you can take both of us at the same time, princess?” Your eyes widen at the thought of both of their cocks inside of you, it makes your stomach flip and you eagerly nod as if you’re a child being asked if you’d like some candy.
You’re by no means a virgin, you’ve had your share of one night stands and an occasional boyfriend here and there, but anal is still uncharted territory for you. You can’t lie that the prospect does excite you though, you would do just about anything they asked of you right now.
“Words, sweet girl. You need to use your words with sir and master.” Fuck
“Yes sir, yes master.” You said wantonly
“Good girl.” Eddie now had his hand wrapped around your neck, lightly squeezing
“This is what’s gonna happen.” Eddie starts “you’re going to lay down on this couch, while me and Steve get you ready for our cocks, how’s that sound, pretty baby?” His words are filthy, but his tone and smile are so soft, you could swear you were transported back to high school, they were making you fall in love all over again.
Love? No, no way. Don’t be crazy
“Yes, sir.” You nod, getting up from Steve’s lap
“Fuck, she’s so obedient.” Steve says to Eddie, like he’s enamored by you. Can’t believe you’re real.
They stand up, allowing you to lie down on the squeaky, old, black leather couch. As you lay, body flush against the cushions, you open your legs wide for the boys as they take in every curve, burning it into memory. Steve starts by taking off your stilettos, placing gentle kisses at the top of your foot, moving up to your calf and over your knee, stopping in the middle of your thigh, while Eddie palms himself through his jeans, admiring the scene in front of him.
Surprisingly, this is something Steve and Eddie talked about quit a few times in high school, they both wanted you. The time they smoked with you in the van, they were going to make a move but decided they didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, you were so shy and timid but Eddie couldn’t deny that little shy demeanor you had really got him going. They both thought you were beautiful, sweet and cute as fucking button.
They were disappointed after you all graduated and they still didn’t make their move, even at Charlottes grad party, but you had been on the arm of Chip Reynolds. Coincidentally, you also lost your virginity to him that night, after one too many shots.
“Can I take these off, baby?” Steve hooks his index fingers inside the red material of your g string, but looks up for your answer before he proceeds. You nod your head, while you bite down on your lip, granting him access by lifting your hips. The room around you feels hot, as you hear; looks that kill by Motley Crue booming through the club speakers.
Before Steve widens your legs, Eddie walks around you and Steve and takes a seat on the couch, by your feet. Not wanting to miss the view, they’ve been dreaming about for years.
“Open those pretty legs for us, baby.” Eddie says as his fingers walk up your leg, you gasp when you feel the spine tingling sensation shoot through you. You want to squeeze your legs together for some kind of relief of friction, but you know better. So instead you hike your legs up, like you’ve done so many nights before, for men who don’t truly see you, you’re a sex worker to them, someone there to appease their needs. You begin to wonder if that’s how Eddie and Steve see you now, but you can’t dwell on that thought.
You’re now bare and on full display for them, your juices creating a glistening coat on the outside of your well trimmed pussy. Steve and Eddie audibly groan at the sight, insecurity began creeping up as they gawked, but you didn’t know they were equally losing their restraint.
Steve’s the first to trail his hands towards your sex, slow and agonizing. The tips of his fingers barely grazing your skin, just enough to leave goosebumps in their wake. When he finally gets to where you’re dying to be touched, he starts by rubbing the tips of his fingers up and down your slit, he finds your clit and begins slowly drawing small circles. They take in every expression and whine you give them, eating it up like the only sustenance left on earth.
“That feels so good, Steve.” Your mouth falls open as the pressure of his fingers on your clit, pick up. Finally giving you the right amount of friction you’ve been begging for.
Eddie starts taking his cock out of the confines of his black jeans, the tightness being too much for him to handle. As you hear the zipper you lift your head up, not wanting to miss anything. Once you’re met with Eddie’s cock, your eyes widen and your jaw drops, it’s fucking beautiful —
“Well thank you, pretty girl.” Eddie snorts
Fuck, you’re so far gone, you thought you said that to yourself.
But it is, so beautiful. About seven and a half inches, thick and veiny, the spongy heads an angry throbbing red, precum beading at the tip.
“See, told you, you had a nice cock, Munson.” Steve says, before sending you a wink. That mischievous smile making its comeback. The insinuation making your pussy pulse, as more wetness continues to glaze your outer lips.
Eddies cheeks, blooming a pretty rosy pink at Steve’s words. You could tell he was uncomfortable diving in deeper to the depths of what was said, and you didn’t want to push it, no matter how curious they left you.
“Can I taste your pussy, baby?” Eddie now asks, leaning in closer to your thighs, while he continues stroking his heavy cock.
“Yes, master.” You say, trying not to sound as eager as you felt.
Steve stands up and begins fiddling with the button of his red and black plaid pants, riddled with different patches, some you’re able to make out: circle jerks, misfits, buzzcocks and minor threat to name a few. They look interesting, maybe you’ll remember to check their tapes out whenever you go to your local record store.
Your thoughts quickly being broken by Eddie’s tongue swiping over your clit, making you moan out a “oh my god!” In surprise
Steve’s cock springs out, and bobs in the air. A little bigger than Eddie’s but not by much, the tip matching his best friends; angry and red. They’re both fucking beautiful, and you want them inside you so bad.
Steve starts fisting his cock as he walks up towards your face, “Aw, no complement for my cock, baby?” Steve mockingly coos
“You’re both beautiful, you and your cocks. Want them so bad.” You moan, as your hips buck up towards Eddie’s tongue, which is now fucking your hole, before moving back up to circle your clit.
“Mmm, that’s better, sweet girl. Now open wide for me, kay?” Steve says as he begins tapping his cock against your lips. You open your mouth and stick your tongue out, Steve audibly growls at your obedience before he’s plunging it into your mouth, he grabs a fistful if your hair working you up and down on him, just the way he likes it. Meanwhile Eddie, takes it upon himself to insert two fingers into your wet weeping hole, making you moan around Steve, the vibrations making his cock twitch, deep in your throat.
Eddie’s tongue continues lapping up your juices as Steve is fucking your throat, the whole scene making euphoria pass over you, as if you were high off the best drug. Their cocks were your drug, and they were giving you the perfect high. Eddie’s fingers hit that spot inside of you, that always has you gushing. You scream out, as he’s relentlessly hitting it. Both boys, slowly becoming more and more aggressive. But you did not mind, in the slightest.
Your muscles start tensing and your legs start shaking, as your pussy spasms around two of Eddie’s heavily ringed fingers.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing my fingers so tight baby, I can’t wait to fuck you. Mmm, Cum for us, pretty girl.”
Eddie’s ministrations speed up, making your toes curl.
You release Steve’s cock with a pop, as you begin moaning and screaming.
“I’m cu-cumming, fuck don’t stop, master please!” Eddie’s fingers speed up, as wet squelching fills the room. You cum with a splash of wetness to Eddie’s chin and neck, making him growl.
“Fuck, you’re a squirter? Goddammit, you’re fucking perfect.” He’s so ready to be inside you, that he’s willing to spill all his dirty secrets and the feelings he’s harbored for you throughout the years.
Steve is on the other side losing his shit over the way you’re sucking his dick and the fact that you just squirted all over his best friends face. They needed to fuck you, want was out the window.
Eddie gets up from his laying position between your thighs, he brings the back of his hand to wipe the juices that he wasn’t able to lick away, while Steve pulls you off of his cock and back up onto your feet.
Steve sits down on the couch first, before his fingers are pressing into your hips and he’s guiding you to straddle his naked lap, having completely removed his clothes before sitting down. Once fully seated he takes his cock in his hand giving it a few strokes before he looks at you with eyes that could make you puddle right there on the floor.
“You ready, sweet thing?” He asks while he beams up at you, awaiting your answer but also admiring your beauty while trying not to blow his load at the fact that the girl he spent so much time admiring from a far when he was a teenager, is now seated on his lap, naked.
“Yes, sir. I’m ready.” Your words coming out so sugary sweet, making his head drop to the back of the couch, as he does his best to pull it together. He’s never had this problem before, you were completely ruining him, making him feel ways he hasn’t for any other girl.
He lifts his head back up, looking you in the eyes as he takes your chin between his fingers, his other hand still stroking himself. “You’re such a good fucking girl, you know that?” He says with a smirk
Eddie’s off to the side, watching the whole display closely. “She is such a good girl? Isn’t she Harrington? I think it’s time we reward her with both of our cocks. How does that sound, princess?” You moan, while your hips grind down on to Steve’s precum coated cock.
“Yes, please. I need sir and masters cock inside me.” If anyone from your congregation could see you now, they’d think you’d been possessed by some sort of sex demon, the way you were moaning, groaning and writhing about on top of Steve’s lap, you even felt like it in that moment.
Steve finally breeches your soaked hole, making him shudder beneath you. As you begin sinking down on to his cock, inch by delicious inch, Eddie comes and sits on the back of the couch where Steve’s head is resting, he’s stroking himself with the most devious smirk, pupils blown black from lust. If you were being possessed it would be Eddie’s doing.
“Get me nice and wet, baby. Need to be able to slip into your asshole with ease, okay? The sloppier the better.” He winks, while you quickly obey. Opening your mouth and allowing yourself to sink down on Eddie and Steve, simultaneously.
Steve grabs the globes of your ass and starts his own pace while helping you bounce on his aching cock. You’re gagging on Eddie, tears rolling down your cheeks as spit falls from your mouth and down onto the leather of the couch cushions. Both boys eyes are rolling back into their heads, they’re in fucking heaven. In that moment they both have the same thought— they never want to let you go.
Eddie pulls you off as he wipes up the remaining spit hanging from your chin, bringing it down to stroke his already glistening cock, and rubbing the wetness over his balls before he’s behind you, opening up your ass cheeks and using his spit to rub his middle finger over your puckered hole. “I’m gonna put my fingers in first and loosen you up, a’right?” You look back at him, eyes all doe like, lips swollen and wet from his cock. Fuck, you were a captivating portrait of beauty, if he’s ever seen one.
“Yes, master. Please,” broke him out of his thoughts as he breeched your virgin hole with the tip of his finger, making you groan in pain and pleasure. Finally, his finger is fully seated in you to the second knuckle, while Steve begins rubbing your clit as he still fucks into you, “you’re doing so good pretty baby, so good for us.” Steve whispers into your ear, as Eddie’s finger starts moving faster in and out, you can’t contain the screams that are falling from your mouth. Steve continues— “I know baby, I know. It’s a little uncomfortable at first, but I promise you, it’ll start to feel so fucking good, okay? You’re gonna love it by the time he’s done.” His words making you bounce back on his cock and Eddie’s finger. “That’s it, princess. Fuck my finger.” Eddie growls.
“I’m gonna put a second one in, okay?” Eddie says as he slips the second one in with the first, this time it goes in smoother, sinking to his tattooed knuckles. “Oh, fuck-” Steve cuts of your moans by bringing his lips to yours for a sloppy kiss, of tongues and spit, moaning into each others mouths as you get both your holes filled.
Once Eddie thinks your ready, he gets up from his kneeling position, holding out his hand under your chin as he demands you to spit, then doing the same to Steve. He rubs the mixed spit glob onto his cock for extra lube, he doesn’t want this to hurt you, he wants to make it as pleasurable as possible. Once it’s to his liking he lines his red tip up with your pink throbbing hole, he pushes in and fuck, it’s an indescribable feeling, but it’s so good.
“Oh, fuuuck!” Eddie groans, pushing even deeper inside you. “You’re so tight baby, fuck I’m not gonna last long, I’m just letting you both know that now.” He chuckles making you and Steve laugh, too. “I’m so close, been edging myself this whole time.” Steve says
Finally, Eddie is bottomed out inside of you, grabbing your hips but not moving until you give him the okay. “Just let me know when you’re ready, sweet girl.” — “I’m ready, please eddie, I’m ready.” He grabs a handful of your hair and yanks it back until you’re looking at him upside down. “It’s master, remember? I’ll let that one slide since you have two cocks inside you and you’re too fucked dumb, to think. But, next time I will punish you, do you understand?” He says through gritted teeth.
“Yes, master. I’m sorry.” You want to cry, not for being reprimanded but from the sheer pleasure of it all. “That’s my good girl,” he says leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead.
They both start pounding into you, it’s almost too much but you wouldn’t dare ask them to stop, not when the knot in your stomach is tightening and you can feel yourself reaching that ultimate high.
“Fuck, Steve I can feel your cock hitting mine.” Eddie growls, making Steve clench is jaw and throw his head back. “Mm, you like being able to feel my cock inside her, big boy?” Steve nods his head, while moaning out expletive after expletive.
Them talking dirty to each other while inside you, was about to throw you over the edge, along with their hands that wouldn’t stop rubbing and grabbing at your skin, taking handfuls of whatever they could.
You lean forward and put your head against Steve’s shoulder, while they continue to fuck you, the slight shift giving them better access to your holes, but also bringing Eddie and Steve’s faces closer together. Eddie smiles and winks at Steve as their cocks moved in and out in unison, meanwhile Steve grabs Eddie’s hair and smashes their lips together in a heated kiss. The smacking of their lips brings your attention back to them. It was so insanely hot, making you clench tightly around both boys, Steve pulls away first, “fuck, I think she likes that. You like watching me and Eddie kiss, angel?” Steve says in a mocking tone, all you can do is nod your head, as your high hits you like a ton of bricks.
“Oh my fuck, im cumming, holy shit.” You wail as you squirt all over Steve’s cock and lower stomach. Steve couldn’t hold it any longer, your moans and the splash he felt against his lower half, made him lose it. “I’m cumming, fuck where do I-” he says before you cut him off. “Inside, both of you, I want it inside please!” You whimper
Eddie takes your chin in his hand, turning your face towards his and kissing you deep and passionately as he follows right behind Steve, both boys empty themselves inside your tight, clenching holes. You continue milking them dry until Eddie pulls out slowly, followed shortly by Steve.
Eddie lifts you up and softly put you down so that you’re seated on the couch as he falls down on the cushion beside you.
“Wow.” You three said in unison, making you all laugh out hysterically.
Once the laughing stops, you’re all met with comfortable silence as the background noise from the club penetrates your ears, and you’re brought back to your surroundings.
Then the silence is broken as Steve asks, “So, what are you doing this weekend?”
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Thank you for reading!
@somespicystuff @lil-quinnie @dorkmunson @muzic-1d-luva @mungr0vebby @lolilkkk @jellycolors @bibieddiesgf @kjaxm @eddie-steve1986 @its-sam-allgood @joeymahler @and-claudia @luv-flor7777 @50shadesofuncomfortable @shurixririshipper @kiwi-bitchez @animesnowstorm @whitemancumslut @munsonology @n0x-m0rtis @cleartragedyenthusiast @iiffee @ladyapplejackdnd @angelina16torres-blog @kylie-is-here @bebe0701 @heyshads @melodymunson @einniar @novasparksstar @ajkamins @actuallyspencerreid @lynnmcgrathh @smamxn1 @imaslutforcuddles @hellv1ra @justsheerfilth1 @anonymousstoryteller2000  
@ilove-yourmoms-f33t @roxanamaier64 @daniellabrandt @thoughtsoftheantagonist @agalsmaraudersobsession @harrycanyonmoonn @steveharringtonswifey09 @ashdoctor @luna-munson83 @randodummy 
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fhrlclln · 1 year
love my metal bf & punk bf <3
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joannasteez · 8 months
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a slowly growing masterlist. something cool and casual. read when you want, in whatever order, how you see fit. at your leisure, but always, always, enjoy!
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated.
below, somewhere, in the comments, when you find this, if it interests you enough, give a shout if you’d like to be added to a tag list.
under the #joannasteez tag you can find other fics written for mayans mc, the punisher (marvel netflix series), the last of us, and the boys (amazon series)
lastly, i write when i want, without a schedule, whatever comes to me, and sometimes that means ill post at random times out of the blue.
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lavender based whispers in the villa | whispers in loud places nsfw alphabet fall, for me with me, the world is yours stay, please sing, just for me crying, laughing, loving, lying tanks of blood strong!
to the victors go the spoils
edge adore almost blue
untitled one (roman reigns) untitled two (cody rhodes & roman reigns)
with the sun (eddie kingston) citrus (roman reigns) vices (cm punk) just a dream (roman reigns)
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
'We need more white male protagonists who're genuinely deep but not treated as the narrative's most important part and not coddled by everybody in-universe and that have a truly diverse cast!!!'You guys couldn't even handle Jason Todd
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madame-midnight · 3 months
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I don't know if I wanna be with them or be them (I'm a girl)
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punk-in-docs · 2 years
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🕷Super Freak Series🕷
🕸 Your Web, I’m Caught (the 1st) 🕸
Summary: The one where you’re miserable and drinking on your own at a party. And you run into maybe the last person you’d have expected on the outskirts. 7.6k words.
🕸 Is It My Body (the 2nd) 🕸
Summary: The one where Eddie gives you a ride home after your friend ditched you at a terrible party. 6.9k words.
🕸 Power of Suggestion (the 3rd) 🕸
Summary: You see Eddie at school after he gave you a lift home the other night. There’s definitely something you need to resolve. It’s mind over matter and there’s something you’re both after. 5.3k words.
🕸 Head Over Heels (the 4th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie visits you at the record store where you work. You end up making out in the storage room. 7.6k words.
🕸 Was it Love or Nicotine? (The 5th) 🕸
Summary: Eddie can’t seem to see you at school. He thinks you’re avoiding him til he finds out you’re sick. And he climbs in your window one night to bring you a can of soup. 12k words.
🕸Wolf Men & Secret Heists (the 6th)🕸
Summary: You and Eddie enjoy a rendezvous in a storage closet at school. Some inevitably dirty stuff happens. 9.2k words (smut)
🕸 Don’t need telling twice (the 7th)🕸
Summary: You go over to Eddie’s for a Movie Night date. And apparently, you’re both terrible at keeping quiet about what you want. 10.4k words. (No smut just sheer fluff)
🕸️ Vanilla Tobacco (the 8th) 🕸️
Summary: Eddie collects you for your ice cream/arcade date, he also gets to meet your mom. 10.9k words
🕸️Star Studded Gazes & Metal Men (the 9th) 🕸️
Summary: Your date goes very well- maybe a little to well under the stars at skull rock. 10.5k words (smut!)
🕸️ Girlfriend is Better (The 10th) 🕸️
Summary: You and Eddie face an unseen obstacle, which you manage to overcome with some hard cold vengeance. and then you hit him with an interesting offer... 10.k words (angst/tw violcence past assault)
🕸️ Can’t leave you in the wrong hands, baby (The 11th) 🕸️ OUT NOW!!!!
Summary: You and Eddie take the definitive step towards boyfriend and girlfriend. An empty house and a evening alone yields to a perfect evening of a first time, and much much more (11.2k words, so much SMUTTT)
-Drabbles/One Shots-
🕷Green is the Colour 🕷 - Eddie x Pencils Drabble - 6.6k words
Summary: Eddie being jealous that everyone in Hawkins is apparently getting a slice of Pencils after they start dating. (Jealous!Eddie themes) ends with fluff.
🚬 Messy Eddie Headcanons🚬
🎼🎙 Eddie working in the record store with Sal Headcanons = a.k.a sheer Chaos 🎙🎼
🔥NSFW Eddie Headcanons🔥
🎃 Trick? Or Treat? 🎃
Summary: Eddie’s friends are having trouble believing you’re really dating. They require a little proof- 3k. Funky little drabble really.
🍁 Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you 🍁
Summary: you celebrate your two year anniversary with Eddie at the place where it all began- At the Hawkins Fall carnival.
🍂 Halloween Headcanon’s for Eddie 🍂
Summary: Pretty much what it says on the tin. Halloween Headcanons with Eddie.
❤️ My Funny Valentine ❤️
Summary: A requested ask/drabble- Valentines Day- and suddenly you have a not so secret admirer.
❤️‍🔥 Drawing Mr. Munson ❤️‍🔥
Short drabble: what would drawing Eddie be like? In a nutshell, a challenge.
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🩸VAMPIRE!EDDIE🩸One shot; 10k words- also on AO3 if you fancy-
🩸Love like Blood🩸
Summary; !! Dark fic !! Vamp!Eddie x Reader. 10k words. He fully believes hell has opened its snake jaw and devoured him whole- cause this is, just, unbelievable.
Okay, maybe he hasn’t been swallowed into hell.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s that hell has chewed him up, and spat him back out.
He tried to stand and is amazed when he can. Bearing his own weight again. Stood tall. Slowly creaking and cracking to life.
Life? Or Death?
Other Characters
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Detective (Murderer) Quinn
- Tainted Love, Part I
Summary: Inspired entirely by this post which I glimpsed via @ravensfromvalhalla from @ceriseheaven. As in the gif, what if Detective Quinn was actually a crazy psycho killer. Set in the 1980’s LA. Det Quinn x Reader.
‼️You don’t know I’m no good ‼️ Part II
Summary: Danger is far closer than you realise ‼️ TW: dark vibes, murder, death, violence, stalking ‼️ 3.6k words.
‼️Hungry like the wolf‼️ Part III
Summary: Quinn gets up close and personal. But he has an ulterior motive of course. ‼️TW dark vibes, knife violence and threatening ‼️ 4.1k words.
‼️ Like a fist. Like a Knife ‼️ Part IIII
Summary: Birdie is on the case - Quinn is onto her. The plot thickens- Slutty chaos ensues.
‼️ Hit me like a bad trip‼️ Part V
Summary: Some questions lead Birdie to the wrong side of town, good thing she’s got someone watching her back. Whether she wants them or not- turns out to be a good thing. Knights in shiny red Porsches. 7.2k words.
‼️ Girl in trouble (is a temporary thing) ‼️ Part VI
Summary: Birdie patches a bloodied Quinn up at her place. There’s nakedness, too much Bourbon, and a whole lot of smut involved. 9.9k words.
‼️ Have a horny little XXXmas - Det Quinn x Birdie festive one shot ‼️
‼️ NSFW ALPHABET ‼️ - For Detective Quinn - so much smut and filth
‼️ Hold the Bourbon‼️ Detective Quinn x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Drabble from an ask, Detective Quinn laughing during sex - with an edge. ‼️TW ‼️Pure filth. Much smut.
‼️ Det Quinn Ask Drabble ‼️
Drabble/ask about Detective Quinn making you squirt
‼️Det Quinn Ask Drabble‼️ (so filthy)
Detective Quinn and how he would utterly devour you at all times (TW very filthy ask I LOVE IT)
‼️ Tied Up Too Tight ‼️
Detective Quinn x Birdies first date? Sort of. Quick hint: Porsche hood, nasty sex and handcuffs. ‼️TW ‼️lots of filth oh lord. Seriously.
🔪❤️‍🩹 better watch out babes-
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🥀 Pick Your Poison 🥀Prince Paul x Reader || Part I, 9.2k words
Summary: You have Mother Russia melted deep into the marrow of your bones, and you’re not afraid to grit your teeth and have a scrappy fight. Draw out a little of that pumping hot slavic blood you’re so proud of.
“Charmed.” You smile at him with your perfectly rouged lips. You sneer him like a viper. Like you’re another one of the delicious black widows formed from these courtly, poison-skated walls.
He stalks off and Minister Panin bows to you all. Scurries along after him like a puppy.
Catherine isn’t displeased or discouraged by her sons frosty behaviour. She was expecting it.
You watch him stride away. Sip your champagne and drag your eyes over his back. He must store such tension in those reedy shoulders. Keeps it stored under that ridiculous wig maybe.
All of Russia is owed to him by birth and he’s kept a hairs breadth from clutching it.
🥀 Keep watch over the door of my lips 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Newlyweds, noble jealousy, and vicious court gossip. They seldom mix. 1.7k words. (Only a dash of smut)
🥀 Necessary Evils 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader, Drabble.
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + Pregnancy sex = F I L T H
🥀 The Matter of a Good Taste 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some let me make you feel better oral sex. (Filthy but sweet married filth)
🥀 And the stars sighed in unison 🥀
Summary: Short drabble: Prince Paul + Tsarevna + some pre-wedding sex and general naughtiness. (Fiancé filth)
🥀 Blessed be the bitter fruit 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part II, 7.8k Words
Summary: Your marriage to Prince Paul and all the intimacy that follows, being love drunk newlyweds. (So much porn ok)
🥀Qualities of Mercy🥀
Summary: Prince Paul x Tsarevna Drabble inspired by the prompt: “If you want to come, you better beg.”
🥀 Traps with Baited Jaws 🥀 Prince Paul x Reader || Part III, 14.8k words,
Summary: There’s a snake in the palace garden. Blood spattered on Catherine’s pet rosebushes. Reader learns that Ruling all of Russia comes at a gutting price- (TW so much subby!Paul smut, violence, mentions of gore/death)
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🍾 Ralph x Reader 🍾 short drabble/anon ask
Set in the 1920’s. Meeting Ralph at a wild party
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Working on a fic, not sure if there will end up being smut in it or not. I’ll try to finish it in 3 weeks but I’m gonna be super busy so I might forget about it lol.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in it when it comes out <3
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curiositydooropened · 2 years
Cherry Flavored Summer [Masterlist] ☀ WIP
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The summer of '85 is as hot and sticky as any other, but when Eddie runs into you on his shift at Big Buy, he thinks this year might be his year. Set during season 3.
Pairing: Eddie x femme punk!reader
Wordcount: TBD (so far - 15377)
Warnings: eventual smut [under 18 DNI please!], drug use, mentions of prison, death, knives, guns, canon typical violence
No Tag List, please follow my library!
Masterlist • Library • Ao3
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
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laheymaze · 2 years
punk princess
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✨eddie munson✨ x fem!punk!reader <3
requested by: punxunited01-blog (you're amazing, i hope you love this!!)
summary: you and eddie have been neighbors and best friends your whole lives, but when a night of taking each other's virginities happens, it ruins everything. years later, you realize you made a mistake, and eddie is still waiting for you.
warnings: smut, spicy, language, this one has it all
**this is a long one, lol (that's what she said) and it's my first time making a more explicit imagine, and before anyone comes at me, i purposely made the spicy parts not super detailed, ok. but anyway, sit back, relax, grab and snack and drink, and enjoy!!**
You never thought you would lose touch with your best friend of basically your whole life, but when you hook up, it ruins everything. You and Eddie had been neighbors since elementary school, the both of you being the weird rejects no one wanted to hang out with, and you were okay with that. You had each other and that is all that mattered. You promised each other you’d get married one day, go on tour together for Corroded Coffin, and do every adult thing in the book.
Now, you sat in Steve Harrington’s car as he drove you home from dinner and a movie, in which you didn’t watch the movie at all and purposely sat in the back of the theater. You never thought you’d be Steve Harrington’s type. You listened to metal music, had tattoos, wore completely shredded clothes, and had all of the ear piercings. You were the ultimate punk princess, as Eddie liked to call you.
“Are your parents home?” Steve questioned, pulling up to your house.
“No, they went to my grandparents for the weekend.” You responded, looking over at Eddie’s. His bedroom light was on, and you could swear you saw a curtain slightly open with a figure standing there.
“Perfect,” Steve said, leaning over and kissing your neck. You both quickly got out of the car, Steve all over you as you opened the front door.
Eddie watched from his bedroom window as you and Steve stumbled inside. His blood began to boil as he saw the two of you. He could only hope that this is how you felt when you saw him bringing girls over. He thought back on the last night the two of you had together, and the last time you even spoke to him, wishing he could take back everything since he knows now what the consequences would be.
You sat on Eddie’s bed, forcing him to let you brush his hair and braid it. He sat on the floor, him laying between your legs as you played with his hair.
“Do we have to start senior year already? I’m fine staying at home all year.” Eddie complained as the new school year was starting in three days.
“Then you won’t graduate, and last time I checked, we need to graduate before we go on tour.” You reasoned.
“I call bullshit.”
“Of course you do.” You said, laughing.
“You know, everyone has had sex over the summer.” Eddie randomly pointed out. “Everyone except you.”
“And you.” You fired back. Eddie released himself from your hands, turning around to face you.
“Excuse me?”
“If you lost your virginity you would’ve told me Eds.”
“True,” Eddie admitted in defeat. He threw himself down on the bed, head on one of his pillows. You got up and laid next to him, throwing yourself dramatically as he did. “You know… I was thinking…” Eddie started.
“That’s not good.” You joked. Eddie grabbed a pillow and put it over your face, making the both of you sit up and you threw the pillow off of you.
“Seriously. I was thinking we could maybe do it together… since we’re already so comfortable.” Eddie said, catching you off guard. “It’s completely up to you, of course. But it would be my honor to be your first and you be mine.” This made your heart skip a beat and turn your face red.
“Okay.” You whispered. You looked at Eddie, his beautiful eyes staring back at you. “I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else either.” Eddie pulled you onto his lap, you straddling him now.
“Are you sure?” He whispered, face getting dangerously close to yours. “We can do this another time.”
“When will we have another summer and Wayne gone for a whole weekend?” You countered.
“This won’t change anything, right? Promise I won’t lose you?” Eddie whispered once more.
“I promise.”
Eddie closed the distance between your lips, placing a soft kiss on them. This escalated quickly, moving into fast and aggressive kisses, tongues playing as well. Your hands were lost in his hair as his were running up and down your thighs. Eddie pulled off both of your shirts, immediately putting his lips back on yours.
You felt his boner rock solid underneath you, causing you to grind against him, bringing a loud moan from Eddie. He gripped onto your thighs harder, making you lightly moan as well. Eddie wrapped his arms around you, tossing you on the bed, him hovering over you. He trailed kisses all over your neck, leaving marks there along with your collarbone, chest, and stomach. He got down to your heat, pulling your shorts down and tossing them across the room.
He placed a kiss on the outside of your underwear, teasing you. His fingers running over you brought a moan from your mouth, causing Eddie to smirk. He pulled your black laced thong down and tossed that away as well. He looked up at you, asking for permission. You nodded desperately, needing to be touched more. You kept wondering how he knew how to do all of this, then not caring and just wanting him to keep going.
Eddie placed kisses on your folds, then began licking and sucking harshly, making you scream out, grabbing onto his hair. As he continued, your moans grew louder and the grip you had on his hair tightened. Reaching your climax, Eddie went faster and harder, succeeding in making you spill out all over his tongue. He made his way up to your face once again, removing the rest of his clothing and your bra.
“Fuck, you taste so good,” Eddie told you. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Eddie asked again.
“Eds, if you don’t fuck me, I’ll kill you right here and now.” You told him, out of breath.
“Okay, anything for my punk princess.”
You woke up that next morning, sore like you couldn’t imagine, wrapped in Eddie’s arms. You felt an overwhelming sensation of happiness, comfort, and peace being in his safe arms. He made you breakfast later that morning and even rubbed your legs so you weren’t as sore. You couldn’t help but sit and stare at him, probably for too long. Especially because he was just your best friend and nothing was supposed to change that. Not even losing your virginities to each other.
“Do you want to go grab dinner tonight?” Eddie asked as he massaged your thighs, your legs draped over his lap.
“You know, you don’t have to do this. I’m okay.” You told Eddie, referring to your soreness.
“I want to.”
“Well stop being so perfect.” You said, partially joking.
“Or what?” Eddie said, laughing.
“Or I’ll fa—” You started, catching yourself.
“You’ll what?”
“You’ll what, Y/N?” Eddie pushed.
“Nothing, Eddie. Just drop it.” You told him, getting up.
“You’ll fall in love with me? Is that such a terrible thing, Y/N?” Eddie questioned, standing up in front of you now.
“We can’t.”
“Why not?”
“You made me promise nothing would change us. Not even last night, Eddie.” You reminded him.
“Too late.”
“I’m not even sorry, Y/N. I want to fall in love with you and I want to do what we did last night with only you for the rest of my life and I don’t care about ruining our friendship if that means I get you and me together.” Eddie said, getting closer to you.
“I can’t.” You wanted to fall all in, but what if it didn’t work out? You couldn’t risk that. “I love you, but we can’t.” You said, gathering your things and running out the door. Eddie stood in his tracks, shaking his head. He grabbed the closest thing to him, sending the glass across the room, shattering across the wall.
You were at Hawkins High School tutoring some freshmen after school like you had been doing for the last couple of years since you graduated. You worked full-time at Family Video with Steve and Robin but did this a couple of days a week for the extra money. The school didn’t care for your attire, but if they wanted to fire you they could.
As you were walking out to leave, you noticed Eddie’s van parked outside. You told yourself not to care, to just wait for Steve outside like you usually do, but your legs kept walking through the trees anyway. When you reached the picnic table, you saw Eddie sitting there, smoking a cigarette.
“Thought you were going to quit?” You asked, startling him.
“Shit, Y/N.”
“Sorry.” You said, laughing. You sat down in front of him, reaching your hand out for the cigarette like you used to. You caught yourself, pulling your arm away. Eddie handed it to you anyway, you inhaling once and giving it back.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asked.
“I tutor some kids two days a week, I was leaving and saw your van and ended up here.” You explained, looking at Eddie. “What are you doing here?”
“Dustin needed a ride,” Eddie responded simply. After a few moments of almost awkward silence, you finally spoke up.
“We used to sit out here every single day.”
“We also used to talk every single day,” Eddie said harshly. This made you frown, putting your head down. “Remember when we got matching tattoos for your birthday?”
“I only see it everyday, Eddie.” You said, lightly laughing.
“Does Steve ever ask where it came from?”
“Eddie, stop.”
“We would steal Wayne’s liquor.” Eddie continued, ignoring you.
“And go sit on the roof.” You added. “Those were good nights.”
“We talked about our future as if we had a fucking clue,” Eddie stated. “I never planned though that one day I’d lose you.” Before you could respond, leaves rustled behind you, Steve appearing.
“Y/N, there you are!” He exclaimed. Steve stood up taller when he saw Eddie. “Munson.” Steve greeted.
“Harrington,” Eddie said with daggers.
“What are you doing out here?” Steve questioned, walking closer to you as you got up off of the table.
“I was going for a walk and ran into Eddie.” You lied.
“Next time just stay by the school, you could’ve gotten taken out here.” Steve told you. You began walking away next to him, turning back to look at Eddie. His eyes met yours for a second before he looked away. “Why were you really out there?” Steve asked once you reached his car.
“I told you, I was going for a walk.”
“And Eddie just happened to be there?”
“Do you not trust me, Steve?” You questioned, crossing your arms.
“I don’t trust him. It’s been years since whatever the hell happened between the two of you, and he still can’t let it go that I got the girl and he didn’t.” Steve explained leaning up against his new BMW.
“If he hadn’t let it go he would be all over me and trying to break us up. Trust me, he’s over it and moved on. I broke his heart and he’ll never forgive me for that. He wants nothing to do with me.” You said aggressively, pain in your voice. You got into the passenger seat of Steve’s car, slamming the door.
Eddie listened from the side of the school, tears threatening to spill. You were right, you broke his heart, but he forgave you as soon as it happened. He knew that you were his forever, and you would realize that eventually.
You sat on your couch, spread out in an oversized t-shirt and underwear, watching the television. Your mind kept playing back to Eddie, the look in his eyes as he talked about the past. You regretted that morning so much. He didn’t deserve that, and every part of you wanted to turn back the clock and stay that day. You loved Steve, but Eddie was Eddie. He was the one, and all of these years of letting your ego get in the way ruined any chance you had with him, surely.
“Fuck it.” You mumbled to yourself, putting on some shorts and heading next door. You pounded on Eddie’s door, him answering immediately.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry, Eddie.” He moved aside so you could come inside, closing the door behind you. “I should have stayed that morning. I should have let myself fall in love with you that day. I’m sorry that I fucked that up.” Tears began to fill in your eyes, you trying not to let them spill out. “I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you that.”
“It’s okay. I knew you’d realize it eventually.” Eddie said, walking closer to you. “You got more tattoos.” He pointed out.
“I had to match yours.” You said, laughing. “I have more you can’t see.” You teased, smiling. Eddie grinned, pulling you in for a hug.
“What about Harrington?”
“I’ll talk with him tomorrow, I promise.”
“No more promises,” Eddie said, remembering what promises got you both years ago. You nodded in agreement. “You’re telling me I have to wait twenty-four hours before I can finally kiss those delicious lips?”
“Will you survive?” You joked.
“I made it two years, and was willing to wait a million more, I think I’ll be alright.” Eddie’s comment made you tear up more.
"You don't hate me?" You questioned.
"Never." Eddie confirmed, smiling at you. "Just madly in love with you."
Steve didn’t take the breakup lightly, to say the least. He must have said ‘I told you so’ and ‘I knew it’ a thousand times, and made a point that he never trusted Eddie, even though you are the one who wanted to end things without the influence of Eddie. After meeting Steve, you rushed to Eddie’s trailer, running out of the car and into Eddie’s arms since he was waiting outside for you.
“Do I finally get to kiss you?” He whispered. To respond, you placed your lips on his, him immediately sinking into your touch.
Eddie guided you into the trailer, locking the door once you were inside. He pushed you against the door as you jumped, wrapping your legs around his torso. His lips found your soft spot on your neck as if he never forgot where it was, and sucked hard. Once he successfully left a dark purple mark, he made his way back to your lips. Eddie carried you into his bedroom, throwing you down on the bed and quickly taking off his shirt as you took off yours.
Eddie climbed on top of you, helping you pull down your jeans and throwing them across the room, him doing the same. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his reaching to unclasp your bra. He admired your body, stiffening at the sight. He noticed your tattoos you mentioned the night before, making him smile.
“Shut up, you got a corroded coffin tattoo?” He said, tracing it under your left boob.
“Corroded Coffin for life, no matter what.” You told him.
He traced the rest of your tattoos, amazed that you also got matching bats on your arm. His fingers ran down your side, hooking your underwear, pulling it down a little bit. His finger made its way underneath them, running over your folds. This made your back arch, a moan escaping from your lips. Eddie proceeded to stick two fingers into your entrance, you already soaked.
“Shit, Princess, you’re so wet.” He told you, his voice raspy. He placed his lips on yours once more, you moaning into his mouth as his fingers thrust faster and faster.
“As much as I love this,” You started, catching your breath when Eddie thrust deep into you. “I need you.” You were able to finish. Eddie smiled, beginning to take off his jeans and underwear, you pulling yours down as well. Eddie grabbed a condom from his drawer, putting it on, hovering over you. He teased you, placing his tip on your entrance.
“I’ve waited for this for two fucking years,” Eddie told you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, so fucking much. I’m sorry it took so long.” You breathed out.
“Let’s make up for that then, shall we?” Eddie said, seductively.
“Fuck yes please.”
make sure to like and reblog!! :)
let me know what you think of the new header pics!!!! i want to make them for all of my imagines! 
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bimbobaggins69 · 1 year
Ok, so what if punk!steve and rockstar!eddie go to the strip club, they walk in and see all the beautiful women adorning the poles. But their eyes catch yours, they think you’re the sexiest in the room. But wait, you went to school with them, and they equally had a crush on you. Maybe some threesome steddie action ensues? I don’t know, just a concept 🤷🏻‍♀️
Update.. I wrote it, read here.
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
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I drew Eddie coping a feel in his bedroom because this man deserves a handful of tiddy. <3
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dutchimagine · 10 months
pov: Eddie really wants to enter the spiderman bouncy castle but Steve says no.
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rebelcthulhu · 2 years
hey but like isn’t it super sus how eddie’s death mirrored hopper’s ‘death’ in season 3 like almost point for point. like the time jump right after, their body never put to rest, a sad longing moment shared between the character(s) that were closest to them… mmm yeah I ain’t buying it duff bros. I see you fuckers.
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fbfh · 2 years
[Warnings: mentions of anxiety/mild panic attack]
Thinking about how comforting Eddie is, especially if you're having anxiety. One look at you and he's pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you in the most secure reassuring hug.
"You feelin' panicky?" He asks softly. You nod, face on his shoulder, resting on the rough denim of his vest, taking in his scent. He hums in response. You're still breathing fast and shallow in spite of your best efforts to slow down, and he can feel your heart pounding like a rabbit against him. You cling tight onto him, and he holds you just as tight.
"Had a feeling. I can always tell when you're worried, peach."
He'll probably rock you a little, humming your favorite songs, pressing soft periodic kisses to the side of your head. After a while, however long it takes for your breathing to slow back down, he'll talk to you to gage how you're doing now. Once you're all the way calmed down, you better believe he's sticking to you like glue for the rest of the day, holding your hand and keeping you close, keeping an eye on you. There's no way he's letting his baby face that alone.
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