#even though I've fleshed out the setting much more than the series ever did in my notes
pulsar-1919 · 1 year
Really wish I had not made my winx club OCs so connected to the specific world of the series that its impossible to separate them and have them become their own thing without copyright problems
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itsnothingofinterest · 7 months
So here’s a thought: in the latest chapter; Kudo’s transfer causes Deku and Tomura to relive and mix memories of first meetings with/opening up to future friends. Considering how Kudo was the one who met with and reached out to Yoichi; do you suppose it’s possible we could see the rest of the transfers bring forth memories thematically relevant to the sacrificed OFA user? And if so, can we guess what these memories could be?
Hmm, it might be tough given how most of the OFA vestiges are...not the most fleshed out characters MHA's ever produced, but I’d like to take a crack at it.
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~En: memories of Danger & survival We’ll be going in the order I roughly think Deku will shoot the vestiges over, even if that means starting with some especially basic ones. (I'll also be avoiding memories they were both there for since they'd be uninteresting.) For the case of En, the most fearful of the group; that'll be a simple set of times these two were each in danger.
For Deku; that could mean facing Machia or Redestro, although I'd also love him to see some visions of heroes like Endeavor or Star & Stripe coming for his life as well. If he wants Tomura's perspective, he should get his perspective on heroes trying to kill him. And there's quite a few to pick for Tomura to see from Deku; the Zero-Point robot, Muscular, Muscular again, Lady Nagant, ...maybe Gentle?
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~Bruce: memories of loss & what comes after To keep things simple still, both of these are two moments (+ surrounding context) they each saw an ally die to a villain. The same villain: Overhaul.
Deku would get to see Overhaul kill Magne right in front of the League. Tomura would see him kill Sir Nighteye in front of his interns. Then as I theorized previously, we could get too see one or both of them experience the blended memory of beating fused Overhaul into the ground and taking his arms for great justice & greater revenge.
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~Nana: memories of family & allies (Also, since the effect should be pretty strong by now, and also because it's interesting, let's suppose they may start actually experiencing memories now instead of just playing them in the background.)
For Deku; Perfect as it may seem, it's a bit early to see the Shimuras, so this might instead mean seeing some lower stakes memories with the League. Maybe their training with Machia, maybe some early recruitment moments if that doesn't step on Kudo's thematically relevant memories. Really just check out @codenamesazanka's post here for some great ideas; with special mention going to Tomura sympathizing with Bakugou because he was chained up at the sports festival. I'd love for Deku to see Tomura directing his humanity to League members like Twice, but humanity directed towards Bakugou would be a great foot in Deku's door. (Which of course means the best thing for Deku to see each such kinds of Tomura's humanity, for Deku to compare.)
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For Tomura; Oh there's a plethora of choices for Class 1A hangout moments he could see. Although to be honest...I've not been the most invested in these moments, so I can't say which'd be most impactful for Tomura to see. I'm a villain fan, what can you expect?Although if I had to guess, knowing this series and whose memories we're talking about, it'll be something focused on Bakugou. Call it a hunch.
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(Though it'd be nice if we did get to see Inko again instead. And I'd laugh if this was how we got to see Deku's dad at long last.)
~Banjo: memories of…okay kind of struggling here since there’s not much to Banjo. Honestly think he might get stolen instead since his quirk's such a lifeline & Tomura could probably steel more than one quirk by the end of this. But if he does get launched; maybe he could cause…memories of friendship? Or of high emotions?
For Deku; that might mean seeing memories of the League working together, maybe in Daika. Or speaking of Daika, maybe it could be Shigaraki’s city destroying awakening. Or maybe the time the League got ambushed & restrained in their bar and Tomura yelled at All Might just how much he hates him.
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For Tomura; there are also quite a few of Deku’s memories that could qualify here. Maybe the fight with Muscular, maybe his 2nd fight with Bakugou, or maybe it could fittingly be the time Uraraka and Shinsou saved him from Banjo’s own quirk.
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~All Might/Toshinori: memories of (not) being rescued.
For Deku; I think this would go as I described in this post: a mixed memory of him rescuing Bakugou from the sludge villain combined with Tenko wandering the street; resulting in desperately trying to pull Bakugou out from the sludge for hours or days while people pass him in the street, until he finally drags sludge!Bakugou to the bridge to encounter AFO. If he wants Tomura's perspective and see what drove him to villainy, this one's a big part of that.
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For Shigaraki, this would be a far simpler memory; but an impactful one too I think. The meeting with All Might where Deku was told he can be a hero. How Tomura would respond to those words, I can’t be sure. Maybe it’d be as meaningful to him as it was to Deku. Perhaps he’ll dismiss the words as just an old dream he doesn’t care for any more, or acknowledge their meaninglessness coming from someone else’s memory. Or if I’m so lucky; maybe he’ll even think back on all the members of the League & other criminals looking to him to make the world they feel safe in and say to All Might “what do you think I’ve been doing?” (Probably not but I think it’d be cool. A guy can hope.)
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~Yoichi: memories of their origin.
For Deku; this would obviously be seeing the crying Tenko crying outside of his house because he was abused by his family. Maybe also the events earlier in that day seen in ch.235 too. This would lead to Deku attempting the thing quite a few readers see as the natural conclusion to this memory sharing; Deku reaching a hand out to save the crying child…and it won’t work. I mean duh; this is a memory. He can’t talk to or do anything for the past version of Tenko; all he can do is learn, all he can do is watch the deaths of the Shimuras transpire and hope he gets something out of it that’s worth losing all of OFA.
Although, if I may propose one interesting twist in this: I’ve been theorizing for a while now that AFO could’ve taken the Shimura family’s quirks and hidden them & their vestiges in Tomura. This wouldn’t be my favourite way to bring that up (I’d rather they first meet with Tomura instead); but suppose that allows Deku to talk to the Shimuras as he lives through Tenko’s last day with his family? Could at least be neat.
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And for Tomura; I can’t think of a more appropriate Origin-y chapter than chapter 1 page 1: Izuku getting bullied by Bakugou. Maybe they’ll also both be in the same place (we did suppose Deku would meet the crying child above after all), and Tenko could take the place of the kid young Izuku was protecting. I could see Tomura being quite moved by the image…before scoffing. Deku, his self-claimed ‘hero’ who’s been getting in his way and attacking his mind this whole time? Protecting him? And from Bakugou of all people, or anyone else Deku saw as a hero? Lol. Lmao even! Maybe if it was AFO; afraid Bakugou prevented something so convenient from happening though. But as far as Tomura's seen; Deku will save him from anyone & anything except the heroes who mean him harm. A bit like his mom & grandparents with Kotaro. But then maybe he could see Bakugou actually attack Deku, like really beating him up, and it could cause him to wonder…why? Why would Deku then forgive him? Rescue him? Work along side someone who’d treat him like that?
I don’t think any basic-arse heroic symbolism that hasn’t even reflected Tomura’s reality so far would really change his viewpoints or anything. But that question might nudge them. Might introduce the idea that the worst, most powerful people with no big incentive to change, can do so anyway. So maybe, just maybe, Tomura doesn't need to kill them and wash their influence clear as the only way forward for his villainous ilk.
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derekscorner · 4 months
Fated Rantings: The Grandest of Orders Part 2
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The Babylonia Front
For the first part I incoherently rambled about FGO and some Chaldean cast. There was no rhyme nor reason to it, I was trying to get my brain churning but more importantly they were things that I've wanted to say for a while.
I began this Fate journey with lore videos and FGO and for the near two years since I've slowly crawled through it as I watched other Fate series. I finished the initial Solomon arc about a month before I did the anime.
In other words I had lot to get out of my system and I didn't even touch on everything. FGO, the mobile game, is novel length in each singularity. There is too much to remember or squeeze into a blog post.
So I just got out of my system what still stands out to me...which was mostly Mash praise but enough of that! Let's talk about the actual anime~
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The Age of Gods babyyyyy
I was actually very curious to watch this even though FGO's anime only covers singularities six, seven, and the finale against Goetia. Even then singularity six and Goetia are made into movies.
FGO's only real anime is the adaption of singularity seven the Babylonia Front. My curiosity for this story was only made stronger thanks to the mobile game itself.
It had unexpected highs and spectacle to it. Everything from seeing how Rin's personality can distort Ishtar into a jewel obsessed girl failure to seeing Gilgamesh while he was a live.
A demigod in the flesh, a Gilgamesh that was focused on being a king. Hell, we even got to see Merlin!
Merlin is usually locked in his tower but thanks to time paradox tom foolery he makes an appearance.
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This era of Fate's world fascinates me because the gods still exist. Sadly, it's toward the end of their reign but the physical and metaphysical still interconnect.
This the era that the mages of the modern Fate world desperately cling to with their ways of secrecy and lineage. They can only hope to reach the root and obtain true magic, they can only hope to have magecraft as potent as Medea.
It is a truly fantastical setting and the kind I adore. It is probably the closest we'll ever get to seeing a truly magical place within Type-Moon.
The actual expanse that the age of gods covers is also quite long. The only thing I know of older than this age would be dragons. The pinnacle of evolution and mystery and beings that radiate magic just by breathing.
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Type-Moons history is actually full of some crazy stuff. Dragons older than the gods who themselves had been shaping life since dinosaurs walked.
Machines from a dead universe whom the Atlanteans worshipped as gods and who eventually became the Olympian gods of Greece.
A white titan that slew gods left and right, the very being that set the age of gods towards its downfall. The same titan that killed Ares, took his sword, and uses it to this very day if summoned as a servant.
Things get wild and inconsistent with history. Either due to mage society hiding events or due to events seemingly having no evidence due to the age of gods ending which separates mankind from the reverse side of the world.
The metaphysical space where things like the Underworld, Heaven, or other such mythical places actually exist.
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What about the Age of Man?
I gush over this because it not only shows the rich history in this world but it also really highlights how important Uruk is to the Age of Man and the planet's future.
Gilgamesh is a smug bastard but that confidence is not without merit. Even Romani, a man of the current day, is amazed by Gilgamesh's city planning and the sheer smooth machine that day to day life is in Uruk.
The anime, more so than the game imo, really highlights how important Uruk is to the future. Humans have existed for a long time, probably longer than science claims in the Fate world. However, mankind's age didn't begin till here.
Modern society traces it's origin to Uruk as Gilgamesh ran it in his final chapter of the Epic of Gilgamesh. When he became a wise king he founded a society so fundamental to human life that the entire human race ran with it.
They made alterations, societies fell, they improved upon it, they keep changing based on the environment. Nothing made by man is perfect, even Uruk, but it's fundamental.
It's the last singularity but it's the only one that Solomon himself tampered with because he knows the age of man starts here.
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The anime will make you feel that through Mash, Ana, and Fujimaru. The mobile game had you do missions with the same purpose in mind but that doesn't do as well as seeing it in motion I think.
Watching Ana say she hates humans only to become attached to an old woman running a flower shop, seeing Leonidas train soldiers, Ushiwakamaru and Benki coming home after a long day battling beats, everyone gathering at Chaldea's own embassy like it's a home, Gilgamesh stopping to learn a new game being played children, etc.
It is a lot of small things that add up. You gain a true grasp of how people lived in this city. You could make a whole spin off of Uruk and it's day to day events and I would watch it.
I want to drive home how much I enjoyed those little scenes. It not only fulfilled my world building itch but these moments of humanity at it's purest made the various dialogues between inhuman characters more interesting.
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Ana & Merlin
The most standout to me is the scene of Ana and Merlin discussing what it means to be an inhuman surrounded by humans. Merlin actually has a few good scenes of this topic but this one is the best for giving you insight into the minds of them.
Sure, you also have servants but many of them were human once. Ana, Merlin, and even Gilgamesh were not and so their views on humanity is by far more intriguing.
For Merlin, emotions are a lie. He feeds on human dreams to have and comprehend emotions. He openly admits he likes humanity as a whole but not individuals.
Ana, beings the goddess who becomes Medusa, has hatred for man and god but she also can't help but love them. She's even fearful of that love in a sense.
You have to keep in mind that Medusa is a very old myth. The one you know of about Poseidon raping her and Athena cursing her is actually the most recent one despite being a couple thousand years old. Both in Fate and our world her myth goes back further than this with no clear point of origin.
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Ancient Greece did not have a solidified religion. The city states had a shared origin and a shared pantheon but the stories about said pantheon could vary based on the city and the age of that myth. Assuming it was even put to written record in the first place.
Ana in Fate is a nod to this. She was originally some long lost earth goddess before becoming what she was. Her hatred of the gods is solely the fault of Olympus but her hatred for man is from perceived abandonment.
Between Heaven's Feel and FGO I've come to have a soft spot for Medus as a whole. Conflicting feelings aside, she didn't deserve it and knowing that her curse caused her to eat her sisters and become a monster is just tragic.
I'd love for them to do a game or show with Medusa as your main servant one day.
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Abandoned Gods
The contradictory nature mentioned above in regards to Ana is shared with all the gods we meet in the anime as well. Even the beasts of humanity have this conflicted feeling albeit the things they're conflicted on differ.
Tiamat in particular having the worst case of it by far. She's become a beast of humanity but she's original a primordial goddess. A dragon from which the primordial sea sprang.
She's trying to destroy humanity to keep it, she doesn't want her "children" (aka all life) to abandon her again. Knowing that and her true fate within this universe makes it arguably more tragic than the mythology of her murder via Marduk.
And to give you context of that I need to elaborate a bit on the planet.
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The planet itself is a sentient being and in a rough sense humanity is it's progeny. The end goal of human evolution, as seen by Gilgamesh via his clairvoyance, is leaving the planet for the stars.
This growing separation from nature and man is the reason that the Counterforce even exists. As humans grow they become more at odds with the planet thus the Earth has two predominant forces.
"Gaia" who is the planet's will and "Alaya" the collective will of man. However, there was only originally "Gaia" and as the planet took shape so too did beings to shape it.
The oldest I know of is Ea. Yes THE Ea from Mesopotamian mythology. Ea shaped the world only for Tiamat and her husband to come after and seed life into the world he shaped.
So yes, when Gilgamesh boasts that his sword split the heaven's and earth he's being literal. Gil's sword of rupture is quite literally Ea's "sword" he used in those early days of creation.
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What makes this a tragedy is that Tiamat, Ea, and Abzu predate death. They cannot kill Tiamat in the anime because she does not know the concept of death. She is truly immortal.
When Tiamat and Abzu's job was done they were chucked back into the void. Tiamat has been in Imaginary Number Space this entire time. No, I'm not explaining Imaginary Number Space. It's a concept bordering on zero. (complicated)
In this sense, once Tiamat was dethroned by Marduk she was just left to her own devices in the void all alone and I find that incredibly fucked up.
That gives her no right to just wipe out all life but that level of used and abused is wrong.
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I legitimately felt bad for Tiamat here because I knew this expanded backstory. She wants to cling to humans in an unhealthy way since she's now a beast but at her core that is because her love as a mother is boundless. A facet of her that is true in IRL myths as well, in our myths she killed her husband for her children's sake.
I also found the anime did the final exchange with Tiamat much better because it boils down to a normal man and the mother of life. She asks him what she did wrong but he can't answer that.
Fujimaru can't answer that for her, all he can do is thank her for bringing life to the planet and say goodbye. It's so sad....
The planet wasn't even kind to her here. I mentioned Gaia and Alaya earlier, well the Throne of Heroes is originally something they use. Alaya is also known as "the Counterforce".
Summoning heroes as servants is a human ritual but the basis for it is what Alaya does when the mankind or the planet is in danger. One of those core dangers are the beasts of humanity.
The whole reason Hassan appeared is because the conditions for that were right. Hassan was sent to that era as a Grand Assassin to instill the concept of death into Tiamat. The planet itself was making sure that she truly died here.
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Other Goddesses
Now I gush about Tiamat due to some bias but truthfully this abandonment issue is felt by several other gods as well. Quetzalcoatl does not seem to peeved yet she also pushes for people to do their best. "If you want to survive show it to me" in a sense.
Ishtar and Ereshkigal are heavily influenced by Rin Tohsaka's personality so it's hard for me to say how much of what they say is their true feelings. Given how Ishtar is said to behave in Fate/Strange Fake I'd wager her true feelings aren't represented.
Ereshkigal however I think is. She states that she thinks it's okay for people to blame what they don't know on the gods but she only says this because she knows that the age of gods is ending.
Soon man will seek answers for their issues and not gods for comfort or scapegoats. She'll be abandoned and she's yet to even truly enjoy their presence.
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I'll admit, I felt a bit of pity and attachment for Ereshkigal as well. She just wants out of the cosmic basement and it's so sad that she can't. She did not choose to be there and as a goddess of death humans have nothing but fear of her.
She cages souls for centuries for a semblance of companionship.
Out of all the silly things the game did to make servants faun over Fujimaru it was only Ereshkigal's scenes that I believed due to this. She, very badly, pretends to be Ishtar to have talks with Fujimaru.
They're cute in the anime but I liked the games version of these moments more since the conversations were more frequent and longer. I could easily believe that she's grown attached to him.
Hell, I even found it funny when Ishtar was asking Mash things about the MC due to how obvious Ereshkigal is about her feelings.
And while many a Fate fan will gush over that due to some...questionable self insert delusions I found it cute for her but endearing. She's never had a human not cower in fear of her let alone one talk to her normally.
She so desperately wants a friend that I hope she escaped her cosmic basement once Kur disappeared to the reverse side of the world.
She so desperately wanted love that I fully feel that her feelings as a goddess against humans made sense. If the gods era truly ends she may be forever alone.
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Let's rapid fire shall we?
This too has gotten quite long but I don't have it in me to make a part three so I'll gush about smaller things I enjoyed.
Such as Ishtar. I thought I'd have a bigger segment on her but she's basically just Rin that flies. My biggest impression was;
"The fact that Ishtar can be bought off with jewelry is by far the funniest thing Rin did to her personality."
And that still stands. I loved her character to be blunt, she was entertaining and she had some amazing scenes. The animation of her shooting Venus as a noble phantasm is gorgeous.
I also love how both Ishtar and Ereshkigal suffer from Rin's "girl failure" moments. But, again, that's due to Rin. Rin's mentality is...well it is what it is but what it is is such a perfect match for Ishtar they meld in a good way.
You could say the same about Ereshkigal, I know, but Ishtar isn't trapped in a cosmic dungeon for eternity. That backstory gave Ereshkigal ever the slightest bit more uniqueness to her character.
Also, fun fact, this Ishtar couldn't find her bull of heaven because the real Ishtar summoned it. So in a weird way Fate/Strange Fake had an affect on the FGO timeline.
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Quetzalcoatl my throttle
She was an amusing character. I found nothing too stand out but nothing offensive. She did however have some of the best fight chorography in the anime and her noble phantasm was hands down the best one.
She drops kicks with the force of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Just put that into perspective, she is kicking with the force of a meteor. A meteor that wiped out most of the life on earth.
And before anyone asks, Quetzalcoatl is a woman because the Mesoamerican gods in Fate's lore were parasites that took on hosts. They were deified over time and this female form is simply Quetzalcoatl's latest host.
No, I will not comment on the voice. The poor accent is a part of the charm and I will die on that hill!
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Hassan the Goat!
Between the sixth and seventh singularities in both game and anime form I have come to respect the beast that is Hassan I. This man is to be feared.
He made a primordial goddess aware of death. He even beheaded Ozymandias before he was even aware Hassan was in the room.
I also like that we got to see a grand servant being summoned in the intended way.
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Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Kingu
I won't make too long a segment on Gilgamesh since I'd really like to do a post on him one day. I haven't yet simply because I haven't seen his depiction in the Extra timeline and I'd love to see Strange Fake.
He's a complex character and the later entries seem to lessen the bastard you'll see in Fate/Stay Night to a degree.
But I will say that I enjoyed seeing him alive and as the wise king of Uruk. I was also impressed by the sheer magical power he had to summon several servants in a means closer to how they're meant to be summoned.
None of the man-made ritual used by a grail war or Chaldea.
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The dynamic between Gil and Kingu was interesting though. Fuel for that eventual Gilgamesh post in the future.
Technically, Enkidu doesn't appear in this story however that bond he has with Gilgamesh is so profound that it affects Kingu and it's interesting to see how Gilgamesh treats Kingu due to it.
It is also through Kingu that we see how the citizens of Uruk felt about Enkidu. It really paints this beautiful relationship that's hidden just off screen. Still, Kingu was never truly his own being at the end.
That also goes to show just how powerful Enkidu's own persona was. Enkidu may have seen themselves as just a weapon and disputed it when told otherwise by others but that fact alone proves it to be true.
Enkidu was far more than a tool otherwise their influence wouldn't have been so great. Sadly, Kingu could only be more than a tool when fighting against Tiamat.
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Siduri deserved better
That dynamic also made me curious about Siduri. When I was playing Samurai Remnant Gil says her name once and between the game and this anime I got a real glimpse of a person truly close to Gilgamesh.
He may deny that and Merlin isn't wrong when he says Gilgamesh only sees value in what humans make but there are exceptions to every rule.
He didn't necessarily value her as highly as Enkidu but I do believe that on some level Gilgamesh valued her as a person.
Her fate as a lahamu was just heartbreaking. I didn't even realize it when playing the game....
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Conclusions and other things
All in all I really enjoyed the anime and the games story. Probably far more than I could squeeze into either of the two posts I made. I'm sure I'll be kicking myself for forgetting to add something later.
(like the passive aggressive banter between merlin and romani)
Get mad that I didn't elaborate on something as much as I had intended.
(such as Ushi and Benki)
Still, I'll stop here. I can't write anything else, my brains fried.
I loved this story and I'm sad so much of the anime will lose impact when the mobile game eventually shuts down. Bye for now~
For my other experiences with Fate go here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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nerves-nebula · 5 months
Re read Loose Stitches and it got me thinking about school experiences that made me realize something really weird my parents always said that stemmed into something that actively still a problem now that I’m in university, where I really struggle to admit when I’m struggling or don’t know something, even though that’s the point of school. My parents always used to say I shouldn’t ever say “I don’t know” and got mad at me for asking questions about stuff they asked me to do, and got reaaal snippy whenever I asked for clarification or for them to repeat what the told me to do. Stuff like that made me weird about getting help from teachers in any scenario, which I’m realizing is a whole avoidant behavior thing that fucks me up even when I do ask for help. Any way, I don’t know why I’m telling u any of this—I feel like my asks to u always get traumadump-y—but Loose Stitches captures a series of very vivid experiences which makes me think which is cool and I love it a lot, I guess.
sammeeee. well, sort of. they'd both get annoyed if i questioned them and my own self imposed anxiety + their bullying made me terrified to ask questions and look "stupid" but at least my dad is enamored enough by the concept of learning that he doesn't hate ALL questions. if you ask the right ones he'll even be delighted :D at least, that's what I remember. it's been a long time now.
I'm in my junior year of college and I've basically only just now realized that I should probably have emailed professors a lot more than I did. for help, advice, questions. i mean they're the greatest assets we have here, they have SO MUCH knowledge and I've just been too afraid of bothering them to ask.
y'know, loose stitches was never supposed to be about school or the education system or CPS or anything like that. in fact, while writing part 1 I was initially annoyed because I wanted to get to all the "cool" stuff that happens in part 2 and I needed to spend all this time in this setting i didn't care about (this weird hybrid CPS housing/college campus) in order to do it. but in having to flesh out that "boring" stuff in part 1, i've found that's not so boring or uninteresting after all, and it's gonna make part 2 way better as well when i dive into all the ways the system can and has failed people, not JUST our main two characters.
honestly, I still think the world of loose stitches is kind of underdeveloped, because the focus was never really on the world building for me so a lot of it is just life experiences and what I've learned from history with a slightly different nonhuman context.
ummmm that has nothing to do with what you've said here and i just realized im rambling. should get back to work now, thanks for the ask! I always love to hear what people think about my comic <3
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ladyswillmart · 6 months
Now that I'm on the subject of Writing That I've Done And Need To Archive On My Website, I think the best writing I've done recently is probably that Soul Blazer short fic, followed by the Hivallion/LotRO shorts which I actually went back and read recently and I was like "Oh, these are so cute".
I don't know why but I find LotR a little intimidating as a... Thing To Write In so I never really attempted anything that might resemble a more formal kind of fic. 🤔 I don't know if I ever will? Maybe? If I can ever get over the feeling that I'm taking a dump in Tolkien's church, maybe LOL
The Ultima 7/Serpent Isle fics I did more recently were okay. Like they're... fine! I don't hate them. I even like them a little. They're not grrrrrrrrrreat but not like anything that makes me want to vaporize everything I've ever written out of pure shame. I think with "Meadowtron" I was trying to create a kind of worldbuilding framework in which I could do like a little character ensemble series. I know not many people are familiar with Ultima anymore so I really wanted to make something that my friends could enjoy reading even if they haven't played the game. Along those lines, I created an introduction that elaborates on the setting I was going for: Basically, it's a postgame, semi-Fix-It AU comedy that sees the survivors of our bogus journey trying to scratch out a living in Moonshade. Rather than focusing on the Avatar and her companions, this story would flesh out the less-developed NPCs of Serpent Isle. I still really want to make this a reality and do at least ONE story in this setting (I have one outlined in full), but over the past few months I've kinda psyched myself out of writing fics completely so I'll need to find a way to trick my idiot albatross brain into starting it. 🤪 Maybe I'll make the main characters in Hero Forge, that might get the ball rolling (or not, but hey, it'll be fun so)...
I guess when I think of "purely self-indulgent fun" I immediately think of Ultima. Old old old habits never die I guess.
I think out of all the fandoms I've been in, FF14 was probably the most frustrating in terms of lost potential. Specifically, writing Nero fics—I started and abandoned SO MANY FICS. I had a lot of ideas that just never came to fruition, maybe because I had too many ideas and got overwhelmed, or because the ideas themselves were all half-baked anyway. I'm thinking it was some accursed combination of the two; the fact that I finished (and published!) anything at all is a GD miracle.
The Secret World was so much fun. I think it's the first and maybe only fandom I've been in where I actually felt like a part of the fandom, and like not some leering dork on the sidelines making unwanted commentary. I'll always treasure the time I had and the friends I made there. I'm not 100% sure yet how I'm going to organize my loose and chaotic collection of Secret World stuff on my website but I'll have to think of something.
Ah yes, I did write a few Dragon Age fics too! Inquisitor Arlen was so so funny. I'm not sure where I have these stories saved but if I can find them, I'll make a space for them on the website too. Same for Elder Scrolls I guess?? That's going pretty far back but I'm sure this stuff still exists somewhere, even if it's just in some weirdly named text file.
Yes, anything that's on my AO3 will go on the website, including the Portal stuff eventually though I am not looking forward to having to reformat/repost all those fics again LOL Well, at least I have the markup this time...
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
August 2023 Books
The Unselected Journals of Emma M. Lion Vol. 1-6 by Beth Brower
Although I had to fight myself a bit to ignore anachronisms, I did enjoy these! The earlier ones more than the later ones, but I will definitely be continuing this series as more come out.
And I know it's setting us up to ship, but am I horrible for thinking that none of Emma's potential suitors are a good fit
Towers in the Mist by Elizabeth Goudge
I normally like most of Goudge's books, but I regret I had a hard time getting through this one. As ever, the prose was lovely, but I struggled to get invested in the characters.
Deep Secret by Diana Wynne Jones
I liked this one on the whole, but it took me forever to finish for some reason! I've started the sequel and am finding that it's more approachable, or maybe I'm just reading it at a better time.
Father's Arcane Daughter by E. L. Konigsburg (reread)
This is a bizarre book, but I love it and keep coming back to it. The characters may not be easy to like, but what's behind it is evident, and the emotion very poignant. There's also a TV film adaptation (titled Caroline? and it's free to stream in a few places) that's pretty close to the book and well-done.
Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society by Rachel Green Miller
I don't read a lot of books like this, but someone around here recommended it, and I've been struggling for a while with this issue, so I picked it up. Miller makes a lot of good points and I really appreciated what she had to say (and wish I could share this perspective with some churches I'm familiar with).
The Aviary by Kathleen O'Dell (reread)
The initial setup and atmosphere of the book are great, but I regret that I didn't enjoy this one as much on the reread and probably won't be visiting it again.
The Edge of In Between by Lorelai Savaryn (reread)
I reread this one as a refresher while researching the TSG paper and was able to put more of a finger on why this one doesn't work for me, either as a story or as a retelling. It's not just that Savaryn completely changes the themes and focus of the story she's retelling, but the result is heavy-handedly allegorical. Reminders that This Is A Metaphor For Grief are everywhere. Characters feel less like living humans than representations of things. They're oddly self-aware of their problems and all their causes and there's a lot of talking like a grief counseling session rather than ordinary people. It feels like A Message that happens to have a story rather than the other way around. Even in a middle-grade book, there should still be room for the reader to independently think about and analyze the themes rather than have everything spelled out, and I didn't get much of that here.
Wintle's Wonders, Circus Shoes, and White Boots by Noel Streatfeild (reread)
I was in a shoes reread mood, and a bit curious if the British editions (as two of these are) differed significantly from the American editions. White Boots seemed pretty similar to Skating Shoes, but Wintle's Wonders has a noticeable amount of material that's cut from Dancing Shoes. Mostly details that flesh out the world and characters a bit more, but there's also a conversation between Rachel and her uncle about her late father (his brother) that furthers their bond and should have been left in.
I love Streatfeild's protagonists. A lot. Even though most of them are unusually talented in the arts or a sport, they feel very real. Rachel Lennox is important to me because she's a very rare thing: a quiet, shy, bookish fictional heroine who isn't also perfectly nice and sweet but angry and frustrated and understandable for it even when she's mistaken and it's relatable. I want to protect poor exploited child-celebrity-in-the-making Lalla, despite her occasional obnoxiousness. And Peter and Santa's weird isolated upbringing that leaves them unequipped to handle the real world...strikes a chord, even if the way Streatfeild plays out their arcs doesn't always work for me.
Also apparently circuses in the late 1930s did have whole families of performers who lived and traveled with the shows, if the portrait that Streatfeild offers of that life is accurate. It lends a bit of surprising plausibility to the background of a certain famous fictional circus child who debuted in 1940.
Speaking of which...I've read a lot of comics in the last few weeks.
Damage (1994)
A rather obscure series that didn't get to live up to its potential because of an early cancellation. It's got its share of clichés (like a girl whose personality is basically "love interest" and who gets fridged) and dated stuff, but Grant is a compelling character who's worth reading the series for.
Various issues of New Titans
I was just here for pre-Alabama Bart and Grant. No idea what's going on with anyone else, but these boys were robbed of a promising friendship.
Titans (1999) #1-19 plus a few others
I was mostly here for a continuation of Grant's story after he got stuck in canceled-book limbo, but I also got sucked into all the Drama with the five original Titans, who are all on the team when the book begins. There's not a lot of Grant, but what's there is well done. Some weird elements in this series, and some plotlines I didn't love, but I appreciate the overall character-focused approach.
Jason's (re)introduction in Batman, A Death in the Family, and Under the Hood
I knew the gist of all this already but actually reading it all...yikes. Sad about this forever.
Superman: Last Son and The Third Kryptonian
I want to be familiar with all the kids in the superfam, which means I need to meet Chris. More of these to come. So far there hasn't been much done with his character. But he meets Tim at one point and they have some cute interactions, which I appreciated.
The stories that focus on the action aren't so much my thing, but I like that sometimes the series slows down to allow the characters to take a breather and bond. There's an issue that's just the family going to a beautiful other world/dimension to have a picnic and chat...and that's basically all that happens, and it's refreshing.
The Life Story of the Flash
Silver Age comics were wild. What even were some of those storylines. But the narrative does its best to ground the mythos's established ridiculousness in the humanity of the characters, which works.
Why don't we have any adaptations that give us this book's characterization of Barry? He's analytical, methodical, scientifically-minded, and a neat freak. He proudly wears bow ties, a crew cut, and a pocket protector. He's a certified Iowa boy and a comics nerd. He doesn't want a reporter to take his picture after he solves a case at his civilian job because he isn't the story. He considers himself boring and when his girlfriend tells him she finds his analytical mind attractive he coughs an entire lemonade through his nose. He's late to everything except the time he shows up five minutes early to a date because he's going to propose (on top of a Ferris wheel, no less). Bless his heart. Very different from the reckless, hyperactive speedsters who would succeed him, and the tension between his temperament and his powers is a fascinating contrast. The recent TV series was sleeping on some excellent material to work with.
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grey-gazania · 1 year
for the writer ask game:
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
🎀- favorite story
💭- any ideas for a possible wip?
@theghostinthemargins || writer ask game
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
A couple lines from the as-yet-untitled ficlet about Girl-galad and Fingon's wife in the aftermath of Maedhros' suicide:
“It must be hard for the boys,” Ianneth said quietly. “Losing people they loved in such a way. Grieving alone.”
“And surrounded by people who definitely aren’t grieving,” Gil-galad said. “I know I’m not. I mean, I wouldn't say I’m happy, but I am…relieved, I guess. Glad it's finally over. And if any of the Iathrim or Gondolindrim are feeling glad, I’m not going to tell them they're in the wrong. After what Fëanor’s sons did to them, they’ve got the right to feel any way they damn well please.”
🎀- favorite story
Favorite in terms of best-story-I've-ever-written would have to go to The Flight of Birds (rated G) or The Hearts of the Eldar (rated T), but favorite in terms of story-I-look-upon-with-the-most-fondness is probably Unconscious Arithmetic (rated G), in which Caranthir meets his future wife. Parmacundë (though she hasn't yet gained her epessë at the time this story is set) was my first OC, and she's still my favorite of my quartet of nameless-wife characters. Plus, it doesn't get much more fun than writing two dweebs falling in love!
💭- any ideas for a possible wip?
So many. I'd really like to do more with my ideas about the Nandor and the Kinn-lai, partly because I think it would help me flesh out Galwen even more. She's a very demanding OC! I also have a ton of additional stories planned for my Girl-galad series. The problem is finding both the time and the energy to write them all.
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staringdownabarrel · 13 days
So I've just realised I never posted what I thought of Discovery's fifth and final season. Let me make amends for that. It's under the read more because yikes, this is a long post, even by my standards.
I'll start with my disappointments. My biggest is that this season never really went into the religious elements of the origins of life, or of any groups that followed the Progenitors. It's not like they didn't have the opportunity to do this to some extent: Moll and Lak easily could have been rewritten as characters who'd become close while in a Progenitor cult for example, as opposed to just becoming smitten because they happened to be in the same area on the same day once.
It also would have made a lot of thematic sense for this season. In terms of the overall story arc of the season, there really weren't too many big surprises. I mean, once they introduced the season's MacGuffin and said that there'd be a series of clues, it was always clear that a large chunk of the season would be eaten up by tracking down the clues.
While this all provided for a visual spectacle, it's also not really so interesting that you'll remember it fondly months later. For better or for worse, Star Trek has never been known for its high quality action sequences, and the ones it is known for tend to basically be naval combat in space scenes.
So really the most interesting thing they could have done is make this The Religious Season. However, this is one of the aspects of Star Trek that has traditionally been the most lacking, outside of Deep Space Nine. Discovery's 32nd century would have been a good setting for this kind of plot too because the aftermath of The Burn would have been a breeding ground for cults due to the societal upheaval, and it probably would have bred religions that included elements from older religions belonging to different species.
I also feel like there needed to be another season to flesh out the political ramifications of Burnham's choice at the end. Giving up the Progenitor technology may have made sense for Burnham as an individual, however I don't think it would have made sense for the setting as a whole. Even the loss of that kind of technology easily could have set off a technology race--if not an explicit arms race, then definitely a race to reproduce the Progenitor version of the Genesis device, given that everyone now knew it was possible to do this.
This would have been a very traditional Trek storyline in some ways because it'd mirror real world politics to some extent. Right now, the world is in the early stages of an arms race: global arms spending has been going up significantly over the last couple of years. Before anyone comes and says, "But the US"--yes, some of it has been the US increasing military spending, that's a given, but it really has been a global phenomenon this decade.
So having a story where the Federation and the Breen are competing to find some wondrous new technology could easily mirror that. The split between more dove-ish characters like Burnham and the more hawkish Starfleet officers could have mirrored the real life split between doves and hawks. Given that Burnham and most of the crew of Discovery had come in from the 23rd century, there's also room to make a commentary on how the current rising political tensions worldwide mirrors that which happened in the previous Cold War.
So ultimately I feel like this season did miss out on a lot of the social and political commentary that it could have made. That's especially disappointing for me because I feel like if there's any one franchise that should be safe to make these kinds of commentaries, then it's Star Trek. It has always been a political show, after all.
To some extent this has always been a problem with Discovery, though. In previous seasons, this has partially been because the show hasn't ever really given the plots the room to breathe as much as it should have, but it's also more than that.
It's also that the show genuinely has one of the best casts in the entire franchise, both in terms of diversity and actual acting talent. I feel like at times the show's progressive casting has felt a bit tokenistic because despite diverse, it has often shied away from doing episodes based around that. Okay sure, it is the future and a lot of the problems with bigotry may have been overcome, but previous shows have also done episodes like Far Beyond the Stars and The Outcast which did deal with modern issues of bigotry.
There's also stuff like how Burnham's story arc is about self forgiveness and rehabilitation. I don't think that was ever handled as well as it should have been because The Vulcan Hello/Battle at the Binary Stars was fairly explicit about how the Klingon War was gonna break out no matter what and I think that should have been a bigger factor in her rehabilitation, however this was still one of the main thrusts of her character arc. This was genuinely one of the most progressive elements of Discovery and I feel like it tends to get lost in a lot of discussions about the show due to how contentious everything else about the show has been.
All of this being said, I do feel like Discovery's fifth season was overall the best season this show has ever had. Yes, it did have its problems, but it did give its story time to breathe, unlike previous seasons, and I feel like this season didn't rush its ending like other seasons have. This was very much the first season the show had that felt like it was well thought out in advance.
I know some people take issue with how Discovery didn't develop all its named characters, but honestly, that's never been the main issue I've had with the show. Even when the first season was in preproduction, the writing staff and producers were all very honest about the fact that this was going to be the Michael Burnham show. The fact that they went on to make it exactly that for five seasons is just truth in advertising, in my view.
Plus, having a Core Trio and then A Cast of Glorified Extras is a very traditional Star Trek setup. The only live action show to have avoided this tendency is Deep Space Nine, and the others have all had it to varying degrees. Really, the only difference between Discovery and previous Trek shows is that the core cast hasn't always been three or four senior officers of the ship; it's often been Burnham plus two or three others that are relevant to this season's story arc.
This was one of the other tendencies that season five really smoothed over. While there was still a very noticeable break between the core cast and the glorified extras, pretty much everyone in the core cast got a fairly smooth character arc this season. Unlike in previous seasons, there also weren't any wonky parts where a character that was ordinarily a glorified extra got a few dot points of an arc that ultimately never went anywhere.
Yeah, to some extent characters like Owo and Detmer should have been allowed to complete their arcs, but that's really a problem with the last couple of seasons. By the start of season five, they were both back to the glorified extra table and there was no pretense otherwise.
The one new character for this season that I really liked was Rayner. I straight up think he was one of the most interesting characters the show's ever had. I feel like this season really should have done more to make him a foil for Burnham, though--where she'd learned calm over the last few seasons, he was still learning that, and where she'd learned a lot of the hard lessons of fitting into a chain of command, he was an officer from a time where captains had to be more independent.
They did lean into this a bit in a couple of episodes, but not as much as I would have liked. Especially in a season like this which ended up being the final season, I think having Rayner play the foil to Burnham would have really highlighted how far she's come.
I think ultimately though, I did enjoy this season more often than I didn't. It's not a perfect season by any means, and I don't know if I'd think it was good if any other Star Trek show had it, but it's still a lot better than Discovery's previous seasons.
The big thing I'm looking forward to when it comes to this show is the reevaluation that's gonna happen in like ten or twenty years from now. Traditionally that's always been a thing with Star Trek shows: people hate it at first but then people warm to it years after it was cancelled. The adage that was going around when I first got into the online fandom was that the best time to get into a Star Trek show was ten years after it was cancelled, after all.
I don't know to what extent Discovery is going to benefit from that reevaluation in a decade from now. My gut feeling is that it'll probably be more popular then than it is now but it won't really be many people's favourite, sorta like how Enterprise is regarded today. I can see a lot of people liking Discovery in the same sort of way people like the movie Event Horizon: sure, it's not perfect, but you can see what it could have been if you squint a bit.
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Be excellent to each other.
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Coming Home
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Captain America: The First Avenger
Pairing; 1940s!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; Bucky finally reunites with you, safe and sound in your arms, after the gruesome war.
Word Count; 1969
Warnings; NSFW, 18+, minors DNI, mention of war and death, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note; not everything may be accurate to the 1940s, war or Bucky’s story. My apologies! Enjoy loves <3
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All of your friends and family were mingling around the house, waiting for James to arrive through the front door at any minute now. It had been months since anyone saw him and people were more than excited to have him back home again. They were over the moon and thrilled that he had managed to survive the war and come home alive and well with all his limbs intact. There were so many brave soldiers coming home in caskets, their families forever in mourning at the loss of a loved one. All of you were so lucky that he was coming home in one piece.
It felt so familiar as you were sitting on the sofa waiting for him. Just like those months ago when you waited for him to come home with news of his enlistment but only this time you were waiting for him to come home safely to you.
“You alright, sweetie?” His mother questioned, taking a seat next to you as she saw you were deep in thoughts by yourself. A reassuring hand was placed on your shoulder as she gave a light squeeze. “I'm alright. I'm just so excited for James to come home finally. It's been half a year. I miss him dearly.” “Me too, sweetheart. It's going to be good to have my baby home again.”
Just then, the front door opened with no other than James walking through it, his uniform on, and a bag in hand. Everyone in the room gasped upon his arrival and then silent for a few long seconds. James didn't know what to do with himself while everyone kept staring at him. Like someone had flipped a switch, they all, at the same time, started clapping and hollering at him, finally being home again.
His mom, dad, and siblings were the first ones to hug and love him. Their son was home again, all in one piece. His mom was crying happy tears, and his dad kept telling him how proud he was of him. After that, it was everyone else's turn to greet and congratulate him.
You kept in the background, not knowing what to do with yourself. You were frozen. You couldn't move. Is this a trick? Is he really here, or was your mind playing a sick game with you. No. It was him, your loving husband, in the flesh.
He searched for you, his loving wife, that he had missed so much. His eyes were scanning the crowd of people that had gathered around him for any signs of you. Where were you? Why weren't you here to receive him?
That's when he finally caught your eye when a small gap was created in the crowd. Tears were streaming down your face as you held around yourself. Your mouth was opening and closing, but he could see that no words were coming out of it.
Without thinking, he went straight to where you were and stood just a few steps away. All you did was stare at one another for hours, it felt like. His own tears started to be produced at seeing you after so long.
“Bucky, it's you… You're here…?”
“I'm here, my love. I'm home.”
After such a long time without his touch, you finally felt whole again when he took those last steps towards you to wrap you tight and secure in his arms. That missing piece of you filled up with warmth and love at having him safe and sound by your side again.
It wasn't enough for both of you with only the arms enclosing each other. Your whole body wrapped itself around him as he held you up in his arms.
The other people left you to be for your little intimate reunion. Like this, you stayed for a few moments. Holding onto one another after such a long time.
“I missed you so much, my wife. Every second of every day, I thought about you. To be in this moment again in your lovely arms. To be this close once more.”
“Bucky, I missed you so much. My heart is finally whole again now with you here in my arms where you belong.”
The two of you were craving each other's lips after months apart. A whole series of pecks were left on one another to feel the comfort of your lips on each other. You stayed in your bubble for just a while longer. Caresses and comforting words left between you two before realization hit that you needed to join the others.
“I want to take you upstairs to our room and make love to you after so long, and I will tonight, my love. I'll give you all of me, but right now, we need to return to the others.”
As much as you wanted him to take you upstairs, he had a point. All of these people were here for him as well. It would be rude to leave them. After months apart, you could manage to survive a few more hours without him inside you.
The wait was painful as teasing words and touches were left on each other throughout the night. The longer it went on, the longer you became impatient and in desperate need for him, but you would have to suck it up for a while longer. The wait finally paid off when the last people to leave were his parents. A final hug and goodbye to James from them, and then he was all yours for the remainder of the night.
As soon as he closed the door on them, he spun around to be met with your presence a few inches away from him. In a flash, he had you wrap your legs around his waist as his lips moved hurriedly and messily against yours. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling and patting to keep him on your lips as long as possible.
The journey to the bedroom was a clumsy and messy one as you bumped into everything on your way. Stuff from shelves and the wall falling, but none of you cared. The clumsiness of it had both of you giggle out.
Your back came in contact with the mattress as Bucky set you down. His eyes admiring your form. Your dress was hiked up just a little, exposing your thighs to him that he loved to spend hours upon hours between. The sight of you had him inhale deep through his nose.
“You're so beautiful.”
He was quick to help in getting rid of your clothing as you did with him as well. Now just in your underwear, his lips returned to yours in desperation to feel them again. They moved downwards, your neck, breasts, stomach, and thigh, to worship all of you. As good as it felt and as much as you wanted him to continue with his journey to the final destination, you just wanted him right here, right now, Skip the overdrawn foreplay; even though you loved it to the fullest, you could do all of that later for all eternity. To explore each other and bring pleasure to one another with your mouths and fingers. But right now, you just needed his lips on yours as his hard length was driving itself in and out of you like only he knew how to.
“Bucky,” you grabbed the side of his head to lift his eyes towards yours, “as much as I want that, I need you even more inside me, baby, please.”
Your wish was his command. His lips traveled up the same way they had come down. He got rid of the last article of clothing from both of you. His length lined itself up with you, teasing your entrance, making you whimper out in complete neediness.
“Please, Bucky, I need you so bad.”
His forehead touched yours as your mouths were millimeters apart. Your hands holding his back to keep him flush with you, chest against chest.
“Do you remember that you wrote to be about wanting a baby?”
“Do you still mean it? Do you want a baby?”
“I do, James. Please, I want a child with you so much.”
That was his cue to push the entirety of him into your tightness. He would give you a baby, as many as you want. The gasp you emitted when he filled you up spread out in the room.
He rocked your bodies against the covers as his dick continuously brushed your g-spot, which had you moan and whimper in pleasure. His own sounds escaped him when he felt you squeeze him a tad tighter. Lips lightly touched one another as your mouths were parted to let out pleasing sounds fill the whole room. You wrapped your legs around his middle part to force him more in you. You never wanted him ever to stop with his moves.
His lips moved down to your neck to kiss, lick and suck on your sensitive skin. A single tear ran down your cheeks, tears of happiness and fulfillment in having Bucky here with you and inside where he belonged.
Once he caught a glimpse of tears, he stopped his movements immediately, thinking that he did something wrong or something that hurt you.
“What is it, doll? Did I do something wrong? Do you want me to stop? Am I hurting you?”
“No!” You grabbed the side of his face and pulled him to you until your noses touched. “Nothing's wrong. I've just missed you so much, and it feels so good. Please don't stop, James; it feels so good.”
“I won't ever stop,” his movements gained momentum again as his hips slapped against you, “I'll never stop loving and making you feel so good, princess.”
You and he were close and connected in all the ways physically possible. It felt like cloud nine, and you never wanted ever to leave this moment.
His thrusts became more raged, more sloppy, which was an indication that he would finish inside you very soon. His lips left kisses everywhere. On your face, neck, and just about everywhere, his lips could reach. His thrusts, his lips, and the feel of him holding you so close had your back arch, and your eyelashes fluttered shut in total ecstasy.
“Are you close, doll?”
“Let go for me. Let me feel you.”
You and he came together as you held each other close. His seed filled you up fully as your walls milked him for all he was worth; hopefully, a baby would come out of this. Moans of names and pleas filled the space as you rode out the high together.
After calming down for a while and getting your heart and breath under control, he pulled you to his side. Both of you kissing and caressing the skin of the other as you laid there in the bliss of the moment.
It was good to have your husband home again. To have him safe and sound in your arms where he belonged and what he called his home. He couldn't stop kissing you. Your lips were like a sweet drug for him that he would forever be addicted to.
“I love you, doll, so much.”
“I love you too, James, so much.”
The rest of the night was spent making love over and over again. The two of you had a lot of lost time to catch up on, so the comfort of your four-bedroom walls would be your home for the next few days as you caught up with one another. Talking, fucking, sleeping, comforting him after nightmares of the terrible and gruesome war was on the plan. Laughs, love, and kisses would be felt all around as well, as you kept yourselves in your safe little bubble.
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Credit @ firefly-graphics for the wonderful divider
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mochi-ficz · 3 years
Untitled - 10:42 PM
afab!dom!reader x sub!sangyeon
genre: smut, fluff at the beginning and end (it gets a bit humorous too)
includes: sangyeon being the best boyfriend in the world, praise, degradation, bondage, face sitting (you receiving), fingering (both of you receiving), usage of toys (vibrator, buttplug), rough sex w/ strap-on (him receiving), he calls you master, dacryphilia, choking (if you squint), there's a scene where you spit in his mouth, overstimulation, aftercare
(i think that's all the warnings? sorry if i missed something, there's a lot—)
 surprise! i told you guys i wanted more sub!sangyeon content, and i was in a really soft mood, so i wanted to include something that includes fluff elements as well as some really just— filthy smut. no other way of putting it. i'm a horny bitch and so are you guys. that's what you guys are here for anyways lmao. i hope you guys enjoy this.
 i also want to make it a point that it's okay to have a dom/sub role in the bedroom and not care about it outside. you can be a really hard dom and still a warm and caring person, and i really wanted to show that throughout that the reader (you guys) really cares about sangyeon.
 i also want to stress to you guys the importance of consent, making sure your partner has a safe word or safe symbol/action, and the importance of aftercare. if you're responsible enough to be having sex, you need to be responsible enough for taking care of your partner when you're done as well.
 regardless, i hope you guys really do enjoy! this took me almost four hours to write. the time at the top is when i started it, and i'll put the time i finished it at the end. also this is unedited. i really just wanted to write without giving a shit, so if there's mistakes, sorry 😅 anyways, onto the story!
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  you shut the door to your shared apartment and slid down the door, letting out a sigh. you fought to hold tears back from your eyes, and eventually gave up. hiding your face with your arms and curling your knees into your chest, you let yourself cry, letting out gentle sobs. recently, things had been getting too much for you. it wasn't really anything specific that was dragging you down, but rather an amalgamation of emotions you had bottled up.
  sangyeon had heard the door open, and found himself peeking out of the bedroom door to see who was there. when he saw your body curled against the door, shoulders shaking, his eyes changed from a playful one to a concerned one. he quietly stepped out of the bedroom and made his way over to you, sitting next to you with his back leaning against the door as well.
  the sudden warmth on your side made you weakly peek from behind your arms and sniffle, staring into sangyeon's soft, gentle gaze. he tilted his head a little and opened his arms, offering you a shoulder to cry on. your eyes filled with tears again as you snuggled into his warm embrace, burying your face in the crook of his neck. he made you feel safe, loved.
  he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek and held you tighter. his fingers traced your spine as he lovingly rubbed your back. "it's okay," he whispered, pressing another soft kiss to your cheek. "i'm here."
  over the next few minutes, you both sat there in silence, with only your gentle sniffles occasionally breaking it. your tears began to slow down, and you pulled yourself off sangyeon's shoulder to meet his soft gaze once again. he gently wiped the remaining tears away and smiled at you. "do you feel better?"
  you gently nodded, returning his smile weakly.
"do you want to talk about it?"
  you shook your head and sniffled again. sangyeon nodded at you.
"that's okay too. wait here."
  he stood up and went to grab a box of tissues and a glass of water for you, and once he had gotten them, he sat back down next to you and offered them to you. you gratefully took a tissue and blew your nose to stop your sniffling, and graciously accepted the water. you sighed, contentedly. "thank you, sangyeon. what would i do without you?"
"cry alone, i guess?" he giggled.
  you returned his bright smile. "you want to just do take out for dinner?"
  he nodded, and paused to think about where to order from before insisting that you pick. you both argued over who would pick for a solid five minutes before just deciding to get food from whichever place popped up in your phone first when you opened the app to place the order.
"i'm treating you tonight, and you can't say no."
"sangyeon, as much as i would love to argue, i know that your treats usually end up with me getting a massage, and right now that sounds fucking great."
"fantastic. i'm getting a bath ready for you. i'll set the delivery time for later so there's plenty of time for me to take care of you."
  as much as you really did want to argue, that sounded fucking amazing. you playfully shoved him and got up to put your jacket away while sangyeon scurried off to make you the best god damn bath you'd ever had. you rolled your eyes and smiled to yourself at his cuteness before flopping on the couch. however, it wasn't even two minutes later that sangyeon had returned, lightly smelling of rose.
"hurry before it gets cold!!"
  you sighed and got up, letting sangyeon practically drag you to the bathroom. you began to pull your shirt over your head when sangyeon insisted he do it instead, which was met with an eye roll, but still no argument from you. you glanced at him expectantly, assuming he was going to get in with you, and when he looked back at you confused, you figured you'd ask.
"why don't you join me, sangyeonie?"
a slight red tint decorated his cheeks. "i was supposed to spoil you, though..."
"mmmm... but nothing would make me happier than having my baby boy with me."
you didn't think his cheeks would turn any more red, but you stood corrected, as they now turned beet red. "o- okay then."
  you stepped in the tub and sunk down into the water, letting a soft moan escape your lips. the hot water began to loosen up your muscles, and immediately made you feel more relaxed. you turned your head to look at sangyeon who was now naked, and shyly making his way over to you.
"come here and sit in my lap, prince." you gently ordered him.
  he wasted no time carrying out your orders, and took his spot in your lap, letting a little moan of satisfaction escape his lips as well. you contentedly wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his shoulder with his back pressed up against your front. he cuddled into you and sighed happily.
you placed gentle kisses along his neck and shoulder. "you know i'd be lost without you, right?"
he nodded. "yes, i need you too. i love you."
"you've been so good to me, prince."
  you smirked to yourself as you placed an open mouthed kiss below his ear, and worked your way down to his shoulder, earning a few soft moans. you sunk your teeth into the warm flesh of his broad shoulders and began to suck and nibble at that spot until a hickey formed. sangyeon was letting out the prettiest little sounds into your ear.
"m- master, i was doing this for you."
  you captured his pillowy lips in a sweet kiss. after you had pulled away, lips barely separated, you whispered, "you're the best treat i could ask for." his face heated up and he met your lips again for a more heated kiss. your hands roamed his built chest. he let out a barely audible gasp when your fingertips brushed over his nipples. you smiled into the kiss and forced your tongue into his mouth, swallowing all of his pretty sounds as you found your way back to his nipples.
  you slid one of your hands down his abs and to his cock, which was already rock hard. you parted the kiss to begin your attack on his beautiful neck and shoulders once again, as you let the fingertips of one hand play with his sensitive buds, and the other with his aching cock.
  you gently ran your thumb across his tip, earning a more audible gasp and a series of moans.
"m- master, please can we do this in the bedroom?"
you smirked devilishly and lowly muttered into his ear. "i want you in the bed, dry, looking pretty for me while i dry off and drain the bath."
  a chill ran down his spine as he nodded and practically sprinted to grab a towel and dry off, shutting the bathroom door behind him to waste no time in being a good little slut patiently waiting for his master.
  you took your sweet time getting dried off and draining the bathtub, but when you finally came out of the bathroom, there sangyeon was in all his glory, waiting patiently in the middle of the bed with his hands in his lap and dick throbbing for you.
"good boy, waiting for master."
"yes master, i love to be good for you."
you crawled onto the bed in front of him, grabbing his chin and making firm eye contact with him. "tell me how bad you want me, slut."
his cock twitched, and he took no time to immediately begin shamelessly begging. "p- please master. touch me, use me, anything. i'm your toy. i've been such a good boy for you, please."
you smirked softly, "how can i say no when my baby boy looks so pretty."
  you pushed him backwards, letting his back hit the mattress, and crawled on top of him, your knees on either side of his hips, and hands on either side of his head.
"tonight, you're going to please me, and if you're a good boy, master will reward you. are we clear?"
"yes master."
"what is your safe word, in case we need it?"
you cupped his cheek with one of your hands. "what a good boy."
he bucked his hips and softly moaned at all the praise. "thank you, master."
"so grateful, always using your words for me. now we can put that tongue to use, right?"
"howso, master?"
you straddled his face. "you're going to let me ride your face and make me feel good. i want to see that pretty little mouth please me."
"yes master!"
  you slowly seated yourself on his face, and he eagerly got to work, tongue licking up the slick that had already gathered there, and gently lapping at your folds.
you moaned. "such a good boy for master."
  he hummed in response, gently slipping his tongue into your entrance and fucking you. his nose nuzzled your clit as he ate your pussy like his life depended on it, earning loud moans from you.
  he removed his tongue and gently sucked on your clit, making you arch your back and roll your eyes back in pleasure, moans slipping past your lips. he continued to do his work, progressively getting wilder and messier as your orgasm closed in. you grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled when you felt the familiar tension build up in your core. "sh- shit baby, you're going to make me cum—"
  sangyeon hummed in response as you dug your fingernails into his scalp, as the tension finally snapped. you practically screamed and violently shook, while sangyeon, eager to please, lapped up your juices and got you through your orgasm.
"god, sangyeon, you're so fucking amazing."
  he moaned at the compliment, slightly overstimulating you, making you realize you wanted more.
"prince, i want you to make master cum again—" you paused as you realized he still hadn't moved his hands from his sides in an effort to please you. "— and this time you can touch."
  you felt sangyeon smile under you as he gently rested his hands on your hips and eagerly got back to work. immediately you started feeling the same knot build itself up again.
  a string of curses left your lips as he removed one of his hands to insert two fingers into your pussy, and focused on fingering you and sucking on your clit. your moans progressively got louder in volume as he found your sweet spot and began assaulting it with his long digits.
  you let out another scream as the tension snapped once again, forcing you to brace yourself against the wall as you shook violently on top of sangyeon's brilliant mouth. using the hand on your hip, he helped you grind your cunt against his tongue as you began coming down from the insane high.
  you panted, trying to catch your breath as you got off of sangyeon, and almost cumming again seeing your juices drip down his chin. you hadn't even started on him and he already looked so ruined, with his messy hair and dark, lust filled eyes.
you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "now it's time for your reward, huh?"
his dick twitched in anticipation. "please master."
  you looked down at his cock, covered in his own precum from how horny he was. he looked painfully hard.
"mmmm... baby?" you mused.
"yes, master?"
"how many times have you came, for your record?"
"three, why do you ask?"
  you slid your hand up his chest to his throat to gently choke him. "how about we try for four?"
  he immediately nodded, and you noted that his breathing got immediately heavier.
"you look so beautiful when you're all ruined for me, like the little slut you are."
  you landed a gentle slap on his cock, earning a whimper.
"m- master's slut!"
  you gathered all the precum that leaked from him and coated his dick with it before beginning to stroke him, paying special attention to his tip. he slightly arched his back off the mattress and bit his lip, holding back his moans.
  you squeezed his dick. "don't hold back your sounds from me, whore. you know master loves to hear them."
  a series of moans increasing in volume slipped past his lips as you sped up your assault on his dick. "s- sorry master! it w- fuck- happen again!!"
  you slapped his dick roughly before going as fast as you could on it. "watch your fucking mouth when you talk to me, slut."
  he came undone at the degrading name, bucking his hips wildly into your hand as spurts of cum shot all over his body.
  after he had came down, you roughly pressed your palm into his tip, making him arch his back off the bed and whimper loudly. "p- please!! hurts!"
  you knew if it actually hurt, he would use his safe word, even if he was fucked out, so you happily continued. you slapped his dick around, earning all sorts of pretty sounds— moans, whimpers, gasps. after you were pleased with yourself, you climbed over his body and licked up all the cum that had gotten on his chest and abs. you hovered your mouth over his and grabbed his mouth, forcing him to open it as you spit his cum and your saliva into his mouth. he swallowed every last drop and opened his mouth, tongue out to show you he had done as you wanted.
"good boy."
  he shivered at the slight growl in your voice.
"let's say we do something more fun, hmm?"
  you got up and opened a large drawer in your bedside table, filled with a bunch of sex toys and assorted restraints. you selected beautiful dark blue ropes that would look great against his beautiful tanned skin, along with a vibrator, a buttplug, and some lube.
  sangyeon had been eagerly watching, and just by seeing the toys and your beautiful body, he was already rock hard again. you noticed his large erection had come back and decided to tease him. "eager, are we?"
he nodded violently. "yes master!! please use me!"
  you smiled wickedly and began tying his hands and feet to the posts of the bed, making his erection even more obvious.
  you popped open the cap to the lube and coated the plug in it, as well as two of your fingers. you gently slid your digits in his tight hole and began coating his walls in the lube and stretching him slightly. your fingertips brushed against his prostate, earning you a loud moan. you removed your fingers, making him visibly disappointed, before roughly shoving the plug into him.
"how does it feel, baby?"
he gently moaned, "feels good... feels full."
  you let out a gentle giggle. "it's a little bigger than usual, but this one has more features to it."
  he looked at you curiously, and you held up a remote, clicking a button that made the plug come to life inside him. he immediately started moaning again, but you weren't satisfied. you turned up the vibration all the way to max and set the remote down before turning on the smaller vibrator in your hand and pressing it to his tip.
  his moans became so loud that they were screams, and you were thankful you didn't have neighbors right now.
"t- too much, master!!" he sputtered out.
  you pouted, feigning disappointment. "aw, can my little slut not take what master gives?
  he once again violently shook his head. "n- no, i can! i- i want to be m- master's- UGH- good little slut!!"
  you smiled deviously. "that's what i thought. such a good boy for master."
  he started shaking, and you knew his orgasm was coming.
"m- master! cumming!!"
"go ahead, prince, cum for master."
  his eyes rolled back in his head as he let out the most sinful moans, as well as more thick ropes of cum.
  even as his orgasm began to fade, you left both the vibrators on at max, earning a mix of loud whimpers and moans. "s- so sensitive!!"
  you chuckled lowly, grinning evilly, and shrugged. it was only a few seconds later that yet another orgasm racked his body. sangyeon let out his loudest scream yet, along with incoherent strings of curses. considering this was his third time cumming, he still let out a considerable amount of semen, which you found attractive.
  you shut both the vibrators off, and removed the plug from sangyeon's hole. he whined at the empty feeling, but it wasn't over yet. you grabbed your strap-on and adjusted it on your hips. you weren't worried about prepping him since you had done that earlier. you spared no time in releasing him from the ropes and slamming into his wrecked hole. more of his beautiful moans filled your ears as you roughly fucked the life out of him.
  sangyeon couldn't even form words at this point, he was crying from the pleasure and was just a moaning mess. he tangled his hands in your hair, and you threw one of his legs over your shoulder to get a better angle and begin assaulting his prostate. all you got were sinful screams from him as he tried to form a coherent sentence, gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles were white.
"m- master!! can't cum again! so sensitive! god—" he slurred out.
"give master all your cum, baby. just one more, sweetheart. you've been so good for master, just one more."
  more tears ran down his cheeks as he weakly nodded. he looked absolutely beautiful with his tears staining his cheeks, sweat and cum covering his body, and gorgeous sounds filling the room. you reached a hand up to wipe the tears from his eyes and then hold one of his hands.
  a barely coherent "m- master!!! cumming again!" slipped past his lips as he let out his last screams of the night, sobbing and shaking as his cum covered both of your bodies. you gently continued to thrust into his prostate to ride out his final orgasm as you slowed to a stop.
  sangyeon was still shaking and sobbing. you pulled out as quickly and carefully as possible and threw your strap on somewhere on the floor. you gently removed his leg from your shoulder and climbed up next to him, sitting him up to hold him tightly to your chest as he cried. he buried his face into your shoulder and held onto you weakly. you gently shushed him and rubbed his back.
"shhh... it's okay, i'm here. just listen to my voice okay? can you do that?"
  he nodded as his tears slowed down. you gently wiped them away with your thumb.
"that's my sweet prince. are you alright? don't worry about talking, just tap once with your finger if it's a yes, and twice if it's no, okay?"
  he gently tapped his finger on your back once, and moved his head from your shoulder to smile at you.
"okay, good. i'm going to take care of you now? okay?"
  he nodded, and you laid him down while you went to get a warm washcloth. when you returned, you found him with a big goofy grin on his face. you couldn't help but laugh as you cleaned him up, gently wiping away the cum and lube. you got up to grab a second washcloth and wipe away the sweat covering his body. when you were satisfied with your cleanup job, you went in the bathroom to clean yourself up, and returned back with some new sheets from the bathroom closet.
  you jumped on the bed and squished your body against his, rolling the both of you off the bed and letting him land on top of you. he smiled brightly and let out an angelic laugh. you peppered his face with gentle kisses, making him giggle and his eyes crinkle in joy. you pushed him down on the floor and peppered more kisses on his face, your last one landing on his nose. you returned his beautiful smile, and stood up to change the sheets. as soon as you were done you set him back on the new fresh sheets and threw the old ones in the laundry to be washed later.
  you hurried off to the kitchen to get him some water and a little snack to make him feel better. upon returning, you noticed he had dozed off. you gently poked his cheek.
"sangyeon baby, can you drink some water just so i know you're okay? after all those screams i don't want your vocal cords getting too stressed."
  he opened his eyes and smiled at you again before nodding. he took a sip and immediately brightened up when he saw you also had food in hand.
"ooo what is that?" he reached his hands out for it and snatched it.
  you laughed at his cute behavior. "i'm glad you're feeling better already."
  he had already stuffed the snack into his mouth, and was nodding happily with his cheeks full.
"god you're so fucking adorable."
  he opened one of the drawers on the bedside table and pulled out an uno deck. you forgot he put that there after you played a few days ago. he pulled out a reverse card and threw it at you, but obviously it didn't go far.
  you bursted out into laughter. "you absolute dumb ass!"
  sangyeon got up and threw himself at you, this time kissing your face all over and making you giggle. he kept saying "i love you" over and over between kisses. every single inch of your face was showered with sweet kisses from your beautiful angel.
"ack! i'm drowning in love!" you managed to sputter out.
  you flipped him over and pushed him down against the bed, both of you smiling stupidly at each other. you pressed a slow, romantic kiss to his soft lips, your hands travelling up to cup both of his cheeks, and his arms wrapping around you and resting on the small of your back. when you pulled away, sangyeon tried to get up to get a change of clothes, but promptly fell back on the bed.
"uh, babe?" he giggled, embarrassed. "i can't walk."
"that's how you know it was great sex."
"you're absolutely right, but i would like some clothes..."
"oh shit yeah, we're still naked, huh?"
"don't worry, i got it!"
  you got up and grabbed a pair of underwear and a big comfy t-shirt for each of you. instead of handing his boxers to him though, you made him a pretty sweet hat, to which he laughed.
  after both of you were dressed, you mutually agreed that you no longer really wanted food. sangyeon held up the blankets for you to get under, and both of you tangled yourselves in each other's limbs and fell asleep.
  the night that began with you crying had ended in both of you bonding even more, and for you, that was a pretty satisfying day.
- Finished 2:23AM ☺︎︎
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winterinhimring · 3 years
Star Wars: Visions Reviews
Guaranteed SPOILER FREE to the best of my ability, because I want to rant about these to everyone but I would have hated to have some of the plot twists spoiled for me.
The Duel:
Very, very well done. The MYSTERY. The CHARACTERS. The PLOT TWISTS (yes that is twists, plural, in a fifteen minute episode). A stunning example of "show, don't tell" that left me begging for more about the characters..but not really sure I wanted to know any more, because could any knowledge be better than these questions? Also, the animation style is unlike anything I've ever seen before, and it's gorgeous. 10/10.
Tatooine Rhapsody:
I was not sold on the premise of this episode. Then I saw the opening, and it sucked me in. The music, for how central it is to the plot and how much time is spent on it, isn't great, but the plot is fun and well executed, if a little improbable. Also, it gets bonus points for Temuera Morrison showing up as Boba Fett. 7/10.
The Twins:
This episode should have learned from "The Duel" and killed about 80% of its dialogue. If we hadn't had the entire premise of the episode handed to us on a platter by Sir Exposition Droid at the start, I think it would have been much better. As it is, it came off as over-exposited and hammy, and left me with some unanswered questions of the not-so-good kind, such as "why does the droid have a space suit and not the human". 3/10. #thatsnothowtheforceworks
The Village Bride:
I loved the premise, but the execution didn't quite click for me. Some of the characters' actions, including very important decisions, seemed to lack motive. I think that a better look inside the main character's head and also a little more backstory would have made it much better. However, it gets points for a cool climactic action sequence. 7/10.
The Ninth Jedi:
Another standout. Makes excellent use of its status as the longest episode in the series to flesh out a very nicely executed mystery, also featuring multiple plot twists, at least one of which I absolutely did not see coming. I am fairly sure that lightsabers do not work that way, but it follows the Rule of Cool so I'm not gonna kick up too much of a fuss. On rewatch, the main character feels a little one-dimensional, but the rest of the episode makes up for it. 9/10.
Mostly just cute and fun, but has its share of unexpectedly touching moments. Not the greatest one in the batch, but also not the worst. Some of the visuals were just lovely. Bonus points for the punny name. 7/10.
The Elder:
A Master and Padawan, Master-and-Padawan-ing around the galaxy, sharing wisdom, snarking at each other, getting into trouble, and befriending the locals? Sign me up. (Seriously, they're adorable.) The dialogue was a little clumsy in places, but this episode is more about the dynamics and the duelling, and those are both spot on, especially the duelling. Also contains some surprisingly good life advice. Liked it even better on rewatch. 10/10.
Lop and Ochō:
An uneven episode. When it's good, it's really good, but when it's bad it's...bad. There are some very emotionally tense, thrilling moments, but some of the early setup scenes come off as very much being filler, and pretty kitschy filler at that. Once the main plot has gotten off the ground, the quality skyrockets, though we do still get the occasional moment of overacted emotion. I had a hard time rating this one, but finally settled on 7/10, because I did wind up invested in the end even though the beginning was not so great.
This was a movie plot crammed into a 20-minute TV show episode, and it showed. It needed at least forty more minutes, if not an entire hour, to adequately set up all the relationships and interactions that would have had to exist for it to actually stick its landing. 4/10.
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bangtanfancamp · 4 years
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Part 1 of the Silk Series
mafia!Namjoon x reader
mafia! au, Arranged marriage! Au
7.6k words
mature 👁 (who am I?), romance, fluff, implied first time? (Or maybe just no one’s ever loved her right)
Hi guys! surprise! Guess who’s back with a brand new one shot? I’d had an idea I was so tempted to try. It was supposed to be really quick, maybe just a few hundred words- more a blurb than anything else- but very quickly grew into an almost 8 thousand word story in the course of a day. This is very different for me. I've never toyed with mafia! au’s, and I’ve never written a proper story with Namjoon. Halfway through, I even though of changing it to Hobi- but joon is just too perfect for this genre. This is the first time I’ve ever written or shared a story that got quite this intimate. Clearly, since it’s me, there’s still a ton of heart, but writing this part of a love story is very new for me- so posting this comes with quite a bit of vulnerability. Feedback would be amazing. The absolutely beautiful moodboard was made by the ethereally talented @today-we-will-survive . It suits the story so perfectly in every way. I even went back to tweak small details to match up with her picture selections after I saw the board because they were just so impeccable.
I hope you enjoy it! —Christiana 💕✨
“There she is.”
His gravelly voice sent a chill down your spine as you entered the room, softly locking the door behind you. Rolling his head to the side, Namjoon met your eyes. His gaze was so enticing, so seductive in the dark, but his smile was warm as ever. You were a puddle in his hands the second his dimples showed up and he knew it. As his eyes lazily raked over you, he opened his arms in invitation.
“Come here, baby girl.” 
Lip tugged between your teeth, you hesitated, just for a moment. “Are you sure?” Your voice came out in the softest whisper, fingers tangling with the sash of your black silk robe. You traced the back of your calf with your foot, body language demure and unsteady under his gaze. 
His smile stretched wider at your shyness. “I’m always sure.... I’ve been waiting all day for you.” He wet his lips as he watched you, his calm smile never wavering as you gathered your nerve to pad barefoot across the room to him and climb in bed beside him. 
“Why?” you asked, genuinely curious. Risking  a glance in his direction, your eyes fell back to the sheets between you when you found he was already watching you. “There must be so much more on your mind than me. Why on earth would you waste any of your thoughts on me when so much already demands your time? 
“Why wouldn’t I? Knowing a girl as perfect as you would be in my bed tonight ? Why wouldn’t I be thinking of you?” As he reached over to toy with the ends of your hair, you took the opportunity to study him.
He was just so... beautiful. You never seemed to be able to get over that. Eyes dragging over the expanse of him, you felt your chest flutter at the bold way he presented himself to you. He didn’t bother to hide any part of his body the way you did. And he clearly had every reason to be as confident as he was.
 His head was lolled back as he sat propped up against the carved headboard, one leg outstretched while the other was bent for him to rest his forearm on his knee. His silky skin lay exposed against the inky black bedding, his body draped in nothing but moonlight. The sculpture of his thighs was so inviting, it made something in you itch to reach out and touch him. As if he could read your thoughts, a smirk tugged at Namjoon’s lips. 
Suddenly, without a word, his massive hands slipped around your waist and pulled you over into his lap. Shaken by the abruptness of it, your eyes darted across his face, trying to get a read on him and failing. 
“Namjoon…” your breath hitched as he settled you down on top of him. 
“Yes, Princess?” The shameless way he smiled back sent your pulse racing. “May I?” He gave a gentle tug on the knot to your robe. Swallowing, you nodded, almost too eagerly, but couldn’t bring yourself to speak. How could you when he looked at you like that? What girl could say no to the hunger in those eyes?
Slowly, his large hands set to finessing the silky knot loose at your waist. He unraveled it slowly, silence blanketing the room in perfect stillness as it came undone. A smile tugged at Namjoon’s lips as the cool air kissed your bare chest, the silken fabric dragging across your skin. 
Using his finger tips, he slipped the robe delicately down your shoulders and off your arms. You held your breath as he sent chills sparkling down your skin at every point he touched. Your eyes fluttered shut as he gently discarded your robe somewhere out of your reach, leaving you fully naked under his gaze.
Being skin to skin with him like this still overwhelmed you. Even as shadows pooled in the edges of the room, you felt as exposed as if it had been midday. You couldn’t figure out where to look, where to start when so much of him was offered to you all at once. Or when so much of you was on display. But God, his skin was so warm. Always, always incredibly warm. It was so distracting. 
His thumb brushed lovingly over the soft pink glowing on your cheeks. God, he loved how innocent you were. 
“You’re blushing again. Why are you so nervous with me?” He tipped his face down to meet yours, laughter lighting up his eyes. 
“Am I? Sorry… you’re just so…” your words trailed off, your pulse thumping in your ears, as your thighs settled down around the edges of his hips. A soft gasp tumbled out of your lips as you melted onto him, entirely bare now . Something dark flashed in his eyes as your warmth surrounded him. A sound you couldn’t describe slipped from the back of his throat when you did.
“I’m so what, y/n?” He whispered, never breaking eye contact with you. 
You smiled up at him, a bashful subtle grin, as his palms kneaded softly into your waist. You loved the way he touched you.
Your hands found rest on the sides of his neck, the tops of his shoulders- fingertips tracing smoothly into his firm skin. “You’re so handsome. I still can’t believe you’re real.” You confessed, shaking your head.
��Your eyes fell to his broad smooth chest as you played with the wisps of his lavender hair. Your fingers trailed down his neck, ghosting over the planes of his chest to rest on his solid stomach . “It’s hard to know what to do with myself around you.” You admitted.
His dimples deepened at your words. “So what can I do then? To make you feel more comfortable with me?” He bit his lip, light glinting off an especially sharp canine tooth as it sunk into the flesh of his bottom lip. His eyes were devilish, playful, despite his gentle words.
“What do you mean?” Your eyes flicked up, wide with wonder, mouth softly parted. It drove Namjoon wild. 
“I don’t want you scared of me.” Leaning forward with a sinful smile, he pressed his lips to the shell of your ear and whispered, “I want you to enjoy yourself when you’re with me like this.” 
Oh god. Your eyes fluttered shut, something you couldn’t name liquefying in your belly at his words. 
“So I’m gonna need to know what you like, baby girl. I need you to tell me. Or show me.” His eyes were practically laughing at you now. The smirk on his lips was beautiful, cocky and dangerous for your health.
“But what… what if I don’t know what I like...yet?” You swallowed.
His eyes widened almost imperceptibly. Ever poised and always in control, he suppressed the jolt of excitement that coursed through him at your words.
 “Is that why you’re so shy with me?”
“Is..what?” Your brow scrunched in confusion, before your eyes went wide, realizing what you’d admitted. Trying to correct your mistake, you floundered, sputtering out “oh! That’s-thats not…I mean, I’m not…I ha-...we just…” 
“Shh, it’s okay.” His fingers slowly traced up and down your sides. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” 
“It’s just that, we’ve only had two other nights together. And either time we didn’t… we never... did more than kiss.” Your palms rested against his broad chest, fingers embedding absent minded patterns into his skin. You couldn’t help it. Your affection for him spilled out unconsciously.
Placing a hand over yours, he brushed his fingers over your knuckles. 
“Would you like to?” His voice was so husky this time of night, so rich and deep.
“Yes,” You whispered, head nodding softly. “How would we start?” You wondered. The words had barely left your mouth before your eyes were fluttering shut, his hands tracing lightly down your sides, his pace achingly slow until he reached your hips.
“Just like this,” he whispered. Curving his hands to palm the arc of your hip bones, he grunted , abruptly pulling you flush against him as you gasped. He made no attempts to hide his hunger tonight. As his gaze fell heavy on your mouth, his tongue flicked to trace his own lips. The sight of that alone overwhelmed you.
“Namjoon,” you breathed. The way he was looking at you, the way he held you- it was too much, too much all at once. Thumbs brushing tenderly into the fold of your hips, he dipped down, his face so close his lips brushed yours as he spoke. A predatory smile slipped across his face as he whispered,“ What is it, baby?”
“Kiss me….” it was meant to come out softly, but instead squeaked out as a whine. “Please.”
And in an instant, his lips had crushed against yours. A moan you couldn’t contain slipped out of you and he used it as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. Oh…..god. It’d been days since you’d kissed him, and even then, it hadn’t been like this. Today he was hungry, ravenous and every part of his kiss showed it. 
His lips were soft and decadent, his kiss greedy to taste you. Your hands found themselves threaded in his always perfectly styled hair, woven in at his scalp, tugging to keep from tipping off the edge of the world as his tongue dove back in your mouth. His hands gripped into your hips so tight, you swore there’d be bruising in the morning. Perfect purple fingertips speckled across your skin. And you relished in it. You’d wear them like a badge of honor the next day.
Lost in the rhythmic, sloppy pattern of his lips, you didn’t notice when your hips began to glide against his. His hands traveled to grab your waist, his own hips bucking to match your pace. When you caught his lip between your teeth, he couldn’t help but snap his hips up against you, a gasp tumbling from your lips as he did. You found your back arching in pleasure as something effervescent began to build between your legs. 
You’d wrapped your arms around his neck entirely, hands buried in his hair. You couldn’t get close enough to him. Your kisses were reckless, needy now as you felt him growing beneath you. You wanted more of him-needed more of him… if only you could..
“God, Namjoon…I-”
“F-ck… god, y/n.” 
Foreheads pressed against each other, you both laughed, chests heaving frantically. A smile a mile wide blossomed on your face when you realized how wrecked you both were just from kissing each other. Laughter filled the space between you.
“God, you’ve gotten good at that.” He smiled, his eyes warm as he took in how beautiful you looked with your tousled hair and wild eyes. 
“I had a lot of ground to make up.” You admitted bashfully. “You’re so much better at all of this than me.” 
“I don’t know about that. You’ve been driving me crazy, y/n,” He dragged his mouth up your jaw to place an open mouthed kiss on your neck beneath your ear. It bloomed ruby against your skin- the way it drew his name to tumble off your tongue was the sweetest, most sinful sound he’d ever heard. “See? That’s what I’m talking about- how am I supposed to function all day knowing you make sounds like that?”
“J-joonie, stop… I cant… think when you do that.” You shuddered.
“Do what?” He arched a brow at you as he pulled back, feigning innocence with those wicked eyes.
“You know what.” You leveled him with a playful glare that just made him laugh. Your face became softer, thoughtful as you raked his hair back out of his eyes for him. “Hey, joon?”
He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes as you said his name. “What is it, princess?”
“I’m glad it was you.” Your voice breathy as you whispered. His eyes flashed open at your words. “It could’ve been anyone. I’m so glad it was you.” 
Taking one of your hands in his, he pressed a tender kiss to your palm, exhaling slowly.
“I know this...whole situation has been strange.” His voice was lower now, deeper. “You never asked for this. To be here with me, be a part of this life. A girl as sweet as you married into the mafia? I know you grew up in this world- but no girl grows up dreaming their marriage would be arranged like this.” He licked his lips, brows furrowing to show you he was serious. 
“No, I didn’t.” You admitted. “In a million years I never would’ve picked it. But, the second I saw you across the room… I- I don’t know. I knew I had to be beside you. There was just- something so different about you.” Your words felt inadequate to express how struck you’d been by him that day. Something in his eyes the day your father’s had introduced you had drawn you in and never let you go.
He’d been waiting for you that day at the top of the neatly carved stone steps in a suit so black and so crisp you could’ve cut yourself on it. The elegant tailoring hugged a body so statuesque that it was clear you’d never met a man more gorgeous than him and never would. Definitely not anyone one as sexy or dangerous. 
But then, there was something more- just behind the fierceness of his presence. Beyond the aura of power around him lay the puzzle piece that was the most unique- the kindness he hid in his deep mocha eyes, the gentleness tucked away in the smiling corners of his full lips. When he’d pressed a kiss to the back of your knuckles that day in the dappled sunlight of the stained glass windows, something inside you just knew- Namjoon was different.
When he’d told you that no matter what, as dangerous as this life was, he was determined to keep you comfortable, keep you safe, that you’d always be protected with him-you knew he was genuine. That as far as he even could make that kind of promise- he meant it. You knew he’d do whatever he could to treat you right. With your history as the kingpin's daughter, you knew men that like were hard to find. His noble intentions alone had been enough to make you try to trust him. To build a bridge that began a shaky alliance.
When your wedding day had arrived after all of three conversations between you both, he’d snuck into your suite before the ceremony to make sure it was still what you wanted. His fist full of flowers, he’d called you beautiful but given you the chance to call it all off if that was what you wanted.
That was the second you knew you were his. 
After securing your yes, he’d placed a kiss in your hair, slipped a golden hair comb into your palm that had been his mother’s and slipped back out of the room as silent as he’d entered with a whispered promise to see you at the altar. When you entered the church, you didn’t see anyone but him. Fitted black tux and hair swept back out of his eyes, his dimples were on display just for you. He’d slipped your hand in his once you’d made it down the aisle, winking when it ruffled the priest's feathers, but never letting go.
When he slid a golden band past your knuckle, you realized the filigree in the metal mirrored the brocade woven across his blazer- a gesture of the pride he took in catering to every detail he could for you. When the priest told him to kiss the bride, he’d seen the nervous panic in your eyes, choosing instead to whisper, “our first kiss will be ours. It doesn’t belong to these people,” as he turned to place the sweetest kiss on your cheek, just catching the corner of your lip. 
That was the moment you knew you’d done the right thing.
Your massive wedding reception had been a blur of names, faces, negotiations. Because what was a wedding if not a chance to strengthen ties? At some point, Namjoon had vanished. No doubt pulled away by people’s eager, self interested ploys disguised as congratulatory small talk. You sighed. The family business clearly had no care for your comfort on this once in a lifetime day. Disappointing yes, but It didn’t surprise you.
 So you’d resigned to settle in the immaculately gilded venue hall, half buried beneath the layers of your tulle gown, left alone to polish off the champagne and fend off invasive questions by yourself. The prodding, transactional affair had left you feeling dizzy and sick like an overworked show pony, but the second Namjoon reappeared, he was glued to your side. A whispered apology later, He’d pressed his hand to your waist, carving small circles into the small of your back with his thumb and dismissing the aggressive family friends pointedly reminding you of how soon you needed to have his child.
His breath swirling warm by your ear, he’d dipped down to whisper, “don’t pay them any mind. That happens when you’re ready. Not a second before,” before returning to the conversation, clutching you reassuringly close to his side as he excused you both to finally slice your cake. 
That was the moment you saw the first glimpse of a future with him.
When he’d winked your way as buttercream frosting painted across his dimples, you felt the first bright beginnings of something beautiful blossom in your chest for him. You’d smeared the decadent cake across his face as the guests cheered, ignoring the glint of the glock tucked behind his hip. He’d playfully promised to get you back for that later as you both escaped beneath a magical cloud of confetti to the safety of his glossy black vintage car. For the first time, it was truly the two of you and not another soul.
That was the moment you finally felt yourself catch your breath
When you’d found yourself in his high rise that night, still buttoned up in ethereal white, you hadn’t known quite what to do with yourself. There was no hiding the fact that you were insanely attracted to this man. But you’d also just met him. Wonderful as he was shaping up to be, he was still a glorified stranger to you, even if you were now legally bound to him.
As kind as he was, he was still a man. With there being no prior discussion on how the night would go- you had to assume he was a man who was probably expecting what every man did on his wedding night. Surely, no man in his line of work especially was going to sit back and not get what they wanted on a night like tonight. In your circles, it was his right to. And you knew that.
You remembered his words whispered in your ear at the wedding reception, but who was to say those hadn’t just been said to keep you from bolting out the first available door? You hated to think he was capable of that, but truthfully, it was still far too soon to really know him. So, despite the way your heart leapt in your chest, desperately hoping Namjoon’s previous sentiments were genuine and true, you still braced yourself to be taken, whether you were ready or not.
But... he hadn’t. 
Instead, he’d come to stand behind you, hands gentle on your waist, and planted sweet, tender kisses to the backs of your shoulders as he whispered, “we can go as slow as you want tonight. There’s no pressure here.”
This king was in no rush for an heir— it seemed he was perfectly content with romancing his queen—and it took the breath clean out of you. His lips had ghosted down along the side of your throat as he’d pulled away from your ear until your hands had caught his. Your wide trusting eyes trained on his as you guided his hands to the back of your dress.
A soft exhale later, He’d carefully begun undoing each button down the back of your cloud-like gossamer gown with achingly slow precision. You’d been so flustered, so divinely overwhelmed that you couldn’t bear to look at him as he touched you. Instead, you let yourself get lost drinking in the view as his fingers worked, distracting yourself with the glittering city skyline on the horizon from his rooftop high rise window.
From behind you, he’d smiled a soft smile he knew you couldn’t see as he watched your eyelids flutter, felt the way your breathing stuttered and trembled even as you sank against him. He allowed his lips to slowly get acquainted with the honey sweet taste of your skin as he went, dropping glorious velvet kisses along the way that bloomed across your spine.
The warmth of his lips had left you dizzy and craving, desperate to turn in his arms and catch his mouth in yours. But as the last button was finally unlatched, he’d stilled. A moment later, he embedded a warm, lingering kiss against your neck before stepping away to let you finish undressing alone- leaving you to stand in awe in the middle of the floor.
That was the moment you fell in love with him.
He’d been so careful not to rush you. How could you not?
Several moments later after a knock on the door, he’d returned with chilled champagne and a crystal flute in hand for each of you. Tangling his fingers with yours, he’d led you to his bedroom, your breath catching at the panoramic, floor to ceiling view of the sleeping city that could not see you back. Namjoon had all of it wrapped around his pinky, but his eyes only saw you that night. 
Guiding you to the edge of his bed, he’d asked before slipping the silken straps of your nightgown off your shoulders and kissing his way from your collarbone up your throat. He’d told you how beautiful you were- how stunning you’d been since the moment he’d laid eyes on you, how perfect you’d looked coming down the aisle to meet him- before gently leaning into you for his first taste of your lips. True to his word, you’d had your first kiss alone together, skin to skin in the decadent stillness of his candlelit bedroom.
You’d spent the night tangled in his black satin sheets, wrapped in his arms, forehead to forehead as you whispered to each other . When your eyes had begun to fall heavy, your body soft and sluggish from all the champagne, he’d pulled you naked against his chest to let you fall asleep in his arms. 
That was the first night. The business had required his attention for the next days after, and he hadn’t come to find you those nights. It had left you with a lot to process- you were already falling so deeply for him.
The second night, he returned to find your cravings for each other had grown deeper, headier, dizzier, but the dance was still delicate and Namjoon didn’t push. He’d been pulled away again, the ache in your chest growing insistent with your craving for him. And now, on the third night, here you both were, hearts wrapped up in each other, getting to know the other while you sat bare in his lap, straddling him, and desperate for more. 
Now you knew. 
Now you knew what you wanted.
 But how to…
“Namjoon?” you began.
“Yes, Princess?” He caressed your face, tucking strands of your hair back in place. “What is it?”
“you asked earlier where I’d like to start...” 
“Yes,” he smiled. “Do you have an answer yet?” His charming grin was back.
“Can I ride you?” For all your boldness, it tumbled out in a whisper rather than the seductive breathiness you’d hoped for. Your wide eyes locked on his, nervous for his reaction.
“Oh.” He swallowed, cocky smirk slipping right off his face. Whatever he’d been expecting you to say, it sure as hell wasn't that. Unable to read his reaction, you began pulling back.
“Un- unless you don’t want me to. You don’t have to I-“
“I want you to.” He interrupted, his words coming out too rushed. His eagerness made you giggle as he leaned forward to press his forehead to yours, laughing warmly. “See the mess you make of me?”
You smiled, proud of the effect you’d had on him. And eager to try. “Can you… show me how?” Your eyes found his, full of an innocence that undid him.
“Yeah,... yeah I can do that.” He gulped. His assured demeanor had slipped when he’d heard your boldness, but as he bit his lip in concentration, it was clear that his steady focus now was his form of restraint. He’d said things would go at your pace, and it took everything in him not to let the way he wanted to claim you strip the tenderness from this moment.
You needed him right now. He could not rush this. He could see the want, the desire in your eyes as he braced your hips once again, lifting you up to align you with him. He reminded himself to breathe before gently, excruciatingly slowly lowering you onto him. And the second he did, his vision went black.
 “Oh my god,” he choked the second he felt you around him. “Baby girl, do you always feel like this?” His brows pinched as his bottom lip found its way between his teeth. Had any woman he’d been with ever felt as good as you did now? 
Christ, he was almost done for now and he wasn't even fully inside you yet. He was beyond overwhelmed but he would not let his eyes leave yours. He couldn’t. No matter how badly he wanted to let them roll back in his head, he needed to stay present with you.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly. “Do you?” Your heavy lidded eyes were already drunk on him. You’d never felt this full, this complete before. You didn’t even know it was possible to feel like this, and the both of you hadn’t even properly started. 
“I hope so,” he chuckled. With a slow flourish of his hips, he finally sunk himself all the way into you, a throaty groan leaving both of you. 
He took a second to bask in how incredible you felt. When he looked up, his gaze wandered over your face, memorizing how beautiful you looked with him inside of you. The glow of your skin, the state of your hair, the perfect smile in the corner of your lips.
“What is it?” You asked, curious why his eyes had become so soft as he watched you. 
“Nothing,” He dismissed. He shook his head softly as a smile played on his lips.
“I love these,” you whispered, leaning forward to kiss his dimples, when all of a sudden your breath left you. The shift to move forward had changed his position in you, and the electric pull of it dazzled you. “Oh my god-What was that?” You asked, eyes full of wonder. 
“What- you mean this?” He smirked and rolled his hips up into you, pulling you down onto him. You might as well have been having an aneurysm. That felt incredible.
“God, Yes. How do I do that again?” Your wide eyes suddenly looked ready to devour him. He was living for it.
“Just like this, baby,” stilling his own movement, he guided the flow of your hips, up and down. He slipped his hands around to cradle the back of your thighs, guiding you until you could move on your own accord. When you started, your timid movement felt stuttered, almost mechanically slow as you found your pattern. But the second you finally did, He melted at your rhythm, unable to keep himself from moving with you. Matching your movement, he met your glide with gentle methodical thrusts of his own, leaving him on the startled edge of breathless beneath you.
“There you go. That’s it. God, you’re so good at this.” He gushed.
The way he moved with you was something borderline miraculous. You’d never felt anything-anything- like this. Like him. Your belly felt molten. Your nervous system was overloaded and sparkling, exploding like fireworks on the Fourth of July. 
Desperate for more of him, you snatched him to you, diving in and taking his lips in sloppy, wonton kisses. For the first time tonight, his hands slipped up and cradled the softness of your breasts and something in you snapped. Your pace as you bounced on him picked up into something frantic. As he kneaded the fullness of your breast, he slipped his tongue into your kiss and you felt it- felt each of your bones liquefy into mercury at his touch. 
“F-ck. God, y/n. Yes.” He buried his head in your shoulder as your fluid hips accelerated. At some point,  you weren’t even sure when, his fingers had found your nipples and whatever cadence your hips had previously followed crashed completely, creating a manic time signature all their own as his name flew sharp, high pitched from your mouth . 
“Ugh, baby I- I…” you stuttered incoherently, your voice sticky sweet with need for him. You didn’t even know what you were trying to say, but the feel of him beneath you, the way the sweaty warmth of your bodies was starting to make your skin stick together, the way his hungry kisses on your throat made it just that much harder to breathe, made you just that bit lightheaded….you didn’t know what to do with yourself. You felt on the verge of unraveling.
And he let you. He was too in awe of the wild, beautiful creature you’d become, too enamored with the way your body had molded into his. He got lost in the way your delicate face screwed itself together as you chased your high. He would never get over how deeply he was beginning to fall for you.
He noticed the way your bottom lip was swollen from how hard you were biting it now, holding back the illogical scream building in the back of your throat as you rocked with him. Why did something that felt so good make you almost want to cry?
“Shhh. hey, give me this,” his thumb brushed your lip free from the way you’d been torturing it, and in your maddened state, you pulled his thumb into your mouth to suck on it. Namjoon’s pulse exploded as he pulled you back in for another impossibly perfect kiss.
“Namjoon… I… I think I’m close, but I don’t… I don’t know how to....” Your nails had begun to dig half moons into his shoulders, and your lip was back between your teeth as shaky exhausted moans spilled out of you.
“How to what, baby girl?” He asked, just breathless.
“How do I let go?” Your brow was scrunched, eyes pleading- it took everything in him not to come undone at that alone. Captivated by how gorgeous you were as you looked up at him, he found himself leaning down to suck a path of glorious ruby splotches up your neck.
“Do you feel it?” His breath was warm against your ear now. “That pressure? That thing you can’t name that makes you feel like you’re losing your mind and finding it all at the same time?”
“Yes,” You panted, eyes squeezed shut, chest bouncing against his. 
“Then let go, feel it.” He instructed. 
“But…how?” Your beautiful face was almost in agony at how good he made you feel. The depth he hit inside you, the way the pleasure you felt overwhelmed you. All you wanted was to give into it.
“You don’t think- just feel it.” He whispered, his voice dark as honey. “I've got you, baby girl. You’re safe with me.”
Your hands buried themselves in his hair. You clutched the strands almost too hard, but Namjoon didn’t care. He reveled in the sting of it, watching your face as you unconsciously snatched his head back, a wicked smile overtaking him as he watched you.
 “Do you trust me?” He breathed, his gloriously low voice rumbling in his chest. 
You couldn’t think, couldn’t remember how to speak at this point. The ravenous tension building in your gut was stealing all your attention. It was all you could do just to nod your head yes for him. The beautiful wreck he’d made of you made a smile stretch across Namjoon’s lips.
“Then relax for me. Breathe. Let go, baby girl.” He slipped a hand between your bodies, his touch ghosting in a place that made your eyes shoot open and gasp.
Namjoon leaned his head back against the headboard and let you go. Gritting his jaw, he closed his eyes, fighting back the building pressure he’d told you to give yourself over to.
He needed to mentally pull back and let you enjoy this.
 If he could give you anything, it was making sure you finished first on your first time together. And from the way he could feel the electric tension building in his own abdomen from just watching you and feeling the constricting velvet warmth of you, he knew the second he took charge of what was happening, he’d be done for. It’d all be blown.
The lust he felt watching the gorgeous feral goddess his shy girl had become was consuming him. The hungry way your eyes raked over him, the bright flush on your glowing bare skin, the way you made him feel so desperate for you- He’d never felt anything like it.
 But beyond how incredible you made him feel, he was struck by how in awe of you he was. You’d been so brave to accept this whole arrangement. He never should have even found you- you shouldn’t have been real to start with.
You were so gentle and smart. Your heart was so kind. The way you trusted him with you so quickly had alarmed him. He was quickly becoming aware of how precious and rare you were. And what a privilege it was to be the man you’d allowed into your bed to fall apart on. You’d completely surprised him. You were beautiful. You were perfect. You were…
And that was the moment he knew.
Without a word, his hand reached up to cup your cheek. His other hand brushed back the stray strands of hair beginning to stick to your forehead as his hips quickened again to match your pace. Everything in him wanted to make you feel good. Gently caressing your face as he watched you, he couldn’t help the loving words leaving his mouth.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” 
Startled by his praise, you looked up. Everything about him just now was so gorgeous- he didn’t seem human. No one should look that perfect glistening in sweat like this, but he did. His body, his face, his aura - how in god's name had you gotten lucky enough to find him? To have him like this? When your eyes found his, his thumb brushed against your cheekbones, drawing your focus back to the moment, back to him. The look he gave you almost broke you in half.  
“Y/n, I'm in love with you.” 
And the cord in your belly snapped. Completely unraveled against him, as your body fell apart.
His admission had tipped you so far over the edge that you were free falling, careening straight into pleasure as the feeling of him- all of him- wracked your body. The sounds you made, the beautiful twisted cries of his name against his neck left him so close to falling apart with you. And that astounded him. It’d never happened for him at the same time as his lover. For a second, it almost wrecked him, but he held back. Determined to let your pleasure be the focus tonight.
And in one glorious instant, you collapsed. 
Melting into his neck, you unraveled. Panting, exhausted, you’d slumped against his body, your lifeless arms draped limply over his shoulders. You’d never felt so free of tension in your life. Chuckling to himself at the undone mess you’d become, His fingers lovingly traced your back as he pressed kisses along your jaw and in your hair. You still hadn’t said a coherent thing yet. 
“N-nam…Namjoon?” language was still clearly too clunky a thing for you to manage right now.
“Yes, Princess?” he chuckled at how far gone you were, lightly brushing your hair out of your face.
“That..was incredible,” you gushed the last word out in a breathy exhale. “Does it..always feel like this?” Tilting your head on his shoulder, you tried to peek up at him.
“It should, yes.” His eyes held so much affection, so much warmth as he smiled down at you. You lifted a wobbly finger to poke at his dimple, your own cheeks blushing as you giggled softly  against his skin. “I think it’s time for bed, baby girl.” 
He lifted you, body limp and boneless to lay beside him. Gasping as he pulled you off, you seemed to notice for the first time how hard he still was. Pressing up on your wrists, you resisted as he tried to tuck you in.
“But wait- we- you didn’t…” 
“Shh, I know..” he laughed warmly at your sudden concern. 
“But that’s not fair to you. I-“ 
“It’s okay, baby. Breathe,.” he cut you off, hands lovingly stopping your palms that you’d pressed to his chest. “That can be tomorrow’s adventure.” He winked, his warm breath heavy against your skin. Your eyes widened, a now familiar feeling glowing beneath your skin for him.
“Are you sure? I can always…” you slipped a hand free, tracing it slowly down his abdomen, your pressure increasing the lower you went. You caught the way his chest froze, completely still when your fingertips dipped to rest just below his navel.
“Y/n,” your name was so strangled and pretty when it fell from his lips. “No.” He caught your wrist again, more firmly this time. Bringing your hand to his lips, he pressed a slow kiss to the tip of each of your fingers before holding it against his cheek. His eyes fell heavy on your lips again, your pulse hitching at the solid unwavering lust in his eyes. When he spoke this time, his brows drawn together to gather the last bits of his composure he had left, you finally listened.
“We went at your pace. Now we go at mine.” The aura around him was so masculine then, so commanding- it was intimidating at best, but his tone with you was still gentle. Always. He was right- he’d been so patient and unhurried with you. The least you could do was return the same for him, no matter how greedy you felt for more now that you’d had him. Now matter how much you wanted to learn all the ways he tasted- you’d listen.
Nodding obediently, you leaned in to kiss him. “We go at your pace tomorrow.” The submission in your eyes tempted him to roll you over on your back right now and show you just how dangerous your word choice was, but he didn’t. Instead he leaned back into you, kissing you slow and sweet, tipping you until you were laying back, surrounded by the soft bedding. Bracing your head with his hand, he laid you down, chasing your lips with his.
“That’s my good girl,” he whispered, brushing your nose with his. Something tightened in him when he saw the way your eyes sparkled at his praise. He shook his head to clear it- thoughts like those were for another time. 
“Come lay with me?” you asked him. Your voice was honeyed, so sweet as your hands lovingly stroked through his hair, willing him to come scoop you up like he had the nights before.
“Of course, baby girl,” leaning down beside you, he slid his body against yours, moulding into your side as you laid on your back. You sighed when you felt the weight of him bury itself against your leg. Pressing your cheek against his chest, you buried your face into him as his hands traced the soft flesh of your stomach just beneath your breasts. The warmth of his skin and the glittering pin pricks of his touch dancing across your skin fused together in a perfect dance as you melted against him. It was so soothing and wonderful. The moment was so perfect in your blissed out high that without meaning to, the words had just slipped out.
“I think I’m falling in love with you too,” you whispered, the words hanging in the air above you both as his touch stopped.
Had that been too much? you wondered. He had said it too, but perhaps that had just been the adrenaline of the moment. Maybe he’d forgotten he said it. Or maybe he simply hadn’t meant it- not in the way you did. The silence unnerved you the longer it persisted. You went to pull away from him, suddenly embarrassed at your nakedness, when his hands reached out to pull your waist against him.
He tangled his legs with yours as his lips did the same, a sudden urgency to his kiss that hadn’t been there before. “You’re perfect,” he breathed, hushed between kisses. “Can’t believe you’re real.” When he pulled back, the smile that blossomed across his face was as bright as the midday sun. His happiness was brilliant, contagious, as he wrapped you against him, his broad palm splayed across your back.
Your fingers traced his collarbone, a giddiness you hadn’t expected flowing through you. “I think I’m going to like being your wife.” You confessed, a wide grin illuminating your face.
“Yeah? You think so?” His fingers dragged down the valley of your spine, delicate touches as you smiled beneath him.
“I’m so spoiled already.” You blushed, hiding your face away in the expanse of his chest.
“Not as much as i am,” he laughed, his bottom bitten as he smiled. He rolled to pull you against him as you settled into the arc of this chest. Lips in your hair, he felt himself starting to drift as the warmth of your body lulled him to rest. You’d been so thoroughly worn out tonight- it was taking everything in you to stay awake as it was, even without the steady patterns he was tracing into your skin as you laid with him. 
Eyes falling heavy, you pressed your nose to his collarbone, lightheaded at the warmth of his scent. Laying soft kisses on his neck, you felt the rumble of his laughter deep in his chest. 
“We’ll never get any rest if you keep doing that.”
Blushing, you dipped your head demurely back to his chest. “Sorry… I can’t help it.”
“I thought you were nervous with me.” He teased.
“How could I be after everything?” Your flushed cheeks betrayed how overwhelmed by him you still felt. 
“We’ll see how you are tomorrow then, won’t we? See if you’re still this good a girl for me when I taste you for the first time.” Tipping his finger beneath your chin, he lifted your lips to his, dizzying you with another molten, golden kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth, teasing you with promises for the next time he brought you into his bed. When he pulled back with a pop, your body fell slack against him, enamored with the wicked gleam in his eyes 
“Maybe I want to taste you too,” you confessed, not one to be one upped. The look on his face was absolutely worth it, his eyelids falling heavy at the image of your angelic face doing something so obscene to him. He gulped, trying and failing to not be aroused by the thought, feeling himself swell traitorously against the top of your thigh.
“Oh, you’re gonna be a fun one, princess.” He squinted at you, tongue running over his teeth. You could play the game better than he thought.
“We’ll see won’t we?” You winked, nails dragging across his chest. Something low in his stomach lit up at your touch, a groan slipping out of his throat.
“Holy… woman, let me go to bed.” He pleaded, brows pinched together. He wouldn’t be able to hold himself back if you kept doing things like this.
“If that’s what you want. Your pace. Tomorrow.” your smile promised a thousand things Namjoon never thought he’d see in your innocent eyes. 
Before he knew what was happening, your lips were on his again, tongue warm and hungry, before turning around to press your back to his chest. Your hips nestled flush against him, a giggle betraying you when you felt rut him involuntarily against you.
Namjoon felt his eyes roll back in his head at the pressure of you against him, his hands locking themselves around your hips to still you and steady himself.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me.” 
Forehead pressed to the back of your neck, he shuddered as you curved yourself back against him again, slowly, almost imperceptibly this time. 
“I clearly underestimated how dangerous you are.” The smile in his voice betrayed him.
““Goodnight, husband,” You cooed, pulling his arm beneath your breast. Slipping his hand up to palm one, he nuzzled against your neck, a dark chuckle on his lips when you gasped.
“Tomorrow. My pace.”
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xxx-cat-xxx · 6 years
okay, i've got it. i'm asking you for a fic bc i LOVE your writing and, well, you did offer hjsgdf. i want a fic where tony Dad Carries peter. (re my last post on the topic lmao) i want peter to get hurt, and i want, nay, n e e d tony to pick him up and Dad Carry him IN FULL IRON MAN SUIT through the m c f r e a k i n g sky back to the compound while peter whimpers half consciously and tony worriedly reassures him through the ride. idc how he gets hurt or what else happens i just NEED this gkshj
I had a blast writing this prompt! Consider it a (very) late birthday or an early Christmas gift. I picture it taking place at some point of time after Endgame,in a world where things are fixed and broken all the same. Injury, emeto, angstahead.
Away from the Sun
The bomb looks like it’s been built by a 14-year-old as part of their science project, and Tony is halfway through a joke about it when the thinggoes off, hitting his shoulder in a series of explosions and knocking him deadout of the air.
While falling, he hopes against all odds that the web Peter had beendangling from is still intact. But of course he’s wrong, and the first thing hefeels after hitting the ground is the boy’s hard impact next to him. The secondthing is a raging fire in his shoulder that makes his vision go black.
He can’t have been out for too long, though, because pebbles and dust - it’sdust, only dust - are still falling from the sky when he forces his eyes toopen and his arms to push him upright, because the kid got injured.
Tony makes it to his knees and bends over Peter, feeling his heart thudagainst his ribcage at an ever-rising speed. There’s blood flowing from a gashon the kid’s temple, and he looks still, awfully still.
“Hey, buddy.” He touches the boy’s arm carefully, knowing better than to shakesomeone with a probable head injury. Nothing.
“Pete, if you’re trying to pull a show, that’s not the moment,” Tonyhalf-jokes, but he can clearly hear the panic in his own voice.
The boy finally stirs, and the relief flooding through Tony makes him momentarilydizzy. Or maybe it’s just the injuries catching up with him.
“Ow,” Peter moans, blinking hard against the streetlights brightening theearly New York winter evening. He shifts as if to make to sit, but Tony pusheshim back down. He uses the kid’s mask to temporarily stall the blood flow onthe side of his head.
“Your name, kid. And tell me where we are,” he demands.
“P-Peter Parker?” It sounds a little like a question, but Tony decides tolet it pass.
“On a – a mission…I guess.” Peter adds, then swallows, his face now turningashen below the crimson lines.
“Okay. Tell me what’s hurting.” Tony is sure that there was more to theconcussion protocol, but confirming that the boy is not dying from anyinner injuries seems more important at the moment.
“My - my head. And I feel –” the rest of the sentence ends in a wet gurgle.Tony turns Peter to the side when a gush of vomit pours out of his mouth,spilling over his suit and onto the pavement. The kid’s shoulders hitch and hebrings up another wave, screwing his eyes shut against the pain in his head.
“Easy, kid, easy,” Tony soothes, now using the blood-stained mask to wipethe boy’s mouth. He absent-mindedly makes a mental note to ensure that the nextversion will be liquid-repellent.
“I..don’t feel well.” Peter states hoarsely when he is done retching andlets himself slump against the Iron Man armour.
“Yeah, I got that much. You’re pretty concussed.” Tony replies.
“Oh. Ok.” Peter mumbles, already shutting his eyes again.
“Hey, no sleeping yet,” Tony orders.
He’s had enough concussions in his life to know that this one is notlife-threatening, but it’s far from benign, either. A quick glance around thebus-station-turned-battlefield confirms his suspicion - there’s no way anambulance will get through to them any time soon, and even a helicopter landingwould be difficult at this point.
Flying it is, then. Tony gets up with a groan, pulling Peter with him into asitting position. But as soon as he locks both of his arms under the boy’sshoulders, the agony ripping through his own momentarily takes his breath away.The joint is out for sure, and the skin above it probably burnt if the stingingpain is anything to go by. There is no way he’ll be able to manage Peter’sweight dangling from his arms like this.
“Kid, I need your help,” he says, making a split-second decision to benddown and scoop Peter up in some sort of a one-armed embrace. “You gotta workwith me here.”
“Hmm,” Peter mumbles, opening his eyes slowly, apparently havingdifficulties in focusing on the older man’s face. But he locks his legs aroundTony’s middle obediently, then wraps his arms around his neck, his head comingto rest on Tony’s good shoulder.
Taking off while minimizing his movement is a challenge if Tony’s ever facedone, but Peter is light like a feather, and they make it into the air withoutany further problems. The boy lets out a noise suspiciously close to a whimperwhen they shift from the vertical to the horizontal, and Tony curses himself,not for the first time this night, for ever calling him to the mission in thefirst place.
“Straight to the tower, Fri,” he murmurs into the helmet once they havereached skyscraper-level. “And give Pepper a heads-up that we’re about to bargein.”
“Kid, you still with me?” he asks aloud, to keep Peter engaged, and maybe alittle bit to keep the darkness inside his head and the other, more menacingdarkness above them out of his thoughts. Flying at night has become quite of achallenge recently.
“‘s stars are beautiful,” Peter slurs in reply, clearly not sharing Tony’saversion.
“Yeah, everyone says that.”
He forces himself to look at the ground, where New York is rushing by atbreath-taking speed. It’s filled with lights, with lives, with loud andannoying people. Not with blackness and desperation and the futile longing forrescue.
“But once you’re out there,” he adds, because talking helps, talking meansthat he’s still here, and it’s not like Peter’s going to remember any of thisanyways, “It’s not beautiful at all. It’s fucking empty and it scares the hellout of you.”
He holds Peter a little closer, a little tighter, so that he can nearlydeceive himself into feeling his warmth through the armour. Alive.
“Misser Stark, you okay?” Peter asks, sounding a little more lucid now.“Cause your heart beat’s through the roof, and I can sorta hear youhyperventilating.”
“My shoulder’s out. I’m in a little bit of pain here, buddy.” It’s ahalf-truth, at least.
“‘s it bad?”
Peter tenses in his grip, trying to sit up and get a good look at hismentor, and jostles Tony’s arm in the process. He hisses in pain and drops afew feet before he can catch himself.
“Don’t worry, boy, I’ll be fine. Not gonna let you fall.”
“Hmm.” Peter nods and then gags in response. A slim stream of vomitsplatters onto Tony’s armour.
“Ugh. Sorry,” he says weakly. “Just…so nauseous.”
“It’s okay, kid. I’ll send you the dry-cleaning bill.”
But the joke is lost, since Peter has buried his face in Tony’s neck againat the sight of the approaching tower, shielding his eyes from the growingshape as if he was a child on a rollercoaster ride. Or maybe he’s just passedout again.
Tony makes a tumbling and embarrassingly unsteady landing on the terrace,hoping in vain that no one is there to witness it. But at least it’s onlyPepper and not any of the Avengers that’s waiting for him.
“God, Tony, this looks terrible!” she fusses as soon as she’s at his side.
“It’s a pretty nasty flesh wound, but he’s lost less blood than it lookslike, the concussion’s what we gotta worry about…”
He trails off when he realizes that she isn’t looking at Peter but at hisown shoulder, where the melted metal is burying itself into his skin.
“Oh, that. Yeah.”
The smell of burned flesh is suddenly filling his nostrils, eliciting aqueasy feeling in his guts. He’s lightheaded all at once, as if someone hadflipped a switch and cut off his adrenaline supply. Tony had fully intended tocarry Peter down till medical, but when he takes a step towards the balconydoor, the head-rush hits him full force, and it’s all he can do to grab thewall for support as not to lose footing.
“Woah.” He sets Peter down as gentle as possible, blinking through thegreyness clouding his vision.
“Can you just get Bruce,” he addresses Pepper. “Or Sam? Whoever’s onmedical?”
As soon as she’s gone, he gives up any pretence of being able to stayupright, letting himself slide down next to the boy. Stars are dancing in frontof his eyes. Stars. Hollow, all-consuming, nothing - stop. Don’tthink about it.
“What?” Peter slurs.
Was he talking out loud?
“Nothing. It’s okay, buddy, just stay awake. Help is coming.”
“Yeah, I know. It’ll be better soon, trust me.”
“My hands…” Peter stares at his fingers as if it was the first time he’sseen them, and unfortunately Tony has a pretty good idea of what the kid ishallucinating there, “Something’s wrong with my hands…”
“Your hands are alright. A-Okay. Here, see.”
Tony takes the kid’s fingers into his own, squeezes them tightly, toconvince the kid that he’s intact, that they are flesh and blood and not dustand no, not going there now. 
Then, suddenly, Bruce is standing over him, pulling molten pieces of metalfrom his arm.
“Whatcha doin’?” Tony glares, because Peter is the injured one, the one thatneeds to be taken care of, “Look at the boy first, he’s hit his head.”
“Already done,” Bruce reassures.
And it’s true, Tony must have lost time again, because when he shifts toglance at Peter, his head is covered in white bandages. He smiles at Tonyhazily, his pupils wide and unequal, the kind of smile that comes after a doseof painkillers on the heavier side. Tony is a bit jealous, because fuck, hisshoulder is more than just stinging now.
“What happened here?” Bruce asks in a calm voice, examining Tony withadmiringly steady fingers.
He rides out a wave of nausea when the doctor prods at the injured joint andhe can feel something shift below the skin.
“It’s…” He searches for an expression that adequately describes thesensation of fire and pain raging in there “…wrong.”
“That’s the most creative euphemism for broken that I’ve heard in awhile now.” Bruce replies drily. “Keep still for now, Pepper’s coming with themedics, they are getting a gurney.”
“I can walk,” Tony says for the sake of it, but he doesn’t even attempt tomove.
His gaze returns to Peter, and yes, the boy is staring upwards again, eyesfixed somewhere on a star Tony can’t see, doesn’t want to see, and for a momenthe’s irrationally afraid that someone’s just going to reach down and pull thekid up and away. He resists the urge to rub his hands clean on his armour, becausethey are not coated in dust, no, they just aren’t.
“Hey kid,” he says, and there must have been something in his voice, becausePeter turns towards him instantly, and even through the drug-concussion-haze inhis eyes Tony can see Titan clearly written all over his thoughts.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark,” he whispers, and Tony’s throat goes so tight that hecan’t even tell him to shut up. Instead he just sits there, silently, thinkingabout all the cracked and damaged people on this planet, wondering how they areever going to be strong enough to piece each other back together.
When the tranquillizers kick in and Peter starts listing to the side, Tonyputs his good arm around him and pulls him close, just to keep the boy upright,to make him feel safe, not at all because the touch helps to ground his fragilesenses in reality. He can hear the kid’s breathing, loud and clear and alive,and he focuses on that, because it is all that counts now.
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I've got questions.
A/N: Originally posted on ao3 under the pen name youngjusticewriter. This fix has been crossposted on fanfiction (.) net. Part seven of the Elrics Through the Looking Glass series that's an Ishvalan au. This fic takes place in Brotherhood but Rose isn't white washed. Warning: Edward cusses.
Song for this fic: Burn it down by The Daughter.
Thanks goes to Wiki quote. I wouldn't have been able to write this easily without it because I currently don't have Netflix. :(
Something ugly burns in Edward as he stands there under the sun, his automail limbs cooking the skin of the ports are attached to, that's heat isn't letting up. In fact it's getting worse. (The whole idea of laying in the fountain he'd seen earlier for a few minutes is a lot more tempting.)
Perhaps it's the heat or the loudness of the crowd that cheers at the "miracles" given to them by the chosen prophet of Leto that makes his temper just itch. Maybe it's just the stupidity of them, Edward wondered as Rose jabbered about and Alphonse hummed accordingly; sometimes Edward can't help but wonder if Al would be like he was if he remembered what Edward did.
Years have past and Edward can still remember the poor imitation of a human that had too much teeth. It had told Edward it was called the world, the universe, God. Edward's mouth twisted into a thin smile as he recalled those things. Recalled how it had said it was referred to such titles; it had never told Edward what it was only what it was called.
"Would you like to see the chapel?" Rose offers sweetly, her hands clung together in excitement.
Alphonse answers for Ed as Edward pictures something in his mind:
Dark, sweaty palms pressed together in pray, pink bangs against her hands as Rose tilts her head forward in reverence; dark, gloved hands pressed brutally together, crafted metal and his own flesh sting as the sound of a clap finishes as the phase of deconstruction begins.
Edward doesn't talk till he's seated but there is noise even after they depart from the roaring crowd. There's the clank of armor and footsteps (one set, his, that are uneven) that are the only noise in the empty room.
The goddess' empty, gold eyes have watched them since they've stepped foot on the white marble. Now the mother of the sun seems to be looking down at him as Edward lounges on the front pew. He fishes out a notebook knowing full well he's going to need it once he opens his mouth. Edward can feel soft brown leather of his notebook even with gloves on.
"If we believe in divine grace, and through her all things are possible… If you believe, I'm sure Leto would bless you and make you grow taller!"
Edward's hand clenched the unopened notebook, "What's that suppose to mean!?" His angered, raised voice was the only noise in the large chapel.
Aren't people who believed in religion suppose to be nice as well as idealistic idiots?
"Easy, brother! She's just trying to help!" Al cried out and Edward rolled his eyes; helping was not insulting people over something they couldn't control. Edward was not going to be forever a pint sized midget. He'd grow taller and without praying to something that didn't give a damn. Just those two wait and see.
"What about bringing the dead back to life? Do you believe that's possible too?" Edward asked, head tilted lazily as he start to flip through pages of his notebook to look for-
"Yes," Rose confessed, emotion thick in her voice.
Edward didn't actually need the list but people took you more seriously when you're reading off something than recalling it to mind if you're younger than them. People also thought Ishvalans wouldn't do alchemy and weren't smart; people were often idiots in Edward's blunt opinion.
"Water: thirty-five Liters, carbon: twenty kilograms, ammonia: four Liters, lime: one point five kilograms, phosphorus: eight hundred grams, salt: two hundred and fifty grams, saltpeter: one hundred grams, and various other trace elements," Edward left off as he noticed the dumb founded look on Rose.
"Huh?!" Rose cried out in question.
Edward smiled thinly, something viscous but not ugly (never ugly, not when it came to her) was the look in his feral eyes.
"Rose," gently, Ed thought, like she was Al or Winry when they were doing stupid shit, "that was a list that represented the complete chemical makeup of a human body for the average adult. It had been calculated to the last microgram, but still there has never been one reported case of successfully creating a human life."
Some people put their faith in gods to be able to live their life; some, like him, lived their life to achieve a goal. There had once been a time when Ed use to pray with mom. He had even prayed after mom had died but had stopped a long time ago.
It wasn't the constant frustration of loose ends (till now, Edward thought, Cornello's ring on his mind). No, he had stop praying even before that. It wasn't even the bastard's sharp jabs that were constant; always there as though Edward would ever let himself forget. What an idiot; how'd that man ever become a Colonel? Besides obviously burning children and women to death that corpses he climbed on to get to the top of the military.
No it hadn't been that either.
"So you're telling me something modern science can't do, you can do with prayer?"
Rose trembled in frustration, her fists clenched in determination. "Lift thy voice to our goddess. And the prayers of the faithful shall be answered!"
Talk to her like Al or Winry, Ed thought again. Take another path if they won't listen because blowing up on them for being stupid always got Ed a bar of soap in his mouth.
"Do you know who Ishvala is?" Edward asked, voice lazy and uncaring in sound even though he was anything but.
"Brother," Al started but Edward waved a hand dismissively in his direction.
"She's the patron goddess of Ishvalans. They prayed to her for deliverance, strength, and safety but you know what? Their rotting corpses still ended up dug up by some animal because the soldiers that murdered woman and children didn't care to put rocks ontop of the unmarked mass graves they threw the corpses in. Where was Ishvala then?"
Edward stretched his arms as far as part as they could be from clapping, from praying. "Here we are - the world is still going on. You can be as sure as shit that the universe is too. What about Leto and Ishvala? What about God, huh? I'm not being sarcastic - I want to know."
There was an ugly silence in the room because Rose didn't have answer to that. Nobody ever did.
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aetherschreiber · 5 years
Adventures of a GM Noob: Lost Tales of Ixalis - Session Zero
So, I have GMed games before. But honestly, I wasn't any good at it and none of what I did before is worth mentioning. For all intents and purposes, I am a GMing noob. But getting further into table-top RP gaming of late has really sparked my interest in it. It can be a very interesting method of story telling and a great way to exercise creativity in many ways from writing to improv to crafting.
I recently decided to jump in and try my hand at GMing, now that I have a better handle on how it's done. I've been watching how others do it and I've learned a lot about the showmanship of it and ways to bring your players into the moment. And I wanted to see how good I am at using what I've learned.
To that end, I started a game with a group of friends in a home-brew world called Ixalis.
It's not the first time I've engaged in world-building. I had previously made a fictional world - Lathuria - for a short story series I had dreamed up in high school, called Spellweavers. But I never really got around to doing much with it. During college, I recycled those notes into an impromptu game session for one of my failed GMing attempts, using the 2nd edition BESM system, a group called the Fellowship of the Ever-Falling Troll. The problem was that in changing it over to a gaming setting, I was far too ambitious. I defined the world a little too much, with too many pre-determined events and NPCs who were in charge of the world. It was too much for even me to keep track of, let alone my players. It became a frustrating endeavor and eventually the game just petered out due to a lack of interest. I got super gun-shy about GMing after that.
So, when I set out to create Ixalis, I decided to keep it a little more bare-bones. I was also using 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, which sort of has its own mythos surrounding it, so I needed to make sure the world fit the system. To that end, I fiddled around with an online map generator, [here](https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/), until I found an interesting landmass and then tweaked it for my purposes. I gave a vague description of the realms therein and a few named landmarks based on what the map generator had spit out. A tweaked listing of player character races and a listing of the world's gods and their relations to one another rounded out the important bits. I had to establish a few events in the timeline, just to have some sort of story to start with. But those events were hundreds of years apart, leaving plenty of space for the players to define their own societies and pasts.
Which brings me to the biggest, overlying philosophy I am taking in my approach to GMing this time around; it's not just my world. I want this world to belong as much to my players as it does to me. So far that seems to have paid off, as my players have already added some unique touches I never would have thought of to the world.
The campaign started this past Saturday with an episode zero, of sorts. They all came with the basics of a character, some with a backstory already detailed and others who fleshed them out in discussions with the group. We ended up with an interesting group of characters. Some of them don't know it yet, but their backstories run into each other based on some of the things we discussed.
First, we have Corwin, a human, shield-based fighter. From the young country of Auricia, he is a retired war hero from its war of independence from the Thesalian Empire. He has been brought back into service, of his own volition, to seek out missing members of the legion he once commanded.
Kiran is a human monk of the order of the goddess Tilthani. However, he has been recently receiving visions and direction from the goddess Freydis, of the Fellheim pantheon. He has spent most of his life traveling alone in the wilderness and is therefore rather socially awkward and naive.
Aekthul is a human warlock with a mysterious patron that he's not entirely comfortable with. He recently stumbled into a chamber in the ancient monument of Stone Reach and acquired a pendant that he cannot seem to get rid of, despite throwing away every day. Recently, his powers have manifested themselves in the form of a sword; one he had originally seen in Stone Reach, but left behind.
Following Aekthul covertly is a firbolg cleric of the graves domain known only The Caretaker. She was until recently one of two members of an ancient order of the goddess Talessi tasked with watching over the ancient Stone Reach. Since Aekthul encountered his patron there, she has been following and monitoring him, worried for the implications his powers mean for the monument in her charge.
Elsie Dracona is a young human rogue with sticky fingers and a penchant for finding trouble. She grew up as a milk-maid on the outskirts of the city of Drolyn. When she fell upon particularly hard times, she turned chicken-thief in order to survive. This angered the lord of the manor and she fled north, without really having a plan.
Finally, there is Tordek, a dwarf cleric of Halvdan Hammerfist. Oddly, he seems to be familiar with all the other members of the group, even though none of them know of him at all. Mysteriously, he has mentioned that the members of the group are meant to come together to do great things and has pushed a few members of the group toward doing so. Tordek is intended to be a recurring guest character who will pop up every now and then to be played by a player who can't be there all that often. We have cooked up a great reason for this, in canon, and I really look forward to collaborating with his player to add a story element that is not often seen in fantasy. More on that as the story develops.
The entire group is not yet together, though they are all heading toward the small town of Bent Bridge for their own reasons.
On the road, a very hungry Elsie encounters Corwin who promptly takes her under his wing. Together, they head to a roadside tavern for a mid-day bite to eat. There, they find Tordek who is in the process of getting into a bar-room brawl with some locals. While Elsie dodges the fight and orders up food and drink from the terrified bar-keep, Corwin jumps in to Tordek's aid. All the while, Tordek acts as though he knows Corwin, making references to past adventures they have had but about which Corwin has no memory. When all is finished and the locals are all unconscious the three of them talk over meals. Tordek insists that Elsie and Corwin are meant to travel together and are meant to meet up with three others, whose descriptions he gives and tells them they will find in Bent Bridge. He then takes his leave and mysteriously vanishes into the woods. Corwin dismisses the whole thing as the delusions of a mad dwarf and he and Elsie continue on to Bent Bridge.
Meanwhile, Aekthul encounters Kiran. Neither one is really sure what to make of the other, but that doesn't matter when a pair of grey ooze attack them on the road. The Caretaker breaks her covert observation of Aekthul and comes to their aid. Afterward, the three of them continue on their communally awkward way to Bent Bridge. There, they come to the Field and Feather Inn, a inn and tavern owned by the halfling couple Marbald and Yandell Gammidge. There, they have a meal and then Kiran and Aekthul get a room together to cut costs and the Caretaker finds a place to camp on the outskirts of the nearby woods.
Tomorrow is the celebration of New Year's day of the year anno draconis metallum 1000, commemorating the 1000th anniversary of the defeat of Tiamat by Bahamut.
All in all, this was a fairly successful session, despite pulling out a couple of adventures on the fly based on what had come to the table. It was perhaps a little slow to get started, while we all worked out how things came together, but that's what a Session Zero is for. I also raised them to level 2, mostly because I hate the instability of characters at level 1, so the encounters were also just a little something to justify that.
There are some things I know I need to work on. Some of my descriptions of the fights, particularly the one with the oozes, got very repetitive. We also did only "theater of the mind" for the encounters rather than miniatures, but I intend to use minis in the future. I'm looking forward to using the collection of minis I have and Corwin's player, @FortiutousBob on Twitter, also has an extensive collection (he GM's the Saturday night game I play in opposite this one).
All in all, I'm pretty pumped about this going forward.
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snapesslave4lyfe · 6 years
Warning!! Graphic depictions of rape ahead
I have been re-reading some old fan fics I've had saved and read through my first ever posted fic. Of course it has its major weak spots (I had no beta so tons of grammar, spelling, and word choice errors) but overall, I'm really happy with how I did with it. But this scene right here? I am insanely proud of how this scene was written.
The alley smells. It's like a pile of old sick, stale beer and something like hot trash in the summer sun. There are puddles of indeterminable origin close by. No one ever really walks by, and no one ever comes down into the alley. The buildings on either side are nondescript. Just basic brick and mortar. Nothing to set them apart from the other countless building facades in the area. But I will never forget anything about them. This is where my life was changed.
I'm curled behind a dumpster, watching for my mark so I can do the last of my work before I can go back to my hotel for the night. This guy was just the latest in a line of Voldemort wannabes and I was ready to just wash my hands of him and this whole mission. 'Tomorrow night, when this is all over, I tell Kingsley to shove it. I'm done.' I think to myself. I feel something behind me, then feel hot, stale breath on my neck and the hair there stands up. My hand carefully grips my wand, but before I can turn around an arm snakes around my stomach, holding my arms in place as its companion closes over my mouth, choking off my screams. I will never forget the voice, like broken glass and rusty nails, as it says menacingly, "What do we got here? Such a pretty little lady to be in such a shit hole as this. Waiting for me darlin'? Well here I am." His hands start gripping tightly, clamping my arms and face painfully, as he grinds his arousal against my back. I shudder, squirming around as much as I can, trying to get my wand pointed towards any part of him, when his grip makes me drop it. I feel the first tear well in my eye, but still refuse to let it fall.
"I got somethin' for ya, sweetheart. Can you feel it? All for you, babydoll. What do you think you can do for me? If you're a good little girl, I might not hurt you too much. Be good and don't make a sound, or it'll get a lot worse for ya." He removes the hand from my face just long enough to grab something from his pocket to cram into my mouth. It tastes disgusting. Like the sick I can smell, along with body odor and who knows what fluids from his person. I'm not even sure what it is. Some sort of fabric. All I know is that this revolting piece of fabric is going to keep me from getting out of here. I feel myself start to fall apart the more he grinds into my backside. My tears have chosen to fall without my permission now, and I can feel myself breaking. I am the brightest witch of the age, and I am breaking for a muggle who doesn't know any better. To him, I'm just another conquest. Just a series of orifices. Just his next rush. I'm not a brilliant, strong witch who has stood toe to toe with the likes of Bellatrix Lastrange and Lucious Malfoy and won. I'm not anything more than what he wants to do to me. And I break.
As he tears my clothes from my body, I get mad at myself for wearing something so easily torn and removed. Why didn't I wear leather and denim today? Why cotton and linen which are so easily torn? The stale air hits my back first, then my legs. I can almost feel him drool as he eyes my arse in the plain cotton pants covering my virgin cheeks, before he savagely rips them from me. He pushes my against the brick wall and dumpster. The smells no longer register. Neither does the pain as the brick abrades my sensitive flesh. He holds the back of my neck with one hand, pushing my face against the rough surface, his other hand pulling my lower body closer to his. The hand on my neck pushes down, scraping my face, to get a better angle for himself as he pulls himself from his trousers and pumps a couple times. I allow my tears to fall freely.
"Now remember what I said, honey. Not a sound, or it gets a lot worse for ya." He grates out just before he pushes himself into my virgin opening, tearing through my maidenhead viciously. I cry out, the first noise I've made so far, and feel his forearm slam into the middle of my back before his elbow lands a weighted blow to my right side. I feel the air leave my lungs and for long pain filled moments, it's like I'm choking. My legs want to buckle underneath me, but his grip and body seem to be the only thing keeping me in place. "Didn't I say not a sound? Stupid little bitch if you can't even remember that." He starts pounding into me as the air returns in deep gasps while I whimper helplessly around the cloth in my mouth."So fuckin' tight though, aren't ya. Been a long time since I had a virgin. Look at that blood on my cock. God, it's almost as good as if you were wet for me." He nearly moans into the back of my hair.
I keep a mantra in my head, repeating it over and over. 'I am Hermione Granger, and I will not let this be the end. I am Hermione Granger, and I will not let this be the end. I am Hermione-' He pulls out of me, but I have no time for a relieved breath as he forces his way in to my tight puckered hole. The mantra no longer repeats in my head. The whimpers have given way to shuddering sobs that wrack my body. And suddenly, I'm floating. I no longer feel the pain of every blow he lands as punishment for my noise. I don't feel the abrasive 'push-pull' as he enters and exits me. I can no longer hear the vicious words he says, although I will never forget them. I am floating above the scene unfolding before me. I see a poor innocent girl being treated like a rag doll whore, being tortured and left bloody and shattered in a dark, stale smelling alleyway in the middle of one of the busiest cities in the country, left to die. Or to live. Which is worse? To die knowing these as your last memories? Or to live feeling like a dirty, used, degraded cum depository for a disgusting low-life?
Nearly 2 years later, I still don't have an answer. 
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