#elrond x female reader
vaile-elenya · 3 months
listen... i have been thinking a lot about this post:
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i don't know what it is exactly, but something about a frustrated Elrond almost yelling out, still gently, that he'd live for his love instead of dying for it, is very very touching for me.
last night i might have gotten a bit carried away, and i wrote a little something about that. it's my very first shot at writing a fanfic of my own so please bear with me!
it's under the break and on AO3 if anyone wants to read 🫶🏻
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In the twilight of Imladris, as the stars began their nightly vigil, you stood on the balcony of Elrond’s chamber, your heart heavy with frustration and hurt. The air was cool and fragrant with the scent of evening blooms, but tonight, the beauty of the valley seemed distant, overshadowed by the turmoil within.
Elrond stood a few paces away, his serene demeanor a stark contrast to the storm that brewed in your soul. The gentle sound of the Bruinen river, usually a source of comfort, now seemed to mock the tension between you.
“Do you truly hold me in such low regard?” you challenged, your voice trembling with emotion. “Am I of such little consequence to you that you can remain unmoved as I bare my soul?”
Elrond’s eyes widened, a flicker of pain crossing his usually composed features. “You misunderstand me,” he began, his voice steady but tinged with sorrow.
“No, I understand all too well,” you interrupted, your words cutting like a sharpened blade. “You, with your timeless wisdom and boundless patience, have already revealed your true feelings. I ask again: would you be willing to lay down your life for me, for all of us, or does fear restrain you?”
For a moment, there was silence, the air thick with the weight of unspoken truths. Then, as if a dam had broken, Elrond’s composure shattered. His eyes filled with unshed tears, his voice rising in desperation. How could you not see? How could you not know that every moment with you was etched into his very soul? He could no longer hold back the torrent of emotions.
“To die for love is simple!” he nearly screamed, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of longing and regret. “A brief surrender of mortal coil to the embrace of eternity,” he added while the soft moonlight cast shadows upon his features, accentuating the lines of sorrow etched upon his noble visage.
“But to live, to truly live, is so much greater! For you, I would live instead of die,” he looked at you, his gaze piercing through your soul, laying bare his raw emotions. You felt the depth of his admission, each syllable heavy with the burden of his unspoken devotion, and the stars above seemed to shine brighter, as if bearing witness to his words.
“Do you not see the love, as brilliant as the leaves of Laurelin, that shines forth from my eyes each time I cast them upon you?” he asked desperately, on the edge of weeping. Elrond’s voice cracked, his eyes brimming with sorrow. “Are you blinded to it?”
Not awaiting your response, Elrond turned his gaze towards the lofty trees, their branches murmuring in the gentle breeze. As the night deepened, Imladris lay shrouded in a serene glow, its gardens veiled in shadows that swayed gently in the flickering dance of firelight and the soft embrace of starlight. The fading remnants of daylight whispered their farewell, surrendering to the celestial canvas unfurling above, adorned with the sparkling jewels of the heavens. The tranquility of the valley belied the weight of its history, a history that Elrond bore witness to through the ages. Memories of battles fought, kingdoms risen and fallen, and the relentless march of time haunted his thoughts.
Torches blazed brightly, casting dancing shadows upon the ancient stone, their fiery tongues licking at the velvety darkness with a fierce determination as Elrond’s mind drifted back to the tumultuous events of the Second Age, a time of great upheaval and sorrow.
“I have seen the glory of Númenor crumble beneath the weight of its own pride. Powerless I have stood as the Last Alliance marched to the very gates of Mordor, and I have borne witness to evils so immense that even the stoutest of our warriors could not withstand them,” he said, desperation building in his voice; his silvery eyes now shone with something you could not decipher. “I have gazed into the eyes of death countless times, her blades twisting within the depths of my wounded heart. So many of my kin have I lost to the ravages of war, their lives laid to rest in pursuit of a noble yet hopeless cause,” he took a step closer, his face now inches away from your own. “It is not the fear of death that prevents me from yielding to its embrace for you, meleth nîn.”
“You awaken within me the very spirit of endurance that Eru bestowed upon his children,” he paused, his gaze turning towards the fire illuminating the terrace. “A spirit that has waned over the long ages of my dwelling, and yet... your mere existence rekindles it.
“In your presence, I find a light that guides me, a reason to embrace each new dawn. My heart, though burdened with the weight of ages, finds solace and renewal in your faintest smile. To live for you is not a burden but a blessing, a path I would tread willingly, every day anew.”
Elrond’s hands delicately encompassed your face, and you felt the gentle pressure of his fingertips, each point of contact a deliberate caress. There was a steadiness to his touch, a silent reassurance as if he sought to convey a message that words alone could not express.
“For you I would find joy in the simple pleasures that weave the intricate tapestry of our days. Through the darkest of hours, I shall cling onto hope, tending to each seedling of kindness as a gardener tends to his beloved blossoms. For you, I would dive willingly into that terrifying inkwell known as existence, with all its uncertainties and fears.”
“I would live for you.”
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shirefantasies · 6 months
Hello, may I please request fem reader x Elrond? With reader that is quite avoidant when it comes to touch, but accepts hugs and kisses from Elrond? I hope it is okay 👉👈 thank you so much in advance, have a wonderful day 💕💕💕💕
Yes, sorry this took so long but here we are! Hope you enjoy how this came to me, a one-shot featuring a third party POV as well as ‘yours’ 😊
The Steel Lady of Imladris- Elrond x F!Elf!Reader
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It was known to the surrounding lands that in the Last Homely House one might be surprised by whom they meet; the lord of the land, after all, had a lady by his side, one whose presence was said to carry the chill of a harsh wind with her presence. Resolute as her home's walls, she cut quite the contrast to the hearths always said to be awaiting visitors of the fair valley. Perhaps she was even a witch like the one dwelling in the woods of Lórien.
Such were the rumors swirling in the mind of Rivendell's dwarven visitor, called there as he was to offer his people's wise council. Ha! What was it that had those pointy-ears finally asking for their help Gimli did not know, but happy was he to attend with his father at his side.
Riding in with his kin, he took in sailing white arches and a very well-constructed bridge, hearing his father mutter all the while about how nothing had changed. He had stopped there once before some sixty years ago, after all, during the dragon incident.
A whole gaggle of elves awaited there, some armored but most just decked out in their pretty finery, one clad in white emerging from the center with a deep blue-clad figure upon his arm. Long, elaborately twisted strands of dark hair hung onto his raiment and a circlet of silver crossed his forehead. Likewise, the woman at his side had what hair she could done with equal finesse, a matching headpiece, and a dress more closely tailored than the lord's robes. Elrond and his consort, the so-called Steel Lady of Imladris.
Sure enough, fair as you were your face was resolute as you stepped forward, practical even as you curtsied, surrendering the smallest of smiles. Ready for a fight as he was, Gimli wasn’t sure he’d want to take you on. At least, not without the proper head start and all.
You flinched as Gloin clapped a hand to your back, stepping forward in utter avoidance of his touch. Disrespectful though it may have seemed, you equally avoided one of your elven fellows’ advances. Gimli shook his head. Cold as they came.
Alright, fine, maybe this wing of the place was a little confusing. He still could figure it out for himself. One more corridor and it would be golden-
“Trouble yourself not, My Lady.”
Tilting his head, Gimli took a few steps forward, was availed the sight of Lord Elrond…holding you at the elbows, pulling you closer? The sound of… you giggling?
He’d turned away, but that sound along had Gimli swiveling around the corner again. Your head tilted and leaned onto the dark-haired elf’s shoulder. A smile cut further across your face as his lips fell to the crown of your head.
“You needn’t spend any more time in the crowds than you must. It was simply right to have you at my side for greetings.”
“I like being at your side, though,” you whispered, peeling your head from Elrond’s chest to kiss him once, twice, and far more lingering.
All right, that was enough. Off to bed. Gimli turned, trying the other fork in the hall with a faint smile playing upon his lips. Steel Lady indeed.
“Greetings, Madam.”
Frowning slightly, you turned to see if your eyes had deceived you; they had not- one of the visiting dwarves removed his helmet in your presence, giving you a jolly little bow.
Generally you were…unsuccessful, shall you say… with guests. Aversion to touch had bloomed from the harsh experiences of your past life, making trust a challenge. No bearing upon their race or character, but outsiders posed a threat. Disrupting routines, bringing louder, brasher customs. Viewing you as either held in thrall to their impositions or else some myth beyond their metaphorical touch.
Elrond was the anchor in your vast sea of anxiety, the only one who saw through story, perceived emotion seemingly unexpressed. Displayed hope and kindness abundant as the cleanest of springs.
But now stood a dwarf of all people fixing you with earnest hazel eyes. Understanding. What should you do?
A smile shook its way to your lips. “Good morning,” you chose a customary greeting. Standard, safe.
“Aye,” the dwarf nodded, “it is, isn’t it? Well, I know you elves like to keep time, so I'll be off to breakfast before there is none. Tell me your favorite and I will save you some if I can."
Stranger or not, you were sure anyone could have read the shock upon your face. Shaking it quickly aside, you kept your face neutral as you named it and gave a thanks. As the dwarf went on his way, he bid you his final farewell by your title, yes, but also your name. They didn't usually use your name.
Light footsteps rang out behind you, barely perceptible even by your sensitive ears. "And what was that about, hm?" Elrond.
Tension melted from your shoulders as the curious little quirk of your lips burst into a wide smile. Turning on your heels, you slid your arms about your husband's waist, relaxing when his hand caressed the top of your head.
"The dwarf," you answered, "he was so kind. Not in that rough way so often seen, but...genuine. Caring. Like he wanted to see me smile. Could someone have challenged him?"
You feel your husband's head shake. "How many times must I remind you," he teased, "of the light that lies in your eyes? That which reaches deepest into the heart. Surely he felt no challenge than that. Indeed, I would say he simply sees you as I do."
Heart thumping, you loosened your grip on Elrond to meet his lips in a loving kiss, safe in the warmth of his words and his hold upon you. Bit by bit he encouraged you to be brave, never leaving you adrift for long, you reflected as he took your hand, bidding you lead the way to the greater halls at your ready.
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Innocence Unveiled (1)
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Warnings: mentions of betrayal, nightmares, tears and death.
Melda nin - my beloved.
"Siri! Remmy! Pete! Jamie, please! You know what--"
"The Gryffindor Court finds you guilty! You are no longer welcome in Gryffindor; from now on, you shall be known as Houseless."
Harry watched horrified as a seventh-year girl was forced out of the common room amid jeers of "Houseless, Houseless" while ducking and weaving to avoid the spells flung at her. A particularly nasty hex flew in her direction and Harry spun around, wanting to do something, anything to help. He noticed a witch that bore a striking resemblance to Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin in his year at Hogwarts.
Harry's eyes snapped open and he sat bolt upright in bed with his chest heaving. Your pleas and the venom in his teenage father's voice still rang in his ears. Harry knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep after that dream so he climbed out of bed and made his way down to the kitchen.
Number 12 Grimmauld Place was depressing at the best of times, but now the atmosphere seemed downright inhospitable. Harry was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Sirius was seated in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee between his palms.
Harry may not have noticed Sirius but Sirius noticed him.
"What are you doing up?" His godfather asked hoarsely.
At the sound of Sirius' voice, Harry was startled. "I...um...had a nightmare." He managed.
"Must be a night for it," Sirius' voice was hollow. "Was it to do with Voldemort?"
Harry shook his head, "You, Remus, Pettigrew and Dad were in it. And there was this other person too; I don't know what her name was. She was brought before the Gryffindor Court and found guilty but she was innocent. I didn't even know we had a Court in Gryffindor."
Sirius went rigid, "The Gryffindor Court was abolished because of that incident. Only the Slytherin Court remains now."
"Who was she?"
When Sirius spoke, his voice was little more than a whisper, "She was a dear friend of ours. Her name was (Name) and next to your mum, she was one of the most talented witches at Hogwarts."
Entranced, Harry leaned forward and rested his chin in his hands, "What was she accused of?"
Sirius bit his lip and turned away from Harry so that his godson wouldn't see the tears pooling in his eyes and the regret on his face, "She was accused of betraying Gryffindor by leaking Remus' secret. All the evidence pointed to her being the guilty one. We didn't know it at the time but we were all under a compulsion to push her out of Gryffindor and the morning after the trial, the spell broke. When we realised what we had let happen, we searched Hogwarts high and low in an attempt to find her but (Name) was gone."
"Did the professors know?"
Still not looking at Harry, Sirius nodded. "A fifth-year Hufflepuff said he saw her go into the Forest. Dumbledore and Hagrid went in there to speak to the spiders to ask Aragog if he'd seen her. He hadn't. And he wouldn't have. Even upset, she was far too clever to wander into that part of the Forest."
"In my dream, there was a Gryffindor who looked a lot like Pansy Parkison. She's a fifth-year Slytherin."
"That was her aunt. Pansy's aunt was Sorted into Gryffindor and immediately disowned but allowed to keep her last name. She spread the rumour about (Name) betraying Remus."
"What happened to her?"
Sirius finally faced Harry again and Harry's eyes widened when he spotted the tear tracks on his godfather's face, "Parkinson got what she deserved." Sirius answered with a deep, menacing growl. "In 1979, during the Winter Solstice, Parkinson was on a solo expedition to learn more about the magical creatures around Stonehenge. She ignored the warnings and three days later, she turned up dead with a terrified expression on her face and an arrow in her heart. There were footprints next to her body that had never been seen before and so, the Ministry covered up her death to avoid panic spreading through Magical Britain."
Harry was so overwhelmed by the reveal of the story behind his dream that he could only sit in silence and he pretended not to notice as Sirius' eyes grew misty with tears again.
Millions of kilometres away from Grimmauld Place an elf announced the arrival of the Lord and Lady of Rivendell.
"Shall we, melda nin?" Elrond asked, offering you his arm.
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blankdblank · 1 year
Flying Buckets
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“The White Council has spoken…” Thranduil growled out, having been reading the letter that brought him here weeks ago to talk sense into his oldest friends and get aid to move upon his lost peak within the Southern half of his forest. Glorfindel seated along the wall flinched as he did to the pained squeak and thud in response to his hard kick of a bucket through the window opening on the far wall of his suite.
“Always, the face….” A muffled and defeated voice had the pair spring up to race outside and find a petite woman plopped ungracefully on her side clutching her face to a angered flop of her foot down into the tall grass she was weighing down.
“Madam,” the Elf King felt himself sighing in a hard drop to a knee at her side. Blood clear as day from the now broken nose that hindered the already frustrated Dwarf Company of Thorin Oakenshield who were dead set on waiting until their most injury riddled member was right as rain for the continuation of their journey. Of course that was after an internal investigation on where the Princes were at during that time to ensure like a mishap with the ponies the first week had not been behind another bloody nose and facial bruise for her they were glad to be cleared of. Elrond was shouted for and the King himself carried her to aid without care of the stains to his outer robes terrifying so many in his pacing path outside the Healers Wing.
“You owe me,” was mouthed by her to the Elf King who was not blamed by the Company who would have ammunition enough already to despise him for all eternity off past grievances and grudges. The same Elf King who in his entrapped state offered a deal of his own, together they would call for aid from Dain to rid his Southern Woodlands of the Necromancer and then he would gladly aid in march upon the mountain, where they could surely work his lost gems once the arkenstone was recovered into a new trade deal to rekindle the relationship between their kingdoms.
Quietly as she stole a moment to the side of the grand hall being prepped for the coronation in a few weeks time the one to whom the King owed a debt felt his statuesque silent figure come up on her left. Silent as ever with more grace than she could dream to scoff at beside her now sling donning self thanks to another thankfully face bruise free incident one of Dain’s men unintentionally set off. “I believe we have yet to discuss terms of my debt to you.”
Up at him with brilliantly clear eyes she peered at him for another stunning glimpse of the face he’d sooner ache to coat with kisses and murmured sentiments of adoration than ever bring a single speck of a bruise to. “I want one of those head things,” that had his brow tick upwards to the circle of her good hand drawing a sloppy loop around her head. “Like Arwen and Elrond wear,” that gained a nod from him and she added peering back at the hall making his heart sink lower to her words than it ever had when he’d unfortunately caused her harm. “Everyone else has a title, some relation to the King and they all have some fancy bits and bobs they bring up to be wearing at the coronation. I get to go, but family sits with family and, I’m not family.” Up at him she looked after patting her bunched sleeve to her cheek forcing a grin onto her pinkened face, with eyes still glimmering with hint of tears in them. “If you have to you could say I cried and made you feel bad.”
“That is a poor repayment.” An answer that had her look away mid nod in the rejection riddled tone to the answer she assumed to be given so she would not actually become a sobbing mess and actually stir up some real trouble for the Elf King. An uncommon gesture of comfort of a hand on her shoulder blade halted a swivel of her head to search for a quick escape linked to ample hiding places until she would calm down. “The adornment is customary for such an event, consider it granted however many styles you deem to ask for.” Sloppily she sniffled and raised her hand and bunched up sleeve again to hover in front of the lower half of her face and cheeks as best as she could. “For now consider a much more proper form of repayment and do excuse me. On the subject of your seating arrangement, I have to speak to Lord Celeborn on terms of adopting you into his kin.”
“What?!” She squeaked out, turning to find he was gone somehow and was bent on greatly improving the station upon which would grant him a much closer distance to your seat than he could imagine possible at the moment for a Western wilds familiar Ranger.
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 years
Chapter 1- Knowing One's Place
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Summary: You and Legolas have been friends since childhood, but as you become adults, King Thrandruil, father to Legolas, begins to fear the Greenleaf legacy is threatened by your affection towards each other.
Author Note: Character introduction, Y/N, Legolas x FemaleElf, Elves, Royalty, Kings, Lords, Prince, Princesses, Mentions of Weapons and War, Lord of the Rings movie references/Pre Fellowship of the Ring, Sindarin language, Sindarin to English translations
*Suitress-Female suitor
*heni-, nin réd- understand, my son
*bein -iel- fair daughter
Italics signify flashbacks and character thoughts.
You remember your childhood quite fondly with Legolas. Since the pair of you have been able to walk, your parents would always find you and Legolas pursuing adventures in the thickets surrounding Mirkwood. Legolas’ father, Thranduil, Elvin King of Mirkwood, perceived no threat at the time since you were merely children at play. As the two of you grew into young adults, he sensed he would have to intervene sooner rather than later when your endearments heightened towards one another. His longstanding ambition was to preserve the purity of the Sindarin royal bloodline, regardless of the cost. Your father, however, Lord Elrond of Rivendell, permitted you to be youthful playmates, and decided to not predetermine the future for you and Legolas as you progressed into adulthood.
You shared many of the same interests as Legolas. Although you each excelled in different battle related skill sets, you would each tutor the other to nurture the other’s drawback until you’ve become a master at it. For instance, Legolas was a superior archer, and would assist you with your aim and accuracy. He often took you to the river near the kingdom to go bowfishing after you’ve mastered stationary targets. You outrivaled most Elvin warriors in swordplay, so you trained with Legolas four times a week to refine his already elevated fencing abilities.
Thranduil has often scolded Legolas for lavishly spending hours upon hours a day with you when he should be sustaining his royal obligations as Prince of Mirkwood. During his adolescence, Legolas’ punctuality suffered significantly at the expense of your engagements together, which irritated his father and in turn, frustrated yours.
Your father being a more forbearing parent, Elrond had a heart to heart with you and Legolas about imperial responsibilities and the toll it may take if you fail to fulfill them. Since then you each made sure to be more mindful of the time you spent with one other. Last thing you or Legolas wanted was to impair any good standings you had with each other’s families and the provinces.
Legolas once again finds himself in his father’s study being lectured for his ongoing mischief with you in the forest as of late. A song and dance which Legolas was growing very weary of as a grown elf.
“Father, my affairs with Y/N isn’t all for naught. We practice worthwhile ploys daily together which would prove valuable in the event of an attack.” Legolas justified.
Thranduil turned to his son with an exasperated expression.
“My son, more evolves from these encounters than you realize.” He stated.
Legolas tilted his head curiously. “Go on.” He insisted.
Thranduil sighed then continued. “The time you waste with Y/N could be time spent considering a *suitress since you’re of age for marriage.”
Legolas rolled his eyes then averted his gaze out the window, remaining silent.
Another annoyed exhalation left Thranduil before he continued.
“Legolas, please *heni-, nin réd,” his father pleaded, “existing as a royal means you serve your kingdom, and one of those responsibilities is to make sure the noble bloodline remains pure. You will unite with a thoroughbred Elvin princess to preserve that lineage.”  
Legolas looked back at him. “Father, you speak of me as if I’m a steed to showcase for breeding. And you suspect too much. Y/N and I are simply companions, nothing more.” He reassured.
Thranduil cast his son a look of disbelief.
Legolas turned on his heel and left the room with no other words, leaving his father disgruntled once more.
Lord Elrond has spent many a day walking the gardens of Rivendell with you, discussing you and your 3 siblings duties as royalty, battles he’s won and lost, distant lands he’s travelled whilst befriending the beings and creatures that resided there, and above all, how ethereal and divine your mother, Lady Celebrían, was in life.
“She was celestial, Y/N.” He reminisced. “Your brothers Elladan carries her wit and mischievousness whilst Elrohir holds her aptitude for intricate knowledge and appreciation of solitude. Arwen possesses your mother’s gift of patience and empathy. You, my daughter, gained the desire for valor and adventure… which I am at a loss of how or why.” He said shaking his head with a weak yet amused smile.
You laugh gently. You always enjoyed your evening strolls with your father on the kingdom grounds.
A long pause lingered before your father spoke again.
“Y/N, I’ve been meaning to discuss something of importance with you.” He declared.
You look up at him concerned. “Yes? Everything alright, father?” You asked.
He casted a soft smile at you. “It’s nothing terrible, *bein -iel,” he reassured, “I spoke with his majesty, King Thranduil-“
You sighed quite audibly, expressing your displeasure at the mention of your comrade’s father.
Elrond shook his head choosing to ignore your escaped crudeness.
“-and he voiced concern of the amount of time Legolas has been squandering with combat practices, while he should be concentrating on his stately duties.”
You look at your father affectionately skeptical.
“His ‘stately duties’ as in, choosing a princess to wed?” You dared to question.
Elrond directed a look of shock towards you.
“I didn’t say that-“ He began the effort to recover with an authoritative tone.
He clearly tried to reduce the level of concern on Thranduil’s behalf about your relationship with Legolas. Nonetheless, you saw right through your father's ruse, finding it quaint and entertaining.
You chuckled respectfully, “Father, I’m aware that Legolas has 'stately duties' to carry out.” You respond, emphasizing ‘stately duties’ sarcastically in an imitation deep voice.
Your father groaned, massaging his eyelids with his forefinger and thumb hoping to tame the headache you’ve been giving him for the majority of your life.
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islayhawkin · 5 months
Character list
(or all the characters I ever had a crush on)
I'm taking one shot requests for all of these characters and HC requests for all the fandoms:
HP universe
Ominis gaunt Remus lupin Barty crouch jr. Newt scamander Charlie weasley
Arthur morgan Kieran duffy
Comic! Clint barton "hawkeye" Jack thompson Matt murdock "daredevil" Miles morales "spiderman"
The witcher 3
Cirilla riannon
sherlock holmes
Captain John price Simon "Ghost" riley
Sawamura daichi
Peaky blinders
Finn shelby Michael grey
Stranger things
Steve harrington
Percy jackson/Riordianverse
Grover underwood Nyssa barrera Charles beckendorf Connor stoll Gemini Twain
The maze runner
Nikolai lantsov Tolya yul-bataar
Hiccup haddock
Heartbreak high
Douglas "cash" piggot
The artful dodger
Jack dawkins
Rings of Power
Elrond peredhel
Sorcery of thorns
Ryan gosling
Colt seavers | the fall guy Sierra six | the gray man jacob palmer | crazy, stupid, love.
The night agent
Peter Sutherland
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queers-gambit · 10 days
Shadows of the Past
prompt: the High King recruits you personally for the expedition headed by your intended, Herald Elrond. your company encounters the darkness and Galadriel portrays an apology to her friend.
pairing: Elrond x betrothed!female!reader
fandom: The Rings of Power -> no masterlist
word count: 5.1k+
note: wonky brain can think of nothing but this show right now i'm so sorry
warnings: cursing, spoilers, another reader insert for the haters, depiction of character injury, emotions are hard, small canon complicit angst, literal hurt and comfort, established relationship.
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"Tell me again," your brother-in-law asked, "why you're not leading this company?"
You smirked, stepping over a fallen branch, "Because the High King has bestowed the honor to Herald Elrond, Daenor."
"Then why enlist you, too?"
"I am a mere emissary of the King. Besides, skills are required for this quest, Daenor, why would I not be employed?"
"Right, of course. I guess my question should be, what skills do you possess?" He teased, laughing when you shoved his shoulder playfully. "But truly," he asked, "why would the King send you both, so close to your wedding day? Why send you, too, if not to lead this company?" However, before you could answer, the air turned serious when the procession you followed came to a rather disturbing discovery upon the laid path.
You leaned on the intact stone while listening to Camnir discuss with Elrond possible paths forward after intending to cross a bridge over the gorge, only to find it in ruins and rubble. Elrond originally questioned the force that could've brought the ancient stone down in such a harsh and violent manner, thinking perhaps lightning, but another voice refuted this idea by claiming it was the Dark Lord, Sauron.
This familiar voice was that of Lady Galadriel - and while you've known her to be a fellow Commander, you were unsure of her title now. Yes, she was technically lieutenant of this company, and that was what she was addressed as, but you knew how stubborn the Elleth was and that she would not be so easily demoted.
You said nothing. You just listened as Camnir told Elrond they could take one of two paths: one so out of the way, it would add two weeks to their journey, and the other, down the same darkened path the Dark Lord laid.
Upon mentioning the path before them through the Hills of Tyrn Gorthad, Lady Galadriel twitched. She had been daintily ghosting her fingertips over the charred and mangled metal of the lanterns set on the imploded bridge, seemingly stuck in thought, then freezing. You couldn't see her face, only taking note of the brisk tension mounting in the Elleth's shoulders.
She spoke, "There is evil in those hills." The group shared silent looks, each with varying degrees of mistrust or caution. "Ancient, and full with malice," Galadriel glared at the landscape before her. "Sauron means for us to go that way. We must go another," She informed the group as if she were in a position to give orders.
From the crouch he took to observe the damage done to the stone, Elrond rose while speaking in a firm tone that overpowered the Lady's, "The Enemy is doubtless watching both roads." His eyes flickered over yours last as jetting over each of his soldiers, clocking the way you nodded in agreement. To you, it seemed common sense: of course, the bad guy was watching the paths that would lead the good guys to him! He was evil, not stupid! Elrond reminded his people, "This collapse makes it more critical than ever to reach Celebrimbor at speed."
"We won't reach anywhere with speed if we walk into a trap," Galadriel argued; the two friends (and distant cousins) held each other's even stare for several moments.
"What say you, Commander?" You asked, hoping to break the tension and little trance they were locked in. No, no, not out of jealousy, but out of protectiveness; wanting to break the ice for the sake of Elrond's authority.
"We go South," Elrond decided, turning from the fragmented bridge stump, ready to lead his company on, when Galadriel spoke again - from the same spot she had yet to move from.
"Commander, I must protest."
You did not move when the others did, you waited when Elrond paused and replied, "Your opinion on the matter has been heard."
He went to walk away again when Galadriel growled with a rolling tongue, "Elrond!"
You flinched to a halt in blinding irritation, upset by your peer's very audacity. Everyone halted around you, Camnir even shifting in his stance out of nervousness from the heat of your glare not on him. Your fiancé turned back to glare at his friend, ending with finality, "Opinion heard, lieutenant. We go South." He gave an encouraging command in Sindarin, leading only a few strides before pausing. When you automatically halted yourself at his side, he nodded and spoke softly while seemingly mindlessly grabbing your hand to give an affectionate and reassuring squeeze, "Lead them on, love, stay on the trail."
You glanced back at Galadriel, who was finally moving to keep up, and whispered for only his ears, "You sure?"
"I'm sure, go on," he confirmed, nodding again and offering a soft sort of half-smirk. His eyes, though, were squinted; indicating he was genuine in his displayed gentleness. With a squeeze to his hand, you offered one last stale look at Galadriel, who expertly avoided your eyes, then let go and walked forward to lead the way.
Behind you, Elrond snarled his scolding of Galadriel, insisting she shape up, forgo trust in the Ring of Power she wore, and if that wasn't possible, she needed to excuse herself. The Commander of the Northern Armies rebutdtaled that she did not desire to see any member of the company slain - a veiled response to her stubbornness to not abandon their quest and refusal to ignore her ring.
Forward, you marched.
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Though you seldom showed it, you felt fearfully nervous when the night fell and your company crept further into what felt like infected wood. The ground turned spongey, a particular stench permeated the air, the darkness shadowed most all you saw. The trees loomed tall, the moon casted a bright silver light, and dead leaves crunched under booted, lithe steps. Elrond shared a nervous look with you, his hand only briefly brushing yours; a way to say he was there with you without being overly affectionate in front of his soldiers.
From the corner of his eye, Elrond saw your head tilt back in wonder before a fell voice hissed on the wind, "I am waiting for you." But in truth, nobody was sure about what they heard or did not hear. Perhaps they did not want to know, but still, the voice made the area further darken in suspicion, and once in a small clearing, all came to a halt to survey the surrounding area. There was a threat somewhere, but where exactly was yet to be determined.
Daenor questioned sharply, "What is this place?"
"Tyrn Gorthad," Camnir answered. "Known to men as the Barrow-downs."
You chimed in softly, "In ancient days, this was where they laid their lords and kings to rest."
"I feel no rest here," Daenor grumbled. "Even the trees seem ill at ease."
"Fear not," Vorohil chimed in, sounding amused while stepping up to (and through) your group's observation deck. "Dead men are no threat."
"Well, we've lived very different lives," you scoffed under your breath.
However, after Vorohil, Elrond followed; casting a look at the lot of you and reminding, "Keep moving."
You let the others pass ahead of you, trying to shake off your nerves and mentally prepare yourself for the hell you were walking into. Something anchored your feet, refusing to let go; every nerve in your body on fire and begging you not to wade into the dark. Your name was spoken gently, Galadriel's hand on your shoulder startling you.
"What is it?" She asked quietly.
"We shouldn't be here," you whispered, Elrond doubling back when he noted your delay. Not wanting a confrontation, Galadriel sighed and patted your shoulder before slipping away as your lover approached you.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly but urgently.
"There's something sinister here," you told him stiffly, stepping half a step closer, "watching us."
He took a breath, "If Galadriel's ring - "
"It's not that!" You insisted. "I feel it, Elrond, not the ring, not anything Galadriel said. I feel it."
Elrond's brows furrowed at the tips, like something hooked them to yank towards his nose. "Then stay close to me," he decided.
"We should move on, quickly," you snatched his hand to prevent him from parting; his gaze turning worried. "Please, listen to me."
"My love," he spoke softly, squeezing your hand, "it is a gravesite, nothing more. The dead cannot harm us."
"It is the living's influence I fear."
He sighed and nodded, "We will not linger." His forehead found yours to rest, "But do not stray from my side, it is of great comfort."
"To us both," you agreed, letting him pull back. Yet he did not relinquish hold of your hand, keeping it tight in his and leading you into the clearing the others were surveying.
"Commanders," Rían called, standing over the corpses of two horses... Attacked seemingly a time ago, and upon inspection, discovered the pairing bodily remains of an Elvish party.
Elrond questioned your name when you squatted, brushing aside debris. "Their barding is from Lindon," you told him, gently ghosting the leather with your touch. You looked up to meet his eyes, glancing over to see Galadriel, predicting, "The King sent a dispatch to warn Celebrimbor."
Galadriel nodded in confirmation as Rían discovered the encased message from the King in a decorative tube, asking, "This dispatch?"
Slowly, you stood from your position and held a silent hand out, being given the tube for inspection; all eyes on you, waiting for whatever your overly keen (even for an Elf) eyes would see. After confirming the contents, your eyes locked with Galadriel's, and she spoke what you both were thinking: "We must go from this place."
Elrond appeared ready to agree, tension mounting as your company seemingly felt the blanket of panic being thrown over them all. From the dark, a set of rotting chains shot out to coil around Daemor, yanking him into the toxic, spongey earth and across the clearing.
"Y/N!" He shouted in shock, and without thinking, your hands slapped into his as if in an effort to anchor him... But you were both yanked off your feet. "Commander!"
"Daenor! NO!"
"Help me! Y/N, Y/N, please!"
"Hold onto me!" You begged, being drug on your belly.
"Sister! Sister, please, help me! Help me!" He sobbed in fear, a vice grip on your wrists and hands surely to leave blemishes. "Don't let go! Pl-eeeeeaaaaaase!"
"Daenor!" You whimpered, struggling as the force that held you both hostage was too strong to maintain a safe, secure hold permanently - meaning, saving him was futile.
Your name was bellowed, being drug towards one of the opened tombs; but at the last moment, the tether that kept you and Daenor together was broken and he was pulled into the abyss of the grave. You whimpered in fear, slowly lifting from your belly and to your knees as Daenor's screams were silenced... In fact, the entire area turned eerily quiet.
Behind you, the others rushed to the scene and Elrond immediately dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around you. "Are you hurt? Hey, hey, look at me, are you hurt?" He demanded, fearful that the chains might shoot out again to finish the job to swallow you in the dark. He checked for any physical injury, but the tension was too great to ignore; the mouth of the tomb glaring at you, forcing Elrond to silence himself.
You flinched back into his hold when the gruesome sounds of crunching bone and squelching flesh was heard; indicating whatever was inside, whatever claimed Daenor, had disposed of his living body.
Elrond took advantage of your flinch to rock you back onto your feet, standing as a group as a voice hissed, "Cold old be hand and heart and bone, And cold be sleep under stone, Never more to wake on stony bed, Never, till the Sun fails and the Moon is dead." Galadriel brandished her sword as the wights first emerged, revealing their zombified forms. You encouraged the group to form together in a circle as the demons emerged. The Voice continued, "In the black wind, the stars shall die."
"Prepare yourselves," Galadriel warned, the group arming themselves.
"What are they?" Rían trembled.
From perfectly between Galadriel and Elrond, you answered, "They are those who laid in the tombs, the Lords and Kings of old... Lore calls them Barrow-wights."
The creatures surrounded your company, leering, growling, sizing you up. In Sindarin, Elrond commanded, "Attack!"
In tandem, the group lunged; weapons striking the ghoulish foes but they merely disintegrated in air... Then reformed. It seemed that fighting only served to irritate the enemies, their collective hissing and screeching making stomachs curl and skin to prickle in fear. Galadriel clocked this first, warning Rían, "Still your arrow!"
But the Elleth was already locked and loaded, the string slipping from her grip to fire at a distant wight. But it only soared through the zombie's face, not stopping, directing towards Camnir - but Elrond intercepted, swiping his sword to cut its path and save his soldier. The creature rejuvenated.
"They're impervious to our weapons," Camnir voiced, fear inking his tone.
Elrond's eyes found yours, seemingly connected by a string of similar thought; remembering the old wives tales you once read a lifetime ago, ancient lore about Barrow-wights dating back to the time of Melkor. So, he sheathed his sword and told his soldiers, "Hold fast." To Camnir, the closest to him, he demanded, "Come with me!"
"Where are you going?"
"Help me open it," Elrond told him, trying to pry open the sealed tomb as you swiped at another wight's skeletal hand reaching for you.
"Hurry!" Elrond barked in Sandarin.
Back in your group, Rían muttered nervously, "Commander?"
"Ease yourself, remain calm..."
"What do we do?"
"Make no sudden movements. Stay together, fend them off but don't engage a fight," you advised, "hold strong - "
A gasp cut off your words when chains coiled around your ankle; securing in a tight zip that knocked you off balance and back into the toxic dirt. You scrambled for purchase on anything, finding only wet leaves; and suddenly, the chain turned taunt with tension before you were being sucked back into another tomb.
"Commander!" Vorohil shouted, trying to reach for you, but just missing as you were reeled back over the dirt.
"Y/N!" Rían cried, alerting Elrond and Camnir of your situation. You whimpered in fear, sobbing as you couldn't fight the force; couldn't save yourself; only able to helplessly submit to your approaching doom after clawing unsuccessfully for salvation.
"No! No!" You yelped, trying to remove the chains, but another tightened around the first chain in a horribly tight, vice grip that strangled breath from your lungs from the pure burning sting. With the last of your air, you screamed, "Elrond! Please!"
You heard Vorohil sprinting after you, freezing in your escape attempt when a grisly, decayed hand extended from the ebony shadow of the tomb towards you. There was a panicked finality to your blood, fear clogging rational thought; never seeing Elrond, only focused on the threat pulling you in. But the half-Elf you meant to marry in only a few weeks time came surging onto the scene, sliding on his knees at the mouth of the tomb and swinging a sword to sever both hand and chains.
"Y/N - "
"Fuck's sake!" You snarled, unintentionally cutting Elrond off; shoving the chains from your leg, scrambling to your feet.
You were just about to thank Elrond when he instead encouraged, "Here, take this." He held out one of the ancient weapons excavated from the tomb, nodding with increased vigor before turning away when it was in your grip. You hacked and stabbed the wight that came after you, Elrond and Camnir tossing the rest of the company weapons to cast down the surrounding enemies.
"How?" Rían asked in shock, seeing the wisps of the last wights waft into the wind.
"According to lore, only the blades with which they were buried with will return such creatures to rest," Elrond explained.
"But the men buried here have been entombed for over a thousand years," Camnir trembled, turning to his companion.
Vorohil seethed, "I think it is safe to say that something has awoken them."
"No," Galadriel argued, glaring down at the wight's decaying body. "Someone... Awakening evil. Across all Middle-earth."
You ignored the conversation and slowly took a seat; leaving your weapon in the dirt while focusing on hiking up your trouser leg after discarding your boot. With a clenched jaw, you revealed the wight's chains left sizzling lacerations; the metal seemingly enchanted to burn damn near to the bone, creating craters, indentations, dimples to your otherwise pure and unblemished flesh.
You winced when fabric stuck to the wound, bearing your teeth while hissing through them; breathing turning staggered as the pain became biting. "Commander?" You heard Camnir question softly with concern, others turning to set their attention on you.
"It's nothing," you insisted, observing the wound and deciding a tourniquet was required.
"You're hurt," Elrond growled, surging forward and unintentionally knocking Galadriel's shoulder - but the Elleth didn't take offense. The others wanted to close in around you, but Galadriel held them back after witnessing you before. As Commander of the Southern Armies, you had seen many battles with Galadriel, and sometimes, you sustained injury; she's witnessed how you turned akin to a panicked animal when accosted with attention - no matter how genuine the concern.
"It's nothing," you repeated, reaching for one of your belts, "I'm fine."
"You're not - "
"It's a burn, Elrond, nothing more," you sniffled, feeling how far up the chain had gone; deciding to tie the tourniquet above your knee.
"Let me," Elrond whispered, laying his hands over yours that shook and trembled without abandon.
"Elrond - "
"Just," he snipped, needing to pause and take a breath, "please, let me help you."
Behind him, Galadriel ushered the others away to a short distance; deciding to gather whatever belongings of Daenor they could to honor his lost life. You met Elrond's worried gaze and nodded, sniffling, "Okay. J-Just above the knee, here," you showed him.
"I know, love, I've got yah," he breathed, shuffling closer and kneeling beside you while taking the belt. You pulled the material of your trousers straight, grimacing when Elrond first wrapped the leather around your thigh. "All right?" He checked, seeing you nod rapidly; no words used because you were holding your breath to prevent yourself from crying out. When Elrond first tied the leather, you whimpered and his eyes turned teary. "It's gonna get worse, love, just hang on f'me - " He warned you before suddenly tightening the tourniquet, making you yelp painfully. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I know it hurts, I know, I know, I'm so sorry," he repeated, your hands latching onto his forearms out of subconscious need to feel him for comfort while he secured the leather belt. When done, he reached for your cheeks and pet hair that escaped your braids behind your ears, encouraging, "Breathe for me, just breathe, love. You're all right, there you go. Breathe. Good, good, I've got you, I'm so sorry, just breathe, just breathe... Oh, I, uh..."
"What's wrong?" You worried when he trailed off; eyes full of tears and his mouth half opening while retracting his hands that you held by his wrists still.
"I've blood on my hands..." He splayed them in display between you two.
"It's okay - "
"Got it on your face," he frowned.
"It's fine," you insisted, sniffling sadly, "it's my blood, anyway. We should be moving - "
"You're hurt."
"I know, but it's not life threatening, I don't need coddled."
"I'm not coddling you - "
"You are," you half smirked, "because you're worried."
"Of course, I am," he scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe your cheeks and temples free of blood. "How can I not be? You..." His voice quaked with emotion, "You are my starlight, my fairest friend, my sweetest love. Seeing you hurt..."
"I know," you whispered, bringing him close so your foreheads met, "but I'm okay."
"For now."
You sighed, pulling back to respond, "Don't say that, don't even think it. Optimism is our only friend in this situation, else, what is the point of going after Sauron?"
He needed to take a breath, sniffling his own emotion. "Fine. We should rest until morning... Regroup, give you time off this leg for now."
You nodded, "You sure?"
"I think we could all use the reprieve," he admitted.
"Does that include you?" You asked while caressing the coils of chestnut off his forehead.
"I'm fine - "
"As I am?"
Elrond paused, then scoffed a small laugh and nodded. "I'm managing..." He trailed off, shaking his head.
"Hey," you whispered, bringing him back to your forehead, "you're doing an excellent job of leading this company. But we all have limits and tonight was a lot, you deserve the time to breathe."
"Time is something we don't have."
"We have enough for now," you insisted, more or less forcing Elrond to relent.
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As Daenor's belongings were pulled from the tomb and buried in the scorched earth his killers had rose from, the company each offered you hollowed words of condolences for your loss. Beside Elrond, it was known, you and your brother-in-law were great friends - being the reason he met and eventually married your sister. His sword was embedded in the ground as a marker, the company gathered to silently pay their respects while their commander stood at the riverbed's edge in deep, solemn contemplation.
You held one of his daggers, intending to keep it in reminder; pocketing a few pieces of jewelry, intending to give it to his wife. However, all was interrupted when from a distance, you heard the booming rumble of drums. Not just any drums, but the beating sounds of a marching procession; something ominous and daunting. You perked up, standing to your feet as something dark and familiar started in your chest before sinking to your gut. By looks of your company, they, too, heard the drums and shared your worried thoughts; sheathing Daenor's dagger to your belt and surging for where Elrond stood speaking to Galadriel.
"Forgive my intrusion," you bid the pair, Elrond turning instantly.
"Are you all right?" His hand reached for your hip instantly, trying to help stabilize you - if you had been off balance.
Your hand laid to his cheek, answering swiftly, "I'm fine," before dropping your hand to rest on his bicep, "but we've heard drums - in the deep. Sounds like there's a host on the march."
This sent the company into action, tracking the sound of the enemy over leagues of wooded area. By the end of the day, at dusk, you all gathered slowly on a darkened clifftop; watching in horror as legions of orcs marched down the beaten path to the sounds of their war drums. "Orc treachery," Rían cursed upon sight.
"That trail...?" Elrond questioned, letting go of his secure hold on you to lower in a squat, "I gather it leads to - "
"Eregion, my liege," Camnir confirmed.
"We came in search of Sauron," Vorohil narrated everyone's thought and question, "And instead, we find Adar?"
"Could they be in league with each other or... Perhaps at war," Elrond thought aloud, you shifting on your bad leg for a moment to readjust your stance among the trees.
"A legion of Orcs have marched into Elvish lands," Galadriel spat in anger, glaring at Elrond. "We are all of us at war."
Elrond agreed, "Word of this must reach the High King before our host sails for Mordor."
The silence was calm in a resolute sort of way, everyone just pausing to bask in their shock and awe. This was shattered when a distant Orc shouted, "There!" An arrow thunked into the trunk of the tree behind you, a horse neighing shrilly as it galloped through the forrest towards freedom and away from its pursuers. Just as the company turned to face the enemy, another arrow flew through the air almost inconspicuously, finding its mark in the soft part of your chest just beneath your sternum.
You grunted when the arrow landed, taking half a step back and wanting to cry out. Instead, you just held where the arrow embedded itself in your flesh. You felt dizzy suddenly, clothes and hand saturating with blood as the arrow had pierced through the aorta artery to cause major damage. Irreparable damage. Fatal damage...
In a whisper, Elrond told his soldiers in Sindarin, "Hold!"
In the distance, the Orcs were heard complaining about the horse escaping while a few random arrows were fired off again in a last ditch effort to wound the animal. If you did not move, the mangey creatures did not notice, smell, or sense you. But you couldn't form a full coherent thought, just understanding your injury, the looming grace of Death soon to kiss you, that breath was becoming increasingly harder to come by, and the pain - the pain was aching, soon spiking.
You did not mean to, but your fear was too great to ignore, and you stuttered in a whimpered gasp, "El-Elrond?"
His head snapped over, seeing the arrow protruding from your chest and feeling himself crumble inside. You were choking on blood, trying to remain silent - and they all saw that effort. How blood came splattering from your nose as you tried to subdue your noise, but that only made it harder to breathe; inadvertently choking, a groan strangled from your lungs just as Elrond reached you. He held you to him with his chest and single arm anchoring your waist, the other lifting to lay his hand over your mouth as Galadriel glued to your other side for added support.
The company moved back several yards, covering ground swiftly before laying you down behind a natural outcropping of protective rock. You were struggling, unable to fight it any longer; hacking a cough, blood spewing, splattering, streaking down your neck, the pain insurmountable. Elrond's one hand cushioned under your head, tears in his eyes as he could only hold you as the Orcs were heard closing in, other hand once more clasping over your mouth.
Still, Galadriel was sandwiching you, wincing when Elrond's hand stifled your groans of pain as he strained himself to peak over the top of the rocks. When he lowered himself, your lover leaned his forehead on your temple and hushed in your ear, "I'm so sorry." Upon lifting, he met Galadriel's eyes, who had been examining your wound, only to find her's full of sadness. Her head shook with muted words - telling him whatever she saw wasn't good.
You whimpered lightly. The Orcs could smell an Elf.
You wrangled Elrond's hand from your mouth, "Lis-Listen to me - "
"Hush, do not - "
"Shut up and listen!" You hissed, keeping hold of his hand, "'M not makin' it outta this, love, you've gotta go. L-Leave me - "
"Elrond. Leave me," you insisted, "and they'll k-know 's m-me they smell. Y-You have t'warn the H-High King."
"I'm not leaving you," Elrond grit.
You smiled sadly, "And I love y-you for that. B-But you h-have t-t-to."
"Not in this lifetime," he begged, a few tears falling. "Just give me time to think, I'll figure something out."
"Time... Is something we don't have," you repeated his words from earlier. Suddenly, Galadriel just knew something without words; a feeling; a sort of understanding that she could help in this moment. She heard you whisper, "I'm so sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen. W-We should've had so much more time - "
"Please, don't say that," Elrond begged quietly.
Galadriel took a sobering breath and moved her hands to the base of the arrow; pressing enough to make you wince and breath in sharply. Elrond went to tell her to back off, but paused when The Ring of Power she wore twinkled in the dark night - seemingly pulling you out of that fatal twilight. Your breathing turned slow... Eyes clearing of hazy pain... Life breathing back into your flesh...
The arrow fell out, making all three of you gasp. Galadriel's hands fell away as your own shot to where your wound had been - finding it healed between the fabric the arrow tore. You looked at the Elleth in shock, breathing, "You healed me...?"
She just nodded, Vorohil speaking in astonished Sindarin, "Amazing."
"You're - You're, you are - ?" Elrond stuttered in shock.
"I'm okay," you confirmed, caressing his cheek as he beamed down at you in pure glee. "I'm okay, love, I'm okay; Galadriel, she healed me," you sniffled, looking to your friend. "Thank you, my friend."
"Of course," she breathed, the Orcs heard shouting in the distance to overturn every rock. With a look of shared understanding, Galadriel told Elrond over your body while you tried to mop up some blood, "Get to Lindon. I will occupy them as long as I am able. Get her up."
Elrond huffed through his nose, but did as bid - not like he needed to even be told in the first place. He gathered you into himself and stood, making sure you were stable before looking back at Galadriel; slowly squatting again as she wriggled the ring from her finger. "Take it," she breathed, presenting Elrond with the band of jewelry. When he made no move, she snatched his hand and folded the ring into his grasp, "Take it, Elrond!"
"What will you do?" He asked begrudgingly, storing the ring in a leather pouch for safety.
"Something foolish, probably," she smirked, nodding in meaning. "Now, go. Go!"
"Elrond, love," you whispered, holding your hand out for his and heaving him to his feet. "With me, c'mon, quickly," you advised the others, beginning the trek down a new path in the woods. As you moved, you realized that Galadriel's ring hadn't just healed the arrow wound, but the Barrow-wight's chain, as well, which helps remedy your limp.
A semi-safe distance away, there came a decently loud and abrupt boom behind you, and upon looking, saw the trees up in flames. It was where Galadriel must've been battling the Orcs alone.
In earnest impression, Camnir narrated, "She scarified herself to save us all."
Elrond came to a halt when he realized his company members were captivated by the sight of heroics in action. So he interrupted their dreamy thoughts by calling, "No, you are mistaken, Camnir." He stalked forward through his delegates, telling them in their native tongue, "She did not do it to save us."
Tension simmered over each member.
"What?" Camnir questioned.
Elrond turned away from the spectacle with Galadriel's fire, consulting the dark again, speaking with ramped distain in Sandarin, "She did it to save the ring." His hand reached for yours again, the two of you leading the company forward with him calling over his shoulder in the Common Tongue, "Hurry!"
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asumi2020202 · 2 months
Things I never felt before
Pairing: Legolas Thranduilion x reader
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Summary: You are Legolas' lover, he courted you before you both left to destroy the one ring. You are a healer who is needed almost all the times and a motherly figure to the hobbits.
A/n: My Lotr/Hobbit obsession has again started after I saw my husband, Legolas, in a youtube video. Anyways, Thank you for reading!
The Fellowship had been assembled. Tens companions in total. Aragorn, the son of Arathorn. Legolas, son of Thranduil. Gimli, son of Gloin. The four hobbits- Frodo, the ring bearer, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Gandalf the Grey. Boromir, son of the Steward of Gondor.
And..Y/n, daughter of Lord Elrond. The only female.. Lover of Legolas Thranduilion....
Her father didn't want her to join, thinking she would get hurt. But her abilities, knowledge and skill is something that the Fellowship required.
The elves of Rivendell were sailing off to the Undying lands. Yet she told her father she would not. She would stay with Legolas.
The Fellowship left Rivendell after bidding goodbye. Arwen almost did cry to see her little sister go on a dangerous quest, she felt a bit of peace as she knew her sister had someone to protect her.
And so...their journey began....
The fellowship were aiming for the gap of Rohan. After a while of walking the mountains they had stopped near a pile of giant rocks, some of which even looked as if they are stacked.
You handed a plate of food to Sam to give to Frodo. The others had already eaten. After doing so you blew out the fire and sat next to Frodo and watched Merry and Pippin train while Legolas was looking out for any enemies.
"One. Two. Good!" Boromir said, sword clanging against another.
"You got good Pippin" Merry said to Pippin.
"Move your feet" Aragorn said.
Frodo looked at you and smiled.
"Ah!" Pippin squealed
"Sorry!" Boromir said. The two young hobbits tackled him on the ground as the three of you watched.
"hold him!" "For the shire!"
You gently laughed as you saw the two hobbits tackle Aragorn who tried to help Boromir. Aragorn groaned as fell on the ground as well.
Pippin got up and ran to you.
"Y/n I've got a cut on my finger. It hurts." He looked at you with his adorable little Hobbit eyes which melted your heart.
"Ah.. come with me, I will put some medicine." You led the little Hobbit to where the fire once was.
You were putting a healing balm on his hand. You turned your head and saw Legolas jump from one rock to another and stand on a giant boulder.
You finished applying the medicine and smile at Pippin as he runs to Merry. You got up from the ground and stand near Legolas.
Him standing on a boulder gave him better view whilst you stood on the ground, adjusting you satchel. You were shorter than Legolas too which gives him the tall height advantage.
"What's that?" One of the members asked.
"Oh nothing it's just a wisp of clouds." Came Gimli's reply.
"It's moving fast.. against the wind.." Boromir said, getting up from the ground with Merry and Pippin.
"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouted.
"Hide!" Aragorn shouted.
"Hurry. Frodo.." you said as you guided Sam and Frodo to cover.
As crebains flew away, everyone got out from their hideout.
"Spies of ... Saruman! The passage south is being watched. We must take the path of caradhras." Said Gandalf.
You looked at Legolas as he gently held your hand.
The path of Caradhras was difficult. Thick snow, extreme cold, heavy snowfall. Elves do not mind cold very much but the others do. So you and Legolas walked in the front.
You, Legolas and the others got stuck in the snow when a huge chunk of snow fell from above.
You helped Sam out of the snow and then got out yourself. Sam went to Boromir's side.
"There is fell voice on the air" said Legolas.
"It's Saruman!" Shouted Gandalf.
"He's trying to bring down the mountains" Aragorn said as well.
Gandalf started to chant a spell in Imladris to try and stop. But alas it did not work.
It was decided that the fellowship would go through the Mines of Moria. It was chosen by Frodo.
Gimli sat down a bit away from the door. The Door of Moria was yet to open. Gandalf had tried all the password that he could come up with but it didn't work.
You and Legolas sat on a log. The two of you braided each other's hair. You saw Gandalf sigh of defeat. Legolas got up and walked around to see any incoming danger.
You went to Gandalf and stood in front of the door before looking at Gandalf. He looked at you.
"It is riddle......" You said.
"A riddle you say?" He replied.
"Mellōn" you said as the doors opened the Hobbits running towards you at once.
The events that occurred after that...were too cruel for all of you...
The hobbits were shedding tears. Gimli was trying to get back in the mine but Boromir didn't let him. You sat on a boulder, unable to accept the reality like Legolas.
"Get them up Legolas, Y/n." Aragorn spoke to you and Legolas. Legolas came up to you and placed his hand on your back. You looked up from the ground to his eyes. He could see the pain in your eyes, for he too feels it.
"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir shouted.
"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs. We must make for the woods of Lothlorien." Reasoned Aragorn.
"Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Y/n get them up." Aragorn said as walked up to Sam and held him up.
You got up from the boulder and gave Legolas a nod, after which you went to the hobbits, asking if anyone got injured.
You and Legolas were close to eachother. Fingers intertwined as you walked through the woods. Aragorn was leading the way.
"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." Said Gimli as he almost got himself pierced by an arrow of a Lothlorian guard.
"A dwarve breathes so loud, we would've shot him in the dark" Said Haldir, an old acquaintance.
"Mae g'ovannen Legolas Thranduilion, Y/n Elerondiel." Said Haldir. Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduilion, Y/n, daughter of Elrond.
"Ah, Aragorn in Dunedain. Istannen le ammen." Oh, Aragorn of Dúnedain. You are known to us. Haldir spoke, turning to Aragorn.
"Haldir." Aragorn greeted him.
"So much for the legendary courtesy of elves! Speak words we can all understand!" Spoke Gimli, annoyed because he couldn't understand what was being spoken.
Haldir simply turned to Gimli and spoke.
"We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days."
"And you know what this dwarves says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" I spit on your grave.
"That was not so courteous" Aragorn intervened.
Haldir looked at Fellowship and then to Frodo.
"You bring great evil here.... You can go no further."
You sat like the rest of the Fellowship while Legolas stood. Aragorn trying to convince Haldir to let you all stay the night.
Frodo saw Legolas look at him as the others looked at him too. He felt guilty. As if they are blaming him.
Frodo got up and went to you. He came to you and sat beside you as you opened your arms. He came in and laid his head on your chest as you hummed. He looked up in the sky and then closed his eyes.
Legolas saw you two cuddled up. He felt warm at the scene. Many would feel jealous at the sight of their lover with someone else but Legolas felt love for you grow further.
You and Frodo looked like mother and son. You ran you fingers through his head and held him close like a mother would.
Legolas smiled a little seeing you both. He imagined how it would be when the two of you would have children together.
Night had fallen. Most of the Fellowship had gotten fallen asleep. Aragorn was with Boromir.
You and Legolas were in your sleeping place. He had re-braided your hair and you were currently doing his.
You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to untangle any knots.
"Melēth nin, what would do after all of this is over?" You asked him.
"Ah..... The first thing I would do is to marry you. I would still need to think of what to do next." He replied.
His reply made you blush a bit. The sad atmosphere lifting up a bit.
"I would have a big family with you, nin melēth. I imagine it every time I see you with the little hobbits. You would make an excellent mother to our little elflings." He continued.
Your ears had turned pink. You laughed gently as you finished braiding his hair. He got up from the ground and went to your side.
He sat down beside you and kissed you passionately. It was slow but filled with deep love.
Elves love once. They love slow but when they do, they love hard.
After a minute, his lips seperated yours. Your lungs felt empty before you inhaled air.
He laid down and patted the place beside him. You went to his side and laid your head on his chest.
Soon after you drifted off to sleep. Soft snores made Legolas smile. The world was harsh... But you both had each other and that was enough.
He ran his hand over your head, soothing you. He drifted off to sleep after sometime. He fell asleep admiring your beauty. He had said something before doing so.
It was what he felt since he met you the first time.
"You make me feel.. Things I never felt before..."
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mochi-marmalade · 2 months
The Love of the Princess
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a/n: i stayed up until 2am writing this :') possibly one of my favorite works i've written?? the title is from a song i listened to while writing, very dreamy vibes. NOT proofread, might proofread later. BIG thankies to @lillisummers for the inspiration!! reader is the daughter of elrond & celebrían :)
Legolas x female elf reader
3.8k words
warnings: none i think....
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“My dear, you look wonderful.” Lord Elrond, says as he places a gleaming silver circlet on your head. “Thank you, father.” You reply, smiling. Truthfully, you are hesitant and unsure of what the future holds for you. Soon you will be traveling to Mirkwood to meet your betrothed, away from your family and the place you have called home your entire life. 
A short time ago, your father brought you on business for a diplomatic meeting with King Thranduil. While there, you slipped away to explore. Though you had been in forests before, Mirkwood had a certain air about it, veiled in mystique. “You,” A voice cut through the silence. “I have not seen you before.” You turn around and come face to face with a pale elf. He is fair as the moon and moves nimbly as he walks towards you. “I am the Lady of Rivendell, daughter of Lord Elrond.” He looks you up and down, then slowly nods. “Where is your father?”
“He is… Meeting with King Thranduil.”
The blond elf cocks an eyebrow, wondering aloud, “Should you not join him?”
“I am on my own business to meet handsome strangers.”
He smiles and asks in a sing-song voice, “Is that so?”
You return his smile, but before you can ask him for his name, another voice echoes through the trees. “Your father calls, my lady.” You look between the elf and the passageway to the Elvenking’s Halls, and he dips his head to bid you goodbye. “Farewell, fair sir.” You say before hurrying away. Thankfully, you received only a light reprimanding from your father for sneaking away that day. 
Perhaps life in Mirkwood wouldn’t be so bad, if only you could see that elf again. Then you remember that you are already meeting none other than Legolas, son of Thranduil, and it would be most inappropriate to have relations with others. You hope Legolas is a kind, reasonable person- you don’t even know what he looks like! However, if your father suggested you marry him, then Legolas must be an honorable elf. “We must go.” Your father states. Soon, you are on your horse, traveling once again to Mirkwood for a feast. Here you will meet Legolas. 
After nearly two weeks’ journey, you arrive at Mirkwood. Though it is nearly midnight, you are greeted by the King’s stewards, who lead you to the chambers you will sleep in during your visit. You thank them and quickly close the doors behind them. After a few moments, you decide that the halls are empty enough to quietly creep out of your chambers. You take the same path that you found the elf on during your last visit, hoping to see him one last time. “My lady, it is hardly safe to be away from the Elvenking’s Halls at this hour.” You know that voice. You swivel around to find the stranger smiling from behind you. “It’s you.” Your worried face morphs into a grin, and you step towards him. “I was hoping I might see you.” You tell him.
“Oh? And to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I… I am here to meet King Thranduil’s son. My father and the king have agreed a marriage would be most practical, so we are to meet tomorrow before the feast.”
It doesn’t take long for the elf in front of you to notice your troubled demeanor. He places a hand on yours, and reassures you, “Do not fret, my lady. I think the prince will take a liking to you.” “Do you know him?” You wonder. He chuckles and mutters, “You could say that.” 
“What is he like?”
He looks up at you confused, as if the question was completely surprising. “Well, let’s see,” He begins. “Our prince is a skilled bowman, very attractive, loyal beyond compare, wise, and personable.” You suppress a laugh, and share, “It almost sounds as if you should be the one marrying him.” His eyes widen and he laughs, a sound that rings like chimes in the wind. “I think not.” He says matter-of-factly. You smiled amusedly before yawning. He advises, “I should think it is time for you to retire to your chambers.” “I suppose you are correct.” You agree.
“Shall I escort you?” 
“I would like that very much.” 
You hook your arm in his and he takes you through the great halls to your room. You release your arm and he says, “This is where I bid you goodnight.” You press a kiss to his cheek, and say, “Goodnight.” You hope for the sake of your arrangement that this is the last time you’ll see him, but at the same time, you hope your paths will cross again. You settle on your bed and drift into sleep.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ☼ ゚。 ⋆
The next morning, you are awakened by elven servants. They bring you food, draw you a bath, and lay out your clothes. After preparing for the day, your father comes to collect you and take you to King Thranduil’s throne room. Lord Elrond seems to sense your anxiety, murmuring, “Do not worry, child. I will be here with you the entire time.” His words soothe you a bit, and you swallow thickly as you near the throne room. Lord Elrond announces your presence as the two of you enter, and King Thranduil eyes you from his seat. The blond elf from your encounter last night is present as well, perplexing you greatly. Perhaps he is a servant, a guard, or a steward of the king. Thranduil rises, beckoning to the elf and declaring, “This is my son, Legolas.” “You are Legolas?” You ask, shocked. He bows his head in respect, saying, “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady.” For a moment, you are speechless, but you manage to respond, “As am I.” Legolas takes your hand and asks you if you’d like to walk. You nod and he asks your father, “May I?” Lord Elrond and King Thranduil both look puzzled, but Elrond responds, “You may.” With that, you and Legolas take your leave, walking out of the grand room and into the halls. Once you are out of earshot, you retract your hand and turn to Legolas. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! This entire time… You played me for a fool.” He reaches for your hand again, explaining, “No, I don’t think you’re a fool and I didn’t mean to lead you on. My intentions are honest, and I meant to tell you my identity, I swear. Once it became apparent I needed to tell you, I just didn’t know how. You seemed so interested in me, I was afraid you might change your mind if you knew.” You look at him, still hurt and reassured at the same time. “Legolas, you should have said something. I don’t care if you’re the prince. Even if you were the king, my feelings would not change.” You allow him to hold your hands and he lifts one to press a kiss against your knuckles. “I am glad. I look forward to getting to know you better.” You feel heat rise to your cheeks. You spend the day with Legolas and you find he is everything you had hoped he would be- and more. “The time of the feast approaches, shall we return?” He asks. You tell him, “The feast is for us, is it not? Could you imagine a feast without its honored guests? I think we must go… Unless we convince others we are already there by replacing ourselves with remarkably lifelike replicas.” He laughs, then places a hand on the small of your back to lead you to the mead hall. The feast is merry and all who attend appear jovial. There are many elves dancing and singing and, of course, eating. You can’t help but look at the attendees and smile, as if the cheer were contagious. Legolas comes up behind you and notes your smile, asking, “Are you enjoying yourself?” 
“Yes, very much. I have never attended a feast in Mirkwood before.”
“Is it everything you had imagined?”
“That and more.”
He places a hand on your shoulder and draws you near. His heart warms at the way you look up at him, mirthful and kind. As each moment passes, he can almost feel his affection for you growing. “Legolas, would you like to dance?” He raises his eyebrows at the unexpected question, but before he can answer, you take his hand and drag him into the middle of the floor. Laughing, you take his hands and whirl to the sound of the music. He can’t help but watch the way your dress flows and how happy you look to be here. Heavens, the look on your face- he could stare at you forever if you’d let him. The two of you dance for a while, then take a break to drink and converse. You look at Legolas’s flushed face and can’t help but ask, “Are you liking the feast?” “Yes,” He replies. “Truthfully, there are very few times I’ve had more fun.” You beam at him and tell him you are very glad. He murmurs, “Come, I should like to show you something.” You both steal away from the feast and you follow Legolas until you come to the large doors that lead to the rest of Mirkwood. “Legolas, we shouldn’t.” You warn. 
“Do not worry. It will be worth it.”
You creep past the doors and run into the woods together, where he signals you to stay close to him. He says, “I know these woods well, but there is no doubt that danger lurks hidden from sight.” You are no fighter, versed only in combat with weapons. Here, however, you have no bow nor any sabre. Legolas looks back at you and it’s as if he read your mind. “I do not leave the halls without a weapon. I will make sure no harm comes to you.” He says, spinning a small blade in his hand. He begins to climb a tree, and, though you are wearing a particularly elaborate dress, you follow suit. Once you reach the top, you draw in a sharp breath. Naturally, you have seen the night sky innumerable times, but it still leaves you awe-stricken. “Gil-Estel,” You say breathlessly. “It is so bright.” You examine the dark blanket of the sky, peppered with glittering stars. Turning to Legolas, you can’t help but tell him, “It is beautiful. Thank you.” He gazes at you with such tenderness, you wish that he may be yours for a short while. Even if just for this night, you wish that he will stay by your side and grace you once more with his smile. You tell him, “I made a wish.”
“I have heard that some men make wishes to the stars. I am not certain of the merit of this belief, but I made a wish myself just now.”
“I see. I only wish that I may be worthy of you one day.”
His response leaves you silent. You want to say, “Oh, Legolas, hûn nín, you already are.” But you cannot speak. His eloquence and timing leaves you dumbstruck every time without fail. His expression is unreadable, and you’re afraid he might think you don’t care for him in the same manner. Just when you open your mouth to speak, he says, “We should return. Too much time has already passed.” Trying to conceal your disappointment, you agree and climb to the ground. He helps you slink back into the mead hall unnoticed, and doesn’t stray far from you for the rest of the night. As the sun rises, elves begin to filter out of the hall one by one. Legolas is talking to King Thranduil, when your father says, “I hope you enjoyed your escapade.” You look at him embarrassedly, and he asks, “Did you think I would not notice? I admit, I still worry for you as if you were a small child, feeling the need to guide your every step. However, I have trust that you are capable of making wise decisions. I only hope that you will be happy.” You tell him, “I am very happy. Legolas is a good man.” Lord Elrond smiles and walks away as Legolas returns to you. “Are you fatigued at all? Do you wish to rest?” He asks. You laugh, “No, Legolas, I feel quite alright.”
“Your hair… It must have come undone in the woods.”
You touch the back of your head to feel that your braids either have unwinded or are tangled. “Would you help me with it?” You ask. Legolas looks at you wide eyed. “Me…? Are you sure?” He questions. You consider it for a brief moment- are you certain you want to take that big a step? When you look at him, though, your concerns melt away. You trust him, wholly and completely. “Yes.” With your answer, Legolas brings you to your chambers and has you sit at the vanity. His fingers are hesitant and hover over your hair for a moment before he deftly begins to detangle your tresses. His fingers are slightly cold, but it doesn’t bother you. He works quickly and skillfully, neatly setting your hair into pleats. You can’t tell exactly how many pins he uses to secure your hair in place, but his gentle hands make them nearly unnoticeable. After a short while, he proudly declares, “I am finished. You may now tell your friends that your hair was pleated by a master.” “Oh, really? A master?” You quip. He nods enthusiastically and you can’t help but laugh. Your smile slowly fades as you realize you must leave within the next few days. “Is something the matter?” Legolas asks sweetly. 
“I must leave soon.”
“Don’t go.” He urges.
“I cannot stay here. I must go home.” 
“Must you?”
“Legolas, I… It is hardly appropriate to stay with you given the circumstances.”
“Then I shall ask to court you.” 
Again, you are taken aback. Legolas, though not always reserved, is acting uncharacteristically bold. You feel his forehead, wondering, “Are you sick?” He huffs in amusement, but takes your hand from his forehead and quickly regains his serious look. “I am being sincere. I would like to stay with you longer.” He says. Your head is swimming with thoughts of him, and your heart is racing in excitement. He calls your name softly, and you bring your gaze to him. He looks earnest, nervous, and enthusiastic all at once. “I would like nothing more.” You answer. He laughs and embraces you, his warmth enveloping you. It is caring, inviting, comfortable and unlike anything you have ever experienced. He lets go and straightens his tunic, uttering, “I do not know what came over me. I apologize if I was too forward.”  You hold his hand, telling him, “Legolas, it is okay. I am happy too.” He grins and ushers you to follow him to ask your father. Lord Elrond looks surprised, but grants Legolas permission nonetheless. King Thranduil’s face is unreadable as ever, but he does not object, which you suppose is good. Your father then takes you aside to speak, saying, “I did not expect to return to Rivendell without you.”
“I am sorry.”
“Do not be sorry, I only mean that your presence will be missed.”
Tears well in your eyes as you realize you do not know when your next visit to Rivendell will be. “Do not cry,” Lord Elrond says softly. “Your journey has only begun. Your family will be ready should you need us.” You nod, suppressing tears. “And,” He adds, peering at Legolas. “You are not alone.” You turn to see Legolas waiting for you beyond the large doorway. “Thank you, father.” You give him one last embrace, and Legolas joins you to see him off. As you watch the horses gallop away, you sigh deeply. Your life will be different from now on, but you’re glad. 
°•. ✿ .•°
You spend much of your time with Legolas, and he quickly learns that you are a woman of many interests. You are skilled with both a bow and a sabre, your fingers move expertly to weave baskets and plait hair, and you enjoy several forms of visual art. He praises your abilities- you are multifaceted and so resolute in your beliefs. He goes so far as to request paper and a utensil as a means for you to draw. Day by day, you explore with Legolas and occasionally stop to sketch the scenery or a species you may have never seen before. During these times, Legolas likes to watch you with deep admiration. Your reverence and appreciation for nature are other things he likes about you. Being the simple creature you are, you find solace just being with Legolas. He provides comfort and care you didn’t know you could have. 
Then, perhaps months later, Legolas is called to Rivendell. “I must go.” He states apologetically. “Take me with you.” You plead. 
“The journey will be dangerous. I do not wish to place you in peril’s way.”
“Legolas, you know I can hold my own.”
He seems to consider it for a moment, but concedes, “I feel you will be safer here with my father and the guard.” “Legolas, who better to ensure my safety than you?” You reason. That seems to have been more effective, as he sighs weakly before saying, “Fine. You may come with me, but we must return to Mirkwood.” You agree, and he hastily prepares extra supplies. King Thranduil emerges, but only to stare at the two of you coldly as you venture into the distance. 
Traveling with Legolas is like a dream. Both of you are often alone in Mirkwood, but there is something to be said about journeying with him. It is truly just the two of you, with no chambers to return to at the end of the day and nothing keeping you confined within one area. You banter with Legolas often during the trek to Rivendell, and at night you bring your head to his chest. You gaze at the stars together as you did that night many moons ago, and you slumber peacefully drawn close to Legolas. He offers you lembas, which you graciously accept each time, and is careful to wipe away any crumbs left on your face. You almost prefer this life to the one in Mirkwood, but it is cut short when you finally arrive in Rivendell.
Your father greets Legolas at the entrance to the great valley and is especially glad to see you. “My dear, it is always a delight. I would talk with you longer, were it not for a pressing situation.” “Yes,” Legolas begins. “I offer my deepest apologies to you.” Lord Elrond looks at him for a moment, then begins, “Oh, no, it is not that. There is… something else that has come up.” You and Legolas look at each other with confusion on your faces, but Lord Elrond is already bringing Legolas further into Rivendell. “Am I not to come?” You ask, feeling a bit dejected. Father turns to you, and says, “My daughter, you must not attend this meeting. I apologize but the magnitude of this is far too great; it will not be safe for you.” You nod your head slowly, and make your way to your sister’s quarters. Arwen embraces you with a wide smile, and you each share what has happened in your lives since you last met. Eventually, your father returns and informs you that you may want to speak with Legolas. You look between Lord Elrond and Arwen worriedly at first, then heed your father’s suggestion. You arrive outside and there are several strange men gathered near the entrance of Rivendell. Legolas turns to greet you and, for the first time, you can see fear on his face. “What ails you?” You ask him as you rush to meet him. “I have been appointed to a task, which will be great in time and distance. It will be treacherous and… I fear I may never see you again.” He explains. “Do not say that. You are steadfast, both in will and in strength. I am sure we will meet again.” You try to convince him. He nods and holds your face in his hands, then presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Meleth nín.” He mutters, still holding your face so you cannot see him. Carefully, you raise your head to meet his eyes, and say, “I love you.” You can see in his eyes he is unbearably upset, as if he cannot bear to leave you. “Go. I will wait here.” With those words, he turns and leaves.
It is many months before you see Legolas again. You see your people leave, and it pains you to watch the very life of Rivendell leave the place you once called home. Arwen and your father spend many moments together, discussing something that is beyond your knowledge. However, they also spend many moments attempting to comfort you. You have faith that Legolas will return, so you wait patiently, always watching the horizon for his lean figure. It isn’t until you travel to Minas Tirith with your father and sister that you finally see Legolas again. Arwen weds Aragorn in what seems to be a human ceremony. There you see him: Legolas, casually conversing with some people that you think you saw him set out from Rivendell with. The stout dwarf next to him sees you approaching first and gently elbows Legolas. He looks up, and with a grin opens his arms to greet you. Breaking into a trot, you launch yourself into his arms and he wraps his arms around you in a tight hold. “Legolas…” You sob softly. He quickly leans back to brush your tears away, saying, “None of that, love. I’m here now.” He holds you to his chest pressing kiss upon kiss to the crown of your head. “My lady.” The dwarf grunts, bowing slightly to you. Then he turns to Legolas to ask, “Is this…?” Legolas laughs, “Yes, this is her.” You sigh at the feeling of being in Legolas’s arms again, but you are interrupted by Legolas saying, “Actually, I have something.” He reaches into his pocket and produces a silver ring. “Legolas…” You gasp, eyes welling with tears once again. You nod your head vehemently, and Legolas slips the ring on your right index finger. Legolas doesn’t waste any time kissing you, in response to which you place a hand on either side of his face. When you pull away, tears of joy stream down your cheeks. “What’re you making her cry for now?!” Gimli reprimands Legolas. The elf simply replies with a smirk, “Gimli, have you ever been to an elven wedding?”
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thewulf · 5 months
I Choose You || Legolas
Summary: Request - Hii hope you're having a good day, is it okay if I request a Legolas x reader where reader is Gandalf's granddaughter and joined the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring? They both slowly fell in love with each other along the way and when the incident in Moria happened where Gandalf dies, Legolas comforts her.
A/N: Thank you for the amazing request! Had a blast writing this as usual :) It's a lil long, so enjoy!
Pairing: Legolas x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.5k +
TW: Talks of war/death, war, death, orcs, general LOTR triggers
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You stand silently amidst the gathered council fading into the background as best you could. The murmur of many voices echoing softly through the vaulted halls of Rivendell. The air is crisp, filled with the mingling scents of ancient scrolls and the distant freshness of autumnal leaves. Elves, men, dwarves, and even a few hobbits have come to discuss the fate of Middle-earth, their faces marked by concern and resolve.
Your grandfather, Gandalf the Grey, stands at the center of it all. His presence both commanding and comforting. You’ve always admired his wisdom and strength and today, more than ever, you feel the weight of your lineage. You are his granddaughter, gifted with a touch of his magical prowess and a deep love for the mysteries of this world.
As the debate swirls around you, Elrond, the lord of Rivendell calls for silence. His gaze settles on the small golden ring laid upon the pedestal. It’s simple form belying its terrible power. The task is clear though the path is fraught with peril: the ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. "We must form a fellowship," Elrond declares. His voice resonant and clear. "Those who will take this burden upon themselves and walk into the shadow to see this evil undone."
A hush falls over the council. Eyes turn, some in fear, others in anticipation, seeking those who might step forward. This is the moment you’ve prepared for, not just since you arrived in Rivendell but throughout your life under Gandalf’s tutelage. With a breath that steadies your resolve you step forward. The rustle of your cloak is like a whisper against the stone floor and several members of the council turn in surprise as you move into the circle of light cast by the morning sun through the high windows.
"I will go," you say, your voice firm and clear. "For the love of my grandfather and for the safety of middle earth. I will see this quest through to its end."
Murmurs of approval ripple through the room and Gandalf meets your eyes across the circle. There’s pride in his gaze and a touch of sorrow, knowing well the dangers that lie ahead. But in this moment you see also the unspoken bond between the two of you. An acknowledgment of the shared commitment to what is right, no matter the cost.
Legolas, a prince of the Woodland Realm, nods to you with respect clear in his bright eyes. Beside him, a stout figure grumbles under his breath, yet Gimli the Dwarf gives a curt nod of assent, recognizing your courage. Beside them a young hobbit named Frodo, who is to be the Ringbearer, looks on with wide, earnest eyes. It is for him, and for all who call this land home, that you pledge your strength. As the council disperses to prepare for the journey you stand beside Gandalf feeling the ancient power of Rivendell around you and the even older strength that lies within your own heart. This is just the beginning you know but you are ready. For the Fellowship, for middle earth, for Gandalf.
You will face whatever comes, together.
As the Fellowship journeys south from Rivendell the path grows increasingly treacherous, winding through craggy mountain passes and shadowed forests. The air is crisp and the first frost of winter sparkles on the leaves. Your companions walk close together. Each step a testament to the weight of the task ahead.
Aragorn leads with a steady hand, his ranger skills essential as the terrain becomes more challenging. Beside him, Boromir of Gondor often lends his strength. His booming voice echoing off the stone trying to keep spirits high among the group, especially the hobbits—Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin—who find amusement in the smallest wonders along the way. Like the frost patterns on the leaves or a particularly stubborn squirrel.
Legolas glides effortlessly beside you. His elven grace a stark contrast to Gimli who stumps along with a determined scowl, his axe ever at the ready. Despite the solemnity of your mission the elf and the dwarf have already begun what seems to be an endless competition, each trying to outdo the other in tracking skills, strength, and the telling of tall tales.
One balmy afternoon as the path narrows along the edges of a steep ravine the rivalry comes to a head between the two of them. Gimli insists he can clear a particularly large fallen tree with a single vault much to Legolas’s skepticism.
“Watch and learn, Master Elf,” Gimli grunts as he began to back up for a running start. Legolas watches with an arched eyebrow, clearly very amused by the red headed dwarf travelling beside him.
Just as Gimli begins to charge forward you step in placing a calming hand on his shoulder. “Perhaps, Gimli, it would be wiser to assist each other over the obstacle rather than compete with others. After all, the road ahead promises ample challenge for both of your strengths.” You smile warmly down at the ambitious dwarf set out to prove himself.
Gimli stops mid-stride puffing out his chest a bit as he turns to you, then to Legolas. “Hmm, perhaps you are right, lass. What say you, Legolas? Shall we make this journey a test of our cooperation rather than our competition?”
Legolas’s lips curve into a smile. His eyes sparkling with a newfound respect. “I believe our companion speaks wisely. Let us proceed together.” He offers his hand to Gimli who looks at it for a moment before shaking it heartily.
As the journey continues you find yourself often mediating and bringing lightness to tense moments. One evening as the Fellowship gathered around the campfire you recount a humorous anecdote from your days studying under your grandfather. Making sure to mimic Gandalf’s stern voice and dramatic gestures. The group erupts into laughter, the sound carrying through the trees and lifting the spirits of all including the hobbits who clap delightedly and ask for more stories.
Aragorn, sitting across from you nods appreciatively. His eyes meeting yours with a silent thank-you for the lightness you bring. Boromir chuckles, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes clearly more at ease. “You have the gift of your grandfather. Not only in magic but in spirit.” Aragorn comments, his voice warm in the chill air.
Legolas who was sitting beside you leans closer and speaks softly, “Your wisdom brings much-needed peace. And your humor is a light in dark times. It is a rare gift.”
You meet his gaze. The firelight cast dancing shadows across his features. All elves were beautiful but there was something about the Price of Mirkwood that drew you in. “We all carry our gifts, Legolas. Yours is your unerring optimism and sharp eye. Gimli’s his steadfastness and heart. Boromir’s his valor. Aragorn’s his leadership. And the hobbits’ their enduring cheer. Together we are stronger than each individual.”
As the nights grow longer and the path more daunting the bonds within the Fellowship deepen, fortified by shared challenges and your quiet efforts to understand, and support each other. In the quiet moments Legolas teaches you Elvish songs of old. And Gimli shares tales of the great Dwarven halls, their voices blending into the night creating a tapestry of friendship and hope.
As the Fellowship delves into the ancient depths of Moria the air grows thick with the mustiness of ages and the weight of stone. The walls echo with the memory of Dwarven voices, now silent. The path is lit only by the faint glow of Gandalf’s staff. Gimli moves with a mix of reverence and sorrow. His eyes reflecting a deep familial connection to the lost realm of his kin. The narrow passages twist and turn leading you deeper into the mountain’s heart. The quiet is oppressive, only broken by the occasional drip of water or the scuffle of a boot on stone. Tension mounts with each step and even the normally unflappable Legolas seems taut, his eyes scanning the shadows.
All too suddenly, the dark stillness erupts into chaos. A low growl escalates into a deafening roar as the Balrog, a creature of fire and shadow, reveals itself. The ground trembles beneath its weight and the air sears with heat. Gandalf steps forward his face set with grim determination. “Lead them on, Aragorn,” he commands. “The bridge is near. Do as I say! Swords are no more use here!” Your grandfather cries as he gives you a sharp look. Obey. You must listen to him now.
The Fellowship rushes forward driven by fear and the urgent need to escape, but you hesitate, your heart torn as Gandalf faces the monster alone. As the others cross the bridge of Khazad-dûm you watch, helpless, as Gandalf confronts the Balrog. His staff was raised, a brilliant light flaring to meet the darkness.
“You cannot pass,” Gandalf declares. His voice echoing powerfully. It sends a shutter down even your spine.
The Balrog advances and with a defiant cry Gandalf strikes the bridge with his staff. It crumbles sending the creature plummeting into the abyss. But the Balrog’s fiery whip lashes out, catching Gandalf’s leg, pulling him towards the edge. With a calm but utterly sad glance back at you, he murmurs, “Fly, you fools,” before falling into the darkness below.
Shock paralyzes you momentarily, tears blurring your vision. The others tug at you, pulling you away from the crumbling edge. As you flee Moria the loss of your beloved grandfather hits you. A deep ache that seems to echo through the empty halls. Outside, under the grey, mourning sky, the Fellowship collapses in a clearing. Each member grappling with grief. Your knees give out and you sink to the ground, overwhelmed by sorrow. Legolas is at your side in an instant, his presence a silent solace. He does not speak, but his hand finds yours, squeezing gently. A clear reminder that you are not alone.
Gimli joins you. His own eyes rimmed red. “He was the greatest of us all,” he says gruffly with his voice thick with emotion. “I am honored to have walked beside him and I vow to you, we will see this quest through. For him and for all our sakes.”
The words are a balm to your spirit even as you could not reply. Words were too hard for you now. You lean into Legolas, his strength supporting you. You mourn the loss of the only thing you knew. Legolas and Gimli by your side reminding you that even in the depths of loss, the bonds of friendship and love hold firm.
You manage to whisper a weak "Thank you," before the sorrow overwhelms you once more. Tears flood your cheeks, each one a memory, a moment shared with Gandalf that you'll never experience again. Overcome, you turn into Legolas's side, seeking the comfort that only close, physical presence can provide.  Though he was not typically fond of physical touch he does not hesitate to comfort you. He wraps his arms around you, his embrace firm and unwavering. In this moment your need transcends his usual reservations, and he holds you close. A silent sentinel in your hour of vulnerability.
His hands are steady on your back, one arm around your shoulders, the other at your waist, grounding you as your grief spills forth unchecked. Legolas's heart aches for your loss and though he may not express his emotions openly his actions speak a clear language of care and adoration. As you cry into his side, Legolas rests his chin atop your head. His gaze was fixed on the distant horizon where the last light of day gives way to twilight. He feels the weight of your sorrow as if it were his own, yet he knows he must stand strong for you.
Legolas knows that the road ahead will be fraught with further trials but for now, he offers you all that he can—protection, comfort, and an unspoken promise that no matter what lies ahead, you will not face it alone. In the stillness that wraps around you and Legolas there's a respectful pause from the rest of the Fellowship. They were giving you a moment to collect yourself under the cloak of Legolas's support. Aragorn, ever attentive to the needs of his comrades, notices the depth of your grief and the comfort Legolas provides. He understands the significance of this moment, the necessity of mourning and the importance of support in such times.
Standing a short distance away Aragorn speaks quietly with the hobbits making sure everyone is ready to continue but delaying their departure ever so slightly for your sake. His leadership is subtle. His decisions shaped by a deep understanding of his people's emotional and physical stamina.
After a brief moment, Aragorn looks over, his eyes meeting Legolas’s over your bowed head. There’s a silent communication between them. A leader’s acknowledgement and a friend’s gratitude for the support given to one of their own. Aragorn’s face softens, his respect for whatever was forming between you two clear in his gentle nod.
With a deep breath, signaling both readiness and respect, Aragorn approaches. His voice is soft yet carries a necessary urgency as he speaks. His words meant to soothe but also to remind of the path ahead. “We must move on for night will not wait for us and neither will our enemies,” he spoke with his tone conveying both compassion and resolve. “Take the time you need but remember we must not linger long.”
Legolas gently helps you stand straighter his arms still offering support. As you wipe away the last of your tears, strengthened by the comfort you’ve received, you nod in understanding. Legolas gives you a reassuring look. His eyes promising continued support and then he gently releases you. He was ready to stand by your side as you all prepare to resume the journey. With a final glance at Gandalf’s last stand you and the Fellowship gather your gear and set off once more into the fading light. The memory of Gandalf a guiding light that pushes you forward through the darkness.
Emerging into the sunlight of the world again does little to lift the sorrow of the Fellowship which soon deepens with Boromir’s tragic fall at Amon Hen. His valiant defense of Merry and Pippin against the Uruk-hai, though ultimately costing him his life, marked him forever a hero in the annals of your journey. The loss of such a stalwart companion leaves a void in your heart and within the group, casting a pall over your spirits.
Driven by a fierce determination to honor Boromir’s sacrifice, you, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli give chase across the plains of Rohan to rescue Merry and Pippin from their captors. The pursuit is grueling. Pushing each of you to your very limits. The landscape of Rohan is vast and relentless, but the tracks are clear, guiding you unerringly toward the thick fringes of Fangorn Forest. The hope of rescuing the hobbits fuels your weary bodies onward even as your hearts ache with the memory of Gandalf's fall and Boromir’s courageous end.
As you follow the trail into the shadowy depths of Fangorn a sense of ancient watchfulness grows. The forest feels alive, old beyond reckoning, and filled with secrets. It is here among the whispering trees that the unexpected happens. A figure steps out from the shadows garbed in white, his presence bright against the dark underbrush. The shock of seeing what you believe might be Saruman stops you in your tracks. But as the figure approaches the energy changes—the air around him shimmers with a familiar warmth and power. Not the cold malice of Saruman.
"Gandalf?" Legolas breathes. A note of awe mingling with disbelief.
You squint, hardly daring to believe it to be true. As he draws closer, clarity dawns, and recognition floods your senses. Overcome with emotion you shout, "Grandfather!" and sprint toward him. Your heart swelling with joy and relief.
Gandalf opens his arms wide, and you crash into his embrace. The impact strong yet comforting. "My dear child," he murmurs. His voice warm and welcoming as he wraps his arms around you. His cloak envelops you with a familiar scent of pipe-weed and the road clinging to the fabric grounding you in the reality of his return.
"Yes, it is I," Gandalf responds gently, now looking down at you with sparkling eyes, "but as Gandalf the White. I come back to you at the turn of the tide. Stronger and renewed. Just as our hope must now be."
The grief at Boromir’s death and the shock of Gandalf's return blend into a complex tapestry of emotions. The initial shock gives way to a festive air as relief and joy wash over Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. They join in, their earlier despair replaced by laughter and words of amazement, forming a tight circle around you and Gandalf.
As Gandalf explains his battle with the Balrog and his subsequent rebirth his words filling the gaps in your understanding and rekindling hope in your hearts. His return not only signifies a miraculous second chance but also invigorates the Fellowship with renewed purpose and determination. With Gandalf's guidance now as Gandalf the White you all feel a renewed sense of purpose. The path forward is still fraught with danger but with Gandalf returned, and in memory of Boromir’s bravery, you are reminded that even in the darkest times there can be resurrection and hope. Together you prepare to resume the quest, stronger and more determined than ever.
"Your guidance has been sorely missed, Gandalf," Aragorn says. His voice steady but thick with emotion as he joins you. He captures the mood of the moment, channeling the Fellowship’s relief into focus. "What should we do? Frodo and Sam are gone to Mordor. Merry and Pippin are captives of the enemy." Gandalf releases you from the embrace but keeps one hand on your shoulder, grounding, and comforting. He surveys the small group with a decisive gaze and the air around you seems to thrum with renewed energy and urgency.
"We will split our efforts," he declares. "Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and you," he nods at you, "will pursue the orcs who took Merry and Pippin. Every second counts and your skills will be crucial in navigating this perilous chase."
You try and protest, but he shakes his head continuing along. "Meanwhile, I shall seek aid from the Ents of Fangorn," Gandalf continues, turning to look at the dense woods behind him. "Their strength will be necessary in the wars to come. We must rally all allies for the shadow from the East grows ever bolder."
As plans are made Legolas stands close by your side, his presence a silent vow of protection and partnership. You feel his hand briefly squeeze yours. A gesture of support that sends a surge of warmth through your heart that he had done so many times before.
"You have grown much, under shadow and trial," Gandalf remarks. Looking at you with a blend of pride and affection With the reunion drawing to a close and the path forward set you all prepare to leave. Gandalf’s return has not only brought back a beloved mentor and friend but has reignited the flame of hope within your heart. Together you feel ready to face the challenges that await knowing that the bonds of friendship and duty will guide you through the darkest of times.
As you traverse the expansive lands towards Rohan the camaraderie within the group deepens, each member adjusting to the rhythms of travel and the complexities of intertwined destinies. Amidst these dynamics your relationship with Legolas finds new ground. The elven prince, always serene and composed, begins to show a more attentive and tender side in his interactions with you. His glances linger longer and his conversations, once filled with tales of ancient elven lore, now often drift towards thoughts and dreams of the future, your future.
It’s during one of the long nights while camped under the vast, starlit sky near the borders of Fangorn Forest, that Gimli noticed the growing tension between you and Legolas. He decided to give you both some space. With a knowing wink and a gruff voice Gimli volunteers for the first watch, his tone unusually gentle. "I reckon the night is best shared with stars and heartfelt words, not an old dwarf's snoring."
Grateful, you share a smile with Legolas as Gimli settles a little distance away, his back to you, affording you a semblance of privacy. Legolas turns to you with his blue eyes reflecting the starlight, and for a moment he simply looks at you as if contemplating a thought long held in silence. "I have seen many wonders in my long life," he starts, his voice soft and mesmerizing under the night sky. "But none compared to the courage and kindness I've seen in you. In these trying times you have become a light guiding me."
Your heart flutters at his words, and you feel a warmth spread through you. "And you, Legolas, have been my solace. In you I find peace amidst turmoil. A joy that even the darkest shadows cannot diminish." He smiles. His gaze intensifying with affection and something more, something unspoken yet palpable between you. Then, in a move that surprises you both for its boldness and its intimacy, Legolas shifts closer and gently pulls you into his side. It's a daring gesture for an elf, particularly one as reserved as Legolas. But it feels right as if many paths had converged to bring this moment into being.
The warmth of his body against yours, the protective embrace of his arm—these are things you never expected to find so far from home. "It seems we have found comfort in one another's presence," he says softly. "Would that we might find a way to keep this light alive… no matter what lies ahead?"
"I would like that very much," you whisper as you leaned into the strength of his embrace.
The two of you sit under the blanket of night talking softly of dreams for a peaceful future and the immediate plans for the days to come. The reality of the quest remains but for now, under the stars, you both allow yourselves the luxury of imagining a life beyond the war. Both of you bound by a newfound affection that promises to grow with each passing day.
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At Helm's Deep the air is thick with the tension of impending battle. The great fortress, built into the deep folds of the mountain, stands as the last bastion of hope against the relentless march of Saruman's forces. As the sky darkens and the torches flicker against the night you stand on the ramparts beside Legolas watching the sea of enemies gathering in the distance.
Legolas turns to you, his expression clouded with concern. “You should not be here,” he says softly. His voice barely above the howl of the wind. “This battle... it is not like the ones before. I fear—”
“I know,” you interrupt, understanding his fear but meeting his gaze with a resolve that mirrors the steel of the swords of your comrades below. “I know what this battle could mean for all of us. But I must stand with you, with all of you. There is no other place for me now, Legolas.”
Seeing the determination in your eyes, Legolas's expression softens and he pulls you gently against his side. It was a bold move for him, especially in such a public setting. “Then we will face it together,” he says squeezing your hand tightly as a silent promise passes between you.
The night deepens and the enemy’s drums beat a terrifying rhythm that seems to match the racing of your heart. Legolas pulls you closer. His eyes searching yours in the dim light. “No matter what happens tonight, know this,” he whispers, his voice steady despite the chaos swelling around you. “I love you. I have loved you amidst the shadows of our journey, and I will love you beyond the reaches of time.”
Your breath catches at his words. The simplicity and depth of his confession anchoring you amidst your fears. “And I love you,” you repl. Your voice strong even though you felt so weak. “Whatever may come, whatever we face… we face it together.”
As the battle commences the air fills with the clash of steel and the cries of warriors. You fight back-to-back, Legolas’s arrows finding their marks with deadly precision while you fend off attackers with sword and spell.
Gimli joins two of you, his axe a blur as he protects your flank. “Ha! I’d like to see them try to break this line!” he bellows. His voice a rumble of thunder over the din of battle.
The hours stretch. Each moment a lifetime but you fight with a clarity borne of love and the will to protect not just middle earth but the futures you hope to share. Legolas’s presence is a constant reassurance. His quick glances amidst the fray a reminder of everything worth fighting for.
As dawn breaks the tide of battle shifts. With Gandalf’s timely arrival and the charge of the Rohirrim, a new hope is rekindled. The enemy falters and breaks. Exhausted but alive, you, Legolas, and Gimli regroup, your bodies weary but spirits lifted by the victory, however costly it may have been.
Standing amidst the ruins of the battle you all share a look of relief and unspoken understanding. The war is far from over, but the strength of your bonds, the depth of your love, and the courage of your friends give you the fortitude to press on, to fight another day. With Legolas watch the sunrise, the light washing over Helm’s Deep painting the world in hues of gold and red. A daily rebirth, a reminder that after darkness there always comes a new dawn.
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After the long shadow of war finally lifts with the destruction of the One Ring the world begins to breathe again. Minas Tirith stands gleaming under the bright sun, its banners waving in a joyous breeze. The streets are filled with music and laughter as people from all corners of middle earth gather to celebrate the victory. The air is sweet with the scent of blossoming flowers brought forth by a spring that signifies not just the changing of seasons but the dawn of a new era.
You, Legolas, and Gimli stand on a balcony overlooking the jubilant city with a cup of fine wine in hand. The Fellowship has been honored by kings and lords, sung by minstrels, and cheered by crowds. But in this moment, the three of you share a quiet moment that speaks of deeper bonds forged in the fires of your shared trials.
Legolas looks out over the city, his eyes reflecting the green of the fields below. “The world is changed,” he says thoughtfully. “I feel it in the earth, I smell it in the air. The darkness that once threatened to swallow us whole is now but a shadow of the past.”
Gimli nods. His eyes twinkling under his bushy brows. “Aye, and it’s time for more pleasant journeys,” he chuckles. “I promised you both a tour of the Glittering Caves, did I not? And I intend to keep that promise. You’ll find no finer sight beneath the mountains, mark my words!”
“And I,” Legolas adds turning to you with a gentle smile, “would have you both come to Mirkwood. The forests have suffered in the darkness. But they recover, much like us. There are places of such beauty and tranquility that they deserve to be witnessed with friends.”
You sip your wine, letting the rich flavors linger on your tongue as you consider the future. “And what of you?” Gimli asks, looking at you with an expectant raise of his eyebrow.
“I think,” you say slowly, smiling at the possibilities that stretch before you, “that I would like to see more of this world that we have fought so hard to save. From the forests of Mirkwood to the caves of the mountains and perhaps even beyond. There’s so much to explore, so much to learn.”
“And so much to rebuild,” Legolas adds. “Wherever we go we carry with us the legacy of those who fought beside us. Those who fell, and those who lived to see this day. Gandalf’s wisdom, Aragorn’s courage, and even Frodo’s quiet determination—they remain with us, guiding us forward.”
Gimli raises his cup, and you and Legolas do the same. “To the future,” Gimli declares heartily.
“To peace,” Legolas adds, his voice warm.
“To friendship,” you conclude. The three of you clink your cups together, the sound crisp and clear.
As the celebration continues below you lean against the stone railing admiring the city sprawling at your feet. Around you the laughter and music rise to the starlit sky, and you feel a profound sense of contentment. The road ahead is uncharted, but you face it not as a lone wanderer but as part of a fellowship that has endured the darkest of times to see the brightest of days.
With Legolas and Gimli by your side you know that whatever adventures lie ahead, they will be filled with joy, discovery, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship. This is not the end of your story but the beginning of a new chapter, one that you will write together.
As the celebrations in Minas Tirith begin to quiet down into a gentle hum of merriment and the evening deepens, Gimli, with a knowing grin and a subtle nod towards Legolas excuses himself to “inspect the integrity of the ale supply,” leaving you two alone on the quieter side of the terrace that overlooks the city’s sprawling, illuminated gardens.
Legolas watches Gimli depart and then turns to you with a serene expression. His eyes reflecting the myriad lights of the city. He reaches into the folds of his tunic and pulls out a small, exquisitely carved wooden box. “I have something for you,” he says. His voice low and filled with a tender emotion that sends a thrill through your heart.
You watch, curious and expectant, as he opens the box to reveal a pendant. It’s a delicate piece, shaped like a leaf but crafted with such intricacy that each vein in the leaf is visible. It shimmered with a light that seems to emanate from within the silver itself.
“This is a leaf from the Mallorn trees of Lothlórien,” Legolas explains as he carefully lifts the pendant from the box. “Galadriel herself gave this to me before we departed and though I cherish it... I believe it was always meant for you.”
He steps closer. His presence so familiar and yet so heart-stirringly profound at this intimate moment. “In the elven tradition,” he continues, his eyes locked onto yours, “to give such a gift is to choose a companion. To offer a token of one’s heart and soul. I give this to you not out of obligation but from a free and willing heart. I choose you and it’s you I wish to be with through all the ages of this world.”
He pauses while holding the pendant up between you. His eyes searching yours for an answer, a confirmation of your feelings. You nod gently, overwhelmed by the emotion in his gaze and the significance of his gift.
Legolas smiles, a soft, joyous curve of his lips, and delicately clasps the pendant around your neck. His fingers brush lightly against your skin as he secures the clasp sending shivers down your spine. The metal feels warm as if charged with his affection and presence.
“I cannot promise that the road ahead will be free from hardship,” Legolas says softly while drawing you close so that your foreheads touch lightly, “but I can promise that you will never walk it alone. Where you go I will follow. And where I go I hope you will be by my side.”
“Legolas,” you whisper. Your voice thick with emotion. “There is no one else I would rather have by my side. No one else I would want to share my path with. I choose you, too, today, and always.”
Without hesitation Legolas leans in to capture your lips in a kiss. It’s gentle at first. A tender meeting that speaks of mutual respect and deep affection. But as you respond the kiss deepens, becoming a profound expression of your shared love and commitment.
The world around you—the city of Minas Tirith, the sounds of celebration—fades into a blissful quiet. In this moment wrapped in Legolas’s embrace, you realize that while the war might have brought you together it is love that will lead you into your future. Beneath the stars and above the glowing city you share a promise of a thousand sunrises to come. Each one a new day to explore and cherish the world together.
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the-fiction-witch · 13 days
Media - Rings Of Power Character - Elrond Couple - Elrond X Reader Reader - Y/n (Elf Wife) Rating - 18 + Word Count - 1241
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The road had been long and difficult. But Elrond knew he couldn't give up.
While travelling to visit other elves, their travelling party was ambushed by orcs several died in the fight but some were captured, One of those captured was Elronds own wife, Y/n. The orcs carried her away with them and ever since Elrond had been stalking them desperate to save her. Elrond knew the horrific things orcs do to captured female elves. They torment them. Torture them. degrade them. And rape them to use as breeding slaves. And once they are out of use for them, they'll eat their flesh and leave them half dead. And Elrond knew that was not a fate he could allow Y/n to have.
But the days grew long, and he began to fear that he would never see her again, He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat and he couldn't think of anything except saving her. No matter what he did hellish screams echoed in his ears, as if from miles away he could hear her fear and he prayed to all the gods of this world that she had only fear to cause her screams… And nothing worse.
he reached a hilltop and stopped to look across the moors, and even in the darkness, he saw them. The band of orcs walked towards the rocks, shuffling about the way orcs often did. And at the back of the pack, two of the four elves were captured from their party both of the women of course.
He saw Y/n and he felt a rage build inside him. She was stripped of her gown wearing only tattered rags to conceal her, forced to all barefoot on the rocks, her feet and body bleeding, rope around her wrists and her neck leading her forward with the orcs, her cheeks stained with tears. She tried to resist them but one orc slapped her across the face almost knocking her to the floor, before grabbing her chest to fondle while she screamed and he laughed at her fear,
Elrond watched as the orcs dragged Y/n along, his anger reaching a boiling point. Every fiber of his being ached with the desire to run down and grab her. The sight of them touching her and causing her pain was almost to much for him to bear. He had to force himself stand still and control his impulses. He wanted to jump down from the hills and run towards them, to grab her and take her away from this hellish nightmare. He wanted to kill every single orc that had touched her and make them suffer for what they had done to her,
His heart was beating faster than ever and his eyes were fixed on her. He couldn't stand to see her in harms way like this. Even her tears were too much for him. This was the woman he loved more than anything in the world and she was suffering at the hands of these monsters. He followed them at a safe distance until they made camp for the coming dawn hiding away in a low mountain cave. They set up their camp and let the prisoners linger outside,
Elrond kept himself hidden, taking note of every aspect of the camp. The cave, the orcs, the guards outside. He needed to find a way to save her. He had to. But the sight of her outside the cave was almost to much for him. He was just a few meters away and yet he felt like a world separated them. He wanted nothing more then to run towards her and hold her but he knew it was too dangerous, he had to bide his time till an oppourtunity came up,
the orcs began to hide away as the sun was set to rise but one large orc came out and looked over the captured prisoners He walked among them, sniffling them, touching them, to select whichever would be the victim of 'the pile'
The pile was a common torment orcs inflicted on female elves, they'd be stripped and tossed to a group no smaller than five, and they'd grab her limbs and take turns to violently rape her piling on her so she had no escape or resistance, they’d grope her, tickle her, humiliate and degrade her in whatever way they could
“That's not going to happen, I swear it. I won't let it” he thought to himself as he looked at the orc. His mind was racing trying to think of a way to save her before it was too late.
"This one." The orc demanded as he picked out the victim. It was Y/n
"No! No! Noo let me go!" She screamed
He watched as the orc picked Y/n. Rage and terror building up inside of him like never before. He couldn't let this happen he had to do something, There was no way he was going to let them hurt her. His heart was racing faster than ever as he frantically tried to think of a plan to stop them without alerting the orcs to his presence. This was the moment, if he didn't save her now he may never get another chance He knew that if he failed it could mean death for them both. But he was willing to risk it all. For her.
he picked up a rock and tossed it over to the other side of the pass, which caught the orcs attention, he grabbed a knife tossing Opheila to the floor before going to investigate leaving her and the other prisoners unattended,
He moved carefully as to not alert the other orcs to his presence and silently stepped towards where Y/n was lying on the ground His heart was in his mouth as he approached her.
She looked up at him and for a moment her eyes widened in disbelief, he could see the pain and fear she had endured in them, but as soon as she saw him a flicker of hope seemed to light them up. she began to silently cry tears of joy to see him, and she quickly moved to her feet, craning her head and holding up her arms so he could cut her binds
He gently began to cut through the ropes binding her with the swiftness of a practised hand. As soon as he removed the ropes he immediately pulled her into an embrace, holding her tight against him. He felt like he could finally breathe again now that she was in his arms. He never wanted to let her go
"Please…we have to get out of here…" she whispered her voice shaking from her broken and bruised lips
He nodded, knowing she was right. Time was running out, he couldn't afford to linger here and risk one of the Orcs coming back. Elrond helped to release the other prisoners letting them go free and he turned back to his beloved Y/n. He held her closer, his arm around her waist as he started backing away towards the mouth of the mountain pass. "Come on, we need to go. Can you run?"
she nodded "For you I can."
He smiled slightly at her response and placed a kiss on the top of her head. He was glad to see that her fighting spirit hadn't been broken even by the worst of torments. "Stay close to me, I'll keep you safe." He took her hand in his and they quickly made their escape into the night.
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crownedghostprince · 1 year
That’s My Emotional Support Wife!
Legolas x Female!Accident Prone!Reader
Fandom: The Hobbit
Legolas and (Y/N) had courted for about a decade before finally deciding to marry.  (Y/N) was the daughter of Lord Elrond, just slightly younger than Arwen, and after marriage she moved to Mirkwood to live with Legolas and her father-in-law the King, Thranduil.  Legolas didn’t mind how accident prone (Y/N) was, sometimes it was even sort of cute.  And now there are 13 dwarves in the cells of Mirkwood having to be dealt with whilst the Elves continue their parties, patrols and usual antics that the dwarves were unaware of until that day.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): None.
Note: This is sort of silly, so if you enjoy a fun fanfiction, this is the one to read! (Y/C) - stands for (Your Choice) and (Your Colour).
Word Count: 2,021
[Third Person Perspective]
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(I couldn’t find any attached link to this picture from Pinterest, but it was under the account name “The Facegirl” when I found it. They seem cool from what I checked out.)
The dwarves were not happy to be locked up in the cells of Mirkwood under King Thranduil’s rule.  The elves would just pass by here and there as if it was an ordinary path to take.  These cells weren’t in dungeons or anything like you might expect, for the bars of the cells were incredibly tough and strong.  Therefore, there was no need to put the cells in such an inconvenient spot and instead it was closer to the main area where most Wood Elves just wandered through.  (This was also best as the Woodland Realm almost never had prisoners to jail).
So, the dwarves were trapped in their cells, waiting for Thorin to join them (hopefully with good news).  They’d tried breaking out of the cell in whatever way they could think.  From slamming against the bars with their shoulders, to kicking them with their legs and shaking them with their hands.  But still the cell bars held strong.  Bofur was the first to actually observe the elves, rather than sneer and ignore them like the others.  The others didn’t wish to make eye-contact or even look in their general direction.
Bofur watched, as many elves walked through speaking elvish and looking graceful.  Some elves were so graceful when they walked it looked almost as if they were floating across the floor, not even touching the ground.  He struggled to tell who was male and who was female, but the sounds of their voices definitely helped - even if he couldn’t understand their language.
Eventually he saw a beautiful elf with (Y/C) hair and (Y/C) eyes.  His?  Her? Dress was a beautiful mixture of pink and purple that fell past their ankles and hid their feet.  Thus, they appeared to be floating as they walked.  Bofur smiled, appreciating how beautiful the elves could truly be.  How graceful and--and she walked into a wall.  This got the dwarves quietly chuckling from they cells.
Even Dwalin was hiding his snicker.  They would laugh more openly, but they were in foul moods and didn’t want to anger the elves when the elves had an advantage against them.  The elf maiden didn’t seem to mind - hearing their chuckles with her good hearing - and laughed with them.  A shadow crossed the floor and Legolas landed with perfection as he came to check on his wife.  The dwarves’ faces immediately molded into scowls at the sight of the rude elf that found them and cast them into their cells.
They continued to watch as Legolas checked his wife’s face for cuts and smiled when she was cleared to be okay.  He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and took her hand, walking her to the staircase to continue her on her path.  She was not halfway up the staircase when she tripped and fell.  Luckily, Legolas was used to this and simply caught her and gracefully carried her the rest of the way.  He set her back down on the marble floors, kissed the back of her hand and returned to his position up high, watching over the area.  She curtsied and although the dwarves could not hear - or understand it - she thanked him.  “Ni ‘lassui en, Legolas.”
An hour later, Thorin joined his company in the cells.  He simply explained how he had not taken any deal with King Thranduil and that all the Elves could...well...let’s not translate that now.  The dwarves were upset by this news, feeling like they’d be trapped forever.  But Thorin knew there was a Bilbo Baggins somewhere out there.  And he would help free them.  He was sure of it.  Bilbo was not so sure.  Every time he thought he had a clear path to descend to the cells, suddenly a bunch of elves walked by.  He was thankful the ring he found made him invisible.
Some were going to patrol outside, some were laughing and telling jokes in Elvish, some were carrying wine and food, or decorations and others were reading a lovely looking book as they walked by.  The thing is this: Bilbo didn’t have many openings to sneak past and not bump into someone.  So instead he decided to follow them for a brief moment and saw them setting up a sort of party.  With decorations and a clear view of the sky where Bilbo could see the tinges of orange and pink beginning to appear in the clouds.
There were tables lined with bottles of wine and kegs of wine and cups for the wine.  There were a few tables of food, but mostly it was wine.  With lots of seats, some elves already perched on the staircases and some elves sitting up high on ledges already getting drunk.  Many were singing and some were possibly telling poems?  Or stories?  Bilbo wasn’t quite sure but it was a merry gathering that was forming.
‘Well,’  Bilbo decided to himself, ‘Time to find those dwarves.’  And so he walked back the way he came, sneaking down corridors of marble and past beautiful pillars with beautiful, intricate carvings running down them.  Soon his eyes laid upon, a (Y/C) haired elf with a beautiful dress and stunning eyes.  She was reading a book as she walked absentmindedly.  He decided to follow her and see where he ended up.
They walked for almost half an hour when he heard the familiar, grumpy dwarves’ voices as they hushedly whispered to each other in Khuzdul.  ‘Finally,’ Bilbo thought excitedly, ‘I’ve found them!’  He waited behind the she-elf, watching where she was headed.  By the time he realized she was about to walk down a flight of stairs and possibly injure herself, a blond elf was by her side with an arm around her waist.  Legolas was so accustomed to stopping his wife from falling down stairs it was almost a daily thing to catch her and gently lead her away.
“A, Legolas.”  She smiled to her lover with such a soft gaze he felt sure to melt under it.  Although the dwarves did not know it, ‘A’ was Elvish for ‘Hi’.  However, they simply thought it was an exclamation like the English ‘Ah’ when one realizes they almost walked off the top step of a flight of stairs.
However, (Y/N) was so accident prone she was no longer surprised when someone stopped her from walking into a wall, or a door, or out a window and this case was no different.  Bruises and cuts from falling down stairs was common for our silly she-elf lady.  Legolas sighed fondly.  “Hiril vuin, please do fall down the stairs before a most wonderful celebration.”  ‘Hiril vuin’ was Elvish for ‘my lady’ and was a sweet and simple way for Legolas to remain caring, but serious, in front of the dwarvish prisoners.
Bofur spoke up with a chuckle from the cells below, “Is falling down the stairs a common occurrence?  I would love to see such a performance everyday!”  He joked.  The dwarves laughed in agreement except for Oin who could barely hear what Bofur said.
“What did he say?”  He asked Gloin who was in the cell beside him.  His question went unanswered as Gloin continued to loudly laugh.  Legolas glared down at the cells whilst (Y/N) simply laughed with the dwarves.  She had a wonderful sense of humour - she has two older and fun twin brothers after all - and she was also used to these jokes which made it even more fun in her opinion!
Once the laughter had settled down a bit (Y/N) chuckled out, “I knew I should’ve been the King’s jester!”  and the howls of laughter sprung back up again.  Their thunderous voices bounced of the walls and echoed through the building.  Even Legolas and Bilbo chuckled at (Y/N)’s joke.  As the dwarves continued to laugh, crack jokes and sometimes just rest in silence, Legolas decided to simply ignore them and inquire about his wife’s current book.  “Oh!  It’s a book of Elvish poems and short love stories.  I fell in love with it after reading the first couple of love poems.  It even has some poems specifically to be read just before you sleep.  Oh!  I’ll find one of my favourites for you!”
She began to carefully flip back through the previously read pages, keeping her bookmark on her current page as she did so.  Bilbo took this chance to quietly sneak past the couple and down the stairs to the cells in order to look for the keys.  Legolas smiled adoringly as his wife quietly muttered the poem titles until she found the one she was looking for.  Although the Elvish is truly beautiful and wonderful to read, here’s the English equivalent instead:
“ Your Divine Beauty,
The stars crown your head, As you rest peacefully in bed, And the moon bathes you in its’ light, Kissing you with all its’ might.
Such beauty even the sun bows down, So its’ colours may reflect onto your white gown. Pink, orange and gold, Dare not touch or enfold.
For they will not dare, To hide your beauty nor ensnare.”
Although Bilbo and the dwarves had no clue what she said as it was in Elvish, still they folded to the sound of her melodic voice when she read aloud her favourite poem.  Legolas gently kissed her forehead when she was finished and sighed wistfully.  “I adore that poem so much now.”  He smiled down as their foreheads rested together.
“I’m glad you liked it, dear.”  She grinned, returning his kiss with a giggle.  Only a moment had passed when they heard approaching footsteps.  Bilbo snuck back to a corner in case they should pass him and the dwarves returned to their original scowls as two Elven guards came to a stop in front of the couple.  The woman curtsied to the guards and they returned with a bow.
“We’re sorry to interrupt, but the celebrations are beginning.”  They explained, carefully watching Legolas’ eyes as he sighed.
“Very well.  Then I shall not keep you any longer, my dear.  Please, go enjoy yourself and do not wait up for me.  I will join you shortly after I have finished my patrol over the cells.”  Legolas kissed his wife’s hand with a tenderness and care you only hear and see in romance books.
“Thank-you, darling.  I shall join them, but I shall still wait for you.”  She grinned with a cheeky glint to her eyes.
“Why do I bother to tell you to not wait, you don’t listen anyway.”  He chuckled sweetly.  “Very well.  Now go, before my father is disappointed with both of us being absent.”
“Ah, yes, I should hurry then.  Take care, darling, and try not to roughen up the dwarves too much.”  She kissed him once more before leaving with the guards to the celebrations.  Legolas sighed wistfully once more and did not move until she was safe out of sight with the guards.  He trusted them to catch her if she should fall.
But even if she is injured, they have healers that are always pre-prepared for her anyway.  He turned back and before he could ascend back to his post, the dwarves spoke up.
“So she and you are...well...together, huh?”
“She’s my emotional support wife.”  Legolas grinned mischievously, knowing fully well she could still hear them with her excellent Elvish hearing.  A second later his ears heard her voice in the distance,
“I heard that!”  And he smiled hearing her voice once more.
“You’ll do well to not disrespect her whilst you’re here.”  Legolas stared the dwarves down as he finally returned to his post, just out of their line of sight above them.  The dwarves rolled their eyes and proceeded to taunt him with funny comments anyway.  All were harmless, but they were fishing for a reaction from Legolas so they did their best to make it sound almost like insults.  He didn’t care enough to hear though, he was ignoring them and mentally reciting his wife’s favourite poem so when she was having a bad sick day he’d know it off by heart.
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shirefantasies · 28 days
This Means War- Elrond x Wife!Reader
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Just a little drabble as requested by an anon! This heat where I live is the perfect time for this request ❄️
Gripping Elrond's arm, you steadied yourself, straightening slippery feet beneath you. The thick layer of snow draped over the ground glittered like a cracked geode, but it rendered travel difficult. Luckily your lord, your beloved, remained steadfast at your side, his pure-white robes, delicate silver circlet, and most of all kindhearted smile all outshone the snow by far. Even the gentle blue of your husband's eyes seemed illuminated against the bright shine of the fresh fall upon the ground.
Elrond chuckled lowly, meeting your eyes as his turned upward merrily. You joined him in laughter, bright sound filling the air quite visibly in puffs curling into the chill air. Sides brushing, you strode as best you could across the crunching wintry ground, taking in the soaring pines with their blanketed needles.
This country was new to you, a place far from Rivendell in all respects. Never did snow fall upon your fair valley, marring it with cold. And yet, you thought as you looked upon the shine of all around you, perhaps it would illuminate it all the brighter. You realized, though, when you peered at your husband once more that nowhere would shine so as when you two could be side by side.
Rushes of sentimentality did nothing to dissuade the utter childlike wonder drifting to you across the pine-scented air. Childlike. Mental gears turned, bringing another more mischievous smile alight.
Trailing behind your husband, you dipped your hand in the snow, shivering at the cold but gathering more instead of balking at it. Soon the sting equalized upon your fingertips, which held and packed a nice little ball. A lovely little ball you promptly tossed into Elrond’s back, glistening ice bursting against and sliding down his white robe, blending in even as it soaked in spots.
You saw the way Elrond’s eyebrows rose when he swiveled to face you, but an exasperated smile teased upon your husband’s lips.
“Quite a declaration of war, my dear.”
Before you knew it, he was chasing you, grinning at the giggles escaping your frosty lips every time he tossed return snow volleys. You fired plenty more as well, your worst casualty descending upon your failure to dodge a snowball to the neck. Shuddering as cold moisture slid beneath your collar, you scooped and tossed as hard as you could.
Looking back up from your bent, braced posture, you were met with the sight of your husband splattered aside the neck…and the head! A bit of snow crowned his dark hair alongside the dignified circlet, bringing full laughter forward from you.
Shaking his head, he fixed you with a much more focused look. Your undoing and yet you would enjoy it so! …Hopefully. Grinning a blend of sheepish and impish, you ran from the great bundle of snow Elrond amassed, using his steady feet upon the fall to catch up to you the moment your own betrayed you.
Sliding down before catching yourself on your knees, you were met by your husband, who tipped a rain of snow down upon you. Undeterred, you took both of his hands in yours, pulling him down to your side. Giggling, you powdered him with snow, too, stopping only when he leaned in and rubbed his nose against yours, the motion raising a tinge of warmth to the chilled flush of your face.
“You fought bravely,” he teased, voice low and humming against the shell of your ear.
“But who was the victor?” You asked him, turning to face one another again.
Powder faintly drifted from the clouds, dusting your adjacent figures. Smatterings of browned pine needles littered the pure white surface, interrupting the seemingly unending sea. Elrond chuckled, caressing the side of your head and easing it upon his shoulder. In response, you leaned up to press a quick kiss to his neck.
“I daresay we both have won,” your husband replied, taking your hand to rise as one from the sky’s glittering gift.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @noodlesduck | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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himegureisu · 7 months
The Masterlist
Author's Rambles
Hi, this is Grace! This post gets updated as much as I can so feel free to explore.
Thank you to everyone who followed, noted, reblogged, or read my fics. I'm happy you love them (I do too!). I take requests by the pairings below.
My fics are all Character x Female Reader because I'm female and if it's not your cup of tea that's okay! If you'd read it regardless, yay!
Thanks for viewing, I hope you find what you're looking for!
Harry Potter
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Severus Snape x Female Reader
Severus Snape Headcanons
The Mail Mini-Series
You: the Wife | Companion Pieces to the Mail Mini-Series
The Hobbit
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Thranduil x Female Reader
Elrond x Female Reader
The Right Time
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Mycroft Holmes x Female Reader [REWRITING]
The Woman: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
The Firsts : [In the beginning]
Criminal Minds
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Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
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kat651 · 9 months
hey, I got a little request for a fluffy care fic but it’s more of a sensitive topic so if ya don’t want to do it I understand but… could you do something with a female elf reader x Lindir and it’s ‘shark week’ but he’s so naïve and innocent he doesn’t realize that’s why she’s in pain until someone tells him. If this makes you uncomfortable you don’t have to.
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You lay in bed, hugging your stomach. This pain was unbearable. Your world began to grow blurry and you moaned. Your stomach hurt, your back hurt, and you were hungry.  
“Y/n?” Lindir slowly opened the door to your room. “What are you still doing in bed? Lord Elrond had been waiting for you for over two hours.”
“Leave me be, I’m in pain…” you whispered. 
“What do you mean?” Lindir asked, walking over and pulling the blanket down so he could see your face. 
You looked up at him as his face changed to one of shock and concern. “Y/n, you’re pale…what’s wrong?” 
You whimpered and clutched yourself tighter. He sat and gently rubbed your back. “Do you want me to bring you some tea along with something to eat?”
You nodded and he gave your shoulder a squeeze before standing. “I’ll let lord Elrond know you’re not feeling well…” he whispered. 
You moaned in response before closing your eyes. 
Lindir placed a plate on a tray along with a small tea pot and a cup and took the tray back to your room. He slowly entered and set the tray on the bedside table before slowly sitting you up and stacking the pillows for you to lean agents. “Hey…”
You smiled as he gently brushed your hair from your face. He slowly set the tray on your lap before standing. “I’ll be back shortly, I just have to inform lord Elrond you won’t be joining us today.”
You nodded as you sipped the tea. “Thank you Lindir.” 
Lindir left and entered the library. 
“Did you find y/n” Elrond asked as he set a few scrolls on a desk. 
Lindir looked at him. “I- she’s still in bed. She could barely move and her face was pale. I’m afraid she has an injury she’s not telling us about.”
Elrond chuckled and shook his head. “No lindir, y/n is not injured…”
“What? But- my lord I’m sure you would think differently if you saw her condition-”
“Lindir, the symptoms you’re describing are quite clear. It’s simply that time of month for her.”
“Time of month- what?”
A female elf chuckled and walked over, whispering in Lindir’s ear before taking a few steps back. 
Lindir’s face and ears turned bright red. “Oh…I see…” he murmured.
The elf and Elrond began to chuckle. 
Lindir turned even more red. “It’s not funny,” he grumbled before walking off embarrassed. 
Lindir worked up the courage to enter your room again and he found you clutching your middle. 
He frowned and walked over to you. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
You held out one arm, motioning for him to come closer. He did and you pulled him in for a hug. “Just hold me…”
He turned red again and froze for a moment before going to the other side of the bed and scooting over to you and letting you rest in his arms as he leaned agents the pile of pillows. 
You buried your face in his shoulder and slowly took in his scent, relaxing a bit. He was stiff for a while but he soon was cuddling you as much as you were cuddling him. He had his cheek wresting on the top of your shoulder. 
Lord Elrond searched all over for lindir before deciding to check your room. He opened the door slowly and a smile came to his face when he saw you asleep as lindir gently rubbed your back. 
Lindir looked up when he felt eyes on him. “Lord Elrond I-”
Elrond held up his hand. “Take some time off, she needs someone by her side.”
Lindir nodded as the door closed. 
You woke some time later and immediately hissed in pain. Lindir was immediately asking you what you needed and you nuzzled closer. “I need a distraction…” You mumbled. 
He thought for a second before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
You were surprised by his actions and looked up at him. “I…you…”
He looked away, afraid he’d done something wrong.
“You missed…”
He looked at you as his ears heated up and he placed his lips on yours. 
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she-wolf09231982 · 2 years
Chapter 3-And So It Begins
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Summary: As you and Legolas near Rivendell for the Council of Elrond, you grow steadily worrisome, and Legolas senses it. When you finally reach home, you are greeted with arms wide open from your father, older twin brothers, and your sister. You also discover your father has many guests staying at his kingdom, to include Gandalf the Grey.
Author Note: LegolasxFemaleElf, Elves, Hobbits, Dwarves, Men, LOTR movie references, Days before the creation of the Fellowship of the Ring, Sindarin language, (A lot of it, I apologize, I couldn't help myself)
@abaker74 @michaelcerassweatband @maddi-sun18
Sindarin to English translations
*nin cóon- my prince
*Nin mellons/*nin bein mellon- My friends/my fair friend
*hain baur anand na post -they need time to rest
*Cin ceri- sui eithel, nin cóon-You do as well, my prince
*nin híril/ nin bein hiril - my lady/my fair lady
* Lothron im?- May I?
*Tinu Galad- Star Light
*Nin bein -iel- My fair daughter
*Adar- Father
*Happui na gar- cin bar-Happy to have you home
The journey would take at least two months if you travelled straight through without stopping. Fortunately, as you were the daughter to the Lord of Rivendell, you also had authority to grant stops for breaks for the entourage that toured with you and Legolas.
Legolas was normally quiet during times of travel so he could focus on navigating and hearing threats that are possibly approaching. This time, he was even more silent than usual.
“Are you troubled, "*nin cóon?” You ask him as he was gazing ahead in silence for almost four hours.
Legolas snapped a startled look at you as if you disturbed him from subconscious thought.
“I’m quite well, *nin bein hiril.” He responded, reverting his attention back onto the path ahead.
Of course, you didn’t entirely believe him. Legolas is distracted. Although he was vigilant of his surroundings, half of his thoughts were lingering elsewhere. This worried you because you were so mindful of Legolas’ wellbeing since you were wee elves.
"*Nin mellons, we shall rest here for the night!” You call out to the assembly of elves behind you.
Legolas shot a disagreeable look towards you.
"Legolas,*hain baur anand na post.” You responded sternly, yet tenderly.
“*Cin ceri- sui eithel, nin cóon. We have been riding for almost a week without stopping, after all.” You added.
He softened his facial expression and nodded in agreement. He knew you were only doing what’s best for the elves who travelled with you. He forgets that he is often overly driven during excursions that warranted great importance. Especially since it was at the request of your father, and he didn’t want to disappoint Lord Elrond if he could possibly help it.
The other elves set up a few fires with pavilions for shelter. There were only about a dozen of you travelling total, but as royals, you and Legolas each had your own sleeping quarters. As the subjects relaxed while enjoying food and drink, you carried on with your nightly routine strolling with Legolas through the wilderness. It was nice to see new scenery you hadn’t seen before.
“Legolas, why do you suppose my father has called a council?” You asked.
He looked over to you with a relaxed gaze.
“I was going to ask you the same question, *nin híril.” He responded with a smile.
You laugh, “Well, you had seemed eager when your father insisted you attend.”
“I have been trapped in Mirkwood refining my combat skills for a long time in hopes I’d have the opportunity to utilize them. I imagine your father has a quest in mind. Or so I hope.” He responded.
You nod, deflecting your eye contact from his. Legolas continued looking at you.
“This discourages you.” He acknowledged.
You look back to him.
“No.” You respond curtly, looking away again.
Legolas tilted his head perplexed, then emitted a playful smile.
“You lie, *nin mellon.” He teased.
You deliver a look of irritation at him.
“How so?” You ask as you narrow your eyes.
“Because you won’t look me in the eye! You are disturbed by this summons to Rivendell.” 
He was right. You were troubled by this. You fear there is a journey at hand, and that Legolas would be the one to proceed forward with it. To go on…without you.
“And, if there is such a mission father had arranged, why couldn’t I go as well? I am perfectly competent with a sword and bow.” You think to yourself.
Your mind says this, but your heart claims it’s because you didn’t want to spend months, (possibly years) awaiting Legolas’ return. Agonizing over his whereabouts each day while he is away. Wondering if he’s still captured, injured…or worse.
“No! I couldn’t bare it. I won’t allow it.” You thought anxiously to yourself, feeling your heart hammering against your chest in a panic as your imagination of this unknown voyage worsened.
Your worrisome thoughts kept you from sound sleep that night. The following morning as you struggled to mount your horse, Legolas watched you with apprehension.
“*Lothron im?” Legolas offered his hand to help up to your saddle.
You look at him, and nod.
Legolas took you firmly at the waist and hoisted you upward effortlessly onto your stallion, *Tinu Galad.
You settle into your seat, then notice Legolas shaking his head with a grin.
“What is it, Legolas?” You ask.
“I will never understand why you gave him that name.” He said referring to your horse.
You let out an exasperated sigh, “Because his silver coat gleams like the stars in the night sky. Just like the stars, he brings light when there is darkness in my life.” You explain as you stroke the neck of your handsome steed. *Tinu Galad neighed lovingly under your touch.
Legolas stroked his neck as well, grazing your hand against his nonchalantly. Your stomach fluttered. Your heart practically stilled when he grabbed your hand, holding it gently in his strong capable hand. His thumb brushing along your knuckles affectionately.
You look down at your hands together, then look up to meet his piercing stare, and his soft smile.
“Y/N, I know you are bothered by what’s to come. I sense your distress. Steady your thoughts, and your heart.” He said with his usual soothing tone. You return a smile. He pats your knee as he passed you to go to his horse behind yours.
You let out a sigh of relief, his soothing words lingering in your mind.
The rest of the trip went rather smoothly. As a matter of fact, you enjoyed your travels with Legolas on this specific journey. You weren’t certain if it was because you normally cherished your time with him, or if it’s due to the limited amount of time you might have left with him before reaching Rivendell.
You and Legolas ride side by side upon entering the floral clad archway leading to the main gates of Rivendell. A sight you and your best friend recognize and appreciate all too well. Many a day have you both crossed eachother’s threshold as children during state visits at one another’s kingdoms, quite excited because you get to engage with your closest playmate. A time long ago when nothing else mattered in Middle Earth but you and Legolas. Until now, as adults, reaching Rivendell for a mysterious gathering of council called by your father.
“*Nin bein -iel!” You hear from a distance.
You look beyond the Rivendell guard holding *Tinu Galad to see your father, Lord Elrond, your twin brothers Elladan and Elrohir, and your sister, Arwen, rushing to greet you and Legolas.
You smile widely, waving excitedly seeing your family approach.
Your state visits took months away from you and your family. You missed them terribly and was overjoyed to see them finally.
When they finally reached you, your father and sister embraced you in a warm and doting hug, as your brothers greeted Legolas with their traditional Elvin greetings.
“Have you grown since I last seen you?” Elrond asks.
You grin and laugh with him.
“Of course not, *adar.” You reply.
“*Happui na gar- cin bar, sister.” Arwen welcomed. You hug her tightly again.
“Also, Legolas is quite the spectacle since I last seen him.” Arwen whispered to you teasingly.
You pull away flashing a disapproving look at her.
“Odd, I haven’t noticed.” You reply with a mischievous smile. Arwen smiled back.
Your father approached Legolas.
“Legolas, Son of Thandruil, I bid thee welcome. I trust my daughter was of no trouble to you and your father whilst at Mirkwood?” Elrond asks as he embraced Legolas in a brief one-armed hug.
“Unlikely.” Elladan scoffed under his breath with a chuckle.
Arwen thumped Elladan’s shoulder but she couldn’t help but smile herself.
“It was my great honor to escort Y/N home, your lordship.” Legolas responded with a respectful bow.
Lord Elrond smiled approvingly at Legolas and returned a nod accepting his customs and courtesies.
Elrond ushered Legolas ahead towards the castle to get settled while you walk with Arwen behind them.
Arwen continued to pursue conversation of Legolas with you as you approached the castle.
“Y/N, Legolas has grown into quite the leading elf. Father adores him. Elladan and Elrohir as well, just look!” Arwen gestured ahead at Legolas, Elrond  and your brothers ascending the stone steps side by side.
You look up to see your father’s arm draped across Legolas’ shoulders having an in-depth conversation. All nodding and laughing in agreement about something. Getting along quite well as usual.
You remain silent, half smiling then looking back down.
Arwen looked at you, awaiting a response. You knew what she was trying to achieve bringing this to your attention.
“Arwen, King Thandruil forbids Legolas and I as friends, let alone becoming his bride. We would never gain his approval.” You stated.
Arwen’s impish smile faded into concern. Her eyebrows furrowed.
“And why is that?” She asked.
You hesitated to respond, knowing she would detest your answer.
“He prefers a pure Elvin bloodline for Legolas.” You say more shaken than you had wanted to.
Arwen’s dissatisfied expression deepened. Annoyed by the arrogance she just heard. She pulled you closer to her.
“Hear this, sister; if your heart lies with Legolas, then you take hold of Legolas, and do not give in. Not even to the high and mighty, King Thandruil.” Arwen stated.
You love your sister dearly. She always took you under her wing, and never allowed you to think less of yourself. She knew you the best among all your family members and made certain you knew deep down you were a treasure. She already sensed your soul belonged to Legolas. Even if you didn’t even fully know yourself.
You look at Arwen then smile, “Just like yourself and Aragorn?” You raise your eyebrows at her in triumph.
Arwen smiled affectionately at you; aware you know her all too well.
Aragorn, son of man, heir to Isildur, raised in your kingdom under the protection of your father, fancied your sister, Arwen, with all his heart. Their connection beginning similar to yours and Legolas.
You both giggle.
“Is Aragorn here?” You ask Arwen.
“He is. Arrived just this morning.” She replied.
You observed a small scratch on her right cheek.
“What’s this? You ask concerned. You gently touch the wound. She pats your hand reassuringly.
“A thorn from a sapling grazed me as I was escaping from Black Riders.” She explained.
Your eyes widened. “Black riders?? How have you found yourself having to evade Black Riders?” You ask alarmed.
“There is a great deal to explain, sister. Much has occurred while you travelled home from Mirkwood.” Arwen said.
Your father boarded many new guests at Rivendell before your return. You discovered the presence of four Shire-folk, the High Warden of the White Tower, and the Lord of the Glittering Caves in addition to Legolas. Even the great Gandalf the Grey was present. This must have been a meeting of great magnitude to gather hobbits, men, dwarves, elves and a brilliant wizard.
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