#estonian lgbt+
peemotikeskus · 1 year
Head lesbide nähtavuse päeva! Happy lesbian visibility day!
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raivos-world · 13 days
I'm Raivo and from Estonia
Age: Young adult
Pronouns: He/him (I'ma dude)
Fav colors: orange, green, black, brown
Fav season: Winter
Fav animal: ALL
Fav drink: Sweet tea
Fav foods: salad, meat, soup, veggies, fruits and pasta
Fav holidays: Halloween/Christmas/Thanksgiving
Religion: Agnostic
I live on a farm in the country but I live near the city
Hobbies: drawing, writing, collecting junk, watching Netflix and Tubi, walking while listening to music, obsessively organizing my figurines, books, song playlists + names by spellings, origins and meanings etc)
I likely have AuDHD and severe Dyscalculia
Some things I collect: feathers, bones, pencils, stray animals, books, sticks
Things I hate: bugs, spicy food, socks, the smell of cornbread, bread in general, literally any carbonated drink, being on a busy highway, bright sun, shirt tags, too much salt or pepper on food, life
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Natalia Zabiiako
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 15 August 1994  
Ethnicity: Estonian
Occupation: Olympic figure skater
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hetaestoniahq · 28 days
You mentioned that you worked with the Estonian and Scandinavian embassies and found out that there's a lot more closeness between the countries than people would expect. What are some interesting and unexpected things you learned about the relationship between Estonia and the Nordic countries?
(Modern-day connections would be preferred, as I would assume the historical conflicts are well known. In a Nationverse context, I would like to write about the friendship and cooperation between their personifications in the modern day 👀)
Out of the Nordic embassies the most I've worked with is Danish Embassy, but also I have connections in the Swedish embassy and have spoken to the Norwegian embassy asking about facts of culture etc. (There are in fact a lot of culture and history facts the average person will not know.) I'll note to myself to make a post about Norway especially - even if the facts they were able to give were limited at the time. (I will also refer to my uurimustöö and take the facts I used from there too.)
Unfortunately Finland's embassy has ended up unreachable most of the time, with their cultural institute also being slow about responses (but my guess is that being such an important neighbour has left them very busy, same situation with Latvia.) And Iceland does not have a direct embassy here, needing to contact the one in Helsinki for any cooperation (which I tried and never got a response, again, alright.)
A keyword to know about the embassies is HELPFUL. They're very nice and open to anyone who approaches and wants to know things. They can also be generous about giving free stuff (ESPECIALLY Denmark :''D though I've noticed they just seem to have a higher budget compared to Norway's embassy for example.)
The Estonian embassies in the Nordic nations have also made 100 year timelines of diplomatic relationships, many of which really bring together a nice picture. (the Danish one actually made me cry). Unfortunately they exist mostly in Estonia, which only some having a translation into the other country's native language (Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish) if anyone speaks those then I can easily send the timeline for you to read.
I've found that the Nordic embassies (especially Sweden and Denmark which have active social media accounts (primarily Instagram) also like to actively participate in social events or matters such as Arvamusfestival (opinion festival) and other events that discuss Estonia's quality of life and development. They've always been economically close with frequent meetings about "increasing cooperation". This does not just apply to economical matters but also education and in recent times a lot lot more about defense too (especially now with Finland and Sweden having joined the NATO gang, something which was seen as a HUGE deal in Estonia to the point Estonia made a stamp of Finland about it.) I'll note to myself to also make a post about all the specific times I can recall Denmark being very active about the topic of defense to the point that I often use it as a point in arguments about faith in NATO.
The Nordic embassies have also been very vocal about and advocating for LGBT rights for years, possibly decades. They have always participated in LGBT events such as the recent Tartu pride. They even posted about having spectated the Riigikogu meeting in which the voting about legalising Gay marriage happened. You can say the Nordics have been one of the closest friends of the LGBT movement in Estonia, often raising rainbow flags in solidarity. (So YES to content about the Nordics celebrating Estonia's progress because of how much they've been supporting it!)
One thing I must bring attention to is NORDIC-BALTIC 8! It is a group that has existed since the 90's, right after the Baltics regained independence. This is another reason for why the "can Eesti into nordic" is incredibly stupid, because we already are considered together. (UN officially views the Baltics as Northern European too, grouping us together further.) Besides some international events wanting to put us far away from each other it is quite acknowledged on a nation relationship scale that the Baltics are in region friends to the Nordics. Some say that this regional friendship is the reason the Baltics are among the better countries in the Eastern half of Europe, because we have good developed countries to be influenced and supported by while some other countries were left with not the best options.
(I like to HC that the NB8 all sit pretty close by to each other in meetings.)
I intend to work on posting some of the information I've found, especially when I get time to read some sources I've received but not had the time to fully go through them.
Hope this response at least satisfies you a little <3
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plantsucc · 1 year
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It's still #PortfolioDay. Tere!! I'm Sven, an artist from Estonia. I have a BA in graphic art / printmaking. I draw comics, animation and design characters. I especially love drawing cats and guys with scruffy facial hair.
I primarily work with traditional mediums (ballpoint pen. who needs to erase anyway), but also have thorough knowledge in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Clip Studio Paint.
I draw inspiration from my own life experiences to make short comics about retail, LGBT+ topics, (specifically FtM transition) and Estonian working class life. I was born into poverty and negligence and had to work hard to keep up with everyone else and I don't want to romanticize it, but it made me resilient and independent at a very young age. Optimism and humor is what keeps me alive. Here's my Estonian Academy or Arts portfolio as a PDF! (EST 🇪🇪)
… I'm actually still on the poverty line and my day job is earning minimum wage in a grocery store. I'm open for character commission work as long as you're fine with sketches not thorough rendered works. The most I've charged is 30€, the least I've charged is 2-3€ for a tiny receipt sketch.
Payment through PayPal. Or if you're Estonian, you can also pay directly via internet bank actually? idk, let me know and I'll give my IBAN and name.
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northwest-by-a-train · 10 months
book ask: 3, 11, & 13? ✨️
3 What were your top five books of the year?
One-way street, by Walter Benjamin, La Maison dans Laquelle, by Miriam Petrosyan, Les Jardins Statuaires, by Jacques Abeille, L'Oppoponax, by Monique Wittig (obligatory shoutout to @water-weaving , he of the discerning eye) and November, by Andrus Kivirahk (part of an Estonian lit kick I've been on thanks to @b-u-n-n-i )
11 What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
Mmmmmm well I read very little in the way of new stuff this year, but the oldest thing I enjoyed this year was probably Liutprand of Cremona's account of him being an ambassador to Byzantium. Both a very colorful account of a lavish court and also a portrait of someone at his job hating on absolutely everyone. I cannot describe how much wrathful contempt this guy can show through plain descriptive passages, it looks like he's invented being a British writer years in advance, but no, this is a 10th century Italian diplomat/monk. Don't think I read anything older (but I should probably reread Ovid)
13 What were your least favorite books of the year?
Good question. My taste tends to be perfect and unquestionable and surefire, but sometimes I still end up mildly disappointed. Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong'o didn't live up to the hype. Neither did Emily Balistieri's translation of Tomohiko Morimi (things are dire when you end up preferring the crusty PDF of a cobbled-together fan translation over a professional job). Joel Dicker was an expected disappointment, but good fare for the genre. Ayerdhal is probably my biggest disappointment this year. Rainbow Warriors' premise is that in the 90s, a UN-supported army of LGBT soldiers overthrows an African dictatorship and sets up free elections. I thought I'd read a mordant critique of homofascism and empire, or the conflicts about being a person of color and gay in the Western world. Instead it's straight Michael from the office being the general, and his wacky gay subordinates. Very much a product of don't ask don't tell, you might say (written in 1993 I think). But the dude was a Belgian anarchist!!! I do have to question how big of an anarchist you can be if you write a colonial fantasy of ontologically good Western soldiers invading a country to "bring democracy" to Darkest Africa. In genre literature, I also found Ligotti to be mid. Good prose, but by god does the man pontify. Just send him to Avignon at this point.
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aaghht · 1 year
hoping every estonian LGBT+ person went out to party tonight (we deserver it)
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brijeshtiwaripune · 1 year
First ex-Soviet state Estonia legalizes same-sex marriage
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Prime Minister Kaja Kallas expressed her pride in Estonia as the bill garnered 55 votes in the 101-seat parliament. Estonia, a progressive ex-Soviet state, has made significant strides in advancing LGBT rights over the past few decades. Same-sex sexual activity was legalized in 1992, and in 2016, same-sex couples gained the ability to register their relationship through cohabitation agreements. On June 20, 2023, Estonia achieved another milestone by becoming the first ex-Soviet state to legalize same-sex marriage. This historic move reflects Estonia's commitment to equality and aligns it with Western values while distinguishing itself from neighboring Russia. Legal Framework and Progress in Estonia The path to same-sex marriage in Estonia involved public debates, court rulings, and the passing of the Registered Partnership Act in 2014. However, the implementation of certain acts required for the law to take effect faced delays, resulting in legal complications. The new Estonian government, committed to promoting equality, pledged to pass the necessary acts, and the Supreme Court recognized the right of same-sex couples to family life. Support for LGBT rights and Same-Sex Marriage in Estonia Estonia is considered one of the most liberal ex-Soviet states regarding LGBT rights, with a majority of the population supporting anti-discrimination laws and same-sex marriage, as indicated by a 2023 survey. This growing support is a testament to changing attitudes and increased acceptance in Estonian society. Advocates of same-sex marriage emphasize the importance of equal rights, reducing hostility, and creating a secure environment for all individuals. Estonia's progress in LGBT rights is seen as a potential catalyst for change in neighboring countries like Latvia and Lithuania, inspiring them to follow suit. Impact of Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage The legalization of same-sex marriage in Estonia will eliminate legal uncertainties faced by same-sex couples and solidify their rights. Starting from January 1, 2024, same-sex couples will have the right to marry and jointly adopt, further enhancing their legal recognition and family rights. The new law will also enable joint adoption by same-sex couples, expanding their ability to create and raise families. Estonia's move towards marriage equality reinforces its commitment to inclusivity and ensures that all loving couples have the same rights and opportunities, irrespective of sexual orientation. Ongoing Challenges and the Road Ahead While Estonia has made significant progress in promoting LGBT rights, challenges and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community still persist in certain sectors of Estonian society. Continued efforts are necessary to address these issues and foster greater acceptance and equality for all individuals. Advocacy groups, lawmakers, and activists will continue their work to combat discrimination, raise awareness, and promote understanding. Read the full article
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Firebird (Peeter Rabane, 2021)
Cast: Tom Prior, Oleg Zagorodnii, Diana Pozharaskaya, Jake Henderson, Margus Prangel, Nicholas Woodeson. Screenplay: Peeter Rabane, Tom Prior, based on a book by Sergey Fetisov. Cinematography: Mait Mäekivi. Production design: Eva-Maria Gramakovski, Kalju Kivi, Frantseska Vakkum. Film editing: Tambet Tasuja. Music: Krzysztov A. Janczak. 
Sergey, a private in the Soviet air force, and the fighter pilot Roman, the lieutenant he serves as orderly, fall in love. Under the laws of the Soviet military, their relationship puts them in jeopardy of being sentenced to hard labor if it's found out. Firebird, which gets its name from the Stravinsky ballet that brings them together, is a solid romantic drama with a fine performance by Tom Prior, who also co-wrote the screenplay based on a memoir by the real Sergey. If I have a problem with the movie, it's because the focus is almost necessarily on Sergey, given its source. We get very little backstory for Roman, played handsomely by the Ukrainian actor Oleg Zagorodnii, even though the burden of the conflict between love and duty falls largely on him. By contrast, we learn of Sergey's boyhood love and its painful end, and about his post-service career as an actor. The lack of focus on Roman's background almost reduces him to a beautiful object of desire, and saps the tragic impact of his story. Still, Firebird is an impressive debut feature for Estonian writer-director Peeter Rabane, and a cut above most contemporary movie love stories, especially those based in the world of LGBT relationships. 
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peemotikeskus · 1 year
Raamatuklubi / Book club
🇪🇪 Hei! Seekordselt laupäeval, 13. mail kell 16.00 toimub taas raamatuklubi, kuhu ootame teid kõiki kuulama ja kaasa rääkima. Põhiliselt on fookuses uus raamat – Emily M. Danforthi “Plain Bad Heroines”. See on gootiline õuduslugu mitmete saffiliste peategelastega, ajalooline draama ebausaldusväärse jutustaja vaatenurgast, mis haarab lugejaid oma eriti kvääri pöördega tumedast akadeemilisest õhkkonnast. See raamat võib tunduda hirmutav, aga soovitatav on tulla olles lugenud 100 esimest lehte (lõpetades, kui näed peatükki nimega “Bodies Piling Up”:)). Huvi korral soovitame kirjutada näiteks Instagrami sõnumitesse, saame teid lisada klubi grupivestlusesse ning aidata raamatule ligipääsemisega. Oleme nüüd lõpuni jõudnud oma esimese teosega, milleks oli “One Last Stop”, aga kui keegi, kes vahepeal seda luges, aga rääkima ei jõudnud, tahaks ka sellest veel muljeid jagada, on ka vägagi oodatud! Kohtumine on planeeritud selliselt, et ka teistel LGBTQ+ kirjanduse huvilistel oleks võimalus kaasa rääkida, tahtmisel vahetades üldisemalt muljeid oma hiljuti loetud toestest või lihtsalt meiega koos toredalt aega veeta. Tule kohale, võta kaasa oma põnevad ideed ning raamat, mida alguses kogunedes lugeda. Kohtumiseni laupäeval
📚 Järgmised raamatuklubi kohtumised on 28.05 ja 9.06, mõlemal korral kl 18.
🌈 Projekti (ja raamatuklubi toimumist!) rahastab EMP toetuste Aktiivsete Kodanike Fond, mida vahendab Avatud Eesti Fond koostöös Vabaühenduste Liiduga.
🇬🇧 Hey! The book club is having another meeting, this time on Saturday, 13th of May at 16:00 and we invite all of you to come to discuss with us or just listen in. The main focus will be a new book this time – Emily M. Danforth’s “Plain Bad Heroines”. It’s a gothic horror story with multiple sapphic main characters, a historical drama told through the eyes of an unreliable narrator, which charms the readers with its very queer version of dark academia. While it can look intimidating, it’s recommended to come after reading the first 100 pages of the novel (stopping once you see the chapter titled “Bodies Piling Up”:)). If this sounds interesting, you could message us directly to get added to the group chat of this club, through which we can help you access the book. We have now finished our first book, “One Last Stop,” but if you happened to miss any of our previous meetings but would still like to discuss parts of that book, we would also look forward to that! You are very welcome to join us without having properly read through all the recommended pages to introduce other LGBTQ+ books you’ve read or plan to read or just to spend a great time with us. Show up with all your exciting ideas and a book to read for the start of the meeting. Can’t wait to see you on Saturday!
📚 The next book club meetings are on May 28th and June 9th, both times at 18:00. 
🌈 The project (and our book club!) is funded by the Active Citizens Fund of the EEA Grants, operated in Estonia by the Open Estonia Foundation in consortium with the Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations.
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parkerbombshell · 5 days
Rainbow Country #422
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Rainbow Country Tuesdays 8pm-10pm EST bombshellradio.com Repeats Friday 8am-10am EST #RainbowCountry The AWARD-WINNING 2HR Nationally Syndicated Gay Radio Show & A Canadian #1 LGBT Podcast Working To Give Voice To The LGBT Community & BEYOND! ON EPISODE 422: HR 1 #TIFF24 Coverage #Queer short #SaunaDay Estonian Multi-Award Winning Filmmakers #AnnaHints & #TusharPrakash are my guests + Canadian feature Do I Know You From Somewhere Actor #MalloryAmirault talks about playing #Queer character Ada & MORE! 🌈 HR 2 #Music Funk - #GQ #ManParrish #ChakaKhan 80s - #DeadOrAlive New Music - #HollyCinnamon #EricTerino #OllieGullick #ScottFree Rap - #JazziJay Read the full article
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yourdailyqueer · 2 years
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Peeter Rebane
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 24 April 1973  
Ethnicity: White - Estonian
Occupation: Director, producer, entrepreneur, activist
Note: Producer of the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest
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languageroom · 3 months
Kalamaja blues
Got around to watching this ERR/YLE joint production. All five parts are only about half an hour together (ma vaatasin selle läbi korraga). It's not very serious, but cute and with LGBT rep. If you like your lesbians a little on the silly side, it's a good pride month watch.
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Plus it makes me want to visit Kalamaja again.
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(🧂a grain of salt for the accuracy of the subtitles, which are only in Estonian, at least on Jupiter)
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I'm trying, Moonika!
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ashtray-girl · 10 months
Book ask!! 1, 3, 4, 17, 22!
How many books did you read this year? 63! i’d still like to read a couple more tho haha
What were your top 5 books of the year? - Fear and Trembling by Amélie Nothomb (autobiographical novel about the author’s surreal experience working for a Japanese company) - Border State by Emil Tode (Estonian lgbt novel released shortly after the collapse of the USSR and written under a pseudonym) - Wilful Disregard by Lena Andersson (i read this with very little expectations bc it's quite short and the plot couldn’t be more bare-boned, but my god, the way it’s written… & yeah, admittedly this one hit VERY close to home for a number of reasons, but i still think it’s a great book in its own right) - Strong Female Character by Fern Brady (memoir by a Scottish comedian living with autism. funny, heartbreaking and eye-opening, all at the same time) - Otra Vez Eros by Cristina Peri Rossi (very short but very intense poetry collection which i read in Spanish but i’m note sure it’s been translated)
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year? oh yeah, several! the main ones being W. H. Auden, Lena Andersson and Cristina Peri Rossi. i also got into Balkan/Slavic literature tho, and i’d like to read more of Miroslav Krleža and Mircea Cărtărescu's works!
Did any books surprise you with how good they were? Wilful Disregard by Lena Andersson legit rewired my brain. so much so in fact, that i ordered its sequel literally as soon as i'd finished it. i liked that one too (it’s called Acts of Infidelity), even tho it’s very similar to its prequel except longer, and it does get slightly repetitive towards the end, but the way this woman dissects relationships... god. Border State by Emil Tode was also excellent, definitely an underrated gem as far as I’m concerned! and Miroslav Krleža's The Edge of Reason was unexpectedly so funny, it legit made me laugh out loud several times!
What's the longest book you read? i’ve literally just finished The Brothers Karamazov, which is like… 1k pages? so… yeah, definitely that one lmao
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celluloidrainbow · 2 years
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FIREBIRD (2021) dir. Peeter Rebane Sergey, a young private in the Soviet Air Force, has only a few weeks remaining in his military service. He and his friends bristle under the tight control of the military commanders. He appears to have a budding romance with Luisa, the secretary to the base commander, and he indulges in a photography hobby that is barely tolerated by his superiors. He is assigned to assist a new fighter pilot, Roman, when he arrives. An undeniable passion between them develops, despite the threat of imprisonment that hangs over homosexual romances under the Soviet regime. (link in title)
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seth-the-hobbit · 6 years
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“I love my LGBT friends” in Estonian
Ma armastan oma lesbi sõpru
Ma armastan oma gei sõpru
Ma armastan oma biseksuaalseid sõpru
Ma armastan oma transeksuaalseid sõpru
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you want another identity or language to be made - simply send the correct words in the language and I will make the edit
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