#emerald arc au
brokentrafficknight · 3 months
I'm Here With You Too!
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I don't want to admit how long it took to make this
Adding something extra because I left out someone SUUUUUPER important!
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pilot-boi · 7 months
Jaune’s friends throw him a birthday party only to find out he has long forgotten his own birthday in the Ever After, never mind how old he technically is.
Jaune’s friends have been acting weird all week.
Of course, he’s not a very good judge of what counts as weird anymore. Living for decades in a world where the brooks would literally babble and time was literally money would do that to you.
But he feels pretty sure that they’re being weird.
They keep huddling in groups whispering to each other, only to see him coming and abruptly change the subject, or just straight up walk away. He might be out of practice reading social cues (and he was pretty abysmal to begin with, let’s be honest here) but even he can notice that.
Are they mad at him? He’s been trying his best to hold himself together since getting back. He’s been talking to Ren and Nora and Ruby when he’s spiring. Oscar has been a HUGE help adjusting to feeling out of place in his own skin. Heck, this morning he didn’t even wake up freaking out about being late! All things considered he thinks he’s been doing pretty okay.
So why are they all avoiding him?
“Do you have…”
“No, Ren’s taking care…”
“Oh good, then you can-”
Ruby and Weiss are lurking outside of an unused classroom, whispering intently to each other over an open notebook. Jaune perks up. “Hey guys! What’re you-”
They both look up at him, immediately cutting off their conversation. Weiss shuts her notebook with a snap. Jaune’s greeting trails off and his smile slips from his face as they stare at him.
“What uh… what are you guys up to?” Jaune asks.
Ruby and Weiss glance at each other. “Nothing you need to worry about,” Weiss responds eventually, Ruby shifting awkwardly behind her
“Are you sure? I could… maybe I could help!” he offers, hating how over-eager he must sound.
“I’m sure,” Weiss replies firmly, and Jaune wilts further. “Besides, we were just going, right Ruby?”
“We were? I mean, yeah! Yeah we were,” Ruby nods, already edging away. Can she really not even stand to be around him? “See ya later, I guess!” And the two of them hurry off down the hallway, already whispering to each other.
Jaune slumps. He thought he was doing better, but if Weiss and Ruby beat that hasty of a retreat at his mere presence? And not even the first one this week? Yeah, they’re definitely mad at him. He just wishes he knows what he did.
He shuffles his way back to the JNPER dorm. The whole time, he’s replaying the conversation in his head, nitpicking every over-exuberance, every awkward moment. He knows he’s out of practice, but he’s trying, really he is. Maybe they’re just finally getting tired of his lackluster performance? Tired of playing nice in the face of his bumbling?
The door is ajar when he returns, and he can hear Oscar and Nora’s voices inside.
“...just hard seeing him this way.”
“I know, it hurts me, too.”
He hesitates, hand hovering over the doorknob. He can’t help it. And yeah, eavesdropping is bad. But they’re talking about him, and if they don’t know he’s there, they will continue to do so. Of course, he might not like what he hears, but at least he’ll have answers. And since when does he do what’s good for him?
“...having trouble adjusting.”
“Yeah. But hopefully this will help!”
“I hope so. It’s been a while, but if we all work together we can make sure he stays away while we-”
Yeah. He’s heard enough.
Jaune shuts the door with a quiet click. Well, he was wrong at least. His friends aren’t mad at him. 
No. No, they hate him.
He lets his steps carry him away. He doesn’t much care where he ends up, he knows his friends won’t be there.
If they want him to stay away, he can do that. It was selfish of him (stupid of him) to want to immediately insert himself back into the team dynamic. They spent months grieving him while he was living in fairytale land, and then he shows back up and what? Just slots back in like nothing happened? Like they didn’t just spend the last few months of their lives thinking he was dead?
“Having trouble adjusting” Nora had said, and she’s right of course. It’s no secret that he’s been taking to Remnant like a fish to the desert.
But he’s been trying, gods he’s been trying!
Jaune knows he’s awkward and too loud and too big. Too used to stiffness in his limbs that would slow his movements, too used to a creak and a crack in his voice that would lower his tone. Too used to being alone to fit, like he’s a puzzle piece from a different set thrown in a box it doesn’t belong.
He knows he’s not okay, he’s not right. He knows that as well as he knows his name. (His name or his title? Which one is he anymore?) But to hear it spoken so plainly from a friend’s mouth…
Jaune doesn’t realize he’s crying until his vision blurs with tears.
Weiss and Ruby whispering to themselves about Ren (his teammate, his brother, he doesn’t even know what his brother is doing), saying they don’t need him, and leaving abruptly when he approaches. Nora and Oscar talking quietly about how badly he’s adjusting and how they need him to stay away.
He just wanted to be less alone, but he’s just pushing everyone away again. Too loud, too big, too much. Just like Alyx.
“Hey Arc, what’s with the moping?” Jaune jumps, whirls around, and blinks back into awareness. He’s in a courtyard dappled with the warm tones of sunset (Wasn’t it midday? How much time did he lose?), one of the few places in the city with plantlife. And there, glaring at him from under a palm tree, is Emerald.
He stares at her. She stares back. He can’t tell if she’s giving him time to calm down (stupid crying, stupid trauma, why won’t his lungs just work right) or if she just refuses to ask the question again.
Eventually his breathing steadies as much as it’s going to, and his panic begins to ebb. She’s still just staring at him.
His brain catches up. Right, she asked him a question.
“I’m not-” He swallows. No more bottling things up. He tried that already, and look where it got him. A bowl full of poison and a lake full of tattered paper. “I think everyone is mad at me. I think… I think they’re all just psyching themselves up to tell me that they’re… that they hate me.” Jaune admits, voice getting more quiet as he goes. And wow, he really must be hard up for people to talk to if he’s telling Emerald this.
She scoffs, rolling her eyes. “What? No. No they’re not.”
Jaune blinks, taken aback by her immediate response. “They’re not? But… but they’ve been avoiding me all week! Saying they don’t need me and that they want me to stay away! I just heard Nora, and she said-”
“They don’t hate you, trust me,” Emerald assures, cutting off his increasingly panicked rambling. And somehow, she sounds so sure of herself that he can’t help but trust her. “I don’t think they can hate you. Believe me, I’ve tried, and you’re annoyingly likeable. It sucks.”
“But if they don’t hate me then…” The words won’t come. Why are they avoiding him? Why are they working on something while deliberately not including him? Why do they want him to stay away?
The bewilderment must be plain on his face because Emerald sighs and stands. She mutters something under her breath that sounds like “those idiots can’t even…” but he doesn’t catch the rest.
“Gods damn puppy eyes. They’re just planning a… wait. Actually-” Emerald pulls out her Scroll. Jaune can’t see who she dials, but whoever it is picks up immediately. “Hey it’s me. Yeah. Yeah I know you’re busy but- Yeah I know you’re almost out of time-”
At this, Emerald glances at the sky for some reason and Jaune automatically follows her gaze. The sun is dipping behind the roof of the building, sending cool shadows across the courtyard. Jaune winces, reminded of the time he lost. How long was he wandering around the halls of Shade before he stumbled across Emerald?
“Yeah I know, I KNOW! Listen, Arc’s-” She gets cut off again, clearly growing more and more irritated. It’s probably Yang then, or Ruby. “Will you just shut up and listen?! Arc’s here! He’s here with me, so you can tell the rest of the idiot squad to stop worrying! He’s right here!” Jaune perks up. They were worried about him? But…
“He wandered past me after overhearing one of you… No he still doesn’t know, somehow, but he showed up freaking out and VERY disassociating and I had to calm him down! So if you don’t want a full meltdown on your hands, one of you get over here and get this show on the road, because I swear I am not equipped to deal with Jaune crying.”
Jaune. She called him Jaune. 
And earlier she said she doesn’t hate him.
And if she doesn’t hate him then… then maybe she wasn’t lying about the rest of his friends not hating him. It feels like there’s a happy balloon swelling in his chest, and gods dammit he’s starting to cry again.
Stupid high strung emotions, stupid post-meltdown crying, stupid heart caring so stupid much.
Emerald catches his eye and she winces. “Ah shit um… No everything’s fine, Arc’s just crying again. No I think it’s good tears this time, he’s got this big dopey smile on his face. Yeah. Yeah that’s the one. Can one of you get over here now? We’re in the garden off of our room. No the other one. See ya.”
She sighs and tucks her Scroll back in her pocket. “Ruby should be here any second.” Jaune beams at her. She squints at him. “What.”
He shrugs. “You’re a good friend.”
Emerald scoffs, folding her arms and looking away. “Yeah, whatever.”
There’s a burst of rose petals and Ruby materializes next to them. She’s speaking before her feet touch the ground! “-so sorry! Jaune! Oh gods we’ve been looking for you everywhere! Come on, the others are waiting-”
“You have? They are?? Wait what are-” Before he knows what’s happening, Ruby has wrapped herself, himself, and a reluctant Emerald up in her cape. “-you talking about?” Jaune says as soon as they land. And then the nausea hits.
“Oh crap, I forgot! Sorry…” Ruby apologizes, patting his back as he doubles over, breathing shallowly and leaning heavily on hands resting on shaky knees. “You okay?”
“Better than ever,” Jaune replies, chuckling weakly. “Just warn me next time. Please. Airships are bad enough but that was…”
“Horrible??!” Emerald interrupts, looking thoroughly ruffled.
“Intense,” he concludes, straightening with a shudder. They’re standing outside of an unused classroom, the same one as before. But then… why did Weiss and Ruby leave?
“Well? Go inside!” Ruby prods, bouncing next to the door.
Again, weird. But again, he’s no longer a great judge of what’s weird. So Jaune just opens the door and-
-and is immediately hit with a wall of sound comparable to a bomb going off.
They’re all lucky his sword is back in the dorm, or they’d all be nursing a few gashes. As it is, it takes an embarrassingly long amount of time for Jaune to realize he’s not under attack, and that all the yelling is just…
Birthday wishes? Is this a surprise party?
“Is this… for me?” Jaune asks, once his voice finds its way back to his throat.
“Of course it is, we’ve been planning this all week!” Yang hollers, from where she’s standing next to Blake and a pile of haphazardly wrapped presents.
“We wanted it to be a surprise,” Blake shrugs, looking sheepish. “Guess we took the secrecy a bit too far.”
“We didn’t mean to make you worry!” Nora apologizes, from beside the biggest cake Jaune’s ever seen. “I think you might’ve overheard me and Oscar talking earlier and-”
Everything slots into place. The whispering, the planning, wanting to keep him away, not including him in the process, Ren’s key involvement (That cake could only have been made by him), wanting to help him adjust. It was all just them doing… this.
There’s a pile of presents, each wrapped individually and labeled with Yang’s scrawl and Blake’s tidy printing. A banner hangs overhead with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” written on it in block letters, and the last few letters of birthday are all smushed at the end. The cake is iced yellow with the double crescents of the Arc crest emblazoned at the top.
And his friends. His friends. All working together for a week to do this, for him, and he can feel his heart tight in his chest, and gods dammit here come the water works. How could ever think they hate him while they were doing this for him??
His friends are alls taring at him anxiously, and he realizes they think he doesn’t like it.
“I love you guys,” he sobs, and holds his arms out for a hug.
They all surge forward and sink to the floor. Oscar tucks himself under one arm, Ruby under the other. Weiss, Blake, and Ren curl around his sides. And on top of it all he can feel Yang and Nora’s exuberance.
They don’t hate him. They don’t hate him. Gods, how could he ever think they hate him?
In the middle of the hug huddle (Hud? Huggle?) Jaune frowns. “Wait… is it my birthday?” he asks nobody in particular.
He can feel someone adjust against his chest. “Course it is,” he feels Oscar’s voice hum through him. The pod loosens so his baby brother can look up at him, and Jaune ducks to avoid his discerning gaze. 
“I…” Jaune swallows, and finds that he’s looking right at Ruby. She looks gentle, understanding, and when he glances around he sees the same warmth on all of his friends’ faces. He swallows. No more bottling things up. “I forgot,” he admits.
“You forgot it’s today?” Emerald asks, and of course, she’s sitting cross-legged just outside of the slowly detaching hug pile.
“I forgot it entirely,” he says quietly, and he feels Oscar tuck into his side, and Jaune wraps an arm around him without even looking. “There wasn’t any reliable way to count days after so long, and even if there was… the days just weren’t consistent.” Time flowing away like sand in a shattered hourglass. Days that last minutes, nights that last days, days that last months, nights that last seconds. He shrugs. “So I just… forgot. I forgot a lot of things.”
“You didn’t forget us,” Nora reminds him, thudding her head down on his shoulder.
“I couldn’t let myself,” he says. “You guys…” Jaune takes the time to look them all in the eye. “Knowing I’d eventually get back to you all is all that kept me going.”
“Well, if you forget again, if you fall again… we’ll catch you,” Ruby says simply. “Me, Ren, Nora, all of us. And if that’s not enough, and you forget, and you lose yourself…” She swallows, and Jaune’s suddenly quite certain that he’s not the only one on the verge of tears. “Then we’ll just find you and show you who you are.”
“A million bajillion times,” Nora agrees, muffled against his chest.
“As many times as it takes,” Ren nods, and the others all murmur their assent. And Jaune’s heart swells with love for these people who have walked through hell, and who he would walk through hell for, and who would walk through hell for him.
The presents could be bricks and the cake could be sawdust and he wouldn’t care. This, these friends holding him in their arms… this is the only thing he could have ever wanted for a birthday he forgot but they remembered.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
Oscar: Someone got kicked out of the aquarium for fighting the fish!
Emerald: *Soaked in water* Maybe the Fish were being dick!
Octopus will sometimes punch fish for seemingly no reason.
Ciel: Good morning Penny. *Kisses*
Penny: Good morning Ciel!
Ciel: Good morning Jaune. *Kisses*
Jaune: 'morning Honey!
Ciel: And a good morning to you, Weiss. *Kisses*
Weiss: Good Morning dear, I made Coffee just how you like it.
Ciel: *Smiling* Thank you Weiss~
Harbor seals are thought to engage in polygamous mating habits and rituals.
Orcas will hunt sharks specifically for their livers and leave the rest
Yang: *Punches Jaune in the nose*
Jaune: *Tanks it*
Yang: *Punches Jaune in the side*
Jaune: *Doubles over*
Punching a shark in the nose is not nearly as effective as punching it in the eyes or gills
Neo: *Preparing food at 4 A.M, using groceries she stole from someone*
Lionfish are skilled hunters, certain species preferring to hunt in the morning.
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redheartedtramp · 6 months
Scenario: *Jaune is just trying to take out the garbage behind the coffee shop and is fiddling with his keys.*
Jaune: Damn, why do we have to lock up the dumpster. Who's gonna try to dive through this?
*Jaune suddenly feels heavy breathing on his neck. He looks over his shoulder and sees Wolf!Cinder.*
Cinder: Hey there, Humie.
Jaune: !?!
Cinder: Ah ah ah. Eyes forward, Humie.
Jaune: *turns back to the lock*
Cinder: That's right, Humie, just focus on the task at hand. That's right, get your key. Undo the lock.
Cinder: Hey now~ Don't go too fast. You wouldn't wanna worry me now, would you? *flashes claws* You wouldn't wanna scare me, would you? If you go too fast, I might just feel threatened and act in self-defense.
Jaune: *glances at claws nervously*
Cinder: You ever get attacked by a Wolf, humie? They often go for the throat. Quick and easy.
Jaune: *sweats nervously as he finally gets the lock off and quickly starts putting the trash away*
Cinder: Hey now, don't go too fast now. Or you'll pull a muscle.
Jaune: *nervously slows down*
Cinder: That's right. Nice and slow, Humie. Really put on a show for me.
Jaune: W-why are you doing this?
Cinder: I like watching you humans get uncomfortable. Are you? Are you uncomfortable?
Jaune: A-a little.
Cinder: Is it because I'm a Faunus?
Jaune: *puts trash away* N-no?
Cinder: Oh, that'd be good. Cause you're being recorded.
Jaune: *slowly looks around and sees Wolf!Emerald holding her phone*
Cinder: Hey, hey. Don't look at her. Focus on your job, garbage humie. Put that padlock back on.
Jaune: Y-yes, ma'am. *pulls out the lock*
Cinder: Could you imagine what would happen if me being a Faunus was the problem, and not that I could cut open your throat like paper. People would eat you alive. Like a wolf.
Jaune: *gets the lock on*
Cinder: Aw, good job, Humie. Well, I'd better get going. Too-da-loo~
*Cinder and Emerald proceed to leave, leaving Jaune to run back into the store.*
Coco: Jeez, Arc, I just asked you to throw out the trash. What took you so long?
Jaune: ...T-trouble with the lock...
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rocknroll7575 · 3 months
The Bowlhats find out...
(Based on @brokentrafficknight Rwby one piece au)
Jaune: *looking at Raven* Yeah well... what the hell are you doing here?
Raven: I've been living in that castle for quite some time... What brings you here?
Jaune: That would be because of your seven warlord pals, Hazel sent the whole crew flying!
Raven: I see, that explains things then... bowlhat was with a different crew at Vytal.
Jaune: *shocked* Hold on, did you see Ruby!? Is she alright!? What was she doing!?
Raven: She should still be alive, however... when she left the battle, she appeared to be severely traumatized
Jaune: Why's that?
Raven: Don't you know? Her sister is dead
Jaune: *Shocked*
Penny: *Growling as she's looking at a picture of Yang's corpse*
Juniper: *Shocked as she holds the newspaper* It can't be!
Cinder: *In Vacuo in shock* And you're certain that's true?
Mercury: *in a dress in Patch* I... can't believe it...
Ozpin: *reading the newspaper* Oh no!
Neptune: *Fat* No way! Really!?
Emerald: *Also reading the paper in shock* How can this be happening...
Jaune: I can't... believe it...
Raven: Fire Fist Yang died... right before bowl hats eyes
Jaune: *Angry and disappointed in himself* 'Ruby...!'
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juanarc-thethird · 8 months
Surprised this hasn't been done yet. Valentine's Card with Emerald. Big Booty Thief.
Valentine's Day letters. (Emerald)
Jaune: Huh… I didn't think Emerald made Valentine's Day letters. It doesn't seem like her style.
He opens the letter and says:
"I used to be a thief, I no longer do crime. But I would steal from you, just like you did with my heart."
Jaune: *Red* Damn, she's good.
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rwac96 · 2 months
OG Stud
Harriet and Emerald love teasing Jaune with their asses. However they found a better way to do it, add Pyrrha into the mix. When she is walking in between them, they can lift her skirt so Jaune, who is behind him, gets a good view of White Chocolate booty. Whether Pyrrha notices or not, it can go either way.
A burning warmth could be felt on Jaune's cheeks, as the pair of dark-skinned girls wiggled their asses at him. Emerald Sustrai, a former member of Salem's Inner Circle, and Harriet Bree, the speedster of the Atlas Ace Ops. The duo have been teasing him with their shapely butts, smacking their cheeks; with their own hands and against each other. If the blush on his face wasn't enough, the bulge in his pants was all the more apparent.
"You just can't resist," Emerald spoke teasingly, "can't ya~?"
"Of course, ya can't," Harriet teased the blonde swordsman.
"Could you guys stop?" Jaune asked with a groan, massaging his temples.
"But you love seeing our cheeks clap," the green-haired girl answers with a coo, lightly tapping his face.
Meanwhile, in front of the trio is Pyrrha Nikos, preoccupied with adjusting her boot. Kneeling down on one knee, she unknowingly has her rear raised slightly. Emerald turns her head to the redhead, a mischievous idea popping into her head. The Atlas Speedster notices the glint in her eye, her smile widening. In the blink of an eye, Harriet was close to the Champion; startling her as she hiked up her skirt.
"Harriet?!" Pyrrha demanded, her face red as her hair and sash. "What are you doing?!"
"Showing Rook here your White Girl Booty," she answered, proceeding to spank the Invincible Girl's rear, causing her to shriek in response.
"Seriously?!" Jaune grimaced, his blush becoming darker.
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spahhzy · 18 days
Emerald helping Mercury 'stretch'.
Roman walks in.
Roman: I didn't know this was the position your boss had you in.
Neo, Jaune, and Juniper:
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Juniper: 🐰
Jaune: Juniper is right, time and place for everything.
Neo: 🤣
Emerald and Mercury blushing gets off each other quickly and recompose themselves before leaving to go back to their boss.
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
All I Want for Christmas Is....
Yang: (clinging to the door frame for dear life as an unknown entity pulls her away)
Sun: (nails screeching across the floor as he's pulled by the tail by the same entity, finally catching the doorframe)
Jaune: (crying and screaming like a little girl as he's being dragged through the building like a ragdoll by the same entity as Sun and Yang)
Yang & Sun: (grab Jaune just as he's about to fly passed the doorway)
Jaune: (holding on for dear life) Thanks, guys!
Yang & Sun: Don't mention it!
Ruby: (from the couch and watching the scene unfold) What's going on?
Neptune: I have no idea, but it's funny. (munches popcorn)
Blake: Should... should we do something?
Weiss: We don't even know what has them.
Emerald: (Walks in) Oh, Santa must be gathering all the materials he needs to deliver presents.
RNBW: Say what now?
YSJ: (struggling to hold on) People....have....got to stop....asking for....attractive, heart of gold, golden retriever personified blondes for Christ- (slowly disappear from view) -maaaaaaas!
Ruby: Uh.... Blake, Neptune, aren't you guys right here?
Weiss: And your partners just got spirited away because someone else wished for them from Santa?
Blake & Neptune: (leap from their seats with their weapons drawn) OH, HELL, NO!!! (give chase)
Blake: Get back here with my blonde, Fat Man!!!
Neptune: That is MY muscle, monkey, boytoy!
Santa: Ho-Ho-Holy Fuck!!! Bring it on, children! I'll put both of you on the naughty list!
RWE: (blink) Uhhhh...
Penny: (suddenly being levitated passed the window, stiff as a board) Hello, girlfriend Ruby! Goodbye, girlfriend Ruby!
Ruby: Hey! That one's mine! (lock and loads Crescent Rose and gives chase)
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howi99 · 1 month
In a forest near Vale
Emerald: *looking at pyrrha's tournament victory on her scroll* Hey, old man, why didn't you want me to get into a huntsman school?
Ashe: *taking his arrows back from the grimms he and she killed* You mean outside of it not really being necessary since i'm already training you?
Emerald: *nods*
Ashe: *putting them back in his quiver* Remember those guys who tried to kidnap you? The one me and Yuri fought?
Emerald: Yeah, they were creepy as hell.
Ashe: Well, turns out they are plotting something in Vale. And with the Vytal tournament, it's probably not a good idea to have you there.
Emerald: ... Does the city know?
Ashe: Of course, but they don't want to stop anything because of the "profit".
Emerald: But then, why-
Ashe: Yuri spoke with Beacon's headmaster. They are doing an investigation. Remember Qrow?
Emerald: The alcoholic?
Ashe: *nods* Yeah, him. Well, we might have to work with him in the very near future.
Emerald: Oh? We're helping Vale? I thought you said you didn't like the city?
Ashe: *laugh* True, but i can't just let innocents bystander die, can i?
Emerald: You could. You won't, but you could.
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didyoutrydynamite · 8 months
Jaune/Emerald: *Currently scouting some abandoned sewers as part of an op they are on.*
Rat: *Scuttles by*
Emerald: *Jumps* Ew! I goddamn hate rats!
Jaune: You know my sister Olive had one when we were growing up. It was kind of cute actually. She named him "Churro."
Emerald: Well I saw one chew up a hobo's face once. I named it "Fucking Face-Chewing Rat."
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months
A Man's Dream...
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Ruby D. Rose, meet Shay D. Mann!
I felt like this cowardly fraud would make the perfect Teach substitute and the perfect opposite number to Ruby's Luffy
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nomsfaultau · 7 months
Hybrid AU in exile week where avian instincts can take over to a degree that is almost horrific, erasing someone’s personality and rationality when they’re panicking. First part here.
Philza flinches. He doesn’t understand why Tommy is suddenly shouting at him for supposedly exploiting his instincts. But he does understand the way Tommy’s wings puff up, bracing to be hit, and it makes Philza freeze as he watches his hatchling throw open the door and storm out of his life. 
“Would it make you more comfortable if I remove your feathers?” 
Tommy stumbles slightly at the threshold, then scoffs, throwing a glare over his shoulder. “As if you would. It’s too convenient to force my instincts to feel safe around you.” That would explain why Tommy isn’t looking at him. Philza can’t breathe. His chick doesn’t feel safe?
Tommy is confused and wary when Philza removes the hatchling’s feathers and hands them back. It only grows as Philza asks if he wants the ones woven into the nest removed as well. The fact he’s at a loss as to why someone would respect his boundaries hurts almost as much as ripping out where Tommy’s feathers mark him as part of the flock. 
But he does it, since that’s what Tommy needs to feel safe, even if Tommy is suspicious of his attempts. Horrifically, he discovers almost every act of affection was interpreted as manipulation, especially the parental ones. Philza winces as Tommy declares he wants to self-preen from now on, decrying the bonding experience as nothing more than manipulation. 
But- hadn’t Tommy liked it? Philza isn’t stupid, he’s figured it would hit close to memories of his abuser. That’s why he’d been so careful to frequently ask if he wanted to stop. But Tommy had coo’d back every time, asking him to keep petting his wings long past the point they were tidy. Like he wanted to stay in Philza’s arms forever. That’s why Philza asked to make their flock official, he’d thought… Tommy had seemed so happy…
Philza feels confused, and awful, and worried. “You know you can let me know when I’m making you uncomfortable, right mate? You can always tell me to stop and I will.”
Tommy doesn’t believe him then. 
But slowly he starts to, tentatively testing the waters over the weeks and waiting with bated breath to be punished for it. As if it’s such an overreach to demand the basic bodily autonomy of people asking permission before showing physical affection. As time passes, he rejects it more and more, growing comfortable asserting his own wants. Philza aches with the desire to tuck his chick under wing, but swallows the increasing distance. It’s good that Tommy feels safe refusing what Philza wants. He’s healing. Philza’s empty arms must be a good thing. 
And naturally, he becomes a little turd with it once he feels safe enough, but Philza can’t exactly resend the promise and so ends up being forced to just stand there while a zombie attacks him since “swinging that sword around makes me uncomfortable Phil, I thought you said this was a safe place.” But Tommy’s delighted laughter makes up for it, even if Philza forces him to replace the golden apples he wasted to survive. He doesn’t mind the little pranks.
But something in Philza panics when Tommy finally abandons the nest to sleep in a bed. He can’t sleep at night, tormented by the keen awareness his nest is empty. Instincts howl to find his chick, because no matter how he fights it that doesn’t change the imprinting. Verging on falling prey to parental instincts and dragging the boy to the safety of the nest, Philza sneaks out the front door and slumps against it. He can’t break that trust, he just can’t. But neither can he sleep with an empty nest. 
His movement sends a few dogs barking, and it isn’t long before Techno looms over him in the cloak of midnight. Philza holds himself a little tighter. “My nest is empty,” he says hoarsely. Techno lurches to action, till assured Tommy is perfectly safe. “He doesn’t want to be my hatchling. It hurt him too deeply last time.” And yet his instincts care not, crying in panic. Philza buries his face in the knees drawn to his chest. 
“Would you be able to sleep if something else filled the nest? Like, could the instincts tell the difference?” Philza has no idea, but as exhausted as he is he’s willing to try. Or, till Techno volunteers himself, because Philza really doesn’t want to make his instincts Techno’s problem. Techno shrugs. “Probably a lot less awkward for me than it is Tommy, given how long we’ve known each other. Might as well try.” Not that Techno cares to be viewed as a piglet, but his feelings were bruised when the broody Philza categorized him as a threat. “We’re a flock, aren’t we?” 
“Always.” So Techno burrows into the nest, rooting it up till Philza’s feathers ruffle disapprovingly. They’re different, and Techno likes it that way, but the dozens of little instances where their instincts misalign get under his fur sometimes, like a wedge between them. But they both refuse to let it stop them. The hesitance is drowned in a yawn, and Philza nestles over him. It’s a reassuring pressure, reminding Techno of the sounder he long aged out of. Soft feathers wrap around him, and after a few sleepy coos, Philza drifts off, finally assured that his nest is barren no more. Techno smiles, glad he could help his friend. He wraps an arm around Philza’s feathered back, and likewise accepts the embrace of slumber. 
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
We only need Ren to complete the Rusted Knight Trio. Let's have Emerald and Rwby be there while Nora and Jaune are in Vacuo. Ren will probably cry tears of joy knowing Nora made it.
Blake: The Sunken Lotus-
The Sunken Lotus: Did Nora and Jaune make it to Vacuo?
Yang: What?
The Sunken Lotus: I Said-
Ren Removed his blind fold, staring at RWBYE with unfocused eyes that shimmered with the Rainbow
Ren: *Squinting* I asked if Jaune and Nora Made it out!
Weiss: REN?!? What happened to your-
Emerald: they made it out- Jaune was thrown over the edge, but I was able to Wrap him with Thieve's Respite and pull him back up, but, I fell instead. As far as we're aware they're fine.
Ren: *Collapsing in tears* Oh thank the gods-
Ren: I- I ... Thank you ... Emerald ...
Blake: What ... What did happen to your eyes?
Ren: It's- It's fuzzy. There was bright Blue and Pink, and ... Then nothing. The Paper Pleasers saved me - I had to sell something to Jinxy Peddler for my sight back ... I don't ... It's hard to remember what I sold.
Ren: I- I can see everything now, hence to blindfold, but I need to see you. gods, it's been so long since I've seen anyone else ...
Emerald: Hey, you got me out and away from Salem. We're gonna get you out of here.
Blake: Absolutely. And we'll get you back what ever you sold.
Yang: Yeah. Jinx' has some pretty steep prices.
Weiss: And He's not too good of a Haggler. I've dealt with people like him before.
Ren: Thank you. Thank you all. What about you, Ruby? Something's upsetting you.
Ruby: I- It's ... this is a lot. You're old- You were BLINDED! I had to give away my Mother's Promise for my team to get big again. And I can't imagine - and there's more Eye things going on - I mean, if Salem wanted me for my silver eyes and all they do is petrify grimm - It's fine. I'm just shook up a bit. We can- I- I'm fine. I'll be fine.
Jaune: Nora! TAke a break!
Nora: Jaune, There are Grimm to kill, and people to save!
Jaune: And you can't do that if you're Dead!
Nora: Neither can Penny!
Jaune: ... Nora-
Nora: *Shaking* Pyrrha Died at Beacon. Ren died in Atlas. Whose to say I'm not next? Half of our team died and they were last with you.
Jaune: *Sternly* Nora. Everyone is upset. And Maybe you're right. Maybe I am the reason JNPR's just us now. THey died because They didn't have a chance to recover, or recuperate. They Didn't or couldn't back down from the fight.
Jaune: I'm not going to let you kill yourself.
Jaune: If that means JNPR is completely disbanded? Fine. Fine. Whatever. At least you'll live.
Nora: Then Goodbye Jaune! Go fuck up someone else's life!
Jaune: ... Goodbye then, Nora. Keep yourself safe.
Jaune Knows Nora's angry. He was like that. Ren was like that. She just wants to hurt him. And it does hurt, it all his worst fears being proven - He can't save anyone.
At least, he can't save anyone by fighting.
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onyxgabriel · 4 months
Pot of Gold AU: Amgery
Pete and Pancake: angry barking
Jaune: holding the two back Pete! Pancake! Stop! I'm really sorry about this, you four!
Neo: eyes sparkling at the adorableness and starts making kissy faces
Cinder: It's fine, no need to worry.
Emerald: cautiously watching the puppies You sure those little guys are safe?
Jaune: I swear that they've never acted like this around anyone 'Except for Cardin.'
Mercury: Ah, c'mon, they can't be that bad, can't they? reaches out to scratch Pancake's chin
Mercury: glass shattering YEOW! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!
Jaune: Pancake, no! scritches underneath her chin to let the finger go
Mercury: hisses and rubs the bitten finger Dude! Do something about them!
Neo and Emerald: laughing at his expense
Jaune: I'm very sorry about this!
While Jaune left the four, the pups soon calmed down. Unbeknownst to everyone, the pups were actually saying some things to them. Let's see~
Puppy translations:
["Fat! Ugly! You smell!"]
["I'll bite your ankles off!"]
["I'll feast on your liver!"]
["You suck!"]
Sorry if I've been absent for a while, I had a hell of a time with college, and now I have to look for a job for my OJT. And more bad news is that I flunked one of my classes
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
It was time. Team RWBY and the Ace-Ops burst into the half-abandoned Mantle home, their presence sending echoes through the dilapidated halls. The sudden intrusion startled Emerald and Mercury, who immediately assumed defensive stances, eyes wide with surprise.
Before they could react further, Blake leveled her gun at Emerald, her gaze hard and unwavering. "Don't move," she commanded, her voice a low, dangerous growl.
Emerald's eyes flicked to the team, recognition dawning. She slowly lowered her weapons, signaling her surrender. Beside her, Mercury followed suit, his expression a mix of defiance and resignation.
"Alright, we won't fight," Emerald said quickly, her voice edged with desperation. "Just please... listen to us."
Yang stepped forward, her mechanical arm trained on Emerald, her face a mask of fury. "You're not talking your way out of this," she snapped. "Not after what you two did!"
Mercury's glare met hers, frustration evident. "We're not trying to! Just listen before you go berserk!"
Yang's eyes blazed red, her anger palpable. She took a step closer, her voice trembling with barely contained rage. "I ought to shoot you for what you did to Ruby," she seethed, the memory of her sister's pain fueling her wrath.
Mercury's expression twisted with hurt at Yang's remark, his mouth opening to retort, but before he could speak, Emerald interrupted.
"Enough!" she cried, her voice slicing through the tension. She turned to Blake, her eyes earnest and imploring. "Listen to me... I don't care if you found us. Believe it or not, I'm glad you found us before Cinder did."
Yang's eyes narrowed, suspicion etched into her features. "And why's that?"
Emerald took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "Because if anyone can help us, it's you guys."
Blake's brow furrowed, skepticism evident in her voice. "Why would we help you?"
Emerald opened her mouth to reply, but before she could answer, another door burst open. A cloaked figure darted out, sobbing and scrambling to escape. Harriet was hot on their heels, her voice a harsh bark in the chaos.
"I said don't move, you idiot!" Harriet shouted, lunging forward to grab the fleeing figure's arm.
The cloaked individual reacted instinctively, turning and sinking their teeth into Harriet's hand. She yelped in pain, her grip loosening enough for the figure to break free once more.
Harriet cried out in pain, "AH! Motherfucker!" Her anger flared, and she spun around to face the cloaked figure, delivering a powerful punch to their face that sent them sprawling to the ground.
Emerald's eyes blazed with fury at the sight of the fallen figure. She lunged forward, her voice a desperate cry. "Don't touch him!"
Before she could reach him, Clover grabbed the back of her jacket, yanking her off her feet and slamming her hard onto the floor.
The cloaked figure, struck in the face and thrown to the ground, scrambled into a corner, cowering in fear. As the hood fell back, revealing the figure's face, Blake's expression shifted from suspicion to pure shock.
"Gods... Jaune?" she whispered, her voice trembling.
Jaune Arc, looking like a shadow of his former self, sat huddled in the corner. His breath came in ragged gasps, dark circles under his eyes standing out against his pale skin. His hair, now almost as long as Yang's, had a streak of grey running through it, adding to his haunted appearance.
Blake took a tentative step forward, her heart aching at the sight of her friend in such a state. "Jaune," she said softly, reaching out to place a hand on his shoulder.
At her touch, Jaune recoiled, his movements frantic as he tried to swat her away, his cries loud and distressed.
Emerald, having freed herself from Clover's grasp, rushed to Jaune's side. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close in a protective embrace.
"It's okay! It's okay! No one's gonna hurt you, Jaune! Please, calm down! Everything's okay!" Emerald's voice was filled with urgency and compassion as she pulled him into a tight embrace.
Hearing her familiar voice, Jaune's breathing began to slow, though it remained ragged. His panicked eyes gradually softened, recognizing the comfort and safety in her presence.
Blake, witnessing Jaune's broken state, felt her heart shatter. "I-Is that really...?" she began, her voice barely a whisper, unable to finish the sentence as the reality of the situation hit her.
Emerald looked up at Blake, her eyes reflecting deep sorrow. "It... It is," she confirmed, her voice heavy with grief.
Blake's eyes welled with tears, her voice trembling. "How?" she asked, her tone breaking as she struggled to comprehend what had happened to her friend.
Before Emerald could respond, Clover stepped forward, his authoritative presence halting the conversation. "Questions can wait," He said. "Right now, we need to bring them in for questioning, see if they have any information," he said firmly, his eyes scanning the room to ensure everyone understood.
Mercury shot Clover a withering glare. "Let us ride with Jaune, if you don't, he'll be freaking out the whole way there," Mercury told him. "Is that okay, Captain Douchebag?" he asked, his tone laced with defiance.
Clover's eyes flicked to Jaune, seeing the obvious distress and fragility in his state. He knew Mercury was right. With a resigned nod, he relented. "Fine by me, just don't try anything funny," he warned, his voice stern but with an undertone of understanding.
With that, the three captives were cuffed and led to the transport trucks. Jaune clung to Emerald, his eyes wide with fear, his entire body trembling.
Emerald glanced at Jaune, her expression softening. "It's okay, Jaune. We're fine. No one's going to hurt you, I promise," she reassured him, her voice gentle and soothing.
Jaune pressed closer to Emerald, unable to bear the thought of being separated from her. His terror was palpable, his breaths coming in shallow, panicked gasps.
Team RWBY watched from a distance, confusion and concern etched into their faces. They exchanged glances, each member struggling to understand what had happened to their once-strong and steadfast friend. Blake, in particular, felt her heart breaking as she watched Jaune's distress. She blamed herself for his current state, the weight of guilt pressing heavily on her.
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