#except maybe they would
foxyatlas · 2 years
Currently reading The Raven Cycle series (on book 4) and Adam is so so against taking money from his friends that it makes me want to read a sugar daddy au with him. No sex needed, I just want to see Adam take some goddamn help and have to shut up about it.
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I don't know how strictly accurate this is, but one of the things I find shocking about watching historical dramas is how many people there are around all the time---according to Madame de... (1953) a well-off French household in the Belle Epoque maintains a workforce of at least 3, and the glittering opera has staff just to open doors. According to Shogun (2024) you can expect a deep bench just to mind your household, and again, people who exist to open doors.
Could people....not open doors in the past? Were doors tricky, before the standardization of hinges? Because otherwise, the wealthy used to pay a whole bunch of people to do it for them in multiple contexts, and I find myself baffled.
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ruporas · 8 months
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green haired guy that has haunted my character types for 10+ years
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general-cyno · 8 months
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Luffy + being completely normal about Zoro.
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dumb-ghost-child · 1 year
Humans are weird: lifespan
Clara had known the mission was a bad idea. That guess was reinforced when the ship crashed. The other members of her little crew had died on impact, but she’d only been injured. From her guess it was just a few broken or otherwise messed up bones- annoying, yes, but not irreparable. She’d tried communicating with her crew, sending out transmissions and mentally screaming for Indigo, but nothing came to her rescue.
By some miracle, the air was breathable. The climate was on the warmer side, reminding her of the Caribbeans. It was quite nice, and if it weren’t for the three moons, binary star system, and the lavender sky, she would’ve been able to believe this was in a familiar system.
She stumbled out of the ship, swearing to herself when she saw what a wreck it was; there was no way she’d be getting back into the air with that.
Instead, she looked around. It appeared that she’d landed in a field of sorts- on the horizon she saw what appeared to be a civilization, maybe a town, and around her were tall trees that had pear-like fruits on them. A quick scan said they were edible, so she grabbed one. It was perfectly at her shoulder level, which she appreciated. The fruit was tasty, reminding her of earth’s apples or the kalrin-fruits Indigo had introduced to her.
It took a few minutes, but soon Clara had made herself a splint for her broken arm and gathered what she could from the ship’s remains.
She was about to make her way towards the town when she heard a strange chittering noise behind her. The translator didn’t pick it up, which either meant this was an undiscovered language or it was broken- it was really a 50/50 chance. Turning around, she saw a small creature, maybe reaching up to her knees, chittering at her. It seemed to be a bit scared, but still interested. It gestured for her to follow it, which she did, being led to another small town. All around her were the little creatures, rushing about, some coming up to her. They were cute, in a way, with mint-green skin, four arms, fur down their backs, six large eyes- well, she assumed they were eyes- and a bipedal walking pattern. They led her to a building with what appeared to be a collapsed roof, which only reached up to her head. Easily enough she fixed it, and the creatures seemed happy, surrounding her and making those same chittering noises, much more happy-sounding this time.
The Chiri, as Clara called them, were a fascinating civilization. They had a complex language of clicks, chirps, and assorted chittering sounds that took Clara a while to learn properly. Their planet was far faster than earth, one of earth’s weeks was the equivalent of a month for them, and an earth month was the equivalent of a year. Most Chiri only lived for a few of their years, but their lives were filled with celebration. It felt like every week Clara got invited to a new celebration- either a wedding, a coming of age, a new harvest, or even a funeral. Even though Clara took only around six months to fully recover, by that point she had become known as a Chiri guardian. She’d been on the planet for a number of their years, becoming a guardian figure. Where her ship had crashed was turned into a shrine of sorts, new towns being built around it. In exchange, Clara protected them, guided them, and shared her knowledge with them. She’d even learned their language to the point where it was as fluent as any other, even without her translator, which she was fairly certain had broken.
The Chiri had given Clara a new name that they called her, Xi-Rai’du. Most of the children knew her as Xixi.
Clara trusted her friends, they’d taken her in and healed her. They felt like family just as much as her crew on the ship did. Despite their short lives, the Chiri were a people who valued learning. They passed down stories from generation to generation, and Clara would help to remember them as well. She taught them to write, transcribing their stories.
One of the young rushed towards Clara, a little girl who had only recently become old enough to talk. “Xixi! Xixi! There you are!” The little one, her name Si’ra, reached out her four arms for Clara to lift her up, making a high-pitched noise that was roughly the same as a laugh. “The celebration was about to start without you, come! Dari and Lixai want you there!”
Clara nodded, smiling. Dari and Lixai were getting married, and Clara didn’t want to miss out. Still carrying Si’ra, Clara made her way towards the town.
All around the town were banners decorated in vibrant colors, flowers in every windowsill and a clear trail of petals leading to where the wedding would take place. Clara had always loved the Chiri’s celebrations, they were all filled with laugher, music, dancing and festivities that could go for days. As soon as Clara showed up, she was surrounded by lively music, cheers from the Chiri who’d arrived for the celebration, and the greeting of Dari and Lixai, both wearing gorgeous formal attire. Clara bowed to them, smiling as she let Si’ra down, watching her rush towards the other children to join in there game.
“Lady Xi-Rai’du, welcome.” Lixai spoke first, joy clear in all six of her eyes.
Clara shook her head, “Today isn’t a day for celebrating me, it’s for you two.” She gestured to the crowd, “They’re all here for you- so go, celebrate! You’ve earned it.”
Lixai and Dari smiled, taking Clara’s hand and leading her into the crowd.
The wedding was a joyous one, and Clara couldn’t help but feel incredibly proud of Lixai and Dari. Weddings were a major event for both humans and chiri, although the chiri certainly had a more lively celebration all the way through.
The next day, Clara went to the cave where the Chiri kept murals of all their major events. She smiled as she looked, seeing paintings of herself defending the town from wild beasts, celebrating amongst them, and even when she’d first arrived, now over a year ago.
Deep down though, she knew couldn’t stay. Her crew still needed her, and she knew the Chiri had to grow into a full civilization on their own. She was torn out of her mind though when she heard what sounded like screams outside. Sa’ri rushed in, panicked. “Xixi! Help! There are- there’s something outside!”
Clara, admittedly, panicked. She picked Sa’ri up again, letting the girl lead her out. As soon as she left she saw the cause of the panic. In the sky above was a ship. Her ship.
As soon as it landed, Clara put herself between the ship and the Chiri. She faced the panicked crowd, trying to keep order. “All of you! Please, calm down. These newcomers mean no harm.”
The Chiri trusted her, more or less calming down. Clara sighed in relief, facing the ship as the bridge lowered. What she saw surprised her- another human.
It took a moment for Clara to realize they were speaking English- she’d become so used to hearing the chiri’s language of chirps and squeaks- but when she registered what they were saying she almost laughed. It was a declaration of peace, saying they were only doing a recovery mission. Apparently they’d finally gotten the distress signal Clara had sent when she first was crashing, tracing it back to her.
Clara approached the ship, Sa’ri in her arms, and faced the stranger.
“If you’re looking for the recon group that was sent out here a little over a year ago..” she sighed, “I’m all that’s left. I’ve been living on this planet for the past year, and the civilization you see have helped me. They nursed me back to health, gave me a place to stay, and trusted me.” Behind her were the people who she’d protected for what were generations to them. “My name is Clara.. but it is also Xi-Rai’du, and these are the chiri.”
The human seemed shocked, but they didn’t do anything agressive.
“The crew thought you’d died..” they muttered, “they hired me as a replacement. How are you even alive?!”
She couldn’t help but laugh, “I told you. The chiri took me in, and the planet’s atmosphere is breathable.” she put Sa’ri down, and she hugged my leg before running back to her family, as though sensing that this would be the last time she saw her. “I assume you’re here to bring me back now that you know I’m alive?”
They nodded, gesturing for Clara to follow them.
“Just give me a second,” Clara turned to face the Chiri, bowing to them and switching back to their language. “Thank you, all of you. Now I must leave.. but I will return. Reach for the stars, and perhaps we will meet in the cosmos one day.”
The chiri seemed to understand, solemnly accepting that their guardian was leaving.
“Xixi!” Sa’ri called up from the crowd, “I’ll find you again, I promise!”
She turned, nodding to the fellow human. “Bring me back onto the ship.”
Maybe, just maybe, part of the reason she’d turned was because she wanted to hide the tears forming in the corners of her eyes. But when she returned onto the ship, Clara was reminded of where she belonged, amongst her family in the stars. The chiri had been kind, but she had to go. Besides, when Indigo saw her again, xir expression just about made all of the time away worth it.
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ghouljams · 7 months
Mmm regency!Konig... Bee has a fiance, and is forced to follow him wherever he goes, but she always sees in the corner of her eye Konig in the shadows of pillers, behind trees, he's watching her- and she likes it. She's so board and feels so trapped, that when she sees her mystery man, who looks at her like she's hung the stars in the sky and her Fiance like the scum of the earth.
Oh yesyesyesyesyesyesyes OK coupled with another anon that asked about regency König being, well, an Austrian King?
Not a shadow, a presence. A massive, powerful, presence that no one can ignore. Since he's a visiting royal König would of course be introduced at the first major ball of the season, he'd be the guest of honor at the most important and influential parties. Your fiance makes it a point to introduce himself to König, he's got dreams of international business and a king is a big fish. You're used to him passing over you, used to not being introduced, to being ignored, but König's eyes hold you in place. They burn with a barely concealed fury that you have yet to be introduced to him. He holds up a hand to stop your fiance's blathering and bows his head to you. A king! Bowing to you! You drop into a low curtsy and he offers a hand to help you up, leans down to press his lips against your knuckles. Your fiance makes a hasty introduction, but you hardly hear it.
König's eyes hold you with every promise that your fiance has never made to you. Every warmth and pleasure, respect you never would have dreamed of. "If you were mine," they seem to say, "I would never let you forget it." You and your fiance are hurried away so he can greet the next guest, your fiance muttering about how he's sure König had been interested in his business proposal. You hum, and look over your shoulder to find him watching you. In fact every time you look around for König he's watching you. It's like he can't stop, doesn't want to stop. It burns in your stomach, you try to move more elegantly, tip your head prettily. Your fiance hardly notices, but you suspect König does.
And oh, he does. He can't help but notice every twitch, every movement, every centimeter of you. You're fiance is either an idiot or a pile of shit made sentient not to know what he has following him around. You're like an angel. Your smile, your laugh, your poise(and lack of it, he smiles watching you step on your fiance's toes dancing), you're captivating. König has always gotten what he wants, he is king after all, and what he wants is you. He won't leave until he has you. You'll be married by the end of the season, but not to that fucker standing next to you, oh no. You'll be marrying König, you just don't know it yet.
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radiance1 · 4 months
Teddy bear Danny except he ain't a pure little baby bean.
He a fighter.
His age don't matter (to him atleast but it does to literally everybody else) he'll beat you up with his little toy bear paws and kick you to the curb with his little feet. He bite you with his (surpisingly) sharp yet small fangs anf he'll shout his victory to the highest heavens in his signature warcry.
He thinks its scary, everyone else just finds it cute.
Pariah Dark? Yea... he's basically a dictator long before it was invented, but he draws the line at fighting a newborn ghostling.
He'll sponsor him instead. You know, as one does after encountering a battle driven newborn (honestly he's old enough for most to be kids to him) that honestly reminds him of himself in his youth.
Then he ends up in the DC from, probably, chasing after someone and just continues his warpath. First person he sees?
That's right, not Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman. Shazam aka Billy Batson. Who, really well and truly, wasn't expecting and isn't equipped to suddenly be taking care of a feral, battle driven, sapient teddy bear out of nowhere.
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drtwobrains · 4 months
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ummmmmmmmmmm. mob psycho au. thanks
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the-witchhunter · 4 months
DP x DC: Fractured Soul
So a common misconception about John is that he sold of pieces of his soul
I just want to point out that a soul isn’t like an object in DC you can just break into pieces without consequences. It’s your spirit, it is your ghost after you die, it is your consciousness, it is YOU
So what a fractured soul would look like isn’t John Constantine
It’s a Fun Danny and Super Danny situation
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This is straight up a fractured soul
Different parts of his personality and various traits separate into two incomplete beings, and probably disturbing on a spiritual level if you think too hard about it
So what I’m saying is, if you were looking for bits of someone’s soul, John or otherwise, then you aren’t looking for an object or contract,
you’re looking for a whole ass person
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hajihiko · 1 year
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look on the bright side!
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westwing19 · 6 months
Yo I got a request for you.
What if the four knights, (meta knight, dark meta knight, galatica knight and Morpho knight) wore onesies for a sleepover
I love the sleepover part (they absolutely should), but my brain decided it would rather come up with ridiculous sleep styles for the knights, so here're some silly doodles about that ^^;
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(DDD has questions but won't be asking any)
(For some reason tumblr won't let the above images sit side-by-side if I add a readmore so. Extra notes in plain view it is:)
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(Text in alt)
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introspectivememories · 4 months
the funniest possible thing that could happen is if mercedes keeps hiring childhood best friends for their team and everybody's holding their breath waiting for them to tear each other apart like brocedes except it doesn't happen bc everyone else is normal about each other and brocedes is just that fucked up that they would've torn each other apart even if they were on different teams
#i like to think that in this hc both nico and lewis were waiting for the new team to tear each other apart just so they could feel like what#happened to them was an inevitability. except the new team doesn't tear each other apart and now they have to deal with the fact it was#their faults. not competing for the championship or the stress of being on the same team but just them. ripping each other apart for even#the slightest advantage. just them digging their fingers into the rotting carcass of their childhood friendship to hit each other where it#hurts. just them cannibalizing their childhood dream for even the most miniscule chance of beating each other. and what do you do then?#when the reason your friendship fell apart is bc you two couldn't put each other before the trophy? and what do you do when you know that#you wouldn't be you if you chose each other? what then? maybe it was inevitable. maybe it was fate.#auugh i love the inevitability of tragedies!!! this all came bc ppl kept saying that albon in merc would be brocedes 2.0 and like no!!! no#will ever be brocedes 2!!! nobody has the drama or the ethos/pathos/logos to be brocedes 2.0!! you dont have the frosties or the dreams or#greece!!! you dont have greece!!! and more importantly!!! nico and lewis were /weird/ about each other!!! no 1 else on this grid is weird#about each other the way nico and lewis were/are!!! nobody else is obsessed with each other the way they were!!!#anyway breakdown over#nico rosberg#lewis hamilton#brocedes#f1
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ozlices · 8 months
mike & abby's aunt is mrs afton, thus why she looks so similar to vanessa & also would make it so mike is still technically an afton without being william's son in the movie universe
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seasideoranges · 20 days
i love your zukka art!! have you ever drawn them in a modern setting? i would love to see you interpret their clothing styles!!
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sincerest apologies that their outfits are kinda boring especially sokkas, designing modern clothing for the atla gaang is very difficult for me haha
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pencildragons · 27 days
OHHHHHHH i know it is SO deeply unlikely but i just had a thought.............what if there's an oiar case and somehow, some way, it is jon or martin (or jonah but i dont want to think about that) . perhaps it has crossed over, perhaps they didn't immediately get trapped in the computers. like can you IMAGINE hearing chester or norris (or augustus but again. who gives a fuck about that crusty old man) reading out a case but it's really them. my god
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
ougghhh guysssssss
Thinking about this AU idea again
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(Dont worry I'm not done with Reprogrammed yet BUT THIS HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL IT HAS NOT LEFT MY BRAIN)
I can smell the dramatic "YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!!!" exclamation from here
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