#eventually this other guy started helping me instead of the girl that was supposed to train me
roosterforme · 8 months
Beer Boy and Sugar: The First Lost Year (Bradley Bradshaw x Reader)
Part of the Lost Years series for Beer Boy and Sugar
Warnings: language, longing, angst (series fits chronologically between Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time)
Banner by @mak-32
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Year One
Bradley was pulled out of his comfortable daydream when he heard Natasha Trace call his name. He looked over at the only friend he'd managed to make since he moved to Rhode Island for flight training five months ago. It turns out, nobody much wants to talk to you when you're a bit of a miserable prick. 
She nodded back toward the hangar and said, "Captain Price wants us to use the simulator."
"Right," he replied softly. Once she was gone again, he turned to look out at the rough Atlantic Ocean and shivered in the late October air. He was freezing cold. He was always fucking freezing cold here. He missed Virginia. He missed being warm in his bed in his fraternity house. He missed you.
"No," he whispered, closing his eyes and focusing on some deep breathing. "No. You can't." Every thought of you was painful, and he needed to get past this. He kept promising himself that one day, he would wake up and be on the other side of this ache, but he was such a damn liar. Deep inside, he knew better. 
How was it supposed to stop hurting when all he could think about was you, equally cold in Chicago, wrapped up in his Grateful Dead shirt and listening to their songs? It had already snowed there; he checked the weather frequently. He memorized the University of Chicago campus map and thought about where you might be, always afraid you were in a library study room. With someone else. Because the only thing worse than thinking about you cold and alone was thinking about you moving on with someone new. But you were perfect. Bradley's perfect Sugar. Of course you didn't need to be with him to be happy. 
Eventually he turned toward the hangar and walked through the frigid wind. He completed the simulation perfectly in almost no time. Trace was every bit as good as he was, and Bradley silently rejoiced whenever they were paired together. She was serious but not too serious. She was smart but never cocky about it. She didn't waste a lot of time talking if she had nothing to say. She reminded him a lot of you. 
He wasn't interested in her as anything more than the friend he desperately needed right now, but it was hard to open up to someone new when he could only think about one thing. There were a handful of really attractive women here, but Bradley found himself unable to focus on them. Besides, he finally understood that quality always beats quantity. You started teaching him that lesson as soon as he felt the urge to paint his bedroom door white. 
He avoided the tables full of students in the cafeteria, picking one off to the side instead. He figured if he gave the appearance that he didn't want anyone around, then they would leave him alone. He was only mostly successful.
"Can I join you?" 
When he looked up at Trace's dark brown eyes, he nodded and pulled his tray a little closer to him so she could sit on the other side of the table. "Yeah, sure."
She ate half of her food before she said anything. "Hey, thanks for not being creepy."
He looked at her calm face in confusion. "What do you mean?"
She shrugged and said, "Some of the other guys are a little creepy towards me, Hayes, O'Malley and Butler. They think it's funny to mess with the girls."
"Seriously?" Bradley asked, setting his fork down. "Which guys?" He wished he didn't feel the sudden urge to break something; he'd been able to manage this feeling for a long time, only letting it surface when he wanted to pound Jeff to bits for touching you. It would probably feel good right now if he let this emotion take over for a little bit.
"Don't worry about it," Trace replied easily. "It's nothing I can't handle. I just don't like eating alone if I can help it, because then they come over."
Bradley nodded, picking up his fork again. If there was anything you wouldn't like, it would be Bradley losing his place in the Navy because he couldn't manage to stay out of a fistfight. "You can eat with me whenever you want."
Her muttered, "Thanks," was so soft, he barely heard it. He wanted to tell her not to thank him, but the silence between them felt pretty nice. She took a few more bites before she asked, "So what's your deal, Bradshaw? You're awfully quiet for someone who can pass all of the exams on the first try and makes the simulators look easy."
He laughed. "I could say the same about you."
"I guess," she replied, "but I'm always the one initiating conversation with you, not the other way around. It's a girl, isn't it? You miss your girlfriend?"
She didn't ask it unkindly, but it felt like a slap to his face. He swallowed hard, once again wondering why this hurt so fucking bad after five goddamn months. But he'd never tried to actually talk about you with anyone else. Maybe it wouldn't be as hard as he thought it would. 
He cleared his throat and looked down at his tray. "There used to be a girl. I think maybe she thought she was doing me a favor when she dumped me. Or maybe she was just trying to protect herself. And I can respect that."
"Ouch," came Natasha's soft voice, and Bradley had almost forgotten he wasn't alone. "You were in love with her." 
It wasn't phrased as a question, and once again Bradley felt like she physically hit him. He had never admitted it out loud before right now. "Yeah. I was in love with her." He set his fork down one last time before he met her eyes. "I'm still in love with her."
Later that night, he cried himself to sleep, dying to hear you call him Beer Boy and push your fingers through his hair one last time. Dying to ask you why he couldn't have two dreams.
You were twenty-two years old. You lived in one of the most exciting cities in the country. And you were single. But you never really felt like going out when the other graduate students invited you. Every time you did go, you ended up at a bar that was way too loud or a frat house that was way too uncomfortable. Nobody knew how to play beer pong correctly, and every guy was wearing a backwards cap.
It made your heart ache.
You looked up from your computer to see Jared staring at you with a smile on his face and his hat spun backwards on his head. "Alex and I are going to one of the library study rooms and then out to get a beer. You coming?"
Both of those things sounded amazing, actually. But not with him or Alex. Not with anybody at this school or in this city or even in the central time zone. You shook your head. "Thanks, but not tonight. Maybe next week?"
Jared looked dejected. "Aww, come on. You're too pretty to be sitting here working alone." He probably though he was being charming, but he was nowhere close to the level of sweetness you were used to.
You sighed softly and shook your head again. "Thanks but.... maybe next week."
When he finally left, you tried to return your attention to what you had been working on. There was no shortage of classwork or research to keep you busy seven days a week here, and that was a very good thing. Because it was days like this one where you started to think about Bradley and you couldn't stop. As soon as you let the memories creep in, you were done. 
You closed your computer and sucked in a ragged breath. Through the blurry tears filling your eyes, you pulled up the bottom of your hoodie and ran your fingers along the soft, tie dyed cotton of the shirt you were wearing underneath. If you closed your eyes and thought about Virginia, you could almost believe the shirt still smelled like him. You could almost hear him sing what had become your favorite song.  
"Shit," you muttered, standing and shoving your computer into your backpack. You would finish working from your dorm room. You just needed to get out of here right now. 
The icy cold air smacked you in the face as soon as you walked outside. Apparently it started snowing in October here. It had been snowing steadily for days. You missed Virginia. You missed the stupid Beta house. You missed the way Bradley felt like your own personal furnace when he cuddled with you. Sometimes you thought you'd made the worst decision of your life.
The urge to cave and call him as soon as you got to your room and cranked up the heater was so intense. Then you remembered that you broke his heart and your own with a handful of sentences and the admission that you loved him. Well, you still loved him, but he almost certainly hated you. And that was fine. That was completely okay as long as he was focused on keeping himself safe instead of thinking about a long distance relationship. He had a dream bigger than you, and he deserved to live it out.
You curled up in a ball on your bed and listened to Easy to Love You by The Grateful Dead exactly eleven times in a row while you cried. You did the math in your head; that was just over forty minutes of crying. Last week when you broke down, it was closer to an hour. Maybe things were on the upswing now. Maybe the pain would start to fade. It had already been more than five months since you left his room while he sat on the edge of his bed, agony written on his face. 
"Why?" you asked yourself angrily, certain nobody else would ever make you feel as good as he had for the handful of months you'd spent together. He taught you a lot about yourself, and now you understood the importance of giving someone a second chance. How crucial it was to look past the surface. 
You buried your nose in the fabric of the colorful shirt, turned the song on one more time, and fell asleep with unshed tears and a tightness in your chest. When you woke up the next day, you found more snow on the ground when you put on your boots and jacket and headed outside. You remembered exactly where to go, because you'd seen it so many times before. You headed for the tattoo parlor near campus with a pocketful of cash and the hope that this would make you feel better and not worse.
Once you were lounging back with the Grateful Dead shirt pulled up, you pointed to your math tattoo. "I want it just below this one. It's a specific song lyric. And I want it in this font."
The tattoo artist looked at your skin and then the words you'd written out before checking the font you were pointing to in his binder which happened to look a bit like Bradley's tidy script. 
"The Dead," he said with a smile. "I dig it. I can do it for a hundred bucks."
You nodded and handed him the cash, and just a few minutes later, he got to work. If he thought you were crying softly because of the pain from the needle digging into your flesh over and over again, then that was fine with you.
I'm fine. We are all fine. Year two is up next.
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kenmakodz · 7 months
07. i hate men (except you two) ☆
writing in-between cuts!
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yuuta practically flies to where his friends are, feeling horrible after seeing maki's tweet. he really does make them wait forever sometimes. it's not his fault! he just.. looses track of time... all the time.
"ah, the man of the hour finally arrives." maki teases, sitting up from the bench her and toge were sitting on. out of all his breath, yuuta bends over with his hands on his knees. "yes. here i am, heaving, because you two rushed me." a laugh rises from the boy beside him, paired with a small push. "isn't being dramatic my thing?"
the three begin walking, and yuuta feels as if the whole time, maki's eyes are burning holes into his side. he tries to ignore it until he cant anymore- eventually curiosity (and anxiety) gets the best of him. "why are you staring so much?" he asks, and notices as soon as he turns his head to her, suddenly her eyes are fixated on the sidewalk in front of them instead. she sighs, "i'm just shocked you didn't invite y/n, i was kinda hoping you would ask if she could come." yuuta stays silent, utterly confused. was it wrong to not invite her? i mean, we all consider her a friend- but by the way maki worded her text, it seemed like she didn't want her to come..? toge chimes in, realizing yuuta doesn't know what to say next. "yeah, last night, her and nobara were conspiring on the phone about this for like.. hours. you were supposed to invite her, and we were supposed to leave you two alone after a while" now, yuuta is even MORE confused. but, at least he conveys it in words this time. "what? why? i would've invited her, but it seemed like you didn't want her to come!" toge turns around to maki, giving her the most intense 'i told you so' look he's ever given. she brushes him off with a click of her tongue, despite knowing he's right. the rest of maki's words resonate in yuuta's head, and he continues. "also- what do you mean leave us alone?" maki sighs again, and yuuta wishes he could ignore the feeling of guilt pooling inside of him. they had a whole plan, and he'd ruined it. even more so, he unknowingly left out the girl he'd wanted to be with the most. "we're trying to get you to confess having a crush on her already." she says, in a matter-of-fact manner. yuuta scoffs at this point, already feeling like he'd ruined the whole night. "i don't need you guys to conspire for me. if i ever decide to confess to her, i will. getting us alone won't help either-- i was alone with her last night and still had crippling anxiety." the two friends laugh, and practically shrug it off.
"...did i do the wrong thing by not inviting her?"
"yeah, but it's okay."
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the facetime call clicks on, and immediately yuuji's voice chimes through. "y/n!!" you laugh, setting your phone up next to you in a way that your friends can see your face. the next person to join the call was nobara, and you can tell she's fresh out of the shower. her hair is wet, and her camera is slightly blurry- from steam, you assume. "what's up bitches! yuuji, are you setting up the server?" an affirmative hum comes from the other end of the line, indicating that he is. nobara's phone gets noticeably closer to her face, and you can only feel like she's examining you.
...of course she is. "y/n, are you alright?" you nod, and smile back at your phone. "i'm okay, nobara. it's really not that big of a deal. they're just going downtown, and like megumi said, they were all friends before i came here." you notice yuuji's face starts to soften from the focused one he had on beforehand, seemingly feeling bad for you, yet not saying anything. she sighs, and puts her phone down to rub a towel through her hair. her voice echoes a bit due to her being far away. "you know, though. last night, maki and i made this big plan for yuuta to invite you out with them. i have no idea what happened to it." before you can respond, the sound of megumi joining the call resonates throughout everyones phones. it gives you a split second to feel an uncertain feeling run through your stomach. "do you think.. she told him about it?" you think out loud at this point, knowing your friends would never judge how you feel. "she very well could have, and he could've hated the idea of it." nobara's head shakes aggressively, and water droplets fly all over the camera. "shit! no- no, y/n. no way she told him, he was supposed to do it on his own accord. i guess he fucked up, i'm sure maki has told him now though." you scoff, "how is that supposed to make me feel better though?! that just means he wasn't even thinking about it." a long groan comes from the other girl once again, and she picks up her phone- her whole face filling the screen. if you weren't upset, you'd be laughing at the sight. "if what i hear from maki is the truth, this guy is literally whipped for you. you have nothing to worry about, he's just an idiot." she puts her phone down again, and walks off to most likely put her towel away. the call goes silent, and to the other two boys, it's obvious you're thinking to yourself. her and maki talk about me and yuuta? well, i'd be surprised if they didn't, but they think he likes me back? there's no way in hell he does if he forgot about me. you put your head in your hands, and now it's your time to groan. except, instead of an annoyed one, it comes out as frustrated and lovesick. "i hate men." you mutter, words muffled by your palms. both yuuji and megumi chime in with a synchronized "hey!" which makes you laugh, pulling your head up. "except for you two."
after playing for what seems like a few hours, a disconnection sound turns everyone's attention back to their phones. "who the hell disconnected?" nobara asks, grabbing her phone at the same time as you. yuuji gasps and begins typing rapidly. "it was megumi!"
you and nobara give eachother a knowing look, before you realize there are unchecked notifications on your phone. "oh, guys- yuuta texted me." your voice seems soft, but not upset. nobara hums, "what did he say?" the sound of phones chiming over the call seems to be her answer, you'd sent a screenshot of it. "i don't think i'm going to answer him.. not right now."
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fun facts -> yuuta paced around his room, wondering whether or not he should ask maki if y/n could come. her text seemed passive-aggressive, but he could've just been overthinking it. he ultimately decided against it (despite really wanting her to be there), because he didn't want to make his friends uncomfortable. toge knewwww yuuta would do this after maki sent her text, and tried to convince her to just invite y/n herself. but, being her stubborn self, she didn't. drats!! foiled again :/
-> i hope there isn't too much writing...... but anyways ! miscommunication <3
previous, masterlist, next [08. grow some balls!!]
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if you are in bold, i am unable to tag you :( and if i forgot to add you, PLEASE YELL AT ME
⤷ © kenmakodz
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 7
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 6, Part 8
I'm so sorry. I completely forgot the warnings! This chapter has more talk about sensitive topics. But it does not show or go into detail about it.
Dreams didn't haunt your sleep this time. You slept peacefully but woke up a little groggy from the ships movements. After readjusting your mask and freshening up, you left to find whatever food the Crux has.
The swaying ship's interior looked different in the daylight. So if you got a little lost while trying to find the stairs, then you can't be blamed. Eventually you did find it and climbed it to the main deck.
Most of the crew members seemed to be here already. The vast ocean surrounded you with no land in sight. You thought back to the players that would make ice bridges from Liyue to Inazuma using Kaeya.
"Oh that's them!" A yell catches your attention as a hand is roughly placed on your shoulder. You look up to see a tall, broad man with dark hair and a beard smiling down at you. He looked very familair and the sun casting a shadow on him helped you remember. This was the exhausted man that you showed the fan to, to board the Alcor.
"Is this the person you saw moving everyone off the floors, last night Sea Drake?" The man with his hand on your shoulder asks another man with a eyepatch and red bandana who nods.
"That's them Juza. I heard the creator's wishing show happening and by the time I was in the hallway I saw them moving ya'll halfdead bodies off the floor."
Oh fuck, did he see you wishing?
"I'm a little confused on what you both are talking about. My name is Y/N, I'm a guest that Lord Ayato paid for. Sea Drake was it? Did you see the creator's wishing?"
"We definitely should've introduced ourselves before talking to ya like this. I'm Sea Drake, the helmsman of this ship. Sadly no, when I came outside it was already finished, I only saw the gold star through the window in my room."
Crisis avoided. Juza releases your shoulder and picks up a bag. The way he cheerfully gives it to you is much different then how he acted when you first met him.
"I'm Juza, you showed me the Kamisato fan when you boarded last night. Man , what a shock it was when I woke up and remembered! Come sit with us and the other crewmates! We all wanted to thank ya for spending the time to move us."
You open the bag to see 4 pieces of grilled unagi meat. Your stomach growls at the sight and Sea Drake pulls you to a pile of crates where the other crewmembers are.
"This is Y/N! They're Kamisato's chosen guest, and also the one who moved us before the crates crushed us."
Two women and a man look at you with varying expressions. It's a girl wearing an eyepatch that introduces herself first.
"I'm Furong, I'm just a sailor in charge of fighting. Since you managed to move me then you must have some strength."
The second woman speaks up with a smile. "And I'm Huixing, the crews navigator. That guy is Suling, don't expect much of an introduction, he only likes weapons."
Suling sends Huxing a glare and huffs, "And you only like marine biology."
"So? At least I can say my name, you barely give anyone who isn't a crewmate or a weapon smith the time of day."
They start to bicker as you start eating the Unagi meat, it tasted so good. Sea Drake hands you crystal shrimp and you accept it with a smile. You only eat half of it when Furong silently hands you a plate of squirrel fish.
Isn't this too much food to give to someone? But you wouldn't say no to food, let alone food that smelled so delicious.
"Thanks Furong." You flash a smile at the stoic woman as you taste the sweet and sour dish. She nods and Huixing see's just how much food was handed to you.
"If you'll are gonna thank Y/N with food then you should have given some crab too." Huixing puts a container next to you that looks very similar to crab roe tofu. How were you supposed to eat everything?
"Don't you see the amount of food is too much? You were better off giving Y/N a drink instead." To your surprise the gruff Suling handed you a rainbow aster. A sip let you know that it was lavender melon flavored.
"I don't mind, I didn't eat last night so I was starving." Being handed this much food may be overwhelming but you would be lying if you said it wasn't exciting.
Making it your goal to finish everything they gave you, you start chowing down. They watch you in vague fascination and slight horror as you eat everything. You only had the last half of the rainbow aster left.
Bringing it to your lips you chug it down without stopping. You're pretty sure someone is chanting "Chug! Chug!" until you finish the drink with a smile.
"Man, that all tasted so good." You wipe your mouth and set the glass down. Juza pats your back roughly with a loud laugh.
"I've never seen someone eat all that food in one sitting! Not super surprising since you are Lord Kamisato's chosen guest."
Furong, Huixing, and even Suling seem shocked at this information.
"You're the chosen guest? Are you super strong or super important? Maybe even know some important information on sea creatures?" Huixing asks in a rush.
"Oh, nothing like that. I'm a oracle for the creator so I guess I would fall on the important scale. Can I know why being Lord Ayato's chosen guest is so important?" You ask casually.
"An oracle? Really? That does seem worthy enough for Lord Kamisato to use his favor." Did Beidou owe Ayato for something?
"You see years ago before the Captain got her vision, she needed a new claymore. Lord Kamisato sent Thoma to board our ship with the goods we were delivering around the same time. We were attacked by Haishan, a leviathan, and Thoma almost died during it. The captain ended up losing her eye to save Thoma's life."
Well shit. It makes sense now that Ayato trusts the Crux so much despite their less than legal activities.
"When we returned, Lord Kamisato had already heard what had happened. As thanks he had a claymore made for her. The Katsuragikiri Nagamasa and it was that claymore that she used to kill Haishan. But it also destroyed the claymore."
The force Beidou used to cut off Haishan's head without a vision must have great but also reckless that it broke it.
"Lord Kamisato got her another one in exchange that she would take care of anyone that boards the ship with his fan. His chosen guest is what he referred to them as. It's been so long we thought there would never be someone."
"That sounds incredible. I would love to have seen that hydra be slain." No, no you do not want to see that. Mostly cause you don't want to accidently die during that battle.
The conversation moves smoothly to different topics of different adventures. You occasionally give in input when needed but you're gradually getting lost in thought. Mainly wondering if creatures of Teyvat would actually recognize you as the creator, would battles like that still happen?
You blink in surprise when you see Beidou and Kazuha talking on the other side of the ship. When did they get there? Kazuha looks over in your direction and locks eyes with you. You smile and wave holding back laughter at how red he gets.
Beidou on the other hand has no reservation and laughs at him. You're too far away to hear it but her body language says it all. Whatever she tells Kazuha is making him even more embarrassed.
He glances at you before moving to the middle of the ship where no one else is. Having a feeling on what he wants to say, you thanked the crewmembers for the food and left.
You walk to the middle where Kazuha is already waiting for you. As soon as you stop in front of him, he bows low with closed eyes.
"Please accept my sincerest apologies. My behavior yesterday was unbecoming of me and incredibly rude. If you feel uncomfortable around me due to what I had almost done yesterday then I swear to make myself scarce around you."
Well damn, was it really that serious? The way he pinned you against the barrel yesterday was child's play compared to what you've gone through and seen back on Earth.
You smile brightly and held his hands. Clasping his hands tightly you speak with a gentle and kind voice.
"Kazuha I really didn't feel uncomfortable or threatened at all by you last night. It was more funny than anything else! Besides the haiku you told me yesterday was very sweet, I wasn't lying when I said that being your muse was very flattering."
Kazuha sighs and smiles in what seems to be relief. He stands back up straight and you release your grip. A frown flashes on his face for a split second before his expression becomes puzzled.
"I remember you telling me that you're an oracle for the creator. The grace you wield must be from them too." His eyes get warm and hazy for second, most likely from thinking about the 'creator'. He continues in that calm, soft voice you've known him for.
"My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, I'm a ronin who's been traveling for quite some time. I occasionally join Beidou on her voyages and as fate would have it, I even got the chance to meet you here too. It's a pleasure to properly meet you Y/N."
"The creator has shown me some of your previous journeys. There's no need to speak formally with me unless you choose to. As we are both close to the creator, I wish for us to get along."
The wind's breeze is softer than last night's but it still ruffles your hair as you smile at him. Under his breath Kazuha whispers and judging by the slight wonder in his eyes, he must no realize he's speaking aloud.
"Clouds part for a clear smile,
Winds whip for the perfect stage,
Soft eyes and a hypnotic style,
Not even maple leaves can upstage."
After those last words Kazuha notices your bashful expression. In turn he only smiles calmly with a slight tint on his cheeks.
"My drunk words last night were not false. My creativity has been very low these past few weeks, and out of everything I've tried. It is your mere presence that cured it."
"Should I be worried that I'll be sending Kazuha off so soon? It seems like he's enamored with you." Beidou comes striding over to you both with a confident smile.
"Hello, you must be Captain Beidou. Has the blackcliff slasher that the creator granted you been serving you well?" Beidou smiles wider at that, you were right to keep your guard up.
"Straight to the heart, I like that kind of directness. Seems like there's some truth to your claim as an oracle. I hope you don't take any offense to that."
"Not at all, blasphemous people exist after all. Even if you don't trust me, I hope you can at least trust Lord Ayato since he was the one who paid for me."
"You've got a silver tongue, that'll serve you well. Now I've got Kazuha's flowery language and your charming words. Do ya mind if I ask you how you came to know the Commissoner?"
"Not a problem. I was looking to find a boat to leave Inazuma and Itto, the leader of the Arrataki Gang, introduced me to Thoma. Thoma learned that I was an oracle and brought me to the Kamisato Estate. I proved that I'm the real deal to Lord Ayato and he gave me the fan."
You speak with a relaxed stance and hands in your pockets. The simpler and less detailed you put it, the less likely you'll be caught in a lie about. Telling Beidou that you had to pass tests is just not a good idea.
"Well even if I can't fully believe it, it won't matter too much anyway. Having the Commissioners fan and Kazuha's wind trusting you is more than enough proof for me." She says that but you don't feel reassured.
It won't matter anyway. The fan is physical proof that she can't objectify. Plus you had her at C3, she must feel some sort of pull towards you. Whatever way she takes it is up to her.
"But I shouldn't get so distracted. I wanted to let you know that we'll be taking a little longer to pick up some things on a island we pass by. Kazuha, since our lookout Xu Liushi couldn't come due to his sickness, I'll need you to go up there and keep a eye out for now."
The map in the game showed that there was no land between Liyue and Inazuma. Was this something added or was it finally revealed now that you were in Teyvat? It reminds you of your debate on whether this cult thing was added or revealed.
"No problem Beidou, Y/N would you like to come along? The view up there is breathtaking." Beidou nudges Kazuha with a smirk while Kazuha pointedly ignores her.
"That sounds great! This is my first time being on a ship like this."
Going to the top of a armed fleet? The thought of being up there that high gives you slight anxiety but it's overpowered by the childish excitement.
"Excuse me for a moment." Kazuha brief warning is acommnenied by his hands lifting you bridal style. "Hang on tight!"
Anemo swirls around his lower body as he crouches before springing into the air. Expertly he uses the anemo as momentum to bounce off the wood of the sails climbing higher and higher.
The air gets colder and harder to breathe at the speed you're going at. Closing your eyes you hide your face in his chest to protect it from the biting wind.
The thump of his shoes hitting the wood alerts you to his steady landing. Your amazed smile is clear to see as he softly sets you down.
Holding the circular railing tightly you look down to see the dizzingly view of the deck below you. It was such a dangerous position but the sight of the seemingly endless ocean was enrapturing.
"I personally perfer sitting on the edge of the boat but the scenery here has a certain charm to it too."
You look behind you to see Kazuha leaning back on the railing with his head angled up. His hair is ruffled by the wind and you admire the handsome man. Little details that you couldn't see on official artwork or game models became clearer.
The callouses on his hands. The wear and tear on his clothes. Even the hint of scars behind his bandages did not go unnoticed by your eyes. Moving to look at his face, you meet his eyes. Were those scarlet eyes always so peaceful yet striking?
"Last night you mentioned how I feel like a sweet dream and that the wind speaks highly of me. Today you spoke of it too. Can you tell me what the wind says of me?"
"I am unable to speak to it with words. It communicates to me with feelings and other abstract ways. I've just been in contact with it for so long that I would describe my communication with it as hearing."
Kazuha has been able to hear nature since he was little so he must have gained a lot of experience in understanding what it's trying to say to him. It's quiet before Kazuha speaks his next words with care.
"The wind has a unique way of speaking when it comes to the creator. That same way is also used when it speaks about you. The only one that has ever gotten as close to it as you, would be the traveler. But you surpass even her. As the creator speaks to you, it makes perfect sense that it speaks about you so similarly to the creator."
So, his own opinion makes him interpret the wind differently. If he saw your bare face and you introduced yourself simply by your name, he might have really believed you to be the creator. All those details plus the wind's reaction would make him entertain the idea.
But how long would it have lasted? All it would take is to see your crimson blood to make him start doubting. Doubts will creep in and eat away at his mind until he twists the wind's feelings into 'the wind is warning me of them pretending to be the creator by mimicking their appearance and scent.'
"It's such an honor to be seen similarly to the creator. I hope it can stay like that forever. I'm not sure if the creator will stay with me forever but I'm thankful that I can at least meet people like you on this journey."
Your words are like sickly saccharine. Sweet to others but sickening to you. The lies rot your teeth like sugar as you clasp your hands together. Smiling shyly you look at Kazuha with a earnest expression.
For a second, Kazuha's breath seems stolen. His cheeks gain a rosy hue and his gaze seems to swallow you whole. Until the expression falls and his eyebrows pinch together slightly.
"Is somethi-"
"Oi Kazuha! I need your help with something for a second!"
Furong is the one calling him. If it wasn't for the anemo providing aid to help you hear better, you would have missed it completely. Kazuha looks down and glances at you with a contemplative expression.
"I'll head down in a second!" Kazuha reluctantly yells back before looking back at you with a soft almost sorrowful smile.
"I'll be heading down to help them, if you don't mind staying up here then please wait for me to come back."
You nod to show your agreement and watch him leave. The glimmer of worry in his eyes doesn't escape yours.
There's no way your front failed, if there's one thing you're confident in, it's your skill in lying. His initial reaction shows that he fully believed it, so what made him strongly doubt it?
The wind, or the anemo element specifically. Your connection to Teyvat as the creator must have let it alert him to your hidden feelings. He must believe that you feel sad rather than you being a liar. After all, lying would have made him mad.
You brainstorm what kind of story you can tell Kazuha as you wait for him to come back. The rolling waves, occasional jumping fish, and cawing birds are good background noise to help. The sight of a small island jolts you out of your head.
The sound of Kazuha's signature skill is perfectly timed as you turn back to see him land smoothly on the wood. Before he can speak and try to address your earlier mood, you speak first.
"That island Beidou mentioned is getting close. Should we alert her now or wait?" You point at the land that the Alcor is steadily getting closer to with an easy smile.
Kazuha frowns a little at the sight of it, it turns into a soft smile as he stretches his hands out to you.
"You're correct, we should tell her now. The landing will be a bit rough so it's best for you to be on the deck rather than up here. If you don't mind, I'll help you back down."
"Not a problem." Your words are accompanied by a beaming smile as your hand is placed in his. Swiftly he picks you up and holds you firmly in his arms.
"Which way would you perfer? The fast drop or a gradual landing?" He stands on the railing without faltering as he smiles at you.
"The fast drop, I trust that you will land as smoothly as you speak." The words you speak have a teasing note as you tighten your grip on him.
"Then I will not disappoint."
Instead of jumping off while facing the ground like you expected, he turns around so his back faces the drop. He starts falling backwards as you gasp in surprise.
Unlike the first time Kazuha held you, you made sure to keep your eyes open. Your stomach lurched as the air rushed past you. All too soon Kazuha righted his body and used his skill to land on the deck.
You're set down gently as he keeps hold of your hands to steady you. Eyes scrunched up in joy an airy giggle leaves you.
"You're the best rollercoaster I've ever been on."
"What's a rollercoaster?"
"I don't know, what is a rollercoaster?"
Your serious and confusing response makes Kazuha blink in confusion before Beidou comes up behind him.
"You both came down a lot sooner than I thought. Has the island been spotted already?"
"Yes, it has. It's around-" You zone off when Kazuha starts telling Beidou all the details on where the island is and how close it is to the ship. You needed to conserve any and all mental energy to keeping yourself alive, information like this would hinder you more than anything.
That's exactly why you only sat on a crate out of everyone's way as they ran around preparing to briefly dock at the island. If you are lucky, Kazuha might even forget whatever he planned to ask you.
The ship stops at the island and the board is put down. You watch in vague confusion as none of the crewmembers move to leave. Weren't they supposed to pick up some things from the island?
The sight of a very familar panda boarding the ship with a large bag makes you sit up straighter. Guoba, the usually silent bear happily put the bag down on the deck before catching sight of you.
He freezes at the sight of you as his eyes go wide. Feeling a bit worried that he might react like Ei, you wave at him trying to keep your heart under control. You have no clue how this secretly ancient god would react to you!
Guoba rushed towards you as he jumped up in down in what seemed like joy. Little hums and trills of happiness escaped him as you relaxed at his positive reaction. It would seem that he recognizes you as the creator. Too bad he can't talk and actually tell everyone.
Smiling you offer your hand to Guoba as he places his paws in it with childlike delight.
"Hello, you must be Guoba. You used to be the stove God right? A pleasure to meet you, I'm Y/N. I'm currently the creator's oracle."
He tilts his head in confusion. It must be weird to him that the creator is referring to themselves as someone other than the creator. Hopefully, his reduced mental capacity will not let him interfere and accidentally rat you out.
"Guoba, there you are! There's still a few bags left, please help me get the last ones."
Xiangling comes onto the ship holding two bags with a worried expression. Guoba looks at you and then at Xiangling with a conflicted expression.
You release Guoba's paws and gesture off the boat with your head, silently telling Guoba to help Xiangling out. With one last "Lalala~" he hopped off the boat.
The cheerful vision holder that has a literal god as a companion, sets the bags down and apologizes with a sheepish smile.
"I'm so sorry for Guoba's action! He usually isn't that physical with people. My name is Xiangling and I'm a chef from Liyue."
"It's not a problem, Gouda was endearing rather than off-putting. I'm glad he's that friendly with me. You can call me Y/N."
Another woman boards the ship holding three bags with Guoba following after her with the last bag. A tall stature, darker skin, many spikes and a large guitar-claymore fusion helps you easily identitfy Xinyan.
She was taller than her game model looked like and her features were sharper too. Her character details said that she was taller than most girls her age so it makes sense that you can see her accurate height.
But it still made no sense that people are so afraid of her. People would move out of lines she joins which was pretty fucking stupid. Maybe it's cause she lives in Liyue and you're from Earth but she looked more badass than scary.
Xinyan must have felt your gaze as she turns to look in your direction with confusion. She sets down all three bags and Xiangling hurriedly opens them. With a friendly smile Xinyan walks over to you.
"Are you a special guest of some sort? I'm Xinyan, the only rock 'n' roll musician in Liyue. Beidou doesn't usually pick people up unless they're something special."
Hopping off the crate you hold your hand out with a grin. Xiangling may be looking into the bag but you can tell she's listening. Both pyro users are extremely friendly and not likely to suspect you of anything bad. It's best to get on their good side which thankfully isn't hard.
"I'm Y/N, an oracle for the creator. As for special guest, it's more like I'm the Kamisato Clan's chosen guest. It's great to meet you Xinyan."
As Xinyan shakes your hand Xiangling's head whips around to face you both at light speed.
"You're an oracle for the creator?!" She says loudly as she comes to you with sparkling eyes. Should you be concerned?
"Does that mean the creator can taste food through you? I've always offered food to the shrines and temples but it's not like I can get any feedback through that method. But if the creator can taste through you then you can tell me what they think of my food!"
Xiangling is steadily growing closer to your face with each word until her expectant eyes are almost all you can see. Xinyan watches the scene affectionately before scrambling to close the bags that has ingredients almost falling out of it.
Said ingredients are stuff that you don't recognize at all. Or they are a completely new variation of regular ingredients like hot pink Jueyun Chili peppers. It makes you a little scared to eat her food.
But at the same time, Xiangling was a famous chef. A true prodigy in culinary arts. She wouldn't want to feed the creator bad or sickening food. Her food is just a little dangerous, like Russian roulette.
In the end, your stomach won as you clap your hands together with glee.
"You're correct, the creator and I are connected in ways that acolytes are not. That includes sharing certain senses. I've heard before that you are one of the best chefs and even won a competition! Both I and the creator have high expectations."
Your words are said with so much enthusiasm that it couldn't have been mistaken for someone trying to subtly put pressure to be served the best food.
Xiangling hops from one foot to the other in elation as Guoba cheers with her. She's already grabbing a bag and a few other worrying substances from the other bags as she speaks.
"I'll be sure to serve up the best food! I'll start with something familiar then move on to the more risky dishes and finally end with my newest creation!"
Oh boy, you were in trouble.
You could only wave briefly to Xiangling before she speeds away to what you believe to be the kitchen. If you get sick then at least you have an excuse to avoid Kazuha and Beidou.
"All of Xiangling's dishes are rock 'n' roll! They might look or smell like something that'll set you ablaze but I promise it's full of nothin' but burning passion!"
Xinyan's accent graces your ears as you look at her with a nervous smile.
"Oh, I'm not doubting her ability. It's my own taste buds that I'm worried about. Inazuma has a lot of mild tasting dishes so the signature spices that Xiangling uses might be a shock for my mouth."
"Even so, you seem mighty open to trying it. That's a good thing of course, prejudice only slows life's roll."
The shifting of the fleet makes you stumble a little and grip the railing. Xinyan who has experience with sailing only leans back on edge of it with a content sigh.
Prejudice. It's the core concept that Xinyan fights against using rock 'n' roll which is viewed as resistance. In a way, you were also in this spot due to prejudice. After all, if everyone didn't have certain expectations of the creator or weren't so guarded against features that resemble the creator. You wouldn't be in this mess.
"Hey Xinyan? Do you mind me asking a question?"
"Not a problem, go ahead."
"What made you love rock 'n' roll? And I don't mean as a music genre but as a concept."
"That's a bit of a long story but I'll try to narrow it down. You'll need some background information first. I suggest you get comfortable."
You're quick to shift into a more relaxed stance beside her. Her story and words will be a very welcome distraction from the thought of dealing with whatever Liyue will throw at you.
"You hear my accent? It's because I grew up in the poorer countryside and growing up I faced a lot of people that weren't accepting of me. My height, face, skills, and even my skin color at times. There was a time where I wanted to give up and just accept that I wasn't what people wanted me to be. That the real me just wouldn't be accepted."
Her lips were set in a line as she spoke. Hands drumming on the railing to a tune you didn't recognize.
"But I absolutely hate losing so I visited Fontaine. I hoped that I could learn some tricks to finally master traditional feminine arts, instead I found something better. I found rock 'n' roll. Just that one concert I went to changed my life, the spirit of resistance spoke to like nothing else!"
You stayed quiet as she started to speak excitedly. A little seed of envy sprouted in your heart but you were quick to stomp on it to death.
"It really helped put everything in perspective. I didn't need to change who I was, things I can't control or my own opinions to make others happy. The creator must surely approve of it too since I got my vision through it too. At this point I've mastered everything people said I wouldn't and I'm far happier than I would have been if I gave up."
Her eyes finally meet yours as she smiles fearlessly. You match her expression with one more tame but just as happy.
If your life wasn't in danger, perhaps you would be taking a route similar to hers. Simply living without apology and doing your best to live every day to the fullest. But that wasn't possible when your life is on the line like this. Still it was nice to dream.
"It's really amazing Xinyan. You should be proud of who you are today because there's a lot more people than you think that are just as proud. So don't burn out until there's nothing left to set aflame, okay?"
Those words aren't just meant for her, it was for you too. 'Don't stop trying to find a life here until every option is exhausted.' Reckless? Yes, but you didn't want to die like cattle in this life. Not after living like a dog back on Earth.
"Oh that's perfect! That's the best inspiration I've gotten through this whole trip. I need to go write this down and tune my guitar before the big show today. I'll see ya later Y/N!"
Xinyan was already rushing off to who knows where before you get a word out. The ship wouldn't get to Liyue till early tomorrow morning. What show was she talking about?
You sat at the table in the kitchen as Xiangling placed dish upon dish on the table till no empty space was left. Some looked normal even recognizable like black-back perch stew, a specialty of hers. Other's looked almost frightening like the strange hot pink stir fry with neon green fish and blueish veggies.
"From left to right is my most confident work to my latest dishes. I hope you enjoy them all."
Xiangling looked so happy and expectant that you didn't have it in you to back out. With a gentle smile you start eating the stew.
Was this heaven? Was it possible to taste heaven?
You gobble down the black-back perch stew like it was your last meal. You swallow the last piece before giving your review.
"The creator is very happy that your most famous original dish is this one. It's truly the best combination of Li and Yue cuisine."
You weren't technically lying, your words are more comparable to speaking in third person.
With more confidence you begin eating the dishes systematically while giving what you hope is valid criticism.
"The flavor of silk flowers is a little too strong in this one."
"This blue violet grass you got is good initially but the aftertaste sucks."
"The shellfish you caught requires more seasoning."
You actually managed to eat all the dishes and not throw up. Was this a testament to Xiangling's cooking skills or your iron stomach from all sorts of crap you ate on Earth?
"Thank you so much Y/N! It's always been my childhood dream to offer my dishes to the creator themself! I've written down everything you said so that I don't forget and can always look back on it."
She pats the notebook with a smug smile at your mostly positive feedback that makes you laugh.
"Thank you too Xiangling. Your dishes were some of the best I've ever tasted. Whenever the creator comes, I'm sure they'll want you as their chef."
She blush at your compliment and turns away in embarrassment. Guoba seems to be sharing her joy judging by the happy "Lalala~" he lets out.
You reach out and pet his head. His eyes close and he stands perfectly still. This had to be the most adorable thing, he was so soft!
The clinking of a plate on the table snaps you and Guoba out of your daze. A bowl of food and meat smelling vaguely of pork catches your attention.
"I didn't forget you Guoba. Thank you for waiting and not stealing Y/N's food. So I made you your favorite!"
You move your hand off his head and he happily starts eating his food. What you thought was pork looks different. Was this another animal you didn't recognize?
"What meat is that? I thought it was pork but the texture looks really different. I've never seen it before."
"Oh, it's human flesh. I did have some leftover internal organs but I put those to freeze for him to eat at dinner."
You barely hold back the urge to throw up.
There were always cannibalism jokes about Xiangling with her "Help! My dinner is attacking me!" line but this was so much more. She actually killed, cooked, and fed Guoba a human being. And so casually said it too!
Did she use that meat in your food too? Did any of your dishes have human remains in them? Your grip on the table tightens a little. She's still watching Guoba as she belatedly continues.
"I only feed animals human meat. I wouldn't want to be a cannibal or make anyone else one either. But it's such a waste to leave meat like that to rot. Might as well feed it to someone right? One of my signature traits is to make dishes out of any ingredients after all."
Should you be relieved or worried? This must be common knowledge or even common practice by how easily she told you. Bile pools in your mouth as you ask her.
"How did you get the meat? Did you just find the body or did you have to kill someone?"
"I'm not fond of killing and I try to avoid it outside of when the creator controls me. But when people speak about the creator like they don't matter or don't exist, it really bothers me. I end up saying something, it becomes an argument and then it gets messy. Under law it's okay to kill someone who disgraces the creator so I don't get in trouble but it would be a waste to just leave them there."
That's a literal law? Was it just in Liyue or was it in every nation? If you were too careless when you spoke to Ayaka that day, she could have killed you and no one would blame her.
You hum and nod, not trusting that your voice could be steady just yet. Guoba finishes his bowl and Xiangling takes it to the sink.
Laying your head on the table, you focus on relaxing your stomach.
That law was probably created for more morally correct situations like someone blatantly badmouthing the creator. And there's a large chance they wouldn't immediately believe the accusations. But Xiangling and Ayaka are both well known and liked acolytes. The court would totally believe them.
Ayaka probably didn't kill you because she wanted Ayato to make the final decision. Plus killing you would reflect badly on her as the Shirasagi Himegimi. With this new knowledge of Xiangling's cooking ingredients you had be more careful around her.
You lift your head a little at the sound of a guitar. Was that singing?
Quietly you excuse yourself from the kitchen and climb the stairs to the main deck. There you saw the crew gathered around what looked like Xinyan in the middle.
She was strumming her guitar on a makeshift stage as she started to sing. Her vision would glow at brief intervals as her movements were accompanied by spurts of fire.
Was it really safe for a destructive fire vision holder to use it on a wooden boat? You were no professional but wasn't this an extreme fire hazard?!
A little more frantic you start scanning the boat looking for Beidou. Surely she would either reassure you with facts or put a stop to it.
At the lack of the captain you climb to the higher deck as the music gets louder and louder. Flames were now constantly swirling around her as the crew cheered along.
You finally spot Beidou watching the ocean as the waves roll harder then they were this morning.
"Captain Beidou! I hope I'm not bothering you but I'm just a little concerned. Is it safe for fire to be so open on the ship? Xinyan's concerts never hurt any of the fans but the stages and area tend to be casualties right?"
She looks back at you with her good eye and smiles knowingly. She hangs her arm around your shoulder and spins you towards the stairs leading to the main deck.
"You shouldn't be so worried about that. As captain, I'll always make sure you're safe. So go on! Have fun! Join the crowd and let go of your worries."
That's only making you more worried.
You feel a bit helpless as she walks down the stairs with you. The sky is almost completely covered with grey clouds. Xinyan's singing rings throughout your ears perfectly in tune with the music.
Xiangling leaves the kitchen and Beidou releases you in favor of talking to the cheerful chef. Looking up you can see the faint form of Kazuha at the lookout. The loud music must be bothering his sensitive hearing.
The air is starting to feel damp and hot as the flames grow bigger and spread farther. Despite your worries, it's almost hypnotic to watch Xinyan perform with such ferocity.
It's the tug of your clothing that snaps you out of your daze. Looking down you see Guoba looking strangely worried. He releases your clothes in favor of holding your hand and brings you closer to the edge of the boat.
With this new view you can see the harsh waves and crashing tides. The ship is swaying and each shift makes you hold onto the railing tighter. A long, huge and dark figure below the ocean makes your breath stop as fear bites your soul.
With uncharacteristic terror and alarm you whip your head around to where you last saw Beidou.
"Somethings coming!-"
Your warning is just a tad too late as a loud roar overpowers your words.
Unable to mask your horror you turn your head back to the ocean as a large shadow overtakes you. A huge sea monster rises from the ocean as the water falls off it with a loud splat.
Four eyes peer down at the ship and seem to lock eyes with you. The twin heads point up at the sky as another booming roar rings through the sky.
This took really long huh? I was just getting super busy plus with family stuff. But that's boring! I also noticed that I write different depending on my location, weird but it makes sense. Isn't it strange how Thoma never visits Mondstadt? Ayato and Ayaka would totally let him have a week off to go visit but he doesn't. I guess you can say that I headcanon that Thoma has a fear of traveling large bodies of water like that. After nearly dying on his way from Monstadt to Inazuma, he can't handle that kind of journey well anymore. Which is why he would need saving.
And I should totally clarify about Xinyan for those who saw her cutscene in the second Golden Apple Archipelago. Starting with setting, it's canon that she has a accent and grew up poor. But in the cutscene, she's in Liyue's city. That can be easily brushed off as visiting. But she also sees a man using an instrument there and gains her love for music. Except she's the first and only rock 'n' roll musician in Liyue so that means she got her love for rock 'n' roll somewhere else. So the backstory I made with her could totally fit the canon. The next chapter has a lot of lore and more action. (that ofc includes lying) Also a lot of people haven't been popping up when I try to tag them but I hope those in the taglist have been getting notifs. I'm gonna edit this whole thing in the morning and post it around then. (maybe) Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37,
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“you’ve bewitched me, doll”
Summary: you have the same powers as Wanda but your powers are darker. You were a villain and you fought the avenger but eventually, they helped u get rid of the dark magic and u became one of them. You are reading their minds in secret but there’s only one mind that revolved around you only, which is Bucky’s. you keep teasing each other and playing mind games until one day you get into action.
Characters: Bucky Barnes (the white wolf) X female reader
Warnings: Smut, M masturbation, mind reading, witches, unprotected sex, overstimulation, praise, teasing, multiple orgasms, creampie, almost getting caught, mind games, begging, & lots of +18 explicit smut, Y/N's pov in the middle.
Word count: +3k
A/N: this is my first time writing smut ever + English isn’t my first language so excuse me if I misspelled anything lol
P.S: Y/N is such a girlboss! + This takes place before Wanda vision and MOM! (aka Wanda didn’t get hold of the darkhold yet but Y/N did)
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You were laying in your bed in your room in the compound watching your favorite TV show, your teammates were all on a mission except for you, Bucky, Sam, and Yelena. Sam and Yelena were in the gym training for their next mission. You and Bucky only shared a wall as your rooms were next to each other. You were just laying there remembering it all, how you became the most wicked witch ever, you even almost overpowered the scarlet witch herself as you locked yourself away for a year with the dark hold learning all its secrets and spells. Your brain brought you back to the events in New York and your infamous fight with Doctor Strange and how you almost wiped him and all the Avengers out from the face of the earth but that broken small little girl inside of you stopped you before it was too late, instead, you just asked for help and they were kind enough to put all your broken pieces back together and help you.
Strange took the dark hold and hid it away from the entire world that even he, can’t even have it. You were relieved by this thought as you can’t forget all the dark awful places this cursed book took you and how it almost made you go insane. Even though, it was the reason behind all your powers and knowledge of magic. Suddenly, you got snapped out of your thoughts by the random thoughts of your next-door neighbor.
The winter soldier himself, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you don’t find him hot, you had that secret crush on him since the first time you laid eyes on him which was when he tried to stop you from crashing Sam to death when they were fighting you. You knew that some part in your dark-tinted heart wanted Bucky to hold you down and fuck all the darkness out of you. You giggled at that dirty thought and went back to exploring Bucky’s thoughts.
You kept it a secret from everyone that you can read all of their minds but you couldn’t help it, it was a new environment for you and these guys were supposed to be your enemies so you felt like you had to, just to prepared for any kind of betrayal, as you promised yourself no mistakes like that again. You will not trust anyone again. But these guys made it different for you, they showed you what true family is. Especially Bucky. As you’re in his mind now, there’s an old song from whichever decade he’s from playing in his mind as he’s polishing and cleaning his metal arm. He’s so focused and you decided to play with him for a bit.
Bucky was obsessed with you and you knew it, you loved it, you even touched yourself to the thought of it. When you started getting used to them and getting close to them after they adopted you in the compound, Bucky kept picturing you in your underwear after he saw you this one morning by accident only in your bra and panties. He noticed for the first time how absolutely hot you are and how you were definitely his type. From this moment on, he started to notice you more, even though he hid it so well but you were in his mind and you knew it.
You knew how any sound from you made him obsess over you for hours so you got out of bed and searched for that song that keeps playing in his head and you played it, knowing it will get a surprising reaction out of him.
And it did. He looked over to your shared wall and smirked, and you felt that smirk. But what you didn’t know, is that Bucky knows you’re in his head. He noticed it first when he pictured you wearing skinny leather pants that hugs your ass cheeks perfectly and saw you wearing them the very next day. At this moment, he knew it was too perfect to be just a coincidence. He wanted to test this theory of his more, as he kept picturing you and thinking of you in certain places and wearing certain clothes and him knowing your playful teasing nature, you entertained every thought and idea of his and served it to him on a golden platter. He kind of liked how you keep reading his mind, this is why he kept seeing you and imagining you in very sexual scenarios and kept fantasizing about you. He knew you loved it.
You both kept playing these mind games for a while now and keep hearing each other masturbating at the thought of you two together in one bed. He knew you loved the idea of him masturbating and touching himself to you while moaning your name, and you did the same to him. Even the rest of the team noticed that heavy sexual tension between you two whenever you are all gathered for a meeting or a house party.
Bucky knew you were playing with him the moment you played that song, this is why he smirked. “you want a reaction doll, you’ll get one” he said to himself while he adjusted his metal arm on his torso again and laid in bed thinking about dressing you slowly while his hands are between your thighs teasing your entrance and you’re moaning his name in his ear and him burying his head in your neck biting and kissing your sweet spot. You, being in his head, seeing him doing this to you made you breathe heavily and feel your cunt gets hotter and wetter. You sat in bed in silence and paused the song which made him smirk and grin more in the other room, knowing what his thoughts did to you.
Bucky couldn’t actually handle more of these mind games and wanted to taste you so badly, he was really desperate for the real thing more and needed you. He thought that if he kept that “let’s try the real thing” thought in his mind, you’d cave and ask him to fuck you. But you didn’t, which made him more craving and weaker for you. But you couldn’t help it, teasing is actually one of your kinks. Now, you can read in his mind that he’s tired of fucking himself to the thought of you and he wanted to actually do it. You actually thought of just going to his room and burying yourself in his bed, giving him permission to do anything to you but you didn’t really have the guts to do it. You were not the begging type. But little did you know, he was.
You heard him get out of bed and get out of his room, with one thought only in his mind. You. Fucking you, licking you, tasting you, burying his cock inside of you. Your heart started to beat a little faster as you heard him knocking on your door, you walked to your bedroom door slowly as you kept seeing what he was going to do to you for the rest of the day as it keeps playing in his head. You opened the door and saw heavy-breathing shirtless Bucky standing in front of you with nothing but lust in his eyes. “Aren’t you tired of these mind games yet, doll?” he said as he got closer to you that you can feel his hot heavy breaths on your forehead and you looked up to him and smirked. “Gosh, you’re killing me.” He said while moving closer making you step back and he kept moving forward until he was inside your room. He closed your bedroom door with his metal hand without breaking eye contact with you.
“What are you talking about, Barnes?” you said while trying to hide that smirk on your face as you got him where exactly you wanted.
“No, Y/N, don’t play dumb. I know you’re in my head and you can see what I’m thinking about” he licked his lips while looking at yours. “I know you love it, don’t lie to me doll” A shadow of a smirk formed on his lips which made you more turned on than ever. “I can smell the throbbing heat between your thighs baby, please don’t lie to me” Your heart kept beating more and your breaths became heavier.
“What do you want, Barnes?” you wanted to tease more and be more playful with him since you knew, this turned him on too.
“I wanna fuck you, Y/L/N. I wanna feel your body on mine. I wanna feel your wet throbbing cunt hugging my dick while it’s buried inside you.” He kept staring at your body like a prey and he’s the predator, you still can read his mind and what’s going on in his head, is a literal porno starring you, and him. He’s not lying when he said these things, you can see him actually doing it. “I know you want it too, kitten, please let me fuck you.” He did something, you weren’t expecting at all. He dropped to his knees in front of you. Lust is the only thing you can see in his eyes, and you love it. “You’ve bewitched me doll, all I want is you. Please let me at least touch you.” He made such an accusation of you bewitching him, in fact, you didn’t do anything at all, you just woke up one morning and saw him fucking you raw in his dreams out of nowhere. Jesus, this man will be the end of you as you are of him.
you moved closer and placed your left hand on his shoulder and your right hand on his head, playing with his hair, he looked up at you as he was still on his knees wearing nothing but gray sweat shorts. “Only with one condition, Barnes,” you said while pulling his hair a bit. He didn’t break eye contact and opened his mouth a little. “It has to be good” he smiled and grabbed your thighs from behind while lifting you up. “You’re in good hands doll, be sure of that” he chuckled while throwing you on the bed.
Y/N's POV:
He threw himself on me but being careful not to crash me, he started kissing me heavily as our tongues kept fighting for dominance. He obviously won this fight then he started taking my shirt and my shorts off. He broke the make-out to get a good look at my body as he ripped my bra off. He bit his lower lip hard when he saw my breasts and my hard nipples. “Just how I imagined them” he smirked while moving down to kiss and suck them and he put my life nipple in his mouth sucking and biting it and the other one is in between his fingers. I moaned hard and kept pulling and tangling his dark brown hair in my hands.
“You taste so good doll, fuck” he said between breaths then he pulled himself up to my neck and buried himself in it. Kissing and biting on my sweet spot while leaving his marks all over me. His fingers started to trace the line of my panties as he proceeded to take them off. I kept moaning in need of any attention to my lower area as it was soaked wet and needed any kind of ease. “Just say what you want doll, I can feel your heat against me,” he said while moving his hand down on my bed till it reached my swollen clit. I moaned loudly at his touch. “I know you need me, babe. I wanna hear you begging” he said while rubbing circles on my clit making me moan and scream louder. He wants me to beg just like I made him beg to fuck me.
“Know your place, Barnes, you’re the one who begged me in the beginning,” I said between moans, trying my hardest to sound confident and well put. He chuckled and looked at me “Still won’t cave Y/L/N. Fine. We’ll do it this time your way.” he said while taking off his sweat shorts and boxers and running his hard dick on my entrance, teasing. “But I promise you, next time, you’ll be the one begging on her knees, kukolka” God, I love when he throws Russian words like that. He noticed my reaction to this Russian word as I moaned at the sound of it and opened my legs more for him. He smirked and held my legs and wrapped them around his waist while adjusting himself at my entrance. “Я собираюсь трахнуть тебя так сильно. что ты не сможешь ходить несколько дней.” He said while pushing his full length inside me as I screamed his name so loud, he even put his hand on my mouth. His Russian accent, his full length inside my wet cunt, his groans in my ear, his messy hair, his slight beard tingling my neck, his neck kisses, all of these things happening at the same time making me lose my mind. If I’m not losing it from the dark hold, then I’ll lose it because of Bucky Barnes. He’s my karma.
He kept thrusting slowly at first, trying to adjust himself inside me while stretching my insides and making me get adjusted to his length. I don’t know if I should focus more on how our bodies are connected or on how he just told me he’d fuck me so hard that I won’t be able to walk for days in Russian. Gosh, I didn’t know how much I needed him until now. “You don’t know how much I’ve been dreaming of this moment, babydoll,” he said between his groans while thrusting slowly and making eye contact. “I know Bucky, I know” I moaned while he kept thrusting as he locked our lips together. This kiss felt different than the ones before, this one felt more passionate and genuine, and it wasn’t lustful. He broke the kiss while looking me in the eyes “I’m still a man of my word Y/N, try to be quiet sweetheart.” He said while holding both of my hands with his right hand and lifting them above my head.
Next thing I know, with my hands tied together with his right hand and his metal left hand around my throat, his pace and thrusts grew faster and harder as it felt like he was on a time mission and he have to finish the job fast. I can’t put my mind around how I am such a moaning mess right now. With this fast pace and hard thrusts, his lengths kept hitting my g spot rapidly and I felt the knot in my stomach kept tightening and getting closer on edge. Another person’s thoughts broke mine and Bucky’s moans as I felt a presence on the same floor getting closer to my room. My eyes widened and I stopped Bucky quickly by flipping us over so now I’m on top and he’s on bed. He held my waist as his penis is still buried inside me and I placed my finger on my mouth singling him to keep quiet. He nodded, knowing that I’m hearing someone.
Using my power, I locked the door quietly and put a force of magic around the room that would soundproof it. Bucky watched me sitting on him moving my hands and using my magic to make sure we don’t get caught which made him grin and lick his lips. When I gave the look that ‘we’re good now’. He pulled me closer “You are a fucking goddess and I’m so lucky to get to be inside you.” He whispered in my ear while playing with my dark hair and pulling it down to my shoulders and back. “You’re so beautiful Y/N” he pulled me into another passionate kiss and unconsciously I started to grind my hips on him as if he will still inside me. We moaned in each other’s mouths, never breaking the kiss. I hate how we were almost close to releasing and got interrupted by stupid Sam as he was looking for Bucky. Little does he know, his best friend Bucky is under the witch who almost killed him, begging her to let him fuck her.
Bucky held me waist so tight stopping me from grinding on him as he continued fucking me so hard. He kept thrusting so fast inside me, never breaking eye contact. He was still underneath me, holding me in place, thrusting his dick in and out of me like I’m just a sex doll he was playing with, which turned me more on. He’s so good. He makes me feel so good. I can’t even feel myself or how loud I am now as I’m so high on the feeling of him hitting my g spot, making me vibrate and shake so hard. He knew I was coming and I knew he knew so I didn’t have to tell him. He pulled me closer so now my chest is touching his and his hands are now holding my butt cheeks and he didn’t stop thrusting hard. I buried my head in his neck. Can’t stop moaning. “That’s it, baby, that’s it doll. Cream me. Cream my cock.” His words were just what I needed at that moment to push me off the edge. I let go and came all over his cock. I can feel the heat of my cum dripping down on his cock and his inner thighs and staining the bed sheets underneath us and yet, he never stopped fucking me or thrusting hard. Making me feel overstimulated that I can’t stop cumming. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl Y/N. fuck-aghhh I’m cumm-mm”
I felt a striking hot liquid burst inside me that made me scream out his name loudly as it hit my sensitive g spot which did not help my cumming to stop. He kept thrusting until he stopped cumming but I didn’t, which made me so weak that I can’t stop screaming or moaning. It felt so good. He felt so good. I hadn’t had like this before. This is the first time someone made me feel that good or made me cum this hard. The thought and the feeling of it made me want more. Made me want him more.
He stopped thrusting and moved his hands away, resting them on the bed as it must’ve been sore. Our chests are against each other breathing hard and heavy, our bodies are still connected down there with our mixed cum covering his cock and filling my cunt. I got up slowly and was going to get off of him but did it slowly as my insides are still sensitive and any move could cause another burst out of me. “No no no no no. Come here” he pulled me down on his cock again making me moan and flipping me over so now he was on top again. “Please, doll, not yet. You fit me so good, I don’t wanna leave you yet” he said while burying his cock inside me more making me squirm beneath him.
I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel fulfilled with him inside me like that. I know I’d hate the emptiness I’ll feel when he pulls it out. But I have to stay safe. “Sorry babe, safety first,” I said while kissing him on his lips. He whined and pulled it out and yes, I do hate the emptiness. I pouted at him. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s your call not mine” he smirked then held my shirt from the ground and cleaned me up before I went to the bathroom to pee and clean myself with water. I finished and stood at the bathroom door looking at Bucky while he was laying there on my bed, naked, looking at me, smiling, looking so hot and fucked out. I smiled widely at how I’d always wanted to see him like that since the first day I laid my eyes on him. Fuck, I think I’m in love. And by running through his mind, I think he is too.
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nardo-headcanons · 5 months
Hey my dear mutual! Another super stupid and weird request coming, so, please, feel totally free to ignore completely if you want, really. So, let's say instead of a criminal organization, the Akatsuki are actually a lab team. Which would be their roles, their work focus or their research topics? How would they behave at work with each other or, I don't know, whatever you can think of. Inspired by your agar plates post, by the way, hahahaha
Hello Sasuke, my dear. Don't call your asks weird, I love how creative they are! If anyone wants to write a fic about this please TAG me!
Big thanks to @the-real-sasuke-uchiha for requesting!
The Akatsuki in a modern research lab AU
Akatsuki Labs, Inc. No one knows what they're actually researching, and how they get their funding, however everyone hires them, they're incredibly popular with institutions and businesses alike...
Deidara is a lab rookie who is still at the beginning of his study. He went to a scientific high school and an absolute ace at chemistry. Besides studying chemistry, his other major is pyrotechnical engineering. He blows shit up on the regular and even adds copper sulphate to fires when he is the one supposed to put them out. He frequently steals minerals from the lab to use them for his pottery projects. And yes, he knows how to make meth.
Hidan is on his way to become a neurologist. He is fascinated by the way the nervous system works (especially while processing pain) and has the ego of a neurosurgeon twice his age. However he is regularly asked for a second opinion because he knows his shit. He's pretty popular with the ladies due to his confidence, however many of them are freaked out when they find out what a huge masochist he is.
I've never seen Itachi as a huge stem guy, but I've actually had a discussion about this with my dear moots @pet-plasma-bubble and @suki91 and came to the conclusion that he's either a plant biologist or studies medicine because he's one of these kids with a chronic and/or underdiagnosed illness going into medicine to make a change. Plant biologist!Itachi regularly talks to his plants when no one is looking and he gives them names as well. He doesn't really care much for the actual lab work and prefers to take care of the plants in the different lab greenhouses. Med student!Itachi is one of these anatomy girlies who draw their stuff in fancy colors and actually enjoy studying human anatomy.
Kakuzu is a senior scientist/professor who initially studied pharmacology/pharmacy to save many lives and prolong the lives of millions, but eventually got disillusioned and sold his soul to the pharma industry. He should technically be retired now, but he joined the Akatsuki labs inc to make some money on the side.
Kisame started out as a marine biologist specializing in shark research, however, seeing these beautiful, innocent creatures get bastardized by Hollywood and pollution made him apply to Akatsuki labs inc to help find solutions to the current crises caused by humanity. During his free time, he volunteers in a dolphin rehabilitation center.
Konan is the cofounder of Akatsuki labs inc, everyone respects her and even looks up to her. Once a brilliant scientist in the field of engineering, she got tired of how male dominated it was and how her male colleagues kept getting the credit for her ideas. She frequently holds lab courses for young girls interested going into the scientific field.
Nagato is the Akatsuki labs founder, and rarely seen in the lab. He has made himself a name in the field of robotics by inventing the Shurado robotics system which helps millions of automated machines run to this day. Rarely seen in the lab, he communicated with his employees via his Pain Alias Email. though to be fair, Konan writes most of these emails for him; she's the only one regularly talking to him face-to-face.
Orochimaru is a geneticist and biochemist, his focus being finding ways to avoid cellular decay, as well as the human genome and anti aging research. His parents are academics as well and he lived up to their expectations to the fullest. He has his own skincare formula which keeps him looking snatched at all times. Given the rumors about several scientific ethical code violations, everyone is kinda scared of him except for his personal lab tech, Kabuto.
Sasori is a renowed mortician who's also very interested in histology. His preparation techniques are unmatched and he even invented new preparation- and histological staining methods, which are called "Red Sand" and "Red Technique", respectively. He often gets into fights with Kakuzu about his microtome collection being unnecessarily expensive.
Tobi is the Akatsuki labs CEO cosplaying as a clueless intern that always steals from the candy bowl in the waiting room. In reality, he has a PHD in physics, his thesis being about rifts in space time and interdimensional interactions, however all of his papers are published under an alias. He has a soft spot for Deidara and refuses to fire him despite the latter's frequent "accidents".
Zetsu is a biological anthropologist fascinated by human evolution and human behavior. Some think even his colleagues are subjects of his studies. Some people say he's two-faced, but he is very chatty and inquisitive most of the time. He volunteered to have Itachi's venus fly traps in his office and can sometimes be seen feeding them dead flies or mosquitoes.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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"Sooooo, guess who went to college and forgot to pack her hrt? Oops. I know, I've been gone a while (everyone who guessed exactly what I did, kudos!) and finally I'm OK talking about it because it worked out suuuuper well tbh. As many of you know I started transitioning back in junior high, I was on blockers and started estrogen in high school. My mom prepared all my meds. I went to college and was so excited to join a sorority and live the college dream of being a sorority girl! Lots of parties, lots of drinking, lots of sex! All day every day.... between the occasional lesson. Maybe! But after a few months I noticed things were really off. I tried not to overthink it, but eventually realized the huge mistake I made.
Since my mom prepared my hormones I barely thought about it. She told me to take them in the morning and night. Without home, without her, the routine stopped existing. Soooo, yeah. There I was looking sexy, my huge boobs ready to be ravaged by all kinds of guys and girls.... And I loved it! For the first two months I chalked my heightened libido to the new experience of college and had sex constantly! But before long my body started to change. My voice started cracking. My cock grew like six inches, it was insane! And by month three my facial hair came in. My body was just soooo eager to become male.
My sorority sisters thankfully saw this happen loads of times. Every year there's some perfectly passing trans girl sporting HH-Cup tits or bigger who forgets her meds and winds up detransitioning. Like clockwork. I protested and said I just needed to go back on them, get my script refilled. I called my mom and she laughed, saying she threw it out because she figured I didn't want it anymore. That being a girl mustn't be that important to me after all. I panicked, asking the nurse on campus that day. She said what's done is done. I was in male puberty. I asked about blockers and she laughed too, telling me my body was giving me a very clear signal about who I was supposed to be. She said blockers would stunt my new puberty but it would always be in motion now. My voice, my facial hair, all of this was unavoidable at this point, it'd worsen even on blockers or estrogen. She recommended I fully detrans for a year, then see if I want to retransition after all the changes.....
By the end of that year all I wanted was my boobs removed. I used to love having big tits but now they only made me dysphoric. And they were growing hair so that didn't help. I hit the gym, got really buff, was obviously kicked out of the sorority for being male, then joined the frat. Finally! I totally accepted I was male. No more shyly discussing sex and going out in embarrassing dresses with my boobs hanging out. With other guys I could talk about my darkest, most perverse fantasies as we worked out and they'd just call it hot as fuck, not judge me as some silly perverted fakegirl. Instead of getting fucked and passed around like a cheap slut, now I was fucking pregnant girls with huge asses bloated up by partying and a diet of only beer and pizza. It was pure bliss getting to mount and fuck all these gorgeous girls I used to be so jealous of. Now they were beneath me and the rest of the frat. They weren't goals or anything to aspire to, they were drunken fuckmeat with a womb full of kids to slap around.
My favorite part is when I encounter a fakegirl and start fucking her estrogen-fattened ass. I'll pump her cock and tell her right in her ear how much I want to see her detrans, how much I want to pump her full of T and see her girly body become a man's like it's meant to be. I tell them this and their knees all buckle. They can be the prettiest, most passing trans girl on the planet, with huge breasts and a gorgeous face. If I'm pumping her ass telling her how much I want to forcibly detransition her she'll get hard as iron and moan so loud out of nowhere, her body shaking. She'll always tell me to keep going, to tell her how badly she needs to accept reality and be a boy. All fakegirls fantasize about detransing. In fact, what I've learned is the most beautiful trans girls that pass the best, started gender affirming care the youngest, and have the sexiest feminine bodies, secretly fantasize about detransing the most..... I miiiight have convinced about six girls to detrans just this year alone so far, with my cock pumping their ass, and my hand jerking their cock..... Leaving behind my hrt was the best mistake I ever made. So happy my family didn't bother calling me and just happily let me detrans obliviously on my own. ❤️"
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madiisixx · 1 year
current!nikki where he is married with reader since the end of the dr. feelgood tour and in an interview he is asked abt how they met
Sweet Lover | Nikki Sixx x Reader
$ During a press interview that Nikki has for his upcoming tour with the band, he gets asked a question about his lady and how they met
AUTHORS NOTE: This is a smaller blurb because most of it is just a flashback! let me know if you'd like to see more current! Nikki Fics
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Sitting in the Interview room was nothing new to the band. they had become custom to it and eventually got into a routine whenever they had one scheduled.
Nikki would be the talker for most of the time since that was what he was used to doing since the band started.
Tommy would be beside Nikki being his rambunctious self but more reserved as time had gotten to them.
Vince would Laugh at everything that the interviewers would say and ask and would think to himself that it was such a ridiculous question.
And Mick? he would be the alien that everyone knew him to be and sit there in silence until a question was directed his way.
the interview that the band was currently at, was an interview that was supposed to promote their upcoming tour from their new album but a question that was thrown Nikki's way was a topic he oh so loved to talk about.
Sitting on the Red Sofa with his arm propped up onto the armrest, Nikki had been asked a question.
"So, Nikki, you and your wife have been Married a long time. I recall around the Dr. Feelgood press tour? how about we hear the story about how you two had met?"
The question had gotten Nikki to put a huge smile on his face and a glimmer in his eyes, "yes we have been married quite a while, but she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't still be clean today."
The interviewer chuckled and waited for Nikki to continue on, as were the other guys because they secretly loved Nikki to go all gushy and lovestruck whenever he mentions you.
Biting his lip and looking over at you across the other side of the room, where you had resided in every one of his interviews, he sat comfortably and reminisced about your past.
"Well, it was during the height of my addiction in 1987..."
pain. That's all Nikki felt in his arms.
He knew that he had a problem with Herion, but he just couldn't stop. He tried yes but it was as if his brain was wired to say yes even though his gut told him no.
He looked around and noticed he was in an alleyway next to the Whiskey A Gogo.
remembering he was there to get some drinks and hopefully girls after a small gig before the band goes onto the Girls Girls Girls Tour, he tried to stand up but the pain in his arms was unbearable and he lost all the strength he could muster.
He was about to give up, when he saw a flash of blonde hair in his vision and a soft voice that almost sounded startled.
"Are you okay? Do you need me to call 911?"
He looked up with his bleary eyes at the sweet, angelic, voice and if he wasn't dead from the heroin he would've been dead now.
You were the most beautiful Woman he ever laid his eyes upon.
Your eyes shined so bright in the moonlight, your hair cascaded down your back in waves, your ruby red lips that it seemed he couldn't keep his eyes off of.
Hesitating for an answer to your question, he finally nodded instead of speaking as he didn't trust his voice because he was stunned of your beauty.
You eventually helped him up carefully off of the ground and put his arm around your shoulder trying to balance his weight with yours.
With some struggle, you eventually got to your car opting to take that instead of an ambulance, and drove him to the hospital to get treated.
As you arrived at the hospital, Nikki thought that you would leave and he would never see you again, but that wasn't the case.
You stayed with him for days, making sure he was alright and got every medical treatment that he needed.
You never went home, you stayed by his side to make sure he got some sleep.
You felt immediate attraction to this man, you knew that something good was going to come out of helping Nikki.
Even after he was out of the hospital, you exchanged numbers and made sure that Nikki had checked into rehab to try and get himself clean.
Which he did, just for you.
It may have been just a good deed, but to both of you it was love at first sight.
During Rehab, Nikki had started a relationship with you.
After he got out, he had asked you to move in with him.
A year later, he proposed.
you both got married at the end of the Dr. feelgood Tour, and you have been each other's true loves ever since then.
Smiling at you across the room, Nikki saw that your face had gone red. Nikki chuckled and looked back at the interviewer, "And that folks, was how I met your mother."
Taglist: @tlclick73
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haleyhunwritess · 2 years
hi my baby <3 can you write something with bucky that’s like “we’re mad at each other but still care” or they have an argument and reader feels bad and tries to make it up to him, or something like that your writing is just so so so beautiful 💝
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𝐌𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞
pairing: bucky x reader
warning: angst, fluff, drinking, mentions of roofie
a/n: hi my love, thank you so much for sending this in and thank you so much for your sweet kind words, i hope you enjoy this <33 i was in dire need of some fluff and angst today hahah 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You rarely ever argued with Bucky, and if you ever did, he was too soft on you to say much. He would let you win every time, just wanting to see your beautiful smile again. He hated seeing you upset, and he couldn't stand it when you cried. Maybe that's why he's always been protective of you. However, after what happened last month, he had been a bit overprotective.
Somebody had spiked your drink at the club when you went there for a friend's birthday. Bucky was so scared when your friends called him to tell him what happened. They took you to the hospital because they didn't know what else to do. Thankfully, you were alright and nothing too bad happened, however, they never found the person who did that to you.
Ever since then, Bucky was extremely protective over you. Though at first you thought it was very sweet, I mean who wouldn't want their boyfriend to be protective over them and want to look after them. However, it was his overprotective tendencies that were starting to get to you. Bucky insisted on tagging along with you each time you wanted to go out with your friends for a girls night. You told him that it was supposed to be a girls night, and that it would be awkward with him there. He would quietly nod and eventually stop pestering you about it, but then you caught him sitting by the bar one time and found out that he would follow you guys there when you wouldn't let him come.
You knew why he was doing this. You knew how scared he was for you but you didn't appreciate being followed by him, and neither did your friends. You decided you would only go out with them for girls night when you knew Bucky would be too distracted with something else to keep an eye on you.
You called Steve this morning and asked him to pick up Bucky for a boys night out tonight, and he reluctantly agreed. Bucky was a bit suspicious when Steve and Sam showed up at your doorstep but you encouraged him to go. You lied and said you had a lot of work to catch up on and he would just get bored sitting at home with you.
Once he was out the door, Natasha came over and you both started to get ready together. An hour later, you were at one of your favourite clubs with Natasha, Wanda, and a few of your other friends. A couple drinks later, you decided the group needed some shots and you generously got up to get them from the bar. You called out for the bartender, who was too busy helping somebody else at the moment.
You turned around, leaning against the bar as you waited, looking out at the dance floor. You tried to look around for your friends, but instead you saw Bucky talking to Sam and Steve in one of the booths. You squinted your eyes to make sure it was really them, and that's when Bucky looked over at you at the same time. You quickly turned back around to face the bar but it took him less than a minute to walk over to you angrily through the crowd.
"What the fuck? You lied to me!" Bucky hissed, grabbing your arm to make you turn back around to look at him.
You groaned in response, sick of being treated like someone who couldn't take care of themselves. You couldn't take it anymore. You decided to ignore him and turned back around, finally getting the bartender's attention. You ordered four shots of vodka, while trying to ignore Bucky's presence.
"Actually, she'll just have water." Bucky hissed at the bartender, who looked back at you to make sure you weren't too intoxicated.
You rolled your eyes and asked him for the shots again, while reaching for your wallet from your purse. Bucky sighed as the bartender handed you the four shots, and took out his wallet to pay for them instead.
"Thank you for the drinks, Buck. Have a good night." You muttered putting your wallet back in your purse before bringing the shots back to your table. You carried two shots in each hand, and slammed them all down at the table.
You noticed it was only Natasha at the table right now, and the others were off dancing. You handed her one of the shots, which she downed easily. You took one shot, and nearly cringed before picking up the other two shot glasses.
Natasha watched in amusement as you took the other two shots down a row. Normally, she would try to stop you and convince you to ease up on the drinks. However, after the night you've had, she knew you needed this. She had watched Bucky approach you at the bar, and she knew it wasn't good.
"What did he say?" She smirked, as you slumped down in your seat.
"Nothing important." You rolled your eyes, and looked back over at the bar. Bucky was still standing there, looking back at you. His face was no longer filled with anger though. He looked sad, and a bit embarrassed, which made you feel even worse, "Ugh Nat, I think I was too mean to him. Fuck, look at him, it's like kicking a lost puppy. Let's just go home please."
You felt bad for the way you handled the situation but there was no way you were about to go apologize to him. You needed to have a talk with him, but definitely not while you were this drunk. It needed to happen when you were both sober and thinking straight. Natasha picked up her phone and texted Wanda that you two were heading out before calling an Uber for both of you. You took one last look at Bucky, watching him walk back over to Steve and Sam, before you headed out of the club with Natasha.
Once you were home, Natasha helped you inside and got you to drink some water before she got an Uber home for herself. You were still feeling drunk but also hungry at the same time. You walked over to the kitchen to look for a midnight snack, and opened the refrigerator door. You looked inside and noticed there was a tray of brownies sitting there with a little note on the side.
You took the brownies out and put them down on the counter before picking up the note to read it.
I made these so you wouldn't try to burn my kitchen down while trying to make yourself a snack :)
Don't work too hard, genius, I love you - Bucky <3
For some reason, you couldn't help but start crying at the note. You looked over at the brownies and started crying even harder. It was such a simple gesture but it let you know that everything was going to be okay. He wasn't trying to be controlling these past few months, he was only doing those things because he was worried about you. Instead of trying to talk to him, you spent all day trying to get rid of him. You nearly fell to the floor, covering your face with shaking hands as you sobbed loudly.
You knew his approach may have been wrong but if you had just tried talking to him instead of shutting him out or getting angry and arguing with him, then maybe things wouldn't be so bad right now. Maybe you could even tell him how scared you were this past month. How terrified you were when you woke up in the hospital that night and found out what happened to you. Maybe you could tell him you were only pretending to be brave for him, when really you were absolutely terrified.
In the middle of your breakdown, you didn't hear the front door open. Bucky walked in with Steve and Sam following behind him, trying to apologize for lying to him. However, when they heard you crying they all rushed over to the kitchen. Bucky ran in first and quickly picked you up off the floor, shushing your cries and gently stroking your back.
"It's okay, it's alright, I'm here," Bucky mumbled over and over again, "You're okay, it's okay."
Though Bucky was merely trying to comfort you, you started to cry harder at his soothing words. It had been a rough month, and you didn't want to push him away anymore. You just wanted to be in his arms.
Steve looked around the kitchen, trying to figure out if you were crying because you had gotten hurt in some way, while Sam reached grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Bucky, who tried to get you to drink from it. You just shook your head and held him even tighter. Bucky looked at you, worry evident in his eyes, as he tried to figure out what was wrong.
When you looked up at him again though, Bucky just knew. He didn't know how but he knew you just needed him in that moment. Bucky quietly told Steve and Sam that they could leave before he carefully brought you over to the living room. Laying down with you on the couch, with you still in his arms, he muttered sweet nothings in your ear and watched over you as you eventually fell asleep.
Bucky knew you needed to talk about this, and soon you would but not tonight. Tonight was about you, and all he wanted to do was just hold you in his arms, and comfort you.
Everything was going to be okay, and he would make sure of it.
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taglist/moots: @starobi @chrisevansdaughter @cherryflavoredchapsticck @livvinitt @marvel1984 @babyhoneyriv @babyhatesreality @timidpumpkin @matchat3a @pono-pura-vida @sonalokibarnes @alex-ackerman-11 @ailathealternate @buckysugar
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musicoftheheart · 24 days
Fave Marauders song? ☣️
hi! okay, so im assuming you mean a song i associate with each marauder? (this is a long answer ahaha, i like to talk)
also, if you want me to do more of these for any other characters or any ships, let me know!! this was a lot of fun to think about and write <333
ill start with james. the first song (because i cannot just pick one) would have to be 'peace' by taylor swift. hes a bundle of energy, and he tends to act before he thinks (see: wand left on couch.) "[danger's] just around the corner darling, cause it lives in me. no i could never give you peace." but also hes a lover, and he would do anything for the people he cares for. "im a fire and ill keep your brittle heart warm if your cascade ocean wave blues come" etc. theres still that little bit of uncertainty in him though; "would it be enough if i could never give you peace?" its him.
similarly, though, i think of him when i hear 'epiphany' from the same album. idk if its because i associate it with the first wizarding war and therefore james, but i just- its him. it just is.
i also hc james to have some level of mental health struggles, whether it be anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. so, in my head, both 'talk too much' (specifically the ramble/bridge) and 'gemini moon' by reneé rapp scream james potter. i think 'gemini moon' would be something he'd try to hide relating to, because in his head hes supposed to be perfect, hes supposed to be a rock for everyone else. hes the golden boy of gryffindor tower, yknow. these also feel more like they relate to the modern/muggle aus i like to read though
on a similar note: 'mirrorball' by taylor swift. hes always putting on this show to make people smile, to help people, to make them laugh. he adapts to be what people need, but when he finally snaps, when everything just becomes too much, he doesnt just break - he shatters. "i know they said the end is near but im still on my tallest tiptoes" this could also relate to the war; he knows voldemort is targeting him, lily, and harry, but hes still trying to keep positive. "they called off the circus, burned the disco down" all the joy from hogwarts is gone because of the war but "im still trying everything to get you laughing at me" he wants to keep people smiling. he wants people to have hope.
also, although im trying to avoid ships, major shoutout to pretty much every jeremy shada song to exist, because theyre so james potter-coded regarding his love life and the way he loves people
alright, imma move onto sirius before i ramble too far. this first song ties a little into james though - 'seven' by taylor swift. specifically, james talking to sirius about his family and inviting him to live with the potters instead. have a listen and youll agree
still on his relationship with his family, sirius is definitely a 'family line' by conan gray sort of guy. he would scream it at the top of his lungs.
furthermore, sticking w conan gray, i love 'found heaven' as a sirius song, too. after spending so much of his life being told all the things wrong with him, only to discover his sexuality - yet another thing i think he'd have issues accepting about himself - he eventually does find that acceptance. "youll never get your mama's wedding ring. father always said you ruined everything. but you prayed, begged and prayed, heart unchanged" "dont be scared little child, you're no demon" "your heart is breaking as you leave that door. you never meant to start this holy war. but youre trapped, pack your bags, dont look back" just all of it. its him.
on a more positive note, though, i see 'boys & girls' by conan gray as his song too. again, im trying to keep away from talking about specific ships and focus on the individuals, but this works even more if you ship wolfstar. imagine remus singing this about sirius. as much as we all like to say remus is a cassanova of gryffindor, hes a lanky nerd covered in scars. he isnt typically/stereotypically "attractive", not like sirius. sirius, who is saught after by many, but never dares to look at his friend like that, because how could he? theyre friends, and thats all. right?
that leads nicely into remus. i dont have as many options to hand for remus as james and sirius, so ill just go through all that i can remember off the top of my head. most obviously: 'the view between villages' by noah kahan. i feel like i dont even need to explain this one. its all him. you could look at it from the beginning of poa when he returns to hogwarts, or you could look at it from when he goes back to hogwarts to fight in the final battle to ultimately die. either way, its him.
god okay i know i said i want to avoid ships but i just have to throw this in here. 'in the kitchen' by reneé rapp is so remus after he loses sirius, either to azkaban or the veil. give it a listen and tell me im wrong.
its a bit of a sad one, but 'the next right thing' from frozen 2 is kinda giving me remus vibes. like, especially after the first war, all his friends are dead, or traitors. and now dumblefuck is asking him to come back to hogwarts to teach his dead friends' son? what else was he to do but drag himself out of his misery and put harry first? he didnt have his friends left to fight for anymore, but he could still make a difference for harry.
'memories' by conan gray is also giving remus. i could see it being about sirius maybe coming to him after he escapes azkaban or after the prank, but i actually see it more as his thoughts after dumblefuck visits him to get him to teach at hogwarts. obv not every line of the song, but the main idea of it. "i wish that you would stay in my memories, but you show up today just to ruin things. i wanna put you in the past cause im traumatised, but youre not letting me do that"
that was... a much smaller amount of songs for remus than i thought i had. does anyone have any suggestions?
for peter, i had to do a little more thinking, honestly. 'i almost do' by taylor swift makes me think of him bc like, do you ever think peter considered trying to reach out to remus at all during those 12 years between james' death and sirius' escape from azkaban? i know it probably would not have gone well for him if he had but like... ive thought about it.
similarly, 'miss you' by conan gray. does peter have regrets about what he did? maybe. is he allowed to miss his friends after what he did? maybe. so much of this song does feel like what peter might have been thinking following the betrayal. "is it wrong to now decide i miss you?" yeah, maybe buddy.
but then maybe he wouldnt have, yknow. so my next thought was 'crossing the line' from tangled the series. its so incredibly peter & james coded (with james as rapunzel)
on a more fanon side of things, i think my answer would be 'bruises' by reneé rapp. if we're going with the whole thing where sirius especially, but the other marauders as a whole treat peter as lesser (i dont think thats canon, and honestly im not a huge fan of the hc either, but its still something i now associate w peter) then 'bruises' really captures how he'd feel. "all my friends make sweet fun of me...sure im down to be the joke, metaphorically though you could flip me inside out and it would show black purple and green" its his song if you hc this
finally, i put forward 'run' by taylor swift and ed sheeran. i want to think that, before turning to voldemort, peter tried to convince his loved ones to just escape the war. leave it for someone else to fight and die in. he wanted to survive, and he wanted his friends to survive too, if he could. ultimately, his friends wanted to stay. james and sirius had been wanting to join the order more than anything after they graduated, and remus felt he owed a debt, if nothing else. they werent going to leave or sacrifice their moral compass to save themselves. so peter ran, alone.
im going to leave it here for now, but again please feel free to ask for more characters or any ships!! i have songs for a couple other characters, i think, and a few ships, so ill do my best to answer what i can <33
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ughmyreality · 3 months
Thoughts on S3 Part 2
Even the people of the ton agree that lady Whistledown is cruel. There’s no need to pretend that Penelope is doing this for good. People want to paint her as though she was forced to become LW or she had some grand plan. There’s nothing wrong with having a “moral gray” character, the problem arises when you can’t pick a side. Either the writers should have acknowledged that she isn’t a saint, or had her be “good”. 
Penelope can’t let Cressida take credit for LW. Sure, I can somewhat see where she’s coming from. However, is her pride too strong that she can’t sit it aside for Colin. This would have been great for her. If she is so concerned with keeping her LW persona, then shout it from the roof tops! She’s lucky Eloise hasn’t said anything. If she so desperately wants to keep the facade to herself, then girl, tell everyone. All she’s done in this season is cry, cry, cry. Stop with the tears and do something. She’s supposed to be some renaissance woman but whenever the going gets tough she buckles every time.
“What about my dreams?” Penelope from the sounds of it, all your dreams were of Colin. What else is her character besides a fake revolutionary and a Colin stan? She also has no right to look at her mother all confused when she hardly talks to her. What is Portia supposed to think? Penelope hasn’t shared her ambitions to her before so this whole dreams conversation came out of nowhere for her.
Being forced to debut a year early isn’t that bad. She was going to have to do it eventually what's one year sooner? Penelope claims to feel powerless in her own home, but she’s hardly ever there. Instead she’d rather kick it with the Bridgertons. But let’s symathize. Even if this were true, how does that have anything to do with what damage she’s done to other people? Lady Whistledown has never been about solely expressing herself as a means to escape. She blatantly trash talked practically everyone even people she claims to love. So either she’s a fake and doesn’t like the bridgertons as much as she claims or she’s a fake because she’s so easily sueded by what she thinks people want to hear.
Of course Penelope couldn’t be held accountable for her actions, instead she’s caught by Colin. 
He claims that he feels he needs to marry Penelope because they were intimate but what about the countless other women? Huh... once again Penelope's privilege in society does her a favor. Because let's be real, if she was just some lady in the slums Colin wouldn't bat an eye.
Colin falls for anything. I honestly don’t think he has any feelings of his own besides his dislike of LW. First Marina now Penelope, Colin swoons for any woman that bats their eyes at him. He’s so easy to manipulate that it’s aggravating to watch.
They are both liars and they don’t trust each other. Pen catches Colin while he catches her. The night before their wedding mind you.
On another note, I know that this might be very… “controversial” but must every dress Penelope wears look as though her breast are going to topple out of them. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a look. But for every single dress? Even when she’s on her nightly escapade to deliver LW.
Colin finally starts speaking with some sense! Penelope drug him and his family through the mud and now all she has to say is she’s sorry and she understands she was misguided. To top it off she claims she did it to get the “old” Colin back. How interesting. Dear gentle readers, can you tell me how Colin has changed from point A to point B. What does the audience know about Colin? He’s some random forgettable guy and truthfully I think even Gregory has more personality than him. What is there for Penelope to miss? 
Why are we pretending that that was a good apology? She basically put the blame on him. “Well, if Colin would be himself I wouldn’t have to write about him.” Ok… she also claims that he helped her build confidence in this past year. Am I the only one confused about the time line. I didn’t realize this much time has passed. Barely anything has happened.
Penelope needs to move on. She has her man and her money and her new life. Lady Whistledown shouldn��t even be crossing her mind. The night before her wedding, she’s out and about creating drama.
Now, when has Penelope ever complimented Colin’s writing enough for him to comment on it. If we’re talking about the whole French ladies situation, that was hardly anything of note. I’m also thrown for a loop because I didn’t realize he was supposably a writer. 
The love confession only further solidified my belief that Colin is easy to manipulate. Yes, completely forget about the massive argument you were having and instead focus on the fact that Lady Whistledown loves you. What an excellent idea Colin, totally natural.
Despite, their rocky relationship they get married anyway. Which I will say, if you can’t handle “courting”, marriage won’t make things better.
If I were to know nothing about Bridgerton, and I watched the last ball scene, I would have never guessed it was a period drama. I don’t want to be too much of a heckler but, the outfits don’t look historical at all. Their makeup looks too dewy with heavy eye makeup and striking lip colors. Not to say that they’re bad, it’s just not the right look for this kind of show.
Even while confessing to everyone that she was the one writing such vile things, Penelope still manages to make it about how people should feel sorry for her. It’s tiring. She was so captivated that she decided she was going to ruin them. I don’t know why Charlotte acts like this is all in good fun. Girl, she trashed talked your family too. Wrote ill of your family while you were grieving a loss. Pressured you, THE QUEEN, to choose a diamond of the season. Charlotte, this is more than just “a little gossip” she was ruining lives.
Colin admits that he's been trying to separate the idea of Penelope from Whistledown. Exactly what you want in a marriage I’m sure. Your partner despises a part of you so much he can’t bare the thought of it being you… bound to ensure longevity.
What about Penelope’s character is brave? She hides behind her persona and doesn’t even gain the nerve to tell the truth to Colin herself. If she was so brave she would have said what she felt to the masses without LW. She wasn’t brave or selfless enough to let Colin marry Marina. Because what no one wants to bring up is that he was ok with the idea of raising another man's child. She wasn’t brave enough to stand up to Credissa or confront Eloise since she acts as though she was awful to her.
Now to recap something I’ve already said…
Now that Penelope has the featherington heir she becomes what polin stans hate about Eloise, in the fact that she has “everything”. Sure, Eloise is privileged but no one acknowledges that Penelope is too. Holding the power to utterly ruin someone's reputation and making a profit off of it isn’t something that your average lady can say they’ve done. Not to say that she shouldn’t have good things but there’s a point where it gets to feeling like “Mary Sue”. What bad things truly happen to her? She was “poor” but that didn’t last, she didn’t think she was pretty but she got a makeover, she lost her friendship but she’s trying to paint Eloise as the bad guy so clearly she doesn’t care. 
Nothing bad that happens to her ever holds any significance because it's either cleared away too soon or doesn’t matter in the long run. It's not like Prudence or Philippa are unsuitable. What wouldn’t she have at this point? She marries into the Bridgerton family, has her Lady Whistledown persona, no one blames her for her actions AND has a son who's lord featherington?
With how much the interviews talked up the "spice" of this season, I have to say I found it lack luster. Nothing about it was particularly jaw dropping. Yes, there is the carriage scene but, when you have a man who a mouth breather and a woman who is actively lying to him, it's hard to find the appeal. Also, unlike the other seasons, I have yet to see a line go viral. AKA- Simon talking about Daphne to the queen, and Anthony's object of my desires speech.
The only note worthy moment's I've seen circulating is people cringing at the balloon scene and not so steamy carriage ride.
Last but not least, furthering my timeline confusion, how long has passed since the wedding? Not to say that it’s impossible, but all three sisters have babies at the same time… and they look and act no different than before. 
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malebodyexhibit · 2 years
Don't Fear (a free commission tale)
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In this place, all that remains was memory. I had been convicted for a DUI during Christmas, but I couldn't help it. Thirty years in a loveless marriage strangled my capacity to enjoy life. I went from a college athlete to settling down with a girl during the 90s. I struggled in a thankless job and started drinking. My body started to follow the pattern of fathers: my toned body bloated and my muscles shrunk. What had been washboard abs was now a sagging "spare tire." At the age of 56, I had gotten in an argument with my wife about my drinking and a drive to clear my head had resulted in me being pulled over, then arrested.
I know it was stupid, but I felt there was no escape. Now there was literally no escape. I was given a long sentence and succumbed to despair. I wouldn't be able to enjoy what remained of my middle age.
I did my best to show that I was recovering, but my body still craved alcohol. My family and friends disappeared instantly. No one liked a drunk driver. Eventually, I found myself in a recovering alcoholics program. It wasn't the 12 steps program, but similar. The program set you up with a sponsor and during your talks together, you could give and get advice and just vent about your stresses. It was very therapeutic.
I honestly think they could have chosen better sponsors though. My sponsor was a young man who had never drank alcohol in his life. His name was Tyler.
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It was hard to talk about my problems with him, because he lacked the understanding of addiction, but eventually I found it became easier and easier. Like he was my son, whom I never talked to. I came to enjoy hearing about his life as a college student. Like me he was an athlete, but unlike me he never found a girl. He found guys instead. He became my only escape from prison life.
During our talks together, I had mentioned I wanted to better control my anger, so he bought me a meditation book with new age crap inside. This book came to be a God send. The book, among other new age pseudo science, described stuff like healing spells and body theft spells. That had caught my interest.
Essentially it required that I give Tyler something to drink, imbued with my essence. So after cooking up the concoction with... my essence. I slipped it to Tyler during our sponsorship meetings. He gulped it down without hesitation, unsuspecting, unaware of the dangers in this world. This naïveté had brought him to me.
After he drank the solution, his body started to glow, become indistinct. The book mentioned that when this happened, you're supposed to "merge" with the body. I wasn't sure what to expect, but placing my hands on his shoulders, I found that my hand started to sink into his body. Tyler had been talking about his friends and hanging out that weekend, but as soon as my skin sunk below him, he stopped and froze.
As I continued to sink deeper and deeper into him, I could feel through him. I could also hear him in his mind. What the fuck, what the fuck, he thought. Despite the panicked thoughts, he remained absolutely still. Now my hands and upper arms had sunk into him. Then my chest started to merge with his back. His thoughts grew louder and I heard him talking directly to me. Please, mister, let me go. I don't want this, stop, please, I'll do anything you want. "Then just give me your body," I hissed. I forced myself deeper; my head plunging into the warmth of his back and soon my jiggling belly stuffed itself into Tyler's slim body.
The sounds of Tyler's mind was excruciating. The combined mass of myself and Tyler seemed to set off pain throughout our bodies. I didn't know how it affected Tyler's body, but I felt ourselves bloating. I could feel the tight shirt over Tyler's body strain and press against our flesh. As the pain grew, I felt Tyler succumb more and more until he was whimpering. He wasn't used to pain and shrunk away from it. But I knew about pain. I grew stronger despite it and with Tyler sulking away, I could feel the new sensations on my new skin. Tyler's body returned to normal, yet it still felt crowded.
"I'm sorry, Tyler," I said. I alerted the guards that the prisoner escaped. I was escorted out while a lockdown was issued. Tyler was still here in my mind. With a bit of coercion I was able to force his home out of him. He lived with roommates on campus. He volunteered here because it was walking distance.
Following his memories, I found myself back at his home. Alone in his room, I explored my new body.
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I ran my hands over his pale naked body. I ran my fingers along the strong calves and legs. We had been (he was) an athlete. I remembered how a body like this felt. The surge of testosterone was a nice reminder to how virile this young stud was. I needed to finish the ritual. I grabbed hold of his cock and played with his pecs, kissing his biceps. I stroked harder and faster, amazed at how godly his arms were. As I pushed myself harder, I closed my eyes and imagined Tyler in my mind. He was scared and trying to get my attention, and now that he had it, he shrunk from it. Too late. As I bit my lip, I shot a huge load onto my chest. The sound of Tyler's sobs quieted down as his essence was ejaculated with his cum.
Now that I was alone in his body, the cramped feeling went away and somehow the body felt even better. It seemed to fit me better and the way the muscles wrapped around the frame was more toned and tighter. I leaned back in the water and smiled devilishly to myself.
A month had passed and the case of the missing inmate had never been solved, but I loved going to the beach. Now that I as Tyler didn't waste so much time with volunteer work, I went to the beach often. I love checking myself out.
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When I was younger, I had never been this twink. I had been a corn-fed linebacker but now I turned so many heads. I had been straight before, but now I took on Tyler's love of the cock. I also gave him a new love of working out.
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But I liked showing off at the beach. What's the use of a young hot body if you don't flaunt it? In Tyler's memories, he knew to flaunt it and enjoyed blowing guys, but he didn't do it often enough!
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Now I party a lot. Thankfully Tyler never drank and now I don't have the urge for it either. I guess Tyler lived up to his responsibility to help me recover from addiction, but now I have his addiction to sucking cock.
author's note: thanks to swapsrus for the pics and story idea.
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starlit-grace · 9 months
Robot girlfriend Ship of Theseus expanded edition for @k1nky-r0b0t-g1rl
Buckle up because this is loooooong. CW for light robosex and unnecessary world building. Also some of the plot details are a bit of a stretch but I couldn't just write smut without a story in there.
Older femme robot girl goes into a shop to get some routine maintenance done but instead of her regular guy there's this stunning young brown butch who steps in. Apparently, she inherited the shop after her uncle died. "Don't worry", she says, "he taught me everything he knew." The older femme robot girl thinks to herself that the lack of experience on the mechanic's part isn't exactly what she was worried about but agrees to get her maintenance done anyways.
The mechanic makes her lie down on the workbench as usual and gets to work opening her up. She focuses on her work while the robot girl tries her hardest to not think about her soft fingers brushing up against her most sensitive parts. The mechanic does nothing to indicate her awareness of this, but her deft hands do seem to linger on her ram chips for just a touch longer than absolutely necessary.
Eventually the mechanic is finished with the routine maintenance, but notices something slightly off. She informs the robot girl of this and gets permission to dig deeper. She roots through her guts while the robot girl stifles a moan and eventually finds the issue. Some wiring is starting to decay which could be a symptom of a larger issue. She's gonna need to do some very intensive repairs if the robot girl wants to continue moving after a few years. The robot girl agrees to the repairs since she very much wants to continue living and also getting to see the mechanic girl more often won't be such a bad idea.
The robot girl returned after a week to find the mechanic girl's sweaty back turned to her as she was hunched over a different project that she quickly covered with a cloth before attending to her customer. She didn't quite know why but she felt oddly disturbing at the thought of the mechanic having projects other than her, despite her logic centres informing her that it was quite literally her job. As she resumed her usual place, she resolved to check her feelings settings and try to reduce her attachment to this human.
This was supposed to be a purely professional relationship... even though the mechanic had offered to fix her wiring at no extra cost... and her caramel hands were so, so soft... and she could almost imagine her touching her CPU with those hands... The robot girl decided that she would allow herself these thoughts only while the human was working on her and then never think about it again.
The mechanic girl continued rooting through the wires but the issue seemed to be getting more and more complex the more she looked at it. The source of the issue seemed to be something else entirely and she couldn't quite figure out what. Her only idea was to hook the robot girl up to a screen to run some major diagnostics which would almost be like entering someone's brain. She looked over to the robot girl who seemed to have gone into sleep mode and decided it was worth the invasion of privacy if it helped her find the source of the problem. She plugged in her screen and was about to switch to the BIOS screen, but instead was greeted by a *very* high definition image of herself stroking the robot girls CPU with one hand while the other was in her HDMI port.
The screen went dark and the robot girl immediately powered on and stood up. Her cores seemed to be overheating from sheer embarrassment. She muttered an apology, her eyes fixed to the floor. The mechanic girl was, luckily, a lot more decisive than her robot customer and simply walked forward, lifted her face up and pulled her into a kiss. The old novels used to talk about "sparks flying" when you kissed someone, but the mechanic girl didn't realize it would be quite so literal. The robot girl couldn't control herself and released an electric charge so strong that the mechanic's hair was standing on end and her face was blackened. The only thought on both their minds in that moment was "Worth it."
Over the next few months, the robot girl booked a double slot at the mechanic's. One for her repairs and one for "other services rendered" as the accounts kept by the shop claimed. One of these was the mechanic installing a hidden, password locked vagina into her new girlfriend. The rest of these was her testing its capabilities. The robot girl had heard that humans had sex to make babies instead of coming from a factory like normal people, but she never quite understood the appeal until she experienced a sweaty butch cock ramming into her chassis so hard she thought her memory card would become corrupted. The mechanic was extremely skilled with repairs, but her talents also extended to finding sensitive spots that would make her robot girlfriend display error codes. Stroking her CPU was an obvious one, but she also fingered her ports, especially her power port, jiggled the wiring that connected her ram slots to her motherboard and used an air can to blow on her fan blades. They always ended with the robot girl releasing a shockwave that made her hair stand on end and covered her face with soot.
Eventually, they stopped with the charade of customer and mechanic and settled down together. They were married eventually and the wedding kiss left the mechanic with her hair standing up and her face covered in soot. Life went on for a while and they were happy. Despite being married, the robot girl kept coming up with excuses for her wife to work on her so that she could get deep in her guts again and again. Eventually she thought she must have replaced all of her parts. Well except her CPU, which of course is a robot's most crucial component and which must only be tampered with in extreme circumstances. She did try to get her to uninstall and reinstall it, but her mechanic wife wouldn't allow such a dangerous operation solely for kink. In human terms this could be understood as taking someone's brain out of their body.
The robot girl was painting the scene outside her window as usual when she heard the mechanic fall in the workshop below. A heart attack. She called an ambulance in tears and fell to the floor beside her love. She racked her memory card for information that could help in the situation and remembered something crucial. The robot girl leaned down and kissed her wife. Sparks flew. The mechanic girl jolted awake, hacking and coughing. Her hair was standing on end and her face was covered in soot.
The med-bots at the hospital were very stern with the mechanic girl. She should not have been working so hard at her age. She was firmly advised to retire effective immediately. If any other mishaps occurred, it could be her last. The mechanic saw that she had no choice in the matter and agreed.
The mechanic was not the only one who the med bots checked up on. They also looked over the robot girl and her diagnosis was much more severe. The strong electric shock that occurs when they kiss was not a normal response. They examined her thoroughly and found the source of the problem. She was one of the very few surviving robots from just after the planned obsolescence laws.
Back then, robots were built with the intention of being discarded after a few short years. It was a darker time. The planned obsolescence laws codified that every robot would have a right to a life that was at least as long as a human life. Since then, robots enjoyed long lives, free of the fear of eventual death. But there were a couple of generations of robots who had come out just after the laws had passed that were designed to expire at the 85 year mark. This was slightly above the average human lifespan and the companies had simply artificially inflated the lifespan of their old CPUs which could at most last 20 years to more than quadruple that. It would work, just not very well. The robot girl needed a new CPU, but her model had extremely limited compatibility. In short, she would soon run out of time.
When they got back home, neither of them said anything. The robot girl turned to speak but the mechanic was already back in her workshop. She took no more customers, but kept tinkering with this project of hers which she told the robot girl nothing about, but was easy for her to guess. Her wife was planning on building her a new CPU. The robot confronted her wife about this eventually, but the mechanic brushed her off. "I run an Indian tech repair shop," she said, "I'm supposed to be able to fix anything with little to no resources. It's just what we do." The robot girl could see the toll this project was taking on her, but bit her tongue. She knew that her wife would not listen to reason.
The mechanic called the robot girl down to the shop for one final job. Her new CPU was hopefully everything she would need. Although, the mechanic chuckled, she would miss the sparks. It felt like a physical signifier of their love. The robot girl smiled, but inside she knew her time was up. She did not expect to survive this installation at her age, despite her wife's skill. The mechanic knew this too, but she had to try. She had to try to save her no matter what. So she laid her down on the workbench and started the install.
"You know you'll practically have a new brain now right? I hope you'll remember me." The mechanic's voice was heavy with emotion.
"Oh darling," replied the robot, "in a thousand lifetimes I could not forget you."
"You always did have a way with words babe... Ok I'm going to uninstall your CPU now. Are you ready?"
"I trust you, dear."
The mechanic closed her eyes and pulled the plug. The robot girl fell silent. The mechanic finished the install with tears in her eyes. She hooked up the monitor to the robot girl and ran diagnostics. The tests were fine, but her memory seemed to be having issues. It was very likely that the robot girl would either forget who her wife was completely, along with a lot of her memories. She would essentially be completely new, fresh off the line. The mechanic gritted her teeth and continued closing up her wife. She promised herself she would do whatever it takes to save her. As long as she could function, she didn't even need to be married to her. Or hold her hand and look out at the sunsets, or touch her ports... She shook her head and kept working.
Eventually she put the final piece of her chassis in place and powered her on. The robot girl's eyes flickered to life and she looked directly at the mechanic, who asked her in as even a tone as she could muster, "You've just been through a major operation. So it's normal to feel a little disoriented. Do you remember who you are?"
"Yes, yes I do."
"And so you remember who I am?"
"My dear, did I not just say it would take me a thousand lifetimes to forget you?"
The mechanic couldn't control herself any longer and she started sobbing in her wife's arms. "I was so scared baby I thought I lost you."
The robot girl held her wife closely and let her cry for some time, then lifted her face up and pulled her into a kiss.
The mechanic had made the new CPU a much better, more powerful version of her older one and hoped that it would prevent her from burning out. While she was right that it could in theory last a lot longer than her old one, it was also prone to more powerful versions of the same issues that the previous one experienced. And so the story ends.
Sparks flew.
Some time later, the mechanic's family would drop in for a visit to find her body lying on top of her wife's body. The mechanic had died of cardiac arrest that came about due to a strong electric shock. the robot had died of a power overload from a similar electric shock which she was especially vulnerable to as she had just gotten a new CPU installed. They were buried together as indicated by the robot girl's last will and testament found above the workshop in their house. It seemed to have been written relatively recently. As the casket containing both their bodies was lowered into the ground, the onlookers could see that despite the best attempts of the medical assistants to make her corpse look pretty, the mechanic's hair was standing up on end and her face was blackened like soot.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
The One That Got Away
Vi x Fem!Reader Arcane AU
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Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Vi beating people up, nervous flirting, teenage crushes, Loving someone even when they’re gone, Vi leaves Caitlyn for you, sensual sex, strap-on use
Summary: You had a crush on Vi as teens, but you’re forced to move away the night before your date. Years later, you run into each other again and feelings return.
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You’re perched on a balcony railing watching as a group of guys get their asses handed to them. Your older brother - Mike - was one of the guys down there. He was supposed to be at church with the rest of you, but you noticed that he would sneak out when the sermon would start. Your parents were sailors and took turns going out on ships so that one of them was always home. They attended church to pay their respects to the Goddess of the Winds, Janna, who protected all sailors from death at sea. So, you decided to follow him one morning and found out that he joined a gang. You couldn’t tell your parents until you knew which gang, because your brother knew how to lie to them and make it seem like you were the liar. And you hated that.
So, you watched with great amusement as this pink-haired girl gave him a black eye and a bloody nose. You were given the name of the gang by her when she shouted it out in anger. When you saw her approaching the group of ten guys, you got worried for her. She had clearly come looking for a fight, but you hadn’t seen any weapon in sight. Then, the fight started and you were concerned for the guys instead. She was quick with her fists and she fought with no reservation.
“Next time you assholes want to mess with my little sister, remember this.” Pink spits, before turning and walking away. You let out a squeak and scramble after her, running along the railing and sliding down a rooftop.
“Hey!” You call out, “Hey! Pink! Wait!” Your feet hit the ground as she stops and turns to you. There’s an annoyed look on her face but you didn’t care.
“What?” Pink huffs, crossing your arms.
“I wanted to say thank you. You totally just beat up my brother and gave me the chance to tell our parents he’s been lying about being in a gang.” You grin, starting to back away, “Also, you throw a wicked punch!” You call, waving at her before you turn and start sprinting home. Your parents are going to have a heart attack when they find out, and you were excited to finally see your brother get grounded.
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Today was a slow day at Gretchen’s but you didn’t mind. Your family has been tight on money lately after your dad broke his leg. There was an accident and his leg got caught in the rigging. You decided to get a job to help out and Gretchen - who’s a family friend - asked you to work in her bakery. So, you jumped at the chance and were actually making decent money. Most of the time the place was packed with customers who came in for fresh bread or sweets. But, today you haven’t been seeing as many people. Normally that wouldn’t worry you, but you were hoping a specific person would come by today.
Pink. You ran into her a few times before you started working at the bakery. There was something about her that got you all flustered. Maybe because she was a really cute girl who actually talked to you? After you got the job, you found out that she was a regular along with her siblings. Gretchen told you that they came in once a week. You nearly burned yourself the first time you saw her walk in, happily chatting away with a blue-haired girl and a large smile on her face. She seemed similarly surprised when she saw you, and that’s when you learned her actual name. Violet.
That once-a-week visit eventually turned into every day. Every time she came in, you could’ve sworn that she was flirting with you! She would ask you what you recommended to try or if you had a favorite flavor or sweet. If she came in before closing, she’d playfully complain that you needed to stay open longer so she didn’t have to run here. You thought you might’ve been reading into it because you were crushing on her, but part of you hoped that you weren’t. You finally got confirmation one afternoon when Vi came in with her siblings.
The bell above the door rings announcing that someone has entered the bakery. You put up the tray of cupcakes and head to the front while your co-workers continue baking. When you get a peek at who’s at the counter, you feel your pulse pick up slightly. You take a deep breath before walking into their view, “Afternoon, guys!” You chirp, putting your hands on the countertop, “What can I get for you today?”
“Do you guys have any jelly tarts?” Powder questions, giving you puppy eyes.
“We have some ready to come out of the oven. Luckily for you, it’ll be a two-minute wait.” You wink at her, making her cheer. You look to Vi who shakes her head and motions to her brothers. Claggor asks for a bear claw pastry and Mylo grabs a few cookies. They go and sit down with Powder to wait on the jelly tarts, but Vi stays standing at the counter. ‘Why is she still standing here? Did she change her mind about ordering?’
“Did you find something you’d like?” You ask, nervously drumming your fingers on the countertop. ‘Why am I so nervous around her? I see her every day.’
“Yeah, actually. Can I get one of the strawberry brownies?” Vi points to it in the window.
“Sure thing.” You smile before opening the window and grabbing one, hesitating briefly before you put a second one in the bag. Vi raises an eyebrow when she sees you do that and you put a finger to your lips, “I’ll pay for that one.” You giggle. Vi hands you the money for the one brownie and you blush when your fingers touch. You count the money, avoiding Vi’s gaze before giving her the bag.
“Thanks.” Vi flashes a smile, nervously shuffling her feet. You two sit in silence for a minute before you remember to respond.
“You’re welcome.” You nod, “I uh… should go get that tart for your sister.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll wait here for you.” Vi clears her throat. You nod and whirl around, hurrying to the back to grab a few of the jelly tarts. ‘Oh my Janna, that was awkward. What’s going on?’ You sigh and head back to the counter. You swallow when you see Vi, noticing that she looks nervous which is an expression you’ve never seen on her face before.
“Powder!” You call, “Here are your jelly tarts!” Powder jumps out of her seat, running up to the counter and snatching it from your hands. As she does that, Vi puts the money on the counter and you tuck it into the register. They get ready to head out, and Vi comes back up to the counter as her siblings step outside.
“Hey, uh… Y/n?” Vi messes with her wrappings, “Are you free anytime this week?”
“Free?” You parrot, your heart racing, “Y-Yeah, I am. Why?”
“Ah… Would you like to go on a date with me?” Vi meets your eyes. ‘She’s serious? Is she serious right now? Did she just ask me out?!’ You think you might faint.
“I-I would love to. Yes!” You grin excitedly, making Vi grin as well, “I’m free tomorrow afternoon. I work the morning shift and get out at lunchtime if that’s okay with you?”
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s okay with me.” Vi nods, ���I’ll um… come and get you after your shift?”
“I’ll be waiting for you.” Your cheeks hurt from how hard you’re smiling.
“Great!” Vi looks outside to see her siblings still waiting, “I’ll see you tomorrow!” She leaves the bakery, glancing behind her one last time to give you a silly grin. You squeal happily, jumping up and down before rushing into the back to tell everyone the news. ‘I have a date with Vi!’ You couldn’t be happier.
Unfortunately, that same night your parents announced that you were leaving Zaun in the morning. Your brother had gotten into trouble with another gang - even though your parents forbid him from getting involved - and they had enough. Gretchen had been informed and stopped by with your last paycheck and a sad smile. You were heartbroken that you were forced to leave your home behind, especially after Vi had asked you out. So, you begged Gretchen to tell her what happened and she promised to. It was with a heavy heart that you left Zaun before the morning sun came up, getting onto a ship and going who knows where. Your parents wouldn’t tell you or anyone, fearing they’d chase down your brother. You hated him more than ever, and you didn’t know if that would ever change.
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“We’ll be stayin’ here for two weeks until all of the cargo comes in!” Your captain shouts from below you, “You’re in charge of findin’ your own place to stay!” She continues, making the crew groan. You snort, nudging your crewmate in the nest and sticking your tongue out. He snickers as you jump off the edge and slide down the ropes. With a grin, you kick one of your friends before you hit the deck and start running for the gangway.
“Y/N, YOU FUCKER! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME!” They holler after you, making you laugh. You weave your way through the crew, ducking underneath wooden beams and heading for the intake gate. You hand over your ID form and it only takes a few minutes for them to give you the go-ahead and cheerful “welcome home”. You take a deep breath and make your way to the drop into Zaun, knowing that your old place should still be there. It was an apartment building owned by your family so it was always available to stay in. You stare at the city you used to live in, taking in all of the changes as the bathysphere brings you down. You’ve been gone for years, and in your absence, Zaun has changed… in some ways.
As you make your way to the apartment, walking through a back alley, a guy rushes at you with a switchblade and you kick him in the throat. He chokes and wheezes, eyes going wide right before you stomp on his wrist and nab his knife. You whistle a sea shanty as you continue your way to the building, twirling the knife in your hand. Not bothering to unlock the gate, you carefully parkour over it, breathing a sigh of relief that the razor wire doesn’t catch your skin.
“Y/n?! Is that you, child?” You hear someone shout as you come around the front.
“Auntie R?!” You laugh incredulously, seeing your aunt and her friend hanging out, “I didn’t know you were still living here!” You embrace her and her friend.
“Where else would I have gone?” She snorts, “I’m not adventurous like your parents. No, sir, I stayed my ass right here.”
“Did those guys ever come by for Mike?” You ask curiously.
“They sure did. That very morning ya’ll booked it. I told them if they didn’t get their asses off of my property, I was going to throw my grenades at them. They never came back after that!” She laughs. Your aunt was a woman you admired greatly. She was the one who taught you how to parkour and would share stories about how she lost two of her teeth in a gang brawl as a teenager. Auntie R was the wilder one in your family and you loved her a lot. It makes you happy to see that she’s still hanging around Zaun.
“I’m glad that you’re doin’ good, auntie. I’m going to head inside and shower 'cause I’m tired of the smell of salt water after tw’nty-three days at sea.” You laugh. You were one of the few on the ship that wouldn’t be caught dead sticking to high hell. During the straights, you and a few others would hoist up a bucket of saltwater and scrub yourselves clean at night. Your Captain joined you as well, saying that she loved the sea but she’d rather not have people cringing away from her.
“You can borrow a pair of my clothes until you get some. Let me give you a crash course on what has changed, yeah? You’ll be surprised.”
“Sounds good.” You nod.
Your aunt told you about all of the new changes, giving you money to get more clothes even though you wouldn’t be staying long. You couldn’t believe what she was saying, but as you made your way through Zaun, you could see it. People looked like they were doing better and clothes seemed much cleaner. The clothing stores had a lot many different styles of clothing and you were happy about that. Living in Bilgewater had opened you up to a lot of things that you didn’t have in Zaun, and being a pirate had helped with that, too.
And like any ol’ pirate trying to wind down after a long month at sea, you headed to where the alcohol was. Even though you’ve been gone for a while, you’d never forget the way to The Last Drop. You were playing with that switchblade you had nabbed, idly wondering if that guy would come looking for it. You raise an eyebrow at the two bodyguards standing outside the building, but you shrug. Slipping the switchblade into your pocket, they only glance at you as you stroll past, pushing the door open. The loud chatter in the Drop makes you feel at home, and you grin when you see your Captain and a few other mates around a table.
“Y’all are over here drinking and you don’t even have a pint for me?” You shake your crewmate’s chair, making him choke on his beer. The others laugh and you plop yourself into the empty seat, putting your feet onto Captain Andi’s lap. The two of you have a little thing going on and keep each other company during the long journeys you make. It was no secret among the crew, especially because you’re not quiet about it.
“Don’t worry, the next round is coming.” Andi snorts, “I see you got new clothes.”
“Zaun was my home before Bilgewater. I’ve got family in the city.” You shrug, “Besides, we’re here for two weeks. I had to get a new pair anyway after someone dropped my bag into the sea as an offering.” You glare at Hector.
“I didn’t want to drop my things in!” Hector protests, “I didn’t have anything else, and you can’t go through Siren’s Keep without an offering!”
“Watch. Y/n is going to be blessed with an amazing love life because it wasn’t your stuff. The sirens know the difference.” Jayla snickers.
“W-wait, hold on!” Hector sputters, making your group crack up. You all start teasing him, telling him that he could offer his own body and at least he’d die by a siren’s hands. The next round of drinks comes over and you down your pint of beer, sighing in relief at the cold drink. A few people come by to flirt, offering to buy drinks or boldly requesting that one of you come to keep them company. The conversation rolls easily, more drinks are brought to the table, and you finally get to decompress. Your stomach was growling, dying for a hot meal that wasn’t soup and something more solid. As if everyone else had the same idea, you all ordered burgers and you nearly cried when you took the first bite.
After eating, the rest of the group gets up to play a couple of rounds of pool, while you choose to stay seated. Your gaze wanders around the bar and you find yourself pausing as a group of people walk in. A little tipsy, it takes your mind a moment to process who you see, “Oh.” You blink watching them walk towards the bar. Powder - who else has such vibrant blue hair - meets your gaze from across the bar and you get to witness her face go from confusion to excitement. “OH, MY GODS! Y/N?!” She screams, drawing attention to her as she races your way, making you panic. You jump up from your chair in time for her to crush you in a hug. You yelp as you stagger back a bit, but you catch yourself from falling.
“Powder!” You gasp, surprised by her reaction and that she recognized you.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” Powder grins, hopping from foot to foot, “VI! VI, Y/N’S BACK! SHE’S BACK!” She screams at the group she came in with, who’s a lot closer than they were a few seconds ago. You feel speechless. Vi was attractive when you were teenagers, but now? She’s handsome as hell. A few scars on her face, a nose piercing, and a tattoo on her neck. Vi seems as shocked to see you as you are to see her. Claggor and Ekko give you a hug like the sweethearts they are, while Mylo nods at you. The woman with them is someone you don’t recognize. ‘She’s probably someone they met after I left.’
“Y/n.” Vi says in disbelief, lips twitching into a smile, “I-I didn’t know that you were back in Zaun. When did you get here?” She steps forward to hug you, and you think you might melt in her arms. There’s something off about her hug that you can’t put your finger on. ‘This is nice. Her hugs are nice… Oh shit, right, she asked a question.’
“Today, actually. My crew and I are in the city waiting for a trade-off of some cargo.” You step away from her, thinking you drank too much when you feel your cheeks warm, “I’ll be here for a few weeks before heading back out.”
“Crew?” The unknown woman speaks up, “What crew?”
“Pirate crew, miss…?” Hector tosses his arm over your shoulder, making you scowl.
“Caitlyn.” The woman introduces herself. You pick up his half-finished pint and shove the glass into his chest. He winks at you and stumbles back to the pool table. ‘Nosy ass, urchin.’
“You joined a pirate crew?!” Powder gasps, hitting her sister on the shoulder, “Vi! Date a pirate instead! Even better, date Y/n!”
“Ha ha, Powder. Very funny. I’m not breaking up with Caitlyn.” Vi rolls her eyes, “For the thousandth time.”
“Oh, you two are together?” You feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach for some weird reason.
“Yup! Weird, right?” Mylo laughs, “Vi’s dating a Piltie- OW!” He clutches his head as Vi’s fist drops back to her side.
“Why don’t you come and hang out with us?” Vi suggests, “Unless you want to stay with your crew?” You glance at your friends and Andi waves you off. ‘I can hang out with them another time. I’m stuck with them at sea for days anyway.’ You snort.
“I’ll join you, but I’ll warn you that I’ve had a bit to drink.” You chuckle.
“That’s fine.” Ekko grins, “We were going to have a few drinks ourselves.” Powder squeals, grabs your arm, and starts dragging you to the back. You end up spending a long time with the group, talking and catching up on things that have happened. Hearing about what happened in Zaun a few years after you left was appalling. Especially when you found out that Vi got arrested and sent to Stillwater! Then came your time to share what happened when you moved away from Zaun. You talked about the reason you left and how you haven’t talked to your brother in years. You were so pissed that you were forced to leave your life behind because of him that you never forgave him. Eventually, it was only you and Vi awake after everyone drank too much and passed out. The two of you sat in a corner and talked, the only two who can hold their alcohol. You found yourself really falling back into conversation with her before you fell asleep.
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You’ve been back in Zaun for a week and a half and it’s been more stressful than you thought it would be. After you ran into Vi and her family, you spent a few more days hanging out with Vi. The two of you spent hours talking and running around Zaun together, trying to catch up while sober. Ever since you left Zaun, you hadn’t been able to successfully date anyone. As a result, you stuck to regular hookups or one-night stands. After a while, you stopped thinking about Vi and you thought that you had gotten over her. It was during these moments with her that you had a terrible realization… You’re still in love with Vi.
It felt like you were back to being a teenager when you were around her. You giggled at her jokes, got flustered when you couldn’t think of what to say, and you even pinched her at some point! One night as you tried to sleep, you ended up wondering what would happen if you hadn’t left. What would that date have been? Would you have gone to the school brawl together? Would the two of you be together now or would it have been a short fling? Those thoughts buzzing in your mind had you returning to the one place you went for some privacy. It was a rooftop near your apartment that had a perfect view of Zaun and Piltover.
You were sitting at the edge, resting your chin on one knee as you stared out at the scenery. ‘I can’t believe I’m still into Vi. It’s been years! I should be over her by now. I mean… I was only crushing on her back then… How could that turn into love without doing anything? Ugh, this is so frustrating. It’s a good thing I’ll be leaving in a few days.’ You sigh to yourself.
“What’s got you sighing so heavily?” You hear Vi say from behind you. You turn your head as she sits down next to you, nudging your shoulder as she does.
“Ah, something on my mind.” You shrug, trying not to show any telling emotions on your face, “I couldn’t sleep and I used to come here to clear my mind.”
“Really? I’ve brought Powder up here a few times growing up. We usually have our important conversations here.” Vi sighs, leaning back on her hands, “I came here because I have something on my mind, too.”
“You can talk about it if you’d like. It might help.” You offer. ‘Even though Vi is currently the one haunting my thoughts, it feels good to have her next to me.’
“Alright, well… I’ve had this woman on my mind for a while. It made being in long-term relationships hard because all I could think about was her. I kept asking myself “what if” and eventually I managed to stop thinking about her. I got into a relationship and imagine my surprise when I see her again after eight years.” You meet Vi’s shaded gaze with wide eyes as she continues talking, “And the more I talked to this woman, I realized that I am irrevocably in love with her… So, I broke up with Caitlyn and decided to try and find you. I gave up when I couldn’t and came here to think and found you.”
“Y-You’re in love with me?” You stutter, staring at her in disbelief, “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” Vi nods, caressing your face in the low light, “I was heartbroken when I came to get you for our date only to find out that you skipped town. I honestly couldn’t move on from that and seeing you again reminded me that I never did.”
“That’s-” You laugh joyously, “I feel the same way about you. You’ve been on my mind for years. I-I came out here tonight because I realized that I love you, and with you being in a relationship… I thought I didn’t have a chance.”
“I left her for you… I’d really like to take you out on a date.” Vi smiles, “And hopefully you don’t run away from me before I can do that.” She jokes, making you giggle. You look up at the sky and realize that it's around two in the morning. ‘I should be getting back to bed… but I don’t have to go alone.’ You peek at Vi in the corner of your eye. You stand up and hold your hand out to her, Vi taking it and letting you help her up.
“It’s late. My apartment is nearby if you want to spend the night.” You offer, “I don’t want you to fall off a rooftop from exhaustion.” You say teasingly.
“Lead the way.” Vi grins, making you smile.
The moment you close your apartment door, Vi’s lips are on yours and you have to blindly feel for the lock. You kiss with your back pressed to the door, before you break it to push her towards your bedroom. Not wanting to lay in bed dirty, you invite her to take a shower with you. Vi’s eyebrows shoot up, but she joins you in the shower where you end up against the cold tile. Slow, unhurried kisses are exchanged that increase the intimacy.
Vi surprises you by gently toweling you off, leaving soft kisses along your body as she does. Her care of your body has a warmth rising between your legs. You return the favor, drying her off and letting your fingertips caress her body, especially her back. There’s an unspoken agreement between you two as you watch Vi put her strap on, laying down on the bed for her.
Not a word is spoken as she settles between your legs. You were almost afraid to speak, not wanting to break whatever spell you two were under. All you know is that you want her, so you spread your legs and Vi takes the cue. The soft groan that leaves your lips as she slowly slides into you is what breaks the spell.
“I want to worship your body.” Vi whispers, fingertips pressing into your hips, “Is it okay if I go slow?”
“That’s okay with me.” You whisper back, relaxing in her arms. Vi’s careful with you. Touching your body as if you’ll break underneath her if she’s rough with you. Her thrusts are slow and methodical, making you gasp every time her hips meet yours. You’re holding her to you, legs wrapped around her waist as moan into her ear. Just because you were taking it slow didn’t mean that you weren’t desperate for each other.
“I’ve thought about this.” You breathe out, letting your eyes slip shut as you enjoy it, “You touching me like this.”
“I have too.” Vi mutters, kissing your temple, “My guiltiest pleasure has always been you.” Her thrusts are consistent and it feels as though she’s caressing you from the inside. It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to teeter on the edge, and when it happens you’re holding her closer in a tender embrace.
Vi takes off the strap and lays with you, snuggling under the covers as you bask in the bliss she brought you. This was the intimacy you craved. The intimacy you couldn’t obtain from anyone else because of your love for this woman.
“I genuinely thought I’d never see you again.” The words come out of your mouth before you can stop them, “I was heartbroken that I lost you.” Vi kisses your cheek, pulling your body closer to hers.
“You’ll never lose me. My heart has been yours from the day I met you, and it always will be.” She leans in and kisses you deeply, chasing away all of the doubts of your youth. Vi was right, after all. You were hers forever and always.
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
The Defiant One, Pt. 5
Sheppard takes off and McKay turns to Brendan seemingly with the need to explain their behaviour just now: "It's fine, we just--"
Even though they just what you could call had their "first fight," he's still using the "we" pronoun. They are becoming an item.
The concept of the "first fight" is romantic, something that is expected to happen in a relationship. We're reminded of this in Harmony (S04E14), where a young girl that is utterly smitten with Sheppard tells him:
Harmony: You're mad at me. Sheppard: Hmm. Harmony: Our first fight! I knew it would happen eventually. We'll laugh about this one day. Sheppard: I'm sure we will.
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(This seems actually to be in reference to what happens in Trinity (S02E06), as while it is a very serious fracture in their relationship John does seem to learn to laugh about it eventually, and can't help but keep bringing it up to poke at McKay. But this is their actual first fight, or at the very least, a quarrel; a spat).
While they have been using 'we' throughout the episode, this is also when McKay starts to really use Major in reference to Sheppard. He has of course called Sheppard Major before and, in fact, it was the very first thing he ever said to him ("Major, think about where we are in the solar system").
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(I don't know what Sheppard was thinking there that the machine intuitively responded to but the lines sure seem to converge right where McKay is standing).
But there's a noticeable change, and it starts right here. He's using Major as a name, not a designation. Like Major is his first name instead of John. Major Sheppard. It creates distance between them, it makes visible the hierarchy that is supposed to be there between them, to be sure. And yet in this episode, it's not McKay that has wanted to create distance between them but Sheppard. Quite the opposite, McKay has been wanting to get closer and definitely did not want to be separated from Sheppard just now. McKay was getting more and more agitated -- not at the thought of being left alone (with Brendan), not at the thought of being in potential danger (in the wraith ship), but of not being with Sheppard. And his desire wasn't motivated by fear, McKay just wanted to be with him, and wanted Sheppard to want to be with him too.
So, McKay doesn't want to create distance by using the title as designation. He uses it to remind himself not to cross a line, not to do or even to think anything foolish. To remind himself that the man is off limits. To remind himself that he's not supposed to be attracted to guys, and certainly not this guy. And even if he was, there's no way that he could ever love him back because Rodney McKay unlovable and only tolerated for his ability to solve problems. That even if by some miracle his feelings were reciprocated, it would still be a very bad idea to act on them, as it might get the Major in serious trouble with his superiors and the hierarchy of his chosen profession. The more Rodney wishes something could happen between them, the more desperately he speaks the name 'Major' to tell himself that it can't, not for a hundred good reasons. And it is noticeable that he starts using it more frequently here.
While he's visibly upset that Sheppard chose to go after the wraith, he immediately does what Sheppard told him to do. He starts taking care of Brendan the way Sheppard had done earlier, peeling back the gunk and patching him up. He seems distracted, though. He checks the life-signs detector that Sheppard apparently left back for him (still making sure that Rodney is safe even when he's not there; they had two since they got the other from Dr. Abrams). Brendan asks him whether there's anything there, apparently thinking that McKay was checking for the wraith. He wasn't. He was very obviously looking for Sheppard, looking to see where he was going, how far he had gotten. It was Brendan's question "Anything?" that seems to remind him that the wraith even exist.
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This was probably the very thing that made Brendan come to the observation he makes a bit later. McKay looks at the blood on his hand, looks at what the wraith have done to this man in front of him and immediately feels that he has to look at someone's life-sign. But then he looks confused when asked about whether there are any wraith around. Clearly, he was worried. And just as obviously, he wasn't worried the wraith were out to get them.
Kolya had never met either man before, but he was still able to sense something was going on between them. But here, we are to understand that Dr. Gaul knows McKay pretty well, has been around him enough to have a baseline for his normal behaviour. I would go so far as to suggest that he even knew or at least suspected that McKay isn't quite straight. There's the earlier quip about girlish fear with which he cast aspersion on his masculinity. But they also have this exchange:
Gaul: You're not gonna let me die out here, are you? McKay: No. Don't be ridiculous. Gaul: You know, ‘cause people would talk. McKay: Why would they do that? Gaul: It's obvious. You're afraid I'll outshine you. My mind, my youth...
People would talk, he jokes. If he left his younger, better-looking colleague to die only to return with the Major. He is implying that they would think McKay had left him to die out of jealousy as well as envy. McKay doesn't seem to catch the implication because all of that is very alien to how he thinks. He has not been jealous or envious of this man; everything we've seen tells us that the opposite is true (up to and including Dr. Gaul's attempts to unsuccessfully engage Sheppard and get his attention). But it's also interesting that when we compare McKay with Weir with regards to Sheppard, it is his mind and his youth that McKay has going for him. And people definitely would talk if they knew that Sheppard had chosen him.
It wasn't McKay's interaction with Sheppard in the jumper, their constant back-and-forth, McKay's earlier bravado, nothing McKay had displayed before this moment that had struck Brendan as odd. It wasn't that McKay and Sheppard were acting real cozy and that McKay was constantly at his side, the intimacy between them. It was this. This genuine worry for someone other than himself. This tells Brendan (and us) that the change in McKay isn't superficial. It's soul-deep.
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Continued in Pt. 6
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joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 8
"I can't help with your project if this is going to be a regular thing," you whisper during Professor Flitwick's class introduction.
The twins, who sit on either side of you, stare blankly.
"What do you mean?" George asks.
"I mean the pranks. I don't mind you pulling anything on other people, in fact, please, do so! Your jokes are brilliant..." At this, the boys sit up straighter, puffing their chests out with pride. "Though I'd appreciate it if you didn't make me the butt of them."
After a moment of thought, Fred and George nod understandingly.
"Alright, but only because you asked nicely," George says.
"And because we need you," adds Fred.
"I'm sorry, y/n, I really am," George apologizes, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout. You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. It's hard to stay serious around these two.
"I'm more sorry than he is," says Fred. He makes an even sadder expression, and you break a smile. Fred laughs triumphantly.
"Shut up," you giggle, punching him playfully in the arm.
"Can I get some physical contact, too?" asks George innocently.
You snort, then punch his arm, only harder.
"Ah, thank you," George grimaces, massaging his bicep. You laugh.
At lunch, you happily sit with Fred and George, though it's upsetting that you haven't seen Maddy since yesterday morning. You would have liked for her to join you and the twins.
"Have either of you seen my friend, Maddy Dewmond, recently?" you inquire over a salami sandwich.
Fred stops chewing momentarily, and George hides behind the Daily Prophet. You set your sandwich down.
"You guys know something, don't you?" Your stomach churns with anxiety. Why are they acting so strange? "What's happened to Maddy?"
"Dunno," George's muffled voice says from behind the paper. Fred keeps chewing and avoiding your gaze.
"I have a right to be aware of whatever it is," you state firmly. "She's my friend."
"Not anymore..." Fred mumbles. George elbows him in the stomach.
Your voice cracks. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Just then, Maddy walks into the Great Hall... holding onto Draco Malfoy. He's got his arm around her shoulders. You can't believe it. You blink twice, assuming that your eyes must be deceiving you, but they aren't.
Malfoy smirks at you, pulling Maddy closer to him. Maddy avoids your gaze and looks at the ground instead guiltily. She knows she's done you wrong. The couple go to sit down at a different table, far away from you, with a pack of Malfoy's loyal Slytherins trailing behind.
No one speaks for a long moment as you take in what you just saw. George eventually folds his paper and sets it neatly on the table beside his empty plate, asking politely, "Can we hurt him now?"
You sigh and rest your forehead on the table top, burying your face in the sleeves of your robes and ignoring George.
"I hate Slytherins," you sniff. It was all partially Malfoy's fault. No doubt he did this to get back at you for humiliating him, but Maddy has been your only real friend for four years. And she always seemed to despise Malfoy just as much as you do... Did she secretly have feelings for Malfoy all along? Did he threaten her in some way? What could possibly be going on in her head right now...?
"Nasty little buggers, they are," says Fred.
"Excluding present company, of course," George adds.
You don't respond. You're on the verge of tears, so you keep your head down. Minutes later, after you've made sure you're not going to start crying, you sit up, get out of your seat, and brush yourself off. The twins watch with curiosity as you gather your things. You swing your bag over your shoulder and plant your hands on your hips confidently.
You smile mischievously. "Let's get going with this 'Project Nosebleed' of yours."
The twins almost leap off of the bench in excitement, cheering loud enough for the entire room to hear.
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kissochako · 2 years
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summary: dabi/touya and kirishima have a crush on you but it’s in a gym setting
tags: fem!reader for ejiro, gn!reader for dabi, a twinge of jealously and I’m sorry this isn’t my best work and idrk how a gym works LOL
Ejiro is a professional personal trainer as a side job to earn some savings while on break from school, and he loves his job. He loves helping people train to be at their peak physique, or help them beat their own personal records. It fills him with joy seeing the excitement on people’s faces when they realise they’ve gotten stronger, agile or being able to endure more, all thanks to him.
He has had plenty of clients before, from those who didn’t believe in themselves, or others thought it was genetically impossible to achieve their goal physique. Yet, he still managed to help all of them. His co-workers believed that he was a literal miracle worker, but he just thought that he was just extremely good at his job.
Turns out, he is not. He has been away in the staff retreat, apparently ‘gathering needed equipment’. The cutest girl he has ever seen in his life who’s currently training for a provisional license, wants him!! To be her!! Own personal trainer?? He’s excited by the thought, but dreads having to talk to her. What if he ends up getting her exercises wrong and ends up injuring her? What if he just stutters the whole time and she thinks he’s some type of fraud? There’s a million scenarios running through his mind, overpowering his mind.
However, no matter how high his anxiety levels are, he needs to go out there and just casually converse with the girl who he plans to make his girlfriend, hopefully. Eventually. Maybe? Whatever, he just needs to go out there and help his client. It’s his job and he’s good at it.
He sees you in the personal trainer assigned area, but instead of going back through the door, he continues to walk whilst taking deep breaths. Everything will be okay, she may be cute, but she’s just like any other ordinary girl. This is what he tells himself, internally, he thinks you are the most extraordinary girl to ever grace his not so extraordinary with your presence.
He apologises for the inconvenience of equipment being misplaced, even though he knows that all the equipment is kept in the same place. Then the session starts. He is his usual self during his job, supportive, encouraging and guiding his clients.
Though the session itself is unlike the ones he’s had before. Most of the time, his clients are middle aged ladies or gym bros that are struggling to put on muscle in a certain area. He doesn’t really engage in conservation with them, but you’re his exception. You’re hilarious, full of enthusiasm and determination to get your licence. Oh boy, Ejiro just can’t stop adoring you in his mind, planning to gush to his best friend about you.
You guys talked non-stop, about heroics classes, who’s the better hero, exchanging future goals, memories and oh no. The session is way past the actual time that you’re supposed to finish. This means there’s probably an pissed off client who has waited at best, an hour. Unfortunately for the two of you, you guys had to wrap it up. Ejiro already misses your honey glazed voice and your infectious laugh. He plans to take a sip from his water bottle before taking on his next client but notices a yellow sticky note on it.
Call me xxx-xxx-xxx ♡!!!
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Touya doesn’t go to the gym because he likes it, he goes there simply to build more muscle with all the equipment. In fact, he despises going to the gym. Sweat everywhere, weird animalistic grunts from everyone and unsolicited advice from gym amateurs. However, all of this changed when you started to go to the gym.
He didn’t mind the uncomfortable atmosphere of the one place he hated the most, all because he got to see you. You struggling to lift up what would’ve been Touya's warm up is so, so adorable to him. He arrives earlier at his gym sessions just to get that feeling of butterflies in his stomach as he witnesses your pretty face scrunch up as you attempt heavier weights and leaving way later so he could possibly talk to you and possibly make his first move.
But, there always has to be someone that stops him. Another weak gym amateur approaches you in hopes to get your number. He doesn’t worry about any of them obtaining your number, because he’s always there. A distance away, grimacing at his latest victim. However, whenever you turn around to see what they’re always staring at, he’ll make sure to display the most charming smile and captivating eyes. Of course, you’ll smile back yet instead of planning about his next move on you, he’ll daydream of seeing that smile when he wakes up in the morning.
He daydreams of everything that couples do, cuddling, baking or cooking together, slow dancing, feeding each other sweets, holding an umbrella for another, going on cute dates, annoying everyone with constant displays of affection, every scenario you could come up with, he’s fallen asleep to it with headphones blasting Arctic Monkeys. He usually hates anything and everything sappy, but oh boy, your endearing eyes and irresistible eyes have melted any logical thoughts he used to have.
Although, if he wants to make his fantasies into a reality, he really needs to actually talk to you instead of exchanging awkward dry feeble smiles every time you catch him staring at you. Touya isn’t the to act on impulse though, he has been precisely planning out what he’ll say in each scenario and has included every possible outcome.
When you’re just about to start your warm up, Touya approaches you. He comments that your footwork is good, but your upper body form needs to be worked on. Dumbfounded with the unsolicited advice, you still listen to what he says. Minutes, hours pass and what was once a lecture of the importance of good form turned to the two of you sitting around, jokes flying, laughter erupting and exchanging your progressive journey of working out. Touya notices you staring at him. He smiles. You smile.
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