#energy shield
archeo-starwars · 1 year
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Ask the Master by Pablo Hidalgo [SW Insider #90]
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posebox-guide · 1 year
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Shield Posebox by TheOnlyException 
Shield 2
Shield 2 (Pose)
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wich-witch13 · 2 years
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Raven by Kami García
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goodjohnjr · 11 months
Constantly Getting More Powerful
WORD STUDY – OUR SHIELD AND BUCKLER סחרה אמתו Unfortunately, I can not remember that much of this cool dream. This dream took place during the day, and the dream started normal. I remember walking around inside & outside a college campus that either had a shopping mall (mall) or there was a mall near it. Either way, I remember walking around the mall mostly, there were a variety of businesses…
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doom-nerdo-666 · 2 years
Energy shields as level objects
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(D2016's Shield Wall item in SnapMap)
A very interesting feature from Eternal's combat is the energy shield blasting system: If a shield is made of blue energy, shoot plasma against it and you make it explode.
A good way to deal with Security zombies and Carcasses, but i thought of something: What if this idea was used on something part of level design?
Imagine an arena where you see blue walls of energy and as the fight starts, you can use them to explode next to enemies like an alternative to exploding barrels.
But at the same time, you can stand on top of them as if they were platforms: Maybe there could be a secret that requires the use of one as a platform to reach something.
And in a way, these shield walls could be useful for the player as cover.
In terms of themes, most of them would be UAC themed.
But imagine other themes: Hell (Blue walls of tormented souls and twisted skulls), Sentinel (Blue walls of Argent energy with Sentinel runes) and Urdak (Like the previous one but with Maykr runes?).
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wolfhoundwitch · 2 months
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Introduction to Shielding
If you haven’t already, check out my lessons on visualisation for the basic knowledge you’ll need to begin practicing shielding.
So what is shielding?
Shielding is a manipulation of energy, used to create a barrier between yourself and unwanted, usually negative or malicious energies. It’s a basic aspect of spellwork that everyone, beginner or experienced, should use to keep themselves safe.
What can I use shielding for?
Some beginner-level uses for shielding are drawing a circle, or casting a spell. A more experienced individual might use shielding in astral travel or spirit work, where there are a lot more malicious energies involved. Personally, I use shielding as often as possible, for instance when I do tarot readings, spells, spirit work, shadow work, and especially cursing. It gives that extra guarantee that you won't flood your personal space with unwanted energies.
Other uses include shielding against real-life dangers, to a certain degree. I often shield when I am walking through town at night for extra protection. But please remember to take other measures too! Call someone, pretend to be on the phone, plan your route, and even carry pepper spray if it's legal where you are.
An easy shielding method:
The easiest way to explain this is to think of your energy as a physical manifestation. Think how power attacks are shown in anime or cartoons - a streak of colour or light, or an element. Make it personable to you: fire signs (Leo/Aries/Sagittarius) might visualise fire, or a red energy or light etc.
Firstly, some people prefer to cleanse before shielding. I don't think its all that necessary but the choice is yours.
Begin by easing yourself into meditation. Get comfortable, and use whichever technique works for you. I have various methods for this in my visualisation lessons if you are struggling.
Attempt to visualise the energies surrounding you in your mind. It might be a swirling colour of light, almost like a cloud of dust. It could be flames, it could be water. Maybe try to see it held within your hand.
Now, attempt to shape this energy around your entire body. You might want to start with a bubble or a cube surrounding you. Feel this shape surrounding and protecting you. Visualise negative and unwanted energies being held back by it.
You can also layer shields, so if you are working with a particularly malicious energy you might want to have multiple shapes surrounding you, all within each other. You can also work with deities or spirits to ask them to shield you too.
Shielding Incantation
When I am shielding, I recite a spell as well as using visualisation techniques.
The shield of protection, I carry it strong, No ill wishes or trouble shall come along, You cannot harm me, or weaken my soul, My light is my weapon, and peace is my goal.
Try it out for yourself and let me know in the comments how it went! Thank you as always for reading. Please message for requests.
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tainebot01 · 22 days
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This pokespe meme has permanently resided in the back of my mind ever since I saw it back in middle school.
(Original image below for reference)
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raycatz · 3 months
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Some dungeon predictions (and things I'd just like to see xD ) for the upcoming arc!
(inspired by boards I've seen in the past. like this! Art from @/linkeduniverse!)
I love Zelda dungeons and LU dungeon crawling fics are some of my favorites! I'm so excited to see what puzzles Jojo's come up with! Nine person puzzles? Let's goOOO!!! There's so many possible interesting things to do with the chain's items and abilities.
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neptuneslure · 3 months
clearing negative energy (a twitter thread):
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cr: wetneptune on twitter
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keelifallen · 13 days
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Agent sad eyes reporting for misery
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charmwasjess · 9 months
I legitimately didn't remember how fucking batshit funny some of the Dooku sections in Claudia Gray's Master and Apprentice were. Qui-Gon's remembering his first mission with Dooku in flashback: okay, seems straightforward enough. They land in an ongoing crisis in a battle zone, Dooku goes to talk to the generals. Then, next scene, we smashcut directly to:
"Don't be afraid." Dooku's voice rang out over even the howling winds of Shurrapak. Qui-Gon clung to the carbon-fibre-rope riggings of the Shurrapakan ship, salt spray stinging his face and hands as they rounded the cape to approach the battle from an angle the enemy wouldn't expect. "They're shielded against skycraft and energy weapons. Not against seafaring vessels!" He made this sound majestic, courageous, brilliant -- nothing like the last-minute, last-ditch attempt it really was. Qui-Gon took a deep breath and stared up at the stars. Big mistake. The stars weren't moving and his stomach was, and the queasiness that swept through him made him feel weak.
Dooku has been on this planet for less than 24 hours. There are already other Jedi there ahead of him with established generals working on the battle plans, which according to the scene just before this, are complete enough that its conceivable Dooku and Qui-Gon will miss the action. So naturally, the plan he then comes up with is "ABANDON ALL OTHER PLANS, WE ATTACK THE FORTIFIED BATTLEFIELD WITH OLD TIMEY ROPE-RIGGED SAILING SHIPS!"
And at his side?? A seasick twelve year old who has never left the Temple or seen battle!!! Who can't swim! And backing them up?? Rael fucking Averross, who Dooku was just nagging for being too eager to get into the fighting. Sure, Dooku. That's Rael's problem.
This is the most disaster lineage shit I've ever read. This could absolutely be an Anakin and Obi-Wan Clone Wars arc.
Bonus Rael and Qui-Gon Content, from earlier in the chapter:
"C'mon, then, let's go talk to the generals." Rael made it sound like the most natural thing for a twelve-year-old to do.
Rael, you crazy motherfucker, never change.
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Mirabell instarsandtime is so smart you guys!!!! Don't discount her!!!!! When you first get her shield, she blasts siffrin with so much technical craft jargon he can't keep up in the slightest!! Even Odile on had a faint grasp on the CARROT method!!!! And she was the first to bring up that Time Craft would actually kill you from the energy it needs!!! Guys she's a craft genius!!! Can anyone hear me!!!!!
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to-be-a-dreamer · 25 days
I do acknowledge that the Marvel writers were, to a certain extent, trapped in production hell when it came to adapting Clint Barton into the MCU and I do appreciate the glimpses of his comic personality that they managed to sneak into the MCU. Some of my favorites include but are not limited to:
“Look the city is-is flying. The city is flying. We’re fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense”
When faced with a completely unknown opponent who’s clearly some kind of enhanced the middle of a fight: “We haven’t met yet, I’m Clint.”
“Nobody would know. Nobody. Last I saw him an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah I miss him already that quick little bastard.”
“Unfortunately, he’s still Barton” “Oh that’s terrible” Because he’s a little SHIT
“You’re no match for him Cap.” “Thanks Barton”
Hits a bullseye on the dart board half a centimeter from Tony’s face with absolutely no warning just because he can
In THE maximum security prison getting lectured by Tony Stark: “Blah blah blah…”
Actively lying on the floor after getting his shit rocked by a child: “Yeah you better run.”
Smugly, towards the aforementioned child: “What? You didn’t see that coming?”
Doesn’t tell his teammates that he’s taking them to his secret farmhouse in the middle of nowhere where he has a secret family. Also does not tell his wife that he’s bringing the entire Avengers lineup to her house. Because he’s a dramatic bitch with abysmal communication skills.
Does a stupid little dramatic flourish just to shoot an arrow into the fucking wall in front of literally no one but Wanda. Just for funsies.
Is played by Jeremy Renner, who I can’t Google without learning about his latest life-threatening injury. On brand.
Turns his hearing aids off at a bad musical
“Good thing they call you HawkEYE and not HawkEAR” “Hahaha. Block. Delete.” (100% did not block and delete)
Casually boards the subway after a whole entire car chase
“And the Challenger gets wrecked anyway!”
“How’s my apartment?” “…crispy”
“Sorry Santa!”
“You rely too much on technology” “Well my weapon of choice is a stick and a string”
“I’ve been taking karate since I was five” “Oh so last year?”
“Oh hey… I know you” Casually hands over the most powerful weapon in the universe.
To an actual literal chipmunk after he just jumped out the window of a skyscraper and landed in the Time Square Christmas tree “…hey”
“Clint where are you?” “I’m in the tree!” “What? Which tree?” “THE three!”
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fisheito · 9 days
hey so if yakumo puts up an essence shield does it looks like
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or this??
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"Tell me - why did you break your oath?"
"I had no choice. To follow it was to act against my conscience."
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gaeasun · 5 months
Force-blocking cuffs this, Force-Suppressant drug that; I'm pretty sure ray shields canonly prevent a Jedi from using the Force outside them. Obi-wan was stuck in one in Attack of the Clones, Anakin was stuck in one at the end of the Chip Conspiracy arc, and they both got stuck in one at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith. None of them waved their hands and broke the emitter, so either ray shields make Jedi silly or they do canonly block the use of the Force outside of them.
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