#everybody love protective stan
zoropookie · 4 months
☆ characters — lord farquaad stans
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y/n: you are the owner of the well known and world renowned sweet melody bakery. what made yours so different is that you recently contracted for a part of your shop to have two florists. your baking has skyrocketed your own popularity, as well as going above and beyond for all of your clients. that brought you to even bigger clientele than you thought you were capable of. but you were starting to feel faint, like any of this was even enjoyable to you in the first place. it discouraged you a lot.
xingqiu: florist #1 to the addition of your shop. he and chongyun came together fresh out of high school. they were looking for jobs on a day where you were the only one handling interviews, and they just...started helping you out with them? xingqiu didn't even work there and he was still sizing them up with brutal honestly. anyway, he and beidou were in charge of difficult customers as well.
chongyun: the creative mind behind the floral department, and a really good one! he's really interested in spirits and being a medium when he gets a little older. but for some reason, he's majoring in criminal justice instead? it was probably because it was the closest thing he could get away with without his parents drawing a shoe to him. he and xingqiu are stuck to each other like glue, you can't pull them apart from each other!
bennett: newest member to the team, and most chaotic one. you don't know how many messes he's made in the past month, but it was probably more than you've made when you were screwing up at first. still, you feel protective over him, so he gets away with a lot (unfortunately for the customers).
gaming: one day, gaming's dad came in pulling him by the ear and demanded you that you interview him. he got a really big lecture from beidou, but you did it anyway because gaming looked embarrassed. you asked him what he really wanted to do, and he told you that he wanted to perform. so you made a compromise with him that if he works with you, you can get his dad off his back and help him perform at the bakery. safe to say, he feels the most comfortable with you.
beidou: kazuha's high school friend. when she found out that he went missing, the first person she contacted was you. ever since, she's been taking care of your like you were her own child. all of your guilt was what she carried instead of you, often getting snippy at you whenever you doubted yourself. you probably wouldn't have even opened the bakery if it weren't for her...even though she had a habit of walking in drunk during business hours.
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THERE ARE not many things that can sway your interest ever since the "accident", but in spite of that, you pushed forward. you are now the owner of the biggest bakery chain in your city, consistently seeing couples and catering to them as such. you've been a big host at weddings, events for celebrities, and even a big support for your friends and family. you've even earned yourself a niche following as well by how sweet you are to everybody around you. but, even with your kindness, you don't have a particular spark that keeps you going anymore these days. that is until one of your employees starts suggesting you write love letters to customers who request your services. at first you thought it was a horrible idea that could easily turn into trouble, but that was until you were tasked with writing one to your own (very very famous) ex-boyfriend.
taglist ☆ — @seternic @chemiru @coquettemaiden @1kio0o @emiixuu
@agaygothicmushroom @yomishen @jingyuan-wife-real @toruscorpse @whoooismkeee
@sketcheeee @st4r4ngel @mi2ukis @scaradooche @lightyagamifan
@pwushizz @alatusorrow @eutopiastar @magica-ren @slu7
@vamxpi @theyluvkatt @kyon-cherri @suzydarling @mimi3lover
@auroratumbles @vxcmx @yourfavoritefreakyhan @kunimylovee
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wrr000 · 2 years
Van Der Linde gang when you randomly kiss them - short headcanons PART 2
AN: I'm posting this as fast as I wrote it 'cause I'm afraid of burning out AGAIN. Hope y'all like this! Feedback appreciated :]
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Featuring: Dutch, Sean, Kieran, Micah (KIERAN STANS ASSEMBLE!)
Summary: pure fluff (and I mean a BIG FLUFF), kissing on the cheek (just to clarify)
Warnings: none, just really short
On one hand he is paranoid and bounty for his head is always on Dutch's mind so it would be normal that he's on high alert even in the camp
On the other hand he's usually reading a book and his thoughts are drifting in the fantasy/idealized worlds from the novels
When you came from behind with a gentle kiss on his cheek he immediately wanted to drew a gun
Luckily he quickly realized it was you *sigh of relief*
"Oh dear-- If you want a kiss just ask, I could have shoot you!"
But he isn't angry, just stressed and tired
After a while he pulls you closer to him into a tight hug and kisses your forehead
Don't feel bad! He knows that you didn't mean no harm and finds it kinda sweet
His little lover wants his attention which means you love him and think about old Van der Linde in your free time
Dutch is sure happy to have you and he's all for your kisses, but would appreciate if you changed the form of affection
You can always surprise him in other ways! Sneaking from behind leave for more peacful times
He did not saw it coming, you got him there
BUT Sean would pretend like you didn't 'cause you know--'everybody loves him and he always expect affection' (you know that talk, we all heard it, right)
Inside he's so fluttered and happy and you can tell that by a stupid grin on his cute face
"Oi beautiful, you love me that much that you can last a minutes without me?"
He wraps his arms around your waist, kissing you back
One kiss on the cheek, one on the lips, one on the nose... And there's no end
Boy is just so in love with you that he doesn't want to let you go, not now at least
Little attention seeker will make the most of the opportunity to spend a sweet time with his beloved
Sean adores everything you do and especially when it involves him so please do it more
You trying to surprise him and make him feel loved it's what melt his outlaw heart!
He's always up for your kisses and hugs :>
Everyone is threatening him in the camp so Kieran is constantly very stressed
It wasn't much of a surprise, but he isn't upset with you! He knows that you mean no harm
More like glad that wasn't a Sadie or Bill coming for his head
Big sigh of relief from him, but you felt kinda bad anyway
"Ah--! You scared me, babe! But it's glad to see you"
Smile crawled on his pale, but slighly red face as he gently returned a kiss
This sight broke your heart, so you embraced him, pressing your lover tightly to yourself
He hugged you back of course, it makes him feel loved and he doesn't want to let you go (your body feels so safe to him)
Kieran is really REALLY happy to have you a walking sunshine in this waking nightmare
I can asure you that this boy loves you very much and deeply
He's so happy when you two are close and you're showing him affection, but maybe try not to scare him next time
Try anything but that, you can even surprise him with a nice flower and he would be grateful!
You gave him a goosebos, but he would act like the knows you're coming to surprise him
Acting all tough, unphased and irritated just to fool you
Or maybe he was a little scared that he let his guard down and you managed to sneak to him from behind? Guess we will never know
"I knew it was you. Why are you even tryin', cutie pie?"
But on the inside he's kinda fluttered 'cause he can't hide it that your kisses are good
Not to mention that in some way he enjoys you crawling for his attention
He may not kiss you back (maybe in private) , but he pulls you closer to him, placing one hand on your waist and the other on your thigh
Ignore his words and try it next time
In fact, Micah wants you to surprsing him like that more often, but for his own peace of mind he acts like nothing in this world can surprise him
He is an attention seeker and a touch starved bastard after all, he needs to know that you still love him as he loves you
So more random kiss are welcome!
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aleksanderscult · 6 months
So how do you feel about Alina's character?
My feelings for her are complicated at best, anon.
And only lately I realized that I'm more in love with the potential she had rather than her canon self.
In the beginning, I liked her because I found her a mood. Her humour and attitude were entertaining to me. But as the months passed I realized that her main personality traits do not fit in this fictional world.
She's irresponsible, immature (and nobody start the "she was a child/teenager" bullshit to me. She was a legal adult by the Grishaverse standards and you would expect someone that had a rough childhood mature faster), selfish and lacks common sense and empathy. If she were a side character these characteristics wouldn't bother me but alas she's the main character. The girl that both the Ravkans and the readers expected to bring positive change and balance with her efforts by the end of the trilogy.
And guess what? Nothing of that happened.
I have one question for Leigh Bardugo.
If you wanted to show how not all girls want crowns, then why did you pick the main character that everybody depends on to show it??
We have wars, a genocide, hate, corruption and imbalance plaguing the main kingdom of this story and for two books straight the author had the readers and the character herself believe that she'll change everything. But not only didn't any kind of change happened, but the main character herself didn't change LMAO.
Alina had no character development and when a main character doesn't have that, then the story itself can't develop. Leigh stripped her of her powers and made her go and marry Mal while the main problems still reigned.
So my feelings for the potential she had? A girl that turned her weaknesses into strength and decided to find courage inside herself instead of depending on her toxic "friend". A woman that embraces both her light and her darkness and decides to protect her people no matter what, even if she has to sacrifice her own happiness. Now that character I love and stan.
My feelings for her canon self? I feel sorry for her mostly. She deserved a better author that would allow her to develop and not take away a huge chunk of her soul. People say "Oh but she deserved happiness". Well, aside from the fact that her ending was NOT happy, when you create a world that is full of problems you can't expect to keep your MC happy AND the rest of the Ravkans happy.
Take Daenerys for example. Is she happy? No. Did she still sacrifice everything to fight slavery and keep her children safe and free? Yes. And that made her a very sympathetic character to the rest of us that has read her story.
Because it's not about "the main character deserves happiness" but "the main character needs to do the job she was assigned to do, no matter what". Main characters exist to get the job done (whether that is to free slaves, rule a country or kill the bad guy) and Alina did nothing.
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Hii there hope ur booked busy blessed and beautiful rn ‼️‼️ can a get aaaaaaaaa yan! sanemi, shinobu, and senjuro (seperate btw) with a male!reader who has a personality like the coolest dude ever that is Monkey D Luffy?!? pretty please with a cherry on top with rainbow sprinkles on it and some chocolate syrup??
Oml! I love Luffy. The loveable doofus I wanna give a big hug! Our stretch babey boiii and his unbeatable iconic squad! Okay, no more Luffy stanning, let’s go!
Shinazugawa Sanemi
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Sanemi is naturally attracted to optimism and with how much you laugh and smile, despite facing your worst enemies. He absolutely adores you, even from the beginning, he doesn’t want to let you go and that’s where his obsession grows
Sanemi is quite overprotective over you with your carefree nature and very bad sense of direction. You can easily get lost and never be found again, that’s why he clings into you intensely and never lets you out of his sight
Sanemi has paranoia over the fact you want to explore the grand world, concur the seas and is so deadset on becoming the royalty of adventurers. He pulls you away from the ocean and even ties your wrist to his, just so you can’t leave him and escape him. He won’t let you run away
Kocho Shinobu
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Shinobu loves to feed in her delusions over you, as her obsession over your constant positive and hyper demeanour develops each day, she loves to imagine going out on boats with you and doing everything to help make your dream come true so you’ll fall in love with her
Shinobu cannot stand how simple-minded you come out as. You don’t acknowledge her maddening love for you and you just ignore her concerns, she doesn’t really blame you for this but she gets so annoyed that she knows she needs to watch you as often as she can
Shinobu simply adores your fearlessness, though you being in a bad situation scares her, she would never want you to lose your optimism and she will always do her best to protect you from everybody in this world, you will be with just her where she can make sure you’re okay and still smiling
Rengoku Senjuro
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Senjuro struggles to keep up kindness and affection, ever since he lost Kyojuro, but when you come in. Happily chiming your full name and tipping your strawhat politely, he falls in love with you in a instant and he grows obsessed with you and your incredible personality. You’re just perfect to him and he doesn’t want you to go
Senjuro is very possessive over you that it’s insane, you have natural charisma and anybody could fall for you too in and try win you over. No, he won’t let that happen so he follows you around everywhere and he holds your hand firmly, pulling you away from each person. You don’t really notice it but it’s all going to plan in his mind
Senjuro idolises your compassion and the way you sympathise with him. You worry about him and the fantasy that you love him back, cooking up in his mind like he cooks massive meat legs for you at your wish, is coming to light. You must love him too! After all the time he takes to make all that food to satisfy your gluttony, you love his cooking? Right?
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skylarbee · 1 year
I just saw your recent post on AM stans hating on Milex stans… I need a catching up please. What about LV and Amanda (?) and Matt too? I rarely ever dive deep into bands and their members, I just like to appreciate their music.
Thank you ♡
! long post incoming and i want to point out that i don't plan on using this blog to discuss any of these people (only maybe very rarely) - i don't like them, i don't think they're good people, i don't want to argue with people who think otherwise, and i usually ignore whatever they're up to - my main focus will always be on milex/miles !
hi anon! <3 i have no idea how much you know already, or if you basically don't know anything related to these three, or any of them. i will say that i have no screenshots concerning the things that i mention, but searching their names up on tumblr and/or scrolling through blogs like @/shit-talk-turner and @/alexstorm will make things more clear.
this whole thing started when louise posted a screenshot yesterday of an am fan saying some dumb shit about her in the comments and bringing up alexa (i still can't believe she posted this). she posted this with some equally stupid words (i don't have the screenshot - you can find it on twitter/tumblr/ig/tiktok/wherever), and matt then reposted her story, jumping to protect her (maybe amanda did too, i don't know). then she managed to screenshot some nice comments and posted those too, saying that 'love always wins' or something similar, and that haters can kiss her ass (this definitely didn't come across as her craving and asking for some compliments; she definitely doesn't need people babying her in order for her to feel good about herself) - which reminded me of something similar that amanda said like a year ago, that they don't pay attention to the haters anyways, of course after posting a long paragraph paying attention to them (makes me laugh just to think about it).
there are so many other hysterical and foolish things she does, like posting pictures of a messy bed (look, i'm fucking alex turner!), selfies with suspicious rings, other pics hinting at alex's presence, calling paparazzis to take pictures of them on the beach, pretending to be jane birkin and alex to be serge gainsbourg, going off about how independent she is while living off of alex's money, somehow managing to make matt's and amanda's marriage about her (with amanda encouraging her), 'accidentally' always doing these when miles has important things going on, etc etc (the fact that her and miles never interacted in real life is also deeply concerning. alex, dear, you should always trust your best friend when they don't like your partner, they always end up being right - especially knowing that miles was always on really good terms with alex's exs). it's clear that she's deeply insecure and adores when the attention is on her and when people are talking about her, and if she goes for a long period without this, she just has to pull something that will get fans talking. she's trying so hard to fit in and be the sexy rockstar girlfriend that she just ends up looking stupid.
if you don't know the real reasons why some people don't like louise, i'm just gonna post some links about her that pretty much sum it all up:
about amanda... now, if i remember correctly, amanda had a blog dedicated to her music, and people dug up some screenshots in which she replies to someone and uses the n-word, and then another post where she's being racist. these screenshots are somewhere in the depths of my phone and it would be impossible to find them, and regardless, these screenshots are so old that she could've well changed for the better since then.
the problem with her is the fact that she's having arguments in the comments with young fans (asking stuff like did they have brain tumours for breakfast and other ridiculous things...or was that louise?) and posts even more ridiculous stories in response to people bullying louise, and protecting her like she's a toddler who can't take care of herself. the pure arrogance and self-importance with which she communicates her ideas is just mental, she thinks that she's on the top of the world, and encourages louise to act the same way. it's baffling that two 40-ish women think that bullying 14 year olds will achieve anything other than encouraging other 'fans' to act the same way.
the thing about matt is just basically the fact that ever since he's been with amanda, he acts the same way as her. now, i know there's been some issue about some idiots commenting about his daughter, which made him deactivate his ig account, and i have absolutely no words for the people who dared to say anything about that poor, innocent, completely blameless child. but even before this, he turned to the same kind of arrogance as amanda and reposted all her stories concering louise. the way that they need to say over and over again what a good person louise is, how much alex loves her, how great their relationship is, how beautiful and kind and caring she is... makes you really question if she really is indeed all those things (especially if you opened those links i posted). more importantly, what exactly do they plan to achieve arguing with teenage girls? it's so childish, my god, they are only adding fuel to the fire. god knows what they're telling alex and also god knows what he thinks about it all.
there's something that i'm not 100% sure about, but i'm gonna say it in the hopes that someone will see this and will tell me if this is wrong or not: matt cheated on breana when both her parents died (this one is definitely true), and left her with 1 year old amelia, and fucked off to live with another woman (amanda denies being the woman in question, i have no idea). she was solo parenting for a while (breana said all these in a podcast), then matt woke up and decided that he wants something to do with his daughter after all, and ever since then he takes care of her too - good job love, you're still horrible though.
in short, l&a's insanely childish antics dragged matt into the whole thing too. they're constantly throwing hissy fits, in hopes to achieve god knows what, and then they feel proud of themselves for telling teenage girls off. which makes you think, what would happen if am would be 10 times more popular than they are know, and louise would get 10 times the hate she gets now? or even better, what would happen if louise would get the same amount of hate miles gets on the daily? she said in her screenshot that she knows that it's only a minority of the fandom that leave such mean comments - then what's the point of paying attention to it? all this just shows another reason why these two definitely don't like each other - miles has brains, the other one... well, i'm sorry. i tried my best to like them and look past their mistakes,but i just can't do it.
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theruseandthecaper · 1 year
oh lord its the way i’m ALSO super latched onto fire emblem right now! may i put in a request for dimitri comforting the reader during/after a nightmare maybe? i just NEEEEED some form of dimitri fluffy comfort in my time of depression. thank you 🥺🥺
YES!!!! dimitri stans rise up. i love this man sm. it’s pre timeskip dimitri bc im replaying three houses right now and he’s the freshest in my mind. sorry if it’s a little short/it’s not entirely accurate to his character, im very rusty in my fic writing but i did my best :) i hope u enjoy, tysm for the request!!
The first time you’d had a nightmare, Dimitri wasn’t asleep. He found sleep never came easy for him, as he himself was regularly plagued with nightmares and the ever present need for revenge. It kept him awake, kept his heart hammering, pumping blood through his body and thoughts through his brain. He’d lain awake, reading at candlelight at his desk for the past few hours, his bed neatly made.
The knock at the door broke his quiet thoughts into pieces like a fist to glass. Picking his head up away from his book, he wrinkled his eyebrows. Who could that be, at this ridiculous hour?
His initial shock melted into worry. Was something the matter? Something serious? Memories of Duscur pricked at his mind, causing the hair on his arms to raise. He stood from his desk, pushing the chair in behind him and taking his candle, and warily made his way to the door.
Outside in the cold, misty dark of night, you stood alone. Shivering and clutching a coat around you, your eyes fixed on the ground in front of you. Something swam in your (e/c) eyes- something Dimitri could read all too well. It was fear. You were shaken up about something, and naturally, Dimitri began to grow even more worried. You two had been dating for a few months at this point. It all began when Dimitri asked you out after Sylvain had pushed him into it, but he’d always been drawn to you. Your strength, your positivity, your warm friendliness, your genuine kindness you showed to everybody. You were everything he couldn’t be, and it made him fall, and fall hard.
“I-Is something the matter? Is everything okay? You look cold, come inside.” Furrowing his brow, he ushered you in, closing the door behind you. You sat down on his bed, silent, your eyes fixed on your knees. The second you heard the door close, your tears began. Violent sobs racked your shoulders as you curled inwards on yourself, as if trying to hide from the world and hide from him. Concern ran cold through his blood, urging him to sit beside you and wrap an arm around you, pulling you close against his shoulder. He was warm, so warm, and it made you subconsciously shift closer to him.
A thousand thoughts filled his head. He had no idea how to comfort someone. What should he do? Ask what’s wrong? Say nothing and just hold you until you calmed down? Call for help? Find and give a… stern talking to whoever made you upset?
Finally he got himself to wrap an arm around your shoulders. You leaned into him, his warmth comforting as you cried. To him, it felt like hours passed, you curled up against him crying while he stood there stiffly not sure how to react. In reality, it was only 10 minutes when you looked up at him with red tinged eyes, your cheeks damp with tears.
“S-Sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” You whispered. Dimitri’s blue eyes widened a little, his grip on you tightening.
“Please, don’t apologize! It’s alright. Are you alright? Did something happen?” He pulled his hand off your shoulder, shifting it to hesitate right above your waist. Poor guy had no idea how to comfort.
“I had a nightmare.” You looked down at your lap, the light leaving your eyes as the memory of the dream began to return to you. It causes more tears to pool in your eyes, which he noticed.
Damn it all, he thought as he wrapped both arms protectively around you. You wanted to feel safe. He may not have known how to correctly comfort his partner, but you liked tight hugs, yes?
Empathy crashed through him like waves on a rocky beach. Nightmares were something he struggled with every single night of his life. Horror movies of his father’s murder, the flames of Duscur, the screams of the innocent people around him played behind his eyelids every night. It kept him awake, kept him from being able to sleep. Kept him in the training grounds or the library, mind focused on revenge. It consumed him, and now it was consuming you, and he couldn’t take that. Your suffering was the worst thing he could possibly imagine.
He didn’t press aboht what the nightmare was about. All he did was gently lay back, you still comfortable in his arms. You nuzzled closely against his chest, and he rested his face against your head.
“You’re safe here.” His voice was a gentle whisper, only for you to hear. And you knew that. Safe here, in the iron arms of your boyfriend. He was insanely strong and driven, but even if he wasn’t, you knew he’d stop at nothing to keep you safe. He’d lost everything. You were the only one he truly had left.
Gentle hands rubbing circles into your back helped lull you back to sleep, your breathing steadying as Dimitri held you. However, sleep evaded him. He needed to be there for you, be awake in case the nightmare came back and you awoke in tears again. He needed to be awake and alert in case something happened. You were so tired, so vulnerable asleep against him. He needed to make sure no harm came to you. You placed your trust in him. He wouldn’t let anybody harm you as long as he was there.
Keeping alert, he found himself studying your sleeping features. Your (skin color) skin, so soft under his fingertips as he brushed his hands over your cheeks. Your (hair color) hair, pooling on top of the pillow underneath you, tickling his face as he kissed the top of your head. He’d keep you safe. He’d keep you protected.
As long as you were by his side, no harm would ever come to you.
He’d never let it.
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corn-fanfiction · 10 months
(Pt. 5)
Rated: M
TAGS: language/past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader is normal and wants a normal life/Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a c*p/Detective Gibson
**NOTE: Hey guys. Thank you so much for interaction with this fic, and I’m seeing a lot of new followers. I love that!! But I really need to stress right now how I do not support/endorse C*stas M*ndylor as a person or his opinions. He’s racist and I enjoy and only enjoy Mark Hoffman’s character. If you are a C*stas Stan, I highly encourage you to maybe cease interacting with this fic. **
Legs bouncing under the table. Hot coffee between your hands. Your makeup is smeared and not for any of the reasons you had hoped.
Ted is dead. The rhyme would be hilarious if you weren’t shitting bricks. You’ve been sitting in this interrogation room for 45 something minutes without a single word. Maybe they’re sweating you out. Can’t imagine why. You couldn’t talk if you wanted to without your nerves shooting up from your stomach.
You have no idea where Mark is. He had taken you back to the station with him but by the time you got there, someone was pulling you in for questioning. You couldn’t help but wonder if Mark’s in the same spot as you one room over.
Finally, finally, the door opens. A plain looking detective enters with a folder, sleeves rolled to his elbows, and takes a seat across from you.
“What time is it?” You ask weakly. He pauses like he wasn’t expecting you to talk first. He checks his watch.
“Uh, 2:37.”
You nod mutely and stare at the mirror over his shoulder.
“Can I ask a question?”
“Why do you guys still do the one way mirror thing?” You nod to over his shoulder. “Everybody knows what it is because of the movies. So why bother?”
The detective just stares at you. You wonder if he’s stupid.
“You gonna tell me your name?”
He blinks, flips open the folder.
“I’m Detective Gibson. Sorry you had to wait so long.”
“Did you have more people to hassle?”
“That’s not fair. None of them were his ex.”
“But I still wasn’t top of the list?”
He digests your comment before chucking. “Alright, you got me. So we wanted you to sit for a little while.”
“A waste of your time and mine,” you mutter.
“Yeah, seems that you had a hot date with Detective Hoffman, is that right?”
“You gonna book me for conflict of interest?”
“Booking? Getting a little ahead of ourselves. I haven’t even had a chance to tell you what’s in the folder.”
“Nothing of substance.”
“No, because there’s nothing there. Let’s just get this first bit out of the way. You don’t intimidate me. Am I here because you think I killed Ted? Is that it? You have a stack of 8 by 10 glossy photos of me with a black eye? How about a broken arm? And yet he never got booked for it.”
“Sounds like a motive.”
You chuckle humorlessly and bury your face in your hands.
“Uh-fucking-believable. Where’s Mark? You shaking him down, too?”
Gibson is quiet again, then shuffles the papers.
“Do you know where you were on July 9th?”
“Last Monday? Depends on the time. Probably work. If not work, home. Hey, you know who you could ask? The person you guys have had tracking my every move for two fucking weeks!”
He’s not smiling but you can tell the fucker is satisfied with your outburst.
“Admissible in court?” You scoff. “I don’t get it. That’s where I was. You don’t have a case. Let me go home so I can mourn and take off my makeup.”
He cocks his head. “Mourn?”
“He was a piece of shit but he was a human being, and I used to love him. I don’t care. No one deserves to die in one of those fucking monstrosities.”
“You draw a pretty clear line, morally.”
“Yes, it’s all a part of my master plan. Can I please go home?”
“Just a few more questions.” He pulls a specific photo. “Take a look at this for me.”
You look, and then grimace at the image. It’s Ted, his arms separated from his body, laying face down in a pool of blood and viscera.
“Jesus,” you groan. Tears start to pool at the corners of your eyes as you force your head over your shoulder.
“You barely looked.”
“I saw enough. Stop fucking with me. I told you all I know. I cut ties with him after his last stint. I don’t do anything. I’m a waitress. I don’t have friends, I don’t leave my apartment. I don’t do anything.” You realize halfway through your memorized spiel that you’re crying. “I don’t know why this shit is following me around but I don’t want it. Any of it. Please just let me go home.”
There’s silence as you shake and let the tears fall from your eyes.
You feel a hand come to yours and you jerk it away like it burned you, suddenly turning back to Gibson with a fury.
“Get the fuck away from me!” You hiss, backing up in your chair. Gibson raises his hands.
“Woah, okay, easy. Alright. I see no reason to keep you any longer. Come on.”
He replaces the papers in his folder and you both stand. You keep your distance but as he holds the door open you realize he’s going to make you pass him. You tense as you do so, feeling his scrutinous eyes on your back. You hate him, he’s an asshole, but you can’t get a read on him. Whatever. You’re exhausted. All you want to do is go home and sleep.
You stumble out of the interrogation room and into the main room of the station, heels in hand. The few people present are watching you. You only have eyes for the door at the end of the hall.
But then a hand is between your shoulder blades and you feel Mark’s heat next to you, smell his cologne. But he doesn’t follow you.
“What the fuck is your problem, Gibson!?”
You turn and Mark has Gibson's collar in a vice grip. Gibson shoves Mark’s hands from him and pushes his chest.
“I’m doing my job, Hoffman. Don’t forget, you’re a suspect too, and in danger of ‘reassignment’. Right?”
“You better keep your nose outta things before something happens to it.”
“Is that a threat?”
You grip Mark’s forearm and spin him around, digging your heels to peel him down the hall.
“Mark, come on, please. Please, let’s just go home. Please.”
Mark’s eyes land on you and they soften. You can’t even imagine what you must look like but you don’t care. You squeeze Mark’s arm.
He turns back to Gibson, straightens out his jacket, runs a hand through his hair, and then he’s walking you out of the station with his hand having returned to your back, content to let it remain there.
The trip back to your place is silent. You don’t even remember the last time you had your shoes on. You go straight for the bathroom and shut the door behind you, locking it. Take off your makeup. Brush out your hair. Stare at yourself in the mirror until your reflection becomes blurry and your knuckles are white as you grip grooves into the sink.
You pee, peel off your panty hose, strip down to your underwear.
Hoffman is leaning against the wall outside the door and he does a very good job hiding his reaction at your bare skin. You sigh anyway.
“Sorry- I wasn’t even thinking…”
“No, don’t worry about it. Come on. You need water?”
You nod and drag your feet to your bedroom. Distantly you can make out the sound of your sink in the kitchen. You manage to take off your bra- some scanty thing you’d picked out for Mark, and slip on a band tee. Mark returns to your side. He’s removed his jacket, rolled up his sleeves. He has a guiding hand taking you to your bed and you run your hands along his thick forearms.
“Alright, come on,” Mark half warns/half suggests you under your covers. If you were any more cognizant, you’d hate the way he’s walking you around like a child. But child or not, you need comfort.
He tries to turn away but you grab his wrist.
“Please, don’t leave. I don’t want to be alone.��
Mark sighs. “I don’t think…”
“No, not that. Just lay down with me, please. Or sit. Just please don’t leave me.”
Mark leaves your vision and you don’t turn your attention from the window that scared you shitless last week. Then you feel the bed dip at your back. Feel Mark’s strong arms slip across your stomach and rubbing circles into your shoulder.
You turn in to face his chest. Fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. Inhale the smell of him. You run your fingers along his jaw and press your nose to his. He doesn't move; in fact, his breathing has all but stopped.
You press wet lips to his but he doesn’t return. Just presses his lips together until you pull away.
“Not right now, sweetheart. Trust me, you’ll thank me in the morning.”
But he does kiss you on the forehead and you settle for curling into him and let his presence send you into sleep.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Another OJV friendship that is my fav is Kenny and Kyle, I was wondering if you wanted to talk about them because I live for your Headcannons and tumblr extras 🤓
I ALSO live for the headcanons and tumblr extras and OK ORANGEJUICEVERSE KENNY AND KYLE LETS GOOOOOO!!!
So like, Kenny is EASILY styles closest friend other than each other. And OJV Ken is pretty much everyone’s go-to, like Stan running to him when he feels like he fucked up, Marj and Cartman knowing Kenny’s down with a scheme, but it’s a little different with Kyle.
Kyle is 100% the mom friend of the group. And the WHOLE REASON he’s like that with everybody is because growing up, he was the one to jump in as the voice of reason (especially when the Disaster Duo gets goin) and always took care of his people. And who needs taken care of the most? Kenny.
Kyle is CONSTANTLY scolding him for not taking care of himself, doing crazy shit, yes he’s amused by a lot of the antics, but when the logic takes the forefront, he’s all Sheila mode “DR PEPPER DOESNT COUNT AS WATER ESPECIALLY IF YOURE GOING TO A BLOOD DRIVE” “aw it’s fine Ky I got it covered” “no,” *throws a water bottle at him* “I’ve got YOU covered”
Kyle’s super supportive of Kenny’s career, too. That’s not only his bestie but also his metaphorical son. He is SO hyping up every new painting and sculpture, the first person Ken shows new work to bc not only is it gonna be a confidence boost, but Kyle will also have suggestions when he’s stuck.
Kenny, our darling chaotic comic relief friend who hides his own issues behind a grin and a joke and a guardian angel complex, is VERY protective of Kyle. Nearly as much as Stan is. OJV Kenny is a LITTLE GUY, even shorter than Kyle is, but he’s POWERFUL and has every creative solution to get the gang out of a bind, and he’s really friendly with everyone he meets, and people automatically open up to him. On top of that, he is REALLY good at reading people. Kenny’s super perceptive. He sees when someone in his found family has something going on, even before they say something. Ken was the first to be suspicious of what was going on with Ky in high school, brought it up to Stan, who said “I know dude. He’s stressed as shit but I don’t want to piss him off by telling him to relax”, like Kenny does people EXPERTLY; at 14 he knew it wasn’t his place to stage an ed intervention and knew he had to wait for Kyle to hit the point where he either hit rock bottom or came forward on his own.
On the note of Kenny’s emotional intelligence, I mean, come on. Artists in particular see creative solutions to problems, read the energy around us. And Kenny… oh my GOD that boy is a force to be reckoned with in strategy. Which is WHY he and Kyle are BANNED from teaming up in any game. They’re too powerful together. Poker? Fuckin forget about it those two are DESTROYING EVERYONE they are way too smart and between Kyle’s own abundant perceptiveness and Kenny’s people skills they’re not fucking around lmfao. I also find it extremely iconic that while both Ken and Stan are super smart, you put them together and they are sharing a singular brain cell, doing the dumbest shit, and Kyle is RIGHT THERE telling them off for it.
Kenny is so so incredibly thoughtful though too. He is absolutely the person you want to go to if you need a shoulder to cry on, and Kyle, who is the other person in the gang who gets relied on emotionally a lot, does go to him.
Thank u for the ask man live laugh love orange juice
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atthefishhouses · 3 months
Five characters poll game
Thanks for tagging me, @rekishi-aka!
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I could have made a much longer list. (Who couldn't have?) But I guess that the crew of problematic faves listed here is pretty representative of what I love in characters (and people) generally:
Loyalty, kindness, intelligence, general competence, protectiveness, ability to manipulate others when strictly necessary, a certain degree of emotional unavailability/trauma/the kind of wisdom that life inevitably teaches you if you stick around long enough, the ability to take responsiblity for one's mistakes and most importantly personal itegrity i.e. having a moral compass that does not waver even in the face of adversity.
Except for the people already tagged by @rekishi-aka, (all of whom I will not tag again for that reason) I have no idea who has been tagged yet.
So I' m tagging (and going a bit overboard - because I simply cannot limit myself to a set of only five two times in a row):
@thefortysecondolive @opheliagreif @greenleaves-never @hail-the-underdogs @its-about-the-acethetic @schwefelfellchen @andrej-delany @betweentimes @stan-the-cinnamon-roll-uris @onyxravensstuff
As always, everybody else who would like to play should feel free to do so. I, for one, really enjoy learning about people's problematic faves.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep2 Musings - At the Chateau
More random musings; this time specifically about The Hunt at the Chateau.
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I hate these two wenches specifically, but NGL, they look cool here.
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Ohhhh, AMC knew what they were doing, going RIGHT for my ovaries! 😍 DADDY TUAN PHAM! 😍😍
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Sincere is one thing. HONEST is another, though. Y'all knew those Americans were sus, Armand. They're not buying that "Bruce" BS, Louis, don't sleep on them!
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I am SO BUMMED that we didn't get to SEE this scene; I was so excited!
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Now I'll never get to see Louis so bored out of his skull by Santiago's thespian charms that he starts snoring in the middle of the play. U_U
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Mr. I Could Not Prevent It, what were YOU doing to protect your man? You slaughter random innocent fledglings just for blinking, but you let your whole coven plot Louis & Claudia's demise right under your nose?
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Bull frikkin crap!
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Daciana been knew. U_U
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Who is the coven LEADER, and the coven MASTER?
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"COMPLICIT" finna be my favorite word this season, istg.
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SO well said, Louis; as this beastly monstrous coven has TWO heads, these SNAKES, this immortal Hydra that only dies when Hercules cuts its head off and cauterizes the wound.
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I am SO ready.
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I loooove this transition frame; the Moulin Rouge as the most famous French theatre in pop culture, as Louis snaps his sad photos and Claudia whoops and the Theatre Louis sets on fire takes them hunting to a chateau they'll set on fire.
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Reminds me of what Lestat said: "there is a veil between us; but it is a THIN veil." Louis will never be "one" with y'all. He's already bound by "a cord you cannot see, but it is real;" all your Mind Gift's mindscrewing can't un-screw Lestat out of Louis' blood! 😜 Louis drags that camera EVERYWHERE, ducking behind the lens, seeing the world thru a Glass Darkly; a warped perception of time & space. Cuz he's STRUGGLING; looking for God; looking for ("the wrong kind" of) love in all the wrong places.
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Look at the things he takes pictures of! He's documenting DEATH; a MASS MURDER--"you are chronicling a suicide"--as the coven rides their bikes to the house they're gonna KILL everyone in. This isn't a mere road trip; this is a HUNT.
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Equestrian statues & triumphal arches--monuments of blood-soaked imperialism & colonialism.
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Hedonistic bacchic revelries. "I want food, I want sex, I want to go home."
Meanwhile, Claudia's high as a kite, on cloud 9.
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EVERYBODY, Claudia? As they pan to Louis? "I hate you both!"
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I wanna throw up when I remember Claudia's ashes got mixed with the coven's when the Theatre burned down. U_U No justice, and no peace. Claudia, I would've become the most notorious Parisian poltergeist in history--the Pope himself would've had to come up to perform the exorcism, on god I'd make my death everyone's problem.
But the LOOK on Louis' face, omg.
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Whole 5 stages of grief in reverse:
Acceptance: he TRIES to "be one with us," taking on the "collective hunger;" smiling (fake AF) as he tries to soak in Claudia's ecstasy; riding in Armand's sidecar, flirting with the "Maitre," cozying up with his potential new beau
Depression: knowing full well he hates the rampant bloodlust & violence, the carnage in the chateau on fire behind him
Bargaining: Mr. I Only Eat Once Every Other Day, refusing to take part the the slaughter but still standing by--you are all COMPLICIT--while they were being killed; and agreeing to have Armand teach him how to be a better killer by honing the Mind Gift, etc.
Anger: The Fire Gift WHENNNNNNN? Foreshadowing AF! Claudia, you WILL be avenged!
Denial: Lestat WHO? Being told straight to his face that Armand knows he's lying, knows he's been collecting alimony & child support checks from Roget, knows Claudia wants to join the coven that set up a frikkin shrine to the dude, knows Santiago's a cheap imitation of Lestat, knows DreamStat's gonna keep haunting the narrative, I can't
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An EFFED UP Gothic Romance.
The book stans who keep complaining about this show are just willfully ignoring what AMC's doing here. There is PLENTY we can complain about absolutely! But overall this adaptation is a slam dunk.
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gildeddlily · 1 year
we stan adam (paul bby what are you doing)[about to make this a series]
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again with this. about to die because of them (chuuya looks so young in every Stormbringer art I'm crying)
(1. We Stan The Flags)
2. We stan Adam (Paul bby what are you doing)
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he comes out of nowhere and pull out this (they were about to kill him and he was like "oh wow you're kinda mean I expected a better welcome")
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ADAM STOP the first time I read stormbringer I fell in love with him right here. like the first thing he said I already was head over heels for this beautiful robot (people who don't like Adam scares me. he's so precious. the perfect assistant, fighter and comic relief)
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chuuya's so hilarious- he's about to become one of the strongest character of the bsd universe and an european guy he doesn't know crash his mafia birthday party and ignores the attacks of some of the strongest people he knows, and then said guy proceeds to say that he's here to protect chuuya and kneels before him? (I'm already hearing chuuya's voice actor. it's a dream but let me indulge myself)
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(me talking to my sister cause I'm a dumbass) yes I already said that, the flags' bond and interactions are so familiar it's making me cry. Albatross is the classic dumb cousin or little brother that deep down is smarter than you but incapable of doing basic things, and Lippmann the successful third-grade-cousin everybody hates cause he gave them inferiority complex (Iceman neutral chaotic forever)
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Chuuya's the king of emotional constipation, and they love seeing him express his feelings (they've welcome him in their group and dynamic, and truly cherish him and wish the best for him. they're so honest it hurts) (everybody ab this thing hurts) (I just know that at least once they gang up against him and started showering him with compliments and he almost cried and they were flabbergasted)
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HELLO WHAT IS THIS Doc is literally so me guys (yk the voice) wish I was Chuuya rn (not really considering what's about to happen) (but still)
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yeah cause Chuuya near him is like a cat hissing at a horse. I can understand Adam for holding him like and Amazon pack, not for saying to a teenage boy's face that he was short but for the rest ofc (he has his programs and he knows what to do but not really and it's so cute) (Chuuya after a year still wishing for his so wished growth spurt is sad) (but I just know that he doesn't care about it, at least not really. he could still smash someone's face with his pinky finger)
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Yes Adam it was (I wish for our society to be ruled by robots too) (imagine Adam being your prime minister. maybe someone explains to him social clues) (Chuuya's so confused) (random robot guy tells him jokes and that some overpowered guy wants to kill him)
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...Paul fuck is this the way to tell someone you're their "brother" ? A little of decency please (Chuuya's about to suffer so much I can't continue) (I will) Adam's scream was a little terrifying the first time I read it, the "That man is Paul Verlaine!" shout made me shiver and still does. Still love them
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The sad thing about this first interaction, is that Verlaine is honestly sad "like the sea at night", and honestly wants Chuuya to believe him, he truly thinks of themselves as anything but humans. He doesn't do it out of malice (one of the reason he's still alive down those fucking dungeons I know it) and it all makes hating on him hard. If you're able to hate characters like verlaine I envy you
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It is a call for help, and his personal way of saying "Hey, I've never felt understood by anyone cause I'm not human and I don't feel as one, wanna come with me and be two non-humans together?", but it came out a little bit more like "Let's be non-humans together, but anyone who ever tried to tell u you were human should die, so everyone you love rn. Hope you don't hate me, kiss kiss"
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here is why I didn't want to read it. he is ready to listen to Verlaine. Chuuya doesn't think of himself as truly human, so he wants to listen to him, but his first thought is about the Flags, and sometimes I wonder what would have happened if the french guy didn't kill his friends. got to thin ab it now
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yes, darling, there's a difference between love and control. I'm sorry no one ever explained it to you, you boyfriend didn't have the possibility to. and like always Asagiri's able to portrait questions like this in his stories, cause it's a difference not everyone understand. or that not everyone cares about. Verlaine probably didn't really care, desperate how he was about having someone to understand him
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this makes me hate every panel where Chuuya uses Corruption (hate on Mori, don't hate on Dazai he was the only one to ever give him a choice. well, it was at least a choice from Dazai's point of view. he was like "do what you want, I don't really care if the Mafia fall! just follow your heart<3" but ofc Chuuya would have never let dazai and the Mafia fall. as if. it's still sweet. now cry with me)
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He should leave himself suffer and feel. he's not going to. he should. able to dream or not, he will have from hallucinations when drunk or high or whatever situation he's in and see their mauled bodies. he will always remember the room he spent beautiful moments with his family in as covered with the blood of said family.
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this is basically self harm bby, stop it. he wants someone to confirm the truth, and is so horrible to himself to ask this to an android (what's thaaaaaaaat) who is unable to say something like "It wasn't your fault, he was to one to kill them. he's more powerful than you, you and your friends couldn't have done anything. he wanted you to give up on your life for someone you met from not even ten minutes. he had already killed them", the truth. he can only analyze the situation without any emotions.
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little thing from the first scene at the bar, albatross making period jokes to his bro (he's about to die in his "bro" arms. he's about to gift him his bike as his last words. but he made a period joke)
(first chapter done and I'm done with myself) (and this light novel) (it's everything but light)
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hammerhead-jpg · 11 months
I'm sorry to be talking about this again and if you're a big Sam stan look away but
How were Fred and Bright the characters axed from the series??
Like yes Bright did bad shit but goddamn Sam was SUCH an asshole to them
Bright woke up after dying a horrible death, about to be told the worst news of their life that will change it forever, and Sam is in their face scolding them for trying to take a picture in front of a tragedy, disregarding Fred's wishes and telling them they should be grateful that they have a friend to go through this all with because it's more than anyone else had.
Yes it's a important conversation they should have but is it really more important than their mental well being? Is it that important that you have to shit on them right after they've been traumatized? Can it not wait until they have time to heal mentally (and physically)?
Imagine if right after waking up from being turned Sam was being scolded for not driving carefully enough. Imagine if right after waking up from being turned Vincent was being told by William that he shouldn't have gone on a rollercoaster that was rumored to be shaky and unstable. Imagine that if right after waking up from being turned Lovely was being yelled at by Vincent for not being able to defend themselves from the shade.
It's clear that after experiencing the emotions Fred was going through after almost being murdered and almost loosing his best friend and not being able to do anything about it made Sam have an urge to protect him, but because he didn't experience it with Bright he projects all of it on them as if they're the reason all of that happened.
All of this and everybody collectively said "Yeah Bright's the problem"
Nobody questioned Sam? Nobody thought maybe he was the asshole here?
I would say that it was the Sam stans that turned against Bright but I don't think Sam stans were a thing then??? Cause like I'm pretty sure the Sam and Darlin' series only started after this one so the only other Sam appearance was his first appearance in the Vincent video so??
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tua-five · 2 months
Season 3 Episode 3!!
⚠️⚠️ You know the warning, don't read if you haven't watched this season! ⚠️⚠️
Don't be Elmer's guys. That's just mean.
I love how Diego is obviously stressed, flipping his knife, and when Stan makes one noise, he yells, "Stanley! Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?" Like, he'd yelling but still sounds like he isn't trying to be mean. But then he says that Stan's mom isn't wrong when she says he needs to practice karate. I mean... at least he's trying.
With the way that they're siblings, I'm surprised they don't blow up at each other more. I mean, Allison is constantly blaming Five. I'd scream at her and tell her it isn't my fault, but Five just calmly says he's just the messenger.
I am in-between, however. Viktor says that Five has a good track record of this stuff, and they should listen to him. I mean, sure. If you count getting stuck in one of the apocalypse for 45 years, failing to stop it the first time, causing another one, stopping that one only to head back to their timeline where they don't exist and causing another one. But to be fair, most of it isn't his fault. And in all honesty, I'd probably be Allison, too. Blaming Five and all that. Even if I do hate it.
As much as it was unnecessary, I do actually like the random fight scene between Lila and Five. Grabbing the shampoo and squirting it in her eyes was just smart. I mean, that hurts.
Sorry, but Allison calling Fei a flock of shegulls was actually really funny.
She is dumb however for saying they had Marcus.
It seems all the hargreaves need to do is actually talk to each other. Five and Lila just walked off with both briefcases. Diego knew they had both briefcases. But Allsion and Viktor still think the Sparrows have it.
"Pills, bills, and num nums." Wow, okay. Reggie's life is sad now.
Gotta say, I really love the Five-Lila duo. They're literally just perfect. The best platonic relationship in the show.
Luther being oblivious and missing everything while he was gone is just... well, honestly, it fits for him and this family. I'm glad Diego and Luther are making buddy-buddy, tho.
And poor Stan studying the elevator 😭
Another thing I love is the father son bonding moment with Reggie and Klaus. Reg is just so out of it. Not his normal self because of the pills, but his real self still peaks through, and Klaus is literally just chilling. Talking to him like normal and giving him tips on how not to take pills.
Also, Luther wanting to make Viktor feel loved and throw him a party to welcome him to the brother side is so sweet.
I feel like Klaus is always on side missions. Doing absolutely for the plot but just there for some comedic relief. And then something will happen, like he'll find the kugelblitz in the basement and then everybody already knows, so it doesn't matter. But at least he finally knows.
When the Sparrows show up and both sides of the family face each other, people take pictures. Like that's the best thing they've ever seen. And it probably is, I mean, the superheros they know that protect their city are supposedly meeting with a random group of deranged adults. I hope they showed those photos to as many people as they could before they got kugelblitzed. Just to cause some chaos.
Also, I thought this episode was longer. I desperately want to watch the next episode to watch the interactions with Harlan and Lila saying she'll miss Five, but I'll wait.
Today's gifs
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
joe keery and finn stans are becoming more obnoxious then millie fans and that’s sayin something. joes fanbase bullying noah for literally existing near their fave finn stans calling noah everything under the sun on twitter. I’ve seen even some natalia fans joining, one of them said something really nasty about weight which I will not be sharing cause it was gross
I’m just disappointed with the fans of joe I didn’t know they also harbored this much hate. I was afraid of this happening and I see why noah might’ve been hesitate to hang with any cast members publicly. We could see what the reaction is
millie stans are weird and basically hate everybody around her so it’s not surprising behaviour coming from them but let’s save the commentary about that for her wedding when noah ends up being part of her bridal party. now that i think about it, i’m glad the wedding isn’t the first event where we see the cast with noah publicly, it’s great that we already got this out of the way. at least now they have a few months to get used to idea and touch grass for once in their lives after seeing that everybody in the cast is okay with him.
tbh it’s insane to see how their fans baby finn and joe, they are grown adults and noah is literally younger than all of them. a 19 year old isn’t forcing his older cast mates to hang out with him outside of set and he’s not an stalker following them around. finn and joe made the willingly decision of hanging out with noah for two days in a row. you aren’t protecting them from anything by attacking noah, that’s their friend and they want to spend time with him. it’s also crazy that they keep writing fan fics saying that it must be PR to save noah’s image or that they are being forced when i thought according to them, they weren’t allowed to hang out with him to save face but now that piece of fiction crumbled, they start with another narrative to try to pretend their favs aren’t friends with noah.
yeah it’s clear why he would prefer to keep his relationships private, it’s a understandable reaction when everybody in the internet is making up stuff about you and waiting to hate on you and your loved ones. i’m glad noah feels comfortable enough now to be more public and i’m glad the rest of the cast seen to have always supported him. they kept mentioning him very casually and now they hang out with him publicly without fear of blacklash.
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pharahsgf · 1 year
Looking at that on JC fans thinking WWX belong to JC actually and makes me think about how many of the stans are just not willing to see the Wen Remnants as people within the narrative. There’s all these excuses, there’s all these “well Wei Wuxian abandoned Jiang Cheng and broke his promise! Wei Wuxian is actually the one who should’ve done things differently! Jiang Cheng made so many sacrifices like giving up his dogs for Wei Wuxian!” that it’s so so clear that they don’t see the Wen Remnants as hurt, innocent people (OLD PEOPLE AND A BABY) that WWX is protecting because it is the right thing to do and instead are a plot device for him to hurt Jiang Cheng and then fall to his own “hubris” and “savior complex” and it’s such a bonkers take, like Jiang Cheng’s feelings are more important to them in the story then like actual lives in the story.
Like both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng commit fantasy war crimes and do some pretty fucked up stuff, the difference is Wei Wuxian is like “hmmm I shouldn’t have done most of that, that was a bad thing to do actually” and Jiang Cheng just…doubles down and continues the cycle of cruelty and so many people who love Jiang Cheng don’t want to accept that. They don’t want Wei Wuxian to have grown up and Jiang Cheng to be trapped in the past, they can’t stomach it, and it’s so funny because of the wild takes they’ll make because of it.
I love Jiang Cheng as a character, he’s complex, he’s interesting, he’s funny, and he’s *wrong*, like it’s so important within the narrative and to his character is that he’s wrong, he’s wrong to say the Wen Remnants should die, he’s wrong to help lead the first siege of the burial mounds, and then his stans take that and go “what if Jiang Cheng was completely in the right about everything he did actually?” and it’s just so bonkers
the key to those apologist narratives is that personhood is withheld from everybody who isn't jiang cheng. your average jc defense post will posit that it was more convenient for jiang cheng to let the wens die and that his specific situation and trauma made it hard for him to do otherwise, therefore the morality of his actions aren't even worth considering. it's taken as a given that jiang cheng's safety and success weigh heavier than the lives of fifty-odd people, two of which literally risked everything to help jiang cheng when the situation was reversed. jc-centric takes on wei wuxian's actions are so crazy because it's all being analysed through a lens of "does this hurt or benefit jiang cheng, the only person who matters?"
i really love these last two paragraphs. jc stans dismissing wei wuxian's development because jiang cheng is so fucking static is something i hadn't even considered lmao, but it absolutely does check out - they love nothing more than pointing at the horror movie shit wei wuxian pulled in his yllz era and claiming this means you can't criticise jiang cheng somehow, when in reality wei wuxian moved on and bettered himself while jiang cheng is an active murderer and torturer pushing 40. wei wuxian ultimately stayed true to his ideals of protecting the weak and vulnerable; jiang cheng remained as someone the weak and vulnerable need to be protected FROM.
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I am a Harry Styles fan. I am not a "girlfriend stan." But when he dates someone, I don't automatically find reasons to hate her, pick her apart, dox her, ridicule her, belittle her, harass/cyberbully her, make up lies about her, talk shit about her appearance, judge her parenting if she's a mom, etc.
My first instinct is to uplift and encourage women. And when I see women being bashed or belittled for no reason, I want to protect them and defend them. I truly don't understand why a woman comes under immediate, intense scrutiny and harassment just because she dates Harry Styles. And I mean that for ANY and EVERYONE he has ever dated.
This fanbase picks women apart like they themselves are perfect, have never done anything wrong, never have put their foot in their mouths or said anything questionable, never had a bad hair day or a bad skin day, never had a wrinkle, a zit, never worn a bad outfit, never made a bad decision, etc.
How can the 1D fanbase be okay with inflicting pain and torment on other people, on women that date Harry? Because that's what constant, everyday bashing is, it's pain and torment. And if you're not bashing them directly, constantly talking shit about them online "empowers" other fans to go directly to their social media and bash them. Why is this fanbase's first instinct to immediately pick apart and HATE someone who dates Harry? I don't get it. Why is that seen as a "normal" thing to do, and if you don't do it, you're a "girlfriend stan?"
I am not a girlfriend stan but a women stan, a compassion-for-other -human beings stan, a stan for fairness, a stan for mental health, a stan for confidence, self-esteem, and uplifting others.
This fanbase tried to destroy Olivia Wilde for absolutely no reason at all. Olivia is only 10 years older than Harry. Harry is not 16 or 18. He's not an inexperienced, vulnerable teen, or a 22-year-old virgin with no life experience. He's well past the age where he can date someone 10 years older and it not be a problem. Why is it okay to age shame Olivia or mom shame Olivia? I know there are Harry fans the same age as Olivia or older who love Harry and have crushes on him. I know there are moms who have crushes on him. So why is it so wrong for him to fall in love with a mom who is older than him? Who in the hell are we in this fanbase to destroy, tear apart, shame, make up stories about, and harass her?
You have no right to pick apart Olivia and talk shit about her at every turn, and then uplift Taylor just because you "like" her and think she's "better" than Olivia. Or because he finally dated someone who "looks like you. (And I say that as a person of color). Do you know why? Because you have no right to judge, or "approve" the people who date Harry. You don't own him. You don't know him. And you don't know the people who date him.
I knew who Olivia Wilde, Kendall Jenner, and Taylor Swift were. But with Camille Rowe and Taylor Russell, I had never heard of them before Harry. But you know what I did when I first saw them with Harry? I smiled because it's nice to see someone I like, Harry Styles, dating someone, because that's what most people want in life, to find love. Not everybody, but most people. I don't stan women he dates, but I sure as fuck don't hate them or talk shit about them. Like I said, my first instinct is to uplift women, see the good in them, etc.
Do you know how abnormal, how freakish it is to start disliking and trashing someone just because they're dating your favorite popstar? You are not a good person if you do this. You are not kind. You are not sweet. You're not cool. You're not funny. You are not a "safe space."
Can you think of how awful you would feel, how traumatized you would be, if you started dating Harry, or someone in the public eye you're attracted to, and all of a sudden you get picked apart in every way possible and cyber bullied? Or a whole different situation, where if you posted something immature or questionable online, or put your foot in your mouth, you're judged or punished for it forever? Why is it okay for you to make mistakes and for people to give you grace, for you to have second chances, but you can't do the same for a stranger who just happens to date Harry Styles?
Don't you know that people have harmed themselves from getting bullied and abused? I'll bet that you'd say you never want to cause that type of pain to anyone, but the first thing you do is pick apart, harass, and shame anyone who dates Harry Styles. Please look deep within yourselves and fix whatever is going on inside of you that makes you do this to his girlfriends, or to any human being for any reason.
Instead of immediately hating on a woman who dates Harry, do you know what you can do? You can leave her the hell alone. Stop talking shit about her. Stop leaving disgusting hate on her social media. I'm going to be very blunt, but you AND me never stood a chance with Harry, not at all. So him having a girlfriend changes nothing.
You know why you bash his girlfriends, right? It's out of pure jealousy. And there's use denying it, because everyone knows it. that's the only reason. Those of you who are enjoying seeing Taylor Russell and Harry together, but who bashed Olivia, Camille, Kendall, and whoever else Harry has dated in the past, you've helped create an environment where it's okay to hate on Taylor. See what you've done?
(And another thing...why is it okay and "allowed" for some of the the 1D men to have girlfriends, get applauded for it, get talked about how cute they are as a couple (for example, Niall and his girlfriend), but Harry and his girlfriends immediately bashed hated on? Why is okay for Niall and say Liam, to want to have a partner, but not Harry? But that's a story for another post, and I'm tired right now).
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