#even if it's just random side characters...
allllium · 1 day
my head has many headcanons for so many different characters and they're all bumbling around my head at the same time so excuse my little ramble 🙏
Jason Todd who loves to cook - hates ordering take out because he doesn't know how they're making it. Instead he makes whatever craving you might be having. Whether it be something he's made a million times or never before, he'll always prefer putting on music in the kitchen, sitting you on the counter next to him, and dancing around as he cooks.
Simon Riley with a single parent partner - he'll never admit it but he's a little scared of being around your kid but not for the reasons you'd think. Yes he has a fear of being a kids father figure, especially early on in the relationship, but he's more scared of what the kid will do to him. I mean kids are strong and completely unpredictable. The first time you ask him to watch your kid, even for just a minute, he freaks out because the kid will just sit there and stare at him. Like they know something he doesn't. He'll complain to you about your kid staring into his soul and knowing his secrets. It makes you laugh every time.
James Potter who has a problem with poking you - Whether he wins or loses a quidditch game the first thing he does is poke your nose. You don't know why, he doesn't know why but it's become so normal that no one questions it. If he wants your attention he won't call your name or do anything normal, he'll just poke you in the strangest places. Including but not limited to the back of your neck, your side, the side of your leg, or your chest. Just because it's closest to him. And even when you're on the opposite side of the room he still finds a way. He'll use a spell to poke you without touching or put a bunch of straws/sticks together till it's long enough to touch you. You genuinely don't know why.
Lily Evans who has a popular ASMR channel in modern time - whether you're a fan of ASMR or not you're gonna be hearing it a lot and more often than not be involved in it. If you're someone that gets repulsed by ASMR she'll make it her mission to find something you enjoy, just so she can involve you. She claims it's because it's relaxing and an easy way to make money, but you think it's because she likes touching you. Which is why she is constantly playing with your hair and giving random massages.
Remus Lupin who loves to help you get ready every morning - whether you have a set routine or not he's right there with you every step of the way. If you're okay with it he'll even do your skincare or makeup for you, kissing your nose after every step. Some days he does things like help pick out your clothes or paint your nails if you'd like. If you ask him about it he'll always say "Cuz it makes you feel good, I want you to feel as good as possible." Seriously makes my heart melt
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la2yn0va · 2 days
Yo! Can i request some Yandere high cloud quinlet (together) x male reader, that has a habit of not caring at all for his life? Like the reader despite having a good reputantion and has one of the highest potential within the cloud knights. His powers/techniques foes harm to his body. (I Dunno if you seem jujutsu kaisen when Megumi summons Mahoraga, that summoning him cost the user his life? Well put the reader in a similar situation)
CW: Yandere characters, Suicidal(?) Reader
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“Why are so intent on worrying us?” Dan Feng said as he healed your body with some strange vidyadhara technique. “Whaat? I’m not dead, and I’m pretty sure some random Mara-struck soldiers ain’t gonna kill ME” M/n had refuted, which seemed to tick off the high elder.
“That’s not the point! I’m talking about your technique!” He heaved out with frustration. M/n sighed and rolled his eyes, not wanting to hear the same speech he’d been hearing since he started. Dan Feng looked even more frustrated, grabbing his ear and harshly pulling and pinching
“Owowowow! Fuck!! Wait—!!” “Don’t get sassy with me m/n. This is serious!” He said, not hiding his frustration. M/n continued to yelp in pain. “Okay okay!! You’ve made your point!! Owowowow!!!” Just then, baiheng and Yingxinq walked in seeing Dan Feng harshly disciplining m/n.
They watched with mixed reactions, wanting to step in but also wanting to discipline you for, once again, getting them worried. “Have l?! I seem to remember ‘making my point’ to you repeatedly!! And yet you STILL go on and repeat your previous actions!!” He got increasingly more frustrated and pissed. However, before it could escalate, baiheng and yingxinq stepped in.
Yingxinq stopping Dan Feng and baiheng taking care of m/n’s hurtting ear “Calm down Feng. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson” “Don’t be a fool Yingxinq! How many times have I, Jingliu, and Jing yuan repeated this lecture with him and he has yet to take us seriously!”
“You okay sweetie~?” Baiheng said quietly, not missing the chance to get herself in m/n’s good side. He nodded and was immediately met with a slap on his nape “OW!!” “Are you trying to give us a heart attack!?” She said with worry, before he could respond, Yingqinx left a slap of his own.
“OW!! It’s a force of habit okay!? Plus, it’s not like—!” “What’s going on in here.” A colder voice sliced through m/n’s words. M/n froze as he saw jingliu walking in with jing yuan. “Good luck m/n” Yingxinq said as jingliu immediately walked angrily towards m/n.
“H-heyyyyyy jingliu…….. h-how’re you?” He nervously smiled as her red eyes glared into his. “Ahaha…I-I’m doing good to! I just came back from killing of monsters of the abundance—” “Did you use your technique?” She said, knowing the answer.
M/n stayed silent, nervously laughing and looking around to avoid the question. Jingliu had seen enough, harshly grabbing his other ear that wasn’t assaulted by Dan Feng’s wrath earlier and tugging and pinching his cheek “OWOWWWWWW!!!!!” He yelled as Jingliu DID. NOT. Hold back, making sure to dig it into his thick skull of how unacceptable his actions are.
“Are you actually this fucking dense!? How many times do I have to discipline you boy!!” She didn’t give him time to respond, her strength increasing by the second and managing to make his tear up slightly “OKAY OKAY I GET IT!!” “I DONT THINK YOU FUCKING DO!!”
Jing yuan and baiheng stepped up, both saving m/n from jingliu’s increasing wrath. “Calm down master. There’s a far more appropriate punishment then physical punishment” “Silence jing yuan! M/n needs to be reminded HARSHLY how—” “Let’s just.. hear him out jingliu” Baiheng’s reasonable voice managed to calm jingliu down.
“M/n. As General of the luofu, I’m banning you from the battlefield” “WHAT!!?” He yelled, the pain immediately being neglected as he stood up. Yingxinq keeping him from walking up to Jing yuan and throwing a punch.
“Until you grow out of this habit and change your technique, I will not allow you to rejoin the battle ground, and you WILL be arrested on sight” Jing yuan repeated with seriousness and authoritatively. M/n looked around, seeing that everyone was in agreement with this. “Your fucking kidding!” “Come on m/n. This is a reasonable reaction” “Yingxinq, you can’t actually—!” “I don’t see anything wrong with it” Baiheng interjected.
M/n growled lowly, clearly annoyed before walking away, only to be stopped by jingliu’s hand and Dan Feng’s tail. “Your not leaving our sight” Dan Feng said as m/n struggled against their grip, before giving up, deciding to try and escape later “Fine…”
-The End-
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scintillyyy · 18 hours
actually it is interesting how dixon has tim discover his feelings for steph over the course of and in contrast to what was ultimately his failing relationship with ari & like. listen i'm not here ti cast judgment on either tim or steph here, but it was very much written by dixon as like. steph knowingly was very pushy about wanting to be in a relationship with tim even knowing he was actively in a relationship and fundamentally did not care about tim's girlfriend as a human being because steph saw tim being in a relationship already as basically minor inconvience because she wanted tim & tim clearly seemed to want her so he should just be with her instead. and like tim's hands clearly aren't entirely clean here either, because he did kind of ultimately just going with the flow and letting things happen. (but!! i am on the side of both of them are messy teens in their first relationships & neither deserves lifelong castigation for 14-15 year old messiness, let's be clear). but the circumstances around this messiness even being able to happen is because ariana is fundamentally unable to truly know what's going on as she's never privy to the secret. she had no way of knowing what tim is doing or who he's meeting--sure she gets jealous when she sees tim notice steph, but she never knows that there's another girl in tim's life exists & can't know. meanwhile the whole time steph is flirting with tim she is well aware that ariana, or "tim's girlfriend" exists. tim & steph exist because at the time of his relationship with ari, tim was allowed to actively and consistently interact with another girl while actively in a relationship with another one & steph was well aware and a participant in that.
and that's kind of by design--dixon, i do think dixon fairly early on decided that he was more interested in tim&steph over tim&ari, but i do think it's important to note that when dixon created ari he's on the record of conceiving of her as a lois lane type romance interest for tim, she was clearly originally intended to have long term sticking power for him. but then--*readers* didn't vibe with her. there's letters in old issues basically asking--"hey, is steph going to come back, hey is steph going to date tim, hey love steph when are they getting together". so while dixon got fully on board with tim & steph i think it's safe to say he was also. probably very cognizant of readers deciding they like a different love interest better.
so there's an interesting pivot in dixon once tim & steph are firmly on the "getting together" train and it's that tim is not allowed to exist of breathe near other female characters without being chaperoned by steph or it involving steph somehow in deference to steph's jealousy issues. with steph's entrance into tim's life, tim is moved away from the mixed more sex friend group (that existed with callie & ariana) of gotham heights high to 1) homeschooling in keystone 2) all male boarding school brentwood. the only female friendship he gains is star, and that's used in a story for steph to misunderstand and start stalking star and her brother in an attempt to find tim & catch him in the act. tim is no longer allowed to team up with girls his age or a little older without stephanie there. he's not even allowed to be concerned about random adult woman dana (his stepmom) without steph breathing down his neck despite the fact that once they start dating tim is doggedly pretty loyal to steph as far as girls were, far more than he ever was with ariana. & like. in universe this is an interesting character beat for steph considering the start of their relationship being that steph pushed tim while he was in a relationship & is paranoid of all other women, that they'll act like she did. but from an out of universe perspective you can tell dixon was absolutely shutting down any other relationship possibility for tim other than steph. he knew the pain of creating a love interest that got subsumed in interest by another and was under no circumstances going to let anyone else in that that could become a threat to his girl. hence, every time he teams up with a girl after steph has to be there, monitoring & chaperoning. which is very interesting. considering their beginnings and steph's own willingness to hang out with a guy known to be taken without his girlfriend there & her eventual disallowment of tim to do anything with girls who aren't her.
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i-heart-hxh · 3 days
I think what scares me about ending D is that by leaving Gon, Killua has opened up a place at Gon’s side that could be filled in his absence. Like what if Noko becomes closer to Gon while Killua is gone? That’s what scares me and I don’t think Killua has thought of this or if he has, he’s accepted it (which hurts just as much, I hate the idea of him being “over” Gon). And how would Killua even react if he met Gon again and saw someone else at Gon’s side. He can’t be mad considering he’s the one that left.
So, I think a good thing to keep in mind is that HxH is not real events happening to real people. The characters aren't going about their lives in actuality with the "danger" of things going in some unexpected direction, they're living out a story that has been pre-determined to whatever degree Togashi has planned it out. As much as I dig into the character psychology and such, I think this is worth remembering. Stories are created with intention.
Togashi already "spoiled" the scrapped idea of Gon ending with Noko, so I personally see it as extremely unlikely this is an idea he intends to continue to use. It's possible Noko will appear while Gon is on Whale Island, but at the same time they've never been portrayed in the series as being particularly close, and if Togashi has no intention of ending it with them together I don't see why he'd bother with giving her more than some sort of cameo. Ending D aside, which is separate from the series itself as something that was rejected, she hasn't been given any important role in within the story so far.
I think it's unlikely Togashi still has some real role planned for her at this time. The series has spent so much time and focus on Gon and Killua's relationship, and there is a lot still unresolved between the two of them. The audience of HxH has been clamoring to see them again for over a decade now, and I feel like focusing on Noko all the sudden just seems like a random diversion that I don't think Togashi has the time/energy to deal with at this point. However, as usual, I can't speak for Togashi himself, and HxH can be quite unpredictable so I can't say anything for certain. These are just my best guesses based on the set of circumstances we have currently. I personally don't think it's worth worrying about Noko currently, however.
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fleshengine · 1 day
I want to talk about representation a bit, because I see the "trans women have more rep, so they are privileged/can't be oppressed/are more societally accepted" thing thrown around a decent amount. Let's take a game I'm playing right now, Cyberpunk 2077.
I love how for trans characters in Cyberpunk 2077 we have Claire, a tough looking bartender who's into cars, and the random girl in Lizzie's who drops a line about how she's a woman and that demands sacrifice, a sex worker who immediately gets played for laughs as her (floating) co-oworker makes fun of her.
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Claire is fine representation in my eyes. Sure, she has "guy" hobbies but like genuinely so do most of the girls I know. We get interested in things as kids and that stuff stays. She's a little tough looking, but it's 100% in a definitely masc woman way. She's great, I love her, best girl. The mox is representation, but like... harmful rep at that. She's literally just a side character in this one scene who says "yeah being a woman is rough but it's worth the effort huh?" and gets made fun of for being trans. Her entire point is people pointing at transwomen and saying "haha you're all sex workers and ugly and everyone can tell you used to be a man lol." and frankly it's infuriating. She even uses the male character model! I don't know if cyberpunk 2077 has any definite transmasc characters, and so the case could be made that trans women "have more rep" in it. But when half the rep is this random mox who exists to be made fun of, I don't see the point.
And this is what I mean when I say recognition is not representation. Claire and the mox are both recognizably a trans women, but only Claire is a character who has depth and is a person and actually represents anyone. Being a trans woman is a tiny part of her, but it's there, she has a flag on her truck and mentions it in dialogue exactly once! You don't even really learn she's trans until later, so she's barely recognizable in the text.
So much of what people refer to as "transfem representation" boils down to characters like the mox who are just stereotypes of transwomen who exist to be made fun of. They do not represent anyone, no lived experience, no depth of character. They exist entirely to be recognizable as transwomen and nothing more. They are jokes and to say they represent trans women in any way is deeply revealing to how tme people think of us.
When you clock me in the street, what kind of trans woman will you recognize me as?
This is an idea I've had kicking around in my head for a bit. I'd love feedback/ideas on it so I might uhhhhhh @plaidos hopefully that's okay. You don't have to respond, I just want my thoughts out there.
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redheadspark · 2 days
Hiii. Sorry to bother, but do you mind repeating Characters for your september prompt session? And if the answer is no... can I ask for Benedict Bridgerton with #12- Dreamy? Please?☺️
A/N - Hello! Sorry for not getting to this sooner, but I'm so happy I got to write this! I hope you like it!
Summary - Benedict knows how to love you, even in your dreams
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Warnings - Mostly fluff with a hint of angst
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It started with flowers floating in your dreams.
Not just any flowers, your favorite.  Beautiful peach-colored roses that bloomed at the perfect time. You loved those flowers, they reminded you of your father when you were very little and he would find them just for you.  The sweet scent they carried brought you peace and tranquility, and the velvet touch along your fingers brought you reality when you were lost in your mind.
You dreamt of those flowers, and it made you smile.
Next, it was your favorite lake, the very lake that was near your summer cottage that your family would go to every June.  It was a lovely lake, with tall grass along the sides, and instant memories of swimming in the waters from dawn until dusk, or until your mother had to drag you out.  You missed that lake as of late, and to dream it was another sign that something was going on in your dreams. 
Or someone, and you knew who it was.
Being ever observant and inquisitive about your life, your husband and soulmate Benedict Bridgerton was willing to “walk” in your dreams.  It wasn’t walking really, it was more like peeking in, like poking his head through a window and seeing on the other side.  It was a cool little trick that soulmates could do: seeing the other’s dreams or tapping into your mind when they were sleeping. It seemed like a childish thing to do, you sharing with other couples that were soulmates how they would see their spouse's dreams and uncover deep dark secrets.  But that was never the case for you and Benedict. 
You were more tight-lipped than your spouse was, not that he would chat about anything and everything if he had the chance.  You were simply an introvert who would prefer to have a small cluster of friends with you then be in a ball with thousands of others.  Benedict seemed to be the opposite: having a big family filled with brothers and sisters and the in-laws that also came with them.  You loved his family, they were nothing but warm and kind to you when you were introduced as his soulmate months before.  Your mother-in-law, Violet Bridgerton, was especially taken with you when she hugged you close.
“You two are simply lovely together, I can tell Benedict will make you very happy!” She said in glee.  And she was indeed right.
Benedict loved making you smile and bringing you happiness, whether it was his flirtatious nature with his word and longing gazes, or the small gifts he would give you since he knew you were not a big fan of massive gifts and huge proclamations of love.  He showed it also through his craft in artistry, the paintings he would gift you on a random day or on your birthday would always make you grin from ear to ear and feel that love again.  He was a wondering soulmate and husband.
Even more when he visited your dreams and saw what was plaguing your mind.
Sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad, but it was mostly good thanks to Benedict.  You could see the same about Benedict and his own dreams, which were always light and filled with optimism and dreams that he’s had.  He was an amazing artist and was known far and wide for his work, keeping his family close by, and did not lose them at any moment.  And most of all, his marriage to you.  Some of the dreams were worries that he had if he was a good enough son to his mother or a husband to you. If his work was going to be well received or if it was something he should give up.
You woke up and ran to him, hugging him close in your arms after seeing one of those dreams of his insecurities.  He was taken aback at first, but you simply held him and whispered in his ear, “You’re good enough, my darling,”
You could have sworn you felt tears hit your nightgown.  
From then on, both you and Benedict it is a rule to never invade one another’s dreams to the point of annoyance.  Not that either one of you was prone to negative dreams, it was rare really.  If there was a dream questionable, there was room for discussion the following morning.  But that rarely happened, you two were ever open to one another and never left anything out of a conversation.  Benedict helped you blossom and be bold in your opinions and in how you spoke, in return you helped Benedict be calmer in the chaotic times.  
Even in the dire times, Benedict was there for you within your dreams.  Right after you both were married, your father fell ill and passed away within months.  It was a devastating blow to your family, you took the loss very hard since you were very close to your father.  After the funeral, Benedict held you in his arms as you cried yourself to sleep.  Though you were filled with love and comfort thanks to your soulmate, the hole that was left behind because of the absence of your father was still evident.
Yet there was Benedict, in your dream, holding you close and swaying with you as you both danced among the clouds.  
“Thank you, my love,” You thanked him in the dream, seeing him peer down at you and trace your face with his fingers.
“You don’t ever have to thank me for taking care of the love of my life,” He replied in a loving tone.  
Years later and with several dreams already shared, you both were growing as a couple in a new phase of life. Your mother gifted you the summer cottage, something your father wished to do when you were a bit older but your mother figured it was the right time to gift you the small home that was filled to the brim with memories. Benedict whisked you away for one summer, 4 weeks of the pair of you in nature and using the lake for all it’s worth.
9 months later, your son was born.  Affectionally name after your father.  You and Benedict would bring your son to the same cottage every year, making new memories together and always looking forward.  Leaving the past behind.
The End.
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stusbunker · 12 hours
Spotless: Animato
Chapter Thirty Four
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Other characters: Gibson Child OMC, Bobby, Annie, Victor, Charlie, both bands and roadies, nameless DJs
Word Count: 3160
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, still unbeta'd, the last of Uncle Dean for a while, drinking and mild drug use, smoking cigarettes (do not come at me for this), Kevin calling Dean out publicly but subtly.
Series Masterlist
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The rapid beat of a double-stroke roll woke Dean from the haze of sleep. He cracked one eye open and found the source of the wake up call. Gibson, sitting on the floor in Dean’s suite, was wailing on the coffee table while watching a random infomercial on the hotel’s tv’s world class Sunday morning programming. At least the little dude hadn’t gotten into Dean’s guitars without asking. 
“Gibby! What gives, man?”
“Oh, sorry,” the little boy didn’t even look back, instead he lightened his efforts into a tapping from the original knocking.
Dean huffed and fell back onto his pillow, muttering to himself and the ceiling, “I guess we’re up for the day.”
They had spent the night watching old monster movies and eating pizza. Dean had even taken Gibson to the hotel’s pool for a dip before the adult only hours kicked in. He had no idea how Pam and Lee kept up with the kid on a normal day, Dean was fucking beat. And that was after he slept more than double his usual night’s rest. 
How was it after nine already?! No wonder the kid was bored.
“You hungry? Probably should see if the buffet’s still going,” Dean asked suddenly.
“Okay!” Gibson dropped his sticks on the coffee table and hopped up with the unbridled energy of youth.
“Yeah, uh, I gotta throw some real pants on, dude.” Dean dragged himself to the edge of the bed and rolled his back. “Give Uncle Dean a minute and we can head down.”
Gibson nodded, but then ran to the counter in the kitchenette. “I made you coffee! They’ve got the little cups. But that was a while ago.”
Dean raised his eyebrow and surveyed the damage from his perch on the bed. “You make one for yourself?”
“Yep! It was gross. And the pink sugar didn’t help.”
“Yeah, well, that’s because it is gross. White or brown are best— no matter what Uncle Sam says.”
Gibson giggled, walking carefully over to Dean with the paper cup sloshing slightly. Dean wanted to help him, but he looked so proud of himself that Dean just sat back and clenched his hands as he awaited the delivery.
“Thanks, buddy,” Dean diligently took a sip. It was god awful. Cold, sure, but also really bitter and thin. Thankfully the kid didn’t think to add anything for him. He sighed and took another gulp while trying not to breathe and taste it more. “Uh—-yeah. Can’t start the day without some fuel.”
“You like it?”
“Yeah, man, of course. Now, I am gonna get dressed, find your shoes so we can get some grub.”
Turned out, the continental breakfast was already being cleaned up when they got back downstairs. Gibson’s spirits dropped instantly, but Dean assured him it was alright, and took the little man over to the attached restaurant that was hopping with the brunch crowd. 
“Look who the cat dragged in!” Bobby’s voice caught Dean’s attention as they rounded the corner with the hostess. “Make room. Miss— these idjits are with us, sorry they don’t have any manners about showing up on time.”
“Alright, I’ll— uh, I’ll let your server know.”
Dean had the wherewithal to murmur and hand over his thanks and apologies right in time to get a surprised smile. Kevin and Annie were on Bobby’s right while Sam and a very hungover looking Victor filled out the left side of the six person table.
“Rough night?” Dean teased.
“It aint over yet,” Victor lamented.
“Ooof! Been there, man. More bacon’ll help.”
Just then their server returned with two extra chairs and a busser slid in two extra place settings for them. “Thank you— thank you both. Seriously.”
“Of course, let me get you some menus.” Then the server disappeared in a flurry, weaving through the crowd of people in various states of dress and sobriety.
Kevin nudged Gibson with his elbow. “How was the sleepover at Dean’s? I bet he snores.”
Everyone around the table laughed.
“Bite me, Kev. Gibby, steal me one of his fries would ya?”
Gibson looked back and forth between the two men. “What?! No.”
Dean just shrugged. “He deserved it.”
“Two wrongs don’t make it alright,” Gibson told him knowingly.
“Yeah, UNCLE DEAN,” Sam butted in.
“From the mouths of babes,” Annie said, shaking her head in amusement. 
Kevin just laughed and took an obnoxious Dean-sized bite of fries.
“So— last day on tour until school’s out, what do you want to do today?” Bobby asked the star of the table.
“Is Mom and Dad awake? I want to see them ‘fore Grammy comes and gets me.”
“And you will, dude. I’m guessing they’re just up in their rooms getting dressed or something. It’s still early yet.”
“What timezone are you in?!” Bobby gave Dean the stink eye.
Dean ignored his manager and just ruffled Gibson’s hair. The menus appeared and they all settled in for another hour of each other’s company. 
        Dean knew it had to be hard for Gibson when they were on tour, he’d lived his own childhood with his dad barely there. But to have both parents out of reach for months at a time seemed worse. That’s why they made sure to give Pam and Lee breaks on the road, fly them home for three days at a time when they could. And they let Gibson come along when he didn’t have school.
It still felt like a worse case scenario though. He didn’t even have a little brother to make the days go by faster. Lee’s mom and their nanny were all he had outside of school friends. And the dogs. At least the kid got pets too.
Dean never did.
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“Full House, bitches!” Charlie declared and threw her cards into the center of the table. “Jacks over twos.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Madison exclaimed, leaning in to inspect Charlie’s hand herself. She’d tagged along with Lee’s mom down to San Diego so she could join in on the Vegas leg of the trip. 
“She always pulls it out, I swear to god. I don’t know how, but she does,” Sam muttered and tossed his hand to Dean to shuffle for the next round.
They were an hour into the trip to Vegas and the mood on the bus was contagious. No more little ears and eyes to worry about, meant that the bottles and the bongs came out and the chips were stacked high across the tiny table. 
“Alright, alright, fair hand. Get your cards in, and maybe you can win some of them stacks back. If you’re lucky,” Dean taunted, collecting the rest of cards and sliding them back into a deck to be shuffled. “Trouble? Ante up.”
You tossed your share into the pot and took another sip of your drink. Dean felt your eyes on him as he dealt, bottom lip between his teeth in concentration. Technically, he knew everyone was watching him as he doled the next hand, but your attention felt heavier the last few days. Maybe you knew something he wasn’t ready for you to know.
Maybe you were waiting for him to fuck up again.
Or maybe it was all just wishful thinking and you weren’t really watching him at all. Either way, he was preoccupied with it all when he picked up his cards to find absolute trash.
“Oh Christ. I’m going to need more to drink. KEVIN! Another round of shots, if you don’t mind?”
You chuckled. “Dealer can’t deal to himself, huh?”
“Apparently not,” Dean muttered, not even bothering to pick up his cards again.
“More chances for the rest of us at least,” Madison pointed out and placed her call bet.
The afternoon turned into night while Bobby drove on. Games and ridiculousness ensued. Just when they stopped for dinner, Dean found himself in the playful overlap of drunk and stoned. 
He hummed a few bars of some pop number that was playing over the truckstop speakers and Kevin joined in in harmony as they trudged across the parking lot to the twenty four hour diner. Lee came in for the chorus and they started getting louder and sillier with it, doing the monkey walk with Dean in the middle of the two shorter guys.
Dean couldn’t hear the radio station any longer, but they carried it along, finishing the number strong while guessing at some of the lyrics. When everyone had reached the double doors of the restaurant, he caught you and Charlie with your phones up recording the shenanigans. Meanwhile, Sam and Madison were giggly, leaning a little heavier on one another than most people would be at just after seven at night.
“Alright, cool it you damn buffoons. Let’s see if they’ve got room for everyone,” Bobby grunted before disappearing inside.
“Looks like you guys are the fun bus!” Donna greeted, as SPS and company caught up with them.
“Just gettin’ started darlin’,” Dean drawled, nodding and smirking. “Though I doubt it’s all charades and crochet on Big Bertha over there either.”
Jody took a swig off of her flask. “Oh, fuck no. Nancy knits, but that’s about it. But that’s only when the Adderall kicks in.”
She dangled the metal bottle out towards the circle of waiting musicians in offering. Kevin and Pam both took a pull and passed it back. Then the equipment rig pulled in and the headcount shot up even more. Benny sauntered over with a knowing glint in his eye as he stepped right in between Dean and Donna. 
“We think we gettin’ in or gotta spread out to the fast food joints?”
“Hard to say, looks pretty dead in there, but that might mean there’s a small staff too,” you answered as everyone’s head craned to look inside.
“Alright, well I’m heading over to the cancer section until we hear one way or the other,” Jody nodded towards Annie and Patience smoking down the sidewalk. 
Dean perked up and followed her like an earnest puppy. He wasn’t a habitual smoker anymore, but he definitely still imbibed, especially on the road. Sam’s influence could only go so far. But oddly, you were trailing along behind him, followed by Jesse and a newer, yet awkward roadie that he’d only heard called Chief.
You actually pulled a pack out of your purse and held one out to Dean expectingly. “What?” you asked like an accusation.
“Are you just smoking because you’d knew I would be or—?”
You exhaled your first pull and offered him your lighter. “It’s been a fucking week, okay? Let me have this until we hit the states with actual vegetation and I have to deal with allergies too.”
Dean lit his cigarette nodding and blew out a smoke ring. “You don’t have to justify it to me, I was just checking I’m not the bad influence.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always a bad influence, doesn’t mean I still didn’t choose it.”
That got him a little hot, if he was being honest. And he felt his smile all the way to the tips of his ears. “Damn, Trouble. Always knocking me back on my heels, you know that?”
You took another drag and shrugged, looking around to see everyone else somehow in their own conversations. “Part of the job.”
“Nah, that parts all you.” Dean said without even meaning to.
You looked up at him and gave him a little squint. “You need to eat something or you’re gonna be miserable in a couple hours.”
“I’m trying!” He huffed, gesturing with his cigarette towards the front doors, right as Bobby made his glorious return.
“Listen up!” Bobby glanced around at the bands and accumulated crew. “They’ve only got room for thirty folks, so line up and whoever is stuck at the back’s gotta find something else. We’re pulling out of here no later than ten o’clock, so be on time or be left behind.”
You chuckled over the hard-learned line.
Dean sucked a deep pull off his cigarette, trying to speed through it and getting lightheaded in the process. 
“Uh,” he exhaled and looked over at you then over you towards the rest of businesses in the travel center. “We trying to get in or we taking a walk?”
“I’m finishing my square.” You pointed to yourself and held up your cigarette.
Dean couldn’t get over your sass tonight. “Alright, then. A walk it is.”
It ended up with Jody and Patience sticking around while you and Dean finished smoking and then all four of you headed to the Arby’s across the parking lot. 
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“Alright, folks, we got a quick segment at the end to wrap things up. Phantom Traveler, are you ready to ‘Hit It or Quit It’?” the gruffer DJ asked them from his chair across the room.
They barely all fit in the little sound booth, but managed to squeeze together to make it work. Lee, Pam and Kevin were on the three stools they provided, while Dean and Sam hovered over them to get at the shared mic. It was six o’clock in the morning and Dean didn’t know if any of them had even slept. But there they were anyway.
“It is five questions we ask in rapid succession and you just say the first thing that comes to mind. And since all five of you are here, we’ll just go down the line— or clockwise I guess,” the younger DJ explained.
“I’m game!” Dean exclaimed, futsing with the ball cap on his head.
Pamela, who was holding the mic, winked. “Let’s hear ‘em, boys.”
The DJs laughed. “Alright, Pamela’s ready. First question: Who’s got the craziest ex’s of the band?”
Everyone ‘Oh’d!’.
Lee leaned in and said deeply into the mic. “I’m sitting right here!” 
“Couldn’t have planned that one any better!” Dean teased.
“Wait! I want to hear the answer though!” Kevin butted in, steering them back on track.
“NEW KID doesn’t know these things yet!” The first DJ said excitedly.
“Oh, this is too easy, though,” Pam rumbled.
“Yeah, sorry, bro, everyone knows this one,” Dean tacked on.
“Eat me,” Sam snapped back.
“But yeah, it’s Sammy for sure,” Lee agreed.
Sam rolled his eyes but the DJs just ate it up.
“Okay! Second question is—- for—- Lee! Favorite venue you’ve ever played?”
“Seriously? He gets a real question and I got a Cosmo question?” Pamela said, annoyed, but not quite into the mic.
“Seriously— I’m just reading off the list,” the younger DJ promised, holding up a clip board.
“That one’s easy— Harvelle’s back home.”
“Hands down,” Sam agreed.
“Best burgers in Nebraska, too,” Dean tacked on.
“Ellen’s gonna kill you,” Pam warned.
“Totally worth it,” Dean shot her down.
“Yeah. Nothing like playing for your hometown,” Lee finished.
“What a bunch of saps!” The older guy teased. “Okay, okay, I’ll let you have it. Sam— third question: Who would you still like to collaborate with? You’ve got Annie Hawkins on the latest album, you’ve played with some of the greats at some special events— I know you all were close with the late, great Rufus Turner and now you’re touring with his granddaughter’s band Sheriffs, Psychics and Secretaries. Who else?”
“Uh, honestly? I’d kill to play with Sarah and Provenance, even though our sounds are totally different. Maybe Mick Davies? Especially now that he’s left Men of Letters, I am looking forward to what he works on next.”
“Wow— those are not names I expected to come up today. But, yeah, okay— always the wildcard Sam Winchester!” The younger DJ seemed genuinely surprised and maybe even impressed.
Dean could tell it annoyed Sam, but he was always way smarter than anybody gave his bodybuilder-shaped self credit for.
“DEAN! Question numero four: If you weren’t a rockstar— okay, musician– what would you be doing?”
“Right now I’d be sleeping, that’s for damn sure.”
Everyone laughed and nodded. “I don’t blame you there, but for a job?”
Dean scratched his three day stubble. “I always say I’d have made a killer mechanic or car restorer, but, uh, honestly at this point in my life I’m going to go with firefighter.”
“Nice, very heroic.” The first DJ approved.
“Dude!” Sam gave him a look that asked if he was alright.
Dean shrugged. “Well, hopefully we won’t have to find out. Just a reminder we’ve got two shows at Cesar’s Palace tomorrow night and Wednesday!” he plugged like they needed help selling tickets.
“Which are completely sold out! We’ve got tickets for our listeners tomorrow morning at seven, eight and nine if you listen for the code to play.” The younger DJ picked up where Dean left off. “One more question and you guys can get on with your days. And it’s for Kevin Tran— the newest member of the band, stepping up for the now reclusive Cas Novak. Fifth and final question!---”
Dean flinched at Cas’ name coming up, but all things considered, it could have been a much more brutal comment. Out of the corner of his eye, Dean saw Bobby whisper something to you through the glass in the adjoining room.
“In one word describe your bandmates.”
“One word total or—?”
“One word a piece,” Sam clarified.
“Yeah one word total. Band. That’d be the worst question answered ever,” the first DJ joked.
“Okay, okay, I got it. For Pam I’ll say ‘badass’. Lee’s word will be ‘groovy’. Sam gets ‘salad’ and Dean can have ‘Trouble’.”
“Oh, fuck,” Lee actually had to cover his mouth. While everyone else just about choked on their own spit. 
Dean glared at the kid, but didn’t say anything, counting down from twenty in his head.
“It is going to be a very long tour, folks,” Sam tried to ease some of the tension, clearly the DJs did not get the significance of what was just said.
“Alright that is a wrap with Phantom Traveler, in town for just a few days on the start of their latest tour. Thank you guys, it was a blast. Their fifth album drops next month. You guys have been digging the new single, so we’re gonna close with that as we get these guys on their way.”
The intro to ‘Baby’ played in the background as everyone handed over their headphones and shook the DJs' hands. Their marketing people came in for some quick publicity shots. Dean spotted you getting matching angles, where you stood behind their photographer, for the band’s socials.
God, he wasn’t ready. He had no idea if you caught what Kevin had said or if you knew he was really talking about you. The little punk had to go and say that shit on air of all places. 
One thing was for sure, Dean’s time was running out. Sooner or later somebody was going to let it slip and it wasn’t fair to you to hear it from anyone but him. Now, he just had to figure out how.
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dark-and-kawaii · 18 hours
Listen, Zavrik is just ahdhdjabdjsks
However, you gotta give a girl a break. Not only am I thirsting and longing for fictional characters in a video game, but it's now like three levels deep cause it's not even like he's a non-romancable npc, he's a character that's not even part of the story! Not even a Tav or Durge, nope, just the epitome of a perfect dude who's the child of a non-romancable npc and some random person's (said with love) tav..... I'm in too deep, I have a nosebleed now 🫠
I- I don’t know what to say!!!! Oh my gosh, this is so freaking- AHHHHH ♡!!! When I said he captures the attention of people I didn’t think he’d actually capture people’s attention!!! The way I feel so full of knowing you have love for him!!! He really is a cinnamon roll, and I’m glad you’re in deep because Zavrik would treat you so well~ ♡ ♡ ♡ he’s the perfect mix of Zevlor & Lofn so you know you’re in for a good loving time!!! Enjoy these dear - 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒦𝒾𝓌𝒾 𝓍𝑜𝓍𝑜
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Whenever you’re around Zavrik the world around you always seems to fade into a soft blur, the sounds of the city always dimming into a distant hum as his very soul envelopes you.
It always feels as if though time itself has paused, holding its breath to witness the moments he shares with you. His arms, always so strong yet gentle, encircle around your waist with a warmth that seeps into your very being… A cocoon of safety and affection that shields you from all that is harsh and unkind.
Zavrik’s eyes, oh those beautiful eyes that remind you of diamonds, are a universe unto themselves. Pools of deep emotion, they lock onto yours with raw passion that makes your heart flutter. In their depths, you see a reflection of yourself, cherished and adored, as if you are- no, that you are the very center of his world. Each time his gaze meets yours, it’s as if he’s memorizing every detail, every scar, every breath you take- committing it to memory.
His touch, a whisper against your skin, his fingers tracing the contours of your face with a tenderness that makes you feel as delicate as a petal. There’s always such great care in his movements, a gentleness, treating you as if you are the most precious thing he’s ever held.
In Zavrik’a embrace- in his presence, you always feel seen, known, and oh so loved. The world may continue to spin, but here in his arms you are the only one who matters. And that feeling always lingers no matter the distance, it is a feel he’s made sure to etch into your very heart so that you always feel as if you’ve found a home in him no matter where you go.
And should the gods be cruel and tear him away from your side, Zavrik has ensured that you will never face this world unguarded. Skjaldrynn, will take his place as your sentinel. A living testament to Zavrik’s promise that you will never be alone until he can great you once more in the heavens above. In the wyvern’s watchful gaze you, you find a piece of Zavrik’s spirit, a guardian that carries his heart, ensuring that his love shields you always ♡ ♡ ♡
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lavernius · 2 days
Locus and Lopez vs. dehumanization and seeing your own humanity through someone else
AKA 1.5k words worth of me trying to justify a random pairing I've been trying to sell people on for 5 years. Feat. a lot of my own introspection on both characters, CW for mentions of abuse.
It's kind of easy to assume that Locpez as a ship only exists because Locus is one of the few people who understands Lopez and one of even fewer who has had an actual (off-screen) conversation with him with full mutual fluency, especially since they interact directly, like, twice in canon (Objects In Space and the "Holy shit he's bilingual" scene from The Federal Army of Chorus). To be honest, that was my initial reason for shoving them together whenever I got into RVB and there was literally no content for them because no one was really considering them together in any capacity but a brief, funny passing interaction.
I do think language is an inherent motivator in their relationship with each other. It's a catalyst. Spanish, of course, is perhaps the most obvious thing they share--Locus being a Latino man and Lopez being the same in a convoluted and meta-racist metaphor. Beggars, choosers: anyone who knows how I operate knows I lean into reclaiming their depictions for my own brown person machinations. For Lopez it's the beauty of meeting someone who not only understands him, but isn't going to belittle him for the language he speaks or imply it'd be easier if he learned English. Locus will just listen to him talk and respond without commenting on the language barrier; Lopez isn't exotic or abnormal or "broken" for it, he just speaks Spanish, big deal, Locus speaks it too.
For Locus, it leans more toward reminding him of who he used to be when he was a simpler and kinder person. His culture seems like a forgone part of himself in many ways, but even if only because he's so distant from his humanity that he doesn't remember HOW to embrace his culture, or what the point of cultural pride even is. Lopez is like, reverse culture shock for him, where Locus is very familiar with Spanish as a language--grew up with it, learned it young, whatever, he canonically understands it and given he's Latino it's easy to assume it could be his native language--but has divorced himself from it so much to be malleable to his abusers that hearing someone speak it so unabashedly feels new. It's the lack of it that makes it so foreign, but it's so ingrained into him that it's easy for him to just slip back into it.
And Lopez being so stubbornly proud of what he is plays into that language dynamic, yes--now that there's someone who will listen and not judge, he has room to be adamant and own his monolingualism, and having someone as aggressively, straightforwardly prideful as Lopez forces Locus to recognize the beauty in the language too--but it applies on a grander scale, which is what I suppose the point of this post is: Locus and Lopez don't just share Spanish, but also histories of abuse and dehumanization, of being overlooked as living, thinking things in favor of taking advantage of their skills. And the results of this abuse manifest differently in both of them, but they're alike in just enough ways that their differences stimulate each other into bettering themselves and reflecting on what makes them, dramatic pause, human.
Some of Lopez and Locus's defining personality traits to me are their shared low empathy (forcibly learned on both of their parts) and the way they feel so alien in any group they're a part of. They're people with a lot of potential who don't care how others see them (at their worst, especially in Locus's case), but are limited by someone who only sees them for their usefulness (Sarge, Felix) and doesn't truly see them as a person. Lopez may be a Red, but they don't really care about anything he says, so he's just a wrench to them. Locus has Felix, but he doesn't recognize that Felix has one-sided power over him and is keeping him on a short leash; he's a shield and a weapon. They're tools, they don't have feelings, and if they realize as much it's a fault in their programming, they can and have to be steered back into place.
They're reflective of each other in this way. However, they're not identical in disposition: Locus resigns very easily to what he's told to be. He had more hope once, made attempts to be humanitarian, but was swiftly taught that kindness is suicide and that the point is to survive, no matter the cost. It was easy for Felix to take advantage of him by saying they needed each other when Locus was at his worst, because having kindness ripped out of him gave Locus little else to rely on but his hands. Locus has no room for questions, because a rulebook is absolute. It takes a reminder of what he used to be to make him falter, but even when Santa is showing him one of the inciting incidents of his "soldier" mindset, Locus can't stop himself from resigning to the mindlessness that Felix and the UNSC have already taught him.
Lopez feels trapped and is hyper-aware of it. He'll listen, but only because there's nothing else in the world for him. He's subservient but not in the same way Locus is, because he's angry about his situation: he knows it's not fair, but what can he fucking do about it? He was made to be Red Team's mechanic, and every word he says falls on deaf ears. He carries this self-awareness like a shield, like a threat: he could do something, but there's no point because his nature as a robot defines him. All he has is a sharp tongue and his hands, and the Reds only need one of those things from him. He revels in being able to complain and reminds himself that he's meant for something greater, but he's so fatalistic that he won't take action.
The balance comes from this anger. They're so alike in how they see the world and how much life has mistreated them, but they don't fully understand each other despite it. Locus sees Lopez as privileged for having a team because Locus has never had people to belong with, but he doesn't understand that Red Team isn't a safe place for Lopez. Lopez thinks Locus is misguided for letting himself believe he could ever be reduced to a mindless weapon, because Lopez has only ever been an object and Locus can't comprehend what that's really like. They see each other for their imperfections first and foremost and it frustrates them mutually: "You could've fixed this sooner, you could've escaped the grief, why didn't you try?"
It's this back-and-forth that they both need in order to reflect on themselves. They're harsh people who don't want to be coddled and admonished, but they're not making forward motion on their own because they're both stubborn and tend to decathect before they even recognize they CAN feel. They refuse to see themselves as human, but they can only see the humanity in each other, and they're both so alike that it could make them hypocrites. For a robot, Lopez's anger is so potent that it's alive: Locus sees more feeling in him than he's ever felt in his own life. Locus wants to be a weapon so bad, but he doesn't realize an object doesn't have heart the way he does, doesn't mourn the years it spent under someone's thumb, doesn't want to fix itself.
They're both brutally honest and they both need brutal honesty. They get along WELL by nature of being as similar as they are, but they argue so much because they want to understand each other and don't realize they already do. They're mapping details of their reflections. It's great: Locus is so hurt that he can only see the damage he causes, Lopez is difficult to hurt and notoriously good at fixing things. Lopez wants true accountability and retribution and Locus has cultivated complicity and guilt to perfection.
After Felix, Locus needs room to command his own life and put others in place when they overstep his boundaries, but he's scared of becoming Felix, so he also needs an anchor to keep him grounded in reality and reasonable. Lopez has never had real control over his own life before and would kill to have the power to make small choices and do as he wants, but he's a very private person who also needs a lot of space to work. They balance each other out and know the other's limits so well that they can easily go "You're hurting yourself and I'm not going to let you get away with it."
It's about understanding yourself through someone else and vice versa. Realizing that you share so much that if they deserve good, you do too. Reclaiming pain, experiencing freedom, finding support. They will deconstruct each other to the metal and muscles and rebuild one another over and over again, and they'll never get it perfectly right, but they're both going to learn more and more as they go. Flawless navigation of a road you've driven a million times, forward and back, potholes and all.
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t4tozier · 3 days
writer’s au ask game!
send me one of my AUs and a question—this can be for a fic, something i’ve posted hcs about, or even just an idea that’s been floating around my blog that you’re curious about!
what is [non-featured character] doing in this au?
name three things about [character] that are different from canon
name three things about [ship] that are different from canon
what’s a random hc you have about the universe?
what’s a non-spoiler hc you have about [character]?
what’s a plot point you didn’t explore but wish you had?
what’s a side pairing that you picture going on but doesn’t get shown?
what would change about this au if you swapped genres?
free space! any additional questions you have about this au :)
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20001541 · 4 months
might be an unpopular opinion but I do wish afo had more kills in the series. I get it hope and all, but I still feel disappointed with how tomura had more kills than afo had in the entire series. makes him feel less threatening.
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dreamsy990 · 6 months
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some of the less nice thoughts about being aroace
extras below the cut
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closeups on my favorite panels
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bonus: adios
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shadowqueenjude · 16 days
Ngl i keep forgetting Nuala and Cerridwen exist until some Elriel mentions them😭😭😭
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kryptonbabe · 1 month
You will get a new Wonder Woman run planned to be a long and structured one - but it's written by Tom King
You will get a new Black Canary run - the thing is, it will be written by Tom King
You will get a series of some silver age partially forgotten characters you like - Adam Strange, Omega Men, Metamorpho - but here's the catch: they'll all be written by Tom King
Why all these times I got something I wanted from DC it was like meeting this wise and cruel Jinn trying to warn me about the potential harm of my heart's desires?
"Be careful what you wish for, little one. Now take this Tom King book" the creature whispers while I sob
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more historical fiction needs to be set in ww1. bonus points if you fag it up
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mokeonn · 4 months
I think that the 2010's media landscape of Buzzfeed articles about plotholes in disney movies, Cinemasins critiques, and Watchmojo Top Ten scenes in movies that make no sense has truely ruined a lot of media. People are afraid that their work will be torn down if they dare leave a single thing up in the air, if they dare ask their audience to suspend their disbelief.
All too often nowadays I see stories (especially fantasy), take the time to explain how every small aspect of the world works and how it all logically makes sense. The constant time stopped to explain why an event happened, how this object works, or why this is important to the characters. It's just really not needed and it honestly makes a lot of stories worse.
I am of the opinion that the best stories truly just drop you into their world and explain nothing. They just take you through the story of this world and you just have to accept it and continue on. "When he became king, the land became barren." I don't want the story to stop and explain why this is, or how it happened, I want us to move on so we can just assume that the king has such rancid vibes that everything died.
#simon says#i watched the Last Unicorn again recently and it fucking slaps#and I noticed a huge part of why it slapped is because it doesn't explain shit#same with a lot of other fantasy things from the 70's and 80's I've noticed#and even older stories all the way back to fairy tales and fables#they just tell you something and move on#and it works!#a lot of the time it feels far too hand-holdy or immersion breaking for the characters to stop and explain something for the audience#like these characters would not take the time to explain the aspects of their world in detail to other people who live in this world#this is clearly for the audience only and so that they can feel more satisfied with an answer#but it fucking sucks!!#it is bad writing!!#to presume your audience has no suspension of disbelief so you stop everything to explain how the world works for them alone is bad!#it makes the story feel awkward because it feels out of character for the people of the world to talk like that and it feels insulting tbh#like you really think the audience's ability to pick up details of the world from dialog and onscreen (or page) information is that poor??#and to some extent it is#lord knows we are having a serious media literacy and general literacy issue in the United States#but it's honestly just bad writing and it bugs me so much. my number 1 pet peeve in fantasy is overexplaining especially when it doesn't fit#like just fucking tell me that there's a magical world on the other side of this wall in a village and move on#i can just accept this fact#imagine if the Dark Crystal took the time to explain every aspect of the world#that movie is already jam packed with random story and world bits that you just have to accept and move on from#now imagine if they took a solid 2 minutes to explain what the fuck Fizzgig is.#i think leaving it at 'he's a friendly monster and Kira's friend!' is the perfect place to leave it at#we do not need a full explanation on Fizzgig's species and behavior and why he's friendly unlike other monsters#he's a friendly monster and he's Kira's friend! that's all we need to know! we got a dark crystal to put back together!!!
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