#eldrich being x reader
monsterfloofs · 2 years
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Eldrich Entity x Anonymous Reader (Sfw) part III
( Headspace buddy got a traditional drawing of them done. It has been so long since I have fooled around with a tonal drawing in graphite and black colored pencil. ^-^ ) Before I used to paint digitally or use markers or paint, this was my medium of choice, so it was a nice throw back to my younger art days!)
“Miniscule beings with grandiose emotions.”
You blink blearily, the bed room was dark, only a faint trickle of light was seeping into the room. The voice in your head has woken you up. Although it didn’t sound like it was talking to you. Your body ached and you had to pry yourself from the covers. The washcloth laying in a crumpled heap beside your pillow. A hand pressed to the small of your back as you shuffle out into the kitchen. You must have been laying down all day to feel this sore.
You look around briefly for your cell phone, before reading the clock on the stove. You could barely make out 8pm written in dark digitized marks. You groan softly and rub your eyes with your hand.
“You have not eaten all day.”
You feel your stomach plummet as you could feel attention on you.
“. . . Nope.”
“Will you?”
A flick of irritation glanced across your mind. What did this thing care if you ate or not? It probably was slowly consuming your brain or something like some ungodly abyssal slug. You tried to stuff the emotion down, make it small and unnoticeable.
“You resist my suggestions, even if it is for your own betterment?” The voice mutters with a mirrored annoyance and you give a soft huff.
“. . .Welcome to humanity.” You hum, going to the fridge and crinkling up your eyes at the sudden bright light that flicks on as you open the door.
“Buh. . . I second thought. . . I don’t know if I can eat. My stomach feels a little iffy.”
You push the door close with the tips of your fingers, leaning your forehead against the cool metal.
“I detest that simile.”
“What simile?” You mutter.
“I do not, in any way shape or form, wish to consume your being.” The words were punctuated with disgust, and a fair share of indignance. “I am no slimy invertebrate.”
You give a small laugh, a twitter of almost mirth. Realizing how impossible and insane the situation was. It was like a lightbulb lit up in your mind, you had a shouting match with some kind of cosmic god. Now. . . you’ve been going around insulting it. They could hear you, they could hear everything. All the thoughts you never dared to say out loud. If this didn’t show you succumbed to madness, or perhaps were fairly mad to begin with, you weren’t sure what to think anymore.
“You. . . kind of do look like a slug,” You dared to tease, feeling a strange wave of annoyance wash over you that wasn’t your own. You titter with laughter again, putting a hand over your mouth to hush your giggles.
“I do not see why this is funny,” They hiss at you. “Perhaps I shall change my mind after all.”
The giggle fit ebbs away, and you feel tired again.
“I dunno. Sometimes humor helps. If you saw things from my perspective this would be utterly terrifying.”
You tilt your head, waiting for some kind of response. When there wasn’t one you sigh, turning around to face the stove. You jump about a foot when you see the starlight being hovering by the kitchen table.
“Ho-my god,” You rasp, “I wish you would say something, that is so freaky.”
The tall shadowy being looks down at their hands, clawed fingers slowly curling towards their bright luminescent palms.
“. . .”
You stare at the figure, studying them quietly. Their skin did look like some kind of strange dark sea, or flowing galaxy. with dots of light that swirled around it. With branchlike horns that turned into wispy plumes of smoke. They didn’t have a multitude of limbs this time, or many angry writhing smoky tendrils. This appearance looked, what you take a very vague guess at, was what they looked like when they were calm. You remember the dreams of this huge mountainous creature, and the lake of swirling stars you had been thrown into. With a voice so loud and deep you thought it was going to shatter your ears. Like being too close to pumping speakers and their thrumming vibrations.
“You’re. . . a lot bigger than this,” You found yourself saying out loud in a quiet voice. “Aren’t you?”
“And this fragment thing. . . you mentioned,” You ventured forward. “It's like . . . a miniature version of you, right?”
“That is correct.”
"So. . . how come you know English and. . . Earth stuff?"
The horned head shifts to look up from their hands.
"Shared knowledge. You speak this language, while a piece of me is bonded with you, I share your experiences."
You make a face and they tilt their head.
"That's. . . really creepy. . ."
"You're uneasy."
You nod and purse your lips, "Most. . . most people would be. . ."
You huff and your eyes shift, this really brings a whole new meaning to getting inside someone's head. . . yikes. You go back over to the kettle still making a face.
You decide that you are definitely going to need some tea.
“I. . . would prefer that you stay out of my headspace. . .”
Fingers turn the knob on the stove, listening to the click fill the empty space until flames slither around the kettle. You fiddle with the knob to adjust the heat.
“It’s. . . kind of like invading someone’s personal sanctuary. I would rather not have all my thoughts and feelings be shared. . .”
And what did they absorb already? You felt your heart give an uncomfortable flutter. They were able to learn a language in only a few days. And speak with nuances that a native speaker could, where it almost felt. . . normal. How much did they already know? How much did they already learn from you, cracking your mind open like a clam and examining your thoughts. You glance at them, where the being stood, unmoving and unblinking.
“And. . . what’s your purpose in being here anyway. . . ? You’re not. . .”
You hesitate how to phrase the words.
“No. I did not come here to set in motion ruin this planet.” The little dots on their skin flaring brightly as a few tendrils manifest and whip with sudden irritation. “Your people are akin to ants to me, one does not wage war on miniscule creatures, ones that have proven that they can easily destroy themselves.”
You wince. “That’s. . . that’s part of the personal space thing I meant. . . But. . . ah. . .” You rub your face with your hands, anxiety growing in your chest.
“What I need to ask, the most important question I have is, can I trust you? Obviously, I don’t really have much choice in the matter. You can do just about whatever you want, I just. . . need to know if I have to submit myself into a psych ward and wear a tinfoil hat for the rest of my life.”
You watch the tendrils slowly, wrap back around their flowing form. The horned head bowing.
“I shall not harm you.” They intone. You give a shaky sound, turning your head so you can discreetly wipe your eyes.
“Okay-“ Your voice is unsteady and high, “I’ll uhm, trust you, I guess. . .”
You blink, and look down, as black starry water begins to swirl around your feet.
“You have shared your sanctuary with me, I shall return the gesture and show you mine.”
You watch as the black waters raise higher, engulfing your world back into that starry time void.
Except it wasn’t a black floating void anymore. You stare around a new and strange place. The same swirling star patterns twist and circle along the walls, floor and ceiling. It reminded you of a starry maze, some pathways looked like they go on forever, others took twisting turns and disappeared around corners. A floating staircase of light in the middle of the space that spiraled up into nothingness.Twinkling spheres and shrapnel of glowing rays floated dreamily around it.
“I come here when I need time to think.” The being at your side mused.
“Does. . . does it help?” Your murmur weakly.
They turn to look down at you, “It helps get my mind off my thoughts. Come.” They gesture with a hand before their form starts to glide over the floor. You look uneasy, before you tentatively walk after then. “We— We sh-should probably turn the kettle off.”
They look back at you, and you watch as one trailing tendril unwraps from their body and rises upward through the ceiling. Once it wraps back against their body you nod awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck before you pace yourself beside them.
“Do. . . you have a name?”
“If you must have one,”
“It. . . I would rather call you something other than a voice in my head,”
“Orthcursus, some have called me.”
“And why. . .” You pause, but Orthcursus fills in the rest of your question.
“Simply, to observe, I had not realized my visitation would affect so many around me. I needed a way to move quietly without making many dream of things they weren’t ready for. When I realized planting myself in the surrounding area drew people towards where I lay. A human had already approached me. They fell, and I chose to conduct through them to save their life.”
“Conduct. . .”
“Human beings are made up of water and electricity, I passed a line of my own energy through you to stop the fall. I also hadn’t realized it would also bond us together. Realizing that this would serve my own purposes, I chose this small form, and why my true form is no longer on this planet.”
You have a brief flash of a vision, a tendril shooting your body and curling around you. You press your hand to your heart uneasily.
“So I’m. . . powered on Eldrich energy o-or something?”
A soft scoff, “Not exactly, I made an impression on you, and when I had realized that I had caused a space. . . the only thing I could fill it with at the time was myself. We are bonded, that is. . . the closest word I can use that is available to you.”
“And that’s why you can’t just close the gap and leave.”
They shift slightly and make an uncomfortable sound. “If. . . I was to. . . pull away from this body, the force would pull you along with me. I have tried to pull away, without avail.”
You pause, looking at them. “I. . . Oh. What. . . would happen if. . . I got pulled along?”
“. . .I suppose I could try it, if you wish,”
Your eyes widen and you shake your head, “Ahhh I’m g-good thanks, I’m still wrapping my head around what you j-just told me.”
Your fingers tighten around the fabric over your collar. You pause to take a deep inhale, counting your breath.
Denial to Acceptance.
“It. . . sounds like some kind of corny sci-fi movie.” You give a nervous laugh, “But I. . . I can’t deny what I have been seeing. . . or h-hearing the past couple of days.” You raise your hand briefly towards your surroundings. “Or the logical explanation is. . . I’m in a coma.”
A huff above you, and a dark hand opening palm up towards you. A light blue palm glowing faintly. “Perhaps this will convince you.”
You glance up at them, before taking their hand with your own. The palm is warm, the back of the hand is cold. You startle slightly as the hand splits apart into tendrils that twist up your arm and give it a squeeze.
You laugh, a strange mix of surprise and unease. As their hand reforms, you rub your arm. Orthcusus’ fingers slip back into your open palm. Your thumb gently rubbing circles into their hand.
A faint smile tugs at your lips.
The Cell Phone:
You crouch at the bottom of the canyon, staring at a smattering of glass. “You know. . . I should have realized something was wrong when I didn’t know where my phone was. I guess I’ll have to get a new one.”
“Are you ready to leave now that you’ve found it?”
You stand up and stretch, “Mmhm, I guess it’s time to go to the store.”
A breeze whips around you and you hold out your arms, letting yourself dance in the wind.
A starry portal bubbling up underneath your feet.
“You’re enjoying this far too much.”
You give a wide smile, without a care in the world. “Yup! And you can’t stop me!”
A soft deep voice chuckles as you wink out of existence.
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ozzgin · 4 months
I really hope you continue the eldrich God story. I may or may not have become obsessed with the idea, and i think it's actually really funny and I also just love the idea of a God being in love with a human.
Also, I love your writing and art! I hope you're doing well!
Yandere! Eldritch God x Detective! Reader
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Based on this prompt and this meme. You're sent to a remote island to investigate a string of murders, and end up with a horde of cultists and their Lovecraftian God who is very much obsessed with you. Don't worry, he just wants to help you with your case!
Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance, tentacle tomfoolery again
[More Monsters]
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The island checks all the boxes for a stereotypical shady place: the grimy boat captain who talks in riddles and vague warnings, the constant fog, the tavern filled with rumors and fears, the bizarre statue of a creature with tentacles. You were expecting most of it, save for their patron God being a literal monster.
Soon after your arrival, you discover that you’re being followed by men in dark robes. Could it be related to your case? A little alcohol-aided interrogation, and the locals confess to you about the existence of a cult. The dots begin to connect.
Unfortunately for you, whatever theory is cooking up in your mind couldn’t be further from the truth. The patron Beast of the land has been watching you from the moment of your arrival. He’s rather intrigued by your nonchalant city attitude, your stubbornness, your lack of any sense of danger. Thus he demands that you’re brought to his lair.
A game of cat and mouse. You are now convinced this said cult is responsible for the murders, so you delve deeper into their secrets. At the same time, the men put all their efforts into chasing you down. The Lord's wishes are their command; for how long can you outsmart sheer numbers?
At last, they succeed. You’re dragged over, cocooned in thick rope. “My Lord, we’ve brought you the sacrifice”, one cultist proclaims victoriously. Sacrifice? The ancient creature gazes at the men with utmost confusion. He frees you from your restraints with a mere point of his tentacle appendage, and proceeds to lecture his devout following for treating his special guest with such shameful brutality. Everyone blinks in disbelief, you included.
What the hell is this, some beastly romcom? Once everything is cleared up, you dust your knees, stand up unceremoniously, and tell the cosmic deity you’ve no time for idle gossip. “There’s a criminal running free and it’s my task to stop it”, you bark. Aha, that’s the very same attitude that got his nebulous heart pumping with curious desire. He cannot explain the maddening interest he’s taken into you. The monster releases a monotonous hum, causing you to jolt in surprise. The cult leader gasps. “He…he wants to help you solve the case”, the man concludes, defeat in his voice.
“Does it have to be all of you?” You whine, clicking your tongue at the sight. It’s the morning after the godly encounter, and you’re greeted outside your room by the cult leaders and their monster. “I can’t be discreet with a dozen monks after me. Not to mention…” your eyebrows furrow. “What on Earth is he wearing? Is that a detective hat and a mustache? Are you mocking my job?” You demand, glaring at the eldritch beast and his ridiculous disguise.
“Excuse me, I’ll have to ask you to quiet down”, an employee suddenly interrupts. “You and the gentlemen over there.” You stare at him incredulously. Can he really not see he’s facing an enormous, tentacle monstrosity? You swear you can discern a grin forming across the creature’s amorphous, unholy features. Alright, you’ve been convinced. What now?
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As a child, Sherlock Holmes was one of your favorite books. You'd flip through the pages and daydream about your own future as a detective, though your little fantasies never included Watson as a cursed entity of a thousand tentacles. The eldritch creature seems to be more interested in you than the case itself. Eyes always fixated on your movements, tendrils creeping around you, never leaving your proximity.
Why would he need to look elsewhere? He can already tell how things will unfold. He is, after all, the God of this land. He knew your wanted culprit had been hiding in a sealed room right under your nose, as you dusted for footprints and scribbled hurried notes. He knew the underground tunnel had deadly traps, which would have normally put your investigation to a swift end. "Kind of suspicious to leave his trail unguarded like this", you mumble in deep thought. The cosmic God smiles.
He wouldn't dare ruin your fun. Consequently, he only interferes when your safety is involved. As annoyed as he is by the criminal's persistent attempts to kill you, he doesn't want to steal your grand capture. Besides, he is very much content with the current circumstances.
As the two of you follow along the dark passageway, you clear your throat, lips pursed awkwardly. "Uh...Thank you for dealing with the obstacles", you finally say. The monster pretends to ponder your words. "Hey now, don't play dumb with me. The conveniently deactivated bombs? The mutilated guards clumsily stuffed behind the door? I am a detective, after all."
You feel a thick tendril wrapping around your arm, and you turn to glance at the creature. His eyes of spiraling depths regard you intensely. A voice suddenly echoes in your head; is he trying to communicate with you? Deep, resounding, and imposing. "I am looking forward to our next case."
"Next case? Sorry pal, I work alone-" your throat clenches involuntarily. Somehow, your innards are flooded with a particular kind of certainty, dictating an ironclad truth: you do not have the option to refuse. You sigh, exasperated. "Fine! Have it your way. At least skip the fake mustache", you beg, then pause. You slap a second tentacle that has made its way under your shirt. "And avoid groping me when I'm thinking. You interrupt the little gray cells at work." You tap your temple to prove your point, and the eldritch God bows lightly. Of course.
He'll refrain himself until you're off work, Detective.
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lichenes · 6 months
Amour amour
Vincent has a strange fixation with your *gestures wildly*... CW: estabilished relationship, french people, kissing, tooth rotting fluff, LOTS of physical contact, sfw (nothing happens just some tension) Vincent Renzi x gn!reader wc: 562
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____
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Wherever you went it seemed that Vincent went there too. He seemed to be following you like a lost puppy, a lovesick expression painted on his face. You were chalking it up to you being in the honeymoon stage of your relationship but didn't expect for this state to turn into your everyday life.
Vincent entered the room you were in, wearing only the pyjama pants he bought as a pis aller to convince you he had some sense of style which didn't consist only of elaborately patterned shawls. He gave you a knowing smile. "Bonjour." He said in a low, sultry voice immediately breaking character and bursting into laughter.
You amused him by giggling and sat up on the bed you were previously laying on, extending your arms towards his presence. Vincent obliged and with a slight chuckle he got closer to you in a few strides pressing his bare chest to your face and embracing your head.
"Very comfortable..." you mused, a laugh threatening to escape your lips, words muffled by his tight hug. "Shhhh..." he shushed you and started stroking your hair. You relaxed into his touch putting your arms around his waist.
You stayed like this for a few moments more before the day had to start fully. After you let go Vincent crouched down to be on your lever and put his hand on your cheek gently caressing it with his thumb. Both your hands wandered towards his silver locks which looked especially alluring.
Tugging on them he released a content whine. "Careful." He mused as he got closer. Every time it was the same with him, he knew exactly how to sweep you off your feet without even trying. Vincent put both his hands on your cheeks and gave you the sweetest kiss imaginable, not wanting to overwhelm you in the morning.
When he turned to walk away you grabbed his hand and he turned around questioningly. "Chéri?" You stood up and got closer to him and put your hands around his neck, smiling, you ghosted your lips over his and immediately turned around walking away towards the kitchen.
His lips chased yours but never quite got to catch up to them. Vincent followed suit and entered the kitchen where you were just putting the kettle on.
"Ah you're cruel..." He feigned affront, putting his hand on his chest. Your back was against the kitchen counter and you chuckled at his theatricals. He went up to you and stole a kiss which you teased him with before, knocking the air out of you with the fervency of it.
Vincent pulled away clearly pleased with himself grinning wildly. Your face was hot from all the affection you recieved, clearly enjoying it. It was your turn to put your hands on his cheeks. Just as you were about to say something he chimed. "You're so pretty sunshine." Your cheeks got even hotter.
Sunshine. It was one of Vincent's favourite pet names for you because it made you the most flustered. Your blushes, stolen glaces, the way it made him feel transcended humanity's understanding of love. Goddess was a word that didn't do you justice.
You were more like an eldrich benevolent force which was the only thing he got out of bed for. You chuckled into the kiss. "Ah Vincent Renzi, the man you are..." you sighed contently.
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____ masterlist
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bonesinyourbackyard · 2 months
creepypasta boys x goth fem reader headcannons?
if you can make sure to include eyeless jack that would be great, you can pick the others 😛
of course !! as a goth, it’s a must that i must write for a goth reader. hopefully this is okay 💖
♱ pairing : ej x reader, jeff x reader, toby x reader.
♱ word count : roughly 1k words.
♱ cw : brief mention of snakes/tarantulas.
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jack nyras (eyeless jack)
to put it plainly, he’s a sucker for goth girls.
will watch you do your makeup in admiration. he can’t even imagine the patience and skill it takes to get that wing eyeliner so symmetrical and sharp.
he knows how to appreciate the goth aesthetic and fashion! although i don’t think he would know all that much in terms of the music, but hey! you can probably teach him right? he would be willing to try listening to goth music if you recommend him some bands or songs. and it totally doesn’t have to do anything with the fact that you recommended them to him.
a fan of gothic literature, and started reading it without even realizing it was gothic literature until you pointed it out. so if you’re into those kinds of books he would love to discuss that with you! (omg library date)
would absolutely help you pick out your outfits and put them together. might not be the best when it comes to fashion, but hey, the man’s got taste! he’ll help you choose which dress you should wear and if you should pair it with fishnets or something else. he knows you will look good either way.
if you’re one of those goths who falls into the stereotype (nothing wrong with that btw) and own some kind of “scary” pet like a tarantula or snake, he would love your little pet. if it’s a snake, i think they would get along great, i think jack loves reptilians! he would get it little decorations for its terrarium.
gifts you jewelry in your style, usually for anniversaries or other events but may just get you something at random. he loves you too much, sorry.
power couple <3 seven foot tall eldrich demon doctor and his goth girlfriend that he would split open skulls for.
jeff woods (jeff the killer)
i feel like while some people may say he will be judgemental when he first meets you, i detest that idea. in my headcanon, he is a punk and no way he’s gonna judge a fellow alternative baddie (unironically calls you that)
he doesn’t know squat about goth music because he only listens to punk, rock, and metal. but, maybe, just maybe, he’ll hand over the aux to you at some point while you’re taking a late-night drive and let you play some siouxxie and the banshees in the car.
he probably won’t really find it to be his style, “sorry sweetheart – it’s just too slow for me. gets me bored fast.” but will suck it up for you and find a way to enjoy it. but like i said, likely won’t get hooked on it.
helps you do your nails! he actually does his nails black sometimes so if you ask, he’ll help out. won’t bring up the idea by himself though because he’s a stubborn little bitch. even if he does his nails messily, trying to get over with it as fast as possible, he will take time on your nails. whines when you can’t sit in your seat straight even though it’s been 40 minutes now and he’s still not done.. “stop moving dollface, you’re messing up all my fucking hard work here!”
it might not come out exactly perfect but he tried!
will literally never ever let this slip but he loves it when you wear combat boots or heels or just chunky shoes in general. thinks it’s hot.
helps you diy clothes! he’s learned a thing or two about diying clothes and accessories over the years, being punk and all. you would have honestly never pegged (lol) him as the type to have crafting supplies and sewing materials in his dumpster fire of a room, but he proved you wrong when you said you needed to add some chains and spikes onto a pair of boots.
will break a jaw or more if some normie (not my words, his) says something about the way you dress.
toby rogers (‘ticci’ toby)
oh my. yeah, it’s love at first sight. (for him at least)
sharing the sentiment with jack, he loves goth girls, maybe even more so.
fucker definetly had you in his contacts as “goth gf” even before you guys started dating 💀 erm what the freak toby
genuinely though, he loves your makeup and clothes and style and music taste and just everything.
please please please leave red/black lipstick marks on his face PLEASE!! that shit makes him swoon and giggle like a schoolgirl. he will be kicking his feet and all that. doesn’t wanna wipe them off :(
when he sees crows or ravens outside with you, he always points to them and goes “look it’s you!” with a little shit-eating grin.
i actually do think he dabbled in some goth bands before, but likely not too much or unknowingly — though it’s not surprising, he’s one of those guys who “listens to all genres” ranging from rap to fucking weezer.
unlike jeff, you actually may get him hooked on some goth bands. will appreciate you forever and ever for making him cultured.
brags about “bagging a goth baddie” to everyone else. but really, he’s so proud of you! how can he not, you’re so pretty and awesome!
obviously won’t sexualize or objectify you or something like that, he just loves showing off and bragging cuz he’s a little loser /aff
is always so incredibly impressed by you doing your makeup. it simply doesn’t make sense to him. how does someone just.. do that? so flawlessly? but he would absolutely love for you to do his makeup in goth style. will ask you one day with a sheepish grin “to make us match!”awe.
head over heels for you.
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griffonsgrove · 9 months
General Dating Headcanons | Black Hat
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Black Hat X Reader fandom: Villainous/Villainos words: 1132 cw: none!! enjoy! a/n: Hi hi!! ive really been wanting to do headcanons for Black Hat for a while, I'm open to asks and requests so dont be afraid to drop a suggestion in!!
Black hat is by no means an easy boss. He’s ruthless, unmerciful and bitter, and you are no exception in the Eldrich’s case.
At first.
When you were first hired to be an employee at Black Hat Organization, Black Hat treats you as he would any of his other employees.
With zero respect.
He has very little tolerance for inefficiency
But you were absolutely determined to live up to his impossible expectations.
Maybe you spent a little extra time organizing his paperwork, or added a smidge more arsenic to his tea than usual (he had a sweet tooth for poison occasionally) and maybe you even bothered to dust some of his prized artifacts and tomes from his glory days as villain, making them look as new as the day he got them, and so many other things you did that seemed to make his life a little bit more stress-free.
At first, he thought nothing of it, it wasn't uncommon that his henchmen would grovel at his feet and suck up to him, it amused him really. 
But overtime the eldritch realizes that you wanted to do these little tasks. 
But why?? He was the most feared being in existence, and you went out of your way to do the smallest task to appease him. You seemed to worm your way into his thoughts, even as he sat perched at his desk in the wee hours of the night. Why were you just so…sweet! You should be cowering in fear!!
Speaking of fear, he loooooooves to scare the shit out of you, popping up when you least expect, out of the shadows, morphing into some unspeakable abomination of eyes and mouths (possibly) scarring you, always got a kick out of him.
After working for him for some time you were the only one, he seemed to tolerate, you managed to do your job with little to no flaw or mistake, unlike his scientist.
Dr. Flug admittedly was slightly envious.
He’d never admit it but, Black Hat enjoys holding conversation with you from time to time. He allows you to ask questions, most of them being about all the things he had witnessed and accomplished in the eons he’s been alive. He almost admired the way your eyes lit up in wonder as he explained. Almost.
You enjoyed these little private conversations too, occasionally the demon would ask a question or two about yourself, which you would happily answer. He may show no interest on the outside, but on the inside he's curious. Something he rarely feels.
He does have a reputation to uphold however, and still threatens, yells and demeans you just as he would any of his other employees.
Gotta keep you on your toes, ya know? 
But deep down you know. You know that he secretly enjoys your company and is too stubborn to actually admit it.
You even dare to go as far and say that he was a friend. Don't let him hear you say that though.
hooo boy
When I say this man is conflicted
The mere thought of love made Black Hat’s face morph into an ugly scowl, something he thought was near impossible for him to ever experience. The man had no heart for goodness's sake!
Oh, but then you had to weasel yourself into his life, his home, with your sweetness, didn't you?
Let me be clear when I say that this old man has never experienced these kinds of feelings before in his lifetime, and when he does, he thinks he’s possibly dying.
Did I also mention dramatic??
When realization dawns on him, he is absolutely floored, and the first thing he does is avoid you like the plague, which confuses you and raises a bit of concern. He rarely calls you to his office, and when he does, he avoids eye contact or just faces away from you entirely, barely acknowledging your presence.
Definitely becomes moodier, and more irritable as his feelings fester.
It’s not until you confront him one evening, when the manor is still and quiet, everyone having retreated to their respective rooms hours ago. That he finally confesses.
And being the extremely old fashioned eldritch he is, he formally asks to court you, how could you deny such a tempting proposition from the lord himself??
Of course, you say yes, why wouldn't you?? It’s an honor to be courted by Lord Black Hat!
Surprisingly, nothing changes much at first, he’s still very new to these feelings.
You both come to the agreement to keep your courtship strictly private and away from prying eyes, as I’ve said the man has a reputation to uphold.
God forbid Demencia finds out either. 
With all that being said, you both take things very slowly, which thankfully you were patient and understanding about, he's experiencing all these things for the first time.
It’s a good thing you're there to help guide him, right?
He may not have ever been in a relationship, but he isn't stupid. This demon is a straight up gentleman, and extremely chivalrous. Call it old-fashioned if you must, But the man is a charmer.
Despite his villainous persona, Black Hat shows rare moments of unexpected softness when he's alone with you.
He might not admit it, but he secretly enjoys quiet evenings, perhaps reading or just spending time together in one of his private studies. He personally enjoys reading the Necronomicon to you.
Black hat also has an uncanny ability to find and present unique, often mysterious gifts. They might be rare artifacts, darkly enchanted trinkets, or even personalized items that reflect his understanding of your tastes. You keep every single one of them.
He’s surprisingly a good listener and remembers just about anything you tell him.
Which by the way, this man spoils you.
When it comes to dates, Black Hat goes all out. He arranges extravagant, exclusive events, whether it's a candlelit dinner on a rooftop or a private screening at the manor. 
He once brought you to another dimension to view the downfall of an alien civilization, how romantic!
Black Hat, in his own twisted way, is fiercely protective over you. He might not show it overtly, but anyone who dares to even look at you with disdain will face the Eldrich’s fiery wrath.
Overall, Black Hat is surprisingly a good lover and partner. Your life never seems to be dull with him around, and you're incredulously grateful and honored to be able to see this side of him, even if it's behind closed doors. He has a hard time conveying his feelings and being vulnerable, but you're patient and understanding and eager to help guide him.
He never would have thought love was possible for him until you came along.
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yurinaa-world · 10 months
hello, can I request some headcanons with Dan Heng, Caelus, Welt, and Jing Yuan reacting to reader being slightly " off " despite their cozy amd silly vibes.
Turns out reader was the host of an eldrich horror in the past, and over time, reader had become partially eldrich themselves ( gaining the ability to see and interact with the unseen ie. ghosts, eldrich horrors without being driven insane, creating/controlling shadows, traveling through people's minds while asleep). Although reader is not the host anymore, the eldrich horror now takes the form of a fluffy black puppy that acts as reader's trusty companion.
Thanks in advance :)
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Dan Heng, Luka, Welt Yang, and Jing Yuan x Gender-Neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a reader used to be a host to an Eldrich Horror and can interact and see ghosts and Eldrich Horror without being driven insane but they are no longer a host: the Eldrich Horror is now a puppy companion.
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
He’s met people who are a little very insane in the head, but you're just normal, very normal.. there's something off with you something small he could ignore but that black fuzzy puppy just makes that vibe about you even worse. That dog just stares at him with its black eyes doesn’t help at all with its black fur.
You mess with March sometimes, saying there's a ghost behind her or controlling her shadow. you shouldn’t be messing with March so much but it's so fun
You sometimes go into his dreams just to make him feel better whenever he has bad nightmares about his life from before.
Such a cute puppy is so cozy and adorable just like you, he loves everything about you, you may be slightly off in the head but aren’t we all a little insane? He plays with your puppy a lot and gives it a lot of treats behind your back.
He loves the little shadow animals you make from the little kids' shadows. Whenever a creepy season falls you love to mess around with the kids telling them all of the fake ghost stories (sometimes he even gets scared from how realistic it is with the light turning off or glasses breaking).
He’s heard you talk about the things you see and can’t help but to feel bad even though you're fine with it, at night he grabs you and puts you against his chest so you won’t be able to see those things if you wake up in the middle of night.
𝒲𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓎𝒶𝓃𝑔
He’s not surprised by anything about you. I’m sorry he’s seen it all, people who see ghosts or control shadows, he’s bothered by ghosts either if you ever do point it out, just tells you not to scare March too much.
He takes care of your dog when you're not around which is pretty rare but still happens and he’ll still take care of it. Your puppy is always on top of his face in the middle of the night licking his face.
𝒥𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝓊𝒶𝓃
You can travel through dreams, eh? Now that something interesting he didn’t know about his refined and beautiful lover, yes he knew about the shadows or ghosts and he was not bothered by anything no matter how creepy it may be, but back to the dreams, why not spend time together when your sleeping since he’s always sleep so that can make up for lost time! What do you think?
What a cute and dainty little thing companion you have, why not have it and Mimi spend time together kinda like a play-date while the adults (you and him) spend time alone with each other?
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dreaming-tonite · 1 year
Pairing: Eldrich monster!Jason Todd x f!reader
Warning: monster fucking, non-con, major size diff, unprotected penetrative sex, biologically unrealistic everything (if the warning for monster fucking isn’t enough of a red light already), don't come at me talking about how it doesn't align with canon I don't care—
Word count: 1.8k
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Jason Todd died and came back, that one bit we all know.
But what if instead of coming back the way we know it, he came back wrong, so so wrong.
Whatever it was in that green, endless pit, it did not do for him what it was supposed to do. Instead, the fluorescent seeped into the pores, the lungs of his lifeless body and found all the fear, the bitterness, and the anger that its owner felt right before his last breath.
And it reached down, and it reached down until all that venom transformed Jason Todd's body into something else entirely.
The pit brought him back but without a soul, and a creature without a soul was no man.
Anger gave it glaring fangs and nails that were pointy and curled like fangs, bitterness warped its face, and fear made it grow and grow until it was as big as the shadows that lurked in nightmares haunting the empty hallway of the quiet manor where they mourn the lost of a son.
There were no traces of the boy it once was left in the eldritch horror it had become, nor did any of its vessel's memories, only an aching void in its chest, which it did not have a word for.
The only thing it remembered, was that it must return to this faraway dot on the map called Gotham, where it could taste the heartache on its inhuman tongue just to think about despite not having a heart.
The way back to Gotham was long but it managed to get there by travelling in the shadows no one knew to look at.
There must be something that called for it, but the more it tried to think about it the more it hurt.
Until night came and the light came on.
Somehow, even though there was only very little of it left, the littlest bit of soul left inside the creature still knew to respond to the bat signal that illuminated the Gotham sky.
And it was all sort of confusing emotions mixed into one, and the creature felt a sharp pain in its pitch-black eyes the longer it stared.
So it ran, through quiet alleyways and under broken lamps where no one would pass by, without knowing where it could run to.
And it felt fear, and rage, and grief over something they could not remember despite how hard it tried.
It stopped after running for god knows how long, in front of a window that emulates a warm, yellow glow.
The creature usually avoided light, after trying several times and realised that light irritated it to no end. But something about the white curtains flowing behind the window still beckoned for it to go closer like fire calling to the moths.
Something in it erupted when you appeared in the room, the sickeningly sweet scent filling its nostrils and tugging at something deep inside.
There was a strange sense of familiarity, and despite there being nothing about you in its empty brain, it just knew that you belonged to it one way or another.
It must have you.
Like the moths, the creature would stop at nothing just to feel warmth again.
You were too afraid to scream when the large, shadowy monster lurched from the corner of your room, and everything else was a blur from there.
You were stunned, completely, and it took you many seconds of your ears ringing to register the situation you were in. The fabrics that once covered your body were torn to shreds under its monstrous claws, the dull ache it left on your skin making soundless shrieks left your throat when it dug its fingers into your supple flesh. The back of your head hurt from when it knocked you onto the floor, the saliva from its glaring teeth dripping onto your face as its hot breath fanned your face, the puffs of air coming from behind its snarling mouth and long, long tongue.
Your heart was pounding inside your ribcage, fear and shock pulsing through your veins when you realised that you could not escape. It was massive, back hunched as it perched on top of you and caged you in without even trying. With each breath it took, the shadow on your walls grew bigger.
And its face, you could not bring up the courage to look at its face.
But when you fought back your primal instinct to shut your eyes tight and look, something in you clicked.
There was nothing alike between the person who appeared in your head and the monster in front of you. But something in its eyes, behind the darkness, reminded you of someone who you tried your hardest not to think about when the nights were late and you felt weak.
No, it could not be. Every single fibre of your being told you that it was impossible, but something in your heart, something that echoed through your brain past logic and reason, told you that it was him.
Blood receded from your face at the thought, hoping you were wrong more than anything else.
And to your dread, it let out a chest-ripping whale at the name that was so familiar yet so strange on your tongue like a dagger was stabbed through its ears just from hearing it.
You wanted to cry, not from knowing your own fate, but from thinking about what your dead lover had gone through to become this.
Seeing tears run down your face did something to it and it— he, paused for a brief second as something that resembled panic rose within.
But the roaring desire to mark you, to take you surpassed the budding humanity that was starting to appear, which it strongly disliked.
You bit back at the taste of acid in your mouth when it shoved its tongue inside your cavity, almost gagging at how far it managed to reach as it greedily took in your scent. It was near explosive in its head, and the more it got, the more it wanted. Large hands groped and dragged along your now naked torso, rough and merciless as it felt you all over.
Drool was leaking from the corner of your lips as you gasped for air, lightheaded and coughing when it finally pulled away from your mouth to lick a long strip up your vulnerable, exposed neck. If it bite down, it could break you in an instant, you were sure of it, yet the possibility of death was not even the scariest thing you could think of at this point.
The heat left your face when it grabbed you by the back of your thighs, pushing both of them up with just one hand until your knees were pressing against your chest.
You could not even see through your tear-stained vision, but the hardness pressed up against your cunt was unmistakable, and you could feel the angry vein as it rocked against your hips. You gulped, dreading the wetness you felt as it pushed your folds apart with its terrifying girth, the leaking head brushing at the inside of your thighs as it growled in animalistic fever.
You finally screamed when it pushed itself inside of you, your eyes seeing white as you were stretched behind your humanly limits by its massive, bulging cock.
Your back arched involuntarily, hitting the cold floor under you as it pushed, and pushed deeper and deeper inside. It hurt, and tears gushed out when it was still going deeper even though you thought it was not possible until it was resting deep inside your belly. Your stomach must be bulging from just his cock snuggling deep inside your womb, the shape prominent against your walls as you winced and sniffled.
It let out a beastly grunt at the tightness, with nothing but the sole thought to breed and fill up the tiny body under it. A loud smack followed with each thrust it took, heavy balls slapping against your ass every time it hilted deep against your cervix. The burning in your walls became numb after a few hard strokes, your insides accumulating it slowly to your surprise and against your wishes.
You tried to shut your eyes tight so you could imagine that it was him instead, but the monster left you no room to escape with each piston jolting your eyes open to acknowledge reality.
You had prayed for him to come back many times, but this was nothing but a sick joke fate had played on you if this was how they decided to answer your wishes.
It filled you with dread when it stopped being unbearable halfway through and you felt the heat pooling up in the pit of your stomach. "No, no—," you plead, not to the creature but to yourself, "I'm gonna... I'm— please... please!"
Your face flared up in shame at the unmistakable signs of your own climax, wetness gushing out and the sloppy noise filling your ears. To think that your body even reacted to this in the slightest was worst than the reality that you were having your brains fucked out by something so ghastly.
How would he have felt? To know that he was trapped being something so disgusting you could barely look at and yet, you still cum from its cock like some broken slut?
It howled when the sweet scent of your orgasm filled its head, panting and grumbling as thick strings of white filled up your spasming walls. It kept cumming and cumming, yet it did not stop. With each thrust into your abused hole, you could feel its length pushing out the cum from your cunt and pooling onto the floor.
Still sensitive from your high, the soundless moans stuck at the back of your throat while it kept fucking your overstimulated hole. At this point, you could only lay there lifelessly as it forced its way back in again and again, your stomach so full of its release that you might just finally break.
Your vision had turned black by the time it was done, head lolled to the side while your limbs twitched. Pulling out its half-limp cock, cum gushed out from your puffed-up cunt that fluttered around nothing, still so full the second before.
The creature stared at your fucked up body as it took in the salty scent lingering in the air. It felt warm in the chest for a brief second as it watched you, feeling something tugged at what was deep within.
It did not know what it was when it felt something wet running down its void-like eyes.
Only that hollowness that followed each heave of its chest hurt beyond measure.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 11 months
Kinktober Day 26 - Tentacles/Dacryphilia (Din Djarin)
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Kinktober Day 26 - Tentacles/Dacryphilia
dark/haunted!Din Djarin x f!reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: The Mand'alor needs to feed to regain his strength, so you are called upon to fulfill the most sacred of your duties.
a haunted!Mand'alor!Din Djarin is granted strength beyond human limits by the Darksaber but at the cost of becoming a creature terrifying to behold who must feed like an incubus. Also, he has shadow tentacles. tbh; this is an elaborate setup for eldrich horror smut.
Warnings: dark, dub-con, tentacles, tentacle sex, rough sex, bondage, unprotected p in v, oral (f receiving), monsterfucking, author makes up stuff about Mandalorian culture in the name of monsterfucking, horror vibes, Mandalorian reader, Mando'a, satine kryze slander, Mand'alor Din Djarin, this may or may not become a series bcus I have a problem
Inspired by this prompt list from @absurdthirst.
also on ao3
In the days of the songs of old, before the civil war, before the pacifist uprising, and the slaughter of your people, being the Mand’alor meant something. It wasn’t symbolic; they weren’t a tool through which politicians passed their agendas; they were gods.
And when they died, their manda would join the others and become something stronger yet in the new Mand’alor. It was all ghost stories when you grew up. Something your brother would taunt you with, and when your buir found out, he was scolded, but the information was not denied.
An all-powerful ruler, granted extraordinary abilities by their dead predecessors. Terrifying, world-destroying power. And a beskar sword that could wield pure Force power.
They talked about the Mand’alor like a creature, this benevolent but merciless being who stalked in the shadows and called their mando’ade to arms only in times of true need. Who every Mandalorian worth their beskar would follow into death, whether by devotion or respect.
The real Mand’alor in your youth was much less impressive. Actually, she was fairly disappointing. She barely wore any beskar’gam, and you knew you could not serve her. Would not answer her call, for she was no real Mandalorian.
Never mind that you were ten.
After the Clone Wars, after the empire, after the purge, after… everything, you never thought you’d see Manda’yaim again.
But news travels fast through the galaxy, and when whispers began to turn to headlines, when every pub in town was brimming with the same news, when Mandalore was back in the hands of her people—
You waited. A twice-bitten striil burying her head in the sand. But you did reach out, and sent a ping through your connections until something echoed back.
It was true. And the call had been rung—return, it beckoned, for there is a Mand’alor on the throne at Keldabe.
So you went home.
Running Mandalore and protecting her from danger was a truly staggering feat. One supported by hundreds of other Mando’ade. Your brother pledged to serve on the royal guard, and you—well, before the Duchess, there was only one role you wanted.
You had been in training to be an attendant to the Mand’alor for years. Your time away from home had taught you that such a position was looked down upon by aruetti, the minding of a household diminished. But how could it be so when your services were dedicated to the Ka'ra? To protect and aid their vessel? To share the burden of living so that the Mand'alor can fulfill their oath to the people?
The Duchess had refused attendants, of course. And as she did not wield the saber, did not appreciate the grace of the Ka'ra, and so your job was over before it had begun. Though, as much as you disapproved of Kryze, you would have rather died to protect her than let that darjetii sit upon the throne.
The Darksaber granted him no power, and none after him. But when you arrive in the remains of Keldabe, where little stands now but stacks of cleared glass and hope, there are whispers of a man who had entered the Living Waters seeking redemption and returned as a monster to the surface with the blessing of the Stars themselves.
His advisors have explained as much as they know over and over again. It’s not much. Your regular duties are simple, something you had long mastered. Your other duties are less clear.
And so, you attend to him at all times. He fights you on it at first, gruff and stubborn. He doesn’t want you to draw his bath; he doesn’t want you to deliver his meals to his desk. But you do, and as the days tick by, he stops protesting you.
He even starts to anticipate your presence, greeting you with a soft kindness and accepting your service with quiet respect.
But the day was to come eventually. When he comes calling, you’re putting away Grogu’s clothes in the nursery.
There’s a knock at the door, but he doesn’t wait for you to answer. Fair, you suppose, since this is his son’s room.
“Mand’alor,” you say, inclining your head. You move to stand, and he sighs.
“Please, let’s not stand on decorum in these chambers.”
“It’s my job to, ah, 'stand on decorum,'” you say, smiling. But you resume folding the linens and small tunics.
“I wanted to let you know myself that you will be needed for your other duties tomorrow.”
Oh. The only indication of your reaction is a twitch of your fingers where they lay on the sleeve of a robe. “Yes, Mand’alor.”
“They explained to you what may happen?”
“Yes, Mand’alor, I understand.”
He comes and sits on the floor in front of you. Your helmet conceals your surprise, steady hands still working through the small pile of laundry.
“I’m sure they told you I did not want an attendant.”
“Something along those lines, yes.”
“Did they tell you why I changed my mind? Did they tell you what happened last month?”
You shudder a little involuntarily but hold firm enough to look at him and nod. “They also told me she’s okay.”
“Regardless,” he says, self-disgust oozing through the modulator. “I don’t wish for that to happen to you.”
“It may or may not,” you say. “We won’t know until then.”
“But you were trained for this. Do you know a way to ease it?”
“I did not complete my training, and I was too young to know the details. But…” you aren’t sure if you want to bring up your idea. It is, after all, without evidence.
“But what?”
“It’s nothing, Mand’alor. A theory and nothing more, but it isn’t worth the price.”
“What theory?”
“Just mine. Not even a fully formed hypothesis. Just a passing thought.”
“Tell me anyway.” His voice is soft. Nothing like you expect to face tomorrow.
“I just wondered if you were more familiar with me, if it might help.” You know he follows the Resol'nare in the way of the old songs. You have adapted to honor his Creed, as is The Way, and so he has never seen your face.
He's silent and you hope you haven't offended him. But he seems to genuinely considers your words.
And then he reaches up and removes his helmet.
“Kriff, warn me first,” you snap, squeezing your eyes shut and covering your visor with one hand.
“Your theory is sound. And we’ll see each other tomorrow.”
“Yes, but in the Chamber, we aren’t meant to outside it. And I only meant that perhaps I should—”
“What does it matter?”
You almost scoff before you remember your place. “I suppose it does not.” These were his rules, after all. He has a greater understanding of his own Creed than you ever will.
“I accepted an attendant because they assured me it would help you survive. That I would understand your purpose, in the moment. If this has even a chance of ensuring your safety, then it must be done.”
You reach up, but he stops you before your fingers brush the bottom of your helmet.
“May I?”
You still haven’t opened your eyes, but the rough sound of his unmodulated voice asking to remove your helmet sounds downright salacious.
“Of course, ner Mand’alor,” you murmur and tilt your head back.
You startle when he touches you, not because you're surprised but because he's removed his gloves. His thumbs skim against your neck to break the seal, and his smooth fingers burn. He lifts it off as if the beskar were as fragile as an egg and sets it beside his own.
You finally open your eyes and gasp. He’s beautiful. There’s no other word for it, or if there are, they are lost to you. His stare is intense and enthralling, his eyes the shade and softness of damp earth.
Then you remember your station and quickly avert your eyes to the ground.
“If it’s any comfort,” he says, “I’ll look much different tomorrow.”
“I’m sure your other form is just as beautiful.”
“Thank you, but you don’t need to flatter me.”
The silence that follows isn’t quite awkward. It’s not the pause of uncertain hands and mouths, of stilted negotiations, but the way the air hangs thick before dropping into battle. It’s the feeling of sitting side by side with your vod, knowing you are safe but still may not make it home.
He sits for a moment longer before taking his leave. “You should rest,” he says before he leaves the room.
You assure him you will. But you won’t. If you’re going to be off duty for two days, all the more reason to finish your tasks, you reason. The crawling pressure against your breastbone calls you a liar.
You know, have known, that to fulfill your duty means walking into a trap unarmed and unprepared. Whatever you find in there, you will have to face with no weapon, no beskar, no allies.
It doesn’t stop you from shaking a little as you remove your beskar’gam in the antechamber. You’re alone. No assistants, no handmaidens, no witnesses.
You take a deep breath that carries you across the threshold. The antechamber locks behind you. There will be no leaving until he is satisfied.
You expected the ritual halls of your ancestors. This is a bedroom.
Yes, it’s a bedroom in a hall carved of beskar-veined stone, but it’s soft. There are pale, thick rugs on the floor and tufted seats in shades of gray. The enormous round bed is indulgent, covered in silks and soft furs. You sit, bare, afraid to hide yourself lest it angers him when he enters.
Will he be the man or the beast when he enters? You’re not sure which you’d prefer. To watch him transform or to be forced to accept his second form upon his entrance.
You’re saved from dwelling on it when the door slides open. You breathe only enough to feel it slip away.
The Mand'alor's shadow cuts the light from the entry. Silhouetted in the frame, he towers higher, wider than he had in the baby’s room. The edges of his form are hard to look at. ike your eyes can’t focus, can’t accept what they see. When he moves and the door locks, you realize it wasn’t his shadow. He is the shadow. It ripples from him, spreading across his torso and arms.
He reaches you in far too few steps. His broad hand cups your chin, and the shadows that blur the edge between his skin and the air cup you also, spilling from his fingers up your cheeks like a wisp of fog.
The Mand’alor does not speak. But when he looks at you, more eyes peel open. Four extra on each side of his forehead, black and slit like a serpent's, though his two original eyes are still brown.
He leans down, the tendrils that swallow him threatening to swallow you, too. When his lips meet yours, your mouth opens to draw a sharp breath. It does not receive it, as he licks into your mouth. It feels like you’re choking, the darkness sliding down your throat.
His hands find your arms, and the shadows crawl down them, never breaking contact with him but stretching, growing. They curl around you, lingering just on the precipice of incorporeal.
You break the kiss to gasp for air, and a wide smirk spreads across his face. “Such a pretty girl,” he purrs. You wish it was hyperbole, but the words come in a rumble from deep within his chest.
And you flush, heat bursting across your skin and pooling in your cunt. He takes a deep breath and his eyes, all ten, dart down to your thighs.
“Offering to feed me already, alor’ika?”
You shudder, but your legs part for him. You hardly notice, enraptured as you are by the way blinks ripple across his hungry eyes.
“That’s it, what a good little pet,” he purrs.
A shudder slips through, your nipples pebbling. He takes one in his mouth immediately. His tongue is rough, but his teeth are surprisingly flat. Human.
Though, you suppose, he’s not a carnivore. Doesn’t need the sharp fangs of nightmares to rend your flesh. Especially not when your flesh seems particularly eager to give him whatever he needs.
He licks the valley between your breasts and sets his teeth against the tendon of your neck. You tip your head to the side, and he rewards you with a famished growl and the sharp pinch of his bite.
You can’t quite breathe right, still. Your skin prickles and burns where his mouth travels down an extensive trail, tasting and biting and marking you. The restraint snaps when he reaches the crest between your thighs, the hunger overtaking him.
He’ll have plenty of time to savor you, anyway.
But for now, he dives straight in. You cry out and jerk your hips at the sudden sensation. Licking deep within you—unnaturally so, you suspect—the shadowy edges of him unfurl, more corporeal than before. Just the small taste has strengthened him so much already.
It splits into thick tendrils, blurry with no discernable edges, just a place where they meet your skin and where they pulse from his body.
They encircle your wrists and hold them just above your head, another pair wrenching your legs apart and opening you for him. He snarls, gripping your thighs in his hands and flicking the sandpaper of his tongue against your clit. You cry out, and a tendril slides into your mouth.
It’s nearly real, now, smooth and dense. Your eyes roll back into your head as it makes itself at home in your throat, fucking in and out.
He looks up at you and laughs into your pussy, the hot breath of air over your clit making you twitch.
There’s nothing to tether you, the slick silk slipping when you squirm, the tendrils connecting you to him, only him, and not the world around you. They lift up your hips, letting him drink from your well with fervor, and you jerk helplessly in their grasp as one slides up and caresses your ass, slithering over the hole and wriggling in.
There isn’t an inch of you that doesn���t feel raw. His shadowy limbs creep over your breasts, roll your nipples, smooth over your stomach, brush against your cheek.
When you cum, he snarls again, slipping two fingers into your cunt and curving them against you, pressing and rubbing, and it brings you over the edge again. He doesn’t let up, not until he builds you up and breaks you on his tongue and hand. Like cracking open a fruit and letting the juices pour over your hand.
He savors every drop.
The danger sneaks in unnoticed. You’re dazed, limp, and chest heaving, coated in sweat and his saliva. But his strength is growing, the tendrils no longer shadow but rendered into flesh, and his grip on you is bruising.
Neither of you notice. You’re exhausted, barely clinging to consciousness, and he’s ravenous.
“More, alor’ika,” he hisses. He forces himself to pull away, to crawl atop you and take.
When you had seen his cock, a brief glance when he entered, it was large but humanly so. It is certainly not, now.
He pushes in slowly, but for all the pleasure he wrung from you, it’s not enough. Could never be enough. You scream, but no sound comes out, thoroughly stoppered as you are by the shadow-limb.
You look up at him, pupils blown not from lust but from pain. Tears leak, and he leans down and licks them from you.
“So pretty when you cry,” he croons, extracting the tendril from your mouth so he can press his tongue inside.
“Mand’alor, please,” you beg through sobs.
The bones in your wrist grind as the tentacles pulsate around them. As he nears his peak, the force of his hips is cruel. You think of the girl from last month. The girl whose shattered pelvis will probably never heal right, even with the bacta bath.
“Ner Mand’alor,” you try again. “It’s too much. If you break me, you can’t have me again.”
He sinks his teeth into your neck. “I can have whatever I need from you.”
“Yes,” you say, trying to nudge his head away with your own. You bump his forehead in a weak attempt at a mirshmure’cya, jostling his damp curls and drawing his real eyes to yours. “Vor entye.”
He draws back a little, regarding you with ten unblinking eyes.
“I will hold you to that, ner ori'skraan,” he says and gives you his own Keldabe kiss. He fucks into you still, rough but not ravaging. The fevered kissing resumes as a tendril creeps down to rub your clit.
When he has drained every ounce of pleasure he can wring from you; he fills your raw, split cunt. It’s so much. It floods, and leaks from you, and all you can do is whimper until he begins to soften.
He reaches down between your legs and brings some of his cum to your lips. You accept the offering, the strange sweetness lingering in your mouth until your lips tingle. The feeling is slow to stretch through you, and by the time the analgesic takes effect, you’re already asleep.
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tiyoin · 1 year
sigh eldrich horror twst x reader
warnings : mentions of cults, murder, virgin sacrifice, sacrifice, y/n being a weirdo simp, azul literally planning the apocalypse,azul literally killing someone, ya know, all that fun stuff
sigh, being god azuls favorite devotee. the one who gets the privilege to bask in his presence. the one who gets the privilege to serve him on hand and foot. of course you’re spared from the doomsday prophecy, but even if you weren’t it didn’t matter. you sold your soul to him a long time ago. he even letras you watch him kill someone’s who tried to run away! (it’s a threat mc, not a privilege)
like the whole cult is ran by you babe. 💅
azul has no idea why you’re so… obsessed with him, whole he’ll question and even mock you for ‘sucking up to a grotesque creature like him,’ it does come in handy when he just ran out of virgin sacrafices🤷🏻
or even when morale is low and people aren’t worshipping as much, you’ll warn them that they’ll become the next sacrificial lamb, virgin or not.
even just being a weird loner whose lifetime goal was to avoid the incoming apocalypse and serve a god was something he could respect. not the weirdo part, that just creeps him out.
and you’re ALWAYS in the sea. like c’mon you’ll prune up and die, and then he’ll be stuck with incompetent fools who can’t run a cult properly, or will try and take over which would just be a pain
like c’mon he’s a busy man, killing virgins and planning the apocalypse isn’t an easy task🥱
and when the horsemen finally rain from the heaven as the skies turn blood red and the sea a pitch black as he finally ascends from his prison you so kindly tricked a bunch of high school kids into opening. he’ll maybe spare you
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deepfivetraveller · 2 months
Moriarty the patriot
What i would gift the characters from MTP
MTP gift headcannon part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Moriarty the patriot x Sick!Child!reader. Chapter 1 (Platonic)
Headcannon mtp brothers
Jujutsu kaisen
Sukuna x fem!reader (drabble)
King Baldwin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Own headcanon/stories
Yan!eldrich!being (platonic)
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seiiblue · 1 year
The mechanism of fear.
Gender Neutral!Reader x Jouno Saigiku (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Tumblr media
Warnings: Mentions of stalking and paranoia, mentions of blood and injuries, mentions of a dark, eldrich creature tormenting humans(? I did not beta read this, I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. This is probably not a relationship or romantic oriented fic... I'm not sure how to make those lol
Word count: 1600
A/N: So I did this, taking inspiration on one of my favorite books (The mechanism of Fear by Norma Lazo), which you should definitely read if you liked this! (ew)
Maybe you were a bit too cruel.
Looking around the empty alleyway, the burglar hurried to hide in the shadows, away from the faint light of the street lamps.
It had been raining a lot lately, making the bricks on the floor slippery, yet he hurried, trying to make no sound while stepping on the puddles left behind by the dark clouds.
- It will rain again soon - He thought with annoyance, thinking on the leaks of the place he called home. He wanted to fix them, to give the ones he called family a better life, out of crime and out of the streets. The opportunity he never had.
That's why he had just stolen an ancient device said to open a tomb, somewhere in the heart of the jungle in a faraway country, he does not care what treasures it hides, nor what magical tool for world domination lies within.
He only cares for the juicy reward that Fitzgerald guy offered for it.
It was no sweat, really. His ability made it easy to move like a ghost, and given the device was just at plain sight on a museum... he could just take it like a souvenir. No alarm was activated, and no guard had noticed the theft. Everything was silent, except he could hear a faint ticking. He discarded it as something he was imagining.
However, he was walking fast, feeling watched, no, he felt stalked by someone? something?
- This is just paranoia - He thought, trying to catch his breath, annoyed at himself.
The next step he took right outside the alley was in complete shadows, thinking this was the end of the feeling, seeking comfort on the shadows. He quickly discovered it was not. A feeling of a hand, more like a claw, had taken his ankle, pulling him into the dark.
He tried not to scream and kicked at the shadows, to no avail, since there was nothing there he could kick. He scrambled around, and the invisible hand let him go.
- What the ... - He whispered to himself before getting up and running in the opposite direction.
However, there's no way to run from the shadows at night, for even the street lamps seemed dull, as if weakened by something. The street was completely alone, not a soul walking at this ungodly hour, increasing the feeling of loneliness, but something feels odd.
What seemed like a product of imagination at first quickly turned into reality, hearing something akin to a beast huff, walk, and laugh from the shadows. And a faint ticking, somewhere in the distance.
The man made too many turns, too many jumps and tricks, trying to lose his pursuer, that stalker that seemed to rejoice on his anguish.
However, paranoia grew and grew, turning into a monstrous fear, into panic. He knew whatever was there, there was no hiding from it. He stood below a streetlamp, waiting for a sound, looking for an escape.
- You seem as lost as a deer, just before being trapped by the wolves. - A voice said, coming right in front of him. However, he could not see anyone, fearing he was going insane. He looked around. Was someone like him, with an ability to dissappear following him? The noise of ticking turned into that of a machine running heavily, like waking from its slumber.
- When that light turns off, do you know what will happen? - The voice continued, sounding casual, like waiting for the tea to be served.
-What are you?! - The man started falling prey to the fear. The dark sky seemed to have lost all it's stars and the moon was nowhere to be found. Moreover, darkness looked like a pool just in front of him, it seemed tangible even, the only shield keeping it out was the light of the post. The ticking went faster, the machine sound too.
He looked above him, to see the light faltering and dimming, centimetre by centrimetre, being won over by the darkness of the late night, and just past the last bit of visible street where the faint light reached, he could recognize the silhouette of claws, sharp, black claws, circling that very same lamp he was using as protection.
Trapped. Another wave of fear came, making his breathing shake, the sound of the machine even closer now, making him panic further. He tried using his ability as a desperate mean to escape but even while being invisible, when he got close to the darkness past the light of the little lamp, he came face to face with a creature that resemble that of an unspeakable fear, only appearing on the primal nightmares everyone has as a child, when they fear the dark, when the wake up screaming in cold sweat looking for a source of light. Long open maw with deathly fangs and glowing eyes full of malice, full of hunger.
- Even one like you should know, no matter how hard you try to hide from the dark, dark itself lives in every corner, in the very place that you use as a shield. - Voice continued, the light dimming faster. He was close to tears, fearing for his life. - Not even a ghost can escape the dark -
- Please! just let me go, you can have the reward - He implored, throwing the device to the floor, just infront of the dark, that seemed as real and tangible as a black ocean infront of him.
Reward? - The voice inquired curiously - The only reward I crave is that of the screams and agony you will muster in your last moments of life. - The claw of the nightmarish creature reached from the ground, taking the device and dissappearing it below the ground. - I don't need no reward from a foolish human. - The voice spat with venom, chuckling at the desperation on his voice, the machinery sound was unbearably loud, the ticking going haywire.
His eyes widened, fearing the worst, as the light circle was no more bright than a candle just about to fade. The man fell to his knees, begging for mercy straight up screaming - Please! I'll do anything! Don't harm me! - As the light faded, the details of the shadow became clearer and closer.
- Too late, your soul is mine - The creature smiled widely and leaped forward, the street light went completely out, and the horrifying scream was cut short.
The ticking and the machine fully stopped, and a bell similar to the church's sounded right after.
The sunlight started to leak through the clouds, early morning, and yet you had no rest. The street was damp, the city still shaking up from its slumber. Looking towards the sky filled with clouds, yet the sun came through them. The frisk air blowed around your black coat. You took a sip of coffee as you watched the police set up a crime scene investigation.
Don't you think you were a bit too cruel? - A male voice came from behind you. Coming to a stop right next to you, watching the crime scene out of any horror movie and beyond, yet the victim, the burglar, was alive... completely out of his senses and with some bite marks, but alive.
It's real! It's real! It's coming for me! It will chase me forever! - He said over and over again like a prayer, directed to no one in specific with a lost look on his face. The paramedics carried him handcuffed into a patrol car.
He will live the rest of his life on a psychiatric ward, I think. Probably won't remember his family ever again - The man beside you sighed, never losing his smile - This is why I think you're cruel. -
Oh! common Jouno! I was asked to retrieve the thing, and you know how I work - You replied, annoyed. - If they wanted him complete or... sane, maybe I'm not the person to contact. - You took a sip of coffee.
- You're right - Jouno replied, opening his hand in between you and him. - If they don't want traumatized criminals, we aren't the ones to call -
You looked at his hand and reached inside your coat. You checked the antique figure, just a bit droplets of blood here and there. -Oh, but at this point, you just do it for fun, I know how you are. - You cleaned it up a bit with your coat before putting the device on his hand.
- I need to do it. That's how my ability works, I need to keep it going, or it won't work anymore. - You said plainly. It was a fact you had accepted.
-Hm, I know. You have an important job, feeding the darkness of the world. - Jouno said, waiting for the investigation team to come back with the documentation he needed to finish this whole case. - However, you almost did leave him with no ounce of sanity. I could sense it... nothing more left inside him, just a casket of pure fear, in other words, a treat for your entertainment. -
- Heh, maybe I went a bit overboard, I know. I was a bit annoyed and got carried away. - You giggled, looking at the faint smile on the man's face. - Yeah... you're right, I am too cruel. -
You felt similar disdain to your ability as you did when you first discovered its nature; the mechanism of fear: an ability that became stronger, the more fear the target felt, fear was the fuel of the mechanism and the faster it turned, it gave you power to control and hide in shadows, dim light and ultimately to turn into one of those things that hid on the mirror.
One of the kin who craved the fear and feed from the mechanism moving, keeping them on their side of the mirror. Were you one of them? Were you human? You still couldn't answer that yourself.
- You shouldn't pity yourself - Jouno interrupted your thoughts once again as he received the missing documents from another officer. - You should understand that we are the same -
You looked at him curiously. He smiled at you as he turned to leave. - We both are the necessary evil that keeps this country safe. -
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monsterfloofs · 2 years
Eldrich Creature x Anonymous Reader (Sfw)
You were getting moments of blacking out, finding yourself standing or sitting without any recollection of how you got there. Many nights you found yourself sitting underneath the stars outside of your house, hours had flown past when you finally would snap to. Cold and hungry, your mind in a muddled haze, the grass slick with dew.
Little things float past your mind's eye when your thoughts drift. Strange thoughts and images of strange beings, sketchbooks slowly filling up with the strange creatures your mind concocted. Doodling what you can recall of them in your spare time, or if you couldn’t stop thinking about the images that filtered into your mind, you would have to drop what you were doing. Pencil furiously scratching deep frantic lines onto paper.
You took the approach of facing the strangeness by drawing them, as if capturing the essence of these creatures would ease your mind.
The one night you woke up to find yourself armed with a flashlight, standing in the middle of the woods. That was the night that really scared you, and you have had nightmares ever since.
The dreams were all the same, in the dream you remember coming to the clearing in the woods, a huge canyon that overlooked the vague lights of the city in the distance. A place that you have traveled to many times, but this time, the canyon was filled with a dark sea, one that tossed and turned with strange bright winking lights. As your foot settles by the canyon's edge, leaning over to look at the vast sea, the ground beneath your foot crumbles and the sea surges forward and raises up, forming some hulking leviathan. You open your mouth to scream, and as more of the ground falls away you pitch forward, and the strange dark surface with its many lights rushes to meet you.
Most times you find yourself screaming yourself awake from the dream. Today was the same, and something warm was running down your face. You stumble into the bathroom in a haze. Gripping either side of the sink as waves of nausea roll over you.
Red drops in the sink, turning pink as you turn on the faucet and wash away the blood. A hand groping blindly to grab a tissue and stuff it into your nose as you keep your face bowed over the sink.
You hang over the bathroom sink, your forehead resting against the mirror as your vision swims in and out. Once the tissue was secure, you slowly pushed yourself up, glancing at your appearance in the mirror, your sight slowly focusing and taking in the dark rims underneath your eyes.
You sigh, twisting the knobs on the faucet. Wiping your face down with a cold washrag. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore the red flags that something wrong was going on with you. You bled through the tissue and exchanged it for a clean one.
“That’s it. . . I am going to the ER.”
You turn off the faucet and throw the washrag into the sink, turning from the bathroom, and looking from your car keys.
You feel a tickling sensation, a whisper of words right next to your ear and you jump, clapping a hand to your ear. Eyes prickling with tears as you slowly sink to your knees. More sounds, more words whisper over you as you become aware of something standing over you.
A soft utterance of a sob that has your throat tightening. Your head falls into your trembling fingers, your shoulders shaking from the breaths you heave. You can feel blood soaking through your tissue again. You don’t dare get up.
You feel a hand, slender fingers running over your scalp as you cry.
You find yourself back in bed, covers tucked up to your chin and a box of tissues lying on your bed with many crumpled balls littering the top. You blink slowly, the events from this morning a hazy blur. You groan as you press the palm of your hand into your forehead.
“A̵ ̴w̵ ̶a̸ ̸k̷ ̴e̷ ̵?̷̴̷”
Your eyes snap open, freezing in place with your eyes raised to the ceiling.
You can feel a figure coming closer, the area to your left seeming to darken and swim slightly.
“N̵e̴e̷d̸.̵ ̵.̷ ̴.̶ ̷a̵ ̷s̶p̵a̶c̵e̷.̸ ̴J̵u̴s̴t̶ ̷a̷ ̴l̴i̸t̴t̷l̵e̷ ̵o̷n̷e̴.̷ ̸.̷ ̷.̶ ̷p̴o̸o̷r̸ ̵t̸h̶i̸n̸g̵.̵ ̷.̵ ̶.̴ ̴w̷i̸l̴l̷ ̶a̵d̵j̴u̷s̴t̴ ̴i̶n̷ ̴t̶i̴m̴e̸.̴ ̵W̷i̶l̸l̵ ̸t̸r̸y̴.̸ ̶.̸ ̷.̸ ̴t̴o̸ ̸m̸a̸k̶e̶ ̵m̵y̸s̶e̷l̸f̸ ̷s̷m̴a̵l̷l̷e̷r̶.̸ ̸.̵ ̶.̴”̷
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
In the Ataraxia-verse, do you have (in your mind) a timeline that details how each monster meets their y/n? And also did you already have in mind how exactly all the monsters met? Like from BL we already learned that hjoong and Hwa are the same species. But it has me fascinated to how sea creatures could ever meet hellhound-yuyu.
I have a loose connecting thread so far. It depends on the next step (gaia i believe is already planning on comming a reader x yuyu one sometime in the future so theres that) but i have a tentative answer for some, not all of them and how these connections formed.
The merbabes meeting Yunho after he nearly drowns escaping a capture in their neck of the ocean (based of an rp i had did with gaia between chapters 3 and 4)
Manticore San and Dragon Mingi being close friends because they share the same labyrinth-style den as a home (a tentative concept not set in stone)
Eldrich being Wooyoung *not* bringing absolute ruin to this world because he found the way Fae toy with people to be a lot more interesting and fun than just simply rending another planet asunder. Also apparently hes never seen glowing freckles before so uh thanks Yeosang for keeping this world gucci for a while-
The most curious one to get in the group is probably going to be Jongho but I'll find a way. Hes probably going to be mixed and knows Yeosang through the struggles with his bloodline because of it
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Scarlet King's White Queen (Headcanons) SCP Scarlet King X White Queen Reader (SCP Foundation) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Muffins And Welcome back to another chapter in this chapter is the scarlet king with a powerful God deity SCP and I am doing a specific one I made in stories called the white queen. Please Enjoy!]
-Headcanons With Scarlet King X White Queen Reader-
(Disclaimer Yanderes are not ideal partners to have and you should not want or be with a yandere. Moreover, it is not canon that scarlet king is yandere he could be somewhere in the multiverse of SCP but mostly he is not. Scarlet King belongs to the Fandom.
Enjoy this!]
First off the white. The white Queen is the other half of the scarlet king. His bride if you will. She unlike him thrives on the world developing and there being less suffering. It makes her stronger. The white queen and Scalrt king helped bring a lot of scps into the world. The white queen is more powerful now in the modern age than he partner. She is a strong dominant woman who is not taking any more shit from the scarlet king. This is who the white queen is aka you.
(Scarlet King is an eldrich God type of deity and thrives on suffering pain and strife when humanity is suffering he becomes stronger and when people know more about him he becomes stronger still
.Scarlet king has been obsessed with you since you and he were born.
.He was cruel though, he made sure that he was stronger than you so he kept you under his thumb.
.Having forced marriage onto you and forced himself on you to create more scps.
.He is not the fun type of yandere.
.No he is beyond obsessed and sees you as something to own than someone to be a partner with
.He is very much in the mindset that you are his and have your wifely duties.
.He does care for you on some sick twisted level but knows one day you will become stronger than him.
.He cannot risk that happening so he will try to break your spirit to make you always subservient to him.
.Of course, he did not know you were stronger than that.
.That you kept your spirit unbroken and slowly been breaking him down.
.He did not see it coming when you put him in his place.
.Or the fact that you left him.
.He was enraged you were NOT Aloud to leave him! YOU WERE HIS \
.He would declare war on you and demand you return to his side.
.Threatening to destroy all you love.
.He knows though that you are stronger than him and could end him if you so wished.
.This makes him want you even more as seeing you so powerful makes him love you all the more.
.He deals with rivals and the foundation if they are to help you by having his followers kill anyone who tries to get too close to you.
.Also plans to destroy any world you stay in.
.He will destroy the entire multiverse if he has to have you by his side once more.
.No one else but you matters.
.He confessed his love by forcing marriage and bond with you to make you his and his alone.
.If or When he does get you back he is going to punish you for what you did.
.But you are not going down with a fight, you join the foundation and do everything you can to destroy your husband.
.If he will not let you go then you will kill him and become the white widow.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed it, for those who do not know this was a request on youtube and you can find the listener version of this on my youtube. the link to my account on Wattpad is in my profile, anyways stay sexy all my muffins!]
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 years
Are you a new blog? :o And, can I request a fluffy female eldrich!reader x King Dedede? I love your other works!
Thank you, and yes, this is a new blog! I figured that while I waited to post more works for my King Boo series on the appropriate holiday, I should write other things in the meantime! Hope this is what you wanted; I modeled triple D's personality around the cartoon series one. Here’s the link on ao3. Enjoy!
King Dedede x Female Eldrich!Reader - Suspicious, Suspicious!
King Dedede hurriedly waddled down the long castle hallways, panting loudly with every other step. It was obvious that he wasn’t made for running, but there was no time to think about that. "Move!" He yelled, shoving a stray Waddle Dee out of the way. "I'm gonna be late!"
"What are you going to be late for, Majesty?" A familiar knight said as he caught the Waddle Dee, setting them to the side.
King Dedede felt every muscle in his body freeze at the sight of Meta Knight, and he gritted his teeth into a forced smile. "O-Oh, hey there! Uh... aren’t you supposed to be on break or something?"
Meta Knight narrowed his eyes suspiciously at him, knowing that the King would never talk so nicely like that. Ever since you first appeared, King Dedede has had more and more trouble keeping your identity a secret... Yes, you only showed up in his royal room at a certain time of day for exactly ten minutes, but... still!
"I came out of my room when I heard a ruckus," Meta Knight said slowly, watching the Waddle Dee he previously caught run away... "And, you didn’t answer my first question. Why are you in such a rush?" He said, being a bit... pushy with his words. King Dedede knew Meta Knight wasn’t this pushy last week, so he needed to be careful with what he said next.
W-Well, uh..." King Dedede grimaced, before snapping his fingers when he came up with a good excuse. "Don't ya know that it's TV watchin' time? Of all people, you should know that!"
Meta Knight hummed, but didn't seem too convinced. "Of course, Majesty. My apologies."
"Yeah, you should be sorry!" King Dedede huffed, trying to act how he normally would. "Now... go away, and... do whatever you're supposed to do!"
…Meta Knight sighed, and lightly tilted his head into a bow. King Dedede knew that he’d come pester him about it some more later, but he’ll take his graces where he could get them. “Of course, Majesty,” he repeated. “Let me know if you need my presence.”
As soon as Meta Knight finished his sentence, King Dedede high-tailed it out of there as quickly as he could, turning down the next hallway. After a moment or so of running, he stopped so he could catch his breath. “G-Geez, I needa be more careful,” he mumbled to himself. Once he didn’t feel like he was going to fall flat on his face, he hurried over to his room— without any more interruptions, thankfully.
“Hey, you in here?!” King Dedede whisper-shouted into his room after he opened the door. After a pause, he walked inside, locking the door behind himself… He thought he saw something in the corner of the room by the dresser, and he grunted, going over there. “You can show yourself now, girly! It’s just me, I promise! I didn’t bring aaanybody else, so—”
“You’re late,” you mumbled into his ear from behind him, lightly petting the blue fur on the side of his face with a shadow-like claw.
King Dedede stiffened, before groaning loudly. “Y’know, ya gotta stop scaring me like that! I’m gonna have a heart attack one day ‘cause of you.”
You giggled— which was a somewhat… demonic, echoing sound, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Oh, that would be unfortunate. I can’t have you dying on me anytime soon! Though, if you’re late again, I may have to eat you.”
King Dedede rolled his eyes, and tilted his head back to look up at your face. You didn’t have any defining features while in ‘this form.’ Just two round pale eyes, and shadowy skin that was black as tar. He... thought you looked cute, in all honesty. He couldn’t see why people were so scared of you. And... yes, you may have scared him when you first showed up, but... that doesn’t matter now! “Well, blame Meta for makin’ me late!”
“So, you want me to eat him instead?” You said, and the shadow-like skin on your face stretched into a wide smile.
“No! Well, maybe,” he said, now mulling it over. You merely laughed.
“You’re such a silly penguin…”
“And you’re such a silly, uh... whatever you are!” King Dedede shot back.
You hummed, smile widening further. “You don’t even know what I am, do you? You’ve known me for nearly a month now, and not once have you asked what I am.”
“Well, you’re somethin,’ aren’t ya?” The King huffed.
“I suppose so, yes,” you giggled, tilting your head to the side impishly.
“Well... that’s all that matters!” He declared.
You laughed once more, and was about to come up with a response, but a black droplet of what seemed to be your flesh landed on the King’s forehead. You... frowned, wiping it away. “Seems I can’t hold this form for much longer…”
King Dedede grunted. “But I just got here!”
You sighed, before gently smooching his face. You had no need to inhale nor exhale, but you recently figured out that the mere gesture of sighing had meaning behind it. “Such are the downfalls of being late, dear. I'll see you here tomorrow.”
King Dedede lightly growled in frustration. “No, nuh-uh! You ain’t leavin’ yet, missy!”
You gently petted the side of his face with your claw some more, your frown deepening further. It was always so difficult to leave… “Aren’t you glad you saw me at all today? You could’ve been too late, and not have seen me until tomorrow.”
King Dedede crossed his arms, looking at the ground. “Yeah, but…”
“No buts. Be happy with the fortunes that are afforded to you. I'll see you tomorrow, dear,” you said quietly, and gave him one last smooch on the head before sinking into the shadows without another word.
King Dedede looked behind himself with a sigh, and saw that you were gone. Yeah, he’ll see you tomorrow alright… and he was going to find a way to make you stay, too!
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petar-yandere · 4 years
Yandere mom lalond x Teen reader Part 1/2(maybe 3)
You were a normal kid, and one of you're best friends named Rose was rly strange, she always liked the supernatural and was into eldrich horrors.
Rose lived near you and you often went out together as friends, you are both aware of the fact that you don't like each other that way.
One day, rose messaged you:
Rose: Hello.
You: Hey rose, how are you?
Rose: Good, you?
You: Pretty good, anyways what were you asking about?
Rose: I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over, i was gonna ask if you wanted to help with my plant, it broke and i don't know what to do.
You: Alright, so are we going to meet at the bus stop were we always meet?
Rose: Yes sure, and thanks
You head to the park where you see rose. you head to her house:
Rose: Fair warning, my moms a bitch.
You: lol, i hate my parents too.
Little did you know, you were being stalked by somebody.
You: heh, you look like you're my big sister.
Rose: Why do you say that?
You: well, you are older than me, and you are fairly taller.
Rose: You have a point.
You and rose enter her house where you see her mom, she ignores you both while she drank her wine and you go to her room.
Rose: alright, this is the plant.
You: i still don't understand why you even asked me to come, im 13 and you're 14, shouldn't you know more?
Rose: I have a education in most things, but i still haven't gone to school, so i don't really know anything about plants.
You: Alright.
You examine the broken plant and realize its beyond repair, its snapped in half.
You: Rose, i don't think i can fix a half snapped off plant, its just gonna die.
Rose: Alright, thanks for coming tho.
Rose: But, do you mind staying a bit, i don't wana be alone while my mom is drunk like that
You: Alright, i will stay.
You: so, what do you do for fun?
Rose: I have books, do you want to read?
You: Alright
You sit on her bed with her and start reading together
You were reading for hours on end, everything passed so fast, and at the end it was night time.
You: i have been here for hours, i should go.
Rose: Alright, let me just do this
Rose tackles you to the ground, and kisses you on the mouth
You: Rose, what are you doing, you're older than me, STOP! This is wrong.
Rose: So what if im older?
You: Well its just... you know.
Rose: Okay, but please don't hate me or stop hanging out with me
You: i won't.
You leave the room and house, shocked because of what happened, you look around and roses mom is not there, you ignore it thinking she left, oh boy were you wrong.
Suddenly you see a shadow behind you, but you were to late to respond, somebody grabs you're arms and you feel a pinch in you're neck. As you fall to the ground in a haze you hear:
???: Why her, you little bitch.
You wake up in a dark room, you look around but you can't see anything, you try to get up only to realize you are tied to a chair.
You try to break free only to hear:
???: Finnaly, you are awake.
You: Where am i?
???: Don't worry about that sweetie, and good morning.
The person steps out of the shadows to reveal it was roses mother.
You: Roses mom? Wait why am i here!
Mom: It made me mad how she kissed you, how can my own daughter do that?
You: Are you talking about the kiss? but why am i here
She steps out of the room and comes back with roses dead body.
Mom: She tried to steal you away, so i had to make sure she couldn't
You were in so mutch shock that you couldn't move, you just cried and cried.
Roses mom kisses you:
Mom: You are mine, forever.
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