#fan fiction resources
Fluffy Alphabet Thing
I made a fluffy alphabet thing for anyone who wants to request headcanons for One Piece Live Action characters. I’ll do Sanji, Zoro, Mihawk, Shanks, and Buggy. And maybe other characters if you ask nicely and I feel creatively capable.
I’ll make a section for this in my Masterpost, and cross out each character claim as it is made. Any name without color that has been stricken through has already been requested.
I ask that headcanon requests be limited to five letters per character. Can be all five characters, or just one or two of your choosing, whatever.
If you want a oneshot/drabble for a letter, I ask that you limit it to three characters per request and only one letter for all three characters.
This is very much for my sake to keep the creative spark going. Unambiguous headcanons help fuel my drive to continue stories/requests with more specific themes. So, have at it.
If anyone wants a copy of the Fluffy Alphabet for their own use, hit me up and I’ll gladly send you a clean copy so you don’t have to copy/paste/edit shit out. No need to credit me, consider it a free resource.
EDIT: Hi I can't alphabet I forgot E but I just added it in
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A is for Affirmation (How affirming are they of you and their love for you?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
B is for Birthday (How do they go about celebrating the day you were born?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
C is for Courtship (How would they court you?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
D is for Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning and other such household chores?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
E is for Emergencies (How do they respond when either of you have an emergency?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
F is for Friends/Family (What happens when they’re around other people you care about?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
G is for Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
H is for Hugs (How do they like to hug you? How often?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
I is for I Love You (Who says it first, how long does it take, how does it happen?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
J is for Jaunt (Where do you go/what do you do when you go out together?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
K is for Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you/be kissed?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
L is for Listening (How are their listening skills? Do they hang on your every word, or is it sort of in-one-ear-and-out-the-other?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
M is for Morning (How are your mornings spent together?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
N is for Needs (What do they need in a healthy relationship?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
O is for Others (How do they react when you’re around other people?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
P is for Protective (How protective are they of you?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
Q is for Quiz (How much do they remember about you? Every little detail you mention in passing, or are they prone to forgetting?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
R is for Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
S is for Stress (How do you help each other handle stress?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
T is for Temper (What is their temper like? Quick to anger or long fuse? How bad do they lose it?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
U is for Unique (What’s something unique about them that no one knows but you?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
V is for Vacation (Where would they take you on vacation, what would you do?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
W is for Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you? How long would it take for them to recover if they lost you?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
X is for Xtra (An extra thing about your relationship) (You can specify what the extra thing is, or I can just pull something out of my…well, you know.)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
Y is for Yearning (What’s something that they yearn for when you’re separated?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
Z is for Zzzzzz (How do they respond when you fall asleep in their presence?)
Claims: Sanji Zoro Shanks Mihawk Buggy
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oraeliaa · 4 months
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New reference pics!
magazines, the brotherhood, random toilet in a hallway - fic writers, what more do you need than canon hallway toilets??
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Break these terrible amateur tropes by thinking outside the box.
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
SPN Reader Insert FanFic Writing Challenge: Gender Studies
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In our Discord server today, we had a great talk about Reader Insert fics and what tips and tricks we use to entertain our audience without alienating them. At the end of the chat, the subject of Gender Neutral Reader Inserts came up. The main point we all agreed on was that we need to strip away gender stereotypes and just write a basic person in order for a GNRIC (Gender Neutral Reader Insert Character) to work. We tried listing some of those gender stereotypes and did not come up with many besides women being more emotional and men being less likely to discuss feelings. That discussion brought us to this challenge.
Because we want as many writers as possible to join us for this, all participants will be entered into a drawing to win prizes from the Prize List!
What (earns you one entry into the drawing) - Write a one-shot two ways: once with a Female Reader Insert Character (FRIC) and then write the same story with a Male Reader Insert Character (MRIC). Pick a trope and a genre (use your favorites or you can use our SPN Prompt Generator for ideas), figure out a scenario, and then write the same basic story for each gender.
Bonus (earns you an additional entry into the drawing) - Write a third fic but with a GNRIC.
Additional Bonus (earns you an additional entry into the drawing) - Once you've written both, tell us how writing each one made you feel. What basic differences did you keep in mind as you were writing? What problems did you expect to run into, were those the same problems you actually had while writing, and what unexpected problems did you encounter?
Fic parameters -
At least 1000 words.
The pairing does not need to be romantic, but you will earn an extra entry into the drawing if the pairing is romantic.
The fic does not need to have smut, but you will earn an additional entry into the drawing if there is any level of smut. (Kissing and some fondling or something like phone sex is the minimum to earn the extra entry.)
How to join - Send an ASK to the Pond blog here on Tumblr, DM @mrswhozeewhatsis here on Tumblr, or DM Admin Michelle on Discord!
Deadlines - No deadline to join. The deadline for posting is Monday, September 2, 2024, at midnight EDT. The drawing will happen on Tuesday, September 3rd, so there will be no extensions. All fics submitted will be added to a masterlist. Fics submitted after the drawing will still be added to the masterlist, but will not be eligible for prizes.
Other nitty gritty - This can be combined with other challenges and bangs or bingos. Must be SPN/The Winchesters. Can be a Pairing x Reader Insert, but it must be a Reader Insert. To submit your work, DM Admin Michelle. You can write multiple sets of fics to earn more entries into the drawing. If you have any questions, contact @mrswhozeewhatsis!!
We can't wait to see what you all create!!
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
Mana - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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wholoveseggs · 9 months
How do u write so good smut
Can u share some tips...
~♡~ Smut writing tips ~♡~
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Have an idea of what you want to happen during the intimate parts – positions, of course, but also:
~♡~ Foreplay ~♡~ How rough or how soft ~♡~ If your characters are talking during it or if they're not much for dirty talk ~♡~ Do they have any kinks? ~♡~ Is it their first time, or is it routine? ~♡~ Is this an actual act of love, or is it something else? ~♡~ And most importantly, what does your character want to get out of this scene?
Ask yourself what this moment means to them. Why now, why then, why with that person?
Always keep track of where everyone's body parts are and what they are doing, like hands, mouths, legs, etc. You want the scene to be very vivid and realistic, and the best way to do that is to be as descriptive as possible.
The goal is to make the reader feel as though they're right there, experiencing what's happening along with your characters. Describe the sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and sensations, as well as any actions. Make sure your dialogue isn't too cheesy or corny and try not to use clichés. On top of all that, throw in what they are feeling emotionally from time to time.
Remember to use this stuff only when it seems fitting; not everything should be overly detailed, and not everything has to be said in one single paragraph. Try to make the pacing flow naturally and have the scenes come together seamlessly. Avoid using the same phrases over and over, but also don't go crazy with the thesaurus.
My process usually starts with a single moment or idea. For example, in Je t'aime, Je t'adore, I had an idea of Elijah all wet and sexy on the beach, and then I created a whole story around it.
Know your weaknesses in your writing; I tend to ramble on a bit too much, so I make sure always to edit down my work. I have pages and pages of what I call 'scraps' – just random smut that I cut out. Sometimes, less is more.
If you're not into romance then don't force yourself to write it. Write something that makes you happy, if you like rough, kinky stuff then write it, and if you like to write something cute and sweet then go ahead, just enjoy the experience. One last thing, write what you enjoy, write the things you like to do, see, feel and read yourself. If it makes you happy, your readers will be happy too.
Here is a great smut thesaurus by @prurientpuddlejumper for finding just the right word to capture the image in your mind: Smut Thesaurus
♡♡ Thank you for listening to me and my ramblings. I hope it was of some help! ♡♡
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There are so many great resources for Choices content creators, but it can be hard to keep track of all the different things. So here is my attempt to compile a list. Please message me here or @lovealexhunt​ if you know of something else. I’ll keep this updated as new things open too.
⟢Monthly Challenges⟢
September — @choicescommunityevents [Prompts]
October — @choicesmonthlychallenge [Prompts]
November — Tentatively Taken
December — Open
Prompts for the monthly challenges usually post around the 20th of the month prior. If a host drops out, I note it here. Please be patient as we all have lives outside of Choices. 
⟢Celebration + Themed Events⟢
September: Smutember: @choicesprompts [Prompts]
September 25-29: Hayden Young Appreciation Week: @haydenyoungappreciationweek [Prompts]
October: Horror Fest: @choiceshorrorfest [Prompts]
October 9-15: Aiden Zhou Appreciation Week: @aidenzhouappreciationweek [Prompts]
October 25: Nadia Park Appreciation Day: @nadiaparkappreciationweek
November 15-19: King Liam Appreciation Week: @kingliamappreciationweek
Know of any celebration weeks? Send me a message!
⟢Other Events & Things⟢
Non-Canon Secret Pal Exchange @choicescommunityevents
Fall Choices Book Reading Challenge @choicescommunityevents
@choicesficwriterscreations: Fic/Art of the week, WIP, Throwback, and other special events
Fandom Birthdays​ 🥳  [list here]
​Choices Book Club : @choicesbookclub​ [Event Info]
⟢Not Currently Active⟢
@moodmusicmonday​ (Monday music prompts)
@choicesflashfics (weekly dialogue prompts)
⟢ Past Monthly Challenges ⟢
2024 Monthly Challenges
2023 Monthly Challenges
2022 Monthly Challenges
2021 Monthly Challenges
2020 Monthly Challenges
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spectrumos · 22 days
Some resources to help with language used by certain Elden Ring characters.
This is especially useful for anyone writing Elden Ring fanfic! If you are, or you have a friend that is! Please share it with them!
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nateslehky · 1 year
this post has been going around asking if people prefer 'format a' (single spacing) vs 'format b' (extra spacing) on ao3---
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---and the general consensus in the poll and in the tags is that not only do people vastly prefer a, they very much despise and often refuse to read format b.
another theme among the tags is from writers, specifically those that use google docs, complaining that format b is just how ao3 formats their writing if they are copying and pasting into rich text editor from google docs. so if they want to have format a (the vastly preferred format among readers) they have to manually go through and back space everything to get rid of the extra spacing, which is tedious at best.
and while this is true if you are manually double spacing your paragraphs in google docs like below (pressing enter twice before starting a new paragraph--see the "|" that indicates a manually created line/space)
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you can also just format your google dog to add a space before/after a paragraph (doesn't matter which, but you only need one) from the 'line and spacing' drop down menu on the toolbar
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and it'll make it look like below automatically with just pressing the 'enter' key once (see how it's not a full line of space between the paragraphs, ie: you couldn't type a line of text there like before).
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Then, when you copy and paste into ao3, it will be formatted like 'format a' automatically instead of having to manually go through the work and get rid of the double spacing! :)
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peltk9 · 4 months
A Simple (relative!) Way to Save a Lot of Fanfic to EPUB at Once
Disclosure: This is a relatively simple way. There are still a lot of steps and requires a little bit of computer know-how. However, many other processes involve copy-pasting URLs one-by-one, which, for 100+ fics, takes a long time.
This guide is particularly meant for Fanfiction.net works, which, at the time of writing, can no longer be downloaded in bulk from the Calibre FanFicFare plugin (rip in peace). FicHub can still reliably download from FFN, and there is a FicHub CLI to bulk-download from a list of URLs.
Regarding AO3: Using FicHub CLI with AO3 appears to be a bit finicky. FicHub CLI is more likely to give up on URLs in longer lists. Your mileage may vary. Personally, I recommend either the in-built AO3 downloader (one-by-one downloading only) or the FanFicFare Calibre plugin (for bulk downloading). EDIT: there is also this python program from tumblr user nianeyna: https://nianeyna.tumblr.com/post/659921552559783936
Regarding Wattpad: It does not look like FicHub can download from Wattpad. However, FanFicFare can download from Wattpad.
What You Will Need
Windows PC (theoretically this will work on a Mac or Linux, but will require different steps vis-à-vis python and the command prompt)
Python (version 3)
If you don't have Python installed, and don't know how, please follow this tutorial: https://realpython.com/installing-python/#how-to-install-from-the-full-installer (if it asks to create an account to view, open in a private window)
(I know the full installer works for the purposes of this tutorial, but you'll need to make sure you install pip--under Customize Installation--and add Python to the PATH. I am unsure if the Windows App version does both of these.)
Install Notepad++ from the official site: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
If you installed Python correctly, then to install fichub-cli (https://github.com/FicHub/fichub-cli):
Open the Command Prompt in Windows (Windows search bar "cmd")
Copy-paste the following: pip install -U fichub-cli
Hit 'Enter'
Wait for the Command Prompt to do it's thing . . . and you're done!
Getting the URLs - FanFic dot Net Favorites version
(These instructions are specifically for the Favorite Stories on a user's account, but can be modified to get any story URL on any page of FFN.)
Open Firefox and go to FFN. Now go to the mobile version of the site by clicking the smartphone icon on the top bar, left-ish side of the screen. You can also replace the 'www' in the URL to 'm'.
Log into FFN if you aren't already, then go to your account > Favorite Stories. The reason why we're using the mobile site is because it won't paginate your favorites. All your favorite stories will be all on one page, which means it's only one copy-paste for everything.
Right-click anywhere on the page and hit 'Inspect (Q)'. This will pull up DevTools, which will give us a nice place to get all the URLs. Look at the left-most panel in the the 'Inspector' tab. It should have a bunch of HTML code in. Find the <tbody> that's right before a bunch of <tr>...</tr>.
Right click the <tbody>, Copy > Inner HTML.
Open Notepad++. In a new file, paste in that Inner HTML we just copied. This is where we extract just the URLs for the stories from the mess of HTML by having some fun with regular expressions.
Open the Find & Replace in Notepad++ (Ctrl+F, or on the top bar Search > Replace ...). In the window, make sure you're on the 'Replace' tab. In the bottom-left-ish of the window is some Search Mode options. Select 'Regular expression' and check the box labeled '. matches newline'.
In 'Find what': .*?(/s/\d*/1/) In 'Replace with': $1\n
At this point, you should be able to click 'Replace All'; but if you want, click 'Find Next' to see Notepad++ highlight the first place it finds a regular expression match and click 'Replace' to see it change that highlighted section to just the /s/ . . . /1/ part (the /s/ . . . /1/ is the story URL on FFN). Depending on where your cursor was when you first opened Find & Replace, you may need to click 'Replace' once or twice even after 'Replace All'. You may also need to move your cursor to before the very first letter.
Once you've clicked 'Replace All', you should be left with a long list of partial URLs, looking like /s/ . . . /1/. There will be one section of unneeded HTML, probably near the bottom of the page. Manually delete it to leave only the URLs.
Now to change those partial URLs to a full URL. Open the Find & Replace again. In the Search Mode, select 'Normal'.
In 'Find what': /s/ In 'Replace with': https://m.fanfiction.net/s/
Click 'Replace All' (and maybe 'Replace' once or twice if needed--move your cursor to before the very first letter if needed) and now the list of partial URLs should be full FFN mobile URLs.
Save as a .txt file with whatever name you want.
Using FicHub CLI
First and foremost make a new folder somewhere on your computer. Name it whatever you like, but remember where it is and what you named it. Take the TXT file of URLs and move it into that new folder.
Open Command Prompt (Windows search bar "cmd"). In Command Prompt, navigate to the folder you made. If you don't know how to change directories in Command Prompt, this guide can help: https://www.howtogeek.com/659411/how-to-change-directories-in-command-prompt-on-windows-10/
For example, if I made a folder called 'FFNDownloads-2024-01-01' on my Desktop, I would type: cd Desktop/FFNDownloads-2024-01-01 in the command line and hit 'Enter'.
Once the Command Prompt is looking into the folder where your URL list is, type the following into the command line: fichub_cli -i [NAME].txt
Replace the [NAME] with the name of your URL list file. So, for example, if I named my URL list 'ffnurl.txt', I would enter: fichub_cli -i ffnurl.txt
Hit 'Enter' and the FicHub CLI will start it's magic. It can be a bit hard to read what's happening, because some of the text is dark blue, but it will print out how many URLs it finds, then check if there are duplicates, and then go through them one by one and start downloading them into an EPUB. The EPUB files will be saved in the same folder the Command Prompt is currently looking in--which should be that folder you just created.
There is a progress bar at the bottom of the Command Prompt with a rough estimate of time left. If you have 200 or more URLs, FicHub CLI can take an hour or more. Leave the Command Prompt alone until you're done. If you need, you can still use the rest of your computer, including the Internet. Just be careful to leave the folder and Command Prompt alone until the FicHub CLI is finished.
(Why does it take so long? As a general rule, polite internet behavior for robots, like the FicHub, is to ask websites for things slowly. If a robot asks for a lot of things quickly, it can overwhelm the website and make it difficult for the website to work properly. Some internet spam attacks do this, asking for a lot, quickly in order to disable a website. FicHub CLI is slow so that it doesn't get flagged as spam.)
Once FicHub CLI is done, it will make an output.log file. You can delete that if you want, it's basically a copy of the TXT file with the URLs inside. If there were any problems, FicHub CLI will also make an err.log file. Both LOG files can be opened in Notepad++ or in the default Windows Notepad. The err.log file will have a list of any URLs the FicHub CLI couldn't download, for whatever reason. I've found that if I make a new TXT file with just the error URLs copied right from the err.log file and re-run FucHub CLI on that TXT, most of the time they will be downloaded without problem.
Any lingering error files (hopefully less than 10 at this point, if any), you can go through the https://fichub.net/ site to download them one-by-one.
Et voilà, you have successfully downloaded a lot of fanfiction, all at once, as EPUB files. Once Python and fichub-cli are installed, then the process can be repeated to get any new or updated fics. All you need to do is create a TXT file of URLs for new/updated fics, and FicHub CLI will do the rest.
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shannyh25 · 4 months
I am looking for a beta reader if anyone would be interested? It’s for my new fan fiction idea.,
Summary: Titanic story line, but, with a twist. Gilbert and his little sister boar the Titanic after the unexpected death of their parents. Hoping for a better life. Anne comes aboard the Titanic with Marilla after loosing Matthew hoping for a better life as well. When the three of them meet, it’s a strong bond that nothing can break them. Not even the devastating tragedy of the Titanic can break that bond.
I know some people are against my story line and plot, but, if I get a gold beta reader and if someone likes Titanic/Anne of green gables like I do, I would really appreciate the help. I would give the beta reader credit to.
I would like someone to help me with stronger sentences, make my story stronger, help me describes scenes and emotions, maybe point me in the right direction on how to get reviews.
If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it. I never had a beta before. I’m not exactly sure on how this work. But, I’m willing to give it a try. I have my first chapter semi started. It’s a rough draft of course.
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Have some adoptable devil fruits that may or may not be making an appearance in some of my fics, because I've developed a useless hobby of coming up with devil fruits and definitely have no use for all of them.
Kabe Kabe no Mi (wall, paramecia type)
Grants the user the ability to create indestructible walls at will, as well as phase through any type of wall, provided it isn't comprised of sea stone.
Kumo Kumo no Mi (cloud, logia type)
Creation of clouds, mist, and fog, and the ability to transform into mist. Can be used to alter weather patterns, though results can be volatile and unpredictable.
Mōfu Mōfu no Mi (model: morph, human form zoan type)
The ability to completely morph one's features, perfect mimicry of other people at will. Limited to only human transformation, user cannot mimic fishmen or animals. If a fishman or animal consumes the fruit, they will also only be able to transform into human forms.
Tako Tako no Mi (model: Blue-Ringed Octopus, beast form zoan type)
Ability to transform into a blue-ringed octopus. User still can't come into contact with ocean water, but can breathe underwater in fresh water or use abilities on land. Small in size, ideal for stealth; venom containing neurotoxin, also ideal for a rogue/assassin type character.
Kami Kami no Mi (Hair, paramecia type)
Ability to grow or shorten one's hair, and control it at will. Comes across pretty useless, but can be used to make a rope in a pinch, garrote or bind one's enemies, or easily escape if said enemy happens to grab user by the hair.
Būmu Būmu no Mi (Boom, paramecia type)
Not to be confused with the Bomu Bomu no Mi, allows user to create explosions at will, of varying size and severity, whether for distraction purposes or to cause actual damage; user cannot use it to turn themselves or others into a bomb. The greater the explosion, the more difficult to control. Very volatile as a result and requires extensive training to properly master.
Saizu Saizu no Mi (Size, paramecia type)
Ability to either shrink or expand one's size at will, the extent of which depends on the user's mastery of their abilities. Standard, one can grow as small as an ant or increase their size around threefold. Does not alter physical strength, but can make the user either more difficult to detect or harder to combat.
Ondo Ondo no Mi (Temperature, logia type)
Temperature altering; including one's own body temperature or others', and the temperature of the user's surroundings, whether it be a single object or the surrounding atmosphere.
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groovebunker · 22 days
doing some research for a fic and i stumbled across this project from the nypl. what's on the menu is the ongoing attempt to digitise their collection of nearly 45,000 restaurant menus and it's unbelievably cool. they go back to the mid 19th century and you can browse by decade or by unique dish. they're also looking for help to transcribe to make all their menus searchable!
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dreamtigress · 6 months
Writing Resources
My main thesaurus website which is up while I write:
My favorite Random Name Generator: There are so many ways to tweak the settings and generate names to choose from:
If you have spare credits/moolah/kruge, these are awesome:
Translations: Nothing beats having a native or fluent speaker's help, but DeepL tends to do better than Google Translate:
I don't heed even a third of its suggestions, but the Hemingway Editor is good for finding stupidly long run-on sentences that I otherwise skim over. It encourages me to rework some things, make them more succinct:
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
Competitive Writing Sprints
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Add words to your WIP and earn prizes at the same time!!! This session will be hosted by @heavenssexiestangel!
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What time will it be for you?
UTC - Wednesday 18:00
Los Angeles - Wednesday 11am
New York - Wednesday 2pm
London - Wednesday 7pm
New Delhi - Wednesday 11:30pm
Melbourne - Thursday 4am
How will it work?
The exact number of sprints and length of each sprint will be decided by the host and participants. Be prepared to work on a WIP of your own, but the host has the option of offering a prompt.
At the end of the sprints, whoever wrote the most words in one sprint will get a prize. Whoever wrote the most words in all of the sprints together will also get a prize. More prizes may be given out on the day depending on how things go. If the host brings prompts, there may be opportunities to win more prizes for most creative, funniest, etc. Be prepared to be asked to share your work! You don’t have to if you don’t want to! (Prizes will be chosen from the Pond Prize Pool.)
Where will this happen?
In the sprint channel in the Pond discord server. (You must be a member to be in the discord server. Not a member? Start here and then send us an ASK!) For anyone who hasn’t sprinted before, how it all works will be explained before we start.
I have more questions. How do I get them answered?
Send us an ASK, or ask your question in the discord server (someone will get back to you later if no one is there when you ask), or send a private message to one of the admins!
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
Michelle - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Marie - @mariekoukie6661
MJ - @thoughtslikeaminefield
Mana - @manawhaat (Founder and Admin Emeritus)
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rucciavelliprivo · 3 months
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૮₍ ´っ˕ -。` ₎ა 𝗦𝗟𝗘𝗘𝗣𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗢𝗡 𝗠𝗘 𝗜𝗦 𝗖𝗥𝗔 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁𝗬 .ᐟ
❝ you did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you .ᐟ ❞ 𝗝𝗢𝗛𝗡 15:16
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𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 | definition : no matter the platform, the medium, etc above all else, my purpose is to be an author of my own perspective .ᐟ masc-presenting black woman, who’s a master of anything i put my mind to, but never too passionate complete it lol  .ᐟ  anime/manga enthusiasts (working on my own), fashion lover, art maker and admirer, and music listener .ᐟ my own fave muse, not even gon’ yiiiee .ᐟ  navigation is basically the tags, but 𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗪 is some extra links & a few fun facts to further your understanding on @𝗿𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗼  .ᐟ  
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🔘 𝗷𝗮𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 ― Michi みち | meaning "path ❞ .ᐟ.ᐟ 🔘 𝗸𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 ― Min-Su 민수 | (min) meaning ❝ gentle, affable ❞ combined with (su) meaning ❝ luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding ❞ .ᐟ.ᐟ 🔘 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝗷𝗼𝗿 ― first generation .ᐟ.ᐟ 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝘆'𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝘁𝗳  .ᐟ
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝗡𝗔𝗩𝗜𝗚𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 [Coming Soon.] ૮₍ ˶ • ˕ • ˶ ₎ა
🔘 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 🔘 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 🔘 𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀
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🔘 𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵.𝗶𝗼 ― my original indie choices games .ᐟ.ᐟ 🔘 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗱 ― my original books [sneak peak on what's to come is on pinterest] .ᐟ.ᐟ 🔘 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 ― my visual brainstorming on role-play and writing .ᐟ.ᐟ 🔘 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘃𝗲  ― my current muses, forever growing and developing. writing samples, starters, backgrounds, paras, musing, etc .ᐟ.ᐟ
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