#eggs are so versatile. like the potato
tethered-heartstrings · 5 months
sunny side up or fried egg or soft boiled with a runny yolk <3 scrambled with salt and pepper and veggies and cheese <3 even just salt and pepper and garlic <3 hard boiled with salt or sliced on toast with some pepper and mayo <3 deviled eggs or egg salad on toast <3 eggs in ramen or stewed in a sauce <3 eggs on toast or potatoes or rice or by itself <3 omelette with ingredients folded in or wrapped inside <3 just. egg <33
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lilliganshitposting · 10 months
i'm in love with the egg theory because i like to think that there's a little of me in everybody and a little of everybody in me, to which i go, "yah compassion is wowzas maybe we're not so different", but then i see a perspective or opinion so utterly detached from my own experiences that i stop and go, "huh. perhaps compassion isn't unconditional, and perhaps i don't have to understand or accept every version of myself if it's something i don't truly like"
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Reverse 1999 HCs: The Kitchen
I mentioned these in passing, but I finally added them in post with more detail. Feel free to add your HCs to the buffet! Word count is 960ish so you know what you're getting into if you continue down this path of madness.
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Apple tends to stay out of the kitchen unless he's looking for wine. He doesn't want to be mistaken for a tasty snack.
Regulus is banned from the kitchen but barges in anyway as the "official taste tester". She also steals from people's plates if they're left unguarded, unless it's Sotheby's. She is an exception. Vertin gets the worst of it where Regulus might lean over her shoulder and chomp down on her spoonful of food. This is the tax for sharing her premium snacks with Vertin.
As for the snack sharing, one time Regulus caught Vertin eating uncooked noodles with the seasoning packet sprinkled on top like chips as a snack. Ever since then, she gave Vertin free access to the stash of snacks in her room. There's always potato chips and Dr. Papper available to her friend.
Vertin stills occasionally eats noodles like chips because Madam Z used to do it when they were traveling together. When Smoltin caught her red-handed, Madam Z advised her not to be like her and to eat her celery sticks instead. They both knew that wasn't going to happen.
Sotheby is allowed use the kitchen with supervision. There needs to be someone there to give their opinion on her creative choices (stop her from accidentally poisoning someone).
Druvis is the head chef and Sonetto is her apprentice that does everything by the book due to her upbringing in the Foundation. For example, if they don't have the right ingredients, Sonetto believes they can't make the dish anymore. However, Druvis will teach her how to substitute things and improvise.
Sonetto is a great cook, but she operates like a robot that needs to be updated with new ideas from a programmer. All the knowledge is there, but she struggle to make her own conclusions. (This is something we see her struggle with in game but I applied it to cooking lol)
The Horror Trio have no interest in cooking, only eating. Although, Jessica and her Critter friends harvest things from the garden so Druvis can supervise/mentor in the kitchen.
Vertin can't cook per say, but she can throw together very basic meals a child could do (eggs, bacon, toast, grilled cheese, simple stuff). However, her specialty is eggs. She can cook an egg in every way possible thanks to Madam Z. The scientist told her if she learns to cook anything, let it be an egg. They're easy to cook, versatile, and a good source of protein. This is an HC but I can hear her explaining egg supremacy to Vertin. Fun fact: Eggs are a staple food in China and many Asian countries. Eat an egg for Madam Z everyone.
Vertin's also handy with a knife since it's all about technique and she's good with her hands. Before her crew, she probably ate a lot of sandwiches, Foundation MREs, and instant food (with eggs on the side).
However, one day Druvis witnessed hot bacon grease pitch onto Vertin's arm. Vertin flinched at first but continued flipping her bacon, saying, "It happens sometimes." Druvis damn near threw Vertin in the sink in her rush to run cold water over it. They didn't notice how serious Vertin's disregard for injuries were due to the lack of scars and reactions from her. Vertin doesn’t understand since it'll go away with a healing potion. This breaks Druvis's heart because even if it's healed, Vertin's putting herself through unnecessary pain since she's used to getting hurt.
That was the last time Vertin was allowed to touch a frying pan (rip her beloved eggs as collateral), but they still let her use the knife since she's adept with it. Also Vertin wants to help them because it's a way for her to spend more time with them. They couldn't chase her away after she admitted that.
There is another advantage to letting the Timekeeper help sometimes; Vertin's the only one who doesn't cry rivers when she cuts an onion. Sonetto and Sotheby are a mess when they try. Pupnetto has a sensitive nose and Sotheby is baby. Druvis keeps her deadpan face but tears will prick at her eyes.
Vertin didn't always eat her veggies as a kid and Madam Z wasn't sure how to make her eat them. It's actually Tooth Fairy who found a way to make fruits and veggies fun. Vertin now does the same for her Suitcase Family.
Imagine an elegant, celebratory dinner set up by Druvis, Sonetto, and Sotheby after a particularly tough mission. What did Vertin contribute with her knife? Sandwiches? Salads? Nope. It's this:
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Fruits and veggies decorated as little critters! It's how Tooth Fairy advised Madam Z to prepare them so Smoltin would eat them. As a kid she loved it. Vertin is creative so there are many variations (she's the opposite of Sonetto who's highly skilled but lacks creativity).
They're a hit with her crew too. Even Blonney, who normally acts like a moody teenager when it comes to her true feelings, finds them adorable. After seeing the way Jessica's eyes lit up from the little display, she was inspired to try and learn too. In secret, of course.
Horropedia said they were neat, but listed a terrifying bunch of ideas for Vertin's next fruit/veggie display: monsters, eyeball, tentacles, severed fingers, a dipping sauce that looks like slime or blood...
Regulus: Vertin! What are you doing?
Vertin: I'm making cheese toasties (grilled cheese). Don't worry, there's no way I can burn myself.
Regulus: You're dealing with hot melted cheese. On a scale of 1 to 10, how angry do you think Sonetto and Druvis would be if I called them right now?
Vertin: ...Would you like one too?
Regulus: Cut diagonally, no crust. Thanks ❤️
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entropicbias · 18 days
Nice to meet you, entropicbias. I'm televisedanime (better known under my alias televisedanime.tumblr.com). Your johndave work is spot-on and you knock them right out of the ballpark. There's a certain level of versatility to your style and you are both a peerless flower and ingenious innovator in the field of yaoi. Thank you for your contributions. I'm going to keep it concise and get to the meat and potatoes of this ask: do you have any criteria for determining who the goat(s) in terms of homestuck fanartistry is/are? What, in your perspective, makes a veritable juggernaut in the homestuck sphere (or even in a broader sense)?
hello, televisedanime! thank you so much for the commendations. the way you talk about my depictions of them makes me feel like i have a phd in hammertime. i might as well at this point. it makes me super happy to see other people agreeing with my work because this is the one romantic/normal pairing in homestuck that means a lot to me personally, so i feel like i really do get them. i'd be really devastated to hear it if i didn't! ok, to answer your question... i don't really have the time to peruse old homestuck content. i'm trying to, but it's really hard when most of the art i like of one creator is from de-activated accounts and most of the other ones draw incest art on the side. what makes someone stand out for me, is probably mostly in their style. having a really good sense of depicting the characters is equally as important but sometimes people just have art that's like eye candy to me. so, for now, here's a list of homestuck artists that have really stuck with me and are sources of inspiration myself. -unforgivablecontent really great animator. lots of their stuff is on youtube but my personal favorites are the homestuck funnies comps and that tavros dave rap battle.
-radicaldude42/mars-gallavanger great artist, very unique style, and an incredible mspa comic artist.
-vintagefoods has such a phenomenal creative eye. one of the best homestuck artists. i love the use of colors and the eye for great attire.
-deaconblues awesome guy, even more awesome art. great writer and illustrator, i trust him with everything john egbert. that guy just gets him. read everafter on mspfa, the moveout zine, and a big man on campus. he's a brilliant comic artist too. has been on my list of great artists for a good while.
-toreodere talented in every retrospect. toreo nails the homestuck style and to top it off she's like, multitalented. check out her tumblr she does it all.
-feengoid my goat who also has such a unique and fun art style. i love the way she draws and how inventive she gets with her art. she's also really fucking funny.
-pinballhazard ASTOUNDINGLY good artist! an absolute gem in the homestuck community. amazing comic author and has a really unique and weirdly nostalgic style. he's like, a child prodigy i dunno how this kid is 16. -bloobydabloob i don't even want to talk about morris i just want to show you our stupid fucking egg beef.
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-tempestousstocking a wonderful artist. been in the johndave community for a while and totally gets it. -leon i forgot his username we all know him also a great artist. i'm running out of things to say i just like his art. -jumblefriend this person is on twitter for all i know but they draw the best nepeta ever. their style is so hilariously good and cartoony. i'd love to see them make comics or something one day they're very talented. michael- i forgot his handle but he makes great music too. hello michael. crazy stuff! -tentapillar/mariboo doesn't make a lot of homestuck art currently. i think they've moved on from their old account too. not sure but their old homestuck art ruled. amazing amazing artist.
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cupcraft · 1 year
Simple Cooking Tips by me trying my best:
1: Canned foods are fine. Canned foods are often affordable, very shelf stable, and versatile. Canned veggies taste great when seasoned and cooked. Canned meat is fine too. Enjoy eating your canned food little life!
2: Instant mashed potatoes are a great way to make a quick an easy side. You can always add extra seasoning/butter/creamcheese/sourcream/milk/broth/etc. if you need. The same goes for other instant foods they are very versatile. Instant foods can often be shelf stable, cheap, and also good if you dont have a lot of time to cook.
3: I made too much food or bought too much food or produce uh oh. Freeze/freeze/freeze (just make sure you keep track of dates and stuff/know that some foods texture will change when frozen). There are often plenty of tips and tricks to freezing things well when they have texture changes. Food never has to go to waste! And on days where its hard for me to function having a frozen meal ready to heat up is the best. Also, for excess produce especially see if your town has any local fridges/places to donate fresh produce for someone to take!
4: If the only way youre going to eat is ordering out then do it if you can afford it. Dont feel bad for ordering out. This is your sign that if you need to order out then do it, you dont need an excuse. Youre allowed to want or need ordering out.
5: Meal prepping is supposed to help you not exhaust you. I struggle to eat breakfast for example so its really helpful for me to make things that are quick while im already cooking dinner so that in the morning i have less effort to expend. I make things like yoghurt parfaits/chia seed pudding, over night oats, coldbrew coffee, boiled eggs, etc! Dont feel pressured to meal prep if it is more stressful for you. Its supposed to help you!
6: Setting alarms to eat is soo soo helpful if you struggle to remember or struggle to read your body's needs. I struggle with this myself, so I set alarms for lunch and dinner (as i usually eat breakfast at work). You dont need to be strict with yourself/regimented on the times but it just helps me remember to eat or to prepare food to eat later.
7: Once a pan/pot/cooking equipment cools soak it/rinse it off as soon as you can. It will make cleaning it a lot easier when there's less caked up on it. And if your someone like me who struggles with wet food textures while cleaning this can help a lot too.
8: Don't feel bad for not eating leftovers/finishing a plate/having to throw stuff out. It's okay and not a moral failing. You are not wasting food.
9: Instant ramen is amazing and you can add so much to it in order to make it a really filling meal. You can add veggies (i like to add spinach/kale and mushrooms), you can add more protein (eggs, spam/shrimp/other meats, tofu, etc.). Go crazy with it!
10: I plan my meals out for every day of the week. This helps me stay organized. You don't have to do this, but if youre like me and knowing what your going to eat everyday helps you focus/cook/not stress then do it!
11: If you have a roommate/someone you live with you can find ways to share certain costs/foods. For ex me and my roommate share things and the cost of things that are used so much like: onions, garlic, spices/salt/pepper, tea, etc.
12: You dont have to chop things if you dont want to. You dont have to mortar and pestle things if you dont want to. Use items that make things easier for you! If you need a food processor, if you need a garlic mincer, if you need a potato ricer, do it! Buy precut beef for stew, buy precut chicken tenders, etc! You dont have to chop a single thing! Make things more accessible and easier! And if you like to spend time chopping and mastering knife skills then do that too!
this is all i have for now but please add on if youd like :)!
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Headcanons for Samwise Gamgee making his spouse meals at any chance he gets...
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He knows the importance of food and never ceases to remind you about how important it is to eat. He'll always prepare you breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, snacks, supper, dinner and tea. He never judges your portion sizes or how much you eat, he loves the shape of you and if you are curvy/plus size, he adores those curves.
He's a very good chef and you are always so thankful for him and his abilities.
Obviously he uses potatoes a lot, pretty much every meal because they're so versatile.
Eggs over easy with spices and herbs and herby breakfast potato cubes and a cup of hot tea.
"Made with love for my love."
Sausages, hash browns, bacon, beans, tomato, maybe more eggs.
Sandwiches with tomato, lettuce and turkey with a side of crisps for extra crunch.
"You want more? Was it good? You liked it?"
He's not only good at cooking, baking is also a skill he has.
Pancakes with berries and cream, scones and jam and clotted cream. Pastries like croissants and chocolate or maybe ham and cheese.
Toast with cheese, beans; simple but he always serves with an award winning smile.
"Here you go, beautiful. If you want more, I'll happily get you more."
Your favourite meal he makes is a roast dinner which could consist of ham, turkey, chicken or beef, roast potatoes, yorkshire pudding, sprouts, parsnips, carrots and a hearty load of gravy on top.
Sometimes he'll make a stew; leftover meat with carrots, potatoes, onions and gravy with crusty bread to dip.
Soup of all flavours (his lentil and bacon is the best though) with buttered bread. He always makes lots during the winter.
"To keep your stomach warm."
Fish with a side salad, thick chips and mushy peas.
Pasta that you help him make for scratch with a garlicky, onion tomato sauce with meatballs or sausages or even sometimes chicken with homemade garlic bread and cheese for the top.
Dessert is always delicious too...
Rich chocolate cake with ice cream and berries.
Sticky toffee pudding - a recipe passed down through generations.
Ice cream - all and every flavour you can imagine. He'll take you on walks, find berries and wild edible flowers and make ice cream from it.
Pastry stuffed with jam, cream and chocolate.
Waffles with caramel drizzled over the top.
Fruit salad, the fruit fresh from the garden.
After dinner, he'll bring you cups of tea and water with a kiss on the forehead.
Tea with biscuits.
Hot chocolate with marshmallows and fresh whipped cream for the top.
Toast as you read your book, winding down for the evening.
Before you go to bed, he double checks that you're satisfied and happy; that you're not in need of anything else. He's impossibly kind.
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aattraverso · 1 year
Vegan/Vegetarian shopping list:
Pre Made salad bags (it’s a lot cheaper to just buy bagged salad and add to it, then buying a bunch of ingredients that will go bad if not used)
Make a list of fruits and vegetables that you like and get them (some times if you get the funky shaped ones you get a few cents off, even if you don’t that stops the funky shaped produce from being tossed)
Nut butters (most almond and peanut butters are vegan, jelly and Jams aren’t because they’re made with gelatin)
Bread, check the ingredients because a lot of breads are accidentally vegan/vegetarian ( Vegetarian/Vegan (link) Sandwiches will be your best friend)
Pasta (like bread a lot of pasta is accidentally vegan, CHECK THE INGREDIENTS)
Rice and beans are some of the cheapest things to buy, buy them dry and you can have them for a while in your pantry
Google vegan ramen, (if you’re like me and love spicy ramen then you’ll be happy to know Samyang 2x spicy hot chicken flavor Ramen in the red pack is VEGAN they use artificial chicken flavor rather then animal products. Vegan Kimchi regular and spicy is a lot easier to find then you may think just look for ones without fish sauce and shrimp)
Tofu (tofu is very versatile and it’s great source of vegan/vegetarian protein made from soy, it takes flavor beautifully and it’s relatively cheap firm/extra firm is best)
Cheese (there are so many vegan cheese options, for grated parmigiana follow your heart has both grated and shredded, Violife has a block. Violife has the best shredded substitutes, and singles. Daiya is a little weird in my opinion however they’re cheddar dairy free Mac and cheese is amazing (you just gotta use different pasta then it comes with)
Meat substitutes ( We’ve come a long way with decent vegan meat substitutes, beyond meat makes a whole variety of plant based meat substitutes that are very tasty especially if you’re still craving that meaty texture. Impossible meat substitutes also has amazing plant based meat substitutes, Impossible also has vegan chicken nuggets that tastes like McDonald’s and even have dino shaped ones. Light life has everything from vegan sausage crumbles to Bacon, the vegan bacon and hot dogs are amazing)
Eggs (just egg and simply egg are planted based substitutes for eggs, they’re liquid like an egg beater but can be used in place of eggs from a scramble to a baking ingredient)
Dairy (Vegan milk/coffee creamer you got options coconut, almond, soy, oat, pea protein. Pick what you like best. Personally California farms Oat milk in original and California farms oat vanilla creamer are my favorites. I’ll throw cream cheese and Yogurt in here as well Kite Hill regular and Strawberry cream cheese are my favorite, Kite Hill blue berry, and Strawberry vegan yogurt are my favorite. MIYOKO’S vegan butter)
Snacks (Lenny and Larry’s plant based chocolate chip cookies, Spudsy sweet potato puffs they have a million different flavors I like the hot fries. Vegan rob’s dragon puffs these are the vegan equivalent to hot Cheeto puffs but without the red dye 40. Vegan rob’s also has cheese puffs)
Sauces (Anne’s goddess dressing is very tangy, Diaya blue cheese and Caesar dressings are amazing, can be thick though, they also have ranch but I got a vegan homemade ranch recipe. Hot sauce, Franks, Cholula, Tabasco, and Tapatío are vegan. Ketchup& mustard are vegan. Hellmans and follow your heart have vegan mayonnaise,Sir Kingston’s and Follow your heart also have chipotle Mayo. Follow your heart also has vegan sour cream)
Seasonings (seasons you should have in your cabinet click here, the dollar tree sells all these for a dollar and most grocery stores sell adobo)
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may-be-rae · 1 year
The Arcana Headcanons
M6 and Foods
(If I take a while to do these, it’s because work is kicking my ass 🥲)
Asra is a flavor fiend. He does not like bland cooking. There are bottles and bottles of seasonings fighting for space on your shelves.
Asra loves perusing the market for new spices. Each time a ship pulls into harbor, you’re sure to find him at the market the following morning searching for new additions to his collection.
To Asra, this is a way for him to connect to the places he’s traveled to. He misses the places and people he’s met. Sometimes a simple meal with aromas to bring back memories is enough to satiate his longing for them again.
As for favorites, Asra likes spicy foods. He prefers spices found in Middle Eastern cooking, but a close second are those in used in Asian dishes. His favorite dish is an oxtail stew. It has a broth similar to pho, served with cucumbers, herbs, and sliced chili peppers to highlight flavors in the broth. Inside, there are oxtail, grains, and a vegetable that resembles bitter melon.
Asra is also a fan of pastries. He will hunt down Selasi’s baklava and fruit tarts. He very much enjoys the taste of marzipan, but isn’t too crazy about chocolate, except for when you make chocolate pie. You’ve perfected a recipe that uses a darker chocolate mouse with an almond crust. On top, you’ll heap a pile of fresh whipped cream, candied orange peels, and pomegranate seeds.
Nadia was raised in a land and family full of color and zest, but ironically… our Countess is not particular to bolder flavors.
Nadia likes dishes done simple but well. She most certainly doesn’t like bland food, but she just prefers things with less complexity.
Her favorite dish is like an ochazuke. It uses a Prakran fish that has a very clean, light taste. With the fish, there’s bitter greens and rice, and an earthy tea is poured over it to make a soup.
Sometimes, Nadia makes a sweeter version of this dish that contains apples, pomegranate, and milk jelly with the tea.
Julian has traveled the world and experienced all types of cuisine. He’s always game to try something new and is not at all a picky eater. But admittedly, when it comes to his favorites, his tastes are simple. He enjoys dishes that bring back fond memories of his childhood.
Julian is a broth baby. 💕 Growing up, soup and stews we’re inexpensive and easy to make and especially good for Nevivon’s colder climate. As an adult, he still enjoys anything with a good broth.
His favorite is a beef stew with potatoes and snow peas. He enjoys it with bread or crackers and sometimes puts a dollop of yogurt on top.
One thing Julian does not like is sweets. For desserts, he’s leans towards fresh fruit. If he eats a pastry, it tends to be more of a tea cake type dessert. His does enjoy a pistachio biscotti paired with black coffee.
Portia was the type of child that needed supervision at the dinner table. She was a picky eater, who preferred sweets over meals. She was notorious for hiding her dinner to get away with an early dessert.
As an adult, she’s much less picky and no longer requires the supervision (sometimes…). However, she still has her sweet tooth.
Her favorite is chocolate croissants. They pair well with any drink, hot or cold, but she mostly enjoys them with cocoa.
Like her brother, Portia is also very fond of stews. As an adult, she finds the meal so versatile and fun to make. She likes finding new combinations of flavors and new ingredients to add to the pot. Plus, it’s a great way to use up aging produce from her garden.
Muriel loves earthy flavors and flavors that are considered harsher to the pallet. Also, for a man his size, he surprisingly stays away from meat.
Killing an animal is too heartbreaking for him. It reminds him of his days in the coliseum. He does his best to supplement his diet with eggs, legumes, and nuts. But he finds his appetite insatiable by these alone. He prefers to buy meat from a butcher in town, but again, going into town isn’t easy for him either.
When he does buy meat, he’ll get a turkey carcass. If an animal is to be killed, he’d rather use up the scraps that are often tossed away than have the food go to waste. He’ll boil it and make jook (type of congee; rice porridge basically). He’ll also buy tripe and make a curry with spices Asra has gifted him.
As for sweets, Muriel prefers fruits, but even then, he’s more of a vegetable eater. He likes mushrooms with gravy, alfalfa sprouts in sandwiches, and snow peas as a snack.
Is a picky eater.
It’s not that he refuses to only eat refined foods, but there’s just not a lot of foods that he likes. Thankfully, years on a battlefield taught him to not complain or fuss (too much) over meals, so it’s not difficult to get him to eat something for health rather than pleasure. Still… he’ll give you a generous dose of pouting.
He’s a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Beef and potatoes in stew, ham and mashed potatoes, turkey and roast potatoes… he’s just painting the same picture with different colored paints .
If he eats vegetables, he prefers them cooked. And if he eats fruits, he prefers them fresh with sugar. A fruit that he does enjoy quite a lot are figs.
Of course. He likes sweets, any sweet (more so than Portia) and will eat them for dinner if no one stops him.
His favorites are cakes, pies, and cookies, as it’s not something he got often as a child. He very much enjoys frosting and is known to stick his finger in the cake to swipe a lick while no one is watching.
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In which Food does the Talking
Part 1 (ft. Riddle and Silver) I Part 2 (ft. Trey and Kalim) I Part 3 (ft. Jade and Lilia) I Part 4 (ft. Deuce and Jamil) I Part 5 (ft. Malleus and Ruggie)
In which Gordon Ramsay-kun is isekai’d into Twisted Wonderland. Part Food Wars, part Hell’s Kitchen, all Master Chef—Night Raven College isn’t ready to take on this Michelin Star celebrity!!
Potatoes: a most versatile vegetable.  And the chefs handling them? Very versatile themselves. Two smiling pretenders grace the stage called the kitchen–and the one overseeing them is tasked with peeling through them and getting to their very cores.
Imagine this…
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Clink, clink.
Two platters were set down in front of Gordon Ramsay.
“Today, Caycay made a potato galette!”
Thin slices of potato were laid out in circles, the forming ringed layers of the galette. The skins had been left on for additional texture, and they had crisped up nicely in the skillet, turning golden where the butter had been brushed.
Cater had prettied the potatoes up with a sprinkle of bright green herbs. The dish was plated with a sunny side up egg--the white glistening, and the yolk still wobbling--and a simple salad of lettuce and sliced tomatoes. Two small paper cups were wedged on the rim of the plate, one holding a crimson sauce and one bright yellow and threaded with spices.
... Cater had also taken the liberty of drawing a man in ketchup on top of the galette. The man looked somewhat cross due to the lines on his face, but he was smiling and surrounded by a number of stars.
Is this meant to be me? Gordon wondered, raising an eyebrow at it.
“As for myself, I have prepared a sweet potato pie for your enjoyment.”
The other dish came set in a pie crust. He hadn’t been expecting anything too ornate out of it, but somehow Rook had managed to beautifully braid the dough and dust it with sugar. Sweet granules were visible even at a distance, adding a crystalline quality to the tart--like treasure waiting to be unearthed.
The filling was a rich orange, a careful combination of pureed sweet potatoes, eggs, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg... and, of course, just a pinch of salt. It had come out of the oven looking wonderfully creamy and smooth, and was topped off with more slices of sweet potato--these, candied in brown sugar.
... Rook’s smile was a little off-putting. Perhaps he was simply confident in his culinary creation? Or had he snuck something sinister into the pie? (Gordon was more inclined to the latter, given his experiences with previous students in Master Chef.)
“Looks like you two really know your stuff.”
At least when it comes to presentation. But what about the taste?
Gordon sunk his fork into Cater’s galette, then brought it to his mouth. After a few chews, he did the same with Rook’s tart.
“It’s... hmm.” Gordon’s eyebrows drew together as he set his fork down and folded his arms.
He waited for the shock to set in--the pang of something that shouldn’t be there, conditioned from class after class of strange concoctions. A bitter bite, a twinge of sharply sour.
For a few agonizingly long seconds, he didn’t speak a single word.
It was Cater that broke the ice, eagerly leaning over the table and peering into his teacher’s face. “Ne, ne~ So how was the grub, Gordie? It was mega ‘cammable, right? I spent sooo long arranging it!”
Gordon sighed gruffly. “You’ve still got Instagram on your mind?”
Cater looked as though his teacher had sprouted an extra head. “Uh, Twisted Wonderland to Gordie! What’s Instagram?”
“It’s... You know what, never mind that.” Gordon gestured to the galette. “Your dish. It looks lovely and all, but presentation’s not the only thing you’ve got to worry about. The flavors just aren’t there.”
“No way! But it looks totally...”
“We’re not cooking for your Insta... Magicam followers. We’re cooking so that you--” Gordon poked Cater in the chest, “--and the people you’re serving can eat. Medicore tasting food that looks good won’t do it.”
“How merciless you are in matters of the culinary arts, Trickster.” Rook spoke easily, having been observing Gordon’s judgment intently up until that point. “We present our hearts on these platters, and you, with your cutthroat critique, run a blade through us.” 
Gordon pushed his plate away as he turned to the huntsman. “Enough with the pretentiousness. Your dish isn’t any more of an improvement. It’s dreadfully overbearing, and you can still taste it after you’ve swallowed.”
“Whoa, seriously? It sounds like death by sugar rush...” Cater grimaced slightly. “That’s way too much of a good thing, Rook-kun!”
The young chef was unfazed, throwing his head back and laughing from his belly up. “Ah, but proper nutrition is important for performance, non? Complex carbohydrates from the sweet potatoes and simple sugars from the added sweeteners... They will ensure that one has enough energy both in the long and in the short term.
“Unfortunately, it cannot keep for long outside of a fridge. An optimal dish would be one that does not contain dairy or eggs, as they would quickly spoil at room temperature or warmer.”
“Eeeh? No fair pulling out your Science Club smarts on us!”
“Fufu. Not to worry, Monsieur Magicam. Certainly there are ways to enhance one’s dining experience with your own club expertise! Why not consider dinner theater?”
“Like when you watch a show while you eat?”
“Oui! I can see it now: the Pop Music Club gracing the stage, instruments in hand!! The crowd roaring, caught in the throws of passion…! Roi d’Or on the drums, yourself on guitar, and, of course, Monsieur Curiosity on bass, his enchanting vocals ringing out into the inky nigh—t”
“H-Hey, hold up a sec! Let’s not bring Lilia-chan back anywhere near the dining area or the kitchen!”
“... Right, I think I understand where you two are coming from now,” Gordon groaned, a hand to his forehead. “You’re bringing yourselves to the table, and that’s coming through in what you cook.”
Cater, who prioritizes the aesthetic of a dish, and Rook, who considers the function the food will serve... But that’s not all, is it?
The galette: all style and little substance. The pie: too much of one thing. Reflections of their creators, leaning into their strengths to distract from what the flavors were truly masking: their true selves.
Gordon grasped each plate.
“Potatoes,” he began, “are a versatile vegetable. They can be prepared in so many different ways. They can become almost anything we can dream of. A chef’s soul comes out through them.
“Food is a universal language. It’s how chefs communicate.”
With that, the plates were swapped.
The pie in front of Cater, the galette in front of Rook.
“Huh? What’s up with this...?”
Cater’s question was answered with a fork, one offered to each of them.
“I want you to taste the other’s dish,” Gordon stated seriously. “I want you to communicate. If you stick only with what’s familiar, you’ll never grow--and you’ll never understand the ones at the receiving end of that plate.”
“D’ccord.” Rook nodded, effortlessly plucking up the eating utensil held out to him. He passed Cater a friendly smile. “I look forward to sampling the fruits of your labor, Monsieur Magicam!”
“I hope it’s to your tastes! Cay-kun worked super hard on it!” Cater returned the grin and accepted his own fork, but dread roiled deep inside of him. 
He could already smell the intoxicating sweetness of the potato pie wafting up to him. His tongue shriveled and died at the thought of having to try it.
Get it over with quickly.
Cater pierced the pie, taking off a chunk that was more crust than filling. He tucked the piece into his mouth, and sugar and spices exploded across his taste buds. The flavors were intense and bombastic, overwhelming the crust.
Yup, definitely too much, Cater thought, breaking off more crust—and tapping off the excess sugar granules. By itself, the flaky crust melted effortlessly. It was darker, smokier than the rest of the dessert, the aroma of browned butter lingering on his tongue.
An alteration in the recipe.
Beside Cater, the Rook muttered to himself as he chewed, slowly parsing through eager ingredient as they greeted him. “Hmm… Potato, butter, herbs…”
The various sauces, the egg, and the salad were but accessories. None could truly fill the void. Short of a seasoning? Not crispy enough? Or too crispy? It was difficult to pinpoint where in the recipe Cater had faltered, but falter he had.
The galette was fare, in spite of the plate’s alluring appearance. The extra “oomph” in it, the heart, cut out.
The two students’ gazes met. Their eyes, different shades.
Cater’s were brighter, the green of leaves with sunlight filtering through them. Rook’s were deeper, the color that the trees turned in the night.
Green and green, masking the truth with gilded lies.
And there, in that moment of tasting, they came to a silent understanding.
He has secrets of his own too.
Gordon glanced between them, catching the glint shared in their eyes. His hands came together, and a thunderous clap resounded in the room.
“Back to the kitchen then—and this time, speak up!! Put your best face forward on those plates!!”
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Imagine a Reader who can cook!
Someone who can at least do basics: eggs, soup, cookies, pancakes, etc. ...
Maybe they can even cook things such as : baked potatoes, bacon, sausage, casserole, brownies, etc. ...
They might even be able to pull off some things like: steak, chicken breasts, sausage balls, porkchops, catfish, whitefish, salmon patties, rotisserie chicken, potato fries/chips, pie, etc. ...
Point is, this Reader knows how to cook, can cook their food well, and unless they are sick, it usually tastes pretty good! This Reader could likely teach Kitty (X-Men Evolution) how to make some simple muffins. Would likely start her with learning how to fry an egg, and move up to slightly more complicated things as time goes on. Reader might just have to have a cooking class at this point-
Reader: This, is an egg🥚
Everyone: watches👀
Reader: This is a versatile food, that can be eaten on its own, or used as an ingredient for other foods. Today, we learn how to prepare the egg itself
Reader: Do NOT eat it raw. Or swallow it whole. And don't dump the eggshell in with it. It does not add flavor. It just makes it crunchy. Any questions?
Someone: When do we use an oven?
Reader: We don't use an oven. We use the stove
Someone else: So no microwave, either?
Reader: ... No...
Someone: raises their hand
Reader: Do not cook it on a sidewalk. Just... no...
Someone: slowly puts their hand down
Reader would also likely cook dinner at least once. And yes, they pull it off without a hitch. And it. Is. Good.
The platonic yanderes like their cooking, especially once they realize Reader shares their food if they like someone. That is used by the platonic yans as a way to judge if GoodatCooking!Reader likes them...
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pariahfox · 10 months
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The "what have we got on hand?" noodle bar is back in business tonight.
Right now that involves some odds and ends of vegetables (including cabbage, and the tail end of an overgrown zucchini), plus a few eggs quickly scrambled up (starting in too cool a pan again!) and roughly half a pack of firm tofu that needed used up. I marinated that in a soy sauce concoction for maybe an hour, then pan fried it too. Since I am sometimes overly frugal, the remaining few tablespoons of marinade goodness are also going in the noodles.
(We're low on suitable bowls, much less clean ones. So, pots and pans will have to do to hold things like cut up vegetables waiting.)
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Complete with awesome chipped mug pressed into service.
I did decide that some vaguely Chinese-style curry powder might help tie everything together, so we're getting something roughly along this kind of theme:
Though we've got thewider Thai rice noodles tonight. Mr. C actually just brought in pretty big bags of bean thread and sweet potato vermicellis yesterday, but I was more in the mood for some kind of rice noodles tonight. And that's what we had.
How will this batch turn out? It will have to be a surprise. Though, the ingredients going in are fairly promising.
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
You’ve probably gone over this before but tumblr’s search engine sucks butt. So, what would each culture’s staple crops and livestock (for both meat and byproducts) be? How much would globalization come into play, like how irl potatoes are originally from South America but have become one of the most important staple foods across the world?
Staple crops and livestock vary throughout the Provinces due to climate and geography, though trade over the centuries has meant that ingredients like saltrice from Morrowind and honey from Skyrim are in constant circulation around the continent. Nonetheless, here are some uniquely local ingredients you'll find across Tamriel.
Summerset's temperate climate makes it the ideal place to grow all sorts of exotic fruit, especially stone fruit. From peaches to lychees, nectarines to cherries, Summerset produces the largest quantities of these fruits (with the trade embargo around the Great War and Dragon Crisis making them an extremely sought-after prize). And don't forget the wine! Summerset is also famed for its gorgeous vineyards and even more gorgeous wines. However, juicy and flavourful grapes are beloved by almost anybody, making them a valuable staple crop too.
Livestock in Summerset is nothing particularly exciting. Merino sheep are farmed for their wool, which is a luxury export beloved by northern Provinces, while meat comes in the form of cattle and chickens. However, High Elves particularly love their wild-caught fish and herons, which are populous on their home island.
Once again, fruit is a major export from Black Marsh, but the fertile (if hostile) region is home to some of Tamriel's best agricultural soil. From cocoa and coffee beans, saltrice and coconuts, to padan and banana leaves and more, you'll find all sorts of wonderful plant-based ingredients in Black Marsh. However, something that has gained in popularity following the Argonian diaspora has been palm wine, a potent alcoholic beverage.
As for livestock, you'll find bantam guar, guar lizards, various poultry, goats, and even farmed frogs and lizards to be popular. Sheep and cattle are far less popular due to the upkeep required for them to stay healthy in the swampy environment, making beef and mutton less popular and more expensive than in other Provinces.
The Bosmer are famed for their meat and animal byproducts, particularly from timber mammoths and sugar mammoths. Whether it's meat, pelts, or milk, these beasts are much beloved by the Wood Elves who take great care in rearing them.
Other popular exports from Valenwood include alcoholic beverages like rotmeth and jagga, as well as kopi luwak- a luxurious type of coffee made from beans found in civet cat excrement, thus making them Green Pact-friendly. And of course, Valenwood produces some of Tamriel's finest cocoa beans, mostly used for export. However, have you truly lived until you've tried salted sugar mammoth caramelised milk chocolate from Woodhearth?
In High Rock, sheep and cattle are the most popular livestock to farm due to their versatility, with a constant demand for their meat, horns, skins, and milk. While it's nothing exciting, the animals in the region are usually grass-fed and free range, spanning acres of farmland (which can sometimes result in cultists and the like infringing upon the livelihood of livestock). Chickens, geese, turkeys, and ducks are also popular for their meat, down, and eggs, with High Rock producing some of Tamriel's best duck meat.
With regards to staple crops, wheat is a major export and features heavily in Breton cuisine, especially in bread.
The volcanic ash of Morrowind is key to its success in growing all manner of weird and wonderful crops. Market stalls across Vvardenfell and Blacklight bustle with sellers touting mushrooms of all kinds, saltrice, comberry, marshmerrow, hackle-lo, canis root, and much more, all of which are consumed locally as well as across Tamriel.
Regarding livestock, it should come as no surprise that the big money is in bug farming. Kwama mines produce cuttle, scuttle, scrib jelly, and kwama eggs, making them the backbone of Morrowind's mages and chefs alike. Nix-hounds and guar are raised both by town Dunmer and Ashlanders, while wild nix-ox is also popular for those who can afford it.
Cyrodiil spans terrain from the snowy Jerall Mountains to the swamps of Blackwood. As a result, the Province is relatively self-sufficient in that it produces the bulk of its own consumption, from livestock to greens. Speaking of greens, battaglir, a type of weed, is a staple in the Imperial diet, making wild-foraged and farmed battaglir a key crop in the region. Like Summerset, Cyrodiil is also famed for itswines, and is proud of its unique grapes of every size, flavour, and colour (including ones that taste like cotton candy).
Livestock in Cyrodiil is about as generic as can be: cows, sheep, goats, poultry, and horses. While meat is a staple part of the Imperial diet, milk is also important as it is used to make the cream and cheeses so prized by the Province.
What don't the Khajiit grow or rear? From Southern Elsweyr's rich moon sugar and rice paddies to the North's edible cacti and tea, the Province is full of exotic and scrumptious delights that are highly prized across Tamriel. Ingredients are valuable both raw and processed, and form the backbone of the Khajiiti economy. Samar Pekoe tea, for example, is wild-harvested from caves and is beloved by tea aficionados across the continent, and fetches a hefty price for its rarity. Pellitine cacao and coffee beans are also a staple in any self-respecting chef's kitchen.
In terms of livestock, you'll find guar, poultry, beef, and goat to be popular, as well as wild game like jerboas, terror birds, antelope, and addaxes. Game meat can often be purchased from Bandaari nomads, who hunt the animals themselves. Whether fresh or dried into jerky, who doesn't want some moon sugar-cured addax jerky for the road?
Foreigners in Skyrim are often shocked by the range of produce we're capable of producing in our cold and often inhospitable lands. Fish and horker are consumed in great amounts locally, as well as being one of the Province's major exports. Goat from the Reach, cattle from Whiterun, and honey from the Rift are always in high demand.
Apples and jazbay grapes are probably the most valuable crops in Skyrim, followed by wheat and other fruits and vegetables. The former two are used in cider and wine, both of which are valued across the Provinces.
Wrothgarian Orcs differ from Betnikh Orcs who differ from Wood Orcs and so on... so in this case, it really varies. For Wrothgarian Orsimer, echatere is the main source of meat and milk, while in Betnikh it's fish, and in Valenwood, timber mammoth. All these groups also enjoy game, from rabbit and wolf to pheasant and venison, which features heavily in regional Orcish cuisine. Wild honey from Betnikh is also another notable animal product that bears mention here.
In terms of crops, there aren't many of note aside from valuable herbs and spices. Frost mirriam, which is also loved by alchemists, and wrathberries, known for their violently bitter taste unless prepared correctly, are two of the most important plants you'll find for sale at any stronghold.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: goat, goat, and more goat. Unless you're a coastal Redguard with access to seafood, it's likely that your main source of meat and milk will come from goats. Whether it's feta or kebabs, it's almost always goat meat, as they wander all through Hammerfell like they own the place. However, Redguards are also renowned for breeding horses, and the uh... faulty ones are generally turned into food. Spiced horse blood sausage and spreadable horse 'nduja are a staple in households across Hammerfell.
With staple crops, you'll find that corn, coconuts, palm fruit and oil, bananas, coffee, cinnamon and other spices, and cocoa are plentiful. These are all consumed in great amounts within the Province, but are also highly prized across Tamriel.
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kenkubluk · 11 months
grocery list time~
literally just get these things if you want a vegan low cal life, because you can control portions and make things you enjoy eating with less calories- i made some example recipes under the list:
SPICES. please make the investment into SPICES!
->continuation of spices, heres a basic list- cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, veggie bouillon powder/cubes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc (you can find more online but please dont forget it)
->and simple sauces like soy sauce, basic hot sauce, mustard, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.
stevia or agave fruit sweetener. (please make sure whatever you choose you dont buy any sweetener with aspartame!!)
dairy free yogurt (i’ve heard coconut is good)
dairy free butter (earthbalance is my fav by far)
-> you could also make due with olive oil (cooking)
1st milk for normal stuff- unsweet cashew milk or unsweet creamy almond milk
->2nd milk for cooking- i suggest soymilk but creamy coconutmilk works good too
tofu. extra firm and silky work for different things (meat substitutes, egg substitute, diff. milk products substitutes) get either/both
carrots, mushrooms, chickpeas, and cauliflower all make good meat substitutes (bacon, chicken nuggets, pulled pork, etc) if cooked properly
OATS! plain oats are soooo versatile (used as flour, cereal, granola, crust, etc)
ricecakes (i use it as replacement for toast)
Pumpkin or sweet potato (in NO SYRUP canned form, very good for cooking low cal desserts or protein bars)
apple sauce (used for cooking and just yum- can be an egg substitute)
low cal noodle types- chickpea, edamame, shirataki, konjac, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and i think miracle noodle
literally any and all veggies and fruits- but a reminder of basics are broccoli, cucumber, onions, spinach, beets, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, potato, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc
WARNING ⚠️ be careful of sugar free drink flavor packets as they contain aspartame and other strange ingredients that ppl have complained of side effects- i would suggest to steer clear of many of the packets and go for a large unsweetened lemonade or fruit punch bin of flavoring so you can make it yourself. please check ingredients for health reasons.
-> HOWEVER, drinks like olipop, simple truth organic, waterloo, and zevia all have flavored water/sparkling water/cola drinks that are aspartame free.
I highlighted things that i think are really important
Veggie dip: yogurt, seasoning spices (ranch seasoning is goated), and a tbsp or lemon or soysauc, all mixed and best used as a “veggie chip” dip, like baked cucumber chips
Literally any cake/protein bar: oats blended, protein powder, 1/2cup apple sauce OR mashed banana, some milk, and whatever toppings you like
Granola: oats, chia seeds, cut up fruit pieces, and maple syrup or honey for binding. mix in bag, bake on baking sheet on pan.
Hot n sour soup: you can use hot n sour packet or make veggie bouillon and add hot sauce, soy sauce, and tsp chili powder. Then (to whichever mix you’ve made) add egg mixing around, and then add extra firm tofu in little cubes. Let the soup mix well and set a little while cooling.
Nicecream: freeze banana. add banana, tbsp of milk, 2 tbsp of yogurt, tbsp of sweetener, and a fruit of choice (a tbsp of protein powder also will help). blend with blender and then let it sit for a minute- add whatever you want on top
my best “toast”: seasalt ricecake, spread 1tbsp vegan cream cheese, and then spread 1.5 tbsp of organic raspberry jelly.
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spooniechef · 5 months
Emergency Calories - Potato Salad (0-1 spoon)
I've been largely out of spoons lately, with weather changes, unexpected absences at work and resulting overtime, and all associated pain flares making most things difficult to impossible. I'm feeling better at the moment, so the next few posts are going to involve how I've survived the last few weeks. Because aches or no aches, we still need to eat, and UberEats is too damn expensive for all the time (especially with gluten intolerances).
Now, I've spent a good portion of my adult life fucking up potato salad. Somehow, I thought it was just ... potatoes, mayonnaise, done. Except ... not quite, apparently, because the mayonnaise would always seem to separate and it was never quite right. So I eventually started looking up recipes to find the common thread that makes other people's potato salad work when mine didn't. Took a good bit of searching, but I finally found it: vinegar. Or lemon juice - something acidic, anyway. As well as adding a certain amount of tart zinginess to the potato salad, it also seems to keep the mayonnaise creamy and smooth even when refrigeraged a few days. So while I got recipes from a lot of sources, I've never strictly used any of them, preferring to figure out the best way to do it by guess and by gosh so I can just thow everything together without thinking about it too much. So I'll give a basic overview and some notes for potential additions to jazz it up a bit. The great thing about potato salad is its versatility. Plus, potatoes are relatively cheap.
Here's what you'll need:
~2lbs (or 1kg-ish) potatoes
~1 cup mayonnaise
~1-2 tablespoons vinegar
Additions to taste (see notes)
The easiest way to do this in terms of potatoes is use baby new potatoes, cut into quarters. If you're doing anything larger, you probably want cubes about an inch square. Making sure the pieces are of uniform size is helpful. And I don't know how it is in other countries, but if you're in the UK, get more potatoes than you think you'll need. Our produce has been shit lately, and it's pretty standard to have to cut away bits of yick or just throw whole potatoes away.
Here's what you do:
Chop your potatoes and put them in to boil. Once boiled to reasonable softness (not mashable-soft, but not too firm either), drain and leave to cool and dry.
In a separate bowl, add the mayonnaise, vinegar, and whatever else you're putting into the dressing.
Add potatoes and fold until everything is fully covered.
Serve immediately and/or put in the fridge for later.
As I say, these are largely approximates because I measure it all by eye at the moment. It's pretty easy to get the hang of. Basically you want just enough vinegar to not have the mayonnaise swimming but enough to suit your tastes. And obviously you can jazz it up to suit you - here's some things that have been suggested in various recipes or just sound nice:
Hard-boiled egg
Crispy bacon bits
Dijon mustard
Chunks of dill pickle
Herbs and spices in general (paprika is usually suggested, as are chives, and obviously salt and pepper to taste, but I like adding onion salt, garlic pepper, and a little bit of celery salt)
Onions (I prefer green onions/scallions, but thin-sliced red onion can add some nice colour)
Honestly, play around with it, because potato salad is wonderfully versatile. Googling for recipes showed me that there are as many potato salad recipes as there are people, so I just left it at the absolute basics as a sort of a blank canvas to experiment on.
Potato salad lasts about five days in the fridge, and can be a meal in itself if done right, so it's great for a source of emergency calories. Enjoy!
(Oh, and side note: if you are gluten intolerant, do not try this as pasta salad. I tried to make pasta salad by the same principles and the dressing was fine but gluten-free pasta is disgusting cold. Even the good kind of gluten-free pasta. Sorry, fellow gluten-intolerants; we're going to have to stick with potatoes.)
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allerod · 7 months
Top 5 soups
5. matzo balls soup.... the newest addition to my soup repertoire for sure, a friend mentioned it once and i made it recently and haven't been eating rosół in any other way since. it's pulverized matzo with some eggs and oil, shaped like a ball and cooked in the broth and it's sooo good the balls are spongy and fun, i highly recommend to try this the next sunday meal :D
4. clear borscht made from fermented beets juice. once you make the juice it's so easy to make and it can be both soup AND drink. fuck christmas but it's soo right about this soup and inserting tiny pierogi in it
3. sour cucumber soup. pickles are great soups are great, of course a mix of the two is legendary. i like mine super sour, and mm my mouth is watering just thinking about it
2. chłodnik litewski!! what's better on a hot summer day than a bowl of one straight from the fridge. and it's so versatile, can be made with just water for quick souping, but works just as well broth-based for more nutrients. also i think the egg and soup contrast in this one looks so aesthetic. beets world domination, and what's beeter than eating it whole with leaves and all
1. KRUPNIK MY BELOVED KRUPNIK, my number one best soup of all time in my humble opinion. it got everything!! the carrot the potatoes the chicken the g r o a t s!! slightly sweet and filling and so so comfy what more can one wish for. stan krupnik forever (or don't. more krupnik for me that way
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Southern Food Heritage Day
Every year, Southern Food Heritage Day is celebrated on October 11. The Southern Food & Beverage Museum celebrates the culturally rich and delicious food of the Southern States in America. The cuisine deserves to be recognized and celebrated officially because it is a testament to American history and legacy. Southern food also represents the essence of America — the coming together of a variety of people from all over the world, each bringing with themselves their own ingredients and recipes to create a unique cuisine. Iced tea, pickled shrimps, and fried chicken are some of the most loved Southern foods throughout history. Along with the cuisine, the day also celebrates the racial and ethnic diversity in America.
History of Southern Food Heritage Day
Southern Food Heritage Day celebrates the best that Southern food and beverages have to offer. The South’s cuisine in America can be found in the historical regional culinary form of states generally south of the Mason-Dixon line dividing Pennsylvania and Delaware from Maryland, along the Ohio River, and extending west to southern Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. The most notable influences on Southern cuisine are African, English, Scottish, Irish, German, French and Native American.
The food of the American South displays a unique blend of cultures and culinary traditions. The Native Americans, Spanish, French, and British have contributed to the development of Southern food, with recipes and dishes from their own cultures. Food items such as squash, tomatoes, corn, as well as certain cooking practices such as deep pit barbecuing, were introduced by south-eastern Native American tribes such as the Caddo, Choctaw, and Seminole. Many foods derived from sugar, flour, milk, and eggs have European roots. Black-eyed peas, okra, rice, eggplant, sesame seed, sorghum, and melons, along with spices, are of African origin.
Southern food can be further divided into categories: ‘Soul food’ is heavily influenced by African cooking traditions that are full of greens and vegetables, rice, and nuts such as peanuts. Okra and collard greens are also considered Soul Food, along with thick stews. ‘Creole food’ has a French flair, while ‘Cajun cuisine’ reflects the culinary traditions of immigrants from Canada. ‘Lowcountry’ cuisine features a lot of seafood and rice, while the food of the Appalachians is mostly preserved meats and vegetables. Southern food is partial to corn, thanks to the Native American influence.
Southern Food Heritage Day timeline
Southern Diet Expands
Following the emancipation from slavery, the Southern diet becomes versatile.
The Great Migration
African Americans travel from rural communities in the South to large cities in the North and West — they carry their cuisine with them.
Southern Foods in Restaurants
Southern foods start appearing on restaurant menus and appeal to a diverse clientele.
Soul Food
This term, describing everyday Southern food, first appears in print.
Southern Food Heritage Day FAQs
What is the difference between Southern food and soul food?
The difference between soul food and Southern food is rooted more in class than race, and what families were able to afford to put on the table. 
What is a typical Southern meal?
A traditional Southern meal is pan-fried chicken, field peas, greens, mashed potatoes, cornbread or corn pone, sweet tea, and a pie for dessert. 
Why is Southern food so unhealthy?
The Southern diet is commonly high in processed meats, which are high in salt and in nitrates, which are in turn linked to heart risk. The high sugar content of the diet may also lead to negative effects, like insulin resistance and inflammation.
How To Celebrate Southern Food Heritage Day
Organize a cook-off: Gather all your friends and organize a cook-off on Southern Food Heritage Day. Revive old recipes or add a twist to create something new.
Go out for a meal: Enjoy the best of Southern foods at your favorite Southern foods restaurant. Don’t forget to enjoy the classics like fried chicken, hush pies, and pies.
Set up a barbecue: Barbecues are an integral part of the Southern food heritage. It is also one of the most popular styles of cooking. Barbecue your favorite meats and vegetables, and serve them with sauces and seasonings.
5 Facts About Southern Foods That Will Blow Your Mind
Redeye gravy has a unique recipeRedeye gravy is made with pan drippings and leftover coffee.
It is more calorie-denseSouthern fried chicken breast typically has more than 400 calories in an ounce.
Peanut butter is an essentialHalf the annual crop of peanuts is used to make peanut butter.
Collard green has been around foreverIt’s been a part of our diet for more than 2,000 years.
Black-eyed peas are also good luck charmsIt is believed that black-eyed peas bring good luck on New Year’s Day.
Why We Love Southern Food Heritage Day
A day to indulge: You cannot celebrate Southern Food Heritage Day without enjoying a hearty meal of your favorite foods. This is truly a day of indulgence!
Try something new: The best thing about Southern food is that it has something for everyone. Use this day to try a new food item or the cuisine of Southern heritage. Who knows, you might just discover your next favorite dish!
It is historically significant: Southern foods have a rich cultural and historical significance. Learn more about the origins of your favorite foods on Southern Food Heritage Day.
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