#elder caster
pyroanime2k16 · 3 months
Black Rock Shooter Fantasy World prompt
Okay, so firstly, characters….
Main Yajuko (Beast Child)/Rock/The Black Rock Shooter (gains her mother's sword and has her pistol enhanced by her older sister, BRS Beast's weapons) Ron (A talking horse/pegasus) Elder Caster (BRS's older sister)
Major Allies Strength Black Matagi (BRS's childhood rival)
Minor Allies Yomi (Dead Master's younger sister) Yuu (Strength's twin sister) Mato (BRS's younger sister) Dragon Slayer (BRS's mother)
Grunts Farside Bunny Loveness Tightmare Elly Chariot (BGS's cavalry commander, later becomes an ally)
Elites Dead Master (BRS's main rival, BGS's most paid assassin) Saya Irino/Black Devil Girl (BGS's first lieutenant and sole child) Infinite Range Maid (BGS's second lieutenant and personal maid)
Main Black Gold Saw (corrupt monarch, sister of DS, aunt of BRS, Caster, and Mato) Mato as White Rock Shooter (sort of)
Part 1
1: Story begins with Rock waking up from a nightmare, reminded of her village's decimation and Mato's capture a couple months ago, as well as her mother's disappearance. She then goes to train with Elder Caster, before successfully preventing a raid on their recovering village.
2: Rock and Caster eventually travel to try and find Mato and their mother. Soon, they encounter Black Matagi, who's in a battle with Dead Master. After forcing DM to retreat, they arrive at the neighboring village, greeted and sheltered by Yomi. DM follows to attack, before retreating upon spotting Yomi.
3: BM explains that she will stay in the town until she's properly recovered, before bidding farewell. Eventually, Caster and Rock make it to the next village, getting into a brief skirmish with the guard Strength. Eventually, Yuu arrives and drags them all into her home, apologizing for Strength's behavior and explaining that she's overprotective of her home.
4: In compensation for the injuries Strength gave, she lends Rock and Caster a steed named Ron. Rock and Caster accept the gesture, assuming that Ron is a normal horse. During their travel to the next village, they are ambushed by DM and are immediately saved by Ron, who flies towards the next village, revealing that he is a pegasus.
5: After spending time in the village to recover, Chariot arrives with her cavalry to invade the surrounding villages, as they are the last bit of territory left for Empress Black Gold Saw to conquer. Strength and BM arrive and help Rock and Caster liberate the villages, before DM injures Chariot, explaining that she herself will be the one to kill Rock.
6: After successfully liberating the villages, BM agrees to keep watch on her and Rock's respective home villages. Strength returns home, while Chariot is left to heal and be humbled, and realize her mistakes in serving BGS.
Part 2
1: Rock and Caster eventually travel to the southern towns, steadily liberating them one by one, before encountering the general Tightmare Elly. The two easily take her down, before being interrupted by a dragon spotted overhead. Instead of attacking, the dragon merely takes TE as its meal and leaves in a hurry, leaving Rock, Caster, and Ron stunned.
2: The sister duo then reach the western towns, finally finding the first real clue to Mato's potential location. After liberating the towns, they encounter Loveness, who claims that she knows where Mato is and will only give information for a price. Unlike Caster, Rock falls for the general's trap, before going into a rage and brutally killing her. She is forcefully sedated by Caster, who's realizing how powerful Rock's becoming.
3: After Rock wakes up, she and Caster are already in the eastern towns. Ron explains what's happened, saying that BM and Strength are helping her sister, and questions Rock if she remembers anything during her rage. Rock confirms that she doesn't remember, before receiving a visit from Yuu and Yomi. Rock explains what she's been going through and begins to doubt herself.
4: Caster returns with some shocking news. Much to everyone's shock, a confused and scared Mato is behind her, to which she explains that while it might be Mato, someone has magically tampered with her. Yomi and Yuu suggest that Mato should stay with one of them for her own safety, before the group is interrupted by Farside Bunny's invasion to the north.
5: Rock, Caster, BM, and Strength encounter FB in the northern towns, who demands Mato in exchange for the towns' safety. They deny her demands and an all-out battle ensues. Chariot eventually arrives and help give the four the edge they need to defeat FB. Once again, DM appears out of nowhere to help for her own interests. Before Rock and Caster can question the general why BGS needs Mato, FB poisons herself to retain information.
6: Rock and Caster are eventually convinced to bring Mato along. The rest of the group joins them and so far, everything goes well, before the dragon appears again, this time out of control and desperate. The group attempt to flee, with Caster and Rock providing distraction, only for Rock to be taken out and captured by the dragon. Caster tells the group to head to the cities and stay low while she searches for Rock.
Part 3
1: Rock wakes up in a small camp, before noticing the last person she expects. Her own mother, Dragon Slayer. DS explains what happened to her, causing her daughter to notice serious injuries on her abdomen. DS reassures her that she'll heal fully soon, after how she helped her.
2: Rock and DS chat and train, helping Rock get into touch with her new strength and to control her more wild instincts. DS then reveals a shock; she is the very dragon that's been following her daughters, but now, she's losing control. Despite her mother's wishes, Rock insists on helping.
3: DS, for the time being, remains in control and explains that they are running out of time. Soon, Caster (along with Ron) finds them, also suffering from an aliment (a type of cancer that targets only pure mages). The family members don't know what to do, so DS lends Rock her sword, telling her how proud she is of her daughters before leaving and transforming into the dragon in private.
4: Rock and Caster feel more lost than ever, now that their mother is truly gone. Caster attempts to enhance Rock's gun and their mother's sword for Rock's personal use. Eventually, Rock finds herself more attuned to her powers than ever, but still lacks control. Eventually, DS in dragon form arrives and attacks them.
5: The two try to keep the fight away from the city with little success. Eventually, Rock finds herself losing control, as she's essentially in a position where she has to put down her own mother…and she can't do it. Caster lends Rock her supplies and urges Ron to take Rock to the group, which he reluctantly does…all while Rock is forced to watch the dragon devour Caster whole.
6: Now inside the dragon, Caster makes her way to the organ where her mother is trapped. DS apologizes to her for her daughters' fates, letting her eldest daughter hug her as the entire dragon is destroyed from the inside out. Rock is at her lowest point, angry at herself for being too weak. The first vestiges of Beast come out. Ron then urges her to continue on, as while she lost Caster and her mother, Mato is still safe and waiting for her.
Rock and Ron then go into brief solitude, so Rock may train, refine, and master her power.
Part 4
1: One long year after starting her journey…and only a few months after going into solitude, Rock and Ron head to the city. They manage to get to an inn where Yomi and Yuu are working and explain where they've been. Yomi and Yuu, heartbroken by the loss of Caster, explain that the group has gone into hiding to avoid capture.
2: Rock and Ron take on small jobs to help Yomi and Yuu out, before encountering a disguised BM and Strength, who are rightful pissed by Rock's sudden disappearance. They get into a fight, which only ends after Rock confirms Caster's fate. Strength leaves in fury, while BM can only cry in Rock's arm over the loss of a person they both cared for.
3: BM brings Rock to Mato, who's become more and more void of emotion. Rock explains what happened with a heavy heart, while Mato explains that ever since she came to the city, she's felt more empty than ever. Rock counters this that, despite that, Mato is more honest than ever. Rock then makes it her mission to stop BGS's reign and to restore Mato.
4: Rock is then threatened by DM to meet her in the city's cemetery. Before going, Yomi tells her the truth about her and DM. Rock can't promise that DM will be saved from herself, but at least she can free her of this life. And so, Rock and DM have their fated duel, which lasts until the next sunrise and ends with DM's death.
Not at Rock's hands, but by Saya Irino.
5: Rock is then convinced by BM to train with Chariot, who has been gathering a rebellion to help stop BGS. Chariot and Rock train, once again revealing vestiges of Beast as Rock's determination grows. Chariot then notices that Ron has also gotten stronger, noting that he will need it for the battle.
6: Eventually, the group is ready the storm the castle, having evacuated most of the civilians. So, the rebellion charges into the city, with Rock and Mato immediately heading towards the castle for answers.
Part 5
1: Chariot and Strength deal with the cavalry, lead by Saya Irino. Not much to go here, since it is just a fight.
2: Upon entering the castle, BM deals with Infinite Range Maid alone so Mato and Rock can get to BGS uninterrupted.
3: Mato and Ron are split from Rock by BGS, forcing Rock to fight the queen alone. It is a long and grueling duel, which ultimately has BGS drop the bombshell that Rock, Mato, and Caster are her nieces. In response, Rock merely laughs and says that it is destiny for her to overthrow their aunt, before finally transforming in BRS Beast. She defeats BGS, who then merges with her castle to give her an edge.
4: Rock and BM are launched from the castle, now transformed into a golem in BGS's likeness, before noticing Ron breaking free with Mato and rushing to Rock's aid. Another long fight ensues, before the golem is left defenseless. Rock has Ron escape with BM, before she and Mato venture into the golem's body in search of BGS's true body to kill it.
5: Upon entering the organ where BGS's body lies, White Rock Shooter steps forth and fights Rock, claiming to be the true Mato. Mato is in heavy pain, believing this to be true, but can also tell that WRS is also not whole either. Rock eventually restrains them at Mato's wish, before using Caster's supplies to figure out the problem.
Eventually, Rock determines that WRS is a product of BGS's forces experimenting on Mato.
6: Rock and WRS fight, before WRS is killed via her own arrogance, plunging into the magma surrounding them. As Mato begins to feel whole again, Rock prepares a bomb to take out BGS, before the two sisters attempt to leave…only for BGS to seal the golem up, saying that if she's going to die, she'll take her traitor of a sister's children with her. Ron then breaks in, before escaping with Mato and Rock.
Not sure what the epilogue might be. While BGS is dead, I don't think Rock or Mato would willingly become the next monarchs, despite both fulfilling the requirements as proper heirs. Admittedly, I think Rock would take up the mantle of queen, just so the kingdom doesn't fall into chaos or get conquered.
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dingostrash · 6 months
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Making the blorbos interact
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atomicbooquet · 8 months
not gale being lvl 1 still before I go face the elder brain lmao
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naliaz · 1 year
Sorcerer Base Game Build for Beginners
Bar 1
Class: Dark Magic: Dark Exchange morph: Dark Conversion (heals oneself and restores Magicka, then restores Magicka over time) (Or Weapon: Restoration Staff: Grand Healing: Illustrious Healing, Area of Effect on Target, one can put down an area of healing for allies)  
Class: Daedric Summoning: Bound Armor: Bound Aegis (damage blocking shiled that gives Minor Protection lowering one's damage taken by 5% for 20 seconds, and Minor Resolve adding Physical and Spell resistence, and adds 8% Magicka at all times while on your bar)(Or Weapon: Restoration Staff: Steadfast Ward: Ward Ally - gives one and an ally a damage absorb shield)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Winged Twilight morph: Summon Twilight Matriarch (heals pet and 2 allies, also shock damage) (Or Weapon: Restoration Staff: Grand Healing: Illustrious Healing, Area of Effect on Target, one can put down an area of healing for allies. Press 3 for bonus damage given and healing) 
Weapon: Restoration Staff: Blessing of Protection: Combat Prayer (heals and buffs up all the allies standing in front of you)
Weapon: Restoration Staff: Regeneration morph: Radiating Regeneration (heals you and 3 up to 3 others)
Ultimate: Weapon: Restoration Staff: Panacea: Life Giver (heals one or an ally, and Regeneration - heals one, Blessing of Protection - heals allies and increases allies Physical and Spell Resistance, and Steadfast Ward - damage absorb shield)
Bar 2
Class: Daedric Summoning: Ward: Empowered Ward (damage absorb shield that also gives one and one's allies Minor Intellect for added magicka recovery and Minor Endurance for added stamina) 
Class: Storm Calling: Surge morph: Critical Surge (healing and damage buff)(or Class: Daedric Summoning: Ward: Empowered Ward - damage absorb shield that also gives one and one's allies Minor Intellect for added magicka recovery and Minor Endurance for added stamina. Good for one, one's Twilight Matriarch, and one's tank.)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Winged Twilight morph: Summon Twilight Matriarch (heals pet and 2 allies, also shock damage) (Or Weapon: Destruction staff: Force Shock: Force Pulse, Lightning staff does shock damage, With the Status Effect from Destructive Touch, 2 nearby opponents take magicka damage. Press 3 for bonus damage given and healing)
Weapon: Destruction Staff: Wall of Elements morph: Elemental Blockade (Lightning staff - opponents under the Concussed Status Effect are knocked off balance.)
Weapon: Destruction Staff: Destruction Touch: Destructive Reach (damages opponents and applies status effect knocking opponents off balance with the next Shock damage skill)
Ultimate: Class: Dark Magic: Absorption Field (Area of Effect, centered on oneself, sets down an area around onself healing allies and stopping all opponents' Area of Effect attacks. Opponents in this area are also stopped still.)
(Alternative: World: Soul Magic: Soul Strike morph: Soul Shatter (deals damage to 1 opponent, and then, once they are finished off, damages any opponents next to them. one becomes immune to being disabled, so oneself can't be stunned or knocked off balance while oneself is dealing this damage. Any opponent that was invisible or stealth is revealed and can't hide again for 3 seconds.Or Desctruction Staff: Elemental Storm morph: Elemental Rage - target an area with a storm damaging any opponents caught in it)
Bar 1
Class: Dark Magic: Dark Exchange morph: Dark Deal (heals oneself and restores Stamina, then restores Stamina over time)
Class: Dark Magic: Encase: Restraining Prison (stops opponents still, unless no opponents are stopped, then one restores magicka instead. Also gives one Minor Vitality adding healing taken) 
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Unstable Familiar: Summon Unstable Clannfear (damage and heals oneself and one's pet, press 3 for bonus damage given and healing taken)
Weapon: One Hand and Shield: Puncture: Pierce Armor (Taunts)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Bound Armor: Bound Aegis (damage blocking shield that gives Minor Protection lowering one's damage taken by 5% for 20 seconds, and Minor Resolve adding Physical and Spell resistance, and adds 8% Magicka at all times while on your bar) (Or Weapon: One Hand and Shield: Low Slash: Deep Slash (Slows opponents and reduces their damage output)(Or Power Bash morph: Reverberating Bash, damages and stuns, Bash damage)
Ultimate: Class: Dark Magic: Absorption Field (Area of Effect, centered on oneself, sets down an area around oneself healing allies and stopping all opponents' Area of Effect attacks. Opponents in this area are also stopped still.)
Bar 2
Class: Storm Calling: Lightning Form: Boundless Storm (damage, and Major Resolve adding Physical and Spell resistance, and Major Expedition adding 30% bonus speed for 4 second)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Ward: Hardened Ward (damage absorb shield) 
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Unstable Familiar: Summon Unstable Clannfear (damage and heals oneself and one's pet, press 3 for bonus damage given and healing taken)
Weapon: Destruction Staff (Ice): Wall of Elements morph: Elemental Blockade (Ice staff - allies get shields, opponents are stopped still if the are already under the Chilled Status Effect)
Weapon: Destruction Staff: Destruction Touch: Destructive Reach (damages opponents and applies Chilled status effect slowing opponents with the next Ice damage skill)
Ultimate: Class: Storm Calling: Summon Storm Atronach: Greater Storm Atronach (Shock damage and stops nearby opponents still, and adds Major Berserk adding 10% damage for one and one's allies for 8 seconds) B. (Or Weapon: Desctruction Staff (Ice): Elemental Storm morph: Elemental Rage - target an area with a storm damaging any opponents caught in it, Ice staff stops them still.)
Damage Dealer
Pet Build (No Lightning)
Bar 1
Dark Magic: Crystal Shard morph: Crystal Fragments (Magicka damage)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Winged Twilight morph: Summon Twilight Matriarch (heals pet and 2 allies, also shock damage) (Or Class: Daedric Summoning: Ward: Hardened Ward (damage absorb shield) 
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Unstable Familiar: Summon Volatile familiar (shock damage and stuns opponents, press 3 for bonus damage) 
Weapon: Destruction Staff (Ice): Impulse morph: Pulsar (Area of Effect, centered on oneself, damage, and adds damage based on how many opponents are hit, and adds Minor Mangle lowering opponents' maximum health by 10% for 10 seconds)
Weapon: Destruction Staff (Ice): Force Shock morph: Force Pulse (Shock Damage, and if opponents are already under a Status Effect, opponents take bonus damage)
Ultimate: Class: Dark Magic: Absorption Field (Area of Effect, centered on oneself, sets down an area around oneself healing allies and stopping all opponents' Area of Effect attacks. Opponents in this area are also stopped still.)
(Or World: Soul Magic: Soul Strike morph: Soul Shatter - deals damage to 1 opponent, and then, once they are finished off, damages nearby opponents one becomes immune to being disabled, so one can't be stunned or knocked off balance while one is dealing this damage. Any opponent that was invisible or stealth is revealed and can't hide again for 3 seconds.)
Bar 2
Class: Dark Magic: Dark Exchange morph: Dark Deal (heals oneself and restores Stamina, then restores Stamina over time)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Winged Twilight morph: Summon Twilight Matriarch (heals pet and 2 allies, also shock damage) (Or Class: Daedric Summoning: Bound Armor: Bound Aegis - damage blocking shield that gives Minor Protection lowering one's damage taken by 5% for 20 seconds, and Minor Resolve adding Physical and Spell resistence, and adds 8% Magicka at all times while on your bar)
Class: Daedric Summoning: Summon Unstable Familiar: Summon Volatile familiar (shock damage and stuns opponents, press 3 for bonus damage) 
Weapon: Destruction Staff (fire): Wall of Elements morph: Elemental Blockade (fire staff - opponents are burned are already under the Afterburn Status Effect)
Weapon: Destruction Staff (fire): Destruction Touch: Destructive Reach (damages opponents and applies Afterburn staus effect burning opponents with the next fire damage skill)
Ultimate: Weapon: Destruction Staff (fire): Elemental Storm morph: Elemental Rage - target an area with a storm damaging any opponents caught in it, fire adds lingering damage)
Lightning Build (No Pet)
Bar 1
Class: Storm Calling: Mages' Fury morph: Mages' Wrath (Shock damage)
Class: Storm Calling: Bound Armor morph: Boundless Storm (damage, and Major Resolve adding Physical and Spell resistance, and Major Expedition adding 30% bonus speed for 4 second)
Class: Storm Calling: Lightning Splash morph: Lightning Flood (Area of Effect on Target, Shock Damage)
Weapon: Destruction Staff (lightning): Wall of Elements morph: Elemental Blockade (Lightning staff - opponents under the Concussed Status Effect are knocked off balance.) 
Weapon: Destruction Staff (lightning): Destruction Touch: Destructive Reach (damages opponents and applies status effect knocking opponents off balance with the next Shock damage skill)
Ultimate: Class: Storm Calling: Overload morph: Energy Overload (Shock damage, and restores Magicka and Stamina)
Bar 2
Class: Dark Magic: Dark Exchange morph: Dark Deal (heals oneself and restores Stamina, then restores Stamina over time) (Or Dark Magic: Crystal Shard morph: Crystal Fragments (Magicka damage)
Class: Storm Calling: Surge morph: Critical Surge (healing and damage buff)(or Class: Daedric Summoning: Ward: Empowered Ward - damage absorb shield that also gives one and one's allies Minor Intellect for added magicka recovery and Minor Endurance for added stamina. Good for one, one's Twilight Matriarch, and one's tank.)
Class: Dark Magic: Rune Prison: Shattering Prison (Magicka damage, and stops opponents still) (Or Dark Magic: Daedric Mines morph: Daedric Minefield (Area of Effect, centered on oneself, magicka damage)
Weapon: Destruction Staff (fire): Impulse morph: Pulsar (Area of Effect, centered on oneself, damage, and adds damage based on how many opponents are hit, and adds Minor Mangle lowering opponents' maximum health by 10% for 10 seconds)
Weapon: Destruction Staff (fire): Force Shock morph: Force Pulse (Shock Damage, and if opponents are already under a Status Effect, opponents take bonus damage)
Ultimate:  Class: Storm Calling: Summon Storm Atronach: Greater Storm Atronach (Shock damage and stops nearby opponents still, and adds Major Berserk adding 10% damage for one and one's allies for 8 seconds)
(Or Weapon: Destruction Staff (fire): Elemental Storm morph: Elemental Rage - target an area with a storm damaging any opponents caught in it, Ice staff stops them still.)
Healer - light armor
Stendarr's Embrace from Eastmarch (cleanse when healing, magicka recovery, and stacks maximum magicka 2x) 
Prayer Shawl from Deeshan (when oneself deals bonus healing, one gives 1 ally a shield that absorbs damage)
Tank - heavy armor
Storm Knight's Plate from Stormhaven (stacks armor bonuses, adds maximum health, and adds Shock damage to all nearby opponents)
Thunderbug Carapace from Malabal Tor (stacks armor bonuses, adds weapon and spell damage, and adds Shock damage to all nearby opponents)
Damage Dealer - light armor
Necropotence from Rivenspire (adds pet damage and stacks maximum magicka) (Or Bloodthorn's Touch from Glenumbra, adds weapon and spell damage, adds maximum magicka, adds magicka recovery, and when one deals damage one restores magicka and stamina)
Dreamer's Mantle from Strormhaven (stacks maximum health, adds maximum magicka, restores magicks, and knocks down opponents when one is under 35% health and taking damage)
Healer: Light Armor
Tank: Heavy Armor
Damage Dealer: Light Armor
Dark Magic
Deadric Summoning
Storm Calling (except for Pet-No Lightning Damage Dealer)
Weapon 1:
Healer: Restoration Staff
Tank: One Hand and Shield (Sword, Axe, Mace, or Dagger)
Damage Dealer: Destruction Staff - Lightning or Ice
Weapon 2:
Healer: Destruction Staff - Ice or Lightning
Tank: Destruction Staff - Ice
Damage Dealer: Destruction Staff - Fire
World: Soul Magic
(there is a base for every attribute, then bonus points):
⦁ Healer: Magicka: 42, Health: 22, Stamina 0
⦁ Tank: Magicka: 32, Health: 16, Stamina: 16
⦁ Damage Dealer: Magicka: 42, Health: 22, Stamina: 0
Non-attribute buffs
Healer: Shadow - adds critical healing done (found in Shadowfen, Rivenspire, or Greenshade)
Tank: Steed - increases speed and health recovery (found in The Rift, Bankorai, or Reaper's March)
Damage Dealer - Thief - increases crital damage dealt (found in Eastmarch, Alik'r, or Malabal Tor)
Maximum attribute buffs (found in Deeshan, Stormhaven, or Grahtwood)
Healer: Mage - maximum magicka
Tank: Tower - maxumum stamina
Damage Dealer - Lord - maximum health
Provisions: Just go ahead and get a tri-potion, a health potion that also boosts magicka and stamina. There are a variety of potions, but the tri-potion is a staple and great for levelling new characters. Potions are levelled. so, oneself will probably out-level more expensive potions like Spell Critical or Weapon Power before one can use them.
Same for food. Before Level 25, any food is fine. It's a small buff that lasts for 2 hours, so one can buff up one's strongest attribute or onself can choose to level out one's weakest attribute. One can learn every craft (or profession) in the game at the same time on the same character, though each craft has a skill line that will need skill points.
One can learn to craft Provisions (food and drink), or ask one's guild mates, or buy from a guild store, or buy food from a Chef or drink from a Brewer. Fighter's and Mages Guild reward boxes also contain levelled food and drink.
The tri-provision recipes drop in one's reward box from Provioning crafting writs. You can also buy them from Guild Stores.
Sweet Skeever Gumbo (level 25 and up),
Summerset Rainbow Pie / Nibenese Fricasseed Fawn / Dawnstar Dusk Chowder (level 35 and up), 
Capon Tomato Beet Casserole / Jugged Rabbit in Preserves / Longfin Pasty with Melon Sauce / Withered Tree Inn Venison  Pot Roast (Max, Level 50 Champion Points 150)
As for poisons, damage health is fine. It's a small debuff on one's opponent. All poisons help in their own way.
You can gain any weapon or armor skill line by equipping the weapon or 2 or more pieces of that weight of armor (Light, Medium, or Heavy). That's it. No training required. The skill line will appear in you Skills (Hotkey: K)
Belts and Boots can be found in Delves (small, solo dungeons)
Helmets, Jackets, Pants, and Weapons can be found on World Bosses. (Like Dungeon Boss that wandered out of the dungeon and made a home for themself)
Gloves, Shoulders, and Weapons can be found in Public Dungeons. (big, solo dungeons, can bring friends). Mages Guild has daily quests where they send players to specific dungeons on specific days, so if you pick up that quest you might find people to join.
Jewelry (necklaces and rings) can be found in Dark Anchors (Dolmens in Base Game, Dragons in Elsewyr, Harrowstorms in Skyrim, Geyers in Summerset, Volcanic Vents in High Isle. Blackwood has a wandering Public Dungeon.) The Fighter's Guild has daily quests that will send people out to specific Dolmens on specific days, so you can often find groups already fighting at Dolmens. And you can join in at any time it's active.
Any Armor and Weapons from Zone Quests, daily quests, or side quests (Mages and Fighter's guilds quests only provide jewelry and 1 weapon each, their daily quests only give ornate armor and weapons)
Roles in Dungeons: Healer heals allies and damages opponents. Tank taunts the Boss and deals damage. Damage Dealer deals as much damage as possible, either through critical strikes or over time with poisons and status effects, or a mix of both.
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askwhatsforlunch · 22 hours
Elderflower Liqueur
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Elders are generous trees. Come Springtime, their fragrantly scented flowers bloom in that lovely creamy hue, and allows one to make a delicate and delicious Cordial, synonymous with Summer refreshments. Their boiled Leaves deter voles from your kg. And in early September, their ripe berries make a finger-licking good jam! (My grandad used to make them every year and he gave us plenty of jars which made our morning toasts all the more delicious; I have yet to try his recipe as the window to collect the berries seems an even narrower one than for the flowers!) But as it is now the last possible time to pick fresh flowers in their prime, I'll do just that, and make Elderflower Liqueur, to brighten up my Summer cocktails! Happy Friday!F
Ingredients (makes about 1 3/4 litre/1 3/4 quart):
about 15 freshly Foraged Elder flowers (you should use them within two hours of picking them) 
1 large (unwaxed) lemon
1 litre/4 cups vodka ( at least 40%)
1/2 cup Elderflower Sugar 
3/4 water
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Proceeding with one Elderflower head at a time, shake it to make sure there are no insects on it. (Do not rinse them, as it will weaken their fragrance). Then pick the flowers off the larger green stems --too much of them can be toxic and upset stomachs-- and place into a 1-litre/1-quart sterelised glass jar. Do that with all the Elderflower heads.
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With a vegetable peeler, peel the zest of the lemon into large strips. Place lemon zest strips onto the Elder flowers; this shall help keep them submerged.
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Then, gently pour the vodka over the Elder flowers and lemon zest strips, making sure the flowers are covered by the vodka and that it comes to the top of the jar.
Close the jar tightly, and keep in a draught-free spot, away from direct sunlight for a week to ten days, to steep and infuse.
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After that time, thoroughly strain Elderflower vodka into a medium bowl through a fine mesh sieve, pressing the flowers gently to collect all the liquid.
In a small saucepan, combine Elderflower Sugar and water, and heat over a medium flame, stirring until the Sugar has completely dissolved. Then, increase heat to high, and allow to boil rapidly for a few minutes until mixture thickens slightly and becomes syrup-y. Remove from the heat and let cool completely.
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Once cooled, strain Elderflower Sugar syrup through a fine mesh sieve into Elderflower vodka. Give a good stir to mix, and you have your Elderflower Liqueur!
Pour into sterelised glass bottles, and close tightly.
Drink Elderflower Liqueur chilled in small glasses as a digestive, or mix into cocktails, or use in cakes or desserts!
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why does voldemort fall unconscious when he kills harry in the forbidden forest?
Ohhh, that's an interesting question, sorry it took me a while to get to it, life's been lifeing.
Harry closed his eyes again and considered what he had seen. The Death Eaters had been huddled around Voldemort, who seemed to have fallen to the ground. Something had happened when he had hit Harry with the Killing Curse. Had Voldemort too collapsed? It seemed like it. And both of them had fallen briefly unconscious and both of them had now returned. . . .
(DH, 612)
Firstly, I don't think it's because of the Horcrux, there's something else at play here. I don't believe it's the Horcrux becouse Voldemort didn't react like this to the death of any other Horcrux. Even when Nagini, the final Horcrux dies, he doesn't pass out in the same way:
The slash of the silver blade could not be heard over the roar of the oncoming crowd or the sounds of the clashing giants or of the stampeding centaurs, and yet it seemed to draw every eye. With a single stroke Neville sliced off the great snake’s head, which spun high into the air, gleaming in the light flooding from the entrance hall, and Voldemort’s mouth was open in a scream of fury that nobody could hear, and the snake’s body thudded to the ground at his feet—
(DH, 618)
So, this is a unique reaction to Harry dying, not the Horcrux in Harry dying.
Now, there are two magical bonds between them at the moment that could cause something like this:
1. Harry is the true master of the Elder Wand, which Voldemort used to kill him.
The theory here is that essentially the same thing that'll happen later happens here. The curse partially rebounds back on the caster. Personally, I don't think this is what caused the reaction.
Yes, rebounding spells aren't very predictable, and it is possible a rebounding killing curse won't kill you, but it's more likely it will. The fact Voldemort didn't die, like later when his spell rebounds but Harry does die, to me suggests it's not a rebounding spell from the Elder Wand. Because the curse did hit Harry.
Which brings me to the second and likelier cause:
2. Lily's blood protection that now lives inside Voldemort.
I talked about the blood protections a bit here and how I separated it into two different protections. The lingering protection from Lily and the blood wars Dumbledore placed on the Dursleys' house. The blood ward fell the moment Harry turned 17, but Lily's protection doesn't care for his age, it's a spell of intention, of her will for her son to survive and it doesn't have a time limit.
Voldemort then kills Harry. The protection exists in him too, so it allows him to do it. The protection doesn't recognize him as an enemy it should protect against but an extension of Harry.
But if Harry's dead, what happens to the magical protection that exists to keep him alive?
It ceases to be.
If there is no Harry to protect, Lily's protection has no cause to exist anymore. Lily's magic considered Voldemort an extension of Harry, and Harry can't be alive if he's dead, so I believe Voldemort got hit with the shock wave of Lily's protection breaking — violently — and that's what caused him to "pass out".
The fact Voldemort wakes up at the same time as Harry strengthens my belief that it is this connection that caused him to pass out. That Lily's magic "killed" Voldemort when Harry was dead and he then returned at the same time Harry did. After all, Harry's blood is the spirit or life component in Voldemort's new body — Lily's magic is keeping him alive — his life is tied to Harry's. This magic ceasing to be momentarily when Harry is dead would kill Voldemort's body in a different way than a killing curse. The moment Harry wakes up, Voldemort wakes up too, both dying, both coming back.
"And both of them had fallen briefly unconscious and both of them had now returned"
As for how Harry can kill Voldemort later if the protection works like this, well, I believe it's one sided. Voldemort is the extension of Harry, not the other way around. Harry dying and Voldemort not dying doesn't make sense to the magic because it's like saying the heart stopped beating but the right hand is still moving, it can't be. On the other hand, an arm can definitely break without killing the rest of the body. This is why Harry can kill Voldemort, but Voldemort can't kill Harry without killing himself too (twice over).
Basically, Voldemort lost the moment he killed Lily. Her protection wouldn't let him kill Harry as himself, and once he took some of the protection into himself, it allowed him to kill Harry, but it killed him too.
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spicyraeman · 1 month
I mainly liked the three girls of bg3 first, Astarion is okay but I feel like generally a lil overrated and unreceptive to change or other opinions until he feels like it, and gale reminds me of my pre transition self so no thanks. But Wyll, the more I play with him in my party the more I love him and angrier I get at how dirty he’s been done. Honestly to me he’s a bard. Either multiclass or in a good world where he gets free of Mizora. He’s already a hybrid charisma caster, he likes to travel and help people, he has his whole blade of the frontiers pseudonym and the dorky ass salute, he SCREAMS swords or valour bard to me. He deserves to be a fully seen as a dashing Prince Charming with a heart of gold that just has some devils claws stuck in it. Imagine post game Wyll doing the same thing as before but instead of using Mizora’s power he’s inspiring and leading people to defend themselves with knowledge and tales of taking down the cult and the elder brain. Larian hire me I have pages I can send to Theo Solomon he’ll sound beautiful.
Wyll Ravengard really is the man of all time and his stans truly are god's strongest soldiers
He would make a fantastic bard, and that's always what i imagine he switches to post game if he breaks his pact
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thisisnotthenerd · 2 months
justification below the cut because it got long but is probably valid to read before you answer anyway:
battle of the brands:
the gunner channel are a 6-person party with the assistance of a large creature/mount (aurora nebbins, CR 3). while they are level three in terms of ship deployment, they are not using those skills in this encounter.
at this point they were level five. they had access to third level spells for the spellcasters, extra attacks for the gunners, uncanny dodge for skip and multitasker for margaret.
they had the opportunity to shop for items before the encounter: this included shield generators, armor, lots of grenades, new weapons, extra psychodrones, and critically, the charge fragmentation used in operation slippery puppet
they were fighting in the battle of the brands-- a free-for-all against other brand champions in an arena with a significant drop; one of the win conditions against each opponent was sending them over the edge to suffer max falling damage.
objectives: fulfilling their contract with acme-ashmun as brand ambassadors, surviving the fight, and defeating the other brand champions
they faced four opponents: smaggy squirrel, brobbin bunny, brutus the corn brutie, and the triangle mint plinth.
smaggy squirrel and brobbin bunny were at the very least 9th level rogues--this puts them at a CR 5
the plinth was a homebrewed statblock--i evaluated it at a CR 14, similar to an elder brain.
brutus the corn brutie was based on an adult green dragon, at a CR 15.
if we go by XP with no multipliers, they would get 28100 for the encounter. well into deadly, with an overall encounter CR of 22.
the last stand:
the bad kids are a 6-person party with the assistance of 4 CR 1/2 summons (mephits) and 2 CR 3 mounts (daymare and hangman)
at this point they are level 13. they have access to 7th level spells for the full casters, paladin smites and functional smites (fandrangor), 7d6 of sneak attack, and the new barbificer subclass, which allows non-concentration spells to be held while raging
they also have access to many magical items: the infaethable bass, the heavy metal ax, the sword of sight (sword of the elven oracle), fandrangor (sword of the elven kings), the teddy bear of helpfulness, the sword of shadows and arquebus, all of which grant unique abilities, including +5 to performance and retaliatory damage, crits on 19 and 20 and max damage to objects, bonus action divination cantrips granting the dodge action (true strike), added d6s of damage using spell slots, the ability to hold multiple concentration spells, misty step, magical tranq, net, and signal flare bullets.
they were fighting in the last stand; a simultaneous academic exam and fight against an endless horde of monsters.
objectives: answering questions correctly, protecting the proctor, and lasting as long as possible. the bad kids were granted a preparation round for spellcasting and ability activation and a surprise round on the first wave of creatures. read my notes here for their academic preparation.
they faced a total of 39 opponents of varying CRs. these are sorted below into the waves that the bad kids faced them in.
first wave: otyugh (CR 5), 3 ochre jellies (CR 2), gorgon (CR 5), hydra (CR 8), 8 skeletons (CR 1/4), and a mimic (CR 2)
second wave: manticore (CR 3), shrimp dragon (CR 7), roper (CR 5), umber hulk (CR 5), and 8 stirges (CR 1/4)
third wave: wyvern (CR 6), crab man (CR 5), 8 rust monsters (CR 1/2), pentacorn (CR 6), and a purple worm (CR 15)
if we go by XP with no multipliers, they would get 37500 for the encounter. well into deadly, with an overall encounter CR of 27.
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galebrainrot2024 · 5 months
God Gale x Tav Part II
I likely won't be able to write tomorrow, so I figured I'd crank this out before I went to sleep.
Part II of Gale wanting to become a God, post Elder Brain.
Your head thrums violently as sea sickness washes over you. The glaring light of day stirs you to rise and you feel the dryness of your mouth, as if your saliva was replaced with sawdust. Gale is hovering over you, eyes shut as his hands brush over your body while chanting something that you can’t make out. 
It takes a moment for you to realize where you are, what’s happening. Your entire body is drenched and you’re shaking violently, your lips blue. As Gale is murmuring and you feel the cold leave your body, warmth returns to your toes and finger tips. Your teeth chatter together and you turn over to heave out a mouth full of water. 
“OH!” Gale suddenly exclaims, nestling your head in his palms, pulling it into his lap. “Oh, thank the Gods,” he heaves, his shoulders shaking as if he already counted you dead, “I thought I lost you,” he strokes the wet hair out of your face, holding you in his lap. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Your eyes try to adjust, and you’re still unsure what he’s apologizing for as your brain synapses start to re-fire. 
The river. You were exploring the river. You were... you were diving. Breathing underwater, looking for the crown. The crown. Gale had sworn the transmutation spell was safe, that it was a spell most casters learned early in their extensive studies - he was an archmage, once one of Mystra’s chosen - water breathing was a simple parlor trick. At least, that was what he said. 
As the realization dawns on you, as you begin to understand that you nearly drowned because his spell failed… it made your skin crawl. Yes, he could always get a message to Shadowheart, but to be resurrected, it needed to be done promptly. 
Gale had no such abilities. 
You swallow hard, your body still trembling and the sun feels almost too bright. You close your eyes and turn to the side to cough up more water. “My love? Say something, please -“ his voice was urgent, a touch unhinged, and although Gale could see you are awake his eyes search yours beseeching, almost pleading. “Please…” he murmurs, still brushing your wet hair from your eyes as if to will you to speak. 
“What happened?” You croak, your throat feeling like a hot iron was thrust down it and you grip your neck, sitting up. Gale kneels beside you, rubbing your back. Although the gesture is supposed to be soothing, for the first time since you began the search with him, you feel the seeds of doubt and fear plant themselves into your veins and spread like posion. 
“I -“ Gale sighs, turning his face from you and the crease in his brow deepens. “Let’s get you back - dry and fed, first…” He grunts as he stands, pushing himself up. He holds out his hands to you, his eyes full of regret, dismay and you take them cautiously. “Come here a moment.” He pulls you into him, cradling your head against his chest, the other resting tightly around your waist. You feel him inhale deeply, as if disbelieving you’re still here, and you feel his lips press to your head. 
“I wouldn’t mind getting dry… I’m freezing,” you say, your teeth chattering together and he drapes a thick robe around you, summoning it as simply as breathing. 
When you and Gale are back in the small room you’ve been renting as you scourged the Chionthar, it feels as if your heart has been replaced with a lead weight. It had hardly been a ten-day since you and Gale began your search for the crown and the feeling of dread you had on the docks returns to you. 
You disrobe and put on fresh clothes. Gale’s eyes bore into you as if when he blinks you will disappear. He holds his face in his hands, the look of distress evident in the etch in his brow, the crease that continued to deepen as your search once more turned up fruitless. 
You stand at the edge of the bed, toweling your hair, watching Gale watch you. You could cut the silence with a knife. “What happened Gale?” 
The color drains from his face and he shakes his head, looking away from you. “I - I don’t know. One moment the spell was working exactly as it should and then the next…” he closes his eyes, his voice catching. It sounds almost defeated. “The next it felt like the weave disappeared from my reach.. it was barely a moment, but it was too late…” He stands and pulls at his hair nervously, running his fingers through it. “I just do not understand how that could have happened.” 
“I have my ideas..” You murmur and Gale looks to you, eager to hear them. “How do you know Mystra didn’t revoke the weave… she did request you bring her the crown, after all.” 
Gale’s look sours and his tone ices over, “I don’t know how to explain it to you again, but I shall try. With the crown in my hands, I would be unstoppable… we would be unstoppable. The Karsite Weave would be mine to command… I would no longer be at the mercy of the orb,” a slow, wolfish glint manifests in his eyes, consuming them, “The orb would answer to me.” He stands, stepping towards you, “I would be more than the greatest wizard who ever lived. I would be a God. What do you not understand?” 
“Why do you need to do this?” 
“Want… need.. deserve.. choose whatever word you prefer, but it is what I’m gong to do.” 
“Don’t you hear yourself?” You whisper, letting the towel drop from your hands, too surprised by the person before you. Yes, he was full of hubris, ambition, self-importance… but callousness was not a feature you were accustomed to. 
“Mystra has dictated the terms of my potential for long enough,” Gale says through gritted teeth. “The crown will grant me control of my own destiny at last. Think of all I could achieve… I stand on the threshold of divine ascension… don’t be a hinderance now when you’ve been such a considerable help.” 
You feel the mist begin to form in your eyes before you register Gale’s expression, how it twists from condescension and lust for power to shame, seeing the impact he’s had on you. Gale steps towards you, holding your shoulders and rests his forehead against yours. “Please. I do not want to do this without you.” His eyes close and his breath is hot against your lips. 
You sigh, feeling feverish as his breath brushes against you, pulling you back in. “Okay,” you say, surrendering to him. He smiles, taking your wrist and kissing the inside of it, the sensation sends waves of pleasure down your spine. The way he locks his eyes on you, as if you are his prey. You feel helpless, a moth drawn to light even though you know it will be your undoing.
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sailorgundam308 · 3 months
and for stay with AA u need skip long rest after ritual and go straight to the elder brain, right? P.S.: thnx for your answer and sorry for my mistakes с:
Yes! If you long rest you are forced into that turning/biting dialogue and scene. If you refuse his bite he breaks up with you, if he bites Karlach, he gets pissy and it is that horrible scene. (Which is wild because there should be a way to avoid it since AA’s dialogue with Karlach and all his epilogue scenes exist in the game - they just don’t load unless you do that… Larian being the official cockblockers of Starlach/Hellspawn here).
If you skip the long rest (in case you need it you can use a potion of angelic slumber/reprieve to replenish the spell slots of your casters) then you both go to avernus together.
If I remember correctly, the healing pods on the way up to high hall might restore them too but I’m not super sure.
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dingostrash · 6 months
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Chibi Blorbos
Ref under cut
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moonlight1237 · 2 months
There are many types of rune systems, including Younger Futhark, Anglo-Frisian Futhorc, Medieval runes, and Elder Futhark, which are the ones I’ll be talking about.
The Younger Futhark (long twig) has 16 runes and is typically used in translation with Old Norse. It was used in Scandinavia during the Viking Age, from 800 A.D to 1200 A.D.
Then you have Anglo-Frisian (Frisian being Dutch), which had around 30 runes and was used in Britain. It’s also known as Anglo-Frisian Futhorc.
The latest and closest to us is the Medieval Runes, which fall back into a 24 system (like Elder Futhark) with the Roman/Latin alphabet, which is also used in translation to Old Norse.
Finally, the Rune system we’re talking about is the Elder Futhark used in a 24-rune system and is used to translate proto-European languages (proto-Germanic, high Italic, proto-English, etc, NOT Old Norse!) None of the names of the Elder Futhark have truly been written down; they have come from reconstruction and guesswork from scholars. The names have come from Old English/Gothic sources and the Rune poems that feature names and pieces associated with names.
Norse=Runa English=Rune both meaning “a secret” or “mystery”
Old Norse=Rún Old Irish=Rún Middle Welsh=Rhin “to whisper” “secret” or “mystery”
Scots=Roun “To whisper” or “speak often about one thing”. It’s also associated with the Rowan tree in Scots, which is a very well-known magical tree in many folklores (also known as the “rune tree” or “the whisper tree”).
It was believed the Elder Futhark came from the Rome/Latin alphabet and had ancient Greek relations—due to the closeness of the Germanic tribes there and the mingling of Elder Futhark and High Italic.
The runes were not traditionally used as magical symbols. they were used in divination but were not considered magical themselves until later centuries, far after the Viking Age when they became popular as magical symbols. The furthest back they were found to be used was theorized to be Germania, as typically (but not always) female diviners would “cast lots” which were believed to later influence the Norse people to cast the runes. It was widespread for Norse kings, warlords, and explorers of this time to have a rune caster or diviner with them wherever they traveled. Diviners and Rune Casters at this time were well respected and always welcomed into people's homes.
Then in the myths, we find where Odin discovers the runes and shares them with the other gods. Later the gods share them with humanity. The god Odin stabbed himself with his spear, Gungnir, and hung himself from Yggdrasil for 9 days and nights without food or water sacrificing himself for the runes till they appeared to him in the Well Of Urd. This myth differs depending on the source you found it on. Then in the Havamal 80’ page, 31 of Jackson Crawford's translation of the Poetic Edda (elder edda), it states, “What you ask the runes will prove true; they are gifts of the Aesir, made by the gods and painted by Odin. You’ll learn best with your mouth shut.”
Freyr’s Aett
Fehu Uruz Thurisaz Ansuz Raidho Kenuz Gebo Wunjo
Hagal’s Aett
Halagaz Nauthiz Isa Jera Eihwaz Perthro Algiz Sowulo
Tyr’s Aett
Tiwaz Berkana Ehwaz Mannaz Lagaz Ingwaz Dagaz Othala
24 runes in total for the Elder Futhark
Freyr’s Aett
Everything for your basic human existence, talking with the divine, human social life, and the earth and its bounty, and how to live our lives happily or at least contently.
Hagal’s Aett
shows us how to navigate the difficult parts of life when things take a rough turn and you don’t know what to do. This Aett shows us how to move forward in life and cause change and unexpected luck for ourselves.
Tyr’s Aett
This Aett shows us how to connect with life around us like. We learn to connect with and communicate with Humanity, deities, and nature around us, as well as how to connect our physical worlds to the unseen spiritual worlds we work in.
Getting into the runes themselves and the meanings and associations
God/Goddess-Freyja, Freyr
Meaning-Wealth or cattle
Association-Wealth, Livestock/cattle, prosperity, abundance, fulfillment, stability, success, new beginnings, things earned and won, reward, good health, unexpected good luck
Runic poems- Old English, “Wealth provides comfort, but you must share it who hopes to cast lots for judgment before the gods.”
Norwegian, “Money causes strife among kin; the wolf grows up in the woods.” Icelandic, “Money causes strife among kin, and the fire of the flood tide and the path of the serpent.”
god/goddess-Ullr, Audhumla (the creation cow), Thor
Meaning-Ox or bull sometimes bison
Association- challenges, endurance, courage, strength, untamed potential, good health, good luck, moving forward after being stuck in stagnation, sudden breakthroughs, overcoming challenges, trials, power, creative forces
Rune poems- Old Norse, “The wild ox has great high horns with which it gores; a fierce fighter who boldly stamps the moors.”
Norwegian, “Slag is cast from bad iron; reindeer cross the hard snow.”
Icelandic, “Drizzle is the weeping of clouds, and blights the harvest and is hated by the herdsmen.”
Meaning-Giant or Thorn
Association-Strength, breaking down barriers, Thor's hammer, defense, reaction, temptations, resisting temptations, disruption, passion, protection, conflict, power
Rune poems- Old Norse, “Thorn is wickedly sharp and causes pain to those who grasp it, hurt to you who rest among them.”
Norwegian, “Giant causes the sickness of women; bad luck pleases nobody.”
Icelandic, “Giant is the torment of women, and the dweller of rocky vales and husband of Varthrun the giantess.”
God/goddess-The aesir, Odin
Meaning-Aesir, the ancestor god
Association-communication with the gods, wisdom, divine power, knowledge, creativity, understanding, passing tests, understanding, communication
Rune Poems- Old Norse, “Mouth is the source of the word, bringing wisdom and counsel to the wise, hope, inspiration, and a blessing to all.”
Norwegian, “Rivermouth opens most journeys; but the sword belongs in it’s sheath.” Icelandic, “Odin is the ancient creator, and Asgards king and lord of Valhalla.”
Meaning-Wagon or chariot
Association-Rythme, journey, travel, personal development, change, evolution, decisions, taking the opportunity, movement
Rune poems- Old Norse, “Riding is easy for heroes inside a hall; it’s much harder astride a strong horse pounding against the great mile.”
Norwegian, “Riding is said to be the worst for horses; reginn forged the best sword.”
Icelandic, “Riding is a sweet sitting and a swift journey and the toil of the horse.”
Letter-K and C
Meaning- the torch
Association-Knowledge, Light, warm, illumination, visions, enlightenment, intuition, learning, Improvement, creativity, Inner voices, Breakthroughs
Rune poems-Old Norse, “The torch we know by its flame, which brings illumination, and light wherever noble souls encourage.”
Norwegian, “Ulcer is the curse of children; grief turns us pale.”
Icelandic, “Ulcer is the bane of children and a grievous blight and the house of rotting flesh."
Association-Love, partnership, giving and receiving gifts, generosity, sacrifice, balance, joy in relationships, talents, abilities
Rune Poem-Old English, “A gift returns to adorn the giver with greatness and honor; it helps and heartens those who have nothing.”
Association-happiness, light, perfection, comfort, harmony, recognition of worth, reward, success, good health, prosperity, flourishing, bliss
Rune poem-Old English, “Joy comes to you who know no sorrow, blessed with grain and plenty, content in a strong community.”
Association-interference, disruption, corrections, changes for long-term good, change, being tested, nature, overcoming obstacles, wrath, chaos, misfortune, transformation
Rune poem-Old English, “Hail, whitest of grains, whirls down from heaven, is tossed by the wind, and turns water.”
Norwegian, “Hail is the coldest of grains; All-Father shaped the world in ancient times.”
Icelandic, “Hail is cold grain and a shower of sleet, and the bane of snakes.”
Association-resistance, demand, desire, personal development, constraint, willpower, endurance, self-reliance, patience, necessity, kindling passion, recognizing your needs
Rune poems-Old English, “Need constricts the heart but can bring help and healing if heeded in time.”
Norwegian, “Need leaves one little choice; the naked freeze in the frost.”
Icelandic, “Need is the bondmaid’s grief, and a hard condition to suffer, and toilsome work.”
Association-cold, lack of change, stagnation, challenge, self-control, harsh reality, concentrated self, clarity, watching and waiting, delay, obstacles, danger
Rune poems-Old English, “Ice is cold and slippery; jewel-like and glistening, fair to behold, the frozen field.”
Norwegian, “Ice we call the board bridge; the blind need to be led across.”
Icelandic, “Ice is the rind of the river and roof of the waves, and a mortal danger.”
God/goddess-Freyr, Idunn
Meaning-Year, Harvest
Association-cycles, harvest, efforts rewarded, plenty, good spirits, change, completion, fertility, growth
Rune poems-Old English, “Harvesttime brings joy when the goddess Earth gifts us with her bright fruits.”
Norwegian, “Harvesttime brings bounty; I say that Frothi is generous.”
Icelandic, “Harevsttime brings profit, and a high summer and a ripened field.”
Letter-Ei, Y
God/goddess-Ullr, sometimes Skadi
Meaning-Yew tree
Association- strength, endurance, protection, movement, balance, death and life, Yggdrasil, change, magic, rebirth, friendships
Rune poems-Old English, “Yew has rough bark without but holds the flame within; deeply rooted, it graces the land.”
Norwegian, “Yew is winter’s greenest wood; it splutters when it burns.”
Icelandic, “Yew is a taut bow, and brittle iron and the arrow of Farbauti.”
God/Goddess-The Norns, Frigga
Meaning-Lot cup/casting cup
Association-fate, gambles, hidden things, unknown outcomes, chance, destiny, pregnancy/birth, luck, common sense, revelation,
Rune poems-Old English, “Gaming means to play and laughter among the high-spirited who sit merry together in the mead hall.”
Algiz (Elhaz)
God/goddess-All the Aesir, Heimdall
Meaning-Elk, the white elk
Association-Protection, awakening, teachings of the divine, ward off evil, defense, guardianship, opportunity to grow, fulfilling dreams, employment, shelter
Rune poems-Old English, “Elk sedge grows in the fen, waxing in the water, grimly wounding; it burns the blood of those who would lay hands upon it.”
God/Goddess-Sol, Baldr
Meaning-The Sun
Association-motivation, action, the sun, guidance, health, victory, cleansing, life purpose, enlightenment, spiritual will, goals, light, energy, self-confidence
Rune poems-Old English, “The sun guides seafarers who ferry across the fish’s bath until the seahorse brings them to land.”
Norwegian, “Sun is the light of the world; I bow to its holiness.”
Icelandic, “Sun is the sky shield, and a shining radiance, and the nemesis of ice.”
Meaning-The god Tyr
Association-Courage, victory, peacekeeping, faith, loyalty, leadership, logic, sound judgment, compassion, honor, passion, masculine energy, truth revealed
Rune poems-Old English, “Tiw is a sign that spells confidence to the noble; unfailing, it holds true though the night clouds.”
Norwegian, “Tyr is the one-handed of the aesir; often has the smith to blow.” Icelandic, “Tyr is the one-handed god, and the leavings of the wolf and ruler of the temple.”
God/Goddess-Nerthus, Freyja, Frau Holle
Meaning-birch tree
Association-New life, life changes, growth, healing, new beginnings, femininity, birth, regeneration, renewal
Rune poem- Old English, “The birch thought fruitless sends out countless shoots; leafy branches, high crowned, reach to the sky.”
Norwegian, “Birch has the greenest-leafed branches; Loki brought the luck of deceit,”
Icelandic, “Birch is a leafy limb and a little tree and a youthful wood.”
Letter- E
God/Goddess-Freyja, Gullveig, sleipnir, loki
Association-momentum, trust, harmony, change, healthy relationships, progress, transportation, loyalty
Rune poem- Old English, “The horse brings Joy; proud on its hooves, by heroes praised, it is a solace to the restless.”
God/Goddess-Odin, Thor, Heimdall
Association-Humanity, soul, divine influence, social order, society, friendship, teamwork, self, family, support
Rune poems-Old English, “We are each other’s mirth yet must one day take leave, for the gods will allot our frail bodies to the earth.”
Norwegian, “Man is the waxing of dust; mighty is the hawk’s talon span”
Icelandic, “Man is the joy of man and the increase of dust and the adorner of ships.”
God/Goddess-Loki, Freyja, Hel
Meaning-Water, Lake
Association- Emotion, cleansing, intuition, dreams, flow, guidance, love, memory, feminine, physic abilities, renewal
Rune poems-Old English, “Water to land folk seems never-ending when they set sail on a heaving ship; the huge waves overwhelm them and the seahorse won’t head the bridle.”
Norwegian, “Waterfalls free from the mountain; gold trinkets are so highly prized.” Icelandic. “Water wells from the spring and the great geyser and the land of fish.”
Inguz (Ingwaz)
God/Goddess-Freyr, Ing
Meaning-The ancient god
Association-love, peace, internal growth, harmony, approval, agreement, completion, Masculinity, time of rest, goals, common sense, home, channeling force
Rune poem-Old English, “Ing, first seen by the East Danes, later rode his wagon away eastward over the waves; thus was the great god named.”
God/Goddess-Dagr, Baldr, Sol
Meaning-Day, dawn
Association-Dawn, daylight, change of direction, prosperity, clarity, awakening, breakthrough, hope, completion, balance, transformation
Rune poems-Old English, “Day is the gods’ messenger; the light of the gods grants ecstasy, good hope, and a boom to all.”
God/Goddess-Odin, Hel
Meaning-Home, Ancestors
Association-Family, inheritance, Home, Knowledge from the past, heritage, experience, value, group prosperity, positive mental state, good health, good financials
Rune poem-Old English, “Home is loved by all who prosper there in peace and enjoy a frequent harvest.”
Bind runes
Bind runes are 2 or more runes combined to make one bigger Bindrune. Used historically as a way to shorten up writing or just as a fun way to write, we now use them as stronger versions of runes, or as a way to have many runes together without having to write them all out.
Famous ones, Vegvisir and Aegishjalmaur (Helm of Awe) aren’t runes or bind runes, but instead Sigils that came around centuries after the Viking Age, and were found to be from the 1800s. Vegvisir is a path finder, not a compass. The Helm of Awe is used as a warding symbol but historically wasn’t actually used for anything as far as our sources note.
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https://oreamnosoddities.com/blogs/news/how-to-make-a-bindrune-Bindrune explaining
https://oreamnosoddities.com/blogs/news/rune-meanings-the-elder-futhark-elder futhark source
http://www.shieldmaidenssanctum.com/blog/2019/3/12/the-elder-futhark-runes-and-their-meanings- elder futhark sources
https://youtu.be/nK51UmwJxRU-bindrune source from witches view with a little misinfo on Helm of Awe and Vegvisir
https://youtu.be/wG9d95vJibk-Bindrune source from Jackson Crawford
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLATNGYBQ-TjrPCf9YGy0qzqca1ypcGs50-Jackson Crawfords videos on runes through historical source
https://youtu.be/IROvre0w6hc-Vegvisir info
https://youtu.be/kW9KbtjyHN4-intro to runes
https://youtu.be/Gjmxu7z04kk-explaining the connection between the runic writing and languages
“Runes For Beginners” Lisa Chamberlain
“A Little Bit Of Runes” Cassandra Eason
“Nordic Runes” Paul Rhys Mountfort
“The Poetic Edda” Translated by Jackson Crawford
“Tales Of Norse Mythology” Helen A. Guerber
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5INHBpAeUZ8Ux632760FbNQ0SUHDUGX/view?usp=drivesdk-Reading Past Runes book
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p5L1BFpUFRte-BVq7XgBdXLjAqqZKKkI/view?usp=drivesdk-Nine Doors Of Midgard book
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EGtRedzunDGtUYkAbtdDrOQS0ppBBH9t/view?usp=drivesdk-The Big Book Of Runes book
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illarian-rambling · 16 days
Thanks for the tags @urnumber1star @drchenquill @paeliae-occasionally @leahnardo-da-veggie!
OC Interaction
Number's OC: Micheal from Bolt Runners. He’s sixteen years old but sometimes acts too old for his age. He’s a superhero by night so he tries to be as responsible as he can but is also chronically sleep deprived. He is very wary of anyone he doesn't know and will sometimes spend days trying to figure out their intentions. If he thinks that they are a threat he will do one of two things. Either try to talk to them if he thinks they can be swayed, or attack and try to take them down. If he thinks they;re intentions are good, then he’ll try to be friends with them. He’s overall a really good guy but is often very gullible at times. He will also talk your ear off if you let him. He just wants to help people. 
Dr. Chen's OC: Elias is an eighteen year old boy, sold by his parents as part of a deal to work for a man he never even met. He tends to fall in a pit of selfloathing thoughts, spiriling until he is too deep too see positivty in anything. Since he didn't have a good childhood, he feels protective of anyone that he thinks is being mistreated, often resulting in him snapping at people, without knowing the context of the situation.
Paelie's OC: Apollo is about 24. He is very protective of people he cares about, this includes all magic kids because they are routinely exploited by the mages in power. He is generally a really chill person and is very observant of how people receive him. Because of this he is incredibly patient and will convince you to tell him your problems so he can help you solve them. That said, he is an incredibly capable caster and will non-lethally fight you if you threaten others.
Leah's OC: Katherine looks like a fifteen year old girl, acts like a cryptid and is probably closer to the latter than the former. She's quiet, secretive, and rather creepy, at least to the casual observer. To someone who knows her (that is, her best friend/apprentice Dane and her elder brother L), she is a pathological snarker, has the worst authority issues known to any immortal entity, and likes chocolate gelato more than life. She'd gleefully pick a fight with anything from vampire teachers to the goddess of dreams for no bigger reason than because she could. That said, she does have a good heart.
Well, I think I have only one main oc I haven't done for this game yet!
My OC: Avymere Kalaphon Spearsong III is a 153 year old elf and Duchon (gender neutral equivalent of Duke/Duchess) of the city of Salis. They act as a spy and political agent for their father, Archduke Eluan Spearsong, who rules Salis. They also keep watch for assassins, on top of playing the perfect, if ditzy, heir in front of the court. They tend to keep up a happy-go-lucky facade in order to disguise their true cunning and because of this, are very reluctant to let their true personality show, to the point that they've sort of lost who they are. The one thing they embrace with their full, honest heart is martial arts. Though it's seen as a lowly habit that the court indulges on account of the Duchon's 'airheadedness,' they really do love to practice Talmel Valkys and are quite the fighter. It's where they feel they can drop any acts they have up. Apart from that, they have a hard time socializing outside of situations they're not used to and get easily flustered when they don't hold all the cards, as they don't actually have much experience outside of the highest echelon of Salis society. Though well meaning, they also tend to come off as aloof and unaware of the problems of the common man, even though they truly believe that they are a servant of the people they rule.
Now let's see how they'd interact!
Avymere and Micheal: I think these two have very similar stances on their responsibility to protect people. Michael would probably be very wary of Avymere at first, and Avymere would be very wary of Michael. If he is gullible, he may fall for the dumb, but well-intentioned act Avymere puts on. However, in any high stress scenario, I think he'd be able to tell that Avymere is smarter than they let on. Overall, I think these two would get along decently, especially if they ended up doing superhero stuff together. They can be work friends. I do think it'd be funny to watch a sleep deprived teenager and a grim scion of an ancient elven royal line beat up goons side by side. He could teach them what a TikTok is.
Avymere and Elias: I'll be honest, Avymere is not the best at comforting people. I think they'd be concerned for Elias and would want to help him, but just wouldn't know how. From Elias's perspective, I doubt he'd trust Avymere. They're a powerful adult with weird vibes, who sometimes slips and calls people peasants. I doubt he'd hang around long enough to get to know them.
Avymere and Apollo: So, I didn't mention it because their bio is already long, but Avymere's family is famed for its powerful sorcerers. Except, Avymere never inherited that power, and neither did they have the right sort of mind to learn book magic. That said, they're a little uptight around magic users, like they have to prove their worth even if they don't understand spells or runes. I think Apollo would clock this, and would probably also clock the rest of Avymere's general strangeness. It'd take a while, but I think he could get a story out of them eventually. Avymere would respect anyone who protects kids and would likely offer their assistance in Apollo's work, but damn if they'd be resistant to any of his attempts to therapize them.
Avymere and Katherine: As a spy, all secrets seem dangerous to Avymere. They'd be able to tell something is off about Katherine pretty quickly and would try to investigate. That said, I think Katherine would just try to fuck with them. Laying false evidence, coming up with weird rumors, and all that. If they ever did meet face to face, any conversation would be pure vitriol, since Katherine is a rebellious snarker and Avymere is authority incarnate. However, once they satisfy themself that Katherine isn't a danger to people, I think it'd go the way of the kid vigilante/cop who pretends to dislike them, but protects them when shit goes down trope. Any conversation between them would likely involve lots of tormenting on Katherine's part and lots of snooty comments from Avymere, but ultimately, Avymere's duty is to protect people, so they'd do their best to keep this snarky kid safe.
Wow, that was a lot! Let me know what you all think :)
I'll tag @tildeathiwillwrite @somethingclevermahogony @watermeezer @cssnder @willtheweaver and anyone else who wants to join!
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innovatorbunny · 1 year
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The new operators the the new CNY Event! Lin Yüsiah as a 6* Phalanx caster and Nian's elder brother Chongyue as a 6* Brawler (i think)!
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thana-topsy · 1 year
It's been a long time, but I've finally started working on Liminal Bridges again! (For anyone still invested in that series, thank you so much for your patience haha -- I needed the break and the plot is all the better for it). But I thought I might share a snippet that goes into a little bit of magical headcanoneering. Bonus: Professor Neloth:
“Um, excuse me, Master Neloth.”
Neloth looked up from his desk with a scowl. A timid Breton girl with cropped brown hair had raised her hand. 
“Class was supposed to begin fifteen minutes ago. Did you want us to–” 
Neloth snapped his journal shut and the class collectively jumped. He took a long breath through his nose and exhaled slowly, rubbing his temples. Pesky creatures.
“Today we will be reviewing the most common spellforms used in divinatory practices, as well as the far more complex, far more difficult, non-Galerion methodology. I do hope that everyone completed their reading assignments.” 
There were silent nods of affirmation.  
“Good.” Neloth got to his feet and moved to stand in front of his desk. “We will begin with the most basic clairvoyance spell: directional divination. Just as with any other spell, one must know the magical limitations if one is going to push the boundaries of the existing form. So tell me, what are the constraints of this spell?” He traced the form in the air, creating suspended shimmering lines, interlocking circles and spirals.
There was a brief moment of silence before Erebil raised his hand. 
“Yes, speak.”
“There’s a temporal limit.” Erebil indicated to one of the circles. 
“Correct. Do you know why there’s a temporal limit on a directional clairvoyance spell?”
Erebil pressed his tongue to the back of his lips, glancing between Neloth and the luminescent form that hovered in the air. “Because the mage has to gaze into the future in order to see the path they need to take, but… uh—”
Neloth remained silent, waiting. 
The Breton girl shot her hand up. 
“Wouldn’t gazing too far into the future edge into the territory of Elder Scrolls?” 
“Correct, in a sense.” Neloth waved the form away and it dissipated in a shimmering puff. “Think of temporal limits like these as safeguards from certain madness. You, the caster, are allowed to see just enough into the future to aid in your immediate endeavor, but not so far into the future that you might drive yourself to the brink with a glimpse at the fathomless branches of possibility. Even the Moth Priests pay dearly for the access to foreknowledge. Aside from mere blindness, many live the rest of their days as invalids, regardless of their training. My point in this being: know these rules, know why they exist, and know the consequences of breaking them before you attempt to do so.”
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whats-your-initiative · 10 months
Recruiting Gale: Wizard Edition
Your companions have comments about each other immediately after being recruited, but Gale initiates a conversation with you. Specifically he says:
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There are several unique reactions to this (I'll compile them some other time :P) but wizards have a truly unique reaction because instead of that he says this:
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Telling him to pester you later just ends the dialogue. No matter what options you have available, wizard or otherwise, this conversation ends with Gale asking you to tell him if you meet any elder wizards because he needs advice.
What I find really interesting about this little interaction is your ability to lie.
If you succeed the dice roll on your lie:
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And if you fail:
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In both cases he assumes you are an apprentice wizard, but if you fail the roll his voice actor makes him sound very sympathetic, sort of big brotherly even. What's really interesting about this to me though is his statement that he only fears the unknown, there's more I would like to say about this, but I'll save it for a post where I break down some stuff about Gale's first weave scene where he is thinking about Mystra. There's some pretty big differences when interacting with him when you are a spell caster vs when you aren't. Anyway here's the rest of the interactions for when you don't try to lie to him, I'll slap them under a cut for your scrolling convenience.
If you do not lie to him, Gale will ask you if you consider yourself to be well read, maybe hoping you could be the great sage he needs to ask advice from. You have four options:
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These screenshots are placed in order.
You were reading before being snatched:
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You are a cringe fail wizard who spent too much time day drinking:
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Choosing #3 looses you Gale approval:
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And finally:
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Khelben is another wizard from Waterdeep and chosen of Mystra who became her chosen after dying and being resurrected by her. He also appears to be a sort of friend/rival to Elminster, but I am not expert.
Anyway I hope this was interesting to you.
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