#fans of that ship please don't attack me
myprongsfootera · 9 months
Wolf star is just a poor man's prongsfoot.
Best friends but not *best friends.*
Loved each other but not *obsessed with each other.*
Hot but not *gestures vaguely at James and Sirius* them.
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homeworld-railroad · 2 years
Brb gonna go cry into a corner I found somebody on tiktok who responded to a Bellow Diamond video saying they’re “literally sisters” and telling everyone who seemed confused in the comments that it’s confirmed like buddy no its not why are you spreading misinformation 😭
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ecrivainsolitaire · 8 months
Humans have the capability of perceiving when they're being stared at, even if they can't see it.
Dr. T'Chem was staring at Lieutenant /θkɡɾɑːˈŋæ/ (or as his current fling affectionately nicknamed her, "Tucker-Annie"), whose dorsal spikes were still rattling after the incident at the holodeck. It was his first time at the witness stand, and he didn't want to ruin a young star sailor's life.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie was the combat specialist in charge of the training dojo of Federation Vessel TSN457, named after the Terra-Saturn-Ceres coalition where Dr. T'Chem currently served as the xenoanthropologist charged with facilitating human integration to the local Federation of Fraternal Planets and Satellites. The FFPS had the goal of finding planets with intelligent life to trade resources and technology, and due to their recent incorporation, local research vessels were fitted with diverse crews to acclimate everyone to each other's cultures and biological needs. Dr. T'Chem was the human expert in the ship, and was tasked with helping smooth over interpersonal relations among the crew.
The relations were, at that moment, as bumpy as Lt. Tucker-Annie's dorsal spike line.
An incident had occurred during a training exercise. The squad consisted of a Venusian, two Saturnians, three Ceresians, two monks from the Transcorporeal Temple of Robotic Ascension, and five Terrans (two humans, two dogs and a cybernetically enhanced cat). The exercise consisted of getting through a generic jungle scenario and, unbeknownst to the squad, avoiding a team of ninjas lead by Lt. Tucker-Annie trying to take them out one by one. It was supposed to test the way they would react to a surprise attack.
It was not supposed to reveal that humans could sense when they were being stalked.
Of course, any trained sailor would have an ingrained knowledge of potential threats and how to spot them. Look for the shadows that are too dark, listen for the spot air isn't blowing from, things like that. Basic things most people don't think about but that can be identified if you think about them.
This was not that.
"Something's watching us," said Crew Johnson, in that sloppy way only creatures with lips spoke.
"What do you mean? There's cameras everywhere, of course they're watching us," responded Crew Hessikh, slithering over the vines on a tree branch to cross a river. She grabbed the axe in Crew Johnson's belt with her telekinesis and took down a small tree to serve as a bridge.
"Crew Flufflepaws, could you please take a look?" Asked Crew Johnson, nervously looking around. Crew Flufflepaws got on the tree as well and scanned the terrain from above.
"I can't see anything, or smell anything. And my hearing isn't what it used to be. I'll stay on the lookout for—" a horrendous hiss interrupted the automatic translator's feed. Crew Flufflepaws' comm line cut off.
Hessikh and Johnson looked at each other. That was the strongest fighter of their team, gone. They knew it was a simulation, but it still gave them chills.
The rest of their crew mates were split into two different teams further along the path. Crew Fanning's voice came from the comm line.
"Johnson, Hessikh, are you okay? What happened to Flufflepaws?"
"We don't know, Johnson said something was watching us and it went to check, then we lost comms."
"I felt it too. I know this isn't that kind of exercise but I think— AAAHHH!"
Two blaster shots were heard, then a thud.
Lieutenant Tucker-Annie, who was watching Hessikh and Johnson from the mud pit behind the latter, had her tranquilizer dart ready. She got ready to shoot down Hessikh, but then heard a voice over the comm line.
"Code Lithium, we have a Code Lithium, we have to end the simulation, I just took down- I can't-" the breathing was sounding heavier and faster, too fast for a human.
"Fanning, calm down, remember your sutras. We need you focused, what happened?"
"I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and saw this thing and it scared me and I jumped and I thought it was on stun mode and-"
"It's alright, we're calling it off. Captain, we have a Code Lithium! End the simulation now or- fuck, there it is again. Hessikh, do you see any heat sources?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary- why haven't they shot it down alre-"
The next thing Lieutenant Tucker-Annie remembered was the sound of a heel turn over the mud, followed by darkness.
Lt. Tucker-Annie woke up in the hospital bay, getting her tail regenerated by a robot nurse. She looked over and found her underling on the next bed, with a huge bandage on the side of his neck and a wing in a cast. Thankfully, he would be alright as soon as the stem cell bank was reprogrammed after her treatment.
The disciplinary board was called, an investigation was open, and both Crew Fanning and their captain were put on paid leave while the investigation was ongoing. Dr. T'Chem was called in as an expert after a review of the holodeck footage revealed there was no way Crew Fanning could have heard, seen or smelled the hidden sailor.
It was the first time in a while he hadn't helped himself to a glass of Venusian whiskey for breakfast. He really didn't want to mess this up.
"And would you care to explain how this is possible, Doctor?" Asked the prosecution, staring him down with an unnerving amount of eyes.
"I am as astounded as this court; our firm has been looking into Terran medical literature and we're still trying to figure out how it works; they don't even know, but they know it does happen, it's been documented for thousands of years. I have a hypothesis, but I don't know if it's even testable."
There was a murmur in the court. The judge asked him to elaborate.
"The way eyesight works is the light bounces off of opaque bodies and in its way it collides with the lenses in our corneas, which send it to the brain as electrical signals to be interpreted. The light that doesn't go into our eyes just bounces off our bodies and other opaque objects as well, the photons go everywhere and anywhere. This is the same for most species in this constellation, including humans. But even other Terran species don't have these abilities, as Crew Flufflepaws has testified."
A begrudging meow was heard from the audience.
"Order in the court, please. Dr. T'Chem, what do you suggest is the origin of this mysterious sense?"
The camera drones all hoovered around him. Dr. T'Chem straightened his fins and got close to the microphone.
"I believe it's possible that humans have a sense of touch so sensitive that they can feel the photons that don't bounce back. The ones that go into an eye instead of an opaque body. I think humans can actually feel in their skin when they are being watched."
There was an uproar in the crowd. His paramour, a dark skinned young human from the human settlement known as "Colombia", grabbed the religious symbol on her necklace and made a gesture with it he hadn't quite figured out yet.
The trial had to go on recess.
The implications were incalculable. Three dozen biologists from six different planets, including Terra, had emailed him before the end of the day to ask him to justify himself. Multiple human religious leaders took the chance to link it to demonic possession or moral evils. By the end of the week, four different labs were trying to figure out a way to double blind test shooting a photon cannon on a human's back and trying to get them to sense it.
But most importantly, the news made it outside of the Federation. The rumours about this new species that couldn't be stalked got so far, it ended up affecting the outcome of a border conflict with the Betelgeuse Libertarian Army on the Federation's favour.
Humans were terrifying.
If this is what they evolved to be, what was their planet like?
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makuyi13 · 2 months
Yes, I know the majority of you are multishippers. And that some of you pick poly ships. Please don't attack me, I'm just curious what would happen if y'all had to pick from these. And I deeply apologise if I got your ship name wrong.
Reblog for bigger sample size
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talaok · 1 year
Okay . What about pedro × reader
Hear me out ...
They are dating for a few months but keeping it a secret the reader is also an actress and in her new movie her Co star is into her and with the interviews everyone is talking about in in social media . So pedro gets jealous and show up at her work ... maybe they fight or idk . I'm not sure about the ending
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Actress!reader
Summary: Pedro’s jealous of one of your co-stars
Warnings: a tiny bit of angst because I didn’t feel like doing a lot, and allusion to smut
A/n: why do yall like jealous Pedro so much!?
Pedro was not a jealous man, he knew you were his, just like he was yours.
He didn't mind the stares you'd attract from other men, he didn't mind the shameless flirting everyone always directed your way, and he didn't even mind having to see you kiss other men on screen... but there's a limit to everything.
He'd stumbled by accident in the comment section of your most recent post, a picture with the cast of the new movie you were shooting, and god if he wished he hadn't.
He meant to write a cute comment, because even though nobody knew about you two, nobody ever seemed to notice the borderline flirty words he'd leave under your pictures, and now he understood why.
He wasn't completely oblivious to the online conspiracies about you and Andrew, you had told him about it, about all the edits and fans and ships or whatever, however, there was a small detail you had forgotten to inform him about: the guy obviously liked you.
And who could blame him right? 
Pedro. He could fucking blame him.
It didn't take long before he was furiously stalking his own girlfriend's Instagram.
you look stunning darling
Darling? When the fuck did he start calling you that?
I think I just had a heart attack
Oh, fuck off
And that wasn't even the worst part. Fuck no. The worst part was the fucking videos. the interviews. The way his eyes never left your fucking body. The way he touched your hand and lingered just enough for him to notice. the way he didn't even try to hide his pathetic attempts at flirting even when he knew he was being fucking filmed.
By the time Pedro shut his phone, he was ready to go have a “talk” with this guy
But first, he needed to see you. Now.
__ __ __
"God please if it's Gary tell him that I don't need to practice that scene again, I got it." you rolled your eyes as you instructed your assistant to open the trailer's door after hearing a knock.
"sure thing, but I don't think he can be so easily persuad-" her voice trailed off as she took in the man in front of her.
"Hi" she smiled at Pedro "It's-it's not Gary" she shot you a look.
"what, who is it?" you asked, momentarily forgetting the lipstick in your hand as you got up.
"hi sweetheart"
"what are you doing here?" you couldn't hide your confusion.
"Just wanted to see you," he said, entering the trailer.
"Oh," you smiled, before glancing at your assistant "I'm sorry Ana, could you give us a moment?"
"no problem, but remember you need to be on set in '15"
"yes ma'am" You joked, giving her a pretend salute.
She chuckled as she closed the door behind her.
"they have you on a tight schedule huh?" Pedro murmured, wasting no time before wrapping his arms around your back, forcing you flush against him.
"they do" you nodded, standing on your toes "So you're not gonna get what you came all this way for" you taunted, leaving a quick kiss on his lips.
He grunted, unsatisfied, and pulled you back for another kiss. This one much hungrier.
"Is that what you think I only think about?"
"well you don't make much of a case for yourself" you laughed softly.
"that's your fault" he breathed "If you weren't the most stunning woman on earth maybe I wouldn't be so all over you"
"maybe" you shrugged, lazily drawing patterns on his chest "Maybe not"
"I need to talk to you," he said, suddenly more serious.
A cloud of dread dropped onto you.
"oh," you murmured, taking a step back "about what?"
He looked around the place before finding your eyes again.
"I want to tell everyone"
You frowned 
"I want to tell people we're together"
You were taken aback.
He was always the one opposed to it. He didn't want you to get caught in all the drama and gossip inevitably heading your way, no matter how many times you told him you didn't care.
"What?" you smiled "Why- I mean why now?"
"I want everyone to know you're mine. And I'm yours" he said " including Andrew"
You shot him a look "Andrew?"
"You didn't tell me he's obsessed with you"
"what? He's not"
"he is baby,"
"how would you even know?"
"I saw it"
"When? You've never met him"
"I saw the comments, and the interviews, and the videos"
"And you think just because in an interview he did what? made me laugh, he likes me?" you scoffed "That's ridiculous Pedro"
"I don't want to tell everyone we're together just because you're jealous of a guy I work with," 
"that's not why I want to tell sweetheart" he reassured you, taking a step towards you " I want everyone to know just how much I love you, that's why. And if that means that guys like Andrew will back off... even better"
"He's not into me" you insisted
A sly smile pulled at his lips "God baby, you really have no idea what you do to men, do you?"
"He's not into me."
"Sure" he mocked "and tell me, when was the last time he didn't do something you asked him?" He asked, moving some hair out of your face.
An almost comical silence spread through the room.
"That's what I thought" he nodded, using his fingers to raise your chin.
"Maybe he's just polite"
He leaned closer, his mouth ghosting yours "Or maybe he's just in love with my girl" he breathed a moment before kissing you deeply, one hand to the back of your neck and one to your ass.
"so what do you say?" he asked once you parted "You ready to tell the world?"
"Only if you are"
"oh you have no idea" he murmured, suddenly picking you up and pinning you against a wall.
A small gasp fled your lips, but he silenced it with a kiss.
"Pedro..." you warned him, tightening your legs' grip on his waist.
"they can wait" he read your mind "You're the start after all"
You couldn't help but laugh at that.
"you're a bad influence" you breathed, causing a smirk to land on his lips as he kissed your neck.
"sweetheart?" he suddenly asked
"Yeah?" you murmured, already out of breath.
"Whose trailer is next to this one?"
You paused a moment, pondering your options.
"Andrew's" you finally spoke, going for the truth “Why?”
By the look of it, that’s exactly what he wanted to hear.
“Baby,I think you know why”
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angellettes · 1 year
─ synopsis. reader is an actress and jack champion. She is playing the part of Ethan landry's girlfriend in scream VI and accomplice
─ notes. I'm not a big fan of how I wrote this it kinda sucks but I hope you guys like it ♡ genre/warnings.. none for this chapter just pure fluff!♡ my page is minors dni. this chapter is suitable for any age but minors are not welcome on my page for their own safety
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You and Jack had been dating for 3 years, and unknowingly were both casted for Scream VI. You hadn't found out about both getting casted until you had to meet the cast members before shooting was set to start. Certainly the experience of being a couple and playing a couple in a literal horror movie was Certainly interesting.
you both were getting ready on set to start filming, as you had a conversation about how funny it was that you were unknowingly casted in the same movie and playing as a couple in the movie, and how funny it was. your character's name was Amira lynn. You quite liked your character. It was simple but not boring. Your character was supposed to be a fashion major, and you were also the accomplice of Ethan Landry. Your role was interesting, had a good smart, but kinda ditzy personality.
The first few days of shooting got a little boring because you were there in a lot of the movie. Your character was sort of like ethan's alibi. When Ethan wasn't around during an attack you had to vouch for him. As the characters got more suspicious of Ethan you guys had to make a little plan to get them off track, so you staged an attack by ghostface. The filming for your attack was thrilling and kind of fun, as it involved getting chased around, thrown into walls, and getting tackled several times. Next thing you knew your character was dead during the attack scene after Mindy accused Ethan. You getting killed got them off track.
You stuck around on set for the rest of the time until your last scene which would be the reveal. Your character was Ethan's accomplice, who would make calls, do occasional killing, and vouched for him if they got suspicious.
"now die a fucking virgin" Jenna seethes out as Jack's characters dies by getting stabbed in the throat. You scream out and run towards his "dead boddy and hold him "please don't leave" you sobbed out. Then your character dies by being shot in the back. You flop down on the ground next to jack, holding his hand, talking about how in another happier life you would've gotten away with the gruesome crimes you did, and would've graduated college and got married. Melissa walks up to you, shooting you in the head, and then your part is done.
At the premiere of the movie interviewers went wild and swarmed around you asking questions about you it felt to play the roles, and how was your reaction to the fans seeing you both in the same movie. You had know about the shipping mostly from fan edits of you both. And the reason why the public was shipping you is because they didn't know you and Jack were dating for 3 years. Tonight you guys were revealing it.
"How do you both feel about being shipped together by the fans?" the interviewer asks. You and Jack look at eachother with a grin. "Well funny thing is that me and Y/N have been dating for 3 years so I mean it kinda makes us feel giddy" Jack says with a confident look on his face as his arm is wrapped around your waist. All the interviewers had the most priceless reactions after the statement. Made you wonder how people on social media were gonna take it.
When you were on your way home, you checked Twitter and Instagram. You both were shocked to see people were calling you the hottest couple, and some made comments about the fact that you hid it for 3 years, but some weren't shocked because they kind of already had hints and figured it out.
Once you got home you and Jack felt so giddy about the things they said, as you got comfortable, making little comments about it, and laughing, as you held eachother. You both got in bed and immediately Javk pulled you right flush to him, as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. It was nights like this after a busy day that felt the most euphoric. Holding eachother thinking about how you would go about the next day, and just having some cute pillow talk. You both decided to have a scream movie marathon as you fell asleep, feeling eachother's closeness and warmth against eachother. You were so happy to be with this amazing boy.
You both decided to go out the next morning, and get some things to eat, and go shopping, and just have a little day together in celebration of your reveal, and finishing the movie. As you got home there were a ton of notifications on your phone. You opened your phone to see, and saw a post of Twitter, saying " Jack Champion and Y/N L/N spotted today at ///", the post had several pictures of you and Jack walking. You called him over to see. and once he saw he laughed. You closed your phone and looked up at the tall, curly haired, giddy boy you lived with all your heart. He wrapped him arms around you and laid kisses on the crown of you head, and going down to your neck.
"On camera and off, we're always sweet as sugar, and I love that about us. I'm happy we don't have to hide anymore, baby. I love you with all my heart" Jack coos at you, his arms still wrapped around you leaning his head on yours. You sigh in contentment and entangle your fingers with his. "I'm so glad we don't have to hide anymore either. I love you with all my heart, jack". You both looked up at eachother smiling, as you leaned into eachother, and your lips finally met his you knew that no matter what, Jack wold always be by your side, and he knew you would always be by his.
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do not plagiarize, translate,or repost my work.
finished- April 8, 2023 , 9:16 AM
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Epic Fandom We Need To Talk! (An Open Letter)
As a former survivor of severe Cyberbullying and harrasment I can no longer stay silent anymore. You have forced my hand.
This has gone way too far and I am massively disappointed. All I ask is that you listen to what I have to say. This is no longer a joke as a survivor of Cyberbullying and harrasment I can say that a misunderstanding has turned into The Epic Fandom putting the livelihood and well being of artists in danger. I ask you to be respectful and understand I am speaking from old wounds and experience. Please don't twist my words, I don't support 🍇 or Antinous he is a horrible character.
Tw: Mentions of Cyberbullying, 🍇 and harassment
Dear Epic Fandom,
You are better then this, I know you are. Polites taught us to greet the world with open arms and accept when people make mistakes and stop holding onto are anger. The fandom is growing and we can't stop it but I'm really disappointed in the people letting hate win and turning the fandom venomous and toxic
We are all Epic Fans but behind the glass on your screen there's a person, a person with feelings who you know nothing about. You all don't know the real Melody typing this but your all probably gonna make assumptions based on what you dont know and that is the danger of being online. The person who posted fanart of Antinous and Telemachus you didn't like, they have real feelings. Complicated messy feelings that aren't able to be articulated enough online.
As a survivor of bullying myself my motto is block or scroll. I myself am very uncomfortable with a lot of the ao3 tags shipping Odysseus with Poseidon or Zeus but do I go angrily type on my keyboard? No I don't cos it's none of my damnn business. When I saw that art, I was confused and uncomfortable but instead of being reckless and sentimental I asked for clarification. Taking Polites advice I used open arms and talked about what was bothering me without attacking the artist. Instead of being like Polites you all became Poseidon. Ruthlessness Is Mercy is not the way to go, it's a toxic way to go about life. Did you all not listen to that Thunder Saga and see how it destroyed everything Odysseus had known for the past thirteen years.
You should all be absolutely ashamed of yourself. This is not what the Epic Fandom should be. You don't like someone's fan art ask for clarification and or block. There is no need to be Ruthless and cruel. The fact two genuine heartfelt Apologises have been made and you still can't let it go very much clearly shows your character. You are very much like Poseidon and Zeus and should be ashamed. In Ares words you are all sick cowards. Not only that but you are clearly projecting. I suggest you go to therapy if you think your time in the Epic the musical fandom should be spent bullying and harassing people then leave. The number one rule is that there is always a person behind the screen and that you should think before you type.
I'm still not over the fact how you have twisted and triggered someone's truama. I also can't believe hate is being given after the artist mentioned her experience. 🍇 is not a thing to weaponise. I feel like the Wisdom Saga has made you far too comfortable in how you handle and discuss 🍇. The artist forgot her trigger warnings and wasn't even trying to imply the twisted image you put on her. Also I pointed out she shouldn't have tagged it Epic and apologied. Jorge has made adaptations to The Odssey a piece of fiction. What Jorge has done with Antinous is his own creative liberties. If you can't have sensitive and respectful conversation about something that is still happening to people I don't know what to say. Accusing someone of supporting 🍇 is not okay at all. The artist wasn't attending that way and understands she shouldn't have done what she did but it goes both ways. Look for context before you slam. Judging someone based on an honest mistake and huge misunderstanding is dangerous and cruel. Do you not understand the dangers this could put the artist in in real life. Please have open arms and think before you type. This is a serious topic and not a joke.
Moving on I want to talk about why I think this blew up so bad. It's because Elian was commissioned to do an animatic for Jorge. Listen you all would have blocked if it wasn't for that. I read comments saying they idolised her and that is a really f**** dangerous thing to do. Idiolising someone because they've been noticed or hired by Jorge isn't healthy at all. At the end of the day we are all human beings. Elian is allowed to make mistakes and grow. Outside of Epic this is becoming a massive problem in genuine.
Worse I've seen and heard about Artists like Mirscy and AnniFlamma getting attacked just for defending their friend. I'm sorry are we not allowed to defend our friends now from bullying? I can't speak for them but if I saw my friend getting hated and harassed on I'd be angry too, it's like a natural emotion to feel. Then again you are the same fandom that mocks Eurylochus for sticking up for his crew so I'm not suprised. These artists are human beings and not God's because Jorge noticed and appreciated their work. Stop twisting these artists into people there not.
I'm not Tiresias but I can see Jorge stopping collaborating with artists on animatics if you keep this disgusting behaviour up. Constructive criticism is okay but falsely twisting the image of an artist is not okay at all by doing this you are dehumanising artists and doing exactly what Hollywood does. Jorge will have to stop commissioning people it you keep using the fact he noticed them against them when they make mistakes like all human beings do.
Please do better and stop being Poseidons. An 8 year grudge was unhealthy and got him nowhere. Be more like Polites and Greet The World with open arms. Not everything is black and white. Tik Tok built the Epic Fandom up and you hold all the power.
Stay kind and great the world the world with open arms.
Yours Sincerely,
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Ps: If you send me hate and twist my words be warned I have friends as well. One particular friend was there when a lot of my Cyberbullying truama happened and is aware why this has triggered me so badly and caused an episode.
Attack you will be blocked. I'll also remove reblogs.
Attack and you will be reported.
You don't scare me.
Be nice Epic Fandom and don't become The Monster. I'm willing to have civil conversations but that's it.
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sweet-little-raven · 14 hours
*Sigh* Wednesday is trending again, which means that the kiddos out there are gonna start drama again. Please just stop; this is one of the reason why the show was called cringe a year ago and people left the fandom.
1- You have the right to ship Wyler et Wavier. This is your opinion, your preference and I respect it. So why, mainly Wavier shippers, are suddenly back at attacking Wenclair shippers for no reason at all on Tumblr, Twitter and basically every single social media? What are you, 12? Is this hard to respect people's opinions???
2- Stop shipping Jenna and Emma. I'm almost certain this is the reason why we can't tag Emma on Instagram anymore. Ever since the Chappell Roan videos got out, a lot of people have made weird comments saying that they kissed or that they were on a date. Just stop. Stop shipping real people, or do it but silently. All of this is making them very uncomfortable and it's just direspectful to assume things like that. We just got them back, don't make Jenna delete Instagram again and make Emma disappear from it once again.
This just needed to be said. Just be respectful, it's not that fucking hard, goddamit. And when I mean respectful, I mean towards the fans AND the actors. Don't make Wednesday cringe again. Stop being kids and attacking other fans for absolutely no reason because you can't accept the fact that they don't ship your ship. And stop using the fucking Wenclair hashtag to say trash about them, this is getting annoying.
This is also addressed to, like me, Wenclair shippers. You should respect Wyler and Wavier shippers as well; don't give the bad example. Everyone is free to ship the characters they want, and this without any drama or violence. Just be kind to each others, it's not that hard.
Thank you for reading this. If you disagree, then just shut the fuck up because I don't have time to lose arguing with immature people on social media. I'm writing this as a reminder to respect Jenna and Emma and the fans, that's all. Y'all seriously needed a reminder.
Also, don't make Tumblr toxic. I already left Instagram and Twitter because people in here are the most toxic ever, I always loved Tumblr because people were nice, but for a week mad Wavier shippers started posting and insulting which is extremely annoying. Oh, and I also had to turn off my anonymous asks because I got very weird questions from probably bots. Don't make this app bad too, it's basically the only good one left with Pinterest.
I suppose that's all. Goodnight. And don't fucking come at me for saying this, because everything I said in here is true and I am just trying to remind people to be nice, not cause any more drama. If you say something mean here, you will be blocked immediately because, as I said, I don't have time to lose arguing with kids who can't respect an opinion.
Goodnight 🤍☮️
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grifonecoronato · 15 days
Hot Take: Oshamir is One-Sided
[Spoilers for The Acolyte]
Star Wars fans know that Osha and Qimir’s relationship is doomed to end tragically. The Sith is a culture that eats itself: the apprentice either kills the master and takes their place, or is killed by the master in the attempt. So even if Qimir kills Darth Plagueis (and we know this won’t happen), he’s just going to have to deal with Osha attempting to kill him one day.
(Side note: I have a sneaking suspicion that Qimir is not actually Sith, since he never calls himself one, he just says "a Jedi like you would call me, Sith." But that's a topic for another day...)
Given what I know about The Acolyte fandom, a doomed romance is hardly something we'll shy away from; we’ll revel in the tragedy of it all, and the sadder it is and the harder we hurt, the more we'll love it!
No, I want to discuss something else; something I don't think many Acolyte fans really want to acknowledge... that the “romance” as shown at the end of series is one-sided: Qimir's side. The last shot of the series implies that Qimir and Osha are ready to face the galaxy together, hand-in-hand, but...
Qimir cares for Osha; Osha does not care for Qimir.
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Hey! HEY!
Put your pitchforks down and just hear me out, please!
What Qimir Desires and Fears
Qimir -- his arms muddy, his dark hair slick against his sweaty brow, holding Mae hostage with his lightsaber threatening to ignite through her skull at any moment -- explains his motivation to Sol:
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"[I want] freedom: the freedom to wield my power the way I like, without having to answer to Jedi like you. I want a pupil. An acolyte."
Qimir wants acceptance and connection, to be seen and appreciated by someone else. But he mentions several times that he wants a pupil, which by definition would put him in a position of power and authority over someone else, even if it's to help build them up.
This presents an underlying contradiction in what Qimir says he wants, versus what he really wants:
Does he want an equal who sees and cares for him?
Or does he want a pupil that he can teach from a position of power?
The show leaves the answer ambiguous, but nestled in this contradiction lies Qimir's biggest fear.
Qimir fears opening up and being seen. He wears a mask to conceal his identity, but he also hides his character behind his personas: the buffoon, the nervous helper, the murderer, the teacher, the seducer...
From Qimir's point-of-view, he's been betrayed before, and that betrayal left scars...
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"I was [a Jedi]. A long time ago... [...] It was a really long time ago."
...so he needs to protect himself from getting so close to someone that they harm him again.
Betrayal and Murder on Khofar
So, on Khofar, when Mae reveals that she was only ever using "The Stranger" for her own revenge, Qimir chooses to kill her.
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He could have chosen to run back to his ship and let Mae rot in Jedi jail (or wherever they take murderous Force-users...), rather than risk discovery. Attacking Mae and the Jedi was not a smart move if he feared being seen. But that doesn't matter: he's Sith, and he finds strength in his emotions, including his own fear.
So, he resolved to commit murder against Kelnacca, then slay the whole Jedi posse hunting Mae, and then deal with Mae.
But here's the thing: Qimir likes to frame his actions as self-defence...
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"I killed Jedi. I killed those who threaten my existence."
..but this isn't actually true, is it? He didn't need to kill Kelnacca in his home -- Kelnacca, who knew nothing about Qimir, or Indara's death, or Torbin's death, or any recent event really, and who was absolutely no threat to him -- nor didn't need to face off against the entire Jedi posse.
He chose to commit murder and engage in combat because he couldn't stand the fact that Mae used and betrayed him.
Osha Sees Through Qimir
The conversation between Qimir and Osha seems to be him slowly convincing her that the Jedi are terrible, and that she should find her own path to power.
And, of course, that he can be her guide.
After all, he answers nearly every one of her questions with a question of his own, in a kind of socratic method designed to make her question her own judgment.
All the while, Qimir uses a gentle voice and gentle touch to signal that he yearns for her, that he craves her acceptance, that he can help her if she just accept it, that she can trust him.
To make her feel safe, he even lets her hold his lightsaber...! (😏 ...ladies...!)
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This seems to work since Osha is engaging him in conversation. But Osha has seen Qimir in action, and knows that there is no possible way for her to defeat him directly.
Osha has the lightsaber, but Qimir holds all the power here.
Despite that, Osha calls him out many times on his choices.
"You killed Jecki."
"You killed Yord."
"I'm not my sister. I'm not so easily corrupted."
Osha never takes her eyes off her objective: to escape Qimir, get back to Sol, and confront her sister for her crimes.
Osha's Fatal Flaw
Mae and Osha are binary opposites in their personalities and motivations. Where Mae is community-minded, Osha is independent. Where Mae values tradition, Osha values freedom. And where Mae tries to repair frayed relationships, Osha does not forgive those who cross her.
It is this last trait that proves to be the fatal flaw that leads her down the Dark Side.
Osha. Does. Not. Forgive.
When Osha first saw Mae as an adult, she shot her!
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She didn't try to reason with her. She didn't try to help her escape. She didn't say "how did you survive?" or "I missed you."
She just fired.
But you know what? Maybe emotions were running high, right? The moment was very heated, so spontaneous violence like that could just be a one-off thing, surely?
Except that the second time they meet, Osha tries to arrest Mae without listening to her story.
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And the third time they meet, Osha is downright raging and trying to kill Mae...
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... which is a little confusing to Mae because she's trying to help Osha!
And it is Osha's inability to forgive which leads her to committing her first murder, when she finally learns that Sol had lied to her for years.
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Osha falls to the Dark Side all by herself, of her own volition.
Doomed Romance
After she kills Sol, Qimir continues to use gentle touch with Osha, pursuing his seduction of her.
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But when Mae asked Osha "what do you want, Osha?", she didn't reply with "I want to be with Qimir."
She said:
"Let [Mae] go, and I will train with you."
It was a bargain, for which she offered Qimir what he wanted most: a pupil who accepts him.
Osha is signalling that she cares for him. But she doesn't.
Osha cares for her sister. And Osha does not forgive.
She remembers that Jecki and Yord were her friends, and they had nothing to do with Sol's crimes. They were innocent, and he killed them when he went out of his way to engage the Jedi in combat.
Osha is playing Qimir, just as Mae did. She will learn from him to use the Force, and then take those teachings to fulfil her own goal of rescuing Mae and restoring her memories.
Qimir will learn the truth of their relationship one day, and on that day, like all Sith masters and apprentices, he will kill her, or she will kill him.
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(because that is not the face of a happy couple)
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hainethehero · 26 days
Let me make this CLEAR:
POC'S have a right to dislike Tommy based on his racist past.
POC'S have a right to dislike Ryan based on his use of and defense of using racial slurs.
What I am seeing, though, is A LOT of the fandom virtue signaling but making every excuse in the book for Ryan. Hating on Tommy is valid, but not when you excuse the other entity who made racist remarks IRL, just to validate your ship.
It is utterly disingenuous of a majority of the 911/buddie fandom to hate on Tommy (the character) for his racial discrimination in the past, but to love Ryan who's defended using racial slurs IRL.
Like, we get it. You really want buddie to happen. But hating Tommy (THE SAME WAY YALL HATE ON FEMALE CHARACTERS THAT GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR SHIP/OTP) is such terrible behaviour.
I'd also like to enter actual 911 canon into the record for your memory-loss:
Both Tommy and Hen reconciled their relationship in S2.
Both Tommy and Chimney reconciled their relationship in S2.
They even had a going away party for Tommy (if I remember correctly, there was cake.)
Chimney called Tommy to save the 118 in S2.
Tommy showed up to help Hen and the 118 in S7.
All of this to say, we KNOW you don't like Tommy because he's getting in the way of buddie. I'm a buddie fan, I want them to happen. But I disagree with villainizing Tommy and using racism as the excuse (valid) but excusing racism when it comes to Ryan.
Buddie shippers have even attacked Lou and made up egregious lies about the man just to justify the unnecessary hate they're sending him. (I've seen it on Tumblr & X)
And to the buckTommy shippers:
Disliking Ryan for his use/defense of racial slurs is VALID.
But, making up lies and saying he hates women, is misogynistic and is a violent person with incel tendencies is absolutely atrocious. These claims are unfounded and are just straight up malicious. (although this was mostly seen from buddie tweets & reddits/subreddits circa 2019-2021)
And finally, (AGAIN)
Hating on Ryan for his use of/defense of racial slurs is VALID.
But it is also valid to acknowledge the fact that Ryan has been the ONLY one out of the entire cast to post/speak out against the Palestinian genocide. No one else has said a word.
It's easy to judge morality when your own character isn't on a public trial. Please remember the cast- Lou included- is made up of real human beings. And that they're just making a show and doing their jobs. This level of persecution is NOT IT.
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oscconfessions · 27 days
I love the osc but I hate shipping wars so much PLEASE I don't want people to attack me for shipping one thing I'll respect every ship anyone ships I don't like shipping wars at all even tho I'm a huge fan girl man,,, sigh
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writtenicarus · 1 month
The Hate On Jegulus Shippers recently
aka, me saying what im sure a lot of us are thinking (please reblog and share xx) love you all
Hi everyone, I'm em. As you probably know if you follow me, I have never sugar-coated my feelings and never given a fuck about speaking on how I feel. Today I'll be addressing the extreme amount of hate us jegulus shippers have been receiving. To clarify, I myself have been a receiver of death threats because I ship this since I was 13, A CHILD. And I will also soon be deleting my responses to all the hateful asks as I don't want my page to be a negative space. So it no longer affects me, but I'd like to speak just incase it has been affecting any other shippers
To begin with @jilyserrr is a big contributor to this hate, and I have no problem naming and shaming. This..creature..seems to be fine with openly telling us to die, so this thing should be okay with me mentioning it! Anyways, a lot of anons have been attacking jegulus shippers too. And to be honest, I don't care, but I know a lot of people are getting frustrated. Because at the end of the day, has it ever occurred to you that we don't give a shit what you have to say? The anons telling us to die and that we're pieces of shit are obviously trolls and as annoying as they are, it can be dealt with.
But unfortunately there seem to be other people who think they're, let's just say, moral heroes that want to involve themselves too. and I'm sorry, but as a sapphic woman I'm going to say this, "but you guys don't write about wlw ships" WE DONT CARE. "you don't represent wlw ships" BECAUSE WE COULDN'T CARE LESS. im sorry, but people are literally afraid to admit it, so i will say it for them. we don't write about that content because, simply, we do not care for it. its not our thing. i love women, big fan of tits don't get me wrong mate, but id rather write about the boys, and guess what that's fine.
we as writers have a right to write whatever we like because it's our creative outlet, and shipperd have the right to enjoy content that makes them happy. because at the end of the day, who cares what you ship? we all deserve to enjoy our favourite characters.
you don't have to play martyr in our ask boxes with your misogynistic claims, because honestly it's a bit embarrassing. im a queer woman. that makes no fucking sense.
in summary, call me whatever you like because quite frankly i do not give a shit, but leave out the death threats and annoying ask boxes because it's not gonna change us. we're not gonna wake up and randomly want to off ourselves and ship every woman together that exists in the fandom. i know we base our fandom on wizards, but this isn't really magic.
oh and by the way, shoving women together because you view them as having less value on their own is misogynistic, not the other way around. thanks!
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getsuuna · 2 months
Can we politely talk about *some* SaneKana shippers...
I would normally address how toxic they tend to be and the ridiculous amount of misinformation they spread, which not only misleads the (mostly new) fans, but also heavily mischaracterizes both Sanemi and Kanae, ESPECIALLY Sanemi though because he's really complex and the misinformation just misses the entire fxcking point of the way he's written and it's enraging to say the least
..however, it's starting to be common knowledge that they're insufferable, but something that is bugging me right now is that they're getting sexualized lately. and almost no one seems to complain.
There's recent VIRAL videos, either animations or cosplays who want to allude that they'd "get freaky" or that Kanae wants to get undressed when he sees him or something...am I overreacting or gagging a little is a fair reaction to this?
They were MINORS.
No matter how much I might not like Kanae as a character, I find it baffling when she's sexualized or mischaracterized by anyone. Kanae was created for Shinobu. Kanae is Shinobu's fuel, her motive, the reason behind her grief and her anger and her overall initial character development and the way she planned her own demise all revolved around her older sister. Kanae exists for Shinobu, not to be any man's love interest.
Let's also be fr, Kanae was more of a mother to Sanemi rather than a love interest, they had heavy platonic subtext in the 1 and half interactions that they had. Romanticizing the Light Novel's interaction specifically, would mean projecting Œdipus complex onto Sanemi, which is absolutely messed up considering the amount of people I've seen justify that with "but it was her hands!" who do you think that touch belongs to? would you think about your dad or any family member if a person you like touched you?
But that's besides the point, I respect the ship per se and I acknowledge it's 100% up to the viewer's interpretation; but if you're one of the shippers who overlooks Sanemi's character, sexualizes and mischaracterizes their bond and water down Kanae's character to "she's the girl that Sanemi likes" AND/OR even spread misinformation and consider them as canon while harassing other shippers then please take several seats.
I'm usually very chill about ships, rarepairs, anything as long as it's legal, but this behavior from shippers is where I draw the line + those ShinoGiyuu shippers who also do the exact same thing to Giyuu and Shinobu, and I kinda like them as a pair so I'm not being biased here.
If you're one of the normal SaneKana shippers don't take it as an attack, it's not about you🫶🏻 as much as my opinion on this ship is complex as I only like them if we consider them as a platonic duo, I totally respect those few sane shippers and multishippers I've encountered
This being said, I hope we can all agree that sexualizing minors is disgusting ⛹🏻‍♀️
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Season 2 part 1 of DR was just fucking amazing and I have so many feelings about it. I feel like I'm talking about this pretty late cause the first 5 episodes also aired on TV for me like a week before they dropped everywhere else. (Win for the german fans.) But then I couldn't even watch the recorded episodes of this week till yesterday cause I wasn't home and nevermind I'm rambling again.
Cole and Geo are so perfect for each other. I love them. And at this point I have to confess: I never shipped lava. (don't kill me please) Lostshipping (that's their shipname right?) is supreme.
Generally I am so happy that Geo, Bonsel and the kids were able to leave the forgotten land. Even if it was due to a villian attack. But hey. Everything has a positive side. (I'm literally so happy for them, especially the kiddos.)
Lloyd was just stressing all the damn time and I'm here for it. Sleep deprived Lloyd was also perfect.
(-> It makes me whonder why Zane hasn't really had any visions anymore since this used to be his thing. And what exactly the reasons for visions are. Since Lloyds visions seem to predict the general bad future. Zanes visions were more centered around him I think.)
Also Zane just being the designated guy to stay at the monastery with frog dude
SIBLINGS. So much good Kai and Nya sibling content, especially with the flashback. The last season was already good on RGB sibling content so I really love them continuing that.
Also Kai still being a dad/older brother/mentor to Wildfyre. He just took full custody over her. On accounts of that Wildfyre not listening to him like the little gremlin she is.
So much good Kai in general.
Bonsel and her witch mom. That scene was so beautiful. I'm not the only one that saw the coming out allegory here right?
Jay showing up again and him just being absolutely done working with the administration. Bureaucracy is truly hell.
On that note. The bureaucratic back and forth between Zane and the two agents was amazing.
The dehumanizing of Zane from the Agent wasn't very amazing.
KAI AND BONZEL ARE TRAPPED IN THE OTHER DIMENSION 😭😭😭😭 It's destroying me innerly. Especially with how Kai did not care about his own safety at all. My dude. You're trapped in a dimension with 4 of 5 evil spirits wandering around in there somewhere. Not to forget the only (known) ways to get out there are another blood moon in like a million years or smthng or a core dragons power who are scattered around who knows where.
So yeah. Lots of feelings. About Kai especially. I might even start write Ninjago fanfiction. (Surprised I didn't do that yet)
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After seeing Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, my take is that...
The whole film is a giant fuck you to everyone involved with the musical and all the musical fans that treated babes badly. I very strongly suspect that Winona, personally, was deeply hurt by all the beetlebabes hate and that the squad came together to make this happen for her because she's a Queen and deserves it.
Nothing here can or should be taken literally. It's all satire, and it's satire that serves a very specific fan (me). If you have a vanilla lens of Beetlebabes and don't approve of noncon/darker content? I can see why this film would be a loss for you. BJ was fully going to noncon her during the therapist scene. Sucks to suck ig lol but I'm pleased ❤️
The only song in the entire musical that babes could cling to and call theirs and get joy from was "Creepy Old Guy" but entitled fans used this to attack us. "It's satire, pedophile creep! Don't you understand satire?"
The only line in this entire film an anti could cling to in defiance of all the ship material is Lydia's "six-hundred year age gap" quip.
It's satire, kids! Don't you understand satire?
Stunning really. I knew Lydia's mom was still alive. I knew back in 2008 when I was fourteen and posted my shitty little fanfics on FF.net. Fuck around and find out, brats.
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kynimdraws · 5 months
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Name: Kylee (they/them). 30+
A totally normal Korean American mostly known for my drawings, specifically my Pokemon nuzlocke comics. But I will talk about other things on occasion because I do have periods of being fixated on certain topics. I also am a doctor!
Interests: Pokemon, League of Legends (everything except the game lmao), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mother series, Korean history/culture, character design
General FYIs: 
General inquiries/commission work/etc should be sent thru kynimdraws [at] gmail [dot] com! Tumblr messaging/asks/etc is not 100% reliable
I will not follow NSFW accounts but I am fine talking/interacting with them. There may be suggestive shitposting but I like keeping my content on the SFW side
I am VERY picky about who I follow/interact with online. Fandom content in particular is a minefield for me aka I have many things I dislike and don’t want to see, even if it might be a popular thing in media that I otherwise enjoy. Therefore, I will unfollow/block/mute liberally. There are times I accidentally block a blog bc I mistake them for bots. So if you got hit with that, just send me an ask or email me
I am very open about what I like and dislike, and none of those things are a direct attack on your sensibilities. I have never gone out of my way to directly send hate or whatever have you if I end up seeing shit I don’t like. My complaints in my little online space ain't a personal attack on you.
My ask/submission box/DMs  are open for criticisms if you have any issues you want to resolve in private. No one is perfect and I may have done ignorant shit that needs to be pointed out. I have deleted or edited posts in the past if people tell me what I did wrong. PS I get that some of my stuff may upset you, but try to act civil when pointing shit out please.
I try to tag all my things whenever I can. Again, send me a message if anything bothers you. I am all for good debate but if you send me excessive hate or threats bc I have different opinions about matters that are trivial, I will block/delete them.
If you wish to use any of my hcs, please credit me. And if you are comfortable with it, send me the works so I can check them out! Or @ me if that is easier.
FIRE EMBLEM FYI: Specifically for 3Houses/3Hopes because I need a separate one for this franchise specificially given how many crazy things I got due to being involved in this fanbase via my fanworks:
DO NOT try to convince me to like or tolerate Byleth/student ships, ESPECIALLY the ones with the lords (aka CIaude, Dimitri, EdeIgard). I already summarized why I don’t like FE3H Byleth ships with student chars here. While the spinoff game FEW3H has now removed that teacher/student problematic situation, the fandom keeps putting the FE3H elements into the FEW3H fanworks (i.e. remembering Byleth from “another life” trope)...so no thanks!! DO NOT SHOW ME IT!!!
As for the Byleth ships with faculty members, my response is here so don’t try to bait me about that topic either thanks.
I do not care whom you ingame S-support. 3Houses limits the dating-sim part of the game to that character, so I cannot care less about how you play the game. The main issue I have is when people treat Byleth the “character” as a legit ship material when I personally think they are a cool character ruined by fans who are too obsessed with badly executed self insert otome tropes bc they self-project super hard onto them. Just to be clear, any FE3H or FEW3H OC/Canon >>>>>>Byleth ships personally. Even Byleth-sonas that remove the teacher/student aspects are better than canon FE3H!Byleth
Please don't drag FE VA statements as some sort of “gotcha” on my opinions like this post here. IDC what other people prefer with ship shit, that’s their problem and not mine. I am not gonna bother them about it. So don’t bother ME about it.
Links to check out:
Myths of Unova + Episode Grey (Pkmn White/White2 Comic)
Tales of Sinnoh (Pkmn Diamond Comic)
Art Site (Portfolio)
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