#everyone on the battlefield stops fighting to come laugh at him
fandom-go-round · 11 months
Realizing They're in Love: Reader x BG3
Warnings: Implied Internal Trauma, Personal Relationship Issues, Gross Stuff like Falling in Love
            He argues with himself for a long time before love comes to mind. It’s bad enough that he’s starting to like you but love? That’s just going to make things even harder. Astarion feels like the more he tries to talk himself out of it, the worse it gets. You corner him after dinner one night and he smiles, turning up the charm. You ignore his nervousness, giving him a simple wooden box. He immediately fills with dread; you want something. Of course you do. He’s not expecting there to be a book inside, the next one in the series he’s reading. You assure him that you don’t want anything in return, giving him a gentle smile before heading to your own tent. His heart thunders in his chest, fingers trailing over the cover. He’s not in love, Astarion tells himself as he goes to start the book. He can’t be but… if he is, it’s not the worst feeling in the world. Not with you.
            He’s not against falling in love per say, Gale just isn’t looking. Honestly he’s not. This is more social interaction than he’s had in years and he’s not trying to fuck it up, thank you very much. That doesn’t mean he can’t forget himself, especially when you start asking him questions about magic. Gale loves magic most of all and he only realizes he’s been ranting after twenty minutes. He winces, scolding himself mentally and turns to you. You’re both sitting on the floor of his tent, sipping tea in the early afternoon. He fully anticipates that you’re going to half awake, bored to tears and doing something else. Instead, you’re staring at him with rapt attention, eyes bright and small smile on your face. When he’s silent for too long you ask him to keep going, asking if he’ll keep explaining. Gale is more than happy to continue, something warm in his chest. He hopes that you’ll keep looking at him that way even after he stops talking. And you do.
            Loud barks and hoots draw Halsin’s attention, the druid looking up from his papers. You’re a bit away from camp, Scratch and the owlbear cub playing with you. The three of you are chasing each other and wrestling, the cub slamming into the back of your knees. Halsin watches you go flying before laughing and grabbing the cub as best you can. You half swing him around, Scratch barking as you send his friend flying. The owlbear cub gives a roar, rolling through the grass and you laugh, chasing after the dog now. Halsin can’t help but smile; you’re so kind of everyone around you and he enjoys that you can relax. He hasn’t been ignorant to the feelings developing in his chest, just focusing on different things. The warmth he feels only grows as he watches you and he vows to talk about it. Halsin is sure he recognizes the looks you send him; he just needs to find the right time.  
            She realizes she’s in love after a tough fight. Her blood is still pumping and she wants more enemies to show up so she can have an excuse to go wild. You’re joking around with Wyll on the other side of the battlefield, the warlock turning to say something to you. You offer a smile and begin to hike up the slope and trip. Karlach watches in slow motion as you land hard on your ass, sliding down mud straight into the river. Wyll is frozen on the edge of the bank and she quickly makes he way over, worried that you’re injured. By the time she gets over there, you’re laughing loudly, head thrown all the way back. Her heart skips a beat; you’re covered in blood and mud and all sorts of gunk but all she can see is the right smile on your face. She’s in love.
Lae’zel doesn’t call it love. It’s admiration, respect for your skills. There are very few people she would follow verses leading herself and she admits that you’re good at it. She also enjoys the sex and that’s always a bonus. The sun is just beginning to go down and you stop on the edge of a cliff to watch. Lae’zel turns to scold you (the group needs to get back to camp) but she’s struck by your figure. You look like a painting, noble and steadfast. Your face is determined but not tense, taking in the sunset. There’s something in your eyes, something softer than she expects and it takes her breath away. She swears to herself and turns away, missing the affectionate look you send her. She’s doesn’t call it love, even if deep, deep down she wishes she could.
            Night has finally fallen on a long, long day. Shadowheart is thankful that you’re the one with her on first watch tonight; your silence isn’t looming as she prays and the sound of sharpening blades is soothing. There isn’t the need to fill the silence with noise and it feels calm in a way that’s unfamiliar. Usually she finds the night comfortable but cold, like an winter breeze. You’re like the night but warm, a balm on an open wound. She smiles as she watches you, not looking away when you meet her eyes. You smile and she’s filled with affection, even as her hand throbs. The pain is worth it; you make her feel truly seen.
            You’re crouched by a small cave, voice low and arm outstretched. The group had just finished a fight, a camp overrun with bandits. Wyll scowled to himself, looking over the bodies strewed over the ground. The people had been innocent and he wished he had been faster. Movement catches the corner of his vision and he turns, watching as, slowly, a child comes out of the cave. They’re covered in dirt and blood but you smile and they take you hand. Wyll can’t the stop the soft look from coming onto his face as you begin the check for wounds. The world can be a dark place but you give him hope; it’s more than he deserves.
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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SUMMARY: The other Pillars are convinced Tomioka has something against the latest Hashira, but have no idea your husband is simply looking for you during your pregnancy. A/N: I think something glitched when I was making the header...didn't crop properly. Anyway, enjoy this trash and I'm sorry if it's not up to my usual standard but I just got the random idea in the middle of the night! WARNINGS: Fem Reader, pregnancy MASTERLIST/PREVIOUS FICS
Everyone was convinced Tomioka Giyuu hated you right from the start.
You were first introduced to the Hashira when Oyakata-sama called them all for a meeting on the latest reports of demon activity, but requested them all to stay a little longer before being dismissed. Amane gestured for you to come forward with a gentle smile and you shuffled out of the shadows with your hands clasped together in nervousness but with a bright bream upon your face. The Hashira’s eyes caught yours in surprise, wondering if you were perhaps a new Kakushi since you weren’t wearing a slayer uniform, but instead a traditional (f/c) yukata.
Then their eyes strayed downwards and changed their minds about that, but nonetheless still remained in confusion.
“This is our newest member, (y/n) (y/l/n), the (b/f) Hashira. She was supposed to join our ranks quite some months ago but due to her sudden pregnancy she will for now be an honorary member.”
The only sign of your anxiety was the blush on your cheeks and the hand rubbing at your swollen abdomen. “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to meet you all! I won’t be on the battlefield for some time and I’m sorry I can’t fight alongside you for now, but I look forward to getting to know you all. If you need anything, I’m always at the (e/n) Estate.”
The ice was broken and you were immediately approached by many of the Hashira. Himejima-san cried and wished you and your child good health, making you feel a little embarrassed but thanked him anyway. The Mist Pillar Tokito simply stared at you, then at the sky, then at you again before asking what were you doing here again (later on, he startled you by appearing behind and questioning you in that airheaded manner of his if he could talk to the baby).
You were also tackled by the Love Pillar who introduced herself as Kanroji Mitsuri and your new best friend as well as the calmer Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu, who despite slightly unnerving you with her smile touched you greatly when she said you could always stop by the Butterfly Mansion for checkups or simply a visit.
“How far along are you?”
“About five months, I think!”
“KYAAAAAAAAAAH! Your baby is going to be so cute! What’s it’s name? Do you know if it’s a he or a she yet? I can’t wait to be an aunt!”
“Heh, I’m not too sure yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a boy!”
Mitsuri squealed again, causing you to laugh at her genuine happiness. She whipped her head behind her and called out to the silently glowering Snake Pillar. “Iguro-san, don’t you think the baby will be cute? I really wish I’ll have some of my own one day!”
You and Shinobu shared a smirk as the Wind Pillar grumpily slapped his friend’s back and dragged the furiously red Iguro away, muttering viciously about not wasting any more time in hunting a Twelve Kizuki.
“Oh look, there's Tomioka-san. Why hasn't he come and said hello yet?”
“Ah well, a lone friendless wolf as always.” Shinobu didn't see you originally visibly brighten at Mitsuri’s words and turn surprised at hers.
Indeed Tomioka was standing awkwardly as always a little - long, actually - way off. What was not as always was that horrified, slack jawed look on his face instead of his usual blank, emotionless one.
“Tomioka-san? Are you alright? You've been making that face for a long time already…” Shinobu's eye twitched, but you didn't notice, suddenly preoccupied with Muichiro’s intense questioning of whether he could play with the baby when it was born.
“She shouldn't be a Hashira.”
The remaining Hashira found themselves narrowing their eyes at the Water Pillar's blunt, if not rude, words.
That would be just one of the many events that further convinced them of his intense dislike of you.
You started going over a lot to the Butterfly Mansion over then next few months, becoming a fast favorite among the girls for your cheerful attitude and your baby; even Kanao cracked a smile at you when you came around. When the other Hashira arrived to be healed you always made it a point to go pay them a visit and in turn you pretty soon had every one of them in your back pocket, including the harsh, loudmouthed Wind Pillar Shinazugawa who constantly gave you a jolt with the complete 360 with his attitude around you, to the point you could call him a good friend.
Being friends with him usually meant hearing him grumble about the stupid waterboy.
“Why doesn’t he ever look at you anyway, turning away like that. So rude, that little (beep) (beep) (beep)-”
“Eheh, Shinazugawa-san, don’t swear so loudly, he’ll hear you!”
You had stopped by to Sanemi’s room when Shinobu had mentioned he was there to be patched up after a mission and knowing how busy she was, had offered to go help change his bandages with the basic medical knowledge you had picked up over the years of being a slayer. Reluctantly she had agreed and so here you were, chatting away with him until he spotted Tomioka passing by (he poked his head in actually, otherwise Sanemi would never have noticed him) and started complaining about him once more, especially when you had called out to him and Tomioka had simply whipped his head to the side to stare into the distance.
Really, Sanemi wasn’t the only one to notice how Tomioka avoided you like the plague with that stupid, vacant, red expression of his.
“He’s just shy, he doesn’t mean to be rude!” You defended the poor Pillar, continuing with rewinding the new wrappings.
“Tch, you should see how he acts at the meetings, like he’s better than us or something,” was the growling reply. “(beep) doesn’t know how to (beep) talk with anyone with his (beep) attitude.”
“I don’t think he thinks he’s better than all of you, maybe it’s just something else,” You hum, finishing up. “That’s all! I’m glad the demon didn’t go any further than a scratch.”
Shinazugawa grunted, then his gaze caught yours and softened. “By the way, who’s the dad?”
“Oh, it’s -”
“(y/n)-san!” Three heads peeked in from the door shyly. “Can you come and play with us?”
“Of course! Bye, Shinazugawa!”
Like always the reply was only a “tch”.
Another thing was that he never stopped repeating what he said at the first time everyone met you: “She shouldn’t be a Hashira”, going as far as to attempt to prevent you from wielding a sword, although this was only noticed by Tanjiro.
You had agreed to the Kamaboko Squad’s requests (aka demands by Inosuke and begging from Zenitsu) to train together, despite Tanjiro’s worries which you brushed off. The boys were very rambunctious and did tire you out quite a bit, but you were having so much fun and they were so eager you just went on sparring with them until even Inosuke muttered a plead for a quick break, unable to beat your incredible swordsmanship.
“(y/n)-chan!!! Who’s the lucky guy you married?! You never told us and I want to know how he managed to score someone so beautiful like you so I can do it with Nezuko-chan!” Zenitsu simpered, scooting closer, ignoring Tanjiro’s scandalized look.
“What’s married?” Inosuke’s voice was muffled underneath his boar mask and the mountain of onigiri you had brought he was stuffing into his mouth, so none of you heard him.
You giggle, placing a hand on your stomach. “He’s very sweet, although he’s honestly very shy and doesn’t talk much. I’m sure you’ve met him before! Can you guess?”
“Woah, really?” Tanjiro brightened, wondering who it could be, but his next question was interrupted by an interrogative monotone.
“What are you doing? You shouldn’t be training.” Tomioka stood in front of them, the first time anyone had seen him interact with you without just staring at the ground. His face was as empty as the void but there was a tiny crease between his eyebrows and Tanjiro didn’t have to inhale to smell the worry reeking off him.
“I didn’t know you were so concerned about (y/n)-chan, Tomioka-san.” Zenitsu’s eyebrows shot up, disappearing under his hair while he glowered judgmentally.
Tomioka made no reply, only swiftly grabbing and removing the sword from your hand. “She shouldn’t be a Hashira, much less train. You nearly died fighting a demon not too long ago, you’re in no shape to be doing this.”
With that he abruptly walked off and left Zenitsu and Inosuke to scream at him for being such an un-gentleman and for not fighting with them while you looked away sadly.
Tanjiro wondered why he didn’t once smell dislike on Tomioka. Only fear.
“What’s he got against (l/n)?” Obanai joined in on the conversation from his perch on the tree. He’d look for reasons to hate against the Water Pillar all the time, but unlike the others this time round his hatred was justified.
Tengen rolled his eyes flamboyantly. “I know! He’s constantly acting like she’s a pest to be around, but she doesn’t seem to have beef with him. What’s wrong with that bland creature?”
“Oh come on! We don’t actually know if he hates her,” Rengoku protested mildly.
“Then why does he keep refusing to even make eye contact with her?”
“I mean, Iguro, you can’t talk, you only ever look at Kanroji” - Obanai turned away, blushing furiously as Tengen cackled - “but I get your point. The other day I walked in on them arguing. I can’t believe he would keep reminding her of past failures without keeping her current state in mind!”
“Perhaps he only wants to try and convince her to stay safe during this time and discourage her from slaying for now?”
“Rengoku, my best buddy, you’re too optimistic.”
“There’s no other reason he’d give her the cold shoulder 24/7.”
Soon the conversation drifted to other topics, but little would they know Rengoku was the closest to the truth…
Shinobu already had enough on her hands with all the screaming, panic and blood, but of course Tomioka just had to show up at the most inopportune moment.
It had been a relatively quiet day as the two of you sat on the engawa, exchanging war stories over tea when with a sudden cry you had doubled over in pain. Your water had broken and you were heading into labour - quickly.
Just barely the Insect Pillar had managed to get you to a bed and sent the Butterfly Girls scurrying for the necessities, hiding her uneasiness at the slight earliness of your boy’s arrival to keep you calm and help you through it. You were doing well under her coaxing to use Total Concentration Breathing, and thankfully Shinazugawa was still around to help you relax with a familiar face.
Then Aoi had burst in with a frantic expression and thundering footsteps from behind that certainly weren’t hers.
“Shinobu-san, Tomioka is demanding to be let in-”
“Keep him out!” Shinobu grimaced, returning her attention to you. She’s heard and seen what he’s like around you, and other than the fact he has no business to be here she didn’t want to send you into a further state of panic. “He doesn’t like her, and if he opens that mouth of his to say anything more I might be responsible for two deaths.”
You dug your nails into Sanemi’s proffered hand, screaming in pain. He winced but said nothing, only looking up with a determined look in his eyes at Shinobu. “I’ll go keep Tomioka out, just make sure she delivers safely.”
Without waiting for a reply Sanemi rushed out to bar the doorway, leaving Shinobu to assure and handle your birthing with the anxious assistance of the Butterfly Girls. The pain in your stomach was surely abominable, intolerable, and Shinobu found herself growing more alarmed with every minute the baby wasn’t coming out.
“(y/n), I need you to push harder, alright? Can you do that for me?”
“N-no - where is he?”
“Your husband? I’ll get someone to call him, don’t worry,” Shinobu lied with dawning horror that in the entire time she had known you…she had no actual idea who you were married to. “But he wouldn’t like you see you like this, right? You can do it. Just keep your breathing under control.”
“JUST (beep) OFF, TOMIOKA!” Shinazugawa’s voice bellowed through the Mansion. His stocky form soon appeared, stubbornly acting as an indomitable barrier against the equally stubborn Tomioka who was desperately trying to barge his way through.
“Tomioka, we don’t need unnecessary people here to worry (y/n) more-”
Whether it was because Tomioka had never raised his voice before or the sheer shock of it all or the fact you reached out for his hand, Shinobu and Sanemi let him through.
“I thought I was going to lose you when I heard you screaming like that from outside.” Giyuu nuzzled deeper into your neck, absently stroking your baby’s tiny hand. “Don’t scare me like that again.”
You played with the strands of his hair with a teasing smirk. “You did to, banging into the room like that, with the “That’s my wife!”. It was very romantic of you, Giyuu~”
“I was in a rush.” Giyuu smacked his face into the pillow, embarrassed while you laugh.
“Ara ara~ Are you both done cuddling? I want to perform a quick checkup on your baby now, if you don’t mind, and all the Hashira are here to ask you a lot of things, Tomioka.” Shinobu stood at the doorway with her customary smile, a twitching eye and crossed arms. Behind her were the shadows of the others trying to peek over her shoulder or head into the room to congratulate you on your baby or beat up Tomioka (both for some).
“Ask about what?” Giyuu lifted up his head in confusion. You snort at his obliviousness, cooing at your precious sleeping baby before gently passing him to Shinobu.
“KYAAAAAAAAAH! That’s so cute of you, Tomioka!”
“Do you hate us all or something?!”
“No…? No one asked and I thought (y/n) would have told you,” Giyuu said blankly, glancing at you with wide blue eyes. You sheepishly raised your shoulders.
“I tried to tell them but we kept getting interrupted or had no chance.”
“You did make us all think you hated (y/n) with your behaviour, Tomioka.” Shinobu raised an eyebrow. “After all, you rarely spoke to her and when you did it was only to reprimand her, but I can see now it was probably out of worry for your child and her…although rather harshly.”
“Oh!” You burst out laughing, shaking so hard you nearly couldn’t take back your awakening baby Shinobu was handing over. “Giyuu’s just very shy! See-”
You pressed a quick peck to his cheek.
giyuu.exe has stopped working.
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grandline-fics · 11 months
Unconscious Protector
DESCRIPTION: When you suddenly lose consciousness 
WARNINGS: Descriptions of fainting
WORDS: 1,042
A/N: Just want to say thank you to each and everyone of you who have been reading these fics. Hope you enjoy this one
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This island was far too hot, probably just as bad as the fire side of Punk Hazard. The only reason you were struggling more this time was because you were trying to keep up with your excited Captain. You’d drawn the short straw to be his babysitter as he explored the wilderness while the others got to stay in the town and shop. You admired Luffy greatly but he just refused to pause for two seconds to take a break. At times like this you were even more jealous of his seemingly unending reserve of energy. You’d tried earlier to convince him to stop in the shade for a moment but then he’d spotted a mountain in the distance he was adamant about climbing it before stopping. So you had to just endure the heat if you wanted to keep pace with him. 
You just had to keep telling yourself this was like training, just something to keep yourself motivated because if you stopped now you didn’t think you would get back up. As the incline of the mountain got steeper the more your legs shook. Just a little further you told yourself while roughly shaking your head, trying to focus your vision as it blurred once more. You could make out the outline of trees at the top. The thought of lying down under the shade was your reward for trekking this far without stopping. You could do this. You would do this. Over the growing ringing in your ears you could make out Luffy’s excited cheering when he got to the top and calling your name to see the view. Shakily you let out a laugh. “Coming, Luffy.” You tried to call out but could only manage a weak huff.
Only now did Luffy turn and see you stumble up the mountain towards him. He frowned heavily, finally seeing the struggle you were pushing through. As much as his hands itched to stretch out and lift you the last few feet he resisted the impulse. You’d gotten this far and suffered because of him. To treat you like a weakling now at the last hurdle would have been an insult. You had a strength he greatly admired, you wouldn’t be part of his crew if you were frail. He had to just watch. Finally you staggered to a halt beside him and doubled over, breathing heavily and eyes swimming. Forcing your head up you took in the amazing view of the town far below and you could see just how far you really came. “I did it…” you cheered in an exhausted whisper only for your eyes to roll back and your body slumped over. Luffy’s arms caught you with ease and he lifted you towards the thick line of trees.
“Just rest now.” He grinned, throwing himself down onto the ground, holding you close and safe against him. When his hand lightly touched the top of your head he noticed how warm it was. That was his fault too he realised, he was too excited to go exploring he hadn’t given you much time to prepare for the trek. Ah well, he’d apologise when you were awake and on your feet again. With a grin he pulled off his hat and draped it lightly over your head, letting the extra shade it created cool you down. His grin only got wider when you relaxed more against him. 
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That had to be the last of them, please let that be the last of them. Paranoid and alert your eyes swept around the destroyed battlefield. You’d pushed yourself too far this time. You knew that but it was necessary. The others were scattered and engaged in their own fights and that left you to protect the entrance to the building where Luffy was currently fighting your group’s current enemy. That enemy however was a coward and kept sending subordinates to try and overwhelm Luffy to try and gain the upper hand in the fight. That wasn’t going to happen, not while you had any breath still in your body. 
You felt a sudden presence by your side and you reacted, whirling and throwing your sword out in an attack only to freeze when it was blocked by a familiar blade. Relief flooded you and a smile broke out over your face. If more enemies came now, protecting Luffy would be a whole lot easier. You adjusted the hold on your sword and pulled it away from your crew-mate, eyes returning to the battlefield in search of anyone approaching. 
Zoro could see the dimness in your eyes, the tremble of your limbs and the shallow breaths you were taking. You were only standing and acting out of instinct and loyalty at this point. He could see the toll the exhaustion that fighting waves upon waves on enemies and using your Devil Fruit had taken on your body. While he was concerned it didn’t lessen his pride and respect for you. He put his own sword away and reached out to curl his fingers around yours that still held yours in a vice grip. “Hey it’s okay. The fight’s over.” He coaxed, his voice holding its usual deep rumble but there was a softness in his tone that he reserved only for you.
His words were all you needed to finally let your body succumb to what it needed most. Relinquishing your weapon and yourself into his care, your eyes slipped closed as his free arm settled around your waist, supporting your deadweight against him like it was nothing. Taking the utmost care with you, he lifted your body to cradle against his chest while he sheathed your weapon and stood to lean against the wall you’d been protecting so fiercely. Zoro’s eye moved across the destruction you’d caused and chuckled as he took it all in. You certainly were a force of nature and one that pushed him to be stronger too. He knew no one else would come by here and that it wouldn’t be long before Luffy wrapped up his own battle and everything would settle once more but he couldn’t help but enjoy this moment of being your protector even if it was for a little while.
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dark-and-kawaii · 11 months
꧁༺ 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓃𝑒 ༻꧂
Astarion loses sight of you in a fight, he fears the worse has happened to you. He finds you and manages to bring you back to shadowheart for healing, only to discover he has more to protect than just you…
Angst - Hurt - Comfort - Pregnancy
(Click For Part Two)
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You were fearless. He watched as you swung your dagger effortlessly, piercing into the necks of their enemies.
He wondered how you still managed to look elegant even when covered in the blood of fallen warriors.
His gaze never left you for too long, making sure you were safe, while he stealthed around the makeshift arena, racking up his own share of kills. How glorious this was! There was so much blood splattering all around them and with his love at his side it truly couldn’t get any better.
Astarion’s eyes couldn’t be everywhere though, and at some point, he lost sight of you. The last person to recognize him for what he’s worth, the one person he truly couldn’t afford to lose.
His head darted across the battlefield, desperately trying to find you. His panic plunged into sheer dread as fear overcame him. It was happening all over again, he’d seen this before… Alone.. No, please, he couldn’t let this be his fate.
He hadn’t felt fear this whole day; why should he? He was free of Cazador, had you- A subtle manic laugh drew from his throat, he’d never be free of fear, instead of fearing for himself or what his old master would do to him he now feared what would happen to you when in danger.
His red eyes turned a dark shade of black. The expression of a crazy man etched onto Astarion’s face. No, he wouldn’t let fear consume him, no more! He’d finally be the protector! Overcome with fury he went on a rampage. Cutting through the battlefield, slaughtering anyone and everyone in his way, determined to find you. He raced over to where he last saw you, faster than a blue dragon's lightning splits through the air in a storm.
Was he truly going to be the reason you passed on to the next life. Was his fate to destroy everything he held near and dear to his heart? He nearly killed you before with his own fangs and now, no! He wasn’t the cause of that, was he? He hadn’t ever tasted human blood before, but if he was stronger it wouldn’t have happened! If he would’ve ascended he would’ve been able to stop this, however he’s still just a spawn… How could you have fought for his love, a fool who couldn’t even protect you. A fool who was going to be the reason you die.
“FIND HER” He roared at the top of his lungs. “FIND TAV!”
The group of companions didn’t dare hesitate and instantly started searching the grounds, Gale being the second most worried.
Astarion was about to collapse to his knees before hearing Gale's voice, “I’ve found her!” in the distance. It filled him with more apprehension. All he could think is, ’what if she’s dead’.
Staggering up the hill where Gale’s voice had come from, Astarion can see a figure laying in the dirt next to the wizard, “No! You can’t die dammit! Get up!!” he rushed out his words, dismay evident in his tone as he knelt next to you.
“She is unconscious, but alive. There’s hope.” Gale replied.
Astarion let out a shaky breath of relief.
“We must get her back to camp,” Astarion demanded. “She needs Shadowheart, she’s the only one who can fix this!” His voice cracked despite his efforts to mask it.
“I agree.” Gale, mere inches from grabbing you to lift you in his arms until the pale elf stopped him, “Don’t touch her!- I- I will carry her.” Trying to compose himself he lifted you bridal style.
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Astarion never left your side during Shadowhearts attempts to heal you. Time never bothered him, not after his 200 years of torment, he waited as “patiently” as he could.
“Honestly, how long does it take! You could at least give me some good news!”
Shadowheart continued to focus on you best she could, everyone including the gods were used to Astarions fits at this point. Gale on the other hand not so much, he could hear Astarion all the way in his own tent which caused the wizard to scrunch his nose. Eventually, leading him to where you were being treated, “Astarion, why don’t you join me in some wine. I’ve got quite the choices, besides… It might be best if we give her some space.”
Astarion scowled, “You expect me to leave her side to join you in some cheap wine? Really? I didn’t think you could get anymore annoying, Gale.”
“It’s done. She’ll be fine after some more rest.” Shadowheart stood from your side and wipes the blood off her hands. She’s been traveling with you and these two men for far too long, toning out their bickering was a skill of hers at this point.
Turning to face you, if his heart could beat he knows it would’ve dropped in his chest this very moment… “Leave us-“ kneeling down next to your bedroll, his eyes fixed on your bandaged wound, “please.”
“I was able to save her,” -Shadowheart bent down towards Astarion- “and the child, but it took most of my energy and resources… Don’t ask for me again for a while. Keep them both safe.”
He was quiet, his eyes wide after the news he was just told.
“Ahhh,” Shadowheart’s voice was surprised, “she didn’t tell you yet? Hmm or perhaps she hadn’t known yet? Curious.”
Astarion could only stare at his love, “A-are you for certain?”
Gale interjected, “I doubt her magic would deceive her, congratulations.”
Dark bruises and cuts decorated your once perfect skin. A deep purple shade surrounded your right puffy eye. His eyes traveled further down your body, stopping at your stomach.
He caressed your still flat stomach, causing you to wince and awake. Retreating his hand, he awaited for your eyes to open and look up at him.
A-Astarion?” You spoke with a small smile carved on your lips.
“Yes, my love. It’s me.” He struggled out, trying his best not to crumble.
You were both silent, hands entwined with one another thankful that you both can spend another day alive in the presence of another.
He was the first to break the silence, “thank you.”
You were so weak, but you wanted to know why he was thanking you out of the blue, “For what?” Your voice barely heard.
“For this,” his hand stretching out to rest on your abdomen, “for giving me purpose again.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, not knowing what he was talking about until it finally hit you. Your arm wavered as you lifted it to place your hand atop of his on your belly. A gentle smile forming on your lips as you stared into his vermilion eyes.
When your breath became labored indicating you had fallen asleep again, Astarion’s attention was back at your torso where the bandage was slowly being stained by your blood. This moment of relief turned to anger again as he lashed out, slapping a metal canister of water out the tent with force. The absolute intrigued him at first, more power meant being stronger to protect you, but now… He was beyond ever considering it again. The cultist not only almost killed you, but the child growing from within you!
“How dare they…” He seethed, “How dare they harm her and my child!”
Astarion was pacing around angrily, how could he have allowed this to happen? He started to blame himself.
“Astarion-“ You spoke up, attempting to calm him down.
“I’ll show them, my love-“ he cut you off, “that nobody is allowed to touch what is mine.” He growled.
His eyes darkened again: “I’ll make them pay.”
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Just saw a TikTok where a kid send their favorite stuff animal to his dad who's deployed. Just imagine this happening with 141 🥺 (I'm actually sending this to my favorite writers hoping I can get a cute scenario 😅)
That sounds adorable... I melted at the thought. Sorry it got very angst with Ghost but I'm feral for this man and I'd give him babies any time he wants.
Warning: slight NSFW, f!reader, angst and comfort
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Price would frown but have a little smirk, watching the recruit hand him a cardboard box. His smile spreads when he notices figures of who it is from.
He wouldn't mind opening it in front of the team. They'd be busy bickering anyway.
He swears his heart stops for a second and he sees the soft thing. He could recognize it in the middle of the battlefield, the awful thought putting a ping of anger in his heart.
He'd be silent for a moment, looking at the round pink thing, his mind instantly wandering home, to you and your daughter.
He took the tiny note, scribbled a bit. "Keep you company daddy. Love, mom and me"
He swears he could cry right now.
He keeps it in his barracks, hidden so well no one ever glanced at it until he left. He wouldn't dare taking it with him, not wanting to soil it with he horrors of the battlefield.
He hugs it at night, until the day he returns, his daughter running to him as he holds the stuffed animal who kept his sanity strong.
He makes sure to worship you that night, thanking you silently for making him the happiest man on earth. In the morning you're sore but oh so happy. He whispers sweet nothings as he helps prepare breakfast, thanking you for giving him a daughter and home to come to.
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Soap would be thrilled to see the box for him. He wouldn't even wait to open it, under the amused gazes of the team.
He'd smile brightly at the sight of the little shark, immediately taking the note to read it out loud "to help you fight daddy!"
He run around the room, holding it up in the air, voicing to his team how happy he was, how proud of his son and how he absolutely loved you for giving him such a gift .
He'd keep it at all times at base. The round thing on the table in front of him during meetings.
He calls it Sergeant Sharky, everyone starting referring it by the same name.
At night he hold it tight, it's more intimate. He can let himself feel the way he misses home, almost tearing up. He knows you're waiting for him at home, probably preparing for his arrival.
He swears he's the happiest man alive.
When he gets home he tells stories of Sergeant Sharky on the battlefield (never anything gory) his boy being in absolute amazement over how his favorite stuffed animal was a hero with his dad.
He absolutely ravages you that night, almost begging you for another kid, begging to make him a daddy again. He just praises you for being the best mama, the best wife. He has you limping by morning as he holds his son, running around with him as he winks at you, subtly hinting to his son to ask you for a sibling.
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I feel like gaz would open it with the team too. Though he'd be much more hidden and private about it.
He immediately smiles when he sees the little white bear inside of the box. He can't help the sadness and yearning he feels almost immediately.
The images of you, laughing in the morning as his son jumps on the bed to wake him up makes his throat burn slightly.
He found the indulging gaze of Price who noticed the fluffy thing.
He'd read the note to himself, hiding it from anyone's gaze.
"to take care of you daddy" he has to blink away the blurriness.
He'd be more secret about it, but as soon as his in his tent the toy is with him at all times. He finds himself sometimes talking to it. "Yeah... I miss home too. We'll go back to them."
He finds himself with a new strength, the battle almost feeling less heavy on him. He's doing it for you. For his son. To try and make the world a better place.
He almost runs home from the airport, throwing the front door open, bags dropping to the floor as you see him. Your mouth opens slightly, shocked, but he sees the relief in your eyes. He kisses you deeply, the sound of tiny running footsteps from the hallway making his heart stammer in his chest.
He's home. That night he makes love to you, lovingly, sweetly and with such love that you find yourself crying and clinging to him. He finds himself absolutely loving the way your son runs into the room by morning, waking him up. He doesn't give a shit how tired he is.
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Oh god... Here I go...
When he's handed the box, he frowns. He immediately retreats to his tent to open it. He freezes when he sees the white and brown bunny.
He's scared to touch it. His gloves feel disgusting and tainted with horrors. He rips them off his hands, putting the box down on his bed to rush to wash his hands. They're clean, albeit sweaty but he just can't seem to shake away the feeling of blood on them.
When he finally let's himself touch the soft thing he holds it like it's the most fragile thing he ever touched. It shouldn't be here. So close to him when he's a monster right now.
The note breaks him. "Come back to us" it's your writing, she's too small to write. But there's a tiny sun scribbled in pencil next to it.
He rips off his mask bringing the bunny to his forehead as his head bows down, closing his eyes. He's crying. He feels guilty from being away from you. From his daughter. From home. Home that you allowed him, after he had thought he'd never be worthy of it.
It stays in his things. Hidden. He very rarely takes it out. Tries to not look at it too much. He's almost protecting it from even witnessing the base. Keeping it away from Ghost. That he tried to keep at the front door every time he came home.
When he gets home he needs time. It's always the same. He calls you, announcing that he is back. He takes 24h to remain on base, letting himself split from the battlefield. He needs time. You know it. You understood it.
When he gets home you notice something else this time. His eyes look at you with such adoration that you catch yourself almost hyperventilating. He often looks at you with love and care. But right now he looks at you like you were his goddess, his air and life essence. The same look he gives your daughter, like she's the only thing that ever matters to him.
He sits on the couch later, handing the bunny to his daughter who beams at the sight of her bunny back. He softly thanked her for sending the bunny to him. Softly explains that she should keep it home, it'd get dirty with daddy. You noticed the subtle message underneath his words. You want to hug him. But of course she understands. Such a clever girl.
He fucks you passionately and hard. He marks you with hickeys and bites, he gets lost in you, lost in your scent, the soft sheets are freshly clean. Your moans anchor him to his new found paradise.
He's got a small need to breed you again. But he'd talk to you about it. Beg on his knees if necessary, hoping that you'd be merciful to grant him another miracle. (As if he needed to do anything else but simply ask. Like you weren't the one who'd kneel for him if he asked.)
If you were the one to start the conversation, about, perhaps, maybe, if there was a chance, at some point "just spill it out love" "I want a baby... Again"
Absolutely feral. Literally throws your pill to the trash. It's on.
Doesn't let go of his daughter for days. She's in heaven as daddy holds her whenever she wants, reads her stories and plays with her. He keeps bending you over the nearest surface if she's napping or playing at a family's house (extremely rare, he's a protective wolf over her)
Spoils her rotten, he feels so guilty for leaving for such long periods of time. Spoils you as well.
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sophsicle · 1 year
Sirius and Remus stare at one another. On either side of the room. Battlefields between them.
Maybe it's been years since they last saw one another.
Maybe it's been minutes.
You can never tell with them.
James watched his friends fall in love before any of them knew what that meant.
He watched them after, when, tragically, they did.
Sirius and Remus have never been able to get comfortable with their relationship. Have never relaxed in one another's beds.
He'll get bored of me, Sirius had said to James once. When the novelty wears off. Everyone does.
I'm too much trouble, Remus a few weeks later. I can't expect him to put up with this forever.
James never knew what to say when they got like that. It's not that Sirius and Remus didn't know that they were loved. Only that they both saw love as something flimsy and delicate and easily broken. As something they would one day lose between the sofa cushions. In the crack between the wall and the bed. In the back of a cab.
Remus coughs, clearing his throat. He looks old. And tired. Nothing like James remembers.
"Listen," Sirius, who looks worse somehow. "Dumbledore told me to lay low here but...you know I can...I can find somewhere else if...I don't want to put you out, is all."
James and Remus both scoff.
"Don't be ridiculous. Of course, you're staying here."
Sirius gives Remus a look, pouting in that way he does. And through the dirt and the years and the ragged clothes, James sees the boy he used to know. Used to wrap himself around until you couldn't tell them apart. Until you swore they wore one skin. Shared one beating heart.
"You don't owe me anything," Sirius says stubbornly.
Remus gives him an empty smile. "Don't worry. I know."
Sirius screws up his face. "I'm not staying if we're just gonna snap at one another the whole time. I -" he sighs, running a hand over his face. "I'm too tired to fight Moony."
The nickname makes Remus flinch. "Too tired to fight? Sirius Black? Never."
Sirius huffs. "That's notorious mass murderer Sirius Black to you, thank you very much."
There's a twinkle in Remus's eye. In Sirius's too.
Go on, James thinks. Go on, cross the Rubicon. Touch each other. Hold each other. I can't anymore. I can't. I can't take care of you anymore. Which breaks his heart. Breaks his heart more than almost everything else. I need you to do it for me. Please.
Remus motions down the hall. "Why don't you take a shower - or a bath - I'll get dinner started."
There's a small pause before Sirius eventually nods his head. The motion jerky. Awkward. "Yeah, alright."
Take care of each other.
For me.
Please. Please. Please.
"Sirius?" Remus calls to him before he disappears into the bathroom. Sirius turns around, arching his brow.
Please. Please. Please.
Remus hesitates for a moment before stepping forward, before closing the space between them. Sirius's eyes go wide but he doesn't say anything. Doesn't move. When Remus reaches him he holds out his hand, stopping before he touches the other man. The pair looking at one another and nowhere else.
"Can I?"
A rough sound comes out of Sirius's mouth, James thinks it might be a laugh. "Yes. God yes."
Remus is gentle, hand cradling Sirius's face, thumb swiping over his cheek. Sirius trembles, like even this is too much. Too tender. Too loving. After a few seconds Remus leans forward, placing a delicate kiss on Sirius's forehead.
"I've missed you," he murmurs against the other man's skin.
Sirius's eyes flutter closed as he sways into Remus. A second later the pair have their arms around one another. Clinging. Holding.
James smiles. Even if it's a little sad. A little scuffed. A little cracked. He smiles. Hoping they understand now. Hoping they see.
That this love has roots.
{inspired by this song }
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ellecdc · 7 months
What about the kids (CBBH) seeing the ‘mudblood’ scar on Vix arm for the first time, and then the kids, specially Draco, trying to comfort her.
James and Sirius feeling guilty again because (James) “abandoned” her (no he didn’t) and (Sirius) cause he couldn’t protect her
Thank you so much, feel free to ignore it if you want to, but thank you anyway
Take care and don’t forget to drink water❤️
Ps: I love everything you write, thank you so much for providing us those precious chapters
*Takes a big ol' sip of water* *Cracks knuckles* *types furiously*
I LOVE these kinds of requests...I love diving deeper into the relationships and the histories further than what CBBH covered, so thank you for giving me the opportunity to write this! 🫶
CBBH Sirius Black x Vix!reader CW: hurt/comfort, discussions of war, PTSD, trauma, guilt, reference to death of a loved one, children, spoiler alerts if you haven't finished CBBH
The Mind Forgets but the Heart Doesn't
It had been a really trying week. 
Percy and the Twins had gotten into it during class one day this week at Potter Manor, and though James and Molly did what they could to placate the situation when it happened, it seemed to bleed out into the other kids as well.
Harry and Draco didn’t seem to be able to agree on anything at all anymore, Jasmine felt the need to play mediator to their squabbles which just aggravated everyone further, and Aurora was far too sensitive for her own good and took everything anyone said personally.
The adults didn’t seem to be fairing much better either.
You and Lily were expecting at the same time. It was very funny when Lily & James went to announce that they were expecting only to have Y/N & Sirius laugh and say ‘same’. Remus never stopped joking that the family would finally have a ‘set of twins’. 
Lily stopped taking the jokes so well as her pregnancy progressed, however.
“This is absolutely, without a doubt, the last one Potter!” She screeched as she excused herself from the dinner table for the sixth time to pee.
You were such a trooper, but Sirius knew that this pregnancy was taking far more out of you both emotionally and physically than your last one had.
The part that hurt (everyone) the most, was that your brain still associated pain and discomfort with your trauma from the war, and the wounds felt far more fresh lately than they had in a long time.
This left both James and Sirius feeling horribly guilty – James for having left you on the battlefield, and Sirius both for being the cause of your current discomfort and for the months during the war that he spent wallowing when he should have been fighting for you.
Sirius would wake up in the middle of the night and reach for you to find the bed empty. He’d go to check both Aurora and Draco’s room’s first before moving on to the rest of the house.
One particularly upsetting night he found you hiding in the shower after you had a distressing and disturbingly realistic nightmare.
But usually, he found you in the kitchens.
“What are you doing up, my love?” He spoke quietly into the room.
You must have heard him coming because you never even turned your head from where you were sitting; you just offered him a quiet hum in response as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and nuzzled his face into your neck.
His hands would migrate lower to what was usually the reason for your midnight wanders.
“Little one hungry?”
You were quiet for a moment, clearly far away from Potter Manor, before you responded.
“There were times I was only ever able to eat at night... when someone could sneak something to me or I could sneak to the kitchens. But sometimes, now, I wake up a little hungry – and my heart tells me that this is going to be my only chance, and I have to make it count. I tell myself it’s not true but... the anxiety doesn’t go away until I do something about it.”
Sure enough, in front of you on the table was a half-eaten granola bar; evidence of your late-night forage for food.
“What was it that Lily said about those muggle dementia patients?” Sirius asked you as he rubbed up and down your arms.
“The mind forgets but the heart doesn’t.” You responded quietly.
Sirius hummed into your hair as he pressed his lips to the top of your head.
“You’ve done so much work, love. But I don’t think you’ll ever be able to convince your heart to let it go – not fully.”
You sighed miserably, suddenly sounding very close to tears.
“Please be patient with yourself.” He pleaded.
“I’m trying.” You whispered wetly.
“I know, baby. I know.”
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This was why the following morning at the breakfast table when Harry – seemingly out of nowhere – asked what a “mudblood” was, the room fell painfully silent.
The adults all seemed to share horrified glances before Regulus spoke up.
“Where did you hear that word, Harry?”
Harry, slightly ashamed now that he seemed to have sucked the air out of the room, looked at you and motioned towards your arm.
Sure enough, as you had reached across the table to pass Remus the plate of bacon, your sleeve had ridden up and your scar was on full display.
Why’d we teach these ankle biters to read? Sirius wondered to himself.
To Sirius’ absolute horror, you seemed to completely shut down. You hastily pulled your sleeve down and moved your arms into your lap, and your eyes turned foggy. 
“Please don’t occlude baby, stay with us.” Sirius begged quietly as he began to rub your arm.
“Haz, when you and Draco were very little, there was a war – do you remember me and daddy telling you about it?” Lily started cautiously.
“Uh huh, when the bad guy hated people who were different and stole Auntie Vix?”
James grimaced before confirming. “Yes, and how Uncle Reggie and Draco’s mummy Narcissa helped her escape and then defeat the bad guy.” 
“Well, the bad guy and his friends did hate people who were different than them. Mostly, they hated non-magical people,” Lily continued.
“Called muggles.” Harry interjected proudly.
“Right, he hated muggles. And he hated muggle-born witches and wizards as well.” James finished.
“But...mummy and Aunt Lily are muggle-born...” Draco added quietly from his place.
James nodded. “That’s right. And because they hated them, they made up a bad word to call muggle-born’s.”
“That’s what mudblood is, Harry. It’s a bad word to call a muggle-born witch or wizard.” Regulus spoke softly.
Jasmine gasped. “Mum! Did Harry say a bad word!?”
“I was only asking a question!” Harry screeched in his own defence.
“But... why is the bad word on your arm?” Draco asked quietly, looking at you.
Your son addressing you directly seemed to pull you out of yourself a little as you offered him a sad smile. “Well, when the bad guy stole me, I wouldn’t tell him what they wanted to know.”
“What did the bad guy want to know?” Jasmine asked curiously. 
Harry elbowed his sister for interrupting, which earned him a whack on the head in return, which caused Remus to switch seats with his niece in an effort to keep the peace.
“They wanted to know where your mummy and daddy and Harry were. They also wanted to know where Pads and Moony and everyone else in the Order were.” 
“Like the Weasley’s!?” Harry asked in horror, as news of your best friend potentially being on some maniac’s hitlist would do to an almost nine-year-old, even though said maniac was already after him and his entire family.
“But you wouldn’t tell them.” Jasmine stated solemnly.
You nodded at your niece. “That’s right.”
“But why was my mum and Uncle Reggie there?” Draco asked. 
You and Sirius both grimaced as you looked to Regulus, whose jaw seemed more tense than usual. 
“Our family comes from a long line of very bad people, Draco. The Black’s...mine and your dad’s family, as well as your mums, were not kind to people who were different from them. They supported the bad guy during the war, I-”
“But dad didn’t support the bad guy...and he’s a Black.” Draco interrupted as he turned to look at his father pleadingly.
Sirius smiled softly at the boy. “Yes, but you see, Draco, I had friends like Uncle Prongs and Uncle Moony, and your mum here, who taught me that it was okay to be different. And Uncle Prongs’ family also gave me a place to go when I no longer agreed or felt safe with my family. Uncle Reggie didn’t have the same kind of friends.” 
“Your friends were bad guys?” Harry asked plainly.
“Yes.” Regulus answered just as plainly. 
“So...my family was...bad?” Draco asked quietly, looking between you, Sirius, and Regulus.
“Not all of them baby, not Uncle Reggie, and not your mum.” You tried to placate, but Draco didn’t bite.
“But they were there! Supporting the bad guy! That makes them bad!” He insisted.
“No, it made us cowards.” Regulus corrected the boy. “I was too afraid to ask your dad or his friends for help, even though I knew that Sirius would take me in if I asked him to. And your mum did what was expected of her, Draco. Your mum believed marrying your dad and having you was the right thing to do.”
“Draco,” you said quietly as the boy tried to fight back tears. “If your mum and Uncle Reggie hadn’t been there, I would not be alive today. And quite frankly, I think that could be the same for a lot of us in this room. They saved us, baby. Your mummy saved you. There’s nothing bad about that.”
Draco still seemed perturbed by this but looked back down to your now hidden scar.
“But someone...hurt you? With that word? Was it my family?”
You shared a look with Sirius who offered you a small nod before you answered. “It was. It was your aunt...your mum’s sister.”
Draco seemed distraught at the news; his mouth turned down miserably and his eyes filled with tears. “My family was bad.”
“Dad, was my family bad!?” Harry asked severely. 
“Haz, hang on, okay bubs?” James asked quietly. 
“That’s right Draco, your family was bad.” You said.
Every head – child and adult alike – whipped to face you.
“They were bad people...but they’re not anymore. Your family is the people in this room, and your mum who died protecting you. You have Uncle Reggie, who was so brave to save me and to turn against the bad guy he was supposed to be loyal to. You have Uncle Moony, who despite doing very hard things every month, doesn’t ask anything of anyone and gives so much of himself to the people he loves. And you have Uncle Prongs and Aunt Lily, who helped us raise you when daddy and I had no idea what we were doing. And you have Haz, and Jazzy, and Rory and two new siblings coming soon. That’s your family, Draco, and they’re not bad at all.”
Draco scanned the room of all the people he loved the most as a few tears fell, and Sirius was quick to catch them with his finger from his place beside him. 
“I’m sorry the bad guys hurt you, mummy. I wish they hadn’t.” He offered finally.
“Oh! I know!” Aurora piped up out of nowhere (Sirius actually sort of forgot his own daughter was present at the breakfast table) and quickly stood from her seat to hurry away. 
Before the adults had time to ponder where the child had gone, she reappeared beside her mum with the first aid kit from one of the loos and her toy Mediwitch Kit. 
“Okay, mummy. Show Healer Ro where it hurts.” She demanded you in her most authoritative tone, which still sounded far too much like Alvin the Chipmunk to be taken at all seriously.
Sirius grinned down at his girl and pulled her up into his lap (for better access, of course) as you pulled your sleeve up on your arm to expose your scar.
Aurora tapped a fake wand to the injury and held a stethoscope to her ear. “It sounds good mummy; means you’ll be fine.”
“Oh, good.” You sighed in faux relief, failing to bite back the proud smile adorning your face.
“Yup, now just needs plasters. I have some golden snitches, unicorns, or bowtruckles, mummy. Which would you like?”
“I think she ought to have some of each, Ro.” Harry interjected from across the room.
“Quite right, Haz. Healer Ro, could you use some assistance with the plasters?” Sirius asked like a spokesman on a game show.
“Yes sir!” She answered, and each kid took turns applying plasters to your scar and kissing it better.
“Looks better already!” Jasmine cheered after their work was complete.
“Hmmmm...I don’t know...” Sirius said skeptically. “Could use a few more kisses I think.” Before he attacked you with kisses, and the kids followed in suit shortly after.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Nature is watching you
It had been days since the Justice League had begun fighting the most powerful entities they had ever seen. Days since the earth itself had been against them.
It all began when the weather changed from one second to the next: Heavy storms in Metropolis, hail in Gotham, blizzards in Central City. Then carnivorous plants grew at every point on earth (and it wasn't Poison Ivy, they checked), by which point it was obvious that a larger force was to blame.
John Constantine identified them as "Vortex" and "Undergrowth", though he couldn't quite explain what they were, however he warned them not to confront them, letting them get bored would be the safest thing to do (the man looked uncharacteristically pale as he commented the last part). The League did not listen to him, worried about civilian casualties and confronted both beings anyway, they had fought Gods, surely it wouldn't be different.
It became clear that they made the wrong decision when they noticed most of their members were incapacitated or injured after a couple of days, and the beings had not been harmed in the least. Vortex laughed as Undergrowth looked at them, disgusted.
Their last confrontation was in Gotham so it was no surprise that Nightwing and Red Hood continued to evacuate civilians to a safer location. Jason noticed the moment when one of the civilians ran the other way decisively, the vigilante sighed as he indicated Nightwing that he would go after him. His brother nodded before Red Hood chased after the stupidly brave black-haired, blue-eyed boy, damn, he hoped Bruce didn't see him.
Unfortunately, he was just in time to see him run over to where the League was and stand in front of the two enemies, it was obvious the heroes were trying to push him away but they were either too hurt to move or didn't notice. Jason was about to yell at him to get out of the way when the boy spoke.
The boy was clearly frustrated, and his face wore an annoyed expression. Jason noted the moment when the rest of the heroes noticed the boy standing in the middle of the battlefield. Supes had a devastated expression on his face.
Jason ran to the boy (who was strangely fast), he didn't know who he was but he would hate to see him die. He wondered if it was too late when both beings noticed him. They seemed strangely frightened? Jason guessed it was a trick of their eyes.
The battlefield was suddenly silent. It seemed like everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something to happen.
"I told you to stop" the black haired boy spoke again, his voice echoed in the silence, annoyance could still be heard in his tone. It was obvious he wasn't afraid. Without the heroes noticing, the plants and clouds stopped moving.
Quickly coming to his senses and noticing something, Superman shouted a warning as he looked at the hand of one of the beings pointing at the frail boy in front of him. He looked at Red Hood, who was running towards the scene but wouldn't make it in time, before looking at his own body, too damaged to move.
Contrary to what everyone expected, both beings lowered their heads, clasping their hands nervously, as if they weren't sure if they should kneel.
At the end, they lowered their heads in front of the boy in submission, looking defeated and strangely embarrassed.
"Sorry, my King" both said.
Danny snorted as he folded his arms. Jason, who had made his way over to where the halfa stood, looked at the three confused, what the fuck?
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circeyoru · 7 months
(UNWANTED SOUL idea) when reader gets turned to an angle instead of being stuck in heaven they immediately return via their page teleportation. So no angsty alastor for more than 5 min. But they teleported right behind Adam and we're the one to kill him much to alastors delight and everyone else's confusion.
Later on alastor is learning to take care of the readers wings since reader forgets they have them and let's them fall to disreapare.
Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}. *Check the redeem you ones
Okay, no angst. Err... Maybe a bit, just a touch
I'll bet that Alastor was crushed when he saw you disappear into thin air. Not the type where you teleport elsewhere to avoid him, but actually disappear, gone, dead. When his soul was returned to him and his limitations all gone. He wrathfully unleashed at Adam.
Somehow I feel like Alastor using his full power will have massive pressure and tension built the closer one's to him. Within that less than 5 minutes, let's say Alastor singlehandedly got the barrier up again and slaughtered any and all angels that come into his perimeter. Charlie and the others all felt the surge in Alastor's power and pressure, immediately heading towards him to see what was happening since their stations were all cleared thanks to Alastor.
To counter Alastor, Adam used more power as well. In the end, Alastor was still no match but unlike in the show, he doesn't back down because you were gone. In his mind, that memory kept replaying, there was two option for him: either kill Adam or die trying.
When the Charlie and the other made it to Alastor's battlefield, they shouted for him to stop and retreat because he was at a disadvantage the more he fights. He was clearly losing that charisma he had at the start of the battle.
"Stay out of this, Charlie." Alastor threatened the moment he saw her step closer.
Adam laughed, "Aww, did I kill your little crush? Too bad. Demons like you don't deserve happiness."
Charlie and the others all wondered what Adam was talking about; Alastor was obviously triggered again as he headfirst into Adam for another more personal attack. An obvious trap that cornered Alastor.
With his axe positioned to Alastor's neck, Adam stared down with a victorious grin, "Time to meet your little babe, right?"
Alastor let down his barrier, he couldn't explain why, but he just did it. Like a voice told him so or a feeling of a familiar presence.
The moment he did, the abandoned book you always bring around opened itself and the pages flew at Adam. Confusing him. He backed up and away from Alastor, trying to swat away the pages that were coming at him like mad.
A new figure emerged, two pairs of silver wings and a bright halo was the only thing Alastor could see. Though his sight was more focused on the way one of the pages sliced Adam's head off of his neck like butter. Alastor's red eyes followed the rolling head and falling body. With a tired back, he looked up at the figure.
"My... Dar....ling?"
"Yes, Alastor." You stepped closer to him, your pages fluttering around like harmless petals now, you kneeled down and gave him a hug as gently as possible to not put pressure on his pain.
"You're... back..." Alastor wrapped his hands around you to bring him closer to you, his body shook. "Am I... Is this... a dre...am?"
Your wings instinctively wrapped around him, glowing as they healed your wounded love. For the brief moment you had your new angelic powers, you were already using them like you had him your entire life. "No, Alastor. It's not a dream."
"Stay with me... Don't leave... me..."
You smiled, "I won't, Alastor. I'll miss you too much."
Yes! An exact echo. Remember how in part 2 (I think) you tell him you missed him before entering your slumber mode? Yeah, it's happening here too.
The reason why I gave Reader/you two pairs of wings here is cause it shows power and authority. If you're not trapped as long as you were before, then something has to change, and that is your power and authority over the exterminations or specifically portal to Hell. Here, you're an angel that controls the entrance to Heaven and Hell. Think guardian, like that~
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
Titsyul ♡
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Pairing: Jake x fem!metkayina!Twin!pregnant!Reader x Neytiri
Request: [@avatar4life] Hello how are you doing? I hope well, if you don't mind i have an idea.
So jake x reader x neytiri they're about to fight the tulkun killers and quaritch but reader found out they were pregnant but went to fight anyway, fast forward, reader neytiri and tuk are stuck and almost drowned but luckily got saved but reader's body went to a coma to save the baby(s) due to the stress of the fight, while the family is worried but also shocked about the fact that reader is pregnant with twins ( girls) due to the fact she's a twin herself and her brother is a healer ( he took care of her in the coma) ofc they all became overprotective once she wakes up
Fast forward reader is in labor and cursing everywhere, her brother is just laughing in the background while everyone is worried sick, the twin girls are healthy and everyone is happy.Jake's hand hurt but he's shutting up about it
Oh and i forgot to mention the twins skin is omaticaya along with how the rest of their body look like but they have reader face and nose and eyes but also have eyebrows and ten fingers
Mawey 🤍
❈ Warning : pregnancy, graphi birth, water birth, war, injury, going in coma, war, tsaheylu, claustrophobic!reader, lots of fluff + ft. Spider
❈ word count : 6.9k proof read.
"word" - dialogue
❈ Note : I watched the movie again to get more inspiration to write this but instead i ended up crying the whole movie and a hour after that, great times 🙂
❈ Extras : hey love 😊 thank you for requesting, I'm doing amazing and I loved this idea!!! (Te'yul - is the twin brother's made up name) I've been listening to Bajirao Mastani songs while writing this and omg the feels I got 😭
❈ Glossary : kelku - living space, Eywa - Na'vi deity, yawne - beloved, mawey - calm, Tiyawn - love, Mauri - metkayina living space, Sa'nok - Mother, Utumauti - Banana fruit, Sayrip - Handsome, syulang - flower, paskalin - sweet berry, Skxwang - Moron, Txe'lan - Heart, Zola' u niprrte nga prrnen - welcome your child, Tweng - loin cloth
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You paced in your kelku, your hand going to your stomach unconsciously as you thought about your mates and children being out there fighting those demons all by themselves, you couldn't just sit here on the shore and wait for them to come back, you knew the risk but you weren't about to let your mates be alone on the battlefield.
your twin watched as you dug a pit in the middle of your mauri as you paced back and forth, his eyes never leaving your worried form walking out of the kelku, as you called your ilu he stopped you "y/n…." He said softly, looking down at your abdomen and back up into your eyes but you shook your head "not now, te" was your only reply, instantly mounting your ilu and making your way towards the raging cold waters of the battle.
You were horrified to see the sight in front of you, the demon ship was crashed on the rock Island, people fighting and killing whoever in sight, your ears going flat against your forehead as you made your way towards the ship cautiously, the sky was dark and gloomy, sun setting down in the distance, the only light was from the fire that shone over the ship was from the explosion.
You climbed on the cold metal as the scene unfolding on the sinking dock made your blood run cold, Kiri in the grasp of that demon, his knife against her throat, Neytiri standing in front of them with her own knife against a human's chest, but a loud cry from tuk grabbed your attention as she ran into your arms "MAMA!!" you picked her up hurriedly.
Jake immediately pulled you behind him, his eyes wide in fear "what are you doing here?!" He whisper-yelled at you in concern, though you tried to answer but the na’vi looking man in demon clothes let Kiri go with a yell as Neytiri almost killed the human child in her grasp, a ruby red cut marred his chest now, Jake instantly pushed you behind him “stay behind” he ordered, tuk wrapped her arms around your neck, clinging onto your side, while burying her face in the crook of your neck and shoulder, Neytiri jogged back to you as she kissed your and tuk's foreheads, checking for any cuts and bruises “thank Eywa, are you okay, ma’yawne?” Her voice was strained from the fight, everything was happening too fast for her to comprehend “I’m okay… for now i guess” you answered back as the unease inside you grew, the only thing she knew is that she needed you and her family safe.
Walking away from the scene, Neytiri's arm around your waist as you carried tuk on your hip, the water filling in, breaths shivering out of everyone's lips, Kiri and the human child, Spider, walking behind you, your eyes going back to Jake as he fought the demon with all his might.
The distraction was enough as your foot slipped going straight into the open door of the sinking ship, the water sucking you in forcefully as tuk screamed in your neck, holding tightly as Neytiri yelled, wide eyed, holding onto your hand but the force was too great and her hold went slack, your body slamming onto the metal bottom with a loud ‘thud’, the water drowning out your cries for help as you struggled to keep tuk close to you, coughing and spitting out the salty water at the sudden impact but strong arms pulled you up, face to face with Neytiri, her hands wiping the water out of your eyes, pulling you and tuk close to her chest "oh eywa, thank you great mother" she whispered kissing you softly before pulling you through the tunnels of the ship, water pouring in heavily as tuk clinged to your hip once again, face buried in your neck "mama….I'm scared" Her voice quivering and shaking as you held her close, walking through the cold water "shhh we'll be okay, stay close to me, okay?" You whispered back with as much of a steady voice you could muster, her little nod was all you needed.
Falling and tumbling through the hallways and rooms, you were now trapped, the tunnel filling in will water, Neytiri held you and tuk close to her, your heart beating fast as you looked around the closed walls, ears flat on your skull, tail swaying as your body starts to tremble, the lights going out one by one making your heartbeat pace faster than rolling winds, your breaths getting cut short and Neytiri noticed your change in behavior, carefully making you look at her by hooking a finger under your chin "ma'y/n, mawey, tiyawn mawey" she whispered caressing your cheek, making you breathe evenly with her "it's okay, yawne, we will get out of this, we will" she whispered, looking in your eyes, her statement firm at the end, tuk looked at your disheveled state "mama, it will be okay" she said kissing your cheek to reassure you.
You tried to calm down but the fear reside, hands shaking, body trembling, head light as feather and bile rising up your throat, you knew something was terribly wrong, neytiri rubbed your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ear to distract you but the water levels were rising, though you were a water na'vi the rising water made you uneasy and nervous, the surface of it was now up to your necks, your breathes coming out in short puffs of air as you held tuk as High above as possible, the three of you huddled together, praying to eywa to get out of here when a sudden bright light filled the space, hundreds of glowing fishes swam towards your direction and soon kiri's head popped up at the end of the tunnel with a big squeal from tuk, happy to see her sister again,even with a smile playing on your lip you knew your state was getting worse and worse and Neytiri saw it as her arm was supporting your waist as she held you close to her.
Getting out of the sinking ship as your group broke the water surface taking deep, enriching breaths of air, reaching payakan slowly, Jake pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly as his own breaths puffed up, but you couldn't care less, eyes drooping close as your body went limp in his arms, the stress from the confinement and war taking a toll on your body, the only sign of you being alive is your steady breathing and heartbeats thundering in your chest.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Bright morning rays of the sun filled the entirety of your tent, the war was over but the tension in the environment was still the same, your unconscious body was lying comfortably on a mat, your twin and tsahik working together on getting you back in a conscious state, Kiri rubbing the sole of your feet to keep you warm, Neytiri was worried sick holding your hand in her’s as Ronal had a hand placed on your stomach as her eyes wide while pressing lightly around your abdomen to be sure of what she was feeling, te'yul cringed as he had promised you he'll keep it a secret until you decided it was the right time.
Ronal checked again just to be one hundred percent sure, Jake was pacing outside the tent with Neteyam, Lo'ak and spider trying to sneak inside, Kiri sitting near your feet, rubbing some warmth into them when Ronal looked at neytiri with a vexed expression "Did you know?" her voice angered and upset, Neytiri furrowed her non-existent eyebrows, a big question mark visible on her face "what?!" Ronal was fuming at this point "Did. You. Know?" This time Neytiri was taken aback and even Jake entered the tent from the anticipation of what's going on with Ronal’s raised voices at Neytiri and because his legs were aching from the amount of pacing he did outside, the couple were worried for their mate as you laid with your eyes closed "what's going on?" Jake asked carefully as he saw Ronal's enraged face and demeanor.
Te'yul came in between the budding argument, resting a hand on Ronal's shoulder to calm her down as he faced Jake and neytiri to see their confused expressions, he apologized internally to you for breaking your promise without your permission he was worried for all the reactions he’ll get after this, his tone was tuned down as he spoke "y/n is pregnant…..with twins"
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The whole sully family sat around your sleeping form, Jake's arms wrapped around Neytiri's shoulders comforting her as best as he could, tuk was laying beside you, hugging you close as she slept next to you, her little arms thrown over your torso, kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak and spider huddled together as they watched you and tuk sleeping together, te'yul sitting in a corner as he worked on some pastes and herbs for you, preparing some syrups for your future symptoms of the pregnancy, waiting for you to wake up soon.
The word of your health spread throughout metkayina like wildfire, everyone's new topic of gossip was your pregnancy, of course this is the first time a child with both metkayina and omaticaya features would be born, that too not one but two babies at once, a miracle by eywa herself, though it was quite predictable given you were a twin and Jake was a twin as well, it was bound to happen.
After a week and a half of no sign of movement your eyes fluttered open, the soft rays of the sunset hitting your irises making them dilate and contract quickly, tuk saw you waking up first, as she refused to leave your side, and squealed running around telling everyone “MAMA WOKE UP! MAMA WOKE UP!” Te'yul immediately coming up to your side as Neytiri and Jake did, ignoring the fact that Jake almost ran over a kid to get to you, you didn't blame him for it, he was worried after all, Ronal was called as they all looked down at you, Ronal and Te'yul working on you as they tried to bring you back to your full consciousness, ronal with her ear pressed to your chest then to your stomach, Te’yul applying a soothing paste to the base of your throat, Jake on the other hand was a nervous wreck, he sent out a message to norm and team to come by, it's not like he didn't trust the metkayina healers or your own brother at that matter but for his own peace of mind.
A few hours later when everyone calmed down and with Te'yul forcing you to drink a bitter syrup with a "it's good for the babies'' which you had no idea what it did, now you were finally relaxing with your family, again the word of you waking up was all around the village but the Sully's didn't care, all they cared about is that you're awake, well and very much alive, Jake almost cried tears of relief when norm said everything was okay with you and your babies, for the family there wasn't anything more happier than you and the babies okay and healthy.
Now that the environment was much calmer not one of them was ready to leave your side, Jake and Neytiri were on your side, tuk cuddled into your chest, kiri in between you and Neytiri, Lo’ak in between Jake and you while Neteyam had his head snuggled on your stomach, being careful so he won’t “hurt” his new baby brothers or sisters, all of you were a tangled pile of limbs and love, Jake would lovingly give you a few kisses while Lo’ak who was in between grimaced and gagged at the sight, Neytiri chuckled and shook her head, snuggling close to everyone she gave tuk a small kiss on her temple as she slept on your chest, this was the best time for the family to be all together, at peace and happy as they all drift asleep as their love for one another floated in the air strong and radiant.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
~ 2 months pregnant ~
You were given complete bed rest for the time being and Neytiri was adamant on not letting you step out of the hammock let alone the mauri, constantly checking over you every two hours, bringing you fruits, soups, and whatnot.
Jake wasn't anything less than Neytiri was, he'd walk into your shared mauri with a worried expression. Run a hand over your slightly swollen belly, give you a kiss on your forehead and if you were awake he’d bombard you with questions for several minutes on end “are you feeling okay, babygirl?” “Do you feel nauseous?” “Does your stomach hurt? Does your back hurt? I can give you a massage if you want”
he’d pestered continuously back and forth in his visits throughout the day, he was worried as twin pregnancies are rare in na’vi, plus the babies being half omaticayan and half metkayian, it added more tension to his growing worry day by day as the pregnancy progressed.
“ma’Jake, I’m fine! I’m pregnant, not dying!” you spoke with a hint of annoyance tracing your voice after his 1000th query of your health and it's not even complete 2 months yet “baby, i know that, but you’re pregnant with MY twins and I’m worried, so its better you answer those questions to me, tiyawn” he whispered in your ear and planted a soft kiss on your temple, you knew there was no escaping his sweet slick words.
Neytiri and the kids were nothing less than Jake, tuk was glued to your side, being the youngest she was mesmerized by your belly and happy that she won’t be the youngest anymore, while neteyan, being used to seeing his mom pregnant with his siblings before, he was just the gentleman to you as his father, always making sure if your comfortable or not, bringing in fresh fruits and meat for you, placing his head on your belly to hear the babies’ heartbeats, while Lo’ak did his best to keep up with the fact that he’s getting not just one but TWO new siblings at the same time, poor boy would cling to you and ask if you’d love him and the others less because you’re getting your own babies now, you’d hold him tight in your arms and reassure him that you’d love him just as much as before and the others, that the babies won’t change it as he opens up to you “mama, i still want to spend our swims together after this” he’d whisper hugging you “of course we will, you and i will have lots of fun once i have your siblings, i’ll even take you to my favorite place” a smirk dancing on your lips as you reassured him and pressed a kiss on his head.
Spider was nervous and intrigued by everything about you, not having met you before he was a little scared if you’d accept him, though Neytiri was reluctant to let him be anywhere near you, she quickly backed down when you reassured her that it was okay, your warm and welcoming smile was enough to let him feel at ease, he grew more attached to you day by day, looking up to you like a mother he never had, you didn’t expect yourself to as protective of him, not knowing whether it was your pregnancy or because he was so small compared to others, you were protective of him immediately.
“Spider, why don’t you sit with me? I’ll put your hair up for you” you’d say with a loving voice he couldn’t ignore, but there was a hint of worry too, he didn’t know the way of the water and you didn’t him to be hurt plus it was nice to have some company, He’d comply every time you asked him though, he wasn’t about to refuse some head pets from you, it’s not even been a few months living with you and he was already calling you ‘mom’ which surely melted your heart every time he called you that “coming, sa’nok” he’d say before coming right up to you with a hug or cuddles, it was his favorite thing to do now, he still kept in mind about your belly before doing so.
Jake was happy to see you and him bonding together, he was nervous on how neytiri would react but it surprised him how quickly she backed down when you asked her to, still he was happy about the fact that spider was finally getting the love and attention he deserved.
~ 6 months pregnant ~
The babies were growing and thriving, while also leaving you at the mercy of their cravings, the night shone bright, the chirping of the creatures outside weren’t doing anything to put you back to sleep, Jake and Neytiri were on your sides sleeping peacefully while you laid awake, mouth watering with the thought of tasting utumauti at such ungodly hour, you looked at jake who was snoring softly, one arm wrapped around your swollen middle while you were using his other arm as a pillow, his bioluminescent freckles glowing bright in the darkness as he slept.
“ma’Jake, wake up…. Please” you whispered to him as you couldn’t help yourself now, you needed to taste it, midnight or not, instead of him Neytiri woke up as she looked at your attempts to wake him “do you need anything, paskalin?” her voice was soft yet rough from the sleep which startled you a bit, now you were a bit embarrassed to say that you were hungry even after eating a big dinner “ohh tiri… it’s just… um i wanted some utumauti” she chuckled getting up from the hammock “that’s it? You could have asked me sooner, ma’txelan” she said pressing a kiss on your temple before heading outside to get some for you.
In a few minutes she was back with quite a few Utumauti in her arms, keeping silent as she cut them up in cubes while you sat beside her near the fireplace, everything was quiet, all the kids and the village sleeping, the only sounds that could be heard were Jake’s snoring, creatures chirping, waves crashing outside while you munched on the fruit pieces.
“Is that good or do you need more?” her voice was sweet and filled with love as she watched you eat, her hand caressing your back gently, you shook your head “No, this is enough, thank you” your giggle bringing a smile on her face as you had already eaten at least five utumauti by now, she didn’t mind though, she’d bring the whole damn tree if you asked her.
When jake turned in the hammock and felt both you and neytiri out of place, he woke up to the sight of you and Neytiri sitting close together while you satisfied your midnight cravings, she had her arms wrapped around your midsection, he felt a warm feeling build up inside his chest at the scene in front of him, though he wasn’t a part of it, he was still content and happy to just witness it, going back to sleep while the memory played in his mind and a smile lingered on his lips.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The twins could now move and kick very well, which also made all the sully’s take turn and sit in front of you with their hands on your growing belly, Jake was the most persistent one as he still didn’t get to feel the baby while everyone else felt one or both the babies move or kick, even Rotxo had his turn fulfilled and Jake didn’t, which frustrated the hell out of him.
“Ma’Jake, you can’t force the babies to move if they don’t want to” you spoke as you and Neytiri were holding back your laughs so you wouldn’t frustrate him even more “but they moved for everyone else!” he said in almost a whiny voice as he removed his hands from your stomach.
Your stomach, that now held your twins with a beautiful curve to it didn’t show any movement, he let out an exasperated sigh with a frown looking at your belly, Neytiri decided to tease him more “maybe the babies love their sa’nok and sa’nu more” she said with a smirk as she placed her hand on the top of your belly and to everyone's surprise one of the babies moved under her touch as if agreeing with her, Neytiri in result bursted out laughing not able to hold in any longer, Jake on the other hand frowned even more as you tried to comfort him while trying not to laugh yourself as he crossed his arms across his chest “they’re not even born and they already don’t like me” which only caused Neytiri to laugh more and Jake to roll his eyes at her, you were now stuck with a sulking Jake and overjoyed Neytiri “they will move for you jake, give them some time, sayrip” you said with a smile as he sulked.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You were having a particularly hard day walking around, back strained, legs and ankles swollen, Jake was the one overlooking you as Neytiri was out for once after being cooped up with you for the period of the entire pregnancy, she went out fishing to try new things, the kids were out as Tsireya invited them the night over at their mauri and Jake couldn’t be more happier to have you all for himself all day and then with Neytiri at night, once again you were restricted to the hammock but this time you were grateful for it, the nap was treating you well after all those sleepless and restless nights, Jake, on the other hand, was preparing a meal for when you wake up, as the day went on you woke up with a slight pain in your abdomen, dismissing it as you got up.
Eating with Jake in a peaceful silence when the pain was getting harder to ignore, your hand instinctively moving towards his hand as a dull yet sharp pain went through your abdomen, which definitely caught Jake's attention “darling, you okay?” his eyes going wide in alarm as he grabbed onto want just happened, forgetting all about the food as he connected the dots, the sudden tiredness, unusual cramps, constant back pains, it was clear you were going into labor, he knew the signs after three times with Neytiri, getting to your side as his rough calloused hand caressed the side of your head “shhh it’s gonna be okay, don’t panic, stay calm and breath okay? I’ll call Ronal and your brother, stay here!” he whispered soothingly as you caught onto the moment and nodded this was it…..you are going to give birth.
After waiting for jake to come back, you were on all fours as you felt the first of the contractions coming which were in no way pleasant, they immediately got to work, easing you in a more comfortable position as the pain and adrenaline starts to kick in, Jake getting behind you as he rubbed your back, kissing your forehead “there you go, hold onto me and relax, deep breathes remember?” he whispered directly in your ear as he tangled his hand in your hair but only one thing ran through your mind “Call Neytiri!! I can’t do this without her!! I want tiri” your cries were heard as someone was sent to get her.
She came running and stumbled back to your shared mauri, bursting through the flaps dropping her bow and arrows in an instance as she got to you “I’m here, I’m here syulang” she said encouragingly as she kissed your forehead, her breaths were quick and short but she didn't care, you were her first priority and the babies, that’s all she cared about.
You were kneeling on the woven flooring of the mauri, your breaths coming in short puffs of air, cheeks red and wet from the efforts as Jake supported you from behind and neytiri was kneeling in front of you, gently caressing your contracting abdomen, kissing your temple lovingly as they both tried to comfort you through the pain, tears flowing down your cheeks as your head was buried in neytiri’s shoulder.
“tiri, it hurts so much, i can’t do this ahh please ughh'' your whimpers were painful for her to hear, she ran a hand through your hair, kissing the top of it “it’ll be over soon, paskalin, you can do this just hold on a little longer” her whispers of reassurance did wonders to calm you down but the contractions that racked your womb pulled another scream of pain from your throat.
you rocked your body back and forth to soothe the pain holding onto neytiri for dear life “ohhh GREAT MOTHER! Why does this have to hurt so much!!!” your cries ringing through the mauri and te’yul let out a chuckle.
“i told you so, it's your fault that you decided to get pregnant and-” a loud groan from you shuts him up “shut the fuck up for moment, you skxwang! I didn’t ask for your opinion right now! I swear to eywa I’ll-” your rant was stopped by Jake as he made you look at him with his finger under your chin, though everyone was surprised at your outburst.
“easy, easy there, sweetheart, take a deep breath with me, i know it hurts but you have to calm down for the babies'' he whispered looking down in your ocean blue eye that now welled up with tears, holding your hand in his as he ran the pad of his thumb over your knuckles then glared daggers at te’yul for his remark while you're twin just shrugged.
you groaned not having the patience to go through all this, Ronal hits te’yul upside his head with a quick reprimand about not to rile a laboring woman, you groan loudly, throwing your head back on jake’s shoulder as you squeezed his hand in a vice like grip while bearing through the contraction “I hate you jake! You did this to me! I hate you so much” you cried, eyes screwed shut in pain, your grip on his hand so tight it sprained his wrist but he didn’t dare to utter a single word against it as he saw the amount of pain you were in was way greater than his sprained wrist, he smiled “I’m sorry, sweetheart, now please concentrate” he whispered, not taking your comments to heart, Neytiri chuckled kissing your forehead and looked at Jake with a smile, she yelled the same things to him while giving birth to Neteyam, Lo’ak and tuk so he was now used to it by now, he didn't mind being the punching bag, verbally and physically.
“Its okay, ma’tiyawn, you can blame him, it's his fault anyways” she said with a smile, adding fuel to the already blazing fire while Jake rolled his eyes at her trying to distract you from the pain as much as possible, but you weren’t in the mood to smile or laugh as the contractions were numbing your thought process.
Ronal had a worried look on her face “let her speak what she want, it's better she if lets it out” as she came up to the three of you with a bowl of dark green liquid in it, kneeling down beside you she brought the bowl to your lips “drink this, child, you’ll feel better, let your body do its thing, do not hold back” you drank the, for once, sweet liquid in two gulps, you tried to relax but it was easier said than done.
Neytiri and Jake did their best to calm you down through your screams of agony, the liquid will take a few minutes to show effect but when it does the moan of relief you let out is louder than any scream you let out before, which earned another fit of chuckles from te’yul while Ronal glared at him this time, even Jake couldn’t hold back his smile at that, you placed your head on Neytiri’s shoulder again as she rubs your back lovingly while Jake holds his hand on your hip, the other sprained one was still being used as a stress ball by you, even while you were in such immense pain te’yul couldn’t help but smile, you were his sister, yes, but he’ll also make puns about this moment when all of this is over.
Ronal walked over to Neytiri as she placed a hand on your shoulder “i think we should go to the hot water springs, the warm water would help her a lot” she said sympathetically looking at your worn out and exhausted state and both Jake and Neytiri nodded in agreement.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Your twin and Ronal were both working on getting the place ready to help you through the birth but that was still a long way ahead, Jake carried you in his arms bridal style to the springs, your eyes closed, mind clouded with pain as soft mewls left your lips while your nails dug into his shoulder and arms, reaching the pond he slowly lowered your body into the warm water, the liquid immediately helping with the soreness and subside the pain to some extent.
Jake got behind you, once again giving you support to lean on, your body was already drenched in cold sweat before, the beads of water and sweat ran down your skin, Neytiri got into the water as well, standing in front of you as she caressed your cheek, giving you a sweet kiss on your lips as your face scrunched up in agony from the new contractions “shhh you’re nearly there, yawne, just a little more and you’ll meet your babies, breathe ma’txe’lan breathe, in and out” she whispered stroking your swollen stomach and rubbing your back, Jake kissed the nape of your neck “you’re doing so good, sweetie, we’ve already gone through the first half of it, this is the last stretch, i know you can do it” their words of encouragement gave you motivation to push through it, head rolling back on his shoulder, by now you didn’t have it in you to scream anyways, Exhaustion was taking its toll on your body, the soft groans and tears that were rolling down your already wet cheeks were the only signs of your ongoing suffering.
Ronal checked your dilation as Neytiri wiped the sweat and tears from your face and neck, helping you drink some water to keep you hydrated while going through such painful period which she was familiar with but even the simplest act of drinking a sip of water was difficult with the oncoming waves of contractions in your womb, new batch of tears stream down your cheeks as Neytiri wiped them away gently.
Her’s and Jake’s faces were twisted in a frown as they hated to even see you get a scratch let alone to see you writhe in pain like this was making them worried sick by the passing second, Neytiri’s hands massaged your hips to loosen any tense muscles to help the parturition even more, another intense pain ripped through your abdomen as you grit your teeth against it, eyes shut tightly in pain, lips pressed in a thin line and Jake couldn’t see you in pain anymore “okay, this is enough…” he whispered as he brought his queue forward and connected it yours, Ronal tried to say otherwise but the decision was made, Neytiri following suit connecting with the two of you, the full force of the pain now washing over them, Neytiri was accustomed to it by now but still shuddered at the sudden rush of feelings and even when Jake had assisted Neytiri with all her births like this but the feeling of the pain was always unexpected for him.
Now with the queues connected they held you, gently caressing and massaging your body to ease you in any possible way, you felt their calming thoughts filling your mind as your braids connected together "you can do it, tiyawn, just push through it, Love, everything will be over soon, it will be all worth it" Jake's whispers of affection and comfort falling over deaf ears when the first of the twins started to make an appearance resulting in your roars of pain and clutching Jake's already sprained wrist as the first baby started to crown.
Ronal held your legs apart, Neytiri caressed your face and neck, while Jake ran his hand down on your waist as your sobs were clearly heard through the pain "We understand, syulang, we understand, now please push as hard as you can, zola' u niprrte nga prrnen" Neytiri said calmly, guiding you through the pain to push and encourage to bring these children to life.
Hot tears rolled down your cheeks as you gave a push "ngghhhh get them out!!" Your screams of desperation were heartfelt for everyone who heard them, Neytiri's face was full of concern as you screamed "shhh just push the best you can, you want to see them right? You can't give up now that you're so close….i know it hurts, yawne, i know but you can't lose everything when you're so close, push one more time, for us, for the babies" she whispered softly as you stare at her with a tear soaked face, snort running down your nose as sweat dripped down your scalp, the water washed over to your chest giving you an effect of weightlessness, with a new kind of determination take over your body, you began to push.
The saying childbirth is the worst pain anyone can experience was really starting to become very clear to you now, you grit your teeth taking a deep breath and pushed but soon turned into a scream and then a sob, the burning sensation was too overwhelming, even taking a breath felt like a laboring act, Ronal held your hand gently in hers “shh calm down, calm down… breath, y/n, breath”
She guided your hand between your thighs, letting your fingers brush against the baby’s head, you stared at her as your expression went from pained to one of awe and longing, the fact that you were so close to meeting your babies, ignited a deep urge to keep going no matter how bad the pain was, after taking a moment to catch up, you beared down with the next contraction, eyes shut tightly, toes curled up as you screamed head bowed down, jake held your hand while you squeezed it, his other arm holding you in place, Neytiri rubbed your back soothingly.
Ronal cupped the crowning head of the baby with her hand when finally the head slipped out followed by your groan, now the time ticked, you had to push to get the shoulders out soon with the next contraction, she urged you to push again, tugging on the baby gently with the next push as your whole body trembled from the effort as the baby’s shoulders passed through the canal with the final push, Ronal and te’yul immediately took the newborn to clean up, your breaths becoming shallow while Neytiri smiled caressing your cheek “there, that’s it, you’re okay” she whispered leaning her forehead against yours.
Jake stroked your waist kissing your forehead gently “good girl, very good, one down one to go” he said softly, currently looking absolutely proud of you as he placed several kisses on your head, tears forming in his eyes “I’m so proud of you, you did so good, just a little more, sweetheart” his words were spoken from shere love and appreciation.
Neytiri was looking at you with just as much pride as jake, patting your cheek when finally a piercing cry rang through the air, grabbing all your attention, the cry was mighty enough to make your heart sore but the pain wasn’t done yet, Ronal coming back in front of you as she held you by your shoulders “a little more and it's done, push when you feel like” but exhaustion made you feel like your head was underwater, even being in the hot spring wasn’t helping that much, head rolling back on Jake’s chest, only getting out of the daze when the burning sensation came back in the nether regions, blinking back your tears as you pushed, this was relatively easier than the first and the second twin came out faster than you expected, which was more than a big relief.
In the most fastest few minutes of your life, Ronal and Neytiri held your daughters in their arms as Jake held you tired body in his, admiring the sight in front of him “You did it, sweetheart, You did it, you’re absolutely wonderful” he whispered as your ears twitched from his warm breath, your tail swishing underwater, a tired smile on your face as you stared at your newborn daughters, your own daughters and you couldn’t be more proud “go ahead, name them sweetie” he said proudly as he caressed your arm and neytiri nodded along “you should name them, paskalin”
After thinking for a few minutes, you came up with a pair of names you thought were the best “Pe’rul and Peyal” your voice strained and rough but the emotions behind it melted everyone's heart as they all agreed that those were good names “those are beautiful name, tiyawn” neytiri said as she brought peyal closer to you and jake and ronal nodded as well, ronal swam forward as well both the babies went quiet as they were laid on your chest, going silent as they felt their mother’s touch, it was a beautiful sight for all of them while te’yul cheered and howled in happiness in the background as he was officially an uncle now as Ronal now carefully bandaged Jake’s sprained wrist while you gave him a apologetic smile in return he just chuckled and pecked your forehead.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
A few weeks have passed since the day of arrival of the twins, the happiness of the clan was quadrupled as the babies were the most miraculous things they have witnessed, azure skin like Jake and Neytiri but soft ocean blue eyes and teal stripes like yours, the combination made the pair look blessed by Eywa herself, lanky and long tails like the omaticaya but slightly broader with a tuft of hair at the tail ends, seemingly they were the most beautiful babies to be seen on the land of metkayina.
If Jake and Neytiri weren’t overprotective before now it was like being smothered in their love, which was more overwhelming than anything, and boy oh boy did Neytiri took care of you after the birth, knowing damn well how down and depressed a new mother can feel after the birth, she did everything in her power to keep you happy, making necklaces, shawls, blankets, tops for you everyday, kissing your postpartum belly, all the stretch marks, massaging your back, making your favorite foods, pampering you in any way possible, she made sure to make you feel like a queen.
While Neytiri takes care of you, Jake and the kids are on the duty to take care of the twins, and eywa bless him, he’s taking that job very seriously, now father of seven, including spider, he was almost delirious at the amount of children he has, to think at one point in his life he gave up hope to ever have the joy of a family of his own and to now with two mates and seven children, oh how things have changed, for good this once.
Overjoyed was an understatement for Neteyam and the gang, two little baby sisters? You bet the protection levels are through the clouds, may the great mother help the person who even looks or breathes at the twins in a wrong way, Kiri held Peyal with the most widest grin possible, while Neteyam held Pe’rul as if she was the most precious thing on pandora and as of now she was, Lo’ak and tuk were in their thoughts as how he won’t be the only middle child and tuk was happy as she won’t be the youngest anymore, for spider, the more siblings the better.
Uncle te’yul made the first song chords for the babies as gift which you then attached it to the band of their tewng, adding a pearl as the memory of their birth to your song chord as well, right next to the bead Jake gave you which symbolized your mating with the couple, plus adding two similar pearls on the twins song chords as a symbol to the start of their journey in this new and amazing world.
The whole family huddled together. You in the middle, Jake and Neytiri on your sides as the twins laid on top of you, Lo’ak and spider beside Jake while Neteyam and Kiri were beside Neytiri, tuk was sandwiched between you and Jake but she didn’t mind, as everyone’s attention was on the newest members of the family while they slept on your chest, Neytiri caressed your cheek and jake went a step ahead, pecking your lips sweetly “we are so proud of you, txe’lan” Neytiri nodding in agreement as all of the others groaned and fake gagged at the public display of affection, tuk and Kiri just giggled, Neteyam laughing his ass off with a loud “Gross” from Lo’ak and spider while you, Jake and tiri burst out laughing, love floated in the air, it was a beautiful beginning, which you'll cherish forever.
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A/n : I had so much fun writing this! The amount of time i spent researching everything omggg, i hope y'all would enjoy!
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @elriel-4-ever, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @neteyamsoare, @elijangwifey, @erosthefae, @murderbirbdany, @thearabloak06, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly, @moonchildxoxx.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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kyokutsu-sama · 7 months
I am sooo glad your requests are back open omg, i missed seeing content from you 🥰. May I pleeease request the Bleach men coming to terms that their girlfriend, even tho is really good in fights, the rest of the time is insanely clumsy (yk, burn/cuts herself when cooking, trips, slips, falls, all that)? I'm most interested in Byakuya, Toshiro, Hisagi and Shinji (if it's not too much😅). Sorry for the long ask 😅💗
A/n : Hii!! It's okay 😊 It was an interesting idea and I enjoyed writing it. I hope you like it ❤️
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Byakuya :
He initially admired you, all your strength during battle and all that self-confidence that inspired everyone around you. So far, everything was fine…but when he started noticing you do so much nonsense in a short space of time, he questioned several things. First it was when you fell in the hallway, then it was when you dropped the stack of papers on his desk and not to mention when you stuck your finger in the door when leaving his office. He closed his eyes and put his hand to his face, wondering what level of your clumsiness was. "How can she be two things at the same time?" He thought He doesn't directly confront you with that but will always keep an eye on you to see if you don't get hurt or ruin something doing a simple task. He is careful with you and even offers to help when he knows you can't do something or try to do it and it goes wrong.
He is very perfectionist, whether fighting or signing a simple sheet of paper. He had a lot of expectations for you when you showed yourself serious on the battlefield, strong and with your head held high. The worst was when he met you on the other side… It was all downhill. There was a time when you went to get some papers from his office and before you even got close to the door you fell and dropped everything on the floor. He felt a wave of revolt inside him, because he had already put everything in order and now everything was a mess. It turns out that he started seeing you being clumsy a lot of times and this confused him because you initially used to be responsible and careful. He tries not to leave you aside in these tasks but he has no other alternative if you continue to be clumsy like this.
Hisagi :
Hisagi thinks highly of you, he admires you and sometimes seeks advice from you when something is not going well. However, like Byakuya, he never stops wondering how you manage to do so much nonsense in such a short time. First it was the fall on the stairs, then it was when you let the food burn or spilled the glass of water on the table. All sorts of things started to make him more attentive to you. He offered to help you so you wouldn't have to do everything alone and that way you would avoid being so clumsy, something you sometimes felt sorry for. He always comforted you and said everything was okay, accidents happen, don't they?
Shinji :
Although he always looks silly most of the time, he trusts in you and your strength. But he not only knows this strong side of you, but also your other clumsy and laughing side, which makes him admire you even more. I have the idea that if he had a really clumsy girlfriend it would be total chaos because I'm sure he could be worse than his partner. However, he doesn't stop laughing at your little accidents, especially if you fall in front of him, so get ready to hear his laughter. The kind of friend who laughs and only after stopping does he help lift you off the ground. He has a shred of mercy and kindness in his heart and that's why he will help you with things, even if he sometimes ends up doing worse. He will make fun of you a lot for this.
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thebloodredraven · 8 months
Akatsuki Secret [sub] Kinks - Part I
lineup: itachi uchiha, hidan, konan, sasori warnings: mentions and descriptions of rough sex, degradation, dumbification, mommy kink, humiliation, r*pe play, and edging, gender inclusive
- x - notes: I've had this in my drafts for a little while (a year lmao), but I couldn't get Hidan fleshed out tbh. His was hard. Anyways: minors do not interact, comment or reblog if you like it, and make sure to support other fanfic writers ♥ I only do these when the moment strikes so idk when the second part will be published but it'll get done! thanks ♥ - x -
Itachi: degredation/humiliation
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Sure, he could be the best pleasure dom you've ever come across ever. Ever. But have you considered he gives you all the praise because he's tired of hearing it for himself? Every waking minute of his life, he has to hear about how great he is. How powerful he is. How nobody will ever amount to his power and prowess as a shinobi. Praise, envy, recognition, infamy, compliments, shoe-shining, ass-kissing, blah blah blah blah blah. He's heard it all before and he's sick of it.
You can't convince me he wouldn't fold, or at least pause him in his tracks, if someone told him he wasn't as special as everyone claimed he was. That he wasn't worth the hype. That you expected more from someone with his name. That the way he was writhing and keening from your fingers milking his prostate because he hates being edged was unbecoming of him. That Uchiha pride of his would fight back against the accusations and his eyes would burn with hatred, but the beet-red blush that covers his entire face and chest while you're impaling his wet throat tells you he feels otherwise.
That man wants to be spit on and called a cock-sucking whore while he's ass up taking a strap. Call him pathetic. Tell him how stupid he looks with his fucked-out face smothered in the pillows and slick all over his chin from when you sat on his face and smothered him until he couldn't breathe. Laugh at him when he begs for air by tapping your thighs. Ask him how he'd feel if his entire family could see him in a position that would bring the whole clan to shame, and he'd feel freer and more liberated than he has his whole life cause all the expectations people placed on him are GONE and he can just be your dumb little toy.
Konan: dominatrix
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I feel it in my gut that this woman is a dominatrix at certain times. She feels like a switch, but the few times she needs to be in that special space? Needs to feel some semblance of control because everything else around her is out of her grasp because someone else has what she wants in their clutches? That's when she slips into that headspace.
Unlike Itachi as a pleasure dom, she's a no-nonsense woman and expects to be obeyed. You'll be rethinking about how you backtalked her when your top half is hanging off the bed while she fucks you with a brutality she learned to harness on the battlefield, the only thing keeping you from falling being her strong grip on your hips.
You've got drool sliding down your cheek and a tight grip on her wrist while she forces moan after moan after moan from you until you're screaming and crying for her to stop. Because after four messy, powerful orgasms you can't take it anymore. It's too much. She'll slow down once she sees you sobbing and bend down to kiss away your tears, letting you get a breather, but she's not pulling out. In fact, you're too dazed by her lips to realize the meaning behind her sliding her hands up your body to rest at the juncture of your neck. She presses one more tender kiss to your ears before whispering in a deceptively kind voice, "I know it's a lot, baby. But you know tears don't move me. Until I hear that safe word, you're going to take it until I'm satisfied you've learned your lesson. Now stop whining and spread your legs wider. You're in for a long night."
Hidan: dumbification/tenderness
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You'd think this one would be easy because what you see is what you get most of the time with Hidan: a sadomasochistic pain-obsessed BDSM freak with very little boundaries. He typically requires a lot from sexual partners because that's all he's used to: intensity. Everything with him is always blood, violence, screaming, sacrifice, Jashin, Jashin, Jashin, kill, kill, kill. R8P play, flogging, knife play, golden showers, and even killing him are not above his desires. But this is about secret kinks. There are enough fanfics about him loving the thrill of being bullied by big muscular men to the nth degree, but what's something he'd keep hidden from everyone else? One he might actually feel embarrassed about sharing with someone? One he'd go to great lengths to hide because it's the one thing he's ashamed about feeling like he needs? It's not a kink at all. It's a human emotion that he craves to feel during the moment more than he's willing to admit: It's tenderness. It's making love to him to slow his mind down and coaxing his orgasms from him in a way that doesn't overstimulate him and watching him make sense of it. It's enacting acts of violence against his body with spiked whips, chain-shibari, and barbed wire but pressing a kiss to his fresh, bloodied wounds at the same time. It's making him understand that he craves violence and hedonism because it's the only form of control he ever has and taking it away from him is a risk you love him enough to take. It's being in the throes of pleasure and getting him right to his peak before forcing him to keep eye contact as his pleasure spills over and wracks through his body in waves because of the softness and admiration aimed towards him at his most vulnerable. He'll NEVER admit it out loud and he'd actually kill you if you brought it up any time outside of the bedroom, but you know. He knows you know. It works out.
Sasori: MMlb/DDlb
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I see this man portrayed as a hard dom 98% of the time and I'm not mad about it, but........ The same man that figuratively and literally wears a hard shell of a mask to hide his vulnerable and delicate nature? The man that finds beauty in the most macabre things because it's everlasting and immortal, therefore will always be remembered and praised? The man that found peace after death because someone finally understood him? The man that created puppets of his parents for some form of connection to the intimacy that he was robbed of? The Scorpio? That man needs a Mommy with a capital M. He wants to be nurtured. He wants to be held. He wants someone else to hold the strings to his heart for a change. That bad attitude and mean streak doesn't change the fact that that man is a bottom; a bottom leaning switch at MOST.
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turtletaubwrites · 10 months
I Won't Waste It ~ Part 7
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Pairings: Zoro x Fem!Reader, Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,738
This is part 7 of the Series 'We've All Got Needs,' linked below:
We've All Got Needs Masterlist
Ao3 Series Link
Summary: You set ground rules with the cook and the swordsman, and spend some much needed time with a friend. Zoro speaks up.
Rating/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Fem!Reader, 18+ Only, MDNI, Reader-Insert, Smut, Alcohol, Rough Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Swearing, Casual Sex, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Condoms, Shameless Smut, Hair Pulling, Aftercare, Friends With Benefits, Crewmates With Benefits, Relationship Discussions, Zoro is a dick at first, but he's learning
A/N: Alright friends, please don't get mad! Zoro can be a dick, but we love character growth over here! I hope you enjoy this installment, and the next will be posted tomorrow! 😊 (Y'all can thank medical leave for these quick updates, today was the first day I've left my house in a week, lol)
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Scowling at your morning reflection, you leaned your elbows over the sink. I’m fucking beat.
You took a little extra time getting ready to try to make up for your exhaustion. Especially since breakfast was starting to feel like a battlefield. 
As you greeted everyone, you noticed Zoro leaning against the wall. He followed, and sat next to you. Robin’s knowing smirk made you bite your lip, looking down at your plate. 
Zoro kept a grip on your thigh under the table, while Sanji brought you a caramel latte with a flower design on the foam. Usopp had asked you something, but you couldn’t hear over the assault of attention, until your captain spoke up.
“I told you Usopp, Y/N’s sick. Chopper, can fevers make you go deaf?”
“Actually yes, a high fever can cause cochlear damage-”
“She’s not sick, she’s just been having trouble sleeping. Right, Y/N?”
Nodding, you gave Robin a grateful smile. 
Needing some air, you avoided their eyes and walked out on deck, yawning as you stretched.
“You’re coming to my room tonight.”
Zoro’s whispered demand tickled across your neck before you turned to face him. 
Yawning again, you leaned toward him.
“I can’t tonight, Zoro. I need to get some rest.”
Your breath hitched when you saw his eyes shift, and you took a small step back.
“What, now that cook treats you like a little princess, and you don’t want to fuck me?”
The sound of a lighter sparked behind him.
“I believe the lady told you she wanted a break, Marimo.”
Zoro spun, his fingers touching the handle of a sword.
“Fucking stop it, both of you. I’m not a piece of meat to fight over.”
Sanji looked at you with wide eyes, while Zoro clenched his jaw. You glared at him, stepping forward again. “And Zoro, I enjoy our time together, but there’s a line. You agreed to this, so speak up if you can’t handle it.”
Zoro’s lips pursed a bit, and it looked like he was grinding his teeth while you continued. 
“Clearly we need some ground rules.”
You sighed, walking over to the railing. You caught Nami waving from the crows nest, and you held in a laugh, grateful to know she was there.
When you turned around you could almost see the violence in the air between them
Oh fuck, what have I gotten myself into. 
“Okay, rule number one; no fighting over me. The whole point of this arrangement is to keep things casual, and I won’t put myself in the middle of your feud.”
Zoro's veins pulsed in his arms as he clenched his fists, and Sanji seemed to be desperately trying to ignore Zoro’s presence.
“Rule number two; no one gets their feelings hurt when I want to take a break. I’m fucking tired, and I’m not a doll you can use whenever you want.”
They both looked appalled, Sanji flashing hateful eyes toward Zoro as the swordsman swore, and started to apologize.
You held your hand out to stop them, and kept going, trying not to draw their eyes to the thumbs up waving from the crow’s nest.
“Rule number three; we need to come up with some sort of system to keep things fair. I don’t want to have to choose between you guys, and get caught in your pissing contest.”
Sanji looked at you with puppy dog eyes, while Zoro crossed his arms with his signature scowl. 
You paused for a moment, feeling exhausted.
“So, what’s the system?”
“Let her catch her breath, moss head.”
“You don’t know what she needs, waiter.”
“Guys, seriously? Stop.”
They had leaned toward each other, and you could practically see their hackles rise. 
But they went instantly silent at your words, and turned to face you.
You held in the shiver that ran through you at how these two powerful men just obeyed your command so quickly. 
“Let’s alternate. One day with Zoro, then the next day with Sanji. And I get to take breaks without you destroying the ship.”
Zoro kept scowling, and Sanji still looked like everything you said was magic. Again, you had to bite back laughter at these two ridiculous men.
“Plus! You can both sleep with other people too!”
The blank stares they both gave you made you pause for a minute. 
“... Okay then, good! Do we all agree to the terms?”
“Of course dear-“
“Great! I’m going to get some work done.”
You practically ran away from them, chewing on the inside of your lip to keep from squealing. This is insane!
You didn’t want to spend the day in the kitchen making oils and tinctures until you’d seen Zoro again. They’d agreed to the rules, but you didn’t want to test his limit while he watched you spend the day with Sanji.
Instead, you spent it with Chopper. Now and then he’d share some interesting facts from his books while you were cataloging ointments, salves, and other supplies you’d made. Making sure they weren’t expired, and logging what you should make soon.
“We go through arnica cream like crazy, I’ll put that on our priority list.”
“Good thinking!”
It was so hard to be in a low mood around Chopper, and you found yourself smiling, even as you made your way through the hall to dinner. 
Zoro’s voice was low behind you, and you took a breath before turning to meet his eyes. He was looking everywhere but you, and you’d never seen him with his shoulders slumped like this.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.”
You stared, watching him struggle, clearly feeling shitty about this. 
“No, you shouldn't have.” 
You said it with a soft voice, but stayed firm. 
He nodded, meeting your eyes. 
“It won’t happen again. I’m sorry.”
You nodded, releasing a breath. 
“Thank you, Zoro. We can talk more tomorrow if you want. I’ll meet you in your room after dinner?”
Zoro’s lip twitched just a bit, and that tiny smile made you feel at ease. He nodded, heading into the galley.
After dinner, you walked toward your quarters in a daze. 
Nami caught your eye in the hall, and she flashed a bottle of wine from under her jacket while nodding toward her room. 
You closed the door behind you both, then mock hissed at her. 
“You thief.”
“Former! Now I’m a pirate. And pirates plunder.”
She took a swig before handing it over.
“I figured you could use some company that isn’t trying to stick a flag in you.”
“Oh, you are so right.”
You probably should have gone to bed early, but you had needed this time with your friend. You’d managed to spend a decent amount of time not talking or thinking about boy drama, but it inevitably came back up.
And this time it was all your fault. Maybe I’ve had too much wine.
“Soo, Nami?”
“Uh huh?”
She’d been digging in her closet, but twisted around to face you. 
“Would you, uh… Would you want to join an arrangement with either of them?”
Her mouth fell open, and she laughed loudly before clamping her hand over her face and sitting next to you. 
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to laugh like that.”
You were laughing yourself, leaning your head into your hands.
“No, it’s totally fine. This whole thing is fucking ridiculous.”
“No, it’s not that, I just…”
Her tone had gone soft, almost serious, and your laughter faded. 
“I just, I don't know. I've never been interested in that. I’ve tried before, but-” 
She glanced at you, then shrugged before staring up at the ceiling.
“I know it sounds weird. I love to hear about it, but I just… don’t want to do it myself. With anyone. If that makes sense.” 
You smiled at your friend, touching your hand to hers. 
“It makes sense, Nami. I don’t think that’s weird at all.”
She beamed at you, and you felt shivers of warmth for your friend.
“I’m just bummed you won’t be able to carry some of this load for me.”
“Ha, ew! I don’t want any of that load, you can keep their junk all to yourself!”
Finally crashing in your room later, you felt so filled with happiness that you didn’t even think about tomorrow. 
Luckily tomorrow included the boys on their best behavior, although they were still vying for your attention during meals. 
I need to set another rule for that.
You felt Sanji’s eyes on you as you left after dinner, and shivered as you made your way to Zoro’s quarters. 
He let you in, as if he’d been waiting behind the door. You half expected him to pin you against the wall. Instead he led you in, sitting on the floor across from his chair. You took a seat, barely breathing. This was not Zoro’s typical stoic silence. Your knees fought as you tried not to bounce them. 
He started to speak, then coughed, clearing his throat a couple times. 
“I’m really sorry, Y/N.”
“I know-”
“I’m not good at this.”
He gestured vaguely between you, then looked away. You chewed your lip not to smile. 
“I just. I like you. And I like what we’ve been doing together.”
“I’d say ‘like’ is an understatement, Needy.”
You caught yourself teasing his own words back at him before you could stop it. You had a second of panic, worried you’d pushed him too far.
Zoro looked up at you, his face tilted with that evil smile that made your pulse race. 
He seemed to be fighting to keep his voice even, but the heat kept building.
“I promise to do better. Can you forgive me?”
Your breath was high in your chest as you felt the air shift around you. 
“Yes, Zoro. I forgive you.”
He lifted onto his knees, coming only a fraction closer to you. 
“Can I make it up to you?”
You gave a small gasp, and his smile of satisfaction made your eyes flutter shut for a moment.
“Y-Yes, please.”
Zoro was suddenly kneeling between your legs in his chair, hand fisting in your hair. He gripped you hard enough to make you whimper, loving the feeling of him taking control. He licked along your neck, sucking and biting your earlobe as his free hand gripped its fingers into your thigh. He pulled your hair even tighter, and you cried out for him as he chuckled in your ear. 
“I knew you needed me to touch you like this. You need me to hurt you, just a little bit. Don’t you, Y/N?”
You couldn’t keep your back from arching, and he used the hand on your thigh to pull you roughly until you were sitting on the edge of the chair, quivering for him. 
“Should I repeat the question, Needy?”
His dangerous words had your body aching, wetness pooling between your thighs. 
“No. I, uh-”
“What do you need?”
He breathed those words against your lips as his eyes burned into yours. 
You could barely hear your desperate whisper as you answered him.
“I need you to hurt me, Zoro. Use me, please.”
He forced his tongue into your mouth. His kiss felt like he was taking from you, and you moaned into him. 
You fell back into the chair as he released you. Your eyes rolled back in your head as he pulled himself out of his pants, dragging a condom over his long, twitching cock. 
“Wrists or throat?”
You looked back at his eyes, his growled words not registering. 
“Pick one.”
“Uh, wri-wrists,” you whispered, almost panicked.
“Get on your knees.”
You joined him on the ground, heart pounding. 
Zoro tore at your pants, dragging them down just above your knees before grabbing you by the hair again. 
“Beg me.”
You almost went limp, his grip in your hair keeping you upright.
“P-Please fuck me, Zoro. Please let me feel your cock-”
Zoro shoved your head down to the side, and you caught yourself on your hands and knees. He moved behind you, and you whined. Needing him, dripping for him. 
Feeling his length dragging along your skin, you begged even more. He leaned over you, grabbing and pulling you by the arms until you were upright, flush against the front of his body. He nipped along your neck while you shook.
“I’m gonna give you what you need. And I'm gonna take what I want. And you’re gonna keep your fucking mouth shut while I do it. Does that work for you, Needy?”
“Y-Yes, please, Zoro. I need you.”
He growled, and you gasped as he forced your arms behind your back. He pushed you forward, but held your wrists in one of his strong hands while he circled your entrance. 
You chewed your tongue, panting with pain and pleasure as he slammed into you, so fucking deep. He used your arms like handles, pulling you while you whimpered, trying so hard not to scream. 
Tears were streaming down your face, and you were overwhelmed, overpowered. Your pants still trapped at your thighs created so much pressure as he fucked you from this angle. 
“That’s right, Needy. You want me to fucking use you. That’s why you’re being so good and quiet for me, huh?”
You nodded for him, whimpering as he shoved into you even harder.
“I can be that for you, Needy. I can be the one that makes you feel this way. Fuuck… Your pussy loves being used, doesn't it, baby?”
Tiny sobs left your lips as your body proved him right. 
The angle he was holding you at was wearing you down, but he held your arms where he wanted you, forcing himself into your body as it tried to go limp. 
You came on his cock, tears and drool leaving your face instead of screams. And he didn’t stop. 
Zoro pushed you forward, using an arm to catch you before you hit the floor. 
Then he shoved you face to the floor while he kept ramming into you. 
“Finger yourself, Needy. I’m gonna take what I need now.”
Moaning, you tried to move your arms, but they were still almost numb from his grip. You didn’t need to though. The new angle, and Zoro’s groans above you brought you close again. 
“Fuck, I know what this needy pussy wants, huh, Y/N?”
He fisted your hair as his thrusts became erratic. You moaned your ‘yes’ for him, writhing under his control. 
“What do you need?”
Panting, you begged while he brought you again, your pussy milking him.
“I need your cock, Zo-Zor-”
You had to stop talking or you would have screamed. You shook under him, body bucking while you came so fucking hard. Even with your own body convulsing, you felt Zoro pulsing inside you, loving the moans he let out as he released. 
You lay together, gasping and twitching, until the sensations were too intense and he pulled away, cleaning himself off while you tried to relearn how to breathe. 
Zoro came back to you with a towel, cleaning you off before rolling you onto your back, and helping you slide your pants back on. 
His face was unreadable, and you stopped yourself from asking if he was okay. He promised he’d use his words. I can’t let myself worry about his every expression, it’ll go too far. 
You swallowed as you tried to listen to your own advice. 
Then he sat against the wall again, dragging you to lay across his chest. Your breath froze as he gently stroked your arm while he rested his head against the wall to look at the ceiling. 
You didn’t know what to say. This was the most awkward moment you’d felt with him so far, and you were trying so fucking hard to not take responsibility for this grown mans feelings. 
“Thank you.”
You gingerly pushed yourself up, sitting against the wall beside him so you wouldn’t have to look up at him. 
“For what?”
He met your eyes, his lips twitching into a small smile. 
“For giving me another chance. I won’t waste it.”
Your lips parted as you stared into his deep, dark eyes. His words sounded so soft, so genuine. Your breath seemed caught in a strange moment, like you were somehow separate from the room you were in. Zoro didn’t look away. 
“You’re welcome.”
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Thank you for reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Part 8
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
Tag List: @astheni-a
A/N: I'd love to hear your thoughts on Zoro here. 💚 I hope you enjoyed the ride!
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neverchecking · 1 year
OOOOHHHH hear me out ok do with this what you will:
Warriors has to have like the BIGGEST praise kink yk? Reader tells him he looks pretty? He melts. Reader says he’s doing so good? He’ll do better. Just to hear any praise come from reader’s lips.
But when someone else compliments READER? It’s like a switch is flicked inside Warrior’s head. Someone at the bar a little to fond of reader’s smile? Reader’s laugh? Hoooo boy only hylia herself can save that person now. Warriors would have to drag reader somewhere and pound it into REMIND reader that compliments come from his lips only. If anyone says otherwise? Well, he’ll do what he must.
🐞 anon. Your brain is so wrinkled. Every part of this is just *Chef's kiss* I'm hearing you out. He so unused to praise bc his higher ups just told him everything he did was wrong, so to hear he was doing something good from you?
He would take great care in absolutely destroying you for everyone else, the only name on your lips should be HIS and HIS alone Reminding you who you belong to :)
Smut so MDNI!
Smut CW: Possessive (Delusional) Wars. Praise kinks galore
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・❥・Wars FOR SURE has the biggest fucking praise kink
・❥・Because let's face it, people tend to hate him. He practically brought upon the war of the Eras (Or that's what they tell him at least) and he's used to people just putting him down constantly.
・❥・And since Cia was attracted more to the power of his soul, she cared very little for who he was as a person. Just would he could provide her.
・❥・And the Captains before him treated him like shit, especially when he was a rookie.
・❥・But you? You had taken up role as a makeshift nurse when the chain had gotten hurt, the only one who braved treating him when he was angry and hurt. And when you did? You had nothing but gentle touches and kind words towards him.
・❥・It wasn't uncommon for you to look at him with starry eyes as you wrapped a gash, fawning over his dexterity on the field and how you had seen him with a sword.
・❥・You would distract him from his pain with honeyed words and praises.
・❥・It was no wonder he fell for you as fast as he did.
・❥・It was like you knew what he needed, exactly when he needed it.
・❥・And when you evolved past just praising his skills on the battlefield and into complimenting the way he had done his hair that day or the way his smile seemed to light up his features or the way you noticed how his eyes showed every one of his emotions?
・❥・He's down bad. Because he's the only one you do this with. So obviously he was the only one you wanted, right?
・❥・This was your way of telling him you like him, right? You were just too shy to come outright with it! That was obviously the case.
・❥・You ignite such a fire beneath him. He aches to impress you. You need someone who can protect you. Who can provide and give you the live you deserve to live.
・❥・He can do that. When he's fighting he's putting a million percent into it, ensuring not even a keese gets near you. When your in a market and he sees your eyes linger on something, he's handing over the rupees without so much as a second thought. He has the money and it's no issue. Not even when you bashfully attempt to wave off his act of affection.
・❥・Just let him take care of you. It would be easier for everyone.
・❥・He realizes, however, that as much as he would like it to be the case, you aren't in a bubble for his eyes only.
・❥・Other, unworthy pests can see you. And some have even dared to talk to you.
・❥・They sing their own compliments about your form or your jewelry, never the things he knows you really care about. They have no clue about your heart, that he fears is too big for this cruel world, or your brain, which works in such incredible ways.
・❥・Which cannot stand.
・❥・He's been dragged out of more than a few bars by Time or Twilight before he can launch himself at the disgraceful traitor that dares to impose on your sanctity.
・❥・That doesn't stop him from tracking this disgrace down and giving him a quick, and much too merciful, death. Anything longer would be delaying the time spent with you and he could already feel his skin itching without your presence.
・❥・ When he gets back, he's already formulating a plan to brand you as his. Because that's what you were.
・❥・You were his and his alone.
・❥・He had no issues dirtying his hands when it came to other parasites trying to impose on his territory, no, the problem came with you.
・❥・Not with anything you did, but you still needed to understand that the only praises you should listen to, come from his lips and his alone.
・❥・He would just have to remind you.
Your chest heaved as War's hands caged your own against the wall. The mirror in front of you fogged quickly as your hot breaths painted it with a misty sheen. You could barely see his blond hair as he gripped your hips, hips crashing with yours over and over again.
You couldn't exactly pinpoint what had gotten him so riled up, but he could.
He had taken you to a darling little bakery hidden away in some alleyway and the baker there seemed a little too friendly with you. He had kept offering you other goodies than what you had decided on, on the house he had declared, reaching for and catching your hand when you went to grab the paper bag full of treats. He was insistent on letting you know just how radiant your smile was and how he wouldn't mind seeing it more often.
Drove him absolutely fucking mad.
Wars knew he was...possessive. It was both maddening because he knew what it was like to be chained and locked down by someone too obsessive to be healthy and liberating because you were his. You had chosen to give yourself to him. You had chosen him.
And he would make sure everyone knew it.
The knights that would eye you every time you came to visit, the council members that would gawk at you every time he brought you with him to visit Artemis, the servants that would hesitate when it came to leaving your bathroom, and that fucking baker who didn't understand you were taken. That you were his.
But he'd make sure they knew. He would make sure they all knew that he had sunk his talons deep into your psyche. You were his. There was no changing this.
Maybe you could use a nice, big, shiny rock to show everyone you were his.
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makeste · 11 months
BnHA Chapter 406: Secret Menu Hero Name
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all “NOT EVEN DEATH ITSELF CAN STOP ME!!!” and saved All Might so easily and spectacularly that it immediately became clear why Horikoshi had to keep him on ice for fourteen months straight. All Might was all “thanks for the assist Bakugou-shounen, now please allow me to show my gratitude by lending you my SWEETASS ROBOT ARM that nearly gave makeste a fucking heart attack when she saw it, HOLY SHIT.” Kacchan was all “I JUST LIKE TO SMILE, SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” and he smiled the BIGGEST EVER and indeed has literally not STOPPED smiling ever since, and my heart is warm. <3333
Today on BnHA: A jubilant menace stirs in the air. A chill runs down Kid For One’s spine. A sudden crash behind him. He whirls around, only to be met with the face of Chaos itself in all its raucous glory. The boy is relentless. His pursuit, unending. His blows, unyielding. And his mirth, as perplexing as it is petrifying. What the fuck. Why won’t he stop laughing. He’s laughing. Horikoshi is laughing. The readers are all laughing. You’re laughing. Kid For One is shitting his pants while this cackling sleep paralysis demon gleefully chips away at his frail sanity, one frenetic BOOM at a time. And you’re laughing. :|
doo de doo, don’t mind me, just gonna scroll past the first couple pages of this chapter so I don’t get spoiled for the outcomes of all the other mini-battles I haven’t finished catching up with yet :’)
though I already caught a glimpse of a bloodied-up Shouji before I realized what was happening, so unfortunately that particular cat is now out of the bag. can’t believe the suspense of whether or not Shouji would survive his fight is now completely ruined for me. can you even imagine how tense it would have been wondering whether or not Shouji would get killed off. ...and you know what, even as I type this, I’m realizing that this is really not the type of sarcasm that translates very well across the internet, lol. and even if it did, it could just as easily come across as “WOW, MAKESTE REALLY DOESN’T CARE ABOUT SHOUJI AT ALL, HUH” sarcasm, rather than the “it’s not that serious guys, it’s just that there’s no possible way Horikoshi could ever convince me that he was actually going to kill off one of the kids” sarcasm it was intended as! so yeah. you know what, I’m just going to shut up about all this now and move on. glad he’s okay though
so now back to the Main Character Battlefield, where Kacchan is currently having way too good of a time for someone who actually WAS killed off by Horikoshi fairly recently
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All Might is all “he’s so fast!” and yeah he really is lol. ngl, I had a fair amount of Kacchan endgame theory stuff riding on his ability to meaningfully upgrade his speed, so all of this is very satisfying to hear! and to be fair, I do wonder how much of it is owed to the boost from Gearshift as opposed to Katsuki’s own newly acquired exploding bloodsweat. but I’d like to think that even without GS he’s still incredibly fucking fast at this point. like easily still a Top 3 BnHA Speedy Boi
well shit lol now Edgeshot is reminding everyone that even prior to his “death”, Kacchan was briefly able to surpass Tomura’s speed with his upgrade
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well there you have it! so yeah, that basically confirms he’s currently even faster than All Might was at his peak. just a homicidal little comet casually zipping around all of these other slowpokes
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just for the record, I still have no clue how Kacchan’s bizarre new upgrade actually works, but I am fairly certain that sweat is NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER DO THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
like seriously though Kacchan, doesn’t this hurt? like at all?
(ETA: hahahaha. ouch.)
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well whatever!! if Tomura was able to bypass Erasure’s loopholes with all of his hand nonsense, then Kacchan’s sweat has my permission to zoom around inside his bloodstream and randomly explode inside him to somehow make him faster without actually harming him in any way, AND THAT’S FINE. the time for nitpicking ended roughly around the same time that a soft-spoken paracord man dove inside of him to forcefully restart his organs
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meanwhile back in Dekutown it looks like Tomura has maybe finally broken free of his impromptu Blackwhip toddler leash
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whatever man. how are you still not redeemed yet since I last saw you in chapter 369. you had like an entire year’s worth of chapters. get it together already!!
lol what in the actual fuck is “instadeath”
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is this just a Funny Ha Ha fanscan way of referring to Decay?? or were there some additional Tomura quirk developments that I missed out on which were somehow even wilder than the infinityhands
Deku keeps saying that he’s for serious REALLY going to run out of Gearshifts now, but I don’t fucking believe a word this kid says tbh
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it will be the “final one” once the fight is finally over, and not a moment sooner. if I know anything about Deku, which I do. and Gearshift, which to be fair I really don’t
-- oh, fuck yeah
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what the hell is up with that swirly hand shit though, Kid For One. you better knock that off right now
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:/ well at least this time you’re being ignored because he’s actually scared shitless of you. shh. don’t tell anyone
holy shit this chapter keeps hitting me with these random bits of information Destiel meme-style and it’s the wildest fucking thing
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so while I did obviously clue in to the fact that something must have gone down in the Endeavor+Hawks+Toko+Jirou VS AFO battle, on account of AFO very clearly not being in Jakku anymore, I have not yet caught up to that part of the series, so I don’t actually know anyone’s status! hopefully they’re all alive and relatively unmaimed! although they very clearly failed at their One Job, but oh well
that being said, “AS STRONG AS DARK SHADOW” looooooool omg. DS what did you do. my boy left an impression. I cannot wait to read that, oh goodness
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seems like someone ought to have told you that. could have spared you a lot of pain and agitation to come. more’s the pity
hee hee hee
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hello there
so now my feral wolfchild is having a big internal monologue about how he’s finally mastered his new superquirk through the power of being an unrepentant masochist
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fsdkfj. listen up Kid For One, he may be “nothing but a pebble”, but I promise you, if you could fucking hear this kid’s thought processes right now, you would already be halfway across the planet. living out the rest of your days in hiding while checking underneath your bed every night to make sure this little hobgoblin isn’t secretly waiting there to pounce at you
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(ETA: you guys will never believe this but I found a sneak peak of the as-yet-unreleased soundtrack which will accompany this scene in season seven of the anime! SPOILER ALERT!!!)
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(ETA: once again, I know this sounds highly improbable, but I actually found some 100% authentic footage from the anime version of this scene! I’m telling ya. once this hits the airwaves minds are gonna be blown.)
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you have to admit though, this really is the exact type of behavior you’d expect from someone who literally just got spat back out from the pits of hell
oh my god hold up what is this sudden tonal whiplash?
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you guys I seriously had to sit back and take a deep breath and calm myself down for a moment, because Final Form Katsuki is just So Much. like actually just THE MOST. that I had to physically force myself to slow down and take these next few panels seriously and resist the urge to keep on making jokes about how CLEARLY EVEN HIS PARENTS ARE TERRIFIED. LOOK AT THEM. MASARU IS SOBBING AND MITSUKI’S HAND IS TREMBLING. IN THE WORLD’S MOST EPIC TWIST, AFO GOES DOWN ONLY TO BE REPLACED BY KACCHAN HIMSELF AS THE FINAL VILLAIN!!!
but yeah I had to stop and calm down from all of that because, oh. Masaru has his head in his hands. and Mitsuki’s trying to get him to turn around, but her hand really is shaking though. and it just really hit me that the two of them have spent the last... thirty minutes...?? swept up in the highs and lows of almost losing their child, and then getting him back, and then watching him be so strong and so good and SAVING ALL MIGHT and RESTORING EVERYONE’S HOPES AND DREAMS. and they must be so incredibly proud, but at the same time he’s still caught up in this fight, and the fight is still not over, and they know the tide could still turn again at any moment. and I can’t even imagine what that must be like. especially with them having already watched their son die once today
oh my god Horikoshi you cannot freaking do this to me!
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goddammit. and now I’m all caught up in my Bakufam feels. DAMN YOU HORIKOSHI, THE MITSUKI TEARS WERE THE LOWEST OF BLOWS
and now Kid For One is once again whining about this “pebble” who’s pissing him off even worse than All Might. you love to see it!
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-- Horikoshi I swear to god
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okay, color me intrigued. so that is indeed why AFO was crying when we previously saw this flashback! this is actually so interesting to me, because it’s literally the one and only time he’s ever shown real emotion outside of generic battle-related stuff (anger, shock, surprise, etc.)
so he says Kacchan pisses him off because he looks like Two. and every time he gets reminded of Two, he remembers how his brother died. and, I guess, made him feel sad for the first and probably last time ever???
holy shit, Kacchan was right
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he really is AFO’s Final Boss. like even more than he realized
*~*~*OH MY GOD*~*~*
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I swear to god, if Horikoshi deliberately kept Two’s quirk and name Top Secret for YEARS only for them BOTH to wind up NOT ACTUALLY BEING REMOTELY SPOILERY OR WORTH ANY KIND OF SUSPENSEFUL BUILD-UP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, I will. just sit here and be puzzled, I guess. lol. “sometimes I just like to fuck with people like that.” OKAY?? WELL GOOD JOB, THEN??
“Kacchan of the Bakugous” was so out of left field and I am grinning so, so hard right now. BAKUGOU NO KACCHAN. that’s officially the second Heroes Rising reference in as many chapters! sure feels like A Certain Mangaka is building up to a Certain Reveal about SOMEBODY maybe possibly still having SOMETHING which will remain unnamed for now, but which rhymes with “done for mall”! and that’s all I’m gonna say about that
except that it’s not, because I’d be lying if I said I didn’t also have fifteen other entirely different emotions about him proudly introducing himself to AFO not as Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, but as someone even more powerful. “BEHOLD, it is none other than I... Kacchan!!! ( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و lolo get fucked you big dumb fart”
heh. but seriously. just me sitting here basking in the fact that he uses the name Deku gave him. the fact that he decides not to go with his formidable, much-agonized-over hero name in this one moment, but instead chooses to use a far more terrifying moniker, even if AFO doesn’t realize the significance. because Dynamight is a hero, yes. one of the very greatest and strongest!
but Kacchan? Kacchan is the boy with a dream. Kacchan is the boisterous child laughing at the danger, unafraid of the challenge. smiling in the face of the tallest wall. Deku’s motherfucking Image of Victory. hahahahaha. ouch
anyway so yeah! what a chapter. this may have actually derailed me because now my brain just wants to write a bunch of character metas even though I STILL HAVE THIRTY MORE CHAPTERS TO READ. and not to mention I still have to actually post all of them as well lol. but whatever! we’ll make it work. long live Kacchan of the Bakugous, and may his Secret Menu Hero Name always strike fear in the hearts of his enemies
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worflesbian · 1 year
okay one last thing before i go to bed -- a large part of worf's plotlines with klingon politics involve him questioning injustice and doing the controversial thing because he believes it is right, and typically this is interpreted (or at least by typically by me) as his outsider perspective and reverence for klingon ideals combining to produce someone who's so committed to the empire as a homesick child might imagine it that he's willing to fight the entirety of the corrupted imitation its become. he questions verdicts that are unjust, rejects traditions that are detrimental, opposes the majority, suffers the consequences and occasionally manages to bring about positive change. his ideas of honour and of what is right dont come from the dominant culture or from personal pride but from deeply held convictions of how the world should be -- which is like, a major autistic trait.
obviously overall the writing suggests that it's worf's upbringing outside of the empire that gives him the insight to question things, which is definitely the case, but then you also have scenes where he doesnt understand how enemies who tried to kill eachother on the battlefield at noon can be drinking and laughing together by midnight. to everyone else, its natural, but to him it doesnt seem right, like there's some Unspoken Social Rules that he's not getting. a similar thing happens when alexander joins martok's crew and what worf takes for bullying and wants to put a stop to actually leads to the other klingons accepting and befriending alexander, once again showing that he doesnt understand the contradicting intricacies of klingon social behaviour. and again part of this is due to him being raised among humans, but its not as if hes great at human social behaviour either. which combined with the everything else about him starts to add up a certain way.
anyway its like 2am but in conclusion if you leave worf out of your pantheon of star trek autism characters i will get you
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