#ehh you look lovely! I did pick it out
chuluoyi · 7 months
✎ attraction
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- gojo satoru x reader
to think it started with your crush on his best friend...
genre: high school!gojo being a menace, jealous!gojo but he doesn’t realize it? enemies to lovers, fluff, gojo begins pining on you
note: thank you anon who asks for gojo falling in love with a first year! i added some spice though haha
a part of gojo's love entries
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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Back in 2006—
There was this tiny weeny part of Gojo that was like... questioning, how did his best friend Geto Suguru catch your eye, whereas he didn’t? Like, at all?
"I want Geto."
"Hah?" Gojo arched a righteous brow, swiftly turning your way—feeling the stings of irritation gnawing at him. "What?"
You shot him a look. “I said, you suck and I’m lamenting that I’m paired with you instead of Geto for this mission.”
Once upon a time, you did hate him for obvious reasons as other people do. He was obnoxious, boastful and overall grating on your nerves.
Well, actually, “hate” would be too strong of a word, so probably “dislike greatly” it is.
“Ehh, Suguru? With you?” Gojo glanced at you, purposefully scrunching his face into a mocking sneer. “No way. Absolutely not. Incompatible. I won’t give him my blessings.”
“Who are you to grant blessings?” you hissed with a bulging vein of frustration. “And no, it's not what you think! I—” you wanted to kick yourself for stumbling over your words, “—I just respect him in a way an underclassman would!”
Gojo let out a strained laugh.
To him, you were this cute little junior who looked funny when mad. Riling you up was on his daily to-do list, and poking fun at your obvious crush on his best friend was supposed to double the fun, until it made him wonder despite himself... just what exactly did Suguru have that he apparently lacked, leading you to always follow him with your eyes, whereas you spared him with nothing but glares and sharp retorts?
You didn’t exactly hide your feelings. Whenever Geto was nearby or greeted you in the mornings, you'd blush like a tomato. It was silly, because Gojo was sure his best friend’s type wasn’t a girl as skittish as you—surely, it must be someone as vivacious as Inoue Waka.
He knew you were doomed to fail.
"I suggest you go pick up some slack," he teased. "Better if you don't become a dead weight while assisting him in missions, no?"
He knows. Really.
"...do you know that there are only three things I can't stand here?"
"And those are?"
"Your stupid glasses, your Limitless—and you."
He was still irked, regardless.
"Well, poor you, then," he shrugged, shit-eating grin on his face. This time he pushed his luck. "Do you know that you're nowhere nearing Suguru's type?"
Scratch that. You hate him. You turned to him with a reddened face, and it wasn't because you were blushing.
"I'm going by myself!" you declared, seething. "I couldn't care less about what you're about to do—I'm finishing this and going home!"
With that, you you marched towards the haunted house, paying no heed to his taunts behind you.
You felt a wave of embarrassment washing over. Gojo always messed with you and normally you would chalk it up as one of his shits—but this time, you didn't appreciate how he touched on that sore spot of your not-so-hidden infatuation with Geto. So what if you weren't his ideal type? He didn't have to be mean!
But soon you regretted leaving his side, as a monstrous cursed spirit quickly chased you out.
Gojo was still outside, bidding his time. He merely huffed when he heard you screaming in fear.
He was ready with a jab. "Well, well... Look who's running back into my arms—"
But his smirk quickly fell when he saw the cursed entity was apparently way beyond your level. You ran out—no, by some idiotic impulse of survival, you actually leapt out of the two-story window and almost fell flat on your face and broke your bones, but before then, he sprung to action, catching you, wrapping one arm on your waist.
You were grateful you that you weren't doomed—until you felt yourself dangling mid air in his hold... like a cat.
"Gojo!" you wailed. "I'm going to fa—!"
Oh, but Gojo was convinced that this was his moment to shine. He directed a smirk your way as the bright blue mass in his hand totally caught your attention. With one swift flick of his hand, he muttered the mantra for Blue, and exorcised the cursed spirit in one go.
He marveled at his own show of power—and hoping that somehow, you would too. Then, he placed his hand under your knees, repositioning you in a princess-carry, and the way your gentle curves nestled snugly in his arms sparked some intriguing thoughts in him.
Your wide, crystal-clear eyes gazed at him with such wonder. Red tinted your cheeks. The corners of his mouth curved into a winning smile.
It was at that exact moment when he realized it: he wants you. This funny girl who often made his day, he wanted you to look at his way too.
...but goddamnit, you like Suguru.
"Well, not that scary now with me around, isn’t it?" he boldly announced, and your amazed expression immediately turned into a cute frown.
"Thanks," you blurted, still with rosy cheeks and looked frazzled, but then you realized the state you were in his arms. "But—put me down!"
"Ehhh, I will if your feet can reach the ground!"
Who cares if you like Suguru? As he burst into snickers and you screamed at his face, Gojo Satoru decided then and there—in that spring of 2006—that he would make it his mission to win you over. To make you his.
And years later, not only he achieved that but also so much more—a ring on your finger serving as the testament to his success.
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"Yaga-sensei," Geto sighed wearily. "Can I be paired with Shoko, please?"
"Geto-san, wait, please—" you frantically tried to explain, glaring at Gojo in the process. "I'll do my best so—"
"You're such a bother, even Suguru doesn't want to go on missions with you," the white-haired clown remarked with an evil grin. "Right, Suguru?"
"No, Satoru—"
"Well, but if it's me, I'll gladly mentor and teach you though~"
"I don't want you! You're so insufferably annoying!"
"Yaga-sensei, can I please get paired with someone else—"
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pbsugarbaby · 6 months
ellie williams | soft hc’s.
— when ur gf is the most cocky but sweet girl. headcannons
warnings black femme reader , masc ellie , smoking , ellie being protective , college ellie , fingering (e rec)
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౨ৎ ellie williams will always be the girl to be honest about your friends, not being shy to tell u they might be total bitches, the sweetest people, or totally wanting to fuck u. also will be the judgiest person, glancing at somebody random in the club and looking to u, hoping ur thinking the same thing. (u always are.)
౨ৎ passing the blunt back and forth with u, small giggles falling from ur lips when u see her using ur pink sparkly lighter. she specifically has pink paper for u.
౨ৎ also before u started dating, she would use those pink rolls for the girls she thought was the prettiest. once she saw u, she bought them specifically for u and only u.
౨ৎ giving u the cutest high eyes ever when u stand up, walking in ur small white panties and a pink lacy bra she picked out as u look in the fridge and pantry wanting something to munch on. her eyes scan ur body, ur smooth skin, ur bonnet, ur ass.. ur boobs..
“els, do we have any kettle chips? the salt and vinegar ones?” u click ur tongue, sighing as u scrounge through the bags and boxes of food in her cabinets. u soon notice she isn’t answering, only hearing small breaths and inhales she takes from the blunt.
“ellie?” u furrows ur brows, turning around. when u notice why she wasn’t answering, u scoff and grab a soft bag of some food, throwing it at her.
“babe!!” she whines, throwing the food back at u lazily.
“fuckin perv! now where are my damn chips?”
౨ৎ always the one to cheer u up during ur finals. u sat between her thighs as she helps u study, calling out random questions on a notecard she probably doesn’t even know the answer to.
౨ৎ will also be the one to hold u when u cry from stress, wiping ur tears and reassuring u.
౨ৎ she practices doing ur hair. and when u trust her not to tangle it or mess it up, she places little bows in ur hair, small braids scattered throughout ur curls, hands wet with hair product. and when she’s done, she shows u in the mirror, the proudest smile on her face as ur lips tug to a smile, kissing her cheek and telling her how good she did. (even if she didn’t.)
౨ৎ now when u try to put pink ribbons in her hair, she will run away, like a cat in water. “babe, i’m not putting fucking pink bows in my hair! im not trying to look like jojo siwa!” u pout and eventually convince her, smiling brightly as u squeal and give her a half up half down, holding it together with a ribbon. she doesn’t wanna admit it, but she loves to.
౨ৎ speaking of cats, u both definitely have a cat. it’s either a orange cat or a black cat.
౨ৎ at the club, she always has eyes on u. but sometimes she doesn’t, accidentally looking over to her friend and laughing, drinking away as she waits for you to be back from the bathroom. when she looks back though, she will defend and protect u with her life if she sees somebody bothering u.
u couldn’t even make it back from the bathroom before a man comes up to u, flirting with u. “i’m sorry, but im not interested.” u try to walk away, but his cold hand grips on ur exposed waist.
“didnt i just say i wasn’t interested? or are u just deaf? i have a girlfriend.”
he scoffs, not taking u seriously as he puts his other hand on ur body, making u flinch and step back, removing his hands.
“ehh, u just haven’t met the right man yet, i can show u..” he grins sneakily, making ur face scrunch up with disgust, body tensing.
before ur able to do anything, ellie pops up next to you, placing a kiss on ur cheek, hand rubbing the small of ur back.
“hey baby, we got a problem?” she chuckles dryly, only glancing at the man for a second, looking him up and down with a judgmental look plastered across her face.
he walked away real quick.
౨ৎ ellie will ramble about comics, space, and dinosaurs as much as she can. drawing shapes on ur thigh with ur finger as she speaks softly. where the fuck did she get these facts from?
౨ৎ always holding ur bags when u shop, handing u her credit card if u mention u like something online. u returning the favor by buying her things u think she would like, as much as she says she doesn’t need it. buying her small gifts 24/7, her doing the same. you were basically each others sugar mommy’s.
౨ৎ defends u no matter what in every argument or situation, ur always right.
౨ৎ let’s just say, when ur drunk out of ur mind at a party, dancing on tables and twerking on all ur friends. she will be the one to pick u up bridal style, throwing ur drunk ass into the uber while u sing stunna girl horribly.
౨ৎ neediest fucking girl in the world, because of her masc look people are convinced she tops. but once you touch the waistband of ellie’s boxers, her breath hitches and her hips roll softly, personality changing. “baby, please..”
౨ৎ either moans so loudly when u fuck her or is quiet, grunting and breathing heavily, tiny whimpers falling past her puffy lips.
౨ৎ when ur fingers plunge into her pussy, curling in the right spot and sucking her clit. her back arches and her nose touches the pillow under her head, trembling and playing with her nipple. “fu-fuckkkk! so fuckin’ good…” she groans, other hand holding ur head, trying to push u closer as u snicker at her.
౨ৎ will litter ur body in kisses during and after sex.
౨ৎ best at aftercare, always making sure ur cleaned up and taken care of.
౨ৎ ellie’s the best girlfriend, and if u ever try to break up with her, trust she will still text u in her 30’s.
i used to write wattpad stories so this is the best i got…
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squoxle · 6 months
👁️‍🗨️Laced with Love ~ Jake ff (18+)
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a.n: this is the second part of this series: part one
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👁️‍🗨️pairing: Yandere Jake!bf x Reader!gf [ft. Nicholas &TEAM] | 👁️‍🗨️wc: 7.8k | 👁️‍🗨️summary: After finding out that you've been lying to him, this mini-vacation becomes a waiting game...what do you say? what do you do? |👁️‍🗨️cw: 🔞MDNI!! breast fondling, unprotected sex, oral sex f. receiving, overstimulation, physical abuse, mental abuse, drugging, cheating, swearing, profanity, mentions of suicide, character death 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑤/𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐸𝑚𝑜𝑗𝑖❤️‍🔥
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You met your new boyfriend, Jake on your way home from work one day. The two of you made things official on a mall date, where Jake told you that he wished for you to be his girlfriend. An offer you happily accepted. After saving you from danger twice, your love for Jake increased. Not only was he sweet and caring, but you knew he'd do anything to protect you. That was until an unfortunate turn of events turned a little after-work drink into a make-out session between you and your manager. Jake caught the two of you kissing and was livid. You followed him to his truck to apologize.
However, Jake's forgiveness came with a cost, his sanity. Jake became abusive, controlling, and obsessive with you, he even told you to quit working your current job--which you most certainly did NOT do. Luckily, this abusive stage subsided and Jake returned to his sweet self. But, when Jake went to surprise you at work the day before your vacation just to find out that you had been lying to him for months he became enraged. He did a good job of hiding his true feelings in order to get you all to himself in a secluded area. Now you were on your way into a potential death trap...
present dayજ⁀➴₊⊹:
"How was work?" Sunghoon asked as you and Jake walked through the door. Just from looking at his wet hair, plain black tee, and sweatpants, you could tell that he had just finished showering.
"It was pretty good. Just busy as usual," you smiled before grabbing Jake's hand. He gently placed a kiss on your forehead.
"I'm so excited about our date," Jake smiled. "Me too," you replied.
"Where's Jay?" Jake asked as he walked to the fridge, pulling out a cold bottle of water.
"He's working overtime at the bar," Sunghoon said flicking his wet hair out of his face.
"Hmm. Well, do you think he'll be home before we leave?" Jake continued, screwing the bottle cap off.
"Before you leave? I thought you were leaving tomorrow morning," Sunghoon turned to face the two of you in the kitchen.
"Yeah, we were. But I wanna get there as early as possible so we can have the whole day together," Jake said before sipping the cold water.
"Oh...well then I'm not sure."
"Ehh that's alright. I just wanted to see him before we left. But we won't be gone for too long anyways. Right Y/N?"
"Yeah," you nodded as the two boys exchanged a few more words.
You followed Jake to your shared bedroom to pack up your things. Luckily, you packed ahead and just had to put together a bag for the last-minute items. Without the worry of checked luggage at the airport you felt free to pack whatever you felt like you needed.
"Hey, Jake," you called out.
"What's up, babe?"
"I'm gonna go take a quick shower before we go, okay."
"Alright, you don't have to rush. I think I want to try and wait for Jay to get here," Jake said as you picked up your clothes.
"Okay," you smiled before heading to the shower.
While you were in the shower, Jake packed another bag for himself. Though Jake was putting on a sweet front, he was burning up on the inside. *I wonder if this is the only thing she's lying about* Jake thought to himself.
After your shower, you headed to the laundry room and spotted Jake and Sunghoon playing the game on the couch. You were pretty tired from working all day so you just walked over to rest your head on Jake's lap.
You watched them play for a bit before slowly drifting off to sleep.
It felt as if you'd only been asleep for a few minutes before you woke up to a loud crashing sound. You almost jumped out of your skin when you looked around to see you were alone on the couch.
You lept up and quickly ran to your room to find Jake destroying his desk. "Jake?! What are you doing?" you asked, frantically. You looked around to see a hole punched into the wall, decorated with small speckles of blood.
"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" he shot you a cold stare as you stood perplexed in the door frame. You looked down to see his bruised-bloody knuckles that were tinted red as he gripped the pair of back of the chair.
"Find out about what Jake?"
"Find out that you've been lying to me for the past few months. You never planned on quitting that damn job, did you?"
"J-Jake," you stumbled on your words trying to think of the right thing to say. "I was going to tell you," you spat frantically.
You hadn't seen this violent side of Jake for months and it felt like everything was coming back to you all at once.
You watched as his devilish figure slowly approached you, releasing his tight grip on the chair. His body was slightly hunched over as if he were in a drunken daze. It felt as though you could feel a burning heat emiting from his body as he drew near.
You were petrified, completely frozen in fear. Not a single word escaped your mouth as Jake wrapped his bruised hands around your throat. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you felt your chest tightening from the loss of oxygen. You could feel the air leaving your body as you began fighting for air. Jake's bloodshot eyes never broke contact with yours.
"I wanna watch you die," he muttered coldy as his voice faded into the dark abyss that encompassed your surroundings. "Jake~" you cried weakly as you gripped onto his arms. His face was the last thing you saw before the darkness consumed everything.
After what felt like seconds, your eyes shot open and you gasped for air.
"It's okay, baby. I'm here. It was just a dream," you heard Jake say calmly, pulling you out of the darkness. You fell into Jake's arms as you realized that it was all just one horrible nightmare. And thank god for that.
You looked over to see Sunghoon sitting next to Jake with a puzzled expression. "Damn. That must've been one hell of a dream," Sunghoon said looking at the sweat beads that laced your hairline. "What was it about anyways?"
"I-umm...I don't remember," you lied. You could vividly remember every second of every minute in that nightmare. The way Jake looked at you with his dark, souless eyes as he drained every last ounce of breath from your lungs.
"Hey guys," Jay said walking through the door. His sudden entrance pulled you out of your thoughts. "I hope you guys weren't waiting for me," he chuckled as he placed his keys on the hook near the front door.
"Of course we were," Jake said before standing up and walking over to Jay. "We wanted to see you before we leave tonight."
"Tonight?" Jay's eyes widened at his words. "I thought you were leaving in the morning."
"We were, but I don't want to waste a whole day traveling," Jake laughed before wrapping an arm around Jay's shoulder.
"Well, let's all share one celebratory beer before you depart on your romantic adventure," Jay chuckled.
"I think that's a great idea," Jake smiled. You watched as the two of them walked to the kitchen to grab a beer for everyone.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Sunghoons voice took your eyes off of Jake.
"Yeah...why?" you asked suspiciously.
"It's just that Jake had walked away while you were sleeping and I saw you started crying...you also said Jake's name...kinda like you were scared of him or something. I Just want to make sure everything's okay before you run off alone with him," Sunghoon said with a worried look on his face.
"Oh...yeah. Well it was just a silly dream. And Jake has been pretty chill lately so I think I'm good," you hesitantly replied, rubbing your hands together.
"Alright...I'm just making sure. But if you feel unsafe at any time out there call me okay," Sunghoon reached for your shoulder. "You know I'll be there for you," he smiled comfortingly.
Sunghoon was the one person who actually witnessed the monster Jake could really be. Every now and then he would ask about how you were doing and if Jake had tried anything else. And for the most part you were honest with him.
You weren't the slightest bit afraid of Jake anymore, but you now felt like you either needed to confess that you were still working your old job or quit and take that secret to the grave.
Jake walked up behind you, surprising you by placing the cold bottle against your neck. "AH! Jake!" you giggled as he handed you a glass bottle of soda. He knew you weren't the biggest fan of beer so he always kept a root beer an hand just for you.
"To a good time and safe travels for my boy and his girl," Jay huffed raising his bottle.
"To love and many more beautiful moments with my amazing girlfriend," Jake said following the same gesture as Jay.
"To a speedy return in good health," Sunghoon said, raising his bottle.
You didn't really know what to say so you just said the first thing that came to your head, "To root beer," you smiled awkwardly making them all laugh before clinking their bottles together after a harmonious "Cheers!"
☆Now Playing: Compass - The Neighborhood☆ 01:25 ━━━━●───── 02:54 ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮
It wasn't long after that moment that you and Jake hugged the boys before packing up the truck. And just like that, you and Jake were on the road on your way to a beautiful vacation to celebrate your 6 months together.
You watched as the highway lights whipped pass your eyes which were replaced by the soft glow from the stars as you entered a more rural area.
Eventually, you fell asleep to the ambient hum of the vehicle coupled with the soft music that Jake played from his phone that connected to the trucks bluetooth stereo. You slept for the majority of the ride, what woke you was the sound of the door slamming as Jake left to go to the resort's check-in desk.
You watched, half-asleep, as Jake spoke with the man at the front desk before returning with two key cards and a label to hang on the rearview mirror. Apparently, Jake had been driving for 6 hours before you reached Aurora Lakeview Resort & Spa. It was a beautiful environment that had been seasonally decorated for Christmas. There was also a lake that hadn't quiet frozen yet, but you could assume that it was very cold, given the current temperature.
Jake drove you into the lower level parking garage for your designated building. You noticed a pattern with the 9 residential complexes as you and Jake drove around, each had been named after one of the planets in the solar system. Being that you were staying in the ninth condominium, Pluto was the name of your building. Another thing to note were the different animal statues that stood outside of each entrance and exit. The sight of two daunting barn owls statues gaurded the entrance.
"Alright, we're here," Jake chimed as he took the keys out of the ignition. "I'm gonna go grab a cart real quick. You just sit here until I get back okay," Jake said before leaving you in the truck. You rolled down a window and took in a deep breath that was tainted with the aroma of pine and rainwater. The gentle sound of crickets filled your ears as you leaned back in your seat.
Jake soon returned and immediately headed to the trunk, loading all of your belongings onto the luggage cart. You climbed out of the truck, making sure not to forget your purse that held your phone and other little nicknacks. You slung it over your shoulder and followed Jake as he walked to through the sliding double doors toward the gold elevator.
[ Doors opening, Floor one ] the automated female voice said as the elevator opened. Jake reached to click the button labeled 8 as the two of you entered the metalic chamber.
[ Doors closing, Going up ] Interestingly enough, the inside was just as decorative as the outside of the building.
[ Doors opening, Floor eight ] the voice chimed again as the doors slid open. "We're in room 826 which should be...right...down this hall," Jake said as he manuvered the luggage cart. You skipped ahead of him to swipe the keycard and unlock the door for him.
The room followed a modern theme featuring a variety of shades of black and grey with gold accents. Jake pulled your forehead to his lips. "I'm gonna go shower before joining you in bed. Just let me put this stuff in our room, okay," Jake said before walking through the sliding barn door that hid your bedroom.
Instead of changing into pajamas, you opted for sleeping in your t-shirt and panties. You started to doze off as Jake ran the water in the bathroom. As you closed your eyes, that nightmare flashed through your mind. You still hadn't decided what you were gonna do about your dirty little secret. You couldn't deny that living a double life wasn't as easy as you thought. You were always afraid that one day he might catch you sneaking down the street, just the thought of that coupled with flashes from your horrible nightmare sent chills down your spine.
*Squeak Squeak*
The sound of Jake turning off the water pierced through your mind. You listened as he shuffled around the bathroom before leaving shorty after. You pretended to be asleep as Jake entered the room.
Hair, slightly damp.
Skin, soft and dewy.
Jake climbed in bed behind you. You felt his warm arms wrap around you as he scooted closer to your frame, encapsulating your body in his. He reached his hand under your shirt and cupped one of your tits in his hand before falling asleep himself.
Jake was battling with some demons himself. He loved you and that's why your lies hurt him so badly. He felt that your heart belonged to him and no one else. Jake knew that there wasn't anything he wouldn't do to make you happy. But he was still very upset about the double-life situation. What if you kept that job just to keep seeing Heeseung? Jake couldn't be sure about anything except for the fact that you'd been lying to him. However, before Jake did anything else...he wanted to make sure that was the only thing you were hiding from him.
You woke up to see Jake's hand still nestled between your breasts. Before you could move his hand, Jake began to wake up at your sudden movements. "Ngh, good morning," Jake groaned, giving your tit a gentle squeeze.
"G'morning, Jake," you smiled as you turned to face him. He caressed your face before leaning in to kiss your lips.
Jake climbed on top of you closing you in underneath his strong frame. He leaned in to kiss your neck before rolling up your shirt to expose you uncovered breasts. He squeezed one in his hand while he kissed on the other. You began to play with Jake's hair, encouraging him to continue. Just the touch of your hands got him even more excited as he moved down to remove your panties.
Lifting your legs over his shoulders and locking them in place with his arms, Jake nestled himself between your thighs. He pressed his lips against your folds, kissing and sucking on the outer part before delving his tongue in your pussy. You moaned as he worked his textured tongue between your wet walls causing more slime to coat the insides. You lifted your chest up and down as you gripped onto his head, pulling him deeper into you.
He could tell that you wanted more as your pussy throbbed against his tongue. He released his grip and climbed on top of you. You legs wrapped around him as he started to stretch your pussy. He used two fingers to prepare you for his thick girth before gliding it between your sticky lips.
Your wetness coated the his dick with ease as you were dripping in your own fluids. Your pussy was craving his cock and he knew it especially when you moaned after he slapped your pussy. You heard your pussy squelch as he entered you slowly. You felt every inch travel deeper into you.
Once you adjusted to his size, Jake began to thrust long, deep, slow strokes. You could feel him jamming himself against your g-spot causing you to moan in pleasure. "You like that don't you baby," Jake nibbled on your ear. You hummed in response to his sensual touch.
Your back arched as you fought to climax. Jake was fucking you good, but you weren't ready to cum just yet. You wanted this feeling to last a little longer. So you pushed away, causing his dick to slip out of your wet pussy. "Wait, I'm not ready to cum yet, Jake," you whined as you looked at your boyfriend's confused face.
Ignoring your comment, Jake slammed himself back into you. "I'm gonna make you cum all over me, baby," he said against your neck as you heaved your chest up and down. "J-Jake, I c-can't! Ugh, fuck," you panted breathlessly. "That's it, baby," Jake said before picking up the speed of his thrusts. You moaned as Jake helped you ride out your high.
"So what else do you want to do today?" you hummed against his lips.
"Besides you?"
"Yes, Jake. Besides me," you giggled.
"Hmm. Well, I figured it would be agood way to unwind after going hiking."
“Yeah. They have a beautiful scenic mountain trail,” Jake said ruffling his hair before walking to the bathroom. “You coming?”
“In the bathroom silly,” Jake chuckled as he placed his hand on the door.
“Umm—“ “You better hurry *giggle* the door’s closing and it won’t open again until I’m done,” Jake began slowly closing the door.
You kept out of bed and rushed to the door. But upon you reaching it, Jake tried closing it faster, but u stopped the door with your foot. Jake chuckled softly at your cuteness.
“You’re so crazy. What I slammed the door on your foot? Then what huh?”
“I know you wouldn’t do that,” you said squeezing past your shirtless boyfriend and casually sitting on the countertop with one leg folded inward.
Jake locked the door before walking towards you, locking you under his figure as he leaned his nose into your neck, leaving behind a small kiss on your exposed skin. You pulled his head in for more. You couldn’t deny that sometimes Jake’s touch was addictive and you often craved more than he gave.
“Uh uh,” Jake said flicking your lips. “We’ve got a lot of things planned today. We can’t spend every bit of energy fucking each other’s brains out,” Jake reached over to grab his toothbrush. “Just know that the next time we do, you’ll be the one bouncing up and down on my dick. And I’ll be gripping onto that perfect little ass of yours,” Jake said before squeezing your ass in his hand. “Just like that,” he smirked.
The two of you took your time getting dressed for your day of hiking. Honestly you weren’t the biggest fan of hiking, but Jake had a way of making anything fun.
Before leaving you went to go check your phone for any missed messages.
[ 4 unread messages : Sunghoon :P ]…
You opened the message app on your phone to read Sunghoon’s texts.
Hey just checking to see if you made it
Delivered 4:26am
Good morning y/n
I assume u got there safely and just blacked out…you seemed pretty exhausted before you left
Just don’t forget what I told you yesterday okay
Delivered 8:49am
You quickly replied to his messages.
Yeah we made it here sometime early this morning
Ur right lol I was super tired and crashed as soon as we walked in
Me and Jake r going out rn…but u don’t have to worry about me
I’m gonna be okay 😊
Sent 9:38am…
“Babe! You coming?” You heard Jake call out from the living room.
“Yeah. I’m just grabbing my bag,” you replied before tucking your phone into your purse and walking out.
“If you want we can pick up some breakfast before we go. They shut it down at 10. We’ll make it if we hurry,” Jake smiled.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” you said before following your boyfriend to the elevators.
The once scary looking owl statues looked a little less creepy now that the sun was up. You hopped into Jake’s truck that he drove up the hill’s twisty road that lead back to the main building.
The Aurora Lakeside Sun and Moon welcome center had little signs with labeled arrows pointing in all directions.
“Good morning,” the lady at the desk beamed as you both walked by.
“Good morning,” you both replied in unison.
You held Jake’s hand as he walked you to the dining hall. There was still some food out so you both prepared yourselves a plate and got some coffee before sitting down.
*Zzt Zzt*
Your phone buzzed in your bag.
[ 3 unread messages : Sunghoon :P ]…
Read 9:43am
I know ur gonna be okay but I still worry yk
What I saw that day was really bad and u know it
Idc what his reasons were…that wasn’t ok
Delivered 9:45am
“Who’s that?” Jake asked scooping up a spoon of warm oatmeal into his mouth.
“Oh it’s just Sunghoon. He’s asking if we made it,” you replied.
“Hmm okay. I don’t know why he’s asking you when I already told him we made it. I even sent a pic…”
“Well he was checking on me too…wondering if I had anymore night terrors,” you chuckled trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh yeah. You woke up cold and sweating. I’ve never seen that before. What happened anyway?”
“Nothing…I can’t even remember,” you lied before taking a bite of the slice of cinnamon toast.
“Hmm alright. Well, I’m almost finished so I’m gonna go grab a nap from the front desk,” Jake said as he stood up. “The dirty dishes go over on that table okay,” he continued, pointing to the table across the room with dishes stacked up.
“Okay,” you nodded as he walked off.
Now that you were alone, you took the time to reply to Sunghoon.
Ik ik but he hasn’t done anything like that again
Thanks for checking on me but I’m fine
I’ll text you later tonight ok
See ya
Sent 9:50am
Read 9:50
You waited for him to reply.
Delivered 9:51am
You tucked your phone back into your purse before getting up to carry your dirty dishes to the designated table.
“Alright I got everything. You ready?” Jake asked meeting you at the exit. “Yup,” you smiled.
Jake drove for about 8 minutes before the two of you reached the starting point for the 4 mile hike.
After checking in you both proceeded on the path. It really was beautiful. Lots of leaves had changed color and created a soothing atmosphere. You enjoyed seeing the occasional bunny cross your path and the soft bird sounds in the distance.
You had pulled your phone out to take a few pictures of the beautiful area and a few pictures with you and Jake too. After reaching the two mile arch you saw a large deer up the trail.
“Jake look,” you whisper-yelled, pointing to the majestic creature that stood feet away from you.
“Let’s get a little closer,” he whispered back.
Eager, you slowly crept forward, but the sound of leaves cracking under your foot started the animal. Both you and the deer froze maintaining eye contact and shared emotions of wonder and fear.
Jake walked up behind you to try and get you out of the deer’s way, but once the deer sensed another presence he reared back and Jake tackled you to the ground, knocking your phone out of your hand. The deer trampled down the trail, leaping into the depth of the forest.
“Are you okay?” Jake asked hovering over you.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just dropped my phone. It fell down there,” you said pointing to the small cliff your phone tumbled down.
“Damn…I’ll go get it. You stay here,” Jake said before climbing off of you.
“Be careful,” you shouted as he walked down the hill.
You watched as he looked around for a few minutes “I don’t see it!” He shouted.
“You sure?”
“Yeah—wait…nevermind that’s just an old soda can,” he shrugged.
“Aww,” you sighed.
“Don’t worry. You can use my phone. We’ll come back out tomorrow with flashlights,” he said, dusting his pants off.
“Okay…well let’s finish our walk,” said disappointedly.
You and Jake walked for one more mile before you started getting a little tired.
“Jake can we take a break?”
“How about you follow me down here? I promise after that we can take a break,” Jake said grabbing both of your hands.
Exhausted, but desperate for some relief you followed your boyfriend down the alternative path.
“Where exactly are we going?” You sighed.
“You’ll see,” Jake smiled.
Within a few minutes you reached a set of stairs that led to a small building. It was a gondola station.
"What? I didn't know they had this here," you exclaimed, looking around to see the string of cable carts leading off into the distance.
"I got a map remember," Jake smiled waving the folded peice of paper in your face. "I knew you'd get tired," he giggled. "Plus, how else were we supposed to go back down?"
You playfully pushed Jake's arm before walking with him to the entrance of the warm building. Even though you made sure to layer up, you were still a bit cold.
"Two tickets, please," Jake said to the elderly ticketmaster that handed him two bright red tickets.
"Do you want some cocoa?" Jake asked, looking at your cherry tinted nose.
"Yea," you smiled before rubbing your hands together and cupping your cheeks.
"Okay, let's go," Jake said, shaking your shoulders before wrapping his arms around you from behind.
You walked with him over to a food stand. You saw all sorts of warm tasty treats and the warmth emitting from the glass shelf reheated your frozen fingers.
Jake held you close to him and ordered two hot cocoas and a box of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
After the two of you made it back to the resort, you both went out for massages at the spa. When the two of you finished, you headed back to the room and remembered that you were supposed to call Sunghoon.
"Jake. Can I use your phone to call Sunghoon?" you asked as you slipped into you pajamas.
"Sure, babe. Actually, I kinda want to talk to him too. I'll put it on speaker," Jake said as he pulled out his phone and dialed Sunghoon.
*Boop Boop*
The two of you waited in silence as the phone rang.
"Hello~," Sunghoon said in a sing-songy voice.
"Hey, Hoon. What's up?" Jake asked as you sat next to him.
"Nothing much...just out with Jay. We went to the club for a few drinks," Sunghoon replied.
"Really? I don't hear any music."
"Yeah, that's because I stepped outside to answer. By the way, is Y/N with you? I've texted her like 5 times and she hasn't responded. Is she alright?"
"Yeah, she's fine. We lost her phone earlier so she's been using mine. She's actually the one who wanted to call you," Jake said before holding the phone closer to your face.
"Hey, Sunghoon."
"Hey," Sunghoon said with a slight sigh. "It's good to hear your voice," he continued. "I hope you guys are having fun out there."
"Oh, we are. This morning we had breakfast before going out on a hike--"
"A hike? I thought you hated long walks."
"I do, but it was actually really fun. I saw so many bunnies and even a deer...that's actually when I dropped my phone," you chuckled softly.
"Yeah, I pushed her out of the way and the phone fell out of her hand. Then I went down to look for it, but we couldn't find it. We're gonna go back out tomorrow and look for it when it's brighter," Jake added.
"Hmm, okay. Well, I hope you guys find it before some woodland creatures hack into her socials," Sunghoon giggled.
"That would be kinda cute though," you giggled back. "Oh, I almost forgot. Jake also took me on a gondola and we had hot cocoa and cookies."
"Her nose was soooo red, I knew she needed something warm to drink. I'm surprised I didn't pack anything. It's pretty cold out here."
"Well, just make sure you two stay warm. It's supposed to get even colder over there tonight."
"We will. We're probably gonna be going to bed soon anyways. It's getting pretty late."
"Yeah, you're right. And Jay's probably looking for me now," Sunghoon chuckled. "See ya later guys. Good luck finding your phone."
You and Jake said "bye" before hanging up and climbing into bed. You almost forgot about what Jake said to you this morning. That was until he smacked your ass and bit his lip.
He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the bedroom, landing on the edge of the bed. You stood in front of him as he pulled you in for a kiss before hooking his hand around your thigh, motioning you to get on the bed. You stayed on top of him as he reached his hands around your body to remove your bra.
You pulled your bra straps down your shoulders and took off your bra without removing your dress. Jake struggled to pull his pants down as you straddled his body. You moved back to assist him and watched as his dick sprang up in your face.
You slid your panties to the side as you slowly inserted Jake's dick into your pussy. Jake threw his head back at the sensation from your warm wet walls. You started to ride him, slowly feeling every inch of his throbbing cock going deeper into your pussy. He groaned at your movements but was soon overcome with lust as he placed his hands around your hips, controlling the way you moved.
You bounced up and down on him barely able to control the shaking of your legs as your pussy stretched. After a certain point, Jake started using you like a sexdoll and he thrusted his hips into your from the bottom. You choked on your own moans as he continued to pleasure you. You reached down to stimulate your clit, bringing you closer to orgasming.
Jake could feel your walls clenching his dick as he fucked you in this position. You moaned breathlessly as you orgasmed, but Jake wasn't done yet. He flipped you on your back as he continued to fuck you filling you with his cum. You fell asleep shortly after he came in you. You could still feel his load dripping out of your pussy as you laid there in bed.
Jake fixed his clothed and laid behind you, wrapping your body in his arms as you drifted off into a deep sleep.
Every act of kindness from Jake was a distraction. All to take your mind off of what he was really doing. In fact, Jake did find your phone. He shoved it in his pocket after shutting it off and to take your mind off of your phone, he gave you his with full access. He trusted Sunghoon because he was one of his best friends, but he wanted to be sure that nothing else was going on between you two. Nothing that he had to worry about.
After you fell asleep, Jake scrolled through the messages between you and Sunghoon. So far everything checked out, except for the fact that Sunghoon was telling you to be cautious around him. Jake thought back to the time Sunghoon witnessed the moment he attacked you after seeing a text from some guy pop up on your phone.
The way Jake felt at that moment was the same way he felt when he saw you didn't actually leave your job. "Heeseung," Jake mumbled under his breath, before finding the messages between you and your manager. Again, everything checked out. Jake was relieved that you weren't cheating on him. However, just as he was about to turn off your phone a text popped up on your phone.
[ New message : Nicho 👀 (Nicholas) ]
I miss you
We should meet up again when u get back from your little trip
It's been a while and I'm missing that body ;)
Jake's eyes widened as he read the words across the screen. Immediately, began scrolling through the messages between you and this boy.
"Where have I heard that name before?" Jake wondered to himself, before remembering that Nicholas was the name of the boy who texted you the day Jake attacked you.
From what Jake gathered from the messages you and this boy had a sexual relationship while you were with him. Not only did he read the messages going back and forth about things the two of you wanted to do to each other, but there were also photos exchanged. Not just of the you by yourself, but also of you with him.
You were fucking this guy behind Jake's back. And the worst part was that you still smiled in his face like nothing was happening. The same smile that Jake once thought was beautiful. The same girl he called amazing. The same girl that he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. So many secrets and lies.
At this moment, Jake had lost all feeling towards you. He placed the phone on the dresser before walking outside to get something from the car.
The sudden slamming of the door closing woke you up. "Jake?" you called out before getting up to see where the noise came from. As you climbed out of bed you noticed you phone sitting on the dresser. Puzzled, you picked it up and opened the phone to see that your messages with Nicholas had been screenshotted and sent to Jake's phone.
You were scared now. You had completely forgotten to tell Jake about keeping your old job. Now he found out that you were also seeing another person. Thinking back to what happened in your dream the other night, your heart started to pound in your chest. Nobody was here to protect you from Jake and what he would do to you.
You heard the door's mechanical lock whirl as you peaked through the door to see a very angry Jake enter with a black bag in his hand. Terrified, you closed every door in the room, including the closet, before crawling under the bed.
Jake threw the door open and yelled your name before storming over to the bed to rip off the covers. "Where are you?" he growled. You watched as he paced around the room opening all the doors.
*Sunghoon* you thought to yourself. *If I call Sunghoon I can tell him what's going on and Jake will have to stop*
Immediately after Jake stormed out of the room you crawled out from under the bed to grab the phone that you stupidly left on the dresser.
You quietly crept over to the phone that laid face up on the dresser. You quickly typed in the password that was Jake's birthday and started to text Sunghoon.
But when you heard Jake coming back to the room, you panicked and started to call Sunghoon instead. It would be a lot easier and faster to talk than to text.
*Boop Boop*
The dial tone rang, taking the place of silence.
"Dammit," you cursed to yourself. Sunghoon didn't pick up. You tried calling again...afterall it was almost 3 am and he was probably sleeping now. You turned to face the closet as the phone rang once more. The silence had never felt so loud. The sound of your heartbeating almost overwhelmed all of your other senses. Just then, Jake grabbed a handful of your hair and threw you to the ground.
"Oh don't try to call for help now you little whore," Jake spat as he snatched the phone out of your hand and ended the call. "You're a lying bitch and I wish Sunghoon hadn't stopped me that day. I could've put an end to your ass a long time ago," he continued.
"I was going to tell you," you said in a shaking voice.
"You were gonna tell me what? Huh? That you kept that job? Or that you were fucking this Nicholas guy behind my back WHILE WE WERE STILL TOGETHER!" Jake straddled your body and pressed your cheek into the ground. "I should break every bone in your body right now and leave you right here."
"Jake, please. I'm sorry," you whimpered. "I stopped messing around with him months ago and I really did want to tell you Jake. I'm not lying. I swear," you winced as he applied more pressure to your face.
"Oh, I'm sure you're telling the truth now. There's no doubt about that. But let's both be honest, you weren't gonna tell me about that shit unless you were forced to. These were gonna be secrets you died with huh?"
You hated the fact that Jake was reading you like a book. Many of the things he's saying right now perfectly explained the way you had been feeling about everything recently.
"Why'd you do it huh? Why'd you lie to me? Was I really that bad?" Jake said before sitting back, your arms still trapped under his knees.
"I lied because I was afraid of you Jake. You scared the hell out of me and Nicholas was just a distraction from everything that was happening between us. You were trying to control every aspect of my life and it was driving me insane. I wasn't happy anymore. But when things started getting better I cut off the other relationship. What you're doing right now is what made me do those things," you said with tears rolling down your cheeks.
"I didn't make you do a damn thing. If you weren't happy, then you should've left. Everything you lied about was your choice. Don't try to put the blame on me," Jake said before climbing off of you. "You're not worth it. Nobody would want a lying, cheating slut like you," he continued before walking out.
"Jake, wait!" you said before running after him.
The last thing you remember is experiencing that same feeling from the dream. You were being consumed by the darkness. Swallowed by the infinite void of emptiness.
The next morning Jake woke up alone in the bed, but when he called your name, you didn't answer. No one did.
Jake looked for your phone and couldn't find it. Nothing but a note.
He immediately called the police to set up a search party in the woods. He called Sunghoon and Jay who arrived hourse later and Jake told them exactly how his morning went.
Because the weather had reached freezing temperatures, everyone was persistent on finding you. This type of weather could be detrimental to anyone. However, it wasn't until a week later that they found your body.
A man had went out to ice fish and found you in the resorts lake. Apparently the layer of ice prevented anyone from finding you. Sunghoon was devastated. He was actually the one who was hurt the most over your death. You had comitted suicide and he felt responsible. According to the otopsy, you died from drowning, but there were enough drugs in your system to kill you regardless.
"She was just so happy before she left. Even when she called the day before she went missing she was happy. Only if I would've picked up...maybe she'd still be here," Sunghoon sighed with tears welling in his eyes.
Jake helped your parents put together your funeral and stopped by the florist he visited to pick up the flowers to surprise you with.
"Oh it's you again," the girl said as Jake walked up to the register. He was wearing a black button down shirt and some slacks. "What's the occasion this time?" the girl asked seeing that he was standing there with an empty expression wearing all black.
"My dead girlfriend's funeral," he replied.
"Wait...is this the one you came in for the other day?"
Jake nodded in response before covering his eyes with his hands. The girl immediately came around the counter to hug him. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure this must be really hard for you," she said as she continued comforting Jake as he cried into her shoulder.
"These flowers are beautiful. I know she would've loved them," she smiled wiping Jake's tears away with her thumb.
"Yeah...she would've," he sniffled.
"I'm about to close for the day. How about I come with you to the funeral? That way you won't be alone. I promise to keep you laughing," she smiled.
"You sure?"
"Of course."
"Thanks, I could use some laughter in my life right about now," he smiled.
On the way to the funeral, Jake told her all of the good things about you. Everything that made him fall in love with you. Jake also told her that you killed yourself when she asked how you died. The flower girl accompanied Jake at your funeral and did just as she said. She made everyone happy and turned your funeral into a way to celebrate your life.
☆Now Playing: Nervous - The Neighborhood☆ 01:43 ━━━━●───── 04:11 ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮
However, what nobody knew is that your death was not a suicide. You were murdered. And Jake was the killer.
When you ran after Jake, he grabbed you, picked up the black bag and took you to the bathroom.
"I want you to write down everything you told me. Everything that made you break my heart," Jake said handing you a pen.
You knew what he was doing, he was indirectly making you write a suicide note. "No Jake. I'm not doing this," you cried.
"Do it or I'll blow your brains out right here, right now," he spat without hesitation.
You obeiently began to scribble down on the piece of paper Jake gave you. He watched every word you put down on that paper and scratched out anything he didn't like. After a certain point he began telling you what to write.
"Okay, I did it now what," you said with tears in your eyes.
Jake picked up a glass from near the sink, filled it with water, and pulled out a bag of pills.
"Here's your last meal, bitch," He said placing the bag on the counter.
"Jake! Please don't do this to me. I promise we can go back to what we were before. I'll love you forever and do anything you say. Please," you pleaded.
"You'll really do anything I say?"
"Yes, Jake, anything, please."
"Then swallow the fucking pills," he said coldly.
"Jake," you started to cry.
"Swallow bitch!" he commanded opening the bag and putting it in your hand.
"Please, I dont want to die," you sobbed.
Jake squeezed your hands together, pulled them up to your throat and forced your mouth open by squeezing your jaw. You felt the pills pile up as he dumped the bag into your mouth. He reached for the water and poured it in your mouth that was still gaped open. You continued to breathe through your nose to prevent yourself from swallowing the deadly concoction.
Jake noticed and moved into a different position, placing you in a chokehold. He closed your nose. "You can breath after you swallow," he said. You fought the urge to swallow for as long as you could before taking down the big gulp of semi-dissolved tablets.
"Good girl," he sneered as you bawled. "Now we gonna take a little walk," he said before grabbing the gun and your body. To avoid cameras, Jake took the emergency stairwell. By the time you reached the bottom, you were starting to feel the effects of the pills.
"Not yet, honey. We're almost there," he said shaking the sleep from your body. You felt like you were slipping away as you struggled to walk beside Jake. After a few minutes Jake came to the resort's owned lake. It was very cold that night and you were just wearing a satin nightgown so every breeze felt like blades against your skin.
He walked you to the edge of the lake before nudging you to walk in. With the last bit of resistance you had, you stiffened your body.
“Don’t fight it. You can either go in on your own or I can force you in,” he said turning you to face him. You wouldn’t budge so he grabbed your arm and began dragging you in. You fought to free yourself from his grasp, but it was useless as you were much weaker than usual due to the drugs coursing through your veins.
Jake pulled you waist deep into the freezing water. It was so cold you couldn’t even scream for help but when he pushed you in you immediately tried to stand back up. However you must’ve hit a point where the water deepens suddenly and you fought to climb your way to the surface for air.
Growing increasingly tired from fighting the water and the drugs, you finally stopped. You felt your lungs burn with intensity as they filled up with water. And that’s when you felt it…the darkness consuming you.
Jake watched and waited until the last bubble surfaced before he went back to the hotel room and conjured up his story.
As I’m sure you could assume, Jake began to grow closer to the flower girl who ironically had a similar experience. Her boyfriend in high school killed himself because of bullying at school and a messed up family.
They bonded over the deaths of their significant others. Jake did wish that things could’ve worked out between you, but those pills were either going to cause the death of you or him. And Jake felt that you earned your fate.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @nikisdubblchococake @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @nikisblkgf @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @lovesickxmina @urfavberry @urauntiefaye @breadlover01 @taehyunsfavmoa
a.n: there will be one more part of this story. a spin-off where the flower girl is y.n. and you guys can see how their relationship fairs out. here's a voting box, just to see how many of y'all want this as much as I do :)
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Alsooo i'd like to hear your thoughts about the story so lmk what u think in the comments :)
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
Can you do a story where jey starts dating this girl and she is veryyyyy independent and like to do everything her self but jey has to always tell her to sit down and let him do basically Ms.I can do it myself meets mr.sit tf down imma do it plz 🤭
🌹** This is my first ever fic request for @mya2real. I hope you like it. ❤️
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
Taglist: @christinabae@southerngirl41@reci24@jeyusos-girl@jeyusosgirl@melaninsugababy@baconeggndcheez@bemybabiibish@jstarr86@nbanenefrmdao@purplehairgawdess@arination99@alyyaanna@m3llowww@gomussy@jeysbae@babysyhsy @bebesobrielo@empressdede@venusesworld@harmshake@mustafumilf@theninthwonder @badbitchcentralinc @alyyaanna @romansnumberonegirl
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Noelle was a do-er. She’s been that way her whole life. She learned from an early age that she could only count on herself to get shit done. She thought that was a good quality to have but her boyfriend Josh did not. Now, don’t get him wrong he absolutely loved Noelle but her ‘i can do it myself’ attitude made him feel not needed. 
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It was a Saturday afternoon and Noelle had run to the store to get some groceries to make dinner. He paused his game and smiled when he heard the door to their shared apartment open but Josh’s smile dropped from his face as he watched his girlfriend struggle to open the front door and hold onto the grocery bags. He sighed as he stood up from the couch to help her. 
“Why you ain't call me Noelle? I would’ve came down and helped you.” He said taking the bags out of her hands and walking into the kitchen to place them on the counter. His frown deepened when she flagged him off. 
“I had it Josh.” She said as she started to put the groceries away. He sucked his teeth, as he watched her try to reach up and put something away on the top shelf. He waited for her to ask for his help and when she didn’t he gently picked her up and moved her aside before putting the cans on the top shelf. “Thank you.” 
“You know I can help you with stuff right? You don’t have to do everything yourself.” Noelle stopped putting groceries away and turned to face him. 
“I’m sorry. You know I just like to do everything myself.” 
“Aight, but I'm here now. You ain’t gotta do everything ya self. It’s okay to sit ya’ ass down sometimes.” Noelle furrowed her eyebrows at the tone of his voice. He actually sounded mad at her. 
“Are you seriously mad at me right now?” 
“No, I'm not mad Noelle..” He sighed “Just, let me help you.” She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it upsets you.” 
“Yeah, well.” He shrugged, trailing off. “I just don’t want to feel useless. You know?” 
Noelle frowned and lifted her head off his cheat to look him in his eyes. “What? You're not useless Josh.” 
“I’m not?” He scoffed. “You damn near do everything without ever asking for help.” She opened her mouth to reply but he cut her off. “You changed a flat tire the other day. In the rain. You coulda called me, that’s what I’m here for.” Now Noelle felt bad, she wasn’t use to being treated this way, by any of her boyfriends, they all were pretty happy that she did everything and never asked them for help. 
When she didn’t reply Josh cupped her cheek in his. “Let me take care of you, Noelle.” He muttered leaning down, capturing her lips in a sweet, soft kiss. “It’s what I'm here for.” Noelle sighed and melted into the kiss. When he pulled away she nodded. 
“Okay,” She whispered,  “I can let you take care of me.” 
“Good.” Josh said, smiling wide. “Gotta take care of my princess right?” 
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ehh... i'm sorry it's so short. This is my first time writing what someone else wants lol so I hope I didn't disappoint. Hopefully I can get better with more request ❤️
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freesia-writes · 1 year
C-can I pick Howzer for #1, mmmaybe? 👉👈
ANY EXCUSE TO WRITE FOR HOWZER, my love! :D This follower celebration was SO FUN because the variety of prompts and people I have waiting to be written about are just... *chef's kiss*. This one was super fun. It was one of those times where the writing just kind of falls into place as you go along! Hope it's a fun one. <3
#1 - You hear [clone] tell the waitress that they are nervous for their blind date, but no one shows up. So you sit down to act like the date.
Howzer x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.5k Content Warnings: Kissin and drinkin ;)
He caught your eye the moment he walked in. He was immediately recognizable as a clone, but he just had a little extra *somethin* that immediately had your attention. Whether it was the tousled undercut he sported or the curving scars across his cheek and chin, you were thoroughly enjoying the view from your perch at the far end of the bar counter. It was always fun to see clones free of their armor, enjoying their scarce free time.
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You’d had to stay late after your shift at the restaurant, covering a baby shower that stretched for hours through the day and into the afternoon, and now the dinner rush was already starting. You were free to leave, of course, but an extra dirty martini and some of the mistaken food orders were too good to pass up. Plus, the bartender was your best friend, so when she had a break between customers, there was always good conversation to be had. 
“Did you see that test tube specimen walk in just now? Right up your alley…” she asked, waggling her eyebrows at you while she shook a steel canister. 
“It’s not ALL clones, Dee…” you said in mock defensiveness. Okay, so you had a type. And there happened to be millions of them. But they weren’t all the same… not that it was worth getting into it with her again. “But yeah,” you admitted, peering over your shoulder again, watching him sit and gently take the menu from his server, “He’s got a sweet vibe.”
“You’ve watched him for fifteen seconds and you already think you can tell his vibe?” Dee challenged, pouring the drink. Without waiting for an answer, she bustled off to deliver it, leaving you to wait for his server to come back to the station next to your seat. As soon as he approached, you were speaking. 
“So what’s the deal with table 44 over there?” you asked, earning an immediate snarky grin from Barnes, who was quite the tall drink of water himself, but he’d made it quickly known that he wasn’t interested in women. 
“Ohh, you noticed, huh?” Barnes laughed, tapping on the register screen to enter a drink order, which you leaned over to peer at, curious what he might like. “Yeah, he’s a treat. All cute and nervous, too. He’s on a blind date.”
“Ahh, damn,” you said, leaning back to your food. “Well let’s see who he got set up with.”
* * * 
You lost track of time, nursing your martini and accepting an extra appetizer that had been ordered and then changed. Dee had been regaling you with a tale from the last party she’d been to, although it was delivered in bits and pieces as she went about her job. It wasn’t until Barnes gave you a tap on the shoulder that you remembered to look for the clone’s hot date. Surprisingly, however, the chair opposite him was still empty, and he was leaning his chin into one hand, elbow on the table, the other hand idly twirling the straw in his drink. He looked so smart in his dark grey uniform, and you noted the way it fit snugly around his chest and arms, tucked neatly in to a belt around his narrow waist.
“Get this,” Barnes said conspiratorially as he tapped on the register again, “He just asked for the check, for just his drink. I think he got stood up. Should I quit and go join him?” he paused, as though he were genuinely asking you, then chuckled. “Ehh, I’m not into the military type. Also, it’s getting busier -- you should get out of here before you get wrangled into serving some tables.”
“Good point,” you said, not really thinking about what he said because you were so surprised and distracted at the fact that Mr. Handsome over there had been stood up. What kind of idiot… Suddenly, an idea popped into your head, as the rest of Barnes’ words finally processed, and you decided to act on it before your rational brain (and cowardly second-guessing) kicked in. “Wait, Barnes, don’t give him the check…” you said, putting a hand on his arm as the receipt printed in front of him. “I’m gonna do it.”
His genuine laugh of delight was infectious, and further fueled your slightly bubbly mood. “Well you’d better come up with a good excuse for making him wait so long… And make it worth his time,” he said, giving you a suggestive wink that earned him a smack on the shoulder. You stuffed your apron into the cabinet below the server stand and rushed to the refresher to see what could be done. The smell of a full day’s work in a restaurant was heavy on your clothes and hair, and the barely-remaining makeup was sparse. Grateful for the little basket of hygiene items kept under the sink, you pulled your hair down, tousling it with your fingers after spraying some refreshing powder through it. You got some paper towels wet and wiped your armpits, laughing at the thought of the clone seeing you now. There was nothing to be done about your outfit -- black button-up shirt and black pants -- but at least you could untuck the shirt now and roll up the sleeves. You made one last stop by the bar, making two rushed requests of Dee. 
“Hey -- real quick -- I need that gold necklace from the lost and found drawer, and can you make a dirty martini and another of whatever he had?” 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said, shaking her head fondly as she fetched the necklace that had been left a few weeks ago. “I mean, what the heck. Sounds like fun, and probably nicer for him than going home sad.” Armed with two drinks and as much courage as you could muster, you headed for the table, running through all the possibilities in your mind. 
“Hi! Blind date, right?” you asked, wanting to be careful not to lie. His brown eyes lifted to you, expression unreadable. He’d been patiently waiting, but was he the stiff sort who would be indignant at being made to wait? Or was he a pushover so desperate for attention that he’d put up with anything? It remained to be seen.
“Yeah,” he said in that smooth clone voice you’d heard so many times. “Howzer,” he said, standing to greet you. He awkwardly offered a hand, realizing you had a drink in each of yours, and gave a breathy chuckle of relief as you quickly set the glasses on the table and took his hand, giving it a gentle shake. You froze, unsure of whether to use your name, or if he knew the name of the person he was expecting… 
“And you’re Xena, right? Here, please, sit?” he continued, standing behind your chair and smiling in such a kind way that the guilt settled heavily on your shoulders. He’d been made to wait an awfully long time, and yet here he was, offering a kind and graceful introduction…And it was also way too much work to try to figure out how to continue the deception as further details would be questioned.
“Erm, no…” you admitted, once he’d cordially seated you and taken his place across the table. His furrowed brow and crooked smile made your heart skip a beat, and you blundered on, “I’m sorry… I work here, well, not right now, but I was hanging out, and I heard you were waiting for someone, and I saw it had been a long time, and I was… well, yeah, I was totally creeping on you from over there… And I just didn’t want you left here hanging cause you’re just… Well you seem really nice… And honestly, you’re really cute… Ohhhh man. This is not a good start,” you laughed nervously, burying your face in your hands. What HAD you been thinking?
Howzer put two and two together and leaned back, running a hand over his tousled hair. You grimaced, hoping it wouldn’t all fall to pieces, and gently pushed the drink toward him once you were willing to show your face again, despite its bright red color. “Here… I brought the same thing you ordered, and… you can just enjoy it, if you want… Sorry, I don’t know what I was aiming for here,” you fumbled, starting to rise to your feet.
“No, wait -- it’s alright,” he offered, raising a hand to accompany his words. “I guess Pivot didn’t paint me in the best light to whoever I was supposed to meet here,” he chuckled dryly. “But it was kind of you to take pity on me… I think? Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving, so what do you say to some dinner?”
Relief cascaded down at the invitation, and your shoulders dropped a few inches with the release of tension. You smiled, letting out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding, and nodded. 
“You said you work here?” he continued, opening the menu as if he hadn’t spent the last thirty minutes reading it about eight times over. “What’s the good stuff? Oh, and I suppose I should ask your name too.”
You filled him in, on both points, and had just began sharing about how you got this job when Barnes interrupted you by sliding right up to the table with an air that absolutely demanded attention. “Welllll hellooo again. I see your date showed up?” he said, mock innocence painted all over his face. Howzer gave you a smirk with a raised eyebrow, and you blushed bright red again, chuckling anxiously once again. 
“I told him, Barnes,” you said, holding your hands up in surrender. “I’m not cut out for this sort of thing.”
“And yet you’re still here,” Barnes pointed out, pursing his lips at you before sending Howzer a rather flirty glance. “I mean, I don’t blame you. But you’re not skimping on my tip if you’re gonna make me serve you,” he said, turning back to you. His charisma lightened the mood even further, and you assured him that he would not be slighted in any way. After some discussion about the dishes and a few suggestions, both you and Howzer had the food ordered and were left to stare at each other once again. You were trying to figure out what kind of date this was meant to be, what type he may be looking for (or what type he was himself). But instead of trying to make yourself into something you weren’t, you decided to just be authentic and see where it went. You didn’t really have much to lose, anyway. 
“So. Howzer,” you said, “How’d you get the name?” 
He leaned forward again, stirring his drink again and appearing to be much more relaxed, and began sharing stories from his life so far. It was decidedly different than yours, especially with the fact that he aged twice as fast. You tried not to think about the actual number of years he’d been alive, as that would make you a total pervert by regular human age standards. He told tales of his brothers, their personalities and quirks, and the adventures that his military life had taken him on so far. He shared his thoughts about the world, musing about ideas for the future -- if or when things ever changed. The minutes melted away, punctuated only by Barnes appearing occasionally to refill drinks, bring plates, or clear them away. 
You’d always had a soft spot for the clones, but you loved seeing them open up. The unique complexity of each individual was always a delight, and Howzer seemed to have more depth than most. He was simultaneously ambitious yet reserved, steady yet bold. You were finding yourself more and more enthralled, and in a bit of disbelief at your luck. Somehow you’d chatted away the entire dinner rush, and the restaurant was now growing quiet, filled with only a few lingering guests.
The conversation took a bit of a flirty turn, and you found yourself reaching across the table in a fit of laughter, clapping your hand on top of his. He smiled, still chuckling, and turned his hand over to gently take yours, sending another spark through your body. His gaze darkened a little, taking on a suggestive edge that suddenly made you ready to take him home right then and there. His thumb traced softly across your knuckles, and his eyes dropped to your hands on the table. 
“Well, things didn’t turn out so badly tonight after all, did they…” Howzer mused. His smooth voice and the thrill of the last couple of hours of conversation and connection had you feeling as though you were living a dream. You smiled, giving his hand a little squeeze, and shook your head. 
“Want to get out of here?” you asked, perhaps with more of a seductive tone than you’d intended.
“Oh, ahh, sure… But… well, I mean…” he stuttered, sheepish and hesitant all of a sudden, and you wondered if you’d crossed a line somehow. 
“I just meant for a walk, or glow pops, or something to change the scene,” you offered brightly, and though he tried to hide it, he looked visibly relieved. 
“Sure -- yes -- sorry,” he continued, running a hand through his hair again. “Look, this has been super fun, and I’m so glad you took the initiative to sit down. I’m just… I’m not much of a one-night-stand kind of guy. I know it’s lame, or whatever, but… I guess I just take a while to warm up that way… The guys make fun of me for it all the time.” You felt your heart swell in your chest at his vulnerability. You definitely hadn’t been expecting that, and somehow it made you crave him even more. Respectfully, of course. 
“Don’t apologize!” you insisted, leaning forward and picking your hand up from his to place it on his bicep, emphasizing your words with a smile. “I’ve really enjoyed this. And would like to continue to enjoy it.” 
“I mean, I’m not a total prude,” he said, laughing self-consciously, still with that glint in his eyes that hit you right in the soul. 
“I don’t know,” you said playfully, being careful to keep it lighthearted, “We’ll have to see about that.” You bit your lip, hoping it wasn’t too much of a jab, but he smirked, primly setting his napkin on the table and rising to his feet, extending a hand to you.
“Well let’s start with a walk.”
After fighting over the bill for a few minutes, since you “weren’t the one he asked on a date” but he “had indeed taken you on a date” but “it was where you worked” but “it still needed to be paid” but “you wanted to be fair”… You let him pay with the insistence that you’d be getting the next one, which gave you a little thrill at the thought that there would be a next one. The coat closet was in the middle of a long, narrow hallway that branched away from the host stand at the main entrance, and the hallway included a few other doors that led to the refreshers as well as the kitchen. Howzer leaned in, scanning the hangers for his coat, and suddenly you heard a loud voice as the restaurant door slammed closed behind someone.
“Hello! I need to be seated immediately. Oh, it’s been a ROTTEN evening. The stupid taxi driver got lost twice, and the train was held up by some idiot old lady, and now I’m incredibly late to meet someone here!” a sharp female voice announced, catching the attention of everyone within hearing range. The realization hit you like a gallon of ice water dumped over your head, and as Howzer leaned out of the closet door to peer at the disturbance, you moved without thinking, pushing him back into the coat closet with so much force that both of you lost your balance and tumbled in, kept on your feet (barely) only by the row of jackets hanging up along the back wall. 
Howzer’s arms went out to the sides, hitting the wall with an ungainly thump, and you fell into him, landing against his chest in the most fortuitous way, hands splayed across his shoulders to try to break your fall. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, and heard him chuckle quietly once the initial surprise had passed. 
“I wasn’t aware I had this effect on women,” he said in a low voice, and you held a finger to your lips with urgency, tilting your head toward the loud voice still ringing outside. 
“What do you MEAN, he left?!” she said shrilly, and you could hear Barnes smoothing things over. “You can’t hold a table longer than two hours? That’s just ridiculous.” You sent up a silent prayer of thanks for his quick thinking and willingness to cover for you. You slowly pushed yourself to your feet, freeing Howzer from beneath you, though you were quite loath to do so, and watched him slowly stand straight as well. His eyebrows raised at what he was hearing, and he looked down at you in amusement.
“I may have dodged a bullet tonight,” he whispered, and you stifled a giggle. 
“Fine, well at least tell me where the refresher is, and I’ll be on my way!” the woman demanded, and the quick click-clack of her heels coming down the hall sent you both into a panic again. There was nowhere to hide except behind all the coats, and you both immediately dove into the row of fabrics, pushing them out in front of you and flattening yourselves against the wall, side by side. Now you were trying really hard not to laugh, at the utter ridiculousness of this turn of events, and you clapped a hand over your mouth to avoid making a sound. 
“You know she doesn’t even know what I look like, right? We’ve never met,” Howzer breathed in your ear, and you gave him a little push. 
“There weren’t any other clones in the restaurant tonight, were there?” you whispered right back, and he tilted his head in concession. 
“Good point.”
The sound of the refresher door closing was a welcome one, and you pushed the line of jackets in front of you apart, taking a deep breath of the fresh air that was a nice change from the stuffiness of your hiding place. You were getting ready to head out when you felt Howzer pull your arm, and you turned back toward him questioningly.
“We don’t want to risk it. Better wait til she leaves,” he said, shrugging as though he had no choice in the matter. But the soft croon of his voice and that little shimmer of a reflection of the dim closet light in his eye took away absolutely any reason you may have to argue, and you leaned back into him, facing him now, as he rested against the wall. Jackets were stuffed all around you, draped over your back and undoubtedly sticking out a bit, but his breath caught in his throat as you drew near and the sound made you forget about everything else. 
“I don’t want to push you past your comfort zone,” you said softly, feeling the tingles growing as he ran his hands up the outsides of your arms, and you brought your hands up to rest on his broad chest. 
“I appreciate that,” he breathed, leaning in a little closer, “But I told you I wasn’t a complete prude.” He was so close now that you could smell him, an intoxicating mix of aftershave, soap, traces of scents from dinner, and the slightest hint of musk underneath it all. His proximity was electrifying, and you lifted your face to take in the fondness in his eyes and the gentleness in his expression. You were hopelessly lost at this point. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered, and your cheeks curved into a smile at his gentlemanly request. 
“Yes please,” you whispered back, and as soon as the last syllable had left your lips, his mouth was against them, arms wrapping you in a firm yet tender embrace. As if the closet weren’t stuffy enough, the sudden heat of the moment, combined with the two of you pressed together, had you completely flushed with warmth. His kiss was unfathomably sweet, and when he pulled away with a soft smack of the lips, he rested his forehead against yours with a small smile on his face. You lifted a hand to his scarred cheek, reveling in the moment. 
The silence was broken by the refresher door opening again, and an aggressive tapping of heels echoed down the hallway as the narrowly-avoided blind date from hell clattered out the front door. You pulled back a little to better meet Howzer’s eyes, though you could have stayed there forever. 
“Now how about that walk?”
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sauriansolutions · 3 months
FloRid Thoughts...
Riddle has a favorite seat in every class: front row, closest to the teacher. Everyone knows and respects that's Riddle's Spot. No one dares to try to take it from him or mess with it in any way.
Well, except...
One day, Floyd starts leaving stuff on Riddle's desk. Not chewed gum or pencil shavings, or anything like that. Also not folded notes or small, wrapped boxes. Just bafflingly random things.
"Floyd, did you just put a rock on my desk?"
"... Why?"
"It's for you Goldfishie!"
"What am I supposed to do with a rock?"
"Ehh, whatever you want~"
This starts happening almost every day. One day, it's a spiky seed pod from a sweetgum tree that he found on the ground. Another day, it's two juniper berries picked from a bush outside the classroom. Then, a worn rubber eraser, with pencil marks that look like a frowny face.
By this point in his school life, Riddle has decided the best way to deal with Floyd's antics is to ignore them. He accepts each new item with an eyeroll and some form of, "Wow. I've always wanted a pencil that's been sharpened all the way down to the eraser. Thanks so much, Floyd."
"You're welcome lil Goldfish!" Floyd inevitably beams in response, as he goes skipping away to his actual class, or more likely, to goof off somewhere.
Riddle has no idea what to do with these "gifts." He really should throw them out, he thinks. After all, they're just junk. Just some weird prank Floyd has decided to play on him.
Instead, for some reason, Riddle keeps them. He puts them in a shoebox under his bed, where he doesn't have to look at them. (Except when he takes the box out every day to add a new item.) Where he doesn't have to think about them. (Except on nights when he can't sleep, and finds himself wondering.)
Riddle is a top student, but even he can't take every elective class. Which is too bad, because if he'd taken Cultural Studies of the Deep, he'd have known that symbolic gift-giving is a common way of expressing interest in a prospective mate, in many regions of the coral sea.
Maybe it is better that he doesn't know. Because, much as Floyd may love certain traits of his, Riddle might not appreciate the tiny pencil denoting his short status. Or the fact that the eraser looks just like his face when he's mad (it's even pink!)
But he might appreciate the realization that the rock (also pink), is shaped like a rose. That the juniper berries are the exact same blue-gray shade of his eyes, and the sweetgum ball looks like a small, spiky hedgehog.
What Riddle thinks remains to be seen. It probably won't be long before he starts putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
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in vita, in media morte sumus. Ch.1
WC: 2K
Note: New series popping out! I really have no idea the direction of this series or how many chapters will be included. Also, updates will likely be spread out since I am in the middle of the semester. Therefore, patience will be greatly appreciated with how quickly I can shell out chapters. Also, this is only the second extended work I've done, so once again, patience and kindness are very much appreciated.
Note: Also, Desdemona is 19-20 years old. The terms of her education at Nevermore will be explained in the upcoming chapters. HINT: Nevermore has blended into a high school/college atmosphere for Outcasts using alternating schedules.
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“I.D.? … Hmm, here for the Addams girl?”
“What gave it away? The black or the black?”
“Tish, play nice, my love.” 
“Ohh, a playful little barb never hurt anybody, dear. Now, where is our little dagger, hmm?”
“Right this way,” the guard grumbled with his head down. He pulled the radio to his mouth. “Open cell block 394.”
Their banter reached your ears before you reached the end of the hall. It made you want to claw your ears to bloody shreds and stuff them down the throat of the guard that would not stop picking at his fucking fingers—flicking dirt from underneath the dead nailbed with the toothpick. Swipe, dig, flick. Swipe, dig, flick! Nothing like family to incite you into a murder spree.
Morticia and Gomez turned a corner and met you at the halfway point between cell block 394 and cell block 394-C. “Aahh! Our little dagger! Look at you in your little red uniform,” said Gomez, clapping his hands as if to seal the finality of his joy.
Morticia smirked at you and murmured, “Only the best for an Adams.” She winked at you behind the bars separating the cell blocks, making your lip twitch. 
Despite your distaste for her overtly sweet manner, you did appreciate her respect for your reputation that has awarded you such an unmatched level of security—a uniquely colored uniform and private cell block, in fact—and fear that wafted off those you passed, including the guard who has yet to remove his eyes from your form. You suppose rightly so since you did have the propensity to pounce on those inside the prison with teeth slashing into their pliable flesh, even if your hands were permanently locked into a steel cage. 
You watched the guard pocket his dirty toothpick and slowly speak into his radio while eyes remained watchful of you, “Open the gate.” 
The security light overhead flashed green while the gate buzzed open from a remote control center, and you stepped through the threshold. You sighed and walked up to your mother and father. “Hello, parents. Did you get bored of trying to act like you could still procreate and decide to pay your eldest a visit finally?”
“Desdemona!” Morticia shrieked. 
Gomez chuckled and touched her back to quell her growing frustration. “Easy, Tish, she’s just warming up for the day. You didn’t mean it, did you, my little hellion?”
“Oh, I don’t know. How serious are you about breaking me out of here?” You narrowed your eyes at him while all four of you, including the guard, walked back to the entrance. As the four of you stepped outside the prisoner living quarters, Gomez turned and gestured toward the guard, who was hesitantly moving toward you with a set of keys jingling in his unsteady hands. You watched him fit the correct key into the lock of the steel cage and turn the little knobs inside, releasing the pressure from the cuffs and letting them bounce apart from your wrists before the box snapped open and thudded to the ground. Your brow raised while you rubbed at your sore wrists. Giving a cursory glance at the guard, you thought, ehh, there’s better prey than you, little piggy. 
You turned toward your father and mother as they said, “Dead serious, darling.” You smirked and followed them to the car. Lurch let you all in, moved into the driver's seat, and put the pedal on the floor, leaving dust and gravel flying in your wake with the prison and the shaking guard fading into little dark spots.
Turning back to your parents, you said, “So, who did you kill, poison, or bribe to get my indefinite sentence halted?” 
Morticia and Gomez stopped fawning over each other and whispering like teenagers about their little escapades in their youth that were similar to this one. They turned to you, and Morticia said with a familiar smirk, “A certain judge might have suddenly come to the belief that were you not immediately released, his bowels might begin imploding on him, causing massive internal bleeding that would quickly escalate to extreme bloodloss and sudden death.”
You raised your brow, thinking, gross, definitely not your style. Then again, yours and your parents’ signatures have never quite aligned. Have they? “And he agreed to that?”
“Well…a little give was admittedly needed on our part, little dagger. No justice system would simply allow a famed serial murderer to walk without some sort of agreed-upon rehabilitation plan. That is what our little friend informed us." Gomez said this with palms up and a placating smile, knowing you would add in that you could have done it without having to bend your will, albeit coming away with messier hands and the smell of blood on you. 
Scoffing, you looked out the window, knowing whatever they agreed to put you through would not be to your liking, which would most certainly make your parents smirk with satisfaction—Morticia, anyway. Your relationship with your parents has always been a complicated one. “So, what will this forced rehabilitation plan look like, hmm?”
You could practically feel Morticia buzzing with selfish glee as she slowly said it, letting her lips form each word wholly before dropping them before you to splatter into the carpeted floorboard under your feet. “You're going to attend school with your younger sister, Dezzy. Our old alma mater, Nevermore Academy.”
“WHAT?” You barely registered that she used that stupid, loathsome nickname because all you could hear was your blood ringing through your ears. Your heartbeat sped up, imagining you mingling with petty little tweens and other teenagers as they giggled, cursed, sweated, cried, and chatted with one another. Their germs and fluids mixing as bodies inevitably tangled, writhed, and pulled at one another while they threw away all of their intellectual capacities for brief moments of desire and ecstasy. You don’t know how Wednesday does it every day. God, I hope that place hasn’t changed her, you thought. 
“Oh, come now, Dezzy–
“I told you never to call me that! You know how I feel about that fucking nickname!” You screamed, images of you trapped and bashing your fists against the underside of the musty floorboards while tears streamed down your cheeks, listening to the girls chanting Dezzy! Dezzy! The scared little baby! above you flashed in your eyes. You blinked the memories away and looked at Morticia out of the corner of your eyes with betrayal and disappointment. She never fucking learns, you thought.
Morticia was always startled at your outbursts, the level of fury you could hurl at her in a second. Like the flip of a match, you exploded on her, which never fails to leave her speechless and hurt. She looked to Gomez for support but found him nudging his head towards you as a signal to apologize; Morticia, come on. She looked at you as you stared out the window, watching the foliage blur into greens and browns. Sighing, she thought, fucking stupid, you remember why she hates that name, hell you walked in on them doing it, Morticia! Leaning her head towards you, she tries to get your attention again and slowly says, “I’m sorry darling, I- I know, I shouldn’t have said that. It slipped out before I knew what I was saying, little dagger. Desdemona darling…” she waited for you to look at her, “forgive me?”
You studied her expression, saw the plea in her eyes, and remembered how she ripped out the floorboards, picked you up from that dark, spider-infested place, and held you in her arms. While you cried and clung to her, she held you and screamed how could you? What is wrong with you? You’re fucking monsters! to the group of blushing girls caught red-handed. You remember how she stormed into the headmaster’s office, demanding an explanation for why he didn’t protect you, why those girls were left unsupervised, why he let you go so long without a single friendship made at that damned school? Above all, you remember her vowing never to bring her daughter back to that hellhole and that he could say goodbye to his reputation and credentials as an educator. You recall as she carried you out of there, hearing her swearing on her mother’s grave that he and those girls would pay severely for making her baby scream and cry out in fear. Ohh, how you could hear her chanting something deadly in her spell room while Gomez talked with strange men about visiting the families of those unfortunate, monstrous people, and finally, you remember seeing four little dolls that looked so like the condemned from that school wind up on your mother’s desk in gruesome conditions with pins and burned bodies.
“Okay, fine, I forgive you—but only for the nickname, not for this nightmare you are about to put me through,” you grumbled and leaned your head on the back of the seat. 
Morticia smiled and forced herself not to reach out and clasp your hands because she knew how alike her daughters could be. Instead, she grasped Gomez’s arm and said, “Nevermore is a charming little gothic wonderland! We swear it is not like other schools; Nevermore is a place for freaks, ghouls, werewolves, vampires, and gothics alike. Tell her, Gomez.”
“Tish is right, my little dagger. Nevermore is unlike any school; it was founded by Faulkner himself, after all. The principal there is devoted to ensuring every student feels welcome…especially after what happened last year, the school has become more like a family of goths and freaks that protects its own.” 
“How touching,” you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm in response to their sickly sweet praises of the school. You looked out the window and saw the beginnings of a massive castle-like structure forming in the distance. Turning to your parents, you sighed, “Well, if I am to spend the rest of my sentence here, at least tell me more of this famous school and its esteemed principal that you’re so giddy to bore me over—quickly though, otherwise my ears might burst with anymore prolonged exposure to your insane joy.”
Morticia frowned at the word sentence and watched you smirk at her facial expression. Sighing, she thought, sometimes you and Wednesday are too alike before going into detail with Gomez about the academy’s history and the unfortunate events of last year. The tales of the raving monster they called the Hyde and its evil commander, how they ravaged the town, the school, and everyone that came unsuspectingly into their path—they were gruesome. Morticia and Gomez smirked at the unmistakable growing spark of curiosity and thrill in your eyes. An Adams through and through. They told you how Wednesday and her band of misfits were crucial to stopping the Hyde and its evil commander, Mrs. Thornhill, and how Wednesday’s known skill for potionmaking ended up saving the principal with one of her concocted antidotes. Indeed, what a tale of misery, murder, and mystery it was. Agatha Christie would be pleased, you thought. 
Staring up at the gothic architecture, in all its dark, sullen glory, you thought it impressive. At least your parents were not wrong about the appearance and atmosphere of the place. Nevermore is most certainly a school reserved for only the best of freaks and goths; you could see students roaming about under the gables, curved archways, gargoyles, and on the marbled and grassy surfaces of the quad and the lawn surrounding the gothic concrete creature. It looked more like an overdone mansion than a school. Students dressed in matching dark purple and blue uniforms, some with black glasses, others with mixed expressions of glee, curiosity, suspicion, or dread, and carrying books, backpacks, trinkets, or all three; it made them look like little characters from a story that were hiding powers and ambiguous morality. 
Making your way through the school entrance with your parents on your heels and gossiping about the glorious days of their youth—yuck!—you came face to face with the gold plaque of Principal Weems. You could hear her typing away on her laptop and talking on the phone about a banquet, or was it a dance? Her voice was distinctly sweet yet deep—how dark could it go?—and smoothly rich, the voice of someone who was not afraid to demand respect and authority she likely felt she was rightly due…and of someone who was used to receiving it promptly, with haste…someone who rarely found herself matched and challenged. Hmm, you might actually have some fun here, Des. With that thought, you knocked sharply on her door, hearing her voice come to a halt before she murmured a short apology and goodbye, followed by a short silence and then the rhythmic, steady click of her heels as she approached the other side of the wooden barrier. 
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cocteaucherry · 4 months
slowburn ༺
summary- slow burn with Nanami
cws- slow burn, tooth rotting fluff, suggestive comments, Nanami x reader, wing man gojo vry brief.
a/n-(inspired by slow burn by infinity song, I recommend listening to it while reading :3
Nanami knew it was stupid to wait for someone
Even more stupid if it was juvenile love
But he was waiting for you.
He wishes he could grow the balls to ask you out after all it’s been how many years , you two could qualify as a married couple with how your routines collide.
Every morning he would walk with you to the subway station, you both got off at the same station going your separate ways for work. He did corporate work, you worked as a pediatrician, you both went to lunch and he’d always bring a singular rose.
He’d walk you home first wishing you goodnight and giving you a hug, once your front door shut his fingers would rub each other relishing in the lasting touch of your soft skin. Even though he had already said goodnight he’d send another one.
kento: goodnight sweetheart, get good rest I’ll see you tomorrow morning ❤️
Sweetheart was a nickname he had given you, something innocent you thought but did you want something innocent?
Nanami had grown love sick, he had also grown insecure, after all these years, would you want him? He hadn’t even had his first kiss or first time yet would you want someone experienced? Then he bought himself back to reality, you were a sweetheart (while petty at times) you weren’t shallow.
Even after all these years your old friends were growing irritated with your years long slow burn, Satoru especially.
“I’ve never been this invested in someone’s life go more than twenty minutes, this is just torture y/n-“
“Well then butt out Satoru.” You huffed crossing your arms.
“I can’t, seeing you both dance around each other and not make moves is awful- you’re both oblivious.”
“Well! If you’re so smart, help me Satoru.”
He sighed lifting his blindfold to rub his eyes, “Ever thought of just asking him out like a normal person?”
“Kento is so much more than a normal person.. I want it to be special.”
Satoru rolled his eyes with a grin, “Well Nanami probably hasn’t had his first kiss which means..-“ he started chuckling looking at you.
“I’m just sayin-“
“Satoru please.”
“Be his first good fuc-“ he was cut off by your phone coming in contact with his infinity causing the screen to crack, “Ouhhh.. good luck with that.”
You groaned loudly picking up your phone, great another thing to fix.
It was a Friday evening, it was heavily raining and you and Nanami were taking shelter under the awning of a shop. “I think we should try it tomorrow. It sounds great.” You grinned.
“Really? As cute as a cat cafe sounds it doesn’t sound hygienic,” he hummed.
“Ehh, but it sounds cute.”
“Anything is cute to you.” A smile tugged at his lips as he pulled out an umbrella handing it to you.
“Kento come on, I really don’t need it!” You tucked your hands in your pockets as you glared at his tired eyes.
“I’m making sure you don’t get a cold, your job is basically being a doctor anyway, horrible way to promote business.”
“Orrr, we can just share the umbrella, I’ll just stand close!”
“W-Whatever works for you.”
Huh he stuttered and must be cold.
Your arms found Nanami clinging closely to him, his hands shaking as he opened the umbrella. “Let’s get going.” He smiled a shade of pink creeping up his neck.
The walk was possibly the calmest scenic walk of your life, the rain pattering around the umbrella as you cling tightly to the blonde man’s arm.
Nanami was cracking. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take, your soft touches, your voice, the way you say his name. He wanted to rip his face off from the absolute childish behavior he exhibited towards you.
Once he made it towards your very familiar walkway Nanami didn’t wanna let go, his arm tightening around your hand. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow Kento!”
No no no, he couldn’t stand watching you walk away again he watched you walk away approximately 4,380 days.
Just as you slipped from his grip, a tight hold was bound on your wrist, you turned around frantically to stare at Kento as he gazed at you, his stoic expression replaced with a worried one.
“Y/N please let me speak to you.”
You stood still gripping your coat sleeve tightly hoping this was what you were expecting, “I’m all ears.”
“As you know.. I’m not good at expressing emotions but I've been deeply enamored with you since the day I saw you.”
You couldn’t help the smile, a small giggle that came out your mouth, you saw his demeanor shrink and you immediately shook your head. “No no no! It was just your word choice! No one has ever said that to me.”
Nanami’s hand lightly gripped yours as he continued, “It’s about time someone had, and I wanna be the first.. The truth is, I want to be with you everywhere, I want to date, to marry, to grow old with you.. I want us to have unforgettable experiences-“ he was cut off by a pair of lips on his, you had made a move.
His calloused hands wrapped around your waist forgetting the umbrella and this being both of yours first kiss it was mostly teeth. When you pulled away the soft assault of raindrops dropping into your hair made you smile, “I want that too Kento..”
“Just wish you had told me earlier before I had my first kiss at twenty-six.” you playfully smacked his chest.
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explosionkatsu · 11 months
“Age doesn’t matter,” 18
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
Part 17
“What?” You questioned a bit surprised.
“Oh! Sheesh! That’s not what I meant!” Eijiro panicked on the other line. “I-i mean can I ask you out? Aaahh!! No! That’s not it!”
“You want to ask if I can go out?” Y/n clarified, giggling a little.
“Yes!” Eijiro almost yelled. “Are you... Busy?”
“Haha. You’re lucky. I’m completely free all day.” Y/n smiled but was disappointed deep inside. “Why?”
“Oh. We’re heading to Bakubro. I was hoping you could come since the gang wanted to see you again.” Eijiro explained as he watches Denki and Sero browse in the aisle of foods along with Mina and Jiro.
“Gang? Won't I intrude on you guys?” Y/n asked nervously. She’s not that familiar with his friends, plus, she didn't expect them to be this friendly even though you’re just Kazui’s babysitter.
“What? No!” Eijiro said, surprised at what he heard. “You’re literally our friend now! We’ll just come and pick you up after we shop for a snack.”
“Hey, who was that?”
“Was that Miss Y/n? Say Hi to her for me!”
“Denki said hi, haha!” Eijiro chuckled, “So, you in?”
Y/n isn’t sure what to say. She felt like intruding. Half of her wanted to come, but the other half don’t because of this reason.
“Does Bakugo know?” Y/n asked before she respond to Eijiro’s offer.
“No. Haha! It's always a secret!” Eijiro giggled. “If we informed him we’ll come. He’ll just shoo us away!”
Now that’s tough. Coming over uninvited was not your thing. But then, it would be fun.
“I-i guess I could come with you guys,” Y/n responded but still unsure.
“Great!” Eijiro beamed. “Just send me your address since I kinda forgot where you live. Hahaha. We’ll be there at 4:30! See you, Miss Y/n!”
“Yeah. See you.” Y/n said ending the call.
Oh boy. This is going to be very awkward.
“Hey. After this, we’ll pick Miss Y/n.” Eijiro said and put his phone in his pocket. “She agreed to come with us.”
“Does she now?” Denki looked at Eijiro. “Man, I can’t wait to surprise Kacchan!”
“Ehh?? Miss Y/n you say?” Mina pipped in.
“Yeah. She’s been hanging out with Bakugo for a while now since she’s been taking care of Kazui, remember?” Eijiro said as he took a bag of chips and placed it in the cart.
“Really!? She’s the one who did the indirect kiss, right?!” Mina beamed excitedly. “I can't wait to see her again!” She giggled. “Jiro, you're going to love Miss Y/n!”
“I’ve been hearing a lot about this Miss Y/n,” Jiro said while walking side by side with Mina.
“She’s very pretty! A really nice woman as well!” Mina said merrily. “Oh! Let’s Kazui an orange juice!”
“I’m looking forward to it them.” Jiro smiled.
“Hey, Sero- Hold on.” Eijiro was about to ask Sero when his phone started vibrating.
He took it out of his pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Izuku. He placed his thumb on the answer button and placed his phone to his ear.
“Hey Midoriya, what’s up!” Eijiro answered.
“Hey, Kirishima.” Izuku greeted. “I was wondering if you’re on patrol today.”
“Uh, no. I’m actually with the gang. What’s up?” Eijiro responded.
“I was wondering if you wanted to join us with Shoto and the others. We’re heading to Kacchan’s,” Izuku said.
“Oh hey! What a coincidence! We’re heading there too!” Eijiro smiled finally heading towards the counter.
“Really? That’s great! We’ll see you there then. We bought a few snacks. Maybe we could have a small drink as well.” Izuku smiled and looked at Shoto who was driving.
“Sweet! We’ll see you there! Take care!” Eijiro smiled and ended the call. “Guys! Midoriya and the others are going to Bakubro as well!”
“Oh, that's nice!”
“A get-together!!”
“Let’s hurry and pick Miss Y/n!”
“What to wear..” You ponder as you stared at your closet.
Casual? Maybe a pair of jeans and a shirt? What? No way. You’ll be with a bunch of heroes. You're quite sure they're wearing something neat and pricey since they are heroes. Well, money, duh?
What about a skirt? Long skirt? Maybe pair it with a fitted black shirt? Possible. A dress would be nice. Oohh. A sun dress? And white sneakers? Maybe?
“Ugh..” You pouted. “I've never had this dilemma before.”
In the end, you picked the white mini sundress you had and a pair of white sneakers and checked yourself in your mirror. It doesn't look bad. You thought.
After finalizing what to wear, you put on light makeup, brushed your (h/c) hair, and grab a purse.
“Almost done,” you mumbled to yourself.
Once finished, you checked every door, window, and outlet you had and finally checked the time. It was now 4:20. You’re a bit early, you thought. But the honking outside of your apartment says otherwise.
You left your apartment after double-checking the door if it was locked.
“Alright. Good to go,” you said and finally made your way to the car where Eijiro was smiling at you.
“You look very pretty today, Miss Y/n.” Eijiro smiled and unlocked the door to the front passenger seat. “Hop in.”
“Thank you.” You smiled back at Eijiro and went to the other side of the car and settled yourself on the seat.
“Hey Miss Y/n,” You heard, making you look at the back passenger seat where the heroes are seated.
“You’re looking extra pretty today.” Denki winked.
“Nice to see you again, Miss Y/n,” Sero smiled.
“Omg! You look so gorgeous! I love the dress! Tell me where you bought it when we get to Bakugo’s!” Mina exclaimed gaily.
“Nice to meet you, Miss Y/n,” Jiro said smiling at you.
“E-earphone Jack?” You stuttered, not believing what you are seeing.
“The only one.” Jiro giggled. “I’ve been hearing your name from these guys and it made me curious. It's really nice finally able to meet you.”
“W-wha. It's nice to see you i-in person!” You stuttered.
“Now, now, Miss Y/n. Get yourself together. You’ll meet a lot of other heroes as well.” Denki winked.
Ding dong
The sound that was heard in his home.
Katsuki didn't say a word and merely proceeded to the door. Unhurriedly, he unlocks the door, reached for the knob, and pulled the door open.
“Hey there, Kacchan!” Izuku greeted.
“Bakugo-san.” Momo bowed.
“Ara! Nice to see you again, Bakugo! Thank you for having us!” Ochako beamed.
“Friend,” Shot said, and bow down as well.
“Fuck off, Icyhot,” Katsuki said and walked away, leaving the door open for them.
“Whaa- it's been a while since I've last seen your house, Bakugo! It looks so luxurious!” Ochako wowed as she looks around Katsuki’s house.
“Everything did change,” Izuku said who was also looking around the house.
“Bakugo-san. We bought food. I hope it's okay.” Momo smiled while Shot was looking around as well.
“Go put it in the kitchen. Use whatever the fuck you want as long as you won't destroy anything. Clean after the mess you made.” Katsuki said while sitting on his sofa and watching the news.
And there he said he knows how to treat guests.
“Oh. By the way, Kacchan.” Izuku called out as he slowly approached Katsuki and sat on the opposite sofa.
“The fuck is it now, nerd?” Katsuki almost snarled.
“Kirishima and the others are on their way here as well.” Izuku smiled. “We wanted to-
“What?!” Katsuki roared making him stand up from his seat.
“Here we go,” Ochako whispered from the kitchen as she watches them.
“The fuck are you people planning?! A party?! In my house!? Oh hell no!” Katsuki yelled obviously pissed.
Izumi only sweat dropped, obviously used to this kind of outburst from his childhood friend. “Well, they did say-
Ding dong
Both heroes looked at the door.
“That must be them. I’ll go get it.” Izuku said slowly standing up and heading to the door to open it.
Katsuki just scowled as he watches Izuku opening the door, revealing no other than Eijiro and indeed, the gang.
“Midoriya!” Eijiro smiled and walked in.
“Kirishima.” Midoriya greeted.
“Hey there number 1.” Denki winked getting in.
“Izuku-chaaann!” Mina hugged Izuku before getting in.
“Heya Midoriya.” Sero pat midoriya's shoulder and when in.
“Hey there, Midoriya.” Jiro smiled and went in as well.
Y/n though was stuck standing in front of the door not knowing what to do.
“Oh. Are you a new friend?”
“Sorry, we invited ourselves, Bakubro,” Eijiro said scratching the back of his head.
Katsuki only glared at them.
Jiro looked behind her only to see Momo emerging from the kitchen. “Momo! I didn't know you’d be here!” She said and went to her side.
“Whoa. Are you guys cooking something? That's cool!” Denki grinned and run towards the kitchen.
“Are you a new friend?”
After hearing this, Katsuki's eyes widen a bit as he realizes who’s Izuku talking to. He instantly went to the door to see you, standing and looking breathtaking.
“Y/n?” Katsuki called confusedly.
“H-hi Bakugo.” You stuttered, not knowing what to do.
“Oh? You know her?” Izuku smiled as he watched the interaction between Katsuki and you.
“I was invited by Kirishima.” You muttered. “I hope I’m not overstepping.”
“Who the fuck invited you over?” Katsuki scowled.
That sounds harsh.
“W-well. Kirishima invited me. I said I didn’t want to intrude.” You mumbled looking away as you fidgeted with the lace of your bag.
“Tch.” Katsuki tched and just went inside his house.
You just stood there not moving an inch when Izuku spoke up.
“Kacchan can be like that.” Izuku gently smiled at you. “Come on. I would like to get to know you.” He said, motioning you to get in.
You gave Izuku a small smile before getting in the house.
Few drinks are opened. Some are strong for the men, while the light is for the woman. Well, only Jiro, Mina, and Ochako.
“Ahh. I thought I get to see Kazui.” Ochako pouted while holding her alcoholic beverage.
Izuku, Ochako, Shoto, and Momo are sitting all on the long sofa. Jiro and Mina are sitting on the shorter sofa to the right, Denki and Sero to the left, and 3 dining chairs where you, Eijiro, and Katsuki are.
“Kaminari here was looking forward to playing with Kazui.” Sero snickered as he said this and took a sip from his bottle.
“Hey! You wanted to play as well!” Denki pouted at Sero who just laughed at them.
“It's been a while since we saw him.” Momo smiled. “I would love to bring Kazui with me to the mall. Only if Bakugo-san allows it.” Momo giggled.
Katsuki only rolled his eyes.
“May I come with you if that happens?” Shot asked. “I wanted to make sure my friend’s child is secure.”
“Oh fuck off, Icyhot,” Katsuki growled and took a gulp of his drink.
“Mhm? I just wanted to keep him safe for we are friends,” Saying this, the people around the table burst out laughing except for you, Katsuki, and Shoto.
“Ah. By the way.” Izuku started. “I didn’t catch your name.” Izuku said looking at you.
“Oh, I’m Y/N Y/LN.” You smiled.
“That’s a kawaii name.” Ochako giggled.
“Do you work at any agency?” Izuku questioned as he took a small sip.
“Oh no.” You narrowly shake your head. “I am a kindergarten teacher.” You said smiling.
“As well as Kazui’s babysitter.” Eijiro pipped in.
“That makes clear why Kacchan knows you,” Izuku said.
“Mhm.” You nodded.
“I just wanted to say that you look really stunning in that dress you are wearing.” Izuku gave you a gentle smile causing you to blush.
“You do look pretty, Miss Y/n.” Momo agrees, making everyone around the table nod.
“I heard Miss Y/n is single.” Mina said in a teasing voice.
“W-what?” You stuttered.
“Maybe you can date her, Midoriyaaa~” Mina continued poking fun resulting in Midoriya and you turning red.
“W-what? No! I just complimented her cause she looks very pretty and I'm too busy being number one. Plus I think I don't have time to date even though I have my eyes on someone-
“You’re rambling, Midoriya,” Shoto said.
“A-ah! Sorry!”
You on the other hand kept your mouth shut while you were patting down the redness of your face.
Meanwhile, Eijiro was eyeing Katsuki in his peripheral vision and witnessed how Katsuki gripped the glass bottle making it crack.
“It think I’m going to get some fresh air.” Y/n said as she excuses herself.
“No problem!”
“Sure, Miss Y/n,”
“Take your time!”
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled and fled the group to exit the house.
Once Y/n shut the door closed, she inhaled intensely and let it out calmly.
It's nice meeting his friends but she just feels like she doesn't belong there. Everyone is nice and all but she does feel like intruding.
While thinking about this, she took a stroll around the house and stopped at the well-kept backyard.
Bakugou do garden? You pondered but went anyway.
Checking the time, it was 7:00 in the evening. Y/n can hear them laughing from inside the house. All the memories and stories she heard were entertaining, unbelievable, and amazing. She didn't know hero training can be that hard and yet here they are, all standing tall. Their professors must be really proud of them.
Taking another inhale, Y/n closed her eyes and exhales slowly as she try and calm her mind.
Today was very stressful.
Katsuki stood up, making Eijiro look up at him.
“Where are you going, bro?” He asked.
“Bathroom.” Katsuki lied and headed to the back door instead. He needed some fresh air as well but he unexpectedly saw you standing alone in the darkness.
Made quietly shut the door behind him and made his way toward you.
Your senses are deficient. He can easily sneak up on you if he wanted.
“How’s your flirting with that damn nerd, hah,” Katsuki speaks up causing you to get startled.
“Bakugo.” You said gasp clutching your chest. “You scared me.” You panted.
Katsuki only rolled his eyes.
“What did you just say?” You asked once you feel your heartbeat calming.
“Done flirting with Deku?” Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest as he watches you closely.
“Huh?” What is he talking about?
“Earlier. How he tells you you’re stunning.” Katsuki smirked.
“He said he was just complimenting me.” You slightly scowled at this.
“Doesn’t look like that to me.” Katsuki snarled quietly. “What? Gonna seduce him? Like what you did to me, hah?”
“B-bakugo. What are you talking about?” You were now confused making you take a step back.
“Denying it now, huh? Are you gonna seduce him like what you did to me? Did you dress up like this so that you can impress him? And then what? Get in his pants to-”
What has gotten into him? Is he drunk?
You were tearing up. You don't know what was happening to him. Why was he acting like this.
“Y-you have no rights to disrespect me, Bakugo-san.” You hiccuped. “I don't know what has got into you but you're being unbelievable right now.”
After saying that, Y/n rushed out of the backyard to grab her things. Everyone was shocked to see your teary eyes.
Y/n apologized and bowed to everyone before finally leaving the house. Meanwhile, Katsuki was left in the backyard.
Eijiro was the one quick to check up on him.
“Bakugo! What happened?!”
Part 19
I really enjoyed making this part. I might update again in a bit! Enjoy! 🥰
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writersblog20 · 2 years
The hottest day part 2
Chris Evans x reader
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Not my picture nor gif! Credits to the makers!!
Part 1
Summary: After The hottest day of summer turned into an even hotter experience, Chris came knocking on your door, unable to sleep.
Warnings: Just pure filth, Possessive Chris, bit of humiliation, rough sex, dumbification, mocking, pet names (princess, pretty girl, baby girl, sweetheart etc,) Daddy kink, Dom/Sub dynamic, fingering, eating you out, blowjob, deepthroat, face sitting, anal fingering, spanking, crying from pain and pleasure, slight bullying but in a loving way? Dark Chris sometimes, overstimulation, begging, forced orgasm, overpowering, creampie, breeding kink, mention of anxiety, mention of panic and panic attack, chocking, very rough sex
Words: 3,8K
A/N pfff I hope ya'll are ready for this one cause....🥵💦 p.s. don't forget to reblog💗🍒
The hottest day of summer part 2
When you got home you quickly took a shower and said goodnight to Chris. You didn’t know how to behave right now towards Chris. Was this just a one thing or did he really like you? Questions filled your head. You put some shorts on and a top before crawling into bed. You knew you had to have some distraction so you picked up a book and laid on your side over the covers with the fan on. You were reading but not taking in any of the words that were written on the page. You got pulled out of your thoughts by a couple of soft knocks on your door…
“Come in.” you told Chris, knowing it was him. He opened the door and looked a little uncomfortable. You saw that he was only wearing boxers, showing his abs and tattoos and you felt the pressure already build up between your legs. “Can I ehh maybe sleep in here tonight? It’s torturously warm in that room.” He asked you with a slight chuckle. You nodded with a soft smile. “Yeah of course.” You told him and he smiled politely at you. You felt a pit in your stomach but this time not the right one. Ever since what happened in the water, things turned a little bit uncomfortable, giving you a bunch of anxiety. He crawled in next to you, also on the top of the covers.
“Can’t sleep either?” he asked you, making you shake your head with a soft smile. “No not really.” You told him, hinting at your book. Your back was towards Chris as you looked over your shoulder. Chris laid on his back with his hand behind his head and the other on his stomach, looking at the ceiling. There was a silence and tension but not from awkwardness, no it turned sexual once again. You cleared your throat and tried to focus on your book, trying to get comfortable on your side but your ass accidentally rubbed against him. You wanted to apologize but decided not to, hoping that he might take the hint.
You felt him shift on the bed towards you. He placed a string of hair behind your ear and scooped just slightly towards you and you tried to act like you were still reading but you were hyper focused on the actions of Chris, awaiting for more but apparently he was waiting for you to take the next step so you scooped back towards him. You were in a spooning position and you couldn’t help to grind your ass slightly against his crotch but acted like you didn’t notice at all. You felt his mouth attaching itself to your sensitive place in your neck, making you slightly whimper.
Chris didn’t say anything except putting his hand on your waist. His fingers softly, teasingly rubbing circles underneath your top. Your pussy was already soaking wet and pulsating as the pressure was building up. His hand slightly going underneath your shirt and you felt his warm big hand on your breast while he played with your nipple and you couldn’t help whimper a bit.
You felt Chris pulling your body closer to his chest and you could feel his rock hard cock against your ass. “I told you that you drive me crazy didn’t I princess?” he whispered darkly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine while the goosebumps. You whimpered and tried to reach for his cock but he took your hand and put it away. “Not yet, be a good girl and wait.” He growled and you felt yourself grow wetter by the second. He placed soft kisses on your bare shoulder and his hand went from your breast, over your stomach and towards your dripping pussy. The heat between your legs almost became unbearable.
“Chris please…” you mewl. You felt a sharp sting on your but followed by the sound. “Try again. You’ve been such a good girl so far. Don’t ruin it now princess.” He whispered and softly bit your earlobe, making you shiver and moan. “Please daddy.” You begged and you could feel him smile while he peppered your shoulder with kisses and found the good spot in your neck.
His hand went down to your dripping pussy slowly and you wiggled your ass against his crotch, earning another spanking. “What. Did. I. Just. Tell. You? Now be a good girl and wait. I know you can do that baby girl.” He told you the first part stern and the last part softly and you felt yourself grow dumber and mushier by the minute, turning into complete submission. You moaned softly “You can do whatever you want daddy.” You told him, wanting to be close and please him.
He hummed in your ear “Will you now?” You whimpered in response. “Tell me what you want me to do then.” He told you, his hand slowly wrapping around your neck, giving it a little squeeze. “Please touch me daddy.” You whimpered and you felt him give you feathery kisses on your shoulder, his hand slowly going down into your panties.
His fingers went over your slit, already feeling how wet you are. “Oh baby… is this all for daddy?” he asked you, almost mockingly but yet lovingly. It felt weird but at the same time it was the most amazing feeling ever. “Maybe daddy should have a taste… would you like that pretty princess?” he asked you and all you could do is nod. “Yes please daddy.” He smirked and turned you onto your back, softly kissing your lips, after your neck, licked your stomach as he went down with a smirk.
He pulled your panties off and took a long lick over your slit, making your legs shake from anticipation. “You taste so good princess.” He told you and felt his tongue entering you. Your hands gripped the covers tightly, digging your nails in them and with your other hand you went through Chris’s fluffy hair.
He moaned while licking your clit in circles. His eyes staring you down darkly, giving goosebumps over your entire body and you hated that it gave you away this fast. His finger slowly went over your slit before entering your body, making you gasp with the pleasurable feeling he was giving you and started pumping his finger into you before adding another one. “You just keep getting wetter and wetter for me baby. Can’t wait to put my dick into you and fill you up.”
You shivered at his sentence, making him grin. “Oh you like that don’t you?” he mocked you and even though you didn’t want to give in, you had no option and nodded slightly embarrassed while biting your lip.
You felt yourself growing close but it felt ten times better than any of your toys you had laying around. You whimpered and mewled, trying to get away from him as the feeling grew too strong. You didn’t want to get away from him but you just couldn’t stop squirming around. “Stay. Put.” He warmed you and held you down completely, overpowering you and making sure you couldn’t move. “You better tell me when you’re gonna cum sweetheart otherwise I won’t let you cum anymore.” He told you, giving you a smack on your thigh as you cried out.
“I’m gonna cum daddy, can I cum?” you tried to wiggle around but he held you tighter and dug his tongue even deeper into your pussy. “Yes cum baby. You’re such a good girl, asking for permission.” He teased you, still mockingly and got back to work but saw you still holding back a little. “Let go for me baby. Let go, it’s okay.” He told you lovingly this time and pressed his hand down on your abdomen and you couldn’t hold it anymore.
Chris kept licking your and pumping his fingers merciless into you as you cried out. Tears streaming over your cheeks from the utter amount of pleasure washing over you. “Look at you. So gorgeous. My dumb little baby.” he mocked you while you moaned loudly.
He stopped and hang above you, grabbing your face between his palm, squeezing your cheeks together as you looked at him in shock. “What do you say princess? Have you lost your manners?” your eyes big, looking back at his dark eyes and tried to shake your head. His face came closer. “Than what do you say?” you tried to swallow from fear yet excitement “Thank you daddy.” He smiled darkly at you, sending even more shivers down your spine. “Good girl. Now sit on daddy’s face.” he commented so casual while you looked surprised as he laid down on his back.
He looked at you with his eyebrow raised. “I don’t have all night sweetheart.” His voice darker than the night. You quickly tried to get on your knees but they were extremely shaky. Chris helped you and even though you were hesitant, he pulled you down on his face and the moment his tongue connected to your pussy, it felt like all the strength you had, left your body. He held you slightly up as his tongue entered you violently and his thumb rubbing circles on your clit.
“Daddy…… I can’t” you told him between gasp. “You’re gonna cum again? This soon?” you laughed at you and you felt slightly humiliated. He smacked you ass hard, making you whimper loudly and tears slipped from your eyes from the stinging sensation. “Aww poor baby…. does daddy make you cry?” he slightly mocked “Answer me!” your legs started to shake around him as he held you up. You quickly nodded. “Can I please cum? Please daddy. You make me feel so good.” At this point you just accepted everything that came your way. “You can pretty baby.” he told you and you let go of the feeling you were holding back. Chris grinned through your orgasm at you and placed you on his chest, away from his face and letting you collapse on his chest, limbs shaking while he held your face between his palms and made eye contact with you as you came undone.
When you finally got out of your orgasm, you let your head rest on his shoulder and Chris held you tightly in a hug. “you okay baby?” he asked you lovingly and normally, really wanting to know if you were in fact okay. You nodded “Yeah. I am.” You told him slightly out of breath. He cupped your cheeks again and kissed you passionately. You felt his tongue dominating yours and you subconsciously rubbed your pussy on his chest, your ass grinding against the tent in his boxers.
His hand gripped your ass and gave it a good squeeze. You slid down a little and got off of him and freed his rock hard cock. Now you could actually see how big he really was and looked a little shocked. Chris smirked a little. “Are you going to do something about it or do I have to?” he mocked you as you made eye contact with you. You took his cock softly in your hand and licked your lips before licking the tip. Chris threw his head in the pillow, letting out a loud moan. You licked his shaft before trying to take him all the way in. “Ah you’re so pretty with my cock in your mouth baby.” he praised you. “trying to take everything in for daddy.”  You hummed a little and the vibrations made Chris moan loudly and just by the sounds he made you felt yourself dripping.
His hand found the back of your head and put pressure on your head and pushed you down even more, making you gag around his cock. “Go up baby. I want to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours” You hang a little above him as he pushed his hips up and fucked your mouth violently while tears started to form in your eyes. You kept gagging but tried to take him all in.
“Come here baby. You did a good job. Climb on daddy’s cock now. I need to feel you princess.” He told you, his thumbs wiping away your tears. You did as he asked while he helped you climb up. You took his cock in your hand and guided him towards your slit which was literally dripping wet by now. Your cum dripping on his dick when you put the tip in. You both moaned in unison while Chris let his head fall in the pillow and his fingers digging into your flesh. “Oh baby you feel so good already.” He moaned out.
You slowly lowered yourself on his cock and once he was fully inside of you, you both needed a minute to get adjusted, moaning out. You slowly started to move and moaned loudly along side Chris. “You feel so good inside me daddy.” You cried out while Chris moaned. He had a face of a pure angel right now while moans escaped his throat. He pulled you down so he could kiss you.
He put his arms around you and pushed his hips up, hitting the deepest part of your pussy in a steady rough rhythm. Your face was hidden in his neck while he gasped in your ear, biting your earlobe before violently attacking your neck again, marking his territory.
He carefully placed you off of him and onto your back. He held your legs up and let them rest against his shoulders before he started pounding roughly into you. “There you go baby girl. I’m never letting go of this pussy. You feel so good around me. You’re all mine now.” His thumb found your clit and started drawing circles again, making you gasp and moan out loud. The feeling started to rise in your under belly again but it felt different from the first two times.
Chris could feel you squeeze your walls around him again while the wet sound of your dripping pussy became louder. “Yes princess, that’s it. Let go. Let go for daddy.” He encouraged you. “You’re such a good girl for daddy. Even a better girl if you cum right now.” he praised you while the pounding got even harder and that was when you couldn’t hold back and started to squirt all over Chris, loudly moaning and panting while he kept pounding you out through your orgasm.
“That’s a good girl. Look at the mess you made on daddy’s cock princess.” He chuckled while you looked at his cock that was covered in your cum, glistening in the light. Chris got out of you, making you whimper at the loss. “On all fours, right now sweetheart.” You got on all fours but apparently not quickly enough, earning another slap from Chris, making you gasp and whimper loud. He held your butt cheeks and entered your pussy again and started pounding even harder, making you cry from pleasure and pain.
He slapped your ass again. “Baby, you’re so perfect.” He told you. His chest was against your back when the pounding suddenly stopped. “Take my fingers in your mouth dirty girl.” You whimpered and took his fingers in, sucking on them. “Good girl” he growled into your ear before taking his fingers back and got into his original spot. “Let’s see how tight that ass of yours is.” He told you and put his finger into your ass while speeding up the pounding.
You cried, whimpered and moaned out. “Oh baby you’re so tight. Next time daddy’s going to stretch you out with my big cock.” He told you while pumping his finger into your ass while keeping the rhythm. “Let’s see if you’re really a good girl and can take two fingers.” He told you teasingly before torturously slow adding another finger in. You cried out. “Are you going to take it and be a good girl or not?” he asked you stern. “Yes daddy, I’m a good girl.” You told him crying. “Then show it and fuck my fingers and cock.” he growled out. You hid your face in the pillow while the tears streamed down your cheeks. You pushed your ass back onto his cock and fingers, fucking him. Chris smiled “Good girl. I think you’d earn a orgasm. What do you think baby girl?” he asked you, making you nod.
“Does my dick feel so good that you’re unable to talk pretty girl?” he mocked you “yes daddy” you tried to speak up but it was soft and shaky. “Make yourself cum on my cock and fingers.” He told you and you pushed your ass back on a higher speed, making Chris smile, knowing you liked the pace. His other hand got onto your clit and you came in no time, squeezing his fingers and cock. You both moaned loudly as you messed up the bed. “That’s my good girl.” He told you.
He placed his arms underneath you and got you up with your back against his chest, his cock still buried deep inside of you. He placed the two fingers in your mouth. “Like them up baby.” he ordered and you did as he told. He held your arms behind your back and got the other out of your mouth and around your throat, squeezing slightly before pounding into you again without a warning, making you scream. “That’s it baby. Let them know how good daddy fucks you.” His hand squeezed a little more around your throat and before you knew it, you felt another orgasm coming. “Daddy I need to cum again.” You whispered out because of the hand on your throat. “Again baby? You can’t stop coming can you?” You shook your head.
“Go, come for daddy pretty girl.” You came very hard and without a warning Chris let go off you in your orgasm, making you fall flat on the bed and he started roughly pounding into you. The pleasure became almost unbearably and you tried to wiggle away but Chris pushed and held you to the mattress. “Where’d you wanna go? I’m not done with you yet.” His voice dark again. His hands pushed you deeper into the mattress on your lower back while he merciless pounded into you. You lost all your strength in your body as you laid there flat.
Chris got out of your again. “Turn on your back baby.” you rolled on your back and he entered you again. Chris made eye contact and softly wiped away the tears as he had a loving look in his eyes. Different than any other moment. Really caring this time. He slowly started moving again in missionary position. His movement became more rapid as he started to bottom you out completely. His hand found your throat and he squeezed it slightly again, placing kisses on the corner of your mouth.
“I’m not going to last any longer princess.” He warned you. “Cum in me daddy. I want to feel you fill me up. Please daddy, I need it.” his eyes became loving and caring again as he removed his hand and went softly over your forehead and hair. “Yeah you want daddy’s cum?” you nodded quickly. You placed your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down so you could kiss him. It was a loving passionate kiss. “Please daddy. Please cum in me.” you begged him and he started to gasp and moan when you felt something warm shoot inside of you.
Both of your body’s sweaty as you panted out. Chris laid on your chest, trying to catch his breath. He looked at you and worry glazed over his eyes. “Are you okay baby? Was I too rough?” he asked you while cupping your cheek. You saw the anxiety and worry swirling in his eyes. “No, I liked it very much actually.” Chris let out a breath that he was subconsciously holding. He placed his lips on yours in a soft loving kiss.
He let his head rest on your chest again and you went with your hand through his soft, sweaty hair whilst getting deep in your thoughts again. You’d like the feeling of his soft hair going through your fingers, the way he held you right now, the way he made you cared for, loved for, acknowledging your needs, you liked him, a lot actually. So much that anxiety filled your body with just the thought you had to let him go sometime.
“Are you really okay?” Chris softly asked you, looking up. You snapped out of your thoughts while you kept going with your hand through his hair. “No….” You saw instant panic in his eyes while he held himself a little up. You spoke further so he wouldn’t have a full blown panic attack that crossed over his features. “The reason I couldn’t sleep wasn’t that it was too hot… I was too much in my head. I really like you Chris. More than actually just be a fling. The thought of that already hurts too much. I want you, all of you. I’m madly in love with you.”
Chris smiled with a small chuckle from relief. “Sweetheart…. I thought that I had hurt you. But I actually couldn’t sleep either because of the same reason. I didn’t came here because it was cooler. I just couldn’t bare the idea of not being with you. I wanted to be here, I needed to be here. I really like you too Y/N. Let’s try to work this out, I want to try this with you, with us.” He told you and you couldn’t be more relieved and excited at the same time.
You kissed him deeply and needily. You wanted him close and to never let go. Chris mirrored your action, feeling the same. He got out of the kiss and placed a soft simple kiss on your forehead before resting his forehead against yours while you both giggled and chuckled. “Let’s get a shower and clean this up after and go to sleep together.” He proposed and you nodded with a smile.
Chris got out of you, making you whimper slightly from the overstimulation. Chris immediately looked up at you. “I’m sorry baby.” He helped you get up and underneath the shower, he showed his very caring side. Softly washing your hair, holding you while he went with his hand over your hair, head kisses and soft touches.
When you got out of the shower he made you sit down and wait. There was no way he would let you refresh the bed so he did it and helped you in when he was done. He held you the entire night, even if it was just a hand on your stomach or whatever, there needed to be physical touches. But before that he cuddled with you, making sure that you were really okay because he knew he was rough, it even shocked him a little but he blamed it on the weather and well, what you did to him. But he would never really hurt you. He made sure to stay awake until you fell asleep in his arms, safe and sound
Taglist: @patzammit @rogersdrysdalebarber @justile @bookwormchick91 @babyevansblog @fr4tboychris
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blue2black · 2 months
BONUS (1 & 1/2)
Vivziepop: Don’t get me wrong; I love working with these people. Really, I do.
Vivziepop: But for the love of everything that is unholy if they make one more Snapcube, Sonic Dub reference…
*Vivziepop, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose*
Vivziepop: I will go to hell for murder.
(Husk and Alastor fight scene)
Alastor: *sighs dramatically*
Husk: 🫤? *thinks Alastor is improving*
Alastor: I miss my wife, Husker…
Husk: Oh—haHA! 😂 *tilts his head back*
Alastor: I miss her a lot 😭
(Lucifer punches Adam scene)
Lucifer, wired up in the air to appear like he’s flying: I have to contain you in here.
Adam, also wired up in the air to appear like he’s flying: What??
Lucifer: Your—*giggles*—your fart smells so bad… 😆
Adam: Wait, it wasn’t me!
Lucifer, covering his smile: 🤣
(Vox calms down Valentino scene)
*Vox, coming up from the elevator*
*elevator dings and opens* Vox: 😏
Vox: My dusty bitch senses told me-
Valentino: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH YOU PIECE OF SHIT- 😂 *throws drink*
Director: CUT! Both of you—WHAT THE HELL??
*Valentino and Vox laugh their asses off*
(Valentino hits Angel scene)
Director: (3…2…1) Marker.
Director: Action…!
Angel: Val, I didn’t-
*Valentino “hits” Angel* Angel: OW—Val—!
Valentino, holding Angel by his scruff: Shutthefuckup—SHUT THE FUCK UP! EVERYBODY’S FUCKED MY WIFE *laughs*
Angel: *laughing out of confusion* WHAT?!
(Lucifer in battle scene)
Lucifer, at the edge of the hotel’s roof: GOIN’ UUUUUUUUP!!!
Lucifer: *jumps off*
*Velvette and Carmella laughing*
Carmella: Wait—waitwaitwaitwaitwait. *smiling*
Velvette: *wheezes* 😆
Carmella: Okay—go ahead. *holding up the angel’s head (fake)*
Velvette: Hey! Give that, that looks really scrumptious! *trails off giggling*
Carmella: 🙂
Velvette: (ಡ 艸ಡ) *barely holding it together*
Carmella and Velvette: …
Carmella: No.
*Velvette and Carmella break out into wheezing laughter*
(Alastor breaking Vox’s spy camera scene)
Alastor: *picks up camera* HaHA…you’re going to have to do better than that.
Vox: Why are you on the same line as the VILLAIN LI- *Alastor breaks the camera*
*BTS crew bursts out laughing* Alastor: *walking out as if nothing happened*
(Alastor takes Charlie to Cannibal Town)
Alastor, while linking arms with Charlie: And here we are!
Charlie: Cannibal Town?
Alastor: No.
Alastor, in all seriousness: Welcome to tilted towers.
Charlie: *chuckling*🤦🏻‍♀️ I know you did not just mess up this whole scene on purpose to make that fucking joke. *Director: CUT!*
(Alastor introduces Charlie to Rosie scene)
Alastor: This is Rosie! One of the most darling, daring and dangerous overlord on this side of the Pentagram! *Rosie bows politely*
Rosie: *raises herself back up to face Alastor and Charlie*
Alastor: … :)
Charlie: …? •-•
Rosie: … “:)
Rosie, resiting what Alastor told her to say: We get so tilted at the towers-
*Alastor wheezes* Charlie: OH for fuck sa-
Vox *trying to fix Valentino’s coat for him before the start of a scene*
Valentino: I got it, Christian, geez! 😖
Vox: I’m just trying to help you, god damn!
Velvette: Hey, can you two stop having relationship issues while I’m on the phone with my nonexistent dentist. 😌
Vox: AhHA! Oh, funny that Lilli, yeah.
Vox: 😒🖕🏻
Velvette: Û🫦Û🖕🏾
(Pentious and Cherri at the club scene)
Cherri: Why would we have sex?
Pentious: Why-
Pentious: *laughs at his idea* Why are your tits one polygon— *breaks off wheezing*
Cherri: PFF—HAHA! 🤣💥💥 *bangs on the table*
Husk, running around behind the scenes: HAHA, HAH HAH--
Husk: *jumps up* ONE! ☝🏿😄
Vaggie, witnessing it all: ᵀʰᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ⁱˢ ʰᵉ ᵈᵒⁱⁿᵍ…? 😆
(Discussing theories with Alastor and Lucifer 😃)
Alastor: Do you think it's Lilith?...the one who leashes my character.
Lucifer: Ehh, I think it's possible at least.
Lucifer: It feels a little too obvious.
Alastor: Some of the fans add a little more spice to it.
Lucifer: Spice?
Alastor: 😗
Lucifer: 😐
Lucifer: Ew.
Lucifer: You stole my wife, Alastor?
Alastor: Haha! 😆
Alastor: How do you think Lucifer would feel if that happened?
Lucifer: Oh--I don't know Amir, how do you think he would feel being CUCKED BY A DEER?!
Alastor, laughing: I KNEW a reference was coming!-
(Angel calming Niffty in the club scene)
Niffty: Shut up shut up shut up shut up...
Niffty: Shut up.
Niffty: SHUT UP.
Niffty: SHUT UP!!
Angel, holding her up: Kimiko, no one's saying anything... 😭
Niffty: I'm improving, do me a favor and play along. *flaps her hand in Angel's face*
Angel: But you're just copying-
Niffty: SHUT UP!
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the-himawari · 3 months
A3! Outing Event Translation - You're my first and last love. (3/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakyo: —Everyone’s here now. These are our team members this time.
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Masumi: …
Hisoka: Zzz…
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Sakuya: I'm looking forward to working together, Azami-kun!
Azami: Yeah. Even though our teams were picked by lottery, I don’t like the fact I ended up on the same team as shitty Sakyo. But you’re here too, Sakuya-san. So I’m sure it’ll work out fine.
Sakuya: Ehh! Um… let’s do our best together!
Misumi: What a surprise though, huh~? I never thought we’d also ending up doing something at that place!
*flashback starts*
Izumi: Welcome home, everyone! I sent you guys a LIME earlier. Did you see it?
Masumi: Yeah. We were surprised since we were right by the venue when we got your message.
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Izumi: Huh? Really? What an amazing coincidence.
Misumi: We were with a lost kitty!
Izumi: A kitty?
Masumi: Don’t worry about it. Continue.
Izumi: Ah, sure. I heard that Veludo City was also involved in the construction of this event hall. And so, apparently they’re reaching out to stores and groups that have a connection with Veludo City to participate in the event hall’s grand opening.
Misumi: That sounds fun~!
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Izumi: Right. I think it’s going to be lively… but truth be told, the main details of the event haven’t been finalized yet. They said that as long as it fits the theme of “White Day”, then we’re free to do whatever we want…
Masumi: That sounds reckless…
Izumi: Ahaha… the hall was just built, after all. I heard another reason for that is so they can consider how to use the hall and which groups to invite afterwards, based on the event.
Azami: In other words, it’s a trial event.
Izumi: I suppose so. The days and times that each group can use the hall have already been allocated. We get to use the hall for a full day.
Hisoka: …That’s quite a long time.
Izumi: I think so too. That’s why I haven’t fully decided what we’re going to do as MANKAI Company.
Misumi: Ooh, let’s open a triangle shop! We’ll stock up on lots of triangle items!
Hisoka: A marshmallow shop…
Azami: Err, you’re the only ones who would be into that.
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Izumi: We can think about whether it’s do-able afterwards. All ideas are welcome right now. Do you have anything, Azami-kun?
Azami: Even if you ask me…
Masumi: What if we do something like a thank you event like Sakuya mentioned before?
Izumi: Hm?
Masumi: If it’s a big event, then everyone’s schools and workplaces might be more flexible, right?
Izumi: Well, that’s true…
Sakyo: —I’m down for that. Let’s start by askin’.
Azami: Ugh, it's shitty Sakyo. Since when were you listenin’?
Sakyo: I just came.
Izumi: …I got it. I think it’d be great if we could do what Sakuya suggested. I’ll run it by everyone and see.
*flashback ends*
Azami: I never actually thought everyone’s schedules would miraculously match up.
Hisoka: Maybe it’s because it was just one day?
Sakyo: Exactly. That venue also has the capacity to let us accomplish what would usually take us several days all in one day. That also helps in a sense.
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Azami: Well, we haven’t even decided what we’re gonna do though.
Sakuya: I’m curious what kind of ideas the other teams are going to come up with. But first, we should think about what we’d like to do.
Sakyo: Yeah, as Sakuma said. Does anyone have any ideas right now?
Misumi: Here, heeere! I wanna look for triangles!
Sakyo: MANKAI Company’s fans aside, the regular guests aren’t gonna understand what’s goin’ on.
Sakuya: I think it’s a great idea though. It sounds like something Misumi-san would come up with.
Sakyo: At this rate, all Mikage’s gonna say is marshmallows… Usui, do you have anythin’?
Masumi: No.
Sakyo: You…
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Hisoka: Zzz…
Sakyo: Oi, don’t fall asleep.
Misumi: Wanna have a marshmallow, Hisoka?
Hisoka: Thanks.
Azami: *Sigh*… our future looks bleak.
Sakuya: Ahaha…
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itsjustbell · 1 year
Summary: After a long day at the studio, you decide to pay your favorite scientist a little visit and maybe convince him to get some much-needed rest.
Lol, I did end up putting this on a separate blog. This is the first fic I'm posting to Tumblr. I had to hype myself up for this, but I hope y'all like it. Please let me know if y'all would want more of this kind of stuff haha I totally didn't redo my whole blog just to post this, so I could keep my art and writing on separate accounts
Oh and thanks to @bruh-anator3000 for the confidence boost, i love you _______________________
You could see the blue glow of HexTech from under the lab’s door before you even entered the room. Familiar piles of blueprints and scribbled out calculations lay scattered across desks and floors alike. You made special note of the ones that bore black burns on their borders. You’d reckon that the lab was almost as messy as your studio back in the arts and design side of the Academy, splattered with paint and littered with tools strewn haphazardly on tables. Mess was the calling card of a creative you supposed, and at the center of this particular one, bathed in blue light and golden sparks, was Viktor.
Despite the echoing clack of your shoes against the floor, he stayed seemingly unaware of your presence. Not that he usually acknowledged the presence of many while he was working, but you still thought that perhaps the sharp sound disturbing the relative peace would have caught his attention. Even as you stood behind him, peering over his shoulder, he kept working. If he knew you were there, he made no show of it.
He flinched as you placed a hand on his shoulder, cursing. A part of you almost felt bad for spooking him, and you would’ve if he wasn’t wearing those stupidly adorable blue goggles. He looked over his shoulder at you with what you could only fathom was a glare through those thick blue lenses.
“You’re lucky I didn’t drop anything,” He scolded, setting down whatever it was he was tinkering with. It looked to be some sort of mechanical…claw with one of those hex balls he and Jayce had been troubleshooting. “You should know better than to disturb a scientist when he is working. This is—” He picked up the blue orb– “dangerous stuff I’m working with!”
“Mhmmm, and what would you have done? Beat me to death with this contraption of yours?” You gently removed his goggles, holding back a laugh. He grumbled as you did, but the pout that had formed a tight knot on his face all but melted away as you started to smooth out his goggle-hair. His hair was soft, though slightly slicked with grease.
“Is it so late that even you have stopped working to grace me with your presence?” He asked.
“I think I could hear the morning doves as I walked here.”
He hummed, slinking deeper into his chair as your fingers carded through his hair.
“You’re going to tell me it’s time to sleep, aren’t you?”
“It’s important,” You say as you work out a particularly unruly knot, “and I think your back could use the break from all the times you’ve passed out at this desk just this month.”
You slid your hands down the back of his neck and gave his shoulders a light squeeze. He shuddered under your hands. You leaned down to his ear.
“You’re turning into a shrimp,” You mused. He gasped dramatically, turning around in his chair with a hand to his heart.
“How dare you!”
You laughed, a smirk playing on your lips, “If it hurts so much, you must know it’s true.”
“Who said things have to be true to hurt?”
Despite the oh-so-scornful look on his face, he didn’t move when you placed your hands on his cheeks. “Are you going to sleep or not, Vik?”
He hummed, meeting your eyes with a playful smile. “Ehh… With all these insults of yours… I don’t think I’ve been properly persuaded yet.” His hands found their way to your hips, drawing you in close. Half-lidded amber eyes suddenly turned to alluring whiskey, and you eagerly drank them in.
“And what would you suggest?”
His eyes flicked down to your lips.
“A kiss, perhaps?” You chuckled, but fulfilled his request nevertheless.
You could feel the warmth of his red flush bloom under your fingertips as your lips met his. The hands on your waist wound themselves tighter into the fabric of your shirt, inviting you to rest a knee on the edge of his chair, so you didn’t have to lean down quite so far. His lips were rough against yours, but the abrasion only seemed to make you dizzier with desire. You had to steel yourself in order to pull away, lest you get lost in your lustful daze. An amused hum resounded through your chest when you saw his lips try to follow yours as you leaned back.
“Will that suffice?”
He raised an eyebrow. His pupils had nearly eclipsed his whole iris.
“Surely I can’t convince you into something more?”
“Nice try, mister,” You grab his tie out of his shirt and pull lightly. “You can have more when you’re in bed.”
He sighed in mock annoyance. “Well, if you insist.”
You handed him his cane, which he took begrudgingly, and helped him go through the motions of closing down the lab for the night— or morning, you guessed. The sound of his footsteps and cane alongside yours made for a lovely orchestra for the doves as you walked back to his room.
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eisdendrobium · 11 months
unpreferred sexual orientation
pairings : ayato x reader summary : you find out the yashiro commissioner you have a crush on may like guys.. notes : rushed, not proofread, fluff to angst, just a tiny bit of angst :D
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"happy birthday!" you hand out your present to him and you could see his face turns bright red and slightly shocked.
"reallyy? ehh... no i can't accept this" he wave his hands in front of him like a little child which made you chuckle.
"c'mon take it ayato, you've worked hard these past months, look at it as an appreciation gift" you offer him the gift again.
he grumbles "uhmm.... fine then" he snatch the gift from your hand and opens it excitedly - though he tries to hide it but the sparkles and little smile plastered on his face totally gave it away.
inside is a small drawing of him holding his sword, smiling widely, along with a small teddy bear. ayato picks up the drawing of him and you could see the entire milky way inside his eyes.
"did you draw this?" he turns the drawing towards me and smiles brightly.
you smile sheepishly and rubs the back of your neck "yeah.. hehe, it's not the best drawing though.. you look better in person" you wink and see his face turns the same shade of his di heart. "joking!" you add and laughs which made him chuckle along, he place the drawing back inside and picks up the stuffed bear and jokingly deadpan you.
"really [name]? do you think i'm a girl?" he folds his hand in front of his chest "i mean....." he just rolls his eyes and chuckle "whatever"
he tidies the present before look back at you with a soft smile, a slight shade of pink could still be seen on his cheeks. "thanks [name], i love it, really." he thanked softly, looking into your eyes.
those eyes that took away your breath each time you stare into them "no problem, ... and stop looking at me with those eyes" you point at his eyes
"what eyes?" he looks at you and bash his eyelash more which caused him to get hit on the chest by you.
"you know [name], ayato here have a little crush on his lovely assistant thoma" paimon joked as she looms over ayato, trying to tackle him side which he shrugs off with an annoyed look on his face.
"what?" you chuckled looking at them.
both of them stood up straight again and you couldn't fail but notice the slight red tint that dusted on ayato's face.
paaimon chuckle "yeah, he accidentally told us when we were on mission" ayato glared at the floating thing "quiet paimon"
you let out a small chuckle as you look at ayato "is it true ayato? are you... gay?" you joked and you could see ayato's face turns a deeper shade of red.
"n-no! i'm not gay, i'm still deciding" ayato looked away when he said that, breaking his composure as he feelsa bit uncomfortable and embarrassed by the topic.
"really now??" paimon wiggle her eyebrows "because you have this little hearts in your eyes whenever you talk to thoma" he points at ayato's eyes with a sly smile
that afternoon ayato accompanies you home, "...soo, about thoma"
you look up to see ayato tense a bit along with a slight blush covering his face "what about him?" he answered curtly
you ignore his tone and continues what you were about to say "do you really like him ayato?" you ask softly, trying not to push on his buttons.
silent covers the atmosphere as ayato thought for a while "...yeah." he answered quietly.
a small smile makes it way to your face as you stare into his downcast eyes, you could tell that he's slightly embarrassed about the topic "it's quite alright you know? thoma is a great guy, and i sure see the chemistry between you two, i think he likes you too if i say so myself" you giggle, trying to lighten the atmosphere
ayato's eye lit up as he shift his gaze towards you "you think so?" he asked.
"yeah! i could totally see the sparks in his eyes whenever he talks to you" you smiled
"well it's nice to know that you don't judge me [name]" he said softly, stopping in front of your house "take care alright? i'm heading back now" you nod and bid him goodbye before entering the house.
as soon as the door of your room closes a heavy sigh left your mouth, soft tears you were holding back starts to run down your face, your attempts to wipe them away fails as they kept on pouring down.
he likes another guy, there's no way he'll like you back.
you don't even know which would hurt more, him liking another-prettier girl or him liking another guy.
you didn't want to make him feel worse about himself if you cried your feelings to him today, so you tried to be supportive about it, and you did. But why does that aching feeling inside wont go away? why does that little heart of yours wouldn't accept the fact that you're not his preferred sexual orientation?
what is there for us after this? is this the end? should i move on?
you know you should, but he's so nice, so caring, there's just so much about him.. there's no way you could just forget about all of them and move on.. right?
"ayato just confessed to thoma! they're dating now!" paimon's loud pitched voice squealed down the street along with a shocked yet confused "huhhh?" from itto.
so it is the end then.
a/n : reblogs are greatly appreciated! and please feel free to comment what you think about this fic ^^
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nian-7 · 3 months
Hi! I love your fics so much, they're so cute! 🥹💕 If it's okay, could I request White Day with Kanata and Nayuta? Would love to see how they would prepare the event for the reader! Thank you! 🩵💜
hi, sil!! and thank you! i'm glad you enjoy them!! please enjoy!
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Kanata & Nayuta Yatonokami x gn!reader
✧white day!
✧fluff, mentioned lingerie in kanata's (HE DOESNT BUY IT.), also kanata's is way longer (276 - nayuta & 645 - kanata)
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Kanata was stumped. Sitting in the old apartment and wondering what he should get you for White Day. That was what he was supposed to do right? Since you had gifted him some handmade chocolates. Even though they weren't pretty they still tasted good.
He couldn't ask Nayuta either. He'd have no clue either. Was he supposed to get you some accessory? Well, he didn't have enough money for something that was worthy of being worn by you. He could steal some money- No... you wouldn't like it if he did that just to get you something.
A heavy sigh left him as he picked up his phone and looked up 'what to get your lover for white day'. Could you blame him though? He's never had anyone else he cherished other than Nayuta!
Most of the expensive options were.. definitely out of the question. Lingerie? Yeah.. no. Necklaces, bracelets, rings? Ehh.. that's even more expensive. A trip?? Even more out of the question.
But sweets? He.. he could do that. Hesitantly, he clicked on a small bakery's website that was just outside the slums.
" Hmmm? Whatcha doin', Kanata? " Seemingly out of nowhere, you appeared behind him. When the hell did you get there?! You had a curious look on your face as you tried to crane your neck to see what he had been intently looking at on his phone.
His face turned a shade of pink as he whipped his head around to look at you. " ...Nothing, " He quickly turned off his phone as you tried to take a peek at it again. " Why didn't you text me that you were coming over? I would have got something to eat if you did. " He got up from his spot on the floor where he had been hunched over his phone.
" Well- I thought I'd just surprise you, that's all! " You smiled, following him over to the door that you had just come in through. He rolled his eyes a little, masking the embarrassment of you catching him looking for a White Day gift for you. He bent down to slip on as shoes as you watched him hold his phone in one hand. Before you could ask him anything, he responded.
" C'mon. We're gonna go somewhere. " He had said this before almost immediately looking back down at his phone again. Kanata couldn't really decide what you'd like most out of all the sweets so might as well let you pick right? At least the bakery wasn't expensive like some...
" ...Kanata, why are you so focused on your phone? C'mon, look at the stray cats or at the sky! " You linked your arm around his, gesturing to the family of stray cats you both had walked past. " Or anything! Just put your phone down for a bit! " He turned off his phone and looked over at the kittens meowing for their mother before looking at you.
" I was looking at my phone for directions, dumbass. "
" Oh. " Your boyfriend always somehow managed to make you feel stupid without even trying. At least that answered one of your questions...
As you approached a brighter area, which you assumed wasn't a part of the slums, Kanata grabbed your hand and turned suddenly, leaving you to wonder just where he was taking you.
" Here. " He stopped in front of the bakery that resembled the one on the website he had been looking at. " You can pick whatever you want. For.. White Day? " It sounded more like a question as he hesitantly looked over at you, as if unsure if it really was White Day. Maybe even if this was what he was supposed to do. When your face lit up though, all those worries washed away as you dragged him into the bakery, excited words falling from your mouth as you pointed out all the sweets they had.
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" Hmmmm... " Nayuta's brow was furrowed as he stared at the home screen of his phone. You were leaning on his shoulder, now looking at his phone as well. He had been staring at it for nearly five minutes now...
" What're you thinking about, Nayuta? " You hummed, your hand wrapping around his arm as you hugged yourself closer to him while you laid against his shoulder.
" Just trying to think of something to get you for White Day. " He bluntly told you. He didn't need to hide it, right? Everyone knew about Valentines and you were his lover so.. you knew he was going to get you something for White Day! " So what do you want me to get you? "
You got up from resting your head on his shoulder and looked at him, confused. " You goof, you're supposed to pick something out yourself not ask me! " You laughed at his confused face. It was the first time he'd done something like this so you couldn't blame him.
" Oh.. hmmm... " Back to thinking he went. Was he supposed to get you chocolates as well? That was what you got him for Valentines Day but was that appropriate for White Day? Maybe he should get you a different sweet instead. " How about cookies? " He looked over at you as if making sure that's what you wanted.
You sighed and let out a quiet laugh. " How about we make some together for White Day? " He thought for a moment before nodding in agreement.
" But you're gonna keep all the cookies. Cause they're supposed to be your gifts. "
" Fine, fine.. I know you're gonna eat at least a few though! "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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mads-weasley · 9 months
Epiphany Pt. 3: Haunted
Lewis Nixon x Reader
Series Masterlist
A/N: hey guys!! i had originally planned for operation market garden to be one chapter, but there were just too many things that i wanted to add, so it will be split up into at least two! hbo owns the rights, and this is about the fictional portrayal of easy company on the show. nothing but love and respect for veterans on this blog!
Summary: Things aren't as cut and dry as they seem when Easy jumps into Holland for Operation Market Garden, and (y/n) faces a heartbreaking reality.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: slightly graphic mistreatment of women (eindhoven scene)
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The pub was alive, bustling with half-drunken paratroopers when (y/n) arrived with Skip, Alex, and Don. They were missing their fifth member who they spotted across the bar playing darts with Buck. 
“How much money do ya’ think he’s lost?” Skip asked, snickering as they made their way through the crowd to an empty table. 
(Y/n) grimaced. “As long as he’s not asking me for a loan again, I don’t care. He still owes me $20.”
“Ehh, you’re probably not gonna get that back, (y/n/n), Penkala laughed, throwing an arm over her shoulder. “You should know George well enough by now.”
“Well, the first twenty bucks he gets is mine tonight, boys.”
Finding a booth in the corner, Don, Skip, and (y/n) plopped down while Alex went to get them drinks. They looked around the room and observed some of Bull’s new squad replacements sitting nearby. 
“They don’t look older than twelve,” Skip scoffed, shaking his head.
Don smacked the side of his head, rolling his eyes. “Skip, you don’t look much older than twelve, alright, so ease up.” 
“You’re telling me you don’t even feel a litt-”
“No,” (y/n) interrupted. “I don’t. They’re here the same reason we are.”
Before Skip could argue back, Alex returned with their drinks, and the first thing (y/n) did was gulp hers. To her dismay, Alex had started to ramble about the replacements to Skip, and the pair picked up right where she’d cut him off. With a sigh, she got up and walked over to George, Buck, Toye, and a replacement, who were crowded around the dartboard. They all watched Buck as he lined up a shot.
“Here we go. One shot. Here we go,” he muttered to himself.
When she slid into the space beside George, he smirked with a wink, nodding toward Buck, as if to say, ‘Look at this.’
“Lieutenant,” he began. “You gonna shoot lefty all night?”
Toye and the red-headed replacement’s faces fell, and (y/n) took a sip of her drink to hide her smirk. 
Joe looked between George and Buck in disbelief. “Hey, come on,” He groaned.
“Just curious,” George continued, “‘Cause he’s right-handed.” 
A sly smile grew on Buck’s face as he switched sides and lined up his shot. “George. What would I do without George Luz?”
The group watched as the dart left Buck’s hand and hit the bullseye dead on.
Collective groans came from Joe and the replacement at George’s antics as he turned to the men. “Goodness, gracious!”
“Two packs, gentlemen,” Compton announced, holding out his hand.
“I know you’ve got them. Pay up.”
Joe looked at (y/n) who was still smirking into her drink. “You gonna let them screw us like that, (y/n)?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t see anything, Joe.”
Rolling his eyes, Toye grumbled as he placed a pack of cigarettes in Buck’s outstretched hand before walking off. The replacement approached (y/n) with a nervous smile, and she had to agree with Skip that he did look twelve, even if he towered over her. 
“Heffron,” he introduced, holding out his hand. “Babe Heffron. Nice to meet you. The guys have told me nothing but great things.”
She shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Babe. You’re in Bull’s squad, right?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Raising her eyebrows, (y/n) snorted. “Ma’am makes me sound like an old woman. Call me (y/n).”
“Yes, ma’a-, I mean, (y/n),” he corrected, his face turning crimson.
Seeing the flash of a familiar silver flask near the door, (y/n) nodded at Babe. “It was nice meeting you, Heffron. You’re in good hands with Bull.”
She found him sitting at a table with Harry Welsh, who looked more tipsy than usual. “(Y/n). Speak of the devil. We wer-”
Nix’s eyes widened, and he kicked Harry discreetly under the table. “You meet the new replacements?” He asked as if Welsh hadn’t spoken.
Raising an eyebrow, she sat in the empty seat beside Lew. “What was that, Lieutenant?”
“Uhh, we were gonna ask you about the replacements,” he replied slowly, glancing at Nix for confirmation.
Though she didn’t understand Harry’s odd behavior, she didn’t push it. “They seem nice. I’ve just met Heffron after George and Buck conned him playing darts.”
Lew took a swig of his flask, throwing an arm on the back of (y/n)’s chair, his fingertips lightly brushing her shoulder. “Bull will take care of them,” he began. “He’s a good sergeant.”
(Y/n) nodded, unsure of her voice at his subtle touch. One touch and she was down for the count. Thinking back to D-Day and the way he held her, heat spread through her. She looked down at the drink in her hand and realized she needed a refill.
“I’ll be right back. I’m gonna get another drink,” she announced, getting up from her seat.
Lew got up, too, grabbing his signature flask. “I’ll come with. Harry, don’t cause too much trouble while we’re gone, alright?”
He rolled his eyes, shooing them away with a wave of his hand. “Yeah, yeah. Go on. I’ll survive.”
The duo made their way for the crowd before leaning against the bar. 
“I thought you only drink VAT-69,” she questioned, motioning to the barkeep for two beers.
Nix faced her, his eyes scanning her face. “My supply is running low, so I’ve gotta cut back until I can get some more.”
The bartender returned with two beers and she gratefully took them, returning to their table with Nix in tow. As soon as they sat down, he placed his arm around her chair once again, and she took a big sip of her drink, knowing she would need it to make it through the night. 
“So, how’s the officer’s life treating you two?” She asked, trying to hide the blush that crept up her neck.
Harry took a deep breath. “Well…”
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An hour and a few drinks later, (y/n) was throwing her head back in laughter at something Harry said. Nix just chuckled beside her, knowing she was drunk due to the fact Harry’s comment wasn’t funny at all.
Her head felt as if was stuffed with cotton, and the world was tilted slightly off its axis, but regardless, she was chatting away with the two Lieutenants.
“Ya’know,” she giggled, waving her hands around emphatically. “Kitty’s a lucky gal ‘ta have ya, Har. Outta all-”
Her hand caught a glass and sent it flying, beer spilling across the table. 
“Oh no.”
Lew stood up and gently grasped her elbow, helping her to her feet. “Come on, doll. You’ve had enough.”
“Lewis,” she whined. “I’m not drunk.”
His chuckled. “Really?”
“Uh, ‘yeh.”
“Okay,” he smirked, pointing behind her. “Try to walk to Luz.”
(Y/n) nodded and wobbly took one, two, three steps before tilting to her right, arms flailing. Luckily, Lew was ready and caught her by her waist effortlessly.
“I guess I am drunk,” she murmured into his shoulder. 
Her attempt gained the attention of her squadmates who still sat at the same table from hours earlier. Don and George walked over, faces painted with concern.
“She alright?” Luz asked with a grimace.
“Yeah. She’s just a lightweight,” Nixon smirked, glancing down at the woman in his arms. “I’m gonna take her home.”
Lifting her head off his shoulder, she looked up at him. “Already there,” she whispered to herself.
To her dismay, Don had heard it, and the man’s eyes became saucers as he realized what she meant. Everything clicked in his head.
“Yeah,” he smiled. “I’ll get someone to check on her in the morning.”
With a curt nod, Nix led her out of the pub and was hit with a wave of sharp, chilly air that had her huddling closer to him. He had a secure hand around her waist, keeping her upright as they walked down the cobblestone streets of Aldbourne. 
“You alright down there?” He asked, squeezing her hip gently.
(Y/n) basked in his warmth. “I like it when you hold me.”
The man got choked up on his saliva and coughed a few times at her confession.
“Well,” he began slowly, staring down at her, the moonlight illuminating her face. “I like to hold you.”
A smile formed on his lips. “You can ask me when you’re sober, but I doubt you’ll remember any of this, sweetheart.”
She nodded once against his shoulder as they turned onto her street. Aldbourne was a quiet town, especially on a Sunday night. It was easy for one to find themselves getting lost in their thoughts. The soft glow from windows reflecting off the pavement felt like home, even if they were thousands of miles away from theirs.
In different circumstances, Lew could envision him and (y/n) on their way home from a night dancing or movie picture, giggling as young couples do, oblivious to the horrors of the world. But that wasn’t reality. They’d seen the horrors firsthand, and he envied the people who lived and loved in times of peace.
A soft voice broke him from his thoughts. “Thanks.”
Looking up and realizing they’d arrived at her billet, he reluctantly let go of her. He felt the loss of her warmth and reached out to take her hand. “Drink some water, alright? I can’t have you being grumpy tomorrow because you’re hungover.”
She smiled blearily, squeezing his hand. “Thanks for ev’rythin, Lew.”
In a moment of weakness, he sighed and tugged her closer. As Lew’s strong arms wrapped gently around (y/n)’s frame, he felt her heart beating through her chest, as if it were trying to send him a message. The scent of her hair, a delicate mix of her shampoo, and the evening breeze intoxicated his senses. All he could think about was the woman in his arms. Standing there in the warm embrace of a quiet, moonlit night, it was as if the war wasn’t raging around the world. But just as quickly as it had begun, the hug came to an end. They pulled away, eyes meeting for a fleeting moment as if searching for answers in each other’s gaze.
“G’nigh,” she giggled, walking towards her door with unsteady steps.
“Night, sweetheart,”
Once the door had closed and he heard the familiar click of the lock, he backed up onto the street shaking his head with a bashful smile.
“I’m in trouble,” he chuckled, making his way back to the bar.
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September 14, 1944: ALDBOURNE, ENGLAND
(Y/n) awoke with a groan, hearing dull raps from the front door beneath her. Each knock was like a drum banging inside her skull as she made her way down the stairs. The family she was staying with was on a weekend vacation, and she was thankful their children wouldn’t see her so hungover.
(Y/n) opened the door, squinting at the bright sunlight. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah,” a kind voice replied. Lip. 
Her eyes widened. “Sorry, Car, I didn’t realize it was you.”
“It’s alright,” he began softly. “You weren’t at the pub last night, so I wanted to let you know we’re moving out again.”
“Okay. Thanks, Lip,” (y/n) nodded, eyes sinking to the floor as she closed the door.
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September 17, 1944: Operation Market Garden
As Easy Company sat in ditches along the road to Eindhoven, an eerie silence hung in the air. Sure, Allied intelligence suspected the Krauts in the country were mostly old men and kids, but the paratroopers were on their toes, ready for whatever would come next.
(Y/n) was sandwiched between George and Skip, who were grumbling back and forth about a failed darts game the night before. 
“Will you two shut up, please?” She laughed softly. “I can’t even hear myself think.”
George smirked, adjusting his helmet. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
A squadron of Allied aircraft roared overhead, and soon after, they approached the town. A window opened, and (y/n) motioned for everyone to get down as she crouched beside a fence. The person pulled out a long orange banner and tied it around the window.
“Okay, hold your fire,” Bull appeared behind them, cigar hanging from his lips.
Staring at the town above her M-1 sight, a deep pang of worry shot through her stomach. Something didn’t feel right.
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The paratroopers couldn’t believe their eyes as the people of Eindhoven celebrated their liberation from the German occupation. Bright orange flags flew from every window, and (y/n) found herself smiling at the pure joy that oozed from the town. 
(Y/n) and George had gotten separated from the rest of their squad in the crowd as they dodged kisses from the locals. Well, (y/n) dodged their kisses. After a few girls tried to land a smooch on her lips, she removed her helmet, showing she was a woman. Soon the town's men caught on and were trying to do the same. 
She tried to push through the crowd as quickly as possible staving off any attempts from them. Looking behind her, she groaned at the empty spot where George had been. “George,” she called, cupping her hands around her mouth. “Luz! Come on!”
A few seconds later, he appeared to her right, fresh red lipstick smeared across his lips that were quirked into a wide grin.
“Gosh, (y/n). Can’t a guy have some fun?” He joked, wiping his mouth with his hand.
Turning around, she rolled her eyes and made her way through an opening in the crowd only to be pulled to the side by her arm. “Hey!”
A familiar Philly accent filled her ears. “Come get in this picture, (y/n)!”
Babe pulled her through the crowd, and George followed, kissing as many girls as he could along the way. 
“There they are!” Chuck yelled, throwing his arm around a blonde.
George and Babe stood behind a few kids wearing orange hats and waving flags, all smiling from ear to ear. A wide smile grew on (y/n)’s face as she knelt beside the kids, placing her helmet on the little girl's head beside her. The helmet tipped down, covering the girl’s face except for her crooked, snaggle-toothed smile. (Y/n) quickly fixed it for her, and to her surprise, the little girl threw herself in the woman’s arms. Fighting off tears, she sniffled and hugged the girl back before pointing to the camera.
“Smile, everybody!” (Y/n) announced.
The picture was taken with a click, and (y/n)’s eyes wandered to the left of the cameraman.
She froze, her face falling. Time slowed as she watched the scene unfold before her. A local woman with long, flowing chestnut hair and a confident stride approached Lew. (Y/n) squinted to get a better look, her heart pounding. She watched in disbelief as the stranger reached up and placed a hand on Lew’s cheek, drawing him closer. The world around (y/n) seemed to blur as the stranger’s lips met Lew’s, and they kissed, and he didn't pull away.
Time seemed to stand still for (y/n). She couldn’t comprehend what she was witnessing. Her mind raced with questions. 
Why was Lew kissing her? 
Her hands clenched into fists, and tears welled up in her eyes. (Y/n) felt like a statue, unable to move or speak as the painful scene played out before her. She knew she had no right to be jealous, but not so deep down, she wished it were her instead. Her heart ached, and her stomach churned with anger, jealousy, and sadness.
George tapped her shoulder, his brows furrowed. “(Y/l/n)? You alright?”
Following her line of sight, he found what she was fixated on and softly sighed.
“He’s an idiot, (y/n/n). Come on,” he murmured, hoisting her up by her arm.
She stood and blinked away angry tears that filled her vision. She knew she had no right to be jealous, but not so deep down, she wished it were her.
A small voice below her broke her train of thought. “Dank,” the little girl nodded, holding out (y/n)’s helmet. She forced a smile and took it from the girl. 
George tugged her arm softly, pulling her in the opposite direction of Nix. She blindly followed in a haze, her mind muddied with hurtful thoughts. Townsfolk grabbed at her jacket as she and George made their way to the main town square where 2nd platoon was meeting. 
She was snapped out of her mind by the sound of screams. Her head moved on a swivel trying to find the sound’s source. Spotting a circle of citizens up ahead, she pushed past George quickly, squeezing her way through a few men to see inside the circle.
Before her, half-naked women were on their knees, crying as their hair was roughly shaved, leaving them with blood streaking down their necks and faces. Two Dutch resistance fighters bumped past (y/n) with another petrified woman in their arms. They threw her down and began to rip the clothes off her body. (Y/n)’s eyes narrowed as a burning sensation filled her chest. 
“Hey!” She cried, shoving one of them away from the woman. “That’s enough!”
The man recovered swiftly, but (y/n) didn’t give up. Unable to bend her to his will, he resorted to dirty tactics, shoving her forcefully and causing her to stumble and fall to the hard cobblestone street with a thud. 
“Stomme meid,” he spat.
Stupid girl. 
Her unclasped helmet skidded a few feet away as her head came in contact with the road. The impact knocked the wind out of her, leaving her momentarily gasping for breath. 
For a few seconds, everyone’s eyes were on the (y/n), then all hell let loose. Easy’s men were trying to get to her with enraged shouts but were unable to get through the crowd. With great effort, (y/n) pushed herself up off the ground, her face flushed but her spirit unbroken. She looked the man squarely in the eyes, refusing to show fear despite the pain in her chest. 
The man leered down at her with a smirk as he switched to heavily accentuated English. “Maybe we should teach you a less-”
(Y/n) lost all self-control as her arm reeled back ready to swing, but someone grabbed it tightly and tried to pull her away from the man. Seeing a flash of dark hair, she knew it was him, and her fury only grew. (Y/n) resisted, her heart pounding with adrenaline.
“No, Nix!” She protested, her voice filling with fiery determination. She wriggled free from his grasp for a moment, her eyes still locked onto the resistance fighters. “Let go of me! They can’t do this! We can’t let them do this!”
He stepped in front of (y/n), blocking her view of the confrontation, and looked deeply into her eyes. “(Y/n), I know, all right? I wish we could, but we can’t do anything about it.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, she tried to push past him only to hear a tone he had never used with her before.
“Stop! That’s an order, (y/l/n),” he gritted, his heart squeezing in his chest at the words.
(Y/n) stared at the Officer in disbelief. 
How dare he not help these poor women?
Tears filled her eyes for the second time that day as she took one more look at the poor woman on the ground. “I’m sorry,” she whispered before shoving her way back through the crowd.
Lew’s eyes followed her until she disappeared into the mob. Sighing, he ran a hand down his face.
What a difference a few days can bring.
One of the men behind him spoke. “She’s a lively one, no?”
“Shut it,” Nix snapped, scooping (y/n)’s discarded helmet off the street.
When he found Dick, Harry, and Buck, he handed the helmet to her platoon leader. “It’s (y/n)’s.”
Buck took it with a nod as the four officers watched the British Armored Division come rumbling down the street. 
It was going to be a long operation.
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