#electrical villian
peterkothe · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 Day 9 -The ELECTROPHANT!
-Elephant scientist Prof. J. Voltusk, sought to cure himself of his terminal illness and gain immortality by becoming pure sentient energy! He succeeded, but the price to pay afterwards made him a walking disaster driven mad with and as LITERAL power!!
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asha-mage · 5 months
A SVSSS fic I want to write one day is Airplane and Shen Yuan being ejected from the System and sent back to the mundane world, but with the difference that Shen Yuan's 'edits' to the story have been retroactively applied to PiDW and as a result it's gone from 'top story in a hyper specific web culture niche' to 'international sensation with a Netflix adaption in the works'.
Keyly, PiDW is still told largely from the PoV of Luo Binghe- so neither he nor the audience is at all aware that it's now Isekai story. Instead it's billed as this heady romantic drama about prejudice, the passage of time, and redemption- where a big part of the appeal is trying to piece together the otherwise enigmatic Shen Qingqiu's motives.
Was he harsh on Binghe initially because of he sensed/knew about Binghe's demon heritage (as it's now possible to find hints that he may have in fact known all along)? Or because he saw Binghe's potential and wanted to do the tough-love training thing? Or was it because he was trying to chase Binghe away from Cultivation because he knew it would lead Binghe to misery one day? Did he throw Binghe into the Abyss because he was genuinely shocked and disgusted by the Demon reveal? Or because he knew Binghe would be killed if he stayed and he was trying to 'protect' him? Or was it because he genuinely wanted Binghe to fulfill his demon Emperor destiny and thought a clean break would do it? The fandom has no idea but lovvvvvves arguing about it.
This all leads to things coming full circle, as Cucumber, sounding like an absolute insane person, is left to rant online about how the obvious answer is that Shen Qingqiu was Isekai'd earlier in the story and replaced by a completely different person- a theory which is mocked to the point of memery, and leads to Cucumber being dunked on endlessly, no matter how much evidence he brings up or how many essays he writes.
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joltik-guy · 6 months
I think I broke something 👍
{Attached is a link to a video taken by a bystander of the situation}
[Joltik is clearly in the middle of quipping with the villain, who is suspended midair, electricity from her body crackling, causing the edges of the video to fade to static. In the background, a smoking building is half destroyed. Joltik, swings around, a yellow blur, attempting to catch the villain in their webs. A muffled, laugh can be heard from them, as the villain struggles so escape.]
"Honestly- out of all the powers you could've chosen- electricity is probably the worst one to fight me with!"
[In response, the villian sends electricity through their webs, only for Joltik to laugh.]
"Oh- that tickles. You're doing well!"
[As the villain attempts to free herself from joltiks web, she falls to the ground, cracking the pavement.]
"Oh wow- Is this your first attempt at villiany? I must say- I'm honoured."
[And just like that joltik is blasted into the nearst building, smashing into the buildings sign, before going limp. The villian leaves frame, running away, while joltik is left hanging there. If you pause the video at the right moment you can read the sign, it seems to be 'The Daily Smeargle' Headquarters. The video cuts off before you can see much else.]
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its-your-mind · 8 months
Jonny saw how some of the fandom latched onto Elias Bouchard as the sexy villian with the shitty personality and decided that he was Very Hot and said “oh okay well I see your sexy Elias Bouchard who is actually a gross shitty body-hopping victorian man and I will RAISE YOU an autistic Gwendolyn Bouchard who is kinda an asshole but also? an icon. and this time you WILL cheer her on as she takes over the world bc I have made you love her on day one bc she is very particular about making sure EVERYTHING. is sorted properly. And you fucking nerds find that sexy for some reason” and we all said “fuck. shit. he got us again. here’s to brutal pipe murder pt 2 electric boogaloo. We’ll be ready with the stan posts.”
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Yandere self-aware Bruce Wayne—all the money in the world couldn't buy your love
Yandere Bruce Wayne, who was monitoring the CCTV cameras one day, became aware of a presence watching him. His paranoia and hypervilgilence sparked as he combed every corner of the cave and the manor, scowering for someone or something hiding in the shadows. Nothing; he could not find a single speck of dust out of place.
He eventually succumbed to slumber, and when he awoke, he felt eyes on him again. The feeling of being watched would come and go. He simply couldn't understand it.
However, he did become addicted to the feeling of being admired by someone. Even if that someone could be a danger to him.
Yandere Bruce Wayne did research when he didn't feel the inquiring gaze on him.
"It is a possibility..." He muttered to himself. "In another timeline I am but a story. My hardships, my family and, my most vulnerable moments are simply a form of entertainment." He rolls his eyes. "Why am I not surprised?"
It only made him crave more knowledge about you and about this other world that he was not a part of.
Yandere Bruce Wayne learned how to see you. He had to go to some crackpot scientist who lived in a rundown apartment that definitely did not meet any code. Through a set of electric shocks, which made him question his sanity, he was finally able to see you clearly for the first time. It was as if he had been blessed somehow. He was never one to believe in any god, but he did pray and say thank you to whatever gave him self-awareness. 
Yandere Bruce Wayne hacked into your phone through a magic line Constantine set up. It was definitely worth having to help him set up a demon trap. A trap that he had to be the bait for. Still, he gains access to all the information about you that one could need. He spends countless hours combing over all your history, including your internet history.
You—like him? What is a... yandere? Oh.
He's watching you read this right now and smiling like a madman. A smile that could rival even the most unhinged of Joker's.
Yandere Bruce Wayne knows that he can't be too obvious. He could easily scare you off, and even if he could simply follow you through other forms of media, it still wouldn't be the same. Your attention is like a drug that some villian force fed him. It's a gaze that brings him comfort. He needs to keep it only on himself.
Yandere Bruce Wayne gets impatient. He only has your gaze. He isn't able to touch you. He isn't able to smell you. He isn't able to see you in all your glory. It causes him to grow agitated. He's more prone to snapping. He isolates himself even more now. Alfred does his best to get through Bruce's shell, but it seems much stronger now. He wants one thing: you.
He has always done his duty.
He has always saved the citizens of Gotham.
Doesn't he deserve something?
Doesn't he deserve just this one thing?
Yandere Bruce Wayne knows it can't be, but it doesn't stop him from dreaming. He fantasizes about what it would be like to be in your world, or you in his. He can't do it anymore. He needs you. How?
He looks at you, but he doesn't know if you notice it.
Damn dimensional time shit.
He'll get out of here eventually, and the first time he feels you will be the last time you leave his side.
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furryeaglebarbarian · 2 years
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Ritoru the rod
A aggressive and dictative enforcer.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
nah because giving birth to sukuna’s son, a little baby boy who looks like him, and watching you love and adore the little bean with all your heart and soul; you sing and hum to the little bean, celebrate every accomplishment no matter how small it is (big burp? what a good boy! ate so much!), carrying him snuggly in your arms as you talk about every flower you spot in the gardens (even when he’s asleep). nicknaming your son your little miracle, your little twinkling star and sukuna understanding maybe it wasn’t him, an innocent child back then, but awful circumstances and the wrong people around him.
Nonny, your brain is so big, and so sexy, and so electric and AHH-
He wasn't sure at first when you got pregnant. He knew what his childhood was like, and the notion of bringing another person in this world was sickening because of it.
When his son was born, he was crushed. The small child looked exactly like Ryomen, just as Ryomen had looked like his father. It was a face that was historically unlovable, a face that was historically cursed. And it crushed him because he already wanted nothing but the best for him.
His worries were quickly brushed aside as he saw you reach for you son. The love in your eyes as you doted on him, smiling with pride at your strange creation. You already held so much more warmth than his mother ever did. Maybe this kid had a chance.
His son is like him in more than looks. His son is exactly like him in behavior too. Meaning he's not the easiest kid to handle. He's fussy in the night, demanding during the day. A tike in need of constant attention. Sukuna was sure you would grow to resent the rug rat, and in turn him for giving you the child.
Yeah, that never happened. You never raised an unloving hand to your child, you rarely even raised your voice. You treated him with the same love and care you always had. Your gentle sweetness never faded. It left Ryomen floored.
Because if you could forgive his son, assure him that "that's just how babies are!" And that it would never be your "little miracles" fault, then shit why didn't his mom ever forgive him? Why was it always his fault? He was just doing what babies do.
The realization that Ryomen wasn't actually a burden, just a small child that didn't ask to be born, and that his parents were actually the villian hits him like a truck. It went against everything he had ever been taught, but it made such clear sense. In a weird way it felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He didn't have to carry around the guilt anymore.
Slowly, Ryomen learns to heal his trauma while raising his own son. A son that he hopes to one day be a better man than he ever was. A son who knows love, and caring. With a mother who never faltered in her adoration of her family.
Ryomen was worried a child would ruin what you two had built, but in reality the baby only made everything stronger. He lived and cherished his family, more than he'd ever be able to express. He's so grateful for his son, his son who helped him in ways he'd never understand, that he's not even entirely opposed to the idea when you suggest child number two.
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Can you do a teen reader (younger than Damian by 1 or 2 years) x batfam, where he is spider man? (I mean kinda like miles morales, he has electricity powers but his webs are organic too and doesn’t need a web shooters.) he is Bruce’s biological child and his mother died, yk his canon event and what not. So he has to move to Gotham and isn’t happy about. Just distant and all. One night He sneaked out and bought a train ticket and went to New York, and was only spider man and just slept in somewhere. So the batfamily tracked him to New York, and while looking for him, they bump into him as spider man. They have to team up to find a villian but reafer gets hurt in the end and his mask fell off and they see it’s reader? They bring him and just have a talk when he wakes up and they come to conclusion for him to join the family in their fighting in Gotham?
Oh, that sounds good. Yes... Also, 2.7k words and so sorry for taking so long to write this... Hope you enjoy. I changed it a little bit, so my apologies, but I got into my writing spirit lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Spiderman. The fam doesn't know that.
Warnings: (Y/N)'s mom passes away, funeral, sad (Y/N), he loves his city, angst, running away, fighting with Green Goblin.
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(Y/N) had a great life in New York. He was very happy in his city. He lived with his mom and everything was fine. Okay, he did get bitten by a radioactive spider and got cool powers with it. Did it cause some troubles? Oh yeah. Electricity was a bit problematic to control, but he managed.
Did he get grounded because of it? His mom sure thought so. His dad visited with the rest of his brothers every month. (Y/N) understood why he couldn't come more. Being a CEO and all that stuff, (Y/N) really understood. He didn't love Bruce any less. Bruce was involved in his life, which was nice.
He loved his brothers and father, more than anything in this world. Alfred was the best though. Whenever he came, he would bring his food and (Y/N) and his mom would enjoy it too, often asking for recipes. Or they would exchange recipes.
All of those were very fun times. And his time as Spiderman. He really loved it. He loved patrolling and helping the people and maybe get a hot dog from the stands that worked through the night. He loved it all. It was nice that his webs were natural and they, like mentioned before, they also came with electricity.
His enemies hated him, but (Y/N) loved being Spiderman. He loved what he represented in New York and he wouldn't change it for anything in the world. He is a New Yorker through and through.
But life decided to be a bitch and strike that luck and happiness.
(Y/N)'s mom passed away. She was hit by a drunk driver. The worst thing is, the driver survived. When Bruce got the news, he got into the car and drove to New York. (Y/N) was told just before Bruce came and (Y/N) felt his soul shatter.
He broke down in Bruce's arms, crying and screaming. It took him a while to calm down, but he couldn't stay alone. Bruce knew that and he knew that going back to Gotham was not an option now. At all. Bruce called Alfred and explained everything and told him that he would stay to arrange the funeral.
Alfred understood and the brother called (Y/N), wishing that they could be there. (Y/N) thanked them for it and then sat up all night, unable to sleep. Bruce tried to comfort him in the best way possible, but it was difficult. Bruce's former fling, (Y/N)'s mom, was the most important person to (Y/N). Without a doubt.
Bruce knew that he would have to bury her in New York, otherwise his son would have raised hell. Without a doubt. After funeral, (Y/N) would have to move to Gotham. Which is another problem on its own. Bruce didn't know that (Y/N) was Spiderman and (Y/N) didn't know that Bruce was Batman.
Match made in hell, so to say.
The funeral was held a few days after the incident and (Y/N) thought that New York cried with him. The sky was dark and the rain was falling. (Y/N) was torn. There were way to many people who were saying sorry and while he appreciated the care and worry, he just wanted to say goodbye on his own.
His brothers have stood it with him. (Y/N) didn't even have the courage to be next to the grave, while they lowered it, but Bruce held him hand through it, keeping him close to him during the entire process.
At the end, he found some strength and came closer, allowing the rain to soak him. It felt appropriate. When she was lowered, (Y/N) threw a rose in there and wiped his eyes. He took a deep breath as they started putting dirt over her coffin and (Y/N) never felt so mad. Why did this happen to him? To him out of all people?!
Bruce recognized that look in (Y/N)'s eyes. He knew that rage, sadness and frustration in his eyes. It was going to be difficult to let go and have a new life in Gotham. But (Y/N) had to try. He had to put some effort.
" (Y/N), we have to go. " Bruce said gently as he shielded his son from the rain with an umbrella. (Y/N) kept looking as the coffin got buried under the dirt. He swallowed before nodding and following Bruce to the car.
" Why do I have to go to Gotham? " (Y/N) asked and Bruce sighed as he started driving.
" We have been over this. I have a company there and your brothers are there. I know you don't want to leave, I know that, but you have no choice. " Bruce explained as he drove and (Y/N) turned away from him, biting down on his tongue so that he wouldn't lash out against Bruce.
" I know you are not happy, but you will be happy in Gotham. "
" Sure. In a city ran by a clown and a bat. Sounds like heaven. " (Y/N) said sarcastically.
" It's actually a nice city once you live in it long enough. "
(Y/N) huffed, but kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to lash out at his father, he really didn't. His dad was doing something he needed and Bruce wasn't at fault.
It was the driver's fault.
But he was pissed and he just wanted to be alone. Bruce saw it and didn't say anything, driving back to Gotham. It was the most awkward drive Bruce has ever done in his life. The hour was quiet and once they parked in the yard of the manor, (Y/N) took a bag with his personal stuff, his Spiderman suit included, and made a beeline for his room.
He ran past everybody and they all looked at him with sad looks.
" Do you think he will be better soon? " Dick asked, glancing at Bruce.
" I don't know Dick. He is sensitive and he will need some time to process it. I don't think I can even introduce him to our line of work. He found justice, they got the driver. " Bruce said as he rubbed his chin and the boys had to agree to a certain agree.
" He just needs some time. The first few days are the toughest. He will get better as times passes. " Alfred said as he took one of the boxes out.
Those few days have passed and (Y/N) didn't really feel good. He didn't like the fact he is starting a new school year here, without his friends and a sense of familiarity. He would have to start a new, without... He cried a lot during the time and he just wore black. Alfred had to make sure he ate and Bruce was there to comfort him and make sure he is okay.
Another thing that was painful, alongside his mother's death was the fact that he couldn't be Spiderman. He couldn't go out, he couldn't save his fellow New Yorkers or chat with them. He saw the news talking about his absence and he wanted nothing more than to go back to New York.
Nothing more.
But... There is a problem called big brothers plus a dad.
They were always around, watching him. Always popping in his room to make sure he is okay and not hungry, knowing that eating wasn't easy. Everyone popped in to make sure he is okay. (Y/N) was sure they thought he would hurt himself somehow, but he wasn't doing that.
He would often sit down in his room, when he knew that his family was on patrol, he would take his suit out. He would watch the spider symbol, wishing he could be back in New York. Gotham was nothing compared to New York. New York was much better, still is better than this city. New York is alive, vibrant, full of colors.
And then you have Gotham.
But (Y/N) has had enough after 2 weeks. With a little bit sneaking around, he managed to buy a ticket, his suit underneath the normal clothes he was wearing. While his family was on patrol, he sneaked out and made his way to the station to leave. He was happy, but it was bitter sweet. It would remind him of the things he loved and yet... It would remind him of his mother.
He had actually had some money left for a few flowers to lay on her grave... (Y/N) put his head on the window, watching the scenery change. Left his phone at home so that they couldn't track him, so he spent his time looking out the window and stretching.
After a few hours, (Y/N) has arrived. He smiled as he saw his city. He took a deep breath in and walked around, just remembering the time in his city.
" My apologies New York. " (Y/N) mumbled as he started walking to the cemetery. It would be a long walk, but he had time. He really did. Once he came, the flower shop was open and he has paid with cash, making it difficult to track him. After getting a beautiful bouquet he walked to his mom's grave. He put them down and smiled...
Bittersweet beyond belief.
He kept knelt down on one knee, smiling at the gravestone. He smiled and wiped some of his tears away, not wanting to cry.
" Hey mom. I'm back. Dad wanted me to move, but I think I will stay here. " (Y/N) said as he got up and started walking to his apartment. He missed it, he really did. He could only hope that it's unlocked, but his neighbor had an extra key. He knew it.
And she loved him.
While (Y/N) was happy, the family wasn't really paying attention whether or not (Y/N) was in his room. They were thinking that he has slept. They couldn't have been more wrong about it. (Y/N) already had a whole night ahead of him as an advantage.
Alfred went to check and a few minutes later and he called out for Bruce in a panic. Everyone dropped the cutlery and ran upstairs to see if their butler was safe. Jason and Tim nearly tumbled over one another more than once. Damian jumped in first, ready to fight with the non existent intruder.
They were all shocked to see that there was no intruder. Another problem? There was no (Y/N). Jason checked the bathroom.
" Not in here. " He declared, closing the door.
Bruce wondered what the hell happened. Oh no. Where is he?
" Did anyone see him? " Bruce asked his sons, leaning on the wall.
" No... I thought he was in here. " Tim said as he looked out the window. " Where is he even? " Tim wondered. Bruce pondered for a moment.
" Lets go to the cave and check the cameras. " Bruce said as he pushed himself off of the wall. Everyone followed and soon, they were looking through the cameras.
They all paled when they saw that he went to the city. Bruce pulled all of the cameras he could and thanked God for facial recognition. He pulled it all to find (Y/N).
" Why did he escape? " Dick wondered out aloud. Was it the fact that they were checking on him too much? Was he smothered? Did they smother him?
" Shit. " Jason said next to Bruce as the two watched the screen. Everyone turned their heads to look at the screen. A train station. Bruce connected it.
" He went to New York. " Bruce said as he tracked (Y/N)'s phone.
" What the hell? " Tim wondered out loud.
Everyone frowned when the location turned out to be the manor. Everyone was now worried.
" He has to be in New York. He has to be. " Damian declared and everyone had to agree with it. They knew that (Y/N) coming here wasn't his choice and that he wanted to stay back in New York. Bruce couldn't blame (Y/N) for any of it, nobody could blame (Y/N) for trying to run to New York.
" He has an entire night as an advantage. " Damian said and everyone has agreed with him. That is one hell of an advantage.
" I'm not sure whether or not to be proud. " Bruce said, trying not to smile.
" A mixture of both. He passed the security. " Jason mumbled and Bruce chuckled.
" Yeah, I have to be a mixture of both. Lets do some more investigating and then lets go to New York at night. " Bruce said and everyone nodded.
(Y/N) has had fun during the day, but it seems that Green Goblin wasn't happy with the fact that he was gone out of their city. The fight has been going on for a while and (Y/N) was slowly getting exhausted. Ever so slowly.
(Y/N) knew that he couldn't lose his cool now. That's something that Green Goblin wanted him to do this entire fight. Green Goblin was taunting him and by God, (Y/N) was ready to kill. His wrists were hurting like never before.
He was ready to strike once more when he saw a familiar face. His dad and his brothers. Oh God. Were they all looking for him. They landed near him and (Y/N) swore that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He really thought so.
" Hey Spidey, you need help? " Dick, well, Nightwing asked and (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders. " Could use some backup. " (Y/N) said, voice breathy.
" Arch nemesis? " Damian, well, Robin asked.
" Yup. "
" Sounds tough. " Dick said and (Y/N) got ready to strike once more. He saw an opening and took it.
(Y/N) was struck and he flew back onto the rooftop and something fell of as he landed. He couldn't pinpoint it, but every part of him screamed that something was wrong. He froze when he saw his father, covering them both with his big cape.
" (Y/N), why didn't you tell us? Is this why you didn't want to leave? " Bruce asked, glancing at his son, trying to see if he was injured.
" I... I didn't know how to... " (Y/N) admitted shyly, looking away from his dad.
" I'm not blaming you. But we have to talk about this later. We can't just leave it like this. Put on your mask and lets finish this. " Bruce said with a firm voice and (Y/N) nodded as he did so and with the help from Bruce, got up.
" Lets get the bastard. " (Y/N) said with so much determination and Bruce smiled proudly. He really is his son with that much determination.
The fight was tiring beyond belief, but the Batfamily was determined and persistent. And Green Goblin wasn't expecting the back up that (Y/N) has gotten out of nowhere. Soon, Green Goblin was taken into custody. Now it was all good. All good.
If you remember that (Y/N)'s family was still there, waiting to talk to him. He didn't really want to talk, he just wanted to avoid it. He didn't want to. By God, he wanted to go to sleep. But he knew that talk would happen eventually.
" Now, " Bruce started as he glanced at everyone. " I'm not mad you, but... You could have told us. We told you. " (Y/N) tried to say something, but Bruce stopped him. " Now, what happened happened. However, you can use your talents back in Gotham. "
(Y/N) shifted on his feet, nervous about it.
" No need to worry (Y/N). " Jason started, hands on his hips. " NYPD is more capable than GCPD. "
Everyone laughed at it. To some extent it's true, but (Y/N) wasn't convinced.
" You don't have to lose your Spider symbol. You can keep being Spiderman. You can be a spider and the rest can be birds. " Bruce said as he put his hand on (Y/N) shoulder.
" It's difficult to leave my city behind. " (Y/N) admitted and Bruce nodded in sympathy. The brothers hugged their brother, hugging him tightly.
They all were saying something, but (Y/N) couldn't understand. But he knew that they were all saying something positive.
" Now, lets go home and get you situated. " Bruce said and (Y/N) just looked at the sun.
" It weird to see you guys in this time of the day. " (Y/N) mumbled as he was led to the Batmobile. Everyone laughed at that. It was true. He really didn't want to leave New York city, but he knew that he could help them in Gotham.
He knew it would work out in the end.
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fixated-dark-king · 4 months
Sooo, I had the amazing experience of attending a panel C.S. Pacat was part of during the Sydney Writers’ Festival on 25th May 2024. The panel was called “Creating a Monster” (with two other YA authors).
And finally a week later (because adult-ing is hard), I had time to actually go through my notes and write up some of the fascccccinating things Pacat had to say about: monsterous heroes, and villains, and enemies-to-lovers deliciousness, and queer identity!
I didn’t want to forget some of the interesting things said in this panel and thought others might be interested in hearing about them too? Please indulge the splurge. :)
(Please note that all bold headers are just my thematic summary of each section for people to jump to, not the actual question asked.)
From a technical writing standpoint, the ‘Monstrous’ is appealing because a villain will often do an act and the hero reacts to that. It gives unconscious clues to the reader that when the villain turns up, something exciting is going to happen. In that sense, villainous characters have a special sort of ever-present attention given to them (possibly because human nature is to always keep one eye on the dangerous thing that could harm you).
On a personal level: A) When queer characters are awesome but also ‘Monstrous’, Pacat says it can feel really ‘electric’ and empowering to reclaim/allow yourself to embrace the monster role that you’ve been told you fit into by society. Like in Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles where queer people are allowed to be beautiful/glittering & powerful & witty & have existential conversations about good and evil while fitting under the Monstrous label. Like heck yeh, that’s cool. And B) as an author, you can feel a ‘minority pressure’ to have characters be Good all the time and be the perfect ambassador for that minority, but sometimes you just want to be a vampire and take over the world, you know?
When pondering whether it is hard as a writer to convince readers that a Monstrous protagonist is a likeable character, Pacat pointed out that the funny thing is that the question ‘How am I going to make readers like this monster?’ never really ends up being an issue because people actually really like monsters! The thing you might not expect is that the struggle is actually: ‘How am I going to make these readers who are barracking for the protagonist feel that this ‘monster’ is actually monstrous?’
Pacat explained that when a protagonist is also a monster, it brings into play something called ‘Protagonist-Centric Morality’ -- where you bond with that protagonist and want the best for them etc, so much that it can obscure when the protagonist is actually doing something bad. Pacat mentioned that he has found the Protag-Centric Morality fairly striking in the case of the Dark Rise books because people have said to him things like: ‘The Dark King Did Nothing Wrong Ever In His Whole Life’ and Pacat questioned whether the moral centre of the story was landing somewhere different than intended. He was curious whether the other authors had experienced that with their ‘monstrous’ protagonists too.
IF A HERO IS ALSO MONSTROUS, HOW ON EARTH DO YOU DIFFERENTIATE THAT FROM THE VILLIAN? When pondering over the distinction between a Monstrous Hero and a Villain, Pacat shared some thoughts from his lived experience. He said the times when he has felt most threatened by the ‘Monstrous’ is when that person isn’t clearly identifiable to others around you; where there isn’t a shared understanding between everyone that ‘yes, that person is a monster’. Extending from that, the Truly Monstrous is when that person has some kind of control over you and control over the narrative as well; if the monster is the one telling the story but casting you as the monster. Essentially gaslighting via ‘narrative control’.
This is Pacat’s absolute favourite romantic trope. And he elaborated that he doesn’t mean that in the sense of ‘these characters sort of don’t like each other’, but rather to the point where two characters really hate each other and for a very good reason. He likes when a path between two characters feels IMPOSSIBLE to overcome.
This trope was first explored in the Captive Prince trilogy and Pacat loved it so much he just had to use it again for the Dark Rise trilogy. The planning behind it for CaPri was brainstorming: ‘What is the worst thing I could think to use?’ (Answer: Killing a character’s brother, which lands the bereaved character into a set of hellish circumstances.) But that meant when Pacat decided to use it again for DR, he had to extend that to: ‘Now I need to think of something EVEN WORSE THAN THAT (CaPri)’ in order to separate the main characters. So Pacat had to spend ages thinking about what could be the absolute worst thing to use this time -- and he hopes that he came up with something that is ‘truly, truly way worse.’ Which essentially had everyone, including the moderator, laughing loudly in fear. XD
Pacat spent a lot of time trying to develop a really meaningful platonic friendship between Will and Violet. It meant a lot to see a friendship like that reflected on page for Pacat because some of the most important friendships of his life were across gender lines. The reception to Will and Violet has been so pleasantly surprising, so Pacat supposed he wasn’t the only one with a hunger for that kind of friendship within the romantasy genre.
Pacat also reflected on Will’s complex relationship with his Found Family -- that having the support of a Found Family can be so essential, but in Will’s case that lifeline is undermined by secrecy, turning that Found Family into a different kind of loneliness. Because the thing is: if something so immense happens to you that you feel you can’t talk about, or you feel some way about yourself but think you can’t share that with others, it means you can’t really be your authentic self. But if you’re not being you’re authentic self, who are your friends friends with? They can’t be friends with the true You; they can only be friends with a facade/with a performance. So as long as Will is scared to show his true self and remains hiding himself away from even his friends, he will be alone. It’s a hard step to take. (Note from me: so heavvvvy but poignant.)
NOT DR-RELATED, BUT PACAT’S FAV MONSTERS FROM POPULAR FICTION: Pacat was so excited to namedrop his favourite monsters from popular fiction, he volunteered to go first LOL. The answers: 'The Brat Prince' Lestat (Lestat has been on his mind a lot recently because the AMC TV portrayal captures Lestat so well & has completely rejuvenated Pacat’s 12 year-old love of vampires. Total mood); serial killers such as in the Ripley series; and simply: American Psycho.
Great panel, right? Now it’s Europe’s turn!
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 17
A supervillian had captured a supernatural creature in some kind of device, the entity in question looked like a white haired teen from what they could see of him in the glass sphere he was enclosed in.
The villian was monologing about how they would use the creatures sacred powers to resurrect some evil gods or whatever when the heros intervened knocking him away and accidentally started the machine.
The teen screamed as electricity flowed through his body. Tim ran to him searching for a way to turn off the machine when his hand touched the outside of the sphere.
Unbeknownst to the heros, the machine required a piece of whoever was dead to revive them, it could be hair, blood, bone or even...a memory
That was how Tim, as Robin (or Red Robin whoever you prefer) found himself holding not his mom or dad or anyone you might have expected.
He was holding someone he never thought he'd see again. Someone who didn't even think she was real. Someone who was marveling at her new body made of flesh and blood
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whump-in-the-closet · 9 months
Hear me out (again).
Superhero whump, where VIllian’s power is to hurt people with touch.
So, basically, Villian can torture Hero for hours without having to stop because they aren’t hurting Hero’s physical body (if that makes sense?)
(And what if, since it doesn’t leave scars nobody believes Hero later?)
DUDE YES. YESYES YES. there is so much angst and suffering
At first, Hero didn’t understand why Villain wore gloves. Then Villain traced the tip of their finger over Hero’s jaw, and it made sense.
If someone had shoved a cattle prod under their skin, it would have hurt less. The pain was electric, and throbbed through their entire body— pounding behind their eyes—sinking deeper than any physical blow.
Hero didn’t realize they were shaking until Villain laughed softly. “Why, I’ve only touched you.”
Villain wrapped a hand around Hero’s wrist, watching as they jerked back against their restraints, back arching in a silent scream. “I thought you were tougher than that,” said Villain and took hold of Hero’s other wrist. This time, Hero cried out— the sound more animal than human.
The torture session lasted six hours. After, Villain pulled out a handheld mirror. Hero didn’t know what they expected to see but…they looked the same. Like the past six hours never happened.
The second session lasted seven hours. After the fifth, Hero stopped screaming because their voice no longer worked.
“It’s not like you have information I want,” Villain told them. “This is just fun.”
When Hero’s teammates find them, they expect Hero to be battered, beaten, unrecognizable. Sure, Hero was chained to a table, but they looked fine. They had deep purple bags under their eyes and looked terrified, but other than that? they looked fine.
“You couldn’t manage to get of here on your own?”
They undo Hero’s restraints but make no other effort to help them.
Later, no one notices how Hero flinches from touch.
Hero doesn’t allow anyone to place a hand on them. Ever. Everyone assumes Hero is simply paranoid. But when it continues, the team grows tired.
“You’re fine. Villain didn’t even hurt you.”
“You really expect us to believe you got hurt in there? The medic’s report said you had no physical damage.”
“Stop trying to make us pity you. It’s not working”
Hero looks in the mirror and tries, desperately, to find any sign of the electric pain they endured. There’s nothing. Their eyes are emptier though, glassy and cold.
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joltik-guy · 3 months
The fuck are you doing this time, Electro?
-J. Frost
[ @sinnohstruggles ]
Already explained myselff
You're so fucking boring ugh. CD fell in love with a cardboard cutout
Anyways thats my hater quota filled for the day buhbye!
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acrylic-anxiety · 4 months
things I thought were canon in mha but are probably just things the fandom made up that are so deeply ingrained in fanmedia, coming from someone who only joined the fandom a few months ago (correct me if im wrong)
(also not caught up on s7)
- literally any ships (rip, i know, but guys, no student relationships are canon as of rn)
- eijirou and mina went to middle school together
- denki probably has (absence) seizures due to overusing his quirk/bc storms
- red shoe theory (the quirkless have an extra toe joint and bc of that they need different shoes. unfortunately there's only one type, so doesn't matter if you're 5 or 80, you're stuck wearing bright red sneakers ://)
- erasermic. just the entirety of them being together. also includes erasermic fam. still rioting from when i found out erasermic is not canon >:((
- denki has adhd + dyslexia + dyscalculia (and probably a seizure disorder)
- hitoshi is in the foster system (and was probablg ab*sed bc of his quirk. includes mentions of muzzles and quirk suppressants)
- present mic was born with his quirk, deafening everyone in the room when he was born (includes mentions of muzzles)
- the bakugous (mitsuki and masaru) are either the best parents in the world (super attentive and caring) or suck and are probably ab*sive (quirk suppressants on katsuki any time he comes home, neglectful masaru, aggressive mitsuki)
- izuku is autistic (while not canon, i wouldnt be surprised, this is coming from someone with auDHD)
- denki's parents are both pro heroes (theres two pro's with electricity quirks. maybe?? maybe not?? we'll never know)
- endeavor is homophobic (i mean... im not saying he's not-)
- present mic was adopted by two moms
- eijirou has two moms (this one tho, so cute oml im screaming)
- the bakugous run a fashion empire (katsuki modeled for them before UA
- rooftop trio's full friend group included nemuri (a year ahead of them) and tensei (iida's brother)
- iida is autistic (ngl, if this aint the case im rioting)
- tsu never had a childhood, too busy parenting her siblings while her parents were at work or traveling
- back to the bakugous, they were too busy traveling to do photoshoots (mitsuki was the model and masaru designed clothes) to watch over katsuki, so he taught himself how to do everything (chores, keeping tbe house, cooking, etc)
- eijirou has depression/was su*c*dal in middleschool, the only thing keeping him from toppling was mina
- some mutation quirks are there at birth, others come in later. ex: toru (hagakure) was not born invisible, she turned invisible when out shopping with her mom (just imagine thinking "oh shit i just lost my kid at the store" and feeling something grab your leg with the voice of your kid but nothjngs there. wild, absolutely wild) just imagine this shit with the rest of our resideng mutation kids (whom i adore) koji, fumikage, mina, mezo, mashirao (would you consider hanta, kyoka, rikido, and mineta mutation quirk kids? bc i do)
- some kids come from all over the world (i like the idea of it, just how do they all know japanese then??) one i can remember rn were like denki is a 2nd gen japanese american, yuga we know is from france, hanta is latino (i adore this)
- mineta is great!! or mineta is a r*p*st (now, hes gotten better, i'll give you that, but hes still not great and i choose to hate him so im moving on-)
- the sports festival ceremony triggered a flashback for katsuki, making him feel like he was back with the sludge villian again
- izuku and katsuki co-wrote all might fanfiction and individually at one point had all might stan pages.
- fumikage, hitoshi, and kyoka rotate between the bakusquad and dekusquad
- the emosquad consists of fumikage, hitoshi, kyoka, mezo, katsuki, and shouto
- ochako has dad sneezes (loud asf and probably back to back) and katsuki has kitten sneezes (cute and singular) (no i will not explain further)
- while katsuki is loud and "angry" all of the time, you only really got to worry when he becomes deadly silent
- if you want tea on anyone, go to either mezo or kyoka. they know all
- shouto had many firsts after the dorms were implemented: first time trying ice cream, watching a movie, listening to music, trying certain foods, etc. bc endeavor either hated it, or didnt allow him access to it bc he thought it was a waste of time
- momo probably has an eating disorder, regardless of her quirk, due to her parents pressure as a high society family
- quirk related symptoms/damage. ex: katsuki's explosions causing low blood pressure and hearing loss. present mics causing hearing loss and chronic sore throats (maybe even repeat tonsilitis??). hitoshi getting migraines, insomnia, and nose bleeds from excessive quirk use.
- aizawa transfered to the hero course after winning the sports festival his first year at UA (i think it makes sense, what with him training hitoshi later)
(this is what i could think of rn, theres probably more, add on if you think of any)
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goodwhump-temp · 10 months
Naofumi Whump | The Rising of the Shield Hero
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1x01 - Chewed, betrayed, villian origin story, trust issues 1x02 - Bit x3, bleeding 1x03 - Stabbed with porcupine needle, knocked down 1x04 - Sliced x2, shot with lightning, crying x2, emotional anguish, comforted 1x08 - Scared, guilt 1x10 - Trauma 1x11 - Pain/wrath shield 1x12 - Armor broken, betrayed 1x13 - Large fall, brief pain 1x16 - Shield cracked, whipped/knocked down 1x17 - Shot/knocked into wall, pecked (15:50) 1x18 - Knocked back, cut by wind, exhausted 1x20 - Great/wrath pain, trauma, shot w/ electric arrow x2, profusely bleeding, unconscious, weak 1x21 - Bandaged, nightmare, jolted awake 1x22 - Frustrated outburst 1x24 - Betrayed, remaining injuries from ep.20 1x25 - Knocked back
2x01 - Exhausted 2x06 - Pinned, head kicked x10, bleeding, crying 2x07 - Chewed, clawed x2, bleeding, bandaged, neck faux-sliced 2x09 - Pain (wrath shield) x2, tackled 2x12 - Wrath shield, great pain
3x02 - (Briefly) exhausted 3x04 - Angry 3x06 - Restrained with spiked chains 3x08 - Shield taken over 3x09 - Weakened by Wrath Shield, blocks powerful blast x2
that saxophone is bout to make me ACT UP
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What if the TFA Autobots met 2000 Static Shock?
Basically the bots are having trouble with some human villians/Bang-Babies and Virgil comes to assist them.
With his introduction being the classic "The names Static! I put a shock to your system"⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
-Optimus admires his bravery. Virgil didn't have to become a hero yet he chose to, despite the fact that he could have easily lived a normal life. Feels a bit bad about having to rely on someone so young to help with these super powered humans but also very grateful for the help.
-Ratchet does not think that Virgil should be the one to fight these criminals but respects that the kid wishes to use his powers for good. Can't help but kinda push him Bumblebee's way, wishing that Virgil will be a good influence since he's such a responsible kid.
-Bumblebee thinks Virgil is a cool dude and likes fighting together with him. They would definitely become friends and start hanging out. Also kinda adopts some of his traits as he kinda looks up to Virgil, since he's a hero and wants to be a hero as well. Tries to come up with a catchphrase on his own.
-Bulkhead likes Virgil and admires his confidence and sense of right and wrong. Thinks it's cool that he's a superhero and asks him to show off his powers. Is super bad at remembering to call him by his hero name while wearing the mask though.
-Prowl finds it fascinating how Virgil wields electricity and offers to teach him some cyber-ninja moves that he thinks might fit into his fighting style. Admires his bravery and sense of justice since he himself was a draft dodger before Yoketron took him in.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
The "Hey Ell what on earth did you do to the Huggy Leos™?" Masterpost
There has been a lot of people confused on what exactly had happened the past few updates, so here I am creating a big post that should explain everything that went down!
This will also be added to the main masterpost to help new readers! I am also going to update this as necessary.
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First, how to tell the difference between the Leo's 101.
Let it also be known that in the mindscape, Big Leo has both normal arms, Medium Leo has his robot arm.
Explanation of the plot, click the links to see their associated comics that showed this:
The Foot existing outside of New York got wind of the key currently being there. Past iterations usually have the clan existing in many other parts of the world, it would not be a stretch for Rise to have the same scenario. Since for example, there are multiple Hidden Cities across the world.
The team made a plan to lure them away from New York by using a fake key.
Raph was an unexpected casualty during the mission.
Out of panic, Big Leo tried to see if he could destroy the key without himself going with it. This is because Raph was also the first to go in his timeline, his actions were out of fear. His plans didnt go very well.
With the key destroyed and Big Leos energy how harnessed by the strange entity, it escaped its box and spread the world. This caused apocalypse 2 electric boogaloo. In my head I have ideas for what this apocalypse was like, however I dont know how or when it can make it to comic form.
Mikey sent Medium Leo back in time to try again. With their timeline now also basically hopeless.
Medium Leo was now sent though the same portal Big Leo once came from in his time. Big Leo is not there because he does not really exist anymore. The events of the movie happened, just add in Little Leo losing his arm in the brief moment he was in the prison dimension, and add a Medium Leo coming out of the portal along with the Little Leo of this timeline.
I promise this timeline is safe! Everything after this plot development is nothing but healing for the characters and finding a way to safe the timeline.
Goop guy backstory (coming to comic form eventually)
Why was a new villian created for the second apocalypse?
How did they survive in this second apocalypse for so long? (coming eventually)
Friendly reminder that you are free to stop reading after this comic if you are not a fan of the development. That comic was my original planned ending after all before I got swarmed by other ideas I wanted to experiment with
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