#exfoliating balls
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Exfoliating scrub balls are made with natural sugar and are the perfect remedy for when your skin needs a good exfoliation and a deep cleanse to restore a healthy glow.
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oceane4loveu · 8 months
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Crumbl Cookies Actual Chocolate Chip Recipe from a former employee who is no longer bound by their NDA:
to make approximately 35 cookies (or 140 minis!):
2 pounds of SALTED butter
1 pound of white sugar
1.5 pounds of brown sugar
8 whole eggs
4 pounds of flour
*half an ingredient pack* Crumbl has an ingredient packet that goes into their cookies to make sure that no one but corporate officially knows their recipes. however based on what is missing from a standard chocolate chip cookie recipe and what happens to the cookies if you forget the packet I have come up with this solution
5 tablespoons baking soda
5 tablespoons baking powder
2.75 pounds milk chocolate chips *** Crumbl originally used Ghirardelli but switched to their own brand in the summer of 2021.
preheat your oven to 290 degrees F or 143 C
soften your butters in your microwave, this step is crucial. you want them NOT at all melted, but soft enough to mold with your hands easily
put your butters and sugars into a large bowl, it’s easiest if this is a stand mixer, but if not an electric hand mixer is fine. you *may* attempt this by hand but i would recommend you don’t.
if you have levels choose your most medium level and beat your butter and sugar for 10 minutes. seriously. and it’s probably not done. scrape the sides, if there is any resistance it’s not done. the texture you’re going for is like passing your spatula through a cloud. you should feel no resistance, the mixture will be light, fluffy and if you feel it between your fingers it will be silky with *slight* sugary texture. imagine applying it to your face, it’s a daily cleanser not a weekly exfoliant.
when you’re pretty sure you got it to the right texture go for 1 more minute just to be safe.
now that’s over with turn your mixer down to 1, and add half of your eggs. let them mostly incorporate. all yolks should be broken and you should only see slight streaks of yellow. then add your second half of the eggs and look for the same consistency.
scrape the bottom of the bowl to make sure no yolks are hiding down there!
now add your flour all once! yup! mix it on low *just* until you see a dough start to form. There should still be plenty of unincorporated flour!!!
then add your chocolate chips.
mix until you have a smooth and consistent mixture.
crumbl cookies weighs each chocolate chip cookie at 5.5 ounces.
my best approximation is that you’ll be making about 35 cookies so go for that if you don’t have a scale.
the shape of the crumbl cookie can be achieved by making a large ball of dough then tearing off the top to leave a ripped top. those cracks and spikes are part of the signature. so you can skip this step if you just want a good cookie recipe.
*if you want to make the minis like Crumbl does for catering the weight is 1.3 ounces and the bake time is 10 minutes*
place on a parchment lined baking sheet leaving 2 inches between each cookie and the edges of the baking sheet. You can fit 9 on a standard cookie sheet.
bake your cookies for 16 minutes, rotating the pan 11 minutes in! (Crumbl has ovens the rotate while baking constantly so this will help even cooking times)
*important* i know the temptation to eat the cookies directly out of the oven is great. BUT. the cookies actually are not done baking fresh out of the oven! they bake outside of the oven in their own heat for 5 minutes while they cool! so wait at least 5 minutes or 10 if you have self control!
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prettieinpink · 5 months
Hi I really love ur blog and I was wondering if you have any tips about nails, bc my nails grow long but are so flimsy that they keep breaking off and bending easily, no pressure or anything
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Avoid nail polishes that contain formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate as they can cause your nails to weaken over time. Highly pigmented polishes can also cause weak nails. To avoid this, take breaks from nail polish and go natural from time to time. 
Use cuticle oils frequently, which varies from the condition of your nails. If you don’t have cuticle oil, vaseline or a lip balm is a good alternative.
Keep your nails away from dirty or wet environments. Dirt can nurture the growth of bacteria and wet nails are weak nails. If you have to be doing things that include excessive moisture or dirt, try to wear gloves of any kind.
Stop biting your nails and picking at them. While both are difficult habits to break, both can destroy the health of your nails. Be very mindful of how you treat your nails.
Wash your hands thoroughly when needed. Before and after you eat, you go to the loo, you handle food etc. When we wash our hands, The grime under our nails is also being washed away.
Nails are not tools. Don’t use them to open cans, remove stickers or open boxes. This will weaken them in the long run and increase the chances of them being chipped or broken. Use the provided tools you have instead.
Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals like cleaning products or acetone-based products. They can strip your nails of moisture which causes breakage
If you have nail polish on, don’t peel or pick at it but use a nail-friendly nail polish remover gently with a cotton pad/ball.
After that, if needed, file or trim your nails to your desired length. For smooth cutting, wipe down your nails with a wet cotton ball or wipe. 
Get a bowl of warm water and soap to soak your cuticles in. Then use a soft brush or a clean toothbrush to gently exfoliate your nails. You can usually use a little bit of your body scrub or a tad bit of sugar. Then, dry your hands & nails with a small microfiber towel.
Apply cuticle oil or any cream to moisturise your nails, then massage that it for a few minutes to stimulate nail growth.
Apply your polishes in the correct order. Base coat, nail polish then top coat. 
Moisturise with a nice hand cream! 
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bucks-babe · 16 days
Letter for a sneak peek of your nsfw alphabet…
Please becuase it’s so fucking adorable and you should share that with them all.🤭🤭
Of course you picked hair😂 @low0tter here is a sneak peak since @buckys-wintersoldier went crazy when she read it 😂
Full A-Z here
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps himself trimmed, usually using a pair of hair scissors to keep his bush tamed. He hates having a full bush, it feels weird when he wears underwear. He uses an electric razor every so often when he feels like going bald, but he doesn’t do that too often. The one time he saw you wince when he was fucking you because his hair poked your clit just wrong, he vowed to shave and keep his hair short. You told him it wasn’t necessary but he did it anyway.
And of course you asked to watch him shave. It wasn’t your fault you’ve never seen how a man shaves his cock and balls.
“So, like how does that work?” Bucky gives you an incredulous look. “Shaving. It seems difficult. How do you not cut yourself?”
Bucky sighs, he should be used to this by now, his girlfriend being obsessed with his cock, and not just because you always want to fuck him, but because you want to know how it works. Can I hold him while you pee? Can you swing him around? Can I hold him when we cuddle? I want to watch him get hard. Can I keep him in my mouth while you work?
Bucky doesn’t mind the last one, he would be insane to say no to having his cock in your mouth. In the end, he lets you come into the bathroom while he shaves. “Sweets, don’t look at me like that, gonna make me hard.”
“I’m not looking any type of way. I’m just interested.” He runs the razor through his hair, delicately grabbing his soft cock, pulling it away from where he shaves next. “Woah, so you just move him around?”
“Well, how else would you shave the hair there, sweets?” He lets out a chuckle before focusing on his task again.
“So you don’t get hard touching your dick so much?” Bucky laughs, almost nicking himself.
“What do you think I do when I take a shower? You get used to it.”
“You always get hard when I hold him.” He has to turn the razor off, doubling over with laughter.
“That’s different, sweets.” He goes back to shaving, now focusing on his balls, pulling the skin tight.
“That’s fucking cool and kind of hot. You know, you playing with your balls.”
Bucky’s cock twitches at your words. “You’re never watching me shave again.”
On you however, he couldn’t give less of a damn what you do with your pubic hair. If you shave, that’s fine, he gets to feel your silky skin under his fingers. Loverboy would gladly put your lotion on you, making sure you don’t get razor burn. Of course, it’s because he has to make sure his pretty girl is taken care of, not because he wants to touch your pussy, no, he would never. He doesn’t mind the prickly hair as it grows back, one time he had the nerve to say that it was exfoliating his face for the day when eating you out. That got him a wake to the head.
If you wax, he’s going to do the same thing, treating your pussy like she was injured, doting on her hand and foot.
“How is my pretty girl? I know, I can’t believe she would do this to you, to us.”
Sometimes he tilts his head so his ear is next to your bare cunt. “What’s that? She hurt you, ripped out all your pretty curls? Don’t worry, I’ll show her what happens when she treats you like this.”
Full bush, oh he couldn’t care less. The coarse curls don’t slow him down at all. He’ll still devour you like his last meal. So what if he may have to spit out a few hairs after, it’s worth it.
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royallyprincesslilly · 7 months
Title: What We Did In The Dark {3}
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Language, 18+ Mature Content, Angst, Small Time Jumps, Preggo Talk, Pregnancy Trope, Talk of Pregnancy Termination
Words: 6.4k
Summary: Neither of you planned any of it. You’d met by chance, and everything that happened after had to have been predestined. Now back to your own life, you find you have a special souvenir from your time in Mauritius and you have a tough decision to make.
As always, thank you for reading. I appreciate it!
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***NOT Edited/Proofread***
What We Did In The Dark {1}**** | What We Did In The Dark {2}* |
Chapter Three: Better An Ooops….
“Take it easy!”
You groaned as you dropped face first onto your couch and let yourself spread out across the cool white leather. After 3 days in the hospital, tens of tests, and plenty of round-the-clock vitamin treatments to get your body up to standard for your condition you were finally released with prescriptions and doctor's orders to take it easy for a few days. You’d planned to come home and jump on your laptop to finish some things up, but Villie decided to bring you in and make sure you were settled. You knew she’d done it for a reason, and it was to make sure you didn’t do what you wanted to.
“So what do you feel like for dinner?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Tough shit. You’re going to eat. Your doctors said you need to take it easy, eat 3 balanced meals a day, and keep your stress levels down. So they took care of breakfast and lunch, now we order dinner.”
Villie dropped a heavy hand across your ass making you shout into the cushions of the couch. You shifted onto your side and rolled into a ball.
“What about the Halal spot that is on Blauvelt?”
You groaned and at the thought of all that meat covered with white creamy sauce, your stomach churned like the agitator inside of a washing machine. It didn’t feel right at all. Because of it, a ball of nausea formed in your chest, but your stomach grumbled.
“See, you’re hungry,” Villie assumed.
However, that was not the case. The thought of Halal made your stomach swirl like the letter “S”.
“No Halal.”
“Burgers, Mexican, Caribbean?”
None of those sounded any better. Suddenly, Villie gasped.
“Oooh, what about that Cuban spot?”
You allowed that to simmer for a few moments and when your stomach didn’t react you slowly sat up. In your mind’s eye, you saw a towering plate of empanadas beside another plate filled with Cuban-style seafood paella and a bowl of black bean soup and tostones. You looked to Villie and found her smiling widely.
You pulled out your phone and went to your food ordering app then found the restaurant she meant. You spent the following 5 or so minutes adding everything your stomach told you that you needed and had to have or else you’d die. By the time you’d checked out, your total and quantity were insane for just two people but as far as you were concerned everything was a necessity.
While Villie waited for the order, you took a quick shower. Or it was meant to be quick. Whenever you swiped your decadently soaped-up exfoliating gloves across your abdomen you paused up and your mind wandered. There was an actual baby inside of you right now—two to be accurate. You were carrying the babies of a man you’d only slept with once, well multiple times over the span of 5ish hours. You didn’t know him and you sure as hell hadn’t planned for this to be the outcome of your wanton night of pleasure.
There were so many things on your mind, so many worries to add to the ones you already had. According to Dr. Olumici, you had already reached the cut-off point to ethically terminate with her and most other providers. However, you could find other physicians who would perform an early 2nd-trimester termination. Through your research in the hospital, you educated yourself on why it was too unethical and brought so much controversy. Once you understood you couldn’t fathom doing it.
With that answer, you also couldn’t fathom yourself carrying these babies or giving them a life. You weren’t exactly stable in your life or career. You’d only just begun the path and had so many other things planned to accomplish before the whole adding to the population of the world thing. That meant you had a predicament on your hands that now only had one resolution—adoption. Even that didn’t sit right with you. Could you go on living your life knowing you had a life somewhere else in the world living, a being that came from you, a being you wouldn’t know in any way?
So you spent the entire shower going back and forth over your options but that only sent you into an endless circle with resolutions that weren’t real ones because they posed more problems and raised more questions. By the time you came out of the shower and returned to the living room, Villie was lost in her phone with the food spread out across your coffee table.
“That was longer than usual.”
“Yeah, I smelled like a hospital, I needed to smell like me.”
Villie nodded then grabbed the bottle that was in the center of the table, “Did you know you can get alcohol delivered off of Dash?”
You snorted. Leave it to her to try. You took a seat on the floor beside her ready to dig in but her phone resting on the table caught your eye. It was the picture of the man who’d showed up at the hospital, the one you’d rear-ended.
“You found him on socials already?”
Villie glanced at her phone then scoffed. “It wasn’t hard. Take a guess who he’s connected to.”
You thought about it for a second but the smells wafting from the containers took your attention. You went through pulling off the tops of the food containers and moaning as each new smell filled the room.
“Oh my god, I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now.”
Without another word, you dug into the food filling your plate with a lot of everything. Once you were satisfied with the bites you had taken you glanced back at Villie who was wide-eyed.
“Glad to see your appetite has come back.”
You nodded and continued stuffing your face. Over the last few days, though you hadn’t vomited, you felt small bouts of nausea that came and went and the look of most of the hospital food left you not wanting to eat much. You’d worried it was going to be a permanent thing, but those worries were put to rest now.
“So, guess who he’s connected to,” Villie broached again.
“I don’t know,” you said mouth full of food.
Villie grabbed her phone and slid across her screen then held it up to you. When you looked, Lewis Hamilton’s face filled her screen. You gasped forgetting your mouthful of food then immediately began choking from the few particles that went down the wrong pipe.
“Oh my god!”
Villie leaped to her knees, patted your back with one hand, and poured some of the dark liquid from the bottle into a glass before she handed it to you. As you brought it to your nose your stomach turned from the strong scent of alcohol. You put the glass back on the table and shook your head. Villie kissed her teeth and then hurried to the kitchen before she came back with a bottle of water. You took several gulps in between coughs trying your best to dislodge the food that was stuck in your windpipe.
After a few attempts, you took a deep breath and hung your head back.
“Are you all right?”
You nodded, wiping your eyes from the tears that had slipped out.
“Jesus. I know the man is fine, fine but get a grip,” Villie teased.
You scoffed then pressed your palms to your face.
“Wait. Eh-em, you’re telling me the man I ran into is connected to him?”
“Yep. His name is Miles Chamley-Watson. He is the BFF to Lewis Hamilton, like for real BFF shit. They go everywhere together.”
Your eyes were bugged as you pieced it together. How small was this fucking world? How was this even real? The more you thought about it you began to wonder if he was in Mauritius with him. If so, did he know who you were?
“Oh my god.”
“Right! Like we kind of hit it off. I’m not gonna say there was flirting but there was flirting.”
“So you’re interested in him?”
Villie smiled as she drank down the glass of rum she’d poured for you. “I might be. What do you think? Do you think I shouldn’t be?”
How were you supposed to answer that? If she pursued things and they ended up becoming a thing didn’t that mean eventually one way or another you and Lewis would interact with one another? If you did wouldn’t he find out about the babies? If he found out--. The thought paused as a bigger item zipped itself up the agenda. Would he even remember you? He was after all Lewis Hamilton. You were sure there was no shortage of women he spent his time with. Why would he remember you from one night and 5 hours?
“Uh—um, well--.”
You saw the hope in her eyes and knew you couldn’t minipulate this because of your situation. Sighing you took her hand. “Valenza, I saw something between y’all. I say go with it and enjoy yourself. Who knows this could be it.”
Villie screeched then began laughing like an erratic high schooler who’d just learned their crush liked them back. Smiling you went back to eating. As Villie talked about Miles for a few more minutes your mind was lost in its own world. This shit was getting even more complicated.
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4 Weeks Later
Your eyes never left the front door of 4057 Lake Drive Blvd. You’d been sitting in your car for the last 3 hours obsessively staring at the door with one hand on your steering wheel while the other rested on the door handle. You’d had every intention of getting out of your car and going inside 2 hours ago. However, that didn’t work out. Every time you tried to force your feet to move they didn’t. Instead, you sat outside the women’s health center as the time clicked closer and closer to your appointment until that same time clicked further and further away from your appointment time.
Now you were a whole 2 hours past your appointment time with no progress on getting out of the car. As you sat here you went over every single option over and over and over. You interjected every variable, every single con to every single choice. However, with every con, you found yourself seeing just as many pros. Now it was impossible to tell what the right decision was.
Never in your life had you thought you’d consider termination let alone a 2nd trimester one, but you were finding out that in most decisions no one knows what they would do until they are in it. You didn’t think you’d have unprotected sex with a stranger in your life but when the moment came you were one hundred percent DTF (down to fuck).
You closed your eyes for probably the hundredth time and took several deep, slow breaths. On the fifth one, you held it and allowed your heartbeat to steadily slow until it beat low and evenly. It was a trick you’d done most of your life to calm yourself and think clearly. When everything fell away, including the sounds of traffic, the sounds of the city you loved, and even the drum of your engine, you were left with your heartbeat and the rustling of the palm leaves. It was then that you felt the butterfly fluttering sensations again.
When you’d first felt them a week ago you hadn’t known what they were, and it took a few days to recognize what they were. Every Google search confirmed it—fetal movements. That was when it all became real and right now sitting in front of the health center where a doctor was waiting to perform your termination that you were now 2 hours late for because you were panicking and waiting for a sign to show you the right path to take, did it really become real.
Your hands left their current positions, the steering wheel and the door handle, and drifted to your belly which was now ever so slightly poked out. As if the minuscule beings inside of you knew your hands were there the fluttering intensified, crippling you with emotion. You dropped your head onto the steering wheel and allowed yourself to cry for the first time.
What could have been mistaken for sad tears weren’t. They were tears of resolution, tears of understanding, tears of acceptance—of fear. This was your sign, your answer, your path, and you were scared shitless. So your tears flowed down your cheeks and dripped all over you soaking your top. Even then you didn’t stop, you let it all out even turning up the music to drown out the sounds of your sobs.
From this moment forward, your life would never be the same and from this moment forward, you would face whatever came your way on this path with one thought in mind—what was best for your babies. When your tears finally subsided you wrapped your arms around your midsection, hugging yourself and the lives within you, and took a deep breath.
“Okay. I didn’t expect you and I surely didn’t plan you, but I won’t get rid of you. I hope you don’t regret choosing me because you’re stuck with me, and I promise I will do everything to protect you from today onward. Be gentle and patient with me and we’ll learn together.”
As if your words were heard, the flutters returned making you smile. pressing your head back on the headrest you sighed and tried to formulate a plan. That was when your phone rang sending audio caller ID off.
Villie calling. Villie calling. Villie calling.
You scoffed. Even the universe knew the plan was to tell Villie because she was good at coming up with a plan that ensured you were the primary benefiter. Truthfully, you should have told her weeks ago but since your release from the hospital she’d been spending a lot of time with Miles. Though he lived in the UK, they were always on Facetime dates, they’d now met up in London 3 times and you were sure she knew what Miles Jr looked like.
You hadn’t wanted to make things weird between them or add any stress given the truths of your situation. You really had wanted to keep things separate. Now with you deciding to keep the babies and raise them, there was no way you could keep everything from her anymore. She was your best friend after all. Tapping the answer button, you buckled yourself in.
“Hey V.”
“Hey. Where are you?”
“Umm--,” you stretched as you pulled out of the parking lot of the medical center and onto Berman Street.
“Getting on the highway, what’s up?”
“I feel like shopping. Are you down?”
“Yeah, tell me where to meet you.”
The drive through South Beach was unlike any drive you’d done before. Over the last few weeks, you’d been tense and stressed out to the max. It was evident in the way you gripped the steering wheel and sat in your seat. Now you felt differently. You were more relaxed, and more centered but also more cautious. You found yourself stopping and allowing more women and children cross even if they didn’t have the right of way, found yourself driving slightly below the speed limit and following every single traffic law that was in the driver’s manual that you’d neglected mere weeks before.
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By the time you parked and fed your meter, you were 10 minutes late and intensely craving a massive green smoothie. After getting not one but two, you found Villie already well into her shopping in one of the lingerie stores.
“What took you so long?”
“Traffic and I needed a smoothie. So for you, shopping starts with lingerie.”
“Of course.”
You chuckled then began going through the racks. There were tons of cute stuff, but you knew soon you wouldn’t fit any of it and you had no one to wear any of this for. With that thought you looked at Villie.
“Valenza Tamina Chord, are you stocking up for a particular event?”
She smiled widely then walked off.
“No, no. Don’t try to slip away. What’s going on?”
“Miles is coming to town in a few weeks for a week and--.”
“You plan on getting your back broke, throat bruised, and internal organs rearranged. Okay!”
Villie giggled as she took down a navy blue strappy number that would look great on her and examined it.
“Okay I don’t know about throat bruised but the rest of it yep.”
You snorted and shook your head. “First of all, get that, it’ll look phenomenal on you. Second, let’s see if you have a voice when he comes.”
“Oh my god, Y/N, he is so cool, such a good guy.”
“He seems like it. I’m glad you’re having fun you deserve it.”
Villie’s eyes landed on you and for a few moments she studied you. “I’m not the only one who deserves it, you do too.”
You nodded and walked away to another rack and idly went through the hangers.
“I mean it. You’ve been single for long enough don’t you think?”
“I have a lot going on Villie. I don’t need another thing to worry about.”
“I understand what you mean but sometimes if it’s the right thing it doesn’t become a worry but something to bring you happiness, and peace.”
You sighed the words at the tip of your tongue but with no way to come out. This wasn’t something you could blurt out and be done with. You knew Villie, she would want to dissect everything on top of wanting a play-by-play of your dick down. This conversation couldn’t be had in the middle of a lingerie store.
“When do we meet the creative director of the station?”
“Boo! Always changing the subject. Fine, whatever. Next week is the meeting. Their name is Sadie Walters and she sent over some ideas for her vision along with some papers to understand your vision. So you got some homework.”
“Okay. I’m excited to get this off the ground and get back to traveling.”
“Workaholic. One day you will regret working so much and pushing your personal life to the side.”
You turned your back and quietly scoffed. If she only knew how little time you would have for a personal life in the next few years she’d take that back. For the next several hours you dipped in and out of almost every store adding bags and bags of clothes, shoes, makeup, and body products until you both were exhausted. After you had dinner at a nearby steakhouse where again you ate nearly everything in sight. When you both split at the end of the night you attempted to get the words out but still you couldn’t. You weren’t quite ready, and you worried you would be really showing before you were ever ready.
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-2 Weeks Later-
The champagne bottle top flew across the room colliding into the wall, making everyone cheer and clap. After so many weeks of work with finishing up your catalog, the vacation wear line, and getting the behind-the-scenes stuff of your travel show down everything was signed, sealed, and done. Tomorrow was the release of your catalog and vacation wear line, and you were absolutely freaking out.
“Oh my god. Thank you everyone!”
You went around your office and hugged each and every one of the people who helped you get here. You wrapped your arms around Zavier and squeezed.
“Thank you Z, you made this catalog incredible. I cannot thank you enough!”
“Congratulations. You’re more than welcome.”
Next, you moved on to Sabrina and Chloe, the interns who’d been hired to maintain some of the back-end things. “Thank you beautiful souls.”
“You’re welcome!”
When you moved to Villie she rocked you side to side. That was when the waterworks started.
“Oh Villie, thank you, thank you!”
“Shut up. I don’t need thank yous. I am so happy for you. It’ll be no time now before you are bigger than Anthony Zimmerman.”
“Girl, we are not alike. He travels to eat everything; I travel to party.”
Everyone laughed at that. When Villie handed you a glass of champagne you froze.
“We have to drink to you and all that you’ve accomplished and to this amazing team of ours,” Villie said holding her glass up.
Everyone followed her and tapped their glasses together. You brought the glass to your lips, but you didn’t take a sip as they all did.
“Thank you guys so much for all your hard work and dedication to these projects. It means the world to me.”
You hoped they understood how much they meant to you though you couldn’t fully express it because if you did, you knew you would cry uncontrollably which would be weird. You were having a hard time keeping your emotions under control over the last two weeks as your pregnancy progressed. You saw a dandelion blow away from a hard gust of wind earlier and that made you cry for the poor dandelion that would never be seen again. With that, you knew your emotional state was highly unbalanced.
When the bottle of champagne disappeared, everyone started to file out to get on with their own days leaving you and Villie. You scrolled through the virtual catalog in complete awe. You couldn’t believe that after so many months it was over and would be out for the world to see. The pride you felt was indescribable. You’d accomplished this without using anyone's clout, or influence to elevate it. You didn’t have any major help, most of it was compiled by you using your skills and talents. It wasn’t until near the end had you brought on more expertise. This was your baby.
“I can’t believe this is done, V.”
She doesn’t reply. When you felt her approach, she pulled up a chair beside you then sighed. “I can’t believe you haven’t told me what’s been going on with you since you were released from the hospital.”
You paused and fought the rapid beating of your heart because you knew she would hear it in the quiet office. “Uh--.”
“I’ll give you a few moments to come up with what you are going to say to come clean with me but the words out of your mouth better be the truth. I’ve let you go for all this time but right now I’m getting offended and hurt that you don’t feel like you can talk to me.”
You spun to her and grabbed her hands. “No, no. Villie, that’s not it I swear!”
“No? Then what else could it be, Y/N?”
You sighed then found your words. Gripping her hands tighter you looked at her. “Okay look. I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how and honestly I didn’t know until a few weeks ago and since then I have been a mess trying to wrap my head around it and future my shit out. It’s a lot happening.”
“Are you sick? Please don’t tell me you have cancer.”
“What? No! I don’t. I’m not sick.”
Villie let out a relieved huff of breath then took a steadying one. “Then what? What is going on?”
Villie just stared at you with a blank expression. She didn’t move, she didn’t even look as if she were breathing. Leaning forward you studied her closer trying to gauge just what she was thinking. Biting your bottom lip you prepared yourself to repeat the words but just as you opened your mouth to, Villie sprang to her feet.
“What! P—pr—pregnant?”
She walked to the far side of the office. “I know you fucking lying.”
“No. It’s a lie. There is no way. How did you get pregnant? When?”
You understood her reaction. You hadn’t told her about your night with Lewis because you didn’t want to be one of those girls who bragged about spending the night with a celebrity and you honestly were kind of embarrassed by everything that happened that night. You’d turned into a completely different person and when the sun rose, and you’d found your limbs entangled with his and your very naked bodies still connected under the massive palm tree that was tucked out of sight you’d felt stupid and easy so you ran as fast as you could without looking back. As far as she knew you’d been in a sex drought for 2 years.
“Calm down. I should be the one freaking out. I’m the pregnant one.”
Villie’s eyes widened.
“I’m not lying. I am pregnant. I found out at the hospital after the accident and that’s what’s been going on for the last few weeks. I was trying to wrap my head around it all and figure out what I wanted to do about it. Because of everything that I have going on I didn’t think I could continue this, so it’s been a stressful few weeks,” you rushed out.
Ville was still standing across the room and now looking at you like you had two heads. “You’re not fucking with me?”
“I’m not fucking with you. I promise.”
Instantly Villie crossed the room to you taking you into her arms and hugging the life out of you. “Oh, honey.”
With your best friend comforting you, your tears began flowing. When she heard your sniffles she pulled back and pouted.  “You’re really pregnant?”
Nodding, you sniffled some more. Villie’s tear-filled eyes overflowed and the two of you hugged again and ugly cried together. Relief filled you as you relished the comfort of the one person who's had your back for over a decade. You weren’t alone with this anymore. You knew without a doubt that Villie would have your back the entire way.
When the two of you sat back down, you both wiped your tears and snot and laughed at each other for being so emotional about it.
“Oh my god, Y/N.”
“I know.”
“Oh my god,” Villie repeated.
“I know, I know. It’s huge.”
“Huge? This is—colossal. You’re pregnant.”
You nodded, “I am.”
“You’re pregnant with a baby, like a real baby.”
“Ha, try two babies. Two real babies.”
Villie shot to her feet again.
“Shut the fuck up!”
“Girl I nearly passed out when I found out.”
Villie screeched then and practically tackled you with another hug. “Twins! Aah, Y/N, how precious is that?!”
You snorted. Of course she would be the one to die over the cuteness of it all. Villie dropped back into the seat, then reached for your belly. When she realized it was not flat her eyes became the size of the moon.
“Holy fucking shit, Y/N. This feels so real.”
“Oh it’s real. It’s so real I have had to sideline 3 of my favorite pairs of jeans already and I’m not even halfway there yet.”
“So you’re keeping them, right? You better be keeping them.”
“I’m keeping them. I couldn’t do the procedure. It didn’t feel right in my heart.”
Villie nodded. “I get that. It’s different to hold my hand through mine than be the one in the stirrups getting your own. It’s a decision every woman has to make for herself.”
A few moments of silence stretched as both of you thought back to when Villie ended up pregnant barely one year into law school. Her then asshole boyfriend freaked and went as far as to transfer schools just to get away from the whole thing. After hours of tears, weeks of lamenting, and one in-depth heart to heart she decided it was best to terminate. So, you held her hand through the whole thing and per her request, the two of you never spoke of it again.
Squeezing her hand for comfort, you continued, “It was simply too late for me to have a clear conscious about it. Then I got a sign showing me what to do and—yeah, here we are.”
Villie squeezed your hand again. “Well, I am happy for you honey. You are going to be an amazing mom.”
You groaned. “Mom. V, this is insane. The show, the catalog, the line, all the traveling I’m going to be doing, the chaos of filming. I can’t do this, right?”
“Of course you can do this. You’re not going to be alone doing it either. I will be here. I will be with you for every single thing, ultrasounds, Lamaze, nursery planning, hospital bag packing, birth, and every day after. You’re not alone and you can do this,” she assured in her attorney voice.
Slowly you nodded as her words sank in filling you with confidence. Suddenly Villie gasped.
“Hold up. When did this happen? Who!?”
You let her hand go, stood, and grabbed your stuff.
“Let’s go to my place.”
Villie looked cautiously at you. “Oh god, is it Zavier?”
“What! Hell no.”
“What do you mean hell no? Zavier is fine as hell. You have seen his abs right and his tight ass?”
“Oh my god V, stop sexualizing Z.”
“I’m not. I’m just asking if you have seen his abs and his ass.”
“Yes, I have seen them and yes they are great.”
“Not to mention he is crushing so hard on you, has been for like a year now.”
“Shut up, he hasn’t.”
Villie rolled her eyes as she walked out the door first. “Oblivious fool. Can’t stand you bitches who don’t notice when you have men wrapped around your finger. until it's too late”
You snorted, “Who you calling a fool?”
The bickering continued as you made your way to your cars. When you separated to drive there separately, you made a quick stop at the Cuban spot near your house and once again picked up enough food for an army. When you got home Villie was already waiting for you. She helped you line out the food on the coffee table and get drinks ready, then you dug in. Halfway through eating Villie turned to you to press further.
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“I know you’ve been stalling. Spill it already. Is he some struggling cartel clown who thinks he's next in line but is still the errand boy?”
“God no.”
“One of these struggling Miami rappers who swear they got bars but really don't understand the meaning of the word?”
You chuckled. “No.”
“Oh, a struggling underwear model who--.”
“Why do they all have to be struggling?”
“Because you’re stalling which means you’re either embarrassed of him or you regret letting him hit and most likely it’s because you’re ashamed of who he is.”
“I’m not—embarrassed or ashamed of him per se.”
“Okay if not who, then tell me when. When did this happen?”
Her eyes widened again.
“Holy shit, did you Stella Got Her Groove Back on some hot barely legal island bway and brought back your very own Mauritian souvenirs.”
You busted out laughing sending food out of your mouth and onto the floor beside you.
“Wait, wait, wait. Barely legal isn’t my thing and since when have I been out of commission long enough to Stella Got Her Groove Back on anyone?!”
“It’s been 2 years, Y/N. You’re honeytrap was growing cobwebs.”
You laughed loudly again loving the feeling. It had been too long since you’d laughed like this.
“First of all. Fuck you!”
Villie laughed along with you.
“No, it’s who fucked you?”
You hugged her and rocked from side to side.
“Oh I love you Villie.”
“Love you too honey. That doesn’t mean I am letting this go. Tell me already.”
“Fine. Lewis Hamilton.”
Villie gave you a “yeah right” look then busted out laughing. She laughed so long that it gave you more time to keep eating. Slowly she realized you weren’t laughing with her and slowly she stopped.
“I didn’t mean lie to my face.”
“Who’s lying?”
Villie stared at you for a few moments then you watched every cell in her body light up until her face was bright and her eyes wide. That’s when it happened. She screamed. You nodded your head because it was either this reaction you’d expected or the complete disbelief. You’d gotten them both.
“No fucking way!”
“Oh yes fucking way.”
“You had sex with Lewis Hamilton in Mauritius? Oh ho ho, details. I need every single piece of information starting with who said the first word to whom, moving on to are his hands as big as they seem, then what he smells like, then can he kiss, then not skipping any minuscule detail like boxers or briefs, circumcised or not and finally how big and can he lay pipe.”
She screeched again, grabbed her bottle of beer, turned to you then cleared her throat. “Okay, begin.”
She was an absolute trip. You spent the few hours going over every detail of that night that you dared to with Villie. You even let her know how free you’d been with yourself and all the things you’d let him do to you, all the ways you’d let him have you and claim your body. With every piece of info, Villie looked like she was near an aneurysm. When you told her how you’d let him into your back door she lost her shit. She screamed so loud you were sure your neighbors would call the police thinking foul play was afoot.
By the time you finished, Villie was laid out on her back with a dazed look on her face staring at the ceiling as if she had been the one who’d gone through probably the best night of fucking ever recorded by man or woman. You gave her a few minutes to recover and let it all sink in and used the time to finish off the food.
“Oh my god, Y/N.”
Villie sat up panting, her hair a mess.
“Are you good?”
“Am I? Are you? All of that went down?”
“All of that went down. I got back to my hotel room and didn’t recognize myself in the mirror.”
“You a freak, freak, freak!”
Both of you laughed some more.
“I can’t believe you.”
“I know. Mauritian rum is no fucking joke.”
“No. I can’t believe you left him there naked in the sand. Why!?”
“What? Why? You’re joking. I couldn’t stay.”
“Because it was over, it was one night and—I—I,” you sighed. “I was embarrassed. I felt like a fool.”
“You were embarrassed to have slept with Lewis Hamilton?”
“Partly. You’ve heard the rumors about him, heard the stories of him having a harem and contractual relationships that center around sex and extravagance, and here I went and fell for him.”
“Wait, fell for him, fell for him?”
You sighed and thought back to your conversation and the vibe between you.
“I don’t know. I’d had a lot to drink that night and was on a high after that folk dance with the island’s natives and there was something when our eyes met through the flames of the fire. There was something that made me fall enough to let all that go down.”
“Do you like him?”
“I don’t know him. I don’t know I felt like I became this whole other person that I have never been before but it didn’t feel like a mask or me pretending and it makes me wonder why did it come out with him and not anyone else?”
Villie nodded. “So instead of finding out why by staying till he woke up, you ran away and brought back 2 souvenirs with his DNA that you now have to find a way to tell him about.”
“Tell him? Why would I tell him?”
Villie looked at you with incredulity. “You’re joking.” She stared at you longer then scoffed when she realized you weren’t. “No, Y/N, you have to tell him. Don’t you think he deserves to know he will have 2 children running around with his DNA?”
“Okay wait. I can see how you would say yes and well—maybe—yes. Fuck. How do I tell him this Villie? Do I just DM him on Insta and be like hey remember me? He probably won’t if the stories are true he’s had nights like this plenty of times. What do I say?”
“Who cares about the stories, the rumors, and any of that other noise. Right now you are pregnant and you’ve decided to keep the babies—his babies. You have to tell him and let him figure out if he remembers you, and decide what he plans on doing. Whatever he decides won’t affect you. If he decides to man up great then you figure it out. If he decides to deny, deny, deny then fine, move on.”
You heard her words. They made plenty of sense, but you were still apprehensive. You didn’t want to be perceived as that girl. The one who showed up with a pregnancy from one night or a situationship where terms were clear.
“This is messy, Villie.”
“It is but what isn't messy these days? Oh my god, Miles.”
You looked at her as she finally thought about her connection to all of this.
“He’s his bestie right, and now your boo thang.”
Villie smiled at those words then scoffed. “The world is so fucking small.”
“Tell me about it,” you replied.
The two of you sat quietly for a few moments both in your own heads about your situation.
“Well, you have an in to talk to him when you’re ready to tell him about the pregnancy.”
“What in? Miles?”
“Yeah. We’ll tell him and ask if he can get you a face-to-face.”
“Face to face? Villie.”
“Is this the kind of news you really want to send over socials, text messages, or word of mouth?”
You hated when she was right.
“Also from a legal standpoint, if you kept this from him now and he somehow found out years down the line, he could file a lawsuit against you and seek damages.”
“From little ol' me?”
“If he was feeling really butt hurt, that’s the minimum of what he could do legally,” Villie confirmed.
You sighed then dropped back onto the floor. Your hands instantly went to your stomach and you felt your slight bump. This shit was messy and had the potential to get even messier. Villie was right though, you did have to tell him, it was the right thing to do.
Looking at it from a different angle, it was better to say "Hi remember me, oops I’m pregnant" than not and wonder what if.
You closed your eyes and groaned. Your life had turned upside down in the span of a few months and once again it was all because of the things you’d done in the dark.
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
what "glow up tips" do you have that (actually) work?
I know some of the common ones like "ooh drink water" and whatever, which I already do (I try to eat healthy most days, drink water every day, exercise 5 days a week, etc.)
And I understand that while all these work, I was looking for more short-term glow up tips, like how to glow up your hair/makeup etc. if that makes sense.
So I guess what advice do you have for a "overnight" glow up (quote unquote)?
Love the blog!!
Hi love! Thank you so much <3
Yes, totally get what you're saying (and that's great – it's all just so important, honestly). Here are some of my "overnight glow-up hacks" if we shall call them that, which I believe fit into this category:
For your hair, use a mask on your hair the night before you want it to look extra shiny and smooth (I use this HASK one – it's $2-3 and works like magic). Wash it in cold water, and let it fully dry (even for a little while after using heat to dry it!) before putting it up or playing with your style at all
Dermaplane your face, tweeze your eyebrows and then put on an extra hydrating face lotion to lock in glowing, fresh-looking skin (I use Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré, it's a "dupe" for La Mer's famous face cream)
Exfoliate your entire body with a sugar scrub and use an ultra-hydrating body lotion (I use Tree Hut's Coco Colada scrub and Uriage's Xemose Lipid-Replenishing Anti-Irritation Cerat moisturizer)
Do a face massage/use a facial or body massage ball to depuff your face
An orgasm is a natural lip-plumper
Use Vaseline/Homeoplasmine to hydrate under your eyes + your lips
Apply concealer as a primer under your eyeliner (use a brush to thinly trace it before) setting powder/face powder under your eyes to "lock in" your eyeliner so it doesn't smudge (or at least way less)
Layer a cream blush with a powder blush over the top right away your cheekbones for a glowy, more lifted face
Outline your brows and lips with concealer with set powder over the top to avoid brow or lip product smudging
To help your lip color last all day: Apply a coat of lipstick, and blot excess with a tissue. Then, apply another coat and blot the excess again
Hope this helps xx
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baugojo · 2 years
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🎧SATORU!GOJO protective
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a/n: fluff content, got bored. and for some reason this has been sitting in my drafts for a month.
summary: your co-worker is harassing you, and when gojo finds out, he’s not very pleased.
word count: 1.15k
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“Satoru!” You knew he wasn’t really listening after the first couple of words that’d come out of your mouth, pressed firmly in between your lips; slipping out.
you’d mentioned a co-worker. In which, the co-worker had made you a bit, uncomfortable. You’d come home from work, and found yourself heading over to your boyfriends office at his work.
Gojo had a nice black tux, while his shirt was also tucked into his pants a bit, and the button up had just a few of them ripped from the side.
With is beautiful hair to conclude, he was writing a report about some of the exchanges that were misplaced during the last batch of boxes.
Your boyfriend would be fired, if he wasn’t the boss.. and owner of the estate.
His reasoning for buying the expensive million-dollar penthouse-apartment; in which he made his office, was because he simply grew bored and he liked the color.
anyhow, you had waltzed in, saying hello to a couple workers at his marketplace, and passing through towards the receptionist; who immediately recognized you.
Hands deep in the computer, she’d seen your small fragile frame, pumping tears from sides of your eye lids, and doiling them away.
Almost instantly, you’d recieved a tissue, and concealed a good amount of the tears that wanted to escape; and now here you where, in his office, rubbing your precious head in between the crook of his neck.
You sat on his lap, while your legs spread open; allowing his waist to sit in between your thighs.
“Let me see your face princess.”
But you only discouraged his request, because you were embarrassed. Usually, you’d be the one to be so hard on Gojo, telling him that you don’t need support. You were the one known for wearing the pants in this relationship; considering your boyfriend could be a five year old majority of the time.
But when he was serious, then that meant things just were simply serious. It wasn’t rare for him to be that way, but it definitely was not common.
You’d come in, watching his face whisk away from his large laptop, and change his expressions, from: focused, bored to: happy, confused.
somehow in ten seconds, you’d been coo’d into his touch, while telling him about the co-worker, and what’d happened at work.
Now, if this was simply because of just the co-worker, you wouldn’t be as upset as you were. It actually really because of what he’d said, more so the aftermath.
“he said that I was a no good nothing, and power-hungry slut.” You began, “because I’m dating a powerful man, that could do so much better; he’d gladly get rid of me.”
before you could continue, to the part that reallt upset you, your boyfriend’s jaw clenched, teething at you.
“and then he told my boss that I’d been harassing him all year round, but had been paid to stay quiet. So I got fired!”
that was enough to make Gojo’s hands ball up in anger. Of course though, he’d play mellow with you, so he didn’t upset you.
“I’ll take care of it.” Moving you from your seating on top of him, with a smile, he continued. “Stay in my office princess.”
“satoru, I don’t want you to do anything. I mean it.” swallowing your upsetting news, you stalled.
“I’m not going to do anything.” The smile he gave almost temped you to believe those words; caressing your round cheek, that exfoliated to the touch of his cold hands.
“Satoru.” you hushed, both hands now on you, on arm wrapped nicely around the band of your hips; almost challenging you to keep eye-contact with him.
You felt his eyes roll dramatically; chucking his head back for a second; his neck bare and giving a small hitch of his throat gulping.
“alright, tell you what,” he said, “why don’t we go home princess? I’m bored here anyway.”
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The next morning, you’d been awoken by a couple missed calls from your ex-boss, and a few messages that had been disviewed as well.
you rushed the phone, double clicking the missed call button, and calling him back. He didn’t even let the phone ring, picking it up almost immediately.
“if it’s about my things, B/N, please give me the opportunity to go get them—“
“you are not fired.” he spoke, “it was a misunderstanding, really. You should have spoken up when your co-worker been bothering you about your personal relationships, instead of taking the fall.”
you retaliated; you where trying to speak for yourself, but your boss just wouldn’t let you. He’d believed everything that your co-worker had said, without even allowing you to compensate.
“Uhm, that being said, I am deeply sorry for not allowing you to explain your portion of the story.”
By the time the phone call awaited it’s ending, you’d already known what was proposed.
Gojo, never listening, must’ve taken care of it.
Part of you secretly praised and accommodated that; considering you’d never admit to the seek of needing help. But, you still felt a little gush in your stomach, turning to the thought of the co-worker, and what he said.
was it true?
“Y/N, baby.” You heard from the door-frame; instantly collecting your attention, and depriving it from previous thought. “I know what you’re thinking.”
Gojo walked over to you, while your smile seemed to drag from lip to lip, in a sort of apologetic form. But he only took you by your chin; his hand gripping tightly, and lifting you to see eye-to-eye with him.
“you do everything on your own, yu’r my independent pretty girl.” his words oozed out like marshmallow, dripping from its chocolate sandwiched s’mores.
“but, I’m going to help you, because I love you.”
You folded. couldn’t help but admire him taking charge of something you new you couldn’t carry alone. glad he knew you so well, you pecked him softly. “Thank you satoru.”
your hands rushed to his shoulders, wrapping around his neck in pleasure; taking him into you. He chuckled, his hands rubbing at your sides, gradually holding you in place.
“anything for my princess.”
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sky-casino · 1 year
dabi x reader: she was sunshine, he was midnight rain
pairing: dabi x fem!reader (within canon)
genre: angst, some fluff
word count: 2,300+
synopsis: you're a doctor in kyudai garaki's hospital and he chooses you for a special and highly confidential task: be the sole person to take care of the villain dabi and his burn scars.
a/n: this man got me in a chokehold istg 💀😭 dabi (and the todoroki family) got me into MHA last december. and so this is my first MHA fic. hope you enjoy~
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when doctor garaki and AFO finally accepted LOV after shigaraki tamed gigantomachia, he intended to start taking care of dabi's scars. garaki and AFO wanted to make sure that everyone is in top shape, especially dabi since he's the only one in LOV who has a quirk that can be used for long-range combat.
so garaki hired you—a doctor who works for him at the jaku general hospital specializing in treating burns—to take care of dabi's scars and overall health. his offer entails you to leave your current position in the hospital to solely work for him and dabi. and of course, a pay that's much higher than your current one.
you're quirkless and a good person who have always wanted to help others, which is why you became a doctor. so you were terrified to know that your former boss is a villain and that you are now in charge of taking care of one. if you refuse, of course they'll have to kill you so you wouldn't tell anyone about what they just told you.
hence, your weekly session with dabi starts. garaki wanted you to facilitate the sessions in your own apartment so it'll be safe for both you and dabi, instead of the two of you having to go somewhere else which increases the risk of heroes and police finding the two of you, especially dabi who's a wanted criminal.
treating dabi's scars requires dabi taking his clothes off, except for his underwear because according to him, he doesn't have burns there. you agree without any further questions. it also requires you gently cleaning and exfoliating the scars to remove any dirt or dead skin. after cleaning, you instruct him to submerge himself in your bath tub where the water has some medication mixed in it to soothe the scars. after he dries himself, that's where you carefully wipe his scars with more medication using cotton balls and the like. overall, it's an intimate activity, which you are used to because you’re a doctor. but dabi seems a bit stiff and awkward sometimes, which he successfully masks under his perpetual smirks.
your first few sessions are mostly quiet and awkward. but as time goes by, dabi has started to become more talkative. he always asks you questions about yourself, telling you that he of course wants to know more about his own personal doctor. he asks simple questions like what's your favorite food, favorite color, hobbies. scared of angering him, you respond to his inquiries. eventually, you start to ask him about himself too but not forgetting the disclaimer that he doesn't have to answer them if he doesn't want to. you're afraid that he might think you're nosy. to your surprise, he smiles genuinely when he replies.
one day, you start finding takeout food on your dining table with a note from dabi on days where you two have no scheduled sessions. and eventually, he starts bringing food that you can enjoy together before and after your 4-6 hours sessions. 
you begin to spend more time together but in an unplanned manner. he would suddenly knock on your door or even sneak through your window at night covered in dirt and fresh scars, which he gets from altercations against both heroes and petty villains. or from drunk fights at the bar. he'd ask if he can take a shower and if you could attend to the wounds, to which you oblige. sometimes, when it's too late into the night and he's too exhausted to go back to the league's hideout, you just let him stay.
in the morning, there are times where you'd find him cooking simple breakfast for the two of you as thanks for letting him stay. or sometimes he'd just leave food for you and be gone before you wake up. this amuses you, thinking that what he'd do in the morning depends on his mood.
unlike before wherein he leaves as soon as the session ends, now the two of you watch movies together while eating dinner. one time, you fell asleep before the movie ended and he carried you to your bed. 
you're surprised to find that the villain has a warm and friendly side to him, which you didn't expect at all. you're the same age and you enjoy getting along with him.
and to be honest, there are times when you feel like he's flirting with you. but you dismiss the idea right away, thinking that it's impossible. knowing what you know about dabi, strength is important to him, so why would he be interested in a weak and quirkless girl like you?
but surprising you with food regularly and the vague words of flirtation would all be set aside when he begins making physical moves on you.
staring at your face and your lips as you meticulously replace his surgical staples and wipe his scars with medication.
closing the distance between the two of you as often as he can, like when you eat, watch movies, and wash the dishes together.
slithering his index finger into your medical glove and onto your palm as he stands closely behind you where you can feel his breath behind your head. your heart is racing as you feel and watch his slithering finger. after some seconds, you pulled away your right hand and walked away from him without saying anything, focusing on doing some work instead.
there's a short silence before dabi leaves and says, "bye, see you next week" normally, as if that whole intimate thing didn't just happen.
your next session is quieter than usual, which feels just like the first time. but now there's an unspeakable tension brewing in the air. it feels heavy. it's already evening when the session ends. your back towards dabi as you clean up. dabi is putting on his coat as he watches you, until he decides to finally break the hours-long silence. 
"can i kiss you?"
"what do you want, dabi?"
"i just said it. a kiss-"
"why do you want to kiss me?" you finally face him.
"you know the answer to that, doll." he smirks.
"no. no, i don't, dabi." you're surprised to feel tears prickling your eyes as you walk towards him. "i'm not gonna kiss you just because you tell me to. i'm not here to play your games."
"it's not a game." his tone suddenly stern and serious, smirk disappearing.
"yeah? answer my question, then."
dabi takes a slow and deep sigh before he answers, his eyes not leaving yours.
"i want to kiss you because i want you. i have all these feelings inside me that i'm experiencing for the first time. even when i busy myself with missions, even when i'm not here with you and i'm somewhere else, you're all i can think of. i want to see you all the time, hear your voice all the time, feel your touch all the time... even though it's just to treat my scars because that's what you're paid to do." he says with a painful smile. "i don't know know what to do with these feelings. i really don't, y/n. so... i'm sorry if i made you think that i'm just playing."
you're too stunned to speak or move after hearing him ramble on about his feelings. it's hard to believe, but the villain right in front of you just confessed to you. 
you don't even realize that the tears have fallen until dabi wipes them away. you see his worried face as he blames himself. 
"kiss me... before i change my mind." you whisper to him as you close your eyes.
you two make it official and dabi begins spending more days and nights in your place. you're practically living together, except for when he has to go for missions and meetings with the paranormal liberation front. for some time, he considers bringing you to the mountain villa so you'll be closer to him, but his overprotective self doesn’t push through with it as he doesn’t want other villains around you. he’s also worried that you might be caught in the crossfire if ever the heroes find their hideout and ambush them.
for dabi, it's the first time something besides getting revenge has got him excited. it's the first time he has something to look forward to every day, and all of it feels surreal and foreign. it's the first time he feels love again.
when dabi is 100% sure that he can trust you, he divulges his identity and goals to you and only you, not even his comrades know about this information.
he tells you of his life as touya and how dabi was born. you cry as you listen to him and by the end of his story, you're a sobbing mess. 
"why are you crying?" he laughs as he cuddles you.
"who wouldn't after hearing all that?"
you accept him for who and what he is, yes. but without being too pushy, you persuade him to just run away from everything. run away together to a more peaceful place where no one knows the two of you. start a new life together. he said that would be lovely, but as much as he wants to, he can't. he's gone too far now just to turn back and leave.
you let go of the run-away suggestion and move to plan b. the next time he stays in your place, you convince him that releasing the video publicly is enough to exact revenge on his father. he can let the angry mob do their thing and he doesn't have to stain his hands with the blood of his father and brother. to no avail yet again.
although the two of you are happy together, dabi can't help but feel guilty and inadequate. because of his identity as a villain and a wanted criminal, you can't go on normal dates like eating at restaurants and watching movies in the cinemas. you can't even go to the nearby grocery together. 
he also feels terrible for making you worry every time he comes home with fresh burns and wounds.
one night, he watches you sleep and caresses your face. that's when he decides to write a letter for you.
it's the same letter that he mentions during his phone call with you as the heroes suddenly invade them in the mountain villa and in garaki's hospital. he quickly updates you with what's happening and also mentions that he has an important letter for you that you can find in the clothes drawer that you designated for him in your place.
after the call, you hurriedly looked for the letter which you find underneath all the clothes you bought for dabi before.
hi baby,
you're probably surprised to learn that i'm the love-letter kind of guy. me either. but i have no choice but to write this letter because i'm too much of a coward to say these things to you personally.
i love you. you know that. do not ever doubt that.
even for just a short time, i felt genuine happiness because of you. you're the only sunshine in my life's years-long darkness. but beneath our happy times, there was always this dread lingering in the back of my mind because i knew that ultimately, we wouldn't have a happy ending.
you deserve someone better. you deserve a good man who can give you the life you want, who can make you happy and take care of you, who won't make you worry all the time, a man who is not a villain.
this pains me immensely, and you may even get mad at me for this, but i need you to please forget me and move on. this is the best thing to do as we both know that you're not safe with me. the fact that you're reading this now means that we've reached the point where it's inevitable to part ways.
this is just wishful thinking and you would probably find it ridiculous, but perhaps there is another life out there in the universe—a life where i'm not a villain—where there's no dabi, only touya. and in that life, i will find you and i will love you again, so we can finally get that happy ending. i promise.
thank you very much, y/n, for accepting me, for taking care of me tirelessly, and for doing beyond what you were originally tasked to do. i love you.
P.S. honestly, i never thought i could ever love someone until i met you. and i still can't believe that i am loved by someone as great as you.
you're devastated as you cry for a long time, clutching the letter into your chest. then, the video he recorded suddenly interrupts the television broadcast. you already know everything he's going to say, but you still watch attentively.
later on, the heroes in charge of evacuating the civilians finally reach your street as you hear them from a distance. 
you keep thinking about the last part of dabi's letter. you ask yourself why the two of you need another life to have a happy ending, when you can just try in this lifetime. you're not ready to give up on what you and dabi have.
you don't know what will happen now that chaos is ensuing, but you decide to go with the heroes because you still want to see and talk to dabi. you want to respond to his letter by talking to him face-to-face. and for that to happen, you still need to live.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Toman groupchat
Warnings: REALLY suggestive, swearing, mentions of drugs, lots of pubes, sorry in advance, mentions of balls. again, my bad
Desc: just typical teenage boys having typical normal converstions☺
Baji: pubes or no pubes?
Mikey: I have them yes
Chifuyu: me too
Draken: what
Kazutora: huh
Mitsuya: context?
Baji: oh my bad
Baji: bout to meet up with someone so i was wondering if i should shave or go bald
Smiley: we way too comfortable in this groupchat
Mikey: ?
Mikey: why tf would we know this
Kazutora: yeah we're virgins
Mikey: i didn't mean it like that😐
Kazutora: ...are you....not a virgin
Mikey: pffft no
Mikey: everyone wants me
Mikey: so they shall receive
Mitsuya: sounds like something a virgin would say
Mikey: shut up Mitsuya you're gay
Mitsuya: and you're a virgin
Baji: so you guys aren't gonna help me
Draken: dude we don't fucking know
Kazutora: all i'm saying is, no one wants to lick a lollipop that's fallen on a carpet
Mitsuya: ew????
Smiley: can we not
Baji: no Tora's right
Chifuyu: but your hair's so silky Baji-san
Chifuyu: i say keep it as long as it's neat
Draken: guys can we NOT😐
Baji: my hair IS beautiful and silky🤔
Mikey: your pubes too??
Baji: duh
Mitsuya: Baji who are you even meeting up with
Baji: some dude from grindr
Baji: yeah lol
Baji: crazy how many people i know are there
Baji: like Mitsuya
Draken: FR????? ARE U SERIOUS
Mitsuya: oh yeah lmao
Mitsuya: it was from when i'd just turned 18
Baji: when you were young and fresh
Mitsuya: I'm 19😐
Draken: telling Hakkai btw
Mitsuya: what's the reason
Draken: cause you're dating???
Mitsuya: i just forgot to delete my profile, chill🙄
Draken: explain that to him then
Baji: this was about me, btw
Baji: fuck it i'll shave
Baji: it's just really hard to get in between
Draken: try wax strips
Baji: and rip my balls off🤨??? no thanks
Draken: fuck you then
Chifuyu: use hair removing cream
Baji: burned the shit outta me last time cause i fell asleep
Baji: my asscheek were bright red
Kazutora: why were you...
Kazutora: nvm
Mikey: 💀
Draken: aren't you suppose to be shaving
Baji: i'm typing with my toes
Smiley: i don't like that
Baji: cry about it
Smiley: WEEEEEHHH 😭😭😭😭
Smiley: WAAAAAH 😖😖
Smiley: sorry i'm high as hell rn
Smiley: Angry lied and said it was weed
Smiley: i haven't blinked in 4 hours
Mitsuya: what was it💀
Smiley: crack
Smiley: continue
Baji: it's sad that i have to resort to grindr when i have two fertile best friends
Mikey: AYO??😭
Chifuyu: 😧
Mitsuya: too comfortable, as Smiley said
Kazutora: who you calling fertile🤨
Baji: you are so babygirl
Draken: touch some ass please
Baji: see Draken gets it
Draken: *grass
Draken: *grass
Draken: *grass
Mikey: too late
Baji: guys exfoliation does wonders
Baji: anyway, my balls are as smooth as freshly boiled eggs❗bye guys
Mikey: ....
Mikey: ...why would he say that
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verdemoun · 1 month
How's timewarp Javier doing? I just know bro spawns and is absolutely and has no idea what the hell is happening. One moment he's in Mexico being hung and then the next he's spawned in the middle of a busy road. Feel like he'd be extremely happy to know the gang was mostly all back together cause I feel the fall hit him really hard (Dutch got some serious explaining to do). Maybe he even starts picking playing guitar back up.
Feel like he'd be enamored by YouTube aswell. Learned about it and the family tv's YouTube acc is filled with the most crazy recommended videos. Maybe he even starts making his own videos, maybe mostly about fishing, maybe a bit of blog style shit. Finds dude perfect and gets everyone else into it. (Let this man bottle flip)
I am so sorry but in timewarp canon john was the one who killed javier. he was captured alive but through all the insults and forced laughter to hide the fact he was almost crying john would realise that shooting javier himself was kinder than handing him to the bureau alive to be tortured and executed in an american prison. and javier was terrified of being handed over to the us governemnt alive. when john turned the gun on him he was pretty much at peace with it (For each man kills the thing he loves)
going from being in a cell in el presidio to laying on the ground in the middle of a bustling market would have been more frightening than realising john was about to shoot him but before he can even look around arthur's there offering him a hand
the impact on javier bless. looking around and seeing the gang waiting for him but they've aged arthur's starting to go gray and sean and lenny are in their 30s javier would've immediately started bawling and hugging them all
unlike most of the rdr1 gang javier is extremely willing to just block out everything that happened after 1899 because it was a really dark time for him he just wants his gang back. he's genuinely sorry for not siding with arthur in beaver hollow because of course turned out arthur was right dutch went so far off the deep end even though javier still valued loyalty dutch didn't anymore
he would be pretty self conscious about his appearance for a bit because everyone else seems to have got a modern day glow up meanwhile he's been cutting his hair with blunt scissors for years and neglecting himself a lot
his love affair with youtube starts hair care and skin care routines he will buy every product beautiful men promote on their channels. he grows his hair back out and is much more interested in fashion than the rest of the boys give him a month and he's roasting arthur for walking around in ratty oversized shirts covered in motor oil
kieran and javier sprawled on the couch doomscrolling through youtube with exfoliating face masks on. dark media iceberg specialists but also tiktok compilations.
when he gets his first phone javier opens an account on every social media and his content is just a mess sometimes it's memey bottle flip and rube goldberg ping pong ball videos sometimes it's self care stuff sometimes it's just a clip of him ranting in spanish about 'authentic' mexican food or really awkward 'look at this fish i caught' photos and he jumps between socials so sporadically he doesn't really have a following but molly would like all his stuff
javier getting a guitar again would be such a big deal but also so understated like one of the gang would've just got him one because it's javier of course he needs a guitar and javier just holds it for a second because it's the first time he'd held a guitar since beaver hollow. he lost his guitar in the raid and never had a reason to play so he didn't get another one. but it would feel so right to be sitting in the living room with a guitar in his hands while sean excitedly asks him to play something he'd just laugh and start back with old campfire songs and everyone gets to sing along like the proper good old days. processing trauma through symbolism speedrun
javier and kieran would be the two that never move out of the matthews' house or get jobs. kieran just wasn't built for living alone but for javier it's like he just got the gang back he still desperately needs that connection. he's also a notorious couch surfer he will rock up at someone's place and stay for a few days because just he missed them and he's always welcome. he also somehow gets the title of go-to babysitter kids love him like yay tio javier is here we're gonna paint his nails
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 7 - The Unknown.
Reader: Looks like there's only one bed.
Eddie: Of course there's only one bed, it's my bedroom. Why would there be two? You knew this before you came over.
Reader: I said it looks like there's only one bed. 
Eddie: Well shit you're right there's only one bed
It's long, it's dialogue heavy, but there's fluffy smut in a fucking bed this time.
Chapter warnings: MDI (18+ only), mutual masturbation, p in v sex, explicit language, mentions of drugs. I'm so tired so I haven't a clue if i've left anything out.
You’re a ball of nervous energy as you cycle to work, you tell yourself there’s no reason to be. You were only going to Eddie's place, no big deal, just a couple of pals hanging out. The fact you had shaved, scrubbed, buffed, plucked and exfoliated every reachable inch of skin on your body at 8am was completely unrelated.
You and Eddie had agreed the best option was for him to pick you up straight from work at five, well not straight from work more like four blocks over, you didn’t have a death wish. 
You had told your dad you would be staying over at Robin’s tonight, which left you with two remaining issues. The first being you had to ask Robin to cover for you, which meant telling her you would be decidedly elsewhere. The second, and the one that filled you with the biggest sense of unease, was the implication that you would be staying overnight at Eddie’s; and the strange little flutters that accompanied it, flutters that you resolutely refused to recognise as butterflies.
“Morning!” You say breezing into the store.
“What’s got you so chipper?” Robin looks at you slightly disgusted, leaning on the counter.
“Nothing, nothing.” You sidle up to her, resting your head on her shoulder with a sweet smile. “Just happy to see my best friend.”
“What do you want?” She asks flatly, rolling her eyes at the display.
“I need you to say I’m at your place tonight if my dad asks.” You simper, her eyebrows contracting in suspicion.
“Why, where will you actually be?” 
“With the guy from the party.” You say it quickly, like ripping off a band-aid, hoping Robin would simply agree and drop the subject; but this was Robin. She turns to face you, her expression burning with curiosity.
“Holy shit! Is this a second date? Are you going on a second date?!” She all but screeches, and you find yourself having PTSD flashbacks of Steve walking in.
“No, it is not a second date, mostly because I don’t think the original hook up counts as a first. Also, I seriously need you to start working on your volume control.” You say through gritted teeth.
“But this is huge!” She exclaims, holding your forearms. “Wait, I thought you said he doesn’t live around here and was just visiting for the party?” 
  Shit! You did say that the day after you and Eddie made the pact, in an attempt to embezzle the story enough to throw her off the scent.
You’re saved from the pressure of a response when Steve comes in from the backroom.
“Ahoy there ladies!” He sings, hopping up onto the counter.
“Didn’t work on the ladies at Scoops Ahoy, not gonna work now dingus, especially as I’m a lesbian. So, please stop.” Robin begs.
“Are you a lesbian Robin? You should have said something.” He bites back sarcastically.
“I don’t know, it would have worked on me, I always thought you looked pretty cute in the outfit.” It was out of your mouth before you could stop it, and you were rewarded with Steve blushing profusely.
“Oh - uh - thanks.” He grins bashfully.
“Why is everyone so chipper?” Robin huffs, flouncing off.
The day seemed to fly by until you got to 4pm, you started to zone out every 10 minutes trying to work out if you were excited or terrified. There was a part of you that wanted to call Eddie and cancel, and then there was the part of you that couldn’t wait to see him; the stupid little flutters erupting once more. You were logging returns with Steve, once again, when he nudged you.
“Hey, you in there?” He says with a smile.
“Yeah, sorry, must have zoned out.” You mumble embarrassed.
He regards you carefully for a moment.
“Something on your mind?”
Only about 100 million things, you think wryly.
“Nope, I’m all good, just only so many times you can read the word overdue before it starts to look like gibberish.” You laugh lightly
“Very true.” He chuckles. “But, I didn’t know if it had anything to do with your date tonight.” He presses, clearly testing the waters. 
“Fucking Buckley.” You snap. “I’m going to murder her. How come she can keep a secret about another dimension but not about my date?!” Mentally correcting yourself on the word date.
“Hey, don’t blame Robin, she’s excited for you” He soothes. “So you settled on seeing the mystery guy again, only last week you didn’t seem so sure?”
“He’s been very persistent.” You say truthfully.
“Is it serious?” His asks quickly, voice oddly stilted.
“I - uh - it’s not really like - we’re not at that stage yet.” You stammer, a little thrown at Steve’s sudden interest in your love life.
“Just be careful honey. I’d hate to see you get hurt.” He says quietly.
“I think I'm more likely to hurt him.” You say honestly.
“How come?” Steve asks in surprise, placing a comforting hand on the small of your back, which short circuits your brain.
“It’s complicated.” You manage to force out.
“It shouldn’t be.” He says, the hand now rubbing in circles, you were actually going to pass out. 
“You and Nancy have had complications though.” You point out, feeling a mixture of disappointment and relief when drops his hand.
“Yeah but me and Nance, we always find our way back to each other. I can be myself around her, you know? No bullshit, it’s easy.” 
  You don't know which throws you more, the fact you weren’t wanting to pitch yourself off the nearest bridge in despair as was your usual mindset when Steve talks about Nancy, or that the only face you could see as he talked was Eddie’s; although that might have something to do with the fact he was walking into the store with a shit-eating grin. You were hallucinating, surely.
“Munson.” Steve greeted him from behind you.
Ok, not a hallucination, commence panic attack.
“Harrington.” Eddie acknowledged with a nod, strolling past you towards the Sci-Fi section.
“Hey, you ok honey?” Steve put a hand on your arm, evidently the panic in your brain was showing on your face. 
“What? Oh yeah just uh, thinking about what you said. I’m gonna put these back out.” You say quickly, grabbing a random handful of tapes with shaking hands.
“Ok, I’m gonna help Rob in the stockroom whilst it’s quiet.” You nod, barely hearing him, eyes trained on Eddie’s back. You wait until the stockroom door closes, effectively sprinting the length of the store, hitting him hard in the arm.
  “What the fucking fuck are you doing here?” You hiss furiously.
“Ah, jeez! That’s not a very nice way to greet a customer.” He gripes, massaging his bicep.
“Don’t be fucking cute Eddie, what are you doing here?” You ask again, voice exceptionally high pitched.
“Renting a movie and getting assaulted apparently.” He says, still wincing. "You like Sci-Fi? Alien?"
You just stare at him, unsure if he's insulting you. He huffs, picking a tape off the shelf shaking it in front of you.
“Ridley Scott’s 1979 masterpiece, Alien. I thought we could watch it tonight. But, how have you not seen this already?" He asks incredulously.
"My dad only likes Westerns and war films." You shrug. "Is it scary? I'm not good with scary films."
Eddie smirks, leaning in so closely you can feel his body heat, your breath hitches.
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll protect you." He glances at the stockroom door before pressing a chaste kiss to your surprised lips.
"What was that for?" You ask quietly.
"You're adorable when you're flustered." He grins, you feel warm from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, eyes darting about in a panic. "Yeah, like that." He adds softly, stealing another kiss, longer and firmer than the last, which has you clinging onto his jacket.
  The tinkling bell of the door makes you jump apart with a gasp, some old lady coming in with young grandchildren, your heart hammering at your recklessness.
“Alien, will be fine.” You say quickly, heading back towards the counter to process the rental, just in time for Robin to emerge.
“Hey Buckley.” Eddie says casually, leaning on the counter, tapping out a rhythm with his ringed fingers.
“Hey Munson, recruited any new cult members lately?” She asks playfully.
“Not yet, but the night is still young.” He grins.
“Uh, $3 please.” You say awkwardly, watching the exchange. 
“Oh and a bag of Red Vines, got a hot date tonight and she’s a big fan.” He smirks so wide it looks like it hurts, your eyes feel like they’re going to drop out of your head at his open audacity, scrambling clumsily for the money on the counter as Robin hands him the sweets.
“Always a pleasure ladies, see you at school.” He calls, leaving the store with a spring in his step, if you didn’t know any better you’d say he’s trying to send you into an early grave.
“Isn’t it time you got off babe?” Robin says, knocking you out of your reverie.
“What?” You ask skittishly, she points at the clock on the wall with a grin, 5pm, and under the grin there was another look on her face that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
You cycle to the Library as agreed, still pondering over Robin’s expression, Eddie sat on the bumper of the van waiting, trademark grin still firmly in place.
“Your face ever get tired from smirking all the time?” You ask, dismounting, he ignores you stowing your bike into the back.
“Cute basket, princess. You also get handlebar streamers with this model?” He snipes.
“Fuck off Munson.” You say but find yourself grinning too.
  You clamber into the cab, already rooting about in your backpack, excitedly extracting your precious cassette tape.
“What is that?” Eddie asks warily, climbing in the driver’s side. 
“A mixtape.” You smile
“And where, pray tell, are you planning on playing it?”
You point hopefully towards the car tape player.
“No, nope, absolutely not.” He says resolutely, shaking his head.
“Aw c’mon Eddie, please?” You plead, stringing out the please.
“There is no way I'm letting you play your shitty music in my van.” 
  You narrow your eyes, changing tack, leaning close, you softly suck a hickey into the side of his neck, your hand rubbing gently over his inner thigh.
“That’s really mean.” He whines, huffing out a breath.
“You can punish me later.” You purr.
“Oh I intend to sweetheart.” He growls, ducking his head to kiss you, with a harsh nip at your bottom lip. “Alright you can play one song, one, that’s it.”
You clap happily, Eddie reluctantly ejecting a Black Sabbath tape, and taking yours from you with the same look someone gives dogshit.
“Side A please.” You grin, dancing in your seat as the opening notes of Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac fill the van.
“Oh god it’s worse than I thought, Fleetwood Mac? Seriously?” He asks aghast, but you see his fingers drumming the rhythm as he pulls away.
“I love Fleetwood Mac, and this is my favourite song ever.” You sigh, singing along absentmindedly. “And it all comes down to you, well you know that it does, lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice.”
“Not a bad set of pipes you got there sweetheart.” He says smiling at you fondly, making you trail off in embarrassment, switching to humming instead for the rest of the drive.
True to his word and much to your disappointment, Eddie pressed the stop button before Dancing Queen could really get started.
“We definitely need to expand your musical horizons princess, I mean ABBA?” He says looking like he might throw up.
“That’s rich coming from you.” You snort, as he pulls into the trailer park, your nerves rising to the surface once more.
The trailer was much as you expected, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, there was something comforting about the way it was so lived in. Multiple shelves and hooks filled with collectable mugs and caps, the fridge littered with magnets and photos, the rundown mismatched furniture set on swirling threadbare 1960’s carpeting.
“It’s uh not much.” Eddie says nervously, moving to hide a few dirty dishes into the sink.
“I think it’s great.” You say honestly with a smile, giving some of the mugs a closer inspection.
“It’s my Uncle, he’s a bit of a fanatic.” He mutters, coming up beside you.
“My Gramps was the same, except he was into model trains and cars, he always let me play with them though.” You recall happily, putting the mug back on the rickety shelf.
“So, uh, bathroom is there, kitchen you can see, obviously.” Eddie rambles, pointing in various directions. “And uh my room is the one at the end.”
“Do you mind if I dump my bag and get changed?” You ask, feeling bunched up, still in your uncomfortable work uniform.
“Yeah sure, I'll order the pizza.” He says, shrugging his jacket off. “Any preference to toppings?”
“Nah, I'm easy.” You say, instantly regretting your phrasing as he winks at you, you roll your eyes and flip him the bird heading into the bedroom as he laughs behind you.
  Much like the rest of the trailer, every available surface in Eddie’s room was occupied, various candy wrappers, empty beer cans, dirty mugs, clothing, drug paraphernalia, and nudie mags. A massive amp was slotted next to the bed, smaller speakers piled up in a corner. Band posters covered the walls, along with a huge homemade Corroded Coffin banner, next to it in pride of place suspended in a wall stand was Eddie’s electric guitar.
“She’s a beaut’ huh?” Eddie says proudly, making you jump.
“She’s a she?” You ask, watching in amusement as walks past you to place a two finger kiss to the body.
“Of course she’s a she.” He scoffs like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Uh - pizza will be about 20 minutes.” 
“Ok.” You say standing awkwardly, change of clothes held in your hand.
“Sorry about the mess, I was going to clean but wasn’t sure whether you were actually going to come or not, and then I got into this whole thing about whether cleaning was a good idea because I know I'm not gonna keep up with it. So I thought maybe best if i just -”
“Uh - Ed’s I still need to get changed.” You cut him off.
“Shit yeah, sorry, I'll shut up and get the film set up. K, bye.” He says abruptly leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.
  You had gone the comfortable but kinda cute route of soft grey pyjama shorts and an old oversized sky blue t-shirt, Eddie was crouched down by the VCR player hitting it intermittently when you came back into the room.
“C’mon on you piece of shit.” He hisses, a final smack and you could hear the tape whirr into life inside. “Hallelujah!”
“You know that’s really bad for the tape right?” You say, making him jump, he stands up taking in your appearance, his staring making you feel self conscious.
“Wow” He breathes.
“What?” You ask, suddenly worried your top has a massive hole in it.
“You look - Can I just -?” He moves quickly, pulling you to him, lips moving against yours, his hands in your hair. You wrap your arms around his waist, allowing him to deepen the kiss, heart slamming in your chest as he backs you up against the wall, one of the caps behind you falling unnoticed. “You’re so -” Eddie is cut off by a heavy knock on the door, you groan resting your head in the crook of his neck.  “Fucking cockblocking pizza.” He laughs, pressing a kiss to your hair.
“So just how scary is this film? You ask warily, legs tucked under you as you take a bite out of the double pepperoni and jalapeno pizza.
“It’s so-so.” Eddie replies evasively, settling back comfortably with his own slice.
“Eddie.” You say warningly, as the creepy music starts and the opening title card develops into the word ‘ALIEN.’
“Sweetheart, you’ll be fine there’s just a couple of jump-scares.” He reassures you, passing you a cracked open can of beer.
  You’re about 30 minutes into the film when it starts to get scary, John Hurt’s character coming across hundreds of gross looking eggs. Eddie has his arm around you, your face half hidden in his chest, the pizza forgotten on the coffee table.
“Why would you go near it?” You whine, turning further into the soft fabric of his usual Hellfire Club t-shirt.
“Keep watching baby.” He encourages, a big smile on his sadistic little face, you cringe, eyes almost squeezed shut as the egg slowly opens in tense silence, a Facehugger suddenly flies out and you scream.
“No, Ed’s I don’t like it!” You cry, jumping out of your skin. “Can we watch something else, please?” You beg not caring about how pathetic you sound.
“You really not enjoying it?” He asks, gently tilting your face up to look at him, you shake your head.
“I told you I didn’t like scary movies.” You mumble petulantly, bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
“What if I distracted you during the scary parts?” He queries, thumb stroking along your jawline, well it didn’t take a genius to see where this was going, you nodded trying not to seem overly enthusiastic.
He leans down to kiss you, hand still cupping your jaw, his other arm cradling you about the waist. 
“Your heart is still beating so fast princess.” He murmurs against your lips, feeling him smile. “You should probably lay down, wouldn’t want you to faint.”  
“Smooth Munson.” You giggle but allow him to manoeuvre you into a lying position on the broken down couch, his hand snaking under your shirt to stroke at the soft skin of your stomach, feeling brave you run your hand down over his back, cupping his ass.
The film continues, completely ignored as you make out, the screams and shouts hardly registering; Eddie’s stuttering breaths and small groans filling your ears instead.
“Ed’s.” You say quietly after another 20 minutes, his attention now focused on your neck. “Did you - did you want to go to bed?” You stammer slightly. 
“You tired?” He asks in a daze, lips all pink and kiss bitten, cheeks flushed. You shake your head slowly, biting your lip.
“Oh.” Is all he says before his face splits into a grin, hauling you up, and kissing you hard once more as he leads you to his room.
  He switches on a side-lamp, illuminating the room in a soft orange glow, you stand nervously unsure what to do, the bed looking intimidatingly huge at that moment. Eddie notices the uncertainty in your expression, the boldness you felt in the living room fading fast, leaving you self conscious and overthinking once more.
“Hey. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do baby. We can go back to making out on the couch, believe me I won’t complain.” He says softly, giving you a small smile. 
You’re trembling slightly as you resolutely pull your shirt over your head, before pushing your shorts down, leaving you in your bra and panties. You physically see Eddie’s pupils dilate, and try not to laugh at him as he frantically strips down to his boxers, the pair of you staring intently at each other for a moment. Trying to stay brave you step forward into his space, fingers tracing over the exposed tattoos on his chest, noticing how his muscles jump at your touch. He’s mapping out your skin too, hands starting at your hips, thumbs running upwards until he hits a 2 inch scar on your right side near your ribs, curving towards your back, a repeated swipe acting as a question.
“Took a spill on my roller-blades when I was 7, fell into a picket fence, 10 stitches.” You mumble looking down.
“Badass.” He says with a soft smile, ducking to place a tender kiss to the raised line.
 You take his hand, walking backwards until your legs hit the foot of the bed, shifting yourself into the centre, removing your bra ignoring the rush of heat to your cheeks.
“You’re so beautiful.” Eddie breathes, staring at you, eyes blazing. “Do you know how much I've thought about having you in my bed like this?”
You can only shake your head, chest heaving with nerves and anticipation.
He kneels on the bed, crawling over to you, lips hovering over yours, brown eyes boring into your soul.
“Eddie.” You sigh so softly you barely hear it yourself, he captures your lips in a slow heated kiss, and you relish in the feeling of having him so close just two scraps of clothing keeping you from each other. It was brand new, compared to your previous rushed encounters, the notion that you could both take your time almost overwhelming. You take his hand in yours guiding him down to your covered mound, back arching as his fingertips make contact with your clit, every nerve ending already feeling shot.
“So wet sweetheart.” He murmurs, his tongue licking into your mouth as he gently circles your bud. You reach down to stroke at his cock, the room feeling overheated, your kissing and soft movements the only sound in the trailer.
“Ed’s, need you.” You whisper, unable to wait any longer.
“You have me baby.” He says gruffly, sliding your panties down your legs, and then discarding his boxers.
You blow out a shaky breath, completely exposed and wanting as he rolls on a condom, thighs quivering as you let them fall open, Eddie slotting himself back in between.
  He pushes in slowly, allowing you to feel him inch by inch, chest to chest, foreheads pressed together, fingers laced, lips moving as one. Eddie was more rocking than thrusting, neither of you wanting to lose contact with the other.
“Perfect, you’re so perfect sweetheart.” He sighs, hitching your legs up to wrap around his waist, allowing him to go deeper than you thought possible.
“Eddie.” You whine, neck rolling as he hits a spot within you that has you seeing stars. “So good.”
“My sweet little thing, god your cunt feels like it was made for me.” He moans, bracing your hands above your head, holding them to the headboard with just one of his, the other now at your hip helping you to angle up.
You can’t do anything other than undulate below him, nipping at his neck and chest, the sound of your body slapping together making fresh wetness surge from your pussy, covering his cock in cream.
“Ed’s, I'm so close, please.” You whimper, searching for his lips, the coil in your belly unbearably tight. 
“I’ve got you sweetheart, just take what you need.” He pants, thrusting in earnest, hand lifting from your hip to thumb at your clit, you unravel in a silent cry, tears wetting your cheeks from the intensity.
“Good girl, good girl.” Eddie chants, releasing your hands from his grip so you can hold onto his back, nails scratching down the skin. He grips the headboard this time, fucking you hard enough that the bed thumps dully against the wall.
“Eddie, fuck.” You cry as he pushes you through into a second orgasm, your walls clamping painfully hard around him.
“I’m gonna - fuck I'm gonna cum.” He swears, mashing his lips to yours, hips stilling, cock seated deep within your spasming cunt.
“I - fuck.” He huffs, effectively collapsing on top of you, head buried in your neck. You run your fingers up and down his spine, trying to get a handle on your erratic breathing. “I think I’m dead.” He groans.
“You don’t get out of the pact that easily, Munson.” You sigh, laughter rippling through you both, sending sparks where you’re still joined. Eddie holds himself off you, pressing a kiss to your nose. 
“Stop trying to kill me then sweetheart.” He nuzzles you, and it makes your heart sputter and jolt.
“We should get cleaned up.” You say, nudging him gently.
Eddie extracts himself from you with slow kisses, and delicate touches, rolling to the edge of the bed you assume to dispose of the condom.
He lays back down, drawing you in close.
“5 minutes sweetheart, just 5 minutes.” He breathes softly, tracing nonsense patterns across your heated skin.
“5 minutes.” You agree, already feeling your eyelids start to close. 
Taglist: @avalon-wolf @mystars123 @lolalanaie @eddiemunsonsgf2 @eddieslildarling @bakugouswh0r3 @sidthedollface2 @81rain @blueberrylemontea-fanfic @winchester-angel @bimbobaggins69 @tuskjohnny
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spine-buster · 6 months
just friends, pt. 2
aka, another time it could have happened again
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gif credit @/besthimbomachine
Length: 3704 words Summary: It's New Year's Eve. Tyson and Hazel's favourite holiday is New Year's Eve. A beautiful dress doesn't quite help any New Year's resolutions. A/N: This series is slowly taking over my mind. This is some more blue balls for you all before we finally get to a sequel.
31 December 2019
Hazel took time to get ready for AEW’s New Year’s Eve party; she took time shaving and exfoliating in the shower, lathering herself in lotion, curling her hair, applying her makeup, slipping into her dress.  She took time looking at herself in the mirror, happy with how she looked.  It took a while to get here, literally and figuratively, but judging by the colour of her dress and the slit that reached up her thigh, she was, firmly, here.  Happy.
The party was to be held in TIAA Bank Arena for the entire roster, and while she knew she wasn’t running late, she knew Tyson would be. 
Can you hurry your ass up?
Perfection takes time, hunny
You are the worst person alive
Hazel snorted to herself at Tyson’s text, if only because she could picture so perfectly him saying it in person, too – if he were ever on time.  Regardless, she waited out in the hotel lobby, scrolling through her phone.  She saw some personal stories posted from some other friends already at TIAA Bank Arena, seeing all the decorations, the bar set up, and the hors d’oeuvres already being served.  She was starving.  If Tyson made her miss the hors d’oeuvres, she was going to kill him.
Her instincts told her to look up, and when she did, she saw Tyson walking towards her wearing a nice button up shirt and a pair of pressed slacks that fit him perfectly.  He looked good, but to Hazel, he always did, even though she couldn’t say it out loud.  She thanked the Lord it looked like he scrubbed all the spray tan off too, and trimmed his beard so it wasn’t too scraggly.  Sometimes she thought it looked so, and she made sure to tell him.  ‘It looks better when it’s shorter, Ty,’ she’d tell him, and usually within twelve hours it would be at a length she loved.  It was kind of like when he told her how he liked her long hair, how he didn’t want her to cut it again after she had chopped most of it off into a long bob a few years ago now.  Hazel went for regular trims so her hair was healthy and grew it out to a length that cascaded down her back.
Okay, so maybe they did say it out loud from time to time.
“Did you order the Uber?” she asked when he was close, but he didn’t answer.  She waited patiently for a response, but didn’t get one.  Tyson didn’t respond because his eyes were travelling from her face down her body, the dress accentuating every beautiful curve and line.  “Kenneth!”
He snapped out of it.  “What?!”
“You’re going to make me miss the hors d’oeuvres,” she said.
“No I’m not,” he said.  “The Uber’s two minutes away.  Let’s go wait outside.”
He walked behind her, watching her ass in the dress.  He had to think of the smell of his hockey team’s locker room from 20 years ago to prevent himself from getting a fucking erection in the lobby of a hotel.  He wanted to punch himself for thinking what he was; for thinking about what he wanted to do to her in that dress.  The things he could get away with.  The things she’d let him get away with.
If it was the right time.
“You look great by the way,” he said nonchalantly, barely making eye contact with her as they stood outside waiting for the Uber to pull up to the door.
“Yeah, thanks,” Hazel was almost bashful, running her hands down the fabric that covered the front of her thighs.  “You don’t—you don’t think it’s too m—”
“Nah, no way,” he cut her off, shaking his head vehemently.  “Everything…you just, you look incredible, Haze.”
“Thanks, Ty.  I mean it.”
He looked at her finally, a small smile on his face.  “If any of the guys hit on you tonight, you’ll know why.”
Before Hazel could say that none of the guys would hit on her as long as he was around (except for Austin, probably, and even then it would be as a joke), and before she could blurt out something stupid like “I wish you’d be the one to hit on me,’, their Uber rolled up in front of them.  She climbed into the back, trying to get her dress not to bunch up too much.  Tyson hopped in after her, staying behind the passenger seat.  “TIAA Bank Arena, please,” Tyson said to the driver before looking out the window to distract himself.
At the party, Tyson didn’t appreciate how he and Hazel were separated.  She had been whisked away early on and he watched her order gin and tonic with lime from the bar.  He hung out with some of the guys but the eye he kept on her in the dress was near constant.  New Year’s was his favourite holiday and he wanted to spoil himself by staring at her – sue him. He wanted to spoil himself in more ways, but he knew he couldn’t.  It was getting harder the more he saw her smile, the more he saw her laugh, the more he saw her cheeks flush red and her smile get wider as the night passed, taking pictures and laughing at jokes and singing along with the music.
For what it was worth, Hazel noticed.  She noticed Tyson’s eyes on her almost the entire night, stuck on her as she giggled and smiled and sipped her drink.  She could tease him all night if she really wanted to, and she knew it.  But instead of doing that – instead of teasing him more than she already was – she decided to whisk herself away to the bathroom, if only to cool herself down and reapply her lipstick. 
As she bent over the vanity to reapply her lipstick in the mirror, the door opened and in walked Tyson.  He stared at her through the mirror, smiling as he shut the door behind him and leaned against it.  “Hey,” his voice was soft.
“Hey you.”
“You okay?” Tyson asked quietly.
“Of course,” Hazel nodded.  She picked up her glass filled with ice and a lime.  “This is water.”
“It is?”
“I keep asking the bartender to fill it with just tonic water,” she revealed, smiling.  “You know how I always like to remember New Year’s.”
Tyson couldn’t help but smile at her little scheme, pushing himself away from the door and taking the few steps towards her.  “Yeah.  Of course.  Just like me.”
“We promised, didn’t we?” she maintained direct eye contact with him through the mirror.
“We did,” he said, remembering their conversation and promise in Tokyo all those years ago. His hand went to her waist, without warning. Then it snaked around, his hand resting on her lower belly. Hazel looked at him through the mirror. “Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?” his voice was low.
A smile broke out on her face; one she could barely conceal. “Mhmm,” she nodded her head quickly. She placed her hand over his, intertwining their fingers slightly. “You’re getting real handsy, Ty.”
“Sorry,” he didn’t mean it.
“You don’t have to apologize. You just have to…be careful.”
“Of what?”
“Yourself,” she deadpanned, biting her bottom lip mischievously.  “You’re your own worst enemy sometimes, you know that?”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Smirking at each other through the mirror, Tyson slowly pulled his hand away from her, but didn’t step away from her body.  “Are you having fun?”
“The most fun,” Hazel closed her lipstick, turning around so she was finally facing him and not looking at him through a mirror.  “You know how much I love all these rapscallions.  Are you?”
“Now I am.”
When there was about five minutes to go, the waitresses and caterers began pouring the champagne into the flutes.  Hazel watched as each one filled up one by one, everybody gathering together to watch the final minutes.  As the champagne was passed around, Hazel accepted her flute graciously.  Tyson, of course, politely declined. 
“Can I have his?” she asked the waitress, who was more than willing to oblige.
With two champagne flutes in her hands, the final minutes were dwindling.  Tyson stood beside her, watching on, a smile on his face.  The excitement in the air was palpable.  The countdown was always the best part.  And when the last minute of the year hit, he watched as Hazel performed an excited jig. 
Then, thirty seconds left.  They both turned towards the TV again, counting down with the growing number of their friends shouting out the numbers.  Tyson grew more and more emphatic with his screaming of the numbers the closer they got.  Hazel screamed along, careful not to spill her champagne.
Five!...Four!...Three!...Two!...One!...Haaaaaappy New Year!
Hazel screamed along with everyone else, raising her hands with the champagne flutes up in the air for dramatic effect.  Tyson was screaming along with everyone and clapping his hands.  She could see Austin and Britt already sharing a New Year’s kiss, and a few others, too.  She brought the first of the champagne flutes to her lips to drink, to suppress what she really wanted to do.  Hopefully the moment would pass.
When she looked into Tyson’s eyes after downing the second flute, she saw everything she loved about him; everything she was so desperate to have but desperate to keep hidden, to keep locked away in some small compartment within her.  “Happy New Year, Ty.”
His smile was soft, but light, and genuine.  “Happy New Year, Haze.”
It was nearing two in the morning by the time Tyson and Hazel decided to call it a night.  There were still plenty of people at the party, and they were still all giggly and smiley, but they wanted to go back to the hotel.  Tyson ordered the taxi as Hazel said goodbye to everyone, kissing everyone’s cheek and hugging them tight.  When they left the venue, Tyson walked behind her again, watching her hips and ass move in her dress. 
The car pulled up in no time.  Hazel crouched into the taxi first, shifting all the way over to the other side.  She could immediately feel how cool the air was in the car, in such contrast to the humidity outside.  As Tyson climbed in after her, her body shivered.  “Hyatt Regency, please,” she said to the driver, watching as Tyson close the door behind him.
As the taxi driver signalled to rejoin the road, Tyson moved so he was in the middle seat, practically in her seat.  Then, his hand went straight to her thigh, where the slit of her dress exposed as much leg as it could.  Her eyebrows rose playfully.  “What d’you think you’re doing?” she asked playfully.
“What?” he asked non-chalant, the smallest of smirks building on his face.  “Not like my hand’s never been there before.  Plus, you shivered.  Body heat is paramount.”
Between training and matches, and between, well…he wasn’t technically wrong.  But he still knew he was pushing it, and Hazel knew he was pushing it too.  While she appreciated the physical touch – she always did with Tyson – she knew it wasn’t the right or the best thing to do.  “Oh Tyson,” she chastised him, leaning back against the window.  “You know what would be even better?” she asked as her hand went to lay on top of his on her thigh, their fingers slightly intertwining.
His hand attempted to go higher, closer to her core, but she stopped him.  “What’s that?” he asked.
“If you gave me a foot massage.”
He pretend gagged and she laughed out, knowing that he hated anything to do with feet.  “Now why the fuck would I do that?”
“Cause you love me,” she said.  “And these heels are awful.”
“They look great.”
“Beautiful but awful.”
“Why don’t you just take them off?”
She rolled her eyes.  Men.  “The first rule of heels is you can’t take them off until it’s the end of the night.  Your feet won’t fit back in them if you do, and it actually becomes more painful to walk in them again.”
Tyson shook his head.  “Beauty is pain, I guess.”
“So I guess I’m not getting a foot massage, huh?” she smiled.
“No chance.”
They chatted and joked for the short ride back to the hotel, wishing the driver a Happy New Year and tipping generously with cash so he didn’t have to claim it.  The second Tyson’s hand left her thigh and his body left her side, she felt the loss.  She hated admitting so.  She buried the feeling again as she stepped out of the car.  But before Hazel could even shut the door, Tyson’s hands were on her again.
Except this time, he lifted her up dramatically into a fireman’s carry.  She yelped loudly, acutely aware that despite her dress still being on and the fabric covering everything it needed to cover, her ass was in the air.  “Tyson!”
“Oh will you stop,” he mimicked Gorilla Monsoon perfectly.  “You said your feet hurt!”  He began walking towards the door and through the foyer.  Hazel could feel her body heat up from embarrassment as she saw the concierge look at them.  What a sight to see at two in the morning.  She was thankful that nobody else was lingering around.  “Better than walking, huh?”
“Can you at least carry me like a normal person so my ass isn’t in the air?”
Carefully, so as to not tear at her dress, they transitioned like they were in the ring in-between wrestling moves, and eventually, Tyson was carrying her bridal style.  She pressed the button for the elevator before looking into his eyes and cradling his face in her hand.  “Hey Tys?”
“Thanks for carrying me.”
“I’d do anything for you.  You know that.”
“I know that, but your back is bad.”
“Doesn’t matter.  Your feet hurt.”
Her heart swelled.  Tyson had always been so good to her, and her to him, but she revelled in this sweet moment as much as she could.  It was only when Tyson’s face started to get closer did her heart begin fluttering instead of swelling.  “Ty…” she whispered. 
“You smell delectable,” he mumbled. 
“That’s Jo Malone for you,” she tried to joke, even though she knew it wouldn’t hit.  Tyson’s mind was somewhere else as she dug through her purse for their room key.  She shoved it into the reader, the little light turning green before she opened the door for them.  Tyson carried her into the room without even looking where he was going, the hair on his beard tickling the sensitive skin on her neck.  She couldn’t help but smile and giggle.  “Ty…”
“Let me put you on the bed,” his voice was husky all of a sudden.  He placed her down on the bed but followed her down, his face still in the crook of her neck, his body looming over hers.  “Christ, Hazel…”
Even though she was smiling, and even though almost every inch of her wanted this and could have had so, so much fun with it, she couldn’t.  Trouble – that’s what this was.  They could get into a lot of trouble this way.  “That’s not the best idea, Ty,” Hazel whispered as she felt Tyson’s nose on her décolletage, on her clavicle, on her neck.  She knew his lips were next.
“Why not?”
She giggled.  “You already felt up my thigh in the taxi.  You just want to because you’re hyped from the party.  New Year’s has always been your favourite holiday.”
“Our favourite holiday.”
“Regardless,” she smiled to herself like a Cheshire cat, “you shouldn’t do much more, Ty.  It wouldn’t be right.”
He knew she was right, fuck he knew she was right, but he gritted his teeth and bit his tongue.  ‘Yes it would be right’ he thought.  ‘Anything we do is right.  Anything we’ve ever done has been right.  It’s been right because it’s been with each other.’  He dislodged himself from her neck and rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling of the hotel room.  “It’s that dress, too,” he said to mask everything he was feeling, in a tone that covered any agony with humour.
Hazel’s smile didn’t leave her face.  “It’s always the dress, huh?”
Tyson stayed silent, continuing to stare at the ceiling, trying to collect his thoughts.  His arm was up above his head, the back of his hand resting on his forehead.  “Sorry Hazel,” his voice was soft and low.
“You don’t have to apologize.  I just don’t want you doing something you’ll regret later.”
‘But I won’t regret it’ he thought to himself.  “Yeah, yeah,” he nodded slightly.  “Thanks for always looking out for me, Haze.”
“You know I always will.”
Both of them took deep breaths, staring up at the ceiling as they lay in bed.  Tyson couldn’t get the images out of his mind of Hazel at the party posing for photos, laughing, her legs glistening in the light.  Her beautiful smile that took up half her face.  The shine of her hair down her back.   Fuck.
He felt Hazel shift beside him.  When he looked over, she had lifted her knee to her chest, stretching to grab the buckle of her heels.  The material of her dress rode up her thighs, exposing more of her skin.  They came off one by one, with Hazel haphazardly throwing them to the side on the floor.  He watched as she pushed herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed, her back now facing him.  He couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“Hey Tys?”
“Can you unzip me?”
He shot up, but tried not to look too eager.  He moved so he was directly behind her, watching as she gathered her hair over one shoulder.  He grabbed the small zipper of her dress with his big hands.  He took his sweet ass time pulling it down; Hazel knew he would.  A part of her wanted to tease him so badly, only because she knew she had the power to at the moment.
When he was finished, he didn’t say anything.  Instead, Hazel sensed it and she stood up from the bed, not bothering to look back at him.  He watched her as she walked through the room, watched as she reached her suitcase and promptly dropped her dress to the floor, leaving her in only her underwear in front of him.  He caught glimpses of the curves of her breasts as she threw her hair up in a ponytail and dug through her suitcase to find her pyjamas.  His mind took him back to Tokyo and it was like a magic trick how he could remember the feeling of them in his hands when they made love.
Hazel went into the washroom and closed the door behind her, and Tyson knew it was so she could wash off her makeup.  The memories of the night they’d just had flooded his mind, interspersed with memories of Tokyo.  Her dress.  The first time she wore one of his t-shirts after crashing at his apartment in Shinjuku.  Her being backstage after the G1 Climax.  Her laughing at his dumb joke at the bar.  Her lips around the straw of her drink.  Her hand over his when he grabbed at her thigh inside the taxi.
When Hazel got out of the washroom, clean-faced and with her hair in a bun, she noticed Tyson laying back down on the bed, still in his clothes from the party.  When she moved closer, she realized that instead of using the time she was in the bathroom to change, he hadn’t.  Now, he sleeping in his pants and shirt, an arm draped across his chest.  He looked so peaceful in his slumber Hazel almost didn’t want to disturb him.  But she knew what she had to do.
She crawled onto the bed slowly, making sure not to disturb him, and began to pull his belt out of the loop and unbuckle it.  When she tugged slightly, he moved his arm, and it wasn’t until she unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them did he groggily open his eyes.  “Hazel?” he asked.
“Let’s go to sleep.”
Considering what he had been thinking of before he fell asleep, he wasn’t sure if this was reality or a dream.  The fact that her hands were near his crotch was enough to make him confused.  “What’re you—”
“You can’t sleep in your party clothes, Tys.  Lift your hips for me.”
He did as he was told, and felt Hazel pulling his pants down, all the way down, until he was left in his boxers.  She moved to his shirt and started unbuttoning it for him.  In his mental haze of still not knowing if this was a dream or reality, he bought his hand up and placed it over hers.  She stopped and looked at him.  “I’d do anything for you,” he whispered softly.
A smile spread across her face.  “I’d do anything for you too.  Let me take this off you now, okay?”
Her hands were soft as they glided across his chest and up to his broad shoulders to push his shirt back.  It came off easily.  Hazel noticed Tyson’s heavy eyes.  “Get your head on a pillow, Tys.  You’ll be more comfortable.”
He pushed himself back and settled himself; meanwhile, Hazel pulled back the covers, got underneath them, and pulled them over their bodies.  She snuggled into his back, his body heat radiating onto her.  She paused for a moment, her lack of judgement winning out against her better judgement as she placed three kisses along Tyson’s shoulder.  She dragged her lips along his skin between them, making sure her lips lingered on his skin when she was done.  “That okay?”
He groaned slightly in response, nodding his head.  “That feels so nice,” he sighed out.
Hazel couldn’t help but appreciate the sentiment.  “Let’s go to sleep, Tys.  Tomorrow when we wake up there’ll be a whole new year of memories we can make together.”
Always together.
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rebornologist · 5 months
for the nsfw emoji prompt, ⛓️ 🚗 🏖️ for yamamoto? thank you 🥺💓
Takeshi Yamamoto ♡ NSF/W Headcanons Hii lovely anon! Sorry it took a while to get to your req ;; Thank you for dropping this into my inbox <;33 ༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ · ˳ · ♡ · ˳ · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
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Yamamoto and car sex do not mix well, namely because it is a very small enclosed space, and he is a tall individual that is definitely more used to taking up space than fitting into tight corners. It would definitely be a heat of the moment thing for him to engage in anything like that, maybe when he particularly misses his partner and decides that they just have to while the vehicle is parked right in the corner of the lot between some bigger SUVs. I think you’d have better luck lodging yourself however you can in the nooks and crannies of the car and sucking him off, which he would greatly enjoy, but he would much rather take the car home to properly fuck you.
I think that he’s open to but very picky about sensation play. He likes cooler, wetter, buzzier? and softer sensations than anything hot, prickly, or stingy. The latter kind of makes him cough and freeze up and absolutely kills the mood, so no dripping wax on this guy, but ice cubes are a go. It’s probably because he runs warm to begin with and doesn’t particularly enjoy being even warmer. Of course, he copes with it when he’s doing anything.. physically strenuous.
He loves the beach! He loves the feeling of the sand beneath his feet and the sun’s warm rays on his skin. He’s a ball of energy and can run, swim, build sandcastles, and play beach volleyball all day if you were there for it, but the beach is also one of the spots where he’s fully ready to lounge and nap under the sun while listening to the crashing waves. He’s certainly not opposed to getting a little nasty by the sea, but he can be a bit clumsy so I hope you’re fully prepared with as many towels as you can bring or else you’ll be very.. exfoliated, after the act. Takeshi is strong, so he can easily hoist his partner up to sit/lean on a large rock (with a towel laid over it ofc) while he absolutely goes to town on them. There’s nothing more romantic than spending the day with your lover playing in the waters, and ending it with wrapping your legs around him and running your fingers through his damp locks as he worships you under the moody sunset.
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pommpuriinn · 4 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨synopsis୧⋆ ˚。⋆In the kingdom of Anastasia the royal family holds a huge ball for all royals to come together, and start the search to wed their children together. The handsome Choi Beomgyu gets a lucky chance to enter the ball and feels love at first sight, Mo Yuri. Will their young love stay forever?
⋆ ˚。⋆୨warning୧⋆ ˚。⋆ none
⋆ ˚。⋆୨pairing୧⋆ ˚。⋆ beomgyu x oc
⋆ ˚。⋆୨author’s note୧⋆ ˚。⋆ thanks to Laufey’s music for helping me write this and I hope ya’ll enjoy ૮ ᵔ 𖥦 ᵔ ྀིა
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Laughter was heard at the huge garden that is covered with various flowers/trees, perfectly trimmed brushes in different shapes, mini waterfalls, and a final touch of ancient statues.
The two sisters were splashing each other with water from one of many ponds that are around the garden. “Ew! It got into my mouth unnie!” Danielle, the younger sister yelled. “That’s pay back!” Yuri, the oldest sister, laughed. The sisters didn’t mean to play in the pond, but Yuri did “accidentally” trip Danielle. Only because Danielle just kept on purposely bumping into Yuri to annoy her.
“Princesses?” Their nurse called out for them, making both of them stop immediately. “What do we do?” Danielle moved next to Yuri. Before they could do anything, nurse Min came around the corner and gasped at the sight. “Oh my goodness! princesses get out from there before your parents come to see.” Nurse Min pulled them out from the water. “Oh and there’s mud all of you two! And where are your heels ladies?” Before any of them can answer, nurse Min cuts them off. “Don’t tell me you ladies lost them.” The sisters just started playing with the little pebbles around them, clearly giving nurse Min an answer. “I’m taking that as a yes with your guilty actions showing.”
Nurse Min sighed, “I know I can’t stay mad at you guys, but let’s get inside and clean up.” Yuri grabbed Danielle’s hand and followed nurse Min back to their kingdom.
Nurse Min guided back upstairs and into a huge bathroom and in the center of the room was a huge sized tub filled with milk which is infused with herbs and honey decorated with flower petals. It’s an old trick to moisturize and exfoliate your skin that was passed down from family. “Please help the girls out of their dresses. We must throw them out as they have no use for us now.” Nurse Min instructed the other nurses in the room.
After the nurses got the sisters undressed they immediately climbed into the tub soaking in all the herbs. “Wow I always love the view here.” Danielle commented, as she stared out the wide window in front of them. “It never gets old huh? That’s why I stay here for hours.” Yuri smiled, as she turned around and rested her head on the edge while a nurse started scrubbing her head clean.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
As the sisters got done with their cleaning session and the nurse dressed them up with beautiful comfortable soft color silky corset gowns. Just as they finished getting ready for the rest of the day nurse Min walked in. “Princess Yuri, your parents are calling you down into the music hall, and don’t worry your secrets are safe with me.” Nurse Min smiled warmly at the sisters.
“Well I must go now.” Yuri stood up from her chair and kissed Danielle’s forehead before making her leave. Yuri started skipping her way to her parents, making nurse Min cautious. “Princess Yuri please be careful!” Yuri laughed her off, as she made her way down the long staircase into the main floor. “Your parents are right down there princess.” A guard instructed Yuri into another long hall with windows decorated all alongside the right wall.
“Mother! Father!” Yuri ran to them and hugged them. “Oh sweetie, beautiful as ever.” Her mother placed her hair strand behind her ear smiling down at her. “Well princess, we have some important things to talk about.” The king moved her to sit on the piano bench. “As you know my beauty of a daughter has turned into the right age to marry,” her father started. “And we decided to turn this wonderful music hall into a masked ball event to find the lucky one to take my daughter’s hand in marriage.” Both parents smiled at the future idea. Yuri’s smile disappeared the second her father brought up the idea of getting married. Yuri scoffed, “but I’m only seventeen don’t you think I’m still too young for that?”
“Not at all sweetie, I was your age when I met your father. We fell in love almost instantly when our parents introduced us to each other.” Her mother tried making her feel better, but it only made her feel worse knowing that even their parents forced them together. “What about Danielle? I still need to take care of her!” Yuri argued.
“Yuri honey, Danielle is thirteen she can take care of herself.” Her father tried to reassure her, but Yuri was already highly upset with everything. “We plan on having the ball tomorrow night. We invited all the kingdoms we know, so you can have a variety of princes to seek.” The queen brushes through Yuri’s long dark chocolate hair. Yuri pushed her mother’s hand away from her and got up and ran out the room while holding her dress up.
Yuri ran all the way to her room without catching a breath until she closed her door and locked it. Tears slowly came down, as Yuri threw herself down to her bed. “I don’t even know what love is. How can I marry someone I don’t even love nor care for.” Yuri was also worried about her little sister, she didn’t want to leave Danielle alone.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
“Breathe in and breathe out, focus.” He mumbled to himself before letting go of his arrow. The arrow hit smoothly right in the center of the target, a perfect ten. “Woohoo! Our Beomgyu gets a perfect score once again!” His friends celebrated Beomgyu’s third time getting a ten. Beomgyu playfully rolled his eyes because he knows his friends are just trying to annoy him. “Could we now have fun by the lake o’ mighty archer.” Kai bowed towards Beomgyu, messing with him even more. Beomgyu sighed while looking down trying to drag out his “thinking”. “Fine, but loser buys the drinks!” Beomgyu immediately dropped his bow and started sprinting towards the lake. “Hey! You assholes!” Yeonjun followed the group close behind.
The five teenagers ran through the little town trying not to bump into the citizens.
“Oh, sorry!”
“Excuse me!”
“Coming through!”
Of course the citizens weren’t that scared to cuss some of the boys out for almost bumping into them or even dropping their things.
“Cannon ball!” Beomgyu threw himself right into the lake without taking his clothes off. The rest of the boys followed into his footsteps when it came to not taking their clothes off either. “Aish, y-you gu-guys cheated.” A breathless Soobin came holding himself by the knees. “Unfortunately for you Soobin you owe us some drinks later.” Yeonjun teased, causing the group to laugh. “Fine but I’ll give you guys the money and one of you go in since you know…I’m the prince I can’t do things like that.” Soobin huffed.
“You know just becauseI feel bad for you me and Taehyun will go get the drinks later.” Beomgyu patted his back. “But first, feel the water!” Beomgyu pushed Soobin in. “Ah!” Soobin’s body met the cold water. The group erupted into laughter watching the prince swim back up. “And just when I was about to invite you guys over to an event.” Soobin said, as he took off his clothes with the rest leaving them in their underwear. “Invited us where?” Kai questioned.
“Well,” Soobin sighed. “My parents want me to get married to the princess of Anastasia, or at least spark her interest in me.”
“But you’re literally nineteen you should be having the time of your life!” Yeonjun was irritated at Soobin’s parents. “Being low class nobles does have its perks now.” Taehyun joked trying to change the mood. “Yeah I guess so.” Soobin gave a sorrowful smile at them. “But you guys are coming to this ball with me right?”
“But aren’t they going to know we’re low class with our apparel?” Beomgyu asked. “Lucky for us it is a masked ball, so only the men wear the masks so the women can choose their lovers. Don’t worry I have spare clothing you guys can borrow.” Soobin answered. “Is it your goal to win a woman's hand in marriage for your parents?” Yeonjun asked with raised eyebrows. “No! Of course not. I want to lay low as much as possible. Maybe you guys will find a woman instead of me.” He wiggled his brows at the boys making them laugh. “We have no interest in a love life right now, right boys.” Kai wrapped his arms around Beomgyu and Taehyun. “Right!”
“We’ll see then.” Soobin smirked.
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vulpes-fennec · 6 months
A Return to Autumn's Roots (1/3)
Summary: Eris Vanserra, the new High Lord of Autumn, has extended a Solstice ball invitation to Elain Archeron and Gwyn Berdara. Will a Court frozen in perpetual change break the stagnant mating bond between Elain and Lucien?
A lil @acotargiftexchange present for @sunbrightheart! I hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed writing this for you! 🎄
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***Winter Solstice | Location: Velaris***
Elain managed to time Feyre’s cake perfectly, leaving at least an hour to get ready before the Solstice party started. It was chilling in the icebox as she took a hot bath in her suite. The warm water soothed her tired hands, hands that had been busy putting up finishing decorations and baking the last 24 hours. 
She washed her hair carefully with sweet-smelling soaps, and climbed out of the tub wrapped in a soft pink robe. As she waited for her curls to dry, Elain placed her presents in the basket for Rhys to hold onto. A sleek onyx fountain pen for Rhys, three pots of shimmering paint “dust” for Feyre, and a knitted cap with bear-shaped ears for Nyx’s first Solstice. An embroidered ribbon bookmark for Nesta, wool scarf for Cassian, a gold-embossed mystery classic for Emerie. Gold hooped earrings for Mor, perfume for Amren, special treats for Varian’s pet fish. Azriel would be receiving an exfoliating scrub for calluses, Gwyn a seasonal assorted chocolate basket. Elain hadn’t felt like giving Azriel a gift, and felt even more ill at ease when it came to choosing Gwyn’s.  
Elain had never given everybody presents before. Something curdled inside her when she looked at the final present. Buying everybody a present was the excuse for this particular gift. It was a fox plushie for Lucien, awkwardly wrapped because of its shape.
She picked it up and placed it into the basket. It was such a stupid present. Grown males had no need for stuffed animals. She barely knew Lucien, so it was difficult to think of something for him. 
Elain had mainly gotten the stuffed animal because it was something that could keep him company. Her note had said, “So you’re never truly alone.” She’d loved playing with dolls when she was young, would bring her stuffed bear into the garden and imbue it with its own personality to feel less lonely. 
Maybe she was making a mistake…Lucien was closely associated with foxes, but he’d been stuck with a fox mask for 49 years…perhaps he didn’t like foxes so much anymore. Drat. She couldn’t not give him anything now. Maybe she could replace the fox stuffed animal with something else in her room. Elain scanned the shelves, which were filled with small plants and trinkets. 
But the basket was gone. Rhys must have thought she was done and whisked it away. Elain sat down on her bed, fighting the urge to cry. Did Lucien feel this stressed when he was deciding which present to give her last year? And the year before that? If he didn’t like the fox, or worse, if he laughed at her, she’d truly cry. 
Glancing at the amount of time on the clock had her wiping the tears away. There were only thirty more minutes until the party, and crying would only make her eyes red and puffy. Elain sat at her vanity and carefully applied some color to her eyes, cheeks, and lips. She enjoyed using orange and reddish colors to bring out the different hues in her brown eyes, eyes that were more warmly colored compared to her sisters’ blue-gray. Though, looking at orange and red makeup only seemed to remind her of her mate’s home court. She sighed. 
After twenty minutes had passed, Elain was satisfied with how she looked. Her lilac-purple dress had flowers embroidered with silver threads, staying in-theme with the winter color palette. It hugged her bodice well, but flared out gracefully with long sleeves and a floor length. She’d purchased it two weeks ago specifically for Solstice. Her soft curls lightly cascaded down her back. Elain was always a little vain when it came to her hair; she liked it long and loose, and felt it looked best that way. Again, so different from Feyre and Nesta, who preferred to have their more golden locks up in braids or buns. 
Elain padded downstairs in her silver heels. Mor, Amren, and Varian were already in the large sitting room, drinking wine. “You look so pretty!” Mor exclaimed. Elain blushed. A compliment from the glamorous Morrigan always made her feel special. “Care to have some wine?” 
“No thank you, maybe later,” Elain declined. She sat down next to Mor, facing the doorway. The door opened, revealing Rhys with Nyx in his arms. 
“Feyre is still getting ready,” Rhys explained. There was a knock on the front door down the hall. Elain sat up a little straighter. If it was Lucien…
Her hopes were dashed when Cassian and Azriel bustled into the room, both Illyrian warriors wearing black. “Nyxie!” crowed Cassian as he ran towards Rhys, his arms outstretched. “Your favorite uncle is here!” 
Azriel only rolled his eyes as Nyx let out a burst of bubbling laughter at Cassian’s goofy expressions. Elain noted that the shadowsinger’s black shirt was cleanly pressed, his shoes polished clean. Interesting. And Azriel’s shadows, always wreathed around the top of his wings, were on full display tonight. They always unnerved Elain a bit, even as he offered the group on the couch a small smile. 
It was five minutes until 7 in the evening when the door knocked again. Elain snapped her head to the hall, holding her breath. But her Fae ears picked up three sets of feet walking towards the living room, and she tried not to appear too disappointed. 
The Valkyries. Nesta was wearing a holly red dress that matched Cassian’s red Siphons. She had her arm hooked around Gwyn and Emerie’s arms, as if to provide assurance, for it was Gwyneth’s first time meeting the Inner Circle.
Gwyneth’s coppery red hair shimmered in the warm faelight. It was long and straight, almost like Lucien’s…except Lucien’s hair was a more vibrant, ruby red. Two small braids framed her face, which was freckled and pale. The teal dress she wore almost matched the shade of her round, saucer-like eyes. Elain glanced at Azriel. He was standing across the room, holding Nyx, but looking at Gwyneth with admiration and a hint of pride. 
“Everybody, this is Gwyn,” Nesta announced. 
Varian politely shook Gwyn’s hand, and Amren gave the priestess a rare smile. Mor beamed, “Hello Gwyn, please call me Mor. I’ve heard so much about you!” 
Gwyn’s smile was charming. “I’ve heard so much about you as well, it’s nice to meet you.” Her slightly nervous gaze turned towards Elain. 
Elain struggled to find her words. “Hi,” she began lamely. “I’m Elain…Nesta’s younger sister.” She felt self-conscious. Did she have a judgemental look on her face? 
“Hello Elain. It’s good to meet you at last,” Gwyn replied with a shy smile. Elain returned the smile nervously, wondering how much Gwyn knew about last year’s tension between her and Azriel. 
Gwyn and Nesta moved on to talk to the Illyrian warriors. For once, Elain paid them no mind. Her stomach was making somersaults as she glanced at the clock. It was time for the party to start, and Lucien wasn’t one to be late. She tried to engage in the small talk with Amren, Varian, and Mor, but found it hard to concentrate on the topics at hand.
It was usually this way whenever she anticipated Lucien’s arrival. Elain would pretend not to know when he was coming, but would always closely track the time. The fated mates would glance at each other quickly, then avert their gazes. Thus began the dance of avoidance, where Elain and Lucien, acutely aware of each others’ positions in the room, would navigate to be furthest away from each other. The heavy awkwardness would drag on and on, until Elain or Lucien decided to take their leave. 
Tonight, however, she felt strangely giddy with anticipation.  
At ten past 7, Feyre breezed in, looking magnificent in a rich navy gown and tiara. “Sorry I’m late, darling,” she said, pressing a kiss to Rhys’s lips. 
“Happy birthday!” everybody exclaimed. Feyre’s eyes grew bright with emotion. 
“Thank you, thank you,” she said, clapping her hands. “I love each and every one of you all. Let us have some cake before dinner, shall we?” 
“Oh!” Elain blurted suddenly. Everybody in the room swiveled their heads to look at her. “I-I think we’re missing someone? Lucien?” 
“Elain, I’m so sorry I didn’t have a chance to tell you this earlier. Lucien sent a message saying he wasn’t coming,” Feyre looked at her apologetically. 
Elain was stunned. “Oh…Did he say why?” Feyre shook her head. “That’s alright. I just…I just wanted to make sure before we cut the cake. In case he didn’t want to miss out…” she felt herself rambling so she quickly closed her mouth. 
As everybody bustled into the dining room, Elain couldn’t help but feel hollow inside. And worried. Lucien wasn’t coming. Surely he was not in any grave danger if he could send Feyre a message…which meant he probably didn’t come because of…her. And Azriel. Though, judging by how closely Azriel drifted to the young priestess, there was nothing for Lucien to worry about. Nearly everybody in the room had found the people and place they’d belonged with…except for her. 
***One year later | Location: Forest House, Autumn Court***
“Oh!” Elain let out a small gasp as the door swung open to reveal a shirtless Lucien lounging on a bed. For a split second, he was a creature of myth: eyes half-closed with rest, molten-red hair, his angular face soft with the kind of rest that only privacy could bring. Lucien sat up immediately, his eyes wide. Elain quickly averted her eyes from the broad, dusty brown expanse of his bare chest, her heart galloping fast as a horse. 
“I-I’m sorry!” she stammered. “I forgot which room was mine and I was testing the spelled locks and I—” She stole a look at Lucien’s tight-lipped expression. “I didn’t mean to intrude,” she finished.
“No need to be sorry, my lady,” he said quietly, his voice low and stiff. Lucien quickly pulled a shirt over his head, and the sudden urge to pout at the loss of his sculpted body left Elain reeling. But how could she think such scandalous thoughts in the midst of this social blunder? 
She stepped back into the long hallway, unsure of how to extricate herself from the situation. It was her first time in the Forest House, first time in the Autumn Court, really. It was the Autumn Court’s first Winter Solstice under its new High Lord, and Eris Vanserra had invited both her and Gwyn Berdara for the Winter Solstice. Gwyn, because her grandfather hailed from Autumn. Elain, because she was Eris’s supposed sister-in-law. 
Eris had also invited Helion Spellcleaver. The revelation that he and the former Lady of Autumn were mates, and the fact that he was Lucien’s true father, sent shockwaves throughout all of Prythian. The gossip was still going strong after all these months—every time Elain went to the market, there was always someone chattering about it. Lucien Spellcleaver, Elain had whispered to herself whenever she was alone. Lucien Spellcleaver. Her mate’s true name. 
Lucien had arrived with Jurian and Queen Vassa in tow last night. Aside from a swift look and cordial “my lady” that sent Elain into a flushed mess, Lucien had not interacted with her since. And now, she had stumbled into his room. 
Lucien eyed Elain’s flushed cheeks warily. She was in a simple cotton dress of plain yellow, her brown curls pulled back with a sage green scarf, and yet she was still the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. 
Lucien had scoffed when Eris informed that he’d invited Elain Archeron to the Autumn Court’s Solstice Ball—his brother was being his usual meddling self. What shocked him more was that Elain had accepted the invitation. 
Now that he thought about it, she was much more present during his short visits to Velaris this past year, even going so far as to initiate small talk. And the way she’d openly stared at him last night seemed promising…but Lucien didn’t want to get his hopes up. 
He decided not to mention that this was not just some random room he’d been assigned; this was his old room in the Forest House. A room that he’d carefully spelled to allow only him through the threshold. It was likely that the wards recognized Elain as his mate, recognized the imprint of his soul on hers, and let her in unexpectedly. She’d likely have an aneurysm after hearing that, so he kept his mouth shut. 
“Would you like me to accompany you to your room, my lady?” he offered.
“It’s alright, I don’t want to impose…” she trailed off, biting her bottom lip subconsciously. Lucien glanced away quickly, fighting the urge to kiss her on the mouth and take that plush bottom lip between his teeth. Touch her, smell her, taste her, his instincts urged. 
“It’s not an imposition. I’m taking Helion on a short tour of the forest in ten minutes anyways.” Lucien hoped it didn’t sound like he was pressuring her into spending time with him. 
“Actually, I am supposed to meet your mother for tea in the Maple Room and I’m not too sure where it’s located,” Elain said softly. After a moment of hesitation, she added, “you may call me Elain.” 
“Do you dislike it when I say ‘my lady’?” Lucien asked. 
“No, no, I do!” She blinked rapidly, flustered at her admission. The tips of Elain’s pointed ears turned pink. Oh, she definitely likes it, Lucien thought to himself with a satisfied smirk. “I just feel it’s too formal.” 
“As you wish. I can take you to the Maple Room, it’s on the way to Helion’s guest quarters.” It was still hard to refer to Helion as “his father”, Lucien thought. Over the last few months, he’d become more familiar with Helion’s boisterous, joking side. And Helion’s affectionate side that came out with him and his mother, as if to make up for 400 years of lost time. But…father? No, that was a term more closely associated with Beron. 
Elain kept a measured distance from her mate as they walked down the Forest House’s corridor. Acorn-shaped glass sconces filled with faelight cast a golden light, the hall was padded with soft burgundy carpet, and the walls were tastefully decorated with wood carvings and oil-painted art. 
“How’s it going with your father?” she ventured after a few moments of silent walking. 
“What do you think of the Autumn Court?” Lucien asked at the same time. 
“No, you go first,” they both said in unison. Elain and Lucien glanced at each other, doe brown eyes meeting mismatched amber and gold, before chuckling softly. It eased some of the tension between them, softening the tightness in Elain’s chest and making the corners of Lucien’s eyes crinkle. 
“Ladies first.”
“So I get my question answered first,” Elain prompted with a small smile. 
Lucien sighed, with somewhat of a dramatic effect. “It’s going well,” he said. “Helion is…he makes my mother happy. And he’s been good to me, but of course the bar was always low with Beron in the first place.” 
“You just call him Helion? When you’re with him?” Elain was taken aback by how directly she was speaking to Lucien, given how short and tidy their previous exchanges were.
“No…I call him ‘Dad’ but it feels strange in my mouth.” Lucien shook his head. “I don’t know what a normal relationship between sons and fathers should be. To be honest, I don’t think any of us do.” Elain’s fists clenched, as if readying to fight a long-dead and buried High Lord for the pain he inflicted upon her mate. She trembled slightly, reminding herself to calm down and take some deep breaths. 
“It’s only been a few months,” Elain said softly. “Relationships take time.” Our relationship has been in a gray area for almost three years, she realized. Lucien must think I’m wretched for saying that to him.
If he thought there was an underlying meaning to her words, he did not show. “Well, what do you think of the Autumn Court?” he asked again, switching the subject. 
“It’s beautiful, I wish I had more time to explore the woods,” Elain replied. As much as she’d tried, she couldn’t keep Lucien out of her mind when taking in everything. She walked the halls imagining how his younger self would have roamed, touched the trees so similar to the ones he saw every day, savoring the constant chill he would have felt on his skin day in and day out. Did he jump into piles of leaves? Play hide and seek behind statues? “Everybody has been very kind. I was expecting…something worse. More stiff and traditional.” 
Lucien shrugged. “Eris has done a decent job of changing the atmosphere of the court with his leadership. How is Gwyn? She came here with you, right?” 
“Gwyn is off visiting her cousins…she’s very excited to meet them. She misses Azriel, but they talk every night through the scrying mirror.” Truth be told, Elain was a bit stressed that Gwyn had a full itinerary of plans during their visit. She’d grown close with the priestess, and was feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of interacting with Lucien’s family on her own.
“We’re here,” Lucien announced as they rounded the corner. A light brown door with a simple placard that said “Maple Room”. He knocked, and proceeded to open the door for Elain when Daphne Spellcleaver’s lilting voice beckoned them in. 
“Elain Archeron,” Daphne Spellcleaver greeted her warmly. The Maple Room, like all other rooms in the Forest House, was excessively grand. It was meant to be a sitting room, but the massive rugs, the vaulted glass ceiling, the literal maple trees growing in the corners of the room, and the plush furniture elevated it beyond just a sitting room. Unlike some of the other rooms, however, the Maple Room was filled with plenty of natural light. Two massive windows opened out onto one of the Forest House’s many gardens, filling the air with the smell of roses and dahlias.
“Lady Spellcleaver,” Elain murmured, dipping into a curtsy. It was her first time interacting with Lucien’s mother, the former Lady of Autumn. She had met Graysen’s parents before, but this felt different. 
“Oh Elain, no need for formalities. Please, call me Daphne.” Elain rose to see that Lucien had gone straight towards his mother for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “My sweet boy,” Daphne murmured, ruffling Lucien’s hair as if he were a youngling. “Shouldn’t you be meeting with your father at this time?” 
Lucien grinned wryly, making Elain’s heart flutter just slightly. His demeanor had switched instantly, becoming more easy-going around his mother, all loose shoulders and shining eyes. “I was escorting her to you,” he replied. “I’ll be on my way now.” He stepped back, dipping his head towards Elain. “My—I meant—Elain.” Shit. There went another skip of her heart when he said her name. 
That russet and gold gaze met hers briefly, before he turned and left swiftly. 
“Let’s have some tea. Although I am no longer Lady of Autumn, old habits of welcoming dignitaries are still difficult to break. Especially when we are hosting the High Lady of the Night Court’s sister.” 
A female well-versed in court maneuverings, Elain noted. By regarding her as Feyre’s sister, Daphne had indicated she wasn’t here to talk about Elain’s mating bond with Lucien. Despite this formal acknowledgement, the genuine kindness in Daphne’s russet eyes putting Elain immediately at ease. It was easy to pick out what traits Lucien inherited from his mother: her red hair, obviously, her russet eyes, those high cheekbones, and the easy grace. 
The maple-flavored tea and selection of desserts were delicious, and Elain found Daphne exceedingly easy to talk to. They had a shared love for baking and fine clothing, which made for easy conversation. Daphne asked Elain questions about her human life, how she was adjusting to being Fae, what Velaris was like, and if she had anything interesting planned for the upcoming year. 
Elain was dying to ask Daphne about Lucien, but since Daphne did not bring up a single thing about her son, Elain was hesitant. Since Elain and Lucien’s mate status was a fraught relationship, it was possible that Daphne did not want to make her feel uncomfortable. Still…there had to be a way to pivot the subject…
“What was Lucien like as a child?” 
The Lady of Day smiled fondly. “He was a mischievous and observant child,” she replied. “Always running around, playing little tricks. Asking a million questions, chattering with anybody who would give him a minute of their time.” 
Elain found herself smiling as well. Lucien seemed to be that precocious boy who would ruffle her feathers at the formal events her parents used to bring her to. “I’m sure those played a part in how he became a courtier.”
“Oh yes,” Daphne agreed knowingly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about my son so much…”
“Oh no,” Elain reassured her. She smiled conspiratorially at the Lady of Day. “In fact, you should tell me about his most embarrassing incidents…”
Read Ch 2
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